JULY FOU At Libertyville-- Th FUREWOR1 0f AI Corre When you want the 1 anything in the lin hA W nth rize the 0h f H r PICKED UP HERE AND) THERE. termine wbether or flot bonds abould Local items of Interost to Libertyville Readers. *f-r thé purpose of enlarglflg the pres- s, t ont achool building, the vote tood 68 itsit l L 444444*44*4444*444~ in fayor of fthe proposition n nu Vilae Offlicera. Botu Mr. and Mra.. tide ffaigt. <<iimeuntl! steps bave Pr ald nt .. .... ......... ..... . A.W .W m.doAa bridgirl.been takeu lookin g go the er cti fll01of -- Prea Ton... .1........0ad sbbygrl woaory addition to the prement Thos. E-ar ni .Br. Dr. Browb and vile, of Lrayolake, îbuldig hvl, i iiiailord Ivo more ____________L B. Mrse. . Triuoita vere Lihertyvllle viailora Wedneaday. rooms, neceesary cloak roonis. balla, Trea"urer...........M. B. Coiby Clark sud WVrt Wright are borne etc., and every endeavor wyul be made jIÇ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ie..... *.............r< e*ît orl*eanaC'vcln.Il'v B laitue iIb nvrom W I -........................ M. Preehmualn SAL-A 4x5 anap %bot camnera, ready for occupaucy by the second - - cbz A EÂL C. DY19OND). Monday tn Sept.ember. L»BYLLE LODUE. No. 492 F. & Elà 'r ggs purebasod a pheaton for Another teaicher la ta be bired to at L1M~'"1... ommu eatioisid& bis vile and children, ii Chicago lait teach the7tb and (1h grades anid Prof. ncmot. BW. LIIZ h .rtb ee Stoodpe yultes-rh the two nov grades, &àct r ces. '0.;.. sec F. Radeeke, of the % sUkegan SUN 9Cli and luth, which are made possible CtzA CAMP No. 114. X W. 0f A.. Mme wts v ic Llbeityvilo oun business and are 10 ho inaugurated, under the Mraotad tLrd iaurdal0c e:. mnt Btwoodien% Rail ovar fr hardwBr Wedunday. new arrangement of thinge. Wbeu .tre . yVingif gboro ys ce. . lr.Ca.Blle euudt at-deemed advisable other grade@ yl be etofA. P. STAPLE.ckrk. LN lY . MrCoyla. ituCl. E. P. e sr leHr-added evetually provldiig lice regu- beELst oAM.fo.se l rel. ihl. Ev P.cf r, l tion four years high achool courge. iuceeetiJie lirarruîer-ciut af ,5of, Iat place, Tiniroday neoitofai:UC.r.adtF hr hrdtfor an extendod vîit. LyflOh-Atkfiofl. M'on LLetIhadwaeso. Crash hais--eool, faionable and Last Wednsdy occurred the Ma. aE ~ as As - cN A. cbeap. Liglit as a leather, rigid as marriage of Ueo. F. Lynch, of Liberty- awmwrL5i. iraw. Tbeyre ail the go. They get ville, te Miss Mary AIkinsoil, of - tileul iStANOBON &Cois. iondout. lir. Lynch ta voit and lea sLevi Thayer, wbo bas been the favorable knov lin bis ectioni of tho Bicyg lea sg tient cf Sol. lelsey for seve rai weeks connty and la a Young man popular ltfor a two veeks iilbtug tnIp 10 vllb bis largo circie of acquaiiitalcefi. Cr SNMiss Clana Averlil graduated from, lady vel vortby the confidence tu her tbe dramatic departmient of thé Chicago lmposed. We wis thse lhappy 'enuple -.s. a .". 'ey... a viug fil. the oy and bappineis no nniverslli ,onday JUly 4, '9 be a great day in Libertyl Colby &col's Is the right place to buy Vcdes roquet Sets Base Bails lsbed a tbree years course. .zPreedlthrhlafvIo nu- GO T GASLINE * FO IIÀE--lbavegence of their unrriage hecaife ...GOT ....orneiflot, one cm"s, o0M countiry. RLIEBT2FRoy 3LZ11ha c ureut. a four humner New Procois gasoline slave, uoarly nev, vbîch cau be At The Faotory. Iliesst Colinsanad vife visitecil. bougbt resaonable. A. STAPLES. Theo Lin Manfaclnrilig COmpaiiy Heirle sunday. services st the usuai honra at the ire certalnly displaying coMmmudable 'rigg's & aylic> s E . P. iesser, of HartleY. la., lg vis- Presbyterlan churchB unday. Mora- energy lu "-goMing dowu ta business., iliug Libertyville frieudi this week. iiig inhiocl, 'Godan Etimate 0f Ma. TIsey bave twelve men wbo arrived Oliver J. 0. W. Reinle, of Chicago, In the evening, '-Cbrlqsa the Founda- from Scboolraft last woek Mt vothnu IlinoIis. vlsted bisl father, Md. eine, Friday lion.', their factory. Four are men vllh lam- ., ery iland itaturda!. -"Boy Soldiers <ingLi la Lqulp illes and throe are ofice men. They Hariso BOvuipeitlai Satidsy Tbemmelvei" viii ho tbhe-Rev. John expeelt t emuploi about 30 bond& ou and Sunda! vith relatives and frieuda Lee'@ îuhject Qnullunday moruiug. lu the $tort W blc oc iih rae at Egin ud undethîe evening ho vili preacb ou -The 10 50 mon vithîn six moulus. et liandeildeCemeer sscitOnLvelationsioof Miduight." heveral carioade of materlal, machi.Cohn viiimeet wtb Mns. F. B. imbaîl Fni- mat pestera assistant. ,Toi 017. aet, ave nuben or ocare ies i-Cohn duy aitercoonJu ue 24th. eirnck by a colt one day Ibis week and laed edn nmbe loalp aties Hats ar a 1LA IES1dlru. F. C. bmith la cotilned Italber tbe doctcir tba six stilcheb in bis fore- thena lu placiiig their macbinery aud ShoeE LADI Se @ l bsL1 ltb s cumplictioii of ailmonts bond as a cousequelico. Tom la ou getting lthe building In shape. iaid ber condition ld quite serions. deck again, bowever, but loiks con. The bolier aud englue bave heen U nd «rA ume rJ! i E T ' 11ihe much looked firard t0 vaca- alderable varie for wa. thoroughiy overblcie and the amoke V lin l heeEauN10F4yl0 esehlar areA"nmbe ofChicago people Who pouriug ont of tho hig itak t a el- N enloylug il dont half express It Tbey deaire 10 take lu the races ancd celebra- came sight 10 Lîbertyvillialis. Every- are puttiug lu -double time anàdtben lion at Libertyvilie the 4th bave petit, thiug la in vorkiug order and as the ________ B__ ore ' ,lumed the St. Pani raliroad compauy ,,ýmpo»y Lave mai57 argeut orders 10 rbe Onvetila club polo tourna- run an extra train bore that day, sud ho tililed thoy viliinndonhtedly &tort 00 00 meut t Lake Forest Mouday. Wednes_ presa-ut indications are the conlpany the plant up ahotlY alter Jnly 41h. ~2 O O$2 4. day ad Ihursday of the present eek viii grant their reijueit. Tbey ire Proviiig tthemaelvei 10 ho $ 2 4 $ 2 4bas attra 'ted many of Our people, anîd The ladies of the M. E. cbnrcb viii mou af desti rather thbn vords, vbich O _____________the iset of the serles of games to ho give a social lu the pariors of the la a very gratifylig contrat ta pre. -0 played 10-mnr0w Satut4y ila> bciiihocurcb Friday evenlng, June 241h, viaus Proposed industries Ihal have -- - wituessc-d by a large delegatioti 0f Lib- toiumencing t 73. A program iii from tie 10 lime talked of locatiug hogve t :0.Ckead ed' c hr, nlathae1(ctM .utdn ilIU Dec 1 iins eII* Tho teachers luinur publie aclicol ce ii osred. A cordWia vi- uoliig. lUenc u lisn xt tofi for their roi'pectlVe bornitOcipeud doiol e ten tu l ail. Admission 10 telle gentlemen a cordial baud, be- the stiulemr vocation. miss Mac- lHcens.36-2 Ileving theIr lcting bore viU prove Itrtbur velit 10 Casa City, Mch-, Miss Hery Lavrence% good bard labor t u uuilhnftL to rof. Bvloapud ise Sit e-h or tf ld iefthe etditrgn- brvlblabfJlycera - Decond-H and O ga stcnorgsll n Ms mt opr îthe assistance of a nuni- The 4th et Dlamond LIgeo. cost p . ~day ltfthe preseut veekfrIaa alubsgvnteM .Cnc tion ani1 pienie at Diamond Lake Park. i"5. mth c s rice. lu autther column apperi an adver- mnch improvedl appearnee. Evis$y. Prof. Wilier'c orchestra, of Ciao tîsemeuo n i ote the caption "-'amn- thing ini brigicl aund ean, and & ailaIviilfrniih music for dancing alter- nocui anti eveniug. A grand dlcplay be sold at once ...... Imacks fur iSae, sitcPerbiil aiwl'l innecessary tla male theisone of tel ice uk iib oloétb i surprise uiauy t kuov I. 1 1-mo attractive bneso vorbp iancfoe on lice pavlinlatlie eveniig. Payne, of ivanhoe, Who imanufacltesi hereabouls ce a fev coate 0f pint on Dancce tickiets 7-d5 Cnu t li LiuîocAs le a bliud ms-n or raîber the exterior. It needs it badly and hwiiRn oBii boy, as Le bas scarcely reschetimn-upretty sure la gel il if the ladies of lcet ae d lisRocvi e Bre.adlylc bcctcci. Ho aiso canes cLairs atd îavery Aid Society gel tu lhiukiug alug tILel cnc iers w bc1pre., Juh y lte aciept lic Inla lice cf Wrk. Une. fortc îwo cer dition totheîLelacool iii ..-f tî titiSnytinmoiate,% reguhaér trips tu W bats le incier Lynch froni being bus,0t g tIci pansou011 ic at - - - I.LEl~Jl.J. Wakegaii wth tle snowvflamons mini- a candidate fur County Cherk on rîLitedet Le d l a esrv t ai aet frcculthe Lihortyville th&a democralie ticket, nov fiale L as rgc 1 ee L.acy Dil Icîtiae. ealri.... Some Iclea may ho galued 01 becance dometicatod sudt shows a dis- ofe Vroheat demaud for lbei*î waers positioni to iead a different Ille,- He Lot. of W h at fon lý i. l no istt r. Grabho 1laaicculd ho encouraged Inlubis newly on MondayiJoue 131h, ladys style s g ing ~ -~" ark t sip)liug aboutnl20(0 gallons each week acquired and praiavorb! attitude on '96 Aneica hoeol, eunmeled mnaroan, Isg igup in the ity ark totuvarios pointaslun7New York, Kaunas, the vomauis rigLIS question. And Ou tLe LiberlyviloPFairt irouis. but it is not so with ýCîhfornla, Michigani, Sobtlb Dakota, by mLe vay, if Siorîy Mller dont Lihoral revomi1. Address Iis 8offie. innciesota and lova, to aaY iotbiig cf allov liilf 10 ho tamed before Le To iENT.- For the nommier, 7 routa thot fuuiuled to Chicago Patrons. ujakes knovn bis baukerlug afler Lake cae 'l od voter, mehado and whlen Ille nov factory étarts up and cocnty's sheriffébip, it vere botter hal fruit. Addrema INDBpziOE5T office. tLe inupettia sure te, fiiovicn Iany hoyeer haukereti. is atimo ho look--_- - 54 onPants, Overails and Jack- ines Of busines beeomesevidenta ouI "clvilzaliou" papotsanad gatinl 50.000 Brick For Sale concerteil effort on tLe Part cf nr Ue vith that other gond democrat. At tLe Vernccn Brick Yards, tbiree ets which is the reverse. citizeoa sbcitld bc made to ectiY Miller bas hoon runun u neos alto-mie ntofLbryle.ASN anobertran fr Lberyvile.Thegalber toa long nov and somthiug CLEMENT. nid-day train and theatre train vhlch hOb!tld ho doue 10 couvince hlm cf the J ust step in and be convinced tou tuDeenileld coutld continue on ta orOf b1is vaya. Whod vote for on Brick for Sale. by nsectngau Go dstIis pace wltL.but iihe etra expense, aid -Illc for Shoniff, anyvs-y? i bave for salie a quanity nI good asud il il is gone sboni ln the igici The etertaîumouî at the Union ik. (aov islLhrliie wy e confiti secure tese trains. chureb lent Friday nigt givn y the _____________At wbealou Monday NeletI wou scbuai children, lncludlug ounlthe pro. fyciniLord Clayton îLe match raceofl gram a lecture hy Bey. 0. iR. Van Horn, A gond Young driviug borse. Must Ladeswic ev made mention n lurn tait tlracled a nioderatel iyl l llied boueho sounad. Apply 10 11Ev. W. J. 0. 5s trheL disof Libertyvimue issue, lu bre traigbt heats. The and the patrlolic songi by a chorus ai MREHuAN, Llnryviile. natued? ebl lime lu auy Loat vas 2:19J*. This 70 scicool eilîdren made the "-reflets ,o good n trd puts NelelI ic e DI clams, but as abo ring." Bey. Van Hornni lecture I yl receive bide for the lioviug bas pîchoti up $304) for ber ovuer, it teemed ih palriotism and humor privîhegea ou the lait grouudis, Jnly 4. -BECAUSE THEY wivîh prove auMeiient, recampeuise for and lhe pleased ho audience. Prof. Ice cream sud lunch priviiogo. tual diadvantage. Neett bas pro'Jen StoopsInl a ev bief remarks explalued 8oft drinks, sodte valer, confection- berseif a greal mare, and capable 01f utas the course of îîudy liad ben ory andcgrs SPool priu UeR, R SEAL FLOUR9 ~~going Juta outile ton tast a clip for advanced in the ichOOls ibeoTvas n1 itPooidpiegs ehne rmie Lord Clayton. course no graduaton exorcises possible to me prior bo noan, J une 251h. Right Sod ea. Stevens, cf Columbus, ini., a Ibis year, ilau thaltt ot mli19MooJlareserved ta rjecl auy or aIl bidi. ...... Sold BY ...... flormer reideul of Ibis place died at vnuld there ho a clami la graduelle. Ho .M olXN a' fA [ is home l Columbuis, Mondai, Jane spoke of tIse proposed addition to the Admnirator'a Notice. SM T &VI I i, 131h, after s ingering ilines. lMr. ichool building, anggesting that the Puiblio notice ile betehr giveui liaI the lit)b Stevensahall maii acquaintances un orection hé on tLe front rather IbanmrsnietAdminicilniiti of thLeâtto of James ticiaeclaii'ab vii lernofbisdeat Ib hoc ofIbo niiiug ud hatP. Norton deoest. 'riiitan t e Counu Libertyville, Illinois. %i eto h illauo i et h ako h uligadta Court 0f Laie coccty.atau-rm tlieteof to vit sicer reret asho as pou-ample room, ho provided for clo le holdedt ai tiht Court 1101oluSeiWacikeg&u, wit sncee egetmabc asà opu i lu aijcouutY. 0o1iheliet sIMontdrol Au£- lin Young man and imade many finonderToun, balls, etc.. ThII «edis vire Ual belli'tee. picen and vcere alioreoins alîg ilueais ateau etatliarelloti. during bis residence home sanie ifteoliaufilcient t10 "cieLS'expensos' and the, lIed rncilis10 topesefltue saMe tu Sd iu fraticudicatiofl yeams *go. Be han been bors on visita audience Weil pieaaed vith the elo- îcntfr tiiACË FE. IHADDLE. several linies since biq removal hnv- lugs suntertaininent. Adi,chucitratix 01 tic-, etite Of diete.dti HA EY UTRIED evo, aud hence badl retaluned a varm We talked wyuL sevoral men about place lut the hoarteai bis aid lime tarin laut veek vho expresaed them- For Sale. ___________________ rIends. selves sas "dead againit" the proposi. lion tu issue bonds 10, build au addi- (iood driving mare, sonnd andti u Farinera aonlb ci ow louaong Mil- tion tu ont ichooi building. We vore perfect condition. Good Ilite yet ï7s S àa W atterrwaukee Ave. Laye hoon greatiy th11e poilisWhu cLan0ain e m voledl gouttie ad kini. iSafe for lady to aunoyeti focr evral montbs by lice and from, Ibir conversation vere ledi drive. Eight yeam old. Pretly sud depedaion ofa -wil do" wiccli lacoucinde libero vaas 10 hoa large amootb. Cali or addreéé tilde offie. ..st Flavors and Ice Cream erdlOrnc vl o number of vote$ outas gainat lssning -kilhld severai calvea andtimany chick- tho bond@. They vnied sud sputtered. oue andi despite their vigilance aucceis- called fil extravagse and the like LIAK iq Nic inCaniesfnhyoituded captuire. Ho vis a large and whomes ghormliw a otursee-U T rything Nc iaadis....tve bo e rIt vaotaleiifsoloc cou mr - St. Bernard dog snd Over a year agi> taxes, e. Aller thse votes wreBAN K.... selcad franc J IM. tosenthal, lisera vas sls o 10 ovoe lect Brands of Cigars. baviug heen since lu the voods &iong for sud nonueadainthie proposition AThîe river. James Warren &butl and anld ve bav a-f bear a vord from, Wrighti, Parkhurst & Ca. .... A ....kille thetsadofi WednesayJuno 15 thso n inls.Tb"i videntiy did. Lib.xtptf le, inole. 'Il -"vote an they Pmyed.'" There aud is kia welghed 19 pofinda. Mr. veant e«enon. 11111 lot. gaînttbo feji's D rug Store, Warren tiok tour rifle bnutn ront theiede mlaid tiserberatisay coutld Issues Inerest-Bearing tieau c ity t doII. u th be so ine h *vlasd ab" .d casigs a d " C riiae aa Libertyville. volaItwuado* edou" C rils s Ybe @bsot ml 14mole beft» be «Otffltmsongh on Demand, la ~9UU bI. h uomeeii 1 have two E at one-1 968Must Ce.Re LIBERTY VILLE, The Price Our Price What makeE SILVEI F. C. B3utler Bidg. Lovel Choic< ................. Eve Sel Lovi ibertyN Flags, Bunting Harmod Confectionery Lemnons Root Beer Fruit Syrups nd Caps ierwear leckwear Hose Everybody wilI- celebrate and arn,, invited to --n-l their headp ters fors l at CoIby&Cd urs for a glorious Fourth, B. COLBY &C. DEALERS IN EVERYTI4ING, ville,--IIi4 The Art of self defense mnt be practiced mîth the feet ms vefi with the arms and hands-not by kicking, oh, no-b*' having them correctly shod. Right shoes make huai fret and the doctors tell us that healthy feet are tht I1 requisites for healthy bodies. Without healthy bodiesa are defenceless, W. offer you ir~i SeIz Shoes UL.mi.!. a sIthe bcst, ait aolld, r00, bult footwSaT, fOr tul ILi~~~zQ=J our new styles, Îtist in. The Fair, Libertyvil le,-- I Sid i ai i 'I i.. k le-Delivery Rakes. Hay Loaders and Hay Rakes. Machine Knives and Sectk CARRIAGES and SURRIES. BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCK! SALT, CEMENT and TILE. ..Lumber. Lath, and Shingles. Grain, MiIl-Feed, Flour, Etc.ýEtc IL H. SCIIANCK&4i*" e cloth- $8.98. Groceries, N Fruits, and Vel Illinois rs' L I A[Uk 'orae d .. $13.41 lortd oraaLt lippera 75o ireworks, crackers, prices ta ,Illinois. dHande jPromptly LLINOIS. .nd Bacon. a'tL a fuil f Le laci. E-TRY IT. hitî ays. isake, 1IlI. Marbie and Granite Momuiets. CBIIHTRY WORIC OF EVERY WAIE op*à, IR and 1 Il LI9ERTYVILLiý