CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Aug 1898, p. 1

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT :1:. al~I ais L~.. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. August 5. 1898. 1.50 a Vear in Advan< '~ Tailors. This is the pac--oq'Oe and now is the time to place an order for a fal suit, overcoat or a pair of trousers. Our fali and winter goods are ail in, and we can show you everything in woolens from domestics to the finest imported cassimeres and worsteds. Our clothing is well-made, fits per- fectly, and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Kaiser bock. :71. Mid" g« 1140 Iba.: and. If you e Morgan& and endur- t-Mldnght 9. a haîf lIn - gait. ILLINOIS.i preud poaaecaot 1 on Arthur spent red Manda> aflai minu Chilcaga. lke snd dauglater lu Chiasasa. a. muhlke Mpent sud willu reisves. x Chicago la" suis. bis dauglâter Mms t crole are the o! Our towuec" aio Bis'*' show las si. of Wauk«ga, Mr. sud Mr&. I. Highland Park, rge o! lOis place td Mn. iloloMo lenethlb guesie 01 bbe iaforte tg> er pelusued be il vllia ber IIBUe1I9 of Lbeeq vINS. Pasceî 0. tempa c e un tb* ukels b ue day aet. W U i vu as 1» k 1 aommii ê tuer ~le, a", mr raurnei à $6m, C. Adamo V46 week thera. aynt opum suds>l aEoe ot.aaS ava> Miondar e tile osemmêý a elf binderbow ait-chuck n 04 ralee, 7 8 r "Itim, b>Y eit %anborîi & Co.,, mîosand Gent'linri~"~ / L.kelvvillc.ii Dr. Charles Galloway. Utfticeoveor LovüIi'tDLrti-'Stor0 4' t Lîbertyville. - Illinois *îl \.- au lia n- lui- g i Ijîand Auj Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. ior i g a î,~July J office over i riggs & Tayior's-. ix 5(j, Ceitý 11Iii,' C. A. BILI NSKI, Pro] LjiA;rsrîsu ii1,.rurPlal k Lbertyville,Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. ag)ucsx uu.t aMirO .1, 7 T0i. a ip.rii .i p" a ,.mid V, hlm' îrtsImmeýtt ii (.rriîî 1h.unmrtm-,im RONDOUT BOOMS. C.ood Fatorv In Slght. Syndicate Formed. "ihe quiet uttle 'plAce" o!1iRendent, couoipcnu by Ils de&rth ofietropoli- tan equipimelit anid vunde?! nI undevel- î,ped faclitiel ain a manunacturlngt>wn ia experiencluz a boum of nu mean proportions.ITbis sudden iipetns no pleamiug to residents o! that Place la cusud by the formation of a syndicate cumppuced of men foreigià to Reondont whilhlbas sec ured options on belveeli twu and tbree huudrê'd acres of prourty lu that imnedilifi locality ot wbich relty about two-tbirda lan te le aqbdaivided lnto lots and a large r mu! and cereal umaunfactory lnate lhe if l.,îated thert', tu occupy about three a crus of groulid. A Prominelit western moill junu hving aoId bis business 1iotereala was impresed with itondout's ,'xce ptionai sipping faclities and '> 'uniudng it would be an excellent lt Kite for the manufacture 901 cereals and foued tufis decided to negotlate for the deulred locationi. - eyerai ctapilalista reallziiig that *itondolil js.asesatd rare facilities as a uiîuiifaetqlrilig mite bouillt options as ,l,'s.ribed. If the fsctorY tla located t.y vilii iy out a subdivision of 1is' lia Sixty-sixftot inseadaini treetai mi'lsxteen fout alîcys Wittlibe bill, auoi the lots are tu 0w Isi1Il feet. oli, -tbiii îof theme lots Witt la' ,,iermd moliu'y tu lie given as a bonus W. the l.u.tury in question. No It@ are tu bu jaîd fr umtlitht lactoryilan lurts- ti,,n au.1 the macaLdam treeta aund ljruîlnt'd imî,)rfveimeittbecoume s r.-itlity. oin theme conditins a goc llai. y llts 1-v. i ilý' lbcd. con- ig -. LIBE>ItYVILLE HOTrEL Uliug-rua% Serice iït Cime. 1, l. l l 9 Rockefeller, - Ilîlinois., . .r . 1,i, r. _____________________ ._LIuuI ÇTYVILLL. - - ILLINOIS. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician andSi urgeon. W.H. MILLER, Gurnee,--------------ilifoiS a Dr. E. H. Smith, g~~ DENT IST. office overJ. W. buirsbdg"' Libertyville. l111. UNDERTAKER. Dr. E. V. HARI'VEY,. DENT IST. Grayslake - llinoi.s. W. B. SCHAEFFER'S NURlSERY. O. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VL"iilAii n 9.i lSAN I E l'IST. PAUL MacCUFFIN, A tt.irilaieon uiilirir ru)T t 1.1 a NOTARY PUBLIC sii-rial sttit.ui gsnt ir'rm saImi c ,.yrmuir'Iu. l)FFii'u; Vi juLAK.SE CoiiiNi yl'AýNi, Libertyville, lioS r 11., i 1. U\%A1', 11 A N Ii s . r, i -i1, 1 rSr,1,.rt 'r i H. P. M ENTZER SHERMIERVîILîLt. HERTELS PARK. Hait Ddy, 111. lui' r- '.rt ha, m jri'.h Aur I rpr i,'îi tir thi'lrll îml r, ili Inn'theii ' . Ir'r 'I r m grauir il1rni'v. 'ry Ntrî,'ilmy eN r'Iîuung ti iig a lir mrr % I-a I-r? r',maini irrî. i i'1W iaviiiin d.I If, iaiwr Ihe, ri lA ti"iimsth i Ilî,,rîrini tii -,'iirrlty. 1,1.Siîîtim (lr'iî,s'r il iii irich tlitr uîr Ur. nfrv.-i rii tr,'rê't '. E. H ERTEL. MANAGER Ge ne4er HENRY Z. DURAND, :t4è~edII il,0 IlA s I rl I l i ltOFh. fruimi Iil. rir1 n Second Wednesday Fmuir. of Each Month. VITJi L WATER- This Mark, t wiIl be locat- lInfailible. tuP onh ed in t # ge of ~- - . d ;K'tg"- -gilS H.ER ELLE. r 's Corner, r 1 e,rf li1i ig alri ex- cangmi A ~'ek, 'relhiies o! ýfail L A K E > b é k i n d , un i fii i J Is y t i u î i g m m an u - C O U N IVnig t ,r Arlinn far ". CO N4Ir'n,' o l'ui ring vial >01 BA K .. .. jn t r,îu t mumi get mu sthing y>uîu do Wright. Parkhurst & CO. %%;" M.i,. Libertyvilie, llinoit5. -- issues lnterest-B3earlfll Certîficates Payable en Demand. Pianos Tuned. IA. 1'. sieiith, o!Ciietn, la., la4 at bis pareuts houme, lu Volo, and tla prepared I a tlne pianos. Parties visiming work lai tuat lin, lbould uo&UI hlm 1>7 .1 aut.ffaal VOle. l>O& m .ý 10.9-- ' ' ime iii il civtvsr i illetion Ai tî. hmave a caparilI>o! tbn- c ars a day anîj l mii ,iîa wi,,Ieoaal mand reiait lusîîmess. hesidem thteimsîfis'urt or grahianigraimuialed meut al md cerealu th'y vili ibandit ail kind. o!feeI"-tufins aimd vii ilerta ctua imd lumîmai ' le syndicale bave uCered t15.giv' liehe etfuii nisd lV, 1-Oilt &0 liîmd',il aLfret- rugOit-ol wmiy tbrongl thein pr)pert>. Its afflented Ithat thi I)rhýis'rty on wvhîeb tht> bu!d oplioit isili Oe pîrthaatd .ibnm l. y lime last '.1, thusvik. 'i'he> hava ivo other î-ulm'erriiii dv vich tiuey expect tii iaate on lueur propert> untO th jar future-. lu fact itondouil as sltart#er i aI a ruis gaut wth ail the resînire- nieulso f a lirat-I tsa uoni. Goosi f. -Asssed Valuation $7.013, 113. <'.iim.mly Cierk A. L. iieimel bfas conu lihIled the iiuiuary of Sab iiienr I f Laske- Cîrnîtyfor Ihim year, fom witi h floec acmar J iur, asair onl httteu lias 7,347 orses, aumi gave 10cm as ,îremm.'d vluation o! *91,71.r, 21,1rA ,atie, vaîrmaion $147,961; 56 mulet aud asiies, y3M8;10,011 ll seeli, $6,91' .J5 oga, $r,Goli9 Eîgltyune steu ,'ugnes, raiued li $23,7111 furni8àlit lsiwer for te Oc oulY's imanufactor oe, ,e, alui the loose ebhange o! rt pule p' rc bell for samue keepuug Il umt> laî rases, ausssed Kt $684; 0 earriageri and waglons Ibere are 3,'JU ass.-snt'd aIt1$29,281. Theret! te1,8(H w-alchea and i <,rek8. $4,711; 1,4.5 se' Iimg ans i klittllmg machiLin, *4,J47 vifle tht intuimsiuent o! tht irupl i4, lîsiieîted b> the preseuice of 48 pilimsir. ud 413.l hrgalmâalui imeiidiair utîers-da $14,Ur26 'i hie total a resred vulîmmtionnuo! prsoual pîopsrr us$:.i,1 lime ssestiesivaitc nuîeinierated aurticlesi, nierchandist $1,;i;of 241,tfSN sereo! iwprov( land î3.014,319; 16,477 acres uuinmprovi land $312:,3-A9; o! 4388 improved tow ans i ct> lots $1,87 1,71u; o!f21,451) uiri prves iots $674,0(47.Tht grand tui f iaesed valuation in $7,013',113J 'j fie total f ratiroasi proliert> sesaed mnd lixteu iun Lake ecouit> in f,lIows: Coicligo .1 Nortbvexteriu .$212,4401 c' M, AI'St. lPaul ...... 1*219,1-d4 widcolimil Centrai ...-.. $ 88,192 Elgin, Ioiit à Eastern .$175,767 New Stockhaidurs. 'ce-ortiltimg 1ttet iîol(riuiatl ,Iihauble tht Elgini, Joiet .A asti rmmimuad lbas passesi freminls fora ovuerahlp b> tht conumnislution the deal &hat bas beco cu??eui neporrîcuianîd huis bang ire fer sio tume, the nev uvuera ireing the Illii Stel Company. Tht cbaîuge us portedi 1(1have gone iou tutet 12 t's'lock Nuudusy nighm Teachera' ExaminatAun. Candidates !urr teseher'm cerliilca slri candidates forading ci ertlleatea are hem.liy uotified thal special examuuusion vii behlein l schoiui bonseeaut(irayalake Tues. Anguat lttbhui. 42-2 M. W. MARItvî, Co.. Bnpl Announcoent. I hereDy aunoufle t hal I alm candidate for the allure o! Supes tendent o! aciool, subJeel 1W deelalon of Lake honni> itapublig convention. 42-4 W. 0. MeKassIF a t.inta, Jul> 31 Sanborn & Co., ~icyo1, RepauImg,.: ~ -1 lemmi Corne soi 'i -, t' & I- -' Vol. VI. 1140. lr+a. Xlel VI Nr% 4.'-C WILL CONDEMN. BEER BOTTLES. Legal Action NOcOB*&rY t0 Secure Temperance Rockefeller Wili Manu Right-ot-way. facture Them. linekefeller la a temperance tuvu, After conssidering every phase uf thet ri, tant aud ail the tUnie, but lun spite i queaf.on and determaluiug that the of ail that anl enterprise for the I o l a si h iif original survey for the righit-of-vay of manufacture o! beer bottles, lîarmiesa the propésed electrie road tbrougb as empty, lis to he lautîcbedoat that Libertyville vas the only acceptable place, and the average citizen will sud feaible une, and lu couideratlon declare lIailRockefeller la on tbe A littie cash and somne wit expended of the tact the prcea anted byproperty verge of amighty boom, ail on acconul in our store reaps a rlch reward at ouners &long the proposaet right for of beer bottes, suo oIioxiouls and this season of the year............. damages la alleged tW De exlmorbitanitgIl une"tlng t10lber townus People wbeu hais beeu decided to condoisnli the the lîceusle question la ut) for COn- property aisthue hast sud quickest sîderation, yet neot hall a hal thlng mouana0ofsecuring the concession@ de- lu their empty &tate sud vlewed from lilemmced Linen Damaak 70 luches vide per yd ..........47 sired, ai a just sud resaouable figure. a pureiy merceuary biandpoiut. , . - This method of proceedure bas beau lu any avent imahinery for the 2 " 'su deemed advisable ouly ah the instiga- manufacture of botilea, psrticlmrly laitf72............. tion of a aumber of our promisseut beer boggies, bas been placaci lu the liabd te" '. u citizeuisltte electrlc roadi company old papier muul sud uetri e being tt b proceed lu gitat manne?. proceasviii be liseit. Crude uil yl55 ...'"..".... Anolimer survey W thte sat sud norIli De auslituted for coke lu heatiîîg tuec 'l rkelIed D fuau st colora, 58 iluches vide, -par yd ..... Un o! the village baubetu made, wlth furuaces sud iherelu lies the puantibit iy itondout asas terminai or junction witb o!fltockefellera carncer, If a succesa, S the lit. lFaut rond. But uison the raps- capital wil De invesied, the plant .....'* . dus remeuation by moue of Our cîtîzous eularged sud the manufacture o!f'. " Ihat suffilleat mouey conld be raimed botties carrled on ou a large scue.lifa by Our people tO give a right-of-vay if failure youIllbeur notbing urt of it the ,road vrould condensa the village snd anothier unfortunate cili have Talcoesailnnan 1proparty thloughlc h i hey deirtd t0 dropped a few fbuudred dollars ini lhe figd7 x 6îl pesa, vhre * was conidertdi exhorbi- everiantlug scranible for wealt............................. Go for 89c................ tant pricea vere aaked by owuers, t railroad people agread 1u procted MiIk la up.- lu that maser, aud a coinniitet uf At s meeting 0f the 1111k iLilpperks, ilusion us 0secure the riglat lunîihutwsy. decided tu dvaiuee the whlolvelsie price it l tuegow~ a tbiug te let puofsal i Ikrns 5 cetuate 'JU cents for witbont an effort sud tuaI effort lae1W eigbt-galu caD4. 'huis advaimcc islu nsoude Ii no ijucerlain nuancer.apon go into ei!cct thub nmu,tb. Speclal primea nuade on CROCKERY during AuglisS. It bas virtnal> coine 10 pont An effort va sode lu *Il the price HOUSE ESTABLISI4ED NOV. 26, 1043. vbere Our ci M Dl uai net or the fo>r Ihe nazitlOrme nuroltha.i but lats osà rudyl oeaehr, sud Our citu- conaldered impracticabie, owiiig toîthe ViAUKEGAN L zens are going tu sut. When tue rosd untable conditions &lutder whîchi the -- is .uil and roulng tbey will puy for imilà shippiug business vas now oper. I the right-of-vsy. Tht proposition ia atling. Atither meeting wilii b beldli You Want t ~i~ mutais unreasolableue, and onetaie hsoue lime Ibis inouth, aud the primre 11 ~ wii iunpire c,îulldence lu the gond liztd accordinig lu the conudinstiliat î - Sel-1 fallh o! tht -,proposera' vhlch wil thoe t. refuit lis their belug grantest abat isn pricta o! inUlk are as variable R eanfl asked. as tht quaity of the dairy produet it- rAt iayalake ovuiers of pruperty seolf. lu rder that ail suâîîicion ia> y 'Caîl on-- . througb which the rossi la aurveyed ba allayed Chicago reisilers expect tu b ave exprasaenta villinguesa 10grant put ltir priceop u 1066 sud 7 Centsaa ùa free rlghî sand the village stands quart. Thbis vilii e au advaute os ont H . PA D D O C K , ilreasi> 10 gran&th1e use o! neceasary Cent Or more. ,1 . i tet.Tue Comipany met wtb a A shortage or over 5,004l Cans a day eai Est te and Insurance Agent, cordial reception ial; Urayalake. Uow- la reported lu C'hicago. 'fic normal L ti ever people there may Weil haenth un. aupply for tht Cily la eNtituated lit LI ERTY VILLE, ILL. rutt iasticatal u .asurt of "u, tUO a i d u> l2,0oo iare being I Ow 10t thetfact Uat t'> "apura' ahlpj>ed lu ut preseut. 'iisuehtiniati, Cheap ailroad Lands in Wood County, WisCg are 10te mnatrom t&Iiere ho adjacent laisnade by N. A. HllI, secretary o! the ,d Lake&, givlng Graysalke tht asvantage Shippera' union. Mlk dealersa daim NEA AG TFO e-certain tu accrue fron iuscb s COn- lmth1e aborloge la even greater. E RA AGN FO rdilion. liondoutnot Libertyville viiili esidea the drougbl anoi tht tly pebt Newspapers and Periodicals De the terminai, asiutremailla go bc h aruer casnolutr hi sortage un at Publîshers LoweSt Rates. seen limether or nul Libertyville la suppi> iis attribted to the inereased ignored aitugebtr. tihe viiil D e If dtmand for btee. 'lOefanmer haum Watch this space for Bargalns in Village and1is' lbt exertions of nome of Ouîr citizen@ found a ready' market for bis cattîllun Farmn Property. .1 avait, as they wil une every endeavor aupplYiug breft ior lte arîny taila lmtu raise moue> suMlett secure tht sdvauce prie.H.C Pa d c- .1 deired righl, nlguring thal lens than Itlm la clamed that thte,'reanieries are H .C -P d o kMub ry S2.îlwili be requirtd- plissnt Chicago prîtes for niîlks, hicib ty wii also add 0 the mshragu fr cdl> Ii Convent for Waukoan. uses, Leas expense' la îî eded tsi r. - A Chricago papef tant Mouday sialted biandie tbe faclory suplyl. cs thal the lleucdutine Snîters o! ChicagoN e r c s 2; viii erect a S75000l couvent upon tbe W H EELI NG. iii beatufui (ilecu iura property on lSheri- lura. lieutr in unîler tht tare o! Dr. ~ .... a o i e S o e hedan rosîd, tWaukegan, vbicb 10ey Ileum. c G a o i e S v s r- recentiy purecbased for $20,00(s. Mary ileyer basn relurnied to u ik ita Park a!lter a fev days vîsit at home. lu Repubicsn County Convention. Wmi. lunale> la entertaiulîîg bis *10 And OHt 01 A iepulilceau counit> convention lsw andsi ier-in 1mw flnous viii ha helid at the Town Hall in the Kansas.Ar th es A 11village o! Luerlyvîlie, Lake Couity, Wm. Wickiua aud fainil> visiied Bs s Aw y lw« Illinois, ou Satiirday, Septeniher itb, Cit> frieuda Noiiiday simd Liadltheur B -i lwy 7A. 1. 158 aI ut 10 o'elock p. ini. for tht pictures lali.Chaet lpurpose if piacluug inii ioination Our bachelofs scraped ut) .mome 16canidiat'"'c for tht foiiuwing coiuîly maîisandlatteiidesi a lîithî,liy pîrly C re i n ai' oile.rrao! ..ud Lake COUnl>, vîz aut Johlittos receumly. am- Couitv Judge, County Clerk, Aieriff, Wb a im mltrint tandlag ' Couty -1ireuxurtr and Couimy Supei-tt hwIenptiii~miii - lo h s tv so e i tes o! tednp!eol;sd o h ranl- board? They apenlîthe I'î'eaimmoiey ' e the Superior ieaction o! sncb lother busilnss asnia or s lsg sied pole. Nov ssiy dbut ly properytomec hafore the convention.,la oteree It hâving beeîî resolved at s meeting rd o! the tiouîty Cetural Coummttaet ibat Biello! Wbatlml thte "'aller wciih No trouble to convince you that the new p W n eueih vutiug precluct in the County De Wheeliing? Ila thetlovu deui, or arc. ru. deelaresi s priiimary district sud that ail tht reporters absent ou a eiou' Is the best and cheapest. ,tai prima?> eiiuellouli or caucusta De Callesi Wake up, aoiniclody, eccylrody, simd a for a i. oA said pyi nary districts, itla use us inl te ne y. a-therefore reconimeuidtd tîsat primary Tht McKinley croyrl ceeptesi a an eiections or casscuses De caliesi for cordial invitation and vimited i ierni each prima?> district luseil Count> koitje, sterling Stlit 11a. ni. S.iiuclmsy, ' 22 on FrIday, Septembe? ith, A. 1). 18918, Usey guI hume agailiut12 a. im. Mouds>LnRTVLEIL at tht nouai bon?. The reprntataiots hsving 0usd s givrionslime. LBRYIL.IL 13 fo,? uaeblarinuY district viliibcDe nt l. P. Hautansunr frmer nîynviîî - . _______ ridelegate for sus teien-stven votes, moved tu Arlingtrîn Heigbntiant Jue, A large ateanisiioveya lissa beau put huaIenfe plar a, or uscr ractio Ustefeof, dMt for the receiuliy reaigimed Isu mlice amiuta ia l;aItht hfihrmervilie brick yards and migisttlie louadtaM RtepuJi au candidate for Preidetîin apeeàLaleclion Ang. 2, J. t.chviiigeI grealquas u t cIa>y wl Dhetlkon liitnaacouaeot bla ou tarie. Tht seversu prinisry districts vas uusaniniourly cboeii prriueul of therufom 10 heIp tn compietlng tht place for je scribe wMt 1?ii viii Ibua bceuetilied tu feni delegates lOte village board. eltvatlimo! ltime railroibd tracts a& lue, having snob a bft?, rer tu saiiCount> Convention as foliova - - pacifie Junotion- ADout 1fouitY Cars vailu sud makle cla M 'I! to-vit: -SHERMERVILLE. Per day ia eipected go be movesi.Terlaarnc it3 I'imUIMuin imiTBI('T V.1o8Ts a.,.hr a u une Ilnt1 *VI 4 Heur> Aliardt ail r. Noomn, of invitations are oui aniiuuneingtIhaLt certain yonng lady loa Nw.r lin 17 Chicago, vert biere Nuîday. ou thet h0. uah Mise Lulu Maisciîsider golden bah, not oi h me- Jg Tht pieute uaI Zhmmermnans vas vel i viigive a5 hàuu lrtY. hBaverai Chi- vaiet>, vWio roeise ut, w.rr,ni9usa 7attended asid a royal good hit v as cago People aretu,10 aluided amoug o!caur "Banuie Doom Senjoyed il.thguesteansd ltht affair viii un. salon10 o d sud l«v rurdus Mr sudlir. F Krnmlo! bicgodoubbedIy Dea sucueas as Misa Lulu il ma> b. Iliat o«. ts' th MrAis.suit H are sptsluFtht e bje1ofChicgeulain a cbarmiug snd entertaining boe- nîgli thse popular sn Les Ii.rýlW u - r~ i.o!f Mr. simd Mrs. :Maisebaider. tshpua scsoa ot lime"-etc, viSibat, 'cie wiu..ooils m Te Ibreshera knocked .off work If You have items for ibis p ore i alse t a . .. Wdenday onusenoulît rofrailsud leave themn isthePot-oMIce and tise> aIlvys u tt Verîmon IN2 7 atteuded to wettilig ,Aown ttelasser- wiii e c&îled for. The pubilisiers the rie dtb riv l-irfeld i icu *14 at. .are deairous ot publiahmug aiu the aboya aumed ituials. - The arrivai of a bail> girl ut the neya ail thetlime sadilin order to do i. Toîtal ruuus 'oshome of Mr. and isi r. Chas. Lieue, su ask you 10 inorm tiieusviien jour wt Bu W. C Uprs, Sndayisatis lt c~iis o! îîîîb moIieriu.av cmes 0 as jotoe lme

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