CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1899, p. 8

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is the time to buy your flour as the wheat market s quite firm, and will raise the price or f lour soon. Always on hand, a fuit Supply of Washburn-Crosby Superlative Flour. L. H. Litchfield, - - ILLINOIS. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF QRAIN, FLOUR. MILL STIJFFS, SEI5DS ETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent WE SELL THE1 WEBER VWAGaON, WI4EN YOU WANT Buggies or Farmîing Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SONS - -Illinois» u e 9ES A .maMaUBU*U*UL~OUMWMUUUU~~ WEEIYINTER OCEANi! tISCIRCULTIOI F kAIY POLITICA.L PAPER Il THE WE kbeaksllRapubcanadvocatml J1 it t i tnaiwaye r:lied dRqc-imýf' ha pry ho- far au< nd rpo au a Wi aay M a emoit.A il fcalmon TM£ EETL OCINERa WENSERNLIEWS APE IMIWSNBEbTRing tottIaiyTIE NEWS 0E it le Mo y ORLe and agaives ifsr ds tht adableei * dhcumioThe aiea urestof t ay t lu I l symal * wkh tif deas Weil as cprn t yste...o... dcn lllrature and politics rornsthr Weseçn standpoéut.t' BLOS-PRICE OIE DOLLAR PEI YEAI -$100 &@I MaDAILT A- tiEiY EDITIONS 0F TEE * .3A T OE EI F TREIR KM,> arS. Dal b .11 .$4.00 P: Clos e Prices, Table Syrup, per gallon 2E 5 gallon lots, per gai. 2 10 lbs best quality rolled oats 2E 7 cans Sarclines C2 Lewis Lye, 3cans 2E Warranted Axes6E ,Warranted Batcher Knives 2i Elgin Pattern Milk Cans $L IoWa Pattern Milk Cans 1.6 Our,Milk Cans are the Best Graci i fine Sheeting in 2 5 yard pietJes ai à't -Celluloid Collars each............... W. Duck Coats......... ...... 95c each s,&, AroLand the County. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETI £5. ÇONGREGATIONAL Obualb Suuday Mr ViO(Ný 10:10a. M. and T7:30mP. -rn meeting Wednsdar evenin&m. Y... meet Sunday eveninge t :t4. Junior C. . at 3 Oeclusk. D' ODCamp No4I24. M. W.A. meet montif. D. 0 hflYEr. V C. o<. . F. No. slt e.-t seeoad and fourtif ThursdayR of cadi month. WILL KNssOo. N 0. OMO. A. ORT, tiO. O. G. T. mort Thirsday evenings of eash veslk. LE1STER Buaidli. C. T. J OHN . RAGAN Post G. A. B. me Saturday nigbt on or before fuil mo on. I.N LxAaei. C.m'dtr. 0 E CHURCHILL. Adt. Mail gong ug th. :04 . m. 9:2 P. m. Mail golnu forth.................t10:03A. Mi. Mail over land by stage' arrives at 10 a. Mi. departa t il . M. ROCKEFELLER. J. H. Croulhlto was a Chicaigo vis- itair Baturday. lims Speclil la vislllng reltilves and frlends in Clicago. L. H. Litclild was il, Chilcago on business Satunday. Mir. leks train Chicago, visil.ed bis son a iew dtisys Iisweek. Mr. Boner boandedth Ie train for Chii- cago Wedneeday morning. Mr. Hoyt, ai Libertyvitle, called an bis sister, Mms Dooittîs, Wednesday. Irving Payne lesit Suuday for Chi- cago, whobc ie ii work for a coin n\iesian tirin. 0. W. Myriek ifadth ie milfrîne la ls bis purse containlng sanne tventy dollars. Auyaue inding saine viii pleste returti ta hlm and receive re- ward. lira. Ricif viited ber mather il Waupaca, Wis.. a fsv days recently. Site vas .1ccoiupaed lhome liondiZ iy lier brotber. vIa. visied lier a short tiane. Frank Buck, wbolied the rnsefon- lue 0 fractoriug bis foot a week ga, is gettiug along nsceiy, conideriug te circuontancs%. lDr. Travîs ls lu atteodance. SC IOOL NOTES. Tifs sciool rail bas receutly iteent entargetily Ithe naine oh Mary 8uydsr,( of Lak's Corners.t Te dsise lu ttaic lhae taken ul, Ihs subjedl of debeliug. Amoug ilie qoestions discuset are tifose af foreigu immgation andi teritarai expansiou. Tifs bigit scifool chiaseliasbesu taking up tifs study ai Pliysical Scenece, aine New Yeare. Experîmeuts are performed ueainiy every day. vici make hlb esaus very interessîig.i Tifs clans le large and etifusiutic. A claie meeting vas held Frlday1 aflernoan, Feif. 10 for the purposeeai eetotg nov afieers for a terra oh tva usoutifs. Tie fs licers electeti ver s se iatiaws: Pres., AliaeS kinner; Vice Pres , Luelta Hencbberg; bec., Rnby Gleason: Treas., Cors Herseliberger; Lîtaanan, Owen Van Plsv.1 one among te maisy eccompli- min the Rsotckefeller scliool iltse establisifing ai à museume. The musesi ontalus many dilierent speci- meus of producle, minerais atud botsuictil plante fron difrsut parle ai tlifs iiitsd ttes Tifs vay tifese Ibinge are oltainsti vas by thes wrtlng ai lettere ta diffeens places lu tifs UinitedtSttes sud sendiug tifeinosaie oh lte prodîsce 0fi iesection andi ask- ing ten tt senti sometiig lu returu. Large assortruents o!fuineraie bave besu oblalned irons Califarnia snd Alabamna. Differont producte andi btanical plants bave been ecelveti frailie soutlieru tates.Bomse af tise correspoudents bave even sent phiota- grapiteofai tlfersul ecense. By useaus ai titis coînaspondence tifs people a! diferent tiles are itraughtinlucuten union. This mue&unintl instructive as weli as being a curioeity. WAUCONDA. 0 J. A. Branti ia neporteti qoile ill. 0 T. V. Blocum le spendin'a few days 0 in Arkansas. 8 H. Pollenrva aCity viallon liondey OU anti Tsîsday. mW. Wod netîînnsd Monday front bis visit aIttinsystake. HeBcnry Golding lraactedlbuseiness in Chicago Tuestiay. W lins. L A. Cale, vieiteti relatives Iu de Il Mn. W. Ptotuatls, o!Falatin-, vas Ou atm s treets Ttaeatay. 0 F. Bouey sifippeti a canloati af bugs frotas Lake ZonihTuesday. ~~ Mn. Rd. Cooîk, af Grayelake, caileti u n Wasaconda iniende lionday. ru 3 li. Win. Tidmnarif vu e Chicg and Wauttegan visitornftut veek. ire Ihl. S. Ford ans speuti- Iug a fsv tiays witli relatives lu tis City. -C. P. Pratt neturnued to Clilcago lut vesuk if ving recovereti rmnbis illilès. Ali kinde of funnitore nepaireti ai Hugte's furuilure store Chaire ne- Mn. snal lis. W. Wentwonlh ire ententaiîîlug relatives froin Geneva i. IliReynolds ant findeof Clica- Bc go, vers MWaîtcondi caller e tintra0a tife vcck. 2c Tifs matis niendn of tirs. B. C. BDIT will le pleasîti ta lbeur tiat 'sife in Bc siovly recaveng. lins. E. A. Giolding anti lise E. Jenks Bc finisiet su pp0r et lis munquenade mt 1 vauboe Montiay eveniug linr. andi lis. Clotiieltten anti daugif. ter left SNsturday for tbif r home in Oiregon. Tlîey wyul mako a xifont visit et Elgin ant inluIowm on their vay. ýc J. E. Pratt vent tafChicago lunt veek vifere lis asecunedetsuployment sa -traveling sales;man. A gentiemmu iran s ('icago lis tskan bis place aItlthe Liakaside botel. 65 Miss Oill Jenke vss very pleuant)y >0surprised ou Itoiatay evenlng byabu 50lourteen of ber schlastes vifo came goa1remind lienraiflier tveitifbinthmy. le. TUf evoning vas tifonongbly enjoyet by tifé rouug folks. Tee cremnad Lt 6 C Yd. cak e oe senveti. Tbe follpvlug tenante vîlI take .....5c. psesof Dowevlarmse Marcif 1. W. COOk lattarmnlei M. S. Ford'$ finis, W. h and up. Brongftan lias reuteti part of Z. H. Ogtape anp.f'C. Graves vil move lv~lh.'.~~hes inistu tlie Park'. tarin peu, .Miry, W. Wright, o re = a n the fart Mrmtjb~i. Graves. .1 NOI S. IWIU LL 0IUR "Ça, io 1IL W Lmenu at Murturi Sanry evenina aOfeaà!i maith. H. E. FLOOD. V. 0. W. W. APPLBTaED. Clerk. G U RN EE. M. Blulop v" in Waukegan on bui- ness Mouday atternoon. Mirs. Thorn bhm rstIrued tram smvieil In Iowa vitif relatived. George Dalsiel and motif oere in Chicago the tirat of the. veek. Missenrme ma iil le lvisiting lier patents et Honey Cresif, Win. The W. C. T. Il. gave an entertain- ment At the cliureh Friday evenhng. Mr@. O. V. young, ai Rosecrane, visited Dlr. yonng sud hamiiy tant Tues- day. The. dancing sehool vilicif ba ieen lielif ai Orange Hati class Ibis week witf a grand boit. There vers no services at 1he Chrnistian citurch Suuday on account ai extreme aold veather. Landie Wakefield vhose 1e9 vas broken about a usontit ago le able ta sit up and la gaiuig strengtli fiel. Heveral aariouds of stock vere shipped lier. kifs tiret of the veek by iC.B..iBrown and other stock mou. STAFFORD tDISTRICT. Steve lunes le workitig for Mr. Knox. Miss Rubis Gultedgs e nvieting lier surît, Krns. Faulkner. MisenMay Peterson vlaiou011scifool test Monday lsiteruoou) The German closs"lbas begun ta study right aller soclo The gamce seema tu be gettit1g scores, se trappers are failiug. Mesues. Bruce sud Swanaou art go- lng nortl ta bu! a fta. Thes coud veatifer preveuted -ù,~ froin coming bifo l ,laivek John Petersols andi dauiter lia vere In Wmnkegauii<il5iiy Onr teaclin isosufond af piayiug « -poiicàman" tuaI linfroze lis sire ans day last week. C. Faulkner la obliged ta yult outil spring before eettilig bis vindmnill, thes ground being frozen tao bard. VOLO. C. D. Smithi, ah Onk Park, called ai Mir. Paddockse lut wack. M. D. Simith ueaut Tuesday sud Wednegay vitif friandS la Elgin. A. J. Raymnansd Peter Bavel traiiected business luaWmstegau Bt- urday. Tifs masquerade bail if ad et Strid- flelda bailuii Vola lait week vu quit. attended. Grant Luek Is maving grain ta lies nsv ifome noi RBockefeller, t tifaIle puscbai.d recentîr. Mir, sud ire. Robert Paddock. Jr-1 are vielting relativee at Oak Park sud Waukegan ti leeek. Quit. a number tram Vola attended thfe albalit.fair At Mcilsury tast veek.wvi lainl being lield tifere for thes benefit ai tifeir uev ch urcif. LAKE VILLA. Jo. Pester if d bis pile of vood saweti lat Saturday. Wiliie Farrien attended tife dance ut M dfeury lunt liouangbt. Heury Cuni la &gain couined ta bis lame. Re boau ualbeau able ta ifs ont muai Ibis vunter. Fred Hawsilu spent Batunday and Suuday vitif frisuds ln Chicago. Wlitatifs attraction? Mire. Elza Farrav lihm ieeu spending a fev days neeuntiy vîihtiefs fmiiy of her brotifer Walter Pilmer. irie piet veek vas a cold anc lu our viclulty. Everytbing vus frozen ulit, even vifat vas tared lu ceilare. Je@ as. seter lise lately itouglit the residenca af ire. Josepile Harden lu Atiocifand vili move thene lu thes near future. Mir. andlir@. Joe Nuble borisd thein infant eanullut Friday. Tbsylbave the eympatliy ai thes conmunlty lu tieir beroavemeut. Frank Tifayer lias beau snitenlng main quite a eevere atteck ohfnifeuma- tism. lie contemplates returning ta bis hamin uPeunejiRatl Some nue muet have a grudge againtt rthe doge ai aur tovu, tva liaving betu poleoned latsly. Weil. tifere lanDo great .lau but tif rs e in me s01&11 gain. on~~~ i'edy w u eek viti i'.0 Sifepirdean. The ne t meeting wili be witif lis. liarriet Kapple. MILLBU RN. Tif ersvaapari! lat Frlday nigift at tes boume of Mr. James oullitige. A laid frant lbere sipect ta attend Tlielaie in German inet villi Misa tbe entertalument tu be given ait Libby Jamieson au Toeediy evsulng. Grange Bail by Prof. Decksr, of Sanga' Thursday oi Ibie veek thfe Malcca- tuck school. beesgsvean ayeten suppen il Foresteres Thes echool board bas consented ti bail. boy a set of val 'ua for te eciool. Pestor Harris maite adifreses et tifs sud our teuchier, tMr. Bartisu, ia gaing Sunday acitool instituts aI Highland ta purchase Ibe in Ch<'icago Ibis Bat- Park on 'iussday and et Lake VillsaOu unday. He viii aiea iive8t the pro- Fnlday. nefenene ofoke, .4tet nmn i lle. Dr. Taylor, tirs. W. J . Wlite refeenc boos, tc.andi Mn. isa. Dodge vere tifs delegates Bd. Little liedItie iifartune ta fromt Ibis Sabbl eti sool ta tife Lake joec bis beut bors e allier day. Villa lusîlînîs. Whilis untliug eed tifs hanse liecames frigt.ued and sas travn uo thetfs Tifspupile ai tifs advauced select pave bose ud rokeilsleg Tbescifool expeat la visw thes moon sud ptowrshvuaes a r ke llg. Thi ~ elars Ibrongif principal Speckmann«a hore a oa for n. ie. ' i aateleacope an Thnraday evenlug. grea los fo Mr Litle.Wiils Mn. Edwiu Thfomnwvu golug Frra YEAIt CLASS, bainsfrtrm lilterbry society insetiug on1 test Friday niglit bis bores WARREN. tumilansd feil, thereby il'îuriuig tirs. Chues.wliborWifo lias beeu slck Edvlui'e foot eo lth&ifs iiiDae culifiued witif the grilpla again canvalescent. ta hie room faf aomfetiint. George Scifauber 8tartet for Cali- fornia last Wetinesday an a buinuess on Wed nseidiy t 1l s m. occîtîrreti trip. tieflâfnerai of tifs Meeers. Druny vbo We are gladte t repart B3ert Braclier vers kilied biy the train oieur Gnaym- vto lias been very sick, mucifbotter. lakte. Piston S. A. Harris aifIbis place Hie ruauy frîsutis viii vislbimu a conducteti the oifsequi s at thi iîreli speeti! reoovery. ut Grayesie. Tlisre sesins ta be quite an unsual1 amuonut oh sickneee lu Ilisls îasîîy etThfe tomber for tifs claurcif si Ode bhu preasut. Amigwvif anareMlre. Stisan been drawun sdwork is ta beclaigon Wb11mrs, Miss Featifsrstanbmtghls< immeditely au tifs bulldiug ili a umber cas«s ai tifsmeasies. vii efs ai icli service to tifs hanses Our people voe grsatly ebocked taevificli bave beretofore if d ta endors bear ai tifs sutiden dealli ai the Drnry thie aold vifils Ilisir ovîters wore brothens vito vers kilisti ai (rayalakre lut Salurday iplil. Tliey týers vsîî attending divins vonship. and favorably knavu liend tifein Cuire for tifs grippe.-A certain lady famlilfee i lenits beartnit ai tiis vicluity believes lu --taklig jailiyoftif stir conioui!. I rl41-- -fieu-uli e amissi Two Giood, Offers--.Imml KIND SUBSCRIBER: I ornelgh- bor Is not already a subscriber for the lndependent we wiIi considerit a persoflal favor if you will cali their attention to the followlng. They wili thank you as cor- dially as we wiil. It's like "giving them something for nothlng." TOIEVERV - NEW SUBSCRIBER paying one year's subscription for the Independent we wili give positiveiy f ree a five year's sub- scrlption to the FARM JOURNALt The best farm and household paper in America. It exceI9 as a dalry paper, is the best, for gardenlng and fruit growing; the best for women folk and Young people and is 'a fearless and unflinchlng chm 1on f the rigots and interests of country bge* %Oct"contré6d"nd reliable.. S'ample Copies of this great faýrm paper can be had bv caling at the Independent offilce or wlli be mailed to you f ree of ail charge. We mean just what we say --- and repeat It: TO NEW SUBSCRIBI3RS Or to old subscribers paying one year in advance we wull give f ree 5 year's subscription to the Farm Journal, whîch, to be concise, means that you wilI gmt that paper during ail of 1 99-1900-1901-1902 and 1903, POSITIVELY FREE. Ladies' Home Journal, The *Independent, -For Both $.OFor EDaU. UNTIL MARCH 1. 18999 WHEN PAIO ONE VEAR N ADVANCE Which do you Prefer i? A HALF DAY DIAMONO LAKE. Mrs. C. Engleb)reclit îi. t-(veriiig Someauov feil Tuesd&y. * froin pueumol..ý(ut hnet h ebr * Miss Aggîe Mor8e lia@s brouffvtring tut hne utevahr vîtif the grippe. severai of our citizens ama enhartain- Rev. Lyan, o!i'bica, oO 1,i g thes grippe. FredeTvueryman, ofsulCereg fro tifspulpl Sînda.lte eff.rts aoftths grippe. à Fvrantak ofia a Gtrippe. iiTfiree feet of! hostla the, report FOX LAKE. W1 .*n isse.a. a~c. - .-- rn Engeo (augr l etppin aUrae- scstiy, vleu ithe iolloving l if eht lins. W. 1D. lailey bas brn u efritîg re M lakte. 1 she touk: Campifor anti stgar ion a wvîll an alîack oi neuralgie. i inuit' Ml. L. Galiger yen au Antiocif visîlor1 colti, Warner's liver cune, Jainaic B, Meyer, isba lîves hoîîtb oftom , vbal, vh tiouday. ginger, Lillis tablets Wakssiavater bas bisetbrick ail banird for afle ln nsv at Bsn Cosemnan bas movedtu Ita, Mr. condeuseti> anti one af Dr. Toînheuglis bouse, ailui la imteiids tii enscî tilts a Caleb& bouse. pille. Tifen slis vrepped beseil lu a eprnnaThe eo Cicera Alen) sud iamity wvesFox dauble itawl lay clown anti aften a tiSi <rirtonoiartist, llenaiieti>,.l-a nian Latke visitons necently. arase pefsctly Weil. She aivimes ber loy"r.o, la cfuet is lcei toiî akelait ) Frank tialiger anti vifs siensJohtas- finonde ta îry frontlen.gleasîfis lliti ta buttiea] bnng visitore recently. fouM.blbigf)lt em linanti lre Chase. Gasconare thislme. ,cifeese, happypaet !abty iroi LEITHTON. Alfredi Weudlimtg, liao liait licou iniputd Jant. 25. ol, Ail îeported on tifs sick liel tast the e ipiay aifIS. L. 'Trtpp tif spet lin. Smith Bain,'f aies%'ailla died wesk are luspnovlng raptoly. Ibree yeurs, vili wonk ti,r i.'11. Tripp 1 NCI At bis borne Motaday evemîng, Feb. 6, tf oiii sr lndbslo n ai typifoitilever. Tifs funenebl vas TifsDiamntiLake fatary leauioingth coi& ins ha.Are ans tu ugs p tic, ra lo beltetAthtifsLake Villa clinnci Wednes- telrotbsns nii itr. cae-afn os n ug " 1,l day mornlng. Bev. Winscblug, afi ii ttitocslitler.. girls Ite neady for a îiuggy ride. Misa cago, asied ity Bey. Aiken, aifLeake Mn. H. Ballier le coutsmplallog 011 aIFiîyssii ocirt b~Flls Villa, aiiciating. building a fnus resideuceili te spriug. deet ia rJ.W Il u aoculedtiti Oc- Tusa Tifs mauy fiends ofi lis. EtuM"a Miss Ida Cruekutan ententalueti a specled vitizen af Ibis plaee if heurt irc jean, vifs of Dr. Truensan W. Bropby .cini a! 176 Asiflanti Blvd., Chilcago, viii part! oh youiig fients Fridaiy svsnlng. îaîtune. Dsîeaseti waes oveitty- l tse fuel le sanry ta learD ai ber deatif, wvicbAil repart a gond lime, yeîrs ai age. ilis Iaves six clîildlrsu Mn. .1, ocnnnred in Chicago-.'Tifs son- Mn. J.Cruckipsu linecevdeea oior i eis i iehvu rowing nelativeesifave the sympathy ai carlas ieo* ecleds*na amnutabsdhee, i vl îaig lci tifss eofeacmmonty frain Waukeela fon preceded filaiua 11111e tver Ivo yeurs Northi! th ire msny nintaIIispac itite fountiation ai bis uev neidence. ao e a1ai af51Mîde i-Il tifs Drun! Inalifene veres siocked and Etiman says eviera i lte Diamaui enou iiIieceneey iesc.Wli suîprised Sunday monîiing tii if sr Lake yugldle aegtgt r lu a Istai t a ineinier ni onn vil- cooa thaltbey bai beau kllled by tifs cars lygenoarlasa are goîug 6lt.rr cifacasl.e aturday nigit il tifs cnoselng usar marnîiedtifs lu tifs veny nean futurs. lte caks Wn.te ll cava einng pta Gnaylako. Tifs bereaved anes. bave Representmlives of the Val Blatz lu by lim; -Te extreuis colti vestifen 11v. th yty. o h ntr o-Bîevlug Co., visitet Leititon tilts ai tifspaul veek liasnieen e cevens Coulue tiret. EaLevfliw ensa e esk mnd secureti a dlgifI for a lange test ou aaspheslvaikeandut sevenal pot anutîmi long, disd t tifebehoe ller panants bneviug plant. Tbey yull commence lu by me and tilier firmes in Elgini bave Titistee léait yek Bonday moruiug. ilie, vitb lils tonudatiafla as soan as tifsveallien cncksti this vinter. Tbsno bins beeu 1NaperVI bon buisifmnt, united vilftifth Christian yull permit. no snov la prateet tifs vaîtte uring laves, M mga mndelaFost Bill ved aitiseovaati A numben ai Lelîbtan milk s5Ifppertefsexceptional cotti anap. Iiex- Thii Chisitian lits, a brigift eXAuspîs &0 ail vent ta (Chicago ti Iseela andi necelveti penienasdthetfssaine trouble savenalthîe esol vifo knev lier. Thsoueraiwu belti lard cash for their sbipmeltta and ater jeare aga ln ustmet scbeatifer anti Tssesi cAt tifs Fart Hill1 chuircif Tuesday mter- dîapoalng ai a ev ithot scochse" nuter saine conditions as ths pressai. nîctîdat 3noon, 1ev. Mn. Sbearon, of Wukegmu, 1aoiciatiug. Tifs igI esteseinslu vhicifneturnothe tfsevsniug train lu goati Boveven, t vîli repair tifs uaikKtte t tey oa sif wovne ield vas attostily ilis large spirits. youn satisfaction at my avn expertes. stîtctiv aasemly gaîlienodt aItiefsanerai. eeraI iront lens attendaid tifs IvilI motte tifose crossitage lest tive borne s FHorrible agony la caueti by lPîles, f unonal ai Ai C. and oscar Drnny Mt ysars or k.uaw wliy. Wi tBorne sud 8kin Diseause. Titese mie Avon Conter lait Wetinssday. Tliey he 0 immediately nelieved sud qnickly vers velI sud faloably kuovu liens Thte emmleet tiige may exent thc e uned by DeWtts Witcl Hazel Salve, and tife familles hiave the eymptliy oh greateet Infultence. DeWII's Little ueveyc Bevao a votifeesImiatins.F. . lte ntie cmuittiity Ealy Bisens areunosquallei lar ave n tct v Bear ofLOVBX.Imttins . .th ,t omd nta ifoicetiscomiug constipioln anti liven troubles. ville f LouLLibertyville. lit ta aur u dtt Butileth SalItpilla, best pilla, sale pille. F.B. migraiE GIL ER.deatifo ur lellav lawuasaufSmithf LOVELL, Libertyvllle. aînd wv e GILMER.W. Bain. He waataksn sick about six Wî. ore ua mrintn ieto eeks go vltif the grippe wvicif Mr. (i Wm. Mrew arntnvstrtenminated lu typifald lever vhich lin. B. A. F-ackler, Editan i f tfeh S Moda.caneotiasdealf. Be belonged ta tlie licatuopy <li.> Bustier, vitif bis vifs Inlorua A. G. Bobvemman vasnin Cificago on Motions Woodmen Camp ai tbis place snd ecludren, auffereti terribly irons business on Manday. andi vasflea Put Venanihîs Consul . Tisl Latirippe. One Minute Couglà Cure cen m'à A.order couductad tlia services. He vas vas thes only rnsmedy tifat lielpeti tif . eus.tio n .P. Wifeeler andti mly usovedttabora in Nov Yank forty-lifree years Il icted quickly. Tifousaude ai1ailiers gratîtu, Libertyvllla Tuceday. goandsud islived lu 111e place tifealut unes 1h11 remeiy a assecleforvWrd~ J. 8nnot, ofPremnt twnj ia n yaare. HaBe ves a vile, tva LatinIPPe. ant iltsesxlauatlng alten r8 J.Iuiutt a tamntlanaf i«*eraMud alrebroîbori la ma aeiene.i[ven talle. F. B. lovuLL,. pond- wononour slielaMamday. lie dMb.LibErlyvilla. 1ak Lamekore iu a navaliton Ii ri Lie elihapeaiia n co frttan tci ehe lia etofreceIve i fran vs lu tifs autif. crearnery prenent» a buay scane daye. Il requlies tifre. men to ifshemilk. Tliey ma". ball anti classe, and iinleosal fite" sitifer, lui thfe genulua aIl vîlci"sel for about 7 cente a DRTH NORTHFIELD. . tlubent le gettlug slang veny lîBrebuis staayiug vit lr&.a. B lan for a fev tisys. îîrotractd itneetinga aillhe V. E. « l ave enifereti eniausly trom, cleusent veallien.% .1 t<emper'e halliers vifle fra'i ry vas suterieti luinbte XO field ceinetery lust vaok.4 o ladies are ireatei taool.W tiomtry luinshetu ofh mat iý > laes tbey cau vebilfeel ull . b onnret. , Doceen hm Ihe Nsbaam 'al sunce, wvile enroule le lime d utsetitng ai tifs Board ai s o! Nontifweleru Collage, villc-. i:llmi aI ltsmaliar-in- (ire Frntzen. mwesk Satiunday eveislag ocura àent iuinent aI tife Grave adbool. 5etiteit:'iumeuîe neeti noeau-m atiit fat' venyane knove limaI s %Ts tIltertutniug aWvol as ln- i vs, Let evsnYans patrofaise il le àn roesvu perusiug tife caltunus Oi the 1NDEPUS>IMT fel, ime totlced lu tif o frmar- masy's tif ai e vus about ta le, iaavitsg abosenlIda bats« laIt va likely te, band ilu liatkea. ;rs apprecielts hlujduesaaf ,iferluerville correspondent ln -'Dg lin aI tife avaul no Iebaio nake proper preparation. Bel.g nus, liowever, ta exhibit lis %U tude othenvIse tifai marlely; la linM. Oreas vili s t ld m# i- a sideutI, mà"", .RÔCKEFELLER LI~,ertyvL1Ie, lit $ua 1>' ti b a b u 0r it Id A Et. Fe CO Of m m

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