CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Feb 1899, p. 6

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i.- -le have tod me uf thal already. Lady INMsmovn havbng faîled yen. may 1I 55k --a» tuand coitempt-'suhe are 300 gougte latke vîtIsjoîsnev'u" O.Wbat do yo en m' yie .. vbteling peu te ber. "What do yeu ruitan hy aatlalyng bis banda npou bur abool- *ma. sd Iobklng vith fterce t-yt-m buteber plsface. "a man rnght arell kili jour' Aad vwhy?"dernandmseudauntcdiy. -rasu yold have taken ber-jeu have Mfumd -an uch-youa ad the cearme eeomfe ltuput il loto vorda. If Dotber. wby-vlhh a mrg-"tht-u suther!" 1%et hink as yeu sa-h." aya he. ce- lmwl»g ber roagbi>. 'Notbleg I coald asywvoll cesiince or move yen. And rot. I know il [0 et ne use, but I am de- t.uiged 1 i viii ave noblog uaaid. 1 wul rive Fen no oop-hole. I aak.d bhtt 1» vilb me lu a ome 'nt et irritation. et holss.If yon ms-hi; lanIard for a man t. t. forevcm outide tIse pale e1 affection. 8@4 1 lbough-vci. il laneomatter arbat Il *gbegt. i vas vraeg. il sema. As kv rw*Wfor her.I1tare goe tIle thal I inio ew O~ctatsgla* dse bliedthejemme î~ sfqsml.meiilles hrouosess. Shb virhave bored me. I th*jok anid 1. abeoli dostedlishvebrcul he. Te W*po@Wcsi va, made tus ber in a mement sois, tollyr mgayasmIe. ntIs a Curions *Welt Eive it asip otiser naine ycts 1k. idt Ilhsous nt tht- vord. If i had ssld a05fr I1sabould haive bten nearer the * Im " omgit have been adother word." leMabe, Mnvly. - qm 9te h... vs'" gays lia*the ori-- seft milt. that. rlsing trern the ecean1 down eiev "Oate ap te beaven.lils hegrt9 a pale, vague Pink. Thc day la aiment dene. and aireadyr shadews are grewlng roud treel and cor- ocra. Thtr. Im omethiag mticai sud strange in tihe deep murmura that corne frans the nesting Wood@, the aveet, vlid1 coo et the pigeons. the chIrping of innuot- ribleIM ogtera. and 0ev sud then thej dcli heflgeof sne blinking owl.1 Tbrough al. the and tolling et a chatPel1 bell away. away le the- distance. wherej the tiny volage hangs over the brew oeti the rocks that grd the mc. Joyer.pick as branch or twoetashme gem ou ber way. and thcustsatbem Inte the bonorn et ber geffu. And nov Shehba reched the outakirta erthIe Wood. where tise river rnn, creamed by a rondec bridge.1 ou which the bas ever ioved te ret and dream. eaning rounded arme upen the woden ailluga and aeeing trauge bat avcet thinga in thc brlgbt, harrying vatcr tsceath ber eyea. She has gaincd the bridge nov. and leanlng iangaidly upenlits trail ramparts lets ber gaze wander afield. The lttie treain. full et converationu na tc. iOWm on unuoticed by ber. Its charms eema dead. Thot hlenged te the oid life-the lite hc arlil neyer know agalu. It eems la ber quite a log tîme ince the teit yeung. Sbc bas learcd that lite la a tail- arc after al. It takiezsomre People a lite- turne te diacever that grealt act. il ham taken ber quite a short time. A îtep upen the bridge heind ber! 8h. «*erts lntc a istu Prerigit Positon, &CI looks reund hem vitbhst ruch Intereat. A dark figure la adýanciig toward ber. Throagh the growing îwillght it seerna abnerrnaiiy large and blacb, and Jeyce starea et Il aoxieumiy. Net Freddy-net the laborers-tbcy would b. ail ciad ln flannci jacketa et a light cler. -'Oh, la il jeu?" sya Dyart, cemug cloner te her. He had, however, knoovfit 1Waa ber tram the ral moment i cyca erested en her. No mist, no twillght ceaid have deccived isa. "'Yea." maya the, advancing a little te- yard hlm and glving hlm ber baud. A cod i. ttle band, and reluttant. t-g . voI s tu t a*uébeabu Ibs vsilog. Tes t e be yul b. Coud ebough?" "Barbara la alway* klmd." "à anppom.-he beltates. and then coca on wtb an effort-"I suppose It wouid he toc much toa&ait ofou r "1Whatr "That rou would sometinmea write me a letter-however short.» "I amn a bad correspondent." aya obe. feeling se If ah. were choklng. -Ah! 1 sme. 1 aboud net have asked. of eurme. Yes you are rlght It wasah-b sorti my hoplng for IV'" "Would yen realiy care?" aya sie. "Ah! That la the humer of IV'" says he. "In spite et ail, 1 ahould stili really care. Core-" He makesaua effort to unlaap the ommli. pretty ingera liaI are graplor the raltaseorlgdly. At §rhat they seete reslt hiagerade presaure. and then tbey Ulve way te hlm. 8h. turne uddenly. "Feuix!" ber voe ta aomewbat atralned. corewhat harah. flot ail her own voer, "do yen stili love me" "*You know that." returnu h., mdly. If he has feit any surprise at the question ha ha& net hown Il. "No. no." sya the, teverimly. -That you lik. nme, that yen are tond et me, per- hape. 1 ao till helleve. But le Il the smre wth yen that It ued te b.? Do ye." wth a litIle o, "love me a» well uow ne lu thoee ld days? Just the «mre? Not," Coing nearer te hlmn and layiug her hand puabihsmbreaat, and radog agonie- cd eyes te hina, "ot on. hit 1et' "I love yen a thomsand timea more" aya he. ver, qnletiy. hut wlth mch Inten- etty that it entera lote ber very mel, "Wyr He ha laid his own hand ever the mmmal, nervoua on. ing ou his breaat, and his face ha@ grown very white. "*Becna. 1 love yen, toot" "My belovedi" as h. la a talot, qnlck way. He la holding herm 10bhnm now with ail hiemnilgbt. She ean teed the qulck pul- ations ef his heamt. Suddealy ah. slips her aoft arrm &round i neck, and now with her hcad preamed agaînt hlt ahoul- der, bucstm loto a eform et teara.It la a lent mower. They are bath Ient for a long tirne. and then he. raising one of her hande, presses th palm againt le lIps. Loekiog op et him, ahe %miles, uncertainly hut happlly, a vecy ralubew of a imrnle, hors of aon- shne, and, rabn drapm Cour. Il meema tu heatslliiber lPN »Ut F.llX. 1ebMq~ knowledging le cbai'm, cauluot saaihb e ai hec. It tla&Il ton traoge, ton oew. He la afrald tao heleve. Ams 'et there la omethini terrihle te hbin athis bappi- ocam that bau failen lnto his lite. "You menitt h.amalis.hendlng over hec. "If to-mrrew i were teuakie and fiud ail thia au idie dream, how wouid it be wth me then? Say Tou mean t!" -Arn 1 not ber.?' aya ahe, tremsulouaiy. rnaking a light hut loquent pressure on one ef the amra tbt are round ber. He bendm hie face te hemaend » a efrets that first giad eager kisa etuned-he koowa! "ile ha àemn nd, iyah, dm <Ui bara themeouet klas«es maffectlonately. "Well, now 1 have sot a brother at last,- gaya ah. It la Indeed hec ralre koowiedgset oee for that pour suicide ln Nice bad ocrer been anythlng te hec--or te goy one ete ln the world for the matter of that-ezcept a great trouble. "*Therq go."' mays ahe. 1"1 tbink 1 hear FreddJ Cemlng.", They fly. She gees 10 the wiudow, ama seeing Monkton smee wny off, Mosoup the saab and wavem te hlmn in a frenzled faabote crnme to ber at once. There la smrethîni that almoat approaches trîgedy in ber air and gestore. ?lonkten bastens te obey. "Nov. wht-what-what do yen think hl, hbppeued?" cries ah. when h. has va.ýothe wlndow miliiand la standing bealde hec. mornewhnt bregthem and dia- tlnctiy uneamy. Nothlng short et an acci- dent te the childeen could. ln bim opinion, have warcanted me vehernt a Cmii. Yet Barbara, amsh.cezarnlues ber features carefuily. merasait joyous excîtement. Atter a short cotemplationl ot ber beama- lng face be telle hîmacif that he wmm an a te give np that pligrimiige of hie te the lover field. where b. bad beea going te lnmpect a oew-harn cait. "The skies are ail1 rlght." mayl h.. wih an upvard glance a t îbcm threugh the wlodow. "And-yeu hado't aother an- Cie, bad yoat' "Oh. Freddy." ahe mays, JiomtlY disgoat- ed. "Wcii, rny tgee hl.what then? 1-rn ail cuclosity." *'Gues." maya @he, tee happy te be able te give hlm the rengh xcoldîna be deserves. "Oh! if lesm a rlddle." gays he, "'yeu mlght remember 1 amrn ely a little oee and unequai te the great lhingm ef lite-. ",Ah! but. E'reddy, i've something deli- cloet te ll yen. There. mit dewn there, yea look quite qucer. wbiie 1-" "Ne wondec t do," gays bc at last. rath- 1er wrnthfully. "To judge by or wld gesticulationsm at the wiodow Just aev, mny one mlght have lmagincd that the houge was un lire aud a hostile race tear- lug en masme loto the hmck yard. And now-why. It appears yen are qeite pleam.- c d about semethîng or ether. Iteally auch tdIsappeiutrnentm are enogh te age a man -er make hlm leok 'queer;' that %vas the word you used. 1 think?*' "l.îmen," maya the, meatloc bermeif be- and aiplng ber aru arouud hlm atter aIL Therer' Stil with ber arm holding hlm, the jeans back a uittle te mark the effect eof this amtouisbiug dia. 1ciomure. . PRINCE AND PRIEST. tatte lMa of axony X@ Doing Great Work cmp Aeona Gersnany'm HBie, Cams-s pas '«heu PrInce Max ot Saxeny vms or- ya daIned a prest a couple et ycarm age il wasa irmlaed liaI he veald accu lire or hls 5..s*y-usui dfu'utis. tuer h. hil llmaf e joa rno. Tabv !vscslg ent r.MntCHAPTEII XXI. prince Max. a ucpbev et thse reignlug asi m ven:. you muet lb. prepareul. vth a nescmage-a letter-frosa Lady Bal- *s!OOles te ecept the- conmc<succem. ilîee"laav- ogajoanf cearme Bacbara la deighled. She King Abert et Saxon>'. lu but 28. hll e I WVMbave preparcd ime toc auythinl." -This a eylnwarod train proves charming am a confidante. Nthiog been a daablng uhlan eflcet-. sud the -swsbe rollabei.lut with Iitter neanisgthect. lan'tiC?"gasalhé. -an xt-ce adFllsotcamthy. te gapet! of hisîe au Ieaba «Ne bec." maya lbe. tacî"usly. *"Thtr. "Tes. But 1 like thîs calta lttle torner. nWhen doreniaad cib caen togethe r mt sy alOi &Mb on lhîog left fer you vIsicIs 1 thavet-ae otten le il lately"ntedrkon yigh.elrn tevr rhe ia tse m orm e prient- bes amt pvepled Tisa have jout aked Ms aîahl-a e ymvne eboume lu a hnrglarion ufbon througb the *m totePrdmoehmfrt-ple. VS vhs I ésa m gainsgtatake viîb me vhen the alceasa doaro beiow. Toethfill ittle dl.n aa ndv lehance sthat hby u oeul ue2 t tebeddas r henta ~ ttI picetor-vr.Shalil Ianîver apot ot ail places! Hmttrbeue'Babr a l aInce talrruk by an sorelof rclu M.weug.tIfwse H0e ad lhe bopeul te fmettbtr lIset?Oh, no! amens.u gîT ttaenshateeut ndD at-bt-a e Urcb un Man ltutva "11~tbhg ln him manner terrifies her; Impossible! Andl besiduleseead givcu î 'a'ad enpvelp thesa. Te a eidcl eeal'rmne o oth lsbe*eb Wh f are blacling. Werdm are up frsa long. long Iimeutil thîs ercuing.antciated Meeting Barbara ltufihit rceomsa eemed te enje>'Illte and bihie. puai- ber. butlse tmakes a faint malle- If eent wee 10tber nov ince lentîoneutfsil cîhera, and are miltier taken ahack tien. Yt ail tb. predlctloiiî made ln -uWetOfnl vth er hnd.'«lat u beasa t-c aren tht-y t-ure face to tac vith ber. hlm bebat aecrn te bare uscarnîed. OWY t.lay7 ?',ena vîl i ld Bsrbara" gays abc, gent- t"I assure you ve have net corate t- 'What I sol cd.te.u thr-e pona.' aya Feuix. lna avouid-be Atter envers. thelogitai atsi et tire If soul dcid. ht- tk- y.careles 1olefihit couicd not have dcrceived msemnary et Elchâtaedt linliavartle OW snvîth me"aya he, violetly. 1'1 don't suppose iftin of vecy mat-hton- an infant. and vllh a luighne tclghlfnlly vas erdalocu b>' Blbap von Leonraul PsX I Obltise. te prevent me? Net yeu. equence." gays h.e, alluding te lb. mes- rarelestrat Il voold have ternlied the J uWI 26. 189. and ever ine DassIoao Tins. 1huI conld cut ailtilen and sage. H. la looklog at ber, theugb ber lite eut et yoa. a %Nrven and a seul toc bis new dutlea ysu .5Ot fay>lreutc Dteuad tor- averted face lestes flm uitIle teatIdy. "Yenu rcainiy don'I look like I." maya in lite vhleh aecn ta preomise Weili et "Tom are cld," aya bie, abcaptly. Mc. Monkton. vboee heurt hbthngau1 the fture. He bas preterreul te becume -B e eertaisly net t-nit-latedl on thte "Arn ?" tssrsing le hlm vtih a "filie btat hlgb vlth hope. "Ton baven't thée lrtn rlchr n éo i 11"hl ivawrds or bis a nuer. It bad aalle, "fdon't feel raId. 1 téel durt, per- Ireqniite manderona expression" &ha cals oudb' ele trebu hhr apa.s btnthn lu. nuabie te reial a tout-h of satir.. "oit esls on y eizo eiin tS la l Baltmore% nature. He bad There la a pause; it thcealens to b. au look ather frighîened. jeu tva. What taîka ta tihe Iaberiog casses ef Londoni. sa spomited himit fte dweliunp- everiaming one, as Mism Ksranagh plain- bute jeu been dlng?" SBill ee c gond- H. aboved immelf poasesacul of rare u esUdlIy et epaatiug lb. bey iy doesnt knev vhat lus a. Ht- tan sec naîured net le give tbem an opening toc loquent-eanod anumuasipos cri as a 10. ac.Sth terrible revenge tlila vhat lie cannot ate la ltlle ah. i ecornfession. preacher. and basabeen premotcd to ho w .~Wbe1eaubeyndhlm-hlm vhole natur attrait! of hec ovu ruicç, Those trouble- 'Net maîch, and jet a rond deal." ays odoo Its ahda t'i.Wi bave revolted againat it. He had tmets. ta Iil day bave been me close Felx IIcocaIhv tlnmre burga ln Elchtacdt. A tear da>'a agoen wti passion, utirgeu by ber cou- te ber eens cieer ttan ever now. thing beleuging le Yen." be delîvereul a remrakable ernue'i oun t e l"I.a desir. le hw ber where bhlm "Beaucieck came dean te, sm eteuî '* Oh. ne: net stolen." aya Joyce, lu a lthe dules whlcb the re n dc h u !lnordt-us lM. wvîthost ny intention et actu- day." gaysalbe. presentl>'. Thbs rt-mark anrather faint fline. "Barbara. I kuov I Il H ig1. [e meant. pechap, temeouexpected ttIl Ifteadica htr, bt e ta hnk a-"eeteicrlega tavored brethir' c b.. hec Wltoierabie dellauce. and show «'Tes." mhlé ais. calmly enoagh. but 'i, knosa vbat 1 de thinkr cries Bar- tIse plat-t- wrere ne delivereol Il vas aso ï, vku er.u à boe lu ber armertla>. He rasng ber tell-tale res. bara. joyoaaly. "Oh. l il. can Iflib. truc?", remarkablt-. for Iutivas aItIst'm fniOUmth. 'mu» MO geilascd frtacthe eficct et bis ',Yen expected blia?"Il ocrer occurs le ber that Feuix nev la Thealîne court thrdhInlu inich. Ise- "N."net sîtogether a brliiant match fer a na- fore a Ceogrt-galleu made up oftheb 'A, 0"n heade lbd overapread ber -He aslced jeu la mary ir boa- t-rr ilh afortune-shbe rememitera onIy rer>' foyer et Bavariaarstocracy. d *Mbu ePremalon bas leceme gbasîîy. ever?" Ther. la smeehing amontthIreat- uta eel'mde er hthdidTe]a aîsîccaci xoî Aib« h ec limb have auddienly givenet-nug In bis flue nov, as if lhe lhdetyung ieved Jojce vhen elhe vnm ithout a IPen- much cf Prince Max In crevrlfYlng 1 4M Bi tber. selltaflla againt tht- man. ber la rdeup bts assertion. Ift eervbeirns y. sud ftlet he la nov vhat lbe bad aI. fslttsmogtIse blgher casses a lGler- T tdbbe m u chocns se Il vith îrensbîbog ber. aaja eemed tle ber. the one man vhs anC 4J lier eyeu. vilul and aogaiabed, ",Tes." ahe sapa agalo. and toc thet irai coaid makre Joce happy. Yn. t MM ba ftime l tra' b hyilb.ernagcrnssaofetber "Yez; I in truc!" aya Dymat. H. bas Quecu Wilblhclua's LuotAnaImaIs ru 'n~e ebld" gnapi elhe.ln i voire ut replies. gîven up tila unmnccesifnl gayety 00w t la prett>' te rend ot Qut-en Wil- de uàbrW W 0. "The chîil! Net thse chîll' "Weiu? gasj Dysart. ronghiy. sud bas gravu verp grave;:filera in est-n elma love of donge, aud, lu tact, ot pl séJ Bhltimore. Yen have îakt-n ail trous of refusmes.i r."ganys elehet at st. In a à lîght tremble lu bis voire. [He cimes ail anîmnala. fud ta leau thut noue oft1'th OU eMOtina. Lente Me my cid!" lw oy e.tonsd lu a duit sort er vmp. am If un tea urmi. Monkton andtfailisbth lber lier farorlîi'-r-te -re v s.aiio-d te ut- .'t hlok ai nie lite that.' excila tht- matter la one et indifférence ta btr.. bauds. "She hagiven berself tomYern Teso uefies w belIsexprnabiy abetkeu-this umaulen *'Ah!" Ht- drava a long bretb "Tt 1 are reslly claid!Yen are Dot augrY about fer vIsen thseurd se mfleaw-ea OM compléteaandunnieut ut hereifteatruce?" lhe aya. isyiog i. bandl on bers il? lU.oew I ar noalgod*,"ugb fer ber. rer. At premet tiseYoug Quet-na's i ber §Mn bau hurrifit- i is. "I ut-ver as Iftlien ou tht- top cf lb. vcodwork. but-r' chut-t lutt la a thorougtubncd fox terrier. e 'alfflid I1bsuli tay s1h yuuî. Do "ul e t-yn v e cocrlg' Ht-ccJoyce ives vay ta a liîle eut- namleu Toppi>, sud viho accomnpaulesti 'Yb bilme.%hal? thWttcbilul loyor A"Tn t-n bave." ma ya ipantîy bùrst of mirth that In rather tremalous ht-er erer>"isere. Outht- day of the'Ci Vir e. Ig.Iaelt le hilo nit-! - 'TYo n eltan to myseeanulan t~ n cmn ytly ram the nnfrleuîdly corQunutlon t-trt-mout-s oppy hial to e a( paislvl.fihat hamnt been ut the leat aie te midi.p ua is excitemneut knew ne i lhmser. l usîîuî i-r sdt eetI il pi e,,mblini berait smewebat sbmaced- boaulis.,Isot lit- vas flt- tirait t rc eharets literrlia.Tt ineàshorrt-steu- îhlng te b. toid? Motapeople" glanin9s Jue heonîy îîginî theerasant rocailles islifir ltie uissresa alter abct-hal t @bsk. a"diil aakia lit-c iuuiilj uanulmental- an.iikteardbs-n yee ri ukTeti en1r4inM sorig ofte tg. A sldt-riuitfht-r loto for bina ak- Ila on os.days net te scthcough the westernu wndow.Tbli-ute iuuuîuuirv'-gn tte f eh5itfrstaveut anud oiulyliste of lier italre eeba t-nmîkingat fol eo r ight et ail eventaSmekind 10 btr. Il in Netherluodu. A correspondent aya t vistam te ber. 10lnsof liti loigratituem-I:bu eusttetakre a deligIs toc- .-î ref ta"îbrc actaa er." s>yu alle nuthleg ismort- pret>tIsshu te a-e lb. Illist aily. t utis iaii uugin IlTturnme.""ndlisîcn u My0 in>' praies beng ang.pigt-ons, tht-dut-km andltht- masadock- 0c ammnu aber tùo lieast.udrî'luîofî et uis n"t lul 1 asys h. bertîtniinesia."p* -And besildes." turuing ta Feux, a loaer ng alautn tes aud pett-i Te aliL Yeltuu luîolutc iSes hart-em ap* ntee smig e abctddbut cPoralseface. "Barbara vili net lier pou>' Baby ahiehuis managel te c %omba i edo 'ith i atI -r Isu- as sillit t-st Yen me muttortfuse im?" brgrtitude. 'utit-st mueuothing!i vth a sulea o--regard Ilfayen do. mlle wl. ouste .cou teucis as mme' unny snd clever tnickm Siwyb-rduuor nîltUs11. ili t-lu-t-lafort. andl a flashs from trtoetfi j aIrn>. sas>'pu are a rat deai tee god o a scertain olul deg nlimeul Swieii, t bss sojaSue tîlieht lit-nilusd bcs Ntbîgor me, and thal I ongt lo b. pllicried for bat Who la nov ou th. retîreil lit, etSa i all antIslirIciinit-riiif lrt-ont-iI ubave salit se! Nolhing ai al. t asam i lb.hetrol Ilv ientrng e sisheliet csaulius . uint- s-ns ossu-s.suanduu-t-ase-lt remitud-htitg able te makre p my eonminci for A Tres LaI N@boea -'9in leàaprausîv. ua.ytlit-, -il que of other thuaga. seo long a tîme. A Germen autherit>' ou fE rî>an- - «Xeascoauiso."lie h. men oaciy ?"als Dysant I udt-id. I alai ayp nothtnug but tIsaI oeuncem the clscorer>' lu tise rinitvalr Trou vili mut ulch -ag u' ervu libttDiig uioasciauiy bis grssp lionyen are tIse désarent girl in the vend. and forensfTaotIdla oetrtte vîtIstIse meit ."T -"lier laud. that Is lm ligted thinga have lumnied oat culous and inexplicable characterts- I Ah disl ~ î~- t.~ ~u. utu~No lt-ascie lnglie uie e atil. 1 alvays said Il vonld b. fllke g I o promilse tfrein Ise iii Nui. andîîîl etursuut tgissuIbt-t ort tcurni- 1 te-ethat Ibis""t-ru-s Barbara. exultanitl. vho e c- l- tic. ie l ta u stnwrtce sobnes *eb.ourrido et ihamreiîcobîtbu-s ii usu u- 1 IolîîIýIui bb 5te y. Ut aith a frugal aili>nutver hald %nid il. and bad alvaym yeeînclta oo-etoqie n urn co iurrri ueutiiil uuuî. nulleisluugiulsuit-f u-y rcu-hl hel.'inuueeu-nd-suisiirtt mubtul about il. oft tieus etcires 5aiiver, electnical -bt en oildistnuutoti. L .ii-i llîiuuuni ruusa louugtbn.abh o e tlitf. Il la I.Mr. Mol ln In'"' amp tlxlu n a bock. Etuuos iemgetc9 ei Iff e ie aluo.ilsoe it-. ii tl ith a u o luI li-lut- i eninutol.iraicu I ii ii hut amy thaI lu-s uisMiktous vîfeta luimagine tisatreha@ba stmroug Inluce. cous- lteiitlrk shuuuld t-use kuownof uie tr tuisîif shu- shouhlchance te an>' lewasm ng magnetîr variations nt a diatance cft "Wbat trusaIy ...i plue .uusii- ie, lueu-r,..lie ouldlrake npossessioon et ut. the itas coulu lib.haiied antIs rai)u arenîy test. Tise e tI[tcsl sreegtb et ghilb an open ieou-uc it-l. siil. u.1 i guru blului. a saint-vr. Uhi> 'iouhlliste iiiru ice. tirlut nt.'variessccordiug tate fiime Ot PM bone and il l I. youlu gi v.- îuu oly l-ueul su il:i, peur his sef uuitii"ail Il. at-ve u-rnulhis.' ay% %iehenn-i- ilay TIlaîmsî ngemi nt noutri but ai- - iperlb vlWhiu-eite ýi utothi iiuoueiituii t own uQsIulii i nutli nluu.lie ssoîiîh it uuuîliii, t ieihppy but avkward couple ta ýdI usuir» a leitablrIluuuît- uluutl uitluand .t-uilua litote lier. -III tell is aimliabout il. . et enlîrel>' dimappeuns i tmdli.- -I gare yoil uîuea vht-,icurtuuu. siuna-costruction u mii hc e Cut- -uinlyte bis Ht-ec l bt- jît as cgdaulsa1iam. Tht-rt-. lIbmeectriit> aise disppeat'a Iu vet bruiefailS l eoeiu gheificai.n. go awauy.yen tby jeu vii Sd theammmli vettsir. indi ut-ver net-it oneuisi 'Anu îo-l. luuîî luîuI. ugaii Ilitus i îal hulart- yon u vouustIi a ightr parler umply, ad I dace aayy ju have a branchssnonirae au>' linett 5 'mjale. 'T hI iuui.- v i u-at amlttla ir-ell. e b greal îles lategay to îach other ai.1 f iteu at-ru upon Il. guIliarn u i. ii ivu- guis , 1ilIsouanat-îo iiu e uryIttcura.,yjoui viidine ails us, Fl-ci d ulSuie lent- a Sttbmstute ta the Waer. - ssum rousic u. andil:I uhui, .î'o lu :guru lredily au oppertuituiyjetOf l Ma . AmitiatotcI fPnauu ~bilt saY 'thl Y, roi r iut.auioitlI- ?-Yeis are- gîiug. lIesY' tirs nue oluisoli etheing rnîiulaoaa le Ye." ig mnaPelofPriou l. uet-kunt- tht-e ootonoua luitti ttu1.u I'iank joui" ajs baup O h10 ise dît-ul dthrue jeans uga. aged Il de lssir kyal'! ic hi lifi u-iutil. t-itliai eû l-uîa>'nc euttht- brige rail a asu -m'irite a line 10 my cousins. explt, s 73vaseis e ouI>'coeau salie t-r-rent 'Dqme snt ny 'iviih !i f ,'C. o ur îlî uddirol>' aîittesu !rituvu-on. Sýluotot ter.." a aubsîllute asantI bis tathe wax « er Omr'tatol ic 3,t-s- i iIii- ium.ihad liurulibu- ussa geis ie hibaliluen I.-Ot cou. Joyce.lahue sourne vriling visen tht-se waalte caim upon ber "%ematb Isu isci lt- -b ii c irt i mmfil ubîy at-vu-alpeuple, luit soîebow thiats luite emalpaier. and cut-alfor an1 t vir rte dolau ir-r rhuaband naïf u glg îin i. ssud îloat i,- uhogilfur -it-luhalnet hleievel IL. Il hsd nau-rc aisi.**dit-utla lhuid. andul'irlthie cirUl war Ilefontintir.Truly >uujo rurui s tloerouinehboue teber ontuh Dow. Shue . gm l aistJoyce as %she speak. camne enlier sons ct-ne silua1boya. Slie usef èlisuas îisluisTu.lie. s!uiu '~Yus. NWu- areusd'r ndurafur Iodla. aouIi oir, giiiguap te lber. kîsac htr lui blwlîiri'îlhovvir, thatit vas lier dut>' g.eOI Worth a thiîîbt uuiaIf. I'.uu..uuil 'ue sitinisablout a monts. I @haul luave t tii î.si-Ilr.iJyeyt'retarus the t-art-ms viibtotcoutrIbute tol ier rountry'st-anmeelIse 4M alfertioo yuuu iaiiu ui 'ruil. l oi uliii te lrtaliosut iuin-is»Iatl t euroir. I t la natureli thâtabca 'shouluut- bqe m n soon e e'.ui micu:oi'ui.IL iiseufls." gas shvlsataeiy. Stut-bas eun bave fatelb saeptetO-. thse centert uit litste ohuuul. Sacste uirtoct psd $M10 jMsi ar e ou bou-,al-iout ulo f Iîîgou that nabvurd latue isgainu but Itsrbara se enirelî s le doesnov. vh,îî to i ouuIs t0 go tiiaun. iti tise pro- VM 11.. j imbruue. ad restess lutile Iistrs. and skj btr heuurt la open and tulof ectasy. andl rision tbItsaahi.vai t-ver te kucw bis pepesahe d'oai bnuît uîîuulei,.un.sdearth. saïd ai it-itl i luttîil l hi-s'KYueîatby mse eur $neceasany.Daort amt- orbis s te. i ~~~~~~~lie la guig. reRlIy goitut. sud torl-t- inutBarbara! But ilh allésetmllove ~ 'vi*sHran CHATI'Ii X\. lluw tar im hidi.asafl ?Ft-il nov jutea ammuch as eeioves ber. "Jac-k i5>'i tiils uewo'brme le bas - 4el evenini sr u-In.loyce's ludiet-u,'Il la aisas arabher iuiedt 1 saI FrrShe t-ther electiies Barbara sud elix ugtIabnau" .,eber e aes ets ta alfiIerîuypart.1tamilegladi l'o. aualg.' ib>'sayiug snafilaaiyte lie former: I"beO t ta b a itd'ihrs, ru bs ad encoreaelier ta J a""Kim@ Feux tao.' IbuI aabael on; o-.. "~~M itlekln ilI-mI leat. I am eaura It la Impossible netta 1 gh 1c. "'hl el ilieal hbruni. Earth. ae l il-let me have a fine nov an d thent1Monoîongîtv ar TeIm Jedleand un- 'Bscauea E oieu dan alvays drive t- . a1 8. e.grad. telet me lktnev bai e y owvyou are ail 1 restrainsd mrti and Datfolioa aIt,. a bargain."-Judau. ________ Islavlugt 00 deottuts crew &B4d1~c mareonsd 0on te barras »bY. Tbe plate MILLIONS 0F TREASURE LEFT iedet ovil galleena, on wbieh Umma SV SPAIN. dvers were worbIDg, waa caiy«l $4.00000 In bulon when it wau Wrochî with 06,200,000 ln Getut end wracbed, sud leua tian o-teurti' va Teaet liver-OMeial reovered and capturcd hi Vane. The Nlnet-tauroid recorda entimats that 83,O00,O0 liecorda 01v. fletali. and Aceurats atili romains ln the es at 11dm peint. Locationofeu nukon TisagslabiSp. Bomewhere a few miles soutliwest of the laie ot Plues tbere la a priiicoly tor. Our new lîlands lu the West Indien tune.ln diamends and gold awalting furniab cne opportunlty tor Amnericasa the hunter wbo wlll travel the hottoin spculative genlua tliat bas becu cari- et the Caribbeao lSes and euat a oemc- ouamy overlookcd. On the aabmerged llgbt carefaiiy erer the huila et unen 0 rocksanad rectsansd ln, the dangeroua treamure-abipa. Il la the rrnoa t b passages arouod Cuba and Perte Rîco Spannabhîhp in the royal servic, wbose 1 la antold wealth-mlilioum et dolars ln commander. Don SebLotlanJerneos,, gold coln. aliver bars, and Jewelà. In teuched et Santiago de Cuba lu lm0.a the paut Spalu's rapaclumrais han pre- on hlm way te Spain. He was carvylilge venteil the recovery ot mach et this the "1KIng's fifth" frein the silivoc treaaure. ntbeagh several men have minet ofGunabacea, amounting teà been made millllonaires by lhe Bodiogs neariy tweive tous ot good sucver bars et divers ln Cuben waters and ankoowo bat Immense quantitls Durteg the eariy years ot Spain-@ et personni trelaure shlpped by home- rais la the Dow world bundreda et gal- going merchanta. Upon mailing f10 leons alled yenrly frein Mexico and Santiage h. wa caught ln a terine the shores of South Amnerlca tor Spain, lempeat, wbich tore the ahlp tram inIs stepplng ett h portaet Cube and paa- anchor and drove il nopon the rocks lut out loto the Atlantic through the witbin sigbt of the ebserver@ on tihe4 Wiedwand passage. For more titan a bluffa at Santiago. No vestige ofthe1h century Ibere was a cloue ijvalr~y ha. mbl or crew waa ever een aglais. TII tween thte baccaucersannd the barri- galleon probably len net far troin the cne te Bee wblcb could sink tite recent naval battle ground betwesn the 1 greater oumber et theme trcaure ficela. Sîanimb and American fieesa and It: In many cases the location ot the offera a princcly lare for the bold aab- wrscks la now definiteiy kncwn, white mariner whc wlll conduct a patient1 la many othena the recerds at Madridearcit. and ai Havana show the location oniy liticheet of the. Tramanre Bhips. approximatciy. West lodian watera Another, and probably the fichent ef1 outaide et the barbera are exceedlug[Y aIl treamare-ihpm lent ln the West ln-1 cies.r. mc that lit la oftentlmes pomible diea, wnm vrecked ln 1579. A notable1 te es ta the- depth of elghteeu or tweo- company et officials, ecclesaaticm., and ty test, maklug it coay for divers te citizen@ et New Spain wcre o board, mabe the ncccmmry exploratien. ID- hound fer Spain, aitheb invitation or deed. wlth sotue cf the ncceotiy lovent- thie King' Tbcy carnled the mont comtly cd submarilue toat-aucb a boat. tar personal poamemalous. The record toelas lnatance as Smon Lakes Argonautof diaffieud croses of enermoul ,value whlch crawla en the blottem cof the -acanud preacuta that wcre te wln the favar -It wouid bie a compuratlvciy eamjy 1 et the great King of Spain, besldem tank te prowl arouod eat the hottom or many ton@ et aliver boUllon, whlch ya, the mca and 414co tte oww*cli hsl#awt., But many sudYct d~ J Ir golif. 4al tisee er. thea A little research loto the mai17 rec bars et gold wblcb malt cf thte offlciala ordo et Madd hows tbat dung tbe were cnrrylng witb theux back te- early part et the- acventecntb century Spain, ln the hope.etfliving th. te.t --tr $3.OOAmOwoth etfmurer-1 on1-I f theird -dil10 ltingilOehd opuIpuce. D A ougl bellei rivei bosse Ma inter elgu hlm ne1 witI expr peud the 13 Mtan e, Wise itm, nomn end la no the> stre ahi tbel ahIl te Cat vat 1er part ot- the sevent.eth century waa taklng wlth ber an Indian %lave der lemine. Valencia et of uanxuato, as a premient te ber brother. wba vas ter ployed 4,000 slaves. snd tbe cein- Goveror et one of the Caoary Island. esr îy ownlng It lomI $1.000.000 every The fcv negro alaves on board wcre har mc by pirates and accidents at mea serrle eogh. but the Indien, whage fie loi tbe tii roi lu VO4 71uaw. Wbrc ma or te hi hii Ithout lu the lent lmpalrlug Ita cred- nanie the- recorda do 001 gir., vas un-sa la Eurepeau markets.Mnt ofe the"e mangntiie sud grcw more obtitnate îerrneom lusses atrcw the oceaO bel- at every punlahiacot. son areend the- West Indien Islanda. A Oue mernlug, when th1h bp vas a ne arefuI aeach of old Spaolmb recorda tew leaguems euthent etthe Ile ot rn vould reveui ithe apProxîmate location Plut-melb.cuptalu waa horrlled tle Sud di iscores of the treaurenre i-tks, go tinat water waa pourlng lutn the boid. of ,t they could be viited wlth VerY lie wam abiout te descend througb the TI tie difficulty. hatclsway te dînt-over the cause, when fi Eastet the IsleetfPlut-a are the Giti' the wacuing voice of the Indien de-b, liios, or reaus Jardine rock&. clared thot the fret man te nppear G hbere Ilt-an whoie Set-t of good ahIPS. tlîrough the opeulog wouiillie @hot. lin- ni [tvaa hec, that the. darlng buccuoten nîediately those who gathereti about iptaIn. Barthclome I'ortngnem, lbat heacul tht- biova et a hatche apea the se rîcheat prîze hie evt'r took lu hlm ad- bettoîn et the vt-mal. The horrIble tcutb In cntaresa caret-r.and Itlliesa tht-ce te- uiawned upon them that the uutaruable 01 Ja, awnlllng the iacky aujuiarlne ex-lIndien lntended taesecape miavery hy t ploren. TIse accout t the- wreck lu wrecking tIi, shi lp rtIsaIl ou board. te oui books la clrcuuuisanftlial. They threw down a negro slave. hcilev- aR Iturteoinu? lortagiiei hll litted outit lg that hlmstbody would rt-ct-ie thse lire I asinail three-tuouoder rt-meatI uG(ol)ho o et Iindin. u. t everythlug abeve the c Triste. outhe Gulf of Cipeaciy. and batceeswam ullai>' visible from the i wltb a crew of thirty men ie ihallcap-idaIluea bl w ansd thse negro La>'w turedl a treamure galleOn beoud trous were lbe tell, emtipeled arîtIstear. it Carthagenia te IHavane. It wam lnckfy"), wisle thse iowi of the hntclset rneud adventure. Thse iuventery ettleî a fmier tha evî'r. andl the cour of the i gooulm mhowed over $100.000) wortu Out watt-r couiîantiy lncrc.naedlul volume.P oll a d smurer bullion. aîtI s a mu eu at ou d o ficer. Jo e Nuez. sujre lu coin. l'irtugues sattbil sailis o~r.., auîldeuly through thse opelu or Tcictiga. lut off thse laie Of 'incsa i lto thet- l -oat-deept4o wnter. andP burrccone ruht doaru renetgeuce Icbarged upoo tue Indin,. maord ln upto bila and t-arrled hias lrremlmtibly iîuîd. H.lie ai toibowed b>' halt a tlozen on thue Jardine rockm, and tht- gaih'un othera. Tbey iplishelrund an~d i with il aIlt treamoure weot down. Some iuiaiiy toiud the Indieni uoder a beam. r if the hîurdy butc-tnt-crs escnpeul lu ia Ibu'oeth the watt-r. wben h.e hsdt emaIl bout 10 tell the- mtery. liat the- goid î'rawied amud drowncd bîmacît. The and ilven haillon for wtlucl tht-Y rluk-ot r antlc efforts wt-re made te step ed metoîucb la atîli beaped la mie hol- I lta.but tht- mhlp munit and It vas low of that rock-boiindlbcd et the mcii. w'iriti lflutY thut t-rtn one beatlead Thbis treasiure would puy nlcly for thse of the paaîeugt-n was able toesecape.1 recover>'. Numeroits uttenîpta xrere made by thse, Auother account of ffinkeu trnsure spaîulandm te necover the treamure tronts ia told as o muit>'jolie lu a mtîty tlîlm ahîlu. but divers ut-ver coaid Sud ilt.( tonselu 1t;50 thrce canot-m. manneul by Tht-at arceuly a tew et msuy scone< fitteco buccauce.enc carcept anomidîlof ulmilar arrecka the rt-cords of wbieh4 the westennof etcubeand ilcame suid-eau be folind lu tht- old Spaulsh reporta du-nI> upo n eeoetbis majesty's tnt-as- andl histoises. Tht-y wlll ludîcate lu une whipa. Isounul from Caracaste Ha-i soit-nic-:îuuire tht- enonincua richuaess vans. Tht-y mwarmt-d even thse aide of ut tht-eelîtherto tindi-acrbel remourcea lIse grent veisel lîke meouîany ratsand oet etw sosemalons. thneeWry Spaulurd overboard. Tht-1 = leu h itors rn snackeul tht- rt-mel 'Cuiscons Devices. fo'bo;.but te thSlr diagùat fonii To prouce mieeîs by tht- aid et ma- euiy a amlal qiantît> et wlne lu tht- uhilerY la anlg tht- utwest idenm. efnienm' quurt-nm and lu the- hoid ta lot hltI.eli wl i)li ietlinit-rt-suit tros ta- of gnaylah sot-tai. uhicl mre arit-acre ligne of tht - es. Looklug ut tries or ou board dclded te lielUn ore nt- îd 00 otlier objecte lis Se rush aioug ln lbe wlmlîlug theim uewly aci1uilni'l '-vessIe[ utrain wcli treitliilY "eîid us off.' An lic luden wlth înch trash. tht- leadt-r or-ln,tiiefliils genlemnil liai produceul a deriltt bt teh Irown oro"iuinî; aislnd achinuetor' tuba lîrîost-. Iltlsa box there il lit-île thîs day. not fisc troîn thi.e surirouiit'd b>' t'ira ellkt- panel». Colorado batiks, net lt-ma thon titteen ont- alove tht-e tlue, reviolvling Ilerlzoi toua ret Silrer bars. tiully lu oîuîue.lte lire, 11000. Tht-se pan- 1 hu-e Muinionm ln î'ahiieu. ils ane stnuddî dNlIiilis rrithuaItlîrowi Aotetbr tresunt- r-tk la tht- celtt-r Ù01)0 the-reistialu %irtuIngIluuiil et et a mioit romuotlc and tslîlIlg stery twitLIllfglgh.Aaîlr fclspo et crimîe. lu thse yt-nn 1717 Chucloea ucvil iy slaiig et i briglît bail l iced Vat- nlriO prit t8ie st 1luigli aluove the litad, mii Ihat soute Indiena. caplureul aboust $80,000 tu pîccea slight struii aisu'd ijy siarlng uîi it. of elght that w-trt- being taken b>' div- 1 Aniulier lîllu;ra;iu for c:îtislug drowsi- ena tram eue e Iepletealulpa that had tnos$islufou5ivI ut elarnis for sueexlng gone down u na itorm mat u t et rNey'the nurterlus Ic'adling 1 It-e anal. TIse Wesît. Tbe allrcr bari. lis tht-y were c lasiO reiîllnl iosition fer lt-us tIssu Isragit e tsesuraceb> die . hait a minute. and tsy that lime the itered ln a lîttie tort un lbemainiatid mufferel' troislsmî aulcupae to avaIt the ardactCa, which waa. lu a sate e of uolesCe b>' the de- carrytug thse treasare lu installments teo rened flow otfileed te the bralu. 511H Havana. yanearned cf Ibla alfd mad ,d c lelate arrange an elas- tS sdd5i4MalCclt apon the fart, cap- tic battery iu thse bcd no thal a mld Wsrd t1W treuuaiý rowed ottt lb. eec ar.-enrent ncte aPou1the OP"a gond many peeple thlnk Agoedile t te ho cxpeiied frens tbe country or id ap au a inlachlef nmaker. Othesa ivs a mlatake was made hy mct teb- hIns loto confidence vhcu h.o£ral af- id end smoking hlm a uacfui tant ln- il etf a uievoas euemny. Agon.- lai a veryaretnitcitizen. H. Pas- us ailtichetraditional canlng oethe sy race and bas doe a gresl dirai et >urtant vonk vîthoat beng able te bi the Engimh Sanglsage. He has an erpreler. Il. bas called ripou aillet m nemrbers ut tht- Cemmittee en For- nRelations. Born eoftarien rcelvsd 0 Maily,.altierma aked te be t-xcume itbas been ln coustant commnunication th ert-raI membera et the Setiale wo presser! mympaîhy for 1Philippinee Inde- lt-re and iippoacd the ratification et treaty. ut-ele Sami prlntcd juil a fev postage tupm danlng the yeac 1M14. The nusaher 2--eut Maaesimiu- uldring tht- yeam i about 2.5w0,000,000. Suach a nurn- ob cvioaaly, in bcyond the gramp efthés man mind, bat pt-chipa the matter moy rmde moe, tltar hy puîîlog it other- e. Au erdluary 2-cent stsrp np aex- y eue lIchlong. Front tlinaface, hy a c caicaiatuun. iltl eaay te disuerr ut the ouiiiheroe t anipe et thia de- maiuallon, immuî'd lit 1891i plaeed end ta il voulutptnln ddistance coualdera- yext-eding 39l,M0 m niles. In etler >rda, tht-y 'iould tbake a ctontinusuu ril et stanlm, est-lu (,îu, adorueul vîti htbrad] efthtiifashu-c et bis cotlatry. rtchilig lu a lelt umore thauon"0crand ait aconu thse equator. In the lewa iengct-amioual dleugation ere are tour speliildera of coniîdenabîs Allty. end vheucver il la kuowo tht-y are addreas 1he' liaese egallerm'a are 'wdt-d. Th-me oratoire are Dollirer. atein, llepiuc sud Ilrd-raon. Il ouid lie a difficuult mostter tu s ay whether ,olivcr or Couis onld whs tire hou- *in an oraturiral content. (jeu. lien- 'msou, lbe ut-iteggeulvet'rsn. lnanurira- eto a dîffirisit uharaiter. lie' alvajas soumea the cause of the auildier. lipp- Lra la a rt-mmrssuit invisiive deluîuter and ho .quet-hly 'isaxea .lililt-t. 'rikiug the ca delegaiun as a 'i'hile,it lanue et se trongeut lin Conigres». Cea. Milei auilmitteul te tht- var loves- gatiug comîmission mamples of canrd mat sud huuiluul leef tusrnimhed the troupe PerteIRien. Tht-ervire ebtaineul friso pt. Frasis M. Beinnlaie uof Hattery 1,'u-nasylvauia iight artillery. who, engtiabaite , iisacunitry meefutthe iterbal whichboitrondmensou-neihuacoin- orn du-athly slck. Cuul. Blit-suaisé tht- eficers vbe repirt-ul lter(Cen. Mtiles ec character etfti iluia-ofprovision@, die lnuurcd au iuvemtigation cf the mab- et, thse ve-ntlationu of vhichlhabaluea tteudeul with mach menalionai remuulta. Adlmirai Sampion'a fallare te menties ;lty lu ru-purting tht- deatructiria of 'rvecam Sfeet la isrgeiy, if sottu-utirely. eîponaible for tht- hght un thet- Sonate kainit bis promuotion lntht- rutiletofrear Iicial crerMuhlu-yi bu-u et.Cmmodore ;hiei talure tii oluty ord.r* pr.omptiy id bottle ap tht- Spaiards lu Santiago ,a>' u v s ufficient. uuaîiy S.uualuursay, 0justîty Ssmpaous îpromouitim ashesd et rir. if the latter bail hteus greneroas îoagb te gir. Subit-y at-utie tct-dit fer the )tIle lieundoulitelly teught aruthout aol tmlatani-e frein Sauipan. United Brutstu Indîuien Inmpu-tuur Mu-Cen- t-Il bai smalle-aa s-itit-iit 'ithlbtlb.KI*- math Indiaîîs ut Orn-i i.hircuy the le- ans viili cut-rte tise ieerm-st a tract Dt land celspnuailug about .5 0at-rt-a. Th. ausoul tlu-i- are tii r-ciu la about ll0(l.This @trip bas ht-eu in dispute fo morne tim, .It la mettied l'iy vbitem, but really 1wuloaged te the- bnians. The iovereîn,'nt nowa makeas aseîîds fer a msmule in the- urvey>. At the requt t iie Tceastury I>epact- sent tht- Iar Depîartmen-it hein lamuucd an culer fer thel Chiîient-exclusionu set ta ho utforceu lu PortouIltiuo the- maines iathe United Sitates. Tht- (huiu rt-an go hock aud torth l wttw 'eu Ibis c-o utcy and Porte tien, hut nuitlhttii-n Coln.and Perte tico. Th- urdi-r us for the- purpose of 'ircureeutîng asu uluic Is y vhich It vas otiud..l te fluod Punl outo iihChineur. vIse weuld aft.rward cerne te Ibis c-ana- ry. Niouy ttiuucillie. bing creiv-cul rams the peuple tir a lu-rt-ast-iiitheu letter bostage raile niil iuuîlîrsiug salbill winch s-as introul huliy Iti-pre-intatire Loud of Caliuunia. Tht-y ssk tIsaitthe letter pstagte luuile'u.., tic ce'at; that tIse 'ate on uti-riii uipe ivlu lit-advanced fcom oe t itii iiglutctslapt-r pourri, anl ihat tht- lovririuntdepartaienla b. reujuuiruul iii a i tl]( et cuuut et hamedllag th-ciuiitil For tht- trot tumu- ulliriiig tht- rar Preal-. dent McKiley- uuircisciîext-retie t-lt-rn- t-ni>' Quelspar-il Unltain IGeorge V. Lane, Ebghth Ilîlii inaulry. front being dis- heoaalY uisîiubsseul front tht- service. by dbuuapprevingthIbu'su-ltence oethe .court maitial. Captain T.aîit- as toaad gsullty of faiiiing le reubat nutiîuy, lu violation of the tweity-thirl article of wac.and conduet preauuicial te oreur sud miiitary disciplinue. Tht- postouie appropiriation, reîinrtud ta lbe Iliit- uukiii aiu snitiapropriatien et $300,190 fuirlIse cuiraI fret- derus-r'service diuriug tire nuIt fiscal yuar. lu 'iicv cf titis Aiaisliuet P1'eaiuser Geierai Peccy s. Iteath ha felt juuitifieduinluissaug an ordur incruissiug the- calaries cf ail the ceg- uiar fret- ielirt-ry icrîrersvlieprovide tluîir own liuruu-i or et ler-îîmodues et cou- ceyance frein $3010 ta $1400 pt-r amutaî. Thse Caieiis uetu ocf tht- higis joint comsmissioun Ms>'tht-y ulîsir saw mut-h a stubbuurii st-t orf huaas thvir Anuecican colleaitues. Theu'Amerienaîu cîuîniisunera may tieCauundianu are au .elinauute asaa wbole carurau utfimuies. 'The (uliudlanm inBimt tlue Anuerucullu are alir-a.uoiialie lu tiuuir dunaidi.T'l'ieAmert-uns sa>'thc nanîl eof tht e iiins . And i t-ert-thcy gtandl. Eitiur tht-r- fluuit lie an extra sesmsion cf Couîgres or nîuiî y iipurtant iieauires

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