CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Feb 1899, p. 1

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GRYSL AKE INDEPENDENT. Vol. il. N. 20.Grayslake. Lake County. Fia ebruary 24. 1899. In Lake, or any other Countv. where you can Set as much for one hundred cents. as YOu can get-and Set every day ln the week and every week ln the year -when you place your order wlth SANBORN & COe, Tailors and tiaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Gailoway. off icoover Lov.l's&Drugetors goDas veu 1 vo $i an0 P.ekt Lîbertyvîlle. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. office over Trisse & Taylor'e. ¶te & s n. i10ulid = oip. DL beidence on Brusdway opposite Park LibertYville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. mou" "M& .L ia.M.i vo S a.» voiP. x apeelatenteuion p"eit th e trmtmati tof Chronie hheumatiss. Rockefeller. - Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. PhysiClan and surgeon. Gurne.-- -- -- --Illnois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTI*ST. office over J.- W. liutler'a bldg Wura12oiA. M. and 1t0i6P. M.. DAILY - Libertyville. LONG GROVE. J. l<uopf ham been tryiug t'. ward off lhe grip. The rondes vere scraped on Mon'ley gretli imWroviug them. C. Bolienliacli.Jr, and is i. îe are home on a viit from bIo. Quite a number trou. lirs attendeti the sle ai lWia Day gatnrday. Mir. Curis andi cite visiltitheir daughter ait(rajilake font Seiurday. Site Schubert quartet, met ai Wallace Rtzentlialer' lisat Thursaay eveuing. Jake Lissie Jr., malins bis wcekiy buintess tip te Highlandi Park regular- ['y. Long Grave in gtting ta ha prominent for h lnbeen enterialong lame golti bufs. Frank Curtis auid W 111e Bnragge ar e ichampion huniers or Long Grave. They kili ail indi of things, even muakras. W. eliar stiendeti the sale of A. Schimit idnery Wiellng station lant Baturday wuh the intention of bnying a bore, but they titi uni cuit hlm. Mr. liarclier cas playing bide-anti- seek wllh lthe age feue while on a loati of corn stalits. t cas ratier dieculi la decide chlch espiedth îe ailier tiresi, but lie fat there just the Mme, 9SCHOOL NOTES. Libertyville. Ill Clara Bolleubdeli anud Mary Dege a 1 isited ichool laut veek Friday u Dr. E. V. HARVEY, Ennimus char cas absent Tnestay 0 lliavigga:.,.for aviilt a lier grand-il DENTI!T mother et Northi Norilielti.L -OFFICE Bou" 1-The 0. W." C.*bati a meeting lsi ceel L.1 hA. . ituandlttoi P. M. Wcduta« y tie @ubject being rocks. GrayslakO - Ilîlinois. onu Tuestay th subject for considers- 7J lion Wl's s"Mps. PAUL MacOUFFIN, PALATIN E. Atriiey andi CoisifllOr t air. lar1esMeyr o lmGrave. cas NoAr^oy PuBioC iu Pa.lalieunay.1 0,12cz Wivn Làea Cou WrBè.x, Ums Maia liEer, of Long Grave, Lîbertyville Illinois. returneti home Wetiuesday. i MiaLydia Droûgmucîler tettiflet ta lier Work ct irMe. limasilge Mon-1 HENRY Z. DURAND, dey.r 19 aaMBEast tOF CLOMERCE14. MiseCarnielHamon, af Deer (;love. ulilCHMB A i OMMRC.visitedti iifrienis in palatine Mon_ StMasd Federsi iedcncir: COStiava. LeU.EYF WL ILL. Misa Lela Catiow, of Evanfison. a s as.ei koeit ofMr. andi lrs. J. H. herdlng saaurday. LISERTYVILLE HOTEL Thesip of airimiouy bis acon panioi-eal but many husoantIs andi y te IIIIIIvive. alI tafli it. Dimlug-flbUiService FIiet Ch... Dieti. in Palatine Baturdsy Feb. 11111 àlmdquairc for Crellits nti Commnerci ai If runice Gainer. Panerai W. A. PlANIE. peae~. Tulaay St M. E. churcli. Co.Mlew. Ave, sud Chuc t , iIIIIIAuguasa Grueneberg, of Arling. 1 ttgWrrY VILLE. - - ILLINOIS. tan Helghtes, itiied eth lier grand. __________________________ ohir, Uns. Garlip lu Palatine Satur- W. B. SCHAEFFER'S day. NURSERY.SER RVLE r n ie a ii fLnCG aeO.. I .*The Sherm erville ihool ill give a n .Fui iBb"ad UtrnantiiTles. Grape. enierielumentinluthe nemifuture. vinesud 8malI)Fruits. A aruoe MliiEerdLnvei aeirm priSes on acelimated stock. I.» in tu ha marrieti lu tie near future. Mr -s.C. Vols ln ai preseul silyiug W. H..MILLER, .t ier fok&aMir. anti Mra. Eberlein. TONSOlIIAL AItTIST, UMn. JacoliEeat i. apeutiluga happy Wbeu yoa cant a dlean shâve or a' veek's Vacation iii lier son anti gootiblair cut cati on 'UII"daughter at Nunda, Ili. t'HOICV BRASOS or CIOAle. Meuv. Chas. 1Volts and Angilil Nert doar ta W. C. Trigul Suas M ieI Eberleiii expeet to buy ont Paul Puts anBnsmelt h1 -np.pevr a Iitarre tore andti mplemnent ablip. The Shermiervîlle reparler I inlys LAKE s* j i bond clen the weddilug cateile cou NTYdstributed. Juit seie the question . AN K..... uunime. aeiitlegl ii ir Wright, Parkhurst & CO. -Liberlsile, Illinois. Issues I nterest-Bearinu CertIficatS' Payable - n Demand. waynts. Wie bave many inquirles ft anem by parties teoiring to buy anti nent, If you bave a tarm for reor amsae, advertlse Il in the NlIDEcvT' It wilplace yon lu touai eUth ail kintij I :~soesanti you oan seleel on. thas wil plees you. Try itl Suricay-school Insttut&. The bunday.u.chool Inatitute lhelti at Roackefeller Thuraday. Feb. 16, was a mont auccPenful one. The atteudance Wa gooti and the programt better. P'rof. %Welch andi Mine Pay ne. 01 Rackiefeller, read inlterestîng papers, on -The Teacle'aMeeting." andi "The: Loyal iiunday.actiool ArmY." Misti Wlber, of Waukegau, Stîpt. of $i, Hiome Dept. Work andi Dr. J. H. Itoomer spolie on The County Sunday- sehool Asociation Work, in the even- Ing. W. C. Pearce, fleldi .orker of the 8tae Normal bible Association gave a Normal bible le.aon In. the ioreoa,00 andi a Normal bible drill on the book of John andi a Normal training lesu s lu the alternoon. In the evening lie1 gave an atidrens whlch was very enter- taiuing and instructive. The' Rocke- fller Istitute compares ver! favora- bly witli the on,. bid let week att Highilandi Park, 1Lakm Villa andi Wanke- gan; they were a quartette of very instructive meetings.. 10) wa collectedc ai Rtockefeller.a Selle Out.t The tiret of h.e week J.ý S. (iridley1 éaid hie. fred, lnmber and grain buai- l ne., ut prairie View, &]no hie vare- houle, reaideup suand tour iota, ta Chb". kialc. Tmesi gentlemen w Ili kePo- isision harch lo.andi Charles Sturm, dia lias for several years been eu.. ployet by lMr. (iliey anti is s muet prolicieut live stock buyer, ciii attendi to liai cnd t thlie business for liericb- berger Bran. wietber or Dot "iieieyi '>pailtical "-pull' g ues iii tle Uxtifm es eare unabie t tagae, but Ih lacerainlY corti iomethlug, îutgiug tram recut eventa ant i probebl! liec iii leet tu retain it fur inrther use. Hocever lai may bac e are lufarmeti tbat Mr. Griley itenta ta remain a reiltiieut of Praire Vie, sudd lifor the pt'eent oecuipy the reideuce itiet sait. Furtliermane lie contemplate buil- ing a business sud reaiticuce blc, [cîtI suitabie zoomis for the potaili ce. a reai essate, loin ant iuisurance atile, on praperty lie ctliiownisut Prairie lielev ain a Il round goou icUaw anti au are gla t taknoc 4 if-li nteil. ton af remalutuf at Prre cVew. Perlape the poitieni envlrînmînta liat ine.thlug a do ultl isiadecilon ta remaîn anouf un. Heracîberger Brai, tire y'în..g mîen ot irreproaciable cliaracter aedthtor- onghly competent ta carry u the business suecu-esuliy. We ciel then, a full messure of business prasperity. l and 1ýmCakfor a hem air*'.. ntr-- Meati l Iniured In aE DIED RIDAY. Harry Haws, 4 Rueil1. Kliled bY FligTree. Jlack Meadi, of '**ukegan, cstnlned Injuries in a ruak*ay, tram dellihe tîcti Frlday, ai, ýe rct lest week Thureday. Au company b Law Turner a1 Wauhegffau.lMr. UetWl' trivlng a spinlteti.tcam cdosas Ilrangli Lake Forent Thnrstisy er lie isti nopes a1 Beiing the a~l.Just as they drove serans,: 1&.1W.-trucks lie liarseam, wchaà»anvals ratIer frlsky, tan)k the bits Iii dr teeti andi stiongi a li af expenicuce. Meadi ca unabe keep them under coutrol. Tbey Om'ëly swervedt t one ite aud the b"* amaaiet Intoaa trce, the occpilubeiug tirocu ciih terrible tarce. TmMee. close InJuries cure several cu ho li lesd anti s few bruts« lamaue the con, for thc experience, b%4 appreclatea Iully chat a carroc eaesj. ho liedt. The bugg WlIJ 4emoI. Dat even a bcraleht. Mead vcas taXen Io the Lake Con irhipiu tal ibuausga, viere Dri. Iuiglit aud Pley Made sn exmlinallan to! licjinjuries.. Tie leig cci brakcu inlunmerompeces hetween tic knee ant ankie, Iai tactilie tomber wl' litcrally amasedtopieces. The rigit ieg cas tritun jui save the knec. Bis left arm cwu ali roken, the n. jury belng j est ai the lb<c. lBesidies iliese unerous fmurcethe vitIm'a spine cas iliattred 10 piecea ant i sc tuer serions Internoi injuries remulted. Death relievedth le intense pain suffereti by the patient at i2 tidlack Frliuiy. I)eeased vam Weil anti favoraisiy kiitwn lu tjiîacaunty, anti pranounceti u -excelle'nt felloW" by ail. lie as sl,oîît tblrtylbre. yeera od, comlng ta tis counîtry fr05 Englantdieu about elgiiteeu y5eWs of agi. For several years liivel ou the i'roctor farm neer urne «4 île .oe Davis taru. ucar Lbertyville Hie cas quite exgdýseiy engageti ln catie blinlafalOUi tie County aiîîi bail a large aeqiîaintanee. A liant a jeur agal.cniovuai ttu V. ankegsu dliere le batl iceretideet. He baugît sud oulirmenand' a few mlonths agi) aicov'lated bmnîsgeif cul D)aviti Aeeside, the tco menca uiî'îgý utds te seilis llrcshing machine id corn ibretider. lret lMaton, of Wanhcgan, enaameen in auir treele Tliurstsy, teliverlng is aruiers ut exiracts. Qîuite a number tram Prairie Vîcw ent ta Bols' sa s n Saturtay anti i report a foot lUme. Tîcre ls nome lais af building a receiry ucar Lýeiliton. Atlt liru@ 1e fermers cam met Ibaîr malt there. The boys have given up ail bopes uit 1at cedting takîng. place tblî vin. er. Coîîîiug evelîts do noiai lemys !»t thelireiadoii e fore. Htappin th îe moln or comen clîo cau nit a gant liearty mcii l ithomit suffer- ing iterwsrts. If yon cannaI do 19, lue Kicbai DympepiaCqtre. tdigeiti liat; yoiiieca, anti cures ait forme ai Dypepie sut Idigestioni. F. B. 0'.ELi.. Lilientyvilie, . Bi. lAms.îîlsxs uruîe. Liuis H. L.TVHFIBLU, ltake- 'lien. LE ITHTON. Mil. l uoui utsc illgril). lk ahipmeuls ore increasng et LeltItaii. lune. Fireathne i n eeaverlng tramt ber tnack a) grlp. Mr, Geo. Octwttcîl 0Chîce-gýiTuies. iay on bîîalneas. Wm. Leuiker shippet ae ualf anti a îag tu Cicago Tuesday e. ni. My. John Kruckmeu bas atitet e numbcr of nec mtik ccs 1teihietairy. Mur. anti Mrn. Kehl, of Douglas Park, are viiting their parents Mur. anti Mn. LUII tis w eek. Ilini reportitînht a ligît sliack of eaxiliqunhe cas icit at DiaionautLake limlurtay, ulgit. MAr. A. W. Groner In dnet isi nec. W. (,. Ry. nuit, noc an the arrivai of ech pessenger train lut. --"bons up an the piatoru. lîke a rot vent on a corn ileiti cana. At a meeting of lie village board oi Diamonti LakeBgaturday evuluf resolui- tlens cere poedt prohibilUng ail sugfer hales, boering anti atone ilirocinf Insitie tie village corporation until furtlier n otice. For a qnick remedy anti one &bat is perfectîy smle for chultiren lotn recommenti One Minute Cougli Cuire. Allae excellent for croup, boavnea. tiekling lu the tirosl anti conflis. F. B. LovELL, Liboirtyville,J. R. Bneamua, ournee, Loris H. LITCnxsn»D, Rocks. teller. EVERETT. P. Fitzgerald lIcedta ecar af corn for Chicago lutl outay. Uns. Jas. Brady, o! Chicaigo*&A soein taanti arauntitodu tua vweek. Minss elie Corcaran came home sîck Tuesday. Wo hope R hi nolhbug serions. - ark Corcaran ie eujoytng aci pl aiftisys' vacation, i'ommcnclng Wid- nostiay. Vincent Concay, cia vai very siek lait w.eek, ce ire glaîl ta report as mucbi mpraveti. Frank lare, wcI alus lied an tis sick lHoitfon the ponttsibx eeke le able la hcaraount again. Tic toi coleclor, tir.Maîinmscisin i tacu last ceek ton tie pîîrpasî a! ne. eivin taei. le diA hat Zer cci- . Cas' store Batuttay, Felu. 251hl Joasepli Bradey, oSChicago, tiet Thursday, Foi. lia! oftyphoîti Vneu- moula. Punenil u s e ldIt Bday, Foi. isîi, m..y fri»eansuitrelatives train lie attending. MissAnea Vore resumet her dtles bu lie acliol room la@& Montcy lie sobool iavins been cloestifor Ijm-; tel ai th ca a age, ae tley arc Young men of iblondauit xes linbre-l aqâna eutandare papuluir i-ty ail Wha kuew bimle bcau igîl! tg ucqumutncereganilt siand Tew eilta aong the W D Younlg me!, of the cîîunty haeve euaied L Proposai$. nmore geacral regret. G The untieroîguet i'ommittee on l'oor Deceast e'.u, nmrnled. kliiiagit fi aut l'out Ferm ciii recelve sealet iditsparente are uic living bunAtugianti utii uou,. Weduestsy March 1, 189)9, chile Ico brotîcni, Frank eutdJaines On the 1oliocîng supplice ta bc reide lit Waiikuganý A mleter, lurs. dA-ilvenet ai CauttyParm or P. 0. B. Harry Gleasou, rcsitesinluLlbertyvlle. Lîbertyvilie, Ill: [he funerci vau belti Suntay eaithle one bIl. Aocene 011, 11 l -" sultan.Episcopal echurcla. Waukegan, Inter- 20o pouints Caliiorula prune@, ual over mn-t hcing lu Lakesitie Cemetery et 75 Wa pount: Iii) >unuds cun tiniedLil.erty"ille. Libertyvilie LotgeNo.492. Japau tee. 50) IbIs Mout <brant muet bu A. F. anti A. 31i. ataudreumbus anti stâteti ant guaranteet,> 2 blIts Loek- marcliet lu a bady ia the cemetery, cnet -" brocu slcetlng 6-4, '2 boita the barlai belng under their charge. Lockwoat --B" brocu sleetlng, Yard cite, 1 bi Oatmeal, 501 pandelice.,flarry ilawes 1<111. i îti pure suger syrnp. somcetîme lust ceîk Frbday îîîoniîiug, semples ai ail grocenbes ta leculI, a-y lnges;, lai tifteen jears a resi- îubttet i cillidet. Uebl bits ai tient aoflRussell, wvas ijrut by a feU- sauuplea go W. F. Hogan, Higiacoot, îug truc go thnt bl ie îias a recuIt oSf ilI. cammittee reserve thc rîglil ta tle accident. nejeetany or ail bide. Gots ta le Races wosc cluppinîf coatluinlte paid for et tiret meeting of blarentoai taeat sanie distance tramn cny iarm1 Bupercianis aller dcAsvery anti accept- bouse, eut a Satlng froi struck hlm i ancc af ggode. au bic lestf rndenlng thc nufortunat, SW. F. HOa , man nionaulous. As hi caK 1suppos01et Conîilîfree W. E. MILLER, ta cork &Il day, no anxiuty vas tilt, Timos. STaANIl. about hua anlil le titi ut returu laie ai nigît. in Memaorv of Our Oser BOY@. Alter hiclied lai n a dumb stupon Toa ail Ithe trienti tîranglanit Lake aIl day, It'cwa s ounti nesrly canuy, vIa lave mourneti andi sym- duasi, many lourm alter the cei- pithixet cul us Iluhelietter lionne of dent. aur receait bereavîmeut, anti ecpeeielly Hacci cwu su unmarried man, vîry ta tholée hind nelgîbors suid tnientis ciii kuocu In lie viciublly of noriheru cIa have gîven tîcîr servieces anti Lake Caunty. HeRu sabout fonty hedtsar dlins or îe tur b Y eats achi, anti liivetiIn anti about cheitntlav e for cllthedet oyUtiel -Rucceil neriy hall lis lifte. By birîli vancito* aveber catd it ce inad-relie cas an Englishman. For a time 11c le ta a l ettci ot ai c, hiiOo are rau lie Rnssell muat market lui a! B.f an teAIoC.sDrntolave 'gn osarJugsei bâti bien corklng ou atan. te nerAu . rr-il bae, lruatIt, At thc luquest fieldiSuaday et tener nt ear-fot tank, i thsRusasll by Coroner Ituiglil h tiovelopeti aurtliant ai trouble. tliat bue cas fouti about six o'cldlu Fr1. r 'Therc itg no dcnth: thec 'tees ugpdoge Torise upon sons fairr hore. day nighl an ilie soulbvesi corner o! Anti trigit, lu Reaven',m eecerwn the fanty acre piecu kuocu as Burliaci They chine. ioreveruiore.-Grave, tbe catante ioi James Mylanti. Miss Sarahi liyre firet tiuîcovieed lic'. Auctlon Sale Bille. Hi cas lIen uuconscoue anti cas Iylîîg Permets cho contemplati baving on île groumî t ltie ls liunden the indîlona cull do cdl ta remîmber that lrunk î,f a tire. fieas net cetigeti vo prntni ucîbon bille vRb nîatnee. tiovu, baciver, tItis proving that the- ant i tspeieii. oui-pnices are rigît trieelit blin uthe fail, anti ,îtt cile eut ce guaranteaur wonk ta givu e c as lYiug ou the grounti. lelp satisfaction. Persaons lîaviug aucin vis callet anti tawes taen ta thc bille printed tfilla office recelvetmci bote) chue e tiet. mention of Iheir sale lu tîcîr colnunmiThc jury, comîioset toi George libyen, eut no papîn lu Lake Cauuty lias as Harrison Sier, Harry Williams, An- elarge a circulation emîîug lai-mers as tirew Jackson, Chelrles Eteards anti tle INDEI'ENIEN I. tt A. H. Glusou, reuderet e verict af accidtielaieati, occassionet l y letug March 17. 1899. lit lys aialing trt'u' Notice sud rumember the Caibolic oieCwFrSa. Cmlu ies a bal aud supper at Cale iw FrSl. [tLibertyvlio Town Hall. Muniea ciîll ncrease ai bird for sale. Choie ha Sn frnisied. by Profs. Smi anti teIly coci a îpeCially. PTER ie Botte]. Admisalomi 51 cents, supper B.tE, s ..Whîeling, 111. 25 cents. AIl are inviteti. Came anti Breoder ai regisiefed Jersey caîle. bave a teliglilfl time. 20-3 19-23 $1.50 a Year in Advance. When You Corne 'Our Way... I.ook at the New lSpring Footwear, \Vt' will niake it very interesting for yau Thisî sprng wîtlî aur new lineofa WVomeuj's Fine Kid Sliot' Pnteîît Leather or Kid tips lace or lîutton. Sizes ta fit ûny foot-per pair .........S$2.00 1fen's lone Calf Sboes-Tlîe Smith shoes, andi otiiers, ail extra valut for............................ P..... $200O 1 Ea. JumP ta 28 Conts. A jîîmp of four cents In the price of freali cggs lu the Chicago ehoiesale miarket Tucsday put the price te 28 tentla,theligiefft oS tleYsear. Lekst 'veek tley were up lu 26 cent«, but iteelluet for s short time 10 17J cents. Saiurday thry vere easy ta buy ai '20 cents,.lied It nat been for the arrivaI af a carloat f rom Clfarnia tie price might lave gone above 3ol conts. Tic car from California Wl' île ihirti one 1h. vweek, andi la amethiug nec, as eggs have neyer been bronglit bore freim the Paciie coamailelore. It la na mnimîal thlug ta have large shipsentu tram Oklahioma anti TexasaWhen pricea gel higli, but la have lieu. trom serais tie continent la anotler lhiu. Rugi prions are the reauît of an enlarfeti demanti as tiere la no stock af colti. siorage eggs 10 fait bock ou andtihle conaumplion ie aiclys leavy turing Lent. t bula ben mît unes for retailersoai ggs lu Ciui.go lfor lie pont monti. Prices at' isuedti ta26 cents before tii colt î' l,andt hey loatict up. Before tiey liad a chaane to close ont a drap o1 MAicent@ came. About the hUie t ir stocks Were exhausteti prîces lied c,<n adivanced anti tiey blidt g apytlietop market price oniy tlamse a sharp drap. PRAIRIE VIEW. ev. Greyv stayet et J. A. muson& over Buntiay. Everybody Went 1teIlie maaqneratie at Meyers' tic 22nd. t je about tume that polîtie cere Warming op lu tuis viclnity. Cls. SBah 15jelving a wagon box madc. Wili Bock la tiuing the Work. Jessie -litcellI, Wcia is tsciig lahooi ai Hloncy Lake, viitet 51 hoMe over Suntiay. Our geniel iglit operet.or ha let une A man by the namne ot Becs bas taeîîlis place. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. On ail 009de durlngr the duil season. You %ViIl find it to your advantage to 8-gallon Elgin MIlk Can, weight 18 Ibs. best shlpping can made .......... .75 Galvarrlzed Iron Tub, will flot leak or rust.............................. 35<ý> I0Ot Bread Raiser, made of good stock. heavlly retinned .............. 2 5ç I-Gallon Tin Jacket, Glass 011 Can ... I 6-Qt Milk Pans ....................... 9-lnch Granite Pie Plate ................ S Good Wood Frame Wrlnger......... . stand and handie............... Pure Manîla Rope, ail sizes, per lb.... Good Iron Pump for 20-ft well, al completete ready to put in .ell.... $4.60 Large Screw Driver, 6-inch blade. black enamnel.,handle.................5 These prices are for Strictly Cash. Please do not ask credit on adver- Place Vo.ur Ord 1er FOR VOUR HARNESS FOR Spring, Work. 1 Guarantee my Work and Stock. and can make right Prices on Good Hand-Made Goods. Order NOW, and your Harness wiII be ready when the season opens. Chas. Kaiser, Agent. LIBERTYVILLE. - - LL1NOIS.,, limne on aeciaunt ofr Mini Vores ilck- NORTH NORTHFIEL.D. ne»a. Josephi LaCoît resumed bils dties Itev. Stierle cnteria.ined compenyý ai thie store Monday moraing, after tram iielvedorerecoutly. bavlng bsd a struggle Wtli "Mr. lMisljoi, cent ta thieitFray Grippe" anti came out "vletorion§s,'sasiyprd Joe l'y. "lie alcays dose.' Do yon hear thie cedi lle s tug Have yoaticket on the rafiel If lm a Bbert hm a srecovareti ual ho ont fut one andi avai te uh."nta enaîle t t rtaru ig h employ-. arc sure ta gel1he ncy number Tickets 25c. Par sale a l motn ment. place. brou d tacu. Rtfe ac m îaiîy Nrtlieldei attende ti e off Friday night. Mrci. 3rti, nulesi uloia .Shnitna lelm allierwise astised. utoofAScmtnerW oio Bel are the discoverY of Ont' Minute 8ltai Cougli Cure. mninisters ccvi grcatly The mectant entertinlmesu un disturbeti by conglilng oongregitliiiis. grand inececi.. This lle "ua»Mieo No excuse for Il now. P. B. LoVIML, libertyville:J. AR. BnAtHscEE, um3;pto iatpr .Th Loris H. LITenilEna1, Rockefeller. andi pupila tieserve credul faoir _______________- sui'essattiled. Colector's Not.ce. J. Bluter. Sedalia. Mo.,ooadwmF'-1 T he unteraigned bhsreceive his lcrosra crUe ue I boohsansd wIllI epreparedta 10recelvoelcreite arU, iè àé" 1;' taxec for the township of Libertyville Utile daugler wuaa vezY bw &fier February 1. Offlice ai M. B. croup, andi ber lite*savd ('olby A Casm. physai ed tA alle&i.eauJy h W. L. ATTIIDOX, Collector. Mdiaue Cougb, Cure. P. IL LiluerlyffleýJ. 19. aç You should be very particular E About Babies' and Children's Shoe. Tha tendür little feet shluld ho caru'fully fitteti. W'e bave a large supply of the KIND YO WANT, andulini izcs ta fit mumy littie foot. Pries per pair up from......................60 Nt OnE sTm RD ONOV. 26. 1 64M 61. TELIEPHONE rtO.'10éý.'

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