Yimev- o"H.W aIt to dum a - Ial b. Ikbcw Mou"' em ne the amo -Brook-. ao vag>' mt.- b. a"n -la-" eue usi~i inld. JA oesa John Taylor, on» cf th e odrduetV«W thm fO4S<0d~t~l. of Weana. dioa drdoid on anm n bi t lu - Iahwdoea cftitI fIssalée lta bssOCUltRENOE DURINO THE At Lltbàeld, the19year-oid danghiter bo t bera" dla PAc t WEEil WISe -orfH. K, Titeomb. a fermer, cocailltedr! Zm erc lirsuicide by aboaint herself. lut peasImAlbert Du Kat.,epute . et- ftr lot1 pWutuc srog ad well &gain. duui ouiCivilW&r wa . Sebifenutodf, athsfactori etorr eti@ntc Arin, hanged bimseif lu a ratter l in l<t< Of__vif________tinteb Elgin etribe-Utranfle Accidnt shanty et 153 Bunker Street, Chicago. brick wi aient13 na ri);Stee, na Gravel Trtio-Shot by MinS urm- jgemes Clegry, a fumrino mainstantly vwhile br sb.-And la it tinothat 700 POU &à oChicago. HO ii. t bsvrhoxwhlcouattO f i an caliaeir min-reder? l.aen Aus- dey Icholui Teaocher-OOO 111on Strike. milraw.h i tobrcks. ai Knle r.iu on olt H.-1 balloeltnome0f my frendl a t rian 1 '- lte Illinois CetrlrikatK kal. ,-it cule te ccime -Ellin Pitrike la Uuded. Hugh White, one of the oident and lnt die cse-m o L vat70wudra ymd tu Ie a1hl," srîke which lied bien un &rlà week uecithiest citizens ut Nlacoupin County.ut l th BHe-1wby. er-yu havend t andma- eAil înwtet. dE lgin Nati olaiWnt-h <Company ie deuil at bis hume in (,ilesPi@. aged 80 fire-brick .octu hectare was i .tied. iuat t&iteorfriiy. ait the years. i treati NPM s n. y «70uO tte? n, have you?-Now York Eveti; au Americsit clcof ilut are i turs' cunfreenIt te Chicago barbera beld a pucnie and de- &Psr . d w lg Wcrld. rid î, H ofli<'ex o il('( th i aiiy nuîthe Anrican cided tlusait the Legisiaturteau Blaliv' T( om 7Shkoitol ba W asà living bpr ulinîg lisi 'tcago. Il la re- for the registration of tous,,ri*l attiste g eht*Mlotou-u lalltnslt Miatanu -settri met Ofthetctrouble, aIfratspi hv, tonjnelr W@ Alleua il'ot-Eaae.a powder for the ken wh@tu pwhtî fudoratnt oi t and fur iîuu nuit se îmile ave ishmels.O ft. LIt çum opaluful. îwclle% $ort- the caîfl fer whofor an îtuini mok u bétserions an-d ery.aeul 81 j ea.tiws hm nu Vitcf after the *w- lait fet ani lelutantly takesl the tug v outeetuo e.ttnodnr mmn uTePO er.agd8 er.lewsOeO uo owroIl ontecoff*andlbtnion& .Itath@ grait- caine. *Orly H.s.eejsdaUow" L ple ot Elgin. jesatuutaî'tory tu, tiil- triker, h rgnlsokodr nognz h »M Dt vrrycongr Ot colra it dlvery of the 15. AI-ii 1M2, ansud mlle ui~iiv.ly au rithe î ofîîic ie ift Ntorgnal to koCicag no.gnztf h *M ue asucfai.o leu@5'ot-Ease makes tigbt-B tai rhe proMuP1lyeullatolu CmIoin -4A.eofcreîbruel vIatiifactOry City. Ir was » c&= sp tu0 u . n wa for cweaiiu . lceall 0su b t lhe Arin cf * Pot mar IDO u s . v agreed lu t hseu-uu i rte rls tha! ail the A. Kroker. a C icago i'îrier. , lS t-i 'Prylî~la thA MIug. the Poaur uliterahn-MW aîuii -bul tn ierfrer awakeued lîy thrce butglars the other tellsaIl CM frsetzg.MosAd e. - patu.cupduati teSe-mnoauld roittîurntei or n ti f tattit noruing. le grapplid with une and Wa*%atuerin mwirraS. ulcrycua. aehlng f(et. y'tt' ah ttl eale.osions ithtit 'i l- utimii'tllearîi tlîad i ttrthe. He titen firedi tous * ~ day. ScId by ail drugglotas ad boa lunlbhefSent dey&finitin. u hbt U O oko hcvti hau,,m nu Rabdh heohrto tuia.Bymal or25e lulalflit. Trial of Ottyabâ?g, Bchlffened'er reieîed £wibtt rali ai. n ,l -riled everaimijt,sbut th,- men escaped. 64 )1 > pcka FRE. ddru AleuS. w ound iu the rgbt aide wiich atterward t'fi ululer a test for tui,. 'eki. that te Thomnas Wilson, capitalilt. Inerebant si ed R. di'la Aleny.. Caused hlm mach traille. Wit a por--teta-P sip oSckyr on. - - ~~~~~~~ton of bis regimeut 1w nos ccttured and ral. ut wsuu-a te le 1aid durng ît th tstiaandlpionce 'ieto ciîyc ony on Voieait Oroneri. lmpnioeil at Bell Island anîd Aiderscn- lu lie tihi av'rage %seagîs -anu'ii îluriliuu' diut atis borne iBlabville after a brief "HaUve you Ouljahad plowlng the ten ville.and afterward exehanged. H e "e- May. Jiute atnl July ofi'thi i -ar. ilet iii ilins. He wu 86 years ut age andl bâd acre loti", uked Former Riu'land of turned te ie regiment. wlicitwus tran.- or lu.tîîrei it. 1heromnyutsu l>itld a becu a masudent uf ibat City' mince 1837. bI mn.ferred lu the aruy nf Ocuerai Shermam. confeen.'uuu'îm niii te r,re-etlitîvt s of tte Fred L. Kimlîro. a weil-knonn lîllunl bis son. and marchte!with his througbir, eorgie min ftre lie îîrî,se of adjtitt là(- wû9sage icher. died lu Colorado SPrlngà, Colo., .Te,.,,tate aes- "'1'heu. Yeu May nOv attetd lmb the iu Iis iaMPaign Mr. seciffeudir'S cId seai. eucnsumlîtion, agedl31years. The hodY barrcwlng detai."-Pittabtirg Chron- wound began te trouble hlm and h W"a Kiiied by a Silene thuve1. was irought lu Louisville for huril. lMr. hi ,Sent ltelite bospital and t en ho mfe. Hn e n<t it e ttn w axkiUed unnît hr e t h' l rs J amiens as principal ofthe Lo isvill e bigt kl . ao . .p'oto. clisanul onail cli:f forearm. a» cre inîit3' i'jîr d in a ptt-itlar acient Achionilt y ear. A IL& 0 IL . P Motilu. "f tappened tarond an accott fDr 1 a iravel triii nar Barniirtii..-A William îles,1, a young falsu freonFine Cincinnati, Aug. 29I. 0.C .Rly Williafms' Pink Pilla for Pale [People ag uisth, titdlcniad'tOiit 'e1 u umîe uiine uanFanisson et pqenet superintendent ut car service &bout a year *go," hliei. "and thonîbt a Nurtiinî-ntrit gravel train, in order tu trept lodgingbosluanFnccoy of Uic Baltimore and Ohio outbwseternu talt tey migitt b gond for my trouble, change thie tlise of operatiotls tsrt1wr ahooting biguselin l the hend. Desvo- b o cnudd tbcgittirer 1ben accrre Soiuth lb the elint. (ieskc. Ilium, Boitu dencywais te Cause. He bcd tailete1 Rallway. vith beadqtiartei-5 atCincinD- oeand egan tu tre treurI toginu maili, viii tuepromoteil tu the nevi>' crc , ieatnu.Tbey gave me great relie and uiiiiii.i, br-il, lnlîl,, n t o65 ltain empinymtent.f w. ~~~~ n 010, ale ateil position ni luiterinteudent t traite- AÀher tiisiing tiraitbox 1 hOlIght anotit? c.wlt1wtitutblu@r ht ui lt os inu' ttcoi etesc ad iii udon, portattun on Aut. 29, andl the positionute and m-len 1 bal taken the Pilla 1 felt tti t te 10gine. and tIle traîî' tarteit. The Whiteside ConntY was bell nieur Lynduit. voall frnttlibcl ahIh. bolabel. i-. iie I -aicurd."luno'stp -ahik' itti-ii-id 1totheshiioc Flisc tbousand people were present. aud ai W'0 eu omerltu U wWBaitimo anil Mr.itlo eti1-Awu.f Anaer. 'au ailîng ir uig tit,'truelke. "'rie train alout 2000 vu-iites were ou thte grounda. Do aln f western Eailiay tranite C . C.. C. A&SML No mati la bette! noati or more gun- ni. aafitreutsit.tei tcrnipldtrsssdtvedb> bals 80 treamil Yeu L. ltcilwaY about s Yecr ago and l blvi u t iyb be te loti' iendl if lise t'able -uuiit in 8 Ie. J. NV. tSkinner. ba rally assititn anelity lutalct.holeforl- t1h.' izIl t Wbilewasttint bisiaAustin home humn ~evtiblduem. De nul earued bis promoticu by meritiouuiaser- i, u il at beà d ui ___vile ilveg thîn Prof. Adam Iletiuershot. coudte icgiven i, titolpte trainttne unsa James ('oni>' loibis pug dog howling 'kt ad ru Vemendyoo "A Borne la ~l," Hia conversation la quite devold otf bit- saui,, îi-ioniu. hluiilnairabng t esceosui-t'>' aindow. 1'ieldlng t0uihe he p McthesH aa Scalp, fres .knmei e" terne.. Ouiy once vas bie ever knowu fron (iii,- ur tu.n'tuilier tisaard the rear Ptet fbgf iy i ubdit h he Nu part ofte tUnited litattes offers &avanit- ti@yay e niaigevnteedo h ri.Te orIc obid n dret>' o s iamit.he rushgae mb Ibath@ iisl eeutry et Texât. Everythinggfrottelots etf igtest trace of Ill lemper. Traveling tbl in 0hu iaf'by andl 5.r,' uwesoacl tuiiding sud bro utie doadeitoed. cel ILaaeaa4tiU ne ateJoad , qsundFreOc bite yon 'iard on a suburbain trolley line to front te I-liOf te i'arfalliiig Oitt'ep Poiea edr BtrnzofC-rle. k! " ~ JI~uw lucoth.n Tseca. oocatO Cupli.eli upon a tricuillbe iakeil the con- bealde th(,' Iaks. Fred t;ciake foit liai- PoieaThoreBteilofC- le John UAnderhallItmg. . »0 .11111,1140 bulid-dclor tu traticter hlm ltute City Atreetm 'boal ienit'l n atiieustel g i-e iteyl'sea.4 Year mld . hav f.ssUssetsrlotu, Chiti.cl. . forunsillustratei asa cranpit ia't idso 'iîrad i iemni Mary. lni. 4YearffsteltronT t- ims ~ ~ », Alc Botnlue mt Tex&&'*titeecarestoppeScare droancnilnKttn take off litelfoot mfnT-mis hav pblet. Uie uTxm.Ctl i en -la tertal on. ie tisl Barinngtoia ty ouixtateet.The cittidren boit walk n ai tie was auntrised to sec onumide te ver>' Killeil for a Contu. Tilier. out un te pier sud tallen mlite wate?. Total __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ThUye d 'ae d ro o b lna au A er ctit i- irieud lbe wn @ ceekln e le starlcd le J oht n Pentu>. arili v, ontu oo a pruoiliueut lFie perlons lied rier Ramsey itîb n ou muloy edcatie yatu Am i-cl tt is.leav' te car, but te conductor accet fariner, a--i,1ioidb>' buaslnuter and twolauIys. lire. Brown. aged 198, widoW 1I us giblocat o ign ak ny 1edtseaEn- cdthlm. ci, a s iin tuii obis home riear ut Heury'Brown. a gouier utfte Back 1hue' tlibe hon-orf etop e adots anou- Youuca'ttchange for joui-car bei-e." iouint CariiilatI,1oclockthettcother llait sac: Geoeutîlai-ver, ageil 67, a Tor tie--o o uof dotrladli ad ruî'y G bcr linug slien titi'Party>'as-a utlea ant veeraui et the civil wci-; M. Urne, age IbrOn S bis diel le regulated by a board of .a- toaI rsiel.'7 atr rdr li-'iluthal ti rue mu-n. waitînistouk 75; I-endei-aou ('-oner. aged 75, aud Ja-' rit T u M The profesaor passer] ita.takltgnig e t fitr .<aiiuti,-vis wnttd tir receut cnbî'olaud, agel 83. v F A r E labo Fainroily Mdicne notice. depnedi'ti.n.a. Tieti' u miruen îboutitt At Kewnee. R. Loriot Biteppard, ou efi »CeaiS. ..g eovncy<. Mdv.. lb.buacîs eacb day.-lunci-de 'Ca'ttchange cars bei-e, 1 tlli 700,they n ccc f.îing ai-ot,'t i.>' igtwailen ot Di-. IL. D. teppRrd, businesa agent uof v ôSmi 1o 1 0uéo Aamol. n. v. 1 ta b. bWatby titis la necmeary. Acte cuappe ttee cuducloir agalo. cuit refiîîu'îto top. Tlueirpuraîtera ttc- :'otbweslern University of Chicago and a*e1th -~ ~ . gentl o n tbe 11,r abd kideys. Cro Pîrof'. lendersbtt, deep lu conversa- gtllrn I iusClig f ietpEaneton, maried Mise usan B. Wel- Onos@Uliasn slck héadache. Pirlce 25 a" 6 l'e toun wltliii frletd, merely Wavellbiasmif Youingi'ý,-rky'îi 1,-ad. Th. ete wn ito,îîto.daughter out <'nu>'Clertu Wcton of cal 4c:x UIOK1 Youth fla ttc uppottutiity tu do sont,-batid to siify tbaît te ar Mgit* t--tutitun'letleaiîe adtt.Ttei-t ?~fl*V~U~'ttiug andl ta becoune somnebodi.-MbtO oui witlioul bilan. Hîîuer Linitluiict. ,taid te>' re accota- bei- o 5aVî e ______ lucre.you old je>!" cri-ed tte man ti,îvauul o hn Burîî, to no. uiey ere bell 1,raiuate. aud met thte groom iraIt ata SMI - li lt bate thc grand juryi17ir tteuintai'oi klling elae r dene blnigt .Iini Il__________the___braabttotis, angili; "dont otfl'irky. ' 1 Out: Pél"nly uns a leader lun h ag eiec eogjtl is 8 I tell you that joli catit chtange caca attle Nettist it uiiaiay -tout ..id Linil- Eltis, lau miles n'est ot Flore, borneS thiIs ittioni" h onastn-as tia teai-iter. tite oter ulgitt. ilfn-asthe obtieat bouse AU _______________________________________________ Ttc good olil profesgor answel'ed vîtit in bthat 'part utfte State, hbanulbec's ne avciity: "But 1 cati cbange my mîn til SPi Hutnred un trike. -bul betoreIlilinois sas mlmitted m int. e >M Ibis station. ca'tt ?"--oYuth'a Coin- A strike la ln progreRSi ntHegesiseit.' Union.Il iteaabuiltt otbrick andS as ue patSixi.bu hodrel nurkînen emîîioyeil l>' te s elt preserved. Il was unid fer n tairero Kel - fon lîlinois ('ai-r culEqiuipinut Coumpauy, long betore Iberewana any raili'ad lu that S IAMERnCAN:GAME PICTURES. whoetu e si ;ptant iq Ineted in Chi-part lteContry. _ Fer ecoaitos t Nmeý Cag'g ubuh, eftther wrk n a en v Tî"i laye conide'ralile peculation lu the _ *~.APreahiyat n lme l tie aold' Scv.-r lu oi ain tîiter nageat. T tik' icni f utAccolaovur s dlscnivcry ut gold PYoaey e n n einth wolia bs- r, line e.inuuct.-,l theingeli, an es- lun a seuil b.7ntun ie tarin otL. V. Watt- tory buasa mutc attention iteen paid te ce' ,iiatly ordenty imaainer., William Elila. ner, tour miles wst et tirttCity. Wblle uI!J ~e uerlr dcustiB u hues a rit(. ue uer.itidviit outhlitoarils, aunoatie- iigging lunte @uil batiMr. Werner un- ou îe p it Noutuhoeniotthawbt-elpaî'hat lte haitaccored enusuigit artmen earthcd a large rock, te pecullar Aparide Kluhie lfy touits apartnen tha ae lb pil t.,ite plant eî,uld tec operatel ou of aiticb alîracteil bis attentionuand, ~Ite bEnhifli thronudinlrme .etulandMairethe eni-ngency soi-k. brcaking off a Portion, lb. oIl;coi 0the - f oibe AgtMr eope ba 9uf IjaiThneMi etantekus. City, abere a mlcruaeoPic5 talt mbcvad àyaI o ta miria poleba l* ee. tM.ia . LDckro. te apeimen te contalu a talc quantit>' cf lb. theage. and i amoot evcry day ns Thc mîîtialeil huis utan onkuovu mati goid.Somut lte seutilvas IO 811- 2 foth ometingmw i th araor à ws afound un te Peoria. Decata? andl jectcd tIna ettbYDr. G.-H. IDanton, Aa turea drping a pece f funitu e vanavule tract niutitut Dectttr. luI oudto 0cotain aoraiti portion of the A/1b91 th atltli'ier omo u m eerin g ne Ouflte tot,'t utfhlms outwas ftunu l aler jellow metal. Fui-lter Investigation Wini thaen-Ib>'thecelbrat e aitilthale, iront IG. Noratronu & (Cn. S7 Southt Canial]foltu. DJ.,IICIiUVn w sri a fe foueratbamome porcle alt-et. (Cbieago. astiessl luiA. Wachter, ltecaue he itelieved tbe police v asel figntàerplaques.t for joercas an du linirucigH. lhl-erson. Whichlelapursoit outIionm Wilt Powellt cfBelvidets lgmaplaues oltiti es lnbaens an. tplnmnedl'tu bctetemanssntme. Thete dclfour blIpt u Inoi body,osear Rock- be ngsabjeetsorerisn tein@ byee pMOlaq bold- nas to-iu.d ilthe ttc lut tui el. fui-i. titen staggered tiroagi thde acoda are Amerîrnu l uctus, Ariicam t i MurdeC a Chichue- Bayer- mi-e S ptoe. lu n con kditinaia hu u TC leariauls, Ameriran quail and Bnglih Titinecticlien biuyierm traveling titroagith clptal.lcbi aklnal ape. Tbey are haudmome painîlugi cand te country' gnî lto a qitarrel riear tit- tblrtî miles, aking a circuitons roule tsi cr specialty ds Ou o bn into -ny i ,v ftêa nree h h ,avai] hlm supposeS pursuera. Tb@ You1g luti-om vatîs. îitougb Uneir rîcittesansd s'~ii islie1 t e u neMati quai-elei viit a trienuiu n Okiord beauy eîltia Iem t a lacelu hootieg ceatt ree>inthe utiea and lnc ver a girl cul pulci hia revolver. The a partd- reuty Boy ho bme& Tlae uIgtheil, l tebest - thnd t reibody intie hepolice anS Powell lie&l =11;plaqu b ave been parilrchseta.acu T ee n riuleont t fthe f unt r gt. M a udci> ncc rt.uan lleboti 4 1011,1,$ 00üty J. C. Hubluger Br. Co, man-Teintoe- reactîit ite aola ireS ebhblnct tenr thlie celehialcI BVailefPat tpentgl but wax utsuceusfttalbccattme bisIsliY B ai-ch, cul n order lu cuabie their nom- L. J. Frank, a prominelt citizen ni' Mit- ut crtrlebalgenutTeHc- O Ius u tuinr ube-tome Posseaa Oi-f ton. ageil -.0i-cane, ktultetbimsef. toril officiali il net pomme iind lokie, V l teme haulmome acrks cof art t lh ave AKiit ti lloenia ea elnottiol about île sitootitis. Hia chauces ut eyfo C aI thm e i-ria ulot d b e auftl>' Oe«et t alin. ilîiuu'i ofliii' tendiag. ut cecuver>'are attgitt. tp* i-.ailIte reproclrayaadpecaty rteTtec(-rop report etfte Illnis State *M.5M Stol b.D t Miionk. 'hilt, Ilwk. a-ealhy unt B. l ofAgriculture forAg1,1118 nwbosloi-ginal. The> ai-e liaited ou bea>' A lntt 'lii Inaaiîi> nt ai tcAg .l cardboard, presseS attilembossellu inte idelî tisoun t 1ini'n aii-ul.ael gveo the mouimler ut acres ef sprlug anSl For ver shape of a plaque and tri-imed vithIL Tu-o nt r.,b ue civenniin a policetoati nInter urinent harveted thi@ t o lacl Ieli tant ut gol. Titej meanre fei-ly unui'nrin. tetliIlluNitin(tîa,iliirenknpfin tiIllinois tlubel1,911,852. 'Tce average vos" 34 tareetuchea iu crruiteri-nee andl contaln no hi*t-t-îi tiiîn i iiigi o nd'îuri-id iOSyjicl ut aine tusheis an acre vas exceed- rendg»g atte oradvetiveentwhat $11.ingis iowad as a nsurprise tc mati> wie vuT hi rty YO ars @ver. n atn ri.J.C . lsernc t er p viTal-er l'ng :5 siz: i r4uieitiin for tai-mer%, but thc grain d dnul 1as it B os. Co. pops'tl iarue ies. Pt-iiIl. R'ilty. ut,îicnardu-stut aIOmalist,,proniseil. Tite toîtal ateat product outhUi tplaques firee bu Iheir cutomers. Ever>' - lyO 1ff)foi r . ix o h veaepiercivdnz6 et purchasen eft tiree ten-cent packages u inuyîf8(i, ofî i.to Iescaemne eevlvs6 eI c ~~~~ b~~lalititari t tiron bisai, manufac- atuinuii' n-is a auît -- a bushet. lte total value uft lie crop 9en nghmuovaVWUPPSS l'U ~I IlU I1 tunel iy J. C. Hubinger Brou.C an. -'itei'n îîîîusîîl licIt enled te $11.43.216. Titere la aitown a- totai lota WAFc.titled tu reccîve une ni these baudaomle Pce- jilu ut thect. llitfainatitRock- Of $5,161,016O ou thei-u.Terva bonnesauaame4. ent 0 1 plaques free fron t Udr gi-cer. Olil and torild 'l-îîcaltisa- --eoiet eil ae Csmpti nrfwM.474'bueelefc tincauena aliltunare entîllel bu the <'altailI J. Il. tutini-nt. Mator Broiwn, cdmlcnuolo t5344bstl tenefils et tiia nfer. Thean pla queu vilil'i. T. Ct; ýIntr-.JudileJ. C. G a .er u An. I. Tite ai-ca evtileucocu tIs nutlite seul thi-ougi thtt mail, theOit. Y iaid lîlgi' C. E. Fîulleri. yî'ar. (6,902,213 acres, la 2 per cent less waytuobtlntirurbeus rot yurgr- Te ninis('Ciri rai eev Ihant ti talst ear. C-nin baa bail a i-cnl vcylu btan hei b.ugtrn jor in- Tus liitilu<'etnti rai ecvoon 1 lsio 1conedwt hsycuansd taking Falrly Jumped Into buooomi rer. Ever>' gcncery store in Uheeutry Tonîî un.s truet 1.>' liguiitoinutlaunI urtu- ee o hnleu intcni tt h Ag bas EanticStarh forsale It l theold m to tre gotind TheconditioCntautr]7coditin cent pe oceetof m souablel estancul est aundi>' alarci ounte marktci2.0 ,îîntueia ut cornu. 11100 )Obnstcia ot average eb rgdd as quîte favora- andlllte ment perfect coi1 proceusa tarc i an,8f10bushelliof15 u t . Tht oc' .rear hoa ie. The apple cropt la 'cri pour anS ln -KEIT'S ENAMEL STARCH e b nvwh::Itatheu::iy :etad:. J ut.Hergemd ls m -Im t veald ,00loe0.w ancuticr0 llea nh ete proila Righl f romt the tart, uotvthsîanding al the eveyien wt. It l lite stacithae j. a Od"l G d t$000 ns> onls iib nnoieflu ollier lautidry starches on te mar'ket. Nov, why 1a dibuiesdsdUNn' lit lB loillerY at Pe-ktn te te itisîtird r»i8- 73 pet' cent of an average. NearI>' a MaI was il? Why ta if thal milions tof packages o ~eanadf ui ure tc ltitslDit-btn utij n ie c f grapies1la explected. Ibougit la 1 been thebstetardlfor aUqrecorder a ornetiocalitand iUeîibarenroCmpany, and th KEfiT'S ENAMEL STARCU have been used li the rI Inn>dc as mn erilîne of hua gond l a otI'ravell Cen i>'. Ttc hco dera noptm l blackries teyarel qutuc ea reatI tu ominceuthit The covas dnven!odplume, entî'îwerrilîlondacqueneasaare solo ewyears s us trc a netdJs w.yto ilo akge eesl "$.'i11.IVcash snl stock lu thec BleuI- usaledi ttreee-uarters of au average do your ironing a month with KEITtIS EI4AMEL lant jeu-. Âek veur decaicle ab yh * STECHmuid yulccc il iake -iouing c0 ttc plaques sud tell youuaot EAiîe rdCompîany 1 the valuli'etf$250000 jielu. STRUadyou wlBts-ctiaks rqu h. Accept no sobatitute. Bear la I lX-Pl'i.iieîan lesry Cartwrightt. rol- mise Mary Croaicî, 38 esa nd, ilula - eay-il pull on taI beaulaful eniml finish- lmin itat this effret' boidegond B short 1ci-ct. s nsacumuisltyklt uftutuaibselreeB.Jh'iRon Aht il puIs ia a the head of evcry kuovu aid lime ontj aud abould b. tiken adacutag fi-unIt<f 154 Lier tret. Chicageo ily Catiiolir Citurcb at Peorla. Mibc then ---or - et rtividbvofwthont Seluy. John Ranitie. eaise coloreil. butaul et ,,procurel a revolver mut started otoc l9- ironng. auuactued b U.. Caîwribl' iliuc if-vit. Ttcshoot' rechtIal a,,u, îiteîelu bkW Ber. aLrs On do bet dolars. 1 mood idge. m il tas Bc..r but 1 amn ma gly aftr vs mg? mmre buabiad g? lii- syl lime bajtlly. vit" Ob or vita lu vlnter >7 Va-- cc. but l oul- Colonel. Il te ot- bava lois .700 au. club, a"d ty Uta- lte oU-r- Cler to itaI tha tetroieutu- la taI?" .".-Pttb- eian te a gil goods peleI." merctant lycer's t it lm'l a Pikley; rOut ho n r1a- tIr&." dcl MIis slang. or la g-wlue Iti- ïasisgwba club. Why. sireS books 7. I rend Ia.' Hall -n's 'Chris- 'Cor lu- M Norti.'" lever becu ils Par- [a>'!" saisi iouable old -niember l ben lte ru off 7012- Andaao- is effuiona. tu ber tb. tin: "Cap- ir' "TIben "O101, lE i.uneelluig cogiabbhO glua ulbh a I inter il la ýete mtrti. s tads ho- ---e-s. He ,a w>' ft- nts vho le He au la- 'vi. eita- Feon M! WIU --Ne fct; itt tovrur caidel cf a alet. "Ama 1 iivot cfba lit you vif. AttIbt me, milet, a"S )Pen oor 09 u- pip froc. iS. aridly' a, Jimi lie rew e tn70 n befre u s.niwer hil" x nceau. roan or lte Ipert soili* tt t enceau , La liteir brotit. rou act l la ce but te bau- a oderd that dry taste-1 in themiouth. iL ù Rembu te mare ilaYombuyagpiU., "tUse the Means and Heaven Wili VYouthe BIessjflg- Neyer Negif A Usefut Article Like SAîPOLI.O, S N. u. 10 n'O alle.cf-1 -.lm It Un viln puéius5 i M Ue> i- ~ ~ a1 ale tlblol-ogf bu"ck-Il cAre the daug-m ubjected teja vb.he at Ihat F> 1ab' tht 1, ' ait solid rock a" trou. MM&bS ou îctea ol in witelly submergeS In mach S lire vueck. Cieax the trackt b>' ta tUâ op Uime, it came eut vholiy un- Uof a »0the sIoý viiM 11 i. A thouatd ordinarY fli-e-pue olx»far& bàtg.W -13 aclgh lb,.. cor four tuous.prcmlxo atsSh~ ricks made frointâla combLa- Ile'& jou-ne>' pleausaitomd to.emou )f Clay§a vI ouly velgb aboutH oaI bt as mucb. 1%Is la ua u iport- --- covci-y.anS t I viBont be long H o ' ucre vIR ho a bit demaud for 1» Ausl Oe6 ,eust Iladletca8; lidaW ck 10 in hue ttaerfuruacea, etc.., od il aatdgsîa~ ýtg mine ere. O RS. PINKH.RI ~UOF Umus WD6it .ILBudd, of Pal- ing. mol titmnks Mra. Pitakitai My dut>' lu v-ite toyouaudtellyou 1v vitlLydia bKFjI .r E.Pinkitam'a bai doue for la dS" olou, uI>' e iaWeoeullW m e. I fret Ulke aIm pi w tl>' f ltheceabi am w em a auolter voman. bte ir nad uS iiw fltw~l Ihaducit read. nianufaclnred by acleutif eo fol itendacies au olaltae CÂuwOaNtAFmba -Itrougit my Co. ouI>', manS vo vl teb t-leplea Bundail tlit sp.taneaof p.*raL- otop of -Y> true anS origine rnadyAB, itemS. ltaI I1genoino Sffupc igInlu --A~ uearly veut b>'lte CAÂLotboWA Fm Br 0& craxy;vesalso ouly, a kuowledge of thal 500$ trotabled viith ammlaoneua uvoldlnt lth e e chUlasamvety imfltiUo» ansufaclured byet wcak; My lefittien. Thte igh standigc 6a aiS, treuxm y poA ne 14 SattP Co. svIhàihaw aitoullers lu -1 PrOfesllo. %anStelb. OMM myvalal pain' vbc iethe geualua ymp ofàp steily. I coul uIsepfcgiven te millionsi of fa.miBps.accèn pain. Plaiteca vould itolp for a th .»Mof te o tlam a#. m e, but sl e as takeu of, the pain lo - adva...- c1 aul elibsr iab Sl ho malt as baS asvrer. Dadaim s - j acte ounlthe lddueym, l Md cinel unelicine, but Il gave cmau xo owes wta rihatlugor edw - Now I feel -ie Weil aaand sS, D tOX4 "eitdM »M 0*0eMW ie no mors heasiacitea. ald noeg oe,plmas - m Umm la a Inllie, and il la &ml ovInu O.C,«,MMW> LCompound. 1 cannaI pri-ee Il igi. Itlàl a udorful medîciue. C&MWN& IGSRU? & -eomniend ittolucv" ' onan 1In eau 1*8US " i-e-tii-sof allte lattera itauea ugit lte poauffomeef tite orld arn Uin hy or sent by Eoglisit.apeakiug île. 555UM. oea b " etd s ic 15m iiibrÊaa5 Baln-. Cata"b CWie. bkm intwnat. iie 1.5 Ln enemy gatuel la a trietil von. dy dodeor 4&a d wIueaiec.but Piao'& sr fer Consomuptionu Cori-l me.-Amos miuer. Cherr-y Vali. DL..Nov. 5M25 - asvW Sotsuitc8IeAWU %ais t-es