CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Feb 1899, p. 1

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LAKE COJJNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. Vil. No. 18. Lietvle ae County- Friday. February 10. 1899. Do you patronizê Inferlor Tallors? Do you buy ready made clothes? Don't you have your suite bulît by flrst- class Tallors, when you can buy them at as Iow a price as the other fellows make you? OUR PRICES BREED BUSINESS. Our Workmanfship .... Full Dreas and Marriage kilis Competition.---- Tollets a Speclalty. SANBORN & COi, Tailors and Haberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Galloway.A OfflooovOY LovelsD ru gStore Bous a 1 O 3 To i sTo m I. .d Llbertyville. - Illinoisi Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over TrIggs & Taylor'a. -aOUas--- 7 t1010ILa', l i10o4 a"d 6. t. a p. l. ita n Bontroadway opposite Park Libertyvllle. Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. 50058 T.LL M A . I 1TO ibSAND 7 TO 8 P. X. Ilpeciai attentionl paid 1) the treaimefli of cbronlc Rheumnaliain. Rockefeller. -Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. s55l>5~EOP'iiiI. iLOAN OUTIL BLIU. Gurnee - -- -----Ilinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT ISTr. office over J. W. Butier's bidg - - . LibertYville. PAL.ATINE. Mrn. sam Kamup la callung on friands in Palatine once More. Mrs. John Linuemanu etcrtained friands from 1Paatine Frldj olgt. Mr. sud lir. (lede vlslled vîlO friands lu Arlugtou Heights recetitly. Mir. H. sud Mis. J. H: Scbierdlug made a pleasure tnp 10 oChicagü Miss Blanche Schilerding and Mils Lela Catiov, 01 Evelon0, spent kSaur- daj lu Chicafro Mases lieora. of PîuGrova, mado a verj ptesaeit rail ou friande ln Palatine Monday. tir. and Mrs J. H. Scierdlug bad fnr thaîr gueslt Mr. Frank Wenhan of Lake Fore*tovriiday. P)ied, Feb 2nd, lu Palaiua, lira. Thom"' lather, au oid and respected citizen. Funeral Benday. Murrled, Thursday, Fa. 199b, Missi Annie Lînuemn. to Mr. Helman Leizebeng. bolO of Palatine. Tbe masqiterede bail fheld inlu unue- berg's hall Fldaj nugbl prored a sucensabotO socially and linanclaltjy. ttuoy ila a gooui serrant but s bad mater. Il mmj beaccugecoi ni jatice Invards manklud, inssmnch as tiiere aeoly a ev vho mate taise money, where muuey makes meuy men faine. Libertyville, M. SHERMERVILLE. Jacob Iiest vas VIatiug ai !rystal Late a ev day.Itat veat. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, lira. W. A. Votz la spending a hppy veets vacation villalbar parants Mr. DENTIST. aud lira .ita. O uFFICE BOUIllS -Born te, Mr. and lins.Henry Bruhof W12liA .i t- sd M.'M londaj, a girl. BotbOmoîber snu Graysiake - Illinoig. ciltd are dolug vétl. _______________________ Mr. Chee. Schmitt of the K. M. Schmitmarble vorks vas seau in PAUL MacOUFFIN, tovu out ulgOtlt eveot. Attorney aud Coui»HTee Kt ehLaw- Among othera Who bave beau to thb NOTARY PUBLIC citytis veet ara. (ian. A. Kiest, J OVICZ WITii LAKE COI'T'TY BANK, Wltra, Rd. Bac, J. Kitat, Ed. Plage Libertyville. mlinois. and otbars. Chas. Votz bas coma back te t105 - -&gan, bavlog solit bis hardvare stol( HENRY Z. DURAND, in Nunda, lit. nevwilI bereailter malt ATfO5NZY A&ND COUSsELLOR AT LAW.. tbia boue vlth un agatu. ,log CHAMISEI OF COMMERCE. A. E. Kels bas lait oe for gond M CHICAGjO. are verj aorry, not no mucb for 011 stlate sud Feiýruil l.,ilni.: but wvOal yul balpont girl of<it COURS. Lias F MT, ILL. acroas the Wbeeiglina neaY 35_47 WVe hear our dear brother L. (ire8 ts going te1% 'ava ns. lie has chose! LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL, is better hall and wyul depart. Wed nt kuov vbre lue axpecîs 10 SrIvO gavy f. ;.d ,hm.,su.î Perilapat Mlwvaukee. Diang-room Service FInt Cae&- No voudar Henrj Seebter had sudh Hoaoualois fr Ccîltaalnd toatlniâ eteAmit ilove? is facetias weat, vO Talrs. smvlug Wood, sa hear Oc la tb W. A. DEAN£, PRP- happy father of a baby boy. ic cor. Mlsw. Ave. andl Churub S.. von't bave 10 vorb auj morano LIBERTYVILLE. -- ILLINOIS. H enry, tata lite easy. -~ A surprise party vas Ocld on A. W. B. SCHAEFFER'S . Eeit and vile last Tbursdsy avenu NURSERY. About tventyfitve beiog presen one mile aouth of Lou(ngora t. ot.ba0--hoburtar, pruit.iSbade and Ornana<tuilirei5, rape- ,aller lha got acqualuted itvilO 10 vins#ad mmiIalFruits, sud ssv li 1he candis@, tee cr01i GotmpniueaOacebearuiaî tiaM lie.,hawas gisd 10 let t10cm __________________________ Reryhody veuu homne satlslied, vil 1iug thej coumid mtvsys lira on tee cr0a .H.-IMILLER. and cake. WERE FOILED. MILK TRUST. Jeul Bi-akers Thwarted ho Sheriff! Combine SecUres Thre-fourths of T, 0.-iffin. Chloa«o Trade. Au attelupt to break jail, iy neveu f 'l'lie tChicago 1111k COLUpeUIy i, &Ll the pritiolers vlias llîiarted Saturday name of tbe neuf mut cmne ior- D by lîberiff G(ifliu. gaoized by Joseph Leiler, whicb tbtib T'ibe secîod illor of the connty jail utlicoutrlot trele-fouilh8 () the mut amup- preet coutaina soeven prîsouers witb ply of Cblcago. Tiiose vbo are in h cbarges agatoal Iberu am foiolvm. !,harge of the Combine saY that prieas l'elbke, murder, Jobn Willlawma, vilIllereduced 10 o limers, ai- l robbing Ktuba bouse; Keemout for though no. cut in prnpomed for the nabbtiig s compenion; Bura.s, tealiug prasent.t overcoal; Tom Morgan, islealiug Joseph Leiter seid, regardiug theL trousers froru several busiuess bouses; projeet g Moiaugblil, stealug geese from -We expeeltt conîrlol threa-tourtbs o Conrad Brus hlMeyerël, the lgiiwnod of the mik euppiy ut Chicago. We l bnrglar. uit import and dimtribtite m t burglar.clîcper than la doue auw. Tbere viii Tilere are eilOt cellea onu Ii loor be no chauge lu th1e prices fur tbe wblch open upou a large chamber. prement, bul nuder econouilcal mn.u- iturrouuding Ibese celts snd chsmber agement vo bopes 10 introduee ut e willt e h lper. W.e are golng tu re- t the corridor open@ loto the bal il vhlb en do the vork tlitg a Ov being a leude dovu taire. due vitlefewei' was. oly mik ai Juat over thie door vblcb upeus rrom and cream of th1e purent sud best fi quality viii b. soldl. The company tbe louer chamber to 10e corridor la a wili commeud iteeil tb e farming @Pace about eigbteen lriches long by communt! by lnsnilog lu the pro- bn tourteen luches lu vidtb, vlcO i.l ducer prompt pejn10et fir-tis mille, rt coverait with a ileavy place of abeet sued by protectiug hleu flonethte Ille- 4 lio fsteud l plce y fur oube ponaible derners vIn ov owprey ou oa tro fâtend i plce y fur oube hlm, aud the cosumers viii recelve boitas three-fourtha of au Incb lu tblek- fair treatment, for the pqrpuuse la, if al Doe. possible, 10 roduce the pruce of milk " pi liherîl! IriMu la very vatchful onil &con@ ablin timperative, thetth1e the primouarb ou the second dlot,of mia shippera llrfect lOhfrorgaul.a- et lote, bky,4*diaeUv"v4îvbep'jj for 111dm b~SSer otOi. lm tempi vas ruade' 1kepry à' ber lu 'thé FOne t4* la - ee5Fib,-tbfe *"'k haleomn. About elgblo'ctock éaur- trust" ta Dot orgahIsed lloo)gb nmo- o daj eveulng 0ieumade u exeminaiion tives of pilaturopby suif if tbey pro, r( of the interlor of the apartluenti mb pose 10 reduce the price ofi suk t10 chich the celts npew consumera lbey aisa propose tu die- a ilt wasroud tit onue of the double tâle terms to lte shippersq, wbîun oce b)oita vOîcl hold the heavy place of ther are lu a position au tu do. W trou sbaetlug lu place over the doot White trio ahîpper willii noubfted]yL ieading loto the corridlor bad luen re- ba beueitted by the combine, lin tatr, moved. Alan t.n oi tbe others vere lie viii hoeble tu enîleel prnrnptty foro sawed about bal Ibrotigh. 10e fourth is produel, jet ltlbim scetluilthat9 haidiiot yet beau tuiuched vOeu bie the price of thial produet lum Dot foreed t made trio dlscovery. lie immedlatety down W0 a figure vuaore Le eau but eke I, ordered the prisouers tu Ibeir respec- out s mere existeniw ei luis 'boot-D lIve cella and locked them op. arocatiout. Ilita probable the men badt doue the -t gr'eler part oi tileir vork alter suie- Lake County Man Honored. l per lime Satnroay ulgbt sud boped tu Tbegets uetta ol on bave 10e boîtsaiat removed by Ielotjlig Ibroilgo the Roman Cutbolilc hurcb In t OP lime," jlue o'cloct. vOeu asc o aprient lu the arch dînoesefidchicago e asenBt tbbis cell for the dorn gtheie tAilme of Arcbîhop ae»S. Tbir plans haci been esrefulty Feehen bas fatten fio ayîog Man horue ssM8*an sd the manuier lu vOlch sud raised lu Abo Coianty, one Who ila 1 they vonld bave beau execuleci accord- Wei kuovu 'di ovor 1the connly. Re.r. fung 10 the Sheilf-a solution te as fol- Aie, McGarlck vau last Frlday pre- lova. Aller removing tbe large plats senled vîth a documntulfromtehome fromt he aperture orr the dont, oueaappoluliug 01. Bidwho f Mereoplîs jea (kttw fo <f Ilîcu outd bave cravled ftenov lu nama oUtJY) &00 e leuownUas throtugh ltoututh corridor. They au' auxitary biahop and dlreceed tu0 (-(,id thcu bave crouched babmnd the asalal, ArcO Blshop Feahani. I llma a douer uttl1te sheriff came tu lock tb, rery bigre honni, as in evideuceci by prîsoners lu Ibeirceltls. w li lue0en-o.the flat Ibat hBostonî, New Yort and tered tbe door il woauld bave leeo au Pblladelpbiaà are the ouly cilles lu thei "easy malter tii potence tpon hlmu dUIltoed talea biaviug auxîlary lulabopa.* " 0blaire thce ys lu t10evallonus donraï. Theappiiutmeul waau oserwbelm-1 Hi' vas st atuas lu ind ont l 0w tue lug turprise In Faîber MeGaick, as le1 men bad mauaged Inu Mer th1e blctâ oerer had t sicîpaleIii Il Frlday but a thorouigh examination fl th1e mruioleg va88saummoued lu Aret,- place rereaàled a tie steel saw about blsbOP Feebiansa resideuce, aud thea kt four luches liog snd a hal l nh truck. docuîment chicO arrlved froni Marti- How tbey becante posaessed ofl the lu- nellil, the- apostnile delegate at WauuIh. sî erumettla a mystery. lgtn a addhm r. Sberli! (irîffihi la dcservitig nf great ifealdea the assistant srchibopmc. credit for bis imely diseovcry aud Fther Mc(iavicb will alan o a sast- 3fsubsequeut action. Butl for hie alert- surotio e 0ud oi the arebdiocese of ýnamsano oubt Ibere voufd bave been a Chicago. '-jail delivery" humillting 10 bleu suit Fatîber MeGavlet la ouly thirty- Ove disabtroul, lu Lake Coniity cîtîzensý. yeara otd. He vas boru aIFoi Lake lu il. -. -_ ibis eonuty where his parents are sttili Lu reidiug lu a comforta hie collage near LONG GROVE. the late. His childbood aud jonth le %Vnt. trueger gr., la on the iCk iert, era apet lui Lake connly, vhcre 0ie J, Misea@Bertha snd Lonois Keler are bas many ecquinlani7es Who clii 0e ce viflmllg at boue. ighly pleaseci to learreofnI is appoint. ment. Hc wiii probabily ha nrdained VU er. Sîlerle vlslted tOc nwembera of ai the caîbedratlu Chicago slhorlly - his parlitb t0e fore part of the wcek. aller Emater. ke ve lu, las *8s ve. lis tha iou kov L. but. int. ein' Mrns. liier froni Palatine rlsltod her pareuls lin and lira. Hans. sauouay lins. B. Eliueger vas taten iii suddeuly lafit Snnday. Taedîcai amd vas aummoned. Boggies are aometintes lite pi-opte. A vocal becomtea base suad rua Off on a *aogent. Watt. vorse accidenta might bappon, The lite of Long Grora socletY vanl ono a hum 10 Aptatisie Tuesday aveu- log. S. labIs place vas Ibeir destina- tion and it is tob hoondered Ihal the roif stayad on the bonne. G;eorge Andernian vho bas beên rlaibung silO bis Cousins 1he eira for somatime retlumned isst Friday taoli homne iu Fairmount, Minu., eccon- panied by Miss Emma Beir. Waase Scbar vont t10 Chlcago ion- day tb spcnd a week vith retatives. Healg aisoueuds vitlllg vitOhis cul sud oncle in Bine Island We may éexpeetot sea lim raturo via Palatlue.1 TONSOIIAL AIITIST, citizen of Els tovo. vas calted irnt Whan YDuu vant a ean &baveu or a jHALF DAY ibor 10 reward tuaI veeb Wednesdaj. gond tain eutl oeilon ,Bitl." Mr@. C. Rugiabreobî is il it mb tha AlîbougObsrlvng beau leoblé for @onme- CHOICE flhANI)s 0F,.lIOAil. pueumouis. tino, jet deatt rame soddeuiy suid Nrt door tii W. C. 'liuffsS Bueore dù- Are jOUn anertslnlng thc grippe? Il unaxPecti-d. The ueraI ceromonY1 ,)u 8psg 8t. SOop opcO ever d y . onare ot ni faîhion. vas bel0 at Long (Irore vbare the ovounrgsuanýiSu'nay ornmie- -Rer. Cola. of Rnckefleren ehcaoged body vas ao Int.erred. Pastor ltant pttlplta silO Ier. (Gray lasit Sunday. ofliciated. eoi ad Clare Mason viited C.CHO NTS L~AKE B. Easlî.n's famuly at Deerfleld tÙu l'he achool board la complisoce vilO COU NTY veeX. vastibemrhtcmat a receutiy enacîed 1mw are shoot 10 BANK ......g Thare wsupptyttIha scbîunlcmevitOBPsIYsthleah )i Coladdan the borne o!flir. sud lira. phYsinOlgiei. wright, ParkhLirst & C< Maiether t Prairie Vies lts Mondsy Thoe npils have rgenized an Open Libertyvillea i ioi. ht. Alit cîncarned ara doing veli Windos Club. Tha purpose noflime A pleasanit urprise partj wsihaid organlamion la, brilfy tated, to audy issus ite t et home of A. 0. Rchardes tature. The ofitears areas-fo1011:- Issues irest-BBaIflng ionday evsning 1tu bonor oa ibi hi- Preidént, Hmma Ritzeutbalor;See- C*rtIfioBtes Payable day. Ail njoyed thbemslvez very tory, Frank Blabl; Tr.raurer,, Andrec aft mBfd.much. Enober. Reports of MA vork vil Mrs. Homner Hondoé. At bier home iu Libertyrîlie, oeeUrred tOc dealb nifliraHomen Heodea Tocs- day mroing, l'eh. 7ý Dereuzed vas au uud resideot of Ibis county, s lady posesed f toaoy steling qusltites. <ordelia Woodvurth vus bhu May 6, 1827, lu tbe tovno0f Pîka, Wyoming Co., New York. She was married 10 Homer Haudee.ftîoc 22, li, e omiog sitOlber hushanu to Illinuois lu 1865. About sixteeu jeans ago Mfr. and lira. Houdae mnred frontIheir farm 10 Liberljrille'sucre they tiaremilice resided. A huab)aiid sud lfour clildreilasurvire ber, onue girl anmd tbrce J. Thayer,oi AnîlounO. Abert E., ni Mlutiuru; tien. Wilbur, ouf Wstutogao; Franmk A. of Lîberlyrilie. Inflammationi of the bouuvels as tOe immeullate cause of bcr dealb, thouigil allebal been lu poor besith for anme lima. Fîneral serraces sene beld at the M. . ebuirco Frldaj aftenuon juterment being lu the Lateslde Ranch tha1 Pastures 120.000 Cattle. The X. i. T. ranîch lu 1he exînene north-vest crner Of Ibm Pfuutdie Of Taxas, the targest ranch inulbe soyid, bas an area Out Ove thoussnd square miles. Ita herds of caille aggregata 120,0001 bead, lioside 15M10iorses, sud the cati crop branded lu 1897 excaeded 31,000. Surprislo a it may accm, ait t10e vorb on the ranch le doue bj 125 nen, oneua n 1 erery 24,000 acres - Februlary Ladies' Home -Jo,.r,.<i. Fremnont Township Taxes. F Te nnderslguéd. coltoclor for bha 10511 of Prernut, viilbe aI J. ue- sess 'é Irahe, Wedneudays and Sîds, ae 0- ehoif les ptodS Iave j1,11aIl ud puy I0n Sari T. w lu gi ol ti iard cider emnuol ho retalleil vîlhout < dram silhop lîceuse. The case coul ap rom Lake Couny. The deelsion f the court lu confir ming the action 0f1. te circuit court of Lake county lu tie came oi the People vannas Hertel, fthe llrst Casa lu the hleîorj of ilinots, mn vhicm s lina vas imiposend for salliug bard eider. Il vili lha remomhared lilat Hertel nild cider to a number of men at bis place rieur Fremnent; tbal ley lha- came iuloxlcated imnm drinblug the samne; théât Hertel vas srrasted, helul tu tOe grand jury. lndicled sud trleul aitIhe October 1897 terni of thé circumit .oi luWatîtegan Itu10te jutry re- turue- s verdictloni 'gnlily" sud h- unoîl 1the minimum fine <$20 and rost@) mtat Hertea tpealad thc case anîd il <vent lu the appeilale court aI Ottawa, whieb hbody afflrmed tOheuiecisiîon if the lover court. Th0e case Oaasurealed s videspread lotarest.liecause nf thé Peitlai issue andi tie precedent asttîîblisbed puts a b)au on uliard cider. Masqersoe Bail. 'l herw , a sgrand masuîoerade liait lu liemman Mejer'a ll aI Prairie Vlcw on W&sb1ugt0u'a. Birtilday, Fab. u. Music vl 0le iurnlshed hj Prof. smilhsa Chicago Orcheua. Four prizes vihi lie given. Ico 10 Couple vesrlug 10hesoutcostume&anmd Iso te coupta veariug mlaetcouic costumes. Costumes for rent at the ball. specialtHOMO seelcors' Excursion@. The 0. M. &k SI. P. 11Y. vil soito Feb. 79h snd llst, March 710 and 2189, and Aprîl 410 and 181h, 1581, Speetl Homo Seebers' Excursion tickets to certain points lu Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and North sud Boté hDu- bols, et Oua regular fîral-cîasa fana, 5plus $2.00, for the round trip, timitod 1 t 21 daja; good for returu auj daY itOlu the 21 day limîl. For futtrher informualtininjire, oiagents. 1 E. L.DU BOIS, Agent. For La Urippe.- Tom"asWbltelield & Oo., 241 Vabset Ara., cornet Jackson St., Ona Of Chics- go'm oldeat and incet prmulent drng- dins, recommanda Chamberlutt's (JCoug0 Rouedj for ta grippe, as 18 not Lonly fivos s prompt and complt@ drelief, buI sîso conintef scteasnj utendencj of la grippe 10 reanlt lu pv*unlsa.' For me. y F. B. LOVULL, dberve, J. 3.B. EACHuus Oruse, L.a. . flMWWD EoiesIe $1.50 a Year in Advance. Todd lers' ras ese oye's considetatu' attenîtion an;d are easily fîuiplied from ielî ifi lt its lest now in baby furnislîings. CIoaks, Babies' SiIk Caps, EUEULOAK wlth i '5 0Trm m d and 1411 Ernbrolred ..$ id saps from te, 10.. 'a' * î.-igo 1 ............ .. $1 .75 MIE CLOAK fLuin inet.sut embrodr'driî frugusli .'-"...... .2 Babies' Underwear, COATS vitOAngora Q f0l'Uuuî fr? zes. nada ci sot lambs rom in9 Sto w5~ool, varm ansoiliinot flot ibTlate ,t0t o ens IUre lea h. Easy 1 Bibs, IP.1 t on ani off. Amuordln s Ize INEYC;OMB BIBS C 8n. .................... 50e .ADDED A NDl .10Oc Babies' Stockings, for ... . ..2 5c 15lut a u Ot o . IBBED COTT~ON 1108E ptic Diaper, for .. ..... ....-1OC cated vrncîtinicou mi .WIuCo vîiîîu'u i-î5 5c Babies' Bootees, Saques,WOL111lhtOe ulavlt e il whlte lssd blute andi Olte. plOt &and whilte. per IS IN JAIL.i roc Ston. ormerly or LIbrr' h ville in Trouble. bry h om Stone, ormerlj co(cmau for r. Chai4. (iatlovsj, of Lihertjvitle. ho aetiouay gave bis usine as lJu bornas Roberts Huaou Stone vhlle a ire vas arresled at Labe Forest lasit etk on a charge cf burglarly, sud Ilavc' this Il Inter couieased bis guilt. u 3ekW tone la s eotored man about lvenly. orsokw rur jears oi age. Be bas llved lu Lae Forest about a jean belng ou- Babies' C egei a co&ne, etc.. for sevraat rIED cAâBJ >f he promîneul familles, 8o is q 011e ail e aibroidereq talaliarwiththe own.CKEÂN CABRI For nme Lime peut o e d not beu cIirteand msap Bmpioyed et &Il, and teft the place ire- EIDEIIDOWNC uentty for a few days ai s lIme. Afutt mngL couple of vekamgo ho dlseppeared en- Babies' E Lirey. uspilonoinedtoardhýmLACE ED<IE H, rey.SupiIo plneloars Lmfur ....... . 1 a belng lmpllcated lu 1he robveries LACE EDOE. V and latety a close valcil ted been kepl <Jullfed fiun. fir hle r. -appeance. EMBftOifEIIE lbnrsday nigbt ha returnod 10 the Faneî Quullird t tuwn sud va. seau 10 enter the Anti-Sep esideuce of i. IBuckingham. About The e 10medie lnm i0 Yard Plein 4n'ctoct Frldey mornlng lh ava ais arrastad. The offilers found a great BAUD 11511E Rmonut Onicthiug, sitvrware. etc. Pluk and, wOlte paeked up. reedy 10 ho cerrlod avay. He vas giren e hearlng aI Lake For. eand sud uth 1e Grand JiLrj-2,OO bond»,- The tolidwloig vl d ni vÔlrntfe of the cause of hi&aysiag turnei obhor la charecteriatie of Stone, and wili probably failtoaImpresa -the îuiy as plausable. Oine erenmug eaerlu i Decamber tone WAUK I sasi valklng hoîveen Highwooci sud Lake Foirest. Two men orertook hlm and begau questiouîug bim regardlug remideuces inuLake Forest. Rach pnild Ont twn aix-ahtinera. covered hlm and gave orders tb the affect IbsI 0ie vas no nbey tbem mlnutely. Tbey bob hlm to lthe ricity i llir. Fool'à bouse sud iorood hlm into bhe place et the point of ltaei revolvers telliug hlm tu gel the goodsand haud hiem outsîde. Ie oheyed. They gave hlm a amett emouinl of monoj sud' wnu backbo10Chieago. Thcy returnod 10 Lake Forent ou tbree dIfferent occasionsudsch Lime ronudlStone aud ompelled, hlm 10 go j1. sud rot) ime house. Hee nid tbey made 14 hlm enter Wenban's hurm. the resld- dances of Pool, Hanna and Smokinig-21 baim. (On vo ocealialona alter he huit 1.1 robbed the places a hejeoommanded,2q these mou bob hflm tu Chicago buol 10 dooes fot buov vilére, they --bang ou%,." He nover received lunch récompense 12 for bis vorb. I About Ivo yeurasego Tom sppeared 1 at the lNDnnPzNpEtT office vitO aas r- fully preparaci manuscrîlpt, vbicbh le desired us t0 pubtlali as erideuce of bis poelicet genluS. Ha avereci ho bad T viîten IL ont ln a coupleofa bourg, sud that ho bad seval more, eron FI batler.,vitich le haci coniposed dng ti apare momanîs. The mannacrîpt vas a copy cf Lougfeilov's lamons "VNillage Btackmitth." Wetoldblm as mucb, vitaroupon 0ie ha 'didul know wovilolmen Longfellow was or dldn't care e d-, but ifliho vote a pooni lite the oua he vented prlnted, vhy Longfellow aboIe IL frmn hm, Ibat'sat" CIdar an Intoxicant. Dairymen Take Notice.w An increase of 16 pounds of butter per week, f rom a dairy of 18 cows, is the testimony one enthusiastlc user of Baum's Stock Food. It wlli Increase miIk and butter fats, by using it on your dalry. Wili more than pay for îtself in savîng grain. IT'S ORE)&.AT STUFF. Chas. Kaiser,. Agent. LIBERTY VILLE, The Best Farrm and iv.Stck3oU bave 10 do la 10 o "7a .ibbf Jorai Pub[ished in Illinois and aak tbem 10 olujoion lafoud1 , or n yffycns Prairie Fermier club saS ORneS. ao. nvoar.tYcets gibeni lte price lan01117 50 cAsS ~ - Y--,. e or ore nu it . l a lob Tcg.,at îam aud lire stock tiaperl , mila spneli prie. in made estY The Prairie Fere publisiied for oer short lime. jou under,15a4. - 1117 ees ii liuoj, auworsilzugmade for bihe soie purP-oet.4 Prairie l'armer clubs. auiadlamâking a erery good fermer and .MO* S tipecial price go club iusimbers iln Ibis 1vwho r;-da i10 lrj 1ý11 pib"er lu couutj. There la a club belng iormed fuit1je. jn hal uk of11A lu aimosît erery township in thie weekIy paper for liftve0"14 q couuty, bul for the beuetil Of nelgit. for 50 cents. Everjone 09OiW borblooda where no0 one la getlnu p a sbodt ubocrîbe atOuO*su" club, we are authorized 110 emIe. hat innot somes on, YIed ou1ai auj ont of our realors carn gel up a lu jour uolghbor Sil c0»,ee club; and wbere lire or more neigbir self, secure the neoeea.ej à" S Jolu togaîher sud m»ad la tieir anaremit 1su1Tb@ Prairie subaeriptlois et themseaUlme eaceilof Publigh±ng Co., Obleffl, . i tilam cen secure Thle Prairie Fermer a the oSfer la iw IdrIMI. We WB f uil jwa for 60 cente. Tisl la ouyb. lad tu bave Ou r aiff nue-hall oz bile regular price.of 1the Ibat liseai wnouine-s >1 NOUS£ ESTABLIsHED NOV. 25. 18431 'EGAN, ILLINOIS. TCLLIEPI4ONE NO. 1»-" Mit Tli l'ail reduced irom ll1 ............. 7 4q IXX T\X'in Fait regutar 50c paît reduced to......200 -Qt over Tin Pait i( c 40 .t Miik Paît, regutar lo0 pailt reduced t10.......60 15l..... . .. . 100 (ýqt Glaizîed Iron Pailt regular ic paît, for .....10o 2Wl 1 .. 0cborne paîtlort..160 2Qt Tin Uhamber Paît Eiegsnly deeoralied Wvu25c..LUSt -PI Tin Cup, h11.vrtin and wol ade,............... 10 ýQt Tin CoiTee Potnl............. .................. se hese prices are for Strictly Cash. lease do not ask credit on adver- ised goods. M. =C :E=. LIBERTY VILLE. ILL. 1 Mr. Nicholy, an agea and reepected 1 ILLINOIS-,'

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