- ~ UulI cil31c SwO*MW trin mlad nom»acc wat6 OROoflç Gvemroe éonge4 d ceuditla the vt"uty 6r caînn-mms*t'the Mon. D" 4a t*abobu iure resortt*haut tiemrto Wetumpl* Ob * . fL11111, thre, ales sontlweet or Kansas CI?. Before tiey reaCbed ti ltbjogvet. thé Kan.. ln belevend ta have causeil the death moi>bsallcured thc pcbc.uavela of et [@est ive Persans. and poWabiy malle. nnmber-anud taken téieà te the acene of IlTHEVSAnartilicial laies14d been made in tic the mortier. Four of the mlere..contes&- il TIREVES Parkbhy tic building et a dam acrosi er, cd to having particlputed i the crime, ad my reek. liebSet o water carriei one o thent bld wberq holad bld thé awar ths dam and a torrent poured out aeuey. He n'ai compalelite Rad k, eM ýA#fAIR NiAR MT. GuI. OYOr tbe lowlandi aiqns the creek2 Huit in a feu minutes, lnerathtceeon» et thc EA. H1.a doses bouses standing Roeir Jersey crime, ail ive were swuag up and lieur 4".'OMC).Creek wcre arrici airay. lira. Greenise, bodies riddied withbablléta. Thc ailitia living lin 1tistreet. near the creek, was u& nuable te toilow tW,,mob, as the mena, drowncd. belg jiXrept awsy wIt ber ucre *il nWeil euntei amudmDomui et ýPTA 11 ..Capturci Aller un houa". Robert..Xoknote. it lte antd cn W,*Oe vas"Inth. *"*-ticir tWO cildrcq, ai'. misins. and are eyancewuA t band ttellae tic m beileveiltotebave perlsied. Their houe, diersalaler dient, lu the moralasefectal »Mmd aiOw eet Eus-op'.uwaner tat cf Mma.Greenlee. Th îî e oe t ns heaine fove ic teMMeabont ' cqta la Taea.. other persans are reported t tahave .uéen freaWetupk w ameht the tbai bea ound Vqe - drowlied, but their nanses are unovil. front, W tumka b. T hei al! eoa a Il& . fattl. in Vain. ______DFO LFL nnon WuNrltou and i dcputy. H. DMNBBO» O 1IE ukon __ 'MU Gileed, tarteil ont to ln- QUIETER PEELINqG FOLLOVU. go btte thievea n'bo hall brouFatbei et a trîher'. Victie. Insistea I Crriniten, Ohio. In i Tiat Pfs.ner Be ERacctelà. Latiter'. Cotapee Cnsei Onty a Tom.-T ,Ient fili e rnbiact. Patrick Carke of Central Fllu, B. I. porary Fiarry la Cavecal.. et tcr eparated te sor the bas engaaedl an àtterney te enter obec- Bradotreeta commeircial report saaa: A ïr 'ilhei rogues; hait last titn tien te tiecocemutlng of the sentence ot "Unprecedentcd foreigu traie totale, l- A irwas aucecstui lu i search death o< lter D. Wardiut lite Impris- volriug heavly incregaed aipacutae of i . th e men. Wbhe l t- onnment WVGov. Bodit ot California. lMr. breadistuffa, provisions. ras' carilon and i ni -'rmot tbem ther itlmldated Cisike's son Patrick, à mem e ft- aufactureit produicts. fiatertug cr09 wrStvrsansd aarcbed hlm bck tery L, Fitt artiliery, ot Calitornia, wu prospeccta. poîntiug te a very large ieiî le4s. This anets'as witnesocd kiiIed lu a wreck near Sacramento inolu s n otohe eei.a elq' àe, Wl. burried te o .w ih 189, tie train n'hieb he sud tier sedicrsau et wetnpmofitatle rlreais. ai iit A~~~~ pmwatomdudon re giaring being wrked bY the astecen rfial baigaberaisI wqp rinetg earched by a rmed triking employee of the Sutiera Pacifi s enettIn glu retiv: lgc gatinl 0 cbilsea ucre sigbted and jîît lliroad Company'. Certain trikers wcre nearly all hues et aanutacturing excei O 4mi scemu certain, tbcy eut the tricd for wrèeckng tbe train, amena thcm nome textile bace;plc o ja iefaP taàrmer's tcum thutl wae heiaSaiter D. Wa.ren. who s'as Cou- sale brancuheavy aiacsfr ot e s augre. on tiîr ptb sol] victeit sud actenceit te h. bouaei. Mauy preredilai yeux; baukclrilga exccciing luTÉi mt bri ~ ~~~ail prcvious reords nt this datel:aàvotueLt W flt obev that one ofthe ansd lPréident cleveii reote OUT.etns ea imttluic atsd O beau empled as a hitebîna Buit lu Wardcns bebaît. ofti*te mld tmeduintea t lundie WIlbeWa ops aund agir"Wa si ots's opring favori- m u eh ut e a d t a n d< > E R A m > A ROnU E . b ly u t i reco rd a et pl e io n s y e rs, sud a r Me. ofaet» one,'ftIsIîtssud lu C et .thle fihansudmesutNorfok l'ratsetfbusiness mortality, are ail Et la tet bund. ct oueot tr hortFe"i 'aras t e.vansl~. fetures et tic geucrai buainess situationF a shoe ba tter therahurI The Brii schooner Sheandoah, Cap- at thc precet tinte. The colilse et C sor bati 11 ma ~rctala Giblc, beuni front Norfolk, Va.. te Leiter and bia deal lu wheat, uliththe (0 Thie deputy oa.in, n'bom tic'rie, rts oss.wt ~oodemorahxzation o e ncs wbcb swaiCou- t. s psonr. ai beu trnt8uaiatves amsudeilns, wax burntlte the conitaut. bai been tolon-ci by aquleter C ie erif ça h. oib w tiebt fthe ter's cige ubile anchored lulHampton tceling lu cereal markets. but expert de-il * warnlns, be saieluua the ss i cargo belng a total loait. The muud. partly on erl>' placet ones. bas Ii _______Ore woni Brt ijacoereit by tic ancier Iniproveit, sud more la ioiug by fleur aill- Il *1I> BlkUvATOR nitx watci, ubo t once reprtei te tic cap. cu,. It ta truc tbat the cetnuned s'et - tam la. lbauds tururd ont, sud dii every- ucather lu sections s'est orthe Misais êtowem m .aï .-eaterethilua bis te cave tic vessel, but uere sippi la affetiug ubegt harvestig, but j. = Wotes 80001010. Icompew~ito abandon ber lunlaite The traie Opinionueste a crop ot 700A0O- X - se.hantiche urinutml i ut>' article mi e eethe acbooner'b000 buibels et whiît aud large $eiia of K tu 1eoun eî.cscpe paliers. So aller leaivlag thc vesiel ber mnoteter Cersai, wti ec po L eu I>bdar yed b>' . Il as tuentis'et b>' tic board sud tic bul'w« Jouat taverably. Wbeat experts for the» 9 a n iec .the vrpped lu lamestrusteniua te 1m. Je age m418,8 baes gla The loesla parti>' coveecib>' inaurauce. 4,7TM182b:eeals.ak u .4, tbe ta e 0. wk : M ~~~~ e t C p t a n G i b o t i y q b c b u n o i e a o w b Mh e s u t i i l a ~ s a o moud cvithe bsns ossthe ire startet. 'experts are&as eaightiy Iamaller' thau lmt la b Netihmala trfet. Thc Fat .1 col&"icna se&.eek, amountlug te 4,100,000 buihels." U ei t j0,00asd the lu- Six Biven vere bat lua Cotlln bc- M, Belsevatar ami contents s'as tweca tic Nor-th Orumu Loed luer Ems JAPANESE FOR PEIRU. *6 lavm es uswa carried on a"d tic Brttisbhtoeucr Gypsnm Prie-tt~î~~ Vna > i gvWbg be the exoisive ps--co off tic Nantucket souti aboauti ih-Subject othMiaoWnd yhepi > *a it in a possi, arted sip iu a dense fag. TiceDama sa nni ou th mei olary ! pelle>'la the cugine-ronet ter- New York fin e anoaNaples aud B.Furuhama, secretmr> et tic Jupesa-I Gibrîra. 'reselestucr: Dald e c eation at tie City' et Mexico, ilan ou gira aain oeltiaceesr;bDavi e,- bis@s'a>'te Saun Fracisco. s'hce S'i lâp WR~ni Cap ROPI hmn iar.et he grasobiners mate asalifer Peruwberecbe ceeous ol a io i 0& -M n e' bs ý dtr h a " Rt;abatuies..Thc objeet ef bis vieit te Seti ic I>cai~e 5 dsghr i. 1 ysu aid, dMurathe o. nerica la te examine ala 0 lt ebmar ni, miSanfoi urr>' tc itemnerecenti'laiWd hetere tic Mikado i Me, eu Ret Ltdln efot Six o eicGn*mmPrinceas' cres' b>'the Peruvia Goeuenet.Thc Sot I ~- 45eUhtges ofLOmditl, -eerescueit b>'ticemBI, Tbe schooner Âmrisacountry e la axieus tu import PA hIlui aeebÈr revies'et thecrCot) ausct loto eLlvesb>' thcliuer, aud Èak large numbtera of isOaaegeta lbe cple>'-il lais "The s'armer s'etber thrce minute.s llerticepros' bal eutered cd aifotra laborers la Perla,.&ad te tic-acc- te belp tice-bat. s'hici ber port aide amidaipe. Two b4g renta retar>' ef tic Japaese legatioa at the Rh * B ciIkl etim Saae ba ure made ig tic itarboari bos' et tic MeWiCan capital bai becu iatrnctei te ti botoe. Illa peifocra ni n-su W Ems on tic uster Vue Bath epeucit the CarfIL3 lavInetigtaetiec acturd as o-W Sbablance tic deriee a> for the wuiat tie forepeol. s'hicbitioni et Peru and report te, bis Gevern- t las lvic tic bae t 1 ai quickly' beode& , Pespc ere mout. If lbe reports taverabl>' tic Jabos--w lcv> rin ivasl mneq, an =c o k =i~frce . e» wW ÎbcsentW loMIEipuatuenti, but t colamet-e-ei ng bs r -ee sai =~ tCs, s'i e au average erotinnel outil tieBams .r«eheit port. Degmileascad Vluters Cls. pie gvaiodrepot trou Rus- CapIIainHarraiovitz of tic Bina lieves AÀ serions dot occarrcd lu thentrions V V the Anlam ai Obirba ses" tbeC sollsolo -uid bave heen avoici but toua» ot Phoebus. eue aile tenu 014 pont A -for tic sialimit>'o e icsignais ou tic Comtes-t, VaL.,beta-ecu tic Marylaud vol- a wue lioc-hbo.. Nanucuket seutb ahot slip and tiese temera easmpei ticre and tic regalasi lw,* sb ima f Be club, e auuei ou the Gypsua Pnince esan sd trucsFortecasMonroe. At oee lime more c tic oben caonu tic bridge aiti hlm ails-thaun8MO mms'es-e ghtlng u ieatee W . k ti tic aips lguals for Iboce on tic and tic civil sulioritiess'r ps'rmc JINs'Y 2r59 llgbtsllp. The tblrty-r-tur eabin sudOte311 queil tic disturbauce. Tic troope bailp »N" uacerti-2 *teerage psieugers ou tic Eau were maIbeau pait off aut nome of thc more C K J 1011oolys 2228thros'a lte a psnlc. Itrequird à1- urai>'spirit@ iamoug lcin more icut ou ilWshnn 19 34 tîme te goam tlieu dat ther wsere la no trouble. Tic regulmand mivoluteera ~U 8.L'ois ....- 19 34 danger Tic Gytîcus Princes. s'aival- daabed aud tic riot vas prectptatcd lie- lialvle... 18M neta 8,0 u e ag t*,0.fr n'eersietabthi apai wh»sa bit nt Parraboro, N. S.. lan11102,Tic civil auathorities aikei for aid, andmIL 19 te'Oadig ettheclu suadwus. Ovned b>' J. B. Kng & e Co i. C Lau&»oethde Firat MarYlan regi- elaiuae tc lusthat place,. ____ ment vent ts'o detaia ae iui o i inu sd Rule'. vhilce e Bcer et lie dai pt L. kFodilera 11191,1SeBtter Vhou Wei Fd.t Port Mere.tot;-aipany' et regi-u- a. 28 2i It la lic intention o e tic Wsr ile a u ols- ver te quel dcthe it. Tbe troupe P Ml. 21 Difetroit ...18J for e«Ch campanT, butter>' sud trOOP in rieters, capturlng aceaty-Ive prisouters, V .'. AI 2 mis I 82 tie regulse sud voinuteles- taijes. A bll regulara and vlunteers. Themes'en i s'as iratteit et tic War Departmneat mime mrchai bock te the tort aud imprisci.w '.tuBut deys ava ince providlnugforer dc.molk, and-i camporetPark City, Iteprescentattve Bull s'il lleniteavon te have Colladin l ed-Rot Vire. il »M efcualatlv ruins. main lt adoptai. It la clalmai b, thc dctîrt- Wblle William Blond, a rollere blier, mm 0*c-pint liberle thclire erig- Ment liat moe tehdn baîfthle iineu o f w *rig hnaicrU u . o 42OeJaionFacIle icpot. la gin- the troupe la cansi b> ignorance et the mulil ao u eta teeclsdn thre Ca- 4r e bai sustalueInt 10" s t culinar>' st, andtlil la for the purpocef J]ofte uta teladWreCi-3 m mufflt Uihsu>' degeec of eorectiua this cvii that the>' are sauiouns nfial, pussin, Prag . ls "kfinî-ht pl r4, hé C8bleeequarer la cein-t'tehave Iis meaisurc adopteil. The oan vouuî singtacfrou teBtoilu"inee. frai ut sud mt s dselliug re- mies et Huropean nationis are aupplil ad> un tefarudBonF ek ..flLiii7'h~Ireoniguatet vih frat-lasacuek su ai bis nes' olfhthe men teizet a pair of tougs sud Ilftmaplouemse or American HO- departure bas passai the experimeutmî get îlcut u tevre alu ___sage thia Guverninent bus decidea te us srei>'brnai sud bis recover>' lab _Iolqk Pari tyui. adoptithe saielan. A practicul illustra- 0obtu .i M.,apiuepat t c ion et the benefita deriveil front baving Ceaiant tand »caertlon. t Cr 3entou park lunsaswagon w'cl-couked footswas given ut Camp AI- A short time ugo leorge 8ujier, psich Ia a trcet car on the Seuthera ter retenti>'. One ut the New' Yonk regl- farinier ot Limau, .Ido, si isp pert> Threc mens'es-e probabi> 'ateut ils Own apene, employai a aud coniertel ererythiug ltu es -.uni The tiheehos@firtý'iaaa c-uuk. andit iIbis Cxpirieaee lu Iben dite erl il ie. Nus' &bcebhcin' M>' allii ruinjun, drsugiug the hadln the c'Omumissur>' tOres lu 1w)) mtted suicide by takîni poison.1 t»o wagon s'ti licmaundit tres" a khe saveid the regimeat $4, with fi__ oitoccupants, a numier utfs'hicb the>' purchai dmili, and other doit- ychu l lagy' y miser Injuries. eCr, $Whtî-h 'ere net cjoye b>' the ti>- Caleb Gaines, Zcoldoas'atken ft l -er regimets stalloucit there. Bealdes thi Julil at Glasgew, KY.. sud bangai te a Rl umentic Train.. ther mciii vere n'eil cooked sud pala- Iree. FifyRien enou orscheck ucre tdcf Feat P frelgt traiuns'et hi, sud tbe men or thîs regimnt sere inlu Ijuers. _____b__ Kan.., lu charge e01umuch better hcatb and cspirits thon thalseJ wuc lhe third expeditiom wvie sen e meîeidltu et lbhe foed pro- 11.48E? QUOTATaONL 'a ttue. claimuci to h. after pari b, a nuvicc Who nmas ignorantoet M ami fuli>' manuci thec dat art. Élisa igty were forci- --e ___ Chicgo--Cattle, comme. le pria.,h l~e ti trin uitplaai n- ecalo. Agaluet TrustCe $nea 8.00 teo45-5; bets, sbpping gadie&. *s"sthetran an pleedun. lu thet histisonupreme Court. stttug $300)te $425; ahcep, fir te ebelce, $2.50 ~ud~e Iam let.t.cenbauc, su opanion >' Judas iBurgess te P5.50; a-hat. No. 2 red, 79C te JIte l t i -« Twn wsairenitere grondtgthe petitient fAt- c"ru, NO. . Z 101etu 33c; nets, No. 2, b 16 .a lie diestroyed bailli.totrney' Gencral Crus' for a srît granting tu 25c; rie. No. Z. 42cela 44c; butter. cfgoaauutiug te fnl- tic petition et ouater agalat tde St. Louis choir-c realuer>', 111 te 17c; eggei rcé ..sga Th lie orig- tirunt coupantes, -htcb are doing a «c«- SDe ttcli; nes' potatees, elelce, 70e tue etthe opera bouse, ami boulon business. contrar>' te thir Mc e Mlu il. i uitrtramne buildings Charters an the Stale baneklug ias. The tndianapeii-Cattie, gsilpp l o .0te ~M ~ic nth. eeistten doc net probibt the trust coia-$P-hi;le, choice lighl, *8.00 tea ,5 panies fs-cm reccîvini itepeati, but coin- ceep, conîmen te choes. *4&00 tea4.0 a > ' P » O V ti .p l a t h em t e p l ut re t th r o n h e t , N o . Z M 8 e te 9 1 c ; ce rn, N e,. 2 1 ekauaisn-ot Digeuswhaite, 3&e te Sic; cata, No. 2 a-bite c.S a flN.aaihlc b'Dvd i b, .sootes aGermasn Bîptonat. lic 30.t Mdl » u'hlp mas aespo. Lock Wiile ttictirat secrets" ofutthe Germaon al-Ctie~0t uO 9ÏÏ;ýr t xi â wfe. embau.'la Loudon, Ceant von Arco-Val. - 00 - --0 t $»;hule huai' e Mites-s vie, e>, sas cinerginifront tic cmbsay onue v3.00 te 04M; sbeep, *$â»0 tu p»1;t »MM& et Colel ii. ecent eveulng s allonger firci îs'u siots PaoN. 2 8SU te 87e, corn, No. 8 lem Fiasproinent englacer frons revover ut hieu. Une efthte bul- lelies',Ilic te M3e; nats, No. Z28 2e te Mec;j &Maa a United taItes river lets enterai tic acrerys back, but te r>'c, No. 2,49oc te die.9 f e tic Mlisissippl. feu au-.s'ound le nt tiangerons.Rit assailant Cinelamt-cettls, 02M 0te la.50; bouc. **'àe..hblsniavenue., Pittsburg, s'ai arreeteit atter liring at and alaslg I18.00te 84.25: sieep. *2.50 te 04.75;1 ag u _. - _.-eau- _ àr-*.codut t 9.9"c M.No . 2, 41c teX48e. l R nOR 8TARTiJHé. F<AITN. FULI.Y RgOOoftiD. lute'the salaricoet ofrcetaiatme is th.e ltc-te Ar., Adetedb>' the Lelesmt Reagd$nsle.eesll of eunamUncess- ipietai BB-ldge.1 l'ostali('bances lu Illinoi. The OrslI misstunt Poiqststienerai ai Wusllugloît aniounes lbhe Ofttciith anîntul cdjtmeut ut îîr,.siiientilotm14- naitera' salaries. the ebtîmites lit, etaîttll' ratiomn and it nîry tiniffnes' î'.eetlve JUl> 1. 1M1). VUîitle'is entmîlstntuliiihefoi' erNing chau>rtemluIi,.l-ti n'i Iitlt- 'rene 'or ten'as,- i lu -i,îîaisntion 'Iili oci-lin 1iii ilob l'calrstta. I 'lInOn. ittiltiirmt aiinl )l:i>'W)oi art, adv. nîcO tii bird lt'.... 'i lai-in: Wît,ià 1.e l fii" rn- ,, t wî;,îr tl,..t cly cen, n eatu .........111 124 'silrig.............. .I.AS .ii 'lîiai'.............Iîi lt 'nuw l...................040 .7lh 'c-.................. l'lot. 1,q9 "Irl................I Ilsi 2irm)i 'al.îpgi........... 2'. 0 2.1114 (ailîerlî......... I iS) I i tirf'................2ii .74 teiî................. îi :1 u 'A,14 e.i................. ...Iîî t.9,0 9thlt,l.e ............... i t.n Il fîî.................... ' :lzî ~îî.,...............I foi * .41 ?eiurl,.................1.7Wi) lin,,-,t iii) .04>1 (11Y .... ..... .. I 4t51 1.144, Pluom ..... ......L1t 1 .10.1 0-11 .-............. .... I-t 2 19i 11umit (1Y .............. .1 1 1ht 1151x ,so................. i) tit>* .Yincl.................ia 4e lt'ub..............,1 1.24m sae ............... I. mi 1.S mi P' ' ............ **....1* t14454 I ii ls s e . . . . ........ Lits' 1 2145hb lultï,e......... ...2,' * 17114 '24) 11tollî l.............. 1,OWt 5:.î7() KIr-tn..............1.14h, 1.45W) leoa ..r....... ....... 1. 3l > 1 'm lu Isinl...............li, 1.20 'ils....,.............. e1>) 224e uiiston. ................ It0l IAXsa 'lnekn>'ell..............l1,400 1...: M.11u.. ......... *.........t., 5 i45) mntc,-iun..............0 1e Mo'fuclt.'.............liait Ims Moust Mçl................. 'mb1,54 -It) .ét.sn.................14> 1. 40 45L0% bel iinll.... ...........1.1140 1.1) Paluevîl...........l1124 ) 1.14) Pâtorll................i)) 1,10 >.inlkeii.... *... «.......1,2(0) 1.441( Pol .. ................. 1 1 :1,141: RietiyyIUR............1.75K) 11,M) rlaîîîs'ue...... ............414 111 r tIons...................it 12tal starles..............1.215> 1. ilsiiugi'.u............. 1. Xi 1 lie. 1'U'i-e ....... .........1400 1 .1410 W'arrenks..............4> 141 Tadiielu,ii.......'.......300 54 1.7440 t'oilugte......... .......1.241) 1t1(x tssunt,n u.......... ,41:1) $1.») taIns-la. ........... 1.400) 1,.,m4 troinel......... *......1 i 1.2o) 14X) W...t.Lnaile....... .......1.44W) 1,341) )s'g...... * ..........2.100 21,30 tsiruti................sesl. îf ..We Bruîtu (l ur........... 1,7410 21451 )ii.................lOi> b 170S ,elniie.............. 1.40) 1.141 Strard. ..................415> tacix) ttrondale.................14 1 .3m~t Franklin-crle...........12h) .10 Peckpnr*,.......:.:........1.:1) .o Urui........Itifoleft Sdefla... ..........1. 4'î4 1341 'lano..................TMn 1.40 tchýevili............... 1.201) 1.10 Ittitisuse.............. .:70(14 .44KL Iiiill...............70 140 I)leil ................... I.-144 1.3m) ialno.................... 1.370 1,40) ltlclî................141> 1,4w) auw-k'Ille--------------...1, 700 1.24 TrainGOee mb the River. B>' tbe giviîig awnv utth', toise n-cl of n nes- Iltinoim Ci-mtral bridge uner Big Mudt>' river ut Murphy-huri, a train wie pree-pituled imb 1it#nmte'r. unîd twu mnen wre,' illeit soitseserni injured. 'hee4deuit vcre Frank lt,-rnini, elginier; tti 'îIl- lian,', bridge enr s-riller. M,îsb of the mni isîmped wvIen lb-y fi-lt tbe bridge uiîîkiîîg heneabh Ilîîn. lut Erilnei'r Scronîtin n-os nautile 10 gel ntol et b.caI,. Williaini. the bridge curleuli-r, n-as ua), seerlylit- Jus-et n-en ise junI4ieithth he tient son aller belng remuved toluthe 'hoipil-il. rtrs, iw 1vs.oe 1. --W« 1111111 by dèMAMie Me, aanetrivmtble. A scverceseiquahe sbeelwsiÇHt ct Caine Aeeordlug te tb.heport ot Oh- serves- Smith oftheic sesdhen bureau Il taisai test secoands. No dentagres'as doue. At Monmouth. Our WilxouPid Goff aut Heur>' Bsrs-tt. ugeitmspecttvei>' 14, 12 anu Ilh eurn. nere iros'îîcla in-u uierson eee wblie tr>'luq ta drive one' a aulîutnet bridire. Missa Analie letersoîî, a Mollue girl et 19. nus coueiteenofutaconit b>'aourirnl tiseCircuit C<îrt. 'i'ere are lbree mudet- meul as ugat ber. lshe ltgielieveil tl eb, iunsne (unlbhe anilijeet ut seltiug tire.. Ait eeiebo hit shallereit bbcesWinduows ofth lb'court rolulu i te Hy>de Park poue station, Chicago. severu-l> sliocling Jua- tire Quinn omnt Court.Clerk 1-arry Pulite,j whil,' tflhterjanes Allent. Ww on 'assnd- iiig ont 1leu-îosiieileaial adowtiurs. nat asblrownîî luthe,' leu telfttfront .îu'(relise wonui eillnt.j 'l'eimalîîu i ueeiug t lte hîilem'Mia' hit t lumnnie Comupnyi>Of Illinoiiis wnn lu-u t ftotin. Thse tlreeli, rt'.tlt',t the, folIin- olicere: Présidentl. Duit IL. )tîrkm; vie-prucitî-nt, E. C. Kreld,'r; .n'îretary ,îînd i rau-ihrer. A.I. hlc<iue>'. Thli:assocî'itlin udursed tiie-Moion putre fî.'î tbilnoiIn lt he,'tlet Itates gentilte l'4ikake u-i Unieî-itistnt"trolley' aley." ri"n ei ari>' muunisuntil lote nt zut-ut seveiil>-slt utflb,' likellcat >yuans vînî'i t Ibi' cil>' nrin ucharge ,of the ' -eu-I i-car,.eollectliîg aaitefaesesiend ri' - -is iîî 50 lier enut lbte grgssrece'latii. TI.,- suiorealied itlllbe î-ualnibiteil le liti- Y. lil. CA. teanit lit, fîruiîhlng Ils Thé dtagliser outJseph 4-t>lnse.Chicago, %%,as killtei,l -u-le hron froi-ni a lhonte ait ëamaanîuli. ('ai, %finas qwonianîllit-r .r.uthergii-rcrlu-ifor a orlîuus-h ides. Sie ivl toins nulla-I ider, cud fisnl ielen iu'ntn aisîi oao-k whi'ii lieras' -brute 4,, ha gallupS. Il stîled iuldv,'ilynatlthe s-i-er g-Iloff thse atdic'. linuiitt-e diiw~ n nrd lit tlhe gîlr. J'ialî'u-n i huiiieîl meuhen. ufthle Affiat- on iaimied %Woowurkeru' <talon. euipluyei ln suri.s.toet lliîîd tai-tories ut Chi- eto, lir,iie beecollet out, ireeipitting i sîrike wh-blt'b usaffcil etes'> bruneis ut urgasiitaeliiur andîlthe cousequeul t>iiîg uii ut ail builing upeationi.lIbishecil>', Pirty-*enen m aila.repreaienbing the' cutîre lilreti membraeeethIe Cook Couiit Ilicu'. *eClub, v-re tonspeiedtlu> shut do, n. AitlCunIon. tise .Aq)u>,ýIENit-'ii- iiellei l 11froin un rgtrssit-ritv- -n furthebeni-atlot mn'îîîl rtfComîipauny Ml oft te Figlis ililola. SMusiehit ofu u'liilu'failiiient n-lu bs givenb>- bt-he agile 4-cir>' two n-eks îtu hi'-î tlbetri-alir>' re- lleiishs'n. Thrce neet>' tausiliu'sf ment- l-n ut Compen>' M ore -lu ug;,rviuleulfor l' the icagîe. Me-diclieontdolier ni'c- týi's P% ushare brou turwsrdeiilu, the- bu,>' ut Campî Thomaus. IL J. llottman, s n-cil kunn 4citizenflou Auro'a. mnus founul tesd lit Milwsaukee-. Thhuit>'y waatfuieiton tise gravi- oft'une, ut bis citiren. Atter t,'corliiig lbhe grave itbh inrr, Hîffnaosenl a bllet tbrîîugb bis braîn. Itîsfinisuhait laeua rt'si.tcnt ut Augura for the lait si-ru-troil yeun, sund wnusaretireul iontrnetir anit bîsilutîr. lit- ln sit lutaree sully tbueu owntnied bhy' Chicago rnu-aIncaiot,'shurpm. Mn. Hoffmiu leur,', a w-liow anduîuitar ehîltremi. Pli1 Mitchell, son ut a oeil-lu-tu Ni-wlun former. ageit 1I) yen"r. shot und it 11k- liiseclin thu- î,nu'scncu'ofuaim hi.a-pelit-ot. W'iilc Iith uî 'rere lis a buggy itriviug &longlbhe raithome.lMitchlfin ail mt teft Newtn'î. vbî-re i' ait enfiistdvil tii, reeruailiio nIfie ia tmeml.a'r utthe l"eurthIlilinois infant', mtln-as tui]pae- la a utuyaarritvaifer Jacksonville. Fia. The girl vanted film bua515>', b,'es-uiîiiitu go. ont fluait>'. lu endl maltera, i tics' s me- vulves- soi faut5 asbalclhi. isbrai. At lbhe recuîls nionthi>'nmetinîg oethle Allon Cil>' Couneit, May'or Brupggt-msn arasemuand rmarkis liat "the tsebool et ln- aîruellea ir os-en antdsti te ilblts 'mli pieuse relire fronrthde couanuit ehuniluer." Jutais A. W. Hupe, s-ho but Issism taiking s'iIh several et the alitermeun aîn- a stall vithin the circlcAt deïaka, iiirniuoabrupt- iv sait asheitthe Mayon n-,loi e won-a uittrcaaing. "Tise iubb>ials." -se the May'or's retîl>. tMr. Notauit hen jiimpedta1 bis trot esdtlb sîrong lauguagi- intunsssa Mn. Hope that lhe wsenibeuait referredtat as a loblhylat. Aritlts-o. lutoat canas-t unditarder v. s toned oui>' the bohrd- est -oi'l un the pant of c-ertaaldaiermen. The Irulalees of the Pe,,nia aoyluîm fos- the lueunalile laanu' umet o iii Iîir on-hi- tect, W.Vi'. lecri-, alni Edwa-ui1t. titi- son ut Chicagota lun'binulias bii'îi ari- eit the- cotruet tfnore-tiig a bui1diijg et a u'ottf*15.6. 0Gtti-nso n 's-ueidthse &ond ufthte National Sure-t>' ',,tlpsy ut Nen- Y'usk l ln the soniof $10000 fos-bbc uompieiou ufthtis -4,îîrai-t i a i-î-nice %vibla ie plansinaitu a,'ii,'i Th. îe planus ni-r,' ni'-Ptf-ii aiiil sigilil i t,> cta pai'tiem. 'lhe' ci l Iilidiîg. et'i'tu-itiunig 4Gir .iligei'siadiistrateiroliaiîs h-t-n iahen dosa, Sec b.ventecn-Ycar Lecauala, Tise$talecltsrul ut Arbibnutiin ut Tise tpeope otsouillerahIllinoi ares-eut- Springfield bas rioleredbi'i-'i lii lîision lu fering f teieramonsusma t st-ru-utsenu- tise cetroerns>' hiboi'in teihu-('b.Agu-vip- >'ar huntR. Tise>'ai-e slormiiig thesi'u:- dtunCuel Cuuupeuîy. bis,- VirdnCi('al Coinu- tr>' te un aiarming tegret-. The locemts pali>'.tise Chathiam Cî,al C'omniy>'tlie malse a coraitghat in coutantasuithlie Girant Ceai Compnandunthle blinia aud tai-mens are ditsaclei b>'il. Fruit Ire-cl inKlg ttinigCornpuinY suitthein ens- b>' the hundi-cis are beiug tamuget or en- pucyea. Th ise ums Insistai on, payinunts lirci>' reuisidthb'eseu. Doge and ciiel- bth ie uperatun utf tis, siale utf-40 cents eus euttheîl e tsa nit man> bas-e becu a ton, ixai b>' thue sui-itialiits. Tise op- poisouet b>' dolnge. 'The tiormsraare erators nefugtua epuy, uluimiug liii>' coutil heipicas uitnddo net lues' n-at lu do. nul do e as oilleeeluatise murket nith other mines. Tise boarut flots tisaI. white liter -ta ts tppeuLnga. bbc agreement fixing tise nt-aie inuleta Mcîclami Rlngler,'sged 10 >esn, s'as tract in a tecel sne LI ha droitnet lu ltcservefr lutetParis s-hile aconea -a i seie. i la sncb mn batin. esldîe except b>' the part leustieseacves, Minute Dai>'cene etflbhe best-knwn ndut Ilhas met s'ltb the generai acquiecence clevereit n-omau erouls lu lie coualr, r>iet8M3mines ilte ttea, employing more diet lu New- York. Henhuit>' nas e- thauno8000men. Tieseaiuic hu. been ac- ~turned 10 be'r etd hoe,'il Chicago ton cepteit by al, ail> the exception efthIe burlal. epenfilees et about a texen mnu, emplo>'- Joseph McCarth>'. a locomotive inemau. ing. approximalel>', 1.500 mu-n. Ne case s'bo was Injuret b> bu-ing bros'n îuier bai se taua in nhicis lbe minera have a ileving train nt filxl>-tbrt athiet uni refusai te abie b>' tise stae. Tise bec-rd tise Rock Isand trucks, Chicago, îui ut finis me grounit te lutertere unulthe tic Eugies-oeilUnion bespltal. MeCar» gagreetuet stall have iseen autuail>' ubon- lb, wsai30 yuara oit and numarrîid. douai, aud decines te set &aside tic &cale. Mmra.John Siaul banget benseit aI Theic BstSt. Louis Beit Rihîresi Cent- Sterling on miett fdesponitene>' es-enpaof Fut alSi- Louis bas been liteensei pnopert>' luPenusylvania. Sic s'as aaur- te IncoiVperae. Th i rni la te be buili vis-ofethIe Jebstonn floot, Iu vhich ber frein às pont eu the Mississippi river la iral busbeuit vas dros-net. Sic vas Madtison CenI>' tu a pint aPIfesite St marrieithlieaceond imtIntletMas-ch, and Louis lu fit. Clair CeunI>'. The empitl s'as 57 >esrs et age. tckin $*50,00. As Chasles Sanaiqut uni bis ulster Gel- White 200 men c-es-e 51 ork bu the lIn- iee aecereulgle aam i-tlu he8«M rvr i ah" io s- St &£0.'& parking- estabu c- buggy oa u euchsrt bridge, Af is- aleà sinent at-the Chicagro stock yari ta aeth et Das-sonIbehe brse hecma aitinigitthec ther nigbb, hurriug s-os-I hïogienei, tbros'lng lise girl lto the s-at- on van suppie%, tire s'hich sPtasteitin the er. lien brthèr Jampedite otise a-aies-boter r mntuejoiug ditroyed tise tbree- to resuu her.,ani the>s-ere bot drevu- stes-> brick butIlig 125 b>' 150 ttcI. The ei. Tic> s'ose ageil 24 sud 14. los la esth»ted et *10O0.000. James Crawtos- thte l-y-ar-old tomn et pans experiencetl a cloltbiurits. iccoul las. B. Crawford, a prentîneut farines-, panied b> a terrifie wiudtoriii. For lvi lvig ve niSez nerti> et litcli. s-as heurs tise rIt>' as imta cu,îPletelY ilu 1k-t tq b a te-olsutning ma>a-bwile lie ndalci. Bai-us. outhouses. Irises anu a-p# et work lu tise eld.lHe s-as dnag- feue"s vert blos'n towu andit great dam- W da couelierabie distance amut s' aro- mge as'idonc'. The aIt n-ai enîbru-ly cIdinsomailei. local. D>Uris' lic proarescet a trial lu Justice The Apoc[bu-n Long Distance Tree pevocts court nt Deeatur, Constable phone 'and T,'legropi Company', vit Cagnasil ealed Joseph Daon &larhan badquarer aut chucue. bai suceee thgcpgli sese twinaa inocl- lu gptti.g the rlgbt or a-a>' IrougIliail du sebut Al1 Âtener 1esepcrated lie almepsjcomticzansd gîlins et motietz ** i.wbmCeaattd MKOai dur ilaw>'es-r. aîeaOa- bna aftrce of M00mes lx» utlac-itb! asma "o ste Ic ai -ca& e e l Inca. Te W4eg410 cogeageaisAlt NUa-LANua, CatIs? af ibe Sassilas Auscuattes Euiaistise, Ou the question s'ai morè inarîci. ig:i- teeu vottua for nexallon.à Analyste et thc Vote, o 10MII se»....................... a Total------------------------------- M je Aoisa? ssV."ÀWl. Scucrti---------------------.. Tminai ------------------. Ben,, us:-sAvaro u ssxÀsIits. let ,Ps. Iirliatea ils. N Bers',>. > M tarchit.l, Ohio. Brocer. 341,1. N,'a.rt.D.9.C. o CDecbs-u . tc. .5uu 'A' - cc Cumainge. N. y. vos', N B De Vries, Cal. Taylr.Mai. a DngS.. Y. i'etsligé. N.-4 Ermentroust. Pa- Kie'. 1%. t). W uçitfts. lad. Le-le. Os. Cmupscke. lad. W51155'Oih. N.UI. Jobissonlad. Debate continuai sen houesgIVeOtie- day. Notable apu-ehes sere maie bt'ir Messres, Benry <Ut-m.. Ky), W. A. Smilli lttep.. Mleh.I unit llepliunn lltp.,PL'a) T for, sut b>' hess. Johnffuse itep.. luit.) e and William@ (D)em., Msa galiut tdeT pendituamessune, Tise resohutiona relate lu s Preamubie the offer et tise Haw-iien RItulhe su c&cdc ahl ofeta Isosereiglgu>'andt abIsoutltie le the Goverentent andu c-nv lande. andt then n b, reaehutlon se-e-pt lhe cession suitdc- duare tue Ilans a nuexet, The regain- n lous pros-ie for s comminxionoutf is-c. tIN leasalIve et ahem sabolbcreitteulHa-S w'allons, lunecomimendtaleCongre»s aub t iegiistio unas l.'>'may tu-cm sitsisable. 4 'heîu- mbiedel t laa-s, mnulte cx- e et d$4.000.000, la assumai. Chinegislm-t- mnigrallea lapreihitai, Ail Ircaties s'il>c ether ponen are declareit nuli. Il ia prorîddi Iba, îutillCongres% ahalpro- tite fer tue ecirnent ufthIbisandts, mii clvii, jîldicielal dmiiitas->' Ituera nos' 0 exerciacul b>' the-offleers outihe ezîstinaIt gusenimenî@alal bce u-aeiaedIn lu ch ussuner us tise lreidtlt sisa] direct, enut bie t. gis-en poweir lu appoint Pensons ta put ioi-fie-et a prorigional goveroment I ftbb Ilande. AS TO IMPORTtS AND EX PORTS.i comparative ttemeul for lie Moalb etf May 1l aMd. Pahîte. e Tise comparative saaliient outhbie la- f ports and expusi-of thlie United Statea ftoihie mooili out Myis>.lsuei t he'bcbu- reau ut statinties.S. av: Mec-hatiiic,'Ealtm . dtî,nieb. $108,- 09-.733; luii-csiiiîîiulared with Muay, 181)7. about $24M.51;imoporte, $W.3- 258,847, utfublul, about 48 per cent lat fi-ee' uftdut>': te--,,about $20.000,000. Golit Exiuoits. $W9>l,157; tet-rease. about $,tOO1N;iminrss.$13,119,383; iincrease, about $12.W000.s)0. Silser--Expors-s, $4.184.432; dec-ru-ma., -f about *1710.4110; importa, $488,5(l8; de-a es-esff, ttO,1 For tise seren mouIlle et tise i-cucu fiscal >can tises-e wn-n uincresse lu the qamount of domeil mes-cantia,' export- 9 d as compara i vilstle saine perliOdlait . eur ut $157.138.821, soit a decresse ot 1542,732,9W13iluthbcimportaetfdontestie 1 merclînutîse. There n-asieais adeciesi lu the exporta utfjrold umenntiug to $17,- a8,44 nitau lucrease et $31,228.775t là the antount Ot goii Importai. The1 e amaunt et ilver exportaidccereaied b>'1 oe-en$5.0000M0.anidtes-e Ws'aa u'W creuseetf*$62M83 lu th. ails-en lmpes-a.( Nicas-agcuaCanai F.aaible. Beur Admirai John 0. Waller, preet- dent efthtie Nicaragua Canal ComIDSIson, eictore the Senate commitîce ou the Nie- earagua canai, state t dat, a-hIle dhe coin- s aiein.bai mot >'eI cemplete t Ilsa-esk. - franc the exaainationoasireait> maie the plan fon a cansial'efng the proposeieut vasucutirel>' feaalble. Htestidmalcid e ennuai ouli be buitlfor $125,000,000, aud à tieugbit b>' moilt>ng thte fettPlans lite necessit>' ferue on mare dame ceulit a lh. avoldeit. J Kulgils etfHuer Bar Weme. The Supreme Inore, Ketgbts OtHuer, in@selonet 1Wmaington, hy a vote ot 04 10 23, iteeiet nultuîeadmit vicomia te mcemberbitp lu tbe enter. Tic Itroünti iltaicun-as tistaI ul eiganiztlleunumber- eiug i10,oo0 bad bec-n built u, sut Il 'rouit be mnafe te ri an>' fundamental .echange. Tise vtsitiîîg Ku'ightnandu their s'lvee n-es' gircu a recepîlen b>' PresI- dentMclKiley'. > Pcuesuefote te ns e sait. à- is-julen Pauzcetote, tue Britishs Sm. hbossaudur. bus tuccu aiisitb>'the Britishi -ferelgu office t te i .'libc relaluet ai l- Wniiingtôufor anuthen >esr. Itepreseut- &tiens n-cre mute recentl>' b>'tic admin- -_ istration, throuai Aunjiaisder Hal' lu à London, tisat tht reeailioetis-Juhitu et Iw tda lime s-euh h.ieuns-lac. a blag Pujis ar Taes. Tliet ralsi aar tex, in ictall,#As pà»cil laCiesgilesa $low: - T lOtI tIbOLUTION. Up tice8S» rama, WitesTiseres, s public-ama Are lb et NOYK-11611Cc-U an Party']Lteu*. lae, an Islcad tate. Wagaiagt" elaspea. Thc Hsaaendebote, s'bleb cottnunc Iu dhe House. sithout interruption treai Uathinday untIl Wednesdsy. a-aioniet the mueat notable lu dhis Congreces, Ha- saditu sonemaion htlug cotides-ci et great commercial aud stratejgte impor- tance b>' ls stvocatem, uni belug oolci upon b>' ita eppouenlsaus iuveiving's rad- Irai departure fron thti long establlabed pelle>'ofethte conutry andIt lkel>' te be fol- lovai b>'tde Inauguration ot a prenoune- ci plcy et coenisation, the abandon. meut ot the Monroe doctrine sud partiel- pato ln lunternational s-sangles. More Iban hait a bunirci aicubers partIcipaI. et ln the debate. Front a part>' slandpeîtiatthe esut s'a as-ilits-ihthe keetiterest. The Republicans premeulai practîcail>' uraul- mous support te dhe resoitiena, oui>' thre itepublcan mentbçrs voilang in oppesiticu. Iu the Dcmocratic ranis the divisien up- B>' a vote et2f thlb. Houai er tePreseaativen Wcduesta>' ntterfeom idopled tbe Newaiant recoltstles. pro- riig for the aunii.zsllon etftia-aLiL The lebtte. s'blehhuit! ceutînueit vidt u. n tfmiption saoe Saluan>, hait bee n e ot the meat notable eft dia Cone»e. the îropoela nexation Incuuosideret et s-est conuerclai aud sîrategie laport- ucé, b>' ils udvucates, sut beiug leelci iîteib>'lîoupponentasainvulving 1c radical leparture front the iueettiisitabet pelle>' ef the countr>'anduit 11.1>'tae c oiioa-ei t>' tie Inauguration et a pronomuccit poi- ler et colonsation, the ubundouint et ihe Monroe docrite mut participation la International wraaes. More dtieu haIt a aunireit memnbers partlc.lpuledluintic de- batc. TI# Soate remuntei conîlteraîlon of the, International inmenu anbukll. Auattiendintwa-usaccepteil theb.cmi- lutee mut soplet xeuting lie pris- he-ges et the Bmessure leail11 îtizeins oftIhe Luitd'States luat et orrestfiing Ibeai oe tinét meulloned it theIbill. Wheoulthe Si-nate adjaunsit cunsideraltono et i ll bot nul heou couehudet.' It life u "Tistmail Mr. liugle>' (Hep.. me.) cofallel p lb,'bill muptentnal es tiseas se-venue meulins-. deslgucîl te unppi solIbe onesnd to tusreisgtheu lie tmiu anomr>'iieg oui lb,- revu-nu,' si-. l exe-inlîltrfi-oaation in îtuah. eruiil- li, titi-lit>' sud guaruint>' i-olitutuien con- idce nultfom protit. Att-l-explaiataion î>' Mr. Dingue e>'b'bill irepasnard. The tloua,' pusset a bill uuthîînizlng th,' son- itriillon ut a bridgs erasNiagara river ai tIrant Isaut, sui th ctis-itei, coe- îîlllee et the a'bîîi- I, ,-uiiiilt-r tlisogn- orai itî'ticu> 1,111. luns-hi- g-ruraiti's apoo bbc bihl ir. Wilson Illîiî,i. .'C.) dr- irered a speeeh l u ippourIt oftis,e lnge inilgrathen bll, mut Sir. ('srnsî'l h1in.. Tenu.> spole even Ibisprobaili>' et lhe car ondiîns lu lb,' Inauguratioor utà5peu->' if territorial agrm.siin. Tise bill s-as not lispueit et seu lie Hosias. iounuet. AIber îcvollngsau bons' luthe- discussion ufthlie billrestonilg the sniuilii-ce tlb.h lîsaclon asid Wsipetou humefetSioux Indiana lhe Si-ont,'resuoittbsu-cmws4-- e-ilion nt the bllleaIutirpo-at- tue Inter- national Amerl,-su Bank,. A lest linau untesimeat clear>'iy illi'o-d tient îîtuns- jonit>' uttise tinate tavorod-thibe uumi. The mesusaige elerk ut the,'Itlouas- uit Hop- alwuatiri-s telivreeitlu tie ilciile lise Hus-mian lextion naeiiliii li-i'ctitt-il by he Itouse the evenliig letore. Tis e omelgu lîclalsuas t.!ninillfes bs-oua ir. Davis. the cisirnisu. unonlr- la>' repos-til farsîrahi>'tu thie tenatei,h Nes-lSst. mewdiutionà fuir the suaneaiou of the las-alian lalantu. Ti blil ltu in- corpsrate lbhe InternaionalAnionleme tank, l in'uîrdsnce vils lise e-im-u- aion oethIe l~'nApieieaii congru-e. a'icb basnueeuiiîlrda grenierliai-t ut tise geuste's tirai, ltiînglbe wou-'k s-ai jea.s- @el hy 'a vole ut Mi t, UIThi'eueiu' relsrt ou tbc boukruîîîîy 1.111 vusmlireseut- *ild rondu, but nu acion .usetaken. The purnral i c4ice>'e bill occuped the aîtten- litrluy'.s aeiiiofuthIbflouse sede- voiedit llfy teIl, io« iw- unthis.lte and hurài-ler ofttmer llu.isiiir flans uto Tetre-si-. t'nius-te, b.sitîg uil-Kgl orn conideeation ses girailIiio ai-uîfereu relaurt upon lis,- liitlié-t ouit -Cuiuiiiliisap- proprintion bilt. 'lh, ' S ,itecas onl Diacussion b>' lie Senate cf bbe que.l- lion (it Ilawsiau nes-xi.uwn.br'ut on Mun(is>'in ills'n aeisioi. Théî'Priouri- sol sepeech outhebi- iist uap- naxigdoc'b>' Sen'uonMobrrsili îof Vermot,lu îîî,ii, lu aîîeaehiîn. Tise taking: oîf a btebtrvote 44.5l t M) shoiseel lIe 'ui-Ifiso aneo'- aiin lu b,. lu a biu'eersii,'riy. The Houpe paa(ei tise goecral dtiii' i l .. cars-"ng 24.0W1.000. T'P is'll ,o'casion-' ei l11its- dbate. andîiIl pu,ýiî'îi îîrailallY lu n-mis-lai tee tise houe ms-u tihi('un- milte,' ou Appropiriationas. 'l'ho- riuanfiiîir ofthe dt a>' si gen leal)imtii-t ut Ce- lambin business. Tise reecuiiu fer tise uuiui-xsiiou of Hawualiin-as laid beture iiiSonteîil'ai- mont iuiuiei'touly uflî'r hiciii'ion T1uetady. itj,eu'ees iisiiai.-suuiilou n-i-me uia'I.ly Mn. Mit-l iof Wisu'unsi innl Mn. Whbite ofut ai furiio . Ar tsams- lirg eo-nu le, fs liî',r ilît i- tise e-s4-i, wîiluîul iai oii. f ii. aîhilltlu nu- fi-r tei the -otirt uf î-lîilîi ri l i INs bill1 bn,igliî lona lonig tli- AntKno'leue, Tise prt-iidt'lit out lii'Agaà4gîx Acacue- lIon, H. H. Btallard. r(,--i'tiy enuglîl an sol fleur Ibsbill. shjilI Il tli n a bol, cars-led il 1.-0) fi-et ait up nuil set Il fre lu the mtuIdu- uta a uniairon. W'hat folios-et lie Itîs des-s-tîu-o: -'il useetllc ut final ben-ihli-nu-i. Thul l illubedta1 the top et a nIdge ut saut, erc-eilsi but>' ns hieS ai Possibîle, ota-t lia snts'unne for severai eecndis. and thson gartet lu a sînnîglît lUne'for liuonie." A New supp>' of Aribes-. Nenws ot anoîhe- ruluatte icover>' coules froni Btitsh C(otuîîîhîa. TII. linj- it 14flot goît, but anîsber. Tise buks ut tise Seykotp Cr,'ik, flowing loto terris let, ou tise cetero sshores ot tise Straits of lIeus-gl, are, itlaI elulmet, &alit lusupp>' tise oos-it lt amnben tu- ailoast ncentury. Gros-lb of Puisatuela Popqstîen. Aa one lestimonl>'tletise raplid grtsh of puilne'a pppilation, il in sltet ou guet authorIýt>tiaIt whie ten >'esa ugo tiseme -cre Dot (luîte 15,000 ceai- docnt@ ln Juaffste-ta>' there are nearI>' 50,000. Ton Mueis for ltm. "Siai about Joe Smith' aDunl>, PO« teHe'" --Wht a uted hl" oWeil-be n-us jauitr lu a bardi, ami brole tonnbis con4stitutionI tn'lIIgtetu keep Il vert ni lotîgfotus-Im clors und-mcol entug for lise fat eues." Cloes en ftise t'ai-Id. Tise to 1111e htand8s utZanzibar and