00 15 25 25 25 02. 30 30 20 1o 00 00 o5 06 09 07 17 06 1119 h ,re "bUsr aUFdy au noo C%~hi 7r Ytour friende antd relatives will ail bie Local items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. qbere go enjouy our bospltalitY ttig Mro. Sarah Lee anud danghter Lida ...AN ....village Offloore. scbool begilîs MondaY. are Blifferlng front a light att.ack of the a Fr'mid.'nt :A.W. Yallo I"Ad' Cagey sportsa file noew toi) "grIIPO O t e a n n e u ie . Tute..Thos. K.-rn. 1. J. lioYt.<,0 buggy. C. A. Ford sud lady, 91 Chicago. are O t e a n e u ie .T IstLe.B. Mr-, .C. Ttor . Mrt. Frank t'riveof Cicg t m iw. c. Sanbtxrn'aià bis whe Voi.. . . . . .* ... . ......WM . k itutI' f r it r l nr s ool bouse Ibis ur fo k s lieketi the liPaniards lun W h e n y o u w a n ± th e b e st o f ........ ~............... . E. haIs Il . 1. i 'addlinO urk i, 1îlaced tfiti-utl uf l k an tin n h U eof-- ee.ail the revenue clampe la the next IIETVILLE LUD04. No- 492 F, & 'Cl'uterior utf aUbiuo & .1Coi astoîereIniee mothm f would caust- nnivermai LA..ieglar Communtitoflé 2mi & ilbhwam mach eb îprîvcd l'y a cout utbJiîlation saturtisys e ecimontlt. Visittina brsth..rII »rduLwe.iC0tt i. ltW. BlipiKuE!. W.M. Ibis wetk. Fru 'u boibasicelna mpl Oyct Frau Frsbe ba pîrciaee a aImas tenlograplier sud general office man C "CMP No. 17. M.- W. lot A.. -ts il issurisll, and ili reviovû t<. tit a tisa d.t E het.t h iy te arl Ladder Co.alne their G roceries, MMas,St Wo iens Hall iof 'Iîwar. .talii.<h store. Vilîîglgbioîalway. dW.location bore, bas gone tu Indiana le A. P Brmzo.k»r. 0. F . Lym, il. V. C. IRoy <rltt sud Aberît ltrlour engage lu the uewpaper bousiness lu A 1'SrAI.Rt.Cirk.visitet.imonte oi thel? sodiet rientds lu the capaclty of reporter Ifor a dally Fris a d V g t-be CESOLCAMP,. No. mi. IL. .A.. Chîicagotfle..irht (Il thiiweek. Ple Fruits, andhVegetables..'f wil, p t! noth bat 2.5>!. nui ii. th--frd Thtîre Iy Joîthut tolit, who occupieaaflie Hiall oU-r Eg.rt ariwar' stor. Wilson tarin semt of towtî liaitreittei TeE. onLeu atSna hl un ANNi KVtevu. ing miter preaehlng on thiesubject ...... Go s. A.... Mam. MîA 1. tirP.Elte <.alloway ltia,[ud ili tateOv TOhsinaou acilt "How lu Choline a W île" w&alugeqleted GO Ms. as!I. lTÂe.Es ftsiird.r puttetelui a<,ut Mrdilitto preserit the otter aide of the Far ililllery,>t4lRm. I'ittTINI't ý W.<CaterarylUtî trot Mmnnes'îoa lu(%Btn, flott(onnuOe a Huabanti" Jobl Mnieà, i Cicao, s a) fr itti a -ar ot catIle Mîtîîlay ulght. andtionat.consenleti. Hl@morning l onSil'î fCîcgî e'î o îîslisgtuywttc aît uje llleýh Gondl Hesolve tif Tr g s a lo sthe fair. ar î le iauir adireîttlrniu e t er iworrî,~d a <reat .an h Eti. Autin anti wift', otiicutago, Irtnuit. The UIev. lir. t. E. Madeville lit, f) the uir, Acommrncaonîfr ontîatheat sî l' ret.ldlng Eider ut the Northi Chicago Maldatd G Y I114 wil lavefi> fat rceved Monlay h i)list ll wili deliver lis ii hlby Li erylileM 1fn is heir btmt' ta <irtve, laStr itiiîu Williamst'tempaltte i iti Lib rt vileday. abouit nirmal aud that hIOPe. ar' nomtw hunoroutt andti Ior.îughly entertaiui-1 Lam$atiray-deflgtio m% teýotetaUcdforbi reovrY., igleture, lThe Evoînîlon o!a Homtl"J Laiti<aîîray det.gtitti as iti ..ttîrlcncdforbtsrec'cinluLibertyviille ou Fuesday eveniing largrisî ever cottvt'tt'tlut La convenition Orhtisactxe liei il a-le mer 27. "ihe lectuire lefor the InliLbtrtyvillt'. p1tîy ,,id tiuditi t eceRsary tu tutru bieîit l tife ~charchl. Lee Fîtît la en]ttYing là niLti itl Nitt- a'uy nMarty -very day. tatnrtlay wax a lion, wltieb comuitile icrght ti"t o îbig day fur ftleitot t1people suîd tY Durlng the Fair. alltw hlm to attend thc fair. reaped a harveNt front the polîticlit UîîlICAI1<î ilALNS. W atc es, eo IM. Fltch, of Walicola, content- Cliii-.. tihha.'. thiieXClusive L% LUI . ttTYNIL AH.i. IBEKtU' ILLIE plates reuling F.P. I)yiîiill'm place On prît ilege îftrmellîiug mottawatr ou the........... Il. til, 4 a , . Lit' Sree ani bcîîitu a tsiîntfair grouudm; boule Shierman i le tlng * i- tick , fOunr villagte. cigare. sutd the' Royal Neigbbors have.............~ . mûae Uw îre ptir»e ',fthose $3t,50tta gettt'Ial sand. Wettber pt'rmttiug , âv.,. I.ttrtysiIeIOtlttg North >l Iloî.Ini oah : o' l i at $1.341. lt. tht-y wilil al make mouiey. WAU;KEUAN [TRItANS. JeSey liof Wuoat -, M' win. stevenson expecta to leave for AIL tîeRUTIttLLI. . tvLIBESTYVILLE. Mls he couli egateswa ullhunhe 're.ton. Misin , Suuday for ieswite Ittltrt 1.1:4 t5 Mut P i n o , aethe ou ti l ca date, n W attkg h e Po aui a lly . H e bas; reuted R . W .î :.)1 .M .5 o , fin s &. h o eber candidate il Watike-bouse sud sîil cuîîy same Change of Schooi Bocks. Ssii ~ ~ ~ igit anton li e eau malle arrangements oteprteuppîe fte ()A llgbt fruit Satnurday ngB t udfotr the rniovalufb iahùusehàold gonds. Liliertyville aruooW,2bbere wtW D1e IIR Organis anîther tilay iglitt of eleRmor ,en '48(lara Avernu reîiirted front u hn gel ot t.tbue h frutynaur rnind ue ha utierextelideti vir.t Wtb1ith atte relatives upeuin g of scieui. *Iit purchale les approachig. lst week. wahere siteenjtyethetiovel. tookountil yon finit out jual whag ile 5 heet M usic. Thoe LadenAid ut the M, E.* rhtrch ty tnfitulu tui itkemiad prairie chlck- neodeti. Spetti&l introductory sud ,,nreliisaad new lamîi" for titi large ejis. site folios 1 infuraius t>ato te ezehange prîcea viiili e madie pupila. Whnyu corne to the Fair chandelier n tausditoiumii tf the Uuitter shi' iagge.d, fiente wo inter it B O F u'DINECTOBtS. don't fait to notice chiîrch lait iseek.. wîalhiit Sherman'sSshow 'The lalles tiflte M. E. churilà vill Gi. A. NVoltz sol the two year nid lily Republican Rally.. window. give a »each social lu the ParLrtrOtf lic 'tarrum to Mai Lüeeinfor i long '[he iepublîcan Stage Centralin- cinuw.clin FriFlday cvening, 5iSept 3o. prîce slter ebuwing a tuile Il' 2:47. 1mlltee fbas arraàugedt ul u meetings S." "Eseryuc e vecome. Admissionu t0 lTiis sale luterfered wlth thie malcbcd iasil thec larger tWwne sund Cition lu the cenits. 4 race that vas tu bc. Irutteti Wedneeday* sageitenle eVefliuig uteptember 22d <jus Lange, ut Deeritil tiieiting lto ai ur.Ilioping that site viii Le sud Waukegaui le un the flioI.Hut. C. R 5 1 t. aithtIe LibertyVillt iuIl lthit5 MtXk, as gtondlUnslber tîililitter Sylvi DoIt, lLtiid 'aies viliiaddreoie Thacmot- atîd there busY dovu Ihere, aslbeûy 2:211, mewc ssls the owuer succese îug Gie tou that ult. A quartette - -ryile Illnois. are alsî t atle h'ern flouse. 1ls4te ftr the ftitrI' tof thus mire. md bransa baud yull lie lu attendante. Librtyîllh itel olinehare4t. . E. Miller standis a goond chance of Candidates for cunuty offices snd Iheir s etyl ufîlnil î ekriiielftlre slaI'..receivîng the uomiinatitonifor Sherîf! frientie are specially urutetitu Leb L s t s, 0 hilîal l l- cap s t , l t lii Dentcralle ticket, u it If lho preecu .Li r 0-111IIl. tuf loeliyl tmalle a atroug esuiditinte. curait. - 4ýàr% ~tn iiizens arc- stihî lîtîpettîl - shoîrty te very pttpnhar santi viget o ftely wiigbrefo of îtiait y ejtiblictu vot,.to ssy notblng r aistug ttîiieticnItfundtifstsellitret"Ubus-8rmy campsys: Ilelcto fthe coliege Itor w h tub " t Olofininiblle 'cerybîtîtuce "i ave i- ýl-.iuî,.uîthaion.'14y y tsi- e- tun n r G o s1bey are triving fotr theirsilllage' 'stl't taap cnee eyetctvl i>l .erairat ,itî litutlratat S u m m er G o o d s ti.er ban uti raiseti. i"k,! tia arit. il.ayllIt .,sidY ,,ttt or A youtgtlady01remldung li l..tPage t. W irtatIlit il)t.it? ALthtie ltplltill conttiion ..tUrcî,,)llty Docamthe chassie conflues 0f1 uwi îîe mois couti lie devisect ______ hay Viutkegan dcmt,îitratl iA il rtljWli ansItie.trt'd a perettual miet in wjvho ierl neaud..oîliliW uredti u '-Ituit gether' vliether lu pretuti ii, tbcg hueli oe.'h h hrn hbtofrfrigl - ~ M ust CG o0or Dti. iieyitee 'r usli chouxtîl fl hgg rbuels ue 'ieteeruehbit1rfrgt $3.50 Coats and VeStS ............. $2.60 j .1r.1 reliiî l keI liII uIegirl Ilcie be $c5mfori'sStuld fr t.la iot ueiui MIilwslittc Ave. Mouday, fiitilt>.le Mtddlig Ottitt.Lait weskIi in8îv ît ,l 5.00 Flannel Coat.................. 3.85 r.tsdy f<r tiie' fair. Iul tcre isi eue dieti antiloftiKflice iisurauceuof Jbtt 1.40 Ladies' Waists ................ 1.20 tîîîîîgml)ntibaut aîotber were prootl Stîw girls. yttfr rrjportuuity to male Betisteaci Factory. 1.5 .0 utftnt livre uts OTurexcellent etre,'ts. 1uîoriy to gotd if o i l t i ionly stiver. Libertyvtîle us l) have anther 1.05 ' '........... . * 0O I }arîiitri' Mre ntitU ir îîier mii 11e.iudtistry. it usit ilbedaeai facturY 1.0 .............. 90 titir ettotlinar'.eit tfiait Ireseuit. rile rî.prli'iit teatcsilthlet' lovu titlime. 'itfe.îureru malle a Ledt .75 ' ............ .65 Ietunte ant ri ~im ripe ansui b all ritlIty afteiîn ute chijuei tee- ctaitof metil, i, tuar luOlite bréaaanti .50 SmmerCorses------------ .44 t,îb u tt t<uiiyfgatr tiui egîs tu the,'cnvntitn the ftthuwlng routbedeteade su numeru t h Ie .50Sum erCorets....... ..... .4 oultîtî-îrlgti .. f uIrmran ,tnc dfrou ay te realedti P1asing uterë@t Si markt, te difereure ieiug thieir aWtiii ue fair mttore thounat a,,. titere mas tîttiMîtlunu ppo PsltloUupridurt le timpetifronti sheelmacisI lu'ulite chltok'.l uttiî-it'giteit I Iiîliwhile lte unes iitou unthe ujartet are l-lwns and DchosmttieSVe melutagoookot ofrr iirkuîrst. lDaniel Lec construcletiof ut Iiiug. La n n D gis ut9 tatr ay' venw ti u y ul as umalle cî'iîiuait and iF. H. Jîîst sec- Tite uld iglecit cuaîry te equippoti fairissofc st a veti îu llt hrYltou lii e. Bcir tr iutl oi.-ticket wM il tthefileld wMiii elampiuig michnery nudt the iira-djes l.oy oolngl ad DODO tttîtu'îgîîîtilmtho coucerui tu oalete beihave secumeti Il stîkigan itf, lIt-oittnary, lt>w î-er.f. ll)%Iowg dtiegrtit.Laytaelle I-utud,IA. lhe ,.titimenc-t os Mci li te Don, t nIl /Il nanti sec uIle andlît \%t.t "- II Tlt, lttas t (tt,'iJothnuB. fuctmy. l'hey eo nmatnfacture N EWLINE0F H TS. ittt ii r hitilIt t Il t tuiauteot, (jeu IA. llrigbt, LiuîsH.iliftier stampet mure anti are reporteti TheY're Dandies, Cati and Examine Them. M U.. Il'u -E. l,itli-tield, lleîryITY urdict, Harry tob a llrsl.acuuinuly, Wllh PlOtY lttt'.e Il veltn it i u tutte of tIte.i- sîatn.' iotise. IîilpltEp ter, J r. ant iSulasnut capital. uepîisrlîeîtti lit i(! cotrîty filma est'iled %Vrigtt. F. C . SMvIT H i& SO N~J asyliuu r0 menstilth 'erslu ytae Slteriitu Kînibali Unalt ef, 1cefi - ylappfrnt ydmsuth eeci u rc-Ntrrthtillri tt.. viitet i vtt Mn. ince Aiuguit L it. (.H. Seflanet liase agwtpt . op le h. ie fltrc -'...khmaî î'rtsy ai -i-,c 4tt71 gtous of bard eoailTe ient Butter BIllinois. îîg item l'y t(alb.bst.anî'e uta fontlItrd t hittiill h ul wd Liberlyvîlee Lo tu t a remeuuuable pniieaecounils or Bd.Libertyville, littîttillidbut the otlent mite ftnt a shotti1 mr. nbl ia l ietvebyflie urdes. Wruoilte - îilsaiî>'t3fronti te coittîulaîti. ansd tuîtuY Out Ilit " bhetealiirnaioliRILLELII M.'re glatIi tiect bhlmagaiIt tubi ChuesnCusagi tu thutI h lasl Meet sud las eetledlan atidilitil 1îtomiles t eiluttohu -Anderson Ichtigh iregion, ansd is remarkatile for ettîtuter lu hie Balconu luacconuImodtile 1 r1tl li' te,*'sad il sîrîkles us tey ils purlly sud durability, tr-edou HAVE YOU TRIED bis a licl.teiltdillre iseb îtslteozwned lte t uu eu t h etsym. Setale fro t ae sud cli uter suit minutalPer ^VE o U'George Io complalulutgbitemly 11-11-t-t'and dignulltidbustuew'liuabltlcen ut rsit. le suid lu Lie Worth lIly.% Le aim lehîutin lii btîlese bat luticr yuugr tsys" TItqualilies. Pice Lai low asnuJ«filial 9 S od __0'tesle utfbomrou the fair griiuitl, wilii ail mie ard abtIl lee "limes h tilfldmuraein.spio Chue. WeL,, îttWaukegi.,wlto l imbt oyur LIbertyvIlle beyotfl ts- cae ol -Yl.SuA- [ ; hietFlavors and Ice Crearn f<reîn u F . lairatow'@ mamble Yard utieh cun't tholti a couile lu the rrowd For Vour itemes- o ric s tt a p lace ex p e rieu e eCt i i a v e y ie w h o u bt l u d A d e rs n i In lb u s in e ss," lu t e d o rw a y u t th e fo t utf t e whitle driving Une ut bis cutpttyer'rsaloitîlhey enjoyeti mauy hearly Ianghs INDEPSIDENT Offite stairs may Li hu... lonne or Lietittun long viek. Thi; i' eey reealleth e 'goniîd (Adiys" tntiabo u whlbwuwould Le Everythtnu Nice in Candies Iosibcuuu rl louliatîtited ftiit em uugmanhtoai. fudàbxi .~.- -le-et lu lu .in1 notices of local1 If the shoe fits-w:2ý put it on, and if the price pleases you put on its mate, pay the price for the pair and walk out of the store with a,, smile of satisfaction that wilI proclalrf that you have been on a visit ta M. R'w-, COLBY & CO'S store and have t 'your money's worth." Ladies' 65c 75c 85c $1.10 SHIRT WAISTS educed to 3 New Style Men's Cloth and Crash Hats' 25c 50c 60c M. B. COLBY & Co. OK9ALERS I VRTIG ibertyville, -lit,11 Jeltly WITH TIN COVI3M-,ýl 20C a dc The Pair, Li bertyvi île, tKeystone Husker and Shredçier. Bradley X Rays Sulkey Pic Hummer Sulky Plows. tBradley's and Deere's Walking tCARRIAGES and SURRISI BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRL SALT, CEMENT and TIL I...., Lumnber. Lath, and 8Shini Grain, Mil-Feed, Flour, Etc1, U.I.SCIANK ~wss in the hands of a rnobA" Colby & Co's Shom you r f eet are sure to t4 the trick when it cornes Fit, Style and Price. Illinois "' i .98 .25 .25 .25 .27 .25 .25 .07 ar ge ws o .25 .98 .90 td Shoes. , Illinois. iHde g Promptly 1 to ...... ILLINOIS. so. td Bacon. vitit afull f tb tact. E-TRY IT. tel Prie. it, sardines. tîlîly atas. yslake. Ili. Marble and Granite Mnumauha cWORK, OP. oEV13R