CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Jan 1899, p. 8

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.4nd of the *We handI e *Tlise oo-ds .exclusively L. Hl. Litchfield, EFELLER -ILLINOIS.1 WC CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 9F fJJ1NFLOUR. MILL T F$ SEEDSIETC 4umnber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent WE SELL TI3WEBER W AGON, WI4EN YOU WANT ,"os or Farming Implements. ville. CALL ON GHT &SON, - - - - - Illinois* $~IIWEEKLY' INTER OCEPIIi$I! «"gls LAREST CIRCULATION OFAL. Alwxysv Anudrcan Always Republican j VE WIMfLV inTEU OGLAN 8urr fi~ &Mca Columo s Bright, Cean and Packzd itl' News : Ilb. UIterure of IM columas lae equai go t"atof the heu maga. e alaea. ilalatèrestlng go the chUdrea am Weilas tire pvrnt UVTM OCAN b à VIElTE.N NEHVPR, and wL I, i bmTff adporIve ni datiy by ntMt........500 ern YME lNTER OCEAU'S ?JI.S 13 EXCLUSIlVE.: Pe o Dayb mal 40 e * ba'..Sw'y.u. St Opr yssr 6ee tShoes ^1.Rubbors if you want Cheapness, there are pienty of merchants who willI be very ulad tc accormmadate yau. If you want Quality, you wiII have tc look a littie langer and pay a littie more, but, If you want both Cheapness and Quai itb corne direct ta us, we keep them bath ir stock, and they'r e bath just your size We carry in stock, the Iargest Une of comfartable shoes in tc .This store is headquarters1 Mishawaka Ail WooI Knit B Wales-Coodyear Rubber Foot Wtiuine Snag-Proof Boots and huer&.Bri Mound the Ooi1y. 1 nOCaMEYKLLER SOCICTI 11. ('ONglEGÀlnoNAL Çbumb Sundav ser 11 ïe ili sbe MLa aa4IUP. m. Prayer meetingWdmsaa eveinn. Y. P. B. . E. mut Buaday eveMna ai511Junioro. E. At a o'elook1. DUMOND camp No. dm.. a. W. A. muet fietad ihird Saiardayeveines of eab 0.0. P. No. sis. eteet geeond and fourili Tbursdaye oteab nonth. WiLL KrirG m. N G. Ou. A. 05T. Beer. 0. 0. T. mffl Tbureday evenings of eaeb week. LusTRa Buanici. C. T. J OHN 0. IIAGAN post . A. R. tneet aturday niglt on or before fuil mona. I.S LA ON.Cmdr. 0 9 COURCEILL. Adt. 1 Mai goiugaSouth .... l ; .aiM. 922p. n. ]M l g ngorth.................l10:08a. M. mai ov,,r tand by stage arrive, aitIo0&a. w .10ear tailan. R~OCKEFELLER. Dr. Travin van a Chicago Thursday. Laura Beene vlited ber uneie ai Glmer teceutiy. Mrs. T'erpeaing vlatted lut Ciego the tIrsot utthe yack. Hlenry Lltcbfleld la recoverlig froni lita Beige of the mumpa. lir. P. Careintavtstng bis aile sud friends ln Albany, Wln. Mir@. Fléher.fron [ake Villa vlelted lira. idi une dey tln& veeX. Frank Bock and Thiomas Mc Bride ahlppedl a car of ho onud4y morulug. Lester Bnrdlck came home frein Wancouda 1bclielp flithe e oblonse ai Dlamond Lake. Ltine Beao icliride ceiebraled ber blettday Jan. 17, by entetatluing ber litt1e Irienda. Thenickerbocker tee Co., viii bave theli Damond Lake bousie filled 1g w-rdz l f anlled lu, lesa tImetitVU liE are. An entertaiinenl ndter the auspicea of th Chistianl Endeavor aocietyvilii be gifen by Meer@. Eugtrom and Pierce, ot Evanston lu the Cliapel ai Rlockefeller Baturday eveulng Jan. 21, IMl. Corne une and &Il vho enjoy readînga, vhuntllag, slnglug, etc., and houaitien. gentlemen 0f raie talent. Tickets: Adulte 16 cets; children under twelve yeara 10 cents; cilidren under six years tree. Horrible agony la eau sed by k'iles, Burnus and Skia Diseanea. Tbeae are Immedlately reUleved msd qnickty cured bhy DeWItt'a Wtch Hazel Salve. lievare of worthlesa Imitations. P. B. LouzLL, Lbertyville. MELOL.Y STATION. Mien Bell Doberty, o! Chicago, va, theaSut of lier cousin, Mn,. Martinu Mlody aver Suaday. mina utie Yore vWho bas been slek vît h grippe lu the city for thelu st tva veeka, ln reporled convalacent. Ui. Richard Kan.dy vho lias been couflued 10 the lionse vitil a apraiued aukie for noms time la alte to bc out &Sain. lir. and lirai lMartin lielody vere nataitd leChicago liunday by the enit ilnuso f lit. Melodys aliter. lire. Domao ie MeNuly vWo la auffering tram a cancer. The many friands of Mir. and lira. John Barker wvlUlie pained 10 Icara thal the sange-'of deatli las &gain visntaet tlir home, h, ltime clalmtng for bin ovu their ouly daughler Julia, a beautlthl girl of nineteen. Julia van of a avaet and vinnlng disposition eudearing lier 10 a large cirole cf friands vho vill moutralier uutlmnely liaking off. The aympatby 0f th. entire oommunlty la exteuded te the donbly beresved parents, J ulia'n deatil accuring jut ivo veek front that of tbeir ouiy son Georgeas funeral. Ta inente a happy nev jesi, keep the lever ceou and the body vigoron by ualug DeWtt's Little FEsrly iniera the famon u11e pilla tut cou tlpatlon snd Uver trouble». P. B. LOVIELL, Libertyville. PRAIRIE VIEW. Clarm liaason bambeen vlalitiug ut Waukegan tle pt veek. Chus. hilaman, ofChicago, vliied et Mye'@ over Bunday. Henry Mlh"$adti\ mfortune te have a sérav sstaitla over and klil WIII Bock has bonglit a meain ni liories, cooaslderatou $M0. Rie nsî thsy are dandina. itl baba au tiougli Hif Day la golug to lie deited. The Foute Bron. are golng btaoel ni t spriug. lit. Edvatda ho haliasativeny &ai ffl petit veel la aiovly tecoverlul under the cars of Dr. Taloer. Clialey Munuan aid realdeut Iii &hi& vli"ty blia Blsted lu the wva pand lia sMiled for tle Phuiiplues. Fred Mliaaon. 01Waubegan, vas seein onounr mtela lt 3riday. He la seil. ing 1emon extruct. lie la lnellaed tc thnkthat faruelng la à Baud occupe. lion. The Wooduien bad thel, lnaggllatlu; D gaturuay lgbt. Tieollewlng oi weuoiallded: A. G. laetier, V. C B.;. S. Coiby, Cierk; C. Heftman Watclmsn; IH. Kreuzer. Centty san L. Kreuger, Encort. DIAMOND L.AKE. Y The ladIes of the Dlamond Lako Cemetery Aasulotlon wviii ueet th, n iret Tliuisday lu February vllb Mr@ à D. Griffu. Ailfembets urged b attend. Land best GILMER. Dwfl. E. Pols bas bougie tht.W te. Inylit form. fo or paiers are buay savlug sud echop pmg Wood. ýOOtS, lMr. andf ira.A. P. wbeeier caliled . twear, tttend.a liiLibertyvîlte tecently. lilas raGe Tovuor, o! Dlamond Lalý 1Overs. lua@podn a tea veeke aitih o simier lira,&. Weeiéer. rait Peir, ot Columbus, 0Gm Sianc.y for Ihlm Y yama ,auéo .50 ilaii. b ýigDWt ILLINOIS. W. W. APLBILRD. Cark. rhetut. y.0.. OU RN EE. George Daziel vas lu tteîcicty lait Prlday ou business. The male quartette met vitit George Daiziel Wedueaday nighit. N. P. Bvaaunvas n l Chicago the tirtiof ithe veek ubusiness. J. W. Farrelilima, been buytug Ptoex ln Wisconsin the paiveck. Dave Young, 0f Nsipervile, Mi., vae hae SnBnday calilng un aid friend. R. B. DixouEaue re-openpd the (lurnee grocery niait. recently pur- casaed bl ilm. The new ChirlAtiti elitta lpanlt gave good faifatault Sunduly, lite tiret day aite tus. Mr. agid Mys. J. R. Brocber vteted jas. Clapliam t.a stwork la Chicago. Wnv. Oneal la unolag baok un lu the Payne farm. Mir. Thomma Clspham bias rented the Ueo, Wilbur farta agatu. A. L. Wilbir houn beeu on the alek listin again cou valenceut. Lovtllu Williur, oif WaUkegsu, 13111.1 dayed vîttehbie parentesteere. lira. J. P. WooIley euiertatned the W. C. S. tille veek Wedtieieday. Frank Howard, ot Wisdoeortb. vwan a businmucallnter bere tant Munday. Sbuieribe fur the INDRPENDENT. Viret mouti% for 25c. Trial trip. Ui;. Sarah W libtr who basn lieun vlcitling ilu Waukcgsn han returned. Mfr. tud lira. Day bave been vlettltîg frituds lu thtn localty tilt pant veek. lire, J. P. Wttbur and dauighter Mrs. J- L . wuver entertalu.i the ..C.P8- frienda' ai Eve. L. t§tuer iîterda'ueale r. U. 13 notif end ttundav. ltWecitienday. Mr. sud Mr@. ouiltdge ectiertalued relativen fram Mlliii iret me atutday. Mn. Gulidge le rùerh19 îîgfom an attack of grip. Out Woodmeu jiýttilied officers ifaturday eveulug. Mr. Iciteaîf ocled an atailg oficer. Several tîca mm- biets woee ceepied. The W. C. T. 1'. sovatcy bld a apecîsi umeetinîg l'imsday îîtenuoou villi lra. Lamb ta arrange for ihein annuaellbauquet. The RuneelI minttel show van faintyj veli altended couaidtetiug the weaiher last Fnldsy cvettltg. Their acte vert. veli applauded asîd ail ejoyed I. The Gurue chair viii nieci SattrtlaY eveulng ai tht. home vf liabet Chitieudeti AI i îtbîeirs are requent- ed ta lie presnt8aIeeiâlimtitnitteen viilieoirsunacted.. Sitnrday aftentta"n LînfIlu Wakeild van tliroW%,4raia arPe'and eu8aited a badiy frscted ieg. The fraetunti was ai once attendcd tu and vc ir tn lie vili no eale tareuunie wtrk. fev dayhansd touk lu the idance at Grange Rail Frîîtay eveiiltig. Dwlghi Hanrvey, ai Aditi, Mitn-, te a gucat oa itbs faihen J. L. Hastvey sud wylîl visit other rneiativcn btfore lie returua. Lus-lta V ilbhîr bhnseeîtred a île,lrtabte puition vwith tho becuttty Ssvitîg..Batnk. Wîîîkcgîtî sud cili çade.avor ta lie v'îriliy tii-place. Ve tepoak fotr limavt ct The W. C. T. U. held a heciat meet- inîg ai lMr". Chtarles. Latuit's taxt TîîendsY to tuaIt.snancîîtîî a anoquet ta lie gtvett iy the'w. c. . .au Gratngi.Hall ltithte hieux fututre' Witer tîiep ol Iias ret.ttilthe. lteury Wright tarin ienur agcn Lake anuit ii iuoveliiteni, befote the. tiret ut Mardi. Mr. Dt"imip an Iie.uon,î lit. O. J. wiiurr's tarot tht.Inast tva yearts lier Isrw la tor rel. We uuîcrstaiid thbut Ray Dhum hanâ 1,î stock ttn grocrerîcaantd uîerchanudlte lait by the.taie ('han. %Vilh aiîd ciil otimî'îtei' buluen ai Two Gorod Offers-.-- KIND SUBSCRIBER: »If your nelgh- bor is not aiready a subscriber for the i ndependent we wiil consider it apersomai favor if you will cali their attention to the foliowing. They will thank you as cor- dially as we will. lt's like "glving them something for nothing." TO IE3ERY NEIW SUBSCRIBI3R paying one year's subscription for the lndependent we wili give positively free a five year's sub- scription to the PARM JOURNAL ~ The best farmand household paper in Amerlia.It excels as a dairy paper, is the best for gardeng and fruit growing; the best dor women folk and young people apd is a fearless and unfllnching champion of the rights and interests of country People. Sele.çt, corncige a.nçirellable. Sampie Copies -ôrd,,s getf&mD â~'Cn be had by calling at the Independent office or wil be mailed to you f ree of ail charge. Moutiay eveilng Ellswoerthi Met "e.WrDxu otn cireqn vantedceda pcoan sttiric ary etîtc ad ii D itavouthes hit len - We mean just what we say --- and repeat 1t. by the yanng pealîiî aaid meuibers of of hie uîany friende i lnTO NE~W SUBSCm<ur<I< the ChritanuEndenvur tof vhietchlà Fred i' vijîut flac t t etuttied presideut. OventilfiY acre lreeni frrot) Lansing, tilitgaîî li hent rtoodsbsrbr pynLneea n d and durlug thlee vctîinuî muta prit- bb l tt tt-.uitîîig cîîietîîtîcrl.t chîttri l sbciespaigoeyarl dac sentedaili a flne hbile, unîta eynt humelibtrki fl i I eitlibr teinetîn .gwe wiII give free 5 year's subscription to the Farm suscipio t te hrbtanEnltavlretGàýhak bviigbogh tit>I.journal, WhiCh, to be concise, means that you wiII Wordaledfu Crilthià tlIeal'rvDigian t itilt! irut tif F, . f.%Ithur â-A1got that paper during ail1 of paiert.. ci,.Frl'a d'niait', Inenîte c il ii im i! STAFOD ISTIC. tlct.hmlit i ew f ti-id aifaîîrk, 1899-1900-1901-1902 and 1903. W'tu. Strang ]oei a yîug cetter hset thoigil ut îxet-liiewfor lic fls acil veek. extt-ricîîtc lu the ltutier irait. beltote. PO S II LY FREES Mrt. Fsulktîer'N ccii lm fliai yît tut.F. C- Wiltîtr le au "11,imiiiur es ilte pleted. liîiineec ani atil on tock rî'ay o ntil February 1, 1 899, we wiii give to new Alliert aund Belle Sage are agaitài :a gri-it ali l d euhaieî,.î ol nui i n.. subscribers only, who do flot care ta take advan- Beoo1 îî ite e le attît bis titei tartînt tage of the Farm Journal offer---One year's sub- We bave a large attt.tiîtainc hau ateîtîakcscription to the thitnvek. FOX LAKE. Mrn. Wm. Sage rt!eeuiiy purchascît a I M l uýeI.d eyS(k- c a very fiue borane. t l tcl.iti W eekly I nterOc a %In, sud lits. A. S. Faukner -Irave tafi) iiti estl ut Waukegau Idonday. tKa O i iv T i-< E Mr EgueKnxle vi8itiing hie i r lac edvbielMs . rbtP S T IV E L F EE parents luire Ihts wcek. otStly Lov lla ibrcalled ounMiness îgeeGoMayîttM Licn iat eeteraun Sunday eveuing. .in1int pttceti jas. Gleaninlatrappina for vîwm r . .blwn 8t sol rcvrItg Wi h d o r f and ealig lacalfskia. frnthis reelât illnen. sud dnllug u cal!aI'e.Ir~. A. Kirvîn ditlit. A. Twaed r. Jubi. attack aItinti-grecoe vwoet.Nipereiuk vitîite u n Suuiiny. SHERMERVILLE. cîta'ttai the gripll.Ie may$lie Dow' lrm in. J. H. Pfetegrialaid. ut Il. Hell nuit %Ir Looik siiu-titdethlb. Olt s-t.y iiaay utiowaaye.q-m ein viihen hla eaick. M.JH.Ptrotto ajoiof A.« IL meeting Ii i okegartî laItduiîig littitig. Fe fuan'ciîrnaema trav go Wankegan iani weck. edMYrs clrnaem" Miessrs. Ed. Miler aud Soin Loreon lic. M. Cîtîti ltts moici ii oiiksk, ait latier. Little Alvin la able gt. ho tradd hrise jgst BturluneimaAnielt ilaiger attîl l. ire i-ard tiii v ilstuetrnieliehibite otntarîîîîîî'l and tht. Ilttle girl la improving traetilioseaIpa Sourdy.liîîtuneti acali.iou Mlre LouisiaLuiskthienî. ; suiwi'. Amoug Waukegaii viitotiiofa!lai& Mauiay. Ilî. Lort.nzy.bas Iciight the. <im,kmtl it inhtcmeadlaoigaan veek froinibis vicinlty acre Nlessym. Frank G.iger iand mille visîteti houde .sud lit fot $4;1(1 titi Nu vittder we gîve tht, an the ressor t rthe teD- Ed. Faulkner, Win. Sage, Juo. Peitetion, Dgtufiid airlyeeigsdWl a ul od l vrbl deea mrvmn napa IsacSe leds, Sain Larrdon, Rd. Miitil guî red'Stiia vîii n iihnneiinttt i ,c i u- tiîpueît pe raal O.. Mot aud lit, sud fllre. Lttle. Sthn.liey ait th bc$%aie auy botter but Ihey Ou car cawà trtd n ûer irt Mn. anud lrs.e. ,t.ihr, if .itgtou, iilph Noluis iîa gen up titi'fsruî look itettet. Bendors lant !îtuuday. 'ihey teed cou. sibted their d..igier ai Lake Villa iug h e.iein ta tîeîiîtitg th, Mrt'îgi i. atloMira. Fted Hutanhergeor are flidentut ltihey arc going io catch up ifiiuîrday. ilitaînehs itiilege atîii.xpeceh i) l'e tue prîtid and haippy Parents of aObr"e vîAb aomebody. Ilt onîltilit, baril lit. l-baril Atticli, oftii .iiittipreiîicîîiof the. tiltiud Siaen uintboy. It made DIt$ iniappearla. work t0esoutint chari clous. wes eliilviring colilinie alitiinmetoil day. îecttieîuiteut Frtday in lime for dia. The servicen ai the Warren M. E. ont treete lani Salnrday. A. SeekI-rilvle tand no.S eaine lier. The lilie lad mueie . a dmy. chunce vere veii attended lait Sutdny Mt. [tow, if Watikcgai, vii fîîiruimb nean n11jilniig SWiiY cu indan t a ck, îdaiîîg fnam the aatinied expreesbca ateruoi. litsud lire. A. S. Faulkne erlîitiuiig mtaerfiafor the. Itnitie oiiiey elieeaumt.-rgiiieiitl ti oi t.htber onu'tiaePc. sud Moeaurs. e". nuit Juu. BOrtu li. Bvnrtzülggern îe. i itceaitFoi snd uaeb tant.d filitht. opposite dir- La Grifplanagain epîdette. EverY vere sdmited ta the. ehureh un pro- Lake. ction. Nu ctite gat boni. recautittu ahonld lbe tlaen go avold It. batin. uod(tos nuru arià ton ond he ove's ,vepart, a thy eilîle epecifllccure l0 ODe Minute Qgli Fottl op mn bi-u iiongaîd ht ien're ist. aitYOCtli.yi~al ure. A. J. Sbeplierd. Publber 1 We are proctîcina for mirîrnextwvlieu nî'i igi-sieti Kiuttl Iyieltcin Ilo n thetwat old chiTURneW'. Kelitper IAgicutUtral Journal aud Advsnilns, entrtinleu wieice exîtecita to i Cntre digestse vat aiit eut . tet. iedattiA. Biedliîîger Satiîrday ,'veuîîg Elîlc, Mou, &aya: t'No une vIil@b Wouetantuet ary . Ah mgarcaîttig dineaeve oand 1 WedeavayFelrîîryi A in ae oble,.fI ue% inelîdigeioun, nour watt velatteudeti, cîîuafleng thedi&Aappointer! lu using on tmute il Coîîgh Cure for La Grippe.~ Plongeai very buîîy citb ur ebtii a tnt à uil ttîiti ati lieieiug. attd aliace a venilier. Ivcean anut(!cake are to take, iii tii ail. F. B. Lovs.L, novounr ttiie for practicluz tenuuite cociifitît stiuteh Tet. t etsacten-u ervpd. lieiden mauy gaies sui t nui- Lîhl.ty ville. llmlted but ve chahenudeosor iii uake tantiy. F, il. LovELL, Liettyvilli-. le ev ent eeraed. Evcryhaiiy vent the prograinttitterestiug Au pavelhble. hume satinfietl, vlehiîtg faurutany more GLENVIEW. r t ai couelet tif dialotgues., reciîatiiitaI VOLO. ta came lire. Carpnttcle vcry sick itll and sontga, etc. fihc proîi-îede nil lic icMr.A. J. iRaymnd lIllivil bisit le t bits iîîeutht. Larde cmil toi eauta tagnIPPe. unedttaprocureniore itued qi iut- hutte l amit aek. binseif aur ieion'eii frictîtiand felina- lits. Otto Linueenas is en qlie *meut for tht. nebool. CaGe outs-mît it. C. Morley, ai (hicagot, aoctali- ciizenu, jaiuBlatnî. Thloiuetai vsti 'li t th le logrippe his veel. un so auidaysansie boy vit epeni the.îo n' îî fitd e tik procevl utunrbalctutnttiumtita tm un omptait, of Elgin, in s-la- bcid Wedueday, ai 10 a. m. A ahori Mina Berthba Drahetli bus bean lis toncor o neta ut utetaiiet ave tlt:g irien ada atrelatives aetul. coremauy vas condîîcted Ai the faut- fon the Pun tfevdays but teslnow reo gnetu ou ed uEt r net a llas MaggieBliait., tifChicag), vs- la-iy home, liy 1ev. F. Suient., the Te. convalescent. apeud lu tle naine way. Watuh thlalità ed vitli reistiseucar VOia iaard mins vert. then conveyed ta tht. E. Dr. Itenîcot bad the miqtottone ci - puce for lurihen annuuiicet.ut. vcek. A. churcli uf Nortlifleld, wlene the havlng a runavay lait veek. Ree.aape S1EsENvie TEAR CLAna3. l Mts. Amots Cîiuuiliu.of Watteoîtia, services ere conduicted bliythe 1Rey. wlaltknn. umatnvya et heges i .Cotpi ni n Pi . Bilerle of ,ald cliurcb lu Gernean veil as Kluge Doctor. ROLLINS. lats.Loa oieo n agie nd tle Bey. L. Schmidt of Chilcago lu a anONealamw u in aytiakoe Fidîiy. han ligageit'. tif Mceicry, vent. Voit, bls. lMr. Baimon, vbo van & The Ladies Aid Socety out he M. B. .Boy Edwarde van lu Chcago recent. cailers ou i luidati. reidenitf tins-ticlity for aver 60 ebtîrch met ai Ibe home 0i MIna -ly. lir. James Kuratu, Mins .tcnîle lai- years, dicil Sunday eveuing ai il p. m,. Heiingtou'a tait Tbtetday. A very li ra. Ben Sutithi ns ln rysiakle ton, lita. J. WVI-'FIttcnce andti li. C.(;. lHe van 65 yeatra oltiand leavesa aPieanalit d a uspenft. i lant vonli. Hugem uihve Itet-u a the. elck lit but vidov, lotir aibldren sud tiret. grand The Epworih Lengue vIl i gvee lit. ONeal ban purcbnueid somte coarehImpro"îttg. cludreit snd a boit o1 otteer relativea Ilteraiy anti social evenlug et tb@ of Olver Booi. IBorn, tain. ottît lre. Manuelt.iaten- and frieuda. liay Ounr uPiratiou ven cbiitch Satiîrday Jark. 20gh. The, Mina Grace Stroifik vas lu Grays- ger last ccek, a ou-tîn. le c'îîgrstîlate lie sunvanthe departcd ones, ta lie exprenlac lîl liegin nitis oclck. e laie lat Thuraday. ainsi li. anmd lir. Matt Wertz, on e e Jerome Stern vin :t.d ai Audre theitiehîlîdsya dauglien. _________ Dr. C. E. Mandenville viii lie in 1. ttang'a Iasai eci, lins. E. L. Huatnatarteil fat Prince. D EFIL.Glenvlcv Jan. 29&hl. Be vih promshla Doc Bitrneit bas beun u e tilîiton, fil., Sattinlay aiternoan, csîlediOEFEU tht. M E. cliurcb at 7:30 p. m, ali 1 itlthe pst veek. ibere iîy the. nerlitun Itlineen oflienr liat HoreubengeT.r ent ho Chicago wvblclihe viii admininter commuât«r. Mie Rysti la assiating Frat I lueken yaîîugest linaftien, IVJ. lîiKey,vwho la Wevtuaavay.rhluaa flt.adie.J. vhth bI, faimnir. %1very l t ali curnonia. John McCaormick, of Libertys-ilje, TLacluttat ifr.mnta oid r@ J lit». Oscatr Drury oud fotine itllitr. (Iraui Luîk has noit isIefarnnto ohR8fu mntindba, nr lira. Struug tat aeek. lMr. Jake Weriz fon $59i.01)anu acre. IWu vas bhe Wedneiitay. iiiturred lnut ierLullienan cuirIob Sun. GeorgeblieCreddle baied voot i tîde.ntanolMt. Look itenil, to locate lic.and lira. Fierney'caileti an Deer- day ai 1 p. nm. Mt. Wlesa fudueel fromtitisa vieînlty lastet c. inOrysiake. We are autny ta'joue tilit f rienda tlunday. tt evcs lira. K. Ltilien, (ilNi-w York, let ucîoo ieglibare. uohaIthtnecplao-tesrve. realdlng aetPîîutb Lake'HItet. The ladies of the Bns e@ ce octetY Iuo a taMu apl l- lr. S. A. Fackier, Edigortof, U4- 'i ila Lors rceiu bauitecouvcry @tokitàii gIse a dîme aocial ut theTourta- emtempiatling matimony. hlcanopy (Fia.) Bustier, vill i bs vle' clth the gripe lut le împrosiîg a edeuofi Mr. cibrie Dilon lin Friîay Altiert Anges leiq hlning abuoutlieiug antichîltirc, aiittersd lerrliy fro*, le little. .s-eiug, Jan. 20, refrenineuns erecd ick, Just ta e lin e ouk . LaGippe. One Minulee uiq*a. r George Sheiden te 5aing tai mode lite îittîîng the eveuiug. AIl arc cordialîy e o Iu. woa tbe uuly nemedy tbat bol tfl. cov r lutmre hîtraite aud Intendtrta lvîteil 10 attend.- Fred Pannons apeut Bunday ntght at It acted quickiy. Thoumusdaofothoe IaY&atraci. Wbere? Pronenia hous The amaileat Ihinga May exetthile borne, regurnlng 10 Cbicago liunday. liec tis rmedy neaa. peefc " tuGryaak.LaGrippe, sud Ils ezhaunln elq S10 Graalke greatent Influence. DeWtta Little We are glati lu report lieu. Adama, etiocta. Nover jlie. P. B Va George blielden bail anc of bis trading Birty BIser.arze unequufledlo tiurer- Mat fateyberger, Peter Bleinieht su Liryit lle, vl i ,,. es Stle last veei. 'Re tnaded douge, geee coug conatlipetlhiead liver troubles________ i.~ ~ ~ ~~i dug n ore.11 arin lapretyi; mnupilus lie"t pille, mate plus. F. B.Fedle rvUn »U oci tOObd flu. LoYax.n, LlberyVle. iCckaýJ4" bu Mce ouei night ta ir tid -se Ont S

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