ftysiidel i. <s1 L ;g, ÇOVW - The COhinse bav- truck ~GRAYÈLAKE LOCAL NEWS. wich wist certanly become very -M. . sh2mu". o teu ièer. FaiDày, Jniy 29, 1898. Mngfions. lb- Cinse a»Y liaiby M?.81emni 1hoidoTCî*susrpinaddYT15~ft keeping B wooana filet go amolait»lie lot the N)rNBTac" Aaas tthe poIt-ogffoe ait LertYVille. no walk en weil and -"he fn gaddy IIFHuTko4rfropîî~I alneirae...~sIFa tu »balttéI. as secud-ViBts iatter. 'bout." RYLK OITE. brduhosBsi nl. dpa44*4*444444444444Bout44444444*444par6sak ____ SporlanliWho are planning to shoot &AYOLME OCETIS h iagt ersRad dtee pawtt ledrîlhrsletxxiFoeprac gaine beiore September lfittb tnIllinois iMIING $UN Lodge No. lisA. F~ . au. o em atwekt iitwt er. bar î» aiSe a RTrEs il 150WN ON PPLI flhoddrutar ,,î,mmunication» fi rdl;father. Ber &inter lMr&. Fred Crotter, Waahbuiun s t Fleur paraok. are amue ua W ca a tter Tmentote ii no. lurot ullmtE aD. M. of Libertyv~iIe, la taking care of her FirunO ut(ld Dont pkg... CATGent W.Rrdy Lovedsy. The.J. . LoNOABAuoff. SCil. ebtîdren durîng ber absence, wbile 3 Ibo Genuine Kennaba Crackers.... UgMr. Croker la amastsîng in the store ta nw alBangodeplb. warden telle the public that the gaine RSSCélpo a aigPodrprl.. law wil be trictiy enioreed this year. 1151 nCatt . No. pt rer Eaisternl Stasr E. B.1 tffirdT&etuiAN. W. tae l te psaet fMiet0 utiMosquito ýlottiqg, boita uf m yd ..... H1e espectally Vattis f5110015 that tiiey MaMaoM Wi? .B. r adlia Rnggvesdacng Cud <igmDrsss.iey r wiii net lbe perinitted ta shoot nu their Mon. A.K E IT : . 13Mr..aW. A. 1Ring g ~ aner danig Misses' nhirt Dasse@........... own lands, and that the~ impression GRABAEi4pNý14M --" atlnFla ibibnrtor Mue hr asa... ... that tbeycan do 8) in eroeoils. ad ful, th 8îturtay oveaniiWof da,îghter Salima who bas bat recavered tileus Linen Duslers ............ tbt he ctidosi eraleli.eaeh imnatit. . io ReKApplEx. V. c, froin a foui'anti serionesillnesa. IensWooi and Corduroy Bicycle Pa 1 iereaewhalwiiibappent>yoU if yau JoBN CilIIaISTIAN.CI.rk. Ainnstalilthe ynning people liitbe Men'a Well-made Crash Butsa... dontuse evnue -If a. il atY j COURTtIOF H(i'%i>t me.tiltSs lii ani rd vicinity vere prenent aîîd enjoyed Mens'aid iioyn'ltgbl Tennis tShirt. peran r prsas sah ccet o ps ______________________________ . i. UREMAN, W. C. themneive9 nutil the tietra o f ftle igured Btak Briiliantiue par yd... iîth s design teoevaiie payîîîenttof anyDRE .UvY WI. risiun unappeareitin lie east wheu Lot Léidies mietpes andti Balong, sigli stainp toi, baiofexelange, dIrait, FOX LAKE. uMj Zr.t canp No. ->CR. N.A.meet Peitond they blled themeelves tu their respec- order, or prontissory note for the puy- S'îpperRiikiow bas two mails d iv. aunrt .lvnîngs...hinOuthJarSmt uield anti aîe Suîidy matimakiug 3 maiisMou. NKLLIR WlilaaLo t a.aiesOerrclet.îunîsed ilTrbmouHaota'o metof Money, fiable ta any of tht' tex n n udyMil aln 3mieMao. MARY fi. IMeallîL. ItiA. Aînusic.H tsaton Imposed by Ibis act, aititaut ieîng weeki*y. nN EGàTIONALütkh unda? ser n- ie dut stmpei o baingtheeupn a Mr. Lot Fetiion sud wife, of (Chicago. in ~oa m. a.and 7:3 ç. n. pray.r lieNt- A grisai;surprise ta the' communily duyetmedo bvngtertpo nare vimiting iriendosut ftilnsville aloting 1-11 vîvrînis1P. B- C()E. I ast and àa slock te ber parents was the adbesive slainp denoting te tax iraysiake. NinIat'ei.ig Am:4u. tr altti ti,,liata. Il. telleaenist Suuday oai]Misa Clara ___ 'Tésthestnu épingler! bauitr! charged Ibereouhl sa lie oîhogaltY 0f The ind(Ir im t work andi the bar.________________Ritty la Lou Grovenor at Nenoia, o long MaIfa~ lWVe, saisdérenteanior, and réuonconlviction Venst l WeilIniier way. %%itt f5ViiO T j Ome th lad o th frc mtat le pnifbedby fie sot fie wetber the iîarvesting wiliibe ltr. and . . T.Mrîli sisiteti lu Win. The bride loit ber haine here ai Ansd finhome of ti..brave. eced w ude olr.", neariy inisiehd titim weetk. l(Oàafn odt.nortn nstensibiy tu attend the Sunday 'i.-eieedig to hndrti ollrs. Ont aturdsy Mirniig trs. !Mf.Knoll Ruod as în5.ehltconvention at tte (Gages Lakte __________ was summonlid ta liieaga tii set' lier Mdiss Mary ('issnian leit for.lIowa last cbîîrch, but inateaiti jmped lno the GRAYSLAKE CÀ Elgin Butter Market. SH RMEsalimo, j.. ilIoWiîtî le lm ry 'tek iith v.e'k ta Mtifelier haine witit ber groom's buggy wbtcli wu& waiîing andi Butteraiu the Elgin Baard of 'Irade 'Flere wi'bc a grand pieuie ai typhoaitilever. niotiter. raîîiiiy drotiraway. She isadaugiter Meudy wa liri, Oferngs 82 tbs. ancealZmmeran'sJuiy31.t. Frankk Slies andd caghts'r, les5ub5.aathrmotier 1 2 tubs. anc e aos.Zimmermau'acompanIedybi 31.ea M..l.anilr.Ianglît. tf tir. snd Mrs. Davis, Of llu!kieY, Ill., of Mr. andi lrs. L. C. litty sud very Garayslake, - lWes 46 tus ea 17,gan, 12 ebsoxf17teeGvisitauMr.an'dtue gnstsaioftitir militer tirs. young. The' groom was forînerly ni Btter lait week 1tc.lsuad onte year ago ulster Kota attendaitia pieutni tiat TharsNdaY asud Friîiay. fhst. 'l'hey wiA reaini a ine tiue. this place in the' eîuplrîy niNeville 146e. sales reportî'd for tile weett, Iomence, Ill., Wdensday. 'rite Fox Lake eîîicts'ry sîîiety wil EgrHo an eilGdfyBu.Hew slnflWucd o- 11,9m >tubs. Chas. lSchmidttcame ot uI iesîay iletnt tlliborneloftrs.y fJîohnîCr- v a mcîida iîîst week Thurs- dayas uld lte tary. tir. anud Mra. ~ ~ By order -Of the Presrident lte and laak away bis personai t't!i'ts, Angint 4tb. A elnîliiii Invitatin inday taattend lte badge meeting at Orovi'nor are visiting flus ilîter n departure of lomitodare Watson's effer the' cistontry wraiigit. extetided t al. that place. Wark iii thet iird degree Waueoiuaia prenant. Their fricen a flutor$pinbu____ otpii n'Wednt'sdy Iii'viiiing, Angist' wdaeRgiveii. wib hetem îîuch jay. mletufrthptînobasce. npsîaieGLENVIEW. sacli't iii litie ol liie bouleofaieu r a n untl urhe ntie.Wat. jqje' 1roeeeîdm ii le usaiti Baverai of (iraysalke young flon eli Neeral ibaitiaccidents a ccured in Ihis Dr. C. E. Maîîdervilie xilii 1reacb Alt oward 1ayiug for te new organ useil wit tîeir sweethearls alleudt'd the lîuwn the pont week. Little Zeta Titte ow The advance gourd oa iten. Mles' the Methodist choralsHoliday eveuisig iy lthe Furt HlliSuuday scitool. Ev eu iecroula social autiHenry Etxard*s lant Betui laifeu gninst lte store andiltnik aguy hbu laatded on Portea Rioand juiy31,Sa i 7:45, anti immetitateiy after l>Od.1cane et. ilen]t,7 yîirseives. iWedlncsday eî eîing ai alue -f-l)tent tber bontainubaily that the tiocitr IIi er reait thIe statu anti etripes. Tht' fisg the preacitng service xiiitaîti îthe' La-t Nnuay monnig utan Ilearly I ati h rgat wsoIgi efîenvrtlitths ftegé wttl reaîrmi tl n auticommunuionuservice. ban? titi' ivery bu oîwueui y Mr. Ibu ati b rgai a bte ettesvrisieis !tl'g perwatlma c(e wt th Lowry ut batke X'iir wu@ birned. A Misses Mao, Elva and Lions (Alinores Litle Berthta Kapple. daugler otf Wili people oft whatver sy he due wtit ht'qnatîîty ai îîay, li si NtmerIabe. caneiue eIstat urday.'rThe latter hippIe was ptaying andi runuiig in file cihms.This le Ofilciel. Within ten -rond: onet dmtîerlrUSb.-loîgiig Itaflice Telepitoite conipatiy, La eîîe o irwrk ii ('hiealu yard aui eiliagaifiat a tank andt hurt Ladies' si. Sailor Hats. "myu or lemafil in calctlatind fihat ail ai The Connty Court bas orderedth ie whiicbwaontnretsinA tht' hem xere du ati eybdy8 leWncuf -*aaaMiOeZSPtitaijuali. wli.io ie dertand toi attpate Juhy 2iit, ltirnt'd. F>rtiinat4elyfone *ètu double while tht' twa formier are spendîgbesi eynatysoh aîti beloviy tortilleaianti garrisonet i wll postpoue utiTusad ugoutillaressas ua canot i lt os tnn asto a vnc u>br olî eerltiy. u tr. Lais'75cad 0 ha u urposesiti îtt At cmeOu that date at the Lihertyville Patr at the' tinte snd no wasssavait. A fine Tt îuiî ctolcneto tJohn Iioüb wbn dislou"ate biall Lot of Mens Bicycle SI banotGmefii-tltwl ol reundset 2 O'clnctt ehrp, i1aait uluits awîi leutriel. lut ail the herbes TeSua eos ovnine everal years agot andi neyer înîy lee? ffer ai public vendue. persuant ta ait were saviul. 'lhîer Was $11141linur GgsLtt atiin'lay wax iargely rcvin o akn nbrcueo os il'e co orderofi court the ioUowing titecriheti suce aîîly îîo itie arti. ls it ualnient 1attenditit ispite iof the bout ai the eorelwaahinubrcutte B ys&Grs' edSh InuVteuathe Idea thatte pIII c ne efeyowe y Win. j.tinieLake Vil la argaiiized s tire I'O0.îay. A large fondi fronlhors eie iiie ite yard wben abeeuddenly lippeti» Ladies' $140 & $.25 ton ofbeet a us inneeessarily pri- alaeedeeiet: i: m Birne, 2:24j, part7. itue tent'lie ociit'tun Ii ptWO tAies ce aten ant i lilatbrainm e Sitable, wich las hrevaent It this by Belmot (Chiot, lot dam ianny titi',' iithin a ilSitek. iitany iii lîrisudvate conveybersces at5tendeti. Sh coutr a eprtiiit' S Cais umn, by Louis Napaleon. Ji uri inîts i estay about Ixeuty-flve yuungitoe hb etifortsimetime. Dr.lilrowii o os S cad 3 GanteraihlknoWti ta borsaiBeelininettteeWADSWORTH. -uYs wIth baggsge enoîîgb for three lus lu atleuntiace. ta ate tuseed cMen's f i SOcleenWhitarivitShifle Départaient niftte anute producttiont)lt a y that on Juiy 4th at bie on tiht'John l)wyer IN aitudi etjoyulitg lis limes as tsny ar5vctiWhitte'morniu train snd ietook titemseives OnttutaON TOI D OISMa. MAR I<Y iaNi. as hat sugat fili (ermiy, theaod-21:25 trttliug race un 225j, aisa at reguasstitull'.r Vactitiin. LtMs e nns qurtlera of the intiastry, lAsbuntéAntiocb Juiy 9, hhtil, carrying ism Alfred i hum, ittîr geniiul "'itl arrier, : t'Iei Of t'5iiiAtatuLake where titey A ha er fLot'îtui i'nileu titan" tutr.tin atiinsrutie- ile wuer dladdila2:2). ie je Au the visiteti lit chitiagit lait Wediitîelal'. wil 'ainita severai weeks. AotrtersVuiels tIlileul. repoutmanya tai the ttailiexportsa!f gute, iandtiretnibislii, e oiitd, Nt is 'tiî' SrenIlire tuaTusdai.a Tht'gaunerai tcomitlteofutte Antbraestîurgai.LtSaer faorect gluga rité ermauy ifi 1896- 97 wator rotaier. Annie Laîtter bys Barai Thatt ir r>idlitre ast Tuttlsy Soildur'm sd aitt Sir's Itetînio t ufLakte Aan theu'r ivrs nisl. Bicycle Coffee .... 11,6111,776,425 lbs.,anauautttnmpre. Wikes, lot damt »aie Psitaw, by ltegri. .aru' ivrailgtey tinig Cuiyhv poiti .Cazr gl iel o edtdadwii ilprobabiy nid promisingtratting mare,itaaîsiowlipr oftI uiAvttuîasd Jhn uîutîrpîy, îof Shieldis, Arais0 hojt- sitahr uat. C er hsht e noyer hoereat'bed agiitéince the pricea a mile i 2.326, nover waa lIIIsarace, As Mr. andi %i:. Wli l'uiiie1itgve Marstial a!fttéday sîud Arthlur Cott, We kitaw s lastie*waon. uapeoaly for raw sugar, petiti the lu fiue contion and im aeakiuti sud moveti fratut Wxikegaui aili i, te f Wsîîî'ouîuis, asesltsitl. tLunuion ail WeKhteu ie rthe 110tuslsr. 'pouer n roi.gontte. She te a lhrongbbred sud will tIs htirg Ilîir honteif fic lIefuturs e, bi l ti Grayelake Algigtst ad d 'l'Oo ttitthe-luta lahed. ne rof.Mare a fait one. Jas. P'ollock lias lutglt ant ai Sîpt1iiiaeratI.avuso y owii e iiI.tF K Athouahtbore alre ilenty a! men BW.cSTicAFRseti. ila . bu sg _jý hlialpouiitds Of utesierlt. aiF. "" y ufios h wnItjd Méioslmfih tee n oocoml Wlac, eaw.wouh frontu tuiI and adjaunng cojîliesl MrasWm. Etixarui cm patitiuy IS tetiettOUightS OaiAMa.lLvl..aL. N w Soe 7z--O at ghthrAsnsrabe ______-- ie As s bustier lititht' woal business. New'Store ti MUli thelb reguhar amy whieb t. Theo was a "bol liime' at tht' dance -.---,'---- .- aMOI more than 1,000 menneshort or the HELPS THE PLUMBER. boestat Fniay lé, QlieFerm For Sale. te aScWbio:b Cangreua utharizeti s itutber came outfirit heitosaaanti 106 acres lun ttwlioi Aniocta, kuoxu r '1I.ierma. is acelonul for Itis by 0- M-UsIL" s38"aiQuaatiUsS or Lemiby Ilcir artions smeemedtihlbown the j tbeuuînîn tta mn pipe .M" cra& il ait*,Oe town. Conme again, but leaeVe Part nif1*t asMlrs. Weiu's latin, îlàutiles nantit at obwsita t heab o inionlt ut t Mouln or flte mont persitat nmcdel,, tenoiseeteina. MIliburn, Bout go otutier iaetury. î y c le ti'~ ay ecue heers ucetanî a ttuctive asalatethet .plumber baite ha ie Wedil t aeba uiOgaeigs. Part cash, balance eRay pay- rat cmit eattaxti sochsgo dtehaheeflotnt or 1rn N mene.Appty on fatn oratires5 fi- ingu ft a m verge onait phman ece ai George Shaslait Tueuday BlI the psint 'sLuacnMî, MiUburn, 111. 40-t tesome amy peuts. Au arun> oftcer ma pu forit. To a rat a greamy tond evening. Titerci wsea sirly gootidB viebashat a tani A enusti~glit pie ts tothosu mocea. Weualzderoxut In atteudadit'andt îey eiacuaiot ____ ighbas abon i enibug he ip inà ootimm mrceu.Who atborougbly enjoyedt hernstelves. Iich women Mmuehan 23.1145)men who bave gune hungrmt fommkcte b arusd Suds Ls ue1WdettyLîisSWuer sieiaasFEED VOUR STOCK. AT ANY 0 1Iý toh rogniezar amitnce Congreisa hua wmY lototAiscollerofaabouge and met witi a jaitafilsrident at Witt's' by weaknoss or .ea*%rttid à ljienae as«y@ the'ealy tissiceop theongh the Wall§ tthle brick yards, lu trYlag ta reniove a derangemIent in bisokim e thie grsse on the notablie gaI catîglit betwèeei the routine anti, 194 lhphysieal standard requtreti and ti aiMa a ste pipe. If lhe fouds ther bOntelur thet imeiy assstance inrte- Paistryotilon. FOtR là pàtVove tIbalite wai rigiil, pointatuiet g @ hos'ly iherifler, lbe fparoe the muvngîth' boit, woihd bave biiti hie Hery £1wa78AOsE OIIAD11068. 's utIhaite average a! mon etlisitet pipe. olbesavias ho me thle pipe and the oal Puieaît inmis iket. Be wlien a woarrntla e mW44e,"Ia mueyrale u u fevery vt ni eLite celing xas lucy te eiape stit a IéIo%ý e . $ 2ansaredil w i nrc ao mtc eu g yo tr eduv i t ed i n g t s n u e ol h o ari da !g s m a f e t d . B u h i sI l t o t t i n ( u n t h e t t i d n e y s u s e r a t id ite whoha .bea semied a wandit su shhelaibutst i sori, colns blooti potsoning they are alr gand bealtby a dc'1 .look, but Ah.lte gretesin ulst a-rihesbrodanaie -*Y~ Whi'ter he bU. S. sallitaunez th.e rE9e vOloeil laveyseldosILithe. biaten il s gan lsaver sd us laadwàaq anti AGm etsu,"sateipuk IMC.P'>in lte worht. Wili cure sut preveut Complette Line MWtsltppt laall aquetioal nc c a s ma rnlt@& eainbueoa cat wi njlAPAIISC jBg ChoIera. For baietuy of Sundrîes ... i'-ui ovou every tinte tila ei-ficislly tndPpe nus anAho iod hisaytah. A IL, rltley 5i>aitit a sctiueo. 0y'~m0b. EDw. BLEIMEUL, DEEîRtzua.a, ILL. auwaoned in aoy Enmropean capital, twuplngntc ein ad uta fine Johtn 1M~ eyë havîuIII hîs feain tîheti. .OeniAgent for Lakte Coîîîy. r'-' sa eidover hero Ibat a concertai1 nege on bis tesl auocontinuent. Sonot Miss Ilia Merîz is sgal utaIber lotion aifte menstruel foncion. aiorrsAlreeepomttE. e S I RUmpeati powersliat dectded tbm thebuebol hata in a large hohe n the pipe 8sters. Iîtcresail "'femahe troubles." I tention. F. B 5l "' Philippintesaholinet pasamonter anda t geonu i s f diug wastt'?pounti Thes délelui ' i la saweek auto la_________effectiveforthe____lu f~ A M erI c n c o n tr o], th e n u m b e r o ! fo rt . B eo te h o c l i escap e h a ad t i reu te ee r t tut in a a m a . O u er t en . ib eu g i e A h o -- - - AmecaS uo lavar bttpteheca I o "eth, te aay notbing of itiereut" ur slit eraeh.1) clti andmaternel canes. aiv .oaaxattîtn ts ncraieti. Noboty in . g flotubi liait tbe saligfc Lat Satiiruay occurrcîî file r iniug . vOaI the*antr oftn it. Wahigtnseictaybel l ion a ofmg &bat bh i hstuineda of a iarg' e w grsinary fr l'tr Ji' . They aIl noed fil, up l WssilslO seiatel biheeat finSe ceiltg a" t bt the cari" caet.rA laui t l v,i nI uiia vcîîg titlled by u. fafty concert oi Enropean privera wii nntl t îboitbeaun ecaed full of inie- ut whiiu'l la trge crttxtl s"îrîiiltd. bnF E H dam. Scathempt tteihitate abat this waler. The"re in o greatluaswilboutLenat Sittirtlay ev-îiitg .1t11Y 23,1.tir. gOweillient siîall îduîalitheIo aie lsuaihgain. antd tIrs. %'il iteAuleigave a harty toI Fo adlce ii oes uresuimr MW peà sBto itni ttu' l ut veiig xs th he " Lae ni, ~Lrd au p h ilip p in e s o r a n y O l e r c o q u e r e ti j u s i lu a o u r w h a t le y c u l l d o , t e iiig h i ttriX tr t li h t e I dil t, uf i ir , i l5 j 5* A viw ry p ai r tm L a r d , uit,' toPttloy and noléouiy doublaIidi auntratsonce ae 60 il of iead pipe W""lt iicii nissapligavr T5.T5ii5. asa5Mt.T5 i Fruts and Ve dietalton were attempteti that tis liatter s bstbroom andi over the Iitchen neu uîîîrî'r tgutiatiîaIl tgtstt ît Veér-igie .ai ryOu C lbrte H ,' g o t r m e t w o u ld ae lo r c e t h y l i s à b ig b o l e in th ie c ty . T h e fle u r a t 'siv e u i p p erîly t o ji,- u l "'.4 d i 0 0 0 1 r i s n e e Bisthe the b"rnouwai morie anti udiitr il TM. 1. @OUM Mel ~ or utits lîlated Hoîrnip igsniistiaunummy a! île own peoplo wuas Irimueontormate ai tran beamu m(trwàoà4 niergla rp $0do lest wbal woilt bie firbitidea. Mdul hollow tAles. The pipes wo laid PA LATIN E. ri aWEM K D LCOU F t Wbile IRere are dtierencem ai opinion in ties quce htw"eflthe flur audth ie Fru'rAGeiske i leis iteeiklîitulthIe ni Ioftem radical, a"oant otber girdSln.Bile wag »atzgeetthereto hy pri'us'iilritittl. W E gt.PothryaudE L'amIlrOdUi Utff Shinga cthth wrthrnuecalnteti h k wility e Teoc the xarutl.Scitr.iigs P4,Ptrkyan Fi sudrou se oueaboite essbngoutpea hi hailpies.Wbes ise aiteIls lethey iVle"iN ___________________________________________________ i c rtsun tte s'thedtit limtf116, r ddli g. w rv tois iai . the affl u v s II e t ith tuie C ar nie Boutnur l ciiî'uhon îfrian is VI » O I o a p r a--- - bldont uaPalainîe Miinday. u mAifOSlI na yuât alse mrthinnti at Hmrnifieera Excursion. Rate 11ikm tuest drin pipes frnIs Missau osm onLtîg (rave sso 801 n àver cosemarmeUaneali Tise Chicago iitwautee t S t. vaut kitcien eik m mbemeetiey ame Iitîsi tiing Irlandeibhirt' rtcantlv. ......*awua 11I.a V2wy opnyWttoilselilwlh groom.Thie ouhy vay te keep miss >iiunie tMayo'ofaiPlein GroS'e,- II & U U& eetter'a Excursion tickets on lient ewAa te pack the pipes Witt Wall caiiug on friendlsnitee Saturtay. i laSONI1l -Jli19M ,Angus 2nd landti1h, mimeraiwoil Minerai votain uit n- tira. Hlifrkrap, ofmitim liiu rots, lePtesber 111hanti ilu tîndOctaher tanum d0 A& etufruace faisg tbrougit anva isitittg frii.usin P u alatine 4*sd IBti, ItAI, finlaintrit lOmit Wbich a jet 09 big bas beau forcel xhite reeuntly. IMi dy. frondate oaiétate, returu it ocledl. 7Theinitierai vo tgeu Ateo âtrs. uHenry ltîoaîr ase vimtiAng ber -J.amny mnt commence itmlJy 'incathieloyaof tibe raies aid drives Ibettparents it ndcailig mnoti ifriandiis here _______________ ArotFriday oiy aitbiu te return mvay. Miniumu plulSttu @(fl Xt test t *115. elaridsoireoe ap- J1l", a.rte or fera une bloeguAa hy11 n laytmg trouinnt Crdand sspipe. tir, andi lre. Win. Tank aere visît- 40 àg cutk an alwaym buc hicuen ,~rlUS far l'r Rta teinode tuu i i lai InOvUue lMP.ý'P., e w ik prices at our store 'eh......... ............ îlydmgt........... 16 00 15 25 19i 29 36 25 1 00I 98 2 50> 26 17J 05 e haif regular price. 'ASH STORE. - - - Illinois Je ting <ioode mumt be sold at once ooin fo Fali gouids, anîd are Romne reatest Largiaiîm i vr ufferîl the thîsg ifiity. ;hirt Waists ... 49C oolhouse Shoe $1.00 ia.............75c cit Caps........... 48c ic as............359c 6&7c...grade. ..... 35c f 6 c gradecse3 r bottie ....... 7c; JEBKER, Grayslake, Illinois., m. and Secon Haid.-1ý OLD PRICE Repairing Promptly Attended to ........ IERMAN, ILLINOIS. ind Suioki- Mats§ aire, Fish. Etc. etabIes in Season. ne-Cured Ham and Bacon. &throagh Ute coutry with saf uil Su yuul piese 1"11tit f t the fart. PORK SAUSAGE-TRY UIT. cee taken at llîgbiest Marktl lrice. outing Parties alno ,Sardlness. dBenus, Etc, ih ,nc>îîtl ugpn r-ept oC statom.htt-wn atm to 1will Dn'A ixt"Dl "r,-,l i ~t hirty 'sys. Grayslake. II. or Ma, Irs. F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTUREPr 0 and Granite CEAIETERY WORK OF Cerf bssss ou msj W106UMI. a "àbub" 4c