vsbiIl fernomb seat.i unorempeti ieuen eucaifl Ai raiIles.,lgl .gJ Ai hst Il la cà mcIae AtI§tl Iil -le e ayocm AI lmi, ccli ih IeL. isduama" 0.17 le lth e timtpami iuplldhp et lie emiAoblaima hoei.00 mm "c&0 W"cula I lha muahtwmd by acnui pocum inwfns.te mCAUeOAm Vesrau C06 oRIMd . ai4 60 i mpre.. upc @Umtl mjt'uaee utparoiaclng tic Wam Oet In M 5.tatuc ~'~CtaVoamu etF t vut' C à Imowedge tt&tact miii ueihne .aturesed tay cicr par- ic.. The igi staning of thse C<ta.i u e Saut,,Co. di tu emadil- «Aptcda mi "tue aa*atactioa lie icameet aitCotpanya uallyi mioe. h" îmsifr'talng or asalen- Bahsm. la setr10gel Ia beiccal 0 -eia.plama. esaicuiethie usine et thie 0,01- CAOIJFO MW IS$fUP Mo 401 CO uL F4XAIL, Uelm m rm c L iruuac.F W. o. - "Il li en laestta*»ygoo-.ornhfg." ga s absc, ith a poor 11111. atempl nt à lauigi, but ai! l vsurig antiholding eut .Tou Ilter' repletiho, lgnorhug the Xviband. Joye e uif struck by aoms cruel - "Yeu are not tirai, 1 hopler' saiu DY- "Oh, Do" Mie féels alliai. choieti. A desire lu gel ho tie duor and eccapen-luse CHAPTiDU X iI...<Conalouedi.) sigbî of hlm forever-li tie oneseurong --yen bob ditrcsie. 11ud. 1 iclieve iotîging liaI passeuses ber; but ho move y«a as Oettlg *bout thic," sais La.dy requires crengt. sand eeméeliaI sber Bpltiame. w d li tile blinli bmteine t1bi are treuibliug. laugi. "Deon't Illecàsll chii. IF 1h w-slian a long drlive, hutever. Andthti bts mI or tioutngilutlag liai buasnueut storna tussevu'ru-. 1fuar yen maut have becu ilnilpoftYes. Dit pol ul est i suiffre net lu couic ulgîtl Ne, Icaa eauscYuOD Z.- Tbrrr. "*1have not sifferd," sais elie, lu a lie demummijetaPtIle itestgibitore loaci- doit. emtsaoitIî'uSe ai. Bon. h1 aiticotiYeu op u glass o umi- 'o" pagne and a bwut d'.uou't refuse IL' 'Ihere ln a cinstecstule pause, andt ten: ficepulsdoir tie lblinda andt p uesitf- 1"Nu! Il lm truc! th lu I ouly mh ave hy ont 09tkte ron-tehobhr boudoir. there nuffer-ut" says Disert, titi an uncon- ale lad. e aclerlc st.Itlit*ber. troilable alandtoint tluthic uiari thet le la loscgiug conaortabli on a 'latn listiestroy uog hiîn. "I loue." fauteuil, leloghie eYea mu dlaI of 1 -t "T n -u onttllg," sais .Joyce. l pesnact. carelina lite. lie maies bISlm -, is hi eterrible effort lthauhebcspeaka.Shie ter à préent ot aleimlug s-lle unAbie 1feriathorougly unnuerveti-untcung. culera. Cuiîalons liat the nervousichking et ber "Alulgooti morula. Isabel; 1stamtralti hants wil! etray ber. aie claupc tieco ta- ce gave yoo ratier a trIait tit yit Y i en-'inti her igtI,.*'Yon meant sonttint l eointbc be inpesi. Wtt aun evesitar .locînom s leu youorefucedtloir nijM snd algbt lInumel oui! 1 hougil hie, stuu. But w-at? Wictr" citer wmens ihove me-ne tbrui- to ur';T-oti aid it s-as tbu laIe." replies ic got lavesand tnrvem. Wur flt lite "Anti 1-agnecti titi ye."' tie Babi luhie Weei. ebnutteanl -lulI*"rhat w az nulil!" gays sie. teveriair Poon. dean lisae s icglat! 1 frt au son- ' "Tînre wm muutci more! Tetilme' el for ici. Tes have ceeu hec. 1 box." -Paisaionaîcley--"wial ion menut. Why ils tace bici»wnomtilestiecorurc-ttu'ituwnfiti you nul oui me? What aa i t. et deellota esme"i. "che lanulot cr-fa - unal-ntau-- " igair '<"[bat tront heuetorti yeu uarc Oct "Ph. lku iard. teprencet." arys Lady troua thie 1s'cscutiou 'et mi blave,"'gays Baltimoere., r.gacuing ut seionai. -1i ty«uut, dteliieratdly. "I mci md eve miii. Normant. Yeu batlcorne hume lait, lu hope Ihat >ou coule caireocrae-atili- evenlng." I1dit hope. Thct bus icen tY ondas.in «"Wbml andl lring Mlisa Kauaagh îlot niuv.- tiroatgi mli h timl 10c?" W*ellf?" dm&Aise, fainti. lie- «"No. yen conît have let! becrantpâl-- , olr eing uceme ifuameti. Somuethînt lia. 1 Iab n ioti cdcrenelaite.' t ail tus ale boCa nlicipaleti, but the "Wiyr' titi aia amusli laugi. "relaity la fe rse w han sUr anticipation ion &froid I bave couuiîuruumledyst-if t" bat bren. PMe Iat uccu hlmn lu ber "i1ma nol thinkilus f y7.1ah nc mre Ihouingis. ingri. indignant. mlserable. but atrslu, i.mti aInic uor clu ltullpeamuce. 'Ibat he %cia uglinecoltiu sel ber cide- &*of your iîvlur cuumprcoi-ci 3lila tva-, bldber au eweeistingadiieu-make-op bil nagi. Tltere are- ucu thiioga esguenille' mndo telilaeta'ii tu torget hec tIas had lu tilu curions tuait. Youa aiold bave aie-ar ocremretIo ber asl belug even peuh- sert Joyce lua ir.ennaly's sare keepi su abe. anti comrniaiglîl bock bece.'* "No m a'e tceluunderîandt tnt hi *'To be laid op it m the lie ciatiotlifoi diotetreccpîcynibettetin tus tiahi thie hole ot tiec, c i siiter! lOh* day beore yesterdayslant suncuti.'[he most unnîtural staîe. c-bat hinl j-tan rtal, a ndusu. lla o0,cr. 1h cas moult bave tieired <t me!' tailmre-neilis-r you Brc1I or lie pubiei "Yeu sboetiier res t attention &Il tua i ii maw béer outltomacl.' nuler." u«YS Ia.lî Baltimoare. i-la et'ui-li-au"e I tidti lconte boni "Iboelli sho% ued alrolwr attention toilaitcmniug lu leienan t .m?" Sont al j-onrt' aeI.." iamall ipart ut courase bas cotebail;iet "*You ivre vecy specalîy attentive ta 1iser set. Nie lifla ber beat sulooks et ber." ic. "To ia Ksaairhudo yolt mnu? j-OhGl! cb onet titi me iere-inauc attiàa tssîcti sic. 'Ai!meili. yes. Pet'- baeîuîr togutiet' cri" ele.velemeti bamle h titirive mure ut mi timie ta be -Y.e.iave ieaed nie ail lt'nugh:¶a- tri and te Um i alianitiahontmt hie 5li- Au geurseit for once. Wby preen, leil cim"aurfouItle t e part? Testcualay 1lim "&Ai! MIda& lsliant! ue raumdider- saled j-on not tho gf ocrlthat rime Bell stand Ibat." say-sbils«IltIer. miii san bts-lait, andi et-,oha mat. Whse "Mu&_ mtie, bler la e ul eicelîroaPlmeitarY s« my lore foc you--in comaparioncw" t "$COQ eu e lm loune whcu'tan, m te-aboucs' drive tit liai use«diMi?" &IlI"eut&l.1Iroute-s 1 ttret very bard len "l tas onli the drive I licngw «»' trier myselt te lie poimnt Obére. but 8 taM-fac"sacié, ptuaunly. "I-libeue cas oti et. Nature iris t toosranufefr me.-(ISSiugM, Ie, indei. Anti pua; t-iisi girl. you mot. bt-e--ttt" ber baud lt e brat--if a-us id ne "We are unul ticcuiug Mi« es Mipbmàa poru 50 rogly-o---" me tere tshiing ot luire." iilj-. I 'icc!" sais Dyscit. t ln-ug ftv "Ah. truc!" sa if Jmeawmacci- a eaber ns If disaustesi. Tu bisa, lu iiipru teigittul tace. *"And à tac more-chant- eut furions nuoul. ber grief, ber tom., i lus aitiiect for tiliwiCu, il mut ileal-aI binkinga. are amli nomany mss~ lomeol. Weil. antid tu je-uami tic gaule ut coquette, ai dur h e la bec Joyce.. Vaut aitresu. *-Wthhyn thlm a m e -Be bumm. N.rmuuu!"sasys L4dy D&M.Io lutiecutid' ay c. "Sesihem." tutc more.,mith a simid4t uniisn out Ie i log bils angry cyes teheim.."I iost car ber oue. "Porge-tuhopuairOnce ilu a msY. chat von gay. 1i mW otuy.»as. CI Andti tictinelw in ii rabt.« etaste. lodee-belt %titi I ksour y"nl T-nth beur lie trUti trou 30L SPicvus lia- en coce Yoen Are One mess ef decoit." happy. ancerta lu. necvaes. i lcbur. f;b, boîta ont ber baudstefilm ini ait Tiare lu iontetblmag cea. cautcc. illen t ic îuib tfeuilue. Bec tourswemus Ici ber. h moititgLlho thini tiIt Do von pui. Bat be repulses Iis lest atte-uptà not." elie me-tiu mrd bila, "-1i bav e-unriimtio. aoeiiieithougil ion m.e n lglve tath 'hI lmno 1o~. Noue! I bite"ou. ha,1 ber." lu Y.oui IctI, 50 younCaun n'ul luie a le-mm "Have yffl? Do Fea-o c. s have 1." h i im at a m a uliintoT o u n. Bolt mtb i franinesa vecy adirable. -"PWlj a it! t ." trawicaadeepi rcstlthmoi une of tir motn cr--able grd% uit utsa- Ibis cloue-t tee-lb, $"fiat iuussvd ven uuaintnee. Tirre la somcling vecy eale- j ere ta go hi 1 abouldtilltte b utg ial cbout ber. l' nt ueuluied tiuatou if be mccc ne-r. t ire le op. 'Th bth ion anti 1 fr11 bO, ca couamimmaf ibttie mas tue strong for un. I ami t hiai sort." 1Iftact. loc. mci." "Au I le undetaut iy tiIt-? I1"Ton bavý e suacrauseulIt- " %bcic "JusI one tîiig. h1oam tmsuset' t. mr- litlot cole,ingularci ceat'.Tic viole-v c." lait 'is agitatiou bat aubuletbers, as "Thbe- mcn mincanuot sffuuctte saavry setiereti ber rompsrmively celui. ehould net efford i'uel t hie praeas r--YeTn muet permt manc ontradiet yoi dirtatienc."' ayu Lady Baltasmeve. tit i he arrangement lu i al fuar ota." décision. --Wea it no great a crime e ta ty b "Nu? lu that your fiuai opiaocl leu ia-agilt F nt? bel. that a brow! iVial a terriblhscegmar! "Tiere la nu crimie anywiece. Tialy If." amlint. "yon tavor Baltimorue mt ,Iaoulti bave male ontc ituletwemea. dis stile oftIhing wheueruer yen disop- me-ailanulo a crime.' prove of bis suiolleuul action. 1 douîtoc«-- Nel! h arnowleilite1Imadacitesin dcer o ilbes n0otea ant tir matrismalal bel-" collmr. Tonuititiset melo tuai jnuc ec: Wbeu titi youî mate it?" tuhai pourse-It, uaî soi Isabel. nose anti "Lmtal ecning; anI thoiigi ye-" thon. mod prohably you chIl idlite "OIld 'nu excusen." gas Î 1e, citai casier." trealal,"*Do you thini Idesire tient?"' He e iltli snillng dellghtrualy. He I§juge hesita tfoc a minute or au,adine ot dis cruel gîbu linadinluthe mont tireslober abruîtty. 'Arcion eugau careleic naner possible. te bia lliy?" "Ail tunget me,' sais aie. lni a a nuer "Na." satsionls as ibis 0cm. If sic bmt quhv- "Nul" ln accents suggtestive ut urpet e ee ecti thultichustoftbils, t ail e intese asa to alnîuti eularge into disi évents esic bis bcd sîreuti ensoogi tlie(. "T'eu refusd hlm, lieu?' suppreis ail signe utfl. *"Tlai-nut of "Ne, "«myace, a&ain. lierieact ses ber-I dam B ay esic u-liluutliym t-bot ofte d ic «îý; a br. Oi, lie useutf cis iourasLt" thaI overpmsera ber. A sutiten mild,.et '"Wbaî coulti yon have me do. lien?' ribb a st e f Beauclerk telles ber in tdemada he, rling béeeasd comsronîîng -tiîeiim. Wiy, tii. âbhe uotî gi- be. Tiens ila agondtdtis!et Tenuesîn bishec te choIe e tsauing yrs, latrî baufisme tsee, but Lady BaltimtoreBO. le lt ait e estlon? b ra-assît."Ton mea-4iat e-" He stops te .'"f-wonte bave yen art as an icorable short as If ual ketlu« bowtel procu man." «sYs sic, ia a cleaa. If icy, loue. Tien. sundtinly, hWi trahi breaks toit "Toa go pretty tar. Isabel, ceci tac. "AntifotilaI scunutrl, that tellot wi even for ilaiter," %&Ya he. piesnce-ahIbils 001t abeationbasec sacriliet tic h. qeout il bilai et an Mmd bet*mcu mmd nasiemagfth. "Ton wroug me tiers, sys the Young vatami rîcumausai, a"nta ail notioua man, Who baa grocu ghastly. "Whstevmu S&Ljacotm»0()Il lIa smster cure. It 1 mai have uah 1-" wuimpars wrmtî andi treugti ta thc "Yeu meait It"' uaysusiie. She drac muscles, andi cures. lruif op te tte full heoit e1 ber Youug, lender figure, andi, turulog abruPtiy. ElgÉàhrenth Centukry smmu. mores tovard tiecldoor. "Yuu are a cuw- Let me pr"en't you wtît a few elgh- ard' uhe slys, lu s slow, distinct tle clire titi ucoru. 'Aà coward!*" teenth century saws. 'bey may lie olti- er, liut lu t l.t icnturor ouîndthemn CHAPTEI I xV. Fair hair la tlie prisonl of CuPld. Tirre menthe bave corne andi gour, sud Wuuieiî wiii lune lps are geolde. wiuter lu uspon us. It lu close ou Christ- When itiiti tost tro- tiI!. ouan mastide ludleed. Mr. Monilen hic recel,- foundit. cd a letter fromt ils nicher tuvitiug ber -My d.-r,- saold t11 girl te ber lover. daugiter-lu-lair andi tiec cildin as irell 'îwîetî huee vi-rytlug eXcept a gond as Joyce and bizuait tu OCCogya bouse udrtnig' Btwy-"eas lu Harley treet. London, for the tinter.tlictn y <ol n utn hry.o ecau.* e This ardyIinvitation, nfterfelglàt years tn tuwudn ogrltem. Ilnce tieir uuaknowledged Friae lor iie .-o nîLiîl-XlOU.cnt breuti sud Raiiae tel mub sctne lureisebui buter eprî-ad wth powder of op*- s gIgr g grc t tiçi trgmeut ou ticpact brîgit. of ber Euaband wmd lots out'cuax nu romui Lîcnzpr i,-ap1 are go-naiured. Joyces sicfiaalli conteetu ndergo the A (cher-rfy y-or a merri yecr. ordeal thici slic mnots lubetore ber. A plîuin f ar a tuuihyear. Tiro tecks Iter s"guthem settieti lau 'Thecriesof if . d duck porteutirâln. ttu, lu the Harkip treet bouse. thal ppi!lnxtEsirfrlc u o ucemi emormons and untrileteluMca. Ifu i cx air o uk u o Muiton, but teiîgilfut tu Joyce sud the Ttl i u n i as lo. chiltircu, wo wander front room tu rootu, 1 abtliktikl tal sud under ber gldae, PreteudtO10 md Bi-lian IIe-gsbeil to prevent it tci- hein and ions cutiboles lu ever corner. cria f. Tic meeting ietwcen Barbara îand AprIfl - trqt la Ail Fools* day be- Lady lionkton bad 1n0t been satinfactory. cousu- N)ali sîut out the doo-e ou that There hati beau very littie laid on either day. ide, but liec cilil that lui ou tie whole Tý, -tailt ttcan apotiecatry" la to interview lbadtneyer lhawed for c mu- ti uuîîlliiy odnQeu ment. al, l'i-Iiily - nd nQ e . Barbara haitibecu sîiff aud cold. If -t- tircly polte, but noet ai l tc Barbuars tu TWO GRATEFLL>WOILE wmou ber Émettent] hall bren up ho this acculoineti. He titi n0t biaine lier for tiechcange et front under tic cîrcurn- PResture oti a eakh by Lmyd LB stances, buttlbe coulti iardly failtu10regret Pi'<-am'a Vegotabla Oomiound. tit. anud fit pzzled hlm s great deal to know _____ eow aie dtItJi.a CmDe MrOc, Woseh Ltdy Itonkton huat hee stifi. too; un-___ Sperdonabl s-sa lit mas crtaiuty hec ie âIIC AXfy *pace 10 naIn amends-te stten sud M, AaC aaT sntooth dowa tic preiiuinary embarrass- West Wiustcd, Con., writia: m t.But tien sic hmd neyer bren taint- DIAJI Mms. nqAn -It la di cdfr uuavlty of mai ort; sud an otd plesaure tuat 1 write tu yo e b Bunt of Idouton's, a tinter of bers. hai benefit 1 have derjycti from ualng iour bren preuct turing lic interview, sud bcd icipeti consîderably lu keep nit the tonderfut VegetableCompouad. 1mai trilgiditp -ot tise tinomphere. vey i, anfereti citb female cooA- r Sie cas net à baolit t oman et icact. nesa sud displacement ofthe tic mb. 0tuis ut. Pie ici ladeed fromn tinete u Icouldnotsleepatnlght.hmdtoiealk tinet gvedu'p «Il icr ocu suint!paîrimnurthefleuor, 1 a elreàseni.wtt pain laump ettu bep ber icler te Me tic aMut 5louitaide sud ialt fMy bwi. Wuc trou- Ilof bis many diuearsble dl8fcultes. She bled with bloating, snd cet tii... coulti r bd donc this pmrlW tortic suie or the feint away; hmti a terrible pain ln My -glati old tamlly mmsou boti ide, sud heart, a badl tate lu my mnuth I al to *partly beceaslientouer George Monk- tinte sud wonld vomit; but noll, tias ton mas ver, dae teber.teMs ika an brVfl be r $1l dîshiketi ilrederlck. nul onîy Intense-te c.Pnka u brVgebl lbut wki auqaenness that baid Its dis Compound,.IItell Weil aud sloopiesîl, a dvanlages-not for any grenier resam eau do my mark withouli feeling t4red; an thauil e l ai ieiavsd inaucîmf su far do nul binaI or bave anp trouble tiabcrte.ri a amî ade "1 sincerely liank you for theCgoof _ s point agaiust hlm oetbilsudutîtol mer- adrice you gave me aud for abat pour n age, sud eer taflleahsdd fuel to the msdlcins bustion. for me." ld ireout ils tteru sud mother'. recrut-______ b-mentashunt Il ciesiever tiatl ire seemed -cana" pasai a s m te bute iow. ____ le(To be continuai.> NUli OsanzDUNE=a, ie Fmruau, Mm i., ait: âe WI*ERE COOOUu#K88OUNTED. 1 sufferat for lmeais. a ull> a- <c Trerrible @trait s mAdmirai Dwey otte fut c"d irregniar meatruallion. fIlln Lient, Cafflai. N anul tIs L cfite wumb amipella nthe b1*ck1 Mr Lieutenant B. A. Plaie, U. S. N, futrdPstbabu noefl De tePetr, wrIte, au article for tic " I mw«ut "Ipeacadeatehotry Lydil t Century ou "*Wby We Won t Maull E." oemmsiprmigéelte u umo wl etLieutenant ll'lske aya: Tie decisîve a" ma" me. E it so 11k. forw mouient w»sappromchlug. aud IL ma i m ourm.__a eao apociglu a very tîcllala Va"- Pe"0m' Md <!ou uitPart lt<Jo le pr orci ue etb rgazniedicini. 1 bave reem dcdMU Ib meur;frilma ntb tnothlat aenMy trienda." je the AtueriCan fleet mw» ln a btrbe I. avz m- imiî,ianet a vgugle oUre ad eter Truc Vieleisti. eb bren butore, anti titi abicithir o c- At-r-Wben yon cne te muTmei 1- qualutance bcd been acquired wuhsllpboutk bcpeyen wM ier mt letoumess 'a from charta. Now, navlgalag as éa,- au me. LIkuovmu harbor by ebait la tJdicuai tilt"c-4resdt lleuit utedand -ni là- mort. even on a iright atteruesau, eriticl*mt was cerinly net detri.el usminnu oe la fring iauvygai,&ant l. jet wien there lu no nececsllty for goIng Artlaor-Why. i dln't tee sany notic nar shos. But bo ta lu l tnhle et i la u our columns. Nn Ilgt lo su poor tbat il la aimait Inu, (Srle-iOt course net. We have à 's- possible te distinguisi tisse 5ai- mII ays been frIcots sud for Liai Teu mir marks on shore mbich ose mustettaU- 1 vefraînei frminprtttng my tia lun gulsh lu order te telt -iere Il elaIHem opinion of lit. liata lt wien the obhtp mieeen pou ae 44 oui ru irlng heavy puit. tiat raSie rour tlu- 0100 ne- i dii. re ulrunieuls sud 611 thse air mti imuke? 4mt"tfl1 g1 a rdddsi ,o Howi t . Il i l ealîmolnttely ecnsà- th imu clu bb u abblcm sla emil thb te a ugel asn taar ta eem,'tlu hoe a lae t psitvecur. nour ace te Ille n possible, lu ortier te lsrisg yoS i a "ne a zuemUiy. ibualm teier nisen=~a lit close tu lie enemy' Hea- 1laih mien, e Ie a Wuits bbu,.. M oz- lu addition ho ailtitheflthilatge, bel l ectly natotsmhebloot " au etse a-o ettiche su, tieret>y ulest6ois ticfoadamih Stwelghlug troia one pouan te une buB- thelu«.sant Ilvin te paulotm lidreti îountia axe slugàt u he icair -budis lie ealtt.,,su d uilnumai ,oe abtout you? Mositofun. cau keepounr muhilsfi te Iscurative pomalattive ti- adn t ainiy clear If cm bave a abeet <One tundreti Dollars foraie mliI1. cure. Sentifor lIif Taalmanlh rh of parter andi a lrad.JencU, andi are sit- Add.rs. F. J. CIMNIEX 8 00.. Tict ira tig ate lu a quiet uoin. Wloid by.Draieglas. 7c. 40 But iow w., ltit wtth CommodoreTrhtlei re 1ee n iueatû&mwe le- 1neyatLeslmn auema "A momanu ia 10bave tome coi t bey stood i ighitn by lh iaettdaild fideuce in lher buabanti," remari l u (-ieipas ounlthe morulug or tib e tttilt Mcm. Meekttn. ,e -May? Cailking tua1I cOnaPMabeaitgî 1"1dun!l quile séecwhy.' repledti td ot certain laudmnarts auon toe, and ifîe lu a ratier bard toue. then aIs assistant <mec flues on tic "Becauce iec mnIt belp herse] 'u. r hart. lndleaing time rectiOng, Boa, wi"n 1 went ho the pullistho lt rolu thc spots repr*cnUng Iftà enfd-petitt my'ballot you haiti tu ely ou ru m8 arks. 'ielnt uersection et thLi es bonor to make me vote the way yc pushowed lhe position ut tie mip; and told ume inu. enteltta, youktots-yc tw froîu ewh au,"slve puiton le eont- Mi."-W,,htngton Star. modoce dieetthe ln-f urtier mr»e -_________ s- mieuteuofthle fleet. Wien eue tdntu What d)o the Childriu Drink? Or bow much ismater migit isvc foi- [Sont te ticin tc or telles Hal lowd amisakeof alltne ora ms-peu trel d<ic newftaddrink cmlic takott a moflthe edu akorelatie- KAÎ-1 ,0?It a telicions anud nouriel h a J lIru ie omdr eai eu ait mtaies lie place of coffea, Tt dit tu the couîrse alune andmieW bai, ait te mors <Sriln-0 you givc -héic cidren t c amteUlime. lu gît-e orders te thlibps amores hasti yen ditibute tiroagi t about maar uthe maîtere, one a-- Jlumatisetfpure grain lied&bou maiy ohermattrs),oneeau p- ud wm proprlyrresraietes c 1u1I preuiate wuàat the reeposbilte ufth inc ide.grades othoffée. but e« titeir positions tere, anti chat maa the &aio.ýcc06mici. AIlTgriisr*dlsl it 1l seneceelty toc colnee suanti cîcrusa In lit- ofried. The Coretet Philomotaer. ellitL mcy bu lurerpbolated icre outtu ha"A 'oras.Ides of a deta-trotiti me clrunmtnures lke tibis. thic mueh vain-te tamee wo." eald lie Corutod Ph er- aile quality lu oticers or geemuen ha osopher. "dues nul sait ber ubenti ise eulucia, ennînit net go mmc ilanx_-saceouirfer every cent ut île el ivcn tomnai qulelun-nu.out demeanon au tic money.'-Intilanapolis Journ al. ut orabIllty luse ttuh-hobriain efectlveiv 15heu Hei. c.u ad, alll,-d o tluls, lie faculty of keep>- We cam cil. -p troumeg sud di ee.itohe bien cool. In muet naviele ia tlat sorenes md sttffemsbavs lai4 mrh'ieneau be doeludeti on tefight brave- heu et n. We ea u seSt jac"s91 71t- 1 an log;butthealplit -In us th go »te W69S anti 'Munp &"itI r 14 A ysfloc liait bac been obtbIed tIt iIncandescent gaz inuers bY s Germlan luveutor at Krefeld. He aller, thc umers nu tia t tic pas la oispplicti at a pressure ufthtrce and a haIt oîmou- pheres. A ingle jet ut'orlisry sire lien entits a Ilght otfumore titan 1.000 canslle power, by wbilh fiue prinIt May be rend ah s distauce or 150 teelt rom lie lght. May Nrig LeproY io Tus ColautrY. Our coldere lu Hlaivahi ntY rntrset lepcosy sud brin g it lu thiu country. Wbîle- luprocyi la lbe ti eatict. tic-cc are s licu- saint tmns, as maunividtima to tMaci iorders. batt dme ln a cure lu Hostet- tees Shonaci Bittemr. Oliser sîluieti tlaat tic Bitter» are a spiecfor arenra- laria, lever anti ague. "ud cî ail dru# Mores. H' e Kneu. Siderly Spinster luo young reprobate, aie bas laeon %wenring)--4)h, hor cali yen unec sncb treattol languge! Do pou kmuat blccumes o ututIle boys wbo du su? Bliy-yen'm; tbeZ gels ter We keb- drvers-Fun. -1 Ont«,' Neuve Tours. Firet tour Icaves Chicago Jan. 17; sec- oud tour leares Chicago Fnb. Il. 18M0. PrIcesot ticket inludegaail traveling ex- pennes ftibrtY daYis. 'heur leurs cru- matie hi apeciai trains ut Palure Cars, ln- cluding dtiin araa.F~or descriptive books anti rates irrite to Chas. Il. Gales, Toledo, Ohio. Career open ta u nslihLord. Lord Stonybrke-1lt'a lime, Clarence, tiat you tu-ce thlnkiug about a carmer. Dutîtol lion-l tilI be guldeul by you, tter. ihall 1 IgoJlothebcchurcil. shudy for tie bar, enter lie ry, or ntarry su boîrena! -Od(iland Ends. au Wluater Use All»'$ Fe-is à pourder tu W sfaenluto tiche Durtng vwlnteryeur teet teed uncomfo- able. nervous, andi otten cold and da. if YOD have perspirlus. saarting feet or tîght sboes., try Allen% Foot-Rie. il ,arme and reste the test and makes walklng aey. Cures - swrileu and sweatiugftest.bliters and caious spots Relievea cornu andi bnnions of 41mIiDi and la a certain cure for ehllblaluu and froot bita. Try It to.aY. 1101d, drnggiste andi choc stare, for 9ne. u package malieti FRMU Addrsis Alen 8. oimsted. Le Ro, N. Y. N or mis Eception. Softtigh-Su you-aw. dnn't tink the clothes maie the man. Mis Ont- tlng? Utissoutttag-Well. the7i dldit le your ca,.et i leaut. Tery oGe-O! Tvy Ouatm.Qt AM jyour roeet to-dai teeshow 1Y" a pacitageof GRAIN-O. thoic s 0 la tiat tae tich place et c laq . fsl ires may driak hilîitmial.ipsu wdq ast the adit.Ail Who in. il. 1ne il; GRAINeO me thielà am1i boomet Mocha e rJ&1114botleW a* Ma as fraies, and thcMut deilcts idmm ete. i il rthsut distremu. là thc pries-et eoffce. 15e. and 25 cia. pur geelag46 Ssi hy ail groceat. uneeles vorever. He-Ne, Il didn't tee m long te maie nt my solild mter 1 htad bOW pou Birted at liat dauciei P&Mt. flie-l'm amloT nrimdetd at a. Tierea wu% uo tttie of it In male Up. Tis 1blmas O lWmt»sdcItlcun v iasme wur *os55ilalu*0lsshage de@"801esa v 4 *alb 1de le esm t.Jasuim-On lpromern &111I "l sumeet a eu&s A frotty a, Putec! i y wiî do iou tlink sic ln of vuigar -Origini" "Becunue uic ta always taomes about Sber tauilly 'be~ogng to tic iaut ton."' 1- Ingwe Vster l Mhdm n uenteu boticicel eCid 1" . leideri d h te i .ltii iii. la nscsuary. Act gcnt&y esutic lilve and kldneyu. Oums click imadache. Piers25and 50e Admirai Scilci ta one of tblrteen be children and baa two uncicu each tic w tatier of otbers 13. He lan bllever -la unlncky numbers. TecurCas.Cold la One D"55 iTabstmxeve Brume Quinine Taielt. AM drugçatarfundthe moneyiilfitalleapelu begnunehL.Q. omascitaMiS Goal la dearer lu South Atrîca than11 Ir n ani otber part of the world. I lu cheapeut lit China.9 I never ud sa quici a cure au Pluose Cure for Contumptlon.-J. B, Palace, Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., New. = ~1M&5 d The sunual production of potatues ln the wocid 18 about 80000.000 tons. le eThe Cood lu à@ beyondestimastion. Il twill give jeu luwarui. rich, nourlsbing biood. atrentisa jour nerve,, toue your utmaci. erreataeau appetite. sud maile yen féal botter la cverp leway. It; in a wondertul luigorator ofthle d systena; cards off coidufeverspneumonla à-and tic grtp. Tic beet violer cmediine ta M U...~..Bra N, oo Pll " llssuu aiml to nu te MMn ia~a l~ hom a b o m à "il c e s . i t à u . I ie m e tue cmuais. 4 "ul *". Mi couamin i M Umm iKtibmoial miu sfuneWaouel." Jec. onouff. mausasu M.. os.IAW& o 55 Sdseue uI, 5. n i.at L TI Ifi eiv ou lu Wb roc mu we SIX lu bu in ýwALU m c15 elu AMeihi Uldta,0 mdlcmi5 Csau~ N ot ftI.ioeul oems 0p TUBPmuSov MOTUYlm eUmm cSuFiA sou »eh ceaet - -S « erD ot teIulu ai or Ptiflsn e y e tot Ia a iscpa.cate . t sabicR MON. eTUELEVG lON'U.N wmuom ONUImsSon pS i maiLeftwci ulidagNew Teck qlp Mty ESA@&MSUà HOUP 0 voUS WUa Yop cmudo it.Tbe mnetsgcw tana d lai wocM hnu.Wui et ti. Mieddiui River. Pima» -sb»le d laMeranarcprueperous. Yom ut ut va»luabi aOrmalica ip ude gq Comm BaL."ieis tbela iiia faOn m psrser pubId. Il lma hs- ilfulily iluslme " m uia1e a"ntsilctly Irnîhi abasln icebt tic Wms.l. uueduti mul. Simdagfc. for a yaars ubucrlpilm te I'Ta Comm BsL?' 5mg Adam St.., Cicago. IM& Mit. «aSay Aye 'No' and YeNeW Béirw ried." Donat Refuse Ail Our Advice to* Use tarrà cfth14# ', ~~ n aae eeh 0.am lin ncuria». Ir Most cses et- ticath trom coin- mumption sic 0f neglectetile" icÏtant-b. pm-runma onka barmonlunsly mth* &tre tueject tie luberclea fron is aga, anti torkasu&0 aucccaatlly liai t taere la a cure for consnrnptà ina-u atise remetip. Ilcau tala letter trou bin. IL. h ,lye. otfPour Cakea, N. C., about bei 4ngiter, lins. L. Resue. Sbe smyau c-«ru-ca MuudinesCo., Cotuashas.O.- Duaa Pxi:-"liy daugiten bat ep iptom of cotnuutnO-SIippic. 1Mees., lgu smcatm anti geai o chtou. Plie mua su humlaI nUm. et )un neighbom Iboaglit sic could i ve an -May Mn. C. Rl. Adamo.. thibm place. wua bat tahcen Pc-ru-na, tol elilI &ytiug aoulti icîp ber Pe-ru'ai volt. . I got a battis of Il antim mek cay and ntiii vlng it teiber. Duninif tue finit feirwm W h esu wemi sic oQç uloalp ti s abI ei spuiuul et a lime, but 1 gsve Itlat bei as Olteni as siec ota1d earIL h.la leu thea s eithé econiti mail b huntired yartis ad bat cllbmat ,e ug; *hum kept gettlug atrougfer, âZîd la twclve moulli aish mmd te be Ul usbesveraaslabe'îiCto lmdm O eeamlun lat, mcm c&on$ e îcnilat Pc-unasveti les u. My auileruaimaîe la lira, L. Zns Baker's