IS URDER PLOT. ILAN TO OVERTMROW CIVIL. POWER IN FRANCE. 4»mpAraî for Nusmerous Asassaa- 'Natoste Poilose s Verdict oet e < wà Om lasthe DrucitsCsa-Mar iam#rlcaua Wlii Exhibi etPari&, I kes.Ved on Desperale Mesuras. A&a lsrmnstury ut a projeetealnmr adie plot in Parla la pubiiaed by tic Loti ,don (hronice. Front a irutirrti> à-,,ca ilamiearuad au organised effort le being matie by certain cbampious t ais ju arademilhithoae pecsons lu miltUry mind civil lite wbo bava essonts t dcead as flgt. te oiktichepublication outhti 4sewm ef dia court ut Cassation îynony ,amnwiuh a rotons outhurst lu Paris, beallmlary bu s resolute sîtempi lu over. thum the civil pomrer. souîld the cesuIt" tp out gtlstactorllite die prumoteca. mad shouljkti(ha grouud ha sufficieuti> desred for the accoullllneutfut (ba imrpese. Oua ufthdiacotemplateti tea tu. - ot (ha iota s lu thactte auainea tisn or! mue dstinguisbeil Fceucimci Whe bave ieu atrivînatoeaven ticheevils Wb"cai r rulanug tudr countcy. Thear »Asc bave beau marked juin tocalaes- aluastioti sud dia Paria poilerre amace et the tact Tic police autioritias hav" e,21s1 to station plain Clotias police uni CMsilathe uêtgbboriood ut their recti Asam s igu sund day aÏuj attend dieu la thIr vaika. 'ha people wbo besd tir aigu isnlc&dau ex-Minlter ut Justice, a gidli rapacted journaliat, a wal-kuoma aatvaacSd pltîcal leader. savaral leadins N'rencmen ut ltters. journalstatnd ex- ILL EXHIBIT AT PARIS. »Mu.sto fer aae francmetumrae naufeturers Cmon InuF550, IM arquets for spaco lu dhe Ameni- nsa mae or the Parle exposition are ha- Iug reasveti b Dîrector John H. MeOlb- base.The Unitedi States mli present dis- pli .everoa of the (an or (arrive -h bslIg tdaexposition. Mcleto uiiaaietuorersamloe have filed pemvenby- dus boss i àeapplications for apace. lu 1M tbore wre oly tirat exhbîtors griae usUmtefates Inu dIs brandi of mod"atebml tda5a, togadh imitich «Okodu la mechanical spparatna, civil au- ,qlmoeiM electrctî, transportatiomi and Md" %ad -miginaqeeupeat-lanMachinerr OU nisob 4&000 square faut. lu 1900 asuenomexhibitora cuIl l ny Sabot IRM usare retoft flur saae. Cou- i&Îojw-peck, lu hs retirai allotutet et eiai" »sl pare, vrac glven enougi rou bitl wbich te «art a pavillon toc agrîcul- Swasimpkemts. evland Thatearoe Vire tartetiilutde factor oft(ha paper t« isecoepanion St. Clair treet. Clava- laa& Tlhe fdames mre communicated le ** aGeveadTi haster nat jour, andthe MW t tuatibuldIMng iras non on flue. iM e wuà alorgs audience. lathe tbeater. îïïsaageu, Alfred Cumuluas, toi diah pa tbS thore mas a fire la tic nelgi- sudia&& tiant as the. fireman mauteti jiv at thtetheiater tday ahoulti goount. ~ I audience quletly dlspersed idi nu The ~ Cleveland Theatrerla total I,& asedasusge la k .tar De.stinDeath sud Famine. -tVobt* ha been racelvati trous te _0 4 Mioo la tus province o Shan Vèe034whicha»Y@atheHuasHo Ct lpRiver) bas lefi Is bati near tde tOe aaToiXoV, esptalot Shan Touas a Su oodai 20S0 square miles ni 'o.naudtes o villages have bM dstroiod, a million people are ut- Opis i fan, laeImminent. WàrM lebu IF. von linegge, mbo matit = SsN t Clutamsilfor à place as pSih &Wa. -Th. Baron was lettasftu- -« nt $600,00 hb tis medher luGet- a mU WU the proviso tdat h. serve tiv Fue as s police offieclu iis country. e.bus besa serving a dtatilve. mi bosiulbtues la Washington. RHa mli re taes bls ftune lin190. Dyniamita lu the Mai,. Tm ae Icoafdynamite welgiug nescly boxf a Fouad arrivati At Bau Fraudae ik ý el h e mail% on the overîsué raim %W Ntia mer. lu separate packages and b ilS vre addresaad te George . Ha]l raié osnt Paccti Building, BSi ttaeo. The portmamks mre lindi tuiS, b«at it ought tde dynamite wmi mafls la Mentaua. lioti franRestIwe. WeTurkimh troupe ai Retimo hv atentusl lsse thai place, doe Rusai *airala ose Waters, followlng the ea *W et .AdiraI Nel, tha Brtisht cote 'à isr datee, forebly convayedt deu lud a transport Uamp Millte on Douglas Island. TM Imeu tutp milles o!tde Tu-cd I MW demepaaiem on Douglas Ilasd 4j .m4 osupletet. Tiseeumilla giv 1>UiaaIsland a total o 5SM tmps, il etobekiy for crushaing 2,51)(11tons of or -. ____ni NisevS Towen Almae Wiped Out. b l'h.toms e!t(lueau Ridige, M., s'as ai- iT pontsept out ut existence hy Ore. ié dMgte buldings tistroyet are the a UMMWad dChristiau churcces. ci Steamer flastroyed, hi ire. T'h. steamaer Nortiiecu Belle mas ttally ,teshaaqed b>' fi-e on dhe Magetteira rtver. 1 enft,1.. 1%e passengers auj crecctreaci .1@ Par-y Sounduno a tng. Z7,~ 1t!. Sentonce for liarder. t *lu tAe trial ut Robet Kinuey ftedi -surin o! Jerry Bout ilu Reidji, lino.,1 léut April tha ur, irougit la a verdict ut ,4 et murtier In tue second termer.1 pi~spaouer mas seutencail lu imprison- mst ter tAitahue Stlîmater panilen- Travel Daîcti tii ire. 4 mm àiav otdi Central l'seilleIc Rilway delayetisZut tmt'nty-aix bourg by a iil ie. anuisiedsansd tunuel tbeimean anDt rurher. Cal. ihucb douiaga dom bStore tic flaiuu-a mccc sultdued. MM uemre klleilanud inrefatal- lasthe Exetenr olliri ofthei Valley Coul Cuimpauti, West PitAis- > 'i.eaccident mas tiec lu tua careksamessutfEuginaac David lsallnowing dre loatet cars (o hie 3080-foot shart. W ueIN s eé Surieil. 'et bo Itm edand IThe. ~elsgsd ga~1g omm ~ie aiS~teîasd UEdotuha ramge Detectîves Frustrate a Fienti- tub plan fer Rit.beni. Lplot lu ureei andl roi a Ciorer Lu-at iu sas unearbied ly W. C. Mercili. a leste dtatcie. Mccritt nietiche150 a wio put up the job lu Delpios. Ob iv. Jmss taken lu as a pantner. Tic irain à0 tea mrced ai tbbcuconTanorti ut lpies iy reifiluing 9a ra il,aster wmmci ma wre ti obh le destd and injored. Il apîsnat that detectives abouhld acreat mes at the point ut rides as lin mccce ie tu carry outt hiir plut, lui a tear ttnme one nih bkillail lad tu the era' Coutronting tia men titi ibaetic- l o! (bain proposet crime snt ordarîni um ontut diath connty. Tbey sent. [BND MUIRDICRED MAN'S GOLO. ceveri u. te the VicimuaConiidt tas Secet te NoAghhor. Ilarga son ut monai bas beau discu,- id st tha laIe humaeut oscar Osborne, in mas murdenatiIn Richlieid, Ohio, a or meeks ago. Tbe murjecei mani bsil fideti te a naigibor (ha biding place ut emonay andl reantiy searci mwslmade, th the revoit tdat sum@ aggregatîng %000 mare fondt. The dicorYi an om suceti that lie atrap roundi about Os- ue's nack mas musateluchoke sud mîrsu- hI (o atuInes hlm to tll uara tha ney mas hitdaen. li jekuomu liat Os- ne hati sarelail largeausé. Fpsuiesh Prepare te Depart. Adispalci frein Havana suie: Tic talai antiorities sre prepariug 10 close 1umater outheiaadminisrationl ut the land. A décriebas beau issueatiby lie later etfluiance atatiug (bat Oct. 21 su doe ast dal ton tue inauguratiuon ut rw busInessand thut ailthe cutrent af- Irs would ha endeti ing tha monli ut ovamber, mien inventories out(ha differ- i departuents moult ieha ouplatati and ti aud packed tlie sant (o Spain. At ýraquait ut the Bpanish, n letten bas ,« atidresseti te Gan. Woodti anstiago the Amacicns cequaeatiug tliailbe at- rd eveni faclllty for the rensuval ufthti diu.r ent u. Vera dletRy anti Saute- les, tb. Commission toeceutova hilci IUlesos Havauas sortlî. Adiial imion bas decideti. nuta(oleaveUn- a durlng td o ou-ketthe commission. ea wuik et cataLloguiug miiia.iy propanti proceedlng rapitily. coliAsioni of steamors The steamer Blacu-uca.uile leasîlu ttaIeus thern ugit mvils acargo ut mi for Chicago, collideil miti dia steamer laitansa, whlcb maes hound l i i hiron s. The nigit ms samoki, but lt in ingit s minadartantingof utsignais ra tha cause ot the accitdeut. 'rua Stan- mea Imuediaiely mi.bled fur assistance ti tue tass Faian auj Davis mena sent ut arriviug l iniee (o iumthe steamer o shailoirtraiter belum the ireakwsier efore the tank. Bbc nom lie* mitihane min dec ontut omtater. 'rugs brougil be Mariasna tutu puni auj tomeal hec îî r ore dock, maere air acttld to thc nitial. Her hou iî suiseil anal bai 'cuwarti compartuents are full ut mater. rha Staru-ucca isthe neweat boat outhli [lun Steamboat Company, isving omine )t dhis csson. 'rie Marilana le oua ou the largeat steamers ufthle innesmota Rteuwhlp Coupanî's dcci. f hip Borne& t ISs. A disustar ai ara. tvrtuîuatelî i i i mnIo lofutlita, lBre personas lu ail, mat tude kuomu at VineyrianlHaven. Mass., by the laudinge ara uftwtmuy-tmo par su, minescapail trou lie bunini Mesmer Crustan ufthti Clyde lina. boum] nom, NaeYork ha Wilmluglonà, N. C., nd Georgetown, S. C. The dimssrc, euccetiabout elgitean miles nonti uf Cape Cbarles, auj sbout 200 miles trou Neci *Yock, trou s'ui port ibe steamer salrtd rith a Setiers] cargo anti elgbt passengers * Match Gtrla on Sîris. MdillousIre Edwin Goultu lathe presideni 9 aL matci-mukiug Company lu PossaIt X. J. H. baa ssîtha ou isbauds. Ont nsudred. Hangartas girls uhu hava becl lenployed sa pachere bave retusadti e sut mit te s reduction In magea. 'hey havg bern maklag frei 80 cents to $1.25 a tiai b-eyr do net Waalta w onk ton 60 centsi lA. Even tde reducet iela epreaeui rages higer filon nauilpaldtielufactor. gil-la asur employant. Gase Up tFlPtragte, Aman affareutli (0 on 65 ieara ut agi wis reghstered ai tic Jeffarson Hotal i Cleraland as Jobn Joncs, Bomu, Mas was round deui in bis cocu. Au enipu vlal labeleti ciloral hydrate, accompaubi by the tullumbng note, tuld the &tory ut Smith; live lu Boston, sud I au a irai molder hy (rade. Au uni ut murk; i the grava diggac do the ceIt." Uniquea JaAt'Uramhlae Fceos. À dosea priauuera lu the county lj Bucîruse, Ohio, nearly gsAuad licir tre dem the odier nigbt in a stansga nu' Th" condnciad gaz by menus of a lui to dhe atone maIl, sud mienlit s'as irai. turseti colti ester ou il, abat(erlug 1. etone. T'mai mea jcovened lafora th, coulti gel say. ____ Big Fire AmiClescias.& 'rie wmuchaouthe Standard Car Wbi Company at Clevelandl, Ohio, mars m(uoyed ly lire. Tiree diuaudc wbsel. mare jamagrd. sud the alloi accordlug lu lie omners, uril foot up1 tween f80,000 antd $90.000. MineO iîoated Mystertoaabî,. ei Mabvern, Ohuio. lu conduclal d it utînoast mcreci. Lesace Wbartman sa ho wW net divolge tie production uft min». Ail tha laudtinlutha viciolty i bais 1«». Osiet P 1 - 1 , amul * i~Furdor quiet * l ires n5 sisal Wrm se twarr.ssbUa ne.--LoO q0,0ou0.asFera"i DO@& jack & Javrtt, moue? landais ai W.8- rensburg, Mo., mare swlndled out o! IZ4- Poo iii s forger s feir dais 880-. vo 'weeka ago a îoung minuppeared lu the William Beuton uelgiiorioud. uorth ut Knobuoster, and ann.uneed tiat lie bld purchased ut ten Taylor of COIbu'dO Springs, Colo., a illO-acre farun adj*lu- ing Bentou's. To vccify lii. statemenctlie eilbiled a ovarrauty drcd allegcd tu hava heen uiy peculed by Taylor audj utC. 'This deed lie Biled a t Warc.'caburg, t'n 1îerfecting hia tillelti thfero«l.icti en borcowed $2.000 ut Jack & itirroit. giving a morigage on lie land. Tbii. ias tic lst accu ofthlie siranger. Tic dî'ed and ta% attt'ililirovýeie a1 sfurgery îiod tie uouey lendeci are ontt ticir $00 GREtAT OVFIR FRoU JAPAN. Asuerccn Comnpai Ms, Establish ibiectmlcal Piants for Mikado. 'ha Siemens & Iialaka Electrie Cons- .pgny ut America in couaîdering s proîtai- 'tien trou the Japuinese (luverumelit bo tutu in Chicago a syndicalte miti a caPi- talisation ut about $10,000,00 teu maou aud eperate as] clectrie sîrcet car lunes and incaudescent ligbtiug sud electrie povr pilatswmci are ta be estaili&in th le dumain ufthliamikado as anotier stcp lu lie moderuising niovement lu prugresa ihere. 'rie francise tu bc granta lia ex- cluaive and would be eeufthle muai val- uable peruita ever graoted lu unle îYudi- cale or corpuration. It ian uderstouil IbsI the Elkins-Widener ayadicale utrl'hula- deipia wcill be interretedin tie tew coin- pany if itla forutei. PLOT TO IÎRAtLK A TRAIN. Sfbet. fa.euflt noeS t and nmuellobgineresie 0! quiet lua1111» eral tris, chiefly ut h. Booth, tri al tentures olllng for speeiatlitanltis week. Auong the miore activli favora- ila testurea ara tha prie teadineas dis- plsyed by monît@tapie article and thi.en'D lsired distributiun ut glapIe goode et Iflall Western sud Southeru markets"astdiare- suit ut improved m,,.shsr sud remuiassou quarautine. Conurm&tory ot tha quitc favorable repurts as lu general trade duc- lng October are tic returus ut tenk clear- ings for tiat moti sud scattereil reporta as ta tic incresseilbuinetssdoiug aitusuDY centIers lu tiat monti as cumpared wiii une year agu. Export statk3ties f ut groi j 100. tre iegiuning lu show riat su ample basic for ticectries ut besis- fOrcigu boy iug relli eclttîl. exporta this wcek being the bees len trecord. hcat. lucîndittu 0o1r. atiprpi'tic tfctic meek aggregaie 6,o73643 buohlcl, mcaulual556,001 mli- pisla st mccli. co exporta for tic M'eet aggregt. .411641bîtabels. ogalual .- 424,3711 bntatîls mcl.' OCCUPATION TAI VALIO.) The Nebraska suprame Court Decides Agaluat the Burlilsgtefl at Ltcol-u 'rie rigit tf a cil>' or tomu'Oasacia att OOOURRENOES oufINS THE PAS? WIIIC Moi D.e e tbeGalbows aa-ou s sud White Mincis lit colct -Oft te Monmueth College-Peortla Mau @hot-Iiiinoe @oSeliler Killeti. Carter Marctin iras tomîndigîlty lu the Culles Couîmy Cirî-îît Cou&sàt Charleston ut the motrer ut Albert Bîteansd wss Bantancil lut.death . Omne indredan sd mxtythic ae meee ttîleul betore a ur iraxsaectrcd. Every effort was mail. by the trieuds ut Martint luctre amy ver- dict excetît hangina. atl dîîrlng tic sIx days outhbbctriai muecinltîcrest lrevailetl ail over tha counly, sud tie sittinga ufthbb court weccinlutic presetice ut large cromds. Tir jury sas@,out imcîity-tou hours. Thc crime toc mich Martiu la tu suffer iras cummittral Monday niait. Ot. 3, lu Mattoot,. iltriuthe Irugrews outhte etreet tair. Buaîr wax a farmer and man drivlng bomemard about Il o'cloeh. lihen ha iras nuar tic oîmikirta ufthte tuait Martin autî a youig mta ufthticaime of Gtiia,.. a,.iî.ted l-. to id iuuîut. Ruser s-as bustaisuolb>' lie Stîprelue Courti at cetueal op tî~bis la a d a axj shubila Linietlo, Ni-t., cilci boulai aucbSnel a iad by Marin. G(liland uil neil Sisi& icry la nul lunîolatiop ofthîe lîtiersialc evidelice andllie jutcy sel hlm frai. If I commîlerce ati,ior voijibenose lb laxes a Martin banga s1 l c hale firat jîidieiut tRay, bisiuticas actetl mboul imthil lie Cily. executiOn lu fhat cOuntY etocIetY yciîcs. ti Furiber, tie cîtrgauys, il la neb au &t- attito lnPana,@stSreatii ConA pot inbadi imo oe l ouibe ralîroai the- Tiere iris a cenewal ut hostilities hie- as t potllraiibluessit fthc lx aisis ro tic(sen tbe union minera aud tic lmportillitot§ gCrt i aTeraglîeautPirtisileadof phel,- rocs trout Alabamauta iPana lie ther outh Cit ofYor ng lst he hicgo day. Juin Boyle, a union mter, and a tun. Cii>' uton andk uiioiua ibaTh iagu, negtro engageil lu a Asnt fighl, mulci s'as LO ftught he ,rnudiQiin, -a rie cs uaicuail takan up ly othertîuionmetn. The negro ep b>' tha loer cort. Tiie Supreuse Court rntrog- te av ylig wt ieue ceerescaatlrenanda. Tic rîinauce ex- nimomuminera allem-im. At btat thenmet bu ro lieccoînîl verflchcues orsa nd rifle.ccho opeuci lfire on fle ar be ctoti *union minera. Tîte union men proipli GO LOIG HsIDDEN DEFALCATION. returneil the lire, anal twrnty-fine oc thirty chiii - abutas ere excbamigcd. Il mas lstecsai-. nois Itaaovac, Ps., Natbonal Bank Cahiar niuilculb>y tir negroŽs liai (mu ot thir drs! 1. tîhort $57,000. number mccc lujureil. The union minera resui A loug-iiddcn deficieucy. reachilu about Basy bat noue ut their men mas womîda.- l $157.000. basabeau tiecovered la the se- Mai. Butlberimmediately sauttthe "bele t.LI celuulesouthtlcI John H. Aleman, cash- a detaciment ut soldiers. but tien ihe Chic, laro uthle Fîrat National Bank utfUsan- arrivIlie negrocsansd minera bild made. appo over, Ps., mio diati about uiree marks ago. gouil tbiî escape. EpIs The houka bave beau in the banda of au pe 0000tuacllg. H expert accouiant sinca Alleman's deaih Gvs0000t olg, dena auj thhe bortage iras (ha n evealed. Mr. Bei. Riley M. Little, ut Chicugo, max Alleutmin bailbeau casierrofut(ha batik for lu Monmoutih on. day rceunu>' tu uffer, lu brut tceni-lgit yeussand ei nuolatra has ebasîtoutJantesLas, a mealihy citizen Cfr0 erer suspacteil utfrrougîini. Bis dartaI- ot Cbicago, a donauiun ut $W,0000 to (ha ru caltiasmrre cîrvecîy covereil up îy menus truteea ut Monmuouth Colîrgi-. ou coutil- dant ut "*ktin," or bbc use ut drafts on diffar- tion tuut (bey rais. a fllke amount by JO cul orut-uftomo lauka, aud tins daceivati commencement lay nudt June. 'rie mon- lia Ciao the anuk axaminaers. ey la t(ugo lu lia rudomuieni ut ticchairs kilie ______of lteratura anti aoctology. nom uccupleil a fia Troupe Octierail te Neuvîtas. by Mrs. Jennie Loguma Campbell sud Prof. ticr 'rie War Departuicut bas iaaueti a ges- Russell Graham. 'rie proposition ua ac pane vrai order foc lia movleet outrhoupeate ceptail b» (ha truasteen, wmu iii pruceail ir5 Culs. Tic lrt troopa milI Iave ou or ai once te carry ouit elr part uft(he con- Go about Nov. 22, sud mîli comprise a brigade ditions. Mc. Lawr gava $1.000 bu thc uaw lie1 under Bisl. Geu. Carpenier. The brigade auditorium ut Moumoutht College, dei-l-nG mIll ha ishen trout lia Seventi aculi catadin luJoue, 1897. Tan corps auj une out he regimeuls te go rill -as a ha lia Tird Gaurgia. 'rie brgatie mil Illnois Poidiela I. itu as I bc sent bu Neuvitus. Purho Principe. 'rie Private Sherman Cunnligam,. Cou-hils tolloming naued officeca, rcecatry appoint- pauy M, Nlnt Iillinois Regimeut. iras iil ai, have beau rdeccj lu Sentiago andteto hot sud killail by Puvta Rauhan V. T report tuah cumusndiug officar Niti Beuisu, Company L. Nînti Regimeni, nain regluent, U. S. V. ifsuiry, for asalgu- Savannah, (Ga., thebe met whlch killeil b meut te dulî: Firat Lieubenants Alezan- Cuningam aise s'oondlng Private Bob- te dec Richardson, Edmard Wibiamus anti ert Rire, Company M, NînthI llinois, mu ht Willim Wilks; Second Lieutenants Bob- was standing lu (ha ine of!lire. Cuning- a-d art 0. Woods, Jacob C. Smith anti John bam's boue iras lu Fiora. Ricea huma e mur W. Brown. 'rbey are ail colocati, sudlein luRldgemay. Hîs s'ound lanlinhe arm hi mare tocsnerly attachedt oa eTwanl sund la net regarlail as serionsa. Alihougi an tourth Iufantcr' or Nlntb and Tanti cav- uhe ahooulug mas raportcd te iealqusrtcrnste ain. They mare pronsulet on aceouni ufte ansuaccident. Benhinimas areteil anal ti dialinguimieti persona] gibistri la the wilil a eid iieudiuit su nvealillation. P filet E au Juan anj Eh Cane?. QarlEd .sXlig h National Capitol Dausageti. At Paunin Hacmy Wl, s Couper, ahotlan1 An exploaion uccurneil ai tha national sud instanbly lillail Jitu Munsian. Tiai Mil espitol at Washington lu the absîeuint hati a quarralinlua saluen sud Wlt aims far banaatb lie Suprema Court Chambhers, be abut lu arît-ileteume. Ai prascut bicca Thi aud caard a lire mbi consuneila part are tour mcanu inte comty jmfai ccnse utf Job ut tua Congresonal Isw ir ar, a price- murder. Thie others ana Louis Ahrenol, ay lesat collection, anti dcaroyed the ftombai- Juin Hlnkie, chargaoi wmii kklllug 'rhumas cas luga ofthdi Suprema Court chauhar. 'rie Cina, a homeetrader, sud Heury Turner. w.i explosion mas cauard by dia ignition or chargeoil miiikilliluaStewart Morris. of nut ilumiuating sas. Thie dîrmaga la irrePsr- Knox Counby. "lte principal@ lu tbe tbe a'lla. The daumage te lie buildingugtlest ragedy mare nîmenlrs ot the Twen- L salunt te about $00,000. t(lad United Staa t ttanir, and mere tlb Kîlleti hi a Opinter. -cnl, îeagi.Ar Harvey, the 1111e sou ot Mc. and Mrs. Vive Froshuen Kîdmiapeti me Michael Smith ut Neirville, lPa., rau à Whie soing te s social the other nlgbi PR' aplintar lunui lp. Tic bitout moud s'asfiva ,maulara uttith reabînen clatis ut or extrace ansd thea muni hesîd, but itill Monmouth Collpiee me- iduapeil ly up- cio diah boy suffared. Fiually lockiair set bu per cîassamen. one ofthti victime entray- T'r suadthie lad dieti. oncti te elude his capter% b>' lotning ws-u.du r 08,000.000 Pre ei hlangom n's appamel. Hc mas (ahi-n andi marched bbu Fi-ce ai Hankoir. n Chilese ivrport. bu (ils attira (irough the principal atreata. 1hf jeaicuied 10,000 bouses. aud 100iniali- Anothan vicelle, anti-ilArthurtron,.Bit itania mere lorneil tu dculb or killealîy whitea atteupiblu tcecape teil ant broke da rtalling buildings. The damage mas $8,.- bis coliutrmouc. Thec ncidlent cansa la 1 0000w. cessation ut buailillîs. anal the frelliman i' endeil tu-r tetiritiein plu e-,cî. R ougit b, Chicago men, ,f The Bouton mine, lu lie nrtbern part ut Urtef BStle Eappeanhlia aHumboldt County. Cal.. couprialug 3,000 TIioulmesAuttbiy Hardin. a wel-knttmnoc acres ut placer uiniug grounil, bas bt-en buker o ult on, d-le ai bichome liere..u suld lu Charles Foute ut Chicago toc $145.-'rie Bapîtiiîhrciint aI irbîcy Crle- oc 00<0. Icatail tic tutieti auîtivtcniury ut ils or- ai LuS Angelea Chose.. siteiOu Los Angeles iii atrtalu the nexi an. At Green 0,ardon Johnît)lluto(ceke. a ta Dueol meinguofuthle Natioual Educallunab Yunugtainien, aras Clitit itiiucOntalk th As oeialiou if favorable rate&rau enh- cuter and killeob. ft ýd tainad. -8. D. tHalles. torîtuerly ofut (letnville. For Docks aet Honoulu.. die ut yellow fevet.n.Ta.umpicolî, Mis., Pccideut McKinley ihaissueld a procis- share imisasucuigageul ln htiinecas le utalti nresarvin 1 Dsdfoc naval docks Atter a biter iglitiOfti evctaiboutca. If, le sud misrvea et L.uuoluln. Rockfonîl City ('utntil.hy utitte oute *bu 6, paaaed aa curtcm urdintini',coupeilina t * MASET JiJtTATINu. ail chillîelce imier lit peara utorage te lia off tic treeta ly Il tuilock ai nigit. I 2t Chiag-Cattie. comuon te pime, Reports tront Wintnipieg. Ma., gay fiial:t C,13.00 te $600; bogp, shipping grujes, Robert IVille, ut Chileaga, chu bldbenB le $3.00 lu $400; aheep, talc to choiee. $2.50 IIflea51tesokyrd muyav M lu $4.75; mbest, Nu. 2 ila, OU cto 67c. en yeargax a r-tiini-j white.sinsa Ibm b- corn, No. 2 Sic tu 32c; ont&. No. 2 -the Ahbasoca Itirî-r elt couite tirhel le le 25c; nye, N. 2Z 52e te 5&S; butter, *Klondike.W y- choices reamecy, 21c to 22c; eggs, freai, At Nasiville Judge Butroughs bas a ta17e teoIlle; poîstues, chuice, S0c to 40e granteil tiheîlentîa a catrial lu the e apar buthal. case utf W. I. Bromne aitait te Meth- L 7y Indilana puli-Cstle. ahipplug. 13.00to otilt Epîccopal Cbîmnîhî South, for aalary. r $5.25;hbop, choiee ligit, $3.00 10 $375; 'ha cae*mas triaI luy a jury et tde relit- l seep, commun te cholcer 13.00 te $4M0; lact raoruthle Circuit ( ' oîrt. anti Bruina l ae mie4t, No. 2 red, 67c te iSe:e or, No, mas gvan a verdi-t for $175. 'rie court1 in 2 mhita, 32e te 34c; sti, No. 2 white, 27e mas net sablafleil miththeti evidauce, andi 10 t 28e. haId t wias a questtion irbetier a ciomch uîy St Loul-Cattia, $3.00 to $5.75; has,s'as obliged by ia coutîcacta. cil 13.50 tn 14.00; îhep, 13.50 te 15.00; ,Fite luniala uofthticIllinis Industrial : whitastNo. 2, 0i9e te 70c; cocu, No. 2 Scoocl tocr(Gis lan£eanston escapet tfront la reliom, Sic ho 32c;nes, No. 2, 25e te 27e; tha institution on sl ceteu-t evenlug. Tiire Lm irye,No, 2, Sic ho 53e. of! dem tooh tbiindepnture ai 8 o'elock let incnati-Cattle, 12.50 ta 15.25; hogp, by cllullng demn a lice escape fron tc $3.00 ih o 4.0; becp. 12.50 to 14.25; second &tory sud an bouc later isu mure mhast, No. 2, 67cbu te ; cocu, No. 2 lctt lu a sulilar mauiner. izd SUe tu2 37c;a, u, o. 2 m ' j Dr. Joaeph Sidney Mitchell, president outc et 26 a2c ie o ,W uOt the Chicago Homeopathir Medical Cul-1 ,e 1325 --qatl $250 ta$5.50;bop, teleeantionue ut tic furemoî't exPouenis Out ,e hct. 2 1t 3.75; shacp, .1250 te 14.2M heHheauiuetno.dcla i ed iciluir.No. 2, 70ec to 72c; cocu. No. ï th hum manni il>. urîl "î9 yearat Uls ir t 31e luSOc esa. N. 2mile, 2§e deasilistuasudîit. resutitng trout (hacuti- th ap 2c; rye. 152cet54e. tire of albodvessel ucar th eart dur- bl Toledu--Wical, No. 2 mixed,.Cite tu lags acouogbng speli. 71;orn, NO, 2 mime,.335e to 34c; cela, No. 2 mhille. 24e to 20c; rya, No. 2.,58 At Kemane. mpon rcouneudahiun ut ai-i ta 54c; clover nere, olîl, $4.90 te 15.00. (ha -ol'uuec'ai jury airmu toilquire lnio1 le- Milirsuke-Wheal. No. 2 @Pspu, 5e tic canai- ut tie dalht(it Mrs. Ada Baies, car lu 67c; coc, No. 3, 32e te 34e: outo. No. Mc. iHelen Juifs, ible bit au-en hîtel n, 2 mhille, 27r bu 29'c; rye, No. 1, 52e toaf53c; lie grand juryci silomt ail. Tic rcsîilt Ise- bacley, No. 2, 40e te 48c; pock, mas@, sas nettttiCt il i dcioftheb.teoti- $7.73 lu 1.25. mnu oot i incaeg.1 Buff&uQo-Cattic, gond! shipping steers, A bllitruittry sas tuomitedl nt thc $5.00lihoe1.75; boa, commun te choee, jameri establishmet of utKaiulon Brot- tune $3.50 An 84.00; aieep, toic te celem metii.eas n Pekiu. Fred Karlon locheil npbils (ha era. 13.50 te 1.00; "ia.e, c on te store aitauter aud c ta aune tireutY-fve tye axtra, $500 to $5.75. Mitnutes. During ils absemnce a coupla et t I New York-Csttle, 18.0 t $575; bita, borgars etertl trouzbi a rear irnsuona tas 13.00 te14.00. ieep, 08M00te 017111 ud belped tdouiselves 10eiratehas.Mauve uhei, No. 2 »& 700o46t77..i eux., 19& çrwis, diaipoulmu risp ngssd ail te belt 2,*0 te éile, NI, lie, %. me.tq e - jsé gael Tegei mr 5' a"i lulmela àd et ai Ntoweh4a.*W sydsoeà&Warne, carniage manutactur'. of Roakford, bavea aslgned.. Amst otapi Marriman. 4 icars nid. dieti trou, ae cacaived trile îilaiug mii matches lag home lu Chicago. aOttawa. an early train ou tie Rock id rou dotro sud intsatll kilîrd Tlm- yColîlite ut Mendula. allila Carpetiter. a private ut Company bhird Ililinis regrîmetl la ttend at is ne lia Elglint fir yîid tenir. hn W. (lates.,liremidient ofthticIllinois Ie Compaty i. a îttehascd a plata- ou tthe coîtiîrît uiai t ofCuba. irisel iaccily, sito mac tnjied ai tIllinois Steel IVurksat SouthiCicago afîtllitig trou lugul. dicil ai liccoun- l'a ioslîital. te t1overtt ue acicaimet a proclamation ,ing a reirard ttt $215> for tih- arrent of ? Ellitîs tocrticeinttuli'c tufThoms "ban, ut Hearnville. t a tire at lic coud %drage plant of dîner & Blacksluîch lu Spclugfleld, *r ioraea mccc t'cemated. Tii. plant f Wmot ulgceaily damagcd. loi. Taniner lias urdeccd disciaard ,n tbe s ervice outhle Blair about forti lted nofuttic Tic idvision, Second ntion.Illinoils naval militia. Ie, otlarieil hi accident. dcstcoyed the rmsard Cullege buiilding ai Fairfleld. 1.log a lbas utf$4,(»0. scbool labelng :îinued lu tetuporary quricc. L M. gearles ut Chicago is lu la namad receiver out(ha Chbarleston Thomson- matiou Eleetrie C.ompany uil application lie GaneraI Elecîcue Compîany uf lie- [ola Jiiebowski. a Cicago salotîn ep, sas abaltitre. limes tbe ochar tuan ly une outwIo memt tro atiempîrd oIb is saloon. Notte ufthticwoîîuds ln o,. Tanner lias appoittei Robert AI- tn ot Cacthtage a trustee oftufebic 11 t intitu tioni tocrlthe tiIlitilotioftihei f aud doîni, lu iuceeî,tl.J. U. Smithb i. t)c. $amiî.-l (t. Edsali aunooncee tie maeca df Si 8. l'tecs Churci le caego liai irbcad uleclded lu accept the olulmneni ut misonacy imlhop ofuthli acopitaldiocase ut NortihlDahota. Heury Rogan ut Ottawa. wtrioa ec lally ahot lu the brcast Oct. 16 by ie liter. dîrd St the counul hoapibal lu Ci o. 'Tie ,ttîîg men Sace relurnluî am a huntlng expedillon wueo tic acci- -nt occurad. ohn Fr'ont, a asîlehman emipioyed bj eBaltimoîre auj Ohio tailroad. mai ed lu Chicago. Front mai standing oi fin car sud a mudden lmcci ut the trait cm ilu munder tie irbei. 'mu ton insed over is body tietoe the trait as siupped. Gan. James H. Bacri. h-omm*stiu * Second brigade outh llinoia Nations nord, bas ment his reoigiialionlue(loir entir auj has asked liatItIl ha acepteý qsoon au possible. (leu. Backley gîvel Siea reasomi for quittiue lie service tie jbusiness affairea mli nul peri-cuii ius lie service the attention il dcecevea Tir Illinois tnaval ci-serves trio art-%ail ibe service bave lien <tcdcced home ti L tuateceil oui. ' about 100 t tan. distibitird ontthe New-ark, Vulcal jd other vec4ela. 'rhe Ilinîois men bai Pen ordercil luceutzouns iithe Vai ut nt Nes Yorh. Tiey ivili ha seut i hit'itgo on a specil trai. sud Comndi Hamley cuill asitupauy thni lu monte 'ié ouI. Moeom. f iîttmn are frtti Chl ego. othera tcom Qitinîy and Alitun. Privai. Eugènte William Ma'wycr ducdal ce hume ufta relative, Mca. J. Bî,acdmas [Loweil. Mass. lic serve in lutie Fir mle isregimeal aand wmile suffecimia froi rer mas Iconglil luMontuiuihtoin taere i bbtrsctidlieh, attenion uf Mri 'ihn A. Logan. irbît ad hhlm reuovad1 yacht ta Newport. Dr. $Màyer ut Ch go, tatier outhlieyoitîg man, decideil 1 vould not bhable tu ciaîîd a railroadjeu ey lu Chicago sud hbainebu emoved1 ci homeur relatives. Harvey tiulisa cîgortiaaructen ba e onu soutnofl ttic olceti boy lîcoller ceorîling a luinessand plîoteasior run and the aouleulenits ehut trenial rrint l intuemal tiuthe la )fcbchlng tic gcowiug îeitdency lu ousuema aimons: tir Yotung oftohsex, muo yesr@ ugo a rlly tiirft'5las ci Irawn by City Attoruey rancsk A. Rît,] but an effort tri ceuce ils aci-epiaute1 the Cilty Couneil met wilb castucut ut opi lion amîd thcprojet ucutoabomidoutil.T àay lic ppultar c tiur toc t cucrir il 1as grual tieSOwultet,ji-e-tion tluhln auo yersmego. 'rie liaNiîtilee de -Nlerilivilie. ubo w 3crm-ny wmcl huin uAnicîcaxas1M Mary »wî,iilolîtie tCaldwmell. marked i occasioofuta rcenîtsit tiothe Catit tniiersiiy at Wtahington h>' glvlng tlu rêclocutflte tinivecail!. Itighi Rcv. M( ignor Thoimas J. Contty. D. D., s cii for $5,000with wmbltalu etalici a m@eh coip in the C(ald.ilh aill utdivini(y1 te diocece ut Ictria. 'rie iciolarsi fotud l ithename ut lier Young cepit Witideinar Coucadl Baroni Von Zedts- sou of lier culturel oiclec. ltaeBaron Von Zedtwilz. tîrmieriy Mica Lena Ci Wel. sho gui. lta tictlnivîcs*itY the dii iy chapel aus a memoctiata lu icr bri p.ceflhtm. Thece la atîttier iliaplýr lu tic Bunl Hill tiagedl>. t'a1t. F. Y. liediey r uarcied mîtece tie uîbec migh a i uMima I Brown, un wboce Racoutt HcdlrY hil Mlayor Richard* ut Bîukîr Hill. Jn 1897. 'mu irci-a icture liai Mre. H aey secmcad a divorce. 'MIss Brown a riear relative ut Mayor Riciiarda,i sas astsiaogctpber lu ii@ oilice. Itiche asheil ber lu hecunie hlms Ite. Sie cel cd, bnt..dîfl not quiit bis entiioy. Riche ihijughi Hedlcy mias at tir bottom ut refusai. The slury augrred Hediey,i mas the editor ut a papi-r. Thcee il Hatiley aud Richards met, sud twlce Mayor auttulîrd tic edtor. The tl Ime ha trled il 1-ledîci drew 14 iail fled, iortlly oîîîdlg Itichards. dled soon ofter. , liecIey mas acquitte, Bellevile mustiera ufthte peace are mai as a rasttlt ufthte Intense nv amoug tieni lu marri ciopinf Younog1 pies trou St. Louis aud otiar admac mcige. JuinMeDnall rtahil otoi.aPhu eouldat Igt àagirl t* uty.o would suit them If cb. Woukd à GAS EXPLOSION DOIS GRATAWb& the ftwiiy woMr truà DAMAGE. 1)ecember-bow te secturoi S beip. à tew girls stayed tihe ontnomes niy hit à mentt, tbe Supremue Court Chember Wrocked end Jorl a week or lein and tbufl the Valuabie LA brari Inlasd mSe- been known cuBes whsre thie girl, youdReair-larle Tees Letîinthe day atter mabc arrived. It muet a Gal-illeveu Kil.4 .e1Detot. ho b. upposed troib is that the - were bard people te get along withL Auâ explosion of sas@Iu the basement of aud lira. Golden were nies, quiet pe> the capitol building lu Washington Bou. Piseto an easy-going nature. and tba- day atteruoou con'pleteiy wrecked tha two datighters were just as affable m Supreme Court ruent sud the rou ad- good natured au acy two girls iiti Joining, and mauy raluable boouksof the clty. Young George Golden, W5 *ie. Congreaaluual 1mw library were deatroyed. iy at bomse ecept durini sàoq009 Thls libra.ry contained 75000 volumes boumsasd Wiflle, wbo atteuded scbgSe and Ita valne waq placeil at $11,000,000. dalli. 818 flot Interfere wltb the serviMt,. Tiie historie Buprema Court .room. kwhidi wa@ tormerly the Senat. cbaiuber girls et ail. Tbe tamlly always prov*.. of tiie original capitol building, la a coll- 58 a 1008 table snd paid tair wabs plts wreclt. ~The bute of Chiet justice bels>, wbl tbe bouse was nfot 50 large Marshall and tiiers who have presidsd sasto frlghten a girl' secustomed te a rover the higliait court ln the land ame reasonable amonut or work. 1ruinad, aud themourt will for a tme have But itomMe 0f twelve nlbuths tbh01 tu ha bproidled witb a tmeporaLry home. dnfiiybdbdEgib a 0, 'More bave been otiier ires ln the eapitol Scotch, Irish, -Dutcb. Dantsh, Swedei building lu the peut. but oune go destruct- Norwegiaus and colored girls. Tboo Ive au tua. that weren't lazy were dlrty or ebeoky. The. explosion that tarted the lire wu# of terrifie force. It ahook theolnI orti The. Engllsb girl waa found by Mma wtug aud tore sander the foundation Gol0denset,,bed et fulil lngth oen th# and baceuent wall util apertures I rn o lun e radlng a ebeap uovd. places ure aufiScietly large te recel,. the white ber work remalned untoulcb4 .i open band. Tite turilture aud hanginus al'ounid ber. Tii. Scotch girl bail such of the Supreme Court were destro) ed sud a tblck brogue tat It limpeded ber ut the. law librsry damage.i, but nio.tly by torauce aud made it aimnet Imipossible water. It will also raquire a close clan'- for ber to bc understood. The. Walsh àluation of dia lbrsry te place te damnage SI was addlcted te drink, aud the lrilà there. Owing tu the tact that the.cralle girl was decidedly too familiar aud aCf.- ot the building are of ,nasonry tedis re edas5I abcwàà itess of the bous. had notiiing but the wroodwork ot furni- TeDne ildd' pa;Egiha rture sud fittings Au teed upon, and wau Ti alhgr lntsekEghha asoon extinguiabedinluthe upper floors, i aiL The Swedesbrokealmost eyerythlug athe basenicat there was a rartug volcano ln the. houa. nclndlug a tew coutuaii- ef fisma. whicii eemed te ho ted by gas. mnet,aud tho two Norwegiafl girls Tiie ofice ofthte muarsbul uf the Su- Were lacklug lu neatuens ut appearllace preuta Court suffered ment.Thfteflor wu& sud tenlerai cleaullues. As for thinI- ecompletely blown ont of thua srunt. Tus nuerable colored girls tbat bail beeo 1mw library eousiried ut 75,0010 volumes. employad by tbe Golden tamily. th"y mauy ot tiens legal booîks ut race value, wero lu tbe aggregate lazy, 81,17 dand a large perv-et»«ù ofthte voluues cheky. partluonlous lunte attor of Canuet horeplaced. 'rhe collection is en- tlanatel to eotfthe value o 000.0w te trutb. aud generous lu the dîspea- ,e fr sch o thns a miht h obainale,»tJo ofgrocerlesansd otiier establos t 'ebut,dthe lutrlosie value outhte library ila beir 1.15t1Y05 aud trieuda. beyound estimation. Tii. great cardinal virina lu thie Gol- 1- Thers lnansodier valuable cllection cf den household was scrupulous cleaiill 8 booka lu dia consultation chambard of the usas, aud had diat heme i, prouint i Suprame Court, whicb also suffered great characteflaile of auy ou. of the 9g100 I damage. The. roosus cunîprisilig thé son- It la llkaly that ber otiier.shorteomUMg - ultation chamuters are mutat 5A!055a would bave been overlooked aud thai usrs'uw corridor troxu tue Supenie Cour thm lght have stayed lu th. poaltion. r ron, aud tiare mure thau 10,000 volumues As It waa. howover, the. uuly two of ithe sn were enrd.stire bout~ that kept th houle evos In TRESA13 BNK.pamaalY cdean were slow sud always i EIS 8 UK beblnd witui their work. lu opesisi Cruaer ]Dalsd hi Hobson One day lirs. Golden returnetihome Lent ina .Stora. trouts the iutelligeuee" offic>-by *0t gs Thoesabac swslluwed ths cruiser Iu- way, wby ou aarth do they caîl tiies I fauta Maria Teresa. soukst Santiago sud heaiquarters of ignorance -intelligence . ualaed by Constructur Hlobsuu. IThsofies ?"-in quit. a fltter of excité- il mriser let Caimani-ra, Cuba. on the. ment. Pt norulug of Oct. 30 for New Yrk. n '*1do belleve," eedeclarad. as the ut Nov. 1 the.cran ahaudonrd lu midocesu in rI à siuklug condition. Ohe conld net weadi- took off ber bat aud wrsp, sud seasd a. or the gale prevaililug. NoIlives wre en herself lu ber favorite srucbalr, "I do III ltei.cruiser iefttCuba lu 10w ofthtei. epair bellave tuai I bave aecured ths rigbt te ahlp Vulcan sud accouîpauled by die girl ai Isat" of omenu lug Merct sud the collier Leon- *'Yeu. we bave beard uhst very ofisu Lu Ides. 'Pie crew outhdi cruiser, 136 men. befoce." rsuarked ber bnabaud. cont- e arrived lu Ctsriestou. M. C., ou the Mer- placenty; "tbey are alwals thi. 'rIgItIII ýr ritL tdo ileuti .ygtbe n e Thie Maria Teres a a etauiag kn tgrl'nt hy e e. A. through vwtat ls kuownuteu arlnsrs .auithe theuthey turu ont wroug."* or crooked passage. thilrty uiea off Sau Bal- "But (bis one la really dtffereut frous à.vador. While ber owo engluses wse lu ail dis other"subaid lira. Goldeà. use dia wu& notunuder ber uwu teani. bo- "Dîfferent lu what-Kppearance ut lug lu the imutedlsta l«of thde Vuleau. maunersor accomputhui.uta? I. lat -s n. trie dia Volcan lu tureuninsatlur t0fposibe for ber te oversleel> bersîflatt Mtthe wrecklug tug Marrit. 'Te westberth ong.brtetasorel& Angreir rougit sud theretam Indication tua at Uioulug, be a t orY, £Ive Lia leavy tropical eoibmwu»asesibaud. The lis? Dor enu't ah. br a roerondie t.cruiser bosonu leskiug badiy sud dis situa- c.k rrednvIoaa.fne ltion so becanue citfi. work dusu of gusslplung, or irist Ai- To take ta officers aud craw off dise W- klnd of S froak leshaer' bcfated cruiser traa ioth a daugerou. snd "Shes mast a plain, ordluar-lookog r- a difficult tank, but it wi a ccorpilsbff girl. but obes au Âmrlca-flret t0 sud ailI wre saved. Atter the men aboard Amerlean w. have bail yat, cemamber, the Tarea tre takan oit by' the Merritt, Josepb, sud aile looks cdean, move ths Volcan. wblch wa$ towius the dise- qulckly, snd talia trLi. h. wauts SU .w bled cruiser by a ffiaen-luch hawser, Pro a à outh. wbîch shows that ah.e bua -m. ceedad for four heurs louger te tour ber h: nul totrard NorfoIlk Deapie dia posslbillty hlgh appraclation ut ber otru worti Ia. ettdisTreasa siuking at Roy minute sud "Oh, diey al have tint-noue of tâtem isk pullul ber consort down atter ber. tue are toc modeat lu their daimscf wbat vi- Valentu beldi un mantully tu the former they eau do. Twauiy dollars il a s me :es. Spaulard nutil it trat baliavad that tautour bagatelle If abe la wortb t, but w. va. ber longer was te sluk wit bebr. lb waa bave net bad a girl yot tuai waa Worth, ,ha dieu tuat the great bswaar wu&a iut. îait of ItV' ly As bbe surfboat of lha Mrrtt drew l'Wall, sies comlIng ibis sftaruoou, 1- away mltii ler laist load ut cscuad sasU-an eIct oabgtsn.F.m ro- ors, ilt ias evident the' Maria Tresa couldsuw'Ueaowsegt o.Fim tiwremanuafoat btut s few momeuta more, part I belleve the girl wlll give coin- Uà ler propellera trere siiowlug aboya the. plate satisfaction te us ail. 1 belle. mater sud ac ahlmsuk ceci bm for- have oept-ared a uaw gem at lai!" ward. Sbc mas evideotly going bo plongte *Whst's her naule?' as iiaad first imb (bh sea. That waa the ait "Anale Rooney." figliupa. caughi ot ber. "Gond gracions!" ____________ Suce suough Anle Rooney asanued lie DEAD AMID QPEbRIS. ber new datles lu tbe Golden househoi [n- T.nlmeu KAiied by Coltavuset a Thte- diat alternoon. sud souiebow ther. ik *tre eri.was that lu ber appearance whlch la- bo- Widi a crash, the noise ut hinci mas spired confidence lu every meutser et f. beard for bocks he di. mdrland 'Pieater the tailly as soon as (bey gaw ber. lu' i Detroit tombîrd loto ruina et 2 o'clock At the tabla she was a Jeirel. Little, ëw' Saturday sfternoou. The rouf had sud- active, alert-amBltt te tee wbat vaa rhz. dal collspsad. At that iane tlilrty-flvs wantsd and qulck te snpply Il, ah. bai nid- men mre ut iork lu varions Parts ufthet earnd the admiration ut al before the .! unfinlshed structure. Tiicre mas nu trm-aveniua meat vas over. She vras up in ng ofthdiacalamity, aud some outhediaei-erî tioua perlshed patanily. osesytaedbakstnth Naarly everfmworkman tram awept dowunoaeas, tre bekftout. iec. into dia theatar it; tie top gtiler as yansd tien commenced te elean the. wua crusiad open tha lomer gsllery, furmlua kitchen aud everytblng lu it; assab. aa- Elle a sort ut fatal tobogugan, dowu mhlii pressed It, the place '1wa't lit te bo ilIed alid broken steel girders, pisuhs, timbea, seau with dirt." 12. bricks sud a gaat quautlty of cement. "Josepb," oald Mrs. Golden te -bar led- This avalanchea ramurslel csrrled-wlit husbsud, sburtly sitar breakfast, "Ail- ras It a struggllng Luss ut meu, triO wetOnie hua gou# 1t0do the up-tairs work. eud dambad dus-n loto (ha pit balote. To sud 1i mat wsut Yen ta cou.e dowu sut ardu mare kllled onlrlghi, anudiher altarwsa'da look et ber hiteben." tfue- dlad, sud very fi-w escaped inury. rde The cause ofthde catastrophe, irbila not 1Mr. Golden otly foilnwad bis wifG, tha defiuitaly settied, @eents tu eaiestitweau dowvutaUIrm, and tii. pair qulatly tl: who bue much weigbt lu dia roof snd falty tueti Into the kitchen, Tii. greay,' !mas steal brstnsued ln ts construction. Te grlmy look ou the valîs bil disappW-* bbch top ofthe rootf mawut fernent, about elatit ed, the jpInt looked fresii sud clos&"' bird luchon diick, and mauy bulîders lou teThe is(uasd agate varo &boue brigi.., sud thaepinin dat dhis mas tee vmeighty, for ly, as dld ail the moel work about tite2 wbho the lup uri steel work. Others ml atova and k1tchen siielva, die ere*4 d. dia tauit lies lu the steel mork. rdesrgltrdangltie W 'e at of Mineos Note. th m oralug sunlight, the linoleum oi', alry Vîrgiols nagrom oiiject te whiteafollerstte i. fleur was spotleesly clens cent lu colored regimenis. "Tbere'a ber norniug's vork betaoe, Halitax dock Yards are very bnci lu get- breakfast," dutd lrt. Golden. lwW -