CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Dec 1898, p. 2

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SKGOLD IN CUBA. 19MLVE ROUGI- RIDERS WILL STAKE CLAIMS * Ubim Tisera la 0uSd lu Eau JunssHi * Va One of thIseuat Prosietiflg emtrein tisa Worid-Lawailit fft- Iffl tlrayer Meeting. DMer Oul Field t tau Klondike- Or. 3. W. Langtord of Arizonsa and tluofastRoosevelt'@ rougis ndera hisve am te Sau Juan itill. Cube. ru prospect Me old. Inu an Iterview t Wichitat. X», Dr. Langlord "Tya: *Beeause Of its gVIassat llmate 1 beleve Cuba to bc a beeller gold ild than tise Klondike. 1 làMà Cuba la one of theseist prospecting agbtelailathse world. 1 prosPected iu -- uaaueeectgftlrV. 1 expffet tuents" a aim"ou Sau Juan Hil ht a comsosuy .13 ha able tu voris ut a large profit. 1 &M r tisera lg gold lu paying quantities la tba qarts rocks of thse bis. Cuba in baati a airgin costry. Itbus tise dm- ut andl OusatsaitI tu1 ever aw. Thse bigat prlced trou. worked to-dny cornet balaiCuba." ___ IKOLI-UP MAN 18 CAPTUERD. ths.aa Mei iMe AtempIt o Robs a Train ta Missouri. Inausari Pacifie passenger train No. -d4 W»a baud op four and une-haIt miles wegt et àeftUa4 Mo., by three maaked men, unc m Wboma. Jim West. an engineer lu tise ýaa'i elnploy, va csptured, while a mmM itlieled to have been wounded »J tW etiuJreacaped. When tise train beft ansas City ix-secret service mess lu aStsmauy'a employ were aboard. Four wUwawamtdinluthe baggae car. One- blun ie wet of Georgetown, t Muddy ow*Enaissleer Dasiela va. ignaled te * . huidtno. At once tise tisree rois- *oeffeatei r, visiciseraa returneit iy lewgamwaws Poame of saxmen. Fuiiy *ws ehaois vere exchsnged. visen tise M0, reaàlized t tat tisey were trappeci 4W beaitu to retreat THET MUT AT IiRAXER. S uUgantea Ia wui ca e ome te Termel Writboaut thse Aid et Lavyora. Tii Ibaortant vîlI case or Roffmaastei v&vcar, l insicisHillary Hofma jar éa sit toanet aslde tse grill of 3' Ee ogfmasier, bas comme to au abrupst Md tat ouugtoWu, Ohio, and a attle- *»I 1 a eeied ot of court lu a pecu- Su anner. Tise case iuvoived 8e,000 lit" anud àaconlalderableganoulât of cty Mdaratry rel eutate. wlisen the law* pula auabled to try the caae tiseY vere amiaiW 1 lears tisat tise litigauta met MBfI -mu « it t a prayer meeting and 0ÉMe au amîicable acttilemeut uf the -mvithin tise valla of ties acred cdl- Wla ave af" Mrtisquake. Talute audthtie district Pound about WM 0oed hia tremieudous tîdal gae *"é dit luch damage to property aud and cauaed tisle sot lusur lires. ve as a violent eartisquaise tirougb j« a ouihern provincea or Austrin. S varions rangez tventy-elgtst lires Te go Rxacutaitfor Murder.a I U*Ima tisa Preaident lutervenea to gave -iSM , *eitUndsey P. Hit, Troop F, AU, ili isa exeeiiad ftr Thia in tise &rt deati sentence epsan enllted man mince tise bh et tis a va, and for tuany years -, IasBude Wliela carpes. ~'UW oisefuroù ciSspommeicle utnet iatru Mev Tors, blî atrbu- Z.- i~rl ad isbaits a nbrife î Witte Mair.oulisea r hla vîte lu bai bats rlaIt ou ahe; esoismt. t ise amaismturaI Gue. 1&0 a hong th Inoducumeinof sé a8»Lr Saut hsrs, Cal, a rro- i IMS 0w sa% gaa ba eustrehome hSlata St. os aonuHar ot l Porttienair. t the ouonnd s :i=idi. anadate tie ew - tipaïue3gev çpeasutibe a a Cnrs t hasai sîoflan -t tntietesun * M0e5ds5ptoby eà the licesuction0 *tloimu aaa art ire ahtie homie- 410: pltaimelu Set. Lul aor«y WuSvMSiiaa owit. kot$000l ah 1N UmUsik Saes b Coupaiy.plylua ha- Iv neu*ljI, sud be etîa ray- , Tb&ugoèu pasrisiaivthn a borMie = Iet Seansn. A teryat lotith lie mepam bêlt yapie l roisaterul s, tn _____ avRma, vtideoulit ,00 l cDi. ]Main ie ot tweisip C rina lti Vuiland tou Aersetleslp wiaoand. ____ aer, wdll rlasuciseit aiairn-b Tshaut a is trent h la T vLaraty-emaallonanet. A geLrd tIlli tis or-paisat ba deaud pasi! isui.e vosaiug te ola OMOW iRFsartat, drvsiut avewtyof e a! Ma -pasaangera.. X Padtaatcti gt Trnto j. sémwedtlait bànvitanfvtrgioNo- me Xtaeiiousors isîcago o mae vas 'i $8lt euEfour othena seioaydvoue as -: ~Wgan C. reste vr'Tecapio bu ~ Sal paye. ylpra"ly eyer again*b An ehmpcistalîscotestblza r eaaulaiuetciseaci oftahhâaso ~~~~~~e 0"a aIdeca l acntsI il W. ae et ut re ai a- Ajury lu tise United States District pout at KansCity, vilch bas been Lrying D. V. Rieger. ex-president, and Robert D. Covingtou, ex-shier of the aieit Missouri National Banks, on Indiet- ienti charglng ernbeiilemet ansd mlaap- proprition ot that institution'% tunda, dis- Wreed and vas discbarged. The Jury had ea out for two day.. A new trial will loubtieng ha set for tise April term of tourt. Thse doors ofthtie Missouri Na- loua Bank were eoed sy the United t'tas bank examiner Oct. 26, 1« . T se .uk badl between 2,200 and 2.600 depos- trs. and earrled gp,50,000 lu depoalta. 'fallait lu the Paule of JuIy. 186. ibut vaa promptly reopenst. BShortly atter thei a"cnitelalure Messrs. Bleger and Coing- tou vere ludlcted isy thse grand Jury On thre ennuis, emisraelng emisezalement, gbotraction and wvlltul mlaapplicatOst Of tha moneya and cradita or tise iank. Wher National Banks Examiner Foreman tool bharge of tihe ntieln bc had Expert E. B. Moxey examine the booka. 1Mr. Moxey was thse principal wltnesa for tise Gorera ment. He attempted to show bow thon- sandi of dollars of the isanhks moneY bac seau useit by lueger andt Covlugten iu support enterprLin lu hi they were ln- teresteit. Thse recelver bas been able t. pay but a amalt dlldend tu thse deposltors. 2aee War lu Arkansas. Whle a band out viteeaps at Blaci Rock. Lawrence Couuty, Anis.. had HeurY Wisite. a negro, aecust cet hog atealint, lu cuutody, tisci were fired upon by ti negro'a trieuda. Ose suudred sisots vei4 axehsaugeit. IHaunyHale va. ahot au bile& .Csubg Spadea vas mortaîll woiuded aud George Wamuer daugarous 17 injured& Ail are white., The casualita sn thse uegro aide are votkuovu. Ths allez"i thlet escaped . A colsuer's Jus' chargea hlm vîtis murder. Many 'uegroe lu thse vicinlty hule beau wilpped bt vhitecava reeeutiy enud a race war tisratened. PaCic i laParis. Wihe a religion% cereuouy uns In Vpn gracss lutisa veany »roes et tise Csuncis0i St Gerauludes Prou, ai Paris, vben uany girls trou thes choola vera lu st tendance, h cînematograpis lampa e atuddftuiy extlnuisheai andt a tearful panL ensueit, everyboi!y in.tsntiY reashilngth, clarity baxuar fine. Tise priei a u suaeet lu inallaylug lise pente, but no bafcne tony grla v.esinjuresi by traip lia, mani being certousty hurt. Iowa Eailhwy Aeccilet. A tiszee-eeacisudnt- baggage passU train on the Burliugtuu, Caitar Rtapidsaua Nortiseru oit vas vneebed ixmile ntrth Ot Burllgtou. lova. Ouaeoftht cnrs4 otaainnatilty passeugers, rol itovu afi ushaisimeni. turulua tbte tilmulu 130 test. Tvo pesons vai tataily. tiree senlosly and seveutee algtly injureai. . Baby Attachai hy a Igomsey. At Perry, Ola.. s baby vas attaeka hy a uonkay aud almot illet. I monkay belougesi te a ahov uhis usa vl terta la touersuad Itogi ont tfils cet rau loin theisouse o A. M. Pattersun aE att&ebeil bi 2-jear-olit girl. Tise cisil face vas lacerateai anit oueaa assi bas -badll' ehaelit up. $1,100000 fer Pule Uaee. TisevIl!o thetisatta Etuard Austin Boaton - beqîstises, $1.100.000 10 pul uses. Harvard Illage vIl! recel,. $54 00, Ma eaehbu"teInsttuts ot Tee uolgy 40MIORadilffe Collaee1h 000, liqnoise C llg 1,000 andt] Sesool 180,000. _____ New Bleel ver' Appointait *At Toledoc Judga Taft acceptai t resignation et Becelvar Pierce oft -Clover frai Railvui. fitla to taiseaei lIait 1. Saueal Hunt of Cincinnati, offieial o tise Clianatl, Portsmouthb -Virglla rosit,va nimesiby tisa court1 tisevacant receershlp. s Wrarkeit isau Explios,. Tise povaien mili t ahLmonte, Mo., tl op, blovlug six men to atomsansd wvu log savral otisers. Tise explosion t ,e place lu tise pockiug bouse, sud vu snacb fonce as to e hbieard and tfeuttf aildittnce of tventY-five iles. Tiiea t n iKamC aTreaaan,. At Toeka, Kan., tise pirate datý boxes la tisa State treasuny baveb Erobses. Iuvestigation aboya niat n- Iocis on as muy aus six or eigist boxai t site andt uae key yl unhuk ek ern ky th Yauung iabatla Chat. Elmer iMunacl. ages 20. asa %hota dentally by hieis Syear-olit brother-lt- ai charivari festivutieis tveuty-tour tc [a- afttanMuualis uarnsage. Tise irag a- occurras inluDry Grove township, 1h1. Ow 1, assa Rutue CeseisVA Kuala ceAu atiachuent suit for Wti,000 6Wa raAbilene. Kank.. hy tisa Gilespie Cosa dmCoup or etKan, Clty NP hS tutoel m,"l Mta mth ci Dbmta# la AlawisueWataya.a Ths e menFarralon, CaptaisRberats, j bas arviveit et Port Tuvusenit trouBisa- h guas. brinlua nevu ot disaster ta tis a eauaer Utopiea viics searly sent tisat t vesatisuit &Ilon hourd lu tise iottom ofb Gatineaux ehanuel. As tise Farralon l vas aterlug tise cissnîqeI abc toun thes Utopie driftimsg ielplteaay tovard tise reefa extending from Point, Ardent ou Admir- r slhy Island. Tise Utopie iad lut iber pro- i plier and a terrible gale vas bloalua. j vus tise itrmoumterr iulov zero. TiseM Farnalon suceedd in getrine a bavien abosrd and thse UtuPia wai toved Ouut danger and takien lu Juneaus. On ber upb trip tise Utopia, visile rouudng Cape F an- *av. tiirty mil"-a vearof Wrangel Nar-e nova, va set ou lie by a lamp explod- l Ing. Tise fine desicoyes tise pilot houge,1 viseil gear sud several sateroumi. Csp-L tain Robers reporta tise vealber in Ales- ka uupanaily acrere. iATALLY BRATEN EX GIRLS. ( MIsaBtnrut AllegiscflJpuimiseilfar Making tinpiensent»Rumarisat Mina Nor& Bituer, a iigisiP respeclesi1 Young iroman ut Alegheny, Pst.. vns8 beaten »o badhr by three girls, noue out vbom ia*4en15ye2mof aietbtia sise y i probaisly die. Ber assalants-Mamie Wrigit Ropiie Micie andt Victoris Ban- nai--are in jail. Miss Btuar, vus sa Young wvauancomlpasslou vas valisina &Io.., Eat Ohio tre.t, and la pasxiss aa group ut Young girls ai play made nome jocular remarie coucerning tise Party, rbereupon one ofthtie yonngters grabises .,bytise bain sud pulleit ber to tise grounit. Wbile prousrate. Misa Bitner vas bîeed on tise ieait and beaten lto lusenality. ____ LAKE BOAT@ IN COLLISION. Clgatansuithtie Globe tsanIoualv Dam- ageil ut Duinth-Noboity Hrt There vas a serlous ead-end collision lu thse Duluths iarbor ai 1:30 tise otiser ptornlug beivean twovry large steel pteamena mt luside tise cane! plana. Tise vessala vers the Globe and tise vihaak rJames B. Colgate. and bots are bsdiy - daissageit. - Thir tonvarit bulisieadas ept rtileml trou gglfking on tise spot. Tise Col- ) restlssg on.ibe bottom laear tise 1 ua tug office, andthtie Globe vas tovw- ret into tise Omaisa slip, visere aise resta r h otom. No one vas serioua1y unýthong ome f tise crv ace 1 eorward hall narrov escapes trou drovu- las. 1at gan cattia king et the ata ote ff ul Sterling vits uoblm& b bans ove, 20D.000 catte trou Teîas. O! tata h hitd beau bard pressai! sud a tev dsy@ ago Le moite ass assainst assi deed oft trust te D. W. Nall and veut to'Texma Nall rstataed to sccept tise trssiteembip anal papers are net filesi. Tise ceister's ecfce abowa mors tissu $1.000.000 u t isspaper. about one-tird helng --biauiet",sud un- releasies mortgages, tise remainder covr- ina catle halng ted. The commisaiort Dirus daim tisai msny catte isavereen mortgaged mure tissu once. About 5,000 head are eaiissrancis. (_Jillettin is 1years old sud Sas startles tise oit cathliemetO by his ell ud etisuai. Elmore & Cooper, tise Gille-spie Commission Company and Trow- ers & Bons. Kansas City, hasve isaudhed Most ot bis piper, tutt a domeu or More Kansas Ciiy.firma hasidea tisele isave been caugbt for naryjua amounts. ORNRAL AIDVANCES 1I.4Pttcl&8- Cerisaie. Prosvision-, Cotions Steel unit PuIe muRule Bicher. BrsdatreeaCs nietas the business situa- lion chsus: "Winter stormeansd a isolidar bave inhertered vits violesale demaud sud dtistrubution, but Jeter cdean, colt veatiser ia a compensatina featora, Inue- ing heavy retal businesa lu pessostsble generai business circlas Most deveiopmcuta isave beau favorabsle, nota- ble arnsug wviicimigisilha meniioneit gen- eral advanres lii pnces ut cereals. provis- Ions. grocerles. cottun, sheel andt pig bron, tise latter cbiefiy ut Eastern andSi ouillera points; continuesi beavy jeneral export Irade, a better rosse in thec market for bides sud icatiser, mure firmocîs lu eut- ton guqdsand active stock speculallon aill ut wbicis are rellected litbesani banis clearingi total. Untavomable festarea arar few, prumint-ut asnug waih la tise cu- hissuesi dulînesa at wisoleaale ut vool aud vooleu goude. Tise muvement of viseai andt otiser breadatuifs continsses large. Wbeah (inloîtissg tburt siîpeuta for rtise uceekaggregste 5,24,7261bossela, 1agaînît 5,6î9.141 issela lest veais. Cura experts for tise veek asggregshte 3,9913.846 cbushela, againat .3,331.724 isushelt lait - DRED OF CRUEL *OBflERSI, Jacob Moaie Duekeit lu a Clatarus and is .Wifa eeu Up. The terrible trealment of Jacob Motai- oeeansd vite, living near Tuuisast, a French setulement, bas beau reported la Toledo, Ohio.,Tise olat min vas duckeit intu a ctatersl outil bc taînleat and tiscu tise voman vas strnng np by a halter u- i aise rerealesi tise iding pIaetr tihelr aMoncy wviicitisey blidboardesi ton years. cii la aliegesi Iiey were robbed hi, etbree masised men ut about 11.700. A t-grndsou escapesi and arousesi tise uigis- >'boraevisu gave chsansd abat oue of the "mess lu lie leg, but lbe vaes Ielpesi ta eu- cicape lu tise big marash. ofDiamouit le Fouannit i01110I k- Wbile ploaiug a fcv osenthe ago Wil- - liam Taylor, a fermer neslding nesr Mil- te ord, Ohio, roundi a atone vbich bisasprov. -eu to hae quite a treasore. Taylor tuais Il 3te a dlamuud cutter and vises Informel] il tisati Ilvs a diamoud lie vas paît a pries leihai pleased isim.1but1lise littie dreamesi 01 9- irs real vainc. Tisen the atone vas tais Into Europe adplaces haf ors experts, visc 't declaredi utaholha une ut tisa Ducat evei iftoundsinlutise orat. >k Thr.e ten KîlSai!lua &Duel. 9- Ai Hughes, Springs, Texas, Edwvant ýyWilson In a spirit orfun eut off aàibutt a- trout Benjamin Boon-a overcoat. Booz t- tant offense et Wllson's net. Constabi iiJamea Driver andt his sou David ansi bis ta son-lo-lav, Marcus O'Neill, attemptesi ta - queil tise diaturbance suit Boue openei ae lire on tileu. Constabsle Driver sud i ison vere abaot dead. O'Neill lu returs abaot Boon, viso dies inl leus chan su bous Ckf;hant of Coul in Kansas- ryKansashan beau expt-iniccing s eus 1,famine, tise vorsi ever kuovnIn luth e Blahe. Hundredu ufthe tb e laler tovu br ave beau vitisout cool- Missouri an lî llinois cool vas iplsesite tise State. bu Il tbis, vit tise Kansas supply. did net mes itise emergessir. ____ 'e Ohia Banis Rahiseut Nonl. i Ai Utica. Ohio, tise Wilson Banks vu s roisieit vile tisa officiaIs vars absent te s ,period otf itteen minutes ai the din labour. Tvo thtisuaut dollars in registers bonda andi $6.600 in couspon bouda an $6.600 lu gold sud currencj vere takeu, 'o- Tva Wonaen "fue aitt.Detis. of Ai Huntingion, W. Va., lins. Nons ee Bialey and ?iMunie France, bcr ulece. re: li- uned te deatis by fine in the flacsun t! ete river front. te x.nthusailie Soci la FaIt. .îly Many pointa ln nantit sud soutbve Dot Virginie andt 2sîmiis Carulilusreportha ap- bug expemiencesi au eartisiuske sisuek. Charte* W. Conidocis la DesiL Chsarles Walter Cutdocis diesi et b Ige boue lu New YorS City. alter an ilue adextending over several tecis., liiez 1 Perfusue Pîetony Banne. tha Tise sosp andi pertame factory ut Ail edt B. Wrisleir. la Chicago, vas buruci!, s irstaliisg a loin of $105,M0. ira ýe C&nhiat Armes eitd. A quawtly ot armaeclestinesi ton t Carlittaeisas beau seized l'lBa bouse lu B *ed boa, Spain. _______ The nuAriET 4J5.OTATirOsà. fte Ciseago-Cattle, common ta pain and $80b $.U ogu, asipplng grat itd's M $3.10 s88.75l; eep. tair id elice. 32 1"2 t $4.50; vbeat. No. 2 rail. Me te 69 corn. No. 2, M2eto alli; oat§, NO.-2Z I te 27c; nye, No. 2,.SIce a file; but a t cisalce treamery. Zie ta 22c; egga, tre ilic 21c ta 23c; potetes, cboie, MOctas 4 50, par suchel. 'c-ci~idaaal-ae aipplug. 13.00 M0. $5.50; bean.elsole ligisi,$3.00 toa$3W tise aiseep. eommon tas choies, 1&.00 tu 14- trial vbeai. No. 2 ned. lMeeta M;e;cor, Ne visite, 82e ta 84c; cala, No..2 visita. 1 to 20e. tise St. Louioa-Caitle. 13.00 te $6.510; bc th 18.50 tu $3.75; aiseep. 13.15il)to $4. etact viseat, No. 2, 7le to 72e. core, No 1au yellav, sic toa3ne; ont&. No. %c 27c toi and rye, No. 2. SIletoa33e. rtdfo Deciti--attle. $2.0 ta $5.250; hi 29c q0_to 3 5; e.11ete .82Wt84 Mu: CouS Kil Holz in big inbluo father ranson Rees Stock mors: desirn ko thei furult starie rived, Rober thse s tu Mu ugaisi tn is sisott The gueis rassgi Fsse theens §lised tisets aais Sar eoru crati mid.i AIP vork tise Ag det tovb dead etie r tolie mur la t taisl a Th gage and isme- Slesti A tis thec ai and id 2t kili il La ers r thé ]d mui y ha" me ut vi fou tr- ry e'; ls t-r UCo e- gui ai ai gn MI% b eM ti ,e; l, tr, toin .2. E ScI '«, c 21-O1- ln Ille to lot -ed &Y 'th Lis- ;la. ow 971 irat wek 0orat Auguat - ThseMiellon »ORalY oria vil!bhaM-.IWUla uf* aai em teeit10Kankabea lu jauuar7. et Sa« vraauetiea .TiseBaldwi ,La Ht en utise cereer f J URRENCES DURINO THEI Oscar Fleming, a miner, wu kblieUet at ariset andt Powell atreetat, aIran- e, FAST WEEK. Mount Olive b, a talllng eai. det , vas deatroyed by fIre Wtneaa _______Dpitierla prevalia ucar IndepeUdenes, morning. Tise Baldwinu Htai v&* Oua visare aeral eblîdren have dled. t th iseict isotelrlea lu tisa cty. Thse . Duron a FauiI fiaturbance- Gov. Tanner laaufod s proclamation Par- Baldwin Tiseater ainso tenir Ire, andIt , irrei for lier Moe.,-Mixea tlally estaisihg martial law ln Pana. vîtis ail thse propertile of tise William gis Medicine anad Chlorofoe- At treator. tise congregation Of tise Gillette company. will ]a leh a total lota. tid la a Peorla Mine. Olsureis of Giond Will Toward Mess dedi- Mauy panle-atricisen tuenta jumpad -cted l ia newhomle.tfanmtisa hotel vindows and lit la isuowu that a numbrprae utefae.Fr lmer Roberts. nged 18. abtt.asd. f Tise Weln plov vworisa yl hacremnored mierpalate d lu:1 t te rise D aa. ra ugit.snortally wouisded his afather, front Monmoutis te Averyville, a auburti atartgieita n n@-ar e ýe W. Itolertio, a irumiseut tformser. ut leuria. Dt yenr. roi ao far aa poasible. Tisay eroded lu nay sï mother's îrcence riear liens. Bad Tise Masse County Farmnera' Inastitste smoke--lled halîvaya lu tiar ulgst e i isas exiatid for sote tusse betweeu t Metropolla bas lomed anu itereating elotise.anad aoon tisere woa tise wiideant aI- ed I ?r sud aoit, altisottgulio stimractory sud wel-sttended seasion. eteuteut. A nunsier vere eut off bl isrtee iv ina sircu for sici-l a tinte esf affaira. Metisodiata decicsted two new cisurcis gainea.anud many Jîsmpesi ta the atreat. viît stlly Rtoberts Ihall a ptsubcslie utofhia iuildinga lu Chicago ou s recent SundaY Loa.eisy tiselire -lllrun loto tise millons.and, cand terni pruitl nitis a riew out anisapproprlate ceremoulea. Tise Baldwrin Motel vasnisulît hy F. iia. ing te) cowu. fili laid bis sou bIt! ou Captulu James m. North, an oditctizen ("Lucky"') Baldwin, tise vell-isnovn turf- consa f tise mareas ttvoiet- fferesi, lnttof Clinton, dieci auddeuly. He wusalaup- man. Ha expauded It 8.5,000 iu erect-Tir une Pisc rien tise bld bigiser tst thon-le,,Is.r 0f n atn utteserAt ho and cd tu go. He sud Itoberts' sou-liis- î nitting ot ltiwse iso al AiseeDewv Oliver Ilarris. arcsasid tu have gone Williami Stevens was belld up lu Cicago tiehvsblttva aidohaie 2.261 te bougse, asiasbed cunsideraicle ut tihe cy three mess snd won hanten uoinsena- Ouest isotel lu tis econntry. tiseri iture and wiuîîuw ligisîs. lidtoIhave bllty and robbed ot 75 cents. GOLO SEEKERS ARE SLAIN. era cdi for tise orguwheu Roîbertsa r- Tise Board of Supervisera has atterei! a troin t carryiug a brick, sud ord,-rcedtisem isutY ot $6 a isead for tise killing of Iniiana lu Alashka Massacre a Party noftruin y.Tiey left. firlug tîseir revolvers wolvea vithin Bureau Counly. PrOspretOra. wvuu e bsouge, ussîr lu retceint liter. wben Nasal reserres of Illinoa is o acredlu A report isas reacised San Franciaco recor rt lm a a ubave ordered tisesunt lise var ,wUlh %pin uyulOrganise tise 111.tisata iParty of ifteest gold aaekers. in- in the ussuale outas .csîtiiss. IRoberts wect nuls Navaal Veterana' Association. cluding Rer. Mr. Webhar. a Morsvlan [Dent Vernon asit(]satre out warranta Tise ontiseru Illinois Medîcal Associa-mlsioury, vert- surderesi ist Indiana Wl et isotismets un varions cisarges sud tiou bas closed s two day' session at iletszatp.Teidnnfertete m teiterhabone, tise son beisisi îressnt. Caîro. Tise Dnt meeting wili haeiseld lis massacre, iselli a dance. getilg drunis. newiq quatre]lwu,% ressevedl.andith ie son Carisondale. and tisen lndulglng in a tigit among tisam- ofthI tise father lits tise Ioter igisl cule. CsresB oL arsr vssr seslves over tise division utftelle poila. Tis row SpolI s DubleWeddng Chnatie hsd by na afegrmersuwonstant parîngonisreported druvned by tise vreck. one t ______Dule__ na. onth rutbya aargtre nywsa sFig fth chooner Jemgic moine lime &go, perse le dousble weddiscg ur Miss Lulu Stone killed whsite drlrlug througi tise titisier aitishe moutis of tise Kuskowi river, i lu li Fred Boetteiser anssd Mils Sarahs near Sadorus. Alasksa. P. Malakoff, a Russalan. tatea, mode le ssnd Ilerian s lt-hier usa ais- Homer Catlu. agcd 72, dled aitQtslncY. Ioveyer. tisai tle parry rencised sore luisbtt ced lu takle plac-e sicar W>allo.Mascy He was tormerly lu tise book aud station- aafeiy. Tise Indiens rendered assistance broie 4t aere precs-it. Motul yotisg lssi-s ery bsinessud had lsen a maidlent libere lu saring tiseir tentes snd supplie@. and Intu exîceuded esc.ilrnlîlc- iuuney lu ur- for fifty years. tiscu murslered tise cutire panty. sud issg esisfortable lioue. Tisc fontr Naabrllein la larmed nier an oitbresk Malaksofaays lie learned front a aqnaw gove air peopîle Isall cuteresi tise rions atisre ut diphiheris sud tisere are feast v ill tiat atter tise prolapecturs vere killes tise lies ulister aia ie readinesca to îscrfoirs become eldemie. Twu dentha bave ne- bodies were îlaced lu canras, taisen ouito tals. -ereusouy, waiesa Misa Stone aaluisded sultei freimtise diasse. sesanad assnk. The aquas, aletise lu- bic-re îleeturs by de-i-arissg tisat ue saîulî Tise lant service% in tise old Austin diana wearlng tise lothing sud Jevelry utý dert suarry Fred }toctts-iir. jusat l-csieaug e îsetdhotCîsireis vere bseldi recently. andithte murdered men. Two isodies,.viicigranue 'iid uottestât ti. '1'i4 weddinir vas tise building la blng toru dowu to maise vera vased asisure, were isieniifiad by an efore indetilitely posrpouesi. 'Tisl room forstar su ad larger edîfice. agent of tise Alasksa Comsmercial COm- Th àr couple wasrt- tssitei lis marrissue asDt Tise Illinois Steel Company isa ptrcis -pauy. Botis bodies acre nsutilstliadned of tt taa- pt-musa vIs.sdici&gst iiarried cd for $350000 seventy-two lacresout Iand wene lsurled on tis e hae. iti sted la tise weclding celebratlusc. nri fisBusCsîaopatfo ialuen norh f ts ouh hicgoplnt ran he SIARKEY WINS ON FOUI.- via Drinka Poison byitMistalle. Cieteuhsm Improremeni Company. train muel IL. Duncan, a leadisîg irooins ire destroyes tise dry gonds tone of Flgbt ln New Taris Ruila la Foalisrar s m utrhaut andî a iromlnn-t leuso- Josephs Tabor & Co. et Beridere, and left biannar, bute lec polticieu.,asas tise vitim î,t a pe- the building ln uinua. Tise loga la catI. Tise giore figisi betveen James J. Cor- ed. I armnd u nmosit ftal accident at bis nsated i $20.000, partlly inattrait. et sd Tom Sissrley ttise Lenoir Aths- vill ie in Arcols. 'tir. l5ssssss iiletlic--n At Kappsa, Levi T. Tcurpin, a fermer, ietic Club lu New York City Tuesday isyp ýring fronti a geserec- ild sinîl absout ageil 421, sud lira. Mary Tomnes. aged =1, ulgisi eaultidlu a vlstory for tise sailior pers iigist &rose trout lus lied to loile a dicus- ca i adua. white driviug vere tîrucks by su pugillat atter one minute and foriy-eigisi alîlf nedicine. le tigtsiik a Iotle oftIlliinois Central pauisenger train and iu- at-couds otf agitiug in tise its round,.linc 3rforsu mixture fcr thse couc istî-îsay. stantly kilied. Corbeit was nor knocked ont. nor vas tisablde 1iefore lbe discovenesi tiseuistalle bad Tiese ecretsry ufthelise tte Board ot bout atopîcad ierauae ut disircas ou bia forn llowed a large quastity iftishe ponn FAuallzstIon bas au fer completed iis clan- Part, but itlvwanirougistte ls eue abrupt- dom phyician a-aon siusicted. aud sttî-rial oris ln sloing up tise voris ut tise y s aîvilation ot tise rulea by Corbetta kiug me tîme aitî a atticspuip board as ta show tise esufits lw oris.second said trainîr. .iim MeVey. viso N iiri1g was rcusoved. Tise essuallzesi assealsmeni ut tise seversl jumped lo tiste ring belore lime vas up disv Babillers F1.7 a Ries Wonsan. classes of properi! la as follova: Landsuad tberelîy bat tise figbt. l ýged "Grassdma" Wyssu. tise ricist easr- lots and persoual. *tliti486.64; ralîrosit McV ey bas* traluesi Corsait aud beau rage il t Boobyn su! uîse u baf tsepruperty assssaed by board. 876.56.845: beblnd blm lu every tighin l vicis tie sex- tl it, vas issird-rs-d tise tber nîgist by cpItal stock ot corporations. $2433.425; champion bas lndîslged. ani thte unan- mue la-avio et ertbrîa sd l-f h-rtotal. $778.474,910; asaessmecuinl 1897, mous, opinion vas thst eishen McVey l Spa ,tiers, ho eutfler adaaî-kiber 1799.695,953; decrease chia yeux. 921.- bis bt-ad or bie made tise break Intention- Bsn lil lu tise front yard. afe "scig '0,942. slIly. Tise reterce vas îompelled ta rive men mbouse. birs. Wyni. who trcqueutly tedcmo eSak-,btlemd h 1couiderstcle missey ici tise ibougce, llr Tise ucv Congregalional Cisurch et ts elinl tsrsi u emd I rîly sîscue. Mina. %Vynu w as esîimatcd Maltote on sdede-ad receutly. Prof. mait populun rulin lugisieclarli aIl leais i bc wortis front 890K te r $lt.0. Tise W. W. McKinsie of Chicago deliveres tisa off. Tisousauda ot dollars ihalliseas vag- bha irerer or usurderera let tnou clev. fit ssrIug ddrems. sud Rer. Dr. Tompilaee ntiait ds Oll adate ie st kuossu how uscci uoueY tisîs Ob- ut Chicago the dedicstory address. lier. uttaîr orer, ih vould bave benu maulftl ris ted. but tise unsunut mosaIhave been Rtobert W. Nevîannit pastor ufthtie con- ntcisa ~ decide say au mueis mouey ou foi siderable. gregation, isad chsarge ufthte ceremonles.seta pieca ut uusportamanlise bhairor. tien Tise building ie tise iandaompst cisurch Tisera vers numurs tbrougisont tise Xvii Fermar* FatslY -'bot. csifice in Mattoon, sud. compîeted in- crovit andi tbey vocsld net dovu, tisai Me- P Phre fermera. Whsu wene ieigbbora. eu- cry detuil. cuot uparard ut $15,000.Tise Veys break s-sa part ut a aciemle ticgave Un@ red is an t-cotser iicr Hiuclaharîc.auditorium proper acatsabacolt 325ipar- Corbeti. Tisere a-ere alnt tatemeuts by Ho dPi-rry l'roffler assd iick Thomas auna, and la a mosdel in arrangement and utkuovu pensons tisaIlise visole tising out re falally abatl yl'yicubeci Piles. Ulem flinh, vas prcconcertedl ansi w-as huown iy te àt tis e cununtise igswsy. w heu. ie Tsa rpralal-I iere-u ssInbots aides hafore tbe figbt. Tin e., they ibrestecat biissafor Pressing outhtie State Syîsod of lise PreabylariaU FLEET REAOY FOR ACTION. aiC ir land, osce ut thtesu bnandiiicg s club. Cburcbsow tise ancrage memharsislp ut orf itey isîcîroaciseclPiles lhe gave Prosser tise cherchsez la 137. RIgitean ciurcisaWorships Couatl e.Qulehir gent lut* rist P s fOueli mofally w-îundîn.t iseny e c e tpont over 400 memisers. sleven luver 6500, Ses-Ice An-a. H d le teresi ta iodot Tisosoas. pli es vuer 0(M, andi une orer 1.000. Lant Tisuogisconfident that botlities wîl Iit. ad nteed he od orThoas.l'iRyeur tisere vas s mesobersip lu tise Bate nfleha numesi. Serretary Long bas umade Ch, reudemic tu liseabs-riff, ot 66(M, sud tii year 5,286 vere addd. it a point bince the peace pnitocol van, m Marder in a Mise. Sercu hundred have dit-siasd 2.4117 bava igued ta put tise men-o-var of tise mer- lIaIt Johnuson giht ïesîl amotit istly laitn dropped or dismisacîl. leariug tise vire lu tisa hast poasible condition, ht led Jamsc Hamptonssli Sholîs s(-oui preseut meubshaip 66,8M. During 1897 vonld sat toike long te0 mobîlixe a strossg Me si. 1w-o tiles mouilisou Bartoisllc. a tise cisurcis gave for aIl benevolent pur- fleet. The New York la now ai Hampîton col intib ut l'clns. Tlt-y tsi-n- -îlred tou-Pose"' ,05.34unsi]ibis w-as increnaed Roades fully coaled and ready for ses:.%;h b c asIts-yqsareld i lsemie tsintiis year by $82.542. armored cruiser Brooklyns sud tise battie On *sirniug stsd Hiamtonliraul Johnasn Ainexpilosion of gaginiitIse Pans Coal abip Masschusaetts, vbicisareaitNev log t cf tiseuine ails a kliit. J.lonusin Cumpsnys tmint- striously Injures tisrca Yurk,.cir aalvil isin s shont rime. aud Je, thei coîuily jail. Il-e lsîsss tisai tise Degroes, iwo ut whiiimmsy nIsucsrvve. tise second-cais battiicsiip Te-xas la bar- ti, rder Wisa a(I-f-dtensa%. Tise gai was lgsilcd iiy usiini' uspm. sud ing bser propeller seare reicaincd. - tise explosion orcirre init an ettry lu tise E-ides iiseeeressela. tise department Bnci stat anei. nonsi section ufthe tmine-. tise oniy isrlos vould proisstly attai-istu IL ficet sent E 'l'ie Iaisstt coigsrc-gatiOtsof Vsi-,itVtali lsisals- Tise lysaabroad tise cruiser Nev Orleans. visici s" actc-d a saliltu ites. IF. F. lt-osbisen more ac-niccsscy isjuned uni- badiy wulhl ha resdy for service In s fev ancika. r1ic--r ('n-t-i. birned absocutthesi- se, banda, tares and sereral guisoats and a Ilert Of colliers. W Tise biosy f Mary lnic-t. a wealisy ol isecisa. lie lIeg filliscg tron tiseir isunes Tise battlesis Iowua sud Oregon, icieshpâ osssin Who isî vci slsiîs-lis-ar tGilsoni. 'woni incutse lilas-ss. i mos-sliateiy afler tise are nt Rio, are aigu arallable for upera- mn sîind i lier lisrsiyanil. itlicw-s-striskei -explosion every ni-gris ansi w-ile monsin tiens lu Spanisis vater. Lu 7i hi-rt dis-ase tlil-fei-calg ber Iflil- tise msine ili-cirtî-sl the lit atisiw 55 olaled F RAN K ODIR. i .e lihue tocp. tseitire beinar h-fl lis humn.'fise .___nt Gallieni& Lty mc îf ( a ve bse a-etir-furce-outtise explspioniiiccssld ha teli in tise wioenaat e nuisier aofitlackIs Im- tii-sî,îsa-sri îtlî ~~s-s sfwaitiinessei,tion ut tise city. saune. ini Georgie W auwrkt iti-îîittlî-. to iccour iicit$200.- Two men giving tisiir Damues as William Arfaal acct ide Ccre Bouts 00. Ttli-aturk ist-i toilea-tsus twoto u Wilson and W. J. Shasnnsn, sied cîsimina cru islay ria.ilB e ra ig.nteàrly ns-c- 35-ra, te ha horst- buYesn. csaisîî adraft for $450 biTuteoai munuing Wisi Waersun sug-at Hs-ury Clay v. ulorc-clDiseu. tatniis t tise Loari Notimisal Ranis. Tesceckci isigis rater ped aEngltof-ero Vaiesd- e idc soitad fîr csimmclt in tisc-Circsuit bore tise signatusre ut W. L. MeElvel dculy is o terunckosbut er i old of lort lit icuia. T. L. Knic>- îiîî-iui-s ica"iser of tise Partrîite Baccng o kin a nih rCoinu-seoe s cui tily ti sîrlcry sus bci-y ssi rei-n- p urof en-caFalaN.Y. Tise casier checks bis train his ad trucis tiesealdicrs. b i s enrsse-. t tse anais bsil supieonei tsaiailWaters atopps ise bstrain and found tisai s -l. a> se nee, utt We LFaitotdraibcs nrgisianik a tc)eleras buaislai leaît Ibree ofthtisamen hait beau killet, P L. 1. Drnei ofWes Frakfot ded wâ nt viiâtanda teegrin rougt liste negroals avarmesi about histuasd ýs a resslîf injuries nescivein a lu ar hgry. tiseansu-en tisai tise draft a-sa a for- talked au trongly ut lyuciig im tisati e la -e ai-r 25 cec-nts Île a gaine ut carlin. 0. srb. Misti e te msen isad lefi Lan- iasily puiled ouitfon Chsattanooga. l'aria ar, uhiee rârs t Freeport nd f h remalus of tise victima vers found Jorani. wIso srcick is isis tise isea tiseir arrent followed in three bhuonsafies agn atelcmtiewe tarvdt ovih a choSe, bas disutiîeared. passig tise draft. IscElvell ut tise Newts isangThg toi ee cmoiee rneit ed Wile a Chiciasgosud Eastern Illissîsiq YorkSteait Iss u sen luMount Carrol*Hea vtisa. isa soide rsermemiswo erutnlise craseI train w-si erî,ssiug Putd <rec*; reports tisai forged drafts ou bis t ikls Banul m Lexne g i n i a . o a re W 3idg, ie-r Boutonî, sancpi- enugist cn tise have beausnceorted aIe lent Decembes route tosLxnis oMcn bridge timbers sud ureiked tlie eutire troun Ohio, ininols, Missouri, lova and RIOTERS SLAIN BT PLOICE. û tiss. lhroving hit tis e creek sud 5i11- Nebraska ta the amoasut ut about $5.000. sg ltear Brakeman CouS. Ws ntise men vere arresiei one atiempi- Boat Indian Me"s. esiti iuuterr te BShecif John A. Lemnsg ut Ciluton est ta ciewup aud svaliuv s draft on tise Riegalatlons. al Cossty vas fini-d for i-uitesnpt of court Plymouth,. md., State Baunuitan Caesiel A dispaicis troun Allaisaisatsya tisaiw ad locked up lunlise joli. Tisaemunsai Oliver 0. Coie uft cat concere aime came serions dlague snota occurmleit a Seringa- f Icident occurred wviile Circuit Court v&asto Mount CarrolThsis batik bas ais. patate ou Frid y. A tbousaau indouuesE In session, sud inthîe culmsination ot ob- hait mauy draftta forgesi un I. A. A. sud Moiammedans tied ta rescua a nus- t- gfinscy ou tise part qlitise officer. Tise Leacisey ofthtie Couvai, lova, bonuiteIMeu- ber et persounaviso iad beau arrestedl for t esriusg ut ErneislKublinau, cbarged vush tifiesi Shannou nos-bavnn lu MsY lant Pail- violations ef tiesasnltary regiaious. t irsuit, was set, sud Sherifi Lemming re- Pd s torgeat draft for $360 ounbîn. Casiez Iu auncilen rioit tise police fired on tise sss*ed to birng tise pniscuiuer fromt tise ils Boatmau of Sterling. Neis., aimeo Identifies olis, klilng two anuit ouudhssg several. tutil lie fei-t au dissail. lsd g e Anses ISannon sisnving inuditiim to pay Tise rlotera vere temporurili ittapersei butG lieu srdered Iisu arni-sted bly Curuoser Ai- ont-r $300 ou a bogue draft. The grand Inter contingenta trointise villages avellesi op. jury ludictesi bots mess. tise croard outil ht numbenesi 10,000. Tbcy Thsomss W. Scuil watsrresied ai (rip- Nat H. Cohen of Urbana sows u isie rted te rush tha fort visere the prisouers t pie Creeis Collse., cbarged in tiste eîsshaz- report ut thee liLinois Fisth Commission vert- losgesi. Tise police fired volleys Ilt. sieuseut of $1.700 trouin Iis. Pielsard & tisat tisousasd et blsck bassud other ibens, kllllug snd vonnding lier eral. A t Co.ý ai tis e nin stock yards,. Chicago. gaine fiais bave bean dttrisuted luInsth large numiser vere arreaiesi. bc report ut tis ugonau4 yshows iat ou tise tilniy-o ec North Atlantc tsquaitroo ry Admirai Boupsot isi-e - Ie deai5c ontut ar total 0t ihs staitise rate of 2.17 only 4ree of tise tveîve use-ue troun pueumonîf. p* suphion sud ue trous id e ere kiliesi or dlcd tront 1six vi-re drowuecl. lua - t-y'. aqtssdron ut elgisteasi ritu1 1 useu tisera ver. ouly ax rte ut 2 .65 per 1,00 -o a tfr morbus, une trou appendici mdrovuing. une trona ont Malcoisolie poison asai ona, e nda. T s a thi e u o t nd tsat v as t-ver lie . l1 au te vorici. itin a radina or ivo quae%, eset fthse îreaaury. lies thea s-bea t ot ounr repoblie. Tisa, , is la tise hitore oIt a, d iu n ov ot l ey u l ? tue nearly ail tise Important -% of tise country bad thaîr cOcaS Iter daya msny isave morat tata t-ru offices l i elghisbons stilI vitsin tise cirela. BRsm a» se sud irigist: no manyi 0 ic-îas Into ihappera are dnigisi ail tise otable ocean verntsent, propisecies or poleas. s nd s pentu-ct io.ieoe t --, s d goasip, ta be gr u tD -ul lur fit ton suy sud ai ul palate tise lranit: Frocs oun aiselal e8 audeni eh Wasigton." hrie dom. ssf tise Cspitel la probaité7 lise Most taeiuatlu hag nW ton atter one asa oma undar W-l -nce. I o snis o simple ut Aria. soli fier oe'* Mes gleanad* Paal am pîctures lu tisa geograpby. 0*5*X nisila hators Ita gradeur tibia00 iatter tisi point bas once baniusai ý,It la ony a question of tîm ione ", li become tisorougisly said cupil cusstixes. Tis ae la ne raepee rsous, eliser; lu takes oanilt &adt li le. l makes the artltisin iatE111 easy to drav. But f ail tisa tl eusy uiidrsvss atter the bu r, noue la suone ofian tissn tisa C@ )ne. N ooua v iii ha surp ries ! If S pata 11« ates lise Cuban ass itslhippins -aI 1 a vaj ase has of getiug rit et a sain g obligation . Bse b u 1ag il vie hafora, but tesisa iiibaron scis ae ber ovu peopl. Neaitp -, sitîsis bonds are hald by Spna.l nis of $pa ina &laoe, vish "b la a -ut intitution ,bi s e t e u «Il Ohs q bea perisape 813,0.000ff brsit. moutly lu France . w « - ave beau vonkei off amont tispe yunacrupulous stockbrirs a -r lu Europe isas begas: SPulis >r an luvesîment ince ets at 911 on. Prauldent McKiney vas thae OUttm ae lu a picioreuque scsse t tisaW anse tise other day, vise a delqë fUte chleta caleit te Par ibalur ad tise '*Great liatser' " TisyA@ el 'm 3oisuson. an old-time brava. Vis rieit up somevisar tise uniforme ait raptuainof infautny. andt havas me fihis bit ut finerY tisi hit ltartl aualy vit thse digoît, f tisa-080 le vaa acompauled lhy Sauce-A-KgO t.David Copperfialit. HAPPY J24b - larîli Macr. Tisey ail aiseok baM anly vus tise PSeuidant.- Washngton aboulithab a sem decea of Brides. Every yesr it tu, mIng more asusoretise geai4 rIdal tounata. aud Fou mer se tisa111 ses goisatise rounds ofthtie publia b gu suy day in tishe Y r. 01 cour anc. andt again aronitise basliarIly aty are More lu evideuce. MOyT A MAN ESOAPES. Employauet a asuri Powdas 1 Killei tlu an EPi6l Ten tisni posuis of povaier, le -as haing prepaned for abipuelit On parking iboutse ut tiseiercules po~ sili ai Lamotie, lb.. situalci! ounl* Louis. Keokcsk sud Nortisan BAR sirtY miles soUîsIis utQuiDfy, lf.. a«PI it S o'clocis Wednewaiymccnîssg, ta 51sistreds tise bodiea ut six mes wreet aiork in tise bujilding aitisae th l'iece# o ut ssaud bous e ae t scaiterei over tise grossnt a bai roms the oseofuthe explelon. ' nere gatbcrest UP lunisuceetby tha ployez ut tise miii. but identification ai of tise parts fund vais A a ttar tiM bility. Several mens vorking lu tise wiicisas ome lutIle distance fruit carking bugse. vene injured ! l glamsud asalyissg debris hout n(oa tly injunesi.j Tise cause ufthtie explosion vii se Snuvn: no eye-vituessnl Iat teote aie. Tisere w-as ahusa som. IQQ1W- der on tie flor oft ie patkng r"O t la conjectunesi hat nome beav7.! was accideotil droppei nto It isp d the mess. eusiug ilte ignite. Tise exploson vas oorepal< ea-rific epo t ,s da nd a .lua m et New Castie. Ili, sevan m1ieé sera iscoken sy tise jar. Refot.- t roms Pittafielit, Esyllas, Ialh Huileanuitotier towua lu Plia ed telephoue Iar tise ellslaale W1.4, teit lu the"e tovus, BéIlsa la, tventy-five miles trou Lameott. T-IANKSGIVINO AT S84Wi" Ontoor Gmea Are puause4 dai vras Observai tiago de Cuba for tise Irai tiel- years' issory of the chtY. B e lion iasued by Cen. Wod, ail- was aspeudesi ai tisaa seÈ. etreetc a&Bdvisarras.Tise the muuiciPalltY bat a vacatiots, ueceaaarl vor s doue bY t1êt, crsu trooPa. it, vas a itonel Tisuoisaglvh tise Ameias. Tise tiaime, terei 95 lu tise aisae. aBeees baseisall aud football gmin, poneit ou accoulst et tise s*t cniug iisserasuitd antertal given by Ameican oScrs ass4 Tise mont important inur overnora reslalee, a aer Mn.. Wooit entertisneita n parîment offcars suit uveril te

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