Nvow is the time to buy your flour as the wheat market is quite firm, and wil ~raise the price or flour soon. Always on hand, a full Supply of Washburn-Crosby Superlative Flour. L. H. Litchfield, RCOCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF fJRINFLOU!?, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS ETC A L5O-.----~- Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernenti WE SELL THE WE3BER W AGON, WI4EN YOU WANT Aro und the County. ROCKCFCLLEN SOCIETIES. C ONGREGATIONAL Churai Onudar mer v«cesa10:80a. M.nu.d '1:80 P. M. Frirai meeting Wdua.diî avanlug-. Y. P. S. C. E. meet Sentis, evenîng ai 6:4& Juior . FL D AODCamP No. 4124. M. W. 4 msai moti. D. Gaplvu.yVC. o. t. F. No. in. med second sud tourtil Thuretiuys oteaci ,outh. WILL K.,uuOR. N G. Ozo. A. OsT, Seey. 0. G. T. met Tbursdar eveutnues ofi asc veet. LisTasm BuanicxL. . T. J OHN . RAGAN Pont . A.Lia. moci Sturdal nIigt un or bof ors tuil muin. I.0. GLaisas. COM'dr. O E OsoacariL. Adt. MU gong SoUth .... musa, 16 . 9:22P. iii Mail coing nortb ............... 1o:08a. nM. Mail orSi landt hiase .aivaiise a.0ni. deparlsetUIL a.n. ROCK EFELLE R- Will Kalage W.. lu Chicag O uai-1 noms Wodunday. Anuna Croukhile from WaukaOgau vlited lier paitefli a Surday. The. Teachers meeting hald lu the echool bonse lent Baurday vas very weli aiionded. The Christian Endeavor will have theix business meeting nBUi BatnrdaY eveaing at the home of Bie Bergiiorn. Anyoue inierestod ln the vork ordisliy iuvided. Mr. and lira. Pied Shaddle arrivet from port River, Mich., 1mat Thursday3 Mrs. Shaâdie axpecta ta romain for sometime wth lier parents Mr. and Krs. Conkhite. Mr. Shaddle wlJ tyrauny. Unele Jo. vma fou"edln a1 Christian homo sudvia a member ai the .Rplscopal cburch. Ha laft is humé vhau twonty-one yeara of age aeotiig vitalIlla hadt for 4im lu the1 nav warld. Alteor a year lu New York 'hae came ta Chicago then but s ciump, of log cabine. Be via tiare employed by the ovrumont lu piaclg plers lu the harbor;3afier five yeas a ewth his. brother Thomas, vlth vhom, ha muade hie home aliIllte came to tht. cam- muniy, lu 1837. They puicbased the land tuovu nov ai the "old Glynob farm" from thes goverumeut for $1.25 su acre. Heoueaihiea Brut piesidentai voie for Van Buren and hba avai stieuuoualy upheid the principale of Demociacy. Uncle Jooa ho va. ao geuoially caileti ha. pone tram us after a long eojouru of eighiy.ulue yeara. Ha vas oua of the aldesi setilers sud tuowu vldely. Hi& e uli @mileansd cordial handi greetingu vilI bo misset by aIL For aevarsl years bha admade his home viiihbie niece Miss Mary Glynci vldeiy kuowu for bar L ospltalliy andi has bati a quiet and peacoful ovenlng of Ilta vlth avaiT consfoît and care itat teuderneas and love could giva hlm. fie died Fab. 2, 1899. Funeral services vara eitil lu the M. E. cinrc BuSnday Fol). fth. Rer. Dutton officlated. aG ENE Cani No. t1e0M. W. A. mectsai MeGarvas ha uruee iDL,. aven1,second ysad tourti Baturdar eventun ofes0i6monh. W. W. ApPLzyisD. Clerk. r k Jal provi F.busil )r He dc arit yacks visit. D. Llteiflald ie on th iclilibut ve hope lievilii soon ho sbie ta be arouud &gain. .. j .gçv. Coe el 1 ha d pulpilf with3 110 Gr(4, 0f tMalt . Liai TbnretIsy afiernoon Frnku Buck bai the mWaortinua of iiuialngbils heati tram jumping oaf fron a laad of iay, vblch capeirëdOtopPaaiiw---be Chipei. We hopelha nay hosite tabe arouud again aaou. IVANHOE. Clan S Bailinlacelectlng taxes. l Bl. Litchilld laq vortlng for Clem Small. A. R. Bisou le -vliaiing ih lsosgtr, ise. James Knox tiis eek. Elîsia Procior îecelvcd a car load of cava frinsthe noti lai&veat. Bylvoter Wagner and i vie are occnpylng the Chia. Woolrldge bouse. Mis. J. B. Dykes aud dima. ieckwiih vers lu Waukegau lai yack Wednes- GU RN EE. &y Farrell vas quit lie IIbuit laim. ving fiai nov. B. Boyle vWas in %Wsutogmu on inoms luaiMooday. tuiry Fast ha. reuted tic Smih m for s te'rm of three yearo. George Sciaubor aud family entar- tained Chicago parties "ver Sunday. woatlmen meat Satunday eveaing. ome uev membars are tu lia vototi on. Mi. Wilson vislted hies@inter lirs. Wglgefleld andl tamlly lai Ssturday sud tseCara Lovejoy reiuined trom Chicago Saturday eveniiug vicia sic vîsitoti relatives severai days. Tic Chistian Endeavor soclety icîti their ragniar business meeting Thurs- day eveniug viii MissalicCullongi. Sans Sicadman sud tamily mavedtu t wsutegan Munday. Charles Chuse nov occuplas the bouse vuosteti by Mr. Stoadman. Rev. Shearer, ut Wsukegan, vas expactodtu t pretuch haie lasi Sunday but talled ta appear 50 ibere voeeun To lueure a happy lnov yaar, teep tic laver ecaur sud the body vigorou 8slbei iy uslug DeWtt'm Littae Early isais Sun the timons lutile pisatoi constipation a ti: andtiUver troubles. F. B. LovELL, sud LiertyvIle. 1of 0 Or. VFlFlfl lntlT uT. iýhA Buggies or Fa mig m pn lernents. mima Aimas Heudce e et home sick A good attendance liti ebool hsbl luai veek Wednesday sud achool ciosed week. tia, CALL ONd iu consequence. Mr. Howard snd family veut to Fort ber. Ou butter factory te recaîyiug quto fHil uuday.M aquantiiy of milk trom former Liberty- Mr. Ed. Faulkner vent to Tayvlor'bol, ville ahippoes. Grove Suuday. 1. U W R IG T & S O N l aAnguiWriz ie drawing lumber Philip Wilkins un egalil lit ucbool Bel lo rayalale for s nov houae vhich aller a short ilmon.ba Libertyville, Il - - linois-' ha proposes ta bailli he sprlug. Mr, and Mrs. Wrtb voie Waukegan Poe Mima Blanche Huson aud father toot visitors laut week. tiol .....uuses...m m..*..*.b. suun the train to Grayalake Thureday even- Mr. E. Knox aud fanily wëre la Sb( IMMIug of lant veek. Blanche viii vii; Waukegan aturday I and .... her couein, lira Badin Mead severai tMr. and lis. limer M etcait have gre N l~n~ Nj days. nsmed their baby Edue Florence. hol 9 1 mi YMNO li i t"a ra. Morris' faunerai vae beid the Our schoolinleplanning ti) belli tbea W2.. lth of Jsnnary. Rev. t oie preached j3angatauk hechool in ai, otertalumeut fr1e te funerai sermon, after vhlch ibe Feb. 17. chi LAGE? ICUATQ 0 A!POLITIU.L PIPER Il TEMWET! romains vere talien to Wautegau fer A 1usd of Our boys attended the tie I rdkilyP.pulicn,~VOaln8 ~ a ~~ ~KBd0 interment Browegechool literary laidt Tueaday mi fe rinal dcclo f t ,b~atpaty for fair and huirepaof ciail Po-m Mr. lpafford te endeavorlug to evenîug. ehity d ernstusaJJ~i lticl u Ve2~i~J5lI organize a alngiug ichool boire. Hie bu Our chrt cian@ conpleted tfty-Ilve Eu 1beld one or ivo meetings, but it has.ae fApeo' is edri o j m T1fg WEFKLY IPNTER OCRA% SUPPLIES ALL tee too cold to induce a large aticu- Pgso ApesaFie tadrl t TH NEW@ AND EST CU*RENT LITIERATUUI dane. He three veste. Sitiv f M acolars aud viii givo ion leauégns ai Mis. Oiuiiby le recoverlug from a it l1.Morlly Cean and as à FamiIy Piper la WiI a. Peu one dollar for oach lesson. severe illnes. Mrs. Late bas heen I ~ Th ___________ of i columna ___Il____endlng ber the pasi yack, _________Tis Liera ur th I I ~ I lb WAUCONDA. Mu There vore uo services at the Warren il 10 1ht1fiet ai teb.at uMagi. zics g l.iflainteresfiflg 1h. chil. i Bennett vialted Mcfianry Mn churchi lasi Sunday ibere beiug f.n sweiasdey. clt...Cquaîterly meeting at fait Beuton. g: dren as we________________a___- One of Mr. aud Mr@. J. Reillys chii- --EITER OCEAN is a WESTERN foEWSPAPER- dreu la very sick. Oui entertalumont of the let inst. h and wiei rigotefamily THlE NEWS OF Mr.Zimmerman, of Long Grove, vas cas veiliaitended.O con ftt *THE WORLD &M d . s iireaders the beta i ait 0 * ou oui srtica luuday. leugth of tic prograMi sud tbe extra dscuim o ail qt.esions ofZ t it inllu sympailty * M. Lanchner, of Lake Zurich, was amonut of achool workt t t e bave hi à wvMb the idems and aspirations o Western peuple A" 8 on Ouirentisti aturdsy. bail lateiy the program vwas not qulte 0 dhauga lierainre and p6titics frum the Western aictano AD Little Midred Pratt via has been go veil execnied as ai our previous 81.00-PuC OIE BOLLteER YEA$LOO ririe Satur-att:mpt, :lthougl>tboe presetci j I ~ E1 OCRAI! &RE BUTE OF TalE RKMN. E l Wili Dillon, of Chicago, made a short helpedfo ned b colvr * ME Ptc.iDti' b mt-.11 0> ace, UN viai lu Waucoda#ecently. Mis. Lake vio conductedib e munie, t 'T g~s>Y dSsda ,vtît * V2 ,. .Mi MGui, fChcay ai Und i. Faulkuer vbo gave s solo sud Misa uS5**UOSUSUU.UUOUO*USOUSUEOUUthe ifanmerai of Mri. Josephi Giynch. . Ollidge, Prof. T. H. Docker of tbe Mine Zos Nimigearu ta the guesi of Sangataut scbool sud lMr. W. Enîgoe ________Mies Lors Harrison ai prenntvriting. Knox who gave readîngn. Mr. Knox Mr. Matheva, of ingvaod, opened ieepouding toan clîcore. The achool a moat markt lu the Kimbl building ieàlieuî about seven dollars vltb C lo s e r ic e s ,J. EB. Gainer ia able ta be ont whlch we expeci the ebool hoard te C lo s P r c e s.thi vt. lyreoerdfrom: put ouough to bya net otwal mps _____________________________________big accident. of vhici we are very mach lu need. Mri. P. J-amn fWuea n IT ERCAS Mr. J. Dryei, of Chicago &peut the tiait Table Syrup, per gallon 25c o1fthe weota this place.9 M. sud Miîs, C. 8. Buton, of Chics- GAGES LAKE. 5 gallon lots, per gai. 22c go visltedi oindsanmd relatives lu &hia ir. M. Benson in reporteti botter. 9 placaud vlciity ieceutly. 10 lbs best quality rolled oats 25c Ry Johnson furnisbed costumes for .Mrs. John Manou ls spendlng the the miaquerade hall et Woodeiock on veek lu Chicaga. 7cans Sardines 25c Ftdy.evontg luat e. .fH A. Page and vife ara visltiiig Mr. sud Mis. L. Wheelock have LewisLye,3 can 25cmoved tlcto shansoue vhlch ihey friands lu Chicago ibis veet. 3 cns 5c urchaad frnm J. M. Fulier. Miss Lizzlo Nicolas le vlslilug ber ir. Amos Compi-on sud danghter aiter, Mis. Liparte, lu Chicago. have îeiurned trous Volo vbere ihey w.am. dFed hadvr have bsau the paut few veeta..W amsadFedCadwr Warraned Axe 65C r. and Mis%..Clodfeidter who have Chicago viitais Monday aud Tueaday. Warantd A es 5cboon apeudtng sfew veeka haro viii Mims a UsGilmare, ot Chicago, roturu totiair lhOoelu Oregon ibisspn ndylhhopaethe. W arranted Batcher Knives 25c veot. etuayi hrpensbr. ira. Mec heollev retuned liites t Mssàise Gilîmore bas îaiuruad 'Elgi* Pattern Milk Cans $1 .65 tuber home ai Edgontou, Wls., afiar from along viit with frinanuChil- a§peudinga tacsdays iii ltirs.R. C. cgo. Iowa Pattern Milk Cans 1.50 Hill. i. sud Mis. S. Darcît will mate Mises bale Druce, of Oak Paît, ai. Our Milk Cans are the Best Grade. thair home lu Wsuconidu. Mr. Disrelitendedthe fanîerai of Albo.riWilliam has galle to Elgin and wyul move in the ai ibIs place Sauday.1 irhCadfn Sheig n2 yr iee-t j d near future. Misa Grâce Muaou bas ietiurned troma lrohCla fie Shetig i 25 ardpieesat5~cyd* Mr. L. H. Todd clebrated hi, eighitlllh birhdy aub uaofbs tire vwese viit wilh ber siter, Men's Celluloid Collars each.....................5c. daughi i Mi.ery Golding Satur- Mis. Chard, lu Chicago. da 'rveiu oPbi. s4.e Bebd boon Misse(lootivin, viio haslbeen vishi- Men's Duck Coats .......... ...... 95c each and Up. luvted tiare bc aupporsu va iuvi M.Sernhepotr. ple»Mssly sUrprised by is sdngur, wihrsSe rmanthepdt 10 grandcbuldreu sud griai; grand citii Veeks, ibund ate city-Monday. dieu. Tic Ladies' Aid Siociety wili met OuITUAr. vih Mia. Jes. Druce Thursday, lob. boophGiyuch vu ashrn lu the 16, et Il a'cloct. Evarybody coially V . -S auer & B rocouîj -tyot Wezioed, lrelànd, Maich il, ivied t. . S u er ~ B o.,1810. a lter. vu Monilia Glyuch a aoilerlu ii.Eovluiou f 190 ii. Jas. Nicholas met vilh quit.s au ao.ý ÇVEO I LLINOIS. $usàling np ci aiMa ' assAu t gUhcidenl lacit Weduoatayv hllo drealug Two Uood Offers--.--m, parats veiluy, fehicaoniug tae h e etfr n hueodppr mrc. City flagai londay. excels as a dairy paper, is the best for gardenilfg Lavrence Miller, lady sud gentle- and fruit growing; the best for womnen folk ancl min trieuds, of Stîvai Late, IVis., visi- ad young pe9ple adi fearless and unflinchlng ied rlaiveX ai Volo attiday sudchmino t Binntay. .chapion f tbsright* gndd 4terestps of cquntry Dr. Rosendeucuai sud vite cale- people. Select, concise and reliable. brated ibair teuhvetilg annîvers- Sample Copies of this great farrm paper can lty lai Tuesday evenlng. A nuns- be had bv callng at the Independent office or wlIl ber. uft ibir many friends-isaieied be malied to you f ree of ail charge. tiem. We mean just what we say--and repeat t: irs. Id. W. Nuyes, ut Elgin, sllppeti upon a rail si the dapot ai PalatineT N E U S R B R aud cnt s very paIntul gaâb lu ber T E U S R B niýrj foieboati lai veek. Tic tation agent O r to old subscribers paying one year in adva.nce pulled ber fron.te tract baîaly lu time iii cacapo belng inn over by a we will give f ree 5 year's subscriptlon to the Farm train. Mie.N oyee is veil kuavu linbis Journal, which, to be concise, means that you wiII vîcîlîyget that paper during ai l of rparents, Mr. andi Mis'. Alanrao Fox. 8 9 10 -9 110 n 9 3 nday mornlug. FeUb . SUc louves nd :nd davoted insaaut. pa"nat rOSITIVELY FREE. alnc siliter, besides a large niimbor Othr relatives sud tîlends to moun raarly deatb . Tic fanerai via d Tueosday aiteintian ai the Cairis- Ladies' Home Journal, i chureh, otfv.hieb sUte vasa mclli- AND Many ara the old fie niid neigh- . >rswX wll'ounth~e deuth of Mlréa The Independent, lvidere ut pueumioula.and vas For 901hFoBa. irled in (irayatitke la8i WeîluesîhaY.$ 2 0F e. FOX vas a noble Chrisiaun voin, s tldofageet. ltvaledisposiu î BA D L 4 4 01, sud ta kuiic er Wols to love Uer. U TIL MwmRg H 1. a 18999 ec baves ouae son Dr. Sumner FOX, WHEN PAID ONE YEAR N ADVANCE id famlly , utfhelvidore, v iiiii reutly miss the (leur îuoier lu thetir ~ I me Sha alsî leaveéa caverai nepbews ad lce besides a boat of aid vvnich do you Prefer ? ani ninlios h iiln andsi ta nny ho! tw ic eveog beisl h v man oyofe heg.iue tro u hi-ERIL..ril u ac 0h oo oa Idwmu a s oef.u hi thîlEEoRnIE i sckvittU raille dd e - b,blusymU. avef The ajuhleethtingi maorne ilUe grip yui , lguWet cisuce rir .a Th5eyleè ti lice. t)oWitt5Ltheie oigt hne Tes t infaren. Dlitd fo itte. hiButm4- rpoivs ti idFsn pn atIt, îmalug ouaisattOis suad ivr runîlsSudy B kvaxs,&tr,)Oubts mng Frd aonsher haro "Fredlu nm laît bat pilla, sale pille. F. B. Wmn. t)veroaux vaCcago iio tliing a locomotive lu th. treight îade pOEL ia, ai . utWestern Ave. Monday.SaaAusbareindhmlra LEITHTON. Ah. Auites bas bhoon iursiig tic grlp M.SHrauntbretuinganluisd m m Mis H. N. Maxians la qltosick iU'the past veet provet in lulinait'O iote"d ho bS ie lagrîppe. tirs. Thos. Duffy le siîeOîlii«tUa îoneioîddties. Mn. Bob. LII cuerlalutidhusl& eeKt l ioa.Tiat teilov who ave@toon&IdbMbi trIl Sunday avcuîng. TUe auction ut -laii. M. tuitiovuy's girltii confectionery bai probil Miss Neltie Cane, if Elgini, ivj.itlg iii h Fcbiuaiy 11. boanthe olti phiase--yon u sliM. cir brother ibis veet C. B.Riaton anud Chae,.l'arsans eeatic bitter vii tite ae~ lins. lartîy leabsUe tii hc,(îîîtîaftr lu Watokegan Tutesdy Oui Gau'l Pa.seugeî Agent S.ong baving a seige out i. 1Wili Alites vh a le cnptiyed iu assueuinttic vacaition of a faunuo . TUe Nach cmeiery meeting vill Uc Chicago pen u it any er. day anti lita Mande Mulie, u edtb1 lie with Mra. W. itouse. Tilug. lookod ghî,oiiiy for Fritz hsy, a uitieOut a! Beugan thcuh. ci Mies Emma Hlier tîok the o uîoîîg Hagguc liai Snnulday evcilig. Gleorge Roctcnbach h..d thceis tin tui Chicago Friday. le.. Mercînumn, outHihlhand Part, fortune to loue oneofutils psy o Dr. liliges, ut Duiglas l'art, lias cvae banc a lev daysl this voot. Suutiay. The animal wma umagnilcmb radei boises vitU . ili.tir, sud ltin Eti. Bleinuohi vîsîteti ouaanti va. alet but a fev dals. )[0 Mr. . Kructmau la g ig ta b u tS a elatives ut Pachic Juc Sunîay. m dcal ad seomed to ha of benona. tIna resîdeuce in the spring. Mis. Chaus. Mubîko anti daugitar r i poteaa oteio fii R.cha .nov ai Lefi at Diamond Lite churcb, a white Florence spent Tuesday lun('hicagi tan pbtas beu give a Dois pae tilt neok lecaît on Christmsas ave. Angusi Lange nugit cdort ai tUe Hueoaiermii viii bo refflreti sud Mouay mattis arc naid ti be close Libentyvilitîtel vas bora Mondiy. forvardeti on train No. 25 5rrirug ber. in Diamonti Late but uotiltiuilaing Johin Horeubeigei sud George Ott aif.43 p. m., elcopi on SahUrdy. tie tavu la on the boom. were slghtseeiug lu Cicago Tuesiday. Thefves enteretiti th b o ai, Mina Anua M. LIII gui tUe lhigioesi Carl Lange made a trip ta, Chicago Hoîcuberger S.iuiday uight b7 b"ea. riais mark mstein luChicago dallage viii E. C. Tillotione gonds ibis veet. lng s pana o! glasonocf %ho kme ibis teri. Averaglug 999. ,Tbhves bnottmtuia Totz's mili Sun- vlndov. lu addition ta a geno«a a.vnobtki.,.Ct' lketls of c. t ililiig P up ncookills. fa»a Willlla taep youî cye oiinuaugbty coplete lina o! liveîy requlaltes ot cupiti. E. C. Tîlaison. Mi--H 11tra teEJ.A.lu Auepeth."euontri Cis pecior h. vary busy nov ovlug ta tia heavy irafai rbusines vutbthe W. C. raliroati. Mia Emma Kilu onecof Long Grova's sveetesi anti muai popular YOUng ladies la vielting ici sisier Mis. Cane ibis veet. Mia. B. N. Muxians bardedtheii moîuIug train for Chicago Tiureday anti ratorued t 6:45 p.in. thesaine day Alter purchaslug a Blc a.sortmant 0! vinter garmeuis, youi correspon- dent la lutarmati, of tic istesi pattern. As the vootihcinatdld na osc bis sisdov Feb. Inti same of tic local marchants af Dhamonti Lite gave a hasvy aigi of relief sud innounced ihaitie oniloot va. brigit for their vinter chaivwaimeis to soon lotkfor thoir noondal shadov beivecu tic isudioso! s plov. Hlorrible agony ha causeti by Pla8, Burns and Stin Dlsaasee. Tisos are immediatsly relleved . anti quickiy Ourga bhî DeWittis Witch Rasei Salve. Bavare of vortils imitations. F. B. LovNun, Liberty'Vîe. go ts veat repairlug Mi. Toizs ga8oltue englue. by tic misciosuts. Te baitot socal givent l. Uw a bouse liai Frlday eveungn& decitiet suce«i. Al calnirs echool sud tie '97 anti .98 riul cliaes via coulti attend Ivota 1". W. C. Sauorn, Llberyvilespophhii Miss Garuet COlby andiMi tall a vsere Tneeday iaking aidais Smpon vera among those vb toi spîlng suit. presatit fioni avay. fierman Peglov aur tonsorîi ai tisi Foodi dose more bar.i that continueto come bore overy Saturday. vlisn not digestati Kodol Dr@ Office a J. A tos. Cure digests hayou«#ca i pq vastiug dîseseossud curesJ Mis. Kompor. of Chiicaga, elsici o! J. troubles. It curas ludigigês Kuechi vas inrieti ut Northi Noithfielti atomaci sud belcblng, aMd at comatery Tbnrsday. vainani stamch rest. J Mrg. Gerge Rokeubscl whùebiuttly.- F. B. Lavur.u*,1ibr beau suffaîlng for tic paît month withl Dangrers of the Oa-ip. the grlp le recoveriug slowly. Tic greatoat danger fIca I& Rumo say Joh Veter nd Iankla of isé relilng lu pneumol Huma ass Jhn oue anl lantreasonaîla cars ta usetih.v.i lange viii pen up s tn shop lus te Chambrlalue 0015gb L;m Fritsch block lu the ucur future, ail danger viii o. avaîdot. j me. sonst hanaccepted a position tu o hosna uhv q Wisconsin Contrailhty. aliMivauke. iyinan usneramche u m Sir Kighi George Adams isaiunhung piavontive of that dssg«ogrou the pnn)p ai the station turing the h it Ilicura la grippe uin.I t absence otbigs father Who lm coiectlng any oblhar Strolieut 5 1 taxes. asu mt h lut. ab Fritz Blelmnehi la selliug tickets ou a Guru.., L. H. Lî:iugp1 ,"tue m 1 Waod. lne feu on the won, suMd the uluti vheel paaed aven hlm heati, In- uirIng bia face qute badly. Ha la getihig aloug uicoly. Albert Henry Wltham va. boin ai Gaiges Like, Foi. 18, 1883, anud dieti ai Oak Part, lai. 2, 189>9. Bts life sud achool deys e raspeut ai Gages Lake nuil about ive mantbi aga, vien ho waut ta live viii bis oncle sud ai. taudeti echool ai Oak Part. Whou he vs about tive years old the Divine One toot fions hlm hi. tatber, sud the dutice sud reapansilitem vbhfatll .pou hlm voie alvaya metvlith chaci- fuinemsansd courage. Hie. tinti sud lovlng disposition von the affection of hie sehoolmatea anti all vho kuew hum. Ha vas baptizati lu the Gagea Lite church June 1,1890. fi shaort le ha. becu one ofut iefulnebn andi comfort to hie dear once, aud uov he reste viii the angels abovefHials&a varda vere 'Jesuie!, Jes'.' "He leaves ta mouru hie Ioua s lovlng mother, tva irathers anud thrco sisteresuad zmauy other relatives. vbo bave the incere sympatiy of the culire commuity. VOLO. Jack Frost iranaacted buinlesa lu Elgin Moutisy. Oco. Richardson icas s Chicago vis- itai liai Wededay. James Doyle va. lu Chicago on busi- ness tic fore paît of the veet. isr. Benule Co6sman, ot Monssille, viaa 'olu calici liai Wedueaday. Frank Eflilugr, 0f Wintegan. visiteti Volo relatives several days lit veeot KIND SUBSCRIBER: if your nelgh- bor 19 not already a *ëubscriber for the Independent we wîiI conslderltaperoflft favor if You wîiI cail their attention to the followlng. They wIII thank you as cor- diaIIy as we wili. It'a like «'glving them somethlng for nothlng." TO EVIERY NE~W SUBSCRlaB ER paying one year's subscrlption for thne Indepenideft we wliI give positively free a five' year's sub- scriptlon to the FA RM JO URNAl14 1 - d e- 10 le r. Le ýY ko -1 1 ay niglit t"lng ;eu L)II&Ikeig - coru. 1 1 Diamoud Lake has ee honor of 1 1