~WP~UAMê Wdbes. VUZIL . ILLIflIL 8ÉI'EA SCHOONER. 001EW ORLEANS CUSTOMS OFFI- CIRS MO01, THE SWAN. Aea-rlcan Boutfletaitcd for C:i géaabsTrain RobbherCaptureti De i5 aaLsateeen nliiMurieitti3av. schoonuerýd et iN.- Orte.n.. Th Anericn chiotrnV. iH. sltn Wuaselizl b> ytht crIiet-itrof oi loln-. a New v Orlu-irosfor rai-r> iog cîîttrabamîî gtens. PItirtler 3.050 ci git-s n i tnrrn tat dusin ulxrn lit--rtimai-t. h.' lailtuli board, elumsily i- iins -l, it-t> Ors-t Ugusar rits, toliriitii liirit)nta. fiii.sS- f~ rbelof u attitgrft-t ime boxes et cartrititto. one- îîi ir i-ait rilges and three brass cauioin. The -iip cerlctiiu r rou s anliago for a -rial l;îrrgia phi-t a& i pt lto Ni-w (Iilpasin ml îlt us- îîî vise.tht customus iu..lsctîr-o biarîln-ilht-t- tty tibacoveredeti î i -agi. 'fhicgt-îîîîI-ri talten ha-thtellitiltlieittiîly air t t ortinance sud st-ms îîîtrslîuîrî lis- til ti- lag ontheMaiifr--t. loi(tlii-% arsi-t- lcproir- est, ut Spini. ____ UTES ENTER A PttOTFST. Tlhea- Do Net Wlsh Goveuiseot ta CaelcsTies.Regmuding Lande. A itît-gation o! Whilte ivesrt Idi anm Who have bts- n lrsc-lirgiii rrl laya hal o heoiing lit-otr- the Set-ii--tiy et tise Interior. TIr-y subiitteid the- rot- ter o tht Itase Of a a tre- rt retch ut tht O2llanute landsin luthclt- teois-tiori te) tht Baeu Minint tCompanyr aud ss-oiet tha Se beapliros-eitirf t-e Stcmtary. Ieymatesavigorusrmollest agaiol îte aiboan ay more Guveti-mcn u r-rnîrî alouat tren-t th tht-t o t wiîîallîîîrîrî-îît at landis, tht cession utr:ny lport-ionrou thiritterritura- ur kiotireil mtîtttro. ondi Utàlaaeted sera- posrtio-ely tit n-bt tey vautedte tudo nith tht-lt landslo ns ol blemsethem furt i-en-cns'roîlrîirrg luri-- Vausa anti nuf to cedle oroi-nhet-isi- lisls)'t et ihtm. IEUUW DOLLARS AT LASSIEf. llamsl BRperiece. ut saivation Arma- Corps in Dakota. ?wo rousier-, tundtitheir wns lo thlb Blatlon eara, bortschs atiPerre, l. D., «M»s tht services n-sriîrl tl0) the clgon te téov ther spirit ha thrîîvng ils-tr dass a fieetIesluntten-ho n-trt Iodimrg tht selna. Thea- vert tneîiîtaged la aheir k by tht leader o! tht- mee-iirg on- Meoneiag ti thons; Thee s no limait on lus gamme." anti tht- a îyt-iiftînla to the -hokttier cartwbhosddollars. Aftct-tht li te e lasies gtîietid about off th t uranti tht hallelijahs nt-er santise ha.fers-ent from tht site ut tht IBAIN IROBBER CAPIURED. Pltnoetur-ix Wou @euils tise, MaWhoe W«. Kilie& IfeMentita- ut tht traiu rober-killeti M, ~t Goard Blakelea- lu the hold- up *OsastCal. tht the? nia-hfba heen enablihd. Tht deadtuan luae- Mar, Tht shtifrso îossticas re- 5ite Sas Beruadinu. consinter] îlot "Il ouae ocly tn-u menu i he hold-up. 1301lff teck ilh hlm l'at MOirilY. *0 Mm fsiss t Boretow.-,affer the Mse-- -= nn ~- ai- themn. Moi-tarifa-nse seen »S le the dey Ieore the hold- up. am jilis M ber of Mbeste. Pa...lids -~tile, 4ets of argentent poigoung. ellialic Sept. 13,.àautl'from a ru- im t 180 pounis Ire aeted avay - Ille a m akeletusi ut t0 pouda. Sicher *Xs el ,andi a boartier osmi-tiThomas »Wbar irreted. chartes] nifh atiuis- tombait o ta htm lu oppît- dumplings. Thu a-e la Jil anaiting trial. - - Usu esu Kited tla aCollsion. A ital rallia- tisat-r ocurriid three t'm ome.t cDete, Cal. The eglar '4eiuod frlhtrain hieda pair ut cor *Mamoff th rails. anti nhile thtem-i-en *M .agared inteplaeing tht cor on the *" as frelght train cresthlto thtei-a- Sisse. Brakemau J. U. -n-b n-as se- icmpley-e Relt Wage Cnt. Vlises thunsautidîrfotnit bboperatîvst *bmue t Augusta, (Ga., onsaccomnt o,! o nisetoin bages. surI the King, Sibîta-. ligis-nse,.][ette antI Shamrock mille IN eta. smpellemJ te shut down ufreins Ise ut mmteoieratefthe nachînery, Tht stiike b the rasait 01u8te f025 Pert c--nt ctiul tin vu. capeetet. ___ PackillerPlant Brflmeii. A &fiaehhbruke ou(inbtht-ilpkack- hW estahlsimmeut ut John P. Srquire & Ce14 et East Cambrîigie. Mass.e, resulteni - g - le am ininjîra-to s--iiven men. tfoui-(nI Wb -moymiaetl. sud properta- lors et- 11111111,1 t l at$8 . . Itastrous Fia-e ta Leoulavîlie, Jbes Ia thtenlrlesale dostrict out Lonis VIN& irK.. deatroya-thtle mlliocra- stor alVeldBird&uuXewtockvniuedu et Sitven $30li00andl$410.000, n-rade- jeteest, n-ile'tht buldingrg arffered $10, Illdamages. ____ Pa-taltera anti Presamen sQuit. Feintera anti prorîtmen n-tnt ortf un abuestthe othet day iii thrcillite«: lun(' tamisa. Ohio. anti Minriesîoilia fot a nineý Sler dey at lt-O hur-o puy, andtiai.a Veston, Texos, toi- a raioc to 35 cents ai Gaetlieekers Mai., A Parta- of lftt-en rull e-ers, loclrdý Sel Bey, Mr. Wt-lret. s %lirras-limmlois dtar.-, vas drîr-rrie lî4 thet% rî'cking no the. aehoout-r .lest.lc t- ithe u,îth o!fi, IKIMeonit riser iniAlasha. Perishet inlaIthtlilisarti Gorgetansd EDI. ( 'ut -r, riui--u l -u «M vert tOtînîl friotiî 'l -oui t-i- arAe Oaoie, M. 'Thm-day huorritfley n-v-t t A* GOrove and ti-uIcrtrilcîîlcT'Ie: etate tatthirtsiris oan-i-i-ccagt il lueir boraein, - Eifeti by londre lînln 111119onfluenci- utofteInirl anid the fii afl uthât f0 -ty-uir t-i-sn lave t- ado there hl'ay t-milii arilusro-ký lidismu train Lient, Pe.-. A- Seltter just retema-et troni Lis--t. Roi -« IL E Para -States that pi-oholy nu race OWMviii lie recel-e(roms hlm for .ýe.- -Tht Hopie cItaird tht ice ficîtis r =but Lient. Pt-ai-y extilese fri 111l*aWludvavi maa -le tilayel lia-th A.Brandsi-ai, ivho laimier! tlie aithe mlliare piilmakere JoiS et rasno, Cal., havli die *oneeet vaguaic ~ lia MMa Moh.iWtss brGqmum t9 ta Mis Male tlsfbmg. Liet. Cboea of 41. .uuawel us - partfset or the Davy and Cher Enlcr John B. Leonard ot Healy, T»pbfto & Col of San Franclamo.bave tons te Plttaborg, where they wi-jl superlotend the cOnstrOûC- tien of the material to he ooed in the Gui- erouteut roaling aitation et Pago Page horbor. Samoa. Accordlng to the Govera- ment plans the wharftadsudoai sheds wll be bult almost entirely- of metal and e- mnent. The asteel alune wilI wegh ,O. OW 0pouds. including ste-el piles and structural steel. The piles will weigh 14.- 000 pounds each and wonu b driven throtigh the curaIl ito the hardpau ho- nenth. The wharf. wich wil be -V' shape. nl be 336 fret long. It laepet- ed that the mterial wnul be reodY lite lu Jaouary and the nark lu SaMoa soi le- gin about April 1. DEFMANDS]RxLI&Ase 0F TE-MPLE. Stepe Taken to Reco,er the Anocliun franc a Menîc.n Priedu. At the instance of the t;uvernor ofAril- zona the State fleportruent et Washing- ton bas instructed Ujnited $tûtes Minlter Clayon t the City or Mesiro to deruand the suri-coder.unuder extradition proceed- logo. of Temple. the Arericnrailroad cooductor wo hus held und.-r arrest ho- the Mezlina niar Nogales un the charge of killing a Mlexican in the Utnited States. t! the Mexicao Goverinent coucedes tht justice of thîs deniaud. n it- is not douhted. Temple oilît e tried in the United States, aod once mure the pritici- pIe of extra-tetritorial jutiodiction claim- ed hy Meizco woill have escopei a test issue, althongh outr governîncunt s on rec- ord as ltaviog. by its dem--ud for TemPle's release, repudiated that principle. BALE 0F RAT KILLS A CHILD. Dope reas aWilm-LitteGiltDance@ 0s Side«atk ittt iThile men n cnt loisiag bal boy frons a woaon iptu tetort or. Mlilîti Brothers & Co., t hittsîuirl.,s1.(13 Sciein. the 10-year- olîl dughter ut JostPh D., Scîclnofo!South Ilittorrt.. îlayfimlly tancer! nndxr s ale as Ifnas sonanc p- nai-ti la ablock anti toi-kit-,She nas n-ornes! to &et ouf ut tht waa, but she lanahîngla -tetorted thatse n-as nt afraiti. Whcu uat- he top the tope broke. The bale dioppeil. atruck tht chiltionu tht heati anti telles]behtluthe siden-otI, Ithe vas taken ta tise South rile hospital. n-here she dit-il tiom coucu--'ioa ut the ht-ina si *"f tM 5.w 5 Sbites 9»»MWlà cave Tswu and $444 la jobauaauu& s", 18. suppfle do 1gt satinfthe de- min, The coroneaileluquoted iSt$.13 pier 10 Pande, and large Importations have recqptly arriveti froua Anlerlc anfd Montevideo.. Mr. Stowe @aya there la sonan enormos demanti for oamp. a new article of Insporteti foodstuff, whlch la wlnnlug the market tien to the detriment t corn. Owmng to the. fall neat. touor bas heen rednced 12.1 cents lier bondtes! pounds. Australian and Califorola wheat la offerts!st $444 to 85.10 pet hundreti poiundx. and esery steamer troin America brings large qoantitlea. LIVELY FIGiI? WITII ROB BER 8 Fia-e Men tgurprined White Trylus te Opena aBfank Visait la Ohio. Fis-t men undettook lu rob the Ctlaenso Bank at estono Qhio. bt sotte frlght- ened auay 1)7 A. M . Netel. living oppo- site the batik. n-ho hai betu arouses! by the nuise ut sledges and drilla. ÂA Neitel opened the baok door the four men inide oeued lire un ini. lntesd 0f tetteatiug hie etîiptiesl the ili chambers of bIs uwnn mn tios,badly noîîndiug nue ur the thiese. nho wnsaided lungetting away l'y his onpn.is A short distance a%,eryoafifth tuaitn-as n-aiug nith a tesau aud buggy thiotlied beo-n solen front the local livery stable. A~s the fiing begno the itizeos îo,îrtd ont of their hrimes andi s,,me srt oots oere tirtd. A pool uf blond and a lîrtitpeil revolver market] the place where te buggy stoot. The flot mn leaixeti into tht ichicle and drove rap- idly a . ______ EVIi)ENCE OF FOUL PLAT. Mutlattd Body ut Wealthî Rancba, Fouad on Bls Four Trairk.. Tht- desil body of J. 13. trouninger, a nealthy machmian ut Terry, Mont.. nos fouoid on the hBig Four tî-acko ut Dela- nare. Ohio. Tht remains. n-hich wr ct)Isioderalv muittilated, n-eeidentifled b1) mjens of elettersfounil near the body. Stihsequtntly Grootingero aceolititoo0k oa fandi about tn-o iles tî-om tht spot n-bei-e tht body ncas found. There in struug evideuýe thot thetmnwnas qmur- dereil sud is body ploed ou tht tracks. <Gronninger onsa tttutniug fronm New York. n-hteehe hai sold a lot of cattle sud lied ceceiveti s large soin uf money. noite of wicb n-as fuud un tht body. IMMUNES FIGHT WITH CUBA-NB. Negro PotdiemaCet u lto Fracas at Tisree M1eus futafecti. AftiSan Luis, toenty--five miles north urt Fumes of bui-ing augar in the cargo o! Sanfiago, n-here ail tht colores! American t tht American ship Kendlnorth. fnom %'el- troupe are quartereti. ao attempt -aa i parailae, causes! thtetieath ut tht-e mca Matie byCubans te ear-esttafn-o0f tht sol- r anti neanla- tIrt t fu urti. Tht men tiers belouging te tht Nith immune. tor vho vert bat nwere Coptain James D. hoir stesling, A fight eusucti ant i Leuten- Baker, Arhor W. Piper, chie! mate, andti sterirera. a Cubsu. n-sa kilîtti.aosavas an appreotice boy nomeil HenrayHobson, also Antonia Rtoman. au oit man. s boy ssi tu bc s relative of Lieutenant Hluh- anti a ba-y. Tono of thteutegto soldiera son. Tht man n-bu nas neat-îa-suffucated Wesnahut tu death Ira-tht Cubons. tGen- n-sa George Ernest Tbrum. a passenger eral Wood i vllisicipine ail tht aldîtra making thet(rip frons Hilo ta New oroik, impli-ateti anti offers a renard ut $1.000 Tht Keniln-orth la on-ned bha Arthur Sev- foi- tht discora o tht officer n-ho led »Il of Bath. lies. Tht lire waso discovtreul tht attaek ou tht Cubana. n-heo tht KtuiIn-orth n-as 2500 mles trons Vaîparaisu. Tht hatelhes were bat- DES]PENRATE DATTLE IN IPRISON. treti don-n andthIe vessel heatiet for Valparalso. Tht men n-ho lst their ls-to A Guard Kilieti anti Tv. tonnelt. aîepf lit tht caitai's sitting-room. la Woadei. n-hich tht fumes ot tht bun-ing muger A tesperte afteuupt n-as matie ha- tv penetated.cons-icste fuescape front tht Columbus, peietttei. _____Ohio. peniteutiana-. Goard Charlea 1D. Soldilers in a Geosmal Rcv. t.anterhoch ut Mount Vernon vas abot la a aentrai ton- in tht colorer! quoters anti killel, n-hile Convita O'Neisond At- of Cheyenne, Wa-o.. three sold.iera nete linsoo recels-es] injuries ut a serions nt>. ahot-viz.. L. Footenough, lu t he fieg: B, lui-e, Mitchell, in the rlght les, sut William Saniadeas, throogh 'ilie .tomach. Ail nill Murdetin b fkote. recover. TIre ibooting wnas dune ha- Cor- Word haanIeen recels-rd o the mortier porai Scott ut CompsnayE or tht Sn ut Dan Williams. s promiuent ranchmnan. Juan herue., nho tiras aurestes!, At the living ai Lakme Ethet. aita mles north ut fort bn a generai figti ith razurs anti Bismatck. N. DL. WIlliam. vas on birs Sis-e. mitral ut tht soliers note boi ay-s home ftom Waahhurn. anti vas met lasher! aid vre brougt betute a court- on the rond about feu mles oorth ut miartial ant isisbses! from tht service. %Vashhnur y n mon nme.!Wsrner, anti It in prtaunmed tIrat thet fno men b.d au Boees PataisisAfrcan <bief, altercation, fut Werner uht Wiliams Tht Boer forces, atter a heava-vmua- tbrough tht eati. I illing hlm Insatla. ketra lire anti arfillera bombatiment. Tht murderel maun-sa ont ut tht oldest stormeti snd captures! tht mountalîintiudmot piomineot ritimens outbtosec- trongholti ut Chief Opetu ut tht Malle-tion. Ht n-sa fr a nîmbe ofut aes. nat- tua tribo, in tht Zouttasabota district. tiin outuhe ftate peultentiaryaif Bismarck. Otiefu i-ceenlIa massacres] s missionaa Hten-Bs for sume time n realdent o! Chi- anti bis famila- anti tht Transvaal Gavero- cago, but baiIrten receufila exteusis-tia ament sent ani ezpeaitron ta prrnish thtun.- engages! n stock raîsiug. ta. Tht latter attacked tht Boers, but vert driven lto tht mountoina, Tn-o Double Wreck on Rock Island. Boers vert killeti durina- tht tot-mning of Too frelgbt trains u tht Chicago, the mountain struncbolti. Ilun-k Islandi anti Pacifie colite itsliour- ______ cin, Iossa. Ont man n-as killeti ond ont Kitiap. IRer Lite chilti. bjured. A oneekinit traitn about f0 saoit Mira. Bornes,n-ho hos figures] much la tu the scene frutu Wiltonn ao run into ba- th, cuurts oud atteronard moried ex- the fast mail. Tht tireinsfi ut tht latter Mayor Magon-an ot Trenton N- J., ame.n-as badla- urt aud siateen men on tht- lu Clevelandi nith bei r uiolaul-nuridSt- not-Ittrain n-trt ljureti, nome serionusta-. napeti ber 7-a--nltaugîter front tht Julian La.- nvalidt. legai cuatoda -o!-ber graudmothet-. Bts. TIre State Itupreme Court ai Jefferson Bstna ha goton-a uuu5 lrSt SortCita-. Mo.. tiecitittithat tht Julila Ian- u train bfore tht childti Ni luctioun-as dis- onted-tIh ie Legisafore iu 1894, andt covereti. Tht olductuirs ocre intereepte-ip-siilfrttsieu ulcfacie f os a Lake Short tris nt Erue, lia., aud tu tht ighest bider. la uncoustitutional. -placed! noder atrust. Steamesr troken i. Tva. Day Ar. Acc« eseofu Murder. Tht Britisîr steamer BeiJe of Londion. William Murroy, do yeorsOlnd, n-ns front Norfolk ftrt Ibonburg. groundeiJ off rounoddeui ou tht tour o! bisibouse in tht- Ilittelrupcken nt tht mnoutb ut theiviser -ontakira ut tIre village Of Btas-tiou, Elbe sud btoIe in fn-o. Or0'nt. Hia heati n-os terilhaci-naheuland I s peetof Wood a nd a Poker tuud lu tht Famous Inventor Dieu.6 huuaone vere coviret i ntIr luooti antigray John W. Keelea-, the inventer ut tht i- hit,.Etinard EIi-tt, ogeti 13, anti James Ketîta- motor. died thie i home lu l'bila- McHattie, ageti 16. vert arreoteil. delphua, front pneumonie. M. Keelea- ebsigedtinIh tht- crime ant i aso n-itub-n-sa 61 a-tara uf sgt. bIna fhe place. Elluottn cs!aod.______ e %merChoos- u th. rMaAKET ts<rTOa Tht Fîrt National Batik o! Emperia. -Kano,. na, loses! ha ut-ten ur tht comp- Cbcago-Cattlé, commun te prime, -trller ut the treesura-. An bout lter $3.00 f0 $6.00; boa-a, shippiug arades, Charles t. Creesa. tIre banko piesitient sud $800 fte $3,75; Beep, tairtet choice, 9250 ont ut tht hest Snownnbrectiera ut Bere- tae$"M; vheat. No. 2 rtd,etile toe167c: tords la tht Wetscht asti illed lislcern, No. 2, 32e te 33c; nets, Nu. 2, 24e a t "BelloySluPe,t" bis tomons tock fats., f0 26c; ta-e, No. 2, 50c tuef52c; butter, - fpeculation la saidt u bas- e ef0Ci-u' choit. treamera-, 21c tu 23e; ets, freah. d on-ufai. 20c ta 23c; potatuta, cholce, Mtef 40e per bashel. n undiaens Cet a Juig.uent. Intianapols-Cattle, shippina. $300 te Tht Court ut Chilnai Washngton te0 $5.50; boa, cholce llght, $8.00 f0 $375; itee a jutigment f 0f 1.86,400l in fa-or Sarp anti lamba, commun t chalcet, $3.50 ofu tht New- luik Indilana, vho etcted t. $5.50; vbeat, No. 2 ted, Mficte 6W9; -suit agaîrat tht Uoited lStates te recuver cota, N. 2 white, 32e fa 34e; nets. No. 2 the value of certainlns da tafte themn-h fltt, 27e t. 20e. lu Kansas andutsubaequettiadisposes! tf fi. Loula-Cattle, 0$300 teo $rs.O; huas, Ira tht UnitedS!ftatea. $350 te $8.75; aheep. $350 f0 $4.50; Preideàt Dniit ecalasa. nheat, N. 2, M e taTic; crn. No. 2 At tht meeting ut tht trponation ut a-tlon- Iete S33e nets, No. 2, M0e te 28c; u YlitUnis-traita-, Preaitieut Timoha -ta-, No. 2Z Sic te 52C. ýh Dv la-t, on accounitutfIis haa-lng reached Clclnnatl-Csttie. $250f0e$395; boita, te thteae ut70, ss-irch hc hati long a-< $3.00 f0 $3.75; aheep, 0250 te $4.25; y fied es tht limit ut liIs service, preented ilvhct, No. 2Z 69e t 71c; corna No. 2 nl bis ruala-ostion. mid, 34e tae3Ne; et*, No. À mixet, nl 27e te 29c; ra-, Ne.2,55e te057c. WI-k <Off Uremen toast. Detroit-Caffle. $2.50 ta $5,30; huas, Tht British isîipAtaltuta, Capt. Mac -$3,23 lu $3,0;shet-p anti iambet, $3.00 f0 Bride,ba bot-en voectiedt fAtsea bey, $523; nhent, No. 2, 70e te 72e; corn, No. ai on tht Oreg-on coast, IReports loaa that ut 2 aelov. 34c to 35e-. oit.No. 2 white. t. thirta mn abosu-t nula- twoo ere 8sos-i, e7to 20e;-c, Me tue3Me.- -nu Tht vessel us a total n-teck-, ber hock belug ToIes!-Whýest, Nu. 2 mlxtd. 7ic te i-t brokeit. -7-3e tutu,. No, 2 mîxeti, 3&3e ta35e; unts, Ohio Tovn ufsfers. No. 2 n-ite, 25ce tarie; ra-. No. 2, Gic A Portsmuonu t(hio) sîleetalsyg: 'I-ire tu 13c-; cdvet ecs!.nen-. $4,70 te $4.75. ,1> tit-troyeti Dicta lis-era- stable, thtel-atm- Milnauke-NlViitat. Nu. 2 sprint, 66e 1-8 era' Hotel ant i tiikta totirina- tulîlandte 67ciT; cern. No. 3, 32e te Sie; nets, No. ýai sesîdence. 'l'ie lss nill test-h $75.00o, 2 white, 26e fe 29e; ra-e, No. 1, Bic fte33e; oit psntla- Inare.' ' anta-, No. 2Z 40c f0 48e; potS, meus, irtPev-en Men Kienl. $7.50 ta $800. le I)urîng adnefgaPuny ri, Buffalu-Cattie. gool shipplna afet.., rnu,,aan-ue og a Pen onytheaunairkîn$300 te $575; hogs, commun te choice. non luu a gng ! rcrknen n th HaS- 0 tef0$3.75: uhecp, fairte e colce vtth- enssuS Meadow,. Iillbug i-his-s-n sud lajut-- ran $3,50 te $4,75; iambet, eomon tei a lug six,. ____extra. $5.00 te $5. ot American Graine lu ^tines. New TorS-Cealé, 4&00 te 1&75; hogs, at A ht-as-a and l mtinutti demsnd exste $800 te $400; aheep, $.(I 10te0440; ngt fortcotnanaieaoter Amtrlcan esumesi vhesatNe. 2 tel. 75. (ote 7tc:or., NN -a. in South Africa. aceording te United 2. »e te tft;.tet. Ni:.2& Me a8* w4 Bt"toaCoisai OtuieralS ftoeetaiCave buttu uspqu-ne aie; «Mag Wmu TOWN Wb*bu Mile a s$" oa0s 4à nhI .i-uî NEW GOWNS THAT GRACE HEIGHT AND BELIEVE THE UNDERIZtD aenrai effect of long amdI Irimoulons guinus, These materials ut ornaomen tn- hunes, Thetfallut dtitto f tht next illus- tfb ontme iu Irblant cumbînationa anti tration lnans excellent exemple outhtIe beat ai-e vera- ustmi in bri-gitla tuucblng up iUes of the saaon, sud la fret fî'om fte an otherwnbe tiemure dlts. Tht costume untine exaga-erotion that chsi-sctrises or the conulnîtg illustrationtInlao gond ex. mana- others,. Tht ponein outlits skirt, ample of fhis. Ifs graa- rougi cloth ss-uod ts stitchung. fhiseneptp fuards the lacS. ,t- almast geuflemanla -uf finish but for fhg ltutiernes o!etfout lIps and lthe dash of dalintnet in tht lue, a-t-en. knees, ail moke o beoutiful sSiit; voihe atîhown ntibrownncheek .15 l t si sove tht close fit o! tise bau-k Outhe cjacket rnd n lt rt-rs-e udti srt stuishic. Tbis ski-t Ifs short Une there gise ful tffecttf0 tIc hbou] tht dmp froînt, tht- bock bt-hu adite fit o! tht ripper pnrt ofthfe akrt et tht- nihh attocheti Iiîulmîg, nhirh is s nen- ides. tracS. To carrayoutt finis lainnesa at thte Aillnonien liledthéili-drop akunt su mucl, front ut tbéIrodice soould bo f0 malt- theuehuit utnusimpiacticable for fthedraga-bug vIrole fou sesere, wooild ugge-st a msuly bock non- effcefe, su fhe wsolnoth Ins finish fiat the t atutftesoif dot-a il' t tth fe aide s3stau i-rumt wnmsfree bacS up. Bo the lttle drnpped front uit trouniifs check ilS inbug. Thtri-laht aide tht jacket relIes-es thte st-rita-,n-hile o nt-tchecSkn-as turnrd ton-ai-doftecloti, front ant i bm bon-are ail tbst lainta- lutit mun n othotlusi- doubhe fari]tsilles femninita -muid dream, Itterpreted in tbtat alun-prettita- onu iler aie. Tht leaf bruwnn roaticoht.au sil a-nn n-s,ïloup 1nolbutton tasteningsonou kint anti witu titei-b uni mt a lttît ligahtert tthe otu-n oere anof ber mark ut tht gown's vslstcosf dainta- Iawnntht bat a rumhi-n ne,. ntation of bruwnn.black anti green, tht tt: opyriht1M Bit vas ciarmingla- goodtentste, anti au excellent modeli ns affordeti fot cuppa--VrilletsoutFablo. ens Vr Vpretta- irrbretîs botutlearsie matit Another design ettphasizina- tht mate of du1 goltua-ras-el andiltutided i -tb I raceful outlues ut preseut tashlon ap- geins. Ipears negt lu thi, illustration. Conaitier A sera- pi-ctatsateh fonroaooman bas o it a Sain dark arten clotir cortitti-cortilà miniature on tht bock. Tht tenter is set uever. theretore fat btter thau broi- ith pt-arIa. wîth es, anti aou bave it in tIe original.-'ThIe lias bauds of vels-et lt-tit tht- À aoks a! vhite satin oserlald wnitb ilS cotilina andntisbuheti ahungthe ine ot tht i toué utrtisintîneus thaf Ie a charmina- eobvfasotutn-oIceaa-relie! tthe(bbot tallai- dresses et tht ses- son. This desian voult iase bobe aud- ucuasin vels-et or cordurea-, flutsees nith s satin cord, tue aoSe ut moalin uver satin. Wlith suuh costume. tht medibum aie hsba tu he ie. On. urthle neveat ta-imminas vitb vieh ta replace commsouplaee bhiad la tolisd satin ribbo% nd théhlieolu thti tlase', uu1,mes groopal hea- shous thse WI e maul luV"le14tela spllo »Wlthle I» . ~w-vvPeate. lsdsg léub IPlil lophI- 1>lsskl u< ac-eu ln 50 mana thinga, Black a-tla-et rbbbons etige thtmass of w-hite ruffles n-hich turm tht petticoat front ta nome es-enlua- gonn. Tht black sud vhit e n-l i-eareoen nu manch lu combinatton thia fali bave f0 bo uses! oitu jnda-meuttu as-nid ncheapenin- e ffte t Capes for cold wn-tt ei- nestareetter bu shavi point or scamiese tîtenlor BIrape anti otarla- eset -mudel in o!f hiret-qusi-ter iena-th. Tbre-ornertd coloreti tels-t toque, trimmed i ntu s lit ut tut aînd some jen- cied ornements, are tht amart thina-in henata-r. Witesastin va-tta.embroiticreti ln pet o- iia or suit pinS or a-reen obatioga. are sa-urn n-ith ceattimes ut royal or ails-er-blue Veuttian cloth. lix a tev dropa of an-cet aol vitian equai qoantita- o! black luS sud appla- tue mixture tu Iblack kîid gluvsan-ei-tthe ont- et surface ha rubbeti off. TJreeare fasa-kîntiaofutrfimmina- fiat are nul (o Ire seeu tîha a-tOr, sud mnch ut thet rimming rnuo untitht skirta anti "oiceas a-otitre tulmon. Tht-rt are nov ahell coînha nhich cnrs-c to fit tht head, iretla untier tIre kuof arrange! high, anti atrve os a consortable suippoi-forttise ht-nrya-ninter hat. Itoia-Ir iter bat, oft aotFrench felt, ln es-t-ta- hade of enlor, afipruptiste fot au- tumun-west, are frutututti btu ascsar! ut fauta- suS laid lu close, flatt oits si-ount the cowu, n-ith inn quihllfeathera un fie leftsite, Thet flua ruffles utftchiffon, osbnci sare not 1babati tb ruffe., savsen nome vhieh are, ar eged ati vftina- boud, o! ribles or velvetOnia aPink aovn th. msaa a-uSes et efflon are aiged viti ianev a n-utoui a nsuit and sastIn-. .16 - iulewt l ay uieheoaut a MUOHII N IVIDENOL I dorker alose than lb. hua and rounua loto a a»MIldaet tue* for the sialla @MIJI..loch shîlI muat guida thse ar. Blouson Permitteti, but Thory Muet Be rangement aud slope ut tht scrolla, otiiet- Nay-Ski-ta Tlishtaneti theis.nim ise tht, result -lI not bc e ntrl »50 t- suid Apreudtng ai the Feet-Brsiding t tactive. Tht akîrts of thua Jacket vere Artofet nusl leugth, for nowadaysa sstrict a Iim rt.adhérence to the n-tarer', ondinets ber. tabooes moatst h extensions. Bot au Nesw TorkS rtresposdeoee: adroit band wnas here, ton. and the akirts OIt those votuto whooe figures n-et v. tII sîited by tht coutleisa forma ut blouses that art now ot of fashin, tht lieat tiessakers sf111 giv-e bupe. Tht Rua- sian blouse uf twn vtors ogo la hupelesaly utît, and the Iater Ponch front la almoaf us bati, but pernnlasi- hIe lbuse stylta are sll mony. 'rhottgh tht tight flttlng Indice and ront are lu touch n-ith a Inter rule, ca-en tht all-orotind blouse, If tht sîteves are just right and thteaL-lrt the 1 a test, ln sale. Ont of tht-estle desigus la 'I pot nt the hend ofthuis icolmunsd Is a Jack -__ et tdtit ahoutla grcatly - pierrs the tadmicer of loose fronts, ai- though it la titann close by o beit that passe&under tht front. Tht tutu-e jacket - êxePt the fi-ont wos laid- in pleats. thome ÂRt'5. uf tht front being rt-ltastd from tht boit. As_______________ _________ Thtelefect las very pretty, and for a set su clnsely tîraf tht hip limue waa prat- achool girl ur yoeug miss the model lant-e- ticatly unbrokeri. pecnally oultahle-. porticîtlsrly if mode np 'The third orto-day'si pictorts la a striât- n oue of the brighit ahadesi of ted or bloc. Ina novelty. It nai black bruadcloth no The rters înoy be ailk to mofch the lin- fitteti that atemeil tu have ron-n on bts lug. anti if tht aane ahade as the t oru nester. Buttine as -et-e lit sud gonde. a littît brighter. Tht model aketcheil for if n-as the unuonal trimmîniz that eanght tis picture n-as carrled outtin o bright aud he~id the tt. 'rhis wam s heovy Bout- checked n-o, snd n-s lineil nitî dark ache tilgeil on tîther aide wlth fiue 9d. gretit ilk to match ont of the checks. Tht Tht skirt fasit-ur-ilo-et- un the na-hteup, beIt sud the little oruamental bon, nere tht hraid follown iIt'. huie.and anglénI & Bhatit lighter, thtra aanwerina-the cor- pair ut bigtn-oodk-u bttons n-as tht only réent llkiug for oug tiffercrit shadea uf tridence of fatenirig. Tht to ucurie. the natime color, a tendency that la nov vert gu akillfrrlly miageti thst in auy apparent lu tn-n out of t ertitres nev view tht effect n-os gracetul. Juat the. gowns. rbght amoont of deporture fron sey These are ditilotly, days outgrace ut ouflinea came In thteide faatenlng of the îlot, ut glory, fur tht tail girl, snd ut some bodices, the tes-er oand chin bon-. hope uftgraceefor theatbby oit, lu mont Tht Benoun'a general rult la for plain ntv tachions alentier hipa toke tht place colora, andi theretJesà-distinct tati tor fsla oft the puffed ouf abominations onomen contrant Ilu&bhide% ot tht came color, ln- trltti tu like Ilenta-est. Whillt kîrta aPread tittad uf botwten to ucolora. Tht ru!.,. towattis tht feet. the- aptestinla y nu like others, bas exceptiona, andi une ut means sn awkir-ard sud sutiten one, sud tiremtle aizable. It ln lu tht use ut plaida the littîle awet-p et tht back ardes to tht sud checks ae trinsmîna for aolid culot A diu-utrîlth fti-rn i l:,uurilgît -s on bu vre eus- i Iu.siog t s iliai, ush'u pri-duuttI tirat timîr,- 5%iuuiluhh4- u i-cuujiîualie upt-ioiug thnu a i-îutlui IViti s ii iuit tr- tiiiug uit fIann o fiiuii- i ui Pri. l it-os.iI. os olr.uau -utîîuî- i 'tir~uIuo v.biC muet DE QlOI WMITMIR UT SI PEACI OR WAR. Demaantie et tisa UnitediStates Are in tisa Nature of aentUltimsatum -Philip- pinesa la KEciana. for War lu- demuity aend $20,000,0. Whether t lit- peste onthe torrma lIes! ha- tht United Stati- o ii nar lun hlch Spalua dmiti-ci-lolam crtaîin Mmot bc de- cideti by tIhe IMadrrid GIlr-rintie-t. A tiroir- usîition tIlia.l tractivIol ltinultimaum wautombe- listhe- 'tsî-ri-L-i la-ni-e colusia- sion otlPaie-t nt Miilyajoint t atooliit 'rie ternis o!r tnilii theae umuhaet. lrt-d asitrllon-s: ,1. 'Tle Spniloh pr'oposaI tir arbi- trot.- the- licsit * ',f tlli tIhi t-narti- elle uf ilie ix-av lro-iil lm rejecti-i. 2. Thr,- i te-îlsit o is dentubl tIre Let-lisior iflie r-liro Philllipine orchiî.elngi. snrd iffri--iStin luI- detinit, t 2iOf >i51fir bmr lia. clie cxpl.littirî-olu incheildantds. 3. Tîme t nitr-di tte (tertclatesa ptîlicy r(tifrîrmu ilor' lit tht- Phillp- ilinr-s tu tht- nirlu' lo tierct, aud ufersain sîtfur tlst-rito(tf jeatio tht- Sainie Ira îllîg ýuin iithe loI- sudit os shail tut-n -rij -i ly Amx-ri- tain Labipt. 4. 'The Unit-d ltti-.%prîîpiues. ou thete-rmas htretifî,re us mt-r1 -a amiti- tuaIlin ofliît-tuiaiIl ioblir orîd pu-lvittt- rlsiimsliti s--î-n 1îîpaitnantd the- LUnic te tit,-uirri.-isLgLitce tht lîr-ioniîg or! tihe-tii anirniîrrec- liont. ri. T'-rltî- it.t tîlltt.'rmit liat the ru-ilgiîo.-tol' f i!liii- ur lythie tri-ai> if VI.1 NoOhinut ta Arbitrte. Tho ui-rc-io iiiii-uier buoll tieint tht- nrî'aiiiig rif iîîli-,-tri t-I oi ilain andl vontaiwî, nt ini i- a flor froilit ra lîion.Anmi srl,iqirîi -nllal--ilie a virtiiol mirriîlt-r o!ril.- fnt tiion . t he liela jeu-tud Thi- Attiîtlin î'uîtî-.î'lt-ra a 011- 'ti ii iti) th ai t ilit I-i 1ilioli iîlemnita- for the rotrenm ot-u thelb-m'ilia. tt-*tiasti-il ir'y the Unitedl ittî-.. Tlîi- lîatilards leinu i-l.-t-lthe. ifotre r ruailou the-lUited Ittilt.îs for thlevi-Loioîiiotf tht 'hillilîîiiito, tIie -'iu-riî-an-t nmprtis-nf Sta te, . -ing teiiLfI,-r.îId- iutatt-so-n- uial IlsiéItIi- itg-tîlilui irttiha- grt-rtly îîi-itriir-. soîuîî it- IiuîoLLiui li iau t-arIa Tholir- tiurcirst-iiî r i iî- iitiol Itâti' ttfiiseLîteju iiiiilt.t- î.."i'al lriifîr,. til- ti r it-ri Lîooiii iof itm-e rîtri-o- lx-littit ut tli- lî(îilltiir- -luit Tho %mýrirt (-itrt 4 uî.ilîti r,- aitilo-i'rzm-iltu tilr t rtt pin soi' liithe-t on houjirl'il l amni-alily rigru-rulfi-.- iii.-îmn if $lltl tO, tulieh- ti.1iniis iilirie ith tht fi-rnus f0 lite li-dil. iil..- ii-is î,tfî'»-a- o 'lireMuilral .ir.i-ii ut i rf ait liiliii aoiîî lrisot (laiîiî' ltiro--m iotin ndthe UrittrI itatis Ltre..rlit.m- -eiliino f ttht Cubait: îîîsnrrt'c.ieîîrino îtî.I-tî-î i ti rply iliat irth i c -iir.ivil mil setilu-il,.- claitnof ittji oir 4i uimis irlgaînsttheî(eli- ert cinti-y. tnd hiiil tio u- rr-t-iitllel mcnt!tht- i-er-iii '-a iliht iait%4lapusm]l y no r. Tht liriomilIi t. îrrn--ail cdaimas for lntieriity incii lilîof riorse, cîrul iéinai îîufuirli,- j-.triLiul ofutthe %faie. IT prte u tor i Ar.Lare-Vtie Statexin-, libt- s -îr r149S L iir-c Ii far tht largeot ilitt, iso 'iy if the-countiriyandl tht- coli ii ailti-.. iallt-t in nîany Y-i-t-s, nhilr- thei- îrîîîlîîî n ifî! nufrto our lis miinits n -iliiri-i-t. ti-UtrK-t lu tus ny yeri-s,if roî i- re, r in the lii.- tot-y it the-iiuîin BituatloaatI locilo.'ed Nolgisbea-img,'ý To.n,la fierions. è Tht Unitedi States cruiser Charietoq anti the gunuboaf Concord hsve returtiet f0 Mianiha froni Iloilo. Thea -report i t situation or tht Spaoish there asa erile lusui-rg-ts ai-e ttackbng Mlo snd Ja-ej largte villages adjace-nftu Iloilo, vheue ama Ionatt-I tht Sîparýilh ouworka for the 6W, trus- ut the capital. Tht nsungeIts usai pîetcla- outroundl oilo, topplng al tra1àt si tuute interiî,r s! tht IslandodfutP&Ny.t- Neanr o bverne-ndoltht nevolutlcus goiruinia- niengul imita- throuahont 11W Visàyas. TItre la mute truble for Agul-'. tuallo in ftiottheru part ut tht Is&anI etý Luuzont. 'luo pfuris-urc-are lu tevolt agonit tceTajroll o gusernots, Who Iso n-th lu r-hi ý ulu- lu i I ii - -i-lou litht from er t-ttrihues. Six tluuiualantimen aa tu-alg'ir-nSi, l'afl I ir1iui ht in-ilsui-gent ritles si-etippoittila-g d -e '"W hor u55t-,'is i ':-- - i iColori-ilo revoit. plaisr. AulnrnulIl' i i[i Jut Oiau.MOE-aTIG TPANA. asii-euu-oi iîiiuir Oui il-lu-iicnld. MO ER TIGA If $îiiti uluik-. i - i r g"Izt- ti p;uy tft- w ites anti Negre, at theO pa-ug, tbt- uuutol itp ll fi,,.f ,r i iiuthir-rt icie Sh.t F Pgisf Dttîsa. . tiisho lin-t-ietuicliti i a"',- in.i.lleil Ii Union n-bite mint a nid litarue, enaploy-, lin »LeriiC- d af flue Spriugilt cool mine,, Psaal Whle tht-ehii tlu--litr-c tIi rsiuî-tIi-eIIl.,touiglît tssu hrbak hatties Thuiua-d -quaiuir, Spuainu i -fi-'.îi ouric ulnrd luittioburdy a- n-s sionusla burt. Top ,e for fît-ni as 1ht luighi otn i,4ii the o Ii-tl -o!fitluuuunrugton fininet ont lmmedal lthîiliticîlîhia 'us.nith a Gatillac a-inn, lot firina hli e ae~ Tht sitular (binta: nuýt ilat ga-ex- o0tie soliets remaineilunvaltlng et i luosooitih Ie calitol uit %N«zllinzItunn jtsborracka. Tht secondi hîttie brukeou iliat ('oîgi-ism a wrs vtol la îînî liu-tise @srmesection outhfe City thirfa -minu plhi omria- uu. affer fie firot cnruuiuttr betwten strlkeà* T~he motis-etif then Sutr-me ('uuuto s ti-anti ut-rots. Fulla- 300 ahota sa-on ~ t- comalustunuî-cîrîu luucursii ln' înf hanged. Shottla-affer tht second hatl squuul o! troup B mode doublea wnuroiroado fnit onut thu? îîutlic lril to Spîlua-site. but It arrivedtonte.ibte t'sr-. chuatice.-Piladluhîia Ld .mtse ana- arreafs ut participants la1» ul Tise congrt-gathun uit thiu Goispet-tTuber- battît, Tht-c cîfiztua anti properta-we&:" usu-lu, New Yorkssit ia- ein(iu-t. gave of l'ana have matie a pIes thet Gai. Tap.i $112.040) tutrtuloaluinitra- nu-. rret-hihat uer retobu fie trouipe ut cas-ïira-n - ~t wnasi giest ssetrIsmtnkiw.--S4It Lake Het- l'ans ndefinitela- or eut mors tepa.j- nid. thetu. Nuis tht-a -Oa- tiat Emperor William n-unt to thtehla- yLardul uirt-la-lutcause ie GERMANY MAY INTERFERI. - wismt'd te go. Thotuat s tisuiti oortia- utflMay Dts.sut tttise United Uta s gnouuAmericun citizul.-lI'hiadelphia MelioquoisisPilippiles Lo-Igi'. Th i Clcluati Buqulter'. Mutch ns thea- thik o! tihi ses. matia-correspondlent Ba-a thet Unted mtn neumt founcll off art- lt- sitrti-i". In Govs-tueut bas aenretkInforunsileu Ainri~'can"girls growniitler thin itr- Germuny na-lapteparioa- t. itunandt tat fiigu enetilla- 11 shor-t thttuOtlvts.--l'liila- Unitedi States reinquish tht Pibil - deiphti Tmes. ounfthegrounti that Germana- baià John 1). Rockefelletra-osrb uotîlya-mi na-ts tfIret ha purehase fi-uts. UV.III. - pour as-vnt ut the Standardl 011 true.. 'The correspondent citea as ce Ht- la tIreSlnd o u mblehh fovrtthatit onîesitieure the preutseatîvf in o-uéo coti ultiure wtt-e oue couuiuiltel to-Surît yards, tht lusoIéuce ot the Phllp Lake Heralti. surgent@ sud tht sftcugtbenlug e it la reportedt tît an tugisf-hoitr mus-e- German tleet i ManihaUaY-. ment lias nireoda -titen started inl Porto Germana- bas turnîshet ai-ms am Rico, 1,s this nt pmoof t-noua-h flitont olntion ta Aguinaldo.,* He al»ouo ut- wan-si-owilI not lit-slowin,- u optiurg tht propoatti maSina- a! Admirai Americon lltis?-BostoIî lo1be, commander ut tht en- wEuropes» rThe unumbors of filue Alatbama ois that ton la In this wctfon, andt disI la-nu-ed ftle n-ritgmaunlusve male anahi- lu to laa- lun-ait tut(leruaruart je-f spelog.v un hi. tîmmil-. Tisogosstoiinl tht Medtierrsuesen. ~ showtlint nlostrt-tgent-tals- coautuuor-nl ur resil 'gents.",-NW'tsiiggtinlPoost. URRYING TROOPS TO Nev Of i llor Note. United Stistea Wii TaSle P Das-lutKahniweiler, invu-ntuir of thiecurk e er jon(-ku't lire pi-est-t--ci. die.iti Nen luit-k. Tht War i)epnttmtut la rapIila- i Thei-Bains of itSiui haa aunucrîithe ing mensaoft rantiporhua- the armg' trtasrty toli&,iti iustzus fuit-curr-iut culuation tu Cuba. The tranrsport ~. ~ i lu tht Gos-etutucutservice vill 8099 1 TIie-uutisi-ak utfîclow tuf-v-r ni- 1 I ttasinçabhe nt Savannah. TheW s-uas s cauiig gri n-i uxi-îY aunu, ug pnrtmeot la makina- preparatioms Aureicanolliiaistîiui'.the vurS ut garrisuaina- the lsJus T. B. Putteofieistiaunr <u hue la-, aundthe United Statea viiiD . t T B.Poter.thefatnde nitheCurtIiui-utu secart ifs formai- pouamelte: 1Club. tht once tamru rf-ee- tradultorgan5i - Isand un thet iret day ofet li isation, -dîrd ilu L4uorlrt. Great plana vluIlleb.takeu-tb F MiaThormea Bebocklea-. vite of a ftsi-s u"Brlo rue sea ci- llvhai-peaHarlshnbrg. Ark., vas ta. h P.Th tetraaapol4 tal- oniled by the acetdextai liacharge7 won Missèed àdoando City st 8 o'cloek llrlday Ittîlatone mail train on the P Reiîtrat. Engineer Joli» Ya iras incharge or the irsîn. laborera nee.kîlliedoutrlgbst. lojured ids ntitin au beur t4 cîdent. The kîfle anîd -wonod01were at work repalriug tht Pen»Ylvftà road tracka. They wort.luo Sectiou ForemniWilliam Corks gang consîstei of twenty men and *Il were tîther kilieti or îJlunI Mîllatone local train. ensglnesisdl the men oon reout o ol amuise ut a west-bound train w mast passeti tht gangil u an pposie don. Aa Esosin-cer Vau Nutranda i &truck thteumen a feutrauicry wnt % tartîtil the cogîne'er andithe ur tht traln. Jaist ethe Irmon: andi the engîneer Ba. a sshchli^ Ail slog the trocS for a ditanoul feet loy Ibodies andi fragmentae e sonme ur the vîctîtos n-ttc bresthlog at, n-hile othi-rsa hdt!.ueut lotos Tht con-catcher n-a, tovereti vus When the trainu stopped raerofet t. - atogeris falotes! ot the alglit. The, asnd the notondei oeeplaces! lm freight cor of thet illlstone trainando eu tu Jeraey City. CONVICTS KILL PRISON OUAlRëj Attemomi lu Phoot Their Weil Out et', Fttk<NeiI and Gseorge Athlnso. us Milvirl-to usCleveland, aervlng fftuae* yearis each for bighw ar robhery, auteht .-. lu shoot their wsy ontut tnte-ObW." State prluaîu Friîlay mubrnlng. C. B. LaMa" ttrrai-h, a guard frous Knox 0««oY afr teilitcd t.tooltît, htansd wnsshot sotontly. (;uard Woî,dw then prenenttd hlm»a9 the ptishoutthe- prisotrera. andi fifteeo sb e overelé ireil lîy tht guard andi the PrWbaone1, floue oftwnhlch to.k cfect. Iiaving *MW - tIed bis revolve.r eluord Woodss attaOffl 3 tht mas uith a club.erishinift the s&Dî ofunue ufthein anti hreoking the. ahol uf tht other, (me nII ilde. While tht trght ws oo g onu eeS other ptiasouers wn-etreu to Qbave 91111 sud a gent-ra Itm called lb.egîtarda ta tht n-als n-th their earlîloes. A s ei os ONeil sud Atiiooun ets sPPssiaou& ei, hon-t-ver, ail signa uof trouble aes"d Wardén Collin bas nu Ide how or uheas tht gaong-cri, procureti. PRIZE 0F WAR LOST. Wreked Morte Tarmsla Doe"iAU.- Hospes ofet~aue. 1- It wilîl be inîpousible tusgave the liaw I Teresa. n-hilie l.atranrîtti on a netfoff Cat las. TIi* nnfouB news am osumoulcateil fo thte a~ >' tartissent lu à lengthy cablegrantrm Captaîn MirCalis. dateti Nasaa, W. P Captao in 1Ccal gays the varhp-- sitrandetilln tronm aitPtsn tu tveui7-45 7 feet of valet. wilh ber head to the m ward, lIhe resta on a rucky tefes ciUO n-th total sasot intersperseti vit bsWle tiers, Tht reet extends ontalde et t1*:1ý wrprk bof h to notthwar td d outb*ae4J. and it would Ire Impousaillc.ho ss4J% fU î aoything but s lighf draft boat t lm, proach ber. Captaîn Mccalla sumo up bis rlri sasylug hst the shilp la telescoesss!a" VkS au tht riveta are sheared by théeomI~ n-utking ut the shlp the teieaeoPIegS muai cotInue. Insaddition totufa-ot l there are four t-luth sina on the i. tske fi-ous on. of the grechetsi a" m rem.aéunttd l u iatanamunc. INSURGENTS STOP TRAFFiC.