=mu BAT WAVES BREAK PIERCE BACUCLE WITI- GALES ON1 THE ATLANTIC. Utsamsr Stuttgart la Svcpt ho' Sea",e Bar Lifebomîs Suahed, and Unet paasemger Mat-New Yack Liquor Iei ste Oppose Whinky Trust.t Steamneru% 1t1-y Voyante. Thse steamer Sîuutgot. from B Iee, which reachei Ni-ni York uithii ixityine cmbunansd 4M tîs-ruigt- piooungeco aiîd a general cargo. rt-t.rInliatuc c, iii «<n- teresi a sereri-e s<uuiith le <i iti blown îg frooi the ujuchwesl nu tiluieun-mî'fort-e - Eormoun seansnm<pt thei.-k--s tnd bruiýe laver the tîpper n uc-,sioa-tiing al the bots on the sattuuscl :id,ut cacrieti ani.îy thse forwan cii ut îîrtîu. cl lfi-luist. rtalieýd thse davit I, tcn-il tholuiafier >at chit d Wieboat acro.,n titi e-on110 1111ofttheb skyligt, loodthe rIbu-cuuuiiî.ouIu-îtou ni- 0seuts ou ihe utsutt î nili. tuttI sniuîobtd the Windowsin unthuo, yl lT he'î,iut- e vas olligedt o lit, lu iu -on> ln îui10 r boum. uniakinu iit focly tmtl-n duîruug th dey. CTe vn cller mudurîîîî-ufor lbut ti denly anti bit-o-aohtîrruîotîs'frontiitlite aortbt-it, the anas hu-kig )ftiichle n i-c sel fretltteutîy. CThe lt-îiu-rn iiuiia was cAi-ekedantifur ti-h, Iîuuîn-Itenas houe to. One of the seond eî aluimuî.niu gers itontîco n agailutt fictbu Itielna a"d brok e bis eg. TO FIGUT TUE WHISKY TRUST. New Cmspany 1. Orgmanized byNew s Yock City' Lquor Demec.. New York liquor mten are ticgouuzimig an opposition to the liqtîor Ititst. Il bis localt egort, bt il promises tut I- of large pro-t portions. lit ito fatiereu lity suverni of the1 jkafing vbolesale liquor 'dealers iu Ni-to' - t teu hIeir panst are nnanîy perfett- md 4cne nuement l ireuA I l lin.1 heeiVwration tailer the Iwa of New Jtr-1 uey of tAe whiskry trust, nitb a capital1 otock of $3M000000. Tue NevwCYork 'ealers frt Iat unitns nouise decisian @traits was matie the unwcompany niîîîîd'9 Injure thetu. Sud they satrte-tiot for a1 lAtte concerteti action theinselvea. CTe1 newecnmpany, vbich ila oulbe caleti the WIne and Spirit Trading Company, vblN bave a capital stock of oly $1,000,(0O0 and vii attempt to abat the wh-isky trust est of New York City. It unilI eret ils *svu ditilery aud niilI pommse a tborough- Il aggresaive poicy within its onun terri- - tory. _ l<OTRED BUROLAIR AIRRESTED. a- f91isjour@s Cgt in Art of RobIng à Memi.taPhysicien. Kirk Jones, alas James Soît. an al- Ieged al-round Iief aud expert butlar, 'hes been capturet by tl iii -uphis. Tentu., police. H hle ticti-utitAe rooinmuor a phyician ot a boltantili.trateal $75 tontunder a îulluw m n in iterrupteX. Be made bs nesape, hut wn a utured Mom sfterward. Joues lsaid tîi10have Mohbed the SoutAi Bi-tui uiid.l Nationial ]liDsat lu Deca-mber. 181(1. ie tînt inii lis b, ssLesion seversI rectilts furi uuuumîîy or- ders sent to Mr%. XMuuhiti-Jtupîeunt'T-cuma, Wasb.. anti dateti Fot MVirth. Tion, each ortier exueeding $100. 'rhe 'hitagot police glus- bun a vry baiti reîuutatuou. Her Comn 1-.xploded. At Bowlnmg GreentOti.otu, Il is. (G-rt rîue ~' 'fWler vas s8itting il the utovi-antut he lient ignite a clluoid cî-uîthar wa.,on ii --ber bair. CTe inflammiablemnteialbaurn. ad furiougîy. audi luifore il coufitib.c e- R »-ovêd ber bar nias neacly buried froin ber bie hed.CTe tire nias aniotiîreti.[>ltt Mtountil tAie va vncy seiousiy burned. thon..Reynolds Wouade Sevral Pe- i sos-one or Twn Wilt Dis. I Thomias Reoynolds, a well-known resi- i tient of Belleville. N. J.. beame suddeulyq Insane Lud ranl thrugb, thie treete a-5 S temptiifli h*lesale morder. Two of lteY-t nobld'vicime,.lire. Mari CoYue Rbu Ao little girl natned Nisnnlng. null die front vounds inflcteti by the frene I tn.( Whente mnnis adoizil ilc ynoldso armed binslfwith a kbife and a bute stick andi ehargeti down the main street. l'eopile lied in ail directions. Efforts were 1 made lu overpower lmn, but for a ime he oueasfully resiseed. Mc. Coyne tel W ile attempting tu gel 'but of bia Nvayt tond waa struck tiice. le sat set 01)00a the Mailîn girl nith bis club tnd left ber mnonscioua. ie truck a child of!i James Flannigtin alp lefî ber bleedimj onf the sidewalk. ie nt struck Mrcs. Coin-, iskey andi broke lier erra. A score of moes llnially seized i hm. CIIINESIC lURjNEt>TO DEATH. Set Pire to Thir Cabne White Re- fnddled vIth Opumu. Chinatonun, t the Cltcniainui tomibert' milîn near Ntnaiio, the cool enter ofa British Columobialion been atinîtuýt coin-*j lletely desroced by ire aliti a nuliiotir o! Chinese ho mcii 10 <lai h. CTe ?ilotiol 11111 tiilt a hi5e ie iii tl0,,eter of tti euse quarqer and i îocelîllto iîk iiiopi. Ait becorne tcfîtdeî d it he flamiîco catcbîng the fliiiîy ctîtof te tet ticiaict jaiîondIl ba( lion tefore the iipiitintdriigbred t('bine-e rclzcd heir pre- donient. Tlien t , lt ubcd blîtily into4 the daomes. sene. o! the nu det dcscrip- tion nere nitnseti lte nwile atters m ho weot to tflic riscîe. The flitinuy shacks Aîrned fiercely anîl noin lhey vere n a ui of smokintgcin-i. Ilt wtIeit ascertaied that ai leant tii Chînese bîîrred 10 dentb.t A nonier of others vere tadly tiirncd, sui it i sreporteti that s"vers[ others are n <ns ing. ST4&LLEL) IN COLORADO. t Wreck on Rio Grande Rond Csed hy a onovslide.t AIl transcontinental railriiad tîien tead-i big tbrough (Coloradlo inre il ntvtiet i Up by tAe iel o.Etnbouîîd trains from i Sat Lake oui the Cooiraoo'idland tnd1 Denver and iRio (.ronde rols nere staîl- edai s Glennood Springs, being mnuable 10 proctsd ferther icie of tAie nov on1 the- tvL*h ' Thé toetbonid train$s these ronds pîshed tbrough the drifts at fer as Emgle. nbere they were blicked. Train No. 1, on the Denver tnd RIio Grande, ras mb oa anonulide ucar Sho- atione, aboutuine ilesfroni Dentver. Tei mail car telesi-opeil the tender anid the baggage car <aa jamm intto tbhe mail1 car. The mail- clerk andi the hsggage-1 master torre severety injnred. Thti tlide1 which canslil the diater la about 1001 fe, long Lnd fifleen frfet deep. EX-SHERIFF KILLS HINSELV. Betet Befem as ENcrr, Ne Fend.aL Balles to Ete Hia Temple. Ex-Sherifi Chartes F. Calahan @hot1 bîmarîlf in the hend tia Youngstown. Ohio. dying instantîy. He placeti a mirror in front oif bis face. and, seating hinasetf. tireti dliberatety t is temple. He hsd jut retireti from office. having filîrd tnto terme ausbaeriff of Mahoning Counnî. Trhe cLone of bis at hn ont kuonun. le, was tormerly comimandler of Tod Post.' No. 29 Grand .hrmy of the Ileputîlie. tnd nias Inonu 10ail the politiciens tn Ohio. Workmen SMage BEscpe.. Thie Ctough & Warren Compny s pano and organ faclory et Congres% aIret veat aud Sîxtb treet. Detroit., was Nartly detroyed hy fire. The principsl tos is in the central poîrtion of the plant, înbîeh ia fonr tonies in beigt, nith a baseaient. The offices tnd nareroonîs. nnhleb occiipy the etstern endl of the Con- gresa treet ide anti are 1rotected by a tire Wall, niere unînjgtreîl excélpt by smoke tnd niater. The Ipart of the factory nhîch faces Sixth streetlm latso îracically in- tact. except that the machinery tnd some contents are damaged by water. The fore- man of tAe factory aya the ire original- rd myieriouslso.in a box in tAe bsement containtng awdnt al nbLings from tAe Pss te& la Omnaba thae iîi u'1111 Three well-eflned camesLof snilpox ere diseovered t the Vendome Hotel, loéated lin the renter of the cty. Tbe healtb de- partient was notlfied and plans liers quickly decided tupon for quarantining tbe place. A jtquad of armel policemen rnced to the scoue and when the gueule trtedl ou thpir acoaîtomted morning duties tbey mere driven back lto the bonne by force. Consternation reigued, but the authori- tics were determined . There won notbing eine to do. Travel ig nien begged to0lbe permiitted tu get nway. guaranteeluig ta leave the ciy by tAhe iraI train or afout if neressary. but none won given bis 11h- erty. 8,-verai daring fellown alipped out the skyight, scaled the adjaeent roofa oi!, înaklug thepir way tbrongh thie snow aond ice 0%,~ the housetopa. managed ta rcaçlî( il Ir fid lu safety and began à fout race with tbhe ofilcers. Several escaP- cd, but nîany were captured and takien bock tu the botl. FAILURES ARIC IIWER. Report for januari, la Buprîinor as Weill ne I'corastflg. IL. 0. Duo & Co.'s weekly review of trade saya: *Failures lut January inerý soîsîler thaonlunny tirerions ontb ercemît Augunt. 1898, and July, 189é, tand the prpoîrtion of suivent Naneuts 10 cleaciug iiîîoe etchauges us sntalorrthan luntny libher mnutitof n.hcb records îxist, lu .loounry there wece but M0 cents lier $1.- (-MW)., lenring btonne piê>netilts.and the siiîillî.ît lutny preclous inth badlawen about $108 lier $100W. The defaulteid liabilitie,ï vere $7l1.,807, against $10,. 451,513 laat jear, a decrease of 261 ia-r cent, aud 58 ler cent somler than in 1897, 57 per cett naller #hounin 189i1, rit lier cent atualler thnn n b15 tnd -63lper cent smallttr thonan l4. The înannifac- ttiring failtres were the saullest. except Aîîgutt.180. There were oîly nee failurco for $1100,000O or more. and the avcrage of liabilities lier failure is anîiller thau liiiJanuary of tny nîher jear. tnd the stnali failures are uot ouly fewer in nonîber but souiller in average liabilities thon in auj prenions jear. Conidering that Jsuîuanry 1la nouolly one of the largeait inonths of the yeor lii failures, the retnrn i-i sorprisngeas well as encoîîraging. Fait- tires foc the wenk have hen 224 1inlAie United States, againat 335 lait jear. and 25 in Canada, againat 39 lat yjar." l>UIUS4MrRERANI SUICIDE. Mail Act of Frank Bair, a Lima Law Etandent i.1 Westmitnster. At Westminster. Ohio, Fràuk Blair, a yoking law atudent of Lima, shot and in- santly killed Edivord Brovard snd Mary Andersoon, and then, idot hituseif in the hend. Brovard tnd Misa Anderson were talking tn eaeb other, when Blair conte up lehind and began sbooting. The fir8t bal- let enterrai Brocards bhend, killlng hlin lnsrsntly. Misa Andersoon wisthen shot in the baud and head. Blair then tîtrned the revolver on immeîf. diring to reach bis hert, but nising il. Fiuding tAie re- a'olver emptied of its cartridges. hie nat down. reilleai it, aud ireai a shot tbrough bis head. falling over dead. He and Mise Auderson were eugsged ta lbe marrird wbedBrovard. wbose home was iti Bruit- ner. vent 10 Westminster. .lealousy vas the cause ot the double murder sndmani- cide. Gronnd 5binks ith Train. The sotb-bound passenger train on lte Kansas City aud San Francisco road was lowing up for a railrond crosaing uear Ilittaburg. Kan.. vhen the roadbed for a distance of alzty feet sunk f romt under thie engne and train. The engineer put on a full bead of stram and succeedeai la puling tAie entire train out of the hue and on aolid ground. lt won found that thie roadbed lilas over a caI mine and the iground b:dsourk tu a distance of six feet Fi"s ta a lochestir IMasisin. At Rochester. N. Y.. ire, startrd by a benry explosion of ga&, broke out lu tAie palatial resîdence of Charies P. Barry. TAie residience was valtied nt $100,000 antd is a total oa. The Ovle servants tnd three children in the bouse esctiped with great difficnlty. 1 Kili.d by PoWder ExplSoo. - 1 hlivrer Service for Deweo'. FIîgahip. vooi-toiag tmace-s. lui-ee wu*no li- -- - -_- -- - -nil Th1e contrac for a irer senvu a-eîob. lire, howverr, rurnit. sndtnu ota ta &id CTe preus tuait of the Ohio Punidem Cotu-f peesuteul Admirai l eeya flgubil) roolsa-oun combustion. Tht-ee vaspauy's vorks. locted about tour milesb 0O713pia)àby the iliacui of IWashintgon sonietebng of a [Pâoe îmong the wurkmeu. noir-tAi f or utustoan. explodea itvlbter- va. avardedral oSbrevre & cii tSo btLIeeptivtolS-osij r ifie force. killiug tnio employes. Danvid . fSnbt£lýldwtFu ein nuye-Eanon ant ielDvs adttll e -Fiacisco. TAie service i aui s f relt Robert Fergiusou. a inîsiien. wobo tiA ailDue at oa e tveaty-e-en piec-esant il ix1ta10 s-rau rn Iefatbforsui0.ee oemolisiog the- building allai maciuery. factetred o! native aunver- n adlditiotoua badiY broben bues. Charles H. Thurne, ocs n fKtyet tàwservice a librany i l aIe,,hobgin en te cr, suff cia-mb, nt ijurisa. .abr Fr-railies, Jr.. vho aurai lAe Saut Fran- OuiLcd ufeei lgî uure.Tbe building ciro Tyngraphical Un i-un t recover - ________ islxovned ly tbe Fot Sreet Union lita- cso > Biviau lindias RevoIt. tioen Company'. vbffsèiaduct it adjoins $25,t000 damages for bavint b.en focceair Aivifltroufa eBIolivia confirithAe report anti nho si-luired il aI tbe ime the union ot of emploament by tAe union. ie lui-lo «t Ile retrent o! Pr"etirt AI-unno anti bu depot plant vas ,-uablibed. Ils esimai- a non-uniounmain, hansha-ru stoarti-t $1.- U5MY te 6rnmo. a tovutof Boiias10 Oet valne la $100000, insumeai for about 1-00 b> a jury ln the Superion Court. t Mlles xHorbven-t ou Su--t-. -The Intiaux, $40.!Xu. CTe insurance on the stock anti Etrderres, la Dooaaed tus Die. I li le adalesiare ciini-nemvinbu-ni-anti are oîaeinry in about $75,0O, vlcb. itusn (Goy. Roosevelttif Na-unYork hant ulriti-a mardering anti hliîm utoi ig.'Uhuear itnu lu ibeveu, viii about rover theba- s, ai- dta i ilntiteps-flilcen vuneof ctmplicatio,- t Bui-nohlivie thongh the oýnrnr» yl tata- no estimnte. ., et ht e ul notMintroe llceanto hel-u MbtChli gineer and Firemn aDeuil. lectrie chair, Annbieb absitehai txo-onsem- Caifornla wuncro' llr.rd. CUvo ma-n testtheur ices in a peculiar tencptl 1tadile for tAe mur-dem ut Aier tep-r TAie Moulton litl n iti-cr'v. aI C'luter- accidernt on the Chicago, Great Western tiaughter in Brookyn. dle. Cal . ibe pcoî-rty <ut 1. .aunlu-r-anm road. elvecu Jonction andi Dodge Cen- et San Franisei,. Li.i-tu endu-tro),uu lu>tInnstations linhMinnesota, and lAere waBMajocity toc Agreement. fire, lognîhîn îî -lb 2u5. suails of vt- t il<o. ioisiaerahla- damage to pcoperty. A Thie ('eroeeIianes tccsty bas been Thie 1Ionsinu-1% îau-i t i-îi-îît7.inaî freugt train bal lia-enu eft sandingonu a nitified b htAe Cherobres by a mjority a»d liuî,auj.AraurAiliâti- nuannnafrotnJuliction 10 of more tirait1,5W0. Western Emîtumo' Solît. Mailly Inctiotn. CTirnengineen and i" otire-es nCuloy TheYantý-. Nrfok ad 1outm _ -Mhad agune iotathe sation ta eut therr orto' aLxTas. awerstody.lu- Ae anko l 'fi. a-i liit Pi.ot ,crakfasttaid au fsr as bas been sacer-. ryDals ras aijrsvr lc eraltahcunuilin lni-i silt ui lunu, tillnuail ne -oas ,ili <unnear tlulcorne- ad under- arreat for faillite 10a î>' ity oc. NeA., b> aàO1îîuî--l Statea -îuurt tafr i un o tt ule.Stîtiyu aga uf-cupation taxes. 01rbar. 0ï«tu-t-- . t Wbroms-uiug at-sîur alla tiifore anytilmwunas an-are MUE o!Novak.tiiu. tthe5 l uice of ilut.haditi sicet <ff ai a g<uilutpare up ltiTi.N>tToO5 plate Ate lii,-. iti- <ti. It tisi-ui oteiouuistation nai Jutiga- l-îuî',- iitoi.ni- i i ni.. lotntow.ig Sr.oaul> t the tman a Cbesgo-Cattie, common te prime, Tope a.Eau- ofiiuu-il us ii i e i nc.uuu . ohh-uugbmot iotsit Ieii n ita fotu$3.00 ta $6.25; hogusbbrpping grsade$, Topea. an_1- l.jj1,o 1ý trouh lort bolot tran foin$3,00 ta $4.001 sheep. faim to choice, $3.10 w vicbhe ssutii,.i ilite lignlt ofI-luc Cbir-aolin rauuuîu-u i f nlîich u'uio8 d 04.50; toheal, No. 2 rea, 73e ta 74c; cielssalon uof tu -ýl;ilaidtr,- iu-u tAin> boa asu usîîsa ramurtrou-k a be17d <f -o-.N.2 7 t 8;oîN.2, 28c parainular. -thiitiiAs tht-y tîinet mucure jual a lit-lu o. 2,; rie taNo. c;.unisto.m utr Tne - ie sourithof Ihuage ci-titi-r- hchaaeutr iu ream.,ry,.8C taoIlle; egta. fresb, Tenneser iverais-rfioa. traidaui.ii full I utset li ther a fthe 17e hoeIe; potaîoles, cAoice, 30e te 45e CUTh ntesi, fiiiiio-i i- u jloir rutaosisfriigbl. CTe oo o ftlite per bîtahel. lAn a Cataoîuaa Al îultoî-îu mnî iansctmgr uuausîrau-uuaîy uret m Ii dianoaixohm-Cattle. abripping. $300 10 were lantin ac uiloei-dom Fui. Iuuiu-o au-ra e lruuîu. nulluutîilsoecuupî n dve $575; bog, choice lirAt. $2.75 10 $400; ver coiti-Utd 1 ihusi dii u bul-t 'rb iOiiltiiititittutaae tnd heep, acommun 1e choi-e. $250 10 84.25; Bstilcoaul lncremses Wmge. buffet cre sc in siou u-nairblj ilamagedA. niAt aI.N. 2 e. 71c 1073c; corn, No. 2 Thie Cittutaw<Oinn iuItonaîloi Sud ti- alati- fi-im- -a gi-ns n liii eme inuiutwite. 35e ta 36c-; nus, No. 2 vAille. 30e rssa auîtn-îatIuu-l-aeiiat-n tu tof ,endestoii.nluu ubut encions injuries 10ta e 25 ver i-t-tt. fure cginceu-îad1.7.pe,- liii to iiitait-t î>au> tf te. St. Louis--Cettîr. $350 lu 86.25; hots. for iremenl. h-ort 'ater Sopplo' for Stock. $ 3.00 ta $4.00; ahieh. 8$3.00 to 84.50; - Rte Rmnd. Diseiirsîu g elsrîn are comiutg lu vheat, No. 2. 74c ho 75a; corn. No. 2 Banitbla NtlEtnd rotu the Soutuh Dakota caile range. L oeow. 34e tho lOcI unIs. >o. 2.28e tao29c; Thse hsiîtuuhsIlut-i. at %Yi'hiiiîa-g. (.ange or a-ku o alec for stock. At no rye. No. 1. 55c ta05,e. Meuthe iba-uget hboltbîuidiniuu ,iithe ime bass Iere becu molre than lAire Cnc-lnu t-Cattie, 82.50 ta 85.75d; bois. î1 anadiean mu-tiam dînlr thuueu.>l-. a lches of suonu i1, fle arouin, ant 1ilu .he8.00'to 400; utrp. 82.50 10 $4.50; lag a totil i-tnx Tihietibuiig vnsice tatier boIt-n. nhîrh have rsrely heem dry. vbeat. No. 2, 73c ta 74e; cor-n, No. 2 14 ai a couit f$74h,iutu Ilin-a% iuina re nov enitut. lii a-nerat loctliie, a-t-Oixeai, 30e to8&; ot%, No. 2 moired, 80e vitis guets om-llu te 1 te u<ioiel lil mi îe aue aritui> nuffning for nuter. On ta 31c; ryr, No. 2. O64e ltah6t. u rogresa. thAe Slim Boutte- range %volve, have beconte Detrot-Cattie, 82.50 toa8.7 h ogx, ver> blda. baMi iiuit-ouu. bodies of itad S82.50 ta-$400; fabeep, 300 10a84.2à: Pire lin Mnneapol.. aIle n-bu-h tory bave illet le about niteat, No. 2, 72e ta 73r; cor-s, No.2 Il 'Aï-pant uit t îîîtulaen uliin îroniseuoualy - yellev, »3ta 1 8e;outil. No. 2 white, 32e seapi.. iaIiuuit msittamiuai-sl lu>tir-i-fui Rea e tt.Sti rvur. toa:'-c; ye, 10e 10 Oic. thé xtet o P- 'n . uheîplan a:,l. u- Ru iz itera îufrte.. ois..iauft-i-hth., Toletio-Wbeat, No. 2 mural, 71, fa gîre fr$'%%Y. ,g O!t , tio l ii.uuIuuuîifrî,t it.bî73c; cor-n. No. 2 aiieti ta. 17;îu. t, Coloradao Iiuii f hc No.- 2 white, 28e bo 30c; roc, No. '2. 5te jhmmruy ia NsColieco' Closes Doue a. At -or lAues- iîuir hic u-fih- te057c: clotrer gserainev,.1e> ui8404 r The-York l'ati collier, operiteti Iy Puenditia Ehlr of -ilo oie uuuîial blîilwaukee-WheaI, N. 2 sting. 70e >t the Lbigh Vuahi-y Conoi Compuanuy t naltie-tiia lbyîugau <l Ibu the g l-cale 2 I ton 1e tor.ao31c; ry- lui.11,45c:l <iiiis. ;o Pottaville. Pa., bas eluseti downn tiei option bll ltu li-i-s-Mihu uiisutet uie.2e1 1;cî,N.I il i8- telr. îït-arl>y 4440 oi-tu naiboys are hariey. No. 2, 45c e 54(U jpock. messn, Il <rovu out of marb.CUe coiiien.y hans QameeN$as1uta1.ae50,SIteta$10.00. -beraAnpatoin sen e>ars alla, il la W. S. Priu. uiaan unear> «t i Buffalo-Cattie. raodsi nipiplnig aIe-c, bd sont u u usis aol < uBîuî.îk 32 0$425; sbeep. faim ta choire mut b- Mr in a luCeveland iocî. Saitn F iiaàuioby Cluit tn tuis.-Irr It. -eus $3.10 t 84.50. iRmba. comunîte1 vAir-b broke ot un the top flour s! ahootunto laib pinl arde of lhu. etr.5.00 lu $r511. Garneashen tlocek nt CArne- oah ltlQuc.let. N- ork-Cattie. $3.25 ta 86.00: baiga, tisa stnicureana hsdy dm- he pecacletau-ir-Aote o., nt fui o!$3410 ta $425; mArr.. 8$1.00 10 $4.14; tbat ructuregband bodlgdure- Thesets al ofquaranitirantierme -beat. N. 2 re& .82e hoa83e; cor-n. No Ibmtotl A.. a gueulee aIîI eIug qarat ruer>aid t, u-2.44c t0 40c; 08.18. No. 2 nuile, 3& e 37e; IN@totl lu i esimaed t ,ess, aandni i éerydotr ad Wn-butter. eamerg,,lu e t.20c; ems West- - 6ev te preveat te people escLpiug wved mas. i, to2> mruu8' ~~t*tBan mereNlal fiants. vazen newid BATT11LATUmM A at ta vhen tie tdose casse. t0 the, a- and@ or *ay part of tliem; tliLt t lnnr get. practically bad the Spaulardg vbip- lied long before Dewey salled l t, the bar- FlUino Reies AttiÜk Amelfleins Ïoobwoed theAmrLs e b t thanka for hurlait accelerated tbe ending of the1 and Are Routed. condiet. nothlng more. Hie bas protested _____________agsinst the acquisitli oo the Islands dl- reedta t Iis Goceromneut et Washington and by representatives ta tAie confereuce MORE BLOOD 18 SHED. ai Paris duri the discussion of thie peace termes wllb fpaln. Despîte &Il declaratlons by the Amerl-d oaanîborities et Manlî that tier lu-t Ou' Losu sAre Eaiuted ntils78nubmtentions toward the nativea er, f h in Deni nid Womuded. mueqt frlndly character. the Insugent( leades apparently concentrated the best part of their army on tAie Island of Luzon,t ad umor bas bad t that the lFlipnoe Couiiet "eat* Twemnty*fou ssae, force ban gradually bren elosln lan on theI, %*ltb Little Cesatiosf-Vonteers Capital city, MardiAs.a and Reguars Were Prsparei for thse Te native army aurrounding .MLnila1 Nigh AteckandFaili, lauh-bas breen etlmsted at 40,000 men, ail uel NîgstoAttcis sn FrlYmLmh-armd tnd lAe resto of tAie soldiers lun- taent thse Modes of Nativem, Who, der Aguinaldo. These men, as a rude. or. Wall Arns.d, Fought with Courage- np luniodern milAlary tartAn. A large De-ey's 80ioi Thcow th ell.. part of the rifles vitb vhlcb tbey are arma- Pd vere furnlled by representativea ai! the t'nlted States wnheu tAie original csîti- The long enliteetrupture leweein the palgu sgaîost tiîaniîs. thesu nder Spanîsti Amricans and the Filitinos et Manila c-introl. w niaitugirated. ThAe elrctis bas corne et lent. Thi- clash came at 8:40 aise gave the i-laîîders a goodly aupply ut o'clock Saturdtoy eucoiig. nu heu thréee r-nunnitiî,n. lit ticof vhicb vas îîil Ili the war vllh fSpaini. sOa t la tîrealometi ing Filupinos darted îoîut the Nebraskati lure isn utch o! it .1111 on baud. regimeita picketa at Salta Mesa, but ________ retirral vben eballeugeti. They repetteti WILL PUSH THE WAR. Presldeît ho Purne&sVgorons]Policy inthte philippine&. A Washingtoni correspondent soasthat President MciKnley wilI pnrsne a vigor- oua polucy in thie Philippines. Dov that Aguinalddo bas throwîi dovn the gauntlet. At a cabinet meetng folloving the neya ofthtAe bntotte it was deaided to cable n- structiong tu (jeu. Otia to follov up bhis victory nier the insurgeaits and to crush the powuer of Aguinldo in ai] the Pbillp- putes. The Pri-sidi-tt greatly deprecates the action of the insurgent@.ait a lime vhrn Abithohupe t Ibafnfaira mlght find a peaceful soltution. He heieves. boy- ever, that Aguinaldo bsd sullicient warn- îng ini the proclamation to the Filîpiluos. l réecognize thie suthority of the I'nitcd ita tes. Otîs vlll b. sent t0 take Iloilo mnd oc- copy ait tAieAIsls possible witb the forces at baud. 11. enfiorcements vili also AGUINÇALDtO. bc seultii the iannda uns ait-edily as pea- millle. The Oregon,.Dowlu ai HtIonoiluu lte experiment iithout drawing tAie sen-ti viilie îrdPed to aiugmient Devey'm force tries' ire. But tAie third lime Corporal In Mandla lîîy. Apîrozirntely 6(f,00 men Greely challenged the Filipinon tnd tAen are on their vsy tn juin (jeu. Otis. in four ireti, killing une of thetu ond voupiding geparate expeulitiîuua. thougb ane is ex- unîber. Aimoat mss-linty sfterwrvm tpecte t o reas Mniltofor Ibree veeka. the Fllipiuis hUe. from Caivocan ta San- ta Mena. rommnoed a fusillade. vhicb JAMES A. SEXTON OEAD. vas ineffeetunt. CTbe Nebrasoka, Montana aud North lDakota eiiîpostii replied ig- Noted Chiraon nsueruna bAtt&cu, oroiisly sud beld their groîind until re- of lIes. et Washington. entorcemeuts arriveti. Tbe Filipinos in Janmes A. Snxtitu of Chicago. command.- the meantime eone-trated aetbrere r-la-chiet of tAie Grand Aruty of tAie le- points. Calvocan, (lagalangiu sud Santat publie, died Siundiioînoruitg et (Garfield xless. boapital ln Watshinigton. Ciii. FSa-o At about 1 o'clock lbhe Fîlipinon npened uent 10 Washingtonnl October to tocetpt COMMANOING OENSRAVB 8CON. DUO? TO UIE PNOSEO0. Preaient McKiolsyo sde aOse Inq.Nry ta Isvastimsie tiss Armi 1csndal -.Court-Martini Mar VotAow -Mils* Demice I4wpuper Interview. It vas given out lu Wsshington satur- day thAat 1'resldent McKinley had decided to convene a court of Anqolry 10 take Auto consideration the repeateai charges of Gen. Mlles cegsrdlng the rations furniab- ed the ariy tond to make tbe Aaquiry as ta whethrthose charges as e ll found. ed; or, if Dot. vbether Ge«. Mieshéa been guilty of actAonL tendîug te demtae. mlze the service. When tAie court la con- veneti Cen. Mlles. Il la ssld, vili Aie given sn opportnAty to exploit bis ohargss a. mc di hit bc tu I hi ti ki et el TfI I ARBOlI AT MAXILA.t i bot tire (romu aIl thre pae suuta oition on the ntu> investigation corn-u ueoufîy. This toas smpiitsntd y Ai niuon. Dici athi- bolidîtys bec utract t ire of tIv0 sine gus at ttalib BaI1ib tond eî-odauh. wni bcbsouu eveuutn-a by aivneiuag Iha-ir abirmîohî'nrs aI «eo ii nni-i-e atta-b uitthe gril). WbiIe t and luaîd auso 'ili.nheAnîricatîn ni-sîpond ntiuufug frntuthi lutteur dtuito-a -otpli- -l nilth a t erm,, i e bu-olt. own îsthothte -nuuîu st lu. inrbnen.tht-y ner,- tunuble ltu deleruuite C.l. Si-tou bat la-a-ut otruf ('hicâoosi ts rfi-at. mluicttiounlpilutiusîpuic e mî-u. Bournt ini 'Thectah liglit srtillî-ry fitîally muùe- -ti(hwu-go in 184-I. be nul,-î'îitht- tîcuyt 1 ti in sile-îîiuîg thn nalîl t- hattîry. 'Tbe Prenititi 1illeuulu'a f rail fuir Iroiolu t Thibd rti llery ainut(<liii aul] ork on the in Apîmil. 1961. le-lîg ldieu butt ltîle (,ver -utreme lefI. Te 'ru iluiiUent tastet over 17lt-are olti. W'ithintu Iree- totlsha- un buîur. 'i'i Uiteiîd States cruiBar hait unv<n a at-nain lte>. ()îîc >ar lat1<r. Cha rlesutonii lthe guîîîoîît (Conco-rd, 515 uu uît leioly 18l. i- i itmadei.aslieuitena nIt, 1 ioued off IlNllbnuuî<penet irli,-frotBaduîul olîn i-, ît lii lutter he luob t he cati thein seronils r>hua-trai.stut tht- Filiîutin' tir> tf Companytu>1)l.Sî'n-nisecottil I lu position aI ('aIsucaîî anditiepî il t rp ngon tutuin. ii ,lus i nîîî'nitoul l> ousI>. At 2:4.) ocl-oik tht-ci-to-to anoîhu-r tIti'.'Ioi<g Ili-us i'iri,tun Astutuuiat<oîi fusillade along tAie emtire lhua andtIhe,' iI im tuaiotieregimeuntîsi iotuiuhrx-foicî United Sîttes-a goitît. uouihîtIucretedîl ii- non20 uild .- i. lutrcguuîeul i lu e btua monitor lîuuaulnick otîeti tfir,-on the tii-n 0oft <ltinihtin - I uîk river. SMInig H ilt, ruemv frotoff Nhalai.Therenias inter -'nFranklinuî tlNishuiil anul thiîcgu<t initIent bringat aI nanoun points ail day long. Amer-iran Troop, Advance. W~ith daylighl ltu- Ammecictotuadatnieti te, Calufomnutu sîtl Washington regimenta madîul ie nîulmti chuacge anti ulour tht- F"llîiiogfrontite iunlitiges of ittco tond Sanînt-an rAu h- Nebrauskaregiment sauto distiuguisî-iedlîsu-if. captuimot acenal prisonters muid one loion 2r anti s uerj otrong position at toiheururoir, nbicb la îonuu,cted ni lb theu- taec itrbu. 'The -- Kanasanti Dakota mngiuii-uta conupelleti the eni-my's rightilIankL lu retire to Cal- vociti. Th'e lonnes o! thu' Filihuinos ar n-kownn 1 b. consiîlennile. Thba-Attrli-au lusses are entimtîl t t ltenty tmen killi-ed 2and 125 wountied.'rThe Ygoratea, Brinell vlIb bows tond armonus. madue s very determui- rid stand lu lbh- face o!fma but aduler> lir Lad efI îutny meent!dou the fieldi.- Tbougb there vas nooncentrai upmising it MaauL, accersl attemPtu, ver. made li the city turing the nigbt te îssnasiaîte Amemican oflAt-ems. rol.. JAMESa A. BRXTONi. Thie positions whiuh tAie Americans belli nt thie beginnint of tbe tigbt ver. former- tbe Nssbville campunigu, alîbougAi uînai Iy occupira b> tAie Filipinos. At lb. siege te u otbatianult ond Nasiciore, lu et Miniha tAie natives troue the Spaniards theJuilesAarasaauit ou Spall b frisl fromtu Aese positions aud took --posseeAt..Assi8on15 h lsi i lf of tbem. burt tinalljy gave Iben up a t Inae broken belonu the kucve by a place of request tif Gen. Otia. falliug hsck about a sheil. lie wa s teneti out tAt year. mlle, tobece lhey eate»uished n-w d- lu 1889 Preaident Harrison matie Col. feu"e. Some o! Ibese were captuceti ho Sexton posînitter of Chicago. lie vas tAie Amenicaus. always an enlbodsiatic vonker la thie (jeu. Olîs bât ail luto foc nome lime tAt Grand Army, the Union V'eteranws Iragut the- Filipinon inere prepamiug for au at- anti the Loyal Legion. lu tb. Grand lank.tand lichn utcarnte verylioaij wAs rmy he vas commandler of the dapart- resdy. 'Te natives cut many of tAie trIe- ment or IllioisaIn the 80a ant Inlu180 graîni-I vres. win-îl-l for a time caoseti no vas chosen comuanaier-in-ebief. littie buihî-r tu the Anuericans. Mont o! 14tim0f Carrent Evenua tue damarge Oftf bis binai nias lu the ciho' or Henry' Laupheimer auctionral more Iban iii tiie- lîuuumut--lnu cinu>'. CTbe Ameni- vron20dsa edl ,at ttl-ern generaily tonepleastea et the 01)1) bides ofvainkitaaSeal, mnunui n hielutht- vouîntirs contitut-le u.Mo. îliennîcves. Thu-ir six or seven montAis' At eant: 400 cases Of stualîPOx. unit drillandulse-tî.ninn ban matie thet eaua. nuimerous dtiîb, bave occurmet i a Sala-m. lu lb.- I-est tnuuuuîusitntAie orît. Th ey Arb. fotit liiIthe satne saug froid wtontAe A bill bas psssed the Alabama Senate regiilaru. sticpriniiig aveui tAe ietont sait- esîîlIiahiuîg arpartote cosnly control of the- gruil),tuf t hein liî. - iqîtur ItouAfi. l'un oiune linti- thsiti-ation aI stiia Colima, the volcano in the Mexican bas.li-tii -uu-ul<u- rbîcal anul il bias Stnte of Ibat ote, lias bren in a vilent tîucîufî-urcîi tAltnt < ioitIliet onilh tAie inu- tate of eroption aince the recrut earîb- au-lt'snvuasnito iiha eru. Olbs ntier in-1qae t(1,iu ruiît I i-Stale lieamtuuîent at In iph:îitizu,. das l t ci t r- qîaskti3 ar-ne. of Oklahoma bis ofercai a conti-le t uîlivî's luithe Amer-amiu ccît- renard of $100) eîcb for the mteurers flof patioin aditil as biiîeii thnt bis efforts A. C. Fulton o! Indepentience, Kan., nuho tooitildprove sw-esfl oas nitrdereai uesr Eniai. Okia. Aguiinaldoulasi, Antmena eut ceer alnce Gov. CUeodore lRooevelt o!New York the Alpanînrils stirretulrred lu (jeu. ber- I ii "ecIve tAie brevet of brigadier general riftsaid Admirai Devey. lu bis oficIaui o! vohualeers for gaINant andi ueritoriou Prousuaclsetos and la Intervew@ he ba, couduct An thse Santiago camlsaitLu Rgainat the dcpartmieut sud the paclers kg ib. f 4 uotlb. . ;Stt 4 it.f béataii t usseh ssb.,,1 ve ttoaife ti mnsaait~rea tobi-bhnItl nedo. t tlue - <ovni front commanti sund ponaibly a u'ourl martial for couduet prejudicial te militory Thi-re null b.eno Imtéilste court min iaI for l;en. Itiles. liiuine i-n r ni ii Ae be plut on vsitimîg <uctit-c. nor nill i-he - nannfî-rrî-îl u, s subortîliale comuuaîut. 'Air Preilemit dues utintidlu relit-ar it orf bis statioti as (-oumiatiig gent-rai of tAie acmy our tthei-n u' o biutille aneb pending defiuite umnbsî n s otethe truth tir mnlsiîy or biat chargea. A i-orna' spaen-ttast-rIs tha8t if Ilium Miles lias ny 'Xpeittotiiun u osUg i. the perse- ruletifri-nui] of the -Amî-ricanu auuilieb ti la iuauuiît-N If the charge.amr found-ul -omufauit tht-l'résideint wnîtn l. nuwin in tîrfbi e place the ni-sponatbil y in brreilit h-ltmgu, and ihe to-itetopro i-i-t lte Amnerciîanitiuu vr frontu auj relu- tuti lotiu tht' «fi-nue. A u-,,uct <if imîqîtiru ia prboiîs the bn-st .sgency for prOing lue samîda I. Itl iiitre-tiuus-bof mii tary menu-nu utuitl ii hn'î- sninug îsu nsm. Il -ui i tun ctiuui.iiy uuîu-r uotb an tî i li-u cei-tiru- tbe.- nlt'uince utfuuîîli tary to-tnnaims frnîuîtIha- iiila tif liîth mIAh t ;en. !ii <l-n tmahto bllanti-tifierbistii- pape îsatt sekx. lu-i-a ullm 1Ytis o 1uuiitY ut- linaastitniflatedi luri-iui-itti iiliilj ti wa ni A tutertua ut fosodi liicisiat»lie lhai .1né tî-ilut n-i tci- lu nt (ail- <i theingres t uîluîstrîî-s of lbé-untuîry.- MNllutihn lut t <-bli.iithe itbtntf h c-u-uorncr <ula, and<id lire at-iuing It Ira T h.Ub Goven tu-îlta nu-i-bing mtin,-0<0u,t utmu-r- -<iai trit unIn iilAifuuregtut i ti. un, huit tht-y ire prestititua ciii. hiles' tîtut-Inn"itKas uljeioms tel i i ing diii thet n [cars t0 tuit-nit-in ltucsi iota I utul ru-cII>lu e h c gt-s ahisî affîut agri,,uitiratî iuuiu-I. n--ru- ary Wt'lsn itela tii] i-hiitanIt ourb fuir touieteimte îîuabtîg ton iîuestîgraion ilite, the quality of lbh- lucuf fitruiShet th- aillu,.anîd the r(-atulîtu frt is ilulury uîay figltro iinlbhe Iicoi-t-u-di uîgs or the- Inuilr> Ci-n. Nilu i a.n îeiuîl tue aiti-teittu-ity if tbe iateru lt-n lult t-ti n Nu- York. 1Ilé Raiid Aiebac]nuit tisca tAnetatangli- anm -nbe li-i1 biti]. an- i <l l'or prépars e ii> unta-rn ev, t> [<a-na i tîniuc utheitan a. lit- m)s lAh-all-e i itturii-si na-i iauîuî fronui luis Inut irnony luifine the -îiuliiu andu thaltth ileuorta o!f riulnr aroîy <tti- -t-rn nie a-ceMiiincd fruituttht-îoué inoî amni nol frnuiî iii 'l'bisrut att-iemiit of 11<0. Nilens arpsr&-utt lt iss o f toit a ilfîtldisiubcdi-tu-u-lu-itht- lutruettuiouo th,- l'r-silu-ul aft,- the 1-l2tuan trial nuit te, gin - u on > tuuuîrn interview s. Tht gi-tural's <Inual of th, n tiecuirîsalun sau i-d finit bis lai-e fuir the tinte beimiasm miajor geteai in îomîaud of the acuîy. The Bloune entered upon the mouildera- don of tAie river and barbor bill on Wd nesdsy, sud made raîîid priugrelus. ltifty of tAie egbty-elght pages of the bill hall beeam completeil vben tAieflouse edjocun- esi. TAie bill appropriaIt-. directîy shuot SIZUO.OOOand sutborilzes cotracts tes tAis eltsnt of 81,00J0,0(addltlouml. 'lie geâtermA debate voa unqiîsîîlly brief. Its fetture vasl a speech Ili oippiosition ta tAie bilA by Mr. Hel-pbîrn of huas. l'rtcticLlly tAie ouly amsendaient adoîper! vas one sitrtbi out su npîiropritotlîin of $250,0O00 for a schannel front (jaln-tontil Texas City, Texasa. ur. Itawilis itlbl sad- dresmed thie Benate oiothîîîîb-%'est soti- expansion resolutlin INI. I.iil-îîiy (Ky,) offered a resoiutlou iiiilisi nusiltebter-n tory not a part of i,- ct liuiIof North AmprlcL ehaîl nl itrh i iittt i îîîiîîthe Fml-demVaoiroes a sSltr- licr(ltirs)iDur- Aug NIr . NIa niins' is-ci, i hi ii--si.'enuis rerciei cl frîîn t he N umtntîuîtiI îîtIhe srîuy rtrut a îMî i.i.I nîîs r-fîrrrd t-, the Colotnialtei-i ti Mlit scy A fsi ru. At lite cunclusiîai,n <f MNi ton-lliî.e,, the Blaroin-nusl ut iiwaxifllaid! l-Itri-thlin Ren- att-. Mr. i-iilliaso (Miiss I tbî.n iffe ie i own rssîiutiiin se a liblititlît-fuir thie Bac'on reniltluotn. Si-mitora Ti-lir anud H-unr w,-rî-the- spnkers in tlti. ix-cîttlve sesiaoni «r thet- scutett. %IrTellsrr tuade a set aicuclitln ui îîurt tf tii,-tritiiy. sud Mîr. litiar re-lictl. A sittilli. us-i-ihbwinsronit-tu- the sI,- un êtIe onm Thsiraîla> iby Mc. 8pi-itir of Wls- entrain. lie looik fur bi. text titi-asti-ex. pensioîn re-soliutiuin iiferi-ti luy lMc. Velt, but diii mot scî,tîtînitoý-if i lîî-ilj 1taIlus pruila-lo ic-irtiuiu uli t->,'. 'J'hu- ru ectitile sessiounsif thei- $iiai%-%inasiîîely a cOnntilatlIi of thiealgiirgiimtnt vbi-h stocît-uln 1 , with r>iat nS sIeii.tthei iii isn 1-m1, r. set,-nîuî- anti herbtir bill. trryiiug nigrbtly lisar thon 4W«tIMtýXt. pussed t&' nAousit- hi, a vote o! 19190 lisi"f'A Abillima-sa lsail1f.pay the heirslut!f -hu Srnilitb ,rn tîastis- faâcfl îîîor a jitdgmii-nl riai <u-ItiimJ iuii il. liroike-for triseand muifat-ne iîit - îîntumît ihItb i ni-swa ti-isitt'miaut itlitîni of tAie Thiri iîfaîîry inlS4u 15 The t.ti lîimyiti liii- ,tîutu on ir the vute ib tii- tolis.. ru-lîtiuîus inter- pruti- <ifliie-s-iiaIc-a tt l-îk airi s' te Suîrum tailu-lui Nriîîsn- 'lii.,,tutiiiu lsa i vouéti mIiii îaloi- riathe t ii fientiu of th. cttuldtiab- rattfi.-lwlîîuthti-riuîi 'bîise ni) iililuii.u-tl 'ivontr-isiletî ni llîng that avs.ul t- iiîitlullin ta1k.-t lhauîa.i e-lit du oiîlnulti. uttesutl asand i.ioreirtai ri togm- i ligttn fur iikirigutat-utc 'rs, Tht- ni-at lîîuuur <tnta utuîîrîî-c i% utseN-mt n s vain uuuî-,-c iiil tlis.oi,. stii go el a iagu-t-mnut it,,a aitte' f-uras 1-uti-Iîgî the -resuullîîlîuuîs atndliil 11,t-tii-c îuî a ni-ire sol., i- f-ft%rt t li utthe îitda onîîu tusà cliog,-.nithilittoiiitg anosttiss: i, lie a --inîIult.ti-,il.isita iidi uui Ntrisre- tAssu fiî- hiro tIîîh.-liil, .Iii ns .-fi ltsteî- ttî ciurll iti til, o.iit utt Itnruslinuld<iîît.îa t heîîI- b-ruttiis-a- ti<uu it b-ic-i . ctheiu »-re lii- nu.akers toici-eIcMr. i- 1 .INissiotit %Ir.IDatniel <Vut i. MIc lie[-aI,- ii- i Ir -î-d ie -sui trnnî-ruh-tîu tti uuiiîiud t t i i-Nl et, i1,irnutIuu, r,,!, 1 il <l f<iiactiî ,lr1p-aýsgel fy rl sk t-r ai STORM LEAVES TRAIL OF DEATIl. A Cyclone Sveev. Acros. Alsharna, Wreclutnt Ail lta PIath, A cyclone.,nuhouse patA nuis 21) yards nide, struck, Ile inllage ofDlinluShîtuen Valley, Ala - ti.-tluirî-eîugjunt ha-face Itrb, resiiltinifindmit nan-I htaoc. A nf pour tof hll -unr.- liie'oit!>forertiners o! the uan <tuaIorn. Titi'pi-uile naîr, ait ting ni the Porc-hes, tht- i îatber beîuani-waruu. A coni-of tii-In houtoîes wnt clown liete ao mny einlî. uiel Thou-mas tond 1 bis wite nudt ehilti va-e tbnuuîvuu ulolîntiy> sgainat t aae biultic o! limeu-rut-b andt« the brnira of the hbuiluianto he lb,- i. um ver. dashàetiont sudt buir Iiodic eruishni. The man ni-onbîtul> ituiure-t. Tivent> other peuople nier i ljuure'u. NiabI came out lhiutnidinttiy alier Ithe cyclone suthle tiarbucxandnua torrent of rain preucuteal thc gathu-nîo! fuill d tala, CUe storti pass-tion lua asmalA village a moile uor-tb anti levelethtA bonnse1 of Lige Covuien. ucho. vitb blafamily,. waa eating snplitr. TAie roof to.s hifletij frotu sbore their hi-tits. AIl-o-e-senarc- A> brubanai by fallut brick.'T'he- cyclone9 fluaif> atruc l.tes-tep aide o!flRed Voumu tain anti vis bruaken. CUbe borna-rs peo-i pIe were abelleret ilunuighboring villages.j MANY CATTLE LOST. Terrible Westseru tathie West Wii - Deplete Range Harde. John W. Sprinter, pr-nideot of tAie Na- tional Lîve Stock Association, bas reccbv- et ativices frotu hotana, Wyoming and Trxas 10 the effeel that tAi-ne yul be beavy Ilaises lu the vaat berdm 0f range caidle. CTbe reports romint in troaibmth ranges bu ahI parts o! the WVest show very htodij for the caîthe anti other stock wbicb are roanint tAe ie lla.sPeopile Comngs loi Denver fromtu he aoutb anti merI aay - Iat Atunchles of caille are frequi-nly seen wnalowlng in lhree tond four fret o! so tond standing agaunst trees îibtb tArir luacbs 10 the vinti. It la gettinut barder dalo'for tileul 10 oblain ami> fetfor bronising. Sosp Tcnattrl iilat. New York prunuateca are inuîeresîung Easteru cahilalistain fui PItonn wiAcu- te-npisIes the formnationu o! n giganîbe comît- bînation lu, aontrui lbe Ateican îsut oUtit. WiIA $0000000 capital, of vbieîu $40800000 niiiliie bunlueferre t tock mut $W0,000t)bc cotunou stock. negotiatiomis ire penirdna for tbe aiuialgamtiIon of nil tb. important tactorbes in the- Unitedl Sitats. _______1_ 1 Mrs. Virgulie Key, dangbtur.nlav or 1 Frauacis Seott KeY, 1a living quietly Iau Chicigo at tAie age of 85.1 At iî- .- of . Mtli,:îuo-so NcIr Ali-n ttiN.-lui -cr-. ius.l a -utrîathotu iteIn iI- lt-, rati fiug thc tri-h> tuf Panun tdi-<lut cous.- tuit il.-If to . ,- tt (ri b iat til.. iulsnti <i-tuliccd tbr igh thiîî' %osr si t taire, to lu,- tuitui-lu-iit. 1- - t,, iti-<tport oflAiem n'iî-i-l Stit-- Mtr I Ahi lilir-un 'rî'.t jluirv-seithlicScuinqlu it. I,, -w ' sit t- uîuxlanuuuîrî-lîuît.u S-itun t, V NIiu-itt <aild- a strutia altos-ch <n [ali-tufr oplau adnr. TIti- Su-iati- niet nt uttouttula a-e e<u it i ittîîuuii ngonîg il) uofi t- tutidingi îo-îtîi <luisrera rutina -iai-si auuî l'Ae lit- uofti the a-ititouit»-ii - iîua-îI iiis i au inutîiu oit b -uiiil y lm. il-ran. Af-r t-it---uitjg if a r,-%%crutine nitt.c la l oo-Nuuîî uk lire tîelimah utoirprolprinitinn for tht. rnictxoa. f lAie 1<ilituno te- siloil> utet .-lot Pot fîr the t-ar u-nîitg J .ý llt. 14> uI- au-ries a uoni îîf tI.4It7. l'ite blul vni ut, rrd Thiii-N uiat- titi tuaisus lu- out.- I.-uinz 7.7 tii27. oli n.- ii noru- thottieua t iuo tiurîa uitojirl> -,,i-iipd-t. NI.îuula lunul , ui ýs-iuld., theiliIon", tend quuit.-, aiiiii-rfu hIs îîî -c rtal. of-u iftiîiîîif .uiltu-n ..-T-I'..-a-ustn Wil pn--pti i i.... lu>l'y i- l uiec - -<< ili- --it îhruelulu> i ut,-of 147-1.g 42. TIie bill diffi-r. iil-ii ii - .i-iîul i itur- 'rotei tIié- S-tituinill. Shurt tii,iti> it that luili PuslIt- , i-i- Ili,. ui u trait ilbor ut i% a iii' r li - i. 1 :ilu iiii lu et- <<usl. reit-i lohi.<-i ibilliiiuiiisi-î l, r ruirt filier %%unr l1aiiti. f--r -iluni, -<ti l i uup- tili- t ilih, te o f (h l'!î li lue 8-iti -ui Iii iluî il<<l îirtnt- .og a ruglit utfinuiiilirn.igli Iii.litutt i'i- uituort ii uu-.Ik.iîuu- ttutu t eii 'If ulu-ntîîl in.ofSu uuuluî ii.îQuuru- Mn . Tl'ulini; o. f ituih <uitn tut a- anu-. %villei otuteiu u.i -oa.-ul liioi ou tht-4 iiuit îoulîu Tiuu-niay non tlit-lirot ftinrt, îeln>ts out O.iiio fîr tAi. euunsiduîIuiitiof I<ii iii lihîî iîoTii, eîututiiltti c btutu u-nrtý-d --itiii> <iglut 1-111 fuir tuilinugs. iinIluint3 iii,' uules, auuîlurizuuî i ih-ngruiu i.eil]o i-iii lion uua-uuelond tlillxni i-ru- fa aonabîy toutil utautlo a, 1'- nilillo<ui bro' ruuuul la- ru-nu.l 'ivre Iniai, ion nnî-c. imore or lu-as guuîi ttiru-i ucanilitîg turugAiout tAc sessluion- As il runilt focty iis lla.cr- clint. or tut biriziniaieunutruîmî <nsn nagre gating $11,.111 hall tO b il [nidî au!aside miilue toai ,bilî-c-ittnttuuiiiuilafore nul juurltiîu-tnl Ivns rtiirlie-t. A Kannan City couple gave an atu ex- nuise for marry<ng suideuly tientiîuth bal the "blues.' Baron Itoif Znîlenstrotn. niho in tu mac- ry Madane l'alti, la ouly 28 jeans oh. Thbe diva is 57,. The "'maccyiiif autilirn o! Jeffu-rnuviile lai., in leadtenditoulis-lionls show tat Aio hall performcti1).O(i0 marrinai ca-renionlen. Mlistouline Aslur, the otîl> tiucbter of Willitmu Wtoiuîorf Axtor, ta r.-orteai te hue engagul toii îurry the > otîng tiube of Itoxhurgh. Min-i Aelr la 19 Years nid. Teteg,.uihtcireffliein. John Dli. IlleiiIlei'tfVi l iitu- tplat- ter, bon îul uuuti uuîîl lecteti Major of L.inu'rieb. Ircioti. At Nuirrintonil<. l'., iainegrouhitnghc vas traclîiit> Ycoir"uvîuh a ifledti toumgb s hîuic lu bis cait uoebet. Twnelve nmetuibera utf the fainîîY O or .oh Peatin o! or bionu. Neh., wirrn isoues b> eatiuug dre-s-wIN hog nienlt. The output of the miners nIt rpl ACreek, Colo., in M598 vas 4161,556 tonm or ore containa g$15.735.77ibu oNd. IRosa Bonbctir's great picture, "TAi. Cholee of lthe Flock." vas BoNd nt tAi jpo'ens " ein New Yoerk fer £4.2M0. thie ber kint Lad pre, thin are "Yh say toit qui Aie lie to eha un hg do tu do u I