LAKE COLJNTY INDEPENDENT. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. June 17. 1898. 1.50 a Year in Advance. We Know~~ of no business thatought to be better done than the clothing. It touches * you sixteen hours out of 4, the twenty-four. That word -best" be- M. longs to a Il ou.r, made-to- mneasure clothing; fine or suitable for toughest use. It shall neyer be Iess than the best. We wilI prove this on your placing an order with us f~ suit or pair $of trousers. "Tailos and (3n' Furnisisr. ... Kaiser Bock. Libertyvlile. 111. NominaLe Faon. ur. 5*,nait% % a - L . At LAe ltepliblicalu iiligit'ssi(miis Off Ice ove r Love Il' sDrugStOr O eneu ulie liin ivaiiisgiIat ThLi Il r nOUiiiiY5Om 1To 1Âiiiiî6To sî'. SM. S Libertyville. - Illinoig Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office oven Triggs & Taylor's. - Km AiS S iî Ii a s 1' iu'i . 6 . I 5m1, . l lts',iieîuiîr,aîl say P11' L'lark Libertyville. iMinois. -r P 'V~'~A il 1 day. Hou. tiorgf' I.'iîiiîîud F.88 Wsa î oi iisted tir tIie'offic'e of c'îigreu.s msî< îof tLb,' 5,'tLiiliriL ljtsrlijiiimii' iîi iîiii iuiîii lu,ibulil aî"'î .nai auci's Ait is1 -lib-îîiîilah tio huA iiUni' Igr.'at ,ubîsiiii lb.. m.iiiit t'l'ai'i st iii (15Aiis ut ii,' i; ggs li A. u, ii. , 'h'L tue 1ikAsî ali huai, îl-lii iiii A. B. COOK DIES3. A Man Weil Kno'wn Throuathout Lake0 county. Friilsy î,,înng, Juiie I litt, ua itbs beaitifill borne *'Maplesiide"tinl'il,. Ptj,tlUmIiAatýIu na gradiîýtI faiiliig li eitli4t, ubicb laber dt!vt.'4i)tp.d ltt the icieuswbui blis ouee riîgged Ile Afi' a A iisy luin Hi monîg men aiii bis remard ax 5ai fware'fui retiirentientA eiijily i g Lih'fritsof blis îrîsprlty foîr thel teiiiYeu" o f is i,'.lias- iiAg r.I'pret'siiL<'ilCîiiik c'iiîty si'vral tfin it th L' .gi.iau a ti AAt iii'iIA Lure iA'terni fî,r Laike C i ty, ie'Wall a aiWe'l in wii wî t t i,riiigtlii, an sd Llrouîgli,îîit i(- state ils naine SAi ji,' -faujiliar. 1ilipjîîîicm', Mr. <'ook sas eoîîi.miereui iii u, ,'li,'meîtitand aevî'îal arili-ve- iiii lensinimusield iar,' attr i uteîltoL fiA li. In Lti' aliALUi utfI862, lie 555 lili' iiiati'îbty Luiulidersli nd raders As- soîiatlin, of Ch"cgo, ma a anîtudate forithLIiiéigimtatîiiî', «uih iiudcd Lie seait sîde and îîîîe .country owus. lie w.55 îleî'teîi j usit aithat Liie' I wii' Aîliiiouîi men of ltepubllî'as. viî'ss scie s-rlously aînpeied, as îîîly1W), vuotes w,îr,' aing f ilimte tLb,' lsaturiî ts,,-tbind diiomoratic. 'J'le ludt ternu Mr. csok W" ,re.eeected'îiî Lb,'e issu,' Llîut tLvIi. ruvishoi s of Liii'Stat,'i 'onsti- îîîatt,'r 'f ltt iiig vutrac'is fior prison Isi,,riL.'tî'sses ii ti Lb. îîîtîuî.sbci- îuig tbe stat,'t',iîil spui-, efaker (f Lb,' Hilouse for I sili, a senatiîr amiî ChAiirinuii iif th, I'nit,'îîttarv Cin-îî lutte,'. IL sas Mr. Cîiîk s gîîd fior- foie,,' t i aertaiu ii t ,'ai-h meii'îer of Liiis lii îird iir comiiîittel,,hLud s ii,'fouithii iLere,t Iilue11,,' c-. Liait, pre'viouh i, Lii Lsiu'i' ' iy tLi.-' trg isiatiii,. Ili.,As i uV"sl igu. liiîiialut vigiiiîiis îîfît,îsitiîîîî re- siAlted in i 1oîî' iîg uAntith,' lss,'sy Lt iuiniIlitaciig i idteii LoiîiA' s luer fi.. tAn"I ' io[t ai-t of thu t ai'tte, ssi-i i ililsh'a. iîî Fro it5 r5 'îîîfiî. .îî' t"t siîgi13 tribiî tî Dr. A. L. iril'VIî:i. --lé%"---- e ie legatioxilanid tîrlu jriii'iei-ila,îliitat. Li. sictiionibusi p re-5e'late'i I flOU55 TILL . i. 1 iTe 8 Ai i7TO I P. M. a i o'y , t y 'ils,'stiiiig, to%ii <i,,,'rk'lar iii g lit upîî,îlii h-e i ipeclial tteutilîltujail Li IA't'hrehllt' îartiî' iate ii i'uiu,.filiru'.'s5.'Wi.8 s s', ulo, l ali&lîi. tr.'attmî nt iii('iroSNie - beuiniatu- loaLmm.ii l lin.sisi 'ili. uîguait 1,I S 2, a moui ,tWii- Roc kefeller. - Itiinois. fl~ou. Ge-IL. hy . ', f ait rd an n sd Aliugîil i 'is.. i I'i iie.'tiy sas i'-bairIuaii f#5h,. ,.m'y.'s,iui ud 4 r~tithie Plîgnîîuî itti,'is Dr. H. O. B. YOU NG. a'th..ii'îg'i i lîîuîîii. .îîî'st 15-<aui) raiei'la.uII'iiitns ouifitle -"<<IaN' Phsca ndSren i)' e'i t. loue r' PhySilan ni Sugeon ~ .1. l. i.! Liimi ' ' he2 ithi ariA iiiiA Iiiitie. înateriiaî se t dA îîe.uldeîi assuisi O'iisiiKi.CAMS IITEL iiLI10,. iAteil I(îligri'hauiiau F*lie u iiialîgilîg tri,, ill,'itCi mLgi.s rîî.r. lî,t G urnOO. - ---------inonis. iue-r , it i îig b1g Li ii. LMr. 'ii Ais (I f fls ffaîîi< iY ri' i1reseiite'i - Fo-si ia , 'I i's 1,1ilA ( ili- sîîîu '., Ili tii' fvl'ilitioiiiuy sur. l"i'e 1 , Dr. E. H. Sry'ith, iîî'LAi a sîihîi-aitiý,j- ll -inl i'ihuti'atu iiIuiaiinl eIIA.i'iî DENI'IST'. uaiitr'tA'ii laîisiui, ai.,- ïoy,' lia ilm na iitive ý luiSii iidi îîg bus,' liei'J.îW. ltier'L 'dg bîslti friî'ul lauis 'A lui, Lu (Affuc over . W. Htler'1b -gi luaiLing sliii iiso u-l<'i i' cil ili'glUata-' IIiiii. lie' tîîu i hiresli ttie-re- Ni.y'2riii. 'hFit ie b, hai ii,'a Dr. E. V. H AR V EV, pou uggi'stiiiiiofîî tîîîîrîîîaîî îLyîîitatanue-inaiiuli î,îîu,tîîtr, anî wasxhriim DIENT IST. Mr. t 'iî ii,îw- , lii t e. ile tîae- i Aiii'iIa'. iiof'itheI"t'adi ig i'î OFIC -i'E Ruli s -. iî. îs e re ab.' iiiade a rotîîsîiig sîîetîhîfoetal'if tlii <iciroIiil ii. lil sIgisîsti se vLiil A. fM. i i, b5 u ilii0s1'. M. o i y Li iiiiit,' l iii l a m ,',srsL u is t- t i ii'i lace'i'ii ii' ituii il d ii i, if' G rayslake - IIlinois. e,t'ii-ii'iLut Liie'Lii,'-rtvilslt-I1 Aii t'nisîue u'ii«La"tI'e idiii a gn'at 5itiîir,',',' îtly. liaI iii su u ia ii i C hI gu, fi..i d tliaLi, W.B. SC H AE FF E R'*S iIsl'solfLuîyiiuir uii fi' isrt iligtiiiit'55 AhkIL) it bat î'îty îand NU11RS ER Y. Lake' i'oUiiLy dIiitîgl -ii. iiu'îîîîia ii alii Auslai vibaigi' Lii"nasfiisuit ,of o-îîl'-Ui 'l is ti.S'1'. a). , kl og f' i lue luiiliinatiI ail thet lî'ilîl s'sLsr s,,, s. 'Alter mie,-tire lie i I. i-'I ri-mesiiier vir - ,îî<I he AIsiAiltIte,'<,'nit largeu' liuîîg iiliu'km, Fi ii ilisl'uîîi i iliiuit <Aili',' ( t iii out wLsii 3 ag i % lien t e ,of>. iiuî ig tih,î.tIýi i(- A ii -liii Exprli-si (i.- Ol pl'< .- i, i-'iiiii- l5'. 1,. Ioitiii , .Nr. l'ii, messekAiug a AAn office',. tLu"iALLi,- and Bryant iiit îî _______________________________________ilîlat,,Lake ' u'<iliy liait jai, l,îîîîîrtagit ii uul iit-ih e Li iii< i iîiil udciii pat. IL wasa sîl'ly in Lit Lîakie' hui'it.-r wîîk ilfi.- Nourthî anduil tiîti 0. F. Butte rfi e IdM. D .C. tît i',soil bave i (i'iiigrem'iiiiaii, iut idiableîii i]a ileiiski iavi tiiiikuv,'yeiirs Laki-""uity -'ast Ifst , 1-î Fîr i.,t,.. 'a, Iiîild.t - ,ii'lairiaiiii îîf tie builintig Vkr'LtLNAI ts I a.s .1isANI) t> tI I8. iii g LAî,UN as s',' 1 ... i viilâ btt,,'ie'V halm ite- «hii i(.àüecLiutheiu' ity «ai i.i5EiAT5VLLE - - ' ILLINOISiS IwAa, iii the iii îaîhî'sl ,'lîii,.Lthe' t-Air,' il <'liva'ugoi u, iii'iiAiir l ifilioliifî,r Lutisi'filiConiigre., fortAinl.u- peoffle of itbI lis tuosheil ýi' ifinsti'ri:l. il i stnîî'î .' Alur lai, r,-iiivah ii 1.1 iicit3vi llinii PAUL MacGUFFIN, t1866i, lie wsis î'hî'î'Lî'l sipi'rvisfir of the ALtteruey andi counîselhir ut Lawu. No Drunakennelasa. oLi msAljp, ul i il 15)18 axs euto'îIfi, N OT AR YPUBLIC 1tiiiit ig iui t LJ i th 4Liisimliv'uy s îîîîîî'î- ut lhaii k,' ii ilai'il te il 'iiraI ipteial attenîtioniîgivuIAi. ,ît,-itiiiiM îAuhuLîse îuîiiAure ,,r l.'ss iriuik,'IiiAss Ass,-iuily. lIii tîîs tcîlua re-îîîîicu and i «uielu - 1 &ildii ta, ELunaitthuir b ig ilanvMî"si 'liuî'heorgaiza</t hiii if Lthe- iaiLV OFFICE WiTii LAKE ColIN' Libertyville, HENRY Z. DUF * ii A M I Ai miii i. C I1«.< 'li MANtOF (;()à ChC i'A (< st ii. p p .1, i' UA A , 1inlitiii-faîtiîy I,iiýliuny stLhi liii ysil le ilBiN D, t uetIiiii ua,t,' i'i tlt'i s' , iumuitem 3 E '. an utuyeîi IY liiistiiis iiioui-r iatrioti' IR T î.A s. lji l igîtig thie-hti tiprisi' sîli )jEw . ilesigiati' ,er&tcAl gentmiuen u kecli Iii Tui' LIBER-YVILLE MOTEL EleantBaidis, jSicmpleft.d mg s.Iy tAis5iild hrougbaat. Dlnlfsg-room Service First Class. Ton.' i W. A. DEANE, Po- Co'r. Mils. AVt'. m uitihr-liSi.. LIBERTYVILLE. - -ILLINOIS.I *W. H. MILLER, TONiOLLiAL ARTIIET, Wheui yoli want a dlean mLave jr a * good hair v'it rail ou î1l. CR012IC BANDS O0F ('GAiS. Next îîuir <s W. (C. '1'ruis îîî Sti îri "n iirugu" Iîi . Sii'iîî îîp',î îV.ry day ovouseiia ndI t'unday rnorninua. UNDERTAKER. 1 ais iîw o r' ifriir ri ) iiy pi A rils BLACK OR WHITE HEARSE 'WiIIIHors',. înîd Lill p.liî'îît iii îi.!1 CASKAJTI4ALWAYB ON IHANI. ..V@5iiA rdfrs Furnoibsed on Munt NoLie. a Il «<<o aie-imuter tLeitili tuduc-e- of luuor, outost Lich buildinug. IL i-i Lui be a suit uof big falily dance,'amiutjiihlu- ileution ifiee ol It ail i<ikelii<e.-s oiiiuu. geuticmauiy ecnuuiiiii. T'iti sdanceiii gi veuî ly sî,iie of Lie stui 1i,'l lilil ctîzeus tiof Lîbertyville-, asudl Lleyi lont prpiose' tiutil isahli ii<v5'ay1 lie disturbicîlor the -pleasîure-o!ft-e giesis nîsirresi by miieeiu<hy conu<iuiii on tAie part of auy roedims Ptciiç tça Fremnont Center. 'hrîîrwsil uc a grand lichir ut Freuient Cî'mter J uly 4th li M. . Fiederick's gnose, foi tie (ucielt of the'- Catholilu chine-b. Al usinhge. meicto aie e-ilug aieîte LIimAle iL s pleaauî es it.Gihodliiuîumsm. Ii,'hiesli' inlt Ini mcals serve-il ou Liii grouliiA.Co<usauTTE. Excursion Notice. Ohmiuiday, Jurie 'JtlL. Lie Wisconxtii Cenitral lhues sîilI iîn a liisvrate ex- ,'ursionu freîm Orehiard l'ace te Wauiki stî,î snd l'.uaiite Liate. CounActiorA wihI h.,îuadî' sith tAie- <ankesAîa Beach Elocetie Luue, sait at tIheBeachi sitA steanuers forn a LnlLi on l'e'autee lake. 'rain leaves hlocefeller 11:01 a. m., retunnng le*ves Wauk,'sha 7-Lui p. m., arrivlng a&I Lockefeller 9:24 p. m. BLates for thie round trip lncluding ride "u etùràcitu nd steamboat $1.26. Mi. Cîuuk sas luarieut Dîc. 2, 181, Lu' Mîls Ildiiîiî Fiisei. iiaugiter tif Dr. J. hl. Fomiutr. t,,' ui gt raeiilig puA.- clin îîf Lat,' uuîuîuty. Tsi, e-iiidreu sire tuîî i tbi-i, huît dyîig iii ini- faîîey. Mis. Cîuok sas tiled Iii a rail- rond a'uluît ai (ak leii. Iu 1882 Mr. Cook niarrîiet Aimie E. Ilarroiva, ut Mu'idniu,, N. Il. Subseijueut Lu Airr ileatiA lie nAurileuliber sîter, wlîu sitli u aelîîîî'd îaîglitcr, ism. Mîa SroiAg. ot Waiike-gaii, suirvives bin. Reusouti <u)rincille ailduudyi<g euirgy wonuuîiuiia i stccebsshni areer. He ruo,' Lu proumiucuce suug mon ou lits oSu i ueits, He sas a member of Lbhe lrsL Cmiugcgathuunal eiicl u Chi- caigoiand alsu a nuînbci iofLiiertyvîlle Nu. 112 A. F. ail A. M., tAie Wanti'gsi cîi<i<îiitiiuti'y aid Chicago conéâssLuy. fmîînu'ssmve fuiutiaI services sire be t uli r,'stuenc inu Liieiyvilte Mnîi«iaiy ioiiinig, ev. Scott, ut Chi- cago i viiaiiig.T're nenaiis ssii- tiiken'u< Lu (ýi uîguît e lieiioom itrain, iiiterm<îî ei iug li Giacelanuii elui,- Lcny. C. E. Caris. <Vi priut rîycr ucetiug Lpiec cuini fur Chîristianî Euueavîîr siueletion lA-t. ly andul eafly. Ce* ouur r i eca (i, iii uîueieng else-wbeie. For Sale. (loîîîl riviug mare, asoud nd ud perfect conduiton. Good 111e yet gontte sud kiud. Sale for lady tu driv. Bihtyears old. Pretty aud onwQ .eauor &Mm " Alaoies. Samuel M. Gaîoway Dsad. .11114autthe Wal<ing of iiay, juue <-LII, Samuel M. (iaIAsway quitly îiassed aWsy, seeuingly but goiîîg Lu sii'ie'i. XRis iiatil was wtàout a 'tîuggie. Il wu" alLer a short but psilifililîinuss tioit liti, îicombed Lu the ii'IAAii and Lbhe lîraceful oepn4ug if hiA ifi eas ,u,'ireiward fur ils eitiri aciiiiiri Ceni. Lu Lhe divine dimpe'nietioli. 1eeeaed sas hotu iii Libertyill', MI., O)ct. 11, iM9E, anii eceived a com- mou iebotiîle(tumaHiiAiniLiliertyviile ebiols. lu 1887 hAie ngaged itu the study uf iaw sALAi Judge Bith &bkSon, id Cicago, and lu 18e8 eîîtereii the Union College of Law in Chilcago, gradiiating lu 18Wi. Again eitering thie las ofllce of J udgi" BoutAi lie coun tinuedwsALirlmtwo years wbcu lie îipened au ollice ln partuiersbip witli ,nqueof is former cellege chias mates, rater formlLAg a parlbership sîth W. i. Aevery aflo o01hi chas iuthie aw acbool, sitAi olilees ini theAsbîanii Bilock, t ieugtO. Hle deat Ai s a ,used froui a icompliication of perittiitland kiiley trouble. «e s.stakeii ick Tuesday nigiit, Juu7Lb, uddid tbe iîlloiiig Monday. For two yeara lie sas a member of tbie LiiýtysIiAe village Lboard and at theiîIst election was a candidate for I'ri'sldent of LMe board, beuug dci ea Led îy Lbhe present incumileut. lie aissàys dthpiiiyed a lveiy îuterest ln village matermanadoI as oothof Lii, ,Id,liutb- sîtautiii young, moni ou wbom the 1fUture iiitî'rr'tii aid sellai,' ofitle sillage siuld devoive. ie sas secrctaîy aud treasurer o! the Chicago MUlk Ship- pers' Irutective Assoiation for about two yerraof wich organizatiîinlhe was au eiittbuolaatic Ucluber. Sai, las lie was famliarly referred to, <as -ne of LitpertyvlUe's sous, ini sbom Lhe commuuity iu shieli lie was born aud rearedim uposed ascii cofidence. Aýlisay.s uf a celerful ttiapobitioit sud bappy demesiior he made many frieiidh anuin iscapacity unailauattorney lt served Ùbisclienits honorai>iy. He sw" geuebous escu Lu a fanît, ehariti- oî,ial k îuds apeu'aing sAihpecilsar forcet,, lie., yliopathe'tic nature alil bis aler il i foir eldîclru aitonded tain u muy SHERMERVILLE. Wi.e caiAfibUarLrbt uuîne tif siii Miss 1,11111 àliA4iiite'i iiliCiite iis tiy iii Cbuî'sgiî. Geo. A. Walter <s penýitlig a fi-w% ilsys itL bornie. Clhic'ago iî AitiisM ida3'. 1,iîriAitrs.xay LAie' Aroîspec'ts for a i ,'t large -l-ip s ire neyer li. tt,'r. Wi' are wiîlAderiîig lw ilucArtloniger C'rv,'ra eau stanîd iLiinthe' lttl. Mr. Foutrke bas tmîirtîved lbisiflii oif buisiness l'y tic bniîtiîg il a u,'s prri'. Tire Miisses Loînge, of0f iAeago mpsiiit ai fi-w iiuis 'i' he ast wiekAut M r. G. A. hit-st's. Mi. Sciiiidt ipelAt part of lasL s î'ik ini Chic'agoi and îeturued borne'l ta- da'y cveuuing. Tic picole ut Ifummrels Nirthlle-it Grove Sunday was îbostpîîued onî acciiuut of the rain. W e are gtad tiLurittat heu hilest, wlho sas injuîi-d a sthort tinie aguî, <s fgetting aiîîng uiceîy. t Miss hLum Ereml, ssiiwas vsitîing a t Maiisctiaiilei', , etiAii*,'iiLie Irobînie 1Ini Cbicagoî Mîîdîiy. M Jmihlis, oi uigiAt'cepi.iatiir INtakuug a sbort 5'acatliuonaund tîci. Me' iiiAruar of Rtusse'll <s lihiug bis Ptace'. v Raiu lIN the- îîevaitlug featuir luowa- iiii3 s andit I sNDot sale t t,,ure fui 1au ai' tri)tn Lionm' <si tbîîî iit nuiblI , -rubibter-cijA andt a piair if bilp booîts. t ire i. M. sud St. P'. railrîîaiiii tissve a rettluceit rate t,, Lbe'tîxpoitîîu at, (huatis ou illîis ,,3day .ilune 21.t, ou,' laie for the îîîîîîî tripi. heverai a0f olîr cîtizeuis colitemphiate nakiîîg atbe tripi. -Gris, tbe barber is1', avîîig ail kînîls of troiuble wsth lAis iii,'wagonl, iieg pardon ( i <sithtirhsiiî'iee', but nevser. tbe-less Le IsNh.-Ltering îinsetf iu iîîali<g ibi"s eekiy tip. , ioswu uîkî15 rLiiiit 3 iîoîrs sud 4-, inuwtes. yWHEELIN G. bîîuîs if triAe euluyuiehit iii tLiu coiu.- Ii'uiy I1'rk luisa îiew sci'iiiii.. iaîiY. lu bis deati swe losWi au boîr' M rs. Laiii'îibiirgî'r losui - of' lei auie, utrigiAL citizen.'fl. 5 biis' ut-ii .uiS siti(' %gg ssiveness in u itterms Si'reiiA L"Euiti obluis, luit Lthe ii îr l utir village seifare sasmi'w bi' 'iIîu '.. lili es huih lusiitel'e.t ii i, l he 'îtîlrrsima, l-4 d 'us gcri5Lb sud ataiiuIl ilh - >iis. s " LIii.l l'lace.i i îineJîs ibeî huiiiiiiii oi iiiiiliiiiigi'rwsma a iii'igii s'a,, w"aa§uiuufur iîin the rcalîza istîrlr idiui, Saurdiiiay aSui $idiîy. Lîîîuî of is early-eudeavur Lu lut bîîu' sAl inîuLis ciuien Professioni, bis deth s.-îns donblynaiansunasbis schouil. mulets, frieuuis ud ahuociates gatbàereii abouît tAie bien of tLAirr ompamiou iii uîaîîy eblqisi epîsiodes. sciiol Ile- auî tAcAil,.iitiiand sutaer asSoçate lu soial, pi litical and buminess ifei L W5i as il cacii hacilong au îîsim rotiier iaiii<thc iiîiverbal grief LAere evideuîced be- tiike'isb os'a Mau of bis teîhîg iqujai tî"às uîîy Win for bîmhelf te'i'sLeeiii re'spectLand aadectioli uf is l ellos mien. 1ev. Dr. L'auitwarl, ,of1 Chieago, <reaebî'd Lti' fulicral sermuon,. si5'iees lieiiîg iiilit iAhLbhmuircla at Lih- ertysîll,' %% eduemitay at i1,'lock ant a large coucourm il tiiuiisgatiii-ret Lu, I iteru is islttinîg ,suruts of -'ondolence' alLerwaniis giig t-' L.akesiile ueiî.' tecy s liceaIl Lbst sasm irtal (if a tri uleInîîîd snd <iii iiig t'uuuipauiàîuîu sab -ciuisgie.h Lu ils lAitrtinig lplace. A Hot Race. 11ii- uiatefied ul ra','bitseii Lu rt CIt'iA3 iiamSil Ntittta ut Lb,' Libt- siliv fuir griiunils list Hliday <a, sîîu luy tle Lir ii Liîciý.-u4traîgit hbiais, Ii 2:27j, 2:24J and l2 2-.j rî'pective-ly. IL sas a liLy riue-aul s as fur "uiiiI rillAitLb,' alt. A larngeiiiiiii- laîlues Serti out. IlAi e 'vî'uing an. otLLr rare s-ii' arraî<ge-d bits ciii LIese samne borses airil Airsîîe of $200ii Lutake i'i t Y. Aeatiu lven a tuile Liai-k udxt '1'uelay, tAie owuer ot Lord Clay- Lonu hi-lîug Ahni li ils lelief btsloirs,' Cali mîutteîî Neetta oser a mîileu' i'iuînui. TAie purs.- in at Moîday's rai,' sas W. C. T. U. Theii'Cotiaity Conuventionîu h-hidin Grsysîaki' Fîhîay Jue iLthiWss a ilectid succeesa. Thie large atten. (lance lu tLe face of tLreateniug weatîier sas very eucoîiragiug. lis. Rotiuds sus îîpreleîît, hotu sfteriiiooi and evcuiug aud alsie thue ftllowilig eveîiug, andl Ae-i aduicsses brongit ne-w Inspiration. Offilcers fut the en- suîlug year are as fullowsuPies., Mis. Louise' Shejiard; Vice Piem., bMrs. V. Bl. Hurge; 'ireas., bilss Paynie; Sec., %Irs. (hnnistiy; lice. Sec., Mis. Wh G <ite'. Naiî<e's of snpi'cintenduutlio f depart- lietits stl e annîîîiîîîed afteî Lhc mieeting tif exî-ctitive comniittee, «'bicti uîîeets âmie î7tu ut tirayglate. Olamond Lake f0 Colebrate, 'hherestl lie asu"ohLd ime" ujilebA'hi tlj tio iDhusmii uiiLse Pyk. I)iauinoi haké, Ill., July 4. hatcAi Lhei' <Ni O'EiF'ifor ful psi'ticnluis heXL we,'k. Farm For Sale. 1576 acres in section 31, Losvîî ,of Freuuout. tuosu 55 LIAeMary Aull Huîugbton ferri, I Mile south-eRsat ii <aucanda. Gond buildings, deep seil ansd Lvi ruuning aprlngs. For terme, iqrols.L. Beach Lvanbos; lIrs. 14.W SaUt, olc!eb7 U $ngtiu M iîuîie ltaL,'îk' 1s vi'ry sicit s uti il Iiiiiiiiation 1J"fhie Itinugs. Iije iie-'u Diit lurgîtthe1<, ii,'ujcli'4 pîî'îîîc it rus us groiv i <u,'25b. 'liii'i ii, l'niuAtaloil silI fiiiiiis tir- muusic- Lîîîîîs leîî,r 1.4 luin iii ils larîî n' luiit-l. I.i Aîie4 1ILg U nîs foîîîîîtî tlinaiduii ew siIs hputi uî,îtî ILitami ais,,remsiuughe-iî. Ed Heter liatbis tiarui iediiati'd Iamt S uiuuay iîlgAit A lairge xuî lier uit boîys îand girls 5,-ru'inu tisidziavun'-,d ail re-port a gooul Lî ue. 'I be- Ciiicirtia bliit hliyeih a le-sii-'w G LE NVIE W. Mis. lPr. l-iîiiciit visîteit ivagi Ais. lititebitig.4' suti-r, <lis. S. . 'Irîpuof iihall I>Ay, s stiiyiiig sîtli lier this seek. Ni. iandiMrs. W. . h lieliiigs are- tir, bîAîîîy paîrenîts of aàhLiii' eaugiîiî', siehi arrive-i last Suhnduîy ooruAiig. LaA5 l'iii-sdiiy is lItlei i Biuiîi eio-iîs'il lt'o e-r ýy 'iu'ii'af l ofii su'îulo Iy gis îîîg au ail day hpeineîî' L Itc Lbt chi n.-i* b e sdi, uit giim l sus ,ioi, seil i lu-iLe îlaue ofitlumeetinig. <i.hA i ti,'gou<g 555 sotiuitii il ii'th (fulîLierî, jîuis mi'i[or iglît aiul Iiliy faci' su-r,'e, Itutî'uh îru iii I:Lîuu'filie of tabjle- 'olifi i m'a i îue'rtbî L-vi i-il tIie solyard. Ail re-pourt sa apy doay. Theii'MuLhîuuisL -lji<<rrb liait ii bii ulicu s dii3 txcli'ums'aiîut Eumuuay at 3 P. -,. lA- I'livi iii h liiikiiul s'ry preLty i iLs îr' ilsimî i iiiisuy i-ci, uedi riscs anîd pits. '1550 large cuiitauliis of eseigreehis buîug user Lie fronît clge îof the 'rostruuui, paitimig juiL oscir thie h<llPiL suit îtutteii Lire aid Llerc' wîti roses andt geraiiiiii bliussouis 5cr,' a jpart il Liii' îîeioatiouîs. Tlîouîgh tihesyatiir i saa iuleassut, a gooîtîy uiiici «e-ct liese< u aideu- jtiyed theii eXi8isiS E1îecrîiu:rtligiots i8 brvireh aie Leîîg lieud filu ic ie lbilîitcliurcli 'î'y eveaiîîug this ueek icginutnig ut 7:lu. 'be-y are cconiii.tcd by Lies. Eîîiest E. Ly uuus andutsu ileoutiiiiic tiLIIi iLfurt ip noutce'. New is uIg books bave becu secuîcii foi thr ucaioi; schoir imlsb,- ili îu rgaiiuiIaniî îîueffort sîli be spanuultLu[liasve guoîininisie. 0Ou Moul. day eveuiuig thec pastora theilne uas, -li1evissls" 'luesîttsy cveniîig, "Per- sinai 'ioik, iL s lace mittîe Ciiiuli;" UdI oun tiustay eveuiîg, "'-The ililitauce uftheLi tuly Spirit iii ('brist- iii Lue and Service". Ail ais' <et- icime Lu tii-si' ýii'Ligs,. NORTH NORTHFIELD. is. Momier< !4 net ftýiiug vcry <ell. Mca. LHeilmia andsiber ststeî se?,' viltlnàg at N. Northli tis ole day lunt Mosquito Net. in 8 yd pieces, colored 30ç ssiit4 25c' Ladies' and Misses' ail leather beits "for.........t10e Toile du Nord Gingham, in pattern hiigtlAs, per yîl Oc Best'quality 45 in. Table Oilcioth, per yd ...12c: Shelf Paper, 10 yds. for 3c or 20 yds. for. .. Toilet paper. 8 packages for ........... Ladies' and Misses' SiIk Mitts, per pair........ Diamond Ink aud Cream Mucilage, 2 for ... Children's fast black Ribbed Hose, any size. Ladies' fast black or tan Hose, any size .... Children's washable duck Tam-o'-shanters Ladies' and Misses' Straw Sailor Hats...... The-celebrated -Forest Mihs" tii '-tru nt-;wlpauts 5c 2 5c 5Oc Soc 9c ý lec, 25e 25c- O.]R fýYN &4 HOUSE ESTABLISHED NOV. 25.1843. WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS New Process And Oil Stovesj Are the Best And tilc Best is Always the Cheapest. Co me in and cam. ~ ine the Superior Pointe' of these stoves over ail others. No trouble to convince you that the new process is the best and cheapest. ~- ~- rn~, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Good tHarness FOR Spring Work. Single Buggy Harness, Nickle trimn......... $9.0 Davis Rubber trim .... 10 k< Fancy " 15.O Now is the time tobOrder your team and farni,, harness for spring work, which 1 hav and will guarantee as to workmanshlp and quality, to be No. 1. Pure Neats Foot Oit, Globe and Howard Oil, ,-Machine 011 Baum's Stock Food Always On Iland." CHtAS. KAISER, LIBE RTY VILLE1 ILLINOIS* of Isst wr'ek v'litiiîg uith iirbiîtiDERD lit Euglcvool. TIhi' econd cmecmn xgk Misa IDella Wsîuof io ai.,s or thie teerttekd publie sehoole vOlIN vliting ber i itj, Mrs. E.I'Iitggi'. ell in thie IresbytaUaa ole Misa Elfriiik ah,, blrer ir '<udit p ù Ib'ilr.sdauY vening. JuUe 23, lS. lb CW*fioliA 1Ponitiac ire îiitiliîgatIL .1'. ci'IIA'.t ,ii!)miiis 5stroone m 4imu liulerts. -iitiiiisi"lu Ijliait boeu ioevlod hu 'îL iîN i' i L ,'E i. 'hîiIî s,î',i threliait year. T h"ie ,ez h u The he 'ý Ahur.11 % t,î btue' or Lw,, exceptIons viL iii, mi ii' tii lAt si iiuly r 'i ii g i<< i svh OI s <iii thie cu.., 1 . bu.eauîsi.oiii IA, juil ii,' ii of il tii, theLb liargiit clas Ibat wuS .v. weather auAilt1wi, <v iiir,'s,'îîLtiik miA îat,'et fon the iDeerfleld soaob the Ciid(rîni,' iay ýi i ni.,-' iof theA1 uiu ln r)u ot e E. chute ' Il. iiilitof 'lm long 1t Tue V, . 1E. ci uniii' iriiiIth<Ar <A' iubcred. Thie progra la M quiarterly cn rm'i'i Iit tiSîuiiiy. iti ue 0 musie bus boM 1'rciîiîig eider i'iik i i aîr-sî't i'îrd ideseyeffogi h b.Iu lu Lthe i'eniîg CiiîIdî,'u, day sas ýtoiniake IL agrand suneeu. Tb# ut ,,,'îs ii. I t is L eii irgr,'t Lýi i (afi nuoli is las foiIows: liejii4iîii of tLeiti o ii i-i it L iatier, Sit,, Aiii I ruan. Udw.ud miAny p)articipants mure iti itiAi it"ilSt <,-aE. I'a'iiiis.-Md boin wlieh iateiaiy elevtil te Wil"u' M. Le'Ckir. Um piiue wii Theipstirin aiiy i rol . Fti~ ii ,rne,' I l iii pruganî.Tii, prgrau <(As wel r l tic,îrîA. muhjke. dore(! cousitieriug the ulifavorabie wlla a-. nlu~ 4 OUI îmtlgalli h-At" Vol. VI. No. 36. iliy eanuO sl ..dreif ne 70U51 a iulary kt", .We haVi r . hMid ci. If y Morgail id endui M idnigh a haîf1 ait. ares ettied fi W-i -E the ces [i ght d arg,,nný nt t , , '. Il t 11 , ý 4e g lu v carl v if y mi 1% . ý,1ll ý hoivv. ýi ývl . i nr- Charles Gallowav.