7"", *iwýetlbstt.ifal.b1Ig ET- TN O E DPNS ISATIUL NEW Us£ lFOR "XI, RAY. Kballia Abdullah a hp do»'al - oterloa rce mgr isO f Bsfte Sesé" la ]>ml=S te the ms.s * e itr"is esdire Ibsit ha, muet Uow taleid Vases» in ountvU utwilselal wéras loneti « h ope] thé,Grums e isPtrioL sisbmîî *0 the Auerteams. Men~u unWells nethéeBoue& PALLUANS uit « 0fthe a olf ta e eat MbÔli, thlm The dedication la Dublin of a mon- In s general ordex regardinal-te atti- An J.terestiti application 0f thest. ANNMiIATiN. wbsc omAehowaaofteu wont to loch U lent ta Wolfe Toste. the reat Irisb toile of the Cohenan Einluthe CvacII5 raye N that by utens of which Pr>. whmeel! p. ponigthedar nea upâtriot, was the cuinating éveut Of tien proecanaga, (leu. (Gomes UIys tu bitfssors Crookes anmi ltontgens discor- pretendeti communion with bis Moater. the centenal celebtration of the Irish soldieres eries anay hie usedta t reveal netoeoly *%9»" t Quo. Ettbeverlu sb I ome districts hit the people are revolution of 1708i. lrishmen train ev- "The fiea; of the republ of Cube williitie boues lnufihe htman body, but thé glw becu.td, bt itmuerlieiotr-s Xm&I aie »inans r té dadla ilirs helos of lits fl çre e7Vpart of the worid wére represent- aw pi eré ctéi u ittttb .nd rteriesadvle h deft« '@ ie tue nt5h Damtumagéeth dad(l)oheshelae eualedc.lon. Th moumet et EntdieA mrran forces w ,e tu tnrieieta Dr.veia.r tesde t Eoc- -cegreater. Wboie tribes 'have been conu-h0rita atdéhdveitation. Thé monumentil bie, t obmmi&pietely biotteti out, and lu their places stands lu Stephen'a Green. the pretti- anstnorty cuti hv the rmentor! mît urgh d ofir. a ried Si>-i esc Ed tterrifie battie. characterlssd -creasIng in fiercenesandi ln numbera Toue ras thte heturt and OI sofutthe fa-atin we o!leeoenta tobey.ehéth(é diectaon e l)rassoceation ue. ,tlfswelrd fentures sait daredevil utlte Idi fair Io finish the de-ttnotus Insurrection. Ta film fitoweti lis Americeans has plteei a uew îibatsé upon Tihé fIrst de-ytontratluu was on thé thbaave aiwayua alouuded lu struction of the humnurace; for they existence, and iwitiî bis dealli the strug- dae rondu<t Of negtiations wbte'n nul band of s chIld nga-d 2 ye-:rs. and, tho tie h.f n tthe 0 l.Soudan, enter hute, andi wonten andi chiltiren gle wancti nutI ti. At the tinteof the Iend ta the evaruelion eot &Il Speulas4 armi- thelfan a sinl I ogr f. snéKth nertsurrection lbe ias 37) yenasof âge, for4-c'a fvom auntomme,. vt!eà ant i iliage ateriory swept the barberions I asaiuethrc e rc's mitncKitchr ami nlg een baru lu Dublin on dunie' 0, l in'uba.,Rsudin i¶atancet the Ameri fldSpt. 2 sud victorttls*y eu-se ont ta redeemthful ercyan 17t63. Tone, who iras remarkable for Olierti betheulcubons. 1cty of Omdurman ou the NIff. te avenge Gordons deatit, The fall orf hi éoqutenceénuit bis dsring. founti At the fMme dîne il sn undenstob" i t 1of the Mahdi. It Moands Omndttrman anti the defeat of Abdul- himseif a central factor lu thesé this sitpeioétty ilnot for thé purpose ai auiuod Kbsrtoum. tAie clty 0f ~~lait'. forces menus te doirufail of tilss Betles for thé freeiug of bis nativesuaetgthCbnfoctauohe Uémér, whee Chies. Grdos antiwsr sud nusceurdance with ont alliace ~ehesd tirton yarsagoamiGolug ta Beitéést lu 171)1. héefoutiteti Our army ia ln no wsy bumiiiteti, but ls* ~aiUlu a inusgure aveugles thé finia club of thé UnttoLIrtsbmott. ratitér homoreti by auch au aliance, aud eis t the Soudalése barbarf- 'j Thé relations betwéen Irelauti sud Eng. wiii reopeste in é'aéîy way with the Il taudibecame strained. sud several of American forces tu ezîedité the évacua- e of Sep 2 ill oti; l hWT o e '. a fri nd a mre Im prliso uie i. I l ou ti n f0 t e forc s o ut bthéen éuy, ta vir et tlle of et ofllaul lu bi- )1-àL1U)94/îTWillam Jscksons iras srrested for cuai tittCuba msy bhé <jtickly rid otfé bief othertishauyegpe- It asalol, ihougb denlel by Toue CALLS ON THR PRIISIDENT. ba e omblaed force o! British mseif, tltthie feail of bis owu arreat Hndui toissud Eyptlia, I on thé charge of being Inîpliratei ln Clara Biartos Outlîsés Course Pusuéd Suol2,0 mn h % héesaffaleled to fis iesvlitg Irelsuti hY théelRed Cross éocléty. Tflam we2 e 0 n0ef; the Ous.for thé neir worid. IHé urrived inluPbi- Mise Claira Harton thé othpr aficystuon cl ulateaieof e ttAie U-déiplita lu Alignât, 1795. Whillé i Prfente ta tePrésident McKinley a verbal Ous.HuIesud g tsauded ti 1,-*ja Try lt Americi Toule récélveti lettérs froint report of thé work doué by thé Redi Cruesi Ihuus ai egyptieas. aten» lcalbé the tes Ibat b uti frieutis advisIug hlm ta go to l'rance Socity at Santiago mince thé surrénder 1 as ustis. ws.wssa riau.Bustness teuthé publieuminci; anti stppIeate the asstptaue o! ethé etytaéSniosh oolf beris 51 lana .* l. Uadi t, twlvs .ars n. liehthé typé bst t srihé the cye goverlâment for thé Irish. Hé arrIvéti Muss Bate denbed tféiciais tiîou et the. ézpedttiou la go --Attd make thé rentier promptty boy. lu France Féhrusry 1, l17110. Thére be tAie îtOCstatoii ago. atie saiti tatn t I. i.ad buronsoder AW ~Just tr, ibisa ype--ilit read rs eés tionerlotmet by théaFretuit sud ait- Ony thé poor batt peepe la ordunary cie- . >s gaaaicsl hoss uuds Ah. Ad provett payste atierts-plét Ae eukoeamtatgénérasi cnmstauees boiti bée-n butiyin lueet of brm.ry s, ihaila, WAnd' hés e ii pays tw etipsi and ehef de brigade lu thé French hep sud sth atireieveti the ué-eeitiéa M Bd a tbe MaMdi &Ince thi ean e b artty. Dcm J1, 55 msli alela ba be cud im etntnlo tOMStutét pas iop thé subjet o! Hlavana. MAie (nid of HW iSATll5AOVIS *tfe otlOffelei Goti ésute hé encormons dtie w-tich thé Speuish dittmi,»eIwuti last January Fisechel Bron. ficias Ibère sought te ievy on the suis- diagraus here given net only showtis ousai, th minuit, rcbnon- îls iez 'vswonbongieg thé soffcring Cu- thte boues, but the distribaution o! the Umqbgoaaa Wioe, dit not sdvgrctis obeyDenverdeus, andi er wlthdeuwing ber vessél te bloodti réa-t.itnltereéatng fentures - la»doffler drua. Cl. i etas!ti.Thld ddiwatt a more favorable opportunnly te en- cleariy aemousîrated are thé ricit e-pli- ici -igli ani osethen to spent $1_50 a monti, but their bister Havane. Président McKileiy assur- jury laiezua;, 'vilibtnourluahes the éfil- Sbiet Ilag of Iber leader. l it aupihter of tAe eueu, thei lxry Mbi.OMGsânsbat ongiér Ontolestantat GoatAeédhrtbtbe ctinintébotnduS aéoras ftuheittétitnc h a s" tenit ftor of et isdeeinlng ryear5Igstho VIIi thes beonght te thé Mabdi liho 5ppeared ta ecnag ficeaeoé hha-'wit il. hartiest approvat. ursanitéeulrrnsorop lie-biy a totUcf UtlAi uymimeaisway O e i meswho have beea match diepteased at bIs death néesforfthé fieut six menthe oftMb DXVLCBVCAA ARD orth rtr Islibaith hu hm bis cr met dottent Mm5 a uild tis-nto meulie feit ilty fer bilm. but been: Jsnuary, 112 per cent; February DIRLc. liwMDR!.0 hé rery nileinu 0ith thuns tAis caseerset filb. ptpet et Affailitbeileveil thoit Gordon mtght loin hie 144 per cent-, MatcAi,103 pet cent;. AprIl, N~o EsetuantAtt.dis lite Arrivasi éxtntudd ithout euh of bréahlni thie a"dbis deaLth-deWMal-ligeOe t lOtsiper cent; May, 100 per cent; June, nt et lb. anlib Capital. vesse-t. At te top ut thé tourtit digt wo a Gevuuea hara b ad MOT- th0 pergcent busenee lu telis ltri-2 ,Adirai Corvera bas srr i tMa dridi. a igtue tlidbe-n tietanti thécou- tala doevlab nsa l efinasi ntaJicr- 1ther elarg thnssdnrlisg Matrb nt2The ne-ws o! bis expéctét arrivai hui t enta quée-zet ontut rtihé nsela ithe tat dmb asie Uoammq Am" er entforer hondurng arc an Mmenan sd police, sndpeople, lu about baud had lbée-n amputatetit. Th% unte- wu vanW5dSliEsll aihe 15d51. lSllS ,4tJuné of 1897 comblueti. Thé lucreasa. soéasa]numbers, weeprésentt Ctthée on t- atrs ais ,cuehfed la eativetety hgomcsicot lsnuse Il feeI auntve litr ea"pire - gteln boiness for tihe six menths of tIbis tien. Thie populace dispiayeti ne excite- Iti oe ss-uJu etré h w tela j las Aempe anneaÂtes. -year over thie Oratsix mnthetbSof 101 -* uent et lite sigitî of Admirai Cérvera. hu ! té rvustuéaa-h of ieîitIl Arb f be i uws13per cent, anti ovor tAie firat six though, th. prosonce ofthe poître infach ua1itth ala ed mm hnt ie oud om uàb otometh of196.148pe c-utPro»large *liiersunus.évidence fit the gtvéa off a braucit. h amred .lese. Ha asmmedthe lle etMaAiI otu 188 4 o ett- e W L LTu r Goveruxact antlcipateilal st5umration, of the lnge boues flotté flat plates mer anti Prînter. AdmiraI Cevéés usaceompane lu, Deé men.eépated lsy sutaiti aiseés traus li@fnwnlt nam dllWtherlna rc I CaistainueuBalmeMoreauusud otbe-r effi- thé main itaris o! the boue#. A médl- teslos10salousevilages, coaqmu s a "We are gladt et erthut Resling cers. cal man <-On ay titis meana détermin 1é1 s»d eadehlst boutait byplaideiez -Becs.' citrons fi ikeiy ta vslit Boone WoLaT.v O'M ONatKT, Inu suInterview the admirsi sait hée lid the age of thé body of a yotng persan. to. ihabtaaL ho An. wulhi»anamagaîn Ibis season." aya lbe Boone. la..,-àa doue conscience refegding Sunliago. because lhé known that ut a partiestiar ortS&M â000,Dieh.marchad te Obeli. - Republican. "Whou It was bore lent fresu Brest with 1.100 men and,. arrît- !'timt, ie é sd, grewivrgée hy thei s-te- agi. certain houe% havé or havé nos slugbtsed flis defssdm " a lb . uulw oéi Atmreo e-ing atiAantry bay, made tfurte s-upts toresîs ted net tq their dtetet, beer unîteti *., lsiil ters is epItl. Hm oen cangt bantelthe namée piteof u e-thé tond.utbut iras unahié Io anca-eeu. gloiuiotîsfey migbt hé. Spain hat i bs-d - conseil normousadditiom te lits Met, a. am - léphants. Asthey bave uotadveettuéd Thé lent expéditon anti the une tbr.t ri a he tanadmisa e oirhat i aess-p U 1 AVS anad »Méeau isIat usd105 o Egpt Wals sî mnce ms-eare saxions te kuow irbether cost IWolfe Toue im lité, iras atle-antt veenlet uallbstéhtbyHu IgrsVsisA.Lnt- they are tit ln business." Pd lu 19. Woxtord ws th aasze lir. ilin. Terni, thé Spaurnh roussusuer oued by rblp-ltuilder. By to__teriissdUManti théré leba eén sévérmlI surra-c- Who suereatieret his fore-és a itiaco de One et thé mnct telicate opératIons - Ilibm were aMometai »Mua tom t. >Plué ions wieiit s-re suppresét I ly thé Cuba, bas alan se-ris-éd, île dit se witb- *ervnudertaken ai Cramtpe' l'hiiitéi fanaM Bpala ne Se Atsertlaenoénta, 111e Jokes, ubotild lbe soiéry. A Frencht expédltlon Wnou1 t tra-ting any attention.phaui-rdbsiéu ucfU -hrmlo ost îîL brWwmo-tmety. orgailzéil undér Commodore Ilompart pl hpyadbs-e ge-«ul mia i M.elau» emhu- «W& Hlua MSd bi mfcm ton loto a -Yen neétin't chatse alylng ad. ît'Il lu Septembér. 1798.fit consiagtéti utthé ONLY WILLING MIEN MANTE!>. performed. Thé trou t-aînée Caesa 1»e-Naiesaet *Id isp lau Ils issue amid1h. usà" 5isM IMM 5*TWTtAN CANEL C05P». runitaelf ta death ln a short tIme. Hoché andI lgbt frIgati.. Wolfe Toue -a ati atémdltpojý tgesslbowm.amt irbavmal"Mg ouiti lbmi sm.Gfbsbearihn ua it ls nt aiirys dsirable that a large iras un thé ia"mhlp. Thé exipédition Abot 4,00 tréas Ouna.. A i e ta l o! tp rt oty-hébta sud Mul Suil dlv~lIaitd~et AiiInU.h. 4sge inluOmdlurman. and tAe wiid mal- anteunt of spacé aboutit blie id itb a wons[met by an Engîlit a quadrOn toff fen.Miles confirme thé aietment rat rivetsatuaot many days beforé the peril- Betcm et.L t« l CmFte atur-et I l ie t mu At itude srejoled lu heaplug curses on It large number of woedut. Loug Sw-lily, anti atter a utrugglé thé thPe la ta lhe a tuther réducstionof theie outank cf sepratiug thé gréait huil ~spqa anl mmusi la AmUIr-la comnd fer, solmen«iLsd nullg tPeople mil talk. If y00 stivertles British vere victorien»s. Telle irsa<p- vottarteér erri. <lan. Mitwouid nut l asbégsiu. Ti et- a ls TAasidoteltiup ltxcaeiyour xood pointe thore ii ll moU wllof turéti andtmtée ta Dublin. iréréehéit, te séexact stîxtber ot trueP* taoliepulletispartith wimdiassés répresnt- Ais uoilvege mtitulth, butoitied - o If yen do net lok out. i ias trleti by courtutartisi and sen- muatéred eut, but t I.inéseruéai Iat the u sllgpmreuil h1e ,0 landthe i.Mabul. He loch taunubrtlet Ail men wmoAie i-rtisesars et u-jtué t éhuéiaatatr h n ctstetettssi.ie ltiumen. Severai Cimes thé ropes bruité. luzM aa iled o!fits cousequencea on cesafui; but, mlth rare exceptions, &Il etneo lsi itintafc iu ia 0.0 en 1g rt ficasobttéielias at lait caimplétéi-a Josue 22, 1885. Thé désert saaete.suceesaful men have beeu ativertisers. but théeusanue uin hch fit ias toa bé iiiin taver et thé rédutiotn. Tbcy irsutbuth oked r;oebalbtlcu a !aîa.é- Trotth la the prime essentiel lna atser- exéculéil tii. sndtie hépétitlonpédflithatihéthé srnay te centalu oniy wiias uen, antithough e étfiime tt sepand au If It rit; whoe boit iait ben a matof atra. el- 11 matinetubes eteoieiarepta stueraIiena oe thé cAmerepremreatimpos tible'oto pssible a u thé bhe éai h - pireti upc. Persu ncarpets lu &Il the tpoing. Asba ete d lisc hut u aie sie 1earuoltir eIitshu lled upen . ci reuty matie. Sttiar opérations have snu pieudoir andllISte cf a great Eatern tSé1 o t<te~7> r aiss éo.Téofcasd-îdtérqîado garrinon n st nosdnty there uil h ________e prie..havugtouttlu lmbrie! "Juit ot" cf a leader uhén a cuatomér anti g0, ou the day Seforé the tinpté n mure -nopîlints. prnce. angpîe utou thélabsiao al.for thé exécution, hé ci bis titront with____ uisvery ami receu abiodeihéil. Befere Doing bsiness irithout ad etsn apnut.yelwesa lsono testAi ie boit ilmef nemInateil Abt- la agoond deal itr1e filing a harrel'Théscanuat israarr-t of,! vi-nusof yeflov e.dulla su il s uccesor. wbo thun lu- throttgh a balf-lnoAi beug mthout a N.CALS EBY vewc hmbgi inH oshul hit -Ga ominon gytrtchangtirn tunet aest- echnWmb u@Mosfor Thirteen Yuer@ United l éate, seasling trotta the-ê éfere Nos-. 1. Thé Bar-l-haaltaEgpt ad ran n en cge t@ nechli w hitmiOtelr te China. ma-e-caséin théeuntit-r cf cas-esutf ee-r - Darfur ta théelRed Ses, ne money ta @pend lu advertlslng es-en- Hoo. Charles Déuhy, forme'Uitedi since Captan Brown, macla-r et thé 1 Thie nom lyraul begefl with vsery tuaiiy bas no mouey ta meet aotier ex- Stute minister te China. réturne te Autéré-an ahip Maryland,. diéet ohI and ullool IMens. He proclalmeti that hé OOttSés. Auérica afttr thé aimoatnt uprecedent- four nIAi-r aiaaa's ere ste-eýkén. ha, heen - oitit conquer ail Egypt. as -'éliasu A store ful cf goudia unacit répre- éd record of thIrteén years' continuons énottghb ta migrai the foréigu anal timiti Abyssinie. PsotIug aItl isis ou oeegents su mueh Mone syu ae h ervice ne ministér. Col. Dénby irsrsd-iswuosnmbrtin aitv o aie, hée mats himisel absotute master cont cf seiiing the gooda by ads-rtising appintei by Présidenut Clevelanti. May Taemps. - os-es lite ami deatb lu the Soutan. anti theut moult, in soute casés, bo Jean titan 2U1188M, bis homeé at isliméfiiebeittg Réward for Their irss-ers-. evén the voler of King John andl bis thé intere-at mhich moult otiserwl»ac s- Lvansvllle. lad. Il 'vas due lu thée0f Gene-rai or4pr No. 49j. Iie lfroid thé Ahyssînlanit couti nt stand agitast crue On thé unsoi stock. ________-- Navy Itéparimattt nt Washington, tells - tAie ardbe cf the térvishie,. -thé gtury ot thé terrible igbt o! tlie- 1111e n.W vaSas,..AUX L,ao'qTULNEsD. -BAIRT OUX. TIlE DEEVISU CAPITAL. Wtth Ae deatb of thé original Mahti WonderfuRily Good nîgAt. torpédo bot WinàdQwv 'vat thé forte ua_____ _ _ -- - - - àW"" tMMtsaI Fier tirels-s ears Iiseman remalueti there biefell asuplit lu thé tanks, but Thé Duclseus e!X- onces mut ta CurtienasatMay, iu tbé saoeie!fsuDhéretoforé boon perforutet, but néver t iweai lçt~s-IliLsthey mère untel énough. neethelns.. Greenwich te ueo tAie marvs-uof théet(officiai rremmendation froint Lieut. John on sncb s big sbip. Thé Caîracas, whlcb Pélseieet tAedis eshes sud wi ra t- te go down thé Nile az far as Koroske observatofy. It iras a Ios-ely ali:htanti Bernérdou. thé comnsadcr o! tht- craflbtbe r 1-iee érYr et the der-s-hAes «»- ed wmhIlàaI"osmer o! sut y ndta séna Insuflitg ltters te Queeu for thé fair tuceéa'he-nfil tAie great oouéy ng theJubuson cf bi a-r- tBrayr al- - tain ewenNwYr vrmilts-serrte- TerliUd by the MaAdi*à u ancess, (Jeu. Victoria. ta the Sutan cf Torkey andtat téleucope- ias tuly lés-lodti théetdaz- onyedJbi rltscwtaa-a«4W* IinadSuhAmie ut.i ipm l tie battis. Groà, thes Araset man et the ilglisAe tt sthe eIlvé. At thlignetimé t as (jeu. saligfSelotfsmars. rant offieers. whiih Se-rt-têuey Lonug ,te. portse, bus be-eu ulargcd In anticipation iyiitelsg tîtUI54atny. wursent te tetemal Khartoum. <éfî io utécuéo l *~' tr'st at on-or Increaséil traeienitb Porto Rice. 1111* T4 sads Of our Hi Wlsai ai s-su su ateforcé. stoppot théei-auton o! that coautry. lug te a véry déar oneO. Cbn rwIsln.BtegyNet - QBW 0I13.11se 1% aitt etmhe MSSabIi of 18MaHcéTheiratpu etîlakl en ug. 3. 1» 'îbire-tq lutpulic place Ikelés. -> iaivt Il la-Os-s'sleama sa amy îm dtlahd itehe wuetsten s. httéc TfionÂg 1" ~ lt~e. !thée-Cubans said Sîtnisa-gatc b.-ang ftee -.1batl a singular éxperienc-e due-lu Vhs offevg et jeidu it b sea te iltus ,woehthern- s+engedl thé cruel te o! Hicks Pemha; first magnitute!" qeent lu Havants. The ('aianàat reéas-a récent tour o! Europe.' reuaimeià -u~uaU cagAi ta ,ogd Itlo'but Mglaut bat font ber béat chances, "Ilî sery far off?" asked ber grâce. uutga noetat hsv-ueac étéunpotnn utélîrr S U»t r~ss 00 u aetorSutan, ubter _________________ "bout six or ses-en lIghl yéars, lu thir retaan i o théndanirdt.nh g entitoem Sa r retlnorthe lutey VIF tb.he M I&seot hlm bock a complets your grâe.. i erte a vs ofihed. Mny uf t.he-u I îtrit necîtar.. Terter, "inathet saleut es- ffisAigaraset. Thoen tAe Ts-o --Whal in a iigbt yearT' 0tl aeYisean ~a-aaiyu pat éé--uuc o n !tt Ipe rur ferKlnlsus, "retAe apea po- . an- expression mblch one Werseminas turc (Calmeafimagsthe loatestar mite-n Iirore ucarta antitics usure eiab- 1o s a u e s the phi eos r ah st . u es te covt a I es o t etis an ehich ets upon th é S pe nigh o i ticrs as ae, b u t tha t l bs as s éal.an ti ,I file , - 1*uCaibp a tngferel 1teirsîcome tGordeu. 8f1, mich llght tras-els lu 4 year. Iloughiaur ______pna al.mn obr e hobvepsei h »tl« wu talion et that beWsproor apeak~IgIigbt Iras-élu at tAierate o da o ieet otn wt on 11511i ~I mIte mmetaksuet aat heos190,000upeal. asecond,.an- tAerd aeThinks Iéhe Stoppait thé Wsr. xueriîlno Ié n otn mtic -- udaneso f - 190,000 mues ~~ Mima Jeasie Sehié>-, daugbiér of Charles fortluéao!oc.I dap'et mSu ta ee u ht he n. ou habout 31,000,1116econdsu ln a year. lua BON sDEdu.Scityo iwue.wown oMd ao upyo utrl inwt e sud Veq mecs a borte numbeing 200,-ou. yes.?, theretore. lght tras-elo abose-------t l bute.iro vntleMai-got upiyo! 1utterfiy tiesmtitie l 00*at>d lAi ecsf Ae ailfn bUou lu:unrtu nuty Wetions o!fte Ohinése- Corerumntntateridta10 tethé Que-catoanna "oce èe~btsmhi iilltétmil la-t Omstrsanamitheentbira fixee blon. nseibtundret anut tety thé appointaintof tHenry W. Blair au bais rechet this ec-utary. Miss e R5 ome. 1 searcitedtihrough neurly es- KIioaeum.Tus ms laOetobr. 184. -mllon s o! md, lles.T h ised expfresIn sulte iaIenby lbas heltihIfice ayaithe Spusuarde gave their tiret es- ry store lu té Eternaîl City, hut fie oirBileist a ont ! tie rm-mi lions y f r llues Theéefigrée."sion lng. résiet Harso offie dce ut s de#Ir fox, a cssations o!fits- coutl ne nuSd au>'. 1 ad'a elnilar o Sao. hsws nOtbe.iLeusnto rei, utt Harrisn oHated i etiés hMcauséeut ber efforts. exporiénce lu Berlin and Vienne. I pal boesat netul)e T" , i . And lu thatstar 5.11(hosemeiUlions ei mlir u h ewHmsiewss ld. hovser. titat 1 would havs- pst niaois o adlngdies-leé mTe- é O !mîe m'y"mau's speeches sltueklng the Chiause. Atguinesdo Apnaéete tothe Pou-as. notubeWsérématIisetl lbeteby Soir rush, lu two bantajoint e*4. - ê tP&,ed to is@ recail béfore lhé bai l lftBan Ealiïguinasiti, thé Philippiine inatie- à ,>l Ten. yeur grâce, asniiearly aisiré Francisco. Au effort mas madti et é- gantleaebu snt a pé etéParis, but, though II rleti uearly aIl lb. toère thes British relles-mg forces came e- a Clclle"eustCiaablishmresntspomtlu pmes akig e1rcenlin tbeiié- aronetbihmntI out nl n lao"gI hewht wla ndgeen. ail 1 eau say," romarkot tAie but thla iras luéfféclni. andi Miîstér ecey snt Inte-ientience. ucb a tblttg. thotigitthere irere Aitu- li igt. tisvAiteiril aal ren * ,6C>Duebesu, "lesftnat yen muet have mon- Dénby iras pérmitteil to femalu turing - tre-du ot othéni stylés 05511>' ehtaiuale. Cruel sstAiet Gaais. a"' ~ ,., trfssily god eyes ta mshe ont It théHrio Ntlitrlo. Pei aew ornemr Not. Néxt 1 îri london, IbougAi more for