25 25 25. 02 30 30 20 Io 00 00 05 06 09 07 17 06 J.'. PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Only a fow More Pianotand RU UTLocalitems of Interest to LibertYVIllO Readers..,«* MueanS hlieft. & d the- Min T JAR Sfore I'4ext SaturdiaY. _______ - b r luit chiane to mccre a hlgli VilageOffOUl~ Te- risi LEà biattTflI~ VII'thae pla r iasîrfctrles inb ..............A. W. .Wa.do Boo b oh.AeYOD uic î..r 0 Oan utathr e iaworld --- Thos..Rare. LJ.HoYt. Lester o Alo n the WheatOfl and easy PaYtOeftsat that. Other Canning Requsites. MTrottrineserat...avi;t1.gFMc.ry Aent,8.ovli' Clmerk....................... E B Con.ty oo~ol When y'ou want the best of Police Xààâai ..............W. x. Ivl Evanston friends . LlbertyYille, Ili. I i F' anything in the lins of ___________ a&timond .«e. At.LagiTuesdap'a 0000train brougît T rou ~IW~VLL LODOE. No. 492 F. A IK. W. Stafford@ Iamily woViI move Roy Corieti homne. after ihree mnA 16. M.5 gel o0-mmuioeil & lit b tOtheir Chic.go home this week. evcluîeUS Ambulance ('orpei hehns famoe u .e5yafi mrE.setiflE brethorn i h ad faro, u =1 jy~alomd RB IEE.W. . UmsaMai14 21118 and Ms. C. N. at Ch1nkamaUga Park, Ga. Rlta ok. J.(. =irnùrad spent Weineaday lu Chicago. 'p.aked»' and valku with unsteady Colby & Colis Shoos on G ro e riesM eats A t, l fecbmm'Frank Dsnberry .old afine drivlng step. He la horneouna hryds C roc * . Lslfl V.( nohrle to Ed. MuhE'e, of Deerfleld, !urlough and nmjatuoiut 1t h os-your feet are sure to talke sattnrday. pual wbere Le waa conflfied ix weekm h rc he tcm dt . P. ftmz.CIek. lIra. F. Protine la haviîng ber butneO witL an Ratt"cof typhoii and malaria.terikw n c mdt EXE&OR AMP. No. 3wl. B. N. . rhrderÀ autdadAn lever. liesaya le waa gîven the boutFtSyead ri . 0f ea-e .m andte tIn . a iproyed. of cure dnring bis ickieamsudwsFt tl and waace oflmth ai 92rU p.d twnandratiil homewhl HalI l iver Egra hardware Store~. Mr@ l. Austin retturned taulier 'rlbdtaaoitO on hc GO T MalMaB L BÂnus. lit corder. brel arlgo'Sadyalr a iiclided Pullman sleeping and dining ...... GOi Ai ..t... C. sanborn'a Car Service. A hack awtted hlm ai aih W the Chicago d oa and la, tact everY- 1A Queer Boy. * arnly.thlng enroule providîng tfofrteishoeolin- Be600, lktsul.i waknhi ,e" Dr. Hl. Brelde has reuted lira. 1. C. fort wuat atendait to. Hie reporte that Taylaes B~~~~Iut theitiI îît v.'rt utofbooki wll ,.nscroM a gironga cottage on Churcli îtreet, and the-fod furnished tbhe oidie l I t e h e iet-n à Tr£" t A.t l at ni an. pirates or l'aIra. expecta hie lamAI! from Batavia hers cbickamanga Park waà .naigbtybâtil" Ald 'l. .Ot fur tltdar tah.1o.thbraflairs; n a Ole ay7l. uairt but te-,&l rlgbt" Dow. Whoun put it on, and if the price pletises you Dy suliàgt ',r gaslgît is ision l 'Wh&tdat s ys tnundaY Scbool nked Iftlhe wàâhed to go back, bn e la, tonism epy h ,prc frte jb ert v ill , - -tAusthît f anaran hestla'las I lin o i . At Now,tnt tl0t qu-r' TîAîlen."wîllbh the 2ev. Jonu Les 'lodont now, sat tili 1 foci belter p to t a e a h rc o h Lbe tv ic Ilin i .'r watt(ultuurr 'II.id hc,!trîî,î.lngsoun4d. subject Snnàday morniug at the and 1 can tell Itut ay flie ado'taxiu mout, Metbodllt cbOich. Roy loks bâtiîaid bis aieknisse bas pair and waik out of the store wlth a At ii o itwIgadît frontmorlgu Jll . W. Miller sold s jersey cow lt a made him vcry wea* Who lie lett smile of satisfaction that will procilm A.ei lot, W lStl n ,n'~ hcg oîemnls ellr$5home three montis ago Lu welghed hv .~ hn buet lo. Kriig'ofu Long 150 pounds Nues lie wegia but 106; that you hv been on a visit ý-to M . f"ar Fîri.'I. 5 ~u' r rove fo $64.51. pondeLBY & CO'S store and have go if worra utle u ants ýlî i,.I -A'- rnesi Davireceiveil two mure car FoiT. rWeath 1t00 COPIESloaett fWisconsin cowis thAs week vis Fr er an~n î alt str dth, 'your money's worth." 100 OPESan-i Aie 1, a e hatitat.At ,81Cît dix a bt- the Wscosin Central ralroad. le anbo &Co ., MaNPes'tieNrated But ii-ntAtufentailandu-toh. * 'nn'1 r nloaled thorna tockefeller. lest week new bute&, rempectively. of tihe ,~"stuT1fta ndV caAtI',h,-1 ofgfo l"' ilttIt. li' l. netr- . J. .Stafford WSA tomipelled tlu Watb-Baum nul"balnd LoI C., 09 ~ EEuI~;~- »,,yî'îthhîii '. l laiuiAl'H, ,.s buld doere Dw picle vats 10 accoé- Ciciuulatl. <. iauboro AÀ,Joo and yie e V I, ttro e ; w . il , l uer " rlo , i a t h e î c ý u c u n ib e r c ro p , M r. P e te r p u r viba itaiuith e irs t ien ,L a i s 6 c 7 5 8 5 $ I O Nu.~N Hf.~'iiiolii.9uf5001 bnabeilîwealtb, eshule Vitel editorn bouglitun ________________________________________ r. lteuwick, of Marengo, wll b i Anvet lwieto deposit te mcy5 1I NT S' S Iwlhereafter keep on hand a a: ~ : h. bt a r i t h bOnisdhoadYpidhu y clit iii hberiber8 m week.wili exhibAit ls fainons trlck poiy Don Perbalta You bave bouidolerrlng fuit supply pf N çw and Popular . Il 1f ý. : Zpît fo amp i yo!l Wtt 74 l aig --tep R educedto " h a e t p o u to sBer A [ltin. Thoras, Chiekam uliag Park, iesday Sud tutu virorur money tht wu inay Th L tet rouciosof ail 140 Chas. McCready opcned bs nI« moruig lu atteind ber son Artur, determiolh just whal&advantage unr the rmn t Composera of the grucery store onh hliwaflkc Ave., j usth si a member of the AmbulancenepObaiwlAroeto. i Sout ofthe utenMont .Corps tbere sud la ver! lots, tb rathier an experimert iteibunu, w day ill e fo nd hre. yphod toer.reafiy dot need a sale, but oe we New Style Mens Cloth and Crash Hat* dy eî n'shr.The IRoyal Neigbbors eilAgveauMy lOu u t ieetetu ice Cresam social un J. W.ilutitrs wu N111,1irla lai laue the Â,îfock New4 your obligation n the happy realiza.25 5c 6c B uy your Sheet Music here and noit Tliurada!y evening. Sept. Il. Ybon ctcred apen the iwelfth year ut &ion of ltai hope, An other wrda -puy25506 c are nvîlce'. publicationi. ru. Burke la tu b. up.', We need i. save f epr et ongtiluteil on istsuccelia n the- - ffvprcnatiiug utherni wbo pnxcbased pianos newmpaper buatuieso, andlose wisie h:.lmrutTi GetLK a t e aco prAce, sal eat Luveli's cunnneilproperit! Long AIvel eD rri T . O e t L k drug Store thAs week are lira UGeO.o. out'ar- C.aR SHER11AN. Vwe.F ,Lvi u is.blLe.Cut ar B.& C e Dr, Henry Ireide, V. B., wife and Ine tret grand bailtful trêlén 15 ..* ,L L 8~ Ilni.The Etri Leadder CO. have clOseld cblld, ut Batavia, tiltsritale, are gucata the l4tL, Albth and iil 0ht OALASANEVRYHIO Libertyville, ~~~down ibeir ItaCtry lts aweek gtu enable utftIr. and lMr@. johlui RYMun. Dr. oeibu given by the gentlemen Ut teDAERiNLKR-H a ' t ieni tu invoice, ibicli lley bave BriegiI el.ur îîg~Cagnotte Club sLLiug unr grillat cool ty h eretofore beun umibde tu do lance lHe stands nlgL tulu inaprofession taîry, he îbrYve Towualnd o Lîertvîll, -- IBv %Leur location lbtre. aliii anuc id would nu doublu ind i soi- o0y6iigs. ArrângeLiiet8lt ave"bluaI t Mir. Ji. C. Paddock &teie h ice n demaiîd oc leelnd Prof. kiertel bu turnuah munil lr ' annaIl CoQk connty Teacher a Iliss.itnte entabliabisd. the occasion. i'rul tinllisà' OrebeSîra ut Normal. Chicago, ibis week. tfcie 'il addittio Chas. Kaiserst and Prof. HerteIs abîbities 'toalDU nu - miiti rreports a mut Profitable Ssscion and barnesa shop affords acs, ample zo ruodtTlictiUD inî ibis couat!. Dues out ,aea t S uninie C oodsgoiudl ork by at large scorps ut aeAin bhiebàto dîspla bisa gooda and f tis mprove the ltilicitude u1thIe Club tu furnlâb teAir trleuds andl patrons niot lustrnctors. yoo alep AnbA piaf. 'IllAin4 lhe onLy a splendid but alau a eharmlug - Mia Mane . i',atallt,! astl~ashiig5iD appelpWOVderl ts njoymnh' bei unelanuniaon wlt, E . Jorda, MAh, bs ben sccred u a iieatu loo0k over is stock n~ hirau ododraela' ss JodaMin, à"UeuScLed.a lusrthâ emubîglter order o oietyan tator Must ~~ttue 7tb and 8ttb grades. in tilansd LibertyvillIt eau huant a Larneisah u Lbertyvilile sehoo l ibis uming year. labup compietitin lils equipmnt anid these are the heart-felt sentiments 1Ou1 Missal'euacfi"ba ted in tbe capacitY second tounone n the coonty. oui! on thia Occasioni, but auninbu as long sas tbe Clnubgivea enterteliinents. $3.50 Coats and Vests ............. $260 ut assistant lu higb sebool principal nt Litfle Midreit Poule wll relira to Tue membersal utbe Club wish ta statu 5.0 Flnne Cot............. 35 'ounr ugu, Micn., for tLe Puiistti) ber home n Chicago Ibis weuk aller a thIIs 5oailnia! kauw ilat la expectesi 5.00 Fiannel Cot ...............y..er.8andlcomes hiighly recummeuded, monihsatriait with Mils Maud Botier, . Optormiu &ited nuca Doo ntier ibisCE VED 1.40 Ladies' Waists ................ .0 fi sagaotsu b Ahga ei.Drn e l!hr h a elcit! ut othiers by nngenilemiully 1.25 ............. 1.00 state Soriii.l. ientertaledounr citizeie wtb txiAbi- manuleoUrhbo ie bupetit 3,000spur 1.0 ". ... ... 90 A utîmbur 0 u utbooi 0coungh litonsun tLe Show fuigeain Lovell'aeveisftg. A gurltoîhe wiselsnoOA(l. 1.00 ......a...iimacie.90rydrug store andinu Sbermaiis store. She The club basaiwaàys turnishitd entier- .75 . .6 reearkabde talentelotnunerau ainiiita glilcil, Cannoibeodlpleililg .75 .65 oubpi~~~~euu t u e I e linsocial ait Jirs. bas armakb aen oroe o uthe mnot critltsl eye and it proposes .5 u m rCreS- .44 Hery Kemna liiesiis! ynigLI by theîn Yunng- to mnintat ibis standard wglîbunt o OY 'FIEALL-Wqjos. jS OMg .50 acIons.Th Corset.s .........V. S,.......stchange. 'O .By' IN-. srenâk n ctos un, r .F utehlV .,lf as upper wilI Ae servedl by thie ladies musi me w"notcertall! b we frJersey Cit~ tyN . h i fthes Club Ail Wbo wîla asuperit Anrcid routnure sot-laieenta bas measred a lucrativet position on the supper wu gonli aîvise tblen to Corne Lawns and Dimtties must go vaa he odetteelve» su aos utstock terni ut UnFour à co., n and participate lAngoule outhlb.gorst gentlemen.isi. fey desire t10 nitain bis protesulotiai capacit!. Dr. Butter- aig lIi erets pee b rearles f os. ounseplier al aie Anl every respect as Reefer Style, Age 3 to 8, regardeSS ofcost.the respect outhiune IngLogofield bas practllced !it LtiertyvAlie for adle h a shave lnruisiieAai 'opiniont hey sIiotlit uvel t bLeboovea file past two ýeare eund bausrnany thie! entertatiume1nts. This twe promise tuient ho -'bru aoirta Dow leat.- tielidi whu wlb loinsuccess iu bis s tat 5hobemalieiiied. Corne and se. thes cake geAI. Corne NEW LINE 0F HATS. 1and t! M MooreueuCconin.dCoule Raigel O T- R M$ .0t 35 Te'eDnisExamine Te e.I dMoe h cuadthe new field. WOdTgel 700$ .50ctoir$3.5 ThYr adeCali and Tem Presibyteria0l pulpit thiâ 'sommer, An.- Johin Cahir!, wbo bas -"ired' on your lemunasie. Corne and tfet yuur Là ~AvenUl's traint for about Ave years wil AYHaali cigara- AIl ibeée ibings gîtA velie1 . .h. C. E tu hbi homte lut b. on »Jle. We Say coe. oit nover O RP IE -$.0t 16 LaIe Foreet lest Frday eveunlg. rernove t0 Milwaukeett gîthin the neit bhail forget the good tlue yon bât it U RC $.0t 16 F O NITH OT IA bout uty avaAied thetivea o! the geel havng sec nred a btter -'mn,' 700 corne. Feandea SM ITH &lileveniÀ, Mr. aiid ls. Canr! have a buat o! Are you goulu te tl,, ciity Fuil, opprtuit ad adeigltli eeangLibertyvtile friensis wbo gAlA eueerealy 01 IiLne îelilîrlin id caiet tc fi Ivam spent. Lpon their arrivaAtbiey rnnh'tA.latjctiler;T e Fr I3utler Bldg.Libertyville, Illinois. roceeded tu tue beach, gliere a bon- rerettelepertue ne lils iet o resk ao itluaad I is' ,Butler Bidf.ie W"5moe dt iAnarehtmellun er ghes go gil liat itu theAr new Becus" yu isaed tieii l tof tieFair h w a r 1 home.bes1 .la uinh, Ut uiaî MMR ruesteit. The evteug beiuig hou coolu ore.TAie boYs au is Aila, l' înre; for a beach party, the Compani! aitd. ~SherineO, Dr. lAi. Smithu, Frank But Ahomwut nAul ot noiîr ltis. 1h-li, i jore etebouse sud retretsii[eiill Kerti and JaY Mosue attendait tLe Mo-i ronttHl f h at Av p,~reittieA tecanstsliîa-11hanlesa!o!filie Kolgbls of tLe diLibertyville, - I4AV YO TRIDlton ot ail preseni, lMr. Mooret sang alobe, et sycomore thunday. A mtteh AnflouflOment. t1AVE OU TREsoluo and' respoiided t0 a hearty encore, langer deîegatîoo fronit tu Liberty- annonses bis desire 1 to rnta vilam rbe young peopleuiepartltd fer Lbery- villoe gat'rAîon gould bave attended ot Violin pupils An LibertyvlIIe, ancA *ville al IocIll3k a m., delaitil tey Ilad At beun possible tu Induce goole' file te beartfrontiail Ihuse vrilsât- 4 bâisd oalyeuiertailied. t nth ttPalreltrInthlCom'panya ng atuo a di. prvietueltin- Lo e ls S oda vvater be oa1 leB.Palrîra opt!inA Asnto dn, gîh 5vied atO to- Keysto ne Husker and Shredder. tors f sree tir wl shold le tkéD nabing hei tu etuu th R e n ieinllrcbi. sBradlytXreas AdiIrisasws _________________Chrne perpet erea îî d fustige. to vue ate tra l i erylic h a s Ln n m e W ecir. B. A ddreB ad ey X Ra s Su ke lo: Choicest Flavors and Ice Creamtososrl iaI hidbetennainthn 0rtriesne(JevwA. ir 1in band' by the pruper olcial. Tbere nght. Tho Bir Koîghts report s Wiuher of Diamoid Mell ai tIolîi 4 . ......... a aremed! for 4isgriceltuî atr and turne.depariment o uebiChlticao ui ttnirai Eveytîn NceinCadis....... 'atAcs," sud lte ose Of lighg n'college. -13-4 4Hummer Sulky Plows. ..... Eeryhin Nie i Cadie .....eplîbelu on lte public thbfu . ar Bundai' Sohool Convention. * ~ nd lîbn harig o laIesau eilas he îbutyvlAi Tonshpa nndy Anoucemrlt Brdle's nd eer's alkng low d'îrane ceais tubeYlrine and gen antBrLeiaes'onarndiae eu hoait CotveOtlil. i llinois h. cutila fe Iowest and you .ned. , Illinois. 19 Mu 1 g ProptlY 1 to... ILLINOIS. Mtsn ad Bacon. iL a fulA DI te lacs. E-TRY IT. rkei rice. ion, Sardine, àtmenitb-'we alim te i rrans. yslake. MI. ad Granite WU" or