ý- 1 . ,- ý ý ýý, ý ,ý ý . sl- 1 1ý ý l 1 . 1 1 -- - . --- - - i, , , ý 1 ý . . 1Jý Il 1, - m 1 . --- , -- - - 1 ýý w ý-,-ýii-iý 1 - 1 ; ý -- ý 1 ý malym,ý, 1 .. M OT B'r A ItOIBBEt. etepped oit a boat berss, bavint sud eum 'te" b"'ge hl" lt ha si b- wHO P^ye T119-WAR TAX? . , . . 1 - - - ï p - - front Fort Selkirk. et the mésousth of th@ ILLINOIS STATE NEWS .In- " EINDEPENDENT t Câble. He wax 00 yeare et &V. 1 ý Xercheutw Association F»vo»e te il l - - 00 te Law on the tiUbjeCt. ;, 1 ý , station Agent et Sidney, chiné le péturII reny river, and Dawson. It la hhé opin- Five permne were poisoned by drinkint . 1 ýI "-* « & W@W àffl . P.bM.bffl . The nàpeetallylnjum& ion that the docks of gteamboate w3I ney luter lu Chicago, but ail will minorer. , ý 1 1 el' - Utiliser moralisa ai abolit 4 O'clOck sir test up the river this year. "Net ln tire MCURRENCES OURING THE The followint fourth-claits pluittrallaisiterte The war tax lait, ln lie entireti la in . ýý 4 > ý -- un T. 3. Kratzman, operator and iliglit ticket yean bas there W n été, light a snowfail ý PAST WEEK. have W U appointeil lit Illinois: EdwRrd force. The sclieduisses relating se, lutter and 8 : 1 'Il ln the interior ci Alaska au Tant winter," tobaeco Iles-alae Operativé, june 14; the ', ', . ll= lbllL agent of the Big Four Rééliront] ai Sidney, 1 ý "i Ohio, wax shot and perhaps fatally truand- 1 said lie. "MeIted nuow and Ice milice the Dedert, Ellington; W. 3. Swank, Palerme ather schcdules toidi effect July 1. There - 1 ý - man, whossée objetlt wu greater volume or the water of the Y uk« The seventqéenth il iiissévting of the in a grent starcity tel stainjus. The gov- ý ,,, Le o t%ç)titliç,rii tilleuls Teaohers' Association ennuient, with ail lin Lisent, Wais able bd by ci strOinge IL Money Co-[tic te the state Under the I equil . . 1 the robbery of il Tire. KratXIIIIIIII Wu- 1 river, and this year the Yukon je lower 1 'Ù DBBERS'RICII HAVLII buoy when the man entercel the Office 1 than il bas been ln a long time. Bars and Sundsry Civil )iill-juvc.Iile Fire Il lie belli, ai Belleville, vvith a leig attend- tu furnimit ouly a fraition of ,le sUpp'y ý 1 - UR@ et ".,ve3r-so'ne of the Ilig rince. nectied. There wzis il deuitérés, ,or .. '. -- . ý and ordervii hini te (,pets rite marc. hratz- pointe jutting front the shore ut the bends B ý ý man fruit thought the lutrévier Il as éïame st of water. At the Thi.ce in Vils Ftate. The lt,.I.%11,lit,.-tit ý)norrtmxi,,iial Conviée- 40,11M.,t)(X) stainjui of ail cla88t-o al Z ý effiler et the clImpany Il lin ý%*ng trying bis 1 ý-,,.thýe.triý.ýt,.r..,-Of,.týheuwater Uel or the - tiots or the 8itvIlit"ntii dustrié-t nondiiat- New York utilisé lit tilt- outmet. but uppli- -- - - 111- JMLD-UP OF A TEXAS & PACIFIC nerve. He refumed and. filsding thfit file 1 imerts nt Si. Michael eau corne UP th Money Voteil for Illinal.. cet 1.0tu. R. Ni lits of Devatur fer (.'ýIIgpema catious were cul afl aluikg the Une. The 1 ý TRAIN. man was in etérallest, blé told hile lie évould 1 river. Proýspectors who have been in the Iteinm of iit,,rli;t te, Illinois il, file mon- , I'v 8,-,,IlttitntiIniý batiks were mulet favorcd, bectiuse disséminé A présecellent that will lie historie wax sie, ... . ý - - net open the sale,' but %votilsi give l'lin j Yukon baoût for vears say they bave Dev- will bc saki ut ail batékés, and the publie ictiiliKheil hy tire $essaie nt liés "$mien oui ý Ilits watch. The robber enuit, forward ta . 'er O low et thls finie of dry , iil bill ,, loch have bé-é-si agre-ed sil-Ili ý ('1141 Il lieu i &:il lins 'I'sted te, lessie bonds té) wili thus havée casier nccemul te) tirent. si's'ediressidny. Fer probaldy the fruit titue 1. .11,81, assis ' erý creen the rI'tlI l'y botté houc. série il. fI.11I,,,m: Vor volélits- liée- éminent ,if $1,11.011,11 fier a acte 8chool fimdis« Work of Six Masked ?den-Ex- secure the watch vvben Krill? - , le .ad . i 1, ..ow. Ther, la - II-Il anton of 1.1,1IlIIg ,.(éýtIiti,.,. unel clistons ' buttée. il mil] lec unint-Il aller Ibr. .1. M. The terk-graph nuit exprelus comptudes ln the history of the fieléatte a renoicition, ,. pe«@Car Ilsiown U p and Fera Lootessi pied with him. l'ri liste struggle the Istrun- ý il al et unt,êt-,illesté on this RCCOUnt in te University will illéglic custousert; jaý tilt- tais ut 1 cent wax ad(àl)tttd tenderiiig the thank. of Con- 1;.._.. and up 1. the hoitc ut sl'jjý,u,,-. $I.iKmI,émKi; roi-l fer ý (;,.,,z,,ry, tir,, tirt regviit of ils ý 1 ger drew a revolver and millut 1;.rat7ýulan It .O ining camps. If Leach ('IL telegralus and bill. 'A Instilla by gremit te ,eiiiiiI,,Ij .Carnets, .1ý-,,ili,-Itily nom- -lK«eia-týyed Enginec, Seves a Train ln the breagt, the bullet entering bis Ilings. ý the tý-tLL sldo, net sucreed ln mailing nt ti-iiiie)t,;trv I>q ,Ir t.ulk>tl*;,, týIoI or I,11,ý-..tIIrý> atiio-x il) liée 1 coulpelling tirent te. buy lit(- statut, and Insir thtut lis the re-lution. The rreffliti- ,ý *4m Destruction. teint ne Onsui fi. ý The s'ildey Journal ,.gy. liait il la cisti- The arranger escapeil. Krntzniau ran te ý ip, my opinion ils thât catit-ci il. The. .Nlerchants' Association tionne rfýI)uirIIidIýIl ley Ille Premidirlit wers, l - fell the Government y .-III, Il M C4i,:Iý,ý, 'V-ýI,0lXI: ý 'unied Illat on rite Sit)],.y estiste there sérite bas de, Ille, ý- a hotel. where, lie gave the alarné and relief sitipedition, which 1 1 1 idesi (il fialit ils(- expreéses céuliptinies adupleel, lendé-ritig the 11,1,1.k. fit Con- , ý uncoiiscious from loue of blond. burletteine lust wiutPr, will f:TII:ý,>1r, 11ýý,,,!. .', 1."*. Iil.,I.ilý,- In.'l iml, ,"-,,- ; --ýý.,(Oqb ncres ,if cu', me balliv dailinged by 131ghwaymen Got $10,000. 'Ir est - - - 1 . . ou titis illmul., sind mil liri)làutjly appelai tu grcms lo N'aval C,,i,ýti>ti,-tIýi- Unirions and Ait Dallas, Traits. Gencrisi NIIin:lgI'r 1 lýý,-..ý.c'.' .terré n"e.eity nest wiuter." eCI(ý' '-il'% Ill'ilélillý foi Iléellé 1 1'lil";, il du- 1 il, il lie, Croit will Iýme producelà on the courts if commun tarricils refus, te, the visiter ficror. Ut tire Merriuletc, and te, î 1 1- 1. 1171suarn of the Teinte and Pacific ltItilwaY NEW CABINET FOR JAPAS. hO L 2 s in t man te Conte out tion lIýr(l. stléIdc anli 1;!IIlIirý- :il thi, lois- . git, a rece;jst with Ille minuit) tUX dUly Lient. 1-'i-jitk Il. Nencoilib. ,IiiyIitiminder 'ý Il 0 $Mkes the followillé, titatellicoi abolit tue - ' ýf 11,ýp'ýý'i'ldCýn'e's'es 'i'qrnsd sale sillet there La pital. $;i.,.qMKI: n,-"" 11,alil tI-I1-11-1- fier Ili., ý Thé, Nlaefr of Champaign ordered the Vajýý,w package le -ff(-ré-,l fier mhip- Or ,lire rs-vi-nus, I tittcr Iltitissai. test hi% gel- 11, .. . *taulten: Party Mintatry Arr 1 dien,,,p,>,nlue,, am( Vot. MIck 1-1ýIllIl se to D", (.c)llllllitteýé. ,if tilt. lýs.)cillti(»Il in tarit il- lie, ,if tilt» %%'iiimi,,\% and lier crelir #min robbery ,-si bie rond ireur 'ý1 enured for the First IO . Il nég claim, boitillera gen- grent lalicle. ,$"..ýIWWI. K. of P. linzzar Band of that plat . JI a Ï 11, 1 'Six rolibers, ail ina.k,.,l (ýxI"-j't liée Ivrid- Time ln the Nation,* Hiet.ry. cru y la regard Io the cic-au-up. He saýs lirleillil: Curq' ul'Il ire-ý""ý*;";-ýl' (et peril'a- ý stop phivilig vi-hen t licy Icelle giving IL ench or ,Ili. loge cille. %i.ité-d eticit ex- -ft 1*Itr'il-t'tte; and rctir-nz -Il- fait payé - . . 1 er, tL&ggtýd our .Nu. 0. Mest-houléd expres. Okuma Stagaki bas fornied a new Cuit- 1 flic aliénant la ranch lentit tirait, wax entier- nelnt IoIi!IJiorý .1ý1(1.(ieýt: i .... e tinté . fier uban. frec colivert os] lire "t',l(.t. bccalIse the ilervais (onspany te> illilloulice liait int-r- l Iloililson Il( tII- MICallollé fier dis- 1 et 10 o'clock the nitrer night five restes inet ai Yokohama. Il le tire filet party 1 pated. and white mésinist hope le May reach nfavlllro us sis-illO .111,1*.It-,Iý., ;111,1 Ii.ýI. . ý ..I."%%Il N'am et, big the police Could net chant» Illuld Dot puy the lux. The ex- tinguilshed ý.-rvi«-,ý. lit thiniln. Cuamid. 11, ,ý sweet ut Stentors ou Ille Sttikeél Plume, bc- cabinet in the history of Juriste. The rien- 1 tý21.0C ý(:, Thom pissins soya lie and à $28.ilsal; I,\Ié-lI.Iiiý--, elvý-Iri-ý lierfit plient' ý délar il,(, vieillie. premit cýiiiliiiiitm ruplié-Il lissa Ilst-y liait üriffloil lit th.. gen'-ral ,]I-tiIýl-le(y bill véra"s ý. tvit" the.('ol,,rad. and Pecos rivers, -ne ignations of thié Mýrtpihs Shigo Traigil- ( otbers 'N'ill lie surpriasid If the $ýsé(,ssO; -", :ciel pi-lr'aliýéll Iýi léé,'l' ý .lit Pssurill. si iiiilititry weddinir totale place, L:een n'l'i.,.d l'y loulés.-I (hut ihey wé-re CoIn ludl-Il niul Ilo- IýI-,,I-,iiI- évite jeaussésid. Ïý « the mont deludate -flots -il the tirée. The michi, the minister of marine, nuit Lieut. total ciean-up exceeds $5.000,000. The 1>1:,iIl I.r;,I--,Iý, 'ýl'-'..eKI: iurIro, ýt,-r IIIý 11-11- h(.1, tir. 1'. Chestur MeCord, surgeon not .bligI-,l te, J'ay il., Tiés. ritilr.etIl com- l"D auil-ii(liiit-lit cet gri-at iiiilw,:-,inc-t- won 1 Ilebbers covereti the engine crew iitti Gen. Katstiri, the infilister for war, werc pay sitilialit Darrowed or rails out entirelir vr 1--ver :Ir Itu, 1; lsl;,iIIl. >15.1milt. il,.- 1 Il . r lits, 1.'.éliril, Illinois volunteer pauses lents- joli'tit.1113Winchesters. car the expreins car lonse, net accepteil. They will riétain their Poste in niany claints. There in not a man ln .I"riIg tilt !,;,Ill'. - or thv 0l.îý, 1*l,élr :il 1 major le medde.1 ' . ce who owns Sh:ý 1 (*,ý,,linéli"él lit., 1 infautry. .Ilirot '.Illusion Stither- purt ut tilts noposi. lioli lit,. ý%tI-1.Il. il Il te ýý ,. tm-ed the trainnu in defereure te the clan feeling aniong the the Klondike region, lie maya. I 'tilt. tir. MeCord Ivill hi. tésatiolot(I lit Ë,,,,,iuli.llé 1,,II,.,ý,,-, Il, bring th'l Iýilr,-su !:tililh (If tilt. (;Iýi.-I.11111,.[;t tl;,iqlll"t the . guetra,-k and tilt- 1 1 ý lallsonville, Fli.. hi a permanent lieu- ,.,,,I,,ýi,.m in Jio. ri Ideý le lit, willi dyna- Officiers. The nets, en leinet bas bilen Con- a claire that does net want to oeil- iiiii ro-Ille !Il I'f ilic ('Iýýj,ý.1,." 1-ivI-1- fnoil 1 Il i'n. ifil. rtill,,;IIl.. Tio. bill si. 1,:.-t,) Car- 1 . ý Mite. 'Nolmédy wu. bort. lent the car %%as stitutrel as follows: Premier and minister -- ils iIII>,,Ile te) lh'. 'IlI. k ý.is.i, I.lé rite- 'o't., 1 - . - il ' lm ail artist Under divis ,Initiait, %%ilo il,(. rétil riIý:, at,ý)tlt ý21'27.irsniiffll, the- hirgi-gt nom ý vTec-ked, the silice :lait bottoin being of forstigts, affaire, Okuma Stagitki: minfip- CZAIRINA WAS POISONED- brilwil e.,l,,. lie 1,,,ýlIi,,ýIl .III-11111, l'il ,h,ý , Ili , lui cal p. Mimm Sutherland - , 1 1"- - ; 'et entaillai sibility. 1 collipallics tilt- v'l ré ss Je, ýqII- sers- obliéred ""'rié-ýl by ;I,,y ,,IIl,,I'i.r,:.tiI,:, li,,B.Ure .1 blown out. The roldeerli dieu hlew DI, the ter for the Interior, Itagaki; suillister of Inoth. ,.ZllhI.tmiI,. Il, étalée Ili.. I.i,,l 'l". .%!I,.I. thé. jetiosare of ý a .ýjùgo Tetigiiniichi; soin- ;::"""i Iuýý!"' " - - ' ý ,.,ý,.t4Iý,,. ,sIrýinK frIlIi 1, 1 through express .art-, wreckiiig it marine. M&Mui Report tiolys Fille Was Giveis Arsenic -.(MI. ,et ,,IiI.lI ..g-l.,,ým is IJjIqiý-d f'.1 1h.. Jailer Whilliiiiii frisslratc'l a new pInn tu pay a s.-rtais, j". O he Ilfi,;..11,v 1.;;; I-r',ýds-tPoit of the m con Un'd, Ille opium intu th, Cook Vourity 40 to.01 J...I. I-I-,,Iý I'f 11,I-Il gt-,ýý. I...ý.-Il'i. élu 1 lu bssdjy damaging il . lents. what tilt, luter of war, Lient. Gen. Katguri; miiiis- by Her Lady ln Waitins. iý,Irlý.,."l I'f et ;,,II-,it il, z :1 Iýi ,h brolgo to ýiilg '-iialé :,IliI..\:,ti.,t, ,.>,I.!!I.iI,él. L'allé Te- W« in the marc they look. "1.11titin'g ter of finance, Matsuda 'ýNinsihiëü. A Ospecial dimpatch from Bucharest. cenir, nir, - ,h,ý Iý,, 1, ,i,,.,. .il Il, 1; .. lI.-IIli;r- ý jail. A dazeil Engliésh ,tilleuls were band- utnt,,ltI.-.Iti,,i, fl-r --,LI!""., f;t(iliti,-e Dis'. 'l . Ili Il..11>,. arter ý Il tel t - tilt of ltoulliguia referring te the report ., l"I'là le. lit.. I v'l ilisto the juil le,- a ,iilIr. wh. rýilieut- tilt. ,.rl.IIl,, 1-ýý;,.I,. Thl. ; uellned. -11-lieig the lu- borlKm, they reste tte southeast. inlz d:IsI,;u.i,ý I.,.I,-Il Iýý il . ,et 1 . %IlI-l'tiI"I of tilt. IL III aied sit)ili% I ivki lý ;1, 1 .:, Il il, confer- 1 f LD(* liés, Nbut Ilo. ,j- AVENGE AFRICAN MASSACREK from Vienna JuUe 23 that CO-nt ai"' ro:,,ý,,-:i, lý 'd"s.-, te, il'.. '1:11 ý.,,; 1 ".IIl'.1,ý,.,- ý cet liait Ilss'y lie, given te> Janiets ArtonY, brut of lit, se ilà.-a. or- vouill Ili,-r,.ri)re = I Company hmt. Thersaitiolint maY - Coulitess ZURII.JIT , saisi te bave tirent re- ai .MojjIIjý ýlq;.éssKj. I,ý,. >1 , r%ý-ýs I.,Ii;- 1 IIII-ler conviction ('Il IL char ai, Il f larceny. ha%è 114.4,.ý,it;tl, I un ilit r, les, 'il, rite rats-té cloc, Ié,1,.,II.-rý,:iI,,, ,if r, 1, t'l'In the Mili- s bave no wny 0 11, .. . 'te '-'l ' Il foulul te, of the s ,ItI-,, .-ooIIý,l 1. , T, l'illu heurt * tary Affairs I',.iiiiii!tII. étoi- lit,- rude British ExPedition PunisthrIst Natives amberlain of the czar end il,ýIlI,,,, ;tIol ovIlti_,ý,,;,.-I, et, ,le 1. veut- 1 The nuls vsire eýxtiniiIl,,Il ai, ) s.lIlItI-'l ..Il 'I',i.,.I:ly. L.,..ý,Ill-,,I. *%',,tallm . been ]serge aller il Ili y have IlIcell Who M.ýdered Assilluivicants. spectively Ch , te the czarina. huit blettit er,,; ý Il, olil r 1 ,Ittt.-, li't . %1. I-il III.- 'ýýLi'.it i 4 ootait, opimu. Tire .1i.,Iiý huit been ,Iplit doublé, ils,. I;t,,ý.,,,.t I.i týII.'ýI es il ,,lis . 6;uowthe antenne lost. This, Ilovvv Il, * A mail steamer réuni Sierra harge of attemPticg te poi- J:ýJl ,j ,Ill thIý .Il tl:,Ilt;I. ."2'-'--,'I(XI' S.Iklit r', ý Ilsol gls,ý-1 tIg..tliir agitin lifter opilllu hall tli.r,.f"rIý .],.I,.I,.,i doit lit.. IýýIs1 usible il 11, -111. i ý,.,.,j ,- Imall. The Pacific 1-l'xi,ý.-S. .filetais alone Leone, alardylitiendwanitairel f nInong et- 'I, ' 'lm il v e le hich arrived et Liverpool, reports that maya: ~The czarina .ýlI'l.i) h). , 1-l-vu slIIstlIutIýd fier the ont. ilion v-le liée- I..1ýq.1I.Io ý,f t 1 Il, .... le f cOok i. [,PI,é'. ý rulé. Ir- idiii.-, fier ri , Il 1ý,, 1 ý 1 son tarir niajesties, I1.1Iý.. et 1),I:".ili,ý :;":'l"",>l"ý: ý ;, ami the sensou of the yenr vben railwnyt§ . ý . l'o. ...",Y, p'o't I .: r le- 1,1,1,.Illtllu.nt plait: their henviest ulouey fillipénellis. the British explidition which wasdis- Risoirest signe of idow Poisoning front tir- - - 1 N, Iýl,ý, lýéýtit. vIftnted ils Nla,.,IlilI Couli- rites opi ' v'ý111,- ..\lIt .éIII..It.It Ill lin- lu. ' fi ... hiury ýtI,,I.L....i ý , . for lin. lériny, présil . Me e patched te the Sherboro district of Sierra lloy l'irc lis.g. ils lialvCY il 1 Il Je. le ý,.""I. 'l Ili »II.i.l"., ', .olol Je'. Texag and Pacifie Railloisoi Compiny messie which liait bren administersid dailY , -.17, Ji Je alicised, m Il, 1;,Iýog f,,r Iýo- 1,iýýt.., t: .... .. f barbier de- Leone, west coast of Arrien, owing te tire Thoit.as Ill :, jl-r. 1 .-. -011 ol , . . ', -re, M'Ire, Il 2s. 14 ,ýjIil..l le, puy Ill le la', pi- t1w I-ikI.",ý 1'l'es. , ,lie 1 fé.'l'iII;ý,iý.,,, aganoIt Ilaistou, ... has offered a relvard of $2.,11t) for the cap- na- ta lier lis cnps of coff". by the Indy In . 1 lie- tried Ou L'ili Ili. tailler. hass 1,é.I-li tir- 1 ;'o . tm ofeachrobber. ThePaciticExiIrees Massacre of Ameriran mûssionariest by vraiting. The (ýzarina," the dimPatch aride, 1«1lIiU,. \i.,\,. IS .,.ý.,,I. l'Ill. --'l' ,:,IzJýe:ý ý rIýýtIýIl lit TIIl,,ka. Klin. I,ýssVuIg Ille Ohl I lani ics, "Il..'. ' Illol :ll.,Ilý'.."s ;:ýj",Y. '-il gl'iIIg IIIII. sý- ... . ý . , Company will offer the saine aliment and tiveme fouillai its way te Rotifý;nk. The **Je very unpopular, and le frequil DI, ils Ili', ll.,F,éý> jail ,,il IIoý Ils:'r'ý-:r'f ýs - 1 Inait fier ,tend. Kent is suid lie bave istolen -- - -,-- - ---- -, ý le\ tir .1- té , pos te, j,,ýrInit uny . élou . \\«illi:,I, 'tilt I . Illime State of Texas will duplicate iC' Oth- British force tound the Creusâtes] bodies dubbed 'the German.' " t S '. il ,Il,-,ý,II,-r ' "' 1 til.(Xli) ,rail skipi.ý(1. Th.re in a reward of dAMP AL 1 GER WATER. , lý, ; . I , 1 . 1 il - - ,.ýitýýiI'i. .., t te, c-é-1 il. houesse, 1 ý ývev, as huit I, lis %%*I..Ic..n.ý.e.. . .%[.ti.ý of l'ils. l.f -.10lil. npý,I site %%'I-,t Point illititary e" et the Pacifie Express Cllémpany de- of the Surdesseil missionaries, which. how- - 111,rIýl fil... oui atinst lit. III,, :11- IlI'r..st- 1 $.-ON) for ille crépillire of Kent, trait offétred 1 ý 1 «0» to make pub bore no trace of mutilation, PEOPLE WANT WAX BOND-. Cet. l'lit 'a, i '-asid oo J'ail. War ley tilt- 4;iv(,rnor (if Illiii-lig and liait bY seule iletwcen ilériny tifliéerse. ,,-m,.r%:ttýIi,. 1 ý Il t they took ail in th lettre swo Thv , ,ý,:,I, ý:,,ýý ., ý Slicriff J)av,-eýi.,rt lit Nln".Illin C.Unty.robbemseriired, lie how much mobey thee previomély been reported. The expedi- - mi ,.ut fier ,..,.ýiI l'Il 1 's al , 1 tien severely- punished the natives, but Aggeor.t. Propossini for the 111200l- ler'ed le) Il(- illiplié ul(A. -1 C -I le ', é r. -lit %vat, ilI.-tItifi.1 te, a ettriainty ter the Thc fini- or IýJhoi.I IlqýIi 1.I>",.Ilý in I.-ité. T'hor'da, nrt,.,l ....... file Senatis, ... 1 1-ý ý1 Il ýý : sinsfin. Rouler places the anlount ail the the gearch for Mrs. Cain. who fied te the - sande hy («1,2,rl(ýý J.'. t't*;t%..r. nIuuiIýI-r -if Kt CI1,11, At-z,-r. aloi M;-jorý l'IIIk-- ,iI,.i 1 le. ,il a rI-,l 1 1, - le,, ,lhs 1 il -- -:I, Ils f.,r allait 1 VM from $10,(m Io e),000. Lie hindi ait the tiole or the massacre, proved 000 000 Amount te 6790,000,000 * ý ,,fliI-,r.,. Ili- lieurs several §cars ,bich Lin.. :éI,,,I, ý.'ir';I-III>. len'é. Iý..cIjé eI,...- son, ]et. CI'. final sés.léol ,lieu, the lia, - . -orrespondent maya that tilt, lié, ýt(-r Jý;jjg M alinfaclu'i'u, 1*.,Il,- ý prove hi. idelitity. Ig:Ilitý,: . I,,,IlitiI.lI, 1, Délisti: tý, 1-l"IiI..... this nu'i',se :il TR&IN NNBECKKRS fruitlestés - 1 the total proposais for the satvI, govern. pasly. A fi- irIIl,.-,ý,it ils ille I-lIili,-Ii ,te., 1 1 l'lie huit I, ý - - CLOUDBURSTS IN HUNGARY. ment lofin of $'-»MWO,(M aggregute étions of liée fitilcy. ,,Iili ,NIr. ('r:sI-rý The Il aselle 'If tire Naýkn.kin river made IIIIIIII01 - elle,. or ttI...,. ,lit gI...!.s -;II thar ,.f ýlI, :,,,ý:".,i.ý"1-- et $-,90,000,ooo. of this amount there have thonght (oulli .,oIý huv,. jý,-.ýo sl,.,tIli I,ý ý fiirtiii-r iorololle ,Iuriii,- the iiigh-%,,.C.-Ï-1,i-- '>ý,l,-- 1,II1i UL" e a Coreful Attem illit New - I, . ..il ils l'alk., 'Ill., %,I.ýý-, ,ý,1-1,1> ,- jý-,-I, ., -.Il Il et. ;I lý; Il Is il . sol -r a ý, . . Providence, N. Y. Humain and Animal Life la Destroyed been received and absolutelY acceptied J"<",(Iil"iýý'. suspi, lois fvil Il I)r;élI.r. ý nod liste. thl, mite of édit KIskn.kin, the le 1 Il. ausilst. .%fil . 1 Train wreckers attempted tes livreck the . sUbscriptions for amounts of $500 and testé %%-Iii)go fnther les forusiiiiii (If the- m.,--,I-; plate tilst mcttlsýd ils Illincliés. N% l'th the --Il il; ýI ,il le ý 1 h'. ps i;,I il i, 1 -o'. .. .if liali- .!, 1 .. ý ,I'Lz lh,- lý.,IIr. th.. M.-I..te ý1 - ý ina-bound Morrhitown accommodation. The Vienne correspondent of thé Lon- $4(K),(»),000. Suisiscriptions ln aillount:é vvorking dellortincir ter il- fail-ry -Austria AI" Sellera. ý Tir'. 1 last breille ths-re 'I'sit ai, old transi. 1,,IjlI1- gl'r .,*,,Il." lI til .. .. ... ilé ;II -uni, sel, et tI,ý..11.,> r.-.:ý.,ýý-I I.",III .1. -ne lutinent te the ý ý 4 . t iliterVltis IJU the carve don Standard gays: -There bav been lever $,ýM, subject ta future aliolment, are lier 1. tulid il, ha". II'i.fIs,,,-Ii t 1";It, lé ith , ira. ils it.-It of liffle or ne> vaille - but rich -!-,i-th A ,I:.'ý 1ý, - , - , ý ,ýI, f.. 1. l'Ill Ir ,,,: ýý, ý , "I l"Il nirt ,.I"1.1,..l il... Confer- ý î TWy dissir bottes a e w veillé I.,,.IItm in the ,avisent iý ,l...i il, I, p -P, Il r tlo g-DI .:I Iý- ,-I.IIý '. 1 -t . 1; thé. Is..I;ý,Is appropriation, between the New Provideii"-. N. Y., Olta- tsrrifir thunder and hall $terme ith $25(s,(M,000. A propoisal for a round et altier boys, Ile ,tztrtt-il liol rire- iii ý Ih,ý Ilar- ý in li'...i:àtiIii bel ý'n.c liée great raid- 1 i il, rI,;I. le cl'a; Il, Iýth. .V ,.Ig III Ils, I., 1 1. .%I,ý 11ilte .[,..tIý, T-Isu., Ond Mr. Il : IdS and the signal tower ut the junctiou ClOUdt)urbts in, Hungary, especially in the nt a fulminas of 1 pet cent., $lt)O,(14)0-()()()- vrtiter Eiiix fzi<.lo.ry. thé- fi- Ili (Il hi.tIr, of nhnt has ý I'L'I il, Ný The .lier builélinir 'N'a., on- 1 1, ' Tili'l"I ,, , 1. .!', q« the Main line and the l'essaie and Del- uorth and Dort -ta. Property Two syndicate propositions for aoY part NiIýyerm' store. ,,IIiIýli I:.ý;.,I-It il h- et 1 .il 1. liée th'. Ir ,ý ,,ýo 'il. ,,, C., .il.. "ý..,i :et tenaillé 11, gverse Instincts. fantenteil 8 off,,red, $2(K),(" ),()(JO (MM), an,] si lire ils Sansui-1 .%1.1..I,.ýI".,ý, ,I;,,-!,. ý k ,il Il Clients liI'Lie,ý. ulul uns liée ,,,;:I-ý -ýoII,,,ý - :s , . .,I,,,,--, lI,!ý ,,I,.-stýI,,:é il'.. ll:,,,ý.",.n ,I,,II,:Ité"1. rcle-dutiolné, - cache $4(X),UM ." . ' firmi Inverti ln the ",!i - , tl,:I, ,ý ', l', ,, lie. il ,.,!ý.." iý :Iýa.I.. 'Ili.. !:ýItcr .;IlI,-ý.IIl il'.. race problens, r the fl»hP'tktes and crellés te the value of 40.000eOW or ail of the bond . ý agakut the track, and braced Lisent with francs have bel damagesti or destrélysild. Ile iiilliI:ItI-Il Vic". loil il.- I:ttt. r ,1I.Ili.ýIl . - tirsi 'hit.. séýiti..III.'i't t , 1 , , ý-l * . - - amibqmd ties &ad pieý of lutather. Il ,If Ille, Irii.lI,. 1 JI. si. Ils IS'-'-I. 'l'ort Cels. Laray- Clý'. f sý;,î,-n C.-l' ý ýTý 'es hoJ.!l;ýg IrIlIé IIII. ,,.,,lIIl,,,,it ..f te ,4,,,,11,.>rt. réussi. ý IL ,ý - ,O. - . 1 - 1 1'li- many il Innumerable animale ail knov, lIIIg Ils., 1 ý in Ille . 'île I. Iýl , 1.111. l'o., ', Il fý,r-ll.I mod -let I hier ý- te r,,ti,:illy % iorous in Isis 1 1 ý , Pemnis,ý. There bave n similar Te Bulid Nic.rocua cool chired thui Stih-m iiistigntcIl i,,ý3 s fi. - lie vimIltIýIl 4hils c"'Int ..... . lie- .as lin hols- t ha 1 l!î,- -, . ' lis Il , . l Brephy, the enainécer of the errent- bave been kil ber É»"Uan' naisi thât lie liait sevii au object etorma in Au.trLa, where aise there have l'lie Goveratuent of Nicaragua, throuth ettirt tires. lis thé- (,si1ý pur Iýl:, * 1 lý-I-,, ý , "Il.'l g'n-st nt the fail-- .lier mil. thé i. Il ;-rt Iý, II, ', il, Il 11, , -i . tý Gl il- ri-til;trls Afi :111-iiipt té, sci tir(- listami&ý J , Ils les PresidtiIt Zelaya, haél grantest te au Eng- s,:IiscrI-ý, IIf , %ý*lIili- swinuning ils But k river ut Bu, k- 'rit 1 G..I.:,, l.a, 1 -, -'l t., - il.:,( lhoi If Ilo. l'Ill to ,,, , :1-,I:ýl-- iI.ý- il.1,ýi-Lýati,,Iai ittbg on the truck, and un accotant of the be*n fatalities and the cru mes @cri- firI-iiiCn Ket is throsigts lits. . 'In,- ,le us, 1-al:k ,ýI.-t -Il .le t.ýrinjned sois- . ý listé syndimte the coutroi of ail Its steam- il ... me whoms, properly Is ,;teIi, Stité.,' de.- 1 fi.ild. l'o lads. 13 ycnrit édit. Boitille I)n%,- le d..,..ý il . -I ('.,!ýýl.. I 1;".I,,l IIII,,,,t: - ship and railway lines. The concession IÀs 1,léliGot, A ,;.I : 1 . ....... lis il-le 1'.. 1,é,ý'I'..I, lit Ill., 11-al'é.. l'I1't.IIýt,-rit.g wu estive laits idowing Dis. Seeing the ob- Ou».ý '"" StrUCtkM4 be Sttemptêd te trop Isis train, mes all kiluiviét(ig(l (If tIle Illatter. and Fi;:..ne lý,,I.-rsI.I,. I'.ýI-.In,- fériglst- . SPANILSH AGENTS C.&UGHT. terrien with it the exclusive right te Désert- - - i -Il, ' J'elle ,,II.ý,iIt..i I., il,.,ýtl-..týý .ý,,I.1,1".,I4 itIlýll,;..,] ils. 1.ýit il 11;I, s!ot effectiére iga ýý Ilissait wax unable te brilla il te, a full stop 1 eInýd ait.] sank to Iliv lIIitl,11, 1.,.f(Ir.. licite 1 ý aitil the engine huit struck rite fismt eh- - allie Lake Menragua and the Itio Saisi Sortie of 111P.I'I., Grélust Tl'i.ir.. ý ,,,,,il-1 rün- le ill,,.,. The I.I.., s hall hevis oUt il. 0- jl'am ':, .,f Ilý- N. v, IL -,rk I ,,,Illý,. 1-1I.,..,lti"g 1'e I.'osýII. ,.It,.ýlé or the bill. . 1 ,,,..L. Found Prowling Near the Magazine Jusà, whieh are a most important part of Illinois rnlé bou.'t ,If '111-Y "I.iý,," t1ilings, i . 1 1 . ole ., 'et 1 .s.1 .)le 1 ý r .%I1)"IiII'..,.rIt. lI-ý-I r. -és tercet] ble- atruetion with considerable force, 1 1 nacre thé, tenter ,us ,,,..r flécir licalis. " 'l" il le "' ;- "' e, On et Portsmouth, N. B. the proposed Nicaragua canal. Until the 1'(l(lI-riil (;,.ýt-rtiiitiit hegau lh' siifl.-riIýý-, vith Iýý-!,...II. ,«,,Ipi:l,,It ii fý-I,- il -tl TilIii lie,. tiI-:i-itr.- coulsi lée ý11ý5 blit the steel rails. There vecre si ]y a - , policy of bl'ildiog iIý .'l'I' p'i'ons Ille 111 ý 1 but nés Isils I ould stérile réo alaire wag felt. 1 . ,:, l:o, s'i": ,,- J et'. ,I.I,,ýlI-.1. Tin. li,.,ý.. nIlI.1,1I-.1 site report ý 1 ý , OM pemengers on board the traits, and Two strange, men were arrested ln the '- 1 Thl-y huit goit- lit) lit(, riv- test the livrée [nulle illai t te ý,..,. , "'" Il libece were bal shallen up, but nt) eue Portsmouth (N. H.) navy yard shortly lie- Five Viettom Are Dm-.ed. nuié, penilevtinry lit Jolivi ,%lis thé- hirg- ý -et the F:tIIlII:ItilI-1 1:1,is,.,I.tl selléday lino. or oih. r distillé ý sales.. ul.'o liée liIIti,é., til'I'réýl.,Ia[lI.,e hill. institut- . .e: .. ý ý wm injured. fore Union the other étalé, in the vicinity et Five visitors et Thermopolis 11-1 "t lmliitltýiiiry in il,,- I'nul-Il ý,1,ItI-ýý .,:IIl - ..Il ,.I,:IIilllI,ý,,I, oj.ý ... lis -1,ýIIý,ý,-I-in.-nts te, ý - sésiloisil large-st 1.4-nai il,, i ri , il if le - pins.. il p ýj? 1 ,:ý1 thé. Il.-I..I.. lélocol ....... lý lo rite lélindry 1 the magazine. The men were fret seen Springs, ]lia Horn Bardo, ýN'Yo.. were thé 1 Ill ý Il i 1 .1«1-110e11. and tire iiicIlliiýrm of both wsýr, in - - ri ý ý al ý eight (If th( ,:,et lit., g,éI.r.1 dI-ficiýcjg Race fer the Pensissant. a bill, droivried by lisse overturning of tbCir boat world. This vus lI,ý,:,,I,,. Ili.. J-'é,Jcrý - lvýltcll-.thl.y mnnýk - lit 1 'II".oId.ýtI by a watri in s Clamp of basées on soit . m body na,, Ce ve. -il Il - (;t)vI-rniiii-iii iiii;Irté-j'I li silo, 1"'s'.1I- , l f In % -iýé: ei,,,l te, , ri ýr It. ý, avine barracks, and as "on in the Big Iloru river. The victime ut 1 1 ,if ils , tilts, (: u , ý, ý - . Il ý Vellowing là the standing of the elulla back of the fais - 1 after lie. %%ont Daller. toit ail (4lorts if) ri- . iý ,- 'ý' , , luth@ Nations] Baneball League: as he challengeil tissent they walkrd te- tempted te cross the river in a ferrr cm thcre. 'i'I)-ility Illiiitis Iras il\,, 1IlItIý ý Ili il'.. I.-Da". élé SitI",.I.y billet wevîn, ýý , ý W. L. W. L vrard hhn and gave thélinselvés up. aThe drawn by a rope, 'l'lie swift Carrent cap, ri 1 1 -t ili'd ons. :Il (,i,.,ýtI-r. ý ýie hini lier,, faille. Tilt- body of ilic r-11 . Al'i-,Iý'I'.lýIy te, the law ýý 'ew York ... 31 34 men would give no Information "'s g , 1'i""ý, Lnierééon lait was Ilot foutici initil twlj «cýý ý P P , ý y lý3 ',."ý-Z. ne . foi! il, il p 1 Cla"»ti .. . 46 23 N bout sisseil the boat Us il left the allure. 1 !, et ,,,,,Mi .""",I ,ý,1i, -s-Y 'il 'J'Il ' 'et"' 's Lit 1 bon- arter. ZD> (ý û r:ýi à, fra"Illulcot athlhé,ités il. pension, 1 Bassina ..... 41 25 Philadelihia .27 34 theraissellires. They .were conflueil in the I'coria. Thsý lIiv,.-,(ýt rivcr in the 11,11ileil S",Itll,ýrt, Milliers Nl:.""l. I-,-Ié-tIrai...l S't. n .IIIII hollInty land «-itne... té, puy thé. ownera ýi,.ý. Bahi=ore .. .38 25Brooklyn .. ..Z-à 36 guarésiboussée. Train Pitche- Over au Emlbmkme.t. $lui(., flouine ils villiri, Ivilgth >111 oel. 1 of lits, selup A- hill... fée, --il.-Im.. iIIirred ý ý,, «Xevdqnd ...330 26 Washington .'.ri '39 - A west-bound passenger traits un the Sieste il, liée Illinois riv.-r. The l'ie",.st 3I.litI*m Iliy leu (;:Irie,,iI hill. I,1-1,I,>ité- Il,-- "11.,wIl.,Cstlltit ý!,IL.-Y.,I,',*' s;til.S:IlIýi.. in rI.r..I,.ritig .Ir'il.I- te, tilt. Ili reckessi Il , ý, 9 29 St. Stong Combine in Whisky Tiraillai Wabash was wreCkKI a mite wCst of Bar- pnIýkijtg : lobleav Louis .... 23 463 r tribut- héolèles lis lit,- v-t-id ,tri, lis lits- ý toric lýa.kâ.li.g. Vu. attendallé-le 'VA. es- roo te, (,.."..rti. fi. Il.. fir.-II allother sh.'il. Ann"ials shij, Arat.ju. .%Ir. 1".qtigýW ,nT l'ni,, tilé,II--il Oisséella le s rite (Jing 1 é . ils P.) tIuýn n-.iiiiiI-,l Ili% ýi,éý.(.h uVx),) the e PitUburg*" » *35 31 Louisville . ..'-ý1 47 b lington Junetion, Nie. The locomotive In. sluký ý tiniatc,11 ni 5.Iffl. Grand NIII.tI-r Coule, - It,,ý,tIIlI 9;1..I,.. . bas completeil ils organisa- . 1 1 Plémt ,;rituel ,Masser Coddard (if rhicago K,; a- tion entier the laws of New Jersey, and jumped the truck and the mail, baggage. ers fier fir't pluce. And Ils.. l.igg..st J. 't:'t 1 niul Pest Grand Masser liré- ningof Est t CI-ive-ra ,,-IIlll like 1-. g--i ,étisle kind -et ll,,,,jian "r'lI,.Xatiei, réléoluirolui, Thésis 1 "" renewint la lm tanding of the clubit smoking and chair cars followed. roffinté, del-ate 111)cii im,;iti(al qui-stiosoi sisal - er . . MI.lli , ilé'. le st.'l' 11jal VI so% ilis coligh - ,ý--IIlItC In"e.1 1% lits ailli-iljjjit-nt th,- IIOLLIO& 111% tilts Western Langue: will commence butine" ut once. T'D"se down au erchankment. A score of passent sitirred Ili,- people lit üIsý loit'oi, aloi -t- ý "t. Louis a.lIl,,..e..Il il,.. n-,,-iIilag,ý. The Sait 1,:IkI. Ili -1-1. .. 1 W. Ll. W. IL concerna purchaaed repressérit the eutire gers were hurt. -- thl'l lits, fliteor si rosi ... il lé il il ,Iý il ýo,: lie ý ý'l.Iý,ik*é-r-' stand vins (.ri-i-ii-il (,il the rame- 1 il,.I.. Sel , 1-ill te, ille cen-, the fore-C -et tir.- ordriance Indianapolis .38 24 Milwaukee ..36 28 dintilling and distributing business et ibis Illinui. 1,I-t%,.(ýiI AI rnhais Lije 1 olis suléi 1 yI1Iý 'if ,Ili] Fort Guérel. 'Illich arc mtill Ils. ir:%,.I. r-t II:11v d.,e,- délieurtién-Ilt. Mr. Cociicil (NI-,.O, front 1 . ïý..ý country net migtrolled by the American Die la Abeaka. Gold Fields. l' lis a golod ,lut.- of irI,.,I»r,,I 1 ion. This le,- lie.. farv loir týIv ver) 1,-t J- lias ils si- k. CI-loolittéle (11, MililarY ýýffjtlr%. Teported, 1 .... Chaltembus ...W 24 Omaha ...... LI 34 . et A letter r"eived front John liuldoon, Stepheil A. Pouglas. 1 cation for (lie I...II-1Ir,ýti-,[, ,,as .Cl"(.t(.Il h- - Pittsleirg 1:.I.t. and the scoute laté-sil ils,. lisons. bill AW. . i- - ft Paul ..... 39 26 1)etro't ...... 24 42- Spirits )danufact'urlug Company. Th 1ý1,; - à Company and the sueur company will lict a citizen or Jédinsouville. Ohio, who Je Brief State Ilappeulugý ,:,,II, Knoiliakin lI.Ilg,- ,su, ille fixité ludg.. 1,1w .SI.jIi,,ýlI w-, ha- fuir i fiséing pay ,if ,.,ItiIt.-..r soldierts front the ý 1ý _ in entire harmony. ,rflie capitalitation of Dow ln th Alaskan a-Id fields. maya that The I-iii1% zélés flic tI.iý si v, lie- ,rh' IlIrI' ý -h-I' 'If es l'ai dule nt -ýDro1lroeLàt fier .-,,i.,.. The bill .. 1 1 II Keimm Oity.30 2é Minneapolis ,21 4 e 5 - the new Company in $24,000.000. The et the 101 men litho ILft Seattle wilh hina ' -- iistiIitý-d nI-ýt of liée AIhýghany luloin- our llli,:Iý.. ,lis, et,, ', ficu Ilo., l'ont Il Ilivir ,sIýum nm,.IýIlIýi so IL. te, lie, l'Ille .11 officerisis ii ý ý Ruée@ Homes Burned et 1 si. L.niý tory sellons 1%,..IIty-ilIrI,é- 11:111,I-ý let >Ir,,-I., j teins end GoT, Sli:klrIi,-Ii li'qui. the tiret hirsé. - %%*zi>liiti;zt,,Ii 1--t. - The Senate 1.1.ý.ý(1 the li"Il.ý bill direct. - 1 l'O, purchame bIr the new company of the dit. in 11areb Lully fleur survive. Two welle elI;11ý%rI-,I. ý Govertior of Illinois, v, lis ils firs>t worship, %NI,ý.Il - ta ,. Ilu% ý11 Six stables were rolimumed and , se others perimbed troua 1, ul'a thir'. l'il, a," ing tIoý ellliiettélent ,If cook. lu the regu- ý milliers badly the Su ferent rituels and businesu vrillé It is claim- drowned sud th Purinir th., mollit, of .loin. CAIO surs Je , fui iiiiIýi,,r -sy. IIP m, huIolsso. k stIlle k for 31,ILI 1 le- damaged by fire et cold sud bouger. Jar liait volunteer nriiiiels. AI" a : ed by the tirer orgartigation, work gréent diýtillýýlý.-r..,Iýýýtti.ý%,,-i-ý- ý)IillI-Ii fr'on 1::, Frank N. Ilyd--, Jo-ph L. Kirs-hen and cle. Goun.zý Nl,-[I'I.IIi.. l'ItI,,I..,e sa 1 A 1, j'Ili te, 1-hafige t1w isoles for bold- ý1 ý,ý laide race track. The hormes encre clit economies and catulequent savings in the -- ý ý &am limai ail the stablest Duel turned Joie conduct &tilt operation of the business. Kan.&@ liank la Cloe& .ria for ,ýxlsIrt. ý Mberi B. Pritsising. jullirési ,Il tilt- tel peu 1. hez ,ourtés lit ths, i,é-t-ý» ditit . 1' tins infield of the tracts. Il lier,- si crowd of Miene, Kan., Thom" J. Kiril Nis'illiaisi l'aitke. 1'2 3-cars .,id fer chi- ý Ilarve, triiIinri,-ý. have tele-Ts illIliI-ti-(l l'y Thé. Calliz flect has lit test RIlilI-Ii. ils ,if '\I.rtii Carolina. Aise the liolussa Il coususel of the Ainerlean Spirite Manufac- batik, il priérate institution and the o1deet (sigle. %%:es lire)%% lwd Né hile 4v, illltlà;,[ý- IN ilh Ille grand jurv fier tiolesting lie.. ne, VI i- d-IiIésilion beinst Ilsi-lo-r-ýthé-dviiie, -,il the IIII lu a"'s-lot il"- ,étututs-m relatinc ý. , 1.IlI.ý satry CIsýctioII lav%,,. Il is a-,ýrted ils@ Illélit Ilast or il.nil.ijIéff.- Nansen. Il. ýý *B'*W@ stamPed(-d- ait(' 't '%ils hy the turing Company, bas sien been ellecteil lis the-roiinty, was laken in charge lit, moine ,iliiiiaitions ils et I-lay 1 I:y te, il)'. honds lit Ticc-cuIjý%IIK and tilt. quàm- ý Interest chance th(- crousi vélite nul run Kueral courésel of th. réelle Company lm- 'liste Bank Comnýi.si.ne-r Brtéisienthal. li Th.- IllI..tIi,,giIiI Puiliagrafflé ilotcs that ý si t ree judge. paid lie, iliteillion té, lis,- il- J"'D'al. . te rI.T N turne .if ttiNità6.ým l'y q olissillar offi- 1 1 . . lI,:IIllis ,if miiiiiiifit--i i titýlli-lýgt-rm :Lui] retire à-Blt, icorà or lins $21S,(M on depnsit citer r. .1 1 Ihat it*s .et full of tuoise ,.,.,ý ,,il the .ýeoute bill amending the - dicates Iller there wiil bc no dl, (),(00 cash ,,ile I. 't'I'ntel-Ila V,.I..,i elIti-liI..:II. si ', lID- j ýl Are Hurled Io Their Denth. friction between the two concerna. 'rite -ri IIIIIIII. - itill-- te, rois ils $1.41iK) ,ý!,I-tiI light pl.ilit ý "il te, .«,,I-:I, ItlItll--IIKI-1 ,ole-r- si., 1,, tlIp'e I h.:ý'lC11I,.,r1 ý1 î1;ýs ,éhip I-f stut-- go- Ill,ýI) it lit-Il relliting te, AiII.-riI-t.iI >.ý,IiI,,.n for - 1 . Four people were leilleil and 100 ottiers un'keup of the board of directorté of the Bâtisse Rimbelf in . CeIL just filli'lied. 1 ý -o!,pclcloý. lý-,iIi,, ,i..I.Il1Ig other Ir,.. -Il tilleuls toillore ois lin ancill'r-- Ploin- Iheir ir(,t4-- l'lit, alisi te, 1-r,,rl,&,té- (ýIiiiiiier,"e. tires badly hart in au ac(ident which or, Tý;OI S ! ,iiIýiIs .4 Ilo- la". .ýllIIi,_, -,ther I-harel- , ,i,.iltIii, ,ritill-$. Th.- Illief fIItIil-ýs of ,lie lutter illé- the new Company shows lis tremendougly -, --tir old .mois of ýý'i!li:,II, l',Irirz- ' il iý l,ýIlIl liée , 1.4,1-1 to Inurk, Ille l'allItl, Ir .%KIlilI1,1I, ir-,é.--,Ip ,et hiý préso-rit strong finaucial backing. On the board ln New York 1,,Iýlirl Bender, a pris O f - Ili fail- ' . i iiiiiiiiiition or ail iiiiiriý.iiiiiI-iit prilvisiout seurred ai Shelby, (Ohio. Mayor (.jl are repregeuted the StandrIrtl Oil inteT. uner lis the Tombés. a%,ýiéiti.,g triai for th, toit of Chi,-ugo ,, les lillI--l ýI- té > . . 1 ,,,Itlý tiolir initiale. il- tilt lis. lIrý,,iIi... 1 ý:, i 1 I 1 Il C I et a s T ', 1 lu - t cul 1 I .. i 1 Il 1 t 1. 1. t I g Me 1 i ra bâsd just Completed es inarringe cereinony killing of Richard Bl ln April las>. ill"s eýlî-s 1 ý il T--,,Iý 'i'th ,ii-I,-t 1-Ill-Y , le guis lie vvill lie- IIlýte- te. IIag t Mamla , Us esta ln the permets of M r. Paget, 'M r. ' od tient they film) n'f'lstý'l te' I'xl""'t t'le 1,,,ýtýfýit,,. tir K,,in--iiiiiig é-,Iii:tll> : s gý,od. - stiol le's"st indisen. il'.. r--,IilI ip-11 ,If peilléel- 11, W hituel, à son-iii-law. Another director hi. cel,. IqII,ýt l'ois lui liée- I,1,I-lIiIg I'f th.. [.,Il. le, , Ipm il, the fIr--Ig:, tri,ýýI,. liée- itifilfore- 1 au the bridge over the Blauk fork of rite 1 constoittcd suicide hy banging t-,Iiiiseif 'LI Car lit Wisslité iaý it%,-iiii.l. . 16 Mr ý , Il ile ,Iry émoi, IýeIiI-,- io ri I.1-l.. and the tes. 1- tiohkan River, n1sen lie(- struit-ture gave 0. 3dhett Ilieggen lvllo in the vice- l'lie Chicall', s,;tý Cleille il tilts ,-Iuý,,l.,IýIl 1 ,ho, il (.I,,,I:iiiII.It .et, bâilois. Thé. ('i'w M ,I>1,iIIgiýtI P-t. -viére rite ,Il'-],t ,et il'. j.r.ý,l.i"" s«* . ý 1 ý presid (lit. ill- le .il, 1t;" . Il ý;I, -1. troll P artout V.-Ileraloo. ,If ('1li.:,gI, \'Ill ýIs>i,,t io the ý I,:oý I,,I.lIlh. - 1 1 lIM, precipitating LINID ingile sales the illui of the stigar trust vis(] ftlési, of NIcmillin fer Govenor. * ., ', ý lim iter, eiglattet-Il filet helou. O rvet t,ý Bild.1le :,,I-,,Il'.. t', I)vvve-v * ý . grad.. ,if lu-élivralli jc ...... ;il IIIII', il ils tes 'Ille lion or allottloilt. te ,,,11-ýý-ýIl"' the glucose trust. Llkiiim and 't'I'ngner The lIensorratic Convention or Tenne ý ý . il ý I- 1 pr-t-entlon. ficlol es mail fit to lIc IwoU lialit gl-so ral.- In tirs- SI-nats- ,-il -NII,,,It:I3- Allen of Ný- . 1 N«rly a Whittle T.w. Horn.. and titiller Philadelphla inter-te, have sec notui2aied Ilon. BI-iiton Niciliiii. ýt# "" 'ý. 'Il 1-wo .,ý ClI, lié ro (If "Ij'til,&. 1 Vieil m4-tliii2 fire il, :s tomber vlirIl jet Suit I.,Il,,- ll,-raý,1. J'Irsotka he-gals lits >1,....I 1, ,il oppuissitiolé te ý ýý1 1 iy persilla of M r. D ick. .lit -Il .Ii:4eý lion, ].,,I,1,I-iý 'Illierilo, Ilogillan IIItitiI.ll il Ill1ng ,1--IrIIýIl ,,f Ili, fri-I-IleiIi tjIst'Ie 11-t-,,iiian nlnl-xilrilýo A t notout T orpie The town of Puilsilluir, in sisk nu their repregentatives on the board in the Goverrécer by acelarnation. Sliîié'ti. 1 Il. C,ýiÀ1,tIé in- ý ýL,' 1 - --- strile lé-'l ilo. JI,ý il 1 l". . a- lit .1l'illI IL 1 1'..,ý,,,-,.I,ýN of the dccd. A IsII1i.,ýnlisss ,us I', -ati fils- iltýilrtr:iti,,ii of iioleils le. D ur ID» uty, Californ'a. ,>si the tint, ý,f rire Cal- . ý I,,,ir,,,I,.I, il,*,,,II,.- lýi-'ILt.-IIilllt IIIIII. ri -rii..ite - ý - one En.t. 6. and Ill"illion, Il. Io-ki,ýdlzc lits' l'ýL'IlI-ýl' 1 ,IIllýli and Iioý,gaD émus ItrIIý,t-,I. Ilig- ý,,,,. 1 Il' littorale and Oregon Itailmay. vsils alinomt New Cabinet 1. Itésly. min..*.tu IdCp.lIli,.«echo ' . I-ý,, ,I..,I-r i...,.Ii inarril-d. -Illals- iig ils,, ,I-ý,i ... I a larre. IIuIIi,, Il ,if peau" se .... ;7 *- li; sirept out of existence Iýy tire. The lire' The foilowing cabinet lins bécen f.rmed XVillinir, Ilenry Eutis IL&. o.rnina-ýýd bunkers. t'é I-rîig il, a il rd,, t of ao.jlitiuIý 1 gari is trie ,If the in-t rinnarkahle pyro- bills --re, pallies]. , ý, ý 1, for ("ovemor -f NlinnI---ta by the Regtý '%Vil('ýIt tILI:1>!Iilli,' tilts ý lotin. III-1 il, the , soallisics ,If tlul l'olutry, and ,-IiI.,Tflillý ý ýu' "ýýi'I s,,,,,ý",Iý,:,ý".,.I, The (1-,I,:tt,- Ilica élu, ILI-Iiian relloité. Il ý ~ eLI in the ArlitIirt.ii liousl. Tiol rail- et Boule te oucceed the ministry of t e m ,* . Be., Iv mille of tilt- stre4ýt rend ibrary aud s--(-ti4)ii hotisv. togtilier Marquis di Rutilai, which recetilly re- lican State conveutioný gr.-nt r.liIý,il-grII,,ii,-_, "Il'on or mý,ýItlI,-:II -knovvlCdL:,ý.I Illat Ili miv amusement lm . . t i,.iI.,..itit,,II.él intlý,.ý,..ý,:ý,..,ýi,,rýi.-nday. 1 1 vith terni business blottis and Io+iv:(IIý resi- signed: Preinicr and suinisster of the ils- - - - Illilluis. The ý i..:.l is :, il,- , , ......... ... 1 Ill J'tirés lunIb.lr ylirIl,. ti,-i he attrait. that ("Ii.-r poloilsir illuminer n-sorts tir(- the Threv spct-I lielle vture iiýtilI..' ,Mr. ][four ut 1 - , lettre destroy'd. ferler, GCii. Pelloux; févreign affaire, Ad- - fitrisit-i-m g,ýrn-rjlll.%. licing about tý*,t-itty 1 lie iuoer inisse. tilt opportitility te, ,le, me.. thennonse-ter ait,] the bulletin ls)arIlý.- NitsmlI'h'l...11. in edIIlLlilIg allnexatinu ý Il, skiff Upellet. . 1" ý - MIMI CuneTané; finance. NIr. Carrano; Niuo atgroes were sirowner ne" .î se vv IIII.-les-l' jur lie r .. 1 The IIýoýb of lits- laist tel .ýI)ty-t vvil ycar. he 1'l.ili.Il,-Ij,[,ia Tillé'... assiste si notable :,i-,ý-,nl sigainst Déry policy Il Two Are lien ,cil. -- - ---- jivI,:ýiIsli1l lt,,]Iý, Ii. ', lit, ', lie i,,jlt-I-Il t'y 1 lins fillent in 1)(-iiit(,ztinrit-m and amyluins . Pse- Orleans by rite upsietting of a skiff. 'I's'ith such Il raids of b-ria fide offeile fier (If K,,,..r.,, t(.rrit,,l-léIl ..xl,.IlIýiIIl, et" a . ýý, 13enry M'Ilitsfit-ill. alute 1*ý,rkitIm, and treazury, Senator N"acchebii; Lever, Gels. ý 1 O, f r :-m killevvi, Loi fir.t tire the new butolit, the iltiiiiiiiy-t)iIi lri-tlir,,n 111,I.11,ýt. te) lit(. ,vus. .%Ir, 1,ind ny Of ý. Ban Parzanu; marine, Admirât Palumbo; ni ARILET ULOTATION16 falling froili tilt 1.".,f l.j :, fI-i,,IIt (lis. lis 1 m Kela_ 1 1 ýý ý IL B. Brooks. colorcd. ,-re hangé,d with- - fier ""),* , té tilt il 'tilts.. jail publie instruction, Mr. Haccelli; saillirai- - th(- chiengo, mil\,:,Iiý.ý,- Doit Si. Paul LIst. lI(,Ii Il-, homes] a trouvée éél lie l'lit s f the lins. iNith suant t,,,.Ly fn.1)4"tý,l thé- resollitions, divecting 1. ý1 Il ' blé the stockait,- ,if liée Vnited Is turc, Mr. Fortie; posta nuit telegrapha, ,Chien£,> Itailway yard, af (;:ilI,,\.,,,,I. died lit Kt. ,ýl,--,ý,ýe.ý,ýýaý,ýl-ý,ýý;.ý-L.ýýzýl and %,;,. arrestc.1 (ýer,,llloll3 . -Bomtoir (;[.I".. lits attavis, 1,,iiI,,ilaily aguillst thélir corsustit- ,ý - ý ý ýý sist ]Wiukogtee- l' T' Ir " 'ne the "'et t"ý Msr. Nunzionasi. common te prime, ElizollIth*e hospillil ils Chitogo. Bleu- and ment té, nu neyhini. .%fier bis dits- ý%'ImtevIr rallié things lin- filllen te, liée tutionulity, %Ir. Whité, ,if t'alitOruis rýe- 1 ý 1 ondula in the hisýory of the ft-(It-r.Li courts $3-00 te $5.50; boa-, 8bipping lirraides, ' - loirineil IL of élonu, il, ,hi. trouble, NIr. A,-IiiiIl1-1I), munied Isis, ýIK-,,,-h ils opposition. 1 . - ý geli vraie si ..itI-111,Iilli. 52, yent, nid, charge front the institution lie lot ., 11% dus Indien Territory. One Dead. Two Dylan. $3.00 ta $4.00; elicep, fuir te, ciI.ie-i, $2.50 lamber yard in Si. Ctitli.riýi!,ý,,,ý.1,ý,(,ýr."."ý,,ýt.,, in the Philsilpine%. im trying Dur tu lo- lits -- -- -- -- - ý ; ý -- 1 mi, -48C tu moc; Tire niarringe sif Thloiiilis es. Alieu ,If and served foire YeUre, in tire lw-iiitentiarY . ..ý One lire was lout and Iwo pensons are te $5.00; wheat, No. L bead- Ph ila del lits sa Tintes. Odde and Entai. Geta Forty ream' Wage% lying et the point of Licath as a relleult of a corn, Ne. Z 3le te 32c; out», Ne. 2, 2le Lincoln. NCII.. aini Nliýý Illary E. Bryori 111. next ait Iva. te. hurril a Anet ys-t Ji Je out tilt plain suiling tel lin. Fifty pacers ami nineteen trettean ý 1 1 ý Unes S&Mh Logue g"t j"d"'D'en - - tire ln the dwelling boulet, of Patrick H. te =c; rye, Ni). 2. 43, te 45c; butter, , fi" tir' " " 1 diaiinl'oli.ý and Ivan 1 ri f,97. 1 ýý1 -, against tire ...... te FlannM, 3M2 Locust street, %ý*est Phil- choice creamery, li')c tu 17c; eugs, Tilleuls, an. took place lit Falcrit. The Illervniony ,él.I,..,O.(t t,,, mi. yearg in the Michigan estait. The lln"('xààtiOnImtm have Yet got ta loi lied 1 lit 2:1(I e âme 1 1 ý . ýý ., 1, rune, th(- vcalthy Mianii ( - perfornicil by the Ber. J. A. Levitt, ý C encomiter valet and billowy wavilq Ill sert- Dori't think lotécawle richelle have .1 et aaac C -« ...... by the la- IOC te Ilc; new potatocés. choiee, 70e te wass. ity I,ýi..ý,. -1 If -ing- releamed bc went adelphia. The lire was started 1 JI -loquence. -Bolton Ils-rald. . r busheL Il - liée hurued the Ivings thât they'l tFlevestentrie who dicil a yeur sigle, tigt-Il 86. cition of cool elle with which Mils. Flan- 8t)e pe prelodelit (If F'ýé,ilIg Colloge. te TlýIsD.és slý I -lier. ulortal ( -e bourail te fly your e, loin Logan was, Isis bous(ýk(-(-IK.r for forty Indiarapolie-Cgtttio, sshipping, $3.00 te Il in reported fniii Tolont, liait (>tirer ' Cités, Luiiiber Com- Lister leu we niay hl- (li.l,-*Cýl te, sCII way. _ - 1 ý! ý . ý VM». places liait a gang ,et ,wiiil](ýrý are trav. p..1. Ilr vi-bich ILI si. -riliniiy a. coréling station ils the Philip ý -1 hoice light, $19.00 te ".00ý plat lis four yenre lit Catulles of ars extra-special make am Liery waz bathing ber Drus, te relistire rbeu- 1 . -\ 1 1 . Il. . "" " riervon ( i the favorite illuiniuant of Queen VW 1 -ý 112etursust front, Alaska. ind a child wu* burnes! tu deuth lecture il Liheep, Commun ta Choisisse, $3.00 te 04.75; eling thr:llilI the country clainsing -ý- ' - ' t,ýyý,,.,,ýl,',r humilia a lumber pincs, lent lit the prement lune weý tir(- tue - - - - - malle pain. The fiaistes spiread rapidly $5.25; 110911 Illant 01 tire IýuDsn- ', - ý wheat, N'o. 2, 74e te - Ils and thrit éluder _ asy- busy tu ialk sbop. --Washington Post. 1 ý ý Mx-Seerelary John SlieýrieiIIil lisses ar. coutil bc rescued. ifle; corn, No. 2 thority te exaiiiiiie ,ic . - yard 'a Milv, lie wa, ment il, ait tortu. ,ý i rivied ai Seattle fruits Ahuka. ait.] .lys white, 3Zc te 33e; oats. No. 2 white. 27e tho ini(rolécorée ilicy pretend tu gléow ..à. so fur am known, lits next wu@ 'l'lie ivar ports illorild lie happy noir. . Giein and Fruit Damaged. 1. .JI 1 in, ,actes Victor Iiiiie's réunis ý1 hW trip "wII8 tire Ino't d(ý[iOIrlil 1 bave te 28C. Missile ,If IqkIt(,ri.i sind sale Je the lire 8 1 In the Abon luinber yard - rhysacs il, lui. ,et Mexivan tailors brlng the new elotbes - "-'1"--1"'11-11'1'1'ý-ýý 11-1le1Il-.,', ý1ý il il 11111,l1,1117 ,ri,,, h t c IL ed . thiiigm nuit therc'és hie bighly appropriate of their putrom; to their oine" ÎÎI ý À severe north wind did ýOnàiderabIe Mt. Lýnis--Cattle, $3.00 te $5.50; lange, the water, and try lie ,, Ir lt b" tue pleinure (et tukilIg." daniage te grain and fruit la the Sacra- $3 00 ILI, $4.()O; ter ligtllri,-I,,] Ces océ n'Id which was vxtiligilished with idight 1 firý1h,,uý,,,,ýC, Philadelphiés, Leilas-r. homes te hie litre(!. or 4 ý1 tent LI Ban Josquin valleys, Cent, The . sheep. $Z1.75 te II5.00: tarit 1 "s. "ei""R'- ni.... Hi. 1.:..!... -.1 an e valsent, Ne. 2, "dGc. ta 'ill cotris, No. 1 c ý .a -ateried m. filé- ellé '- will fait nius- the irrow va of . -11- R(Lý t At the villaire of Itllif,--,-. 1- 1- . -- ý. Frank Richmond. il préominent citizen of .'ish laving titré 1 -22- laits. No. 2. '212c te 24c: - ýll mon (Ir (lx-lt,.IIL*.,s.ý,,tjItivie Sent heene ý 1-lenry Cotinty and a highway ffitjimigsion- pantly le, 4--troy our villes, levée %,-lit i The truinpet tipou whieh Trucupet ----11 -I,;Iý .t. 1 - how thvy like the bombardilient 1.',;'î- - Major JIUy of the Seveutésenth Lancersi 1 , ý - - -- 1- 1hée ,.).ý,ý. .se fi- ý