VII>AY , emni73., é9. UMi W» etht"poat-Oak" u t lits.rtvevl. fluaba» eod-claitamatter. ,a &If»lhyMW 5.5158 AtI K5OWS 0ON APPLI- CATON. U.soe Gorma snid flu a speech Sm wa vthh Spaitn >ould pro- 51M a.8,0M )new pensiotieroansd î»M ihilitree jean hie sannel VUMSB p&ymnt& unld reacti PUflýM0f. This jeara appropriation 1111mu tebande ofrte Preiden t la mO.WO0 Ilm than taI. lue oppoueuflla0f1 te seatug of Eoe.salavO-lOl Roberts, oittati, boumUe.of hi. hoeins apolygamiot, are b" a# vont. Their laeat move la tu ul o lte siaissafleOS f the Wife Of .voel mam uo ut» have ta vote lunte uniCmore., luheu flighl againgt U»fnh.. The goDeraI opinion lu Waahgott itat the uomen of tie .055*17 viiiCompel tli ouas ta expel ltobOtla dta> ho vol ave hlm- .iSfmuoh Irouble by reslgfllng, lbut imo1d1 expechs hlm ta resîgu. The fact h&&te nevapaper pub- liaitn sau.mbled in Wshngton for t». popomof o! ling Congresa how u.omy l to teml to remove the de"y from vwitle paper and wood pnip lpaolt, &bout a- maiîy ho publima Frobutiofl pape"s ma it doesa pub. liabe.. 0 fre brade papers, remud ai w0f vtlte laIe Goneral Haab~aBM oftbtarlif,*1 usai.. b hY-oimde tha> port ion et Me lavS viich, affecte teir Ittsi- n sriolli a prsonsi question.- The aitipttsani0fliât are going tu urnOCl58Most oi the lalk luathe Sie.tii. eek an nesxly every SmeaS.? vin aoppoood tb expansion aMd vho hms Do jet spoken, bas given no" s 0a nteutlofltoaspeat duriug Ihe voi. Itlai.Mm* probable that one et Mmt. mmmerotIa resolutlons declarlug t" iPoioy o01tUlis Country towsrde the Philippine. vil bc voted upon aiid degat.Si. enalors ulhhout regard to thoh atitude towards th~e treaty of PaS. uxpnuai tseopinion that the o WW wiii bcratifiled uben It is voted "pm lb. BIh, lu accordance ui t tie ageentli ntered lto blat> eek. Elgin Butter Market. MILLBU RN. Butter ounte Ein Board of Trade Monday wun steady. Offeriinga sej 701tuLbs; al solfi at t8ýc: at useks mareket wnx 180, sud eiie year ago 1Le.1 PROBATE COURT. Estate of t lareuce 0. toai, lessie B. Deuman, aduiistrator, de bontiosnon. petitlil for leave oi distributioni ln kl.nd certain bouaseliu>d goods, isave given te distribute , order on file. Estate of Daniel Walsh, James Wslshb admînîstratur, fiuai report sud accournt, proof of notice te heirs, inal accoulit sud report, daim agal sais ewitti- drawn tiy clalmant Estabe 0oi rs A. Stanley, Aratzaffln Stanley admînltrator, ciit agaiust estate set for tiearlng Pcb. 7, 1899 ai 10 'uock a. M. Estate 0i George H. Shen, Sarah A. Sites. Iletitlun for leblera o! admitnis- tration, bond fixefi st $2800 bond approved, le> ters granted, protti 0f hieiruhlp, ses order on file. Estate of Henry Swanabrotigl, John w. t3wsusbrougui. petition for letters of administration, bond fixed at $600 bond spproved, letters grauted, prou! o! heirstiip, ses order on file. Estate of Elizabeth Neal, Chas. Ph)lîlipa exueutor, claitottagatlt estate allossed. Estate of C. Giranville Hammnd. Mary R. Hammend executrix, finai account sund report approveti, executrix di8ctiarged, prou! of helrsliîp, rder on file.1 Richard D. litutoseY et ai, J.. Frank Yeilûi for lettersi of en eed 5k *34O0; ~nd ppfoedlettera granteti. Estate oi liannali S. Hoînt, Johln Hle. Petilion for lettera of adminlis- tratitîn. bond flxed at $30(1, bond approv cd. letters grantett. Esitats 0ft %ni. Hamniond, John W. llanstrud adminisîtra> or, fluai report sut> secounit appearance of part heirs, prou> oi Publication lu ottiers. Heur- tlDg on fiila ecount conllnoed lu Feh. 7, 18,99. Estate of John P.Il'etersoli, Ada I'eterson adminisltrator. fluai report sud acoutut, proof oi notice te heirs, final aceatuasd report approved sud adminfistrator diactisrged. Estate John Dykes, Julia B. Dykes sdmiîîlistrstoe. fins> report and aceounlt continue,> te Foi. 10, 1899. Marriage Liefl"sý. Lesuder W. Wakefield, Wankegau 25 Miss Laura A. Dubuko, MiulîeaPOlis.241 Axel Andersoni, Chicago - ...2 Miss Nellie Bensou, Chilcago. .. 2 Pastor Harris @pent Monday in Chi- cago. llalpb Spaford lsescovering iromn tie typhoid fever. .ioslra Wedge sud Mr. sud lirs. Hnnting bave been tîito la titis week. Meuars. A. K. Bain sud Jame.sud Edwin Thoî,î were in Wankegau Tue&- day aflernol. P'rof. Farntaim principal ai Roches. cet <Wis.) Acadeuiy, viiteti Pator Har- ris ast Frids.y. Guny Hughes, ulia bas been troubled witht tttactis, was abseut from lhe Select Scbool a feu days. Mrs. Adamsansd littie daughters, who have beeu viaiting lira. FautaI>, a feawseks, retturned tuthie city. lir. W. N. Speckman, wtiolain l charge of the Advanced Select School, atteuded the teachera' meeting lu wankegau tn»t Saturday. on Ttiursday a feu lneited friende celeb.rated the blrthdays î'f Pastor Hasasnd Mr@. E. Mead At the ruai- There asa no session aithle Hocka- day iebûolliat Monday. Tlie teach- es mottier, Mr&...Jas. Polock, un ick ulti pueumonia. Thbe literary society in liouriaiting. The ,questionnfor dehaf e 9622191t 1s: -Rsulved, That We Learn More by observation thau by lieasa of Boots." M essers. Wllie Bonner snd George Dodge, Jr., ulto have been rectîperat- iog theirbtisth -alter attacha nifte messIes, returued tu Itocliester Acad- emy Tnesday uîorning. Miss Mary Wright, uho tia apeut iflteen yeara lu mmiaaonary uork lu Tnrkey and Armienis, sddresaed inter- ested saudiences ut the chnrcb at Sunday morang and eveniug. Haiving secured a competent ecres- pondent Milibtîru ieus uilli bOesfter appear reularly lu the INDEPF.NtENTr. Notices of sociale, etc. tnserted iree. Send thens in- kd. lira. ialer asud Miss Carnie usut tu Wsukegan Mouiday, ater receiving the aunounceinsut o!fIlie deaili of GRAYSLAKE L 4 lr.Stiermn ia titbhorized 10 re0li Sfor the INl>nilENT sien orders for, GRAYSLAIIE SOC IETI ES. 11IN BN Lods'. NO. us A. F. & A. M.1 ho d regnir commxunicatos M,,nY evenitig on or bof,fulil ImOon. 1. A. FiLNto.o, W. M. J. J. LOuoÂsAUoE. SeeY. P OSS 01088 itla e.No. 320Ordér Eteru e star suet lsad thtrd TuOsday 0een go Ma%. Calit I ulLE?. W. 1M. Mbiss JzNxzIDoUBSKI, . See. G BAYBLÂKE CamrlNo. 1t41>I. W. A. mont second snd fourîli Saturday eventuga ofd emhi month. J. MURRta. V.C.v JORN CnsîTISN., Cie. ri C OURIT 0F MONOB Nu. 164meetig lrt and srd Saturdays tida>,soli i. E. L.i. W. C. Mats. V. Bvno . I M IZPAHCeeu eNo.,MBs.N.A.mcýt second and fourti Te(itf,v,,v.tingsaii mout Ma.V. Bu un.oracie. Mas. MARY 0. MORBIhL. Ites. O ONOIIEGATIONALChu.ohsiStindar sor- ing Wodnesday eveui t c P. .o etn 8unday eveines at 6:451P. m. Jiniort meelt utday a p. tni. Ssbfth lioui 11:30 a.l. E, FIiX.NAGrlaEN, Pastur. W .T .metsings .vtry ,,ierti,,l, Frdïfr,îm it'p. . a.E. A Pr-t,Pe. Uns.ri3'aj3 EK. e. S-U R meetings inti and 4ntoas A. DMCMîLLE>..N.eGr. G RAYBLAKELo.lgr M. NV. W. NOu. 18*1 meetings Sud tid tItFrla.l. E. MOORE, W. M. Miss MIens Jryzzstts. ee y. President............. -...... E. . Shrmaro t.0. Barron. O. liffohards.on. Tru8,ees. F. C. WilIur. 0. BafurSlail. iC. B. H,--. Dr. E. F. haffer. OJeel...... .. - .. .E. T. DeV Tresurer .... ........I. H. Neville, Polie.elMagIstrale . C. C. Moro., MaçsfaI..........(àFrazier EueeDVoe cofied &0 lits bed several duym thim s eell, but is again sround. lirs. Nevie, tof Waiconta, .pcnt saet week iers lielpiîîg cure for lier son, Everett. wfi u bs been ilîte ill. Mir. H. C. Paddock msslu town lIsat ue lookng alter bits intereâta in, the school ronin, baViUg furnîstiedl new Donlt gel acared utien yonr heurt troubles yon. Most likeiyy ou u Ifer from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsiia Cure digesits what yuu eut. t wil cure every forni f lys)elîîal. F. B. LOVELL, Littertyville, 157J acres Ini section 31, totin of Freinont. knossu as the- Ntry An Hougliton farim, 1 aile moiltl-eaxt o1 Gin.Bagns oly ope n eeape TheWancoutla. 0000 buitdtngs. ueep sett OM.Eflua Ouy hpe o esape Thertail prices i gasoline lin close of the fuerai exercises lu ýNan- sud tua runîong springs. l'or tersa, dimit lit. thenlng0f inlly ttu boe lstely been advancedilabout 10 cents on kegan the retuaitta 'ers brouglit boesinquiro lin. L. Beach, lhauns; lra. V» th, fidingor Ïiltyou bt a .ive gallon cu. This mean8a sbig for huriliWedusday afleruoot. et SihVo;orDHutno, ioulte by tse ourt-mattal, lies in item ho usera <t! the prsinet. A admtniothator, Lake Zurich. Oct. 1 premàdmIs.l imeno!. Altonglino Standard 011 compauys repreetative C. A. Appley sella a sures pren'- eOWM amonuosmnent bas been made tatea thaitthe consulnptioti a!gaflo- tive nifliog sud chieken cholera. Cal> Adminatratrs Notice. et Me. fading of titi ourt-marbîaisud linselias lalely increased enormously. t Cointy Farta.lPulie notice Is heechby ivei t taiie. sut- Io . M ca e util te Preaidenb seritsC Adt.tnistrator of tite smtte of Kah- (lasoline eg tan etngpat rine Est.dett-aw-d. wlitltttf the Cuuntt bu c" e<n tts thegieopsdnieaong pant Uurl o!LaIe Count,.at raintnhi ot>us basa.ld ~0D l iteopiionlaare lteing ttaed su extenshvely that ihe ROLLINS. ttc boldenaut teLCou rtIBotu-etlit it. glau. unlmiMoul ttva u shsipl tort. inisald Cou,,». .tnth ltte r>MondItli lit> i gnlty saplystiply o! gagoline la becomilng a] ra. Henry Eduartids i ite siet Mars i t tts0o, wtt ,î and t.'VI.. -il] ver- beosa l loould have been nothiug eveu w,eks ago the prIce lu ChictagoiliaI. mono -sdretc.>.li.,~ tmL, .-vt elft upon tse ovidense pesented.o, houard varsafor tshlpmntt as il cents Ms os rtsnholptshgvr ulctiti Curtand ratLut,,otrne OUModaled lape vil> keep teil n dingMe oaCeiii1 rpovigvr uýt uir'o o9 il.bnaofbt rsdu pegallon. Ttday il la 15 ients. II lenhceey. eStîlte.MHmt, dint a-,>-d mto hbadettePeietfrthouglt thia asdvauce is permanent. LusDuyl sibn .C emi laoat.. Jna> .t uieal days and lies ujltate hi,, own wlth ibswukaIS autn. C __________________________._IR_. OflelBeSupoi l slterhgels il toAuction Sales.. Maud sud Harry Edwards transgaeted OomqelyI . uygesn 0 Tihe tîndersignedwulil sel> t public uie nWuea audy For Sais. sUmemp tu "y uhen the resoîut sili bcet Dîanîond Lake Park. Iiiamot Lake Aiter the titrd c,ld atnap we are boip- Soute, vtr3' tioice PIolatiti C tinta mt.pablic. but the greal sud geueal il., un wedue4fdy Febrnury 22, 1899, ing for onîsv, su we May go sl'ehgitugbioars resdy for service, tht>tre sec- nlust > li tecasemates lb probable c îmmeucing aiIl >o'clock a. ti. the beace IRichards and Esel Nrang vio-. uî>d ouin luuliltv atnd breetfîîîg; lhslit il Dot ha long delsyed. , followiug Itotel furuilure lnloding ited relativesa inttis vicinîty Satur- also soute jaiee Barred Plymoutti bedroonise, cota, nmaltresses, stanids, day. Hock roostees, ut pricea tlat niseari sure -----table. it.cescreainsfreezer and %ý WMlton. CDotlttle anti Fredsaslon tttose uba vaut stock. Edlrsteara, of the WueouPacer,24 o ute, 16 made by utcker mold sons. ltrtgs t rtîkerA DeUr Sas, in a de!eudat in a $4.1t4 Powell A Douglas, ail lu gond reieI'; Milter, o> Lake Vila. Ube sat, rouht Y to sloo kep-bua box cotepiets. utîli pririga, etc., lasIsLbeter i., utie lu te arttînd 1111 ui> brugî btu saoo kep-fine isaîttt bar ftted ttti FrenîchiacnasI ,.o0, a .e Mea l inta> city. lu evenb cnuipltitiirtle plaIe glas.,.. sIet wliî thE Ft. %1, ia.b islome Judgmeut hou are fliey goatîg . egttltr tertO,. îoiSK.Saitgr p.s ie nidtgt 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ A poaN n nul u I: H.r'.Y. f iner !Fox >.ake, ue' ti Vaikegau Nutnr- tem ttrnyfees? loti ea'tgelday, vistittg t Id frtettd>.fit, y re- blond out oi a atone, noir eau y<îu ex- uedMu1. IMMO more thal 60 cents front muid de- An Honeat Medicaine for La GriPPa. Andrew Jicsekto, utflisuegaît, ult t«aAM. Cnqetyil akikea s (nsrgeW a ilt, o! South Gardiner, in saisting S. Nieldeit. bas heoke onue C. 0. ISul, BRokefelle, ea. JO il Casenell M.,sae >have hiadt the worst o> bis riba. îPetclisfir las atletidiug MeBrides farm 2 miles usat i Couktly Obal Ciappio Stearos tisa decidedly t '1,t11o tît. liiansd grip sud have hlm. Poor Farm. tlet o>of it. Iu the meautîme bie ila takken ,ti, uftraLttof no accounit bul -aku i-te boat ai the frees advcrtb-îr 1t ,lt th le veotior. Camlerlina Me. W aller Al etprtcdt ront lug t.e matter givs. ins. He ad.- Colt qiih teeti y bite nn>y îhing Ibat Ibis world Tuesdsy, Jan. 241h, sud wns -- tisa tioe a.;ygond uliatever. 1 have laid to rosI Jais. 24th lu tionavilie moubiathlie salon koupera 10 keesîtocifd(,te 544 cent botte andth ie chiIs8, centetery. She leaves s husbaud, four luam aliitey are deling withaL'iard etld antd gril) have al le> t me. 1 con- cbiidren sud many relatives sud hmde ibuineuima. Tht ilhisgratlite thie manfacturera, of an friende 0ta onmu ber Ias. W,.ar fulure poUical chances are in 5lty LovLL. LiltertyvIlle, J. B. BitAcnEES, ____________ -&y lud-gered hy hua action, lie (Ornes, L. H. Lv,it'l, Hiockefeller. L rpeltainei i.EveyA PariaiLibre Ou es. tot, su long as tic ia right. "SaidLarip aanepeîs vy political chsnces suaiâ onlyin luhae wu precato ahotld be tatou ta avohd Il. up-to-date, Coi fertilea braun sud us cao assure i Soicitor Wanled. Its specifie cure lan(Ous minute Cougb lomely ?Tint vii lu DO uaY lie sudaugereti. As tu Oe~ ,,lbr> omsinb ure. A. J. Shepiterd, Publioher ~B bis l'bard headedues.' teeila nu> aylierl om' fionfo aAgiculiiral Journal sud Adverliaer, B qusiOn. Hie las proyeu beyt alvnd liio antI collochor. 000td Elden, Mo, says: -No ones ulîl ha(fep Na. 1-BIGOLI doubl itshua iebralu Is sa!ely ,in . aqta iîtedun Lake Couty. cao ilssppoiuted lu coing One minute ~AIl!satout Hic, 1100e nltDnpeuctr&ble aubâaluru îîake frotss$2 tu $5 peday. Perman- ouhCure for L Gipe"Pîsasant 7No. 2-IGO HLOvver en, atwihgreat io eit pstion ltt riglit isty. JU t .1 tate, quiez tsi &el. F. B. LovIELL, N.2BGL Pabtiencetualearnojual 'shah.-poitcal o~NLibertyville. va1.1.043sud Qhans.s'Chappie bli as" mappet for 0()"%' t.ue himei IistiieCoiiecohneaNotice. No. 3-81061. linThe ttttersîgued lias rsu t. i: Au abouUt Po. T h n basetaname senatiottal soit i hIlite peepared t eeve .AIT W .f1 h sleiglaIAoeluttftrIeIttthl !Lielvle MANUFCTRE o ,5o N 4 C.(l sîXCUxà81gugtu gniltes fe4rthe y I. titiltu1 ie aty M. B. 'r;> i->.--Ni..Att1 aàbo ut Ce. Agnuados Wahington agent 's ter , ,. y 1sale; CoutnM.i, b en mating hitosf nbn ttos t.L1rittECl>jtt.Mabe o -el13 r M ridiculona by bis. absurd demauds .Arii);,Cllco.M rl -IO JusI ot. Ait Md eallâeenus, lited been îrtblitg iad~ - ootustgebsslt'snce newssof .rderrî WHAT TO READ. s.mll, teAdmirai Deuey sud Gen. Oti, . e GaniteT. almsyia buS lihn no a s ingle gooti reas i oti t orne Prominent ChicaoaanaMGrant avranythin b$Uie, tem. LuInfac&it would Ite a Express Opinions. ~citi.kroor1 IMM o! maney for Agoncilio ttt psy itwa ýth g~fovbatsvsrbodycIagelsItîr t thi- - nIghtontd tint..,t.sry t. tor' tt o tyrdt. te gdt ft. k,teun :.uh CEflEIERY A ) Mie pr1100 of a paper, as the asîtsanc. r httr 'at l ned tîOt eltrernondinsont toi our lileere ii t -- ui -;. -uaj n ,::trWORK l" ba hlpplus., hati ppeare Inuto te t., . 1nTutîotttt,> . t t to t.t,.e .p l* ana i>tt t 1b,uttitoipa1it r1,en, OFE.1 ofAslaiottsru rt,.,- att luthe, ,- t,, tiILcitr1 Illiuiti ta> AgoDciUi. actiug ituer o,' . tct, tt'tio, ,.,lescrptoln. Any ONE of the BIG<iL BOD laum ofa of voit uaand tsiresîW, ,,1u.ta , t, , tttt-Îttt >(ieeeoitdof 18.atoottl V'austgolaujor; taI blis eea - k- «,Icd-.ttr.forir Aur.I.LLARai, I.. 1urlt. ott..-t.ty r,,i, c.r .t0. Ccrntwid.c. b teautftit ,Sqq " Hobson and lis Itott mamrntor a otie toileave the tV. t.r, N- ,t- ,t ,,I,, .5d.iiils. .-pieofFARM JOUJRNAL tta aIBn of vitici vold gise iis ral , tthettCtt tttOtt- f LMS i AEN.8qAdc U IIont a> home sud 'suuld give Na rt.,.tîle trt,, AKON i agnto' o surmet the oflii, cu~ sOSknis bahan valnly ateking. 1*m»f.gawt plans are eh& lnged lhe ~~jg5< Aoncllo'apruelie viii ho contiunnd unuil VOea MpF"litetresby Fe.' «g"iBy la ratiiled as il viliib.tera may be tdgg&daAguinaldo@ * Voobbtlniansd (:h,,tdoribu- e. tith t hira ai, .rua1t z. -toto ..mARTIIS Jtlt'S5ttLL Edtor -_C hi.t CiCtrasoChiel. Toue Pontmaster or nevrfdesr vii lake yoer aubmerlption for a tria poried,. LOCAL NEWS. MlAN, LactiEditor. ve subs6ritlons snd sdvertismenta job printhng. Cali on iemfor rages. desha and paraphanelia. Mrs. Jas. Brown retnrned front tie City Saturday eveoung, afler a VISA> there of severa> day.$lhe vas acconi. panied b)y a friend alto remiaiued éev- eaI daya. Mr@. Walter Godfrey who wun e 0f the Eastern Stars ubo usut tn, Antiocit did flot retuin until Moay eveuing viéiting bitie meautime witli lier relatives, the (in. The rest returned ta (irsyslake Bunday a. m. Scitool wus cloed several days Ibis week. dnring the severe ussîber. ui Cocountlt le furnace ftirniating lu. sulficieulboast. Houever, an expert uns sent for, wta applted a remedy, sud tiereailer wus ull probsbly have no troubl>e. Eleven Eastern Stars from Somoalai Chapter tookt he train for Autioei Saturday evening ttî exempliiy the work for s 05w Ceapter, uhicti uas or- gauizedthers that evening. Iltulill lie kntwn na Antlocb Chapter, sud the muembers of Sorosis Chapter look for. ward to mtnsy pleasant visita ulîi them. Conaiderable excitetnut watt ca,îaed intlown Tuesday ulght liy a awunig heiween Charles Tbrriî, of Lake Villa sud Cttrnelius Cou, tf Antiacti, relslîngt10 aweli uhicti the former clituedtlubave bored fur the latter. Attorntey E. lieydecker. o! Waukegsn, piead for the defendant. ubo bsdasked f or a change o1 venue irons Lake Villa and Attorueya J. K. Orvils, of, Wsuke- Lake V'illa, piead for tie plaint> Tue dlfit lasteduntil afler 1 o'clock Wedunay' morniog aîtd the Jury brouglît lu a verdict of judgpment for the Plalnîilf. Police Ilagis§tmtte C. C. Morse huard the case sud dMeaes. Wtite, Harvey, tiotuon, 'heok Waslittîtrn anti C. A. Ptwiea ucre the jurors. Pajll Perry, tof Columbus, (Ga, rauitereti agony for lhlrty years sd thenn,,nred lis Piles by îîsîug DeWitt'aj Witcb Hazel Salve. Tt lbeais Injuries snd akîn diosse lîke magie. F. B. LOVELL, Liber> ville. J3conomyPrc 19 Iba Cran ulated Sugar...... $1,00 Cleaned Currants. Pkg......... 7c Seeded.Ralslns, Pkg ........... 7c Chapmans Baklng Powder .. -. 1e Choice.California Prunes 3... ea Choice California Fige .... ..... 7c Childa' Buckle Arctlcs ......... SOC Boys' Heavy Buckle Arctcs -.69c A Good Lantern............... 35c UNEEDA Biscuit Pkg ...........3ac GRAYSLAKE CASH STORE. Grayslake, NO TICI We wish to thank aur patrons for their past kind patronage, and cati attention to, the fact that after FebJuary 10, 1899, We wilI close our books toall, and f rom that date wilI conduct our business upon the Cash System. Feeling assured that by so doing we can give our custamers stili bet- ter advantage, and that it is for their interest as weII as aur own. patronage as in the past. Yours for trade. F. H.KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake. Illinois. jýThis is the place. Where yau wili find a large and varied stock of Omeos le O ,ai . PAYu~~ Ip..tOstalsorse. l @. A O rnePPcO. WhomnlN5Il5. B. 0. BOOKS~ ,y of unequailcd value-Practical, mxanti Compreitenslve-Hand- aed sud b.eaulituiiy blîtîtraled. JACOB BIGOLE LE HORSE BOOK sesa omestseaeTeeti- ier-th Oc M; a stacdard work. lett, s5. CeO., LE BERRY BOOK wmg~~~~PIý 5mi>- iecn edlurs1. LE POIJLTRY 800K ,ity; the seat mout17 lin xli> marc: og; uitb I -trd Il c.tke -mpcdts.tas l.tpai rta with tu3 oi th-titeaoti. LE COW B00K lu. aiedII ,cerdttoofct 32 tret iiluslittt . -Prise, 5. Cetî à8 SWINE B00K t about Hiog*-Breedt.g, Pedtug. Butctrb e. oser B. beautiful hall- teer Pter,30 Crut. OKS ses unique.oegtaI tstt-Oit ocr te thot-i.paliot .1css le. Thcyi oy rouo_.r-E1.West. rth sad La LEBOOKS5. The rgt q JOURNA'L ,00n, and the PARX JOURNAL J?« snd '9,3) wit> ho s-at by ail iv0n, wh. -- ai s>onc wil, A eisut..rdesribtg BIOOLE BOOKS te ýd s. , FA U X I U M A il ____ANED Ladies' Home Journal, The hlghest market AND pricewlll belpald for alil i kinds of Raw Furs byTh n é e c nt CHAS. STEMPELà o o .qâ Long Orove, Lakte Co, lit WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY l.A Il SIL VER WARE. Ail knds of Repairing Don. Promptly4q E. B. SHEFRMAN, GRAYSLAKE, flust be sold. Men's Overcoats .... $2.50 ta $7.0 Men's Suits............. 2.50 ta 10.00 Boys' Suits .............. 1.00 and Up. Childs'Suits....... 1.00 ta 3.00 Chlids' Knee Pants.. .2 5 ta .50 Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Feits, Rubbers, Underwear, Hats and Caps. W. W. EDWARDS, ORAYSLAKE, -.-- ILLIN0,8 - - - - Illinois ILLINOIS.