Eat Bread Superlative Flour Leads The World. Xst right in price and quality. Made in the famous Washburn Flour Mitis. L. Hl. Litchfield, - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFPS, SEEDS, ETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SELL THE WEBE3R WAGON, WI4EN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SON, -- Illinois"' Did you know that 1 have 3 or 4 good steamn threshing outfits, that 1 wiIl seli at bargains or rent for the comming season to the right ones? Did you know that 1 have several big bargains in Twine binders, hayrakes, mowers, carniages, wagons and the like? Did you know that we are now and have been for somnetirme threshing the big oats and winter wheat on the Grand Prairie Beit of EASTERN ARKANSAW9 Did you kuow tisat we Would ail be very runch pieased lu have iuany more of our frieudm xsud neigbors go with un.andâses for theniselves that it in uot as it.there lu the enamuer ai h isn any day. here,. tbat flies and mosqtues are not near'as thick am bere, that the ulghts are invarîatfly eooi. A fiue couutry witb a REA LTHIFU L Climatu lm fonud tîcing fast mettlsd np wth ,northern lainiere. one Croit, whleilîlu sure, fteu pays f<or the ]and it w. grown o11. So Whly Not Go sud Look. Mauy Do Go .... Eacnb Trili sud Boy. l Like It There,-..> ý' OWiII You, If y.o wait t, get aihone of yotir owu or luvest iluet goîid thîuig. 'Thle oe tiist alwaym ltaja t bone lanî.i1iY ,,rorf ,1wabu ecs mi dlearne lu him own . -tusui sud eoulty .. E)rop Us a Card Unsystem'atjcally Yours T.V. Slocum, WAUCONDA, ILL.1 nnd Unhnr tr. lPeter Frtofhiiica.go, uth gucat ut bis parents ait ',lu. ROUTE.... irs. Johin Williamsiasu d veilîîrcn, t iN~ gui-at of su ad MsM. D.Smtsd1 faiully utth ibtinaîubouse. Mrs. Eius Averil, of Sparts. Mini.,1 Mclra. tMary Latta, tfWsuegau, istii oi tirs. E. L. iluîu anîd faily lat Mri. W. IB. Smith aud toit, A. V., of la ieWitiukegan, sisied viti Mr. atîui tIru. Robrt liaddlîuk andI faiiy lust veet. tira. Chaicale ltauîglit andî datugiter1 Nuiîe ud Mie. Jtîin utheîtrlandu, iof ORIIM ORON Waîegîî,are vieiiug ut lailtlr' TRANSPORTATION CO. M-us.WS.Sletrailr.,iîi Oîuratîni., t<<i Nul-0i Fluhîiy, utl('hicago, ualled ai tbe 1- ii ms- viii,-' St. lui ru lsiast Frlday. CITY OF CÎ-IICAGO and Mr.î IRubl isitti, f Oak Parti, CITY 0F MILWAUKEE ictotîcrilPaddoktanddfaiiiyitast w,e.. sud tho 11.,Wit .:ulaîi..:îlI'î r§. E. Staufuird sadlîti<iil y, ut 'c, Enuton. ars speodnîîg the veek at Ci.ty of Louisville their îîilois meCiverîfale fariii. and J. C. Ford tir. asdlira. Willilaui Kiiti, îf S.Wlîîtksaînd lira. Suiul,-loalgg, 0, ltart-ii. l jih ,1ai ula::l, ,- a, anevisltiog ,iîrîlautu us $1DlyExcursions aalfinu 1-amniera ar muIîuîî tai-tlug tijii Lesvlg dio-k, toî,t if W alusuti Avu' - grtin sud barnctiug wyul sî,îîîi ti-a OClcago, every îuîruuuug ut 9:111 s. lu. tblug oftheLt-puât. lSoije anurtihi, &Id_ 1301noon Suiiuultay iu( ti.i.te tbresbîng. >jOinn arrine icalîrti t ui <o.bu 1239 ymn arrive* at 4:304 1. ii - lîs-a erurutti, e'f'ic quiarteriy luecitig aithelîNI. E, &-.0 8BP. ni. arrive i'biicagiî ('ii returul cbtrch lait Sunday vau largeiy îattend-î p. i.daiyud nusny comng frotu Waiuia. ni- duily.Eider Mardin delivemesi an cloqun-tt Neuisi asteamer alun ieuv,-s t 11:3odisconLras vwhIcbsas veryiucb P,..dallY aid 2:00(1p. M. Sturday ounit. approcîstesi by ail. MIy iis route the <iurît ruauii-m uî akt oilgvn i(ý h Ifiese t&ehesiof th ise liigau lFruit ThPieask te apensi ino tuiler, t aidsis tie uuelcbarllàtugg4unn.asie o ieOe luou(liS ~ adaceli o Uulîgo.Huson bouse li&t veek t aa sti(e8mu qm -I ereceuiiy d"acltnered Eel- cer3-resrPect. 'f'ey cieurcd alione iry Mei Wsentl iBa<ha. ilExel.utexpensae$22.84. The (lubi) h- ýze -bonne et Bston Harbon. especially to exiend tants to ther OFFIKi roticieut suetioueer tMr. Lerge . dabco opr ne:nuweil; aise0lMr. J. Richsardison sud 4 r Aoit ri Ave Charles Paker vbo o a cceaalully ïr , . -1 "" M bafise eice cream satand for <hem. Around the County. WIS. CENT. P. R. TIMEL TABLE. i li affe.ct J une 5. lm:5) Do] prt. le *) M 506943 537 52 v A5 1( 10 0 10 0 lu §6 50 il 10 6 55 712 12 26 1 27 12 67 7 3 1 02 7 1 Id1 9 ui ROCKETIELLER SOCIETIES. C ONGREGATIONAL Charch Bunday ser ube's 10:30à. M. and 7:30 1). M. Prayer meeting Winsa e.i .Y.1. . C. E. mel Sundly evening. t 5:45. junior C. F. lt 3 o','iOk. D IAMOND Camp No. 4124, M. W. A. met 'rt aiji <ird Ntryev,,nlngs ouT aiL mditb. D. GRIFFITH. Y C. 0. 0. F. No. 8m. meut uscond and fourth Tbursdasuof,-a-i ,monIl. WILL hrsluur. N G. Oaa. A. 092. SuerY. 0.0.T. m<4 ttiTîruay eveninugý of Pach J OHN G. IIAGAN 'out <G. A. Il. met Satîîray niglit o or bu.tor. fui mn 1. 8. OLEONoli. Con2lr. <0 E Cuuuruî'UL.r.. Adit. Mul goiug guou<h ..... 8044a. M.9:211 P. (M. liaiI ging norh..................,Wo s. I. iMail Oser lnd ly stage ~ariT, :at l4)a. En. ROUK EFELLER. Mm s Njt.ît lu vjiting relative~s ad fried in îu uChicago. Mr. aud is. Peter lt-btielîi wre iLake Forut Suinday. J. Hc. ('rîukhlte la decoratiug lis lnus ,hed sith a coat of palot. Sir, and Nits. Hoheomb entertained eonîpauy frîîîu Chicago Suuday. M'ur. iolcombtîarconipsnled iiy Dr. (aruon wre tChicagoî visitera Tnesday. Lyuiafu largo sud daughtî'r Lottie sure in Aritigtoýiî lleights 'Wdesday. Mr. CarleIe uîîîd the pulpit lit Snudsay îu.rlîlîg l in r. Coes abseence. lits. l2cWait Iiainr froîîîChlicago, la vistîîîg ber parents Mr. sud Mrsi. hîîigge. BReenuiirrtheu jee creuw s oc~iltu ho tti% Friday îîîght glu ru Ly the Ubirietntsu l.udeuv.-r in th ier Ighoru buiding. Wii }shîgge Lsd the misfortune tu hurt bis Ieg. but we are giad tu say neot serio6uiy. Frank Lang frun iclago lua petid- ing bis Vacration sott bils ilut, Mis. Pecter Lîkchfilid. Mr. Weich retîîrne tualbts horne iu leloit, W l., alter upending a week here with ftritcudu. Mr. aud tMrs tiorhamansd faruily. front Waukeganu visted with Mir. Croukhlte aud familly Monday. Frank and Ans f ronijite returned home the last of isut week froni thir iluit ln Ford River, Mich., wth their mlter, tirs. Fred Shiaddl. WAD)SWORTH. Tout Straug mas a Waukcgstî sîsitor lsi Tuesday. Aif redl Mewd va- a Cicagoi visîtor lasd Wî-îneudsy. 'ruer,. vili bu. adune. ini iiiîyleu lhall Friday, Aiig. 12. ltr. Orme snd ebiliren, oiii cago. are vîaîtlîig Mis. A. Lus. Wiîîlure8 brick yard uhîi dowu luit \V îduwilay ,on arcunot of the rslu. ijei. Siieti.o! tiliburu. wu,î a Wsad,wuortlî sisitir lai4t W(ýiducuay. tlrîl r.-I. lenry Graves, nisitesi trirudu tfi l ibertyvJilc ist iiday. WiiI1iituvr of Watt egan, la vsttlg flms relatives Mr, sud tira. M litmei r. .lacOiî .it lb cr ,iî ipî»d off o<f a bay stock fidast wbwiîýh laid bhlm up for s fev ilsvi. Last wveut W,.îliehdîy s issu social vît. givutilîît ilî rieliience uf tirs. N eliw.ry fîîr tiihe tri of ths 1Uiu.ucriiîîe hrhi. ()i- Minute lumtiot long, yet relief la ohtineiinîî blitthat ulie hy the use i'f Orue Minuteî Cough Cure. It lirevoutél onimptiton and quîckly cures uulds, croup, broncbitia, Puenninî, ta grippeauid aitbrust aîîd lulîg troubiles. F. B. Lona.LL, iber-ty- ville. WARRENTON C.ROVE. .lss. itysl sent a ft'v duya in (hi. vago rî.î.oitiy. tister Wiliiu Itrieger i susnerlug fi()"' a -llitvif iltuinger. Ir. anîdMrIr'.lieury Horubuttie are enturtauli g friietidNulriiCilcagoî. Jas4. Callab ii lm baving a tubular veil drilied. tir. Tlitus lu dulug tise wotrk. Thom. i2înu, ot Lake Forett, speut Stinday suil Mîuîîîy bers yuL bnis uluter, tirs. Thos. tudd. Fred OUbhli lm avhsîg lus bonse paiuited; aise the C. M. & St. P. ulepat muas treatu-d tg) s cout of pesint wbieb gr tiY uuddiî o tu nappeamance. DIAMOND LAKE. IB. F. Masoî n an wife viuîtel their friî-ndm snd relaîtives lateiy. e ThLe faruiers Lhave flisiheit cnttiug th-ir iîaUî, wshbi a sgood trop sud no05'the blini <of the thrembiug iuacblues wili ic bhard. Dr. ttaudeviiie prsî.ed ta a large ailee bers baut Siuday. Ho wlin Lu- oneî o, tueleadlers at the Lake Bluff alllîp uîut-uig vLuî-liconteiîes the itb o!f.Aig. il bu f. S. Conetionc for the tovu- uhip ut Frumnont ha@ ixýen lpostponued ilîtli Si-pt 18. The lais of the Diarnond Lake cbnrch viii givs an ice creain social ai the rusidence ut Mr. sudlira. Dan ititzeuithaier Thuruday evenlug, Aug. E. Wilixvisîted Chaicago oue day iateiy. Tise humait, machiue staris butaunce sud staps but oucs. von eau keep li rgolug ieugest sud mont regu1auiyby unlfDeWitts ULtile Bary iy ", lise farnena 11m1efiffa for coustipation and &Il stouiam kssiUver troubles. P. D. LourLLberllle. Goaso NORTH a m ni cM 9 Chicago -8 m 1 it, >5i Wil.,,î, inu w1 43 4Il Altaki.1i se 49 i2 Prairie View se r.2 G tu' Lueit hton le &M 'r. 39 leelir910 63.12.746 e .9 Grays Lake lo iii)1: m;,,,7 5« Lake Villa 811) 24 .i 19:7 18 GOING SMITHI *DaiIr eXcelut Nu iili. § Nîî.,asr0,11j, s S3top unir on .,nIciu. aî.91 . à- 4011. î1.m 1 Las Villa 7 oi i Il 254 31 It.ilUng 1 ..G ,23 MrsyLake 714ii il;o t45 utonkefuir 28 l u48 as Ltbton 7 33 6 01 Prârlu, VieW 7 4) il m IlSUN lutabio 7 44 s li W .iiiiî l e1 Chicago 9'.0 y45 1 10 6530 WAUGONDA. Threastyg bus ornrnnoed la bi Viiiy.. Moue Beach vas a foi Lake vialtor Sunday. Mr@. E. Woodhouae speut lait Mon. dey ln Chicago. Lester ilurdick, of lRockefeller, vau on oar streeta Tuesday. J. Morrili, of Urayalake, vas ou oui streets Frlday of lant veek. John McCormick, of Lîbertyvîlle, vas a Wauconda visiter Monday. Mr. and »Ira. J. Cook eutentalned relatives froithie city receutly. Frank Rtuney sbipped s car 1usd of stock from, Lake Z uich Tuesday. A. Xl. Fiuke, of Lake Zurich, vas a pîsaat ciller oue day lent veek. Mr. Wick, of Orayalake, vas a pleassut calter Fridsy of luat veek. Mir. and lMr&. J. Hais are the parents of a baby girl, hur n aday Juliy 31. Alvin Smith, of Volo, speut las& Saturday wlth relatives lu thia place. Posters for the Mcflenry conuty fair were distrlhuted lu ibis village Tues- day. A grand Fiee dance wus given et Sunnysîde Bowery leit Saturday eveuiug. Miss Loin Hill, of CJhicago. la visit- lot; ber grand-parents, Mr. sud Mr@. M. S. Hill. MIsses Sarah sud Rose Slipson, of f vauboe, calied ou friendm lu thl. place Monday. H. L. Birown, of Chicago, ta visltiug relatives and fuiends ln ibis place ut pissent vnltlng. Pester Prost sud a friend, froni Chica- go made Wsueouda a short vAuit the tiret of the week. Mr. aud Mrs. N. Wyukoop are enter- ta<nlug the former'. niother Mrs. A. IB. Wynkoop, of (leo. Mir, sud Mia. M. W. Hughes, Miss Iva sud Mauter Leslie Turnuoll ere at Fox Lake Suuday. J. Spencers griet itil wblch he 1. bavlng built at Lake Zurich litrapidly ulearlng completion. Prsding Eider Harding vas at Mr. and Mr@. Oco. Oiyuch'a Snday. Mr. Glynch t,îok hlm to Nunda lu the eveaing. (ieo. Carpeoter who bas hseun speud- iug two weeks lu thîs place returusd to his home iun(Chicago Nuuday via Waltkegau. Mrs. Waiu vîmo lias tîen upsudlug the usoumer witb ber sister Mis. Woodhiouse rsturued to ber home ln the City Mouday. Mr. L. E. Golding, Miss Ruth Neville sud lMr. J. lianck, Miss ]-)elle Hiammond speutteIst Sunday ei Foi Lake sodit istaqua Bay. Jas. Gainer bad tbe misfortune te have lits pouy iîAly cut by barb vire MIouday. The poiiy got frlgbteued at s steainengins sud rau Into the vIre feuce. The quarterly meeting at Vole vas womi attu,îded by Waucouda members of the M. E. church. Tiser,. vere thirty-ibres lu atteudauce frous ibis place. G. C. Roberts and faniily sud lira. R. Harrison veut ta Lake Bluff Wedns- dsy of last week sud aurprlsed the yoting people wbo vere stopplug ai Orsystoas Lodge. Rev. Dnttou bas daclded to preacis especlaliy to the yonug peoplesSnday evenlugs. HI. subject forusit Sun- day eveulng ina "Htnesty." A large atteudauce la deairsd. Misses; L. Tidmarsb, Lora Harrison. (fmace Hll sud Adta Hicksand Meuirs. 0. Rubliard, E. L. Harrison. F. Grovenor and A. Stevens retuned the tiret of tise voek froni Lake Bl uff yllsms tbsy bave been stopping ai (Ireystous Lodga. Miss Nellîs Beak, of Evanmtîîn, lat home for a viit. Um iL"Ma Beabel las eu tertaing a lady fieud froni Ciicago. Frank Clark aud vife apent Suuday w ith frieudsaiBtGîbuer. Oirs. Heury Mogg apeut loti veek with frieuda lu Chicago. George Kemp, of Chicago, vas raIl- îug ou friands hiers thia veek. Mira. Whiuiiore, of Chicago, la viit. log ber parents, lMr. sud Mr».. Page. Frask £die7, vbo bas been so serions. ly Iliinl Chicago, la slowiy împrovlîîg. E. B. Seavey sud son, ltsgiuald, of Obîcaugo, were vistais al; Mr. Jettera a fev days tht.lis ek. Mri. sud ira. Lipharîl, of Chicago, are vlalting the lattera psareto, lMr. suddMras. George Nicholai. Mra. James porbea, tif St joaeph, Idich., sud Mra. Lee,.of Libertyvilie, vere viaitura t Ora. Jsmiea' iss t ri- day. TiseLadies Alid Society, oif Grays- laite, viii gise B lavu lestivai Fmlîlsy evening, Auguat th, aitisa@ home ot Wayne Harvey, vest ide of Gageas Lake. lue creani sud cake viilbe servisd. A good tue aaaured ail vho attend. Kiev. B. G. Leouard, pastar of the Methodisi churcis. of Wsnkegau, wil spea" at the Prlrnrome Lodge, Drue Lake, service uext Snniday afiernoon, Anuat7t9h. The Lindsay orceetra viiisinlutise musical service su leadiug the eaigg, and a profitable gatiseriug Ina asured. UneeJohn bhouxghi a ucu bînder. August bhm quite a tume vitb the girls. Ueo. (Clark vanta ta trade hin pouy for s Fleitye girl. AI! Boy vers theShber.*rville girls li«t Stnday? John Clarki bas lots of work suit lriv. lug hamacs for sale. HALl UAY Auguat Kiockslue Lan gous tii Lse Charles Fbote has lîîe 05w ilines City ta look for vork. Mis. Pegbov le etertaiîîing frlenss ouveruor, yon Lad better fus your froui the Cty. tIrs. Glemeiey, ut Millitc, la vis Itiîîg ai F. Hertel'@ Quite a niîmber o!fi.ycuiIutm liseti thriîngb tovîl Sîmîday curolîte ta the lakes. John îolliîîyer hld lts inger iîsuiy eut vbîl.ýI' jisyng bail leat itndsy. Hernian Pegiîîv inteuda tbu go ta Chbicago lu tLe lear futulre teiiearîî the hunierstritde. The Hait Day Stars wiii play tise Libertyville utileutaiLibertyviltie udt Suuday. ft iliibe a «'hot galas.' The lue crealu soci-li iday evoîing wsi eil atteodeti. Bainprsveîted a niuh larger attendance, boveyer. Lizzle Moyens gave a b)ir<hdsiy party tent veek Saiurday tisai helng ber f lth blrtbday. Itvas a jally occisslîîui The Hait Day Stars defested tise Crackejscks. score Il ta Iflai"t Stîn- (la). Batteries, Baker, Dolilejer anî Hoefinian. Redmniînu, Vatîgisa, Brooks and Arnold. iFrorniailtfiir i.îiriuiiai.utt W4,. viii aucuheur iLs buiîu of the tbrembiug.rnscbine. tIr. J. Woslff bas plirebasu-it a îîew tlircslîaeg macuhines. The ain Tîîeiiay nlgbt postipuîîed staweklng'osto a few daya. S. D. Taicoti anul funlly, o!t Wauke- gan are <lie glu-ais o!flira. D. Talct. ins. tSrah Mlolins andl chîldreîî, of Ciicago, rocentiy visitaditbe Stuclil! familîles boe. M. and lima J. B. Mason, of Wquke. Kan visiat J. A. Man', faiy a fsv daya lait vesk. Mmi.. Sisuelitf, Sr. visitai Waukegî a few dava lait veek sud attend=st ber luteresis tbero. Mr. sud lii,. S. L. Tripp visitedreis- tives sud friends lu Gleuview sud Ev.suston tiis eek. Prof. E. Mrtel viii give is@ opsulng bail ln iib< ns piaiforni Satnrday eveutlg Anguat 6ttb. lmas. Orays uile hand of vorkera viii bave s pie uin Mrtels grove usai Baturday afteruooou. 'The, voekly prayer imeeting met vush Miss L. Iipragiwac isu eet. 'T'is week i moeta atJ. A. Ifasousl. Tisoeeii lb i sIce-cream lIsu social ettheLshomne of 8. L. Trlpp tii Fnlday eveuiug Anguat àus for the benetiti af tLe Churcis. Ail are cerdi- sllyipnvited tu attend- Misa Hielesi OIeasou gave a biniisday penty toas number of ber itile frieuds lait Wedneadtt.y aflernoon rouisoane ta fise ocloct. The occasion vase-W hmated lisnor ot Miss Heiosa ins- day. Tisere voie tventy-alx visa on- joyes tise hippy Urne sud partook et <Le excelleits upper, after visici tbey loft, wlshlug lis Helen rny mord happy bLrthdays. 8. C. èiý_Mie. luesbumg, Pa., vnltes: u-l bave uesiDeWitis Littl.e ariy Early Rsera ever aines tisey vere iutrodneed issue sud muai my I have neverumuesi auj piluinmy fsmity dnring otnyjearaoaihanse keeping %basai ae snob estatoij roelts ma laatve or caitieU." y. 3. LovEra1 Uncle Bot sasys: If the veithor Iin fair bis bacbieiorsansd olsi maidn'raoe fron tise postolile tu the river bridge viii corne off lexi Suudiy. Ail vhiî enter muei bc lu their positions by 2 oclout sharp. The vinuers choofse their primes. Ob yes, vo are aIl golug to lbe Llbertyvflie Fair. Corne boys engage engage yolîr girls andi fins turuonts and fait lota lino. IUcis John sud lira. Crovel vwiill ead tLe procession lu tbeir Kiondyte surry cioosIy "ooes hy: Water snd Auna, Ryau aid »Jaunte, George sud Mande, Frank snd Nannie, Oscar sud Cors, sud Frank Clark, If ise cani get a girl, wiîlb îing up the ruer ou bia vbeol pausiug theni aH ou the bhrne abrse. DEERIFILLLO. isa. Suyder la reiionted as Iîciîîî ilîntlit utaipreseut. liraq. Tise, uffy la utertaiutiig s lady frieuti froni Wsnkegsii. Heury Muisîke sud farnily, o h <ii- go, are vlaltlug lira. C. G. Muhite. Mir. and tirs. James (allovay speut Sa<urday snd Bunday ai LaGrauge. John E. Woodnisn, of Chicago, siwnt Sunday bore rnakiîîg the trip on fils hike. Alvin Meyer& assurnedth e pro. portions o! s palilicîsu the tirst of the veek. E. C. Tlllotaon. va@ a Chicago, visîtar Weduesday ai vas alo George Ptister. Palutera are reuovatlnutise Bolert hanse nov occuplesi by Mary Thorn sud farnlty. lins.iRobert Beunett, of Eaveusvaod, speut a canple daya isere ibis vesk vltb hon niaiser ira. (C. Hoji. Tise syndIcate ovuig tise olsi Henry Miller Ian vwill subdilvide tbe property sud lay oui tise streeta thia fait. The youugest son ai Mn. sudlira.. John arlin bai Leensuufferlug vitb scalet foyer, but isnov necevlug. Wm. Guniber, of Chicago, brother of Mis. C. 0. Mubike of ihia place vas buisiaiutRos iil cemetery liauday. Miss Ssdle Gallaway eturnussiSait- day frorn B tv veesks vieilt vus friends ai Chicago, Maywood sud Lanuge. --Tise Rocky ltoa4s" br --A Wlld Trip Tbrough Ohio lu a Pullmnan Car," the latent tiing tram tise peu of "Dou' Sphan. sk lainm&bout il. X»s. Henry MoIlisose se" Muae aee..i, o et. LoIs, 1Savlsish make jour Afuaut pur atore tgetour of the vaînas that are ta bef odud wrhere, luia e l We viii iselp yon luaki $B eMuSltb Greater Results 7 a ~b u rou0y a Ljon sncb excellent reaua-it farther sud e sjOun save jon over tise prcesa aed y by t lâ~euyou to as e ulazy additlouai Items aid lin k u home agir e. MM .H.A. Ulebole, 09 se. PsI, vWho vlsbd ber.m MM veek, ritursl home sturday evensu. Mr. aMd ira. jo.. Vincent a"e ener- tsiniug ber &ister and husband trorn Lake Uueva, Wln.. A few of thse Grâes. yoaag people apent Suada! a$ .tbes. W. W. Appleysrd and vilfe visibed ut Wei. Mute usons lutaim uny. Tihe depot hmi luit beeu piniediiil- aide andi out. l vas a mach îeedsd Ituprovement and our statien agent may Weil b. jwoud of bisecaleunquarsera. lira. B. J. Houas vent tu Minus- apolilaid St Paul the B1raiaofLthe veek tu viadé relatives. se aspects to be absent about a montis. John Paterson, Jr., of Chicago, whbll bathins in tise river iasL rlday. acci- dently cnt bis ftouone sharp où- jeot wvides yl iay hlm up for auveral daya. lie expected tu reteru to work Baturday. Tise Garces band gave au ont door practice Saturday evenlug ou J. Rl. llracher'a lavu. The buie bal teaux bas receutly purchused nobby new moite for the playera. They vers made tuoioder ut apeuldinga aand are very usât. Lynu Vnceut vas caugisi lu a hay fort pulley aid badly eut lait vsek la gainlug uicsiy and wiii aoou bc able tauîuns the baud agasu. Mr. and Mia. K. G. Estey, of Wauke- San viaited frinsuda eat uf townufSun. day. GAGES LAKE. Kinds. 1 bave now six 161>8 Up-to-date Bicycles bt U sudas it lngetlhng lote l11 the season fOr Salesa01u Wheeis, 1 viii Bell them chesP. Coine *Bd get your pick at a bargaîn, liiie they at. WILL KNIGGE, Rockefeller - - - Illinois., MIDNIG1IT 2:1734 Blackhawk Morgan Stallion, record 2:173, Mid- night is a fine coal black, weighing 1140 Ibe. Wîii make the season at his old stand. If you want a first class road horse, the Morgana can't be beaten, if you want speed and endur- ance breed to a horse that has got it-Midnight. 2-17ï. He has paced miles in 2:08, a haif ln 1:03, quarter in 31 seconds, a 2:04 gait. TERMS: $15 to insure a live colt C. A. APPLEY, LIBERTY VILLE. , ILLINO friendsansd relatîsas Lere aîîd rb.cth i NORTH NORTHFIELD. tu nenialu about a ioulth.i. ieovasoit trou& <Chicago lant ira. C. W. l'ettlsii 8 patiu eub y v,-k. ber son Lineolti andl lonNiIM ui li"t C. Milleur "cilta ta ilsys yu G. Biaturday and Sîîîîdsy at f Irriiîgtîiî eKliig vitb graudps Petitis vbîîlmb nurY Ill. e.sel mxtlah o bi Luit Suuday lMr. Toiî lirrut sîid a 1n letinîg htour. party ut gsutleîîîeu f rîeîîds srol-uiliîg bis head fritiîer,Jilarry Ntîittî utOlvo tMr.-lilanulfrîîîîî tiu- îlty upeut Sula- oni fromtChiclago tthîe 1Miiko arnî iuy ai Il. '1. Hubsertime to Ises bis tbor>nght.rti il lelys. île H. Huieil teulglit a îîew harveater vas veli pleased by their aPiauuie frouniut sbentiir A Ariiolsi. wich peaia vuli fî, %Ir. tr)îîsll tre. E. itaeh'x utle front mtise City Wb.) tates rare of thien. vus olit vitilig a tuw alys. (Front anitiir Corn-spto,(Iîîiuu tr. andîi Mn. Hlulait visted luit Misa t;. Zerver frontl Clîlcagi. le Sîîîîitay aitaase W.sligàg'@. visitiîîg ber sister lirs. Fiitiz. Mtiu Mahtu.tMtcuaer hadl a fe P. J. Dity matis a ttyiîîg trip tii fi i,'iîîý-In i ,il ilier Sauday morulug. Hlighland Pîark on1e îlay hut cee fr %Ir. Lark aloi bis litie girl arp plemeuîre. tiyiliug iti Lus. aîîloi ra. Meu Dont firget tii eau iiu tli- nia tiîî, (G.Merti ui îît i'sri-liter vork for Huebi .1,Plistir. I ley il) giiui. Iwîrta tcw laya lait wet i,î cliti isjatbersa everyvboestiey gîî. graini. Mary tieInilubtretioriîai ied liij ihuit M isu hn ii ici frontî C'bicago apeul Tbîuri.iay laftei a ioiith*b v 151t litii 't. laut N uîîîîiîay su tiî M r. aud SIru. Freeas Luiss iltlîber 8ssbr. aluilfal.i iy. lira. YJC. Eudî-r rtiîuit-iiii.' itY H. Meitlar la gîîilig vih lla tiillunger lait Satnrilay I OeIià îîg usttr as iloin tis alîsFreil's tilri-amii g niasiîl e part af visit wltL relatives. the seamoli. oea. Merrilli ah s eliiiiltiur toii Ada Weullîîg starte-. for lova litS lait T'uemday Iîirliîîg. <1141 yiiîî rc Fridsy. Sile llihýiîd tii spsid éabout, bookliîg ine., i-ai Iagaiii. ivweeksivi tIi ler iliviîe. lira. Beri Nulmoîî, roui hi.agii, who Rlen. aîîdl trs. Stessier and Mim last been vislting Dilly'm rîtîîrlue, t tMesurs slmt,-r froîntlgin attetidei tise City lut iles.tay iîîrl i lîg. ftic icuîlu uof theI. .E. chureb au Eugene Ruder and wl!- roile ont front lligîiiaiîil lurk. Chicago ou their wbeeliu iat atuniay 'hie Misses Blanche andi Pa"b sud spont Silnilay sud lMoiuday vitit Wesstiag are eij.îylug a tva veW- ibsîr relatives. vacation ast tleir iiil'.S"ls8a Morne cf ohîr boys vin- gîîiîîg t 0lHighlandi Park. Dakota laitveet tu w,rk ouît lu tLe 1TheMisses Zwiugeot tmrs.8 âyâk bareatliedabut tiiîy ail eiianged nee Zvingel, agil frulu CMicago ve ibeir mus4. No plaie likt hiîa,î. receltty vl>uting ig yuL ibir mu Frsu NaL vs seilridîîîg bis Wisesiiug and Nîrtbileld frleuds; vheeI ifw o ii Seriosrville tant Sniu- Mr. sud Mis. H. P. Bubeut .IPeu1 day guigbt, boy abolît tiîat Iit Tikasiit hBarriugtiin vitis Mu. '~ tilie.muâtus<oboiuleattrac-tiou. tira. Elfrîîk. Misses iLaura sud A44 Thosae to veut Mi Chi-ago iî thihu the lait vetît vers Sarah Antis, Aujy Haggis anti sife, E. S. tiohits, Ehi Frntz, M. HorenhergorrRaid vite, tira. ROrnrOlII Jiu) Adalus. C. J. Laîrge. unr neya boy, l. lai liei very prompt li dellverluîg bu. paier t1iîs tiait v#eet. lHupe lesîiltry amud aivaja be (balilune. that Jl4 tLe îîiy wsy iii get hoathess. J. C. William biait a very osrov escape lasi Friday afieinooituLlaiu toia, lhey got started ai tue corner but John s»v hc couni ulot tiuitheni au, bie iurnoed iheni mie the dtuch, sud 45. tnnistruet s teigrapb pole lasr Tosd asop, bruketise tangue aid part ait tbe harnai. No ao»evms la la ir liiert vhîî accompauled <hemn remuin vitL tueur ulele to viai fr vhle. - LONG GROVE. Mis. Scbur and Lîictia 1cisar vida sieverai îlayii uitu eir relative, aSi. Nortiiold. Mr. atil Mis. }tieutliaier eqtn,> tslud lMr. and Mis. S lensit ram A - kisie fast Nundsy. In iLheaamnce of Rev un. ini pulpit of tile Evaiigelilai obe Illiled hIy tev. Glugericu frein » aud Pak. Tise Younsg Peuplei AtIais e Evargeilcai cisurcis bais mmtoaMp Ierly e'vry suuàday evessiu< JUvT14 ta attd4. Repairing. ,1 ROCKEFELLER Libertyvil le, il ds. - 1 wheel and Men ride.