CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1899, p. 7

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-- -- ilt wu 0oui>'beuli, Ne Mu lt Icl ins. B ui tlaiaacousît. Ons elé no me ner pastelf Wbeore anocher coame$. Bul Na Ibo came ondicnug theIlttime. And its te Mmret!cl 117 ton. Titee il rIt tce coud, S ten te cougll5 tonpneu- - mona or ccfluuuptLOgvilla ute -' long Sickiucis, and I1n gerni- S lia ln thc balance. Ttc congeuinn thetom aInd lun àusreavt IIlnlu pas art uput peîtecly Iltet sud tteCcoub drops ave>'. Il tu n d aaytisae In webeto te ango Dru Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster IrSot nlaama ooft&ei $(UPOF r ~-"m 5< la duoenDe ouI>'Su th ot'lghalîl> iaipiicity of te cotubinaltin. but to te care sud sicUl witt whlcb mu&utctred b>' sientlflc proce kuown inotte CLAUFOat'iiA VieOSI C. oly. and we wiai to1 Impres &Ill the importanceof otpurchauluss lino adoriginal remedy. As genulac Syrop of Figs a lumunusta b>' Ue. CALaIPUNIA Vié STRat oui>'. a tuowledge of tait act ast on lu aeoding te worl] imtations manufacure!t>' otite lies. Thc igit standing of te( VOBIA Vie SYiaP Co witlte i gui proteuion,. adlte mtisfsu utîlte gencive Syrup o Fili gil-ents, milioans of 0miee te naise ote Company' a e-u of te excellence o lis remedy. far'Inadavance ofaIU ater lasai &Auts acte on te kidseys. luec boweit vîthout lrritatilg or weu logten, aO Il dors uo gril masaca. lu ia hane effete. pnasmaesmember tUs.vss Use Compeany - CAIJFORJM MSIRU? "e aBmmtsas sonamik MQU vs A crtin ComfIer Cosomption la5 re ose dorésrelrile in edued 9staqes ,,,0 yen mti eset te eceltI* t toxinethItst dose $*id t,' doue'! «sr.. urce b.lit26 crit. ied DC FOR 14 CEI W. f-.h v t I i. t ur 1ite-. l i lu Wort 1.00, Ior 14 C As -o -lis -n-tii S ~o as equ C.a, lai 09:stÇ MUE- mMES PU cai."W wFh 0 fvmt sîlurP' * w-'- ~ WÂftBOARI) R RIS ACONditSSMAN rEMNO ALt OTN8?CXOTN O!8T ~fW "oet !W1u o t. ju es y ocene Cbasuged Fatae itrourbi Homutse 160 g>lChar m ftzTortuTOB MAIbel.*ge b om dldyOi flt teAthet ht.FUAISMD OI.IER ~Hi byes, . Act Stor 1iio0* 13»d UM ia.Pnkharde ÂdvIO. did younet staCuredllof Catart, illofjLong 'Ibave been Intiérestesi." nid a mai' cag'No eah. au i kE proob ER. mat."rCL.of OaNOrrh o or u otlttg tiWc ffeCt Womiafl'a todesty 1intnatutrel; it in chîaintg. a4..Alussw ,tof mysel. im.oier il> t'iaflte<l t'î-di To Many women a ful tat4ment of their troule 0amtpb'dtbai kTa'.y ur prsti. " --LRE O A, otlbe t aephïd a "~ïe, ahan'I kls rlg f 'ty ob4 ~ auD t io s, uptimes (Aller ....î,le, tînti Il 1ha ý nmO t iMposible. The whoic tr th may ha told o lMc,. Pinkh b tflat ewrt ycuit acuta'.Baht. Deunt dot ofI*Lt»t hePoiatMs erve 'ietii:.0 ofil-sor -i îliîtr.ý-ldt';offered to ail isomen sufferere paatde uaY dyweadoeiik aguSlt ad cousntclor tb*AI'iBtot' 10.le11 sil ,îid"or111N Mm,. 0. E. LADE, of iPtit and S eu aIlght w' toer' Comsended itpo't la Uuaims' old stn:dinîg II lu ti111lu tî:'r wo riîn. Ste., Gaiveaton. Texas, whose ~You are ttlti lrt't 1 d I.o flot v I n," y cVhaitle i letter hinprint.ed below, was Ymssai. Ila rigitt. Au' ebery o0 The complette report ofte star lave$- coutlt tsIo n îîlu iti : ering or .essaier. competeiy discouraged viten lei lgthte." in omngo a sbiteeblt1 inuts illi î'.et-u iis~ .. oli xili- ahe first wrote toe Mr. Pink-' ohde g-mmelwilil uw'eI'oudnul-'ftaideut Mcinîley Titursdsy. Thei îrc la1:wil:' nt bite Ih gays:- em ofda bier raided ino ihen rosoie' pr ii os ilaotion. i -:I itiw1» l b' ' le eu i didutlt vr'1uIe i l iîr i'v 0Pt~titlit Iltis nottei les e:r wroie to yoti somet. e go. n:it:tt"ti It nil ug vou ofe ton e :es , 'ut peti t. jt a DouJobof mine."--Detroit Naturaliy iii: iiief Itibic interesti tet ii,..1?'n i fite to tha ut o i"re:' Preets. report at îhts tlune satitea»ttute lovet-Ir.*h nm1%,iet ak ______________tigetion of titi' lt-ctfurnIshrîd te-brmuy tIttaie I v i t rIt) t h t ht:tho ugave o1e1e.TIhave uc AnadWmas néfliuaBicycle. Upoan tiis point Lier couiiîion findoin iii tuii 1a 1I i tfor te good your re-ne 'Te ldet bicycit le Ia Wonsanl gftl direct contradictiotn tu Gou. Miles. The i ilr tl é iiiCae1i, ytbt Wwho le an adepi rider. Mont peuple commiaus,întra iiivotî'i te lest tour weeks a. Yel . a sri' htn'lreleIo bottsnof Lyiia E e ifltie. ofltti r iab.rittuIttitîtuO lei, ratitig in'inkhatii's Vegtable Comi- rould ejoy helth outi old aeI hy0 ierihr : ii uj'l aiu ugî.ilng t,'dîom Ile nitZl'~il ft ie oni.the pcagso took prpeautione te prevent iseaties ot exp[erts. , hysiîiaua. ebemista and pack-' toéévi iittl) N 1,-ilé. iBol Ili a:sz:-'trliti itathe ackgesud ofe V, th digestive o aena b>' tokîngan océe' ers, as weilias oaw, otticers ihothte avora- aS'va itî'îiîît oi tzr.itt i tliver ila, and toneibox sionsi <doueeofstet l tmach Bit- hie- and otiose-d to (Geus.Mile. Tht coin:-ai tiis avîitinw l ni l I: li or cL ivtn lls, a nd oman1 and cuit tpater dse f il indlgeelolmissmion eculied for sud receiledreporteut i~" r ititt i Otttsfce ihbctcecu Bud eonàsel 1 & lhae erdatohtfrous ut.arli>'every eomunaaid iu the service Tur-i i ,iia vsv the oBitteed withalicordcrelIcf _________as ltht'ieriaracter of the bee. Sanifles I ni: allilti orttîîî- , 3l .t. aind seint headache whit.en, sitit A Deluslua thîss Waa l>enterous. tuere gathered tfrontte commiigsry uËli in lltnyIssoncn peie o d'o l'rofessor Huglit Scotsys ta Pro- cent frontIthé- various camps and depuis. iI male ktl,itoleia l u u-asep ndw vrnro.A fevisor Henry Diruimfont, wben a iboy,.These cere essartbuie-d b>'heutimsefor te Ie Muter I-v It.- t. itiiitit ot te-nlo time ot menstruation was iu ter- i . A i a b trt b d a y P a rt y' ae t ile g irl I lits sd m itte d t hL sm n eofu t he i e b e r! ve ue!o tI t-e i g o oditn l'i l i " t-s1It I i s ititîl l n itt th it.a w e ig h t i n g o id . i n e ' 1(.ie lt-lu.itpiay' Vise piano. irumsmond spoiled wtiettit r at'ted ite front. bttlendiiit ot. It, tl.-le4111 'nY. o iluit lcao auy noughilupraiseotit. Ihave Lise commission attributes titis toate et- actn iscraniI. t'ýau eomne i emn reds fO btte) tocatcht ber eye. and mià etdof te tropical -ltmatp. ad t iat FEn'oagree-ssu.T 'E. Gffdw7ti. 5tttt 1nt-alift'ltî tiircumdeiltmryrcd.ifol l'ial" T: luesurP)rise site rose- et ment of te be-ut waswhoie-eume and ont- 1sF.o;esaiaA. T. tlnndsluu, rou :VIthv'.i ltsli'lévtîttt. titrte clntfntgwmon'idtyi.lcewud obéi-e. W:-UIUth plianés. and piayed. intartor>' for emergietiry. The tireat masa- lutat.rites thc foltoitgette-r. î,jvt.oirtt im- tltbIill, I wat-i tttVittI more happy homesaud healthy wotneu. I thani Ai suttîtter tîinte it ypnottzid a boy, of te teatirmouy faits le corrostrate te a1 le tiusa i rug MMufstttig t'itm- tsutktitty t'tgtlt tr! huit' titat Ii lt' 1joufor the change your mcdir'iue lias matie lu me. nhmsafot atui gave bilm a poker fier a glus. charges of (;t'n. Mites. and thte commis- pa>'. titîwtaa Ohio: tt noîti :aitl Ittît .:Yt' atty vOa F.Pinkitam'aVegetahie Coutpoundcand Mn. Pinhmsave. "o.seul Drnmmootd. "luta pa ite- sion cuphasucgite t act ttientie-n. Miue- entiltte-9 ibave nun ased 1 utias. I t t me. Nitw 1î Sîii ail titoveil thttolenellstif women trom hosptîsiope-atioua. itt e. Pie-by ii o iti falird 1t e itlort ite alieted taultiuessBilu oftl'etaIss. a ii equelse an iea lidai, in ot;itiab'outite-e-'Té o ddgo mté tii od fe'y..,oan ieît uitelo :: a 1. itltht't Te lites of nomen are bard; whttatomwthacaee-srndl li::î uituil ttitel te kecît ni)thte iîiusion. tt efaiieh-wsl ot tct rbe-tîro Ibhi t dilt swee-h. atrsîf-'ti aîtfiter le nri,tud o uýit>i.tîtt iti mt'nlii' dutîes or wtrkingglut some-regular employment, their daily lta" a"l thett' , boylgthé-elng lite- "bird' e-ne-n l ill rturn Thewitelatarhufororehiey«n mturfl.(tfulyel.lîerdi-aiî1dn coftartose-ruon hae-arIf al wsentu-trstd theg.lvs raltit"bain titîte, ni-seabouit t bItit Love-t'Ille hend tite btef andtt is publice expressiins Ioin t -ý.*t,rh t1.tale *Itsstortes . espitl>'bée- dI itn oof t, tiI> itîtri-e lt'n ow eecly and sogtiingly Lt-dia E. Pinlcham Vegetafile Compeemi wisutlItfil- poka't'. Tthe iypttotizet bail er wuygsrt- saubjected te criticism. :Iattg ls auitinl t-se-Se. An aiid.tattted 11k:' on jilltt- sîi)'lie i s lisi: tin~ tuta-ijou the fe-melleorgausthere would bc lets suffe ring. The Military Camps, ii.ta Th. rettuedi tt litottiy.,'Lýv, I .co dhs . btivnet] ed 1 jea it lit- 1e-trintt iato~irtized sports- m~MltrCp.r'ie edy hais, l ie-t dîsiveit > i.lie to '1,t ttt tet tlty' ii1i~ uuse1IY~~! Tt 0an pare eported open ville morts e-O ttttniatthe liait fart>'Yeastt Prue-nti e -gard le itifttly %jiittill. .tVil t- gl dtaîl. 'Th.i'ni-ttitoil f transportallOti and aia,.etossilu t taofatlts vttrttcda l attt neiiiill l t:otntu' ttI>ttitt' i tthOLO DB. CUPtesti aaoUICY sont Fre. Io AiEt..tîlotui' es-île sedi ae-. Tt ir.ste-t litts - D- aaeti' tc, t' -pîtil'ti" -t Jiltiitt Mý4IE , F IE n 01U Ttc .John M. limYtitCompas>' 150 tu coiuitttttItifonts oel where soute o! pie,-. t- i tOlm - t, attiepntcc itIift;:tti.ladtîn n iti T R CU OFFICE ad 0 4MOOOD , ii ite l IsMdison treet, ('hin sliettetgttaheu-' i ILed u : tie-mettrou 's ."eTitcat a a ri;ut. ir st ey00M _ targi'l t ouschlold ftrnisiiltge-tabish fdi t iiht th-av rei u-imictoeieut e sesîî i tntit tt.lblii r ittujt:l Itî:.:~limteilo na WAUIESAVOLES, a.1.0 SPORT81MO ttet-tinl' the- worltt. Titir ime-nse- u an-luotctt utic n rudi c tt t'1tî l' c1-11 tît-itia ata i-h - a 111isar.tet121. Bu 1 L KI tt.uiittfuli>' llut<stralied cataloguee- howugi inar> desands illte iîm. SnretarY AI- îsîiqtinîed erî seulsiltî,tr kîtîtî,il' :i > tikîpt on endit- ' esentil luSH9,Etc, sOtlTI Mr u)le sud qttalil>' or!ail kîntîsof turnitore. k eat-I*Nlmas. oi.Cu ' bus l..1mudihl.sogi uDtls tc., mtit FRm t»i mm 5t) gn'a(hnecin.len sadinistttratitonof tbe nite - set mstna ttstiI o CIhO ht ltii iittI: ttlts i lîti Ii' ut titittnt lcrl eSt WouPia.ÇAcAPl m etICIS imnm unes. nrtiurrt :raitre SETS, t . % w n5i» li'î-tlau. tle'su 'btt'ttuntiratte'nthonu ,tutieruneperedue-sa of the- long .. gutiai 1(îlle titi1z. uvt'. 1IlK Pe~StAU26 IO ~ i~ nt-ttfct'e un uppliraitt"tisgev onr' o 'r ibt- -!tn il oîtlrîotiItt a'ii ~età inO -2 s C o IL Il, (moy feisll tr Iq ý -, M téi - ustttttl nt tillluitratt'5tte st>'ie' trttgi go), tottt ofthlie- V'sr »cpart- I"Vl YULU ~ ~- ~- Mo n boutt ttt.ittuivt'a prites ffor tsi mnti'- ment. liaitt'tlié%iir aait by('ovtgrna in tc M N U ~ thefl ' 111-titt tt' > it ,-tan il T W23t:tiItl' u cir>' atitlforlIaitiDIlicee iandl-J O~ H N Z . Pb'M Y T H C - 0 "e H. pint-*uUtlis. errnt orkvéuchimssddo néIu t :ne titt Oi t taiy teh(. cd.cnnase-ttttoni1ue hO ettelthave n lite " 'ltue ti aie lo --usutret. Th-ans Lcuba y 70u-1.»Re-vd itara t" eoe 1 s~i ttlitîtt'ely attîr tî-îtg St. i -ojitticilsWi, ut t pli-S in lu i it. art' dimaummttnita. e nrsettul i c nien t he tc hie tsui>.1 Env. A. M tAui , N.- .a s u :id t-ýiiin te mtai - théolicemn uuu shioited m iau otcttf tht-txpe-dit ion agaitit uuBl ii iliOl i undtuî~ Stiagto s 1r,"it'ti antItt ttth rétit' Aio 1 > tkt it.tiiii otverybody yGu kIIOW Io litr-i'tii ut lt-ftiit onhalle t ttetttret' tirs% so frou:nt sct aefvorablitl ttu ha!CAn.l>,'WI h' t-îC lte 4thdVriei t Mit-v 'lb for t-s in to tint- as le lre lm a iint - ter. Tte t-s utî ,'îott' i e t hé- i ni intth otiîk tes, a it' Ib.% :1lie t Itt t tmret Dtrovtit joturnal. tifrti' coi-misiinart' baed nill ill aiuil 'i tîttut.kttie 1 nttîtîth, tt tti'tSted:A K S v teIu ag o Outua s.ed e050 sad Up a lt. Theté, iutt'tt tn tgaîtdltt'pt.24. yeaum ssu lîke Il. ttfoi* itat - : vn t nthit'tli tu ('atairue e llstt:ni-t gnîta1213 heits. IL tati niv oniiItuoittlstulyas husil ns idvk ,sertu'ilstilsîtt- lt:t: tt>>ctn The Tin Tags taken from Horseshose, "J. Tir pet ai réue ssilu la 01 îieu -ts.Large'tit men- n - itttbutttd titre'-iprat'comumt g r : v ' s ea r l i e - s i ' e - t a l t l c a n d l a t t in e t t î t t i h e nu ,'n . î u t i t e l t n it o u ? .c i n O - r r t . O r s o w o d L c - a d D u lOo'ctl. Eariteet e-slllv aievsi,>'y ati ia-', littit> u niîOt ttr'i lhe.s3. -TS1.TriC.*s't<> T>foreeu-O Ntualone-wIIpaofr ay neoraioo I'1 St-edv prnttu'tiielut i-es eled oo. Nva Bettsii tino,-POn. wlos.C r rto do> t.o#humonuti tirt:tus rin i tItiou iitnyas iel ouhave your good chewing tobacco besides. othe er.t $121îîat..oI lé ofuti ttîtîulirâîuitîleuorat't"'CUR.O0NT M.Ti . . Thttlai- t"jitt ul-"le ,bil- Cutt Lsoaét utad send vile14c. for gr"st fttr tttottete Nthu and the iStouthtmitao ni-ceren nia v -h- ado it. Aitout nrv ut. Wle t. FM tot;le and 1ll1ackuitt's of vegetttHNwie- tir tuttua,. i(and tt'te lt-niit r.îîait- *-TO IAO eiîîIgoNo tas ttatcatbulteusett iErery manv woman and cbuld in Amenica can find sometit yad Ait s r u-E-O nE) OMteANY LAtaititit nci~ sîlthent h' 10lu o.lvsvoeu iite ravuctreon titis lst that the>'would hâte te have and case itave-FRE 't&IO 0114EIWISE oIPN Ats.ivttl îti ti Tts ie r- LARGEST IN TH4E WORLD. cramins. undthtcnt dluaI'I motiacli n- Write your statue and addcresstplainly ansu end ever>' tag >' "JA 's.l a > sunit eniirir reporl.t ila. vsrtett by e - il.ii.stds ___e. 4té tre i'lihi-m F.. Epe-ts IL duffenti tiéiii'ttassiussacte10varints t bragu arniaaneIttto. Ha. pur pakeage. Saisi cou geltetaus-mentionlltite numher of the present YOD tiant. ~ "t's ai the lady trotu Boton.itttlsbii'i-t'. rt--evi'ýd te aspînti of aiil. i.hcled -sly me Silhun E.lomtris t at rie-easorttlt fth ie different kindi of tags meutioned able spe-kng o! îîtr faîu>ctlei'crer, "be j, ien t uinority report. Ttî la' tht' langet turitituinc iii't ite be accepted as follows: (scn niitu:lie aiy otid~i.agute CANNON SOUNOS AN ALARM. -ul t:tIi ti't usd t tti ir ae ofthle opîiniou tiet in. 1 Meuh Bas qiaiesi esig".a,' 1 AavCldletS,,usi thee-c'ttnltî s a Ounttiuttsoucie* lrit-b titi loluti 2u au a bsuit John« fns t ve Ir . pe ...... 0 a'ev.hvibO~bede turd Be- perdlus!' ald l lie mitber f nu-eulu W rred AgnintEt aente- tte. tnt-it.Cittagtt. enj.11".. Aui tt u tof vck'tt ttt-e îîî'u tew rr 'S b " hat. gond usaisi ... 2s sa . ............- ct®edtient A teute15 iittt'ttî : théif leestitabitisiit'i ta! tVîy"s a a a a ig.'Tpaa ui se * "ttCi h x ltlt atrn icak 'airusu C'anulutio lifthe Appropriations bec uitît ti rouuiti'(-tactr îtli tei' tuldito i.leiu 1tvtng nit urr iii tit au> ai at sttu O 5iJe IL. ussabt..... til s h eIé xlct ontils' seve anditlone-iuaif atren ti flItor o! t,,ut tier Ut.l'n'psd i tiudvla - 60 2 Cli a&",taluter - 1esios t wlt ~ 'Couimnittv'n'o!ft, Huis.i' n the course-or! pe1t a w ilB .b.S'elaeee litioete s a n dsel .. . . H N Sue-,il*llse Ite14t.........sS -titmI.,.lOaupoltin Journal. leuriiicls" audynîri aî tutluîgi.--ihtt.d-.o, s- -ru- elletesera dratr n t auIeSs vivl até 'e. . ..t..iai... ta soik - n.-dm--"W.' ' mimepar-i- bll. sttttnttei a noc te fvaaututagaintaL tr tbu.ntti'ntil liastîîtfom.ed heari,,-e-er>'One Knowu- ' BamsKî.unli ...........a...... ed' Te ouier - ibtis .In u îextravagant apprnutratout nilpracitica l- et~u!sitlliohtsu n uoe hy't trîie- %vile a prein ni-itcu every sia55ttthill it-vs 70qaitv Et N i 'es. .........b . m . sorath timellt ldbsIu5 ýméredn c lýtitl eitt'r thetei sif ubi t tt't'tutvsre ttuutttitto ! of me s I - . now ent Ms. ,Jacoba 011 tiiei é ailu"KmKle ,"eoitîsitl 70 l26 Tailva Smt, i5SOdpe l -drogaue cesai ist ru ~ diese b sincO îotcet i ll f h-lInn-t riéilso letiaitt oui' ai ituosrlite h l.I _ esKtm*vr ..... 'action uet àl saIsil a:beau abée et cors lnaisu ît. udt tili air the Nia(tu ai balOilt!tcibtit rlipiîo ie e wie-n-n -acuîiSOsnuîî-nlt u UDuhvKuf-oet Ktsre->sat...-'-. 'star.O iaSdai".laKes Kavte," S-luh. bstm ýr 1 7WIse id-Wbjo-,_1111110 go bie & le ittltk Caraekrn tu mthe Clsalesrect,îtlnt hi- itosat-ai mite n-otiu n. %r'alle- , utifgooln an:- îtt ian rupresenei 'hett umre-imutile as ~t itkithe bstrem- 0 hmm . Îls. ulit It lt W 20Se.i d l. Id&e . MaSles ena i 'tah eloi s eoatltOutaldit- toîu enut.t i erai ttalyius o!rniat te- ~Lu- i intitittîtisudthe nuîney sytl te 1cil>for its dretue ini. Unitcke ..... ti i....55.B. ......Slm Branly Hall bl5iltl, t>tOt tit-. Iltcanies $d21'8ll. but rt-i T hé, i iteIrtnt tt'nssue arge,'beu-11NiS.,ati'- iile â>,002 t0ý'C Nbe Clv a. t "I rb ', 4es-l t o .11 tabon iir a i t t idi a t '4 . i tm)i-unr o t -pi nit t uc l an i ti i '- blit- t ral- tita log u of oinit ,c tt eo t- i O u tru : nlàun s c a i t rN ui0 T s s t r , on t iv s Ie, a st i t e- .IS a . o tb ies a- - - - - --tm th lo 4 .îtr airs fte .?- Ii'-a itîacprItiont ofe atu iéovr, ltc I itîxe spurgé,d' u tbt .tar . - i5Gate 12 Cls b tent . s ... atvsé trrlydmtoysmlCe e dto f urryou h rvein ftlc 'a n ét Poptres les eaLaarneva ty s.. sIm ni ivt.,8ss- laiu stteabus.u -r mmd s th pL ttt vlea ienth le)>bouitt<ns iat)' Excluts t ntit. Ilt ti lt iuistion tî ..a1.Aanata. ntqa i . naken' ttn tarit. T1 pisr rs aoataîha i e s t i tttlu)7: Ir asit haïiteesttuuOti. ait] TetI'lIt-v Sp l1a, th e ucDeiutntr. Iîsnotnlrrow--inîttls Ii'ttn Ot.t1i1 tbut . 15 NE mad.Ud ae see pe- tr icanstise pomner tathe of-cettue linrdrest - culrIlsrtttitti e-întu at-n'ttr-s:lt tîîi :lfîaliîu'.Rtw tt i" . ruo ltut t!I i kt eci 1witut siti.gaa 501- hé ise s DOt' lînIAréfra "ycae h1elfa ta o cure. Seuil $5lu co3 nttiis tattit titiis ituîl o éivi, ie ru )e-.1 o aye lss f liisrk.leî'atî.ttu tut_ g - - O KS l t-fciel ' Itte t o t 0 s> cslt ai nittalint nvilelh b. M - 'nulo ler t îim le roeeeifth uot oleuss-CueBaCod a O eium-di- ii 111110meslm"msée s4 s u eé lâme ofP'i . V J. CHiIXEy a 0i.- Taleti. 0. made a gire rai statu-mînt an to tel'eu ttîd i t- d lltt i intremt iseor u' -. Ittttt et heitO'iT ,e- ot On a àf 1-'nIdit 'De«ltstî. 75e ilon of thc nesenuu'. aThe uecrttarî ou elLxtv rm unn ales UTh te xrsRow 19 Eelind I Ie Bacik te Tnesstn>' tnOcolter liat, M. Cantion Sharpt t-rvitlg kîlft uitrotin the rlultig dntggioissrefulldtletisoluaYifit lalstoetuXf dsalyuTgadhCOYSOlOo buie 'Ju lcctiqi lways ni-rryiug for f:'ar mid. tuii'seiiutatemid the deficiesci' o! titi- titi-n-Ir trem-esittue,îu. îsi t ceiîtt 2 6c.Tbe semainle asL. . Q.n eaulitaiîest. Adet&lyu aeadtecrepncec bu b tr sotuult' wlil undtermtuutelus relintsa- revenuîee fontht' lgei a 'veenditgJtxb h- t i maî-trnvstivie. drove' te ftirk Plltulpttla sttc Ieauilg mautîaî!- OUMOND 11111^110O t. L«iI" O Itou." ~~~~~~~1, 1801, Io bclIv'12ull.000, flon a mothi>' tlelépille itstetttuiog bit. tli-nsirbcd ttît-nt utt'tuîu tt' tn t "Hi,14fooigh Noody whoe w rd averege of $1133tlll0 In tii judgiuet. ut sta.:lpîl tuitifu-t. ltttvýlitieu te Iairnti l-ia"s follierinolm il m i i o n »ver lg l titeligtt of tte reccipta sied capendi - act-futliy lea'guu îîîuntlons.a 'I' ie'c -tnitld - ai ut oedrti itiusing- ointrcs for te fial sevr-nlumeuiatttt tivtes t'iZucil-I niltet -lt-tr at-ruisa thte roat Lan'e Vanlly Medicine tuaI fac» tîmateil ttc deti.elt.tire. aitué)ta lnl i0n%-.t't uî:Ilt'nastîîiiigoI oyulie oel actd l.luu te lO ea in s I aeP idlDits a l nt UeAln@Foot-nase. Ttc iniii ihiiue.p ol'u i -11,theti'tîird vti ii-:site blatte %truckate 0b. heaihyiis la 50cesser>'. Acte A pw ln er Ut e b sA le n ' o the elle " . .000. san 5avrage o t $13 3 0 .7,- ke NNru' tuti i sl ti cliig uîtIv rtl m ton ge-stl>' on te- iv rr sud kidae ys. u e o n e t 5 ' C n mn S n e O c pov-dr o a aakn nt lie itee (O>pré mostît At titi, rate ttc deltiie- - siclu headscite. Prie'5at il DttinululIner yuurftet rée-iuncouttort- ey fonrte fiscal yen ivouldi a IbIct> n uiîtilé uit t n't Ietiittia reautîtH n st. o imni en eD e atile. nervotis, sud often col and dillet. II 0But titis mot,10 uotitcuîtde te $20,- litithe Iîroloil tlle'lookini utc a Itewae sho louie-ayoql itvu'. trjuttg- e-If youtare peraîarlng. @Mrtinifret or (100000 provide.] b>'tite bll 1 tarn>' out froal bitteteturctt -urIled h ie SUD. lIte tien b>' thier outiard aî:îearaîîu. tates the Use of sili iic. Ir>' Alie-us Foot Ease. ILte provisiota o!fte Paristrest. The r iatu:ll el a> Inteetel itîn a laFontaine. wrnt end'.ultires lt therel e-ttnd matie-n Thti'rashalance'in te t-tittn>' yFi-t 1, lu thei:' 1u v e or 1114ti' lisguîustn. but lit' uo ha ylire e-au aved b>' Pu'à i ng fessbli Crs n i.,-lln s nots. încî:uîîng te $111,0.010,000 gold rvrtve. i'ctýtels In f e nm Ile a louok, utade t' lu Cure frCntitpin.-JotnA .À Miler, nuilaisaacertain turc for t.-itlblansrai rtst adod lelie h e a -ittirtnoait. l)t'niî(tututht- ttonthIt b'litilte it r uttniuiyrd u- 'i4u-e ot ti-titlion ih tiolt'st P O______________________________ jtroni t tee. Try Il to-day itîld h>' ti i îîîîi-:u m u' rt tis8 e tt-le aiért)awod r.du Islg S-sm - trtggu.ftau. eto' toes or2i 'nll I nti trlsd tt-e îcinîîîîf.otetr iait N tte lt'at:tr01 b-îta> aî utitcl v't:tlV 0ga nstitu ok drgitadsteatra forens A-lle'ria :nytt>'t to.ooOo'tt0 m- iti "itt eitltniîîîtu tt 'rll t iv tes Ttc CoinnBoi" lamalleltehd 1Iaeu'lle.] FREE.v,,eid Ai sadS . IIitlieih( ele tot tviaslyandordr-r p a i . I l a l d R E . A d rt ' u r y e la 1 ,si' t- S ti Nl I .00'i T h' i i sttlt ll ' t t l u t t - i l a tté) t isu lu l tg t t e e r a l it - t , 4 O , . A' s m d c u tniu iu a a qb S. Olnted. Le Roy, N. Y. acnevtv niae hm w fl u, tiit l elSuehn.I epsilT eCteBi" i u_11110 1 on Cn lsefLsîtttBein.Wiset-tnîW E S T E RN.00 t uM'-l it' JCLLf -siedformaine a t tme AIsil..-f ----------------t th- d-or------- ---t---taille.h. IA R M Sévodentmataempesri nonou j i lut T i o iu r- l e u.i o is ti iti î'loo k il,.5w79 1est c0 t e M is is siiP R ive r. f l. w isiaa Itt ltlII ttttt' ui 'Le-îk Ii: rte-nefietin lt-oi totii 'I. tnre tk u it' I l ie ii:: tu ttu-îiue uutt it nutit l S190 lut: t. lsi t la1.ttoiler' to ":ti I> t' i ut î-Otttn!ii'nnîugftti ltrst i ttn ouri and Nebraa. P. - hi oc ues tit1 tt> t'(:ttqîh'ro et;lîuttiui.'t- s aleer'Né 1 seuitilttokutI:lîn u u tier î Iutnt-trtt:, l, i Wse people are also rtc!? sences of farmtos mlivitt eutaLitotestaates tram thenEast veas ". ga 10('l star. gîîuîî --i P arni patter pnblisbed Senti 25 Cents tOrsa years iubscriptiott a te 111EOtTE1s REBELS AGAIN ROUTEO FulDî.-tît ln ttî-.:ltv when tfiey know a perfect Zog Adams St., Chicago. irei t é nn yi g i - Th nk et the Future. on't ient. E t bl s h à lm oi f Te t N IraT , >t 'ectlýetn ua or c.f-.e itae Utile iiaeSTre -pttuceT-.i tr. tt utu l'-- -tîîue tt- lttrmdyfralanyn u e-,» >i. tici t'tia oid dntok i-tlle.] C.luo..C t N.. Moulill. titIisi:: tînt - uéi, :tng tiied talcsttthe laroofruf- e. li e lie s tnirut'ietrly Flnila> t-veuti.' hir u ttIh Interlr-- ' ~si sFanesl. .st-.é,u,é, t ' rir e t -tO oui gthe c hil' bdren the V'-itIli tberni, lilitîtit.' lirte- ;.. ritîINl liver and boutvels It lis j 1'idon', io. - u tht In'o, rE .Ij _ utin Gan- tt!ogt ~ :~hi p-. iI tnFood's Sarsaparitîaa a.hich -eu . :-xu îîiîîîne- lii a Iîtel t ts I hé, dolieegrade-s u offbat caus tutlier osuI> t'itutttu tu-tnuî tIti- easî Ttitogoi >eids 4 tî tuts is perfect in itS action. Jt troubîlé, over yatur eaîti.iln Lln jet.latesrthe entire1 yS'- i îît.' r,-ît îî'îî t te îhyî lie"if.h 1-e uint- notnyfetrd tse iettu ti tit vntt ore' t dy.n tit inS5 -tt:tlnL utgt t i' ne e-tileSd 5'TIi:' Atîecîtusth re:lt elultliilnt l liu.Iui NI i -'sis. ia.IMi. tue-i- poultonettitrhest t e rmît ilten-u -titiratta Kanis. Scit i- oat.. ts in t-vr! Sigale o!r tetn aS to brnVoviorouo!tis itiltutIl. IIItmoiretut i, k1 meo 1ýp o Atiolt of lte art ate t-rssaru îunut'r utlte iatntua thue-Union! Rallier warrantatitis! i'uta' fil itIt lsuew ee1in tane-us im ut5atpero Aiguiul l e-tlaîd 0 ligt. 'Thei' i'ut'ut" ts iastrus>'y; lue-s $120 àa li. Ièheath. I nev disappoint. praciuc éfir a itek on te- andge at 400.00. Ele tOe e-timte- tobe ursîleht.Sen t Iis notice 10 JOHN A. SAiLZEl 1 05m0S sîu .100000 ii eul a u--umeus-uei RDC ACOSE i ni11GIl Fr4 yauiLdgiro ut It:îîvoî ou.I ta ,.es. IO Iec s t aloc n îî M vîtu tieicc tie ens ossg u d escle it-i ge-t cel vlF o rm 42 uears, 1 iedit re, ordis - kIié n et]f r .If y u g y @ "

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