CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Jan 1899, p. 7

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I#.~o~ J a.-.. - .~.x a Nov IdesEutvlgAttention la ma- line Crelia-A tueaa.ful Tnt. ftisaony vithlitlb. ltest ew yéfir 1ha1 saiboru huve dîsooverodthétis great aa'age ur cart-yig balast on the decia ot empt>' ahipu. lu Miliig 81b11111 of course, it lu neme.sary ta have the ces- --w- neigbt se loy devu ln tbe huit au mal bo, fn the abject lo ta give the vasa ~uunsiennet I "tiffte." sud to counnter-iaaaee ftlt bon g WU 1119 of the wld un ber andin. But Ith à" in %fe c ulle"mruthe weight of ballast neeti- Cau.e bnmchhs $"- ai t 10 preveR thse .hip tramn capxsIt litl la. OuIy haufil sînal; ment of fi le cerritti tu Imimenbe 70 the proptUler sud lu redue. roling, antI iuccediesdmiug.ut sasa tegamers çenter ut gravît:.'la gen- ag on suiov laer a 'neucer ta ber deck Ibsu lu ber sio a&sferrer inâ keel ballast on deci itp&dita ber More lb. germecas o. tisuatate t tise bottont uf tihotu!. 01.Seinte captalus, filal tris.. ail refuse lu StOW e int ami TOU hlleve tatI eau ho ust a carry veigitt su igh up, but lheuuhoer of tramap steamers thlt go lu seas itit rub- bsh on titeir docia le teuduly inre.- The Nlaneuiala, whleh bas reeentI>' hal tbem iret oxperlene. ofthLie Atian- tic. la the irit tamer bu whicb pro- vision bas been matit for carrylug uater Ilillant 'ahove theteralon ne. lier ide« are double, andthie apace betweentetIuner sud coter naims au ho filleul or empildet aIwil, unotut lter. bneu[Io ou-t'siona lucuniber ber dock. wiîh V ' Eff soliklbatant. lies captain'a statemeut tbat Ibis voyage lu bier %vsaub> far the enflas cougbu of ever and ii. muet coniforlable cf twclce matde b' 'An ordinary cougbdbll-cua h tlni i als. feurs ln a inght ilt. .T ntimesiasi i. inby the record ut tht "Cot ugCoutisu u1 bnoncittiu hlîs liiiometer. s% cetainiy rêmttn- Mt. ton completlly mesa- tored. And, I mot ton fatr.Nsceae laiio Éthag. tise ctugba uf con-Au.ICrptp5 < s umpion ane comploelby Ou sogllant f rs Ai your dmugit lforele . wwt% lbisse Io croise uffruit tihe pai ;@. a nd ise farinera aret silng uason rutruat luthi. pecniianity uof astuce Jît Dr.Aye..'to ansuc tèent in lb bina aitoa-lu non- fJ~i~ telter'. Stontarbi Bttera. wuvitecure. dys- Cherry Pectotai s»i. indigstion. couaipatlun ant im dss viten oher reinedita fait te 1cm- Plaster. ie'alîWuKeRs pnuo Il viîî id te =cIon et the Penhupa nouhng eau .xer4 s- More Cerry Pectoral. - pevertul Influence ou thteelinga, tht sj-UiP&tbiesof ut ite iînan race. thun bunia.u!e.~i Munie. wN'eu t le arprtratofi lai.a oat boon, but mou'.i opinions as lu - n-bt ila lproprnae tîttsîn car>- etisai- J. . . Mmnm. erably. A traveling sbuawnîan recenti; 1 m in ati t: "Itloiti ont a Itableau ahow suint timc - - 9.agd 1 su d bttntme queor experiencea. ~5f~ We abways-libatrIoube geîîing autta- hie mniae. for onet lbtg. 1 rententer â ndaroi a litI ue Itrtîciacertain lot-n whtre Du.a.LL. ..L file mugile va. torniabeti by a .eedy. .~uwmIl@I..Gfro 'klil-faceul youog man, o9fi I5 V JV oy s Itsdi a awree-i ut a pano. 91-MMaUa. ait-s Lr.Bc i hm If becouldti itîofutmu- I5~~If5Sjr suital te arit pli-nre as fi wvis It.piayu-td'Cerainlyb.-hocotulti. o t promiptu.' Thte lierfurtuince open- t41i lie vas seattila5i te piano, anti ho tumuedt looboi ute final tableau. It wt-sJart-ui-entatiloti (if Adam unit Eve lunte Gar(nofu Eden. a flash lit Imneut ami us-npiutlg utt AJ r"'heei Oniy Oue Girl lu This World ftTEDEATrVDIMI! CI OF . lLaoo. t j ruas mUscI. < ELETROTYPI 'Cee KyMlisoli ilith lgn vu enfainalaetsADVIMEBERa. iMANU. anut tONE IItltbI ti5lL.AM t( newilc g%Q BMMantid IMTEE5 lacalindto ow aotfe s7CAe t au letusses bc flyela turning ont 1155T- VFRANK J. CiiîssY. Or gi UUCTU.UTPIP(saon oK g o balaie me -id utnertbed ýZp 'VWPdUb.We fgumtusnea uasUistonsud Cis"- e o Leme._._. ogSavin l iesu in. . ;as.. 1 A. W tt.G s' nsaunter utfslctroeus peu % Cui. l ta aliaiulny uMd aWt ae.unhsomM un bot i enP'seB b. die=iouniebn s uthe arftu thels dîndat bunotters W.usMat àapessalty 51 d< eui ten u " Esussummo Aov*aTIeSD . J. CHIINEY ai ci>.7T4e"a. & aulase oi rade. W-Sséd tiy D51tmsl.-,u ~~MVRE. ri is . i- Deuscriptilon Filledl Tom. ;TR CLAu Elteten- Tencher-You have usineul nil tînmes- IV Ca"u l lustraions, W tic animal$ Bave ose. Il bas bristi> *lIertesî ,uuummusute uh u s. bair. bales a bath, sud ta tond ot muid. ""a' "a tunfiueas 0' M""WeîITom? 8 w0,4. ehîit au b . e et bl eurn., »d therby b. i, Tom tniamtaedly-Th ta me Met tspO.. nil Ma"e msey tirbasnal- tutti Try Gret-OlTry GrsOmOt pages uu.u.typed moS srseosypeiL We ceuses goum 9 la M.Au" jour m Gor oO-dayte abier saleslaas u ushuun' aiiv rueiçt mau'riti pckgeof GilRAIN-O, là. »en food drii tes@. amcompauleti by Pactth ftrse. IbsI taibel thc placeset ScoDe..The ciii- ~ n'.. ~ dieu Muaydrink Il wvthhut n.tjutnvas veIl ---OR IN oli te aduît. Ait ho tuy il. l .51I TYE IAIN-li bas that rici srabbroynie I[M APER-HEADINC M E uciha or Java. bat il lu made fros grainsansd the muet delucate uloum 96e6*ansI lou lassOthle Weai. anti e ceises il vthoqt ditretu. % fthe pelce et mai ezapsecialy o uiiiitg Heudung. for.1al me. 15c. sud 25 clu. per paciag& "dlt gla of epubimeatou sSpeielasea .ho.. u-by Il grocers. f islnsaa îib n.wl sest temPriper Utand s aepi trsus unosahlbiti l . sa uPinsat Titere goes s putbilu.icciilvito can FsN~oes ~iloous. nestliy auj- naI tu bis eate lite une. 0 66 EWSPPER NION soIhI te Oan." "Whola ht?"' à Ifl ilOMM si.steward of te pettbuse." t POgie. Te Cus'. a Ceila ane Day c aaitBromo Quinine Tabiels. Ail lmiuhgaWaéuen. 1. li Theenmine basL. Bl. Q. on eauh ablet. PATEN ~ tuîd Ssea îu.s Trot dis-nil>'la uc-ver gaineti bj-place PtCu .V:M-Ss. Wasaàîauil. at o etstven honore are vltb- IL2 . 2_90 le d~ejj rawn.-IlasSinger. Ileêi&thY.I1ùppyGiIS, Often. flem ne appaient cause, bectume hângumi sand delienident in Ihietydays o T be omauni d They drag lng aways ti, ni «husgry. brcathleàs &M wotuh à palpitat.nig IIiattey Itight muecis. le bat mitel.y te "tal k - P sis lexhausiting. - eais te the eu t <at îlsay - - y.uIngemt consumptim.» 0estyftruym nhhmu r ha wby atetti B'le t sat Bappettns.u At Htuui,'ll.F. P. liiku i'iîunitieil ahictub l'yt hattgiiis. A $ZLajU <ltt'otlau clunreh am.o dcdt,tl ts i t Scîf1iol1hlk butise I,.J"-aM.' Kniigt uof tina Pilîip W. lthodctdi-i eit'l utltamt'i antI 7à. le hitu ivs-iluteru- t--rtc 3-ars andtul sua unexti-tutiri Ilad O lier. At Motunt Vernoun. Joiu l u-st4)irtit. a fAniser, W, p-a r atigi . iim tl vi ide l'y butuinir ltii.i-lt ilit'. lbarn. lit'.H. T. inluciey. i-74 t t ietut ut b-reeturi telr n fe'cit-imîr-" lot-au, tlt' 50511 bo'ru iiinl"4i âajnals.,'.utie ut 1ite niaI zprlvntuuu t.iidginilulitai section. Tit te vîpci el tutasîElru olier arrouut for tht'e nlu'r -uit Stîttir IL.%V. W'a fn Suiittiu tn- a, notie t-nias -'soteti ai lias la-eu fliherati-il. Thte fuliuu ansatri-t tut-ny tilt ofthlie dti-nuît tion extettina ltaIt f 1.-icht. Alfre'.l IlY11,a. ltaI.' uspintensent or pulie insrucion. iha. aooeîuuuîîued the &p- pintîtint of Pif. J. Il. -rtmouît fAu- rura as bis duput>'. Prof. Freta te a- tdin l tue sn atu itiy unater former lltpeintentlnt Inlusi. Tht ded biotiy of Jniitîu Chrigtianson. as-eu 50 yenar", nas fîtutît froien iu a diteit bmealde the routi nuirthitt It-bleiti villas-e. Deatit trobu lly rt-'ultei front exitotni.. lit hit 5oritil for Chic-aguo mmlis.ion bosuses for uuîsu:. j-tarat. Privstî-s Churles News-ttinîbnd "Foydi Willamssut Comupany Il tf De Kalli. Bous utfN'ctrsuu rezv'ietuu srt diâhon- uraiîy iy sciuîîge-uifrînthet u-tuili t t'y ser- vice of te Stavi- for tIsiit.' ricale amis uthileoun tnte luluy litt %îirtlin. Thtee-eiel ion ut Cîtiin i lipY1eas-er su captalu utfItatîî-ry A. i. N.-G.. i ,l- limnitu!.as je ulmath b'e iu'î'tion ofutFreul A. Baîumgart as us'conîd lieu.'illt o f liaI. terj- A. Bus-h L.i.Jon. agcu! =, '.'.iihau!it meon viabîlus- bis luntbîent Keititauuns, kilted himuelf t y aitutiig uviile in i. rouai ai i b tnter's boulne. No calise iu inovu for thtegsuicidet. Yolns-B. Clark dul la (Iaial, as-eu!77. He liras a renî"l t fChristian County fifty-fouîr yeara anti sas tint ut the muaI aidî-iy iim et icii lidutIsec- tion. He fotintithe lti- lon f ('larniaie. Mes. fGeurai-C. Kiîuauuîî.'.'if' utfte auperlatendeut outîiegcsîub <f te 'a- bashit trnati.ied li Bî'nitilda ut penitu- nitia. Tht remasillenul te burloîletî Mon- rue. lira. Kinsînîs-a litn erfeet heaitis viten te famil>' loft Decutur tuvu wtoka wo ue. Robent Jobîta. maetr ant ipncipal ovuer of thét ilderit Electrn-lçLmelnt pianot at Pius, bas purchsoed tht fraàchIasud entité équipainttfttht eus.potingcos Van,, tht Conasnusers Liit' planttise esauieratinsMOiS $10.000. Tim-Mq.~ kooo*ae. vie co»uet a.Iusmbeeta. -1t1 ITINOI8S TATE NEWS OCCURRENCES OUIRNG THE PAST WeIi<. iaucapecil Prisltire Pounud Net Vefeti. tie ome,.ut f i. Crms-zapeueive Fire ila '..snsolàsTwo Farmers At- tempOt bicîtte-Cua triksaiMudit. Alvin f aim.nî-i'. aiîu -ra k Tayloîr. lla. Fia îîk Wi.oît. ha. 1lut icug tttttoliy ln l'eonîîîi ýr lt, jytr'%%hile te otitsru of Itit i Ciîttî> hatiti. i.-baittg al itver te t iti î.fiîrt lu kiealihint. lit 18M 1<li:iit-~r t'. . trresîttei uti Iereman for robiiltni- Whiie awalillit riai ho and tîi ,te' ro init.juil. 'T'he t.-ra aire att-irîl, bt i,îIlartîr encalietd. le trilit iii l'orltt attl ittîcre-titht- eItifiiî tif te t'î-î.ni.Ni trile %vt'îk. savs cii i tuinié->antit lîilit a jin-tty boîutl'. 'Ibri', year'î agît ht' nurri,'d Mite Jtulia Feu. dulatgti-r tifàs a ilt liy -i.îtrt cor. Shtîiff Xhankiandtil ti ruts t <ountty nî'î-ivel A litIrî'cî-tly Ithts naitn ztbe.'e agi itittîtifietd hit, i lia rlier ita s!id . bite Faid Culte tofMe.. Mure sArae.. 'lu'itetititi conitiitioof Irut. Matri Arîtes, ahi, a roîlîlîinsN'uiînt :t D). C.. '.t ilt' pu l br '.-;t yt. li hi r -iii lu Potrt., Ilti-t, lm aiiinît:hir -i i srt- ou. alart.u Itrliitt. tuitcmoni t'. iiiIl rlttltîî". ha ei-il i tIliiilîiandrli iii'iii pin:. rbae htu. ali .i. lt-i ru-t n ii tisti- e--utuiglind- ii'itiliîiuiiia aelle iin (tIt inîîit t'îîsfîrt saloi h'u a. -ti ttt-itua.- forllia.ii-i-îthe NceCity Hal tceiteti. l'u'ria ha'.il-ui t - ler ii,-t' iti litil. vihi its1--t iiiliildiîg d.itg tié- i.t titi, it i ttiu t It'.. lii- .1rît turc . i f m' .tît in-1fuifîîr 'i I i itj l .t tt Il us ot lildt'ludîeî -oumuetioniiti hrougl-tii andi te anar huItîit -if '.iit'tcitthic- uen litI nîutilî-r oliiry rail lie tiîl a'iuise'îheutritlt"n The. l'o' ot ridîns tir,' intitt-d it i'uanttlen the t*t willu are- tutti-il aiiltî.lo ti:.îivuîrtt leiii la si-ry' rtitii,- tct'. litouors art- t.Itti i an lii- fli-i u ri ltti'it ilt sitit iusiirioiia fuiit-iiiiizii. Alrtli iflitîproce. nu-ultmandîi i t 1ii itokim ii oni.iii-rn t'ait t oltti hat. -4tti 'u3-1t inititi eu. nsîrtî iti. T- V.vFur 'euxnlosu ti.. Roibert Met'lut'key aitloi (eturp (rîs. ut;-lk timlite î 5..iu. 'imn farinera. ut- tgltîti i I, -nl tit-ir litu ti.- utir d.'.. Ni'lti>t oua'.u.irtf tht' sillagie ut Cuatrit and iisti-s-vierni prnîtiiiîîcît cil a-i ttti .latii-iouitt1vittSit-iitt bh.- rrî. iîî't- initii t fit uf tiiîi tii-c altalo ii otsttf. il i-îli t.ivr Gi-tirt('riais àiils)-iso0f ary -hain.. lu' calut hitti-oti 2.,Miuothî e it'Ctîut B--a ri t of i'.lie hlîîi tijuitguwtteitt citulîita titansoi ts-'te. ilun iteat in te ho1u- tf makina eu uIii ia'. .Ht .it snd viten te aitriff caIeIM ta iacbtât ue tuttokt- dî-tiily diitg. Foire1' . l seanal o ici. i'lm dtoetd l'aroit Hall hio& ai Dus i., ittan sd c"huag.avaetuse, Evuns- ton. -auutng a totasl iîuu t 8 of .The iîtfetecru une: lioUn,î & Aintili. baîrdi a-une tiesicrx, SISitIjutiniia-nee Pt.i0; S. F. 1 Plivir. o tr onflmnilding, $ Ars. ".JOhle. 45: ohoy. , (- CiarlesHart. tieat eulie, 3315); J~npis Pii'ruon, isaurauu'c $a*). Tht isv u rus-- iaated in titi' ta*uittluntier Cutnor & Arnold.t atome, aan reutirapldly. S.bey. au invaliti. living uptairp ite m-r vit hii.ageti mîotter. fuiloul8. null. the tire unttil lite-tarîtes anaIot lroethIrong thlie sltartaiet lie nwaIlîcun 'aited iîy the Ireuc Cne t ie retvUl tSaeinak. Tht cuitin.aort4nltaniial sar eMviimin tsi-r tht- iroitivec-rî-ttmlttiti if m.5ku in t i- al nimte titer'. Titi' piîratourmainsd a etuaiîiec cPreuuntinz lb. slrikngain ci t-id a mietins- ait]tîtteot-ti iteamu ugd,-t-n nhitit roautili la te mn it - itnu'ta'-il. 'Me isasu tf tht moen nl tut' rtgultd luthlie Siingufieltiseille atîd C'ii-agiiao -tm tThe mini-matent otl on. airi.e ltat MNareit asti inr et' t tu a ituithel out eal a blies hlxte&Nearly 2t at-at liasiv 1» sici-n î'ntplcyuteut. tg i t d 11 fi t( p y Logan Mcpbersue, tlaor the Broci. NEW QUADRUPED DISCOVEWO. ion Revlew, bau mystetlounly dlaappeared. Mrs. T. 1. EHoge, vife et a weil-knowu eg-liudni.îRablka ritiven of Wenouna dieu! of spopiezy i ile Ant-Ituter Pound la Pmt&gonlaL. vixiitg relativea lu Streator. Iu theat latter day.. viten peuple are I)r. B. T. Buckiey, 74 j-tara of sit died 0fltantly hearing of the titreatewet xtstldeuiy at Freeport. Hie hauieu-se a res- extiction of varions trîie Of animals,1 dent of F~reeport Ince 1840. tht nova of te tii'.overy of ani entireiy. Six busineshonses. lneiadlug the l',rry uew apecles of duadruped ta starlling. illate Bank and a dwellilng. togetfr wili The tact of the existence of a hitherto ils contents,. were roductu! t0 asiies atut iknown animai bas boon brought tbu i'erry. ligbt by Dr. iloreutlno Amegitino. who DIr. Frak . Whitman has . i n p- for tomo thnte pat lias had reports of a puintet imsperintendent urthlie Elgin in- mynlerious creaturo of nocturual habita aune hosiitai, vice Dr. John B. tlamilten. bronght tu hlm blivoeralIntdians. anti deeaseul. a fPw years agoate late Ramon Lista. John J. firent. tht ident retail deier vitile hunting la the Interior of Sauta n alos and hardware ln Cruîz. was tartleti by tho appeurauce faied. il jî beiieved that lho illblitubleof a sirange animal. wbih lehodeacribeti ta reaumke business. tu Dr. Amegitno '"as a pangolini withoilt 'he Peoaria Ptekint snd Provistîtît (oit fcalé«. andi ,,,,rd with retidisit iair." pany, urbome ,aut bas beeu idie for nue tLista abat utlte creature, but Il was year. bait restimed oterulionn, saioghter- apparently bîiiet paroofi, for Il dieap- loig W100oga daiiy. peared lato te irusitwood, anti ai- Pcrry Alexander and XMiga ('nrnlîne thougit Instant %earch tiae made no Eddy. antdiWilliam IF. Chappeili nut Mis'.trace of te aninmal wau 10albe faune. j Tennie M. gweeiey. ail ot Chicagi). have A 0frhreiec ti 0b beei married naI Usieshurg. foîtoîl, lr Arein waxtailel ThetIreaconesses%' St-iety. wltiih 1r,. onD. mgIows u4]el icîtlti tîtaied icontrot of .Jeunings x'ti thînk taIlite naturaliat litou!iten de- nnry. ln uAtrora, has formallyirîitiiî'teîl ceived but lhe ias jusi receirtu! a sk-n te îropterlyta lils owu usesa. Am'ng te front ioult Patagoin w mîlit proit" attcakert. acre Dr. A. W. Paiten tif Cht htLsascscOIi issalit ratfîttattiMayer liolden of Aîrortt. Ou oxaminaltite o'.'.cies %-itiell n etc A fintal permit of organitation bas lîten elnbeýdtlod luinte SlId. "Ilke llîtg bu.t.ily the A uditor of Public Ariî',nts Blancs lu a Il reetI,-' roved tâtt te za rî lith. lit, li-Dodge BankiâigConiinu! tf nmai eItîetlîy bt-iotîge o te panifia WVacsaw%. Tht capital l i.O.t s.Thte lins or saui'd ni entera. faîniliar 10 ttcreare; .James B. Doulge. prt'sldei,:nl: uîrail'tls. i)t tInstenu! of bcltîg 'caiy iieury J. .Luedu!. vice-president. andil.VItil1lacOVeredth 'lbcourse. reddish gray A. lhdge, cahier. hair wilie te kin lîscîf. WhlIch lR two Pickpockets relieýveti James Duincan tnt cenilmelers ihicit, Is su reinarkattiy t'hocku aggregatiug 1110,798.21 sud 111290tongh tat Il capi only bit eutwitit a lu eurreuey nhorlly beforeenoni tcothet'haeh T is exîtiains whv the builet da. in te Exchtange Building aIlte Chii- hac .I cauo t aock yards..Paymient on te itec-g ied neeffect ilpoî t. I.Lndlon Mail. wa promptly stoppesi. ao that te aultai EVUlER SI lu$ WIamount tlunofir $M0. E V U D PR SI Rtc. Thomta A. Dît Laney, n prtmietttt autd weutitmiaiiouary Baptînt miler (a àtrkiK wtti uns. PiIKRAM J at Blafard, atteuiptei suicide hy cuttîtte A Wonsanwitb the blueteina svery un- bii ttrîtat alinonl from, car lu car. atta ik utilîing t intaîf iu the ide oit a eomafortahte pcraon. Bbc la lîlogical, iîiî knife. Hiam m d itbecs tîtilia_ snbsppy andi frequeutiy bysterical. a nterî 'f tlct' but lte cause la uîtkîtis at Tht condition oi the mind kuowu as A iaw and order leagne bas becs organ- " the blocs." ueariy atvays. vith wo- j 0t M~Vnuelen.u. vltbg tefoIti4%int menreaulta fraiS diseased organa of Pregilient. Sarmuel Gibson; .ocreisrj< Mur- Il lna ssource of vonder tisatinluthi ri« Emetraontu rtasuror, J. B. Allen. Tht' age of advaneed medîca iceo, any oj"t tfuthlebagne lu lu proaeute vi-i.person ahoulu! stilli bellev tisait mers alao f teliquoir, cigarette and oter force of yl aud dettermination wiii Iawns. ovecome depresatti spirite anti ncrv- The new Granit Opera Bouse ut Free unaneulawovmen. Thuetroubles are lo)t wax openedth ie aotier nighl. a largei'nldications, of diae&"e. asti fashionable audience compietel i bu Every vamnan vho doean't under- ing te hituse. "Sowiug lte Wisîl" wtx tan e odtosaol r o pr.-ueuted. sd ud tgt Cronkrite tieiverei usai ber contiomn isoldrtert an inaugurai addreaat. George H. John'- yu is. eln iksi o e sotn of Si. Louin snd John B. Aritura iftsulvice. Ber stivice la tisorougis coin- Clinlon are te projet-tors of te ii 1mon menat.s, d le the nonel of. s pisyhouse. learned vomua o! granit extporience. Grief neer thte desth of bisç onin sialer. Rosi the atory ot ira. iP. S. Baanrs'n'r Mm. Elles Moore. vin died ln hi'. antis. Westphsaliea. us.a lin luthse fl- caumed Thotma jety tu thi'ssr hîiseif la lentg letter: front ut a Bix Fou, trais at l'uaa. lits -"DRA Mua. PUtzAXÂ:-I bave suit- #"]ly vas grouud ta piecea. AI flite tinte fercd for over tutuyears witb taliing, of the suicide Kieily vs.retuarbluf fruttu s elargement and nîceration ofthet viait ta CulvarY ceomP'leey. her e itelit Worthandtisu prlng. hein1 lha sl let-teul a hurlai plat. Roth letieai..]lbis s vcskeutd ecndition. eati lmetoi0 tiater vert burie inlu me grave. day for uearly izmouths. Sou, lime Pire ofu untowu eniglut deatr,,yil te u"ourged y ieyrncua.i, v rotete yon power bonne lia t iflied the pi- foradtvice. Afttr nsing thse treatient Pr sud iflcnelight ta thse iRockIslatndti iîh you stiviactifor s short tirnc, arsenal aboya. enruiing a 4toual ith. (- ts tribeuv top ernurnt of SI10..Thet inraction of 1sam eribew ogappcd.tenhan t1s. Pmbusvli Dot intertirve vit t'e " rnuw oulgstef>u urtie t e amenuali hopa, Comoutandant Ibemis, sd bave btter beaitbth ba 1 Blittî la'.tîg rruuîgeilfor the rîînuug ut have hati fSethe puant tmiycama.1 thse suacibery temporariiy hy tt'am sud wls" 10 a»y l aIl distrese& uger- lte sîqtpi4yvug et light frein an udjolning int vomen. do mot voler louge, vIes plant.tisere inouone »klsd sud williug l, Tht Great Western tisitlery at Peotria. aid you." deatrv'yeijbl iigittilung la Juine. ha eeti Lydia E. l'iukham'a Vegttable Cons- elarged, andibau renuted poud lu a vemaus remedy teva- with a ealfaî-ityîof 15.000 ubat co ertn unanu Ilet. More tissuasmillion vo- datly. vitici measaan outîput of 60.1030 man have beau heuellted isy U galions ut aicuhul cvery day. This is t.' latteult isilllry lunte wîîrid. and work A Diucouteuled Hauginun. ha« n tt- tshî'.iotnarepairing il, owiug lu Ont of Australta's ablest haugmen tht uitîtrt'.-edî.nteil detusud for spirits for vont on strike for Increased lalry a amnoielea powder hy varions fortiati go- couple of veksap. Ho mad tome- erinettt. viere picitd up lte rate. of puy viticit Il lu ni.w' certain taIt a brascit plant tif nan-hutchers gel lu otiter countries (lu tht' tieleitiMiii Cttdenuîng Coîmpuny Franco the exetlouer gela £300 a yean) nl lue estattii',hd lun(treencile. Tite ant ieh proteateti aga.1not playinglte maistillit-e% outhlti- etmpnn>are t utHigh-blake iylne.H a es itau!. buItritebratsiî liant wiii be fîrnîyhlcegayonr.H wapea- as large uaste tise n taI tplace.'T'he alvely taîketi aver. itowever. andi tht estabisuhmet'î4ru te plant nil heofutin- atrike la off.-Sidney Bulletin. euitailetenefil ltate fariunera ut the cî.tîty. lill,. Iii tu.ii, ltonce and i iu WlnbeUse Aln' oot-K*e.. lte, building iiiînitii. Il i- experci A powdertlbe shuien ftt tht abute. lu ite ready tîor îîltrstituon btiîiî arcb 1. During vinier your foot feti uncontfort- 'hei1-1 nt tfte mnit ilialet Kin able. nervua. anti oflen colu! and damp. mtild s> ogtt ( hto a" If you have perspiring. snrtiug foot or lu lit, wotîgistt iirdtaIut Cranît Itîîahues. îry .'then's ioot-Ease. Il S,'î'it'r s. iiitsatpitr'dfn tttna warma anu! resta the feot anti nakes rttc-uly titi:.. iI.ttloni or te tutres atîtiwakitug easy. Cures uvolion andi tli n ofI lut thlii'deiltun a tl> exactl 1 nitit titîtît' frnieî li te I)lilîriî y Siîlit. weatIng foot, blistersansdu!calions spotus 'r' r-ltt s-o.Sw'.tîr ittit- îa <f lm Relteves corna and bounlons of al pain dS'.sl"r n r1l da orbis ant Inl a certain cure for chiltlaîn'a sud tlt.-ntiiihor it-eof sk i '. 1tuta, îatlsecilfrost bites. Try It to-day. Soltibd i Iti'rui rait" tntttCle'. ' enldrugglst.s anti ahoe storea for 25e.Tra triîatn l s 'tîlt.igiîul h i- ttsinuttderal orpackage malîtu! FREE. AtitreusAle trht. n iot.. îîree îr~ Oisttd. Le Roy, N. Y. lDn. J. W. Sînitit if '.%frt iîtaclie watt Hi@ Abilil, 'roved. -1tii fînr lilîtes e. il t aW'nittr fleh' "Vt'b dotalite know about finance.? b'y hie a Guy.ot.<li> (îîtltrs', andi .'.il 1dont tee wity wt' sioulît accept bu die. Sutîdets. who l'.21t d'ara nid, receul am unr canffldale. H' nover bad auy ly rettîrntî frotîa duiciigtrital the pructical experionce, lu business et- Wesl. witich bctantk afli-r a fttîiiy quar- talia." rei. Th.-ri'wtt. anîtîhi-r uuarrel lunlDr. "Perbaps ho doent know azy-tblng Sithtis reuiîiu'nee. and the atsonu began about business, but h'. an abloefinan-"wu batllet'. cîtercu lte dot, cler aIl tihtsurne. Ho @pett 5,000get- tur'% atet'k. tme o«tukeig hearreanti au-'fnreetdt 15f--erolc allher bis hanti. Ht wlked froni thte igeets 0a3.0 erofc bouse to bis office. whî-re hocitegan ai- once anti carne out a ricitmn." lu fn ront the tif ctl'.Of le woîtia uinbis A Bit of @ple. n@e-k M. Troniliot, laIe Frencht minisler for At Porabouneas. Fred Brt'î runk wa lu- in.te colonies, bastu UinthevielIni of a lu John Kesuers sinonî. atud. wltisott qutor bit of apito, the harritera of bis varuintr.mou tait uhîtis froint a revolver district having disbarred hltm by virtue et te later, te balle-ts enlv'rlîg heiow of a forgotten law titut forbids amy law- tht' heurt. trakiug t wo ruts. and gaini» yr 9 rm cceptîng a anaariesi position. npvrd.BritruIltn eeajvu! asi bo.As te Frencht miniaters are ait patti refuîge in Kuebel'a auliuéari-îry, whereOfiasndm yethn lw ra lie wau. arestes by Cutntable lIVard, aler ofcas n ayo ietlwea n strugle. tan'.vie-h Brownî@biti Wsrd Itonéral atplilcaloOf te law vostîti trougit te cîtt. Bruown i. = yesanid. lho isas-trona. and habithevt, turne 4îî atui reliotatiotu. l.t5gLaitt ospi lie refuses tulii e his reaaua for te deeti. rli led ucueme« ant ats ltaIho -a rotemor othngKenpu Baiuam vin @top the couth aiè uf vbîat octurreti. once. Go ta our ntdrnggiat te-ay sud t MuraailFieli aîd ohn ). oceeàlr »sanpe bOtitefret. Bolti lu 25 sud 50 MarsallFied ad Jon D lWefelorcent hottisGo. t aion.; delays are daim, have ireuetilte University ut Cui ens- lie îo buek otproerl' nrti utgerons. B.e Neet. Prequeut Large Do«.u of ('os.ena.Oion trous HiaSinle. Yottn brother la nul particuu.rIy bandtutîte, anti non' that ho la 18 >'enrs olt you cannultideny that ho la avk- n'ard. aaye lthe Ladies' Hume Journal. Ho eus-geste lu yuu a sape nul unîlie thal of a spider. for he utonta prin- cipal>' arma aund loem vitile he bau vonderful abuuit>' lu lise va>ofut auni blius- nhenbho usht lu val tiarais-bt. 'rThe girl wbo tries lu do rigit uboulti lac quilci onough tolrealizu ltaI bu tto ier brotrnr mure aItcantln lte aencrai wurbid thtmueI citer froni bis taititiauj- Ide"s be ina> have as lu itia us-n Jackofrlitant>' or grace. The buoy ut 18 usual>' utedsa sgood dose ot coni- mnontiion. un tise bho oievea litIev- erybuti> la linnuiedti 1scoif ut hlm. Wlihe ho s trodc-ul o a alrango girl ho dotan't kuuw viat lu a>'.and! yeb abe la a proîtty girl, for ube etands anti looks at hlm andti aitotuconviet bînt ut hoins- out ut pince, vitile be vIsites ltaI ho wte Stahomne. He visite. agaînl taI ho hain't come to lthe parly andi be la about su svkvard- looking andi as unhappy as auy boy ut hies gt cafi ho. Tht benle of, tht roani gets nid ut hlm vtth s groal qulckneue, anti ho reaisea liaIa se 19 langing *Miim. au ho aeeuber chat- iing anti smltng vils su ulder insu. Titeu ho gmnwa bitter. Thia i lthelime ltaIbis aluler needa bu brins- aU hon aveet Muaeuce to-boai, upon bim. SbIo cau sitber psrtuoer ta taie ber over to ber brother, and poitel>' excuse heraetfu hing eu- gage! lu hon brother for the tance or promenade. Site eau maire thlmegrov tea tustieve la imitif, und wson na>' present hlm ta saint girl, lems heautfui, perhups. tissu thtealiter, but ane vise mouva bow lu encourage sud malte happy anuter glnl's biaiser, bocanse aie has abrother aut huovu how te»- dor the feelIngs ot a boy sart snd hov eamily vaoundet. Wiase De the chl4,el mstk Doe'î glas lieus tes etr.0550 Ba youî itriedthe b.sev foud drink :àl. AlIN-07 lit in deliceus susuisa- tut, sud taie. the place et ceSe i mure Grain-O pesu. ive tiesu lb.tÏ more health yj-u diatrthuta throngb thein sj-.lens. Grua-0 la mate of pue graina. sud when pruperty trearnd taesulii thse choie. grades q reofes, but eouts a=houte .as mmci.a-l&0 viseus su IL f.lie Revenge of Ma M.saauîJh. Tise m-isaranee of Napaul neceubi>' e.ntmitted suicide lu butta, ut tise dis- tigurement viseb an aitaci ot amali- pex bad catieed la bm tuatures. Tise maharajah. wnhoaras pslonely aI- rachet te ber, fOnal u bs en- geaceon the pisyslebana vin bat et- lendeti her lu ber illens. Then he 5ev ai higber gaine. Out outhe c grealtem- ple ho brougist thse Idole, placet boadet caunmon heore thons sut bide guinnor. lire, lu tuior aithtie prupoueti bIl- 1pisens>', hey retusot. Tiatreupon bte kimobum»b h anged severalout lient. 1bo S.tvtot tiesoauiulttet sud tt gune vere 0*9 sud the IleIsblovu t. pioconl.___________ Ostee' NMortesTue. Firut leur louves ObicagusJeu. 17; s»c- oud toue Maves Chmcago Feu. 11. 1890. rie. et ticket tuctudez ail traveliug tx- peuse@.otonIiel>' duya.Thesa tours ar. sma" b>' speclai traîna et palae casl-b- cludleg dianngcur. Fer doeiptive books, sut rate. vraIe lu Ch&&. H. Gatos, Toled.4 Ohio. rlnto.'mMliuu Deatret. t,"I vanta te knout.' salid Uttbe Rasîna. " Wunta 10 iuow vitat. boy?" asheti 1bus tether. "-W'en do pape- talis about a huIs-ht of de razuer. doail meanusisavln' or ght- ln' ?" Xs.Wtaal.. Suavaset or ttdus Mesus-an oramnt. .11.7e4,t u ,i5 Is~sal bsi vANsal.-=c.u nd btbnaillhea"A'N-5-sU am 5 -e. t5 t. asuîusi 0%. à AÀgralslindi vOl nelther givu suns.f- t froul non oar 1.-lionne. 25 Yeou's of Cure, Covertng Tens cf Thousands Cured, Millions of EBotties Sold. St. Jacobs OU S i hecreo RtWJMAUSMSPRAINS ~4ERALIA BRUMS! LUMBAGO STIFPN!SS 'I And viii always be The Greet Remedg for Pain. "Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He WiII Do." Don't Use 8SA POLIO L ia NU l . . No__Z- Pains and Aches 01 R*uM*tumM al,..Ceuntle. 'Thouaande suflie'. But this diseiue la evred by Bod'aar- saparlilla. whieh neutralises the aeid ln the blooti. 1fliou ha,.vaur ysymptomms of rieu- inatia taie Bood'à Uartaparilla 51 once and do not vaute lime and muel ounuo- knovu preparatiomi. The merit ot Hoodaà Sarnaparilia la unuestleeed and ia te- ord of cure.*amquaicd. Hood's Sarsaparilla l AMue aOMtsisel Nicis. lfer Uheumsll.u THE i18-YEAR-OLD BROTHER - im. D. K.uu with eamb of the huai Md isai M, U» 01 PO.rn-» viii fuY amomta diOfsu tlry Yuaau' umeg amelaMSS "iti ft De Rrt0m'b f- màaash -, .p- s- t-i sbSlte OMM efat ee au a jebe ouemnaýum NOXAUL1 PMu tc fi 0: ti Teothluei eto Skub.hI Tuire the Sonsibine Route fcom Chileus 10 Le. Angtee. Rsi Frranluco and stser points lu Californi, and uespe the rigoes owiuter ln thte£ait and North. Pulimâ o urit Cars for first and sc ond c as meu.ngers lenve Chricago eveqy Saturduy nt 2 ocIock p. mn. via the Chi- eâgtt. Nfilwauket and St. Pu ilwavy te Kanas City. theuce to Californie via the Atchinon. Topeka aud Santa Fe Railway -a real Sunaltine Route. This lu the eariie.t attermoon train leaving Chicugo for the West afier arrivai of morulug train, from Uthe Bou. thes avoiding tedions deiay. The Souahine Route in essentialiy the beat and mont pstroizd through car lino for me-n, wvun ansd children. Bv.ry at- tention paid te the needa of passetégers m. route. éleud for à Sonahine Route tilon table iditer. It conte nothiug. Addreau F. A. Milter, Asusistent Geteaài i'assenger Agent. Chicago, lII. Faishu4eal iz Geit., Big gante la muid to bo extraordinar- ily pientiful in the. region of Fashoda. The river avarma vitit crocodiles aud hippopotaimi. whule great herds, of an telopes of varions kindi sud giraffes are frequeiltly met with. The latter tnct 4s particîiiariy Iuterestiug, as mont of the zoological gardonS lu the vonld are int atof a speeirnen of the North Afrietto giraffe. whicb lthey bave beau tinaltu oblain. owiug 10 tht clOulng of the Central Soudan for 90 mauY yen rs. L&nes Panly Medicine lioyes tht bowei. esch day. lu oeder to b. htaithy tht. lu ACIÉa gentl ou the 11,cr and iidneyu. Crna sici hesdache. Prie. 25 sud 50e. Mtslouary Uncle-Has mamma ever told you where yoo wIll go If YOn are à gond boy? Wiltie-Sure! sbe's goin' In taie me te ate Dewey-wheu ho coules bonne.- Judge. Ciugb As, 0f 1,000 mou w bo marr, ILlta fou"na lt 332 marrY J0ufflf vW01311% M marry womeu oftheb.salue age,-ad*U ululer vamen. Meddson of Ohio un BM onmGoty ouIdby pS-Wu-e Gguu Da X..kbh ut Obi% u*" Mi. hUgtuS l~ ta Dr. ubawe» Dr. % .. Harmu.a, Calamms. O. Duaz @M-1 bave uas4 ssnl e.i 1 UsaOf *neu.nB Md l f sa 'boe. ie tmby. Ià hm boum affeI

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