liHlNU OP GENERALS 5NAPMBRAND IURAL'AlrT TE N Pr!IAIUI UOP SAMAmM,'j t.ARGEST HARVEST IN NATIOfse HISTORY PRQMlMED, cblteration of Shafter's Reluctantly Accept Ternis Dic• Anuercan Land Forces Are Set Mes Threatened. tated by McKinley. Upon by Spanrds. i"" Output"fi-a®t·"ede *ù e t50,o0,00 umhelà-RecentBRattes age -gave MHelpead Corn -Capital of North Dakota Dentroyed tby Fire. OLE RMY S SIK. -GIVES WAY TO FORCE 200 DONS SHOT DOWN. -.---To Eclipnse 6"B1umper Cropeo According to reporte, the largest wheat crop in the history of the United Stateu , a % y WeR Mau Among Alferi- Sondsa Presents EMaborate Views 00 Figting Lasts Three o rs, buit Ouy will be harveute.d witin a fortight. The miTros iSantim . Points that Will Arise. Nin Almerican Are g¯ided. ýéInter wheat yield, which aggregates reos ag.tromn 375,00,0to tu40(,000),00Limitatefs, 7 K\}E E D 7M ?")will be lucereased to the extent of nearly 85%0(,00,00 ushelP from the spring whet SeatsntFnlyAwkn oThe Spanish Oovernment, Throuigh Bloodr »Batle ollows ou Aumamit aun gon. lThe "bumper crop of101 it lea e' cto- fr agBo-the French AMbassador. Formally United Stastee Troou» Neur Massile& fo reetidctin. R ra M tBeen orh e aidy sAccept Pence Conditions Offered byr oi the Ni1ght of joli 31 - Afiter oficiais who have mode extended trips dm in arento e asort e Rp d toa the Unitaid States - Doas Declare Nearly ThréeeIllusrr of Fierce Fighbt. through the spring wheat and corns grave- m....peint, L.1. - fensationsal They Did Nothing to Provoke War--- ing the Spanish Forces Are Bouton lin Statesr rae pi firepoteKliot jfasman- Sgned by Ait the Leading - iy"Tongued lRase CutaDpl- Bc ihOe ieHndeCea-Mich Igan say: "A bumpercrois 'here." aloumot santiagomtcHageLngDlyd nwr ties-VolunteoesFijlht Bravely, The corn crop is slightly below the aver FialyReceaMKsly.- age becanse of the set June and dry July Rouilkons special: weether in the corn region. But the great ah.aanr' army will be brought wahigtn àela: eavy land engagement between the bulk of whea he hscgtywl " 19*0Unitedi ttes as rapidly aus Spain, through the French ambassador, American and Spiaish forces tok lae r aou mre ani ubk ent to Makle ane laformnation thant the division ..\ .b as formally aceptedl the conditions of On the night Of July 31 atMni. The op for the corn @hortoge. Furthermore, nt Santiago, led by Col. The- --New York Hlerald. peace proposed bhy the Unaite-d States au Spanish led In the attack, attempting to the large stock of corn on hand lu thought o Mkmmwelit ad dressed a letter to the ai ineu the neitotiations for a peace turn ouLr right. After three houre of to bie More thon enough to makte up fur I% àafter rging the immediate wit- TO INCREAsE DEWEY-8 FLET. FoRt eG UROPEANOUADRON. THIS 18 A BURNING *BAUE 1 treaty. She made certain representationsa, lghting the Spianish were repulsed with the tekenfrproductitont Anotbrfoulure 4 a the Fifth corps from Cuba, was - - however, in regard to Cubia Whihwr h oso vrtohnrdkle n ened reduction of the surplus of wheat el- inMWh a dispatch which was carried OregoanMasachusette and Newark Unle a n Win een Be Weil Repre- Horrible Tresasent of Bice soldiers nt etirely acceptable to the Premident, three hundred wounded. Our lent was ported from Rusas, which will compel tleWhieHBouse after 1 o'cloek Thurs- Onaont ept edtyin Te al a e d ngteNwY e la geoNwYr. and Amibassador Cambon was so informn- only nine killed and forty-four wounded. Eurpan ha r aucunfr pro ably dW zmeal&g and a council of war was equatorial waters, tome of the ships of formation et a big squadron tobie lit- There are many bright pictures ln the edt. The Spanish reply contalons about The American troops engaged were the 1m0,000000nbhe arome thui ountry.o MM e ee when the full purport Of the Admiral Dewey'@ .command. need laver- tioned lan Europeanà waters after the war present war, and some, unfortunately, 1,200l word, ndi is divided into five Tenth Pennaylvania, First Battalion, A15,compariusofthewatyiieldcoun th ma hantaetknown hauling, and before long they muet lbe la over. The intention in to reform the fthat can create no other feeling than that pito ed-Cl ,lAt tcL.Fis aionaBtaloTidatle7 cotr sno890 th étheyield of the te oSatrcleaned and otherwisle put in order. The Eureffan squdron, but ta oiae i itmuelh of stern condenation. Of the latter claisspoislandPrt.>atio i nia nd initedCateorneguar alinTdatery ou rsnty@ner , ping wheat cdroptbe Ma.istmet pesn NvyDeprtmntis onidein theoge hn ever before. Just before la the Incident of the transport Concho, rneoe iae,ita follows: fa, flumet, and which is indorsed by question of withdrawing somne of D)ewey's the war began &B the American warships which reached New York with 172 in- appointment of a cmisowhich aire Utah. Our volunteers made a glorious enushels. '0Bubels. m 10 aaseral offiers at Santiago, it is vessels to Mre Island and Port Orchard were withdrawn fromff origna stations valida from Siboney, Cuba. The misery trted in the order namned. The spanishi defense aguait upwards of 3.000 men idlldhlW tare n Cua, nd hatth els totake, their places. The probabil- Indien, a"n incethen the officials have during the voyage la aimost incredlible. each point involvedl and ou questionmight tookt place before Maate and was un 1802 ......r,1o..101W 7 .....510,149,000 WM ueM âepht ua, andthat t iemenDot bhadd te bother about arranging Before the vesaet sailed! from Biboney %which would naturally arise wheni the attempt to dislodge Merritt's men,1lm3......306«,132,00 80 ...700.000,000 »Wasnt ayarth to saen ter v e tM a resumptiofe naval representation 177 sick and wounded had been shipped Ameérican conditions were carried into The monitor Monterey arrived Au. t, l184...... 1160,267.000 a the dasck G n.bigafr'srae-la alieswaters. Ila tietterthe Euro. aboard and fitnever occurred to fany one execution. together with the three delayed transports The Kansas State crop report for Au- ef the ickneroess hormy e p esation has dwindled in importance toa fnd ont what actommonsdations there It was late Tuesday afternoon when of Gen. Merritt's deet. Merritt saled! gust showm that the yield there will bie laing.h e marly is onf teate the United States, uantil only three were for that number. Hardly hadt the Ambassador Cambon tnotified $secretary fromsaSAn Francisco on the fast cruier the &-cond larget on record, or 60,000,000 MM nbthe hospaial. Most otem i4mmnearmesred, wretkept there. messel gottoesea before the men began to Day that he wo4ld like an audience with Newport on June 29, but it was his in- bushels. The Mlichigan rop report, aiso bymlailfee. oruà the end of the war believed to bie suffer with msisienness and revers of va- the President for the purpose of present. tention to precede the remainder of is recived, noas the wheat yield of thentate I@& ee aebut CmanyRcseelofatellow aue, however, the navy officials have lbe- rious kinds. Dysentery, diarrhoea and ing Spain's answver. The hour of 530expedition no au to have Cavite readyr for will be the larget mince 1W.. The aver- as y@eti, dtrol. Roos ellee, .gSmttealk; ver the character of the new other disases a&sobroke out and the o'cloc-k wax named for the meePtin, and age yield will be the largent l sSIn 19. 1 s@Mee aglureditresingasfthey are, Euepean equadron and have practically 'vessel was a peut shilp from the Orsit day. promptly at fthat hour Aimiwsxiilador Cam. Th'le average yield pier acre in mieigan 409M eheann adequat idaofthe Dont rencdtheecolnlusonthat a strong and Within twenty-four hontrs&aLlthe ie had bon sund Secretary Thiebaut arrived at is reported am 17.9d4 bushels, and the esti- et the firmy eactes that nodformidable forcie abould hb e Ieltthere, not beenused up. There was no freuih water, the White iHouse and we-re udheredin t( mated crop 1 is 30,700000bushels, against estare ma wractiee w orktsl- bouamcetofanymiknhood of trouble with the watetlainthestorage tanks beinglneur-the library, where th.e Preident oand Xc. 32,700,000 in 18.rA The wheat is likewise if enare oeakeyl ened ey Euopean nations, but th show .the people 1y putrid, and there was nt sufficient dis- retary liay were a waiting t hem'. The of an exc-ellent qtuality. Harvesating ofig tha i ageuin yllw evOVer h"r the shipsthaot whipped Spain'@ tilling apparton. There was not even conferepee lasted nearly two hours, muc-h spring wheat has be-gun in the souther weretoibek t it won . • ubna1. food for the sick to est, the resiet having of the ftime being consumned in trainslating portions of the Northwestern $tate*. The thm like ßigthrough st been supplied with army rations, tome the note. Coniderable timie wan alma de. total estimated yield In kMinnesota and epninha bejgnralyhld-FALING ICE BY HIUNDRE.DB.thing which eTens Wellmen do not greaotly voted to disenssing the provisions to gu Dakota this earourla210,000,000 bs. aray we e óveo iger . -el"s. There w@aseloà lack of sur- into the protocol. as against 148,000,000 fast yeur. The cams i th iteror ts 'D~ela a Tranopermag Priesnre geons and Marses ta care for the fick and Spain, while accepting the proponsition "bumper crope" in Oregon and Washing- età oul taryopt at nc.Cas Esaharrassment almost no mediine to administer. In a general way, wanted to continuehetn1rergade4s or ha.eoght iso1acotayopno*Th@ delay in t ranpotigthe Spanish From thetirait the men nattered! horri- negotiation. She desired to have aillthe - omake up for the boidcropit in California. tht"every shifting of caP pioesfro Santiago to Spain Lsem- bly. They o lai bunks between the questions pending fefstut a Pence comii- Corn Eattimat. Ti a t lathe mena oharmonica= the War Department in mn decks, in a heavy atmosphere that was sien in the hope thait the commiassion, w iths hmnetmtstettlcr il ways, asit interfere with the carIng 18amost intolerable. Some hadl no bla- a multitude of detailà before It, would b i els Inate thetalPr id tallr olvdnum - MAJOR GENoRAL JAMELS P. WADI. 0nt of Plans in regard taOour own troops keftsand noue hal mattressmes. Their coin- award to Spain more than %iehe blieved this yeurait o2,I.fwn hie.aeu bletat "the interior le raths- tien are thant the Ansiatiquadron w7il-lbe Rand nvolves the Government In increas- partments alter the tirait day's elekness he coutld otherwfl aliotai. In Other fered during the lant rmonth and a redite- Wu hnte coast," and that "eg4r greatly Increasied lm the number and char- ing daily expesnt. The contract for trtns- were reeking with Ailth and the odor was words, Bogsta wished to evade the prin. tion of nearly m lper cent since July 1 le desp are as healthy as& any acter of ships. When the Spanish Goi- parting the8nOP&"h prioners wals award- enough to slken a healthy man. Mens- cipal conditions of th,- American terme-- noted. Areording to the latext reports the thlis end of the island can be » ernment has complied with the terme of ad té the Comptait= m rn-Atlantique EA- bern of the Red Cross Society endeavor- the prompt evacuationL of CUnba And l'OrtO yield oif corn in Kanspaw and Nebraska will IM show thait those camps arei the United States concerning the evacua.. panho, but at the end of two weelta not là edlto clean the baniks, but the former Rico-as a condition precedlent to the be. be froai vf--ighiths and three-fourths of Ithy I tion of Cuba and Porto Rico, there will Prieoner hadl been embarked for the vol- awere no few and the latter no many that gýpning of negotiationas.n a full crop. The Miissouri crop report for ai evedelare that if the Son. be no neessty of keeping go large a Seet age to apaia. Thne constraict provided tat on the second round the condition wu* a The Sagasta ecabinet take aet n untmkstecniino onbt agwith the exception of the la West Indian waters. The sending of MT"ralOf the ships be deàvered at SBan-hbad as on the iret, and while the nursce diente thait the Castilian Government Aute and the verag yiel of wheatbper Bu.. ase sent north, in six weeks the re-enforcements to Dewey will beglin as tiago wthiaSite days. Meanawhile, the were thsus engagedi there was no one to gives way to the force of events ane NAJ. nanfALURItlannl. acre in placed al teu bushbels. Iowa alsoe WO obeut of their ate and moon as vessels have been cleaned and prisoner* have to bie fedtat great expense minister to the sick and suffering. There again &»merts thant the nation hadt neithes nestefedti erwt ts ou o rmy ems overhauled'at New York, Norfolk and to the Goverment. They are fallun siek wasnot even a disnfectant on board ex- sought nor done anything toi provoke theteocpto fteslir whenwat crop, bet Mitnnesota and the Da- Port Royal. The croiser Newark and the by hundreds, cept a few ounes of creolin and in this war into which it was driven bhy the con. arrived. He arrived at bManila on thekoaarahdinprgwetpou- battleships Massachusetts and Oregon fam WATE IM OER tEUED oul atmospherethe mens who hadlrisked duct of America. The note suggests ais rningedon in di26.gAs alryhentnt fkton. Lae ains notprlnehave prou- liey ethe selcton fo srvce n usenion of hosilitie with ahe ews- try and artillery, with the famous Astor ed corn prospects, but have increased the thvesaticnsationfl, aormnwrih te eo-Trencherea palhBysahie make, easier the course of nego)tiations. In batter--reached clivite, giving Ge. wheat yield. ses owatMail, pwefu Bstof- Camght la GusetaitCamp, the note the Spamish Govertnmt agre t errt bu 00Aeia rosu siznot ne udind a py add Newhtttos a entreceiaved boushutinonàtoanitdomtniesfi, o r the futurder hfis commuand. The expeditions that CITY OF BISMARCK 15 ON RUINS. boate and the Spanish gunaboats picked up thea fouraSpanirdsMaxie Geen execte inregime -in the Philippines.rcddGn erttswr hs ne by Dewey in the Philippine« h apo e. Mxm oeatrThet consultations betweeni Premier Ka. Brig. Gen. Anderson, which leftSan Capital of North l>akota Atmoist a court-martial, for poisoing the water . ganta and the various Spanish leaders Franciuco May 26, arriving at Manila Wiped abat by Fire. WADia MUST WAIT, laasesassna cimter»s in the village of IA weire finished %sturday.night. Ail the per. June 80, and that under Gen. Greene, Bismarek, N. D., wa% gutted by lire the ...Reforma, and that several others sup- sonages@ consultedl except Roulierory kRoble whIch left San Francisco June 15 and ar- alther night as never be-fore in its hintory. PropeE4 xpedition to Porto Rico .pfed to bie in the conspiracy have beendoadGnWeeramtethexem rvdonJy17Tegrtrprtnofheluns s- "Acrd ate es tone ll n aturedavr toetthe Cuandivltahoitiesrgncao erl ee, consequently ther GR AVEt TO H A VE STONE IILAH& , onof the- town wwu-iped outl.the Nheri- "Accohrl tbteaspestondeortnd-cinvthtartof te l andto e ivenmaewas nu motive for the change (of polic --dan hojtel being one of the few important ingthrewil b asupesin fr heci rial. Sevetralfmikite waer mdeby the Sgagasta eabinet or the formation ordered for HeroeWh- Died at %..- buitldings eftritanding. The diames also Present of the proposed expedition ta eiul nfo rnigtewtr and of a new cabinet, as sagasta still enjoye igdecb.invaded the re»ide-nce district. doling im- nMNAK ON. Porto Rico0limier the command of M4j. a namber of detituaore reported. The the confidence of the Queen Regent. Th# Secretary Alger has sent instructions to lucane damnage. The tiaal loms mwill run réut peayfrsa fsth a ll mpin.t GenoffWade,"Ti tatemW et smaen màen xctedernte 'pesnadosmpwhod adrid papers admit fthat agasta hal Ge.Shafter directing him tu mark thei into hundo(red of thousandm, and may laa t pperancestheewl ntbtnofa the arDeatmnt «hddsetedCaafrom tenih capuandcome ont(of the Prisie at this stage in goa graves of ailldeuid soldieri at antiago reach the Million mark. In iterevet hearmy Gen, Corbin denied that any such order etrdteCbnlns sesbyt ona Ordler. The finishing touches were glives with lstane sabs intead of wood, so thant Thelire origiusted in the agent'% office moved. thyaibeenssued in weritiglut t wsidthon sarmy' In the cabinet counil Sunday night t4 the grave@ Pcan lbe identinied without digfi. of the Northern Pacine deppot, and aimost [tendied] for nometfiimethtb testatararethus udar EVER DEATHS FORTY A DAYthetSanish inote. lDuke Almodovar, bie culty. Au soon as the condition of the as so-n am it was discovePred the entire troops should be withdrawn stood hiadt been repeated taoffiels ln fore the counicil. crossed the court to the climate and the facilities for transporte- building and the immenseý warehouse of as1the yellow fever should becaglfsmiftedprmns OeFihflsntr odto te royal spartments and placed for the fuasl tion permit the bodies of the soldiers the company wiere in llames. Inflammable oM, the War Department belle,. reasona given was thait the removal of the City ef S«ntiago .. tite before the Queen Regent the tex buried at Santiago will be disfiterred and oils and powdr cotribiuted to the raid the disease couldlbe overcome sick from Santiago was the fist object The reports regardfing the healthfulness of the momnentous document that marks bron ht to the U'nited States. After be spread of the flamesm. and before they I» grmât cost of life. Steps hadt nOW. Another reson stated was that the of fantiago are not borne out by facto. G3LAN . CBArFEE. the officiai assent of Spain to the foss of In* landed they wvill be shipped directly ta could bec chec-ked they had %prend toaa shnfor the Immediate smovement peace neglotiations might render unneces- Theseins littlenyew fever &mongsthe their lives for their country were forced the last remnant of hier empire in the new the late homes of the deceasedin canes o rtkbiilià*arsst e aly. et the troops an order havingsmary a second Porto Rican expeditin residet, they bing seelimated, but otha- to live or die. world. The quee nindlher minister wer where the friendusas desire. Otherw-ise destroying the Tribune. Nare's hardware directing that all of the &HAFTER FRE.ED FIROM BLAME, er dipsease are camaing a igha death rate. Before reaching Fort Monroe three had equally painfully moved.when Duke Al- the bodies will be sent to the National @tore and the entireý row. The dames at Santio. and all of The aitar inspector has made a report died and this fact was reported to the modovar left the royal apartmuents to co- cemetery at Arlington, Va., opposite then leaiwid across the street to the Firsit Tàampa, ext he Fifuth eguer 'sStteelefndeHsCo&W toandviWood, whch l asrta dyse nterquarantine doctor earlyThursiday morn.- vey the document to the couni, where Washington. National Bank building, which melted #»U FirsPLu tOhvountersbe anection with Treaport Conchio, and mahelderiaeveroarnidtem i ceinàthe Ing. That official could do nothing with- the mninisters alfo showed a deep mene away- in a few mniteso. The Central etukePoint wihote. Gens. Shafter la released from al Sm geoity.ThedeathU"from these cus ver- out hearing from Washington, and hie of painful. mournful solemnity in the act IMSURGENTS TA LK PROTE84T. bock feillowed, and then the fire «pread to ofledig tlces f heIn sending convalescent soldiers fromugs otyady UdrSa al no went ashore after examining the ship to liposed by necessaity upon the rulers of the po tice seping over the entire Navy Departments held ait the Santiago in the filthy transport Conche. attention whaterwas» patidto sanitu- telegraph the authorities. No answer was Spain. Cubant Want to Administer Affaire of block tand carrying down the postathece, ekse ira& called to consider the In Ia statement signed by Secretary Alger ten.' reeivedl. The dead lay on the second BLANCO GIVEB UP he Ce orkquerd eritory• npthe Merchal .1nt B ablock, the Gran et aillthe military forces in it in said that the commander of the Cou- ]KEN ON YALE PARE POORLY. deck, with the living lying around them, •themSneigwhork myorld prn aipachbrick nd aintitermediiite ftrae andh am promptly au possible, in the cho did not report to Shafter that he need- until Friday afternoion, when the captain Prcl i tat Powers Have Forcedl frma antiao hich sias: Gen, Caixt rick teprcifhtures Kuitz's sre iand the e evelations made by Cl- Pd water. The transports were given no Oflaer of the Ehip Tainlat the Voyage went to sieu and buried them in the waves. Spain toatliefor Peace. Gapp rcan h is 0 nsunren bav ed.gretrnt omtat l-<ei were asIotburn- and the other offeers. It was sohelter trom the sitormsi while at anchor to Cube. That eveningt another death occurred and News has reac-her Washington flta tpe rwn ainadGri a d h imsaspeinrhit h nfe ome discussion that the off the Cuban coast, and this accounts in Au ofeer atached to the auxiliary another sea burtial. Meanwhile somne sup. GnBanotlaaaharentys-fot the province in high dudgeon bec.ause residenee etion and gutted it. The fire- te osould lbe transported toa amenture for their badt condition. BSee- cruiser Yale, which reeestly sailed for plies bhad been ordered and Wheb te on en. d aroIaonfan ety fiaic the United States authorities refused to men were powerless to check the jnrade Pntwitho as little delay as Po8- retary Alger's statement la basedl on thel Cuba with a reiaent of. troope aboard, cho startedl fer New York she carried a he makes known to the Spanishpol eri otaeu h riso o ern to the lire, which spread toa hundreds nt rm ...... ."ru. repeoplee.. ment of the province. The lant heard of building, lie-king them up, au en muchs with Secretary Alger's tewnte esse slefodr Goernmk en o-et Cuba thant Spain has, through the in- him he was weet of Hlolguin proceeding waste paper. Shafter's corps, numbering MONTAUK POINT, WHERE SiMAPrBR'S ARtMY WELL CA MP- ders before opportunity hadt been given tervention of foreign powers, been forced toward Nuevitas, in the province of Porto 'The origin ofi the fire is unknown, as no exclusive of the 4,000 suffer- for the purchasie of many necessaries. to the disgraceful issue of suing for peace' Principe. is purpose is probably to forma one was in the freight office when It stait- jurer, who will have to remain and that there will bie no nDorte war and a junction wvith Gen. Gomes, who in sup- ed. Ail the wvires wiere burned out, the .Mthey are convalescent, will CAMP ALGER WILL BE MOVEAD no further use for soldier%. -He offered a posed to be in Santa Clara province." WetrUnoofiebngnefthfrt M1,ontauk PoLst as ousoaspardon to aillCuban political prisoners, Wtoeonteio oedoe wasflsohe-bu eaunlbe secured, and suntil irest Bteu Is TaksntToward Changing andl more than 150 have been released ln Pald in Regrets. tr oyesdAtemrary ent--in ewas maende-t by the Spanish will permit the Location.Han.- A Santiago dispatch says a caotant hanydeA im prae usinw mti.t b the garrison of Santiago. Orders have been lissued for the move. In explaining Spaina defeat ln his proc- stream of atire residents la presenting Erery drug Mtore in the city wa. burn- dMoftait Point are in rend- ment of the second divisiion of Cam lamnation Gen. Blanco informe hie credu- laims agfainst the United States Governi- ed, and ail the crocery stoem but two or eeption. Alger to Manasllas, Va., twenty-five lous readers tat Spain, hatring auffered ment for toutes sustained at thehnd fthree, two newspamper offiees, and thegreat Ebttrs rm asevcatdmiles south of the old camp. This makres go much in the presient war, could not re- Cuban troops, robbery and pinunder, dur bulk of thec busine8ss portion of the city, ao wllbase urned e@ h rtse owr h bnomn fait the imterference of the foreign pow- jng the last three years. Theie chlineare with msveral blocks of residences. The adSecond United States Camp Alger, made necessary by an in- ers and go to war with ail countries at promptly returned to the senders with an Sheridan House hadl a narrow escape, but åtatry regiments (immune%), creasing epidemie of typhoid fever. once, so she was compelled to accede to expression of regret. was saved. Ail the postoffie supplies and byCol. Roche and Hood. their dictation and eue for peace. Ha-etrsae.s.Maypol r oe ndFirth immune regiment, GoTeen frAsne ana, hiesaye, will bie given over to the America Equal to the Tank. les. The line of fire extended fram the ay and Col. Herbert Sur. Private Cornell of the First Alabama A mericans and CubanR and the Spaniards The London press, in dliscusing the fu Norhruaii rcst hyrsre asobeen ordered to Santiago, volunâteers was recently tried" by court will be forced to evacuate. , ture of the United Staites as a great naval en thernorhanfroForucs th b& t Thid sadeat. Two other Immune martial for overstaying a leave of absence, He assures the soldiery and all Spanish power, point out the obstcles In thetret en the easth and wes Iut tThiner etto bie selected will be or--Il devlopel durius dbe inocediansfiet u ai sdeurs who wssuto reinin toapain or oft ao e ua oroRc n ancste maoner ot nd e-half he lassr· rehk in a few day. Four report of Col Charles Heyl of the inupe,- tated that the troops were detained the Young maon. within the period of twen- to go to other Spanish posseesons that aile, but concludtefthat our Government Lateisycvr u-atteb regfiments are in procesis orftor generar'a offiee. Col. Heyl made a aiboard the erowded deckstfer three weeks, ty-four hours, hadt collected $1-s.70 from they will bie iven free transportation by £qua to the tank which the coursme of and waill be sent to Santiago personal investigation of the matter. twoa weeks of wich tisne was spent after debtors, rut umarried and joined the their mother country to their destination evente has imposed upon It. NINETEEN LOST IN A GAL.. amauder orders prive inade- the ship hadl reachedà Cuban waters. • He churchs. Cornell was excused. aitaining a garrison ut the TROOPA FOR WADE*B DIVISION. sId the men got soaking wet every timie Threatened weithe Court-MarUt. Deuid Bodies in the Wrecke Colomsbien ExplorationParty Periehee epitalnow under control of fit rined and were herded Mike sheep on Hawaii@n" Given a Chance. American offieers who made public the Scores of deadl bodies are atill l the in Enaskohvis River. Reganete@lecedhetLis leabjctboard; that there was but a ton of ice Hawaii in to have the hlonor of furnish.. terrible condition of the soldiers at Son-1 wrecks of theSaihwr The Colombian exploration party, ecess. Al-er'sorderthe fact i. to Change. aboard, which was kept for the sick and inome of the garrison of United States tfaoeare threatened with court-Martial. go Qe-,be e ..aoedofsixteennproopetorssewhllen t