Main. r I. ond lId ruffnq wi0al paqp*rfA 111.3y. Miiaaa4, Taylor. el"I 4lla. Florenhq Itafrrm O-.rsof Of .adl. on sikoSa, un nie. (chrliâophir Di Al. ta nonî. lnvoai4:- Nîurton. tIrae, y. ECarbIn. K. N.IL',e lA Wi tu)i aflovad ly ,f fi. las 04 le Wu Wss>îlmm . l ..A t i W. tl, F<rank P. i. tii Klvard, MIlu îiIîoeurgem* . ............- 1>t lhi'liea.,16 Ilali. Par'k.. tïji lîhn ne- ..u... 5 Jens«s. <-Ia.. ........k .lasPii an omç tis lid;4 Dgia« vaieao aish.ea ikuF zloo, =. U. e IA ha haauok4te. ragck, Bute S4aDw ro topention %a Ir$n"o reai âjod U. oveUo aae",S od fur.lAi' lfe Jia 1t'Y ieulil. wilsîruas pblief WMiie gouda 1 h dor.Glnr n 1898. iîeai ml bearp the toliowàmg 12 wlth «alv« bt :ers; bull tvo >'. olul, Ihree twilis belfeia orne Yeu n.ioltsn obi, brout oid, brown horéo mure elgh$l yeaul olti, flon>' o5l10v,ý l',,ianid Cipuas banal s. 21) cria ot« le t, ala elmollgh lai, er iragaetnz , ,,îw or, f i" eig sudý other «1110111111 mention. Ail 6",: be muid vllhqgl AHI Ruina of $10. «d4 Ailmi ove? 1. a lii givi O nîîg Il par pernf> sff for cailai (Mos1 uetiontier. juIt tarmi. e ion to lb. er've.on b if OGraylak lient>' vil l et. MIaT~ ,ch a.n. q y p ch1o.. [go, l ah' LAKE Vol. Vil. No. 2. A word about \:7-»"ýWinteî Overcuats. iai (, a li Ndock tii slet fr'îi -, prices fut$15 îOli. We'iI julet ilulte a feu ilenis- ifi iîiîl 'iKen, titue.r Bst' ox Oser- t tutîur l i b 'Silîii .siig i, taitet <'<<Br- pr i uuiiiy $ 20. I 'iîi-uiî llu Iitib lack,rwnior (hftiril Ker- "<j lu'ru utir <'ii V tte'i Iîiiiîigs- tilk <uliet - I la 1. uI 1 t i i l (I i ii~ iii pi u Iî' îe i l I S . u,î' or Ituliaisil itî - Slk tNeyt c'uliiiî- uiuu u.\$15. Derby Halas. handl-made. guaranteed flot to breask, ýBlack or Brown,$25. Zatiborîi & Co., "Tailoms.muan tsen ' FuYîhrsuile." Ktaiser Blocka. Lbertyville, Ili, D .Charles Gai îoway.! W. H. MILLER. Dr. l'iNSOIttiAL ARTIiST, ý-ÇOffcoovar Love l'sDrugbtorf 1 ..plu ,weoîi a rcan aiave ora »..ula t <JN <1 -,I,IV. K 1 "dlait it rail on 'jUl' Libertyville. - Illinois! '««0l . I iluNn;or Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Offce verTr-i~izgs Tarir'. S je t ,o, ..W.t. 'l'rl(" sSi-, store Sn os ui. iNî,!..i very day. LBERTYV!LLE HOTEL. deCnosly lu,kh.d th-s.bat Libertyville. Illinois. îîinîng.rtxpm Servce FInlclas. Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. Ill 1 WA. -iandi.ltirr'tiiSt., aoei TtLI. J, A. W.i1ne -jasi, 7 1lia-.i. M. LIBEtRTYVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. gpecial at.ciilnlin ..i.I tu th,. îratmei <i i ltelliiiiîtssi PAU L MacG UFFI N. Rockeelle . Ilinoi . awssîul 'iunseilur ut Law. Rockfeler,- llinîs. NOTARY PUBLIC 's<t Iattý.là,'i<u giseli collectiouns Dr. H. 0. B. YO UN G. n suLt.Co'vSÂr Physîciai nci Surgeon. Libertyville, Illinois. Ournea.-- - - - - ---li Vr. E. H. Smiîth, E N TIST. Office ovrir J. W, bUthtr'r, kj!dg Lbertyviiie, Ili. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DEN TikST. t. t .5.~ I P . Grayelake - Illinois. W. B. SCHALFFERIS H NY .hDR ND Oui, nd AI I..ia l 'o< juri . i. COURTI.. VrITAiLa WiîiiirAu T.. j,. The ia aii.l ecî,,Ii t on andiyîr.".idne. îCre ' HBeNRY Z. DUprAl.iND Addreaa: Iitcetteitla lac!l..iaat nuti ia.i; a. LAKE > COUNTY BANK. --... Wright, Parkhurst & Go. Libertyviflslinmois. Issues lnterest-Bearlng CertifIcates Payable on Demand. General Market NLL OFHEDIN TUE TOWN OP Northfield MI., ON THE Second Wednesday of Each Month. This Market will be locat.. ed in the Village af SHERMERVILLE, ...AT.. Hummel's Corner, 1Foir t1j leuîrpomîe of sel ling and ex- eli;iigiig Lvliatock, Veile of ail] iii îiu, and il i faut everylting anîd an>'- 5i1115 tii bu' fiu il om a farmn. 1!i litre to i e iii tlig v at you lui't want aud gi't soniething you do j Waiit. ! t-smo Northtield Market Association.11 Closing Out Sale! Our entire stock of General- Mercnandise must be.sold within the nextsi>cty days as we 'are going to retire f rom business. rAil goods wiIl be sold at a discount ranging r fromn 10 to 50 per cent from former price. ~. We have a large stock, and, now is'the time ta secure unequalled bargains. To anyone wishing to enter business. we will oesil aur entire stock at a liberal dincounit cicost price. COIJNTY INDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Friday, October 21. 1898. 1.50 a Year in Advance.' Schooner CnurohIll Goes Down off WaPubcoegan. Carrying catin and mate tu thelr water>' graves, tIhe Schooner Chunrcill vas suk 1» te augry aeai abouit lvenly miles off Wankegan laal Frida>' at noon. After vithstandiug min>' a mlurm, , h aiaunit veasel gave up in ltefler.-sl sturu uofte seasonan.] lte tlmî'ly appearance of the, Steamer tialealie bare>' averted the louss ut ix lives. Tite gallant Captain, P'atrick' Kalte,(if lDetroit anîl bi, mate, John laui, <of Chicagu, velue drowne,] but lte ceta <f touir, ineindlnig a WOWInanserf.sanveil. 'llie reui'iii lah gîven vert as f.<Illi, va John ii aliiy, Chicago, 'iThomasu C'a.dy, Clevolan. A. Mi.lgli', Waiilegan. IMary <'lie 'cooul> Cbîcsgîî. Tlîi* lbiîrýiili îl Iusîtir laleoi , froruj Iiàtîlà lîahiiii. l tii Souslth Chcago,. ,ail luftedI i i he m <n.] bisse.] va vu. fier firt. îiglî tî,u-rm Iii fore site Mi"îsîlî tlihie atîîrnî 'em r. offl1 Ilanlitî-,«i, Win., thte dîctie.] sip pari îtotu, lite ttîIh f .1 11wrtu A Il nîglît alit, truggil ul li thie ves, sitip- Ppîg vater Inchei > Incit. Durlng the i"riiilng l'ours tite mon sorked 10 lte limilIofnut mîn4ue »ajlig ont v*ter an.] lrylug lu keep bar hes t tlte vlud. luvard noon il became evidotl Mle coul.] nul survive te assaull ut waînd udve. lier cargo vas vater. oakeul and itiravy an.] vater vas rlsiag luth fibold. tigiais of dintresa attracte. lte ut- k-ntion ut0lte aPtai of01te Maestic, a amali steamer trou. Mjilwaukee, lpaiu.] for Cicago,.lie anawerad lite appeai fîr ibelli b> turnlng itis boutl In- lU the .fane uofte vin.] and beariang dui u han.]onte C'hurcbhil.Oite latter seshe i te amail boul vas loisere. b>' te crw. 'fite cuool aiîceueded in gelllng boldut flte boutI, anuatSie risk ofut leir lives te sailurs plîlle.]liter lu. 'I le bot aas aste.] awsy before lte captaju nd.]mate coul.] getlofotituii. Wiile te sailors pnJIiiugdesperate- 1' ut te oars *arc endeavrug tu ro- toril and rescuethem umeheri te Ch urchill piuugeai beluv te wvves.; Nu traces utfuaplaso an.] mate coul.] lie foundntaste sagere lumed over tite semisel. Wtb greal dilfteult>' and] Sller lte MOU Wvi e hri>' eZitualod lite>' ittnaged go igel tilt board lte Majeutic and] vere taien go C'iicago. I lîleCurchiill vas rate.] as aliraI- clans s etoJuner <f 1010 itonnage. ite vas 224î feel long, 38 fout beauntdau]f;4 tet deep'. ite vas bîîlt lun'ToledoDii MOI aund vas Itie propert>' uf W. ward ift.bleag). Pat Dlanîy Arrealed. NiaI every otan itia gue. lu lte logis- latîre and b-con a iegiasit jeusa uttoîel utliropriet>' aud]gou,1ut lIztesî. homet ime ago El'r.'presnlallve P, If. Jelaitit>, W foit lutan iuioxlca4teai condition îîtruukCah Langhitant uer tte iteau witéalitorsevitàipan lte latter1 pabéau.u n ,rig 1n Wanukegan. Langliam via injure.]ausalawarrant for Delàle'. arr',ut was ruade ont. hilane>' vent tu Waiikeman une ovenaiug last veel' 1e leb)rale te vlctOrY of bisgoodà frieîîd Johnu Doinoli>', an.] ho w&as umabeai b>' tiepullce. Ho was lakeni before lusîlce slaveiliand] itîscae couliuied niti 7 obted4ny. iieiaey1 was putnuuuer $2001 bonda andi.lwont on Lis wa>', grititbiing as liuai. Y. M. C. A. Ilion aI Galesbura. One of te Important conventions <fif te Stlage titismout vas titofutle1 Young tiens C(irîstîsu AsocIations if1 Illitutiai (ialosburg, Octoiter 13-16.t The aplul growti of tiisorgai4lzation, lte adapablIity out lIn sor%'lu dîiNreut9 cotn<tiiiion andi differoutlcis&oft suen te I"Cresiliîg part lut IlsMaiage-. tuent witnchinIbeing tlken b>' repro-1 meltative business muonfu lte cu.. tiîssîlies vîtere it is eslabisied,'eà titis covention of licr.aslîg jngeront1 fron yar lu yoar. Thte Piesideot <f te Galesblifg convention va. tir. Asitle>'J. EliiolI, uf Peorn, NMager out lte Iliulois Carâersîe Association;thie1 Vice Presidonîs vere Mr. John La@@,,1 <if <.aiosbsrg, Mrn. J. J. Mimne, ut .toionoutit,andlMr. W.$A. Keunoit,o;i S5trei.tor. Emersonse Son as an ^mthor. alpit Wqldo gýmprsou'a son Dr.t Edwlgrld Emeraui, itimselt a boy viten Loiia AlcotI vas a girl in Concorîl, lias wrifleoau article on "-Wien Louisa Alî'tt vas a Girl"' viiciT he Ladie, 3, lhome Journal 18 about lu publiit., Dr. Emeorson gives a nov viw - f lte1 asîtuor ut <i îtle Mn"ý-as a mîiic,1 and ais theo central figura of evar, (lance an.] înrry uiatlng lu ld Coincord, A Double trap. Ounte farru. of John Curry, one mlle sonlt of Volu a Ivelve acrè place out taud >ieldad a flleicnop out harle>' of tfit> buffhels ta thea acre. Ritpe grain that teil bitfura and dnning lte itarvî. lng lodgid on aartit aud lu turravu,d and prospects of aualliir orop are gond bitons outidlvister sala tu. ldpn ntCandidat.. 1 !-,M! hà, A Notable Ceraer. PLANS MATURE. W. W. ilojînglon, a long lime reai- 1 dent ut Lake Cunt>, lte tiret archi- Electrlo Road PeopiO Mekîna FInal W lm u % A «M16L:z tedt lu belîle lu Chicago aud one of the Arrangement@, rgbealear building designer. ofthlie To oblain autltllo foma&oun ia- 1 esl died at bisa homQe ai lghland tIve te pians and prospecta of lte Of buying goods of uï P~ark, Snuday muornlng ut 7.30o oclock. proposed eiectric roed la a problem r Death cae.»alte culmination ofut the inevspaper nman bau lu, aoive ia years llueie attendant opon a and trou. vitlvi au galber th,. FI RST: What you buy of US is good. tgeneral decrepîtude in bis old age, for viol', le emsu certaiuj active opera- SECOND: Vour Money baCk If yon're unsatisfied. 1 Mr. passed bisielghtieth %ions are about te boeui. mileenone. This cou.binedvwith îîdney Tihis much we lnow: Aàmeeting viii THIRD: A larger and botter assortment ai wortl trouble va, lb, canse of bis deatit. bc beid lu Chicago lisa vek and one g<:c><s than you wIll finci elsewhere. Aside fou. local pronaineuce tir. Boy- ofthlie nu.eronm rlgiàt-ot-waym declded Ington wuasmnt ivdeiy knovn for bisi on. That meeting vaa t0 bave beau aciivu.ents uf modern architecture. beld the l5th bns vaa poatponued nutîl Take Chldren's Unde wear Ha bunlitand deaigned u.any ut Chics- the 201h. I il ihi be ld emone lime and Hoslery for Instance. gus flieat ehureiî audi builings. itetore the end of thia yul' beyond a u. on g the tntie prominent donitt. ULIE'§--otnfee U era lezefom1t 3 nt editices tram in ààaklilIare lte Landiord Deani ha@ benuadvlid te ELEMIcîo fecdtneva u îe ru tb3 tale houai at Oprlnglieio, lte Joiet prepare accommodations for a large ......... No. 16 Casta lc-riaa Se par aai. lltnarte Grand Pacifie itotel, force ofcivil engineen. lmmedlatly CIIILDBEN'B-Camelia haîr Undenveer Iu alzes trou. 16 la 34 thie Sherman Homme, lte Board uf aler th, meeting ot dindcon 0of the......i... No. 16 conte 15-rlaa bc per size. 'rade,lte ('olu.bu. tiemorlal biuld. company Whio viii bbel're te i.levil CiiILDIBEN'S..AH.v00l rndervear lu aizes trou. le lu 34 nug, te Rock Iliand and Norlhwestern th, grade' and lhey yull ha toiiowid ......... o 6cuee-itB a ie ditItl.Ciicagîî. and] bc vas i te areil- b>' contracer& viitt meures of min ta.................e.1 oS 5-ie0 e is tect utor &illinois lilding ut lte do the gradeing. Il la proposait ta CHILDiSENI....Bbeoî Bulsi-faaî b!acl', and nlbbed cotton, World'a Fair. hlany ,titor handaonme complett a mile ot grade îaelî da'y.......................extra vaines ae hic, 15o 20c and Mec. building. are his aeiîiovement», once,1h, vork iacommenco4.1 CBILDHE9N'â-tioecod liied, fasl black Hos, ais.... I e te2s,. and fie ban said tbat it ah it e true- tineiàtlime 4&6s bien conaumned tures of lils design vere put togelter arranging mm oatern connecuos for CHILDBEEW....Âiivra blacl' Hase ai ............... lgc lu 25c. titi> wuul. string out for tlilrty miles. lte line and v underml.nd evey. liepubîlcan palsy. 'J'ite, rPwvIli Ie a papd Iepubiicou ltall>' st Llber$YYvUie Tuvn Hail Frl- day nigitt Nov. 4. Yon sud your lady triondi are invitaul. Congressinan Puasn, Hon. Chas. Whitney, Hou. G. IL. Lyon and Judgi iD. L. Jonea vili aldrehsate meeting.'Te Liberty' ville Bramsa Band viii rendar munie sud te AppuoI t qareffte ut Waukepui vill tavor Il', aq4leuce vIi& a uumbir of thier papuilan aeeIiotlu. Jivemy. bu.]y' nvlled, . coil. For Wîntur Ivenîngq. M it lte aplproacit ut vinter and]lte tarmers l eisure lime Itmvliibutepossible fur lte INURPENVEN~tanpnbUi Corn- gunioa"liumfroin a Vrete, numsit.: u tovnb, as Our correspondints generai> ral>' arond uns aler lihi iital vork"la oser and enàble une tagel aldite nova î'golng' in lte varions tavns sud villages ltrooghobllit e caunI>. Thei coutinned &tories ta be puhiiaitd ame thie ver>' beat amid wi lipovoe luerel. Ing readiug; lu tact vs promise ta u.ake lte izDpzJIpEIOT mefclaIy iuteretittng hua vit, *ad viii nul sirnyon wllb long poil"àaidiçmionsln. Wo vili Publiait lte es. DntMIe* It. Titere vini bca Musical sud literar>' enlertaiu.enl aItte Libertyvilue M. E, eboyel nexl Titursday îgitl, ltai y<au eau. iliIallurd lu Mise. Wî print lituroititlte prograini, viîcin ssuit- 'et lu muine Tuteon changes: Miilu'. ...sM$.C. .j.Durold l4r-..'.iiluuatîtt......... ....Meleoted ......... .. ... seo DaVIs an.] SMlth ll..auitii 1 ......,. NîiCI&a Averti lu'etes juiitnti ..............eliteul 'ort.'.. M ia.. - a.l- .- ..........u ..... ...t.. .......M ........u.aud. una.... o jiiantett .................Ueletted, Hiina... ............. ...Ra Andrews Diitt, ... ý..ý...Mt.. iasim au.] Mn. Taylor luatrau-uetil ........ ........ Mr. Durazid i'nrebe's ijUarttte ............iSlelcled Titis enterimitlei nuder thi) auspices of thte M. E. (*nour, andilu secumltg lte coiebrate.] Preacitara Quartette, o! Citicago,te>' bave as- îuredounr peuple s rama Ireat. bou't M.issa t. Huber-Ilaben Nuptuala. tiia Llzzia Haben, daugitter of tirs. Etima Hulter. uf Gioncoe, viotoefrni. erI>' reaided b inte tuvu otVernon. uear Wheaing, viterme hit d nan>' triendesuanilaeqnuinlances, wvas married te gi4rtr fuber. san 0f George fluber, et Higbland Park, Titorada>', Oct. 201 i lte raîldence ut ber par- enîta near (lncoe. Theo uarrlage ceremun>' vas lier. forme.] b>'theo 1ev. Falter tiaddin, of Highland Park. tus Lllîi Zianmer, a consiu of Mr. Huber, altendad lte bride, vite George HuIler, a braltuer of lte brida, vuastaln.If ne Haben asud Begin& liabin, niecî 0f tae bride, actad as floyer girla. Titi bride vore vbite abîl' and thte bilidem. uuid vas dresse.] in wvitle organdis. fuvilahions vere elleude.] larelatives oni>', bbteat vaslarge. Thei4ta ifle n nrous and exert. ive. Nias Llzzla's frIands uzlund Iboîr congratulations. Three Doctors In Consutation. Prou. BenjamitFrankalin.-ittean you are @tek, vital yen like béat laIr bc ebosen for a Medicine lu titi filit1 place; vitat ixpinienos tele syau la bast, tlie aiosen lu tae second place ; vitlreeson (i. e. Titeony> »sa usient lee abi citosen l intie lastplace. But if yen cau gît Dr. lseUnaor, Dr. Effprience an.] Dr. Reeeoia tu iold a1 consultation logutier, the>' vWi gvi you lte beadvlaslitaI cau be Italien.' Wiiin you have a buit coid Dr. Inclina-1 tion 1vould recommond CiteiberIMais Caugh RE.medy itecause i lah plimaant and slileabaIske. Dr. Expeninci vonld racaîmaoud il becona, il nuvan faits la effect a apeedy sud permaeni cure. Dr. ]tesson vauid racoamnud III bomaesu 11la preauredon meiUilife frinciples, and acta uon naburea plan In reiiivrng the lunga, opening lte sacneiînus sud reebcelng te sajuto i a nantuMand bail a>' coudîbion. Fot saie by Ir. B. Lô 7O, Ubirbyvnfe, J. B&V»1 ouek a-LnoM< -111£biugtIhat end of hie linemua&i b ien aranged, but 1us$t h ere g@. notion vIii b, nade vittthe lait. ahane lin, vi areunuable gta saerlain To The PublIa. Liertyvile, fIl., oct. 19, '28. EDITONIt iDELPEICNgay: Inasmneit as %ber@ la DO tru Demqcrelie tlemPper lu La" e eany 1 do0sje tlu se lte coluua1 ou a valuable pape? lae Ihania193' mai> Meonde vito mgardlemaof panl>' affla. lion aLigud in>'nuim on Paper, as au.lindepeudeus Democraiée candIte fOr liai LegMiaaure. Witi 1 aliovid MnY name la buedWforst lposition Il vas vîitliai uiidermtading liti1 wouid vititdav lu cai litaCitey 1). A. Urady or Jobn C. Donuli>'veu. d-idid b> lte iudgea 0f Ib" is ItalS lu bave reueival thi nomunalion. tir. Donnily bhm hein deolaed lte riguisnomiuei, sud as a ioyal Dimucralbelisvirng litI140s ama cheli ruAi Ic1t.tls>f lgMý&ICIMdha My nais, l4Iefli bu i anoal aaad brue 408pnigaçjy. <iouy. Lysa,. The adveab of kil la boing ped»Uyi> annonnoid b> lte Lfaiilmhves, valei arm nuv biginulng ta dozate the gramy>'lavus. EnlrtongstMe beautiful touiage viii bi gune, sud liai bau eus vllbe expoeidgthe isster biiAa of lte vAnter vinda. Tite pastar ot a elturch lana village uas atitousqd SInm froin biaur"anomce rentilitas he vonld dlsousa a fasiy> scandai front lite pulpiltIo oving Sunde>' eveuiug. The churcit vas pacha.] and inian>'vera unabli ta gaIn adntlalon. The *tory ld b>' lie pastor vas about Adami sud Evi. David IHam»au su uofethe lie . Ban,>' count>' Pour101h1ans Hartlatild, tas bien infornicd tiâlitaIu b l, las 8i00uVlu Nev Yor41 clIp, The vau fortune coina gruinibhe uaIat0a aricit oncle. Ilamse>' wu for maY years a realdenl 0f llebf and udasseultIrons tiat tovwnship talte puor fartaabout ILhree Y'eata ago. ARe lis a sufferer froin aunsuu.ptiou. A Hiolyol'e teeciter vito liasbien atudylnga manuel trainug ita SvedenaI a Point vitere the cars ruau uni>' lias a veel', recont<iy recels,.] a lutter groin huome lua a lsgeivelopi, vlaîit the autboritieu tituogit tol i a coin.- mnu.cation froni titi Unted Blaies governient, onsecoasnof lte U. Immediatel>' a apeciai 'train vas made np asuk ttie letter tarI>' miles for lte biuei of lte recipient. The eleclion iav ufthIis &tâte providea ltaI a riengenerai registration of tbe q nallled volera ahall bo made 10 lits board of rigimîr>' lu evîr>' yeru itîci a cungtasaonal election cora and juat prior ltereta, thti rel day of aucu rugis. tration being ou Tusada', ltree eka bit ore ancb ileclion, and titi second day of sncb roggistraslon baing Tain. daày, tIo esbiture sucit election. As lte 4&Y of elaction thla Yser ia Nov. 8, lte registration days &te Oct. 18 sud 25. A. H. Barlvig, a vetirluar>' aurguoa of Waertavn, Wln.., las jua removed tite inuned leg of a valuaitie coiv hi. lunging to a termer of Ixionisansd l'a tltted lte au ivth aàsericeahle vooden log. Titifariner did not vent la lose bis cuv by eaiooling, te usual American mauner of curing suait Itnjuries, au lte aurgoîn vas calied. The medicai man deciuled h. o id remove ltae leg, sud viten il vas sinfcenly b ealed b, couid adj uns au artifical viait vuld anaver anl practîcal pnrpoes. Note. Wî have ton aie aI 1h1 oucete mont approvad ftain of udgmsab notes. Titi>'are in itook'foru 75 lu boula,vila a atub ton memaoranda, aIt25e par boula If you an. going ba have au andIn aie, you vil sesd e itoak'of lébsne notes. par smie. Iaw shiatis ,uaa.ahl.d i7. y IIOUSIE STABSUSNED NOV. 26.1843. WAUKECANILLINOIS. TLPOEN.18 Whenever you want anyth ing IN TUB IMNE OP Sohool Supplies Seats. Desks, Blackboards, Charts, Maps, Gliobes, Chaire, Clocks. Beils, Erasers, Crayons, Pointers, Wire Mats or Window Shades, 1 shail be pleasedi to make you special discounts and net prices on the best of everythifig for schos. It wil pay you to consuit me befor. glifing your order. H. C. Paddock, m Libertyville. Cook Stoves. A bit Une for your Inspection at rock- 'bottom-prloes. Cail and exa min.. USBENTYVILLE, ILL. II To new subscribrs teINDEPgNmDRIT t. la LIÉ,% rndluuklcr% ý- 1 .