-V uwnha Iu su sursthm mOa SPAN AROS CLAI ~ T O w740 te fn , aad 58t ro at S fl U %i c c., Witte rnsbAir. tg the 12 oserma la tur. rotatesat ~ west; te aveand bl58 0f .wS A patent has fScCtly beaui graiited the. rate cfr2M tines per second, Twiilla Ll*tWInstantC7. 00s BPANDSOMEST ON £TE . bviet;g bthaerage elgt, Of the four10 Jaes B. stade, or Riverbeaui. ý4. . pictural Of the positi outthe. band are Compay H. IFina aatl e laquerle t the corners are eaei 200 test for a device by means of whicli buiid- therefore takea wthl, the portitor of ora tago fghting with the Amdu. lu helht. It centaine the royal Palace ingl lPmnsmi olrroa r one-twelfth of a geconj, eoch îhowlag esa armi.teedm h lbflbi DmorcvpttO of the lNoyai Pabsoe, et and cluapel, 200 monsatic cella. three coiistanftly supplied with fresd air, a 4be exact position of the tîand on the. of a kI.g o t Engtsmd. Itlas trauinie- Msdri, and the Gorgoons Kacuria- citurdlies. two coleges, tiree librarles, frasoexit being provlded for the font gdiul. It la possibie teatuike witli uhus land that the preufs are comli, .wbleb One Ma 10,000 floo» and Botc Cast besides balls. tîrone rooms, dormi-- appuratus 2,880 pltural per second. lt show tndisputbituAtthle 11180Who theI. Rorous Sum et 050,004000. tories, hospitalui. refectorles and la- . uiou l<eaiuetofar te describe ta de- _et a bcro's deatb la Cube Mîglit numerable apartineuntfl for attendants. -*teit the most delcaste registerina Sp- bave beau the king of Great Brîtala. l'h. nid proverb, 'Ilich kini, poor Soain dea of Itae tentmyleaied- paratus whtdli marks ofa naclne n rln n meO u ida people," bas lis Illustration la the Spain bY the simnple Stateulent that Lt buS covered with lampbiack muait marks The Ord famllY han beeu known Inl - -y, for, although the peeple of elgbty slaireases. 1110 outside win- eacb of which represeats the one-bun- Ameritis for a century. The tiret ta the nation are mIserably poor andi the dows overlooking lita courts fourteeuidet aio eod adec crehr 5 aie rl II sgle la baakrupt, theekini la rîcli. The gates nnd eghty-siX fountalis. The stroke co again lie divided by precis-.onaâtructor et great.ablltî.wl a bin. f pan.wlh eUexepios.gréai: cbureb of the nionuiltery la equal ton Instruments lato 200 parts. aeeoupuinied by a Young m'in wholi WI* a ii~1$ uî i. osb ave ail been ricb; their private for- la has dimensionsta temonte of the largest leclellt megwst Ws ieli 4u e i ue.asrce.iîteei rsoe aCliisteuidotf-Itl mdmofS.LORDS ARE MER SUITORS. really the son et Géorgit IV. kingOf ~e4flls' itb V"CRPTJ VLoutriglit troun the people tbey geverned Peter's. 304 filet ln.20wie lh-Titied Porsigtuers Book te land of laln.Ttsby lete l an 1w "1 I* tielad euurievost apitemruts monog thb. e n furet 1savon n a lotycar et coatdamaes30New York'î icheut Boirees., efJames Ord, fouadeu îhe haeOr îW.iIîg ISbs,. ïOs. %%M »Wmi" UW resten of lie weU, estlceptrliseion lieglobe. laen cwt hork.anialeteof ary L maboes te -metl t fauountry.Il ai- lock hietid pl et ,sti, bu umgwods, lier cmecveni- Cistina ls eaoruously rici la ber owa and alabater rises ninety feet. and laRunrbsS atMm ayGetHnyLâocwthrmnsE - t S %mbu* tien a. i t »M iuetic 1*1grb eat f er tend- mkn Iurn moitthalicye me.frycapl oe30Rerlis t iat MissewaYorklaet.a l iel bs onr.I 5 Vaibdi,.si5tiO et a lomia md heiplesi riglit, sud wbhen the ronuaiking cailloufitty feel in widtb. fleneatb the 11gb marry Lord tHerbert Scott.iton o e Ibié diter, wlio opened the dWtctSsilb àemîd tew.Tbe Mie Mtào ber ee os ùlor iig' ate ethrene lie till lie eue ot the ridli- alter, se pluiceul Jaorder 1151 the Scinge ueo ucec.M& oltswihbsrsle ntepette ba4*ie InSU eUÉ I s S~trdtu*, and &i. ad ills teogSuciest meu on carth. abouit drest ander the meut hallowed frienuls douit Ilie report. and say glial a son wvai born a tGeorge IV.anMmk 4mfl1il«SI*# wilebauliébo ui-bi W1A'd b u t trlumph The weait fle iags and the vue- spot lu Spain. la theinnaus>eum oethiet____ anngpeole rers.t in *gbe "lwt ba 5k il- "*Ee On ty oethîe Spansl people have prompt- Spaniieliroyalty. a building wîîîîn the fredy nl u l od ur.e beau thOS ingtdt boers aidot th fui. gatteo ______an,_oth______par,_a ugw£intitulas1h7 e8~i to a osba Iabilast, there le lovelte morubiers et Mt 011eaef a f ta@las taèrite Who anit but e uov s tsGetafai bv h beau ý I - Mils (leeetdufemilyanatoveeter Ideas Mae 0 iesLodVivianrnd the lutter,. oves ______________________________- and iare deterouineud that thealhait uEr- os waeëlmaetbohoa celai n tis*j leshorll a one et the oidestinl oslibt uI liait a card~~~~amoeds that.er. 0tauntse unt; l o r 'race f naimt ec.Lodlir IVS Mbgvee. .sm ..Eglanti. and the duke ta several tignes ene. e*migt 11%o1 01t, »e iwaMm ot le u saiuifor Sedil oleil IL hte"SIS IS b Ivatsla « PUM10e t six; 1 SI;SOU »W 1ocSE-coLER.aaAND VENTuILATOR. amtluionalrt'.buit Lord Herbert. who ale = 'edh bs oei~5atiter Brie. -AUl the wsy lthèe bi" he ls~ioniy «20 yenra etfuîge. lm uhe fourul son. fu i ad -. tw- Btetr-Amerîcan. ueeding te>te tigie'. 1188(ioelai lm as ~ , si.* at tis eok t~efl.b =îu ,a bleuet is vifte VWète. Bî h tnrvnecosseo uua k0 seuitte ~iîher llt lah il k45a. en',a Siel eit vent wth Tetotisicnit tatblrbeamutifuti as site la ricli. SI.'laei19 ,U tSbs bomt eIue mise. casingr op e tif.rnerof l a uiin Ji l a & e t a s M li tii b te , , f ir , ite.. R , ira it s et ie as lit sta ts, a h .e ý las si le,- tètè ht.ta invl son Dig i th co faoinguilin MWhïed9ûî»1s. lba "ladbonB d tenld banni fer hde train htas- .' r,île-deck ot a vu-carl. Inside et the mutath Bo4t allaw- ivme. Mnu,'w it àh.a catel;aale e e sa upetc asa .K2PN5 tLc( iî.IlI tel ,s theW lUtheSSe hortr 8. 1 um»itet 1v hieauS sid'theandthte sieev-e. leetedalteilt ePve FJ VmC. 1»0 a iband on engIn. topo -hmvoi Mis bava lgee d eat * Si dju 2 Mspider or frame. and utia upper eandt afl ilîg 5 iit e c ud n 8lgvint Do.tlIme fr tlpalutliS. îhma"lmwla tblengre sd ituer.liwThiuIa- i Saetiranti ai aIlicoesendantfe kt he sanne Ilet came ta h m- M ai vIS *wl rs. Auh att i lsse usueekeT eel o c n a nth tr. hia teti iaitWoS bo o rd d àtim W gaItuitliguéabe Aie-trame on whieh ut rad la cetn.iliy piv /- was William IV. wbo obtanlthIe mag atl~t inent au j 08*1111WS tir i. th" W" i..ksboted. The upper ed et the casing la roso t lrtuaraee i ~~t~5 .~O$A5dt41 0 ~Inclosed by a baud formnet ighilia con- ' rUetccrilaeo he adt ira42eIelletend,. threegitwhieh the lagrels - etheJ)uthe ter 21. 785.Teo hee vsde te ut* eho M agtd. &E 000p S5ignaseulset. HEECd-IA. __ tube passes. With tIe con etetmore beautiful viannluEurope Iuban el 1. uslmuyna.ledidonthc boul an ingreas tube la colinecetlra. Fitzlierbert. andisshe Ua gooti doBlu l de ta o1fie.td i 1R glao B10Lot6-.remidence. sasethat white the people Pantliéon IlRogiue.liera la idhes et île IThd.PTince-iofrealesntellgres- *,~îmtbt5a,41wihm loibS bien. qre lometIneaslarvlng the king wu$ oee atove mnotIer are the caakets etrtubs are ruvind lu ppositeierrcandts. ___ ~1.a# etupu,'l 4 e.h. cspflencemilonste ol a atia l l ai e tnat onp iceCals~ anti are mouateti tea wlng I tlalu A ,KK.sa oltts I urilc lc Vlll PISaI ~ ~ ~ coveaenesf îJ'esir temak a ia adtMy o'yne nichle romans manner tInt the ingresa tube alait con- years obti. a lovely bluetde, ailI a cou- ant irwaaspertoratu with ail the rites "j",aremce.' ck'ton~ etiltable appearance betfore outsiders vacant. and the Spanlards lave a au- satypectisoeîgtievn.plexien et dnzzling whitenaeanti be- snd olamumltiles fthîe churel-The ~uglb.trvetic t-ai zîit~~tsle-.ay M? ltmmb. « @Pin la. tieretore. provitied wîibroyal esllnIatwe htnch afuei The lagreas tube cenUnutall forcers a witcirtag (cyca Aside troun these esbe subffluent messisge et the Prince t liutilmiMe m e S*; ut- etee, vsu tie ,plW* palaces la alsuadgnce Ud thoe ir. vil be no more kingi la Spain. columa ot air downardti rougl the lias $1000),000. thidli aeIeirtei the. PriacefflCharlotte, Itvasu*»I. - ~Bme u eIIa u4 '18tsusomu LIseaVieili.; tsmoamie et villas. coutrl oue.e ln- The Escurril andthIe royal resîdence building, and île egresa tuib e rnsutatrounber tfiller. Ogdleue ltc. w&tretuo lu eacniin Mile lseê&EugtrVlIUt.m t l a ladi4es. liey are ta le roundtIn laa- la Madrîi,wile tIey are monuments ailhst or * ThatNiroIsescpe.tor y reo, it sut n a s bea.i- tr ochosae ftle. Hcac 1'uit wlt. IrsielI dse @%Uil otiVI-.mont svery province, andti. uogî ferorfethîeformer glery anti veati etof I wrm o latatcd Ir t raape.toeryjaenr etlisdclian nti asonebis- ima ceboi lu Ioa bus sost.tiuoe. m. 7Yearfew et tîc lave leen o pan.are as eod flia igo-Any vacutormed bly ventilation. Il I ov tfepo,%encImt a av lc Ia ze-tliead r à poing, nopaalgeslaoskrecords et *amWsgla salul. vihlile Imme<lleiehy filieul by Tiuge to lutf fonien fl in haî wu»a son ra e Mmr, nitIerb e M@00 t»"n..otI[7'=- aîet*« À sbulste 9" - St mtci 01h15, fthe le troU, mon-on itie Madidlace, earhy $30000.- tîlinar presath battane.eoht ue e amoa lits early citlmens Mr. Ilenjamîn grave questions about thecceso "<'~.- '~~' ~ ~. ~. ~aumentaut Spalal prie. lu000 on the Escurlal.miliions more vrls tra roaatieoln.TP n Wilkinson. tue dld se muid uo pro- tate ilrune.SHIe lad ne gi-am au)- toie .Shoma. "Si us gelo Tii tv Oust ahaes - ati v sy quaadered ta klepng opmoto tic prospelty oete village. Un- bitica fr rauk anti position. elhifr Bas ~é Ss ece. a~aeftI vl~oi liosservaust are la Span. the royal palace lu Madidîti leue vo gorgeons and tis eu lai- olcnttt n I-asg.c--derbils auspices the wam.elIndimaboiut larueif or for ber son. Tîc.re vers # v tiadw Os reten; o.d =1 i'a, a"m te Kacuril. The former laoet lisîntents.wte he eronde inere neg- te warvacuubirni.aîgtPliemeigdos a rnaoueiliqetosa t i iî eaiceil dlehss4 'u"SI cset expiaim , aililM t L di Motgranite ati marble, a lunge square 1c-tati public works ofeery kintiîed ri ite an attra-tive commmun andtr iaining-t- he tboue. for sIc wu% Dot of royal 1111aens thbs qubiev« Bat CMo1111bht th@lisbusostructure, anticf aasirse ovat astate ,..ruaie.ey gaored. Tley are LIEUTENANT BRUMBY. fildi.le eut doive l btruail, druigeti loot. On tIc otîci- bandi. tIare Umu S asOb, I.elle 'mai t I 1Deuit bl sus occuionastoalshmenl almphy a e rohe uiconaonance witl tle off atones and ttgout treet--umDpS. tIe gréait inglish non-couformitcon.- -te Lardse Suivs> mqflm "'bi U OOUOU.ground Ihi evers. Four erdleary ety Spnilu.laracler. only lIna landi wlere Navat Oflicer Who ltolbed mthe Amer- Mr. Wikinsoantmade a rule te Pleint ascieerte deuil with. Wherefore It tn» qq hielUjuOiO-4blouiet 800rfre steond e iaarre- DtIcgra ruih rpabu ie eelial lsi peaclatona beelde every rock on lha twas hooket upen as tâte part of ovle- insutero cks nd eu ech lti Llet. homs B BrVbyta hompromisea, and imaIe along the roadaitie. dom thai tle secret efthîe boy% birth laa i u daeuils e n c i e w n d w s a ti e t l ege t oi- c ne r dco u ti s u d é d ific e u l e b u l t. t l, t e b o tt e r o f b e î g t Ie m a ti te o l t t h t b o y e . t r a v t'e r s a n ti c h u r e îg o w- a sio u l ti n ito u b l e k uao u. liel 414 11 lgi 1 -b0to iss, iiumne on thee otslie gîvea tIe Imprea- =e,' fat itr n e h mrenflgoe aia affgiihhv resppy ne i es lcdiie h uee *Wblt o a -ms,»W tli l sica ut e ise mucl gienter. Ih vas ligion le matie. lieutetiant le AdmirtaiDewey. l&lamet ukiliful admilnistration the olt lavera- James Orti a itan ut famlIy andi dis- à be *Mocsse tissu is DO& ot vencedpîn as la b te hr. cleeAstISNU USICL SAR.stad homme more ppular thami ever, hactlon. vIe luedi won higli place lu bis 190. fuomnaral consaruytionîlehlestdcu-nluey- iaicomaNot,- k sotr4sd? vleTySpantt Incplhlberl .wethe- GMSIA SA.anti wes a place et gre-iran o aalcusiuel', I a uc 94 b tbtI e t lm4"O iemt ad cpta1ungéhom etPresAWo By rcnupubliceuteetttge anti merrynuaints. lui gsged y Spain la deslintartihipu. ux * OÈW .* àeb! t e ve ere@ts ending h e te king, Yung ItatlniantWo a e m initer il serveti us a -Sabliatay- TIe place wuSa sceui-afor lmin r île 1w*d*uaý ue dLorenzofiram ent ig trIntebous""île,, eimgcongregation Duke t ork.broiller .orite l'glace Lis TIisa vit-lthle vealli <of lie provinces. The onZleoitcrlugtaliîe »n - l, Si erlbed ltt.u vaU Sfi r mapm enceoareusicnliasiaIi-eatiy ere gla t ale Sud w aniuti, anti perlapa i t ýf W a e . A feue y an a er Jam es -ýw» eh w the arc itec uralauth rites a the no- oue suffelen ly w ll a f- im In is imotbîg mpeeniemlati gy mite ilrouaicam lader titotffl acl lae ..c.li.- ~ h. loti." pproaehes tte lan-teae ls aroeîngmr sîusie.bsdelt(Ml<mietdmeiusUh acm - 1 -'» l s i e k L U g m pi b le I c a r a ,ai a e s o I g e e t o f f u te fo re v e r. P e ro a l a m u s ic a l g o w n a t ii e t . o t . L î n d M V I al h e le t e Tu n g l a dj u m li en te a u - im.àà u r Itit. Mr Witte h MU la clmbet by oeatilghboof mer- direcior oethîe tameti Cathédral etfHt .kAsoneDatvie o th .1Sat!îbkepIg leXgten'llgani %5aail ei- t- hi. steo satter #naoier. chaitngganti Mark un Venice, antilitis compositions trekiewatel oe a cai ahsi Ot S.ses a"hue t-cheu tusning li soad a veras to couver lave matie hlm îleeIdal ef tlî, es. - le> s -han'c -latil1idC.!e s I - q.usIlli0 ei 901 OteBar5 te tie eye efthîe observer an aimosl peilluiet tite NenetIian public. Hae 4m.luiTi>r d n twià l, m a iltlogoWg-eslion 1tiltOtie partîcuîni- Hunîhir, setleti In N'aWuWiilngr mtdtIéré it %0*siai, o*' à-k*g ain wh ». ideh ide viliéeu ai trug l service t e c eg-ega ied. au Uded, a t maa 5bt oot5L mOe 157 550tlion wt istaturbeti by w luit siuntieti Jules Ord. the liereaetf Satiago. iras ;7& 2È à end P&«b" ihtm l~k.'e ecreaklez et a t-ciy rustyban- démiocratieŽ lui Is views. ant ile le- vlitmps 4mlt-e he orvelle orsti ic m- yen Mi-. Wilkitison -ould net bi- la e srank lae i- arnli,- tîrougb alucer t h e 1 t a b l e t ut eu e t h e b ed/ie i o rd u ig e t I nle s u c h a n o u t r a g e-. a n dti p r o p e r p lu c k a n di l a r d t o i -T I e g r é t - -. houto. -.le loinim antim- aà"no te.o- *.. j lu îis aîtedtiopn litauletri-nle- granulsenoKnge (;e orge wtisa prîvate UiTMer, Sien ei Ill--issaeti te- Io mates. aok sion anti coeunly calcd lhum te ac- sohiler. worikng furi $13 a aot ansd é 0 . W le l 5 m usa le ne . W bou le cam e tat e y lb. pla ol e l v n g t e i rd I fe o a c gn t o n s t landupui'zelielite tor muonposseas toaiethle rTat yeouiatuld blie unule' a gri-ld- ditlî ie went ltuilu1a us au aid on Y" .,*i lisie lmtla lot theaforoat fi-csession of the T tutuutahe guit. living Ilie ruil l ia Gýrdftai coonn sorl- S a b "4 I ls "o l he r b ns ii n m " c lly a n t e su rr e n ilin t te rr i -ey b y a o e o l a t i îi-i î l u e Ž î u le s ta f et'yu t -t imuoisS r Ola rlci irofusion. - ----- hl"l the tUnited tiSates, anti marks tIecucet Impossible. Vlat do yon mi.uan? îey ls kitilygîrgautiathltiaitdno.such fqarà0ealy udhaea rapt oails'-~--- fte osbgt y manidet. enuiogy as gieui t Lieutenant iaie.- aly u chboeiati wer.vx t rocundlth. iaino h prtosbgeb fin* Uoinîelore Dewe-y, utose i-st aloitiMr. Wilkinson prompiîy dtiledth îe Jules Ord tuY lie u-îuuîmanilg eflicer. Les TIvi-kitooka Isema t tli sldes n et utiti orîefrmiat u hciiellei.~O-eiratitHawkins, ai-oicetflina: "lie et -a- baths.weneforathetfoamai artron charSe. *e -l*la is and. . :. thepart ofth11e lieutenant anti cansei 'Wly, te boe il o, 115 liw& h raetmn vrknw n itw", Ot bis t 1" i ..C i e rlet. --jboult - ts toîelue l etcmadraccusera, as le lng-drawn creak li,- lis jutigmuet veas most excellen t... -,e "t, Wmebr Aelathîe rank o eiaur admira]l. Bi-nîlil -ae dislongand stiie o oirevMm, ERO 0F THE REVOLUTION. -iu~ml But bueelie tioetors grave voire. Inter- b.- - ~ las sîl-ried le tle eavy for twenty-five -'realugntscfoyoie-s, -û«slit ttfÏval; theo dctcr'estrs& dem bandtirirtRIOYAL PîALACE AT MADRIID. yega. le tuas autlgned utaimiyonth u l he lanior, wtlirant! am Dlh~ Iesign of l<osotsin te lieKreceon illéa uid oti telà v, tibdr' .lie I. "Ton hovei entileasperspective. cu-%ituîedl ly île hIna ten a îriiogy et oratorios calleti Olytsuin )reya orgiues Ienîadn l fcfi eithe lIeue mie IhdA i l grnte unain ta a li î si oldlm*eeit îour vift.: 1 ouldti bave rilnlhock up- great white palace at tIh'eîîîlinumit. At île Sac-edtrilIogy. i'ley are TheNicaIl t le le a li-oitfavorite titI (Gainesliens-île i-at trought te erecteduLe.xinîgton, ia is%., on the Os yètUn liee.for ail lie torli-the no point onuthteclong sa:Irwiy la oneaPassion ot Cthrist, flue Trasfuîsîration lhe ughting admiraI. Tbeunpsomt thiee dolefu cri-@liesld site efthîe clii hatîhefield ad epposlte -bauutaine tuler ho erort SfI, l ntlion Te -h o ut ot algîl efthile notle îbuildihng; te ofr suChrist amnîThe'Itlesuectloueailcit uu ve t esrosa ieueoiu rt~peit yGa -am edam mch à font. am allivtre Set; lie vehibt o ea s Ilcoastantly vie V s its -el)- of -> az&rîî Eioatorio la un twu-. TRIUMPH 4IN CLOCKMAI<ING. Imputtion.- out.I îr >npninGrant lu 1975. The -designuasejusl ac- emasi"às fr11 upon loueCvîtes a.a t oof lie buildi-rs. aut sethe tîiet prioafaragedti htu tili- parus nir îcronamurîer Ulfr Registers < 0A10n0îalLîle Ir epteti iiY thi toi- of Leinugton tu lu) w i k U d w n i .silence hi ber saie tepl, vt I th er m a ilue aluîrimdeut h an ep rte y. tecord il te g iet iîh u n ttîPart ofta econd. A tt Boston c ild ien are tiough fu . leslit id)Wbsface la hilsbantim. Wn ev ema ups eehurtzmusical pumilsltei- et tair. lias pur- This la a pictere oethele rrnotter l ivues a edoux,.tbnugltulIlitile Boston Pino"lbotves Masouil ant i Is lIcer la. the Impressions ofthtecbuilding. claseti Ilese composlitis andi las mtel e-i myîIrgaesîe egr -ute oaî e olr liaitbumoI vre.l.u ocmoe awiemse wllever kaow. oves lte palace tiefies decription. dmnelni l omoe esiîetela BetlIpart e a send.he lacgil iteail e nl oîl er maIergi-cet- ho«SIS-ge, "-1ibe il benimpatienth vîli ber roulihi amli ia h ré ae ver 10.000 a foui-il, te be entitheti The Hoîr an mntia t falms c furet Il îy louatit falleat e vIlleancgti I maul, amotett erlgorscucfî. icosent blla î he iat t aa Spulite.Peoa'cSisticrIe vs ilmetrotuceherpn Iawup&i lo-ngup.sati -eligneatun -~ lii f ucl.ber unatudicti fra.taei.Il wta ingsapeltiloua quartera aeticy listailler, Guiaepije Peresi. a cloir- eile plalfmou Tedîsi na transptre lod grantima ile su soItbs e. ni ennie.lsihs auec e-dîlai n rom auoiler; iîouugil master ta Toitons, Piedmoent, tIers be-'frm h llshw w i gadadpt > *w isrins " bnite.he .ank eni fte-comamunication la enha il ever tle Lorenzo vas tuera.nc, a ttrait oncealrluŽrings oet ticthd îe outer "At 4 o'clock Intahle etteneon," sau builinlaietiart ed ttenantswio et-oidletutu3M egreates. he Aan îe 111 Illpeil rM ut iigref.bofyet Violene. cfdyovîdrtiso-icaparsentalithe foronage royal tamniSh0 ,forma 14s ?w bumi sotsbmVivsan regalacti bis outyati coln; la bave sailttîîr lies uieder lus i-oct liinese tate c ceservatorr ai Milan. 0lad ilae fuet o niustrei mouratlile.gnil, as thugt* *mt'agumetsi beaianti miiitIahre raffet a terrent et anti have nol viallet i al liasrmoins. Thcelie aise atutiletianti travelet InluGer- b l mcatti ftlecotr -r cfunaslncelauni,as. tîougi d iBt Réfe -nt teantid hoItelea uepairt lit hew no woi-ms onîr a aumiitporitincf uIthe nstrous aitIthe miuaetfve limes Per second the gloomy clouti. ee evoutî ci- Mdtibis -butlle cMme of a'race stroi t0boeur, palace. 'ruire arc andiene.lhas hicharoundtei aI, se tînt esc1 degrue etfclahunet: "Tîmura 'un ce lanktul sie le . teribe We he ia bsrp pnvamiUs ver, lie rival lu is le egreat public-hlls oethlinen miel actualîr représenteseuelad dînner firot!"-Buffalo Commer- -. Ioli uc" V fl un teasirange sa that ail baser aboutitiler Enrepean calitals; there arc tIc- liduasaithu part et a second. A ape- clat. ne tst br.H pîcgrllisatot a aleres tor rîrvate lave tIceici-n onîr once or tIres tîntes Feare a Damai. @ait. itbroe aimbtcs M elvbr.liaset hyysoktims - Pleratt îmuiuce e îrin-- e dm1 & rnegluiltis maecossiblete A _________________ In ort 1 charelie of merie. Thee lie thrgg- Caroline az asucd Ila epeculrwy l$i t? isUs055vhla b.eccaisel a SeI. rtiiî-les e Atterîut.Taureeae arer ls# bS~lgl lMrs. elvyn va*treastflly siocketi. maina ant eicrl ciamubei-s; huireds tr u te iuelege - *~u ht-O~ . ic . Hdy imiet heIto e Ic cr s