8o«ms45,000000buabels ot aveet POUs- tees me ralasi fer the annuale ianmp. Umcm. The ield et Puasla ta000,000 bwsiela, cf bean .na OO0000. ansi Of oulona 2.36W00. More tiiau 000,0 bmla of Spaniali ansi Bermuda onlons are impartesi escl yer. laI of the 30,000,000 peunda at rice uaud durlng tb. yesr corne, tram other countrîca The cousumPtibnu of sugar reaclie tbe astonlsblng total of 5j,000000 pounds, but olY oue-elgbth Of Ibis la ralsesi aI home. Dulry products plal a ~~LU.DUh i0fol'ad'âtS y hl.ale aa goa eet .11 as larp amtthe lower et th. North Bide vater voria, anueeg 100 fel long, anua&Me of sqom helgl andi a 000-fot embuet su"ar maklng up mcml of the 4ars fIr"l But titis gient do. net forget toa ai for srieI. Besidea tvo or lhreglas., of vater, eacb th* helsht of a taui office building, lie drinks huit 1h. huer tram a bottle whlci tovers abavu a tventy, mory structure. take. a mlp of vIne ansi tvo (glant) lingers af vblaky. A mam- Pull- Ai1RIC NS AlliA 1~~"~ 'I I p thle strenghli cf a country bu most Important part ln the foodi supply. met Mesaresi by the abundauce andi Te ipreasi the breasi, make h. pies sud àas nutritve valeetr11. food,. th" lie concoct olier appetlaîng dainties r.- the Vutesi sttu stands eaaly ai l theaondquit., au annuel suppiy o et lts .thanteli e i dominant nations etftthe vorisi. 1,W,0000,000 pande of butter. Ciece arti »Mle sy eau lie farinera.the meadevs la usai ta tie extent of 230,000,000 eft md tie rciarsa upply the ressetfpoundm yeerly. MadeIa oou. gigantic tau «w ovu citisena, but lieue le lett an cires. il vouisi monture 4800 eet lu dl- tueu»surplu 1e busiippcsi t0 other ameler andi hait as many ftest l in elgil. 1 qeuNtrIea. The mlii suppy amounts la no legs Mate vint, for exemple, ane ofthble tia 7,000,000,000 querts snnuslîy, yei mm temdlg staplas. Durng the paal Icu liii la oly liit a pat e day Ie esci remis lbe nation's vbeat crop lias av- persan. Of thila uppîy of m11k Chicago ersad aiout 46,000.000bachots, rang- taie. 46,000,000 quarts ansi grualer Nev Dai Utg kme leus tian 400,000,000) busels York 634,000,000 quarta. Tien tien. are m 48IM tle ever000000 Ivto yar e l.eggs. et vblci 8&,000.000 siosen trui utIle. Thé average yearly exportaet are niaeecb ycsr. Placesi endt e endsisth -bis Wleat for the sainedecadu ver. ther vouls ilrle the vorîsi Ielve Po* 09AOMi0 bubae, Ieaviug W(00000 tim et the equatar. But the. egg sup- he& or.h*ui consomption. Excin ng th. pîy le nt excessive, mInce Il alova letsa Ael 0 batmod fossi e .d anti fer p urpoes s lise tre. eggea eeuctele ci persan. go immu b"b sandos, tie prenaut con- No puople lnth i enrd elt amuc fir S ettlmaiesit. b. e 11111e les. meaI alie Amerlcans. Tii. ecretary HIà tlWÏOWbird cffou r pur a ,or et AgrIculture Place. the annuel met son USA0barreis for tb. nearly 75,000.- bl ai S900000000. Figures eau oly cal p alu.Thal meussan »aufl bu approxinite, yt «a tait astimte 'W et14M00000000pouonds et places 1the beet conumesi t 5,000,00,. Pi bu* wvàlipet lto a sngle 000 pouada, p aiaI 4.0.0000ans Irià WMW v.ldroqulte a barrel tvlce cmutton et 800000,000poundz. Wi mus e Waebhagl on sument poultry sud saie.tle total met eaten O$10 ** biuUh57 Etla rrinfet- annuaiiy cannol h.clm5 han 100,000,. boa ïým* Wràa i t out madeti. uI.000pounda. vh la snearîy Ivo poae nsi SIf IWM ld es 20,000»000 a day for each famlly et rive itersons. a i habuIeveRalug lb. melaPber lThe exporta of ment predues amrecnet- Mes > ecus. isfmennt a" 'gvcg mous. tàu ter a atm&" these haves ivouisiTien tiere la lie drink question. Laut vpo rasiy>8 tfelt vida anti ex- ynr Amerteus dm51581,20.000,000 gai- ~s~aes li e rd. If bakety Ions otraReffs asid1,100,000.000galons 00 wunafl ssisci vth 1,000et of tee. To tiiese muet bu asisissibeer. 0» »m 3%00000M voui bc needeti 120,ooooo galions, vInes 26,000,000, b. ie g lu"te inss.Th"y voulim aie ansi dlallllud spirits. sncb as whisky, &Jaglee 00 0Gb mUls. long Of brandy andi rum. 90,000,000 gallons. tbb@ eesttru cemia te Ooen. O ThiIsgires a grand ttalietfover 3,60%0. 9QWVW1eloc 0ethflleurentltamadetie 000o,000 galions, of- about torty-elgit gai- bog aim millons of pies, raies sudi Ions for eaclu man. voman sud chîlt. ~ i l c et thle cois art come If yU asisitle cocus, "sott' drinks, Min- fgsM ies.70,00,00 fleur barrels, oral waters. etc., the total, net nluslng -.Aw lm tea .farina et the country plain valur asesi for sring tpurposes, rogmu i visli uclttte suppiy ihis l, eaily avrlait104.000.000000 gallons, 499"" t e iad51bnisbuides or more lien a galon a persan pur veei = boa B00,00 bseis te cther of liquida otierthtan clean vaier. On egatrtua.Of tli expert tvo-tbirda Ilie saverage a persan drinks bis ovu i-est le Great Britalu ansi les than a vulgit oat tese drinks evcry te. bcot e tetestt 'urope. SIX bush- Menthes. eh la 100 vent le eut nlibor an the @snli ans i niasmore tate .ther Amer. laet Foei od nmtiilon. Ir u .ulrles. Autralie ansi Aateate.ait AU bld, te consumptian of solîi food thi 10*00,80 buebes ansi Attria 4,000,000 by tIs one nation durîug lie year b Imlis. Dt unleestle nations farineallaont% n iu is, vtate te soims 90.-RD pied a largo e es crop leeu vlU bu 000,000,000 pounsis, or a li11e more thon wc exporte inlathie future At th, preeultire. pands a day for ecdipunuon. 101 slale cf cosumptlon lie incneaaud Papu- This mens that th eepe est heIn Pr I»Uiniii damiansi lie entire producl ovu velgit of food about once lu esci fol la aoliben decasle. meti. Tie'Iotal ucost aIbplaceosi n Tga Amariceu Cern Crop. et net les than 0350,000,000 a ycar, te0an Baiwvile visai la the flapie, Amierm- vicimuei bu asidesianotier 11,000,- te tâme 6du pot Uv. by bressi sione. Tii. 00. for drlint. making lie total for " lacea about four imes a large fond andi drInk more thn coulsi bu pur- l es ebt c vit, ansi about L70,oS,. chines by lie enire goisi supply et the ti b«»"miesremousi for consomption in wvend. Of lite ezxpdture rougbly, au «M v Counetry. But unir a fraction $11,000,000,000 goe- for Meat andsI fa, de ~ Iis esce. ii.steaciet an $-700,000,000 fr eggeansd dais-y Pro- leg -~ qbt Io 18 nietpar II. iiculuduclar 150,000,000 for vbeat sud etier PI n,,~.gak. eef mli. btie, ega nsigraine, an equsi sniount for fruite ansite ~~It~t.uct atanIaislia talenauget, ansi 1300,000.000 for vegelables, ce e1neUl eeu n.,a-The 90,000,000,00pounds etf food cou- th 098401117. lie direct use of corn ferauntes Iolaebout 1_200 pounda a yeet fer tk Msas tond la lucreasang lu lie tornicf each perpcu. On a fair average lh i 'MI.Mx Si our, patent fosipreDratlona, Amerlcans niay' buconsisieresi s veil- ta t, breas. corn dodgcrs ansi iii. ed people. The satement lu billion. oel idkt.wboie reglons 0f lie Sout panade of lie fond consumai iy Ithe ne- -. ern almosl excîusIvely lu prefer. tien la Impresalve. but fae u.no Ihan ence.ta viral flous-,If on. coulsi aclually tsec these normeus 0f l thene grains hilci are partiy quantitesa. As an aId lu meauring onut f usidfýr ftond lire la the st crop, aven- day's fond ot the Amerîrpu people. Imm agIlos 70000.000 boshela, mont of aglneliat e glt 2,000 fetetal vere vItlchromaie lu tua country. Tuen te landsioa this continent froin e dictant i tisresleathie arley lroi)of seime 70.000,- planel. Larger iy fax thon lie nocat e M 0baiela. Ansi lie uauai ylld of rye fanions gsaisefoundt by Gulilver ta tliet Zearly la 800,000 boghis. veny littiretfland et tb. Brabsllnag. tls muele Irb"c la exportai. But barlcy sud ryu enisi otever fonn.ilmes as igi as lieS eii larg.ly reducesitte uls fimrbe- Washington monument. tnslie American consent.10taie Taklngasetheb.Chicago Mawanl -M Iet.bis tomaiLSOi. 0..15,000- Temple rotf. suppsue hlie veete esl M bugheis ot bucvical enter sari upun the naionos te upply hi lt vit 7à" llt. the compositi oftAmenican foe&. Hoe oulsi nedan amount csiuald $Îbies. The exact amount oft les, la Ibat consumeti iy 75,000.000 people..I - grinsusesisrectly torhumman et bmm daiiy eupply butane il.ansi eec a mut b. detemluesi but Probe- vhat ut voolsi b. On a breasi plate ~'s Sile ,0,00oeu&dsmuet bu bi as bg as e cty bloc vauls test tote ie it Soue. making e total a loaf et breadSi 00fel long ans iti *O O00pounde mmcd -hi ymr as iross. Beaide Il vouidst sandi a pie1 large 218 liBt mcstu tie a- a s ge as a gem bouge.. Prom a aêuer ',it10l us lm an hresqurters lie ise of e ugboal h. vouldsi p iha 4" tle Mb Pumào-utILA oatmeal, vith a spoon wvue .buvi laiulbtqt. ut- vouisi heisia trolley car. A smoking i-I liabunsiani plece cf beeftek voulsi ho twenty.fivc fel thîci sud exteusi oves- an ares et ohb- .qUsl ta les cty iota; a ceveresi silu lu.produicencotane tires mammoli vhite Pula- Fulpeu teem andi eaveet patate, essciS10tut - e bas ilau&. He PUet cfbutter 'wenld MuS. ati cup of coIr e andi another nearly large of tea are dispomesi of duin lday. Yet ail 1hs food and riZik syeenta oniy the quantitieu of thesq tIci.. that dsappear down the tbrcat t the Amerlcau peopie uvery twety. NS boums SICK AND BROKE IN DAWSON. r.n01teis ad Coater Net l. Apart -Orasu muet BO BiI" Mir. Frederlck Palmer writes tram Lawson Clty, Almaka: If you vIU I&Jk ry word for 11, Dawson in 100 fer aw&Y rom home comforta for a ma to bu ber alck or broke ther. wihmucii age of mind. The blggeat tee I mirl otfua pali by a part owuer of clalm on Dominion creek, vhlcitela id three day8 Journey-both w&Y- -m Dawson, when the trailu are goosi. [l partner vs, very lit, andi a Daw- in doctor vas pald 8$MO to make a Lu on hlm. Wben a alck man la taken btiite ho@- ai the bospilai authorlties alnd ont hohas au" moner. If h. ha,bu met par for his board al;t he.mretec Ls week. If bu lias net h. gels both nrd and doclar'. car for notliug awlhter thebhoapital la drearler than )otlastery in the. Alps. Naoae pals- s tla entaomer or wlnter witiiout a MIem 1W ~SON. usiisr. for ltceliompitil la ou oue bil tbove tic tovu, andi the ceincten> Iaon inolier hli jual oppostie. Fimerala '11h the lienmometer aI 150 segreea bu- lv ero rae smplle asunnny. A priest or a pastor, lu vool cap ansi fora, oliovesi y a ws8uden box hein by alx men, aud tia by mournera, If there ame &ny, moyeu up the pali on lihUlle li te gravi, vwbilias been dug b>' dOrIng," la lie's ame vay tbat the mluers vonk. Anti once 1h. box la on th bottoni of the grave ansi the esrth and uuov pilai over It, the bcdy>ofethe [ed ma i treeses asmoUd oa a cake ct Ie, anti he I. emiaiesifor &a Iime. Fr, a1 a tiepti of teut feet, lie eartb t eternally f roasu sud hie frlce n ay eome vicu lie>' choc»S.d Aexhume the body ln a alate of perfect preerva- tion. Packing Il lea , hi. greet-gret great-granticUdroq coulti taie Il isch to île olsi home an'bo4d a state tu- seral. Lice lu the Suahine. Tuere le no butter medirlne lian, tic buesh air an si uhin. Wliuthe weathet periis, Uve ent of dooru as mmci as possible. Patients et ma, manle elit ont ef docmeon coW Biey>'men thele pai. To bu suvs, liey ane velà protecteti vili blanketm ans have a ict jug or bag et UbIBlftt Som. phyuirlan priueribe sleepIg la lie opun air for ti patients, andi lu some caueeIl bac proevesTryhue fiiAL. A ftmnly llvIug le a ouburban CiLty tenns it Il muimr eutunlàie during tie extresma isetet piteIs a lest lu listE plesael lesi yad aSU Oel lier. lestens cf lae ieMael , ebu- bus-s.Il «a.emd onl ofthce stica le gel tisesumelmi offdnrlag lia heates Itn, tas413 WM IOv bard POe- pue itIes.mmota entis09tair lemseil pthrla iin on lov gge; Ibut the terI aswau idlI &MM,>'co tertabl aas"lu Brou Weae et A. fis, rince wArlocale, acousalg t e *0 e mspIu Umos et U»lie» I liapekgslom ** 5 vue *e IWy»tibeatu ko C-4 0N 8 1DE!lfl Ctbbcprejusilce liat exiseesiagainat the gamo sud the 4iugglighmanner lu vhlcb the Brit- libersa asmitted Il bld auy atbietc mert as a nation- ai sport, hamebail bas made vouder- f ui pragresa l galoing Eugllaii. andi more particu- larly Australin. adiierents glae thé. rst exhibition trials vers gîven abroad lu 1874 by tie Bostons ans inhldelpbia Athîstîda i lu ratier surprlang te leamu, laeit that durlng tb. peut esson the crac base-ball club oet Australia vlint BD- gland and defeated the champi o f tiaI country. Whitetlebobut clubs of the cisi country andi ler blggeat coioliy are net up te tb. Amnerîcan standard cf smilli ansi training, I11la certain thal vithîn a very fev years Englansi, Ans- traia, Csuada andi lhe United States vii h. playlng Internationalecimu- plonshlp eres. 0 Base-bail Intereet eu scercely b sisi te have been arotusesi la Ilglalis uuWticheChicago round-the-varld "twirleres' exhibltcd them silîl aIt te hilstoric Kensington oyait lu 1880.I, thousausi persous attendesl the Initial game, t0 vhieb lie preaecre ofthte Prince of Wales gave celaI. He cnjoy- ai lie conlest lmmrnéely, applausird tie flner pointe of tbe play, andi Onlly approvesi tie game. Thia sel:thlebal roling. Anierîcan reeldeula of Londonu taugit the game te s fev Engliali friensis, andi soon Il came tu ho playeli by nines of mixei natloualîbles. One cf the gemes which attractesi mmcli notIce ves that playesi boetw» na teani of Buffaio Bil's covboys snd a teani of enthusaswho liedunubli lien been playlng on lie commone andi lu the parie of tic great metrapalla.eW- spîte the torrents of tain lie match vas e veil-attendesi one. aud vas ot s muci -Fore intereatiug characlert han &Dy previons publie geme. The audience vas large aud fashlanabl u luhlb.grand stand and lu the bleachers luludesi s motley crowd of Coeuacks. Hungartana, migLaif TUAN "runer5mk" Beuli Amefleens, covboys, ][mians, PVrencbuen spallaitis, Ametheans ansi ,Ensilaithe cavbuya eventnaby ly vi ulng by i3 te 5.1 The gaine made steady progreusIDlu lie nrofaI nglansi antilutb. mîi- o ia&" coulle%.but lu the soutb, attente-a ,y enangi, viiete the oral exhibitiond game va iven. Il laugulsheti.ADyg game vhmch le vorli ville playlng a4- t vaya Onde a veirouse among lie hardyb minera andi votiers lu lb. great manu-b faclurlng loves orthlb norli, anti Il very soon hecame popular liere. iun1896 lie National Basae-ball Asic- cletiop et Englausi val startesi, sud ln the followlug year lh. London Base- hall&a»eiration vas fotmaily lerrpo- ratai. A groundsi va ken et Baibein,0 a suburli or London. Thils ycar Oive clubs ver. formadi n Lonsdon. A le. or crcieters, vslchlnt a game e1t tc Crystl palace grounsis, verenomevhLatnmumet I vat seemesi lo tielihe extrenie aîmpiîaîy of î ail, sud conequcnlly, as a meana of shéw- lut viat a superlos- garne cricket vas, derlaresi tic> -ids play base-ball fat better lieu sny baze-baller could play cricket. A match vas atrauguti, sud tie crlcketers ver, aUlovai 10 play eventeen men egaaint tem eoPPounuls niae. In adiiton te tlsi, thuy vere given lie %Asvantage Oft Ove "put-culs' pet lnuing, but lu the end ouI>'min- asgai t secre six ruae 10 fotty-seve. As ml9gýt bave heen uxpertesi, thelr ,Soffg vas chaugesi le admiratiou; ihey imiesilately shovesi au Incine- lion te learu lie gasse tiotougll>. sud many oet hem are nOv among the lessi- lut Englisi expouenta of Il. ()nu hing in connticon wti lie gamn.tle public have n01 tacilesi, andi t&Io ethe score ca, Most of the mpestators refuse te trouble about' Il. 111.711ke lie exeeent sud tue, ansi the ilte inerîales of lie score card re @ignotesi fer tic tie. The. ganm.la Englansi commences a uculi later lian Il doms le lie United Bltas, but eu"is&bout lhe saîne dîne. VItie ut la ou lis sportini prele. aià i-ai as lice rdinar>' llan sd i-nil> papenu, ake su luleresI 1laIl, lu tii .0.1 Ileporant matches develing niai- 1>' halaàsoies te l, uhici, wvlanIt la takeu ate censideratton liaI eyalag reing, tennIs, hockrey, etc.. have to bu saliefldvili bain a sen lises, la semellulWorthi meullenlus. Man>' pesIon commenta are mna'e b>' lie En- am sispeelaflrson lie roslumee votu by lie Dpfl"r. 'fieuai" voie bl tie umplr. ansi catcher andi the t..- ici psd vernub>' lie latter, empedslli tiM eiitfaacY. 111eEnIagi gain.lal Ilrespects pges the playrft, lier. pren Prote *01.lef mift-11Iveor f t>'$86M victoriens, becausu cf Suer tralnlng ansi longer experiececuIlathe gaine. IN MIS FATHERS PFOOTOTRPS. vousg James May De voilovnug lbe Trackth ee Vanu 051. The. cura. et h.redity eeme 10 bu siampesi fuonJesse James, »mcfcet b noterions outlav vie terrorisai 1h. West for many ysars, andi ncpbcv et Priai Jamea, lie pal ert1h.eider Jean. lu m0.1 ot bla crimes. The youange Jesse Jamne vas recently arreatcd lu Kano"s City for suie Participation lu the hold-up aud rabury cof a MiW oentI Facle exprces tmrn, on the i.nght ot September 2t. just outald e elty limite. Yonne James, vie bas borne a pretty goosi reputatiUo, protesa b i. lu- noeeur ant listeareta"y numbeet attorneys viio bave exprsed thaïet wllilugnes ta defensi hlm. Frank Jame, le aima helplng is oephew to oh- tain hie treedo. Jeas Jams. th lb.eder, wau marriesi in M84t.taMiss Zerelda Mîitehis cousin. The prenant Jease James la the. fruit of tlii union. Wh.u Bob Ford eut short the. careur of bhlm tbler. Mms James. wlth ber mon. Jess. Jr, thên a boy of 7, ansi a daugliter returu- ed te KansasCity, wiere tie mothel bad formerly beau a mehool teechur. Tou"g Jeume attendusi mchoal until h. wue I& . vbe .accepted a position at Armours pactîni house lu Kansas City. Ru rematiesithereuntil six inontheagsa, vh.n he ettabllsiud a tigar stand la the cunty court houa. Elle rputatioD vaualways goosi utIl h. met "Jaek" Kennedy, a man vie la bellevesi te have huen Implicatesi ln bain a dosen train roblierles around Kansas City andsinlanov under Indict- ment for murder. Young Jeans neer knew liaI h. vas the moofJet Jesms.theboutlaw, un- Il aller, the latter uaz loth0 y Bob ilord et St. Josephi, Mo., la 188.LRe usi te ilten te hlm tather readlug ont. ufth1e papers everytilng le couldSi ud about the Jams. boys andi became deeply luterested lu the. deusis of lb. gang. Il vould ual bu strange, theu, if the. young man veru founsi gullty of having bsd a bandi lu 1h. train ro- bery. WEST POINT 0F MEXICO. Orne ef the Mont Picturmqu. miltury A.ademl.s lu the World. Mexico lias a West Point wbieh le one ottheb.moat pictureaque as well as beet mllitary academries lu tie vorkLs One of lthe s1ghls of ithe capital City la the cadet la hlm neat, 15517 uulform. witi blerect miitary liearlng andi gen- erai air of supeilortty. Tht ucadosny la Vis WEST POIT OP isaxico. n theau eneulcatie ot Cbapultepe, vicre Mexco's Young men sre Indor- trinstesi lu the art et var. Ail but tie norti endsoie l catie, fsrlng tie chly, le devotusi te, lie sciool. The. norti vlng La tie summer hiome of the Preai- dent. Tic cadets recelve frequenul evea of absence tram scicol dm11.,. a favor vic liey accepl viii nsgerncs.. Tiey usuai>'go La the cty la pairs ansi pose in little groupe &bout 18. streeta ansi pasece. 'fis-uniformne are attractive, as ail uniformea are. sud lie Young tel- lova are auyWou verses inlath. cognats arts of var ansi flirtton as are the Young men vie attend the scadcmy ou lie banki cf lie Hudson. T'h. rEile maies an Idéal, ieaititnl pbacefer thee ciool. The vîev tram tis broai court la frontle In agulliceut, evoring te entire vsllieyandi Includluî th. tve greal anev-eapped inountalus te lie et.The. nbool buildsinug as-e belug atidedtu l ansi Impoved. thumul tPlante. The sane vors, ot vends proneune- cd alie,. may have difeérent me&ninge té tilffrent pcuple, » a luhe . oloviel hueiduntUlves b>' lhe Amorican Mn A farmner stoppesi lu front et a Mîchi, P pucl>' eleec eplant sud sakes a by- glatnder: 'Wiat la tial 'ers building, a fae -No, a plaut,, as lie anuver. «Wbal do liai raies. lerr uOmnrtsta."repliesi lie quici-vilboý "SuaI are liey vos-l busbel 1" <'.MesaU bein by lie ehoCL" Thie Far i VWpullé hioard, scratch ad cd hietu&d anI dicte devu-tovu tx 1 T Ianow*deo soi tiaIau] It mirmeesUn 18010gtegtive Iug~aeal ik fra isEita IRRAT BRITAIN WILL bICLARE A PRC'TRCTORATE. True Menaalgedthle Actlvlt7 u intb Britlih Paelguoffica - Iranc. Auwe.. te Battre, frinsohde, but Other Foyers Uey Act. Adylces frein Louidon col, tht Great Britalu'a mecret ls out at lest lu the oplu- ou of sill lformcd men of militare vbo have been keeplug close track of th. r.. ciut.eztraordimary preparatIom for war. O)f fer more Importance than lb. poasi- îlllly ot à 11111e brnsh viii Pranne, vIcb could bci a repetition et the Spaulali- tuerican var, la the declarallon that litnglasila about te taketheh. ullit yths bern. ansi proelalu a protectorat. oee ail 0f Egypt. Thla la the lieory that la now generally accepted as um lb. 1the trcmoiu. lion ef the proleut, sud ltla th. only ens mq hlcb tbe imarkable aetivlty et thei r offce ansi lbe admiraly ean bc mis faoilyaccoulesifor. AIl probabllty of trouble vitii im Vanlabes i vti the recelpi et positive stale- manie f romtParis thal, Major Marchand yul beu ucndliouslly vltbda nit F'achoda. but the war preparatlous have beeu coutued mince then wltb more en- ergy-t. Ibbefore. The proclamation elig Eypi sa part cf the British empire ,wonid set aIl £un*@i by the ces.andsi on d oubtedly resait lu citr were Il not knuevu thal Engin il vras prepsred andi lookîng for ironhls Tiere in reason 10 believe liai tie Ger, mun Emperor ebandoned h@ bis t 0Egypt meun as bcb.ont of tb. country vien lb. proclamation asmeaued. He la thougit 10 bc fully avrare of Englead'm plans. The BBritish naval aud milltury prepara- tlonm are belng pushed t ale auraent viii. oui precedeut mince the <Jrlmeau vr. England vrise about to declare a prolecto- rate lu 1884. urgesi 10 do so by Prince BIe- matrck. aud il vas ouly ai the lIt socmi- mte. whou ail Ithe preparations hidbe Moade, tiat the schene vas abandourd for a more favorable ofportnnlry. That offortuoitY seema novsi, tbaud. Euglmnd'm occupation cf Egyptlalmbasei un miglit sud bas frently beau de- ftonces by the. khsdive hinmeit. hyisi museraîn. th. Sultan of. Turkey, sud by France seilMenai, vile lbhe ther povera have qnleiiy toleratesl th.eami END 0F THE EXPOSITION. neventy-Uve TIebumaniVisitt dOs- hu'@ Show lier Lent Dey. Tie Treanmimaiseippi Inîcruatisinal en. positioe bas riomeul. The closing heurs cf tbe enterprise vere Si. mont brilJiat la the. hlatory ot the rive niontba' eilil- dIon. Beuety-five tbouands people crovd. .d lb. grounds durng the ciosing dey. Up lu tie lest morning 2,552,M8 people hasi reglateresi .eticheturustiies, s e i.grand tolal vill conmiderabl exceesi 2.000,000. The expoaition vas s frauatI anscrs, something over 140,000 remaluiug 10 bu dividesi among the. mlockboldcrs. A frac- tion les. than 12,000.000 bas been rcelved andi 111,W00.000 expendeil. Tii. exposition oeusif»0.000 vira lbe gt.. vers open- esi; 839%,000 vas smsbsrlbesl for lb.s ez poalîlion Md &II but »90,000 of that amotni r Id lu. lu addition corporations douatesi 130,000. It la estimuaiteslaI tie muli- scriberms beuld receeve hock 80 per cent et the mubscriptloua. STATEMENT 0F PUBLIC DEST. Net Ce"h Balance ln the ?rsmsury la PlacaiaISSo et 25 lThe delit statement laissait h lie Treai. : ry Departinent siievs tiat lu lhe month et Octoher the. debl cf the United Sitee lacreases$1,4117,717. The lutereel-bear. Ing delit lncreaui 16,78.30, asd li rasb lu the treamnury deeremesi $7.319,22R The delit on Oct. 31 atoosi: latereît bearing deb4 ,0.526,706,9W0; bearlug u% lnterest,1339,37 Tbe cash lu tie treasslry la moade op el the fcllovlng Items: Golsi. $Mi5.224.071 sucver, 150,929.775;paper, 136.082i sther csh, $W6.06,313; total, $M0.20, »T7. Against this lier. are oulstandlug gol% fertlfiestes, 8101,940.149; sucver certificate. IM9,75S,504. certificatee et deposlt, 020, L05,000; Sherman notes. 197,033,280; dli et llabilitles, 079,379,189, lesving a ramil balance, including golsi remerve, et $300 MONEY MANDLED BYV UNOLE SAN4 officiai Figures onctobervesceipti and Iiimbmrmea. The onoutiily mtatemeat of lb. Goyeru ment receipta ansi expenditures ibova tb receipta for lhe monti of Octobur amenai ai 10o3,1300 ud aithe dishursemeut $U8,98,276. Tii. rereipts front customi 4"4 for Oclober, 197. Internai revenus J=2356,511. agmînst $13,614,872 for Ocît ber lent year. Miacelauneous, $1,718,301 agaminat 81,01[111047 one yenr mgo. Tbe lucres» lu receipîs for tbe mont se compareid vth Oclober. 1897, emonul al to &bout 015,30.000. Dnrlhg tthe fou montis ot tleeVirement fiscal yeux the rn ceip1s exceedesi thons for lie correepout log perlidlu 18917 by, over 100,000,000. REBENTED -A PRACTICAL JOKE aW.aco.ain man Goe. Gumaiug te funuGain0. lt Adam amnmer of Beaver Dam, Wis 1-ieram. inscrne, andi occulnaagui vounded imîe men aud vas finlly sbs le preveu l& i ing furtiier inJury. Han irmer vwu the vîim" of a pnmctlral jok H. proctued a shotguli, ans.inl a frens, y hot et every oue la mlght threateni ledesahte, bla brother, vie endeajlores i dpacily hlm. e, Lient. Arthur T. A. Tihbella of Com l-pany K, Second regiment, va.c selectud i ethe. marcaial 10shoot 1h. madman lu mus ,aa manuer as te, brlng hlm dovu vithoi mklling iim.Thei. odier's atm vas tru lb. madman belng shot through th. mhoc der. Nons of lhe vounde i viied. NEW CABINET FOR, FRANCE. m. »uup :Àaueue.m l t.eNaine, tg aieCoeagme. le Folowiug «te tb.mbers ofth1e nu 1.French in lfstry. orgalies by M. Dupu aetlthe requiet cf Preasident Faute: M:h. D W YO»Olvanumiuof lie lr. Aithougi Admirai Ssmp"cn<a sent Ibreugi th. preus dispatebes, net entaîn a vend of censure, cdIle emplalut concetnlng the condit e mirai Sebley. but mlmply iveSu ie, apondne sud ordets ln their asd a]Iova lie departtuint d l te josige Il ter themaelvée, if l ai commander of tbs fylng squudneâ l embsrrassng position. andiepae the. Secretary of tb. Nati.aasIes suet tu pae seoluions conveyiug à eftIhanks le AdmireI Scbley. Il te fru thn le #tory t.Icgrapied tront S, filet Sciîe's fiet r... inesi befuit barbor cf Cenfuegos forrfives dsyo vas Infomai that Cervera vuela lb bor t 5Satiago. ad liaI he Key West for CRI, Ieuvlnt Csee te go vbere b. plessesi untji oharp orders tram the Secretsary Navi, vbo then placedd Captwln a 111à, over lhie ed. Every yéer the boueas the0fvlb. partuients tu Wasbington are à&vegý cressesi treuble vîti superannuetesu ht., Manur0frliee cîgrki have bein lea ii service ftrom tventy-fIive te 11l4e yeastr, ansi there are botloi osvon le al vie bave been vorklug uaiausrmpg4edW,. for lb, Goveument fer try-live oet SW peurs. Mauy oet liee 014 cieka e iclding-oblaried positions frsagai years, but the. greai mmjorIty arem cls, viere the sala ries range teeus$l 000t l1,400. With sdvanelog vean li, loue lu effil nd sud udréention,«es li Psar rllu Important positions le as b-, Justice te bounger and bohertels, vie , are doing a gresee amoeut et vomi ft les.ueer. Besd. ef departaenes u- net nerve Iheselves le dlschaegs es vetoras clcrks, andsl, seiy sirdoseFme istte yéesr, lneumherlng the service. OMeiiaIs of lb. quarlermaster smmOel offic et lhe War Departin u u airS thons.obvIe simre te avail tbeuseivee Ste tis Govemnmta order te tuast Christmass packages 10 tie Anirleesw1 dier. nt Honolsilu and Miantlas shelà&. drus. lbe quatermaster genersl, Wssb. lnglon, D. C., for Instructions. IN* eb tpartmeul dsier.. 1regulale andsiateS i lie numbur, aie sud contents oethle isuke t âges so far as possible, and i vli nt us4e taie tu psy oean treligit upen evea'll= g litat mar bu seul. Exportation ef vIre nails fromein 11DB- ai Stte, bas ineressesi fteen raidu tlai toI enrera. iîit ttouin 10 pounsis lun1836te 22,804,000 pouuisdle, Luloite fiscal year 1898.This -pi àst Ametican vorkmen tram lu eves dunEg dîiison of the globe aud praeticallgem country. Ton years sgo lie prise pu poudvai0rents. To-dyliloems , Tins.the 1,547,000 plaida exporesla 1888 bronibt $155.000,wvile lie 2&8»- 000 pounda exportei dur, , thé lmanhd réer jielded irU 040,0 Speaker Iteesila snd mt aasnt luon> log Congru. e semsiousaur lossve . tb tn abooutely ueesary. Hi. ninfl mur, therefore, bu counlesi uposta le tirevuaaas« a spul amein.me.ma *practlcally couttol lie e mpitteestuaa siort meloin snd keep setiees lsokvlli Lho doi. no iié,te bave atai os. lea a $ cnïg melon thisinI more dflkedIiand thea.e in constant danager efthle flouse brestisg svay trou hua. This vas douasltomeor fthree limes lait spriug sud estmmet. 1; Tic Compîrolier of lie Curruncy lfade tst lie canuol issue a charter a nàsn- tioual hank lu the ilavaleaIslandâ. I This vOl bc a severe dissppoltmnt le 14 lverai ambitions politiclans ln uabiue -ton. vio have bren panning for mou"l -to scre thee rst charter for a sattoosl ià bank at Honolulu. The snome rrovd les le atter national bank chiarers la Perteo8"", and Moulin. Itil eliseved liaI Congeu vili bave ta givc spécifie sutbonlzaslies b.. fore the Compîrolier couissune chatrters l * sy of licou places. - Thcetleni ufthle Supreme Court in la mi~ 10 celIe orsàlarge numbur of lelteeritm t. lavyes luail parts ofthte country lauuie. ta lug <ni ai vien lhe Supreme Court vl Islsue rules andi regulations for lb. gaovera- mtnet fcourts in lie enfoncement cftlie e.bankruplcy 1ev. llsving ne définit@ la 0' formation ou lhe subject, Major MeKez- 5,ney la obligesi 10 vrite non-cominlhtliW* plies tsi the effort liaI lie court bue aa. th a yrî promulgatesite lbnuraandi régula- tions. Ir o. Ge. }'ilabugli Le. bas vrilleu a Very co mplimenry letter-cpncerulug lie verit efthie Young Mcn's Christian Assocation L amoug thl soidiere lu Itlorida sud hboas- quesîrd tlUit tbeir représentative* may bu' rn autiorized ta sccompsuy hie samy ta Ouba sud preparu for eien more extensive von. e m, The Unitedi StatusA I hl ave te mb il cierge o e @ic alstaitera1c lusCuba-as n- lun as the Spaulards evsctuale, for tbb - e. Cubona bave no governmeutal orZèaîeo-. r. thon of aur ort sud chaos veuld situt;U' nt once if iis action ver. net tabec. Up tu datc 2,000 dcaims for s- have bren filai by selsiers ansi s '1 lhiu dependent@ uRcrousît ef tie eh vith Spain. Seveuty vere for vitb* ,ul the Maine. sil- For Iack of soething eIle te tlki polillelan. lu Wasaington are the probabilîtîes et an extra Congres.atter the dlb of mcxl ac. iid yw Tue dsinbuio te.. 1atlme le-m uy tiago province la demerallalng ths w~vu kWe*d nei Anicien, a,% %*ag ue. UmElae Canon et Casky, Kyélw tram ber riairt vile lalklug vifth andi exirai. Aeotber fierre baIlle bsbe botlvee, Japtenusitroupe asdi nal &gel le Fermulé. Thé Tue uges oethle Portoa Elces Court bave rucelvesi AmerIras linandi beeu reluducted laie es- A Newark, N. J, inventer b a menllrg villi a prepeller vtl m.upau lis princîpla 0à thli, fis C ti IL à