Dr.b. y l cv s od oeverausro AAYLACE OCITI ES. fLOCAeL Nc EWS-y ya ag Minneapol is 1.11.Tue m au frISNOiz . . . .McoCure tsr rrtis tam MENs sAI EoO tem the roring rapîdy riu.fr tldhe liq eomanunieatiofl ardr fj riti RU o ber foesrats.ii a.nJ. LoaoÂnÂUoH. 86cr. one wbosc lite seemcd se fuvomot Chcgo(èi lraihm0f tu e elc ornli0viog madet le fait. Touhe bemadfrti.$NLdmN. i .Y .M ocuue0 orwn eaie n SIglescuiterrowing r SOlto!iSYîR1er. o usOren Eat r n roien se bu our lov erg ain n Markt Wakega, ra Sta mec and hlrdTuesay cen'E Aslev l Jeas bte.euaioz cAIN loeny *lbr vset Mua. s t E. TIL. BsAaIÂ.W.M. maro alleu Donreltvergraoin i ' k, m ha lgn oar Mnd iote tret tof u Te ee morng Ma.J. J . WDITuG eoiiraeonaedabsé lba.t e ereo luie- ~Um;sErîga 10 ub, maao de héitrponchdeleits e .RnthermiIASAe CamNo 341.,WA.into rmebt ouaailsli bergain bIi MrBusttwe kleto. a HTe(rySineebl erofaukegG ,wont ar oooo,.I atrar uvnn As tu,000 p eple aI heSol ô ~..board Motaai out vena oi montii. Mar. di.a B.nioniaalweekThurdW. ATve n Fu lne h ua s a dstte c ui de-J h u s n . ]~ <E ~ <Mr f le slierse iaiered % hors ver b.- TtfIB ConviVfton. abe Improvcflent tu thes buildings on MeeCsOUR.1'0tiT OF HONOI= etinge s 1sand 3rd fore. 750 couveispccawere counted '8 ftthfurthere tn no eveni téabSd r rni ccntly moyiug sad...#Saturdays of al Là ouh.The speakiug rase goond snd musie hy i-dforrard tb withi semnchibuilding uer parta.B.scuiW.C oo ~~~~~~Thé ioulAi bound 5:18 graiMouday a.E GAGES LAKR heAoloQuretean thr s. b*8anduieoc nthas munSieticii ig s acornfor F. J. MUuuri-G GE LKE I ZPAH Camnp No. 2mai.N.A.meet second ored ot isteitenal excelence, ()snerai fMeuionCOnnu COnvOnti o tfl ere....a.....-eros ELyuu it,àHarvey ewiitattend achool luin laufourtb Tesda evoningsaah month plak's speech, wbicb ras tb. princi. hie cattie vere bcbg rivenoneroof liesd ey, v u. M oaan.n..vlgil da sicnlbotruck juat nortof the depoit. Mes. tMAthRY>ea. Ma L. LIteWal. c.OmI.ploeo i avsrcie %M . ay Thats t.e tihenlinry Aluioiid cuvent Sliday with M EI bin;rpblmcounnu wtrl . molabI b Mondalhirain ON(IIIEUATIONAL Churutà iunday uer- gr eutliumiaau. Au annouroclmntt e , e cpblei nI iho tea oda onn ith f InaaiLateBlff neadiima m.sud 7:3i ni.0. ae. met "md tteCm ieWocela sujidoaatfr contau clou prospecta o gond attudaiice during ~.~leO .n.ad12 .Pae -5.wemd th aplr cnsa LE Roulcstceadrpllcnti cn.Ipoeni r iig 1ev. Cari, of Rockefeller, occupicd I Su nndayeven itn a fi.a:.aC 1. ettbab vnig Iat feadbrdec iiiLae ouîineermade ia thé course of tudy ofered ao the pîtipît~Iid& S ig.Swoould bc aerved ta old soliera and kabblm n ak , outYneerthat @choseoopleting thbc mn li"ma aije G ilibert viii attenud III ef.fvctODdy Cni-br mienctesplooe erin scizoî.itu Noi aikegau Ibis year. -salIons auppoeelî troc of charge; but IBlà the afflJPolekngDomination th. Waukegau bigh achool. toies AdleMancheter vent to the misn (jade was the guest of Mnr. alter serviug le cent.s ucharged for W Me fpublie.ntickt fo thévarint At &bel"abusiness meeting Chritian city liouidY lubegi» teaciug. Iligley Wedueday. @eaLbloup. This @bulotd ot bave beegi t»agnucFoe,.aecieoally for the Kudeavor uociy eticided Soi have vthe YRegiaald Seaveyof Chicago trusa.a Mira.Seeabltz returned front lier and ne sore under thc impression ieta Rév. 0. P. Sturges, of Chicago, 91ve a ini.tor ai Mr. Jettera lant ieek. adare as tolowe no fax ESelecture bele sept. 23, Tiday evcning. scliooi opened 3liouday nilli a arge vel1 hcg mauîrsIa ek l as mier end ug, ers srely U -Blu outonI: Re te udt kuomu by a fer ber e us"sa aikO a w fllsMaimastouceher. Lir daughten, lins. Mlilulen, kepi tIcodsodthei aiossioi o Pm Juge, D. L. Jones, tepreant fin. speaker and bis lecture abouti e1ld hepo Ci ouedrngle bbne ave been cbarged for so aMI a @o ur- hnrnc.tuecm 10havea cear 1.1, mli utlnded iflb.hépeoplvieilrtub MIr. and Mirs'uslhlc fCi-huucdn irasue âffebm lmin tobae amout ielheur aoniching Instructive age U~, Ipellil.tarIeek voolthi relatives Remîçmber ftle Harveel Oferiug et vic. A numben from boire attended G ét*sa A. IL.Rendes, présent OouutY ilraig lfus aulg oii ue.teCîgegluilcurl rd the vcdding of Mise E"ihliBowlings r (5n.sîthonglitor arc Tmors oulianDer. Misai Amy Clephalli returned Fiday Sp . .prograîn wîilie fooud tID b lin. Erncst Shepardson lent Wednea- o -A ..oeible" candidates..Rom- frow a picaaaut viât ill fi etud in day. s#tt l iaeaf.prediet there vii libcFOX LAKE. W le. ~uPuv fthece cotîmmue. adCaaFrtTemriaporn iibgua I Ilic. Aliieu îe ,ofRockefeller, liae Fed iecPau Pnooa.Aîc oc Tes HAuaevxeOrkiNu aiaisetist lm Judgeasud Cîrk. Mr%. Qn.deutteld ha een quitesitek. in Mie ,<.îcVtoutMiss Aily Ciaptiam tiisau linMr. . J. Alardt vtited rttb chui i îlo:acand frmoel sa foitona 1For Shériff i. as nother torY. ime Dora Signes visited Digliton voci. lr.SemnTusa u ndy oaSrI IM Webb, John w. amubrongh, griendlleSnnday. u.uartelly meetinig service srîli bcMrs. Fonrmai uefr au ndeituite sous sericrue. t. lr.B .Vs ,,WU limaNuon d Ueo. Sello, Il of J. J. Kinoll viitied Foi Laie friende bld ithe touetil arSuudcy cveuing.MinFrtemtlfounudiie f"nsm ý lr .gaku; BintuGriffith. oi Warren; fat lFrday &bd Baturday. Dn.liauievil ill coducthe serr- acm.Dtn et aDioon aI Lonuehaucba .tor... 'PhêécherEat Deerlield; eMd wlchouto omnenccd Monday morning vice. fm' wo ae 1pet MikmKiroy, vio lins Licu section Intaat Primea. t2oi,. ÏN Fitsch. of Aven, are ailluu the iue Butlar iéabendaiice. 1 laveuilgrbboesfor the peut eigut yeans, lettfor Aft.eiiiOi PrOcram illa';et M~tvi i a btlgi r. and litr. Cicéro Alleu, otfPiens- the âsommr e he 'Iluftle JoicCieury c) - prsukonlntSt y i ons servie aDI b a o igt tprairie vtited tigr. Horace Cul. tage bave returueu tolu Ibir boulnil at uomol làtra.El e~sToue nlIit lmo aberil sud te prevailiig obi ver Monday. thie clty. Mnondse sy lie la lu Fonduiac, A man Short lecte. i . A. Cole. #.ootoe*blcann esbclbe f ill ii Digltonranuger, o Chicago, wm in Aug Ilunt. ho ouok in thc Y. M. fnom up uontb uvagive lis poaiIon mirâan numentil ime Charae urot. usq@gM doua" 10 Svansbrougl and atndaumc et &ihe Soldiera' Renuioli C. A. oieuràiuu ttaMl waukeeo luâ Fri- Monday, buot veut ou a aprne the Éat Saab. Miosa Murtalrsavs atGryuak.day '%as Mende Jetteraà, littie sud t uit nd a as IteaCli MaoeiiueOoa Fur treacurer, . W. Pa'kburst, orf lilary 7Treed ateuîîipd services liaggie juin".jevuug m e. lcliehate iuaî t Ltmntsuha tns aat ati&tbe Christian churcb at Autioch (om 1ev.Stuliba amd i le, who have eern-NwGo "ur ute lu)ýru ota)ur' tr,8m i *i~llJ; Jhn ont, o Veuou mndaioniingnd veung peut Iheir aumauter vacatiou wth position ali me Ilîpe andtr uat viii o:,,ck. -Vpà,ike,4 of Autiocli aud King, of rcdaddagtrofti paelieiidtibore returuot Muuday tu tbttr huiot il 10 bia croîit. vrugrornhelaI Dilttts blîeitTweed sdudaitter okbis lm u vastu.iatritita ttb astdraae hi 1ev. S, ,A.tBelrt Meptrin tefed»lI uk attendd theliRéunioIlofthe 95 it.l. hnel atti.Tho Ladie Ait] Scctty metl wiib an nss Li, libur sinent. 3u rrhursl or Foute, according 10 bld at Richmnond on Sturday. Griloun lianclicter aud tfiy l ra. iigleylIat Weuuecday. Quito aS)0 TlSs 21 touUtseon Uiglnsice. lr m ue f ihaadtrneturueut 'uehday luitbherrhome un cR rTINB su *nnyspeninlendeut 0IliHerbert Nelson, oet Uta place, nene tlonut5,alrafrnoavci ubnu ebr eepeei We doutre to expreas 0Dmgratitude SI Chicagocunt!reSonday and Mozzoday. *euh lnueudt b ere. lvoit as lhait a dozeln viiions. A short our men ngisaed n niglibors uho hiocia îletuMarvin, o Wanke<sn sud Ciao Mr______ i. Finuk Eaiic, rio has beeu lu prugnum vas given iniuwhicbItitéeenc ktndlYaympatlited nth tb our 1 ,,àxul4or mmesDenlcd. Chiuago for medcies tresimetit the yoong ladies participated lits(Gadle, great sornr wcused bY the deatb of Xue Mtdg rdtit 01 eu b taie and VOLO. puasi two masîte, came finalelait Fri- Il irlin-tou Wîa hmis Furet, o ;our eldest dangbian aud t10 ail ntio 41 Mdllimnawtûbte r. Athur Kermin. of IMunaovilie. day. lie waas aceomupauleti by MrB. Cicg adMi@Mug' y, ibrougbt lowers 'mle h sIc lovi au * auM .vlcgent rlO uels àrs Voeu«clier tinnday. tiaitet, utChicago.Jiag nt ia iugtoio eî.'iuaaisk. J. B. lMuit, beS.M. sud lire. . Carpenter. of Elgini, 1ev. Hl. G. Leouard wili lecture on Grolysiake. A vu-ni ptiamot afternlon C. L. id v sui. visited]itAiVole filenda leat neek. 'iuomortalitI>" Huudays lu September vas speut. flj udt meeting vii li c Uncer Advecme.it. M»r. j. FrntaMu isonceWilc are vis- ai three o ock aI (mange liai. At ill ithâra.Emma 11rieoy Weuesday, à Ordifanue No. 23. T.oe radY-Donieli contentlmcase g frienda »Id reitives iu Chicago, are c-rtialyl uvîteit. Pieune biug Sept. t An crinuce îrovidinicfor an [Ietai 01-4 a b-OUY a~ t-ire 73jaSel- Fred lieehan. of Chicago, ai the ecng houka te ielp îu the cauglug. a21s.eaèmInt. udbtlratetn cr .. The, juige. màothUim»casc oIlbis parets near Volo over M.adln.toeai viu Dtt uuI3,tlS ma en f TtrWtcedf bbc t ec Gaatk. I tu gf roîu the rmoutons lt eloved tianglten cf J. S. sud C. L. sEc.i.t 1tha ltil e a cs.is ( rudi a" reumuu j.aaset t îudreollattars <M.» liaidayUie mii mut ia ieane wtîe laaxanuing huraday met weuh a cevene accident. Murrie, utfUraysake, ageu t tifccu ev.-d ionait Là,rani esusie and i.tainat il. O The orco ecane fnlhteAuid su rauprolerty I=m ecot. isa tiat. if l e so oei aafl mlachool t McHenry. It cnmcenced . yesns. ets-veli moenthsandi ttiuty-tl'e a.-e of triu e a Co. IJI * uturoit Mods ept. 5 1i 15là thé en- t hny1l Mr MdMuI r. SSniCurry sud ebildren &hema out. lira. Snueraiki hitdlier a aS ?untrievariaedatSE. s. hi rit a ol sialtWlein lare n.brokou and vus otbcnmiue inured, <raysilke Congregational cuuireh Sept. sud taie .ef t . an aisttafi l- I puie u ÎiWlbld daMkm la thé e oteet. of Chicago. mereca«Ring on aid fnteîîdc s ài îmn..ouUl, ~ui J~euuce i 1v .A rd n pe.eutri nzi N e______ t Vole lait neek. Imoie M.Smrk nae nuy a cnutdb e.E .Fee A îa~r i. Nie Thc Volo publie sehoolii coini- OeMinute CotîgliCure iaurpiaca hbagen psstin auited by 1ev. S. » u, e i.Im W» a snselFod pieley il& uuick ue u h de ars fMiIu11h loa sr illite ,lm- fu W«y oo ir - dh u»Sept Il ufli Mim. label mpontape co l r e ud c ituirealId.e cf lillbnu. be firai ier- A es ~e eSar Cmat - ofcbetChieugo, as toacer. maitae t lwtngoa1nnle. ulieutth metw . .D V iae is ni ~S uiyselpt.2 a e sIi ja eiitan taypeacin . rlii . Mr. sied Mm. rauger, <of Chicago, the les ri dagrita non fepêraisi namr euiu, ieeae a .TuE.MSlilP.'itn tu _me er e "ta"ie 8la"u . MnWiflilicDdueo outoscy ion cuida, croup, iickiing everglve lu icMt amu fauiy oen Sudayin lute Ilinual on obstiuate cuglie.I aa a VI. t" oilreupl ef S"e Mr. an" Mn. simociRussell, cf F. fi. t.OVELL, ietvic ~aug dta bOtosso at*egan. viitd over Suaday vîi I I 1AL M E lm »Wm«P -ttet ll'--'an lml .LAKE VILLA. UE 11 WAYU tMsWb h - ie.Poiahlibas 'fa t o akPari..eegueule utl M.InL' nMr.siat.abinwa a AitoDuvi-ring se ,,, m.l&SSUl i a hdom alacePadldocek and laznly tat veek. 1ils oi(,ý.te think " le- Santiago, jw *8 anetya fi«RcuUl evenatte lUr. aen iroî. Shultrs.ot Wauikeelim Rfleinflica t illaofait. num it ra. R. maile dneue~ 1 »iggfor tAe permanent impnov- Wls. sud lira. Sick White, Il Long 1l (os 5f Cary, 'ma., buaietl houe tait inesteai alle'i- C OR W LA U H Ubf of the yeu. Lats, viied ai Bagbb Brou Mo ndy. Tr eo lay. cratal era"Wna- NIO R T A N DA Y.U S H TheBicneltt ConzedyCou. have luec ur unsilît utaa ,ti i NIGHTonsAbyDphv ai allAi Voie people for sevena a (53. no *o Iliat', addition 181 ia clns. Du-caLI si- MSepsibli= omeCuIty Conlventli. Trce Uab hve bonnesrla-t ILIur#âa cas = o Thm h aeattcudeal Ili co ac h Imeginent The Packers eat1h. BaIlle of Santi- à àejuahicun otl convention cel"ut u vcry gond. lira. 1.J Lyuch ia.s-Aatiug reatives kept tlb suds of alliede Cuba wcre soilfieroas. WMifl et the TownRal l nthe M. sud lMr. lict)onaisi, of Nrau- ; rFssat.Wis., fria foc reoks. modest moufen Thoir Herolo Etforts tn CottinE vàUfugoi LLbMtviic, Lake Cennly, hernie Point. fors, are viýittbug nilb 1n ýLyaaalait ia,,litas feu, dayc. sttent âbouuj Iiir Ammunton and Rations 10 the Sidney Ruasel sud famiy outial rthen 1'lile osasý,sf siyer vit. Elf ais tnted auifarnsg. The in- Front Savedt h. Day. 0111910, un Stuirda, SpliePwtbâ . relative& sud fieutlàin lu Vsansd ibeloreJsitic s(,fftil Pace iun tait Inoductlon ci P. E. Butlier, ut peci-Iain No. 3,- à.1. > lmt a 1.20 oclock P. ni. for the vilulty. f ssiay lit.aI amiwatt itaictiemi Wle Cardul hanom demen.. rritug frut Santiago, DeCube, ou 1 ,»Nrpoeeet placing inDnomination .agnahlus îydIîr umahs uaaaa flueit$7 sud atrated thi t in-tenths of zlte Jy2d,"@-W ait liatdb.iao , iialmafor ttie foîîovîng coutyWARREN. 1 ta utI ccsetfmeauat dsrdera do lumure on Lésa violent terni otiohn Ci Auolitgsalg 'f ut-l vs pt t ne rouir a hyscial Mntin nn dotn ita cso tru s ai Idàm o f Raid laies Couuli, via: M. amdI l.Nat P. Vouse are ti r ar tfil as hause1ieoWeetsay a& IL hesimple. pure .nein ii n te1 e tu"r)iu 1 hy 'pec to mpt thrushli iglîl csit day tu kecp flic troupe 0o.enl JIuge. Connty Crk, Sheril!, Mîneoavetu rcd usruu.tti xae a ml h eý QDqM t~~~~~~~~i.Fred Oulitugeand littîte sou are loâi Leti upidwtLainiinsdrtos Trecarerant Couty Su e- tîi l ihlben mthen Mn U1)ve[inu ,lisfn castiigIia hs.ppidciiainito uirto. ~~an fort fScolo tlhe tran ari.lslti ?but thauka le.ChanabenaleCeltc, - flo 9&HL Ohrbusbies mIm I.ml - . ToasPeli, fChoiera aud i Darnhee l emeaty, mc are ~dcoumeborthe oneniCinag, suito Mn,. fliom slsipa, af BARRINGTON. able lu keep et me nad kcep or psq.lycouc efoe Uc onvutill Chcag. enu vlitug ira Bnsoî lnr. Lrav i5aaar's tîli vcry takten Ith .vaqyotcmaa beilli; lu tact, 1 incenely lecthal ( a~*~Wubeau reseIved at ameeting sud dzungîta.rifauct e lp ,l.owa home inucaquiclu relief and ut oDe critîi&l ine this medlleiuic as ~ieCotaitCastaiConnaittice Uiat M. and lirs. C. H. ,, ltsauuî d st.ady cure. Women naed net the Indirect savieun et our arroyo for- nub vedfng proe& t u lthe Couty bc chilaren, of Blite Islandt, aneis vetiag 1J. E. attaa,v .f t(Iiuagis, vi.itea tsi. ieate nom. Wine of Cardai 15- If the psckene liait been unabie tu mon lai.' lin.. Monni'îa sister Mlins (tisa LatuolI.ftLair Sslit thi Isî îae. quirea ne hnmiiatlng examina- tiatre routd ai ve Ibecune wMy of -,*LMsprimury district as iI TtVe cotbgl Iatango tesi Isirs üias ethîe M. E. chanci tiona forlils adoîpion. 1ltcnurcuanp etugisupplie 10 the fronît. Tberc 41»MY uetinaorecaocnaeu bc cauild atteudance Msiiday Sept. e69bulen iiintulil a s'a.au Luuaay morîiug. diseme ietmconteude hea vrtne nronde thst amwagon train ouid $W el d dpimary dlstnlela, ilte hie abl toucaer Miss Ile tew3-art, i O(ta asusatee uitvif. anditJohnD of ~tentaistrobes-dlsordd unae. tty courade sud mymeif hal the »Mliare recomunided fothtpiirît Nililinnu. (a enduaîaîfaity suinpa $aGillssy mensea, taîting cf the momb, good fortune la Iay in a nppty oet ilts týary'mwilles. " change cf lite. Il malce. medicine for our pack-traiu fleore me ~'aelai...or cnuemlie calicd'for The Warren cs-metenî aassciin:Lait la& i r,-k.. men bemutiful by mmltng ftlema eft Tampa and 1i mon tu four cases IL W~ aplury datnel ii mii Cnnl mtout li MnIl Wiliamî Casiaiure Jr., (<id C. lal.-tr. - ut Illagi, topentl mcli.Ilb keeps fient Young by aelb vdlt. t ~ itrc meeke iti b.vitb lra.$Mut i..lua. luuîaîaliii, lîlî Usidy.Bpebe lA.D i e mc, the Dort meetngi usw -,,t n-IeaIetai hieïil lira. b. E. keeptng them healthy. 1.00 st Tbe alive letter ma vnttcn tu theT Ilpeme 9h A . flsocswilli it rs atlams Rnal I au.thedrog stene. manufacturera.ucfilmlinedîcine, the alli uealbnr.Tlielpresentatioli âtra. Frank NiefilsuanitAr s. Miclb ICieu' ta iutCiii. Sprinugs, Forade . Mblsngeg W d CheamberlainlMedicine Co., DemoliDs, «" neeiprlmuy dtrict viii b. oue Howaduantouesiof Lbertyvilie e cisalta stspiag <are asLem, ays nunlier dtonoa. & s~tnc. rvi yoIw.Frmeb .B o -nvuvge aidbyMlie. Munule Shersma, os, tnîtafronm iie I-ai lihec Laaica Adfioo elsyasrlotion, eva.Fal e. by B . B. LOI'GureLV ougutteacàli trenty-ovnvts ihldTh IisluunougMediinseCo.. CU.t bntvte . .BÂHStnue ýakiga frction tiacreot, motaIfor IcWsniegan, visiteil lira. Charta's Lmita i M.nausit ra .Aivia Hu suîd Young ms. pTeste. L. Hi LircuîrLztb. Rockefeller. i*jSbIêncanIdae oer treinu u oe day flst eek. (atasglilor, ut HanraId, are a; the baine wLDE- 3m.ceyUu.ai IoMàdm ca datofor remi Warren peoplc eeegrboveîl to heu .1lber.tosLen MiiK. P. A. lUsmley. ~IM.S TAeie averal primari districts 0 Ie il,,lsu ,i off etiJous soi,'fi r. sud Il s. îo.îComataîck viii v*lee-.0WmguSeE ulealsasi luM RKET ,fflducseeoutillitd toenid dtés"-e JuidgssJoncs, cf Wank.gaîî. nais hà .,,,ilu lIeU. A. il. onitpmiiut aud yeuusilefe *a"setis IBRALEMRKT hI>4 Couty Canvention se tilotoveoccnred At1 Moutatiu, Lonig laudlun viiltnienansd relatives lun Georgte. Butter, creamery ..... ......... 18422 the Denetionu licpital Fidsy tSept» 2., Dtr, Yîsiig, sni Claaauga, tîesubedit iiButter, chaltedati........ ..416 Fild Selormelae guin qîuite fi l IthtI M E Lebureili Nuuday murulug j___ Eggs, fresli, per dcx. .... 13ou paasbacaiir uau D eeor fulli recoiveredaitram t.1. atler mies îfle asersmuelut tithe jChese, per 1lb.................i 17 terrible ilinescf lait fèAli. LIe lisa a Lurwalapper vas aditiuitereda. F E O T C . irptte........1@0 16 utphysicien caled front Clago hit Tht hody of lira. N. iR. Ilulingliani - RRST CK esuspe ush................ 5 a lu 7rcveadnehp . e peaiyvas tait oei luia i .nPnCra ilfornia Cresent Food Bairssu................ s let Vl 21vu haluie IlM.E. ebunci of rhtch Cadese ..... - sud'nu- iîliMra. Henry Shelard %petit atfen days l, alalatfiat many ytaraliecu s filitlai FORtSprng ohicienis.............. ..Hi sol la w13 rth relativesutn Elkhoern, Wbsncoîiclijmember. ILOPaSES COWS AND HOOS. Contes....................... ... 5e 18 Ibs Granulated Sugar...I..... 00 Pîlilsburys Best Flour per sack ... 15- 12 Ibo Roiied Oats ........... 25 12 Bars Lenox Soap .......... 25 3 Ibo Javanese Coffee,........... .. 25 Any Brand Yeast Foam, pkg ..... 02 Fine Cut Tobacco, light or dark lb. 30 Battle Axe I per lb............ 30 Smoking l . ...... 20 Full Cream Cheese IlIl...... 10 4 îbs good Japan Tea.............. 100 2j I Our Very Best Japan Tea...i10 Sait Pork petr lb .................... 05 Pic NIc Ham per lb ............0 Choice Regular Ham per lb ......... ,09 Pure Kettie Rendered Lard per lb .07 Glass Tumblers per doz .............I17 Pound Can Good Baking Powder . OS0 GRAYSLAKE CASH STORE. ýayslake, Illinois IT WILL--.ma Pay You to Investigate. AWord to the Wise,"etc. Washburn & Crosby's Imperlai Brand Flour, per sack ......... S .98 3 Ibm Bicycle Coffee................ .25 16 Bars Argan Laundry Soap ....... .25 13 ibm Oatmeai ..................... .25 Battie Ax Tobacco, per lb.... ..... .27 Dew Drop 6 .......' ý 20 Ibs Graham Flour ............... .25 1 Can Good Corn ................... .07 10 bars Cuba Libre Soap and a large - Portfolio of Photouraphîc Vîews of Uncle Sam's Navy.............. .25 Misses Brown Shoes-12 ta, 2......98 46 8Btoi12 . .90 3 per cent. discount on ai Chothing and Shoes. ew Stor4 F. H. KUEBKER, -e. Grayslake, Illinois. --NOW Sand M d.w AT ANV OLD PRICE $25. and up Compiete Line )f Surudries.. Repairing Prompýiy Attendeç ta ....... E. B. SHIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS. FRESIISALT ad SaddlMOI Lard. Sausage. FIsh, Etc. Fruits and Vegetables in Season. Tr Our Ceiebrated Home-Cured Ham and Bacon. (>ur Wagons .ase regniar tripe tbrougli the eountry rfl a full stock. if they have Dot called un ou pieeu noUly Ib m thecte. WAE MAKE DELICIOUS PORK SAUSAGE-TRY -IT. Eggs, i'oultry and Farm Produce taken ai Riglicet Market Prie. Cnned (loode for campera and outing Partie.- Salmion, Sardine. Pork I&ed Beafla. Ete. il aceounta muAIl ete l ito Nb.11 Vf erp fsetemefl mt-e t MciAon a y oe ega nda n Dtxtend rdtoe hrrdn IIITTY & suN§ Grayslake, 111. F. BAIR$TO>We damACU~Ae Farm For Sale. 4 17 6 area in section Si, bm n 0f Premont, known masheUic MriA.. =ionlhon f rm. 1 Diii.soutb.eaet 0f 'w ....Aad . e i n gl . dea W"ai andi Grante WORM op;. BERvs L. 1 r