CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1899, p. 4

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deNENT. erawonN.PbssG RAYSL.AKE LOCAL NEWS. H r î è'O -AMRS.EB. B. 1111E1RMIAN, Lalflatter. P=àr Febuay17, 899.Mris. Sherman is auithorized t receive subscriptions and advertisments - -. for the INDEBPEtNDENT also orders for job printing, Call on ber for rares. OrMn o jeutste t the rpost-ofnee aet Litwrt yv uE '¿r.4444444444444,4444 Illnoi. à seondClaslataner "etl Il fbd mndwoleomGR AYS LÀKE SOC IETI ES. while at work in Pullman. He hadl a - - soo eM pom alcoi oon". situation there and was ready to move eDVaaTssuenATIÉS MADE 1EN1wN-ON AP R MIN, MN LodgNuno.iaA.F. &A. M. hiefamily when te accident ocurred. carrN. E E Flf.LLL W C.T. U Noes. evening on or before full mi N .M a oe Men's Heavy Lined Mittens former prices $1.00 &d $1.15 ut ...... 79c Geo. Pfister was Jin Chicago Monday. Forever thiroutghoiut its after hlistory J. J. LOoGABAicos. 80cY, Friday evening the young friends of a a o a a o 7ca ...... 9 iniu RIlosI8 Chapti aNiiOrder Eastern Mr. Barron-a sono wetre invited to an " "et"" " 5et ... ........•39 Pa Up' FarmJournal ~Cilas. Nelson wast in Deertield Mon- the ca]lndar of the %Woanu's ChTrisia 8tarmeantnrai nd thra Tuaa ven'-esevngoacngndthrmu- Lde'vrhesrerpie.0a........-··.70 ai?. Five Yeam day. Tilýmeerance UnýT'iion muet begin with mis. JMNNrsgDoansai,8ecy. mente. A large number responded to Men•s Felt Boots, former price 65cat....... . ...... .... .. . 39c , Februanry 17. WVe imust date al] things RAYSLAKE Camp No. 1ilia M. W. A. mee the inavitations and all enjoyed thleu.. By1 special arrangement made " Lyma Wilmt W",a,"in hcgo o-toward or from tat day when ithe vertl e C" LI and fourtaSaturday evenings of selves hugely. Refreshments were 1 Gallon Maple Syrup, former price $1.00 at ... ......... 9 with the publishiers of iebtwetihse n eusen a RE h',-m day. l •ntt.J.Menai C served tduring the Levening. 3 Ibo Bicycle Coffee ......... .......... ...··.. .5 Jornl e reet.tlel e fr ia Miss Anjnie Duffy bwas inhe Chindcago nsen as JOHN CHRISTIN. Clerk. -Mesure. A. E. Woolley and Oliver- Baking Soda per Pkg ........... .- tora eaeealdta iftedami shte aintwhomthec very lIfe o o OURT OF HONOlt No. 164 meeting$sistiHook: left last Baturday for Californiae. 1-lb cean Good Baking Powder ... ............... ... 5S live-year subscription ltbt papier ýOllY our wor hadl foir so miany years seemned c and l3rd aturdayl of each month. to b enone, the latter the balance of 8o oteo ail ... n t e very new, subscriber whao pays itilly Duneireaux l as a Deertld to exist w as takeni fromt our sighit, Il . L. IRome. W. C. the winter, while the former will 8o oteo ail . .. forthe INDEPE.NDENT one year attead ight-seer last weei -Lasghard ti l, iieýve then thial wo ashould mit. V. BURGE, . 1-liti i er itr r Broken MiEed Candy per Ti . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . .. . ... .. go MIZPAH Camp N. second gnoesto see his son who has beeon thrise and the sme oiter Jisrmade t" Lis To ty, wmisnnOw at SpIring- ine able to go feraiward without her, it anidfourth Tuesd ,tv-nse a hnaital winter for his hesoath. ever old subscriber who will pay tield, was aithomne last Sunaday. is hard to relize ow that we have MR$. MARY GoE0 le. Thg gognignity horsgm"g gegtly all back dule@ and one year .in Carl Horenberger sold one ofi his finle indeed done so- that there Te hal een a CoNGitEGATI ONAL ChurchtIundar mor- s'locked mitthe terrible demath of Messrs. Wash burn & Crosbys Imperial F lour # advance--both papersi for rthe price heavy draft horses Tast, week. whole year of our history lin which of iýCng esda o á lbu. rury last aturday nigât. Full par- prSC oi ours only. lier sik awnui the witchery of her "uilayevnlngrs at n .m.Juiores ticulars oi the affair wil libe found on esc ................. ,n lu rde t ge te Frm-Inuréal Mrs. Chias. Parsons wasta Chicago medldri -lsiaiy a il. m. Sabbath school 11:30 the fis page of this issue. The af- asIn order tmorget the Farm i visitor Monday. w rmbl al ot inspired andiledua. M. Rv RDNAoN atrflictedfamilles and ?elatives havesthe ahunCrsysSprltv u met t il b ncesay o ak Ch Ha ihnsenl, the. Deertield civil ..W . T. U. mecetsingts -every ahernieatt rs ypah ofalretitf mieuteithl be cessaartclfor a is. t. anm oindti asbd H ow trange Jit semH with so muchr W Frida from 2 to 4 1. M. friends and acquaintances. prsc ............... . to we av olya imte nmbe o wthth gipe.And yet thly thing which seemied lm- RCEFELLER Lodjie No.al15 11.aO* 4. F. brother-inlaw tast Wednesday Tirs. tieyar usciton.odip % . H. Mullke was in Chicago 30-possile ainspired. The year lhas mY. Indan uo iri., N. G. of her &Jeter at aa opital n hicago.Alllboai cc,(outs will be alosidFebruaéry 10, 41 of. The Farm Jola lai on solid day. gone into The intst and ile celebrate A. lit-MILLIEN, Bcee . The remains wiaee brought to Lake ... ... Nt, Goods Chargealfter fibat date forudation and perfectly trust- Food does morie harm than good to-day, the hevnlirthdlay Of our G ,YLK og .W .N.16Vll.Msotnsnvrcm ige woth, he nt igstd ololDypeps.ia great leader, wie lertIto in a E one, W. M. Mrs. Wedge hua the sympathy of her _ ur igst ha yuea.It prevenlts ens ficiehaeprhp ceenla sM DEJrERme .any friends. Elain Butter Market. wasting diseases and cures stomnihaetie heim ov eh villagie Officers. The young people are having gooda Th bilermakt reeua' a]troules -. It eures indigestion, soUr slow to appreciate thec heavenlly "birth- times here these days. Last Thuirsday F.H . " B E Thebuter arkt peseted an stomaich and beichinig, and allows a dyo h raiainisl.It was it den........... .............E. B. SBh-rmn ieveningltherleWaa aparty at the home anoalus eaureModay Fftywonot stoach rest. It actseinitimpossible t anmch of Our highest Tru I.a rsa'll, of Mr. Cassius Doolittle. A veryi large tube were offered, the bidls being 24. stuantly. 1F. 1. LoivEnni, Libertylville. ieshuiet".no h on ihCHaray. Dr E . hte.nme fivttoswr eto Nineubswer wihdran a anoffr -ouit taluuou ir ownt heart andi oUr buIlwng o.teNfigvityofeheGrayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. ofMe nd41sldut2e.lait ek MELODY STATION. g es ......Weather gnite anumbli didi not makle of 23c, and41solds at1La23e. h'Isthwaie Iwn" thýoughIts with hler. e an buit PleMagia .. ...C. c.Morsle their appearance. twever, there- - ----- - - -- the priewas 20c, and ioinetar'go M r. a a o hsatac 1te Loiive, that oine of the eeestruest Masi-al.................. .. _..G. Frazler were about thityyoung people present. 190. lag l.rn ihth er a bogt o-all of whom had a delightful time, - - H~~Iorn, to >Ir. and 1irsiA 1;y t lOff-ial aper fLGralae feeing ell rpaidfor bravingth What the Navy department said firs younldaugter.i,4s1as -.1.t -i"f Ill ,l" "" fiia Prlr f .afadif elig eirCad aig a- hoe a abutshlernd8 mt . Mss aml ßyaleyv 4 5 M. Slas heranof hrmevileauseme. Rfreshmeynwts Wte ielaedt It au sent a -copy Of the omiea relatives lent week. d;náo eablee ns pnsvrldy ihhsmte during the evening. recaords of8Schley and Sampson to the Toam Yore, of Chicago, pleultIL few' called ipirit gunra ions ,tfuel -and brother lierei. - COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Seae adtos eorsmkeabddays of fiant week at hoelsue d ithat to i lalLr ti ta'le as thers 1Mr. Eddy, of Hainesville, ism very 1l1 GRAYSiAKE, ILL. FEt. 6, 18919. hbowing for Schley and a goodainefor vi8ited iehr a t Mrm. 1 oflu lt a ahar ie ee fro af ed IhLgxet e lsa' Village board met in reguilarsessitonWheey uwilfmda rg an eampaionaibut whether Shee'1red Tw fAtn lae hlrnor ail 1ain po1 n eds iie uchhuight.lwith President Shermiantinthechair lovao withAn tblit.te naldrn botntrusatees preisent at roll call-WilurVaried stockof wilaccpt hemis et o b aser-arerecverng roma sver anck f nother little 0one arrived at the Berron, Battershall, Shaffer, Richard' tne.pneutluonlia undera the catre of Dr. lier work Land hlriri,æ mre homte of MIr. and Mrs. %%n. Edwards son. Acerdngrithelâe8 feti (eu Taylor. 1ch Iange atl lthepli o id nce ololast Saturday Feb. I11th. 'Tit ime it Minutes of Tast regular rmeeting rend Acorin te aes fomGe. 1s S arah Fallon of thsplace ad od'Il ni",nIai. S intuil ove as is a bounacinigboy taud its papa wears à and approveas atread. WA TC H ES, Otis, there s ano longer anl organlized Mri. Johin Bholtz formetrly oi Rondouit IrIy .y. ,,wbe IIh lasIlit,, u1s3 glati smile Motion by Batterahall and Barron *rMy of Filipinos on thefisland of were marrie!d in aChicago 0 eb.', iti I1,18 t tw ilb \al tir more truly A little dIaughter Ltmeto the home 1that following bills be allowed at read We wishi them lJoy as they lnde den n of Mr. and Mrsn. Erickson tast week to and orders drawn fur me. Carried.CLKS Luson. Thiat army was d(oomned frontn the matrimonnilstreami. bc l'se acomie ]int'oIa new, a brtighiten their boule for them and the Morrill & Woolley, liets......13 8 the hour thaât Aguinaldo was foolish Newbhas baenreceive -hre fromt 1r rlaim Il ntiti twtvery heart little bIyi Ail coincerneddoing F. C. Wilbur & Co., lumber 14 291 enough to order it to attack our troops Benton liarbor, Mich, , that Matthew of tat t, W, . ..... lt if tiwi rie ee icely. W. C. Wedge, livery. . ...... -2 l5n ta Uantl-ai, Ione short week it hias Yore offthat place wais killed by tue Imany wit attendetthi. st NiatilMi. C. Kb Harvey ha<l a very badl F.H. Knebker, 5galionsoLit 50 JEWELRY beenwhipped mas fast as our troops eilectric car.. Thle dcae is ( toit, Coni1, ulio ii not gain a Cin accident hiappen t, himi lasit week. He E. Adama, gravel ...... . 70 Well known here being a cousin o he"Inaslin the barnl milking whenl a vicious A. Boyeso, drawing griael..... 37 could get at thema and lm now utnLo iloe. Yore's of tis plae, cepiti.on lit Lr is til oi frad c'ew attalcetthim. [le lis still contines G. A krazier, marshal., .... 30 (Mi Gen. Otto has been allowed to Contai t on Febj. 2.l, tis lhonI:e ocurldin ouri' 'i k. 1, l ot gËmo with- to Ilthe 1house.Just à- Woodmian, printing .2 Mo8 S LVE RW AR E. the whole business to suit haimselIf and the deatI oflatthew Stee-le 1n1h ou1 he4, Ili II. ILt1.1 going on Mr. Boyes hiadt the isfortune to lose Motion b'y shaffer andtiBarron thaât a nobody need be surprised autanyr tiime eit-thlird year. Ir Ste'ele 'ali wit, li ,e, er plain..,awtalpon ailæri e st week, It hall fallen dow i ni"hrm nprice of fty cents (50)be to get news thatber h as captuared ohia rpe iiie a 1 n1 i opns ai frvrn bsm su d iwas l e t sute, day or night. Crid l id fRpiigDn rmty Aguinaldo, althbough it migrât be bestlav c hee bons to tmounahis Jloss. iioehbythe lacts tilat (I w both belIlong tolbeilleMotion by Bharfer and Barron that forallconernd i Aginado houd to hndrd ad fftydollars ($251) o insue a hppy nw yea, keeto Ger umt e a uruing'l i Te Graysak long distance tele- be appropriatedl for villag ud o tempe and go to Europe to enjoy somne rthe fl.ver clear andtha bdyvigorou thrl b o phlone lit now in place, and th1 ulctr protection. Vote by roll Cali. ofth ony eha soeninte ulingnsLleitt's pLit ler ly iser c"ilan n.ow talk directly with afiend in Bro y,Battershall aye, Wilbur • philippines. Lh uin itepll o oi>taCicaugo, New York, San Francisco orayhferyRcadony. alliver troubles. F. E. Lo\Enn. ý Deatlh of Matthew S' teelie. aLa-ack foSall er o. oio yeha anBatesalt -LBos"Mason in the title that hias Liberyvile. Mr. Ericson had the misfortune to adj ourna. Carried. ILN I bea joulaly ive teSentorMilionwani t. tnt, have his shoulder and armr broken E. T. DEVoE, VlaeCek GRAYSLAKE,IL NOS sehe compelled the Benate ito agrcee Ilibl men,(wlh Ilh steadty e-- to vote on the McEnery Philippine ploymtent to selil ouir Li&bricatinig (i -1 ofr, t h' MichI'ian shore where Ii laitun of new steel lever drags, 16 inch sds - rlesolution, It wasn't a new thaing that 1and rassin iconnjtectin with our nar lack ,hriverthillowingprins. By tand satubble plow, 2 walking culti- lie o ila i engine supile te - ret h Mo3r. stele --aied thle vators, Deering binder, Clipper mower, Senator Mason did, either. He meeyleeecsreepulred.i lt>\ An Aletrpe ebat startingeon the vtoyaw horse Thoe, hay rake, hay rack, lumber got the door and made a tsensaltinalGai \, clo.. ( levelaml.oii I'. Om itunx e ri il.a lad l-ft it fir a Il wwagon, cntter, light two seated wagon, speehabutou kllngth Fl no miun itedig o Atlr a1adoril]h-light bobt, set heavy bobsa, corn sheller, aianai pr tomiestht adbenmae o ornle th re Fi all had' til d5amilca enu, 3 new coolinag CansI R DC T O andpromimthikt bd heurt anceain or uaie.Mr. St~ile ionhi- feam 150 Ibushel8 corn in crib), 50 chickensi, gfet votes for the ratification of the Two cows. one Lnetiwmilchi, oet, ayrtr esieuia minwh 'weams al ni i th has 5 eto oe obe treMy, and which BSenators were try- srigeLbthlarge yoting con s, will s-gh v , t' o t, l Ilik r ia cr il. t-adlla til r i- ive ahw2harpoonsfork witcrieradple ing to eqnirm ont of and then au- CI frg5 ue.A pair if fouir year ...... . ma ai," I 1 n 1%a evnitua1lor Itl., , lr-t vi in iso ami Mr. Ste li cn- lawnmouler, garden %eder, 'catidron IN AL L old cltý. large an 'i rangy. lwliui nake ;Ir I . ar- s . l i, a w rn-n l". u obead no>rtin pliti-s;Ibut a In> ktatle, tbeet rigging, 20 buishels ee tWhng ontIl the S enate agreed to vote 1pou nds e ac-i, o itaes t e pair. A tre r. Mj lit. iiehewa air,. maligio tra nt.,,in p ags,gbu tieoisoe, nd mgain y0 on the McEnery resoilution The few extra large VWhite llolland tuirkt y m o a,; rod b rendsit'l d, in hrosp,-italitly most aother articles liooman eosom ni . L Beateagreed at once. Seniator Vinay gobi-ilrs for -1ali t 52 caca.n r. g i tnro .Regular Termis. woredths odg i te arif ebteH. E. F.LOOD, u arrenton i.rove. ].int .irv lir Ag.t ai yhipesre'nIloFEN .BOEPo worked tis dodg in._.e-ar-ti rfiatet"i lrytlai mamenltsfan alqrt miui andI a W. H. A PPLEY, Auctionkeer. nhsatclrisac h hle Dont't get sciarelhen youir heurt ib --tili f.a u"ien me rooory, el i uli us b ol . ti i a cae of iimuch :ado a o ttroubliles yoit u. 3 ýt likely you ti K tli il-ni,, j ip11 r1i.I, n d 1 1 r -, 1 ng ad i. lhimal T eu d rsg e lleaatp bi antMnir "as no sort of a resolution frolin indcigesbtion. hinoel) l ys l .ia L 'a,.ntzm ilt. ung-,litio. thle at Diamond Lake Park. l>iamon)ddbake Cill digests Nhat you clat, It wil] tI -of i-_ ayada" y> y~ tvas and fil., on %nedniea y Febiruary 22, 1N99, adptd y heSeat w ul b ay-cur-eevry forii, of l spp 1". . To> 1 n'. I,- lt il.é y ar ssoi atio ncommencing al 11 o'clock ali. M. the thignorthnsiplanexressin er ,1ibgyne Ik olowig-otl1-ritue ncudngMen's Overcoats... $2.50 to $7.00 offtheopinion of the majority Ilhih ----------- i at lbedroom smets, Cots, mattresses, tande, weld be binding onnDobody. For Riant.b AUCTION SALE. tables, eet., tce creamt freezer andý Men's Suits........ ... 2.50 to 10.00 Tii aNiTara 1-ali jý i- n. sa! tro ,ppalckers, 2) row boats, 15 made by he Ph 1, ifli.. Davil ale o ate gý th I, I , 1. i',b,1n l 1;ing19aboutitIo olit farmling Iwill Powell Al Douglas, all in good renair; Boys' Suits . ........... 1.0 0 and up. A batgl(4 royal is on between ttih es.nAufLyibertyvilles.t l'n1 whe n rl. l. w itw.n:, siilat poublie auction on may farmu bus boxcomplete, with springs, etc., Presient and the Senatorsmwho opseripytlMi..) n s.C i thn na mlr no 1-tiinules south of Diamiond Lake riatur- iline walinut bar litted with French Ch ilds'Suits . . .. .. 1.00 to 3.00 the Hull Army bill, which wsrcet "IL, , K"igMyr<a 'eray2,19,cmecnga lt ls.C d'KnePns.5t 5 il-, nr o at A li.r n-arlte 1230o oelock p. ut subarp the following itegular termis. C Id'K e at 25t 5 ly passed by the fHouse and w bich wGmtgi m haorsewuinasn >oet:Blaygknweht42,CA.IINIMagr after being slightly amenled JfIa"o- 1 un now prepi ared(to oail liitls (o otianr rcie iwayasoil:y tcice milk1cow;, W. C. ALEY, mttee habeenreporteri tothe Sernate.guügsn n n.rar r.r h ,n how,"h evnsw ihpgCetrwieDry Goods, Boots and Shoes, The buaor sy iat hejall Gal oHall Day. Mei I n bor, Milwaukee initer, Deerinig plow, Fls ubr, U drer These 8enatos say that teibH1will r ail. - w "a-ngai aIli tandHa lgir sceller, 1Tiger rakte, Woolridge Farm for Rent.Fes, Rb r, Und wa, not be allowed to ass nti orffr as ;a Read This. 1 k, 11t,- h.r iI he ,iihuno r th, ainal rollear, planter, Bradley mower, l197j acres inquire of Geo. Battershaill, compromise to auithorize fthe l.ainiteni . Money toi-anapproved on rea'l 1tate nred olrwma' nth oaigfannling ill, Iquanitity timiothy hay 1inHainesville, Ill. 17tf Hats and Caps. lance of the present istatus Iof the sIciityaiu siums of M to 5 , L0at m u sweseadin teow b rta e maa ks corn stalks, Iquieani reguar rmyforanoheryea frm the ,,- iliteeri-,t. .. J .11 l, 21M 8Ia sh- p oýf allii P o, m . wst wa i f sicd iont., Weber wagon, nearly F e i tintgtoin it. Waukegau, 111. 14t, rmtepr e i. k or t o n new; ltwolseated buggy, Corn shieller, irtof next TJuly. The Pre-sirint IL Ityyartt .building screws. lever barrow, 2->I a oor ida eitogriin, rye oaten W .E W R S rejected the coinpromme a, nd 1ev 1 Frernont Towrnship Taxes. Hrlitl thile Ir nl d a bshecla corn, pair seales, caldroil and ayl>o an<it arda ys. Gne. W H.D AR S notice on triose who tendtered jit. that Iuuen - :une ilbuhew eed r ktlbbld, yr ack, diump if the Hull Bill wal, o asl'e h nbrin lcntrfrthe ýaoIga. mIed n . Nth iwlfboards, wheebitarro)w, bhay rope, and"t would Cali an extra tssIlno h n onof euon, wl e t .. lin- asdia1. ;a il- wit hil theuanothratclstonmeo oFeed for Sale. G RAYSLAKE, ---IL LINOIS. aClo toeisanhaeM iuni ysonh narla makabat lint.. agn ri n E I m. AL I mnsof$lad idillrceive a carload (of wet grain Cogrsss oo a tepresnti esi Saturdays, wheiirt wi l]libe peici tl i Inth l "i't." ' ou n thr. Tll FSAEJis m o 1 ni ahWedniesday. For saie n car at enuds. Theo Benators say they int, le, a eloi i. a you iltaixesaturom ial, okapl, arniin ilt. ndr Ias. On mus over $10 a credit Le rtvlefo 37 prtn to light the Hull lbill ote, lae tYad"."iU"ho rw foeyear wili tle given (in gond 11D. HEi e i thât hey an saiC. I' "nui n fCalif.rnlag ld onrsh beganin banklable notes bearing fi per* Cent thhey aidntand an exr, ltrna ti iamng Ih.- 11r-t from 11Lake CouIlt y ti interet.No goodis to be remove Hn U ou ten th reiet a. hr te ma oFarrn For Sale. n k " d, tewf ortumni wIlr until settled for, a dU o rIe s tands. I one or the othe(r 1d,,,,n1 -7L rs n e i,31tou ai thew 1Iandhst rot hers. AJIv.- R. P. WILeox, Prop. We want to muake the INDEPENDENT a For Sale. F BS O give away, nextra Ililion ias crta riait nt. II ams the lary Anum,, anr iunbtour ho lal ;, W . H.APPLEY, AuIctioneeýr. conapielllocalnrewpspe nde e Homne very choice Polanid China MANUFA TRRO W an aythnbtcrtu ea len 1ilding. h t ru 1e Il Being about to) qulit farming and ras- box at the foot of the staire. oars eadyn@for) c, litya reecig ofth Amybilbyreso f hean to anogspi mFoi te.rro ao teen iurn rmove to Chicago, I mw il eat publie alo some-,choice Barred Plymouth probable failure (of somne io itheqppl inquire 3Mr,. L.lisaich ivaho r 1 -tr a a ngel om moedlacton without resere on rthe Lewis An Honest MedIcine for La Grippe. Rock roaties;atprices thatr menmure' arbi priti&on bills anid regart I te ght er i%, le il Smtih. Vlo; or 1). IH untjIngton n an, n il I - 11n., umanhab us Eton farmi, ljustwest of llÏDay George %W. Waitt, of South Gardiner, sales to those who want stock. the arnybill asm erl a tit em -1I,t nit rar. L i Zrichi. mit it-- i lwrains liureb in vilage of Hall Day, Satuir- Me., says: I have hadl the worstan POlitiiftuno plae the. 1 ý - ;g Iir hi da,ib. 8, 89, commnencing at 1lucongh, cold, eills and gril) and have poli xr iei. iticians to parehe responsibibty--- .I -1a sing lFiort O'clock a. nm., sharp, hfli ol)lowing tIkenlotsIof trasha of no accountr butGrnt teran xta ssson n te tlw s i o L ti le a I in oplen1 --rhArliw. I arsof property: profit lto the vendor. Camberlain's verboy amis tatit il b ti t au a ul a n e a oi br the slt l 11 coieimilk cows, 7 fresh milk. 2 Congh itemnerly is the onaly' thing that Evryo Padm.wittcaveniytsde,2 cmininlnihtdnelnygodihatver I a I. 1 r

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