CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1899, p. 1

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LAKE COJJTYINDEPENIYNT.__I Libertyville, Lake Gounty. FrIday, January 13, 1899. $1.50 a Vear in Advances A GRAND MONUMENT. FroOn e, tDUth. GRAYSLAKE GRANT IT. M Si Hmtigof whch Lakte County fonnit deail peur V)T1ieid. Coroner Give Plfty YearFranchlaCtoEOCtrlC S ale Will B.Proud. Knight wui imiodiAely, summol0iCed Roud. HaS pased Intohis.tor As staed in ut issuIobate ther anofield n toqus& TiattheaFoiLake Elctrie rad in IÔ Ô alibeing the Most p ros- 25tlh, Mr. F. airatow, if Wakegafl. Fred Baimes, a fermier of North un asouredl project te heyond doubt. M uslit n es .Mý 'r w. hve vasthe succecaf ni competitoir for the prairie, testiileth&$ua lie WaxcChttl> Followtng the granting of a 11117t , yezII perous yeuatrnri f Lihavent Vtasping Wood vith osilef ermeni about franchiiseat Litîuriyviiie. the village W att iealarcso esacac ever ,xperIiSlced. Sodiera Monument. lMr. BairatoW'5a ilannli aW..., of itd he h(iaylaemsale.Thrsa It has beena particU-reputation as i monlument buildet in they vere told by a' ppssîing fermner evening granted the Foi Lakte pro- to take advatg fti ae It hs ben a artiu- uch that vo feel ascureil Ibis one viii thst ajan ilA l ac Iin iithe, diteli a Jectorsa aliée franchise for a peroid Of arybusy year for us. be acredit to Lakte Couintys coidie rhort ditane- Up the rolet. They nîfty yeara. This ia the second lUty - PRICES SAME AS LAST WEEK.- lA recall he fc ei ai eiehule.W rosutproptay vent t0hie sene andi yeurranchiae gmateti since the li t a t titi g t e a tift.fd the bod y 11058 th e, dite h the unusaln oppo itio n tii s c h tra.nsa - Lon sale bleacheit m uaitn-36 inches vide ............. ... % a thtonly, rellasb.O goo--i nnîortîînate maies falt ere frî,ten tions, andi both bave iteeni granteit Fruit of the Loom-bienebed muain-36 lachea'vide ...... % Weil taillored. at moderate in tht, ice-aud atp*oisei a, rîni ake Conntyý Chapman X--bieacclis muelin-36 taches vride . ....... ca b ln s mc tnthi crvce W aeotnu ne te witih the flfty yeax grant froîn Graya- PeppereliLi-unhIalehod muaiin-36 Inches vide ........ e prices, cn b n hmaen vas deuil. The ili a xyv the',lutte, te right of vay la compieteti Lawrence L. L.-nurbleachaet muaiin-343 inches vide......... 39e resuits, We are more than ueveyed tu Deerfteld citer.' t i i t ili exception of the eatern terminus. ever determlned to pleaSetneat vas heiti. Wlether the, terminus villb ii H YR it1YTE O v - i a d F c r cOa n ly o n e th e r v, ti ttî W a x e - .t N o rt ht C hI ic a g o o r a p o in t b e tv e e n I Y T D Y- T H . B . L. T . Welas Fashion. 189Bate&.Tis9 yrtri-l i l~extae ihnawdytandLkP0 We carry a large stock of bleached adubece Once a customerço 1verdict oft dietitroâ,expîîîînxe. sork Mill itîgin vii tU e openuug o01ln nwdr its Once a customer, .9 Through tbe efts Of 0Cari Lange, sainug. ulniwde wdts alwas acusome. vo veut tu ChleugU for that piirpoac, 1I Chilcago barters 01 the flne salid alwys vaa fund tha$ the ,ieceatsed vwaaxitit Friday that the tirst car 1 1ani Jîitine Clrimteuaeil. a forilter commliis- woitid le rmnning by Juiy I. 1itla Mlun merchant ou South Witter etreet, httped tu have Cars running byJue. vbo faileti lu businesa in i1 94antiuitaSteaut roade operating close, bu the.o II~ bien îlement0à sffice tuaI tilte He Lakte district are mcclhI ntereantedtu i SA N4DLF N IO & tien a iteýr living inILattcint', M hi liat the new lune for they realize that the iteemi providing fur te yîoor fiiow iilpiacemto ttte slow stage coaches HOUSE ESTABLISI4EO NOV. 26.104"& ,Talo S a d abe da her . iince the limie of! lie misfirtune. aise froin their stations river to the shore of VJAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TLP~ @ fr ~ Tallrs a d Ua erdahlrS av,eandCblidin »orva'. Siî.tday tue laites by fuat electrie cars viii in- Kaiser Block. -- Libertyvllle. i ~ Huron street, vbere b liitd eeil iIumiecam.anuno cBtopping, cuitnothÉ%g vas kusi . ( The right-of-vay boots are heing The Boat Ferro and Live Stock hlint freon the$t hUe ilîltlîl,- Mais rintted andti mny of the minoit details Dr. Charles Galloway. Journ alFtibl lShSd 1 110-fmiiitl Tiursiaay bOOut10 a a t ttelIteî.i 0te.iact the projecttîre ot Qffi0*0yr LovelisDrug5t0re for oniy fifte centas titi'riat are earîîestiy and intiuatrloisa' Th ru armyuiaar. t,,k v .é-4ttîTo Leave To-dlaY. 1Yat cent compieting ail their pans, Oe s o k fer tFauilu se1» 6Q.le.a-sundaiîy t"is the itet (i tht thtiti-perni iaîîyt bo nnn cts orit Libertyville. - Ilîn iTiraiyronie Faier,îîItîlîe(',lg fii erinllnili' orgaknzîg a igitli Weilrt vii jtiidtt 'it n b.i îhtot-ay Prai rie Farmner ciî. eileîaln . Sirdtt --As the season i eIavneadw speciai price goluii. iiinbtrs Iu thii. Ail thosé wli)ooiid ge~ titts ttint Serait. Prlce on the Gain.stihae vrfft soes n u flo, Dr .L. TAY LOR. et*ounîy.There la ia cub. heug lfîtuedi ~~ .. dy vith relaiWh aloîti frît [lits and tlhaeorffysov nouforý- Oflo Tlgaa.TaiOS ii amot rrytî tin tUe -]itr iroin Sergt. Pice oae t ofieovor iig Tyo'.connty. lult for the benelit o! neigh - - ,a.those vito reiuatueÉet titi Fort haui ut e ceLiot ayn aiath aht ecag w- ituleL p. et. bocoids vhere no îone us getlinu, a' fla an tr.XI h Itaike atilabheftevolvaa noehvnuh aht xhne tujeà.m.-à%06and a uP. m cub,veare athoricet e taek ha) .. oyspit thle day bore lîiditg tueur tat Pce arnshgBt nlgnea stove. wiII find we wIII not hold out foré amueuBrawyoostPas'nt,ofour tnescin g B _Opaf__tondsthet Priceifs tant improvlng front fi;an iendsIV O greoti bye. th trtserionsainjuries nicted by ia dagger prof it. L.,bertyville, Illinois. ailtIfvhr andeoond tu theirhertitla cnt' Of the ut'onuioent to tîueneral Lawt0ii a*ived i a n thebneo aie snhsiptltioOB as the smme lime eaCh of beand oe eeau fort a correct ita ut SBnnay ai bernomOld inspecteti the Wîu the handshe ot a native.of ,htu m. oeaur. The Prairie rmers a its general appearance lherefrtm. troopa. hne mayas is arnty jen to bc t that limele he DfI)dltDEitT W adealtelalg mkso Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. inli jesr for l50 cents. Thie ta only Accordlug bu contract the, monument comproe<i of tue lover tif tue Amern- reporteil the slabbing of Sergt. Price. stoves, and wili Ruarantee to put aL stove" m. T 3 ND7 a 6r.ILune-hall of the regula! price of theie tbe compieteit hy .uiy 19".ea blmn stainprells Enropean statung his recover! vas doubtlni. We aO lL .ETO S).. pape?, but it ilisthe Intention of the fi is ebc' sonldieutrns bhos, scha a oucn attetionpaii b lie publahoesof Iis great paper tu place i a5 eblti iecutbonne nations, 6Bo osoufre only the Itest are mor than piehuset teprînt in part i orhue scepa o a u &PO" "nAi p I tie it la the bauads of every gooti fermer square at Wantegan ýmou he le mating a ftying trip to the a letertieiiing of bis imProved courtil- the same stave In Chicago.é saea&aens oi ClAreni lie ma$iun. andi stock raaer in tiisCounat>. Il 4a The business of the bâtit fbrin. In different posta anti aeecting theflunt tion -nd the tanner in vhic I le not neceasal!tu vrite bO the pnub- the past 10 years, bas grown ant Iin- tels rejecting tileul cho are Dot the@eevt the ,,, uriea: In comparlng stoves, be sure and »ut,; Rockefeler. - Ilni.iueifr nte abcltailta Reaâetigreattly marier the ltiperinten- beat types of soldlaesver are physicially 1EASFÂruhu - fnhvet olaS e orihor ec fteefcetmngrat dsilt satecua iilwte yDa very short latter the name and number. and »L the li m ID Yo in lu mic a doceaoftte eficintimaagerbndI caniedu a em»ym t1e wbau nd lÂs go rRIM ehvs 1 am large el prairie Fermier club at once. Tell sieumanlMr. Jowett Bairtov, dUo ie porto Bicanus ui AbÂiout oty. vrtte a ise one. <op. ub M d e .tai amialeda are Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. îhsmtheps!îe te nly let cents e«Ch, vlkuown tothe people of LibertyvIlletIlve othe Ft. bSheridan sîtidiers vers mY@elf ahteMP"0Ieds!2m1Philipict e boere ove or more nuite tu a club. lut Friday niglit. s tu àécilean Skates which we are selling atipricés Physicien and Surgeon. This special price ia matie oly for a anti through the count!. Hetimbing a rejecteti. tabbed Mal"nthbe Ébretat andi tried aummioraT aE5MOTUL . 1,short lime. YOD n Cnnticanstait*acanti uisapractrical clmeneu 1ud granite conterpl Gures.-----------llinos. matie for the sole purpose of indncing acounuta for bUe fine cî,rkt trned ott ehIcon e i ation infitsi-fgon resc m e butebond tLiiOtip t bat eunl -----very g taifemer anti tock rainer snb acabeinIexemnaton fane , l o oti chras;ove LsLiille i utOu ____________the pape by efsrBia. iers cho are tb go tobdaula, (Jeu, cnane euheran; ve puilefiront ont Dr .H mt, fou Jesr. Just tint o! It A big Lcctoe u tuted as aaying: gluns can;is wutti llr em ftari ng Bt Dr .H S ih eekly peper for lfty-tco aolid veets Appreciative Encouraement. tstvery(Il xi- cancse; ildovaspSett uriot au v fo 50 Cents. Evtryone (ifnoir rentieras 'Te foiloitî cuuomtntute frîtm tie 'Tetmteitat vibuotei.oldtsebdovrgoiihoig DENTIST. biiî bettîe Iti powcrut of Europe. Ater a run of about six bina *rounnd Ofice over J. W. iiutierle bIdS aboniti subectibe etlonde; anti if there vho lare enilnenlly qualifiedtu toittrgean tmipoatth Meavtecreaadtrng atstei,1 vf t ot ueoeared tiigà lb8ekfr hmevmroppetibhlm vith mY t t tige ours: s a W1 . lm. aniîltd iiAi sl. secure tUe uecessn iemmee WAUKEî.SN itAtLT ti egbrotietnnin-aetSrteîevs ua tecfn ota .Ieric n fanorotl ts e- anti O and gtrlt n 1 Ln IRTVILE I Onti remit t0 The Prairie Frmer Ipuebdl u rny tl o hsh o pat breifrm Libertyville. III.shiugGo,(hicago, lit.. before Tebld>iset U at c eeute trtxîpa are belng inepecteti, citbis niWithten wuabonuatoo ________________________the offer ta itlidracliWe viliialo utepentietit ia out. By an unfortun- IandI thî,ae ch..are flot lit for suci tem long. M g drnviemt, u t t- be dta Lave Our tenders mention aie accident the issue vas delayed aulong joiîruey are iîeiug ejecteti.- tibmed i bnd tell aSunti onn, butcktan-l Dr E VlHRV Y, t bisspecial notice ippeuret in ceehufron thein tmint tas iuteutiedt te -it clii bcte lit rltinte ince the tept hum offvîi my lest bnt Le man- pae.134 hefimsi it DENTI5T. this ppr publal it bttt thte resîit tn WellWorth laya <f Dectîtr titat otî trouipe have agedtu 10 tab me lretmsi ib DUFF IH lS -Ad ln - -.-FIalReor. the delay. A lhauduioluer holiay cdl- been ceeu in Eiurî.leli Waters, anti it leg, Ivice 1, grtdq anti once In agt ute u U iî'et 151. . Sttitfilntiatrxuina ~l Repor. tien wcuhiie ard te tud. J et tiien )tabat came up and ti hLi a ry 8tmtý Il nim.C . mcii la a sort of obtiet ion for the throngh tLhea bwicL finishedt him in theCoultty oi of tLakte tflly. Illt WA(t Ecit it., lEMI T Turit and ether.t vlin ILey eimmaiieihim tliey fonnd IllinoKe is.te1camottero tselxtr- latit t , an " D The, Lake Cîtiinty Iatlepndeiif came The cainle eees are iteiîg eliact'd t six ballet Loeanti hie lac broten (iu iked i ali ne ifclatlSetiltmvlLv su nh huit sliootiag et - - Dii li en Ô'hicl or-ut liNril.Mary ( 1. wf, heurat tlst ceet reapleudeut in a neat the Fort"asc-len ttth1 unti cas lire- îgt ntalof us on the tanl. mattez PAUL M.aUFFI. bte str.y h-lhd> i>'Neli. liira ai las of -aki John Dililont. tasay Christiniacover, anti leniaist evefrCb atcring at vt en loie bo«ptal, but lie T =Fe lm nty. le ai loir i. ut mi.'c-ite up of Llbertyvtfle 6hinns mSeten.Desîite the fat t'ttiat tihe ,oidirs are vent bockithte Doit day, but I vili Atore &aedaStis.' cataet'al- lo i tr,.a n x rs ut& oým aetneabr wobe ees NOTRY UBIC 1. roa tsalmi onrdiL,t iiamîth ielci Icougratulâteti cit thein effort -it cacîy of thoir crk itfe pbililipiesthe lbtlas1DIo pisll n eeo pauinsu ovalesi Datlie.. s equai te many itY Patiers. 131t, teutplace linmdeeti flilîl tf sorrOc. on1 ihave tbiie flt on my biacit, Libertyvile. IllinOi .Lo. .. t ehi:,. rll tletlI'there are a few printers outside of Mondcy te acidiere at the Fort chich is prettytresoma; Lv o rfaJt. il).^ decst. citue oesttati ticguet a ont. receivet theirtI)ecetmber anti Januutry uesacodstfrohigme THE i )CKHN TIES ay.The anury uone tanetdue Dont vorry about me for by the, ~ E R . D R N ,Exeoutor' Notice. The Libety ile Itîieptea.ieif J'tt yel, b t t it asxticideti to atvanceitBo lim p i e csee1 viii N ogA nin r as f 16 p u ds o u t p e ~~~ fitLbATLW. Pblie >lttie i --, b,.r -itY zls.u lit-tIi' .Woiiiiiau pubîiîbers. Camne out thte coitiera îîîIltyca hytnycau.fylsni o ot a ek rmadmyo 8cwal h hommaCRAS ce FC)MEt' tuirler Est-talon of the t li d hl teuiltîg holiamy edtiomt.Te wanteti iefitre -trtltg fîr Maelilapers vitit acconba o! tUe e arp vhidiwefrm ar f18cw, h CHAUJJER OF COMMERCE-testamienitifflaaac H-tîtiiýei,'d. wci aremteii aucorec;tnetîntte Ci(Ai.attend the CounttY Courtof Liake ColiitY. ai issue le lit an.tbcr mark cf thre habile Friday ttîsy 1ar ed me or led ut oipecb onedtper re-n n etuiatcusro CHIA(j. hode etth Coltatermther.of tuW lt tla 1taCttîl s, Vownaecpbeo. etdy ie oet I etate&adni leirai tellis. iunse fa Waute an. untit Counny on thie tatJas 1 uteina recpal oCpottmnvlentio.bîut aogetu e etm n n ntulsl sr t~ogwrs l'AixaF or, ILL. "t'Mondal of .'eruatt neil, lm9. dieu CoutyConvntifl. ourson as-ai verso alta n ~duefr it iin.aau:îsusîî îîtin Iteday aflernoon tbe llteuJ y eie lioý hen. m 0md or o ajde-f any necaplaper lu nortliernIlîlinotais in mitfLakte cclmty lieldti ieir __________ LIBE TYVI LE O TEL culania t.inIo'ei eMa. Iliacuo o hee t c aeevrae witaoe h otut î nvtut in u Waukegomtlu11 The Farmers Insttut. LIB RT VILE OT L etnudtesan eteether 15. 151. t3'i L aite oîînty iuitlepeudett f heu.. LaiteCamîp Hall t,,select delegatem for The exeenlive officets met vith tUe It will increase milk and butter fats, by ai SmpatiThenumer ouibtd o sitee paes iebeuniitâte conventito li m tmbera ut the severai CO ntmittee at i avlyisri*s thaasaSb I Ue unîer ouasteof ixten age biti lu bprIug9ileld, Feb., ti, ebere tUe Gardinier banse. Orayalaita, on using it on yaur dairy. WIII more than Dtlug.-i' oSi F Pleu ia. cillicover it colotra, ail printeti u adeHa ruiptngMdytsto'Vc herag- A. very higli grade o! paper, anti embel- itelegateortththeeeeingCamp theetakg Moudfyrlat, b puInob the arraige Hstiualta :vTrBveera. aUnCmerilituedi itit numertllaphûtographie rNtoa ovuil 0b et utnafrtem.lgo L at a o tefI alggan W. A. OxANE F*pees' culs ehoviug the, business bouses, p Ll ubnmc ity te lst Te dlesdytin Connty Farmers' ndute0Us rd Cor. Mii. Are. and (;huroni t. * tic11,places santi ticeilgsof LibertY1111e Jansasdli besetheti. t aedeateins atyPaisiatePIntisi nti ibellaiI"S GREAT STUFF. a LiBRTYIL~~ - -ILLINOIS. dFA@ utat vici iti. The editiou inspiendid lnut ttendttnce at te conventiloni ert,: January 20 anti 21, anti foundt he pe.-____________________ "s m v. -e tehcfte city anti denotes A.1. Bîli, Avon;î: Ur. lHock, Ver- pie o!f bliat entsrprising tovu f lly W. . S HAE FER c .n ~ UX.M a rk etE vvw- bl p orsie at îeaak on o. t.W elî, Deerllei; W. H. alîve t heIL.ruquirealn te 01 lte ocae- W. B SC AEFEIAndera11EL N E TW O 'lu. icago: Eticanti 0- gion andtineaaistiiy vorting t10e NOURLitSERY a Idmnntu W ctgani at Msrs. J'nAeheIaibe mt ar h eeigasces ua- C has. K aiser, Agent III Jnt & WotimanpulUtS te l-Payne',louAtlyiîtbe nitmaeeemeigasca.lua- Un mleso*ho LngGrveP 0. ak h i l 1. us riVodmts lb, lso tei-Wright, Chtarles liftntplrey, Laite Vil- dition b the lisi of speakers spnb- ce, li ot imdeeue o ebeut sd aie fla; E. W. Brook, Waîiceuita; Fred Usghedin lItile puper tant veukthîe LBRY I1La- - L. Wri.U seflunmautalTree@. Grapo- oLIBEdeetiutoute eaîtIat saile0 lntiaesand llrnttilisSexondaweaneSaayKirchiener, Mlesn1. Lamey, ifarring. committe madtie efoiloing ati- oe epin naimtdsok lwHall Day Saw Miil. ton, Dsniel 8hieridan,ounue; th.losb h lI FreaMny______________________________ Oeltploo0nedlmaed~k s .5 - of Each Month. Tt dfDysabiic-mleunE. Brîtuka, (00t. Kappel, CGraYalate; anti Hoc 10 Useiat,' 1ev. S. A. Bar- tUAs condtiig pring as usuetl. Nell i'l hiîittt, Wailswctth; A.À. G ,MUlîburu; "The Public Itouti," Wiveas. A freane picture ol the battit'm eumue m e

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