SAMLON lmSS mar- l laEh-rtDn-a -n- imr aem0 'IMMS Vibe n d l a ter omi50ithe Mm miaiie Jasofcten hHi ua- te of Cit51m dealm'~ers t. ad ti-É JWm oik"ît forNshbvilleT..e WU liaI 00 r&idnt in thae bef * r gi *"S toccupiti hi' A. J. Warren, dL dqiuedaler, PhU#ipb & tuvenlon, keffl Md tieare, sud the Divia Pntý- pg Oaman. The building ocupit ir kt Amerean National Bail vas dins- bu on Iawmi ater. The loos leIstkh ioe&, The laie sntaùwniiF hi'eIiPitl-O b* oaMauacCompaw ni' sr me uingula tei int$[15 mo 4 eltU0Phip Ste- 1 jï1 Wluisn ock, $5,t)00; Aturican e 00-"' BaaDm, laie on building, $2Mt)0 prti ItiaigComupamy, l"son stock, ~40 .M. Demi, louetaiPliilipa & iatnbuilding, $2.000. t [drw lIwargnte Are Pt-usineab tefkla i Ciliof ca*ten. I rIU«tbetilon la Chima, ahiehit qideet fr »»tinte, ubova 111 MBOt.Pal5ireeruCOewue&Thc rsht.0' Lund a" prparins toa ttmçb Uia .teuiialient the aurrSter ai pgCotathe E'reck, aid balu lOhiOs ii atei upu titi mmmi.- 9 = = p liebaighiemnigmatin1 ~aiSaasdhm és et 0" ste thec1 MPggKagTUDI. The vlceroeîns auilsp«ek #treop CI hil th Asostas iilshâ he ci ikatu emmcangctm tbas madi i tUe0ttoou Wj»Ute ating vie -sl bie i omnfor ltheprompt er tbicf*0geseM idlalu ncetm.Bi lutif icbbag =mmd V ersensai lassai issu, lu hi Gualcmiau amyi' cicera. si ue lea *01 of Tti.liiiVo:s,1. M iWtai, alto amutohi h' tI that they amtdinlaeriC 4ffl i aumr thore. lu me w asimlie isaimai. and hu.f.L IbTis cottagecassai higab ot.tie, smmlar meldenai emue n undie stvigation.,18 bbeffilime ID hi given te 0 I S a e ioe., Tht Goatem- M *hirteoiclutdhsva teseiG It$ic a mhlu veri'oppo- i.te u abtot*b hbest Pio- lhIe uMth t the au ..74Pubilurg..Ae a tg ..Ufro&i' ...42 _'IN tmWma&7 5L Pul....L6 6 1R.4 411>WMot. -2 134 etisphu..-.88S Tla a mailue la e naea& eseegal la dpaéismlpe lasexistedb ImSdILm" NI4s ud 4fpwb aIre vevisitai *0 ' .Inv Imiam mmsu ad *Saani W" naoeS le.Mmteap tcqu- eod@bUdltera i tse Itate et UmaI. Il. Maté Bain ai fieklthe natte, la la"id"m md ejcvr t*01 thoraiebaiti andhmmi btI*0rq ve nov, ei om&4@eîLua àà prvifteipat- Ji§"te lbeL. liotatemr *@ ta dfire thie " t ar r bdsbig te amt Brilin. report W mSptetorida, Balotena gangs 'm hec enlootlag t*0 proue.ofai *»ien io tt thse speaker ai et4.tshi.lme dtnonum- ~*re soilegmite le af a serlasi ni- tginrouble- ara sliptd tràmdalg et Gin. A. W. (rloy, oc- a&b*th0tfant au-s, NUq N. L- fi«e Wsahatbs, D. C, andithe ges- c»isiliues, Aicipits ud ma h- #4rdla mn trclting runani ~ Ma.Nias LAmbrt bai a 11*8 .àRaidmuAorites. te 49 0et t e oé tte itemptal1 et Tolade bit a nembe, ai twlm i fetomitanos aUieba w iddialtir a des- Qu00Vie« a et HiA*.'niu * stIc 9eseo Duent bla ed ai pitlug the aeromanb la meel iitesbande. u iumqai isinridtlof bailsgon1 Walte Wullsaanmesmbera t oan a"ielmibas reluiseS ; e N or ay , a le landing ai es - atCape Tcgatso tti s@ou*- *« l alsd.Tht seardit for 'e- o iblouaibaiuprtti futile. lutb r »eiclan LaIt Ontario. V" u lekmaidCharle Herne, Cospiai' ai Heehester, N. Y., nthrssd i lmsor Beach. on Lali iMh, iae'laking itaborati prepazut.. f establishing a large colony la Oid Mexie. neh Creel trîbe cosstetf iýt;t15.000 imuchera, Who arethe cet- eloche evuers oi mme 3,000,000 aceleof le toast and richeat faatiug lani. bu midiatirrilori'. FIlIî8,000 aorltahel- &amt wul eotigte atth the tiepedi- lawn Charls Venlass aiFort scotI Fan., vitebai large limancWaI nteresti aid atihina lassés lathe Creel nation. snd à@ fgniat or ceek Cuti, bas hein aggaehi the tila. to tale charge at the cohoniamtlom ami enchange their lindi t'praierti ia Mexico. lMn. [banalisa, lbe Governor aitt eCriel nation ani *m0 pros lmitmemberi of the tribu, ai- ro sià, f - vil Itaisnfer Meitîco o ameure a location aidland concesions rom the Mexteman mutharîtica. It ji. daim- id tht as Boom ai thse Onrt PartyinI settîti anothm aid much lurger nutuhir ef la- lisaew aiureadi' te go. Ugo vriIRN NE(1W VOIRE. g..d5ai.of et eping Poolpto Revit- dorai y he IbmPlaes. 11 Tht explosion of a large acainanla bail, nord lafIeaking ef mrtilclmi les, sit amc te Jacob HaUm»n's Cloeut brever'. a five-tori' brick structure lu Nia TarL. Mue dmamàriad i atImarveboua rapid- ti. a"I tIc Central BottibsaConipani'. hlant .sonnavglt Ire. Witis a ver' abort tinteeiautre block, .urundti hi' T'l avance, Flfty-fourtit aid Fiti- bit uktub, sftetite hi doomai. The iM»uedlng tinemnensaitmU llid aiti éaispeople5,11,seit lailted, and the hi- suerai tenante asegna0peur outInbts the streabi hi the hunireda.Alars iflir aliarmvs taàudi buhi thepolice ma" lt allie, iminai, et ,5ren, ustil four aarme. hi eunes dad s btae n - glac 'a"i veboh mâd eittruele ret *0saie, iai tilhiareuen if *lltebcdmeu, omi. ami citilirit air, modi hi the firtnttn. SIRIUR OUICKLY BIROKEDL lalîenMillsra ]Rafura ta WorkWbsi Thami la Maide teaoblat Dean.6 Tb* 700 " i»"@» sudmailaboreursn- e@ lte .Audeureui aid Honcbroal irWepn.ofthe Leihand aiWilleibarre Col omp auani il linalalon, Fa-, Who font on strle the aiter day, retucati ta surk tî*0 soit marba.Te e i Ae uema. cof abatt Uiy clalita hibcUih Unit igsehffls-ai tva Hunganlan labon- as. -The p"ptaid decbsiva action ni Buperintemient Richarde la panting i mo- ti *01 If the mes vert mot at aorklnl fin ma itemimes vouli bc sbat boa for t*e balance oaithe inn proine- *4 a aboheamm affct ou the strilire, a]- tbeeh tbeyei htlthe0 tvaibscbargei "t vOll hi relaithed. AD&OURI WANTLZGAL RELP. camilasWorMam nDisebargai ta Maie UeRoanfor ]hoUaa à scung of about sixty Italien labori iii heau Importai front Buffalo hi' the 3ra"'Tru"a athorttiec ta vorl on ltae double trackbug aof the .ystem holvain nommolhnsand Durlmgtau, Ont A sans of Canaienaarlnen via iliearard, te alaerocsfethe ImprtiItalien*. Tita Omnadiane emlidon T. EL. MePharsoc. U- P-, and mli la baiee ilen laitor haw Igought ta butar iaist the raivai Inqopb aid have kimIammaa ot beL. lKe. NePlercnavegaithemesa attesr ta *@àIMayaW. Ba meliureh cf Taranto. wh. lai boeappointai he Dominion Bevatsn.nfefr the purposi. Marint erer- 7«aci Muê.e Vdiu.etifa paît aOMMau- ter la và" am -vasali ai Perlaspe tva mcg-baeegoeeta the bottas aorc sin se Ikil 4an4 hiar'*0 env cf &0 lIa i esteamer chals, trual. os.M mdduas. Capt"laBassfer u 1p-thie*0OPÙtImUAff ir. bauc a calliisa»car Whiee1hMv Wthearaci- à"f a uq"sdeva. Ciptala Hanifod Cg assgr aid 'that.jleremenut hav" 1c« m a t li. Theo uns anmd mid- ti W a- na-tterai ove, Matethan &ve anges.No bodies ace sicu hi Captafi. Hga»UOMeor bie aieqr..CaptasHase- tuai le glacitvea 0thUic reekage bai aot bealatUic ater morteltas tacabi- ftou eu. Thc captain di.sot PIck np MU~ feteéareelige or attempt b idecti- fi' It Ha sppased t l te dliatervu% aireaudi knoan in Nea York. Sertes ai Coinebisacie. A aouoi atliti' seama le han# aver the oiles ai Aaaiaor oi Lawrence Caun- y. IL D. Tv. vian ago JoatcBuilocl vu iminabai on Uic Repubhemn ticket fan the oite, and ahili on an ileetian joucaey ha tel1 dewan mnahmanai emin- la ébaft and va. bibIsd. Jla ichaier wa appolmtied lbt.evacanci on the tiel- «t, and ho dii ia horrible diatb mfrona tehuaaeci iome drug. Brai Wood, the Pupaluai oulaui for the aoae, ami uit- a&, andi -eamter tho ileetian. hi, 100, mitia videont damt. Tht coumti commis- alosee . bis ippinlui W. W. Giddinaa te 611 the vemncy. Gitugawoami liedc a fevgii'mgo buinthe terrible tragei at Central City hi' Bd Shannon hicause af Jeausu. the muritnrerma l illngladk Woëze, a friend abo Interierei, ami pouading hi. aiic's bondai tithi. revolver se thal site dli ie&nfi"by hishactina anMin 811 imacit.Candidate, for Au- soo tao OU the vaeaci' eamd ei hi'e datilofai Uding arenmteraihy net titi' unnosn Mf Ioul ank gSyses0"tiaflciliielelb. À st. Lola bànule, et ainaneste throogbont the West, bas hein f4 sepersi menthe Uic vietint of sîstetle toiber. Br nmnfaia haahii vire, mrea thpoumnortie.i the botteat &m@bcd- affldot, th.eniuprît or cuipéita boire vorkcd a higbly lucrative sauce, unt fronsthie bout information abtamabbo the aulblooeltbottileva tIshe mîs lamses vO. foct op buta ive figurea. The cailer ni thc back buan soexplanitias ta uile. Daeetives bave lIe haml emploies uniet Dynamite Viachi a Ca». A» elictrie car. carryna ibi pas. gi«% vi.aereebti et Indianapois. lui., hi tht explosionaofai dynamite stici abtbai becs placeeila Uic cu-it groave. No ont wuia bJured, but severmi wamen fobuteot. The fonce of the explo. "lanhtrsa a t bols b ic he -elghtit uch sh-et.-n boltat f th. car mini, ie n tha tain althbisbIs $f. Ai~ ~~' sen thp-abe artedticm awor brulen'lste wlit axeàa"amitht ljure min n aiolas vert sasitedtiout. Thern le no teiling abat casei tht tendr at thei etiinite liste the truck. ACTE VrrX 10 I2OCIEABINO. Favorable Piaftri e Cinîsittablous tate itheWîTrei ntaio». Bradtrteen ame Cap the business itu- ation la thia vii: "Busîniai conditionsinl the main rtBet the contimuanci of tmait et the favorable feilureé hitherto domi- Csating the tie situatiola intie mort 7 favoredsctiona cf the countni'. Prend- 9 nent b inti. diretion, of course, art thet Ironandsieliialied Industiesein luhich active dimind, presset or propetitve, bas led ta further pe Adveinsee stalutil ami evea inreaisi aetlvity lu distrbution At moait Western marets. aiitt nome ilm-1 proveuttut ikiletnoteti at the South and on the Paci8e cotiat, steailitic la W piee-aheiat. corn sud cotton. haaevtr, txceptii-a reiseti nimber of boea ..s i failmi, fair gaina in ralroud eirubng 'e as a aboli. sand batikclearinga. In spile of a e llght reduetion fr0. lant wyul, showlma gaina nier ail correpodiîg perloda la jirivious Jearl." P CON VICTO AB COUNrUMRITRS th Titi' Are Dbseavired UH&itn OUurt- 0t Oua, Coin la Masai. ci A gang aifenviet coonlerfeiters hie hein dilicoverti minnfacturlng Apuiriotsiin cMna ettht Lattas. tte pimtentiani'etailt Leavenvorth, Kan. Tht vork va per- It formtd in tht cail mine, Uthmuiltai db bing babltt, bucketsanmd Apeura, ahich 0O acre mlliei-and cent lu plater of part. te moadi.. A considerable quintAl' of theTý coin lu the denontutatians of nickels and 0 quartera habien piacad In circulation, h( and itla le iti s bai bitendont wth te the connivnce of nome of the gourds. lu Tht dlnoyeny va tht reaut ir a conviai ti vit e hiUved hi vie mt getting"re et "aqnealisg ta the waien. Siviral con- nied vwith the gang have hein plaei la ie sautetr' confinement manau vestigation Pl le ta hi ordoec. The ardea refuss ta P givi te imes- of thonse impictd or tua)j iunà nbait Inilformation. i JAPA-4 IATIbSD6E No Biftturaise Ou tte Aunxtion et HAvAII. c titi Departmiut o a tutt iWashington Ni that ha bieriui no dlsaisfaetion CI there la conaiquince of the annexalian af Je the Havaîban Isianis ta the Unitdi1 tates, aliai annixation has bicome ae- Té eomplichhd. Thte<oernmmit and pe-. pi. aile stem ta hi .itiallethtîlur Sa Goverumeml aiDfliy proteetthe ighta F and Intireetu ofi Lapeandamiorf apameai cubjectle joa. iMada. On the part ai the publie priai eh as kuow or noaoun-A liai expressiona betonsiof the UnitdIni Statueauanexlng thiai iiands. C Bicyes Wltl BeNo Chaiper. t ÀA peaiaitromsNew Yorksmys tht Mhi- cylna»ietal Dlii'ta hi any cheipir j soit y7ar. Ide, manufacturera mai, aulva=ce t priest, althaugh the chantai0 ara thttheivarions gava it. liremalu eta lte saniefigures as ttey slrinatNl&1800 4 crscr la reprtti au the tabisg mur- - ki«. amidtepriai oftnblit bha. heiurais-m id ly iertsyndicae cotralbusa alargo f quantili' cftIcheoutput. On rdinaiy aheia thc mvane. ia.qus hAu ta ha faI more b he icmile, tan y heicp lemau lit lasot qutie menit te brile bout a radical aivm e aprie, and yut »m11- elue I10 eress.tht te t rMa aÀ,i- cycit. Tht iiwis la.tabins yul bit the Istiller mianfactureb gatfrer fan thc ISlg conera. and it la sot Improbable tht I sos. cf1h. initier mie,. atfl b.erevdi cd e t fbsslnes It lae laed Iler au f responeible fer cutting Uic prias af bi- I cycles.. aidthi. la ta hiat rpunlimetati "ito Crelce I sDii vud The @saluthe fomthal clthlng store et Deaavaad, . D, vie ermeed heicoUi-p or nlght aid about $M, bitaiem #1%» 00And $15900lu notes andituai- mateaai aId W"t sumd aller ValUiblo Javolni' are te«. Titi ntram e the ron va il eted hy uttisag a hlé 1 Irougit tht fleur front the huiment. A bale wvia rufti through lbhecmblimation of th utoai..ali"s peni the dooe. [limage hi' eras, 015.000 A -evert ainiatoru Wleilteu tobicco barnn thUic ortbein part ai SuMeli. Ooun., blea divn a minitre.aid crip- rpied Uiceilictrie Light servie. Tht dam- .ange auiid lae tatbnattiil t1115,W0, on- t Bmai lrgily ta rmmcd toaeco. C oFer ladIcal Chin«is Os Columbia.- à Tht Nia Yark Wori correspondetIli cible. ftrucmColon, Colomin-a;Congres C le m4sdeiutheic dviuabllty oi rtduelag1 Uic iusi one-baf, rentrictina tho Prost-1 bdenti anarmaus pover and the abrogationb ai foreiga treaties. anummer mofel Rirmed. Tht Nortaille Hanse, oui af tht iarg- est bottin at Nrtittilli, N. Y., a nmmer remart, vas destroyed hy lire. k ARK=T QUOTATIOIM m r Ohlago-Omattlc, tamisn ai prime, 03.00 1LW ta 75; bogs, ahippbng grades, 40.001te4U25; shtip fair ta choies, 0a.50 1to 0.90; aleat, No. 2 red, 67c ta Me;t 1cacn, No. Z29o eta aic;ati, No. Z2la19 a t. 21c; rie, No. 2. 4&e ta 46e; butteri, Chlo.ttanteri', 10e ta 18e; eggs, fresh 12e te Ille; potats, 4choIe., Bnc te 45e per buai.1 Iihamplie-Omtie, shipplng, 0.00 te à $M*bui, cholce lgt, 03.00 ta ".15. 1 heilt cemman ta choies, 0.00 tao 04.50; wbht4. 2 rei, Ode ta M0e; cors, Ne. i2vwhite,net1aie; et&, No. 2 white, Ille a 28e. il St. Lo10-Cattle, 103.00 te $5.75; hoas, ,t08.5011 te $4.25; sbeep, 08.50 ta 04.25, absit, Na. X, Me ta10e; coca, Na. 2 ryuîIOW, Me ta Sic; auto. No. Z2 2hta 28e; rye, Ne» 2, 46e ta die Ccnt-Cattie, 02M5 ta h5~ oas, 0800 ta0425; ibe.p, 02.50 ta S04.51>;1 '" baeit, No. Z. 0e ta 67e; corn, Na. 21 m.ii, 80Me ta Bke; cita, No. 2 r.iied, IL21 tle28e; rie, No. 2, 45e ta047c. le Detrot-Cattle, 0P.50 ta 85.25-;lotge. Il 0&.5 te 84.0M; ieep, V-02.0ta 04,25; To-iU.. 1o-9 thiat. No. 2m. - 8 ta W WIUUEAO Pv"rm TEN STARVE ON SIIIP muii.Tack ail Amy Itlms Gîten Sick Bail osr. e ouuVclua. 1rmIspaniBiue te Momtasis froux Cult 200 BOck Regulam endami l, daucee.tfBeibodyia Mîssinago- asentUifcrn etaithu VoIlLtoi Due te Bed Ta&pa-T7housnit. 111 ut ts Mors Victime Delty, Wshington corrcespndenee: Fiels Oi titi tOst siv7k.-iitiig character contitnue to doa in npIanthorified peuple na refertuce la tht nutoer sîtticonition of tht saldier, i lutVariosiampbox. Pitat tbroughout thtecountlry. Itlas ira- possîietatodeai witîî the subjezin lduelnîl, ao wiespread is the stil andîivoîuulituu -ho store ai sufferrlng and ieilrrur. lb Is renirknhlo Ibat sons,. ýf the tuet horrible of thesecdtalîs shosl oid frmnitht camp:situatti lu the hi,,, t ,ofthteiStates. lroiu tefoliowintîg saIssfoint idem, inai' hobai ot the txtemt of stekuei and isuffentng amaug til- sulda-s,,. The tahuin- ion isahi' no measio seiîin-tt and colnnut bt suaitso aoutil ,-onilticd m a rsiy rec. iris, but ismanai)upgeto-raly - mnthe reporte rtceived irî,ui tht cm iun osîsiaa. rhosnsofaiwhouu io rsesord 00w exist, Or ever ahIl xii, bute sotte ta their tomes on inrlssghs stud nre being vnred fer uhero, thttiire-is ai others are arriv- ng aimat hourI' tus tht hiosituls and rampe ai tht North iroto lobe unidiSouth- 'c camps. Folloatng i8 n partial list: RWck lu Varions C&mps. Satago............ ............... 557 Phlippines, teitttie>.............. 5K Porto Itico..........................HtM Bciton ..................... 416 lasaehubetls lovas ..ý..............l34 New Hampshbre. Rthode Islsnd sud MaIne bans...................... 281 Camp Wtloff...................... b Duan ltiacamp ......... ..... :....318 ]Pri Noyer liffpita i.............. ...uSM Washlnata araskt ..... ....-w Camp VMeade .......... ...... nt. LouIs.......................... 1-6 New Yank City hospitala ............. jaS Camp Milii.Lexîun ...o...... 271 Chickmmig .................... 2.100 Jackionvtit 0 Veruandina ........... .. 125 Tampa ............e.... 0 Camp Algern...................... lot, Huntsvile ........................ 20 tan Francisco .................... 4W Fort Sheridan....................... 40 Total .......................... Û,0159 Onteaifttie vont peat-holes seemtua ab et Camp Thomma, on the site ai tht aid bittiefildlioaiChiekamauga, vtiich wax thostu as thsit Ie ai a camp or ittutruc- tion çarly In the u'ar oa e-cul Of lis tuppaiti samitanj mivantas,. itre tht tsunterofai",il, u boipitil ami aulside, te catimited ntb nurli'2,1M0, abile uimnuy as miny have hum s"ul home ta ha.pli" ®r their iMonen. Camp Wikoaflas illîng sp dally i' vIlacmons irotu tht troupe &MYi la Porta [Ueo. Laid complainte are miai Uitec»n t cf nunanamiproper foui, ami yet itlsatotuai vweîs duce sau fthei Ui ftcilaoaithe mSedI dpamt- mtnt vert protesttng against the emploi'- ment oaiediCou murais, althongli fie' have shovun usives umont effiient bath ai the frant among vounded mem and le the lever hositala. Ie talesonf0lebton ahilh have bfen t-c- litai hi salilene irrivlna on peit ahips lu %Fene apuaivert rePeatti Sundai. aben the Tucutan goi te the pie, il Camp Wl- boff, MontarilPoiatadmi egau te dis- charte the iruoffl hvIacmpifront Sun- tkage.e at ei s basixiii coust et Use Seeit t eulaIfafni'neT sboehimg condition ai the min end the ap- palDg aenms a Uraugh iehieb thai' pistsl eau hi imaginaifrois thu tact lIaI »voit mes vfet taniai ta desth on tepassage, aid Une, mre d iable la thtebiebin hifor. tti'ey ei claniti, b.ciua the slIp lefl Sspitae aillant proper food on supplias icitht aId ar anythina tise bot the regular ansi rations,"slit hors., sOw bielle' and sllngWca,"mthe saienacm xl lIe imuca bief.,.Mltid Prk ami bamitark, ahicb the asud vire utAble la cet. Wbbn the HitI hOhio lanic traon thUi Mohawkbfiandar, 300 acre reperted slcb ma and arm àiti in ambhulancetibiU hocpth, but It viassoon diacovarci ltaIt 170 et theinaire onil aufferlng for food, ea asOcn as tht' bai drink a glassoc talit or tba d ieaigot saihbng aboie- nomebuathem setamachu lhty vert able ta go ta tUir camp. If tite veaael bai heen dele t iret or four iays moreth@I ]lghtb h Mo vauid bave lest 100 men tram st*arvtion, ion mmn'aiftem bi bienu ii vith five, moi their abomacits mi Jetd ttieui foodihat was, pravii for thora. BfitiantSicretir' Alger icft Camp Wl- koif hi ariened tensrgeon gemtral te sund lmmeiiately Iventi-four physicelns aid ighty more munie. tua îe.ian md e- iteethe iîvolei voenserigav- unteins, waitarvehinv 9b 4 giMoin day. veel mter vee, util ibeir itrengts i. .uhanatii. Boue citUc Bed Contai surises have mot lbai lcir cloUe, off for ton damiand there are no accommoda- tlaeu fort. ta cnt ami refriait them- selves. The regnlars aha have returoei tratu Santiago art bn excellent condition cain- partil vîth te velunteens. Thti partie- nianli true aiflt eagio Irooi. Tite ammisais traug end beatty aetltai' vert ahen t*er lett for Cuba, aithoogb tIti' lave entiic hemmhardbpu aid bave esten lIe situa rations. Thla la se- conbeiforn hi'fe ibiity r t UMur race ta emdure bct viatIea mani tat-eiait mieasmtir poeons. 11fr ali tue aidno- ttcemble everivitere ltai the %bauqanmdl dier lmaas boa te liii lu camp eni boa ta tale cire ai bituseit on lIe makrol mueit botter lma lte vinitum. Ha la bard. tati te hîroihipsanamiexpoanrse.-Hi i. meetuitouta le is rations. nisile 0grot maJoniy et the voiusliees bave hei fw a1 i1 Iel,-ei p-a différant, diet. Th* k r i ~r~ih UIIiCI J C - 1' i ALOIR 10INDIGNANT. &.yu. Conitions et Miltaty campa Ita e Bacu GansI'mm mir.pname& ilecretani' Alger la Indignant at tht van- bau miripretentatians of tht conditions ut Camp Wlkoff, Montaul Point, and et te ludiacrimimabe chargts mmde- agabust the détaenltutu h people aho tale no pains la ivestigale. To a Wsinigton cosrrepondnt ho sai It tht tal aofex- iftcretiri' Sherman slan exemple cf recl- leu maertian vitboot investigation, ior Mn. Sherman sprat a week at Amagan- sett. onir a dames tule. irotu Montol. vititomu gaInna eut ibut he retuca. la Washingon talma sabout tb. borrrofa the campe antdt th eesui for investi- gation and Impeachment. Seretari' Ah- ger sais ibat the lois oi lie lu btte and frotu iitmacla mue lm ithan vas esti- maiS hi' fie mont conservative uicri- dles, vten. tht arsi' va 5mb 1mb eaiu ne- Mr'acotamry', aidtea aplace about vhlch iliuni l nown, tîcepî IbatltIlw»nae- gardti as one aioftmut osnhtbty spots bu thei West Imditen.Tii. ansiwam bouglt home i.usnan au it could hi. Montiub PointIwvi e sietetas a detIm- lion camp fan reeuperatlan. Il coli cani bi i btead mieubiquaraulinti. Seetetani'Abatr nis *01 Uthecamp, lit- lmg hien et alihi for tII. purpe i a ai course healaneaac aitn &Il teSan- tiaga troc,. are able tu laite aid ha mua- toned eont a Iservice. But Uic report *01 iltvOl bc abanionai benuse 0aitIs usittltiti'canitions i. f ai,for Uic camp1 lla baati' h eulby location, and me abe tame trams bbc transporte sîie vitI foyer and go Imbo the hocpitah ia dis- ehiratdi n a iev dais la comPaUriti gondihaifi. Ail the iesu ntaIlont- ak la brouaIt tIeefromnt niai, ai Seretari Alger mips Ih vali hias"te- @omable 10rmil tl i etutl itpla bhUi land unheuli' beeauae m&U Ite Ismateare invalia. ____ CR1TICIMBUDrT SUERMAN. Vrorscn Sourtes; etOMale bai'slia vs.ftgatîla s ieisi, Tht intervew vlth loba Sherman. changlng nigleet nmislmanagement np- on te War Deparicit. oetti n end of senation bu Wahington. To amoter interviewer hi retdSnsme ai thecrtIU- clameandi spole vlth deep feeling cf abat hi tefmei *motucmrous misminagentent." lie mdiii: "îlbe aboli str' la ton horrible fa tail about,.and thire calhiano possible ex- tuai ceran. Icannot undertale ta sur abaLt individual autIafti la epossibhe, but the facta themaelvia art manitroui, amidalsiller *0a fullait l"oieere in the fcli, thoeith le departmntot he Eacrelari'oa War himiel, the rt.poais- bilibi ehsi aul h ixci mmd the pesan ne- iponsble abouti hi severeli' puisitti 1'lb vas Ineva fihat therns a u a heltlc; aur rmi aons sent tlene for titat purpoea, and lb ai. nathînsabsort ai ctra- înai tu egludlttosu ecciairi prepara- lions for te rare aifie vounici mnda<ck aid tuprofide for the suatenance aoflte* ",An Investigatioa ioul hi bai at once. ami mn eîasuphe shouli hi maie ai thoca ruipomale." OMB3AIRDXD WITU KhnaHI. 1Admira tlOi' Refreats Unie, a reimini Volley. Wben Admirai. Bchloi' vitai the Nuti' Depurtuset te otier iii he expectti bo sbake bande altI bits aId fninds and 1ev that hi voli hi aarmli' oasratu- olatid but il i. deubtful Il ha vu# pre- parn fer nithlbli e the deatailn tint tank plu&a Brave Lieut. Penson Robes a»lisaui hi'a St. LouIs girl i LMS g Donn, bat Seltsp, lIe aid hm cof Unllge, a e ser lait hi. nerie aIea CeetaiMin ver. povo-, lleyraie, > Volay le Uihe stfou" ni itinecor- t ré-fairli' hotidup--bm u e aithet corrior«mted 0 eartmti hia regint of fat ir sin lwarl43eHi alIlati lte r ulatlnlent Of kluetu for iamthim10 e Ov§emiutiemian v mraid thn tiai litme 10 shako the lha fine aid lIcelie ibmii hmbai ni *0ert. Anidtes le dii t ouethîng hi acter di htfre-rtr«ed 1under lire. Thtelisies acre toe mus cer èhlm, am a efoUni coter bin CaptisI a m)ovnwumhiw ofie., heta ha met a b nmtuhr of sris'and aty offieem , ah v ert gatberei therse ta Puy tbeur respet@ CURANS WZILL DISBAND. Arc Recemîna 9Limas301 116te ta Ib AisorliS Ansi', tiGen. Caîlillo ot lIe Cuban ami, ai l- thteIvlition ciftien. Laton, bai an einteriew altit tht American commander regarding thei itahnniment ai lhe Cubai focs aictbu Uic Uateprovince. (leu. CmtM iaexpSsii the opinion Ibat the t Iabmndmeut ci thc Cuban. couli bc et- feced i ithout trouable. He sai Ibat tite itotilil ai the Cabans groalma ont of t a reusilai fte Americans te permtltite rjot -mlt&rr,oettption o t the conqueret -territoz, i, althe bcCoban lima fliomins s ver tepalaeO healde lIe Stars amd sup dieatuingandi, ndin thti s' &dvi.pecool bhuait, ltat ebeeaofnil go 4VgMu in demaisifor Iheir allcai BLÂME TaneOyDrcICEEB Wer Dpartm"t fCitef. Diii'the Chers». or Miemeumae.u Thbe bureau Chiefs or the WAt.D.prt- ent who are charg.d wlth lnconubeteac or nî'ulect in ralfliagttI provide the army wlîh necesaryi' ofrtsanmd proper med- test attention are charging that th@ cru- ade agaimît themi 14 aboll' aithout foun- dation, and that the neluspapera are en- gaged lu whoialei ylng about them and about the condition of the mes. Tbty lu- siât thent maltpe are nowhere Bur asibail ai etated. and that the privations Cam- pialid of are tht unavoidahie Incidets of every ar. Quartermaster tlenerai Ludington dtpome that the mmnbai oeil the ciothing they sautti and the right kind of clothing and a superahumdance of bianket4anmd tenta. Commiaiary Generai %an dcielresadit tthe iol*iers had mare fod than they coutl possibiy use,.and thant If Itas nat alwar available the fault was la evert instane dueto 0the failure of tbe men theniselvts te tala il. îHe Insiste that he ahouid not lhi held e- counitabie for the Ignorance of the BÉE- cira Bnot hnoalns boa ta get abatvias comiug ta tbtm and their men. Surgeon Genefal Sterntberg pracialma atnrtilly filet he hought tuticincaenougb for cviii'- body and that if they dld not t ahere th" wacre needed it wau not bii fiit. Secretari' Algtr man&Il bis bureau Chiefs bar' that no eempiainte ot Inadequate pro- visnfor comfort or heelti atrt tmait e officimily, and the Sicretary aida that ie did mot kboa or ixiating lamentable Cou- iditions until his attention viascalltd tao thé fada byi the nîaaumntrs. moitai 008m» if Camp TiommaAc- casef et Nelgenc. > Au Investigation bai bgitn ordered of tht chargea et negligenee midi agalua thea cuedlls]departinent at Camp Thotui. Ordir. bavahen sent taetien. H. V. Bayntto ta ld out abat la the reui hâtis of tht many complainte au to conditions ut Chickamauaa, and ho ta tebhisser. If the report of Uts. Boyntos fixea the rtaponsibilliy the parti' or partie.s autai twI ibeimmeduately brought ta trial hi rcourt martial. Surwon <louerai Bternberg saistisera, basihen mort drîkneai at Ohîchmauga than inmai' other camp. Tht investam- tion under Gem. Boynton auj hi fer- reaching, as the naturel aurrousnding. tt Chîckamanai vwere onche esla thought lt, bi conducive ta health. Notwitbatands the practice durlua tht civil war of keep- ina men la ont Camp eontinnonsly osly for about a week sni of putting thenitat- agiether in oumberis ot ta exceed a division, 40,000 men bave been crowded together in Chxickamauga for about thret montiez. Tht Inqoiry ill Iprocttd upos thi. but: To discaver ahi' a protest front t urgeon General Sternberg bas not hein fortiscoming agaïnat oncle an unheari-of dispoition of troops for so long a tte. Tht* percentage of fever taCawll h comparti vif h thote «f othir camps, and tite number 0f surie. and doctora aDI hi notid, and if sot rouni to hi sufficit, iuch luding aw ibcemboici in tht re- port. Comnplainte f romtetheri have hies so chear and proneuncetieht It la tbought the root of tht cvii mal, hi quiclcî'foni. WEO bTAIRVBD TUE TIROOps? yCoqgre«i.u Waata te Knov Who la ta Blesse. The terrible Condition 0f tht îlck and aonnded solditra aet the snvtral camps a catt4fed titrouahont the contr ha.u aronus the grelâteit indignation amoner Ietht menthiri of Congre»i. "I wlah Con- ,fgre.. vwert b Itmlon nov," sali a tuans- aber thc other day. "Wt vouli imon ap. poilât a comnmitici ta lix thei blâme. I las an, outrage that soldiera abouli atarvi when the people pir millions et dollars Le.0t tale cari? of themi proptrly. Army ron- itractore att rlch, ahile toidieri die. We veîwnt ta know ani muet knov aha tary- d Uictheoliiereanmd negieted them ahen AR ic." ____ ýd LIPTON AID@ TUB BOLDIBRS. S coatwibtm 010,000 fer Relief off 80<1 Je and Wenunde. a ir Thom&@ Liptos. challenger for LeAmiricai toup, ami atîl Inown philan- *. throplat has rostributti 010,000 for re- Ileving thc abck and voaaded American soliirs. When Bir Thomasis"IanluNew York in lune hi ixpresaci great solici- a tudi for the aick Americau ciouesand silon lanCuhi.. At 1h11tithe remark- it d thsie ha oold hi g lad tuassiat thma in M soi' amy. The $10,000 deinonîtritta hile er fetling tban thc Amerleans. 0. TROUSAND& ARK lICE. 1Apamttisg Bistra.. at Guantusamo te and Viciaiti'. le Col. Riay telerrapha titat tht condition of the Opaniph pdlaomra and the Inhabit- il anItiSOf (iuantamo la appmlllug. ()f tht la 7,00 Spa"le troope there 1,062 are siel. id Yelloa foyir, malaria and dyaeniery ara- le tbe prevulilag diseuscs. The atchoum la k. OUsutasmo leetumciter ixposure atef. 14 riltes, "a i thei Uîsui conditionAtu1 lPaidesalée rate àla hi d -P,*zes #'Redgictléi o! àrg MIfttry Forces BURDENlý IS CRUSING4é Noole Ara Ne Lotger Able te HaEsd Welit af Va"t Armamt As tle irsi elp ultanl Coteranes on Graiduai Disrim i la Rteosisîci-Note grVt i t Orttra mpart ta the Igaffro VotiS ta toit fa Alil DipomieunRpsn fai les et Bt. peteralus ghi'fe For. ilg i Mîtater. Di ordtr ofi Emperor Nicbolaa, Counn Muriviof, the Czarsm forelgu mInter, bas bamiedtluthe foreigu diplomate ut SI. Petiesurg a ole îelarhug the maints- nance of pence and the reuluctbon oaitUc excesstve armamntus uoa eruahiug *Il the catlion.s-sethe litai for vh" al li Ccv- ernueîs otiglt, la atrive. The Czar con- aidera tho premint moment favorable for lit Inguration ofa smaterent ooing )a tisenu, îoed tariti the powene ta tale part ln ai international conférence as a means aithua lnîuring vtamiani lasting pueenamiterrtubuina tht Progresive in- The Czar'@ hropomitlon i Il.4' le pro- ucc a sensatton îhrouahanl Europe, mand, eomîng f rom sucb a quarter andmits sncb *vbuluml simdtnlty ni purpoat, it ba ibtlfr ta NItCtlOLÂàIil., CZAR OP BIU5itA. havi important effe,'ta. No doubt la felt that. aith iUnasia taklng the uad lu a«eh a @tep, rttrmany. Francetand the othir ationt vilii hiresdy 10 folloa. Tht neya that Cm"r Nîcholas bias asa- tIti tht uorid wlth a letter sdvocatbng an international pi-ace movement. vrith tht ulttiate ohiect of cuttiog down stand- ing armit andiputting aH i iliti na- tion& on a pence footing. ha* irawn atten- tion ta tht fartsanamifigureasusrrouading tht vast armita maintainti by tht Eure- pian paversandi thtenmormous savlsg re- snlting front a usivîrmi treaty of piaci. Great Arabie iCzar Weatd Dimaii. Il'e é Wr Sffooting. Rumi ........... .. 81 .9 M I4 Viai .............. m.T &8440.000 Geruiar ........... 5.411 .4191» Gret krttatn .... .t.tE19 11.211 Gireat litain. ttoopsla tuila................. .... Ma00 Great Bittai, contoil tenapa .......................2.0 AusfrolUangary ... 337419 .172.1 Italy ................ 3().« S Tunker .............. 22.000l 1.000.000 liltarla ............. 5000 2Uji RLoumania ......................i25m 1 seist................ ........157.100 Bwitîaeland ...........t27.9U3 4009.24 De1ls.............04" 22 ..ln .. .....0&031 las. wauden and Norway ... 1..00 20*00 YIELOS TO OEATM. Claude XMatîbw*,Former India Govemmor. Pasat. Avra. Former Governor nf làdiana Claude Matthews. aho was stricene with paual- aie jusit mter addreaainc au cld atîtieWu meeting in Tipperanot County. died Bon- day morning, sithout barbag regaisai conscjousneii. Mir. Mattheaa vas boru lu Kentuky la 184&. Ht recelyci a common achool esu- EXOGOV. IIATuiWa. cation smd then entered Center Goife at t)anvillt. Atter gettiug i. dîio et Dauvilit he remoti 10 Indiana, ma" nol long atterward marrhed the daugito md only chili of James Wititcomh,on of the met ilîttîtrioni of the tîrly statua- sien of the Housien l$tâte. He becmas, influence lu hie own iocality almoitlm-~ mediattîr. . It wiLs ln 1890 that Mfr. matiheve lla' round te hi thtetuas of tth ur by* fao- 4eirdom Democracy. Bitllpolitteilpar. ties vent catng about for irnhlabli a didatta. He vuq somintti, and thc pu>. tilt ar Indiana sent hlta tuthe Otite sp il aith s wjorlty of 20,10001 lie servtd as Secretiry ofStite for ta. ytarsandm made consîderable reputatien, as a meinher of tht $tâte lioard of t commissianers, holding out abouti for a henry inrse in the ansseut of mail- rand. tebegnaph andother corporat. xp- Hie popularti omouf al classeta"ai bis satiactori cotiduct of bis officiai &fý fair. thrta hlm loto tht foreitromnd s a Y candidate fur Gorsor lu 18012. Hits ad. Minlstfation asR iarîti hi'thetRaiman ergi that he dispîsyei lu i. anuvai, a"d bc proved one of the hardest worlira > that have @er enben in tht gubet.natanll W officellaIdiasna. Cunterfaitir la Arreated. Chier Wllkie of tht sec-ret service in Washington bishbeinnotlfied oai bban, - rest lu Chicago oi Bartelmo AwaIloîeý Wito hiwd bu hi. posession $2.000 lunt~ tert fiy Ici note. on the 8 ilbiaia. Saterioab&4 dvertleit* &M Umrolm ai Mtemlidithm et