THerirKts.hmoUko tbe Shrm pramitrlt *a«e, ~~oId snggest ~.v u 0vOte 000 (or à fleocttlcTicket. ... .... .. .0m uo......... mulAuS F. DUEL» l' PubIJuiwfle.... .. . wa UT Mk S IRE -ÇQWXY Trurifu........... TMnuLC'Ot ............. Il.n 11 00Dt» m 1 tyty ...eU u......... ro ctE ... .. .. Oâ OBE uuP Me.......... F05..... ........aeu. s VO- 8h'. Se »z'4 - mjt lo Io 0004X M 1 iri ........... lm Jme d w ta Knkerboskur Tfl,G ad 3h o lmn tu l-SI- midF 141.................. Char>,* PhtMlpgansd w to Aond thiet*jtshM#Vwix 1&6612 Wauefn leut 00 Sosa Eapiwu mand h ta John liaonu lot i k 7Wrlg«bts dd touLiberti- vi ............................ 100000 Jaume A. Qigher and w to trerd. Krlatoui awM nse% i-tt-SIlijyt- W A Nanning ta Harrlot DBIel Vn s2 bik S 61-na lorsa ad ta ankom ........................it1 000 Crb lm Waltr and iW ta Essas = vM IK;PlkSunderan a 000> W. Oiffd ud w te Thou F Wash- b 4 4mt t 4-,5Altiais....... 7» On 0-RosAyr.coufrT. melate aof . Ui(Anna A. tHtbin «OszecuIILluv.nnlosv pproved. widow's reInqitaet sMd àsluuou. appralsemofit rbli.Loat opuommiproperty set off. camtsDsil . Biger, W P. Higiey *dmlel$rmt«arncrrval biapproved. Bwat a èf Ma urpby. W. E. Davis 'amnal.strawtarnveaors de bonis non. nsamoaf Alred ?Pasue. Peter P. Payne, adulinto. SUMireport. Rtte cf Geom »hSo.maa. AllA, t. Clair LAnuaahtp.duinitttstor, petitian to borros. mon,. IVANHOE. Pueraetsars 151507 hsng corn. Fiant Dolph bis lute of griudinq tu deb. Thse frequnt iovér e lnjnry tu con fôdder. M1r, IL Proctor hbu a oarloadaof ows traous henoth. M. Asgne$ Wlrts moved bts gransny arautieFrom. -MUissAlmaEenueoe edolng fi nely le the av» SSol. Chai ..kwtth las hmving a Weil drlllaciby A"as Titus. Mré. jamése Vanptov bas been ibn te ulot-IeS the peut vuet. LeWis Mtta le making sanghcm aI his latn. Mr, Smtb ta alocrusing tre. .AmionSmitth sud lime J. Dytes »utemV ll ay.luAnioci veet lutk Mm . Usaylge epet a ev dey. lu W là» 1 6e i vro ber hus- liaUd lis gtWâk. Ib& ?Ï" Offertng meetinîg vas vienattentdal as 1ev. lit. Pau& sut ORes. E.ckvt huaeuetralgbten- lsgamu i fau1«e00e bicb mates qulte au Improremeat lu lotks. Joo.loplb i ha ânle novlitou%'B uenyeo~lete..Mr. Ilpeliu aus beâniwAeIog Iit e pet veet. Mma.Ani Wood and daughiber, oh Mbib, are vislting ber pireutsi. Mr. msiiMme. oh». Duddtes foamfév veets. L" iM Satniy Mri. Welait, oI Anlioeb esta a Ue large Soab granite mono- mont' for Mr«. J. Dykes bearlng the sn vM.Dykea ount 9LAKE VILLA. Mss. Aimand A«ms asluthis placn lteSTmseay, S, .j451e made bis famly bors n fl~g iei litTinreday. 10 tilnS~couples tram (Grays- 4ak m ated uta re l«t 8unday il X.J Luckand Mis. . B. LIevt aWaukegmon uitea B. lgasSaa »à sous have oommeucea I& WOl* Moai 4rge las'. forJohn 1Rock on - Uwq5 . E . Rurnett rlised' -lier 14 ru-M, un.l e"".Wilsoni ut tilts - P bmteMS Umorme, ai Gage. ' M, ' ' *à*he oulest af ber cousin - mn avrerlgiss)MI;t eet. àft »~~d lire. T. J. Lynch ttenàd *ha' wdding of the latter'u bruter, <lhq.-ttaaSucet iBuffalo Grave lat S' Mv. E. J. Akan ln attendlng out- 4Ne"êoe hie voot. Manvhisie lin 40a>psbhMies Franes and haster th o uest of betrululer in rb imdtion for lbe nov *coc]u 4',Oae. ]Mssins:r:ni A:tio:b i, '4Wt Vor.Seool la belug ild la aseoal boia si eady. . ~fi0ectaVOLO. lfr. Jobb Richardsoenmand Unr. Job] '0W~*1BS. Ealugvers Chicago vistore lI e*i$4à*oowo:iM. VIIWinlabolas vas pteapÀmnt, B0ii 510*ho»urprlsed by bis Irlande Monda Ob OU goumts e. O*bgt h.event baing bis lgitieni 1.41' -Johan Mobardon tbrugh au lii ut jeoa.eSM4 th Ue bouse. sud don. ni - as mbis tiencia wo'îd lit - se-pf l. Misa N. IRichardston hi abdeI thmore. Ms Qs'Compton,.ofIElin v4hsi invsitait vth ber parents ut Vola ~S. S> ~43 eiplpd iyl "t vue. lMer asiste qi ~ ~ & pioe Ms.James liii auaompmnied ho bhsmi Sas a iev days. W ffl 1év t -The dine usoial held 1t Mr. Georg to lis h , ÎÎ lematars la51rlday evaun avs wvo bisé ai* guuttiand a mut joyabtoe ouiul ha lsepnas by ail. Six dolaisfoi i hm fo; 'tasel or an'poetas. Mt. »uttou. WMOVty the .- tovasi sip nday ucitool n001 gt uàivu«Ug& wviii ha hld ai WancndI ýpus lm >ei 1o #Wede Cet. 9. Titosé attendlng troi Voiae are raqnestud ta carry te lOa vite hm and romLain ai duy1 bble. There vilS b. no serviue » rtii Ps*ieua. 'oa afterooa aor evenlng.. lr-MieUiê oh Tvo mon peased thraitgh Voho lai p$ ~e1urne4 fatnsa ternon vith a t>ddler ni gA& Va u, Sb viilot 4*ey hbad solen osesr WJîein, me" i.~milpeag uItishe go"» &As Ibe> valu thîoy veo.'tollowod by tise pedcllî - ands Iva oSoorand ocve asptnred r Thomse(lbeus li t bof Voil siew A" a4Is up fer the ugitI. Mr;-jet< l"s ., die )Qptshf#àaAllaitSp lt.. g v»ê tuI4P D e4 pm »s alfe baves aLvil siends-tsi Auu"" àa lidlren a namber i le et:,l uep4.4WeRm»da abouît of athi ~~ ~ ~ seloum m ad1ràiind teuurbis loi fflmffl t $1110iei b41 iheatoule Gilert IR hoguqOmid ssuio Maober. The luneral vu QI t.e." 1,15.houe. Ituadau> vieiiîbwu -- élng vith aid ueglbora un a iýý iburl a ga&Jirod tu puy te ~ iat sIble I rspet.Mr.. Monoa * .~k se01r v a setaimmb.ess'ole»r. vas bor illlis ll"43au eMMe80 fate 5sono$ id 01liNs 1M bubee auDes ild uelIl dou. ls w.b sàmexcaellent uolght idevOtd ltll ad st lavlatti h.. ouivil haeély meaed by ail. Ri u »*U etesoflolatd. Be Vae laid go re ____ ha~he Wee ou ostery. ,.Dei ACÊ LI I<A.L- t at . S UIIMASf ,LAWsa Stef. lirs. Sherman la uthorlsed ta reosî1ve ubscriptlonsmfld advertluments L faoi the INDEiPEcNDExT isa orderu for lob prlnting. (Jluon lier fur rates. GRAVULAKE SOCIETIES. bis aldext son, s bo y aine vetîrs Irl1 b<.îd ~. A F. kA. M.hmdt been sudtlenly kuiIelcà y brnerstt. 5 0R is h lIIO Luin N. isA.F. Obltuary beit week.50 RO SWht eveulng un or before fullil on fe ogsdpantlIlis ~r. 500 ' Glt pe ttia .MAutiEl. W-18- o.l Drice departed fron.,lt h 11f e lairt J. J. LotoBàues, Beur. Mondmy n. m. lihe vas a patienît SMOKI fS(OSlBS Cbaiter. No.329 Order Easternu sîffer, lcarlng ber burdoît vîit iîerrl- 8tmr metlilst and thirdT. rie ven' , enduran>ce. She wus laid ta resI ltu Picnic Hamns per1 Mas.E.B. SsiEBMAN. W. -. tlefammly buryiug grolîud W..dtîî.sdly Brafs ao Mas. A. M. Wgarrs; SOOY. t 2 o'clock. A bout of frierîd t andlrelitu ra fs ao (GRAYSIIAIE Camp No. laulli. WA.rmeot tîves evluced thoir loîve for Min Extra 14-lb Harri soeond mdfourtlî Saturday fiotnl f doceiased y their proscrive mcifhe mr- elacé montb. Vices. She leames ta tutticrn lier dritli Sait Pork per lb. (isoUGE K..i-u-îuV. C' tiree daîîghters. two of wlîoin livîrLI Joint Clerk. wltli ber at the oId bomesteai, wilir- White Fish, smail COUIJtT OF HONOiI mtingus ilstasri atird luaIthe willf CfharlesFrr.r 3cnsg d Sa ,lmrrnth. 1Wuea sdarnFrgl ,b _______________________ -Stuidria ao .B. BuSiiai . is. . <,0f Wmuer, 3cdn sali r1îîk dor I Da. E. Y. Hâaag. w. t. aiso at homo. lier Ieloved lî.iatrd AH <aseNo.iso. N.Lmtt tt,) preededber trtigre icIter Ilab rirtit M PAdfuH; aurlayOve91NinArhmot4gnglfour yemru mgo. and touNtKLums W5eKiagu-- oCK. .500 yds Prints p g CURRENT 1RSTORY Ms.MÂi hMa. ..4tert. ic oK racle. Col 'NCLOiLpioEtl rr.300 yds Dimities 4éA CONOI(EGATIONAL Churchl, ungday soi. îrn.v..t.Iry. OT>,3 . IMMra eulr11 s. DL s:3 & ad 7:ip. m. lrayeMent. V llul oard met lan u eglrI~ 'De etnWI.I.Il. . .iyrMntA good Batt, full ovenirigmeut 6:56Wirtem-, re..t.ei ut '-,.îe li A ttî.ndetrl rot a iler sky. or a flood stiiuul1.30 a-m.i-oM..Ilarvat'. Bitrlill. Stst r. irririrr. A go dBat so tIr.rnn tenunmilîlue frain a timieut vrouaht _______(I____________ f 1î..î rgoriirt'ethl, rtlii, nrt, .r go at h hoaent rould flot havi.borgnmure îîtIuundiag-am>irend.. t e.1tafr iaMotrtluCtla o n yltt tirrrit .Andrt 'Mt irrr r lrar i rBU T ti, tht puptle .of theworli tthanti tt. ro-rett hunjirrI yantmadrna It iraC'icago' i or, proposai for nîiversanipene.. hy tirreCzar of this Weel Ia.i'l teiMla tre'-rtn iori' i'r.rl'rrI We now Carry in Stot] the litgus-mr. A number o! Young mon abotîl o1c n rl.j,olt.. erltt i,. t On the,-Mth day ut Anguot Czar N7chlcigiml r totk their best girls mand atteuded Mettra r -ltatiershirrtalrroiU'rrr1.r formulite] anti ceil ella, laaced liti thech iurch ut LaseViila Subtil yeveitug. orifar...' 1" Ia'l .1 Ii ,l.k.L. hn.i uthe upre§otativt8 uf the o Pwers Mesdames Higley aulai lieziau aIt, Brrrotir trrt.i. flr-y . Na- ifthL" th t i t.ilPeersbîirs, a ilorumeaut repreucted SorosI ape theWlo Mlifr o-L.Mib. thatit wîîtl Worth the (resreintlattention of Grand Chapter imeetiii nClu agolie biiil-l.'11trrotr, oi-rn atlou utfthe, tatir;Il urwors Ilat thet tiltisvent. W. 1i'. - t j..tjl tte tira- - , l,,[t I bimst od Itt o f thI.e ntions uof tier vrli m bemin L.M d e a d1 . e lu di'tr-»l»- Il t I11t,' r,,, t rit r 1wrterepreu.rntives fritr i-rt t1ani r, r vrtahlségpintarirgrgs stirheit,. Sun Lodge te Grand Ldc iii urni- ,ti 'ir-îG a sa e convened lu Chicîago titis grecst. Worlen' & Wi-.t tiélat.rrr front a irlhibed marndirwntrolrlîn plur-0. II'it)l aarr I Thimroi..riral fert'nuvernalsi iarman'-t Miss Florence t:ilwutle retiirnet l Ahuri Itry,.. ril rr,' this crt' of Mer., li-tn.cR*om n I touh pi aIfront Ricbhmond tant Saturday acco i-no.Hr'tislt r, of the , irbalriltlen of war. rîning t.s..t îî eipautiod b y Mr». Turnrî, .wbo viii re--r, roiia rrr tS a a ty t hroatiogt e îttrur,,cîi lit' alittonisua an-. main cver Suilday. fiins Aggio re- w W-g'rtaîaar, IL-tryrJ. ,li4L 1r maalrl'LiTe yacîng people huVS a private E. Voiralrrî Iltr1g>ri12 Blesiua haum aen tire tîtilitn cf mîîlîtaiaiag dauce lu iteIl iall tant veek 1rn i lr. r, i.- .(Jf lL n.,oatty argnryaird uavy. The r-tîtnlirr ray eveuitg. Alleiidancrew&asby 1lvt. Eaà, i,- ~ ' etie lii..siaàrLiiuwrr ,nuiiritu klors.tiraSoalion otly. il vas a brigitt i 1tOi MoNrtlintb lt trîrr,- Lr 'i,. t A standing army ait-IlacDot te. thte tat.ilitn' i m liglit nught Ioud tboY eujîîyed t 1).t- V B 1,11 ritr..l rr.strarr,t r'.'r-. r'rr rBy Keepit nation. slvest te utugont. Ira andidîl'w 1-. t.Iit.,l,-irr-i '.l If W., rond birltlarigh lo o ta 1,sf 61LoMT-BotWeegg rayslake a ~Il Itii r-u. 1t rrr. tt Motli ta .,.-, i,.., i,,t.i' thE tie. trliinitrh ,,f niaoer nithrt i'rtir,,tertit 1Giosers place orlt i.r <raymake,a'Wal;on W.-Mt sli , r i Art .-, rirrr r ira rt saruit ica triiiutli.ligitIbroeant cofisr i lh legs ntctd't"tttt'1.,'~ fo-rf-t'"'-Aj.k I;-.-'il l"îperl mi. "0"'"r t.riii tor, il' wu' làt i n r ilii peuse leuve ut Seu i*miî 'A 1,i,,I. 1 t-ri.iI.rrtri l'rrr r,.i ,r rr r ,'t I uainlain pear'e Ltbtr.rit fairl,..Peul .It jevelry store rendrî ter ie ilii $1.00 rii .'.,n r'T'irtt.rr van thirât Enuitaîrri ngtar o inr t iisria rewarriw-r i..' 4, I-î,ririr,. .., I.,l îrlrlit. clpisil t" o tir fta dii 'ý1">ýýLa ýiýt.- j rt-t-thr,,ri t r.,', i r 1 ,1 i r Il:'.rj,1ît1.'1,i r,.' troior l tie rst,' r. rtmniig smin 5rl Mr. C. 0. ieiii, irerci vc*i a telegram rt,,,ng'îr. nuasl1.s. Si f init as..tire, taîrîtt y rh. tutrS L iri erims. wirre the home- wois a taittIInait-Suit aOf Autony Kan., ,ayiegthat L"lr i J4un, . ':k. .r itrrrr lion. But tire plbiaiovrl l.-trrryerl ai thre nation v at rortriin lis. Iowllfalli11îlînoie, Y. M. C. A. Canventlori.* 1;,r,vri-r.-iIritý, 14 lai'g.ry Lt tii rowliiLur r--tirrc i rtuîlryimiit. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET. 17làtn irtrîrlvitj lonrfi-ti tiIlinisrr ,, fA tanlinauaiY i-rtt Il-o-te .y iButter. creaumery -lll«d(23 YTunis yea r riisetj'.,Assofitinjit crrrri..i homo and tht, hina- voitires'. itl tht-rt tltne Bt't, ouug Ms'..... .1Q0 e 's lîrttiaitAirtiat r k 1 iiI t",, î i. ame tht oint' salivationrouar et. ,utr hlc ar........'iie tîîa iieitrtt,î.- ' , ia,meattoi ai tior-, an-at E998, fr-ait, PL'oztirt....le 1898. Etc rytbîctg alt't, rL,,à,-rr lri'r, worldti.oî.i',',thau t lt., Imatl it"li..e'rth Chensue. petrIi----------------. 12j, Ifuiriogttiti uilrsiigiaiirir. itr r,. ir rtremble .~whitiaemartial toend rftr'lmlrhaglt New potatoee------------------,, 4 pog ni ttdiscusions iti tal t-I,'nl Irrrr irst,'.y"d t rdienrnatîirI..Bouegs, per bushl------------.. 5Bible Studies, of l'rita.isiy pr lt i, 41r,"Sri ii evert' Ittnst eorript n'lIiit'ha.. ia't,nRoes, dregsueti-------------------se eut 1religtiuti lt-atrrs. sui iftinuîrr1 the rýao9' Lirtidissolutiontorti sîr i nai LfSpriug <-irtirs------------------oi4elite eirnsiierratirîî t .ftt-ireIortr.v t IIIILr'rl-rtir t s W,,ridprtett- i i. r ir O,'t t aa----------------2futture if[ tie irgititttir, ssrrl. l LLît- rr~It e Citias 1. ti, ueoftetL! ttSovers ai indcrert y.tting Dic-arîi ira Nationsit itt loiSexiil .it roate elle buasChickees, alilvre per poiind lic bme nao 11lu' e ili rtti'irrir i'l1.j iiven orteattentiontra tr iguentsud Il..t, Beef, Milier, Per ett..............3 5 0 1letteettg ftiiurî villii i'rta r t stanrding Ignîitionthalrlte'r rrniaîîrro.Calvo, es.t ll v(dresiiochi $M 1s it l, 51)ota butsineine uîi'ui gs'îu y t.-,lr-trI- Chlti.. i..Dot a morlii iIihittoii. tut tut e p pr ewt (dressoedi luit-aIthe Gals-blrg Frs.irtiH .l'r yl epeut year brîtrght I.. liv.ii- rrir ,. saîl urhoLatl beti snlautîtiir lst'. *To Relgsalve, per vt ....... .4ucilristis ',rieiiiti rN ~ 'ew Store. L'ultk-stiu if Iromie sud thre qiiniinbc of Hogu. per .twlirimtedrI ....$5 on 1greaetrt oîrlîtrtiul ti..s1tr1,r, mail aife China owîer lperIrî-tîrlty. Lmmbs ....... ,jor >igîod iever î.tttrtitilt. oî ir Dtring aad i.,,..-ot r..rr.,at ,,uli(t itwlh Crd waod .....fu o ii o thoi r Ieuty i, riet LSpain Iion, lus.. ic.rra s truag aentim,,î,î ei ilr tî'carryîrg 'tionS iamouig .,,rtuili rî"ssi for au lnrrreigrrut w iii teI l nrîîry. Itita, ta romu ir ) tjni- frrrm a iîuiitary t'ilrJ-'lie C. M. V tSi. Il. Co. w1îî scili tigrebuatImreyaloiritrie ,il a o'. sa î,orirt.a utuar among the tios s.,ilboge eker'siexcursionuti1kklas iiceroafIi olr ii ut t'e tili' nord .T>maital n il là to ;,lvtir scti tua St icon-ei.ytt ',ri'lrunstr es ULL Whit norr pieon t.iuti"àtt 1 nOc.4h n 1tNoiv. Ilut and 151h Nationîal innîorm. Lrarge (c-ts nere la a1e.fn-rm tna a a. IiS nd Don. fth Rti209i1à a o a r e plusptt.tiit-j, ltî r1jîp.ri vitt isrl. r îî Haovo tront I too ffhk.a ,thl. iritjiigiofutwtvadollars tonr te rt,îîînri p. Final tAe Ilctiuîîtprtiltig 'ý.r s raiIt(itz' th, .ts.sstDoDu tisillo Iia" ~ ,t" iti ttireul ]lrit i21 days. IetrArîun- lremflnsprssslit îtrasril Il(-i'trlg 1 fleh , ihtii wo fgeth.iiî' 'ral mue gnt commence tiially 'i iî.tlay cor niuteriai, gagnesrtrnuit amtusemientstrio. f- Franaco lalmiilagthe denrt thrlt-trrrurîri iFriisy viliu 21 iaym ot sagli. wrltictgnigratnrfi riltrr ',itrta suai autlo iri dn hirn"i -elltrir-etl mertc-,tet , r, iir, ri r- ir' srraii ar rrri.t rî'rî r.,tllta Inter Ocisgusad Independent oe flll tc-rr Srîg at-rlt't', grt.L itt- quetstionrs iybrutet,,furr-t wleti-retIrgr'aite-t year for $1-73- Take adventiste of inge. ilble classes soir,.lit-trI o îilIl r ln W61t01montjoimoitrn Iltir.trti iithis effet whileloitl lss. largeîatletîdsuît'î. 'ilrîgt trte:- " n ég Naîtol.-r rieac laOin arg otirrît til.r iaî ____________________________ gemîcletu.Ch lristian t, hI,rI-n'vr vasagel u,îtrt rîî sng t hl-rit id rt t ha la-- b an? ItC ss fo~ oe ttrîttgtr y sîil>neetaîtIil>y gIIr),'rr , -tr ID Why airorii w' at îîu r. i, itir-et ripou lisslitoa ani liourseîorItrli rw Europte wir'huli.rtire coiehf of mitlrirtnt'publicr. 'toîrtîg aientIllta Ira' fltt ttw.rgg ronhu tl 'ar.tuai ,e miltaraun froin bicot'..dui.pauscisof a havltig As'sociationt i.wl Irlesei-r'l hishlîld a i iii,,,, t rit ttrrwariiia n es alî igsri hihttilu Ibri".ý.t -ri--atri tothe- wrld. hg-rd, cll u bnorsry I iletgrite8Itf thi.y trialrg G(routi Aras.'* g-acribecnedentiaii frr t. tiiroIirîtrr. f'tt,»r In "utu t'rttil l-loorttir pj,, , îrruinal.tae ,thinsyear thet. irrti tri-, ,, ri,- . EseB . at- ntoa ni niý-ieverv cille-r yvi-ar ist .er I r, LTi ,, i stautiiiii. Leirt li eoirtrs ir tiîi "Ia,lînAny (rte e iri îugair'm fIL'rirrai lylstoirllna pr-tsai of -lrrtmr'l igril I Is dmAO'. tat scrire tit ,'v t îrr q rjiliîg a i-non t , 1. ky ii hreuu,.rilaiiINeeoé,Liot a u-,uai. r A. BowmIil,. 'Ily.A,r,riItiri rlrlIg..1 G RAYSLA KE, bh "'Wir lire wust r.m ali tiroirl ,,IChic'ago ____________ Andl tirebaille flagare tiurl '4'lieit y. utr-cl lor I teW itt'm'. hiltL, Saln hiý.ariainet rîtmui alazel Suiv' tti, gniat tilt- t- L Tli tttttîo iftIia-tL EI., i. oi, ècepSIo L ilk itit. orpl FRESIl. SAI ce or, gr dn Il e u 4n ed il If te of at 51r le Ut 41. Pa ar le b bweqtsilmiJ. 1. APTA K SI C. J. Wolf flnfiiuied big haut tbrotrjilg job titi.saiet. WihIie Scittey, af Pulignn., vos it bonnei for a lai dayâ.1 lie Nick Stark, of Chilcago, viulled ber s10k nuthozr, Mi. los, f.r a lev dmys enhtaIwetk. Th itu lii.talke<t tif vdditig-Cbmu. pilsrpatnîek lu. EIIu, Iusct, botta Weili titovnund bilgîly esîettied i în peopleof t ti i lu oceurroti Tuesclay màoruîng(cf.. 4, a& IUiiffLtlo Urove. The bride vasi ver> tomluàgly slttired lu llght ineu %%luit creaino .1k trimal ilgul sud carrytug ecî,si roses.lier stterr MiséatLin Ri ,as lrideumatd, vas uresa.diluwvle andi carried plat roses., Tite gromms bo@insau vas is brother, va ile. A largo cruvd halusenablamn lit thte iluffKI4a Uruveehtuîrcit to1.stuetg. Uie î.ereniy. The relatives sud uruaet'- It,-itîs cmf lte crntrmctlng partiesi titeu lolltmved tbe happy couîple ilu titem a..vbanne at P. Bustiwares an simple dinner auvultrépteu. Amiuug te svdding grimés vere. Mr- *lad liru. Aug U Is-ichu Mr. sudIb ie.W. Ulruh sud jiairs. Bt'seelo, o1 Chieo Mni. and.l Ms. Dulin,biaCltiu aire.1' 'ciner, lilasZinimor aui Mr. sn'i liai. Siirliag, utfAtlhigî.iu ltltt-, Mtr &and Kru. Rapent anud; Ziuîuen fanîly, utfiLong (mate, Mn. i and Krs E.«- Kotagil. of Eveei t. t aunt M-,n ' licik. ai LakIe Villa, Misa teerobitypatrit(,, oft'bivuot, M. Uaul Mus. '4tigumja.Misa Wetermau Kra. MutntsMarmîailMnr.. B peama jaud KutMilunt, ol Hit Day, it. mait] KIre. Caliter, tf Fremout Conter and tré. lRobinu, ot liait Dm. The prosleuta avoterianuenruisud suttblp. Teut can d las oreain lu tirecaven. lng vas enjoyed by la tory large ciridun oser M)f>Invilations bmd béen ment out. limule for dancing vasl inralsliu by a Chicago orchestra. All vis t hora gond luck and a happy The fai eqjoyimnt ai the si u i somvb8~Iitd l ls ai -part o lb. ~ li *saékl *1 sos tfelb. i Istg~4reh*1flaS., ofI Mli Day, than it docs ant of those'dil fitting andd caply made garments wih which thse cçuntry le f Iooded. Lck I LAWelid. 'eh. ou t ,uls u- 1 c dis M~ u.. 00é tl .md asprdis iki ya'.a hayg fcthnbt lbaus s.d-aCiçak -dl. sa. tif« haat .D Oui reputflmle obudnihg itu le oui OC" DegatausuL A FUTtL5.15V.OF....~ MI LLI NE RY. DRY GOODS, Ladies' and Chldren's Shoes, Notions, etc. Fanoy dresomaklng a apecialty. Mrs. F. ProUrne, LlF. lnI 1,,ltw, MONTHLY 1SUFFERINO. Thousande of womeil are o trnuhbled at val. îh an rb a c k, breasts. eboulders,sldes lipe sud limbe. But they need flot suifer. These pains are symptôm» of dangertous deraugesnents thut a orced h e- atrual functian should operstee MÇ ELIRERI cate menstrual organs in condi- tion ta, do their work properly. And that stops ail t ja pain. Why will any wotnan suifer month after nîonth when Aine of t'urdui will relieve ber? ht cassa et the drug store. 'l Why don't you get a bottie to-day? For sdvice, ln cases requiring spec ial directions, address, giv- lf symiptomu, "The Ladies' Aeisory Depatet,' The Chattanooga Mdine Ca., Chattanooga, Te.. ore. MENA LEWIS. el O.mva, Ta. Ba uys, 7,liSale.' WALL PAPER - a back, per roîll........... C, aper .......... :0 MEATS AND F1514 lb..................... i per lb ................ Al, per lb................ Imon ...................2 3c 25C DRY G0008 per yd ........... 21c . ýand Challies, per yd -21c ,Batt, full pou nds........I10c 1pounds ................8cà rt weight ...............4c 1ERICK PATTERNSÀ ,k a Full Lino of Butterick Patterne. PiKE CASH STORE. We Have 'asing Our Customers. ng the Right Goods e Right Prices... m ... ...... e Il....... MrtI rt .... .... ý4-il , t'r t tr'. ... . . . ........ Me . .. .. .44 7e .. .. .. . .. . Ill T. t71.1 Ail KUEBKER, Grayslake, Illinois. Baurgagins! 1 have some "snaps' in WATCH ES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ýA"DILVER WARE. krnds of Ropai ring Done Promptly. StMERMANi ILLINOIS. I and Sniokod Mats. c.. ri0k a4,, Fruits and Vegetables in Seasen. Try Our Celebrated Home-Cured Ham and Bacon. lurh ..,..rî,,l rrrr.rtripsr.11irolîgtî tihe -ositry wlth a fll .tk . 1 til -Y ia.,,. 110 cflo .i trionrft yîtî jerîrr.. Irrrify oU> of titi, act. WE MAKE DELICIOUS PORK SAlJSAGE-TRY Ir.' E lrrrrt r-1 rtri Fa1d , lrli t;kriî ut liîglrst Market price. <'lil r, . r ri n l Ml ritrrrg l'rrtrs- Salîrrti1, Sar4ines. l' 'rk r riI rrt..Ete, R ITTY & SON§ Grayslake, 111. XPERIENCE sien Ir, ~m' uum F. BAIRSTOW,.' MANIFACTU RER OF tie. ..tiyaC-ent a,,l.. landia.k on l'atents veei." chauve. in theu ScIMtfîc imericauL A bhd.ayt8el? uftatsted effltl. l t.ns.l,. La 4counruds.New York lat 55F t uainegto5. >C. Farm For Sale. 157é arr,.. tir 3..i.î lti 1 - Freilà- 'tit,, k irri -ir 1,, th e "ry A,:,. fllorrgliti f,rgiî, t1 lii no,îltt-eust of ~V,,îoîrla (. triiîtid lgs deep iveilj , mcd IWO rîrnumnig spelugbi. For terni,: Mnu re is. 1, Beach, Ivanline; is. Netiemth. Vola; or D. KnuttlW<a, ad-t-lotrator. LAeo Luntcb. 0. à Marbli and Granite' Monu.seutu, WORK, Op~ . Al"e L-â rci - -%a m ý