Wem&YT. ebruary 1n, lm-iA $@Wffl a Uon fl-offkce t LtrtydI. @8l.-moud-lm. t. r &bVà""*g AT5U MAtiEanSOWN ON SCPLI. Rl CATON. j ja K M ilp il jMILLBU RN. ei LIgn uttr ankt.A girl siho tg rouinig fîîr ulayor oS eeatsoi hv cnreircct i~ ulwi, ButtrbeMas ritt h Iietîsle tdîa frketîe y lu tifis vlctnity. s th Ilmulet aslifa o th jeferonill, Idiaaoffrs u kss Thea German clanssmet al, Mr@.C. A U~bod S rse Moda a 2c vry uîan, -Vho miii promise tu vote mi OqVIuBeerd 5TaitIsion aut La0tfor ber, bt. tthte lîttrties Honnila iMattiews on Tunda3 evening. Ga Wuo&'ptta wu 18je; one ycar ago perler triukstu kîooti rwlhu- AatrHrrsadli.rgarci ai ing ur tilec tther 1-1ow. to Chiceago on Monday. Mr. Esi.JO ('hrls BItiodul hss ît'u rrel-Marîltinuent in on Tnesday. 14 viii nov oily reqotre a majorlty edins l Bufalo, vthargedt o lih aviuig Mn, Hiram <olegrove dted Snnday C O vMOs 1U te Bonge go put Gen. Wbceler, marrieS 41 momeu inuflic course of an evetintg of prieumniaansi usas urlit Mk àlahbuu; Col. Canipbell, of Illinos; active lilgamolas creer. Alloictst for ut the Uion eemerery on Tnesday IloL Chm, o Kentucky, andi Major ail r-îîoutablie exaggeraltutnc, tht. aiteruoon. M! Rbbb§4 ,of Penajvania. fortucnly bhows hiow expert a ponton eau be-orne Mi-.. Murrlc's auctîon Fale occurred Mai. InMetCogrtulas "teJudlciary Coi-mwht devotrs his talenîts asîdtiouttty t', tat Tuesday aidMr. Jas. Gulldge's CO ~Nnba reoresia esonlon c-oîe itl i-l'ui-tiitry. was bilîlcilfor Tbtîrlday. NezI Thure- ine tlmg tUai they orfellesi thein acats a hrel uh no rBi. Sain, Upaooogîing commissiones1intearmy. Dilir's Icviewgas fiitathbcotiulry tg ayter 8 e nthrsae 2» oeoa.ille decfined t0 report a on the upgraîie aud the tmein wio cipeet The tusentîili .wedding anniversary t âft n. egolntion 'concerntng thoce tu1allthke c ttoil anîrosihave some o1 Mn. and Kra. Palmer and lhe lattera M besWho have acceptei piacs on fiiie Yit tuOait. hi-ne are no indica- birthday were clebrcted on Monday WI cava c.ommissions. tions oS the reacetittu suhtch ollovs a eventug hy a number of suviteil friends. ______________ large suit iaptd business reeovery and The obacqutea o! the laIe aMr. Smtlth R IfUm la my Nîcaragul Canal logis- eitittg Conitios int s ute Industries IBain, of Lake Villa uera belli at Ibat IM900m, tilàla111e61 t hac s1otling ug n t trigu trade by no musas for. pla ce andîthe romsainas ere interred in A gailoefY diffaient Siom eilIber the bld the hope that flic inerease niay the fanitty lot bere iu MlthuinuonG Nboepnl bill, vici psenad ticSonate, continlue, as il dil alter thie revival in Weu desday.M M Me Bepbarw ll u, vb.ich bai bei-n 107, fori eei yearai. Exports ci- i Qiite a large autdietnce attended the 1.i a uattute for tha Morgan bill. pare i- sth tItporté continue 10 mndi- fanerai cervices of the bate Josbuap, bUNsU. Bouge Commitice on Iuteritate cale au enormots balance iu cash (tue Wedge, wblcb were bellai u the cburcb aM Foreign Commerce, ais the maîlci- Ibis Coutry. anîd gîld imnporté begti ou Stitday mo-rtitu. The day pre- Tu Viligo go a, Conlerence Conimittee as agElO - ceeuing lita deati, the gentleman uas Cie.i 000111à.MIt"0 Bouge paseethe Hepburn This tg ecuni;ne mn inisavtng eighhty.one yearé utîs. Trea IIUwbib u vii doas on s gvenmuni-y 10 btîtlî a hloule, ands uc±er lan iMr. W ill Thom dîtuve the mailt bus Ma,> M appe1uniy »Id wtiat tbe Con- tryiug t0 oeil legs than tif-ot 10 butid IL E) Wadïwitlifor a fcw - days. Mlr. A. , m.. p0 0Ia ti. l #e uo e Oemat inlaspending al lie con make ln -1'.. Bain.-iiavlng been called 10tiche ps~ nta Ilr âr Onjêtxtrcbut an sirtu thetheateranîl cendiaig liedsîde of ics brother in Lake ,Villa jl#&Ug fzmlthepat, i vl]l be sure îholîtusure oitiîheichope of maling ubo uas sck wstùîthle typholsi lever, H 1110111111 trom etser oS the original ber btsli- ie, eile a nelglituor le timing ceu ouior Édaysahifore lie siesi. 1n0 bâti& ___________ uhat uitt iîce bas in gettlug a divorce. T A Vey Inrons charge bas been made Oui- tian escapes the diseauto fsh lta Advu -rtir ald'n adc lq Mr. leegan Who appearesi befori- heirand ttiges klted ou the riliroasi. bts enherption Eis week, leaviug a B M âaBle Commitlee on Education Anothero voc'apes.tIti- iairoad and dies bogue dollar ou our baude. We usre 291i mll*bor tu reprenent lie ItQrna- oSfohotîj-ug ough. oui- man stands boath to speai tif au littie a malter tuo I U..aL*ohs.ica Union. ie saudt it t*Ofis Ii, cietitons and gîtes Eavelitîg ~tuins endousesias lie la supposedtu10beM omtmftfr guitariags ad gushe opriugs, whte atither sîtaya uili ail tliutlah gond ansi noble, yet il tuo Wb" %M tenuttearilaes ansthegunehonte- aitîpays bis(feitns. beouilI ciaIlsd gel finitdollar andi ublhUi bauavrde ltieCrmpleave goodsielîver coin flufils place se as t @MD BUutIdngCompany andi the The folloiosug figures show uhat vîI lieo rnely gatefully. OS course W UàX-oedeneldt Company hait bei-n "'nii'Sam"u' ttya railway cetîniues use utidentau il smasn uinteuttonat un Heu tneUt M the Wasington Navy Yard for ianyiig suait sai-ks The Burling- the part ot our cubsrîber. dits Uts .o.t,11tactor paid ln i-salithe Iot a niloay systi-ni gots $337.000i a yesn R 4MIueO. «befveen vatithcosî the fon carriyîg filetraisconinentalmail A '.1s1 lu te great Sai-y fura(if H. . gOUvIRBmmt 1o malge lie articles and sud the Ni-înhbwesteýri gets $55,317 IL B. Ourler, ut DeKatb, woult show the a -0 «OtaemW prioee liai lie Cranip yearfr lii iaryitîg frîîm Chicago tu methodienfui-ccd by thiat usîdely known Tbu OmpaMY gecevesi $17,000, ai profil ou Omiaha. 1 be St. Paul xc paîds;ig519,829 daîryman ur leulincis ltiebcsecond tu ils oosluacl Md the Oun Company for uaroug 10 St. ltaui. The Penusyl- noue lu te wortd. Tic iglitoie men si 040111, c each gun made. The Cot. vanta gce $364,902 tor caryng lie- uho do uiîlkiutg, wasaliItee vesanu S liftdiocIed Senalor Kyle t u -twet-u cilii ago and i Pttcburg, audi tic com ilitheir bairbeflore beginntg tlieir Veolig& the charge. Agents of file Lake Shuore $94M'.331t for carrylng fromta 45k, drebé lu dlean owhte nuits, milk D QUM*Company oMiIaisa uticheNavy Chicago tut Buffalo.Por carrytng the lto ulspaaprotectesi hy cLrý.uere sblhclitiou MRIE& MI tIhere la no tranl n lie mail ands relit toi- îtotal cari betuseen prevont s panlîcle of durt front entering ron ~g ; tait e Cramp *.cotract, usiNew sYui-k snd Bufflalo,, tie NuewsYork ansi everythingila o! lhe muet cleanly Cur ma bolnetegovemenl oudCentral th paxtO $1,447,840.41. ands anitary nature. Thec nilk la eold cLo 1111 008 do t.e vork JtiaI! and fint The etiltur ot in Ilit office coîi, 10ulthe Chicago liospilalsi for 12 itsa a v MW gufa er. made et a tos tuhe whiencecait btît fblm bailii-d. But bie quart, ansi tue revenue fiom it la about w.he fni eer lstded-ea w $100 aday. Tfie cows ai-eregulaît!lu- 1 in bi grae stiit, emi.Him i pecteil ansi subjecteiltu tuhercullu Fre IIOuror flys Senstr bept theirl uhegîv tiii-d'tt i i-itests 10tu letiri-perfect heullbftlnes. ion 6040efs an sd tie public guesing ae io adrt u wyt)tetoe8ptu l otetea towtwhwoldvoe n he tretu i boîiîtîiet, anîd bis loyal The milk t fi -pl otîî,Ieand IsUMOv e ul ote on lioferty orka ýotn uteBy niaif vbi earuxthe date ansuoni- i Pe r u 1 iecalWgo tilien<îktrûl ti mi li >ttîîuîor partbe s o in.N et u, vi h.n tevoie wuaitaken Mon- oalhll OWtt-i-i~ i laalegai -* Md lheirs ere the siecîing votes ansi mail o0cr Jasplern cuisandsi al tbinga aMr. S. A. Eacker, Edit<tr ofthte fte. nde odtny ircmitanesglorlous oi-uuitnei litecvirysece o 0 itanopy ýFm.) Htuctier, oiti bis usfe vIM » mporant a malter as a tîesty pli-sec. Hi- thougtuhoss- hi-n i-si and ceblîdi-et, iuffu-ress tert-iuîy fi-oui cip «Udercossdertins ic a1ik asruussftic giest golf, titi-k sud LaGrippe. line.Stitti <i>ili iCur' Pu OSpeace nader consideratloufittchapp usws the otiiy emedy fliat holpeItiibni. i &$Mbf affaira vould bave prosic-iitda-uha îou ttich itapyIl aited tîlelsiv. Jbuaîsfîhr i Ibemaul laeexcitement lu waa-itta ns Itsetutclstih-o bieutIthli-uetd ns as pectti-for Ii-,tb l~om Un Ut cicnmssncs l Ib anud wsunfor sater theY ebould cati. LaGrippe, ansi lIe exba>tig ati -rMi aud in gn lydcaper, bcd ehoutl ffeets. Ni-ver lotis. k. fi. LovrtLL, ýII verfo»t ordinary; nethere n ugotuy tllsyd001oo vu no ecieMent, o yCribt h o tbeîn. ttt.ý c:iyour tomue Lsehytiu Uvoeybody knov taï; While Moncays uitb hefo, io n c y'i- pliper- c t .îpiy ileuLsrur-e-- 11o19 eau1là atity the lrealy Il could ite of iog ansi cbikeilî ebtlera. Cal W »0 bar yrejeol Il becanse lic ailu lre- AUCTION SALE. at Couity arm. te w rmore Seoa10ns t'o vote fîtr UMi"mO would oniy resut lu poI- Bling abutit to qui t farring sud re- Colector'a Notice. lie rtlflotiou S tIc tuoto - i-tIiiagii. IoilI colt uh publice i iitrlielbsrits i i po@U*a atfcain f theteaty cît-thîîn sittaîtut i-oi-i-vi, outht Lewisabooks- andsi ostie ,ipjrepai-etltut i-i-i-cur d MM 11111 Meting 01 an extra sesioon. Nîtotn tei,iiot oet uf Hall Day taxectfur tir towtîhiju ot Liliiityville » bnialiy Iollowing te close uf theîtshinti ii it ilîtgeotf Hall Day, Satun- sfteil-,'t-ruIry i. lifflici- at Il. SiB i p . mentsaon. Ansi tic cxxiocty itO*F-ý.î 1. menucicng ati-I oîlt lCuitý tUMr oko o aydm -lui-k ai., î ip1. file liltousng t1i. ATTIiIDlE. CoitccAor. mali MBfOS=aW nwous ulwsnytitor prnIîîerv: m.o eatrsvnîi olos i-otîr îîchîi Ilki-ituo,7 iesît mfail. 2 <Icman involing againagt flic- lroaîy utiti. it l'y id,2.finu-g Ilu lu La Gip~pe îis git it u pîlîtîtî.Evsîiy 88U M l tae asivice oS Cul. rycu tîtîi tii-tig;:iii ii-oý, 2 s-tt., o . inîîuîîg u 4 ui ti i lsitî i,, itt.keiî t, -i it il bovul any Republicau ndsutPîpîîittN-l..ât-illitg litifpr, ttu l2 y s s peueiti-s- î 8O i'te Sitît'> itiibi , -t11,iP. tri.'min-ar tre t, sctbt lire A. J. i-epieui. '-iiiillit' 8.aalors voul i ad Mr. Gitrnan tufîe, -22bii.iig- -iik iii w.tnî cafi tigrIctttniii iJournal stîtt Ails jiiismn, &Uf.lptt10 veil the leadeebii ito hi i-t-, I tiitui iitliarn,.3io) bu. liiu, Mi o ,rvi, t-Noiuneu' stini yaslytrom, Cl. Bryan. fshumItoflie o itilo, titi lut unii ttîrtbl) een- itîspptitu l lt imintg Oui- nittit tsaly vouisicone out. uofi-oort->i- luîg tt.Or, habit oI, luber wagon:' Coîxgi une or La Orîppcî..'Plissuitl Ibmevb ati o eeuta iii-es ~ -~osagt .îni - tîp bggto tiskc, qicla tua s,'. F.B. LovIELL, thoseWho hd nu ersoa) '.irei-lui' i tr -rtrots lt-senrsrags. byLtbertyville, Ute fatter, nigrettesi lu sie a qîîebtitîîurt--k. 2 saiiui méîiîs, claîlnikettit'. Me, Ci partisanleadership figtxring il oII I-iltk îansc jitiîuandsi siaituons, .36 aroi for fienti.pt. *binsasu tae Cunsîieation tif tle gitlut . iii0îtigit pîtatîtes, 3 dit-u 197J asresltiquire of Geo. Battershailt, Wu.y bcaue beylhxk i Itaii-ti vîi -i't,,2 mets (tu itileii arnees, one Etineaville, 111. 171f. 11VIS& boiî.-ai-is xtîifosor--dpatiir obiso, 2 ai-ta îtgli' W in the estimatIon oS the wsui-i îti055 insO-: îîanttty honi-bols lumMjbIng our foîcign ieffilesa n,~,îîîi, . îdtnuîother articles ton Fend MiII. ri» te a«Y tal vxlb Atueni--tîcîîîît>tiî t aLitt eguilsi- him. Wc yldo i-utom grludlng, corn HENRYîiî Ilr, prop. sud i-oh on muxiesigrain, nye, osaaetc. Malta inh&Wo ilgh or 100 caer-iltu iii- w .Il.lt-i-LEv, iicAitnuic'. Wctttesdays cutdSaturits. 0. H. 1;dumd mb Party politica at tiutes. H i I lIS-soR lasjmtans.eild ousever Sor theme Htiti is îîiîîîîî tîiie fan near t CHAck IMIMI ueliu crilîs tu ruienteîîr fib"ti" - t ttn' illsunotbweetof Feoitfor Bale. W5ihial drag sny partisan pottt .lî--3 i-csuti 21 uitîs iorti i-t! I vilt recive s coi-ail t!fuet grit baleou flghllng suditùtas-eosoitCil tli i-ti Febnîiary A, cati vtilîut.dny. For ete on i-si-ut Vi- Vhaebave occasion tu ifglaiotbn1l "11,1119oîiîi t1 ah loci.'îa. rý. Lîertyvsleirfî,r 13.75 per tn. ohau nusa. 1O titîsi il" leiitos i g liii-uit-ty: 5 nous Il D. lgtuio uti r ilutilil, tit ig lîtruces.2 <'tllais sud Muni t UsYour [terri. WHEELING. btutIlas u-o sulky iiitlvalor, net evutimaelc5OPFSCT Solueul PriCb in vcry mck ik th .-f tîu ttI lover traga 16 ti-ch s-oitcoe at tîcalleousther. HIENEli Tsa »Id pnanmonla. s ud tI0Attiiiiii jltw, 2 ssîlkng cull- roir iAti'n.4tir tîIujithi'm îInthe item gItt mr okei omi s t atuns. lievrug itîtîdo, ( lippen mitair, box lt'e fouttof filt trK. Ehe auraFort i.dous oslb 5bonne ite, bay neaî, iîy rai-k, Inuber ~ atak oS pDunionla. stagoît, t-utter-, light tusît seteci wagon, tîglit bo, m~ el hî'avy bobs, coru sKheluer, An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. OM 4MUUM eslatuobc dotnga good , xulk ians, 3 Rusm,cllng Caus, George W. Walt, of Soîtti(jardiner, bnimmeaIlpeople &epeak sdiltif ies10luuieis icornuin crib, i5o chickeus. Me., layg:- *I bave lhat thteoret ¼ d 2 bioati, le fouet of nope, dotuble, cougili.cu)Idlsililileanti grip sud have 21M WiMai Cetra ralrod bi i-poutu oi-k uitb carrier oauîl plllelse.takel'iels ut!triut01nu sceoutbut lU.Wiaonan Cntrl rlîratii-oi-awnu ii-wer, gardon at'ctei. caldroîu Profiltltu th- venduir. (amblerlail -' g tgavaaSei Untrîtesi lecture et kittAlcu bset îlggiuîg, 201 luubelmsceeSl Cougi ientety Istleouîuly tlulng tlîaî Ïi ! VM BOUal Tuday cvi-lug, ai-tvir- itâtttee, &gitOtae, 2 dozen grRi ain d itîiany gOouitebtever. 1 have ilobsu tihig, bIte i% il ttîSi, andsi nsy itn ltioO-celîl tiolîle ansithe Chili., -'liii- anAleI-stioutuieruslto mentilon col andsigri-l)tbave ail lefI me. I1ion- 9. Smilla, tbe neu ceetuiakt'n, le Regilax Ternis, giatulule the tuiait faectitrrm iu n IM tuaixg out sevanal brand.o tf FRANK G.. IoLEt, Pnop. hoîte8t idîcîne.' For tale hv F. B. a- à- bons Th.iimers-fil W . LAiPLEY, Auctineer. LovitLî, Libeityvîlle, J . BttsICculîa, - GRAVSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. aMRS. E. B. SIHERMAN. L«lEcsI 411,. Mrs. tSerman ta îtuttoriztitd10reoelve subseriptlons and sdvertisments fer the IN DBEE. i NT almo ordersi for Job printing. Calon bier for ràtesi. GRAVSLAItE SOCIET lES. ISING SUN Losige No. lis A. Y. &A. M. t bld re«u=mm(ionaiîýtItons Mondar etsAngan0o beortfuil motton. 1. A. FrOLON. W. M. )llOS1S tCiar 14o. 329 (Yri'r Easternt star meet Ita>ati hrî 'itesda)« even'is Mias. Cactus itot.ay. W. IM. dise Jzxuos Do»8tsoi. Seey. MRAYSLAKE Camp Ni. 1341 M. W. A. usnee metiond andi foui-tIi Sîsirdai- cocitgou o eh mnth.J. Meta, V.C. Fal CasxRTIAN. Cii-t-k. bJURT 0F HON<)lt No. 164 ut leigoti anti ard aturdas >7 i-utiti. E . L.itior, W. 1C. as. V. Buatie. i-. IZPAH Camp No. tc l.N.A.nii'-i scond and SutiTt-ia- -tlgîc'îmootlt Bi u V lasi. Orsois. R. MARY (i. 3MORILL, Rtc. bSNcIIEGATIONAL Citai-thSiur.diàyarr- 0VWM s1tiS) U.and.cli7: '.N) . art1-r t-. idtîy eetii rs at6:4-1 p. ti. Jiélort it Sitidsai-e j. u. SabtthooI 11:30 lin. FunDE,Htitaui. Pittr. PFridis fr,î us2 ito4i'. m - ad. E. AtîsiM' Pr,-. Mas. Fx.OREoi E Lt 0K. lt-o S., IOCKEFELLERLt,îtôc'- iil .0,9t. t-. msctîngointi and 4 sT:îai-oîaa. W. I)OOLI'lTLE. N . L CMILLEN. tti- -RAYSLAKE Lotîig-M VW. .ic ni-,ittbre nd tand SSiÎ. i t . k., M oo i,. W. M. Village Officers. altittitE fi. sb'i-t il-Bai-,,. 0.ilii-t.oi tt.o , ýF. C. Willir. Ik. liait. --.1jlîl. fc' B. H-it Drli-E. F.tliaii- or ...... - . 1 L. T tii- t adut-i. * 1 IL HtNeil 1, liW.Magcit-iratsC C ari Officiai Parier 0+ OraYýij«ke. Henry E. Bai-roui sa viditiug at ine several dtaystlIis w eek. riiecday iighit tiee- iaý a imalIý neh parts aet10. Rie ttsrusuii a. Bor-n fa Mrand JéMn, liai-klis ait. bi a boty. Mottlr atil chlîlll tîiig ell- State Camp of M. W. of A. as a delegate fromn Lake Cotinty. The Fellowslitp Clueli Cltub met wth Dr. and Mrs. Riî-key Wettnes§dsy even- ing. Mis. Thomson entertslns theni next Weducsday evPnwý. Miss Louise Rleti was inaNaukegan the past week eniployed l thie Couuty Ilouae lty ber uni-le Couttty Clerk Hendee.Site williremain n iiliber seboot opeis lu Aptaklse a bout tthe icI ofl hardli. Matiy Uraysiako peuple atted lte flimeat of kirs-. Lewois Lubk in Fort 11111 iuebday, by thotr presetice expressing their nympcttiy for the bereavesi. Tht literai osas coiy large- Iy atteudoil. Dr. snd lira. Shtsfer were cahot luo Inditanîatarit sattrtîsy un acioUatlo<f tbe deathi of the sged niottier of thc formeor. Thte Dutor returned Ilonday. Thiey bave the o ymipattay 01thttiî OrayslakeSt teus intu lîir Iperecce. meut. l'lie- ytîug people ut Orayciakt- and viciiity ouloyesi thiwt voit bugely ut a muitersde liait i-Id ini lt-t c hait tact osesk triday tIàglit. Somue rery pretty aud I oule ridicîluc costluet usre Iirre wosb-saeteil machsuinte- mhent t er- usiee alarge nuunier tof ittreouotlikefa huire auth e ii aac crowded. hin. Fox, tif lîlt ti-no, ýo dit ied at th01 place .tct scik Mttuday, *an .broî%ic.iatru ir>cIhaI IseSitewlpg là ediaedsy. 1tuuirat 001 tes mSiti i-Idti u.Cuiigre gastial ehiureta, tiiv. E. A. Fredeubaigeu oftIiatîug aoud site oaitanttS u i-tintsI the Oie nysake cinetto3' Ieàla î u bbtataitanit ti-ral thuiidieuii o ipreetde iehir tu lte lireat Betyolit. Illhouoly ctrtivîuig itiuidatc retative tea asou,bSuinut:r ti. nl-koulis îîîv'î ho îtiut e..Ii 1 O-t-uitubt . .. 0 matie.- t.i..... i... - . thbictgo, wsobtrL as tîn)ii-yîtieîit 1-bine %vas sud1 kuuos u nt uch beluveS itealmoler. 'inuIbis i-ohlluuijIty alS la ilî,l'As tîlî Wesitemday oventing fris-tto tf hi-tut 405 Pont HiBiiosbcb osaà inanîi-o.t by nudee i-stubraetsti itta bts Ihith-Oui-large &attenîlante tt tcthi-ltis ty hy a cîueb parhy iltshuttne - - - 1ev. EA. Bari-o.4i-iMukwonago, ah-tataitdotstwoe iai-tit DuuprpitIa cm.,sut ini )t im pi llate tmai-e -culre ulugeato wint3 tîu ieat, I )rcNilts flyiiig vitut tii t u-ît le ei-e taî,t osa-.iug t1lutti- aslincre. t.,WaCL ursda3 ruilti-. IL i-urn i digeetivLn, bout otiii-t nl, belcibitg, msdut aitu a' Mr. A. 1). bich u LtTues-.3 ui-ot M ri- tiut -ln-s.IiL se.s tu- nlngtid, IIS., bs-uîg octît tu Ahebs, slaEit. IiB. Lu' ELI., Lib-rtyv Ie. )un't gi-I si-as-i-I sui your hi-art ouhies you. Mort likuly vt ii cIler nmilndigestion. httîllyuupvp"ia re digeste viat you est. il usîll re every Sortu o! Dyspepsia. P. 1B. OVELL, Llbertyvîlîe. Farm For Sale. 157J aicesainsecttion :11, tîtîsiiof rmotl.kiosso au lie .Mariy Ana îngblou tsin, t uile -sîîîth-ast tif inconda. jutot iufidinugs. deesp usd1 id huso ituiing epningi, liii-tenus, îîîire Hi-e. L. Bieasch, I'.uiibîi; Mns. ett Smith, Vutî); on D. 1Hîntîîîgîsîn Iiînletrator. Lake Zurich. Oct. i Admimtstatoirs Notice. tuiuîEi, ii.-ioliî ii. i îîît0, i-i t toi sc r. ,î,uîctu i itut~-,1th, Sitîus yt urt is i,- (c ttitK . At I ii tt-1ut. 1r- t ,u ai-, U-.r lo , ii ' at CgatI. iiiti,, t. tit LIl citttîet dagittasfoi- thirty yeare ansài tien tîtreti bic l'theluy sîsuug tJewttl Witi h ldsutve,. A t I iei ujiinies suaitskitu suseoltke nmsgli.F. ilW Lovruti, Llbertyvillo AuuU.,4. akIo 50 11..4 - qelil .oStas Et EliitotIrE..thE. ,."" 5414.. tthmut -Mtuth S&8utfk Jllerlcau. reef««imontbi.L S1I6 bma t.Ul .t For Sale. soiue ,-ry hillt urs r, w yf.î in 8 . i ' s (1 t>,'iia lu u g; i I 8 U t>o go'm11'i l3 alted plnio ti 1m ück ruostrl.t Ipli-i-8that men uire i 1( tu oe who waut etnok Our .tod d- ti t phut lt ott e.Add -m ________ .A.SNOW&COO 05.PATENT orr ietUO@,NTONt 0.C. C. G. kimtnal, I&cgefller. CL Jolîtu telride' Ilfatrlu 2 mu-les wcêt of CouuL3 Or Faur.. BIGGLE BO OKS~ A Farm Library of unequalledl value-Practlcal, tip-te-dte, Cncise and Cotnprebensive-Band- ,omply l rnd d eautiftally Illustrated. By JACOB BIGGLE ( T le- 2:o. 1-BIOGLE IMORSE BOOK Ail shout 140,5%-.comnuScu so TreRtior. nm>0oîrr 74iIttfttlO ta .fudar(dwutik. O, r 50 Ci-ia N. 2-BIGGLE BERRY BOOK rikIt, sud teeother illustratios. , rui-o cui ~ N.. 3-IGOLE POULTRY BOOK L~8t1J55.r Atu &bout I'oifltry; the bet Fouit-y tiok le «ru'-n: -Là.~E> cf(.It the P-1 leri -ti ith 1-3 Other itrt.it.. No. 4-BIGOLE COW BOOK Ail about Cous..sd the Dttiry RoIr, ateg..li h sait:Cotitt'33 ciertiusiitrton. .cttosl.. No. 5-BIOLO SWINE BO0K j.sot I. Ail *bout to'-ietig >elg it mt, DIseuse,etc. Cost.inA oera itutijll tît toue.s ad otter cugfsîlas.. Fn-t.5. Ceoti Th e 8 BIO IEBOOKS areu .lqî,, si i f uti i Chikn. crri-nse ia trîlt "thitu eds-gî -wy for tht IGLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Y P ~~~ ua.t . nai- fit Itsatr r i g l otitsiu h in a ouni -he-head, AUY ONEB Of the EIGGLE BOOKS, and Uhe PAR14 JOURNAL (lt lo Ad .s19i-3) wiii ie art by umailt.te-ty DOLLARfu 'rtecttsus-ustialo eanv outao.PAaI.IVRAL*Udo.rtrctî blatg I OKS fret. w,, AMi.., AAH CjotYNAL. Here Are, A Few 0f Our Many Low Prices, Mens Heavy Lineil Mttens formter price $100 & $1.15 ai ...79o 75o at............ 690 "t0e Oat ...............ne Ladies' Overehoas oner prie $1.00 at ..................... 70o Mena FeIt Boots, former price 65 t .... ..a.... . Soc 1 Gallon Maple Syrnp, former prie st I00 a .................. ne 3 Ibo Bicycle Ooffee ...... .... .......................... 25C Baking Sode per Pkg....... ..... ........... ........ ... 5c 1-lb canOGood Baklng Pousser - .............. se il-u Bottle of Vacilla .. . . - . ....... .... . 100 Broken Mlied Candypor lb . ...... ........ se Washburn & Crosby s ImperiaI Flour per sack ........ ...................... C. C e Alit boîok aceounta vii lie closecd Februaiy 10, 1811. -....No tioeo Ciarget a!lter Ibsi idate 1 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grhâyslake, Illinois. iTu4isýis the 'place 1 -l Where you wili find a large and varied stock of WATCH ES, ÇLOCKS, JEWELRY ý AN DSIL VER WARE. AIl kunds of Repairing Done Promptly. E. B. SIIBRMAN, I LLINOIS. tlust be sold. Men's Overcoats ...... $2.50 to $7.00 Men's Suits....... 2.50Oto 10.00 Boys' Suits ....... ..... 1.00 and up. Childs'Suits....... 1.00 to 3.00 Chlids' Kne-e Pants .... .2 5 to .50 Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Feits, Rubbers, Underwear, Hats and Caps. W. W. I3DWARDS, GRAYSLAKE, - - ILLINOIS. WHAT TO READ. Borna Prominent Vioagoana Express Opinions. ln thene etiighicoi-d tum"eiveri perro0n osto pri-icoîs to ktep ln touet s llii s-eortîgrîs ofc!the wîîrlîi outt 11aia i-i--us" daly mi-ii-oqiltan 0n3is iici. TIi-t ho os.ldii-- tIl 1 i . cioaitibni t i -'l y - iýiI O i- if-t ife pîromLîîî ti sut paîîî-meo wi .koîîuw. It-O tIi- oilowituIg. I'. yi.iii Theiti-tti %gao Triuine.- tii, n. t--iirnut IL Ni t A--itt ir- Ntit-t ,,o I tuti - W. t 1i a -i. idi- n ty -hi.i Ciii ts. Tutug th, ig'. > Itt_, t--ula Voi. 1i(-t ti Esidilt.r-1 lttsg h. g -fce E.r tilt on COesitaoi-aie tletoi,oitiset-iptian fat' a trIa pei lot For Rent. The Plilip Dai ar =oaed1 mie weaI utLibe .. eoolilng èO Anisr $0 auS. y. PBOINU F.BAIRSTOW. Marbie  and Granite CE(ImtHR WORK OlP EVERY Descipffla. Cetr.elnde.c smenh 1»6 ouem t WAIJKSOAN M FURS WANTE). The hirgest market price wii e pald for ail kinds of Raw Furs by -CH e 8SIJIS GRAYSLAKE, a t-a 1': .1(