CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Feb 1899, p. 3

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leusait la lthe tUmia.stumned it vtb lb.ou calamity,agin b~rn, jeu tyul bave Doca tmuýe feun m ceerr, or for conversation,tvi miE jet jen mu«I keep jour .hougbite nl- ce' ployet or leu viiigo iliuartmamd. Than ma yoeu vilir ant a Bible vwbelherc r0ceen il or net. li il h. s conforltcebait i v coeur jo-Itbat bock full et promise of vhicim have cete e otbler people lu hke me ceaiiy. 1WhIether jeu sndj lie prom- tlb iasuor net jeuois ii vînt thal book tueur o ju. Arn 1 Bt wvia vhen 1 Bal pot l In he Biblerut Nov, jon are ail ceady ta start. Tou .7 bave leur valise in lits rlgbt baud moitme jom hare*jour blanmiel ani shavl irotp la er lime lttiani Go-hji Maj jon bitea vi, propft* eu omnej.large slastirenttame perceuan&e. 01 tme'la cm. thing I fuc- un N N Iis discours. Dr. Taimage gives gelt te mm*ljeu bu-vhal train are 700 lbi wod y or cfgond cear te comecid nulgoina tta ael nWelinjeacmy, 1"1viii«I A.tuvelers moi tele cf their s*fegrs atsa ie he a dock Sunsiij afternoon ni ami tieir opportonithl; ea l ai iobun il.. trai." Wiy? '*Oh., jOli gaj. "LI*allij 4 "The rchinoIs allirage l in théti'@e. meca dery imythat. »mmie ouKndaiycmra- mc tbey %hall jute one alnt mnoter '0ing 1Itviii be lulie distant cltj ln the a the broad my; thay ala ul lâtecoemnivefctl establshment bj the limelie un torches;:illejsilirua hke Ibe igit- nierchnts cern. ier'IMy brother, laeuai fdn.. ou t Iat eYorthIe are iiar*bg vrou. f e1nlacclip oicrnc- n Itlihem ben fo uhlaituj hinfsgth e lbLris day. the Lord viii irts and discoterles vblch tva uPP0,41clip o mag traclejur lifetiima aoc- hi ver. peculir le our owri age ire iMreij cesmms Babbat brobieaitn pays ne bother thea resocation et lb. martsaiddiacoverlas frhmvaUlmuilpy o lm at f theusmuis cfears go. I supposliaI at ouhet evea'y veb gsetl Iet j-four hi7 the put eoroc aveh . ormoîldI me"e heur. fer yeurmuf. Tour employer. joung de tianlie Preaient ceturj knout%. l Blul5 man.,hiaanDo viilt tamvuinille jeu ouI of y ta me himt the>' muel have kien ov tima lm et .The bitter curae of Aimigtj fai ania et jeara go, ln the doijs f NInevein, Qed vii rsst upon that commaeri a@- ef lb. nses of stemmi sud ls application te tabilbmnt vhlch expeclita Il.eMPIl.AI ovift rava.i. nnsil tu-t 1baur the rush te break the Bebbatb. Wbt clght bas a ai et the rail train. tbbclcing of limavbhi Christian marcenat te mit dova lu ciurch &ut IbleJamniig of lb. car couplinga. con lb.eBaibatb vb.n bis clerke Ère travel- tir "The chariotashahl rage lu the trot'~t5 ina bibnai hrecgb the tiouentimt dey? ni Iiej @all invumte oueatitainsl soother ilu Ct op, proteemeitChriatitu mrchaut gse7 tbe broad vmysq; tbey &halliRecuin illaacting.a otbte noi buovi«, ere.Go u torches; Iheyashait con like the itght- outIand cauit ttitboy bock. Ther as ait iga." merchot la 1887 tuoevrote: -I aboutta Hlive jYon ever taken oyur iiStion 'nhoabve beau a deuid min huilmot been for b: tie nigbl fmr îviy f romt à depot &leug th te Ieabbatb. Obligai 10 vork ftroinmore- rick vmitmog 10 mieathe ailutrain Co"e a ,at tuml mdgit througm the vboleveab, te fait apeed? At OrsI yu oardeiin the dis- I fit ce Biturdgyy,@appelait,' ou Satlriay1. tance a rumabin hâte the comin Of m aftrnoon, tht 1 muaI hava test. it vasW «t1cM; 11cm joui aw the flash Of 11e bead- tite Seing int., a deneafuir. Evarjtbimg te llghI of tbe locomotive as il turmiaithe loekedrt and migoeij. as if uelhiag cre; thon jounierw lbe vildar glare of cotl bha sme& d. I dlmlm«alai mot kept Pt the SMr eje cf tbe train am3il carne Plung- Ithea Sabbath linlie oIt vai'.Os Mondmy ,ci lIn levait joli; ahen leu heait the ariek Il vas Il cunmtitue, but hi il flt heun T> Of the vietteîht frenaaed Il the echoe;i for lie Sahbath 1 bave ne doubt 1 shouit l than y00 mmv the hurricane dash uet cin--bma"bean la rnl grave." Nou,v. If i icra; th1 c eufilubhe jar o e b.paWsh , Salb.S hte sguet for the employer il laT eartbquake and yoo smunimaheiMo Ibunder- gue" for the employa. _Toung mou. lb. Il belt of lie express traie. Weil, Il »@11123 1iollar thet jla c e u linmte abbtihinla a lisa aitwecon heur the passlng cf a mii' rethot dollar. and if jeu put Ilto a bas lu igbnt exprime train in my ltoit"The chrr:jvîîh 5000 hantetdoaslitaI raibet dolt- jeu bol rag inthestrelu;t eyîdlll oid t vrlbore a bol@ througm the botteom of uatie oeeagninusl mother l h rnt1t.bigmand iet out ai the 5000 hurlent tj v14Y@; thelasit i meen i le torches; thej dollars wv11ILb.l @imili cu like the igtning." AIaetmftd.a 1 biltihe train long eausnb te gel un But 1Ismn jeu change jour ini, a" tc board,. sud 1 go throngh limaecaa. Sud 1yuaeg I odymrn .ad1u lid thre-fourtha 0f the pasngers area laen ire eiu train F orma.anf i I lt comclrlmaIricaaby area oglku r novacm viiipiai hait of jour ime a itheà pei rt om e i lm razi uo taiei b;rail train. Bow are yoa goiug te eccupj ci liet boden &ldh rainu , nftuetbrbea fi-tlb.lime? Opee the valiseanmd tube out àa theimîr vi.tb ai fthe lirkP mîgnl- aubookband begfin le rid. Magnilicemml cp- t mcli yeuh aila th ailnatstin. hovatiporbuntles bave or commercial travelers T lot on lie t iiiheces tap htimn.herfor glng information &boya Il other b louf th tran m sto, iitai plce e îIrksa or nmerçemts. Thtienbatlplace im - ipmaeongr ers l'n beon et' cau gine Yen h oi eiuyi altan nwf informatiem on imont n subject. are'Iltha voclienet D e sul atrain.omebow f coameopolilmo. aI hot , everjwhacc from Ial aree.De ot d maor ien coo Halifax 10 Sun Fraunico. Tbey airon vumncibt olrs emde--as rmillofIth e. the B O'ehocrk moring train, ou the noon t ias nSos iter1cando-erait c amd ilthe s V train. en theinighlut train. You taka a mvaert ovat tr i vegh a m ai h ba hertb lna isleeping car mai lbar abote edvforlivare osthe oue@ isi tingh.then leui or ivnettb l00 in one of these ggentil-roaiteor ly r exe boo calcltbemg 11e amen. There ire 1000X) profmessdrn~- tiprefi be abeurlo ukilab.tessapeuout arcilitravreea hIe Unlle t SîmIs butIvuor bre now hes ookln llsieiorut 500,000 vouli t lacude 4il timome wbo 0ftoureoumndovthe mkn spear.g the a ores ecoretimes eaiem Inbtiias acvmrafu orintesoia -c b m t , imcj spa mrillions of dollahrs every iii- place la Cbrlstendcrn. taiing vitb Meun tu the boltssud lu the rail train. They vnho do nul kno v an ucim s yuu do. Iu- bitethei offemmincvsaperorgu. @lii tsdof lilal. cuii Wihliam Shikupeire. have thir omuiiual . ael ra.eiamo.i h- drimatistat. doiJobn Ruablui. h as- &bout 4,000 noauée n lie rellis.and have crfanîî.dMacnua. thehisorin. ad y alrremdjdimîibute cmore thon =00000 »kotie ad Pu, jheIba bistormn aai arng the familles or dacrasmae ners. Ezandelami i. nttat ih uspieasan thr Timey m" u uiqulcua. unique ani raen Ced. lt ssuisktbem. t e u r vîyou,@*y: I doos for tood or evil. Ail thé i 0 mltu-.iherlu m:' of uerchaniise amc owurs thuir mulipl -de wimb I couiltgel eut of Iis businessa cahin. he oos IbI emnd bmb o il tofcommercial traveling. 1 do'l hile ilb".' catin. he outie (at tans bak o it j-l brother, vby dommI joui raid yooretf digtity sud otite for cuabunhrsa tocomate t' iemeajinmn0fodnc lnmtemd 0f geiag ttinu-kmeargalurtombeYat viifayteuilor an e s mor iaakerso intelect ani gooit ejeslgbt. mmnd let bis onl tsh mesmd iiadcunaity toueidaele 1tahauabie reamdng the ime not on te abit nd wll gadully oue it» aumiiiy eccupiat ha commercial arcund. contrat f the market%, wbuio Iheatirent, and lu sixl eurs be viii ha qualied for anterpriang and suevessfui baumes vîli suiposition for bicb bie ils mmbioos. biaetheir iaula on ait the trains. and *O"Oh acjelj.-"Ibite nu-tate forf 6atbl, harit* ill agein te #rcý re. dlg'" Nov. Ibal ia the trouble, but il the badl aytjs. thncy eisa ui hmbla inno excuse. Thrae ns a timne mj brolli-3 the roa was, tey ithil sell hâeret beu 70lachin taule for cigare, tbey1 torchas. Ibey alhaht "m tîka the lighî rade ' au vrsi-k, but yeu peraceeedl minu." utlicigare baebecome talot0i uzon-. Worde f GOod <heer. Nov, If j-eu cou mford to traggle ou ta 1 tblul commercial trovulera con sIand gel i bâti habit. la il nul vorîb abite te a sermon fwarm heartemi sympmlbj. If tîruggle on le gel a gondi abitlike tat jeu have ont vords of gsod ceer fr of mraling? I1uni umazed teliid boy then euoui bbller 011cr lbern. If j-ca m eirchants moi coxmmercil Iranehera bmve moy gond. honu-sI prayer- nnIbuir ba- preserne thir Ignorance fram jeur lu hgf, tbey viii ha greatly obligemi 10 70. ivest. notvitmbmudmng att their ohpora- I neyer bnew i man j'aI vbo di 001 t ib.a mIies. Thera la no excuse for àmomn ltsi- 10 ha prajemi for. 1 never kev iàtaon jet nIinformation, if lbe banc the rire ePPOr- Ibat dld net ile a chepes. lmams tunitien cf i comumerclitrancher.Imi- le me tbim sermion is timehY. AI Iis se- prove jour lutti. Iterember the 'lýaro- son of the yer Ibece ara tenusof thon- ed Bicbamth." vhs. whmte htowiug tbe1 soude of men geins oul 10 galber tbehelowa, net hi@ book up &galust the brick-i oprlng traie. work, and becime sequaintei vith filfty7 Novt jou.tbe commercial tras-eter, have lunguages. raceei erdr, from the bea m in tf the A Royali Favaimy. Brucm alac00arc t1tormIncIa ilong exmur- ic shamed 10 ei fonigo fabries or sien. Tou bava jour patteras aitasorted fruits unielesu 0 bow nsetbing about ad prepareit. Ton baveeput up la thea toma that votie tbem uor the vneyards bundies or cases ani marhtem. You basabu tisa revr them. Cudertani li about ful lstructions as to prici-s. 11loev Ib te jiven- cotr commercial life, 'bu vhmî prie" joui ara 10 stand 0c, uni about banklog. about tuniffs. about matc traini ehu prices jmu mai, caîcat tmre- kola, about navigation, about foregu peo- vbsl. Tou bava jour valise or trunk, or ple-Ihair chrclerlallcs uni Ibeir polit- bath, puckemt. If I1'a-re a stranger, 1ica revciutlons as îbey affu-ct ours; but veuut bave on igit te lobée I timthota- lie arvastâ of ilussimt. the vincysnis of lise. but ms I arn juer brother I1oill toike Iîlj. the teafielis of China. [mu-uni about tliertyal>.1lkItob healilse,and I the great cornrecialceulrs of (Carthage congratulab a jucmnil these comforlmblu- oandyind iPhoeniela. Read ital articles ot aiparel. .Tiesamions ara so about h. Miedici of F~lorence,. migbly iu chamgeabe jeu bave net tîken i mi1traiemigiîer in philnhois u preeationtac any. More n - hablong te the roal famly of mrchanlu. viliigel cul in the anti vbatikand bave il Be voulbj eit Ibal royal farnil>'.Oh. valk limie or four miles.outil trou get tate mi nj dvice moi turn the leucrscf telb. alstation, and jeu viii vint mai earlines I j ears of liixurj. Tsbe tiesm conforla and couveumauces. But tio eurjum ac alnI ntbthedepol vait- viii ou excuaa me if 1 mile a uggen- iog fcr the deajeit train and mîke thu-m tien or tvc about the valise? YuToulu. Plmgmb ie4gitnfa rn vicb 700 eau tieur "Certailj; as vaeune iavimmi n plaie, the premimailand. . trucmk tal i fl t ha offenied ai oi u acbiaamecnniurteedo honorable suggestion." BIjuhv oamvma ieai0 Put laant len jur hagse me acr- jour rahîruantIravel. I cou tell bj the faljieleted, vboleu» reading. let Il meion of lie car that tbej ire palliait the ima in bstor>, or a po4.te or a book et pure paenttibrait« dovn. The engineer rings f-iein.or nme voumelia I virleu liébellie e eslag. The train tops. inormation ln regard te jouir limnetcf uai- "Ail eu itl ts.the conductor.You dils- nme. Titna nd ta th4t a Bible lu round. Mount trou lb train, Tou reacb tbe beautihul typ-sginali tyipe lm bai for lie hotl. The landiori lu gati te »@a jeu- ejes anyvhe.cbol peuliarir illng in vacy ied! He sîratchem cal bis bond lie ol e rilIri. uljor aIraimcci m rgatr bo-leih1tb l hedia- IcsIM4 ttejeu gegiet mftte fa. Lm jeurueit fort lm e 0 e sesinsi Peurtkei CtIjTou osi ODstais 0 ili e sonli e cant et lobte hbbilet tlig striant drink te plama chIer@ witb* ut getta that habit firteued On YOu. commercial trataloir, thOUgh jour Bru ty gîte Yeu lhe [argent amaTI of aur tn in jour line, thoubh thry migbt git* ou 10 par cent of ail yen cil, or 20 lier lot or 50 par cent. or 99 par cent, tbej a5s0otpay eugh te malle Il Worth jour liue ta rulo jour soni. Basidas tiat. a &remerciai bouall n evercompnser"fla ,n who i bpe morally ruin@d in their mploy. A Young man la Philadelphie rai turned out front hi# emploj beriseâf finebriatlon, got in time service Of tbe srchant Who employad int . and here Le le latter lhe strote ta big employer: "Sir, I came into jour service encor- pt ln princîpi«andaidn morale. but lthe les of jour bouge requircitjue te spend Meveningeaai Places e9 public entertalk- cnt and amusement ia searcb cf cuslom- s. To iccomplislt my work ln jour mer- ice. I was obligeit te drinak wlth tmem de loin tbsen in their pursuit* of Pieim@ e. It vis fot my choie.but time ce cf le bouse. 1 went wltb tbem tealthe tbe- ter and the billiard table, but il Winet a ny choire. 1 did cot vish îo go. I vent . m our service. Itrvia mot my ploagure cte do, but 1 vrreltha conductor and coin- c nanon of the simple Deues. void alibie o idatanding and of princiPie, in tiri gafni pienmures amd desin of dfeer dack- tesn, tit 1 migbt retain thena mi leur materer. Tour interent requiredIL 1t. t mtve added theusands cf dollars te thé wofts of jour trade. but i wbat expana. rail nov stean d i knov toc Wel. Yeu mave become wathy. but I am per in- lard. And Dow Ibis ruel dismienal frens mur empioy sla te cecompessa I recel,, or i charadte? ruinaitand prospectât blast- i- l bhelpingt tomire You a ricb Man- A, for the min Who gels sucb aL latter Agie. 1 cbarge you, tell the vIOo ulli about mnythint 700 seil. Lying rcme-I mecelai trateler, will coina rigbt &fier Fu loto the maime store. Do n01 leItheir ufair competition temopt Yeu fcom the raight line. It la naniaiubargain Ither xmin maies vehe ma slts hia gooda and ig soul at the sinoe tinia. But it sa almost nigbt. and yen go back f te qébotel. Noir coules Ibm mighty togIl fr the commercial traveler. Tell mi 'bere lhe @Vende hbu eeainîs. and IvW teil yen vbera halie ii ipend etavuily, and 1vii tell you vbat viili bh hlm orldlj 1 rospects. There sl an abundanéb cf1 choice. There la jour roiom vîth the boeks. I hbere are the Young Men's Chisltian A&-t soeintion rona. Thereaire theavek nigbt services of the Christian churchat. ,ere in lthe ganmhiing saloon. There la îe thrater. Tmeresime bouseoetinfanty.e Plenty of places ta go to. But vhicm, 0O imnortel oman, vbieh? 0 Goit. vbieblt -Wel,Yeu illry. "I sues. Ivii-! gSusa 1 ili go toalihe themter." De yon tbink the tirryiug in thst place until Il odcock t night wiii improve jour bodily heaitm or jour Bonccial prospect or Tour etarnal tortumel Ne mas eeer found lhe a ib t ,mfulnesi or honor or bîPPinesi Or coin- mecil suce«s or heiven through lbe Lmerlcun Ibester. *WeU,' jou t5*7, 1 'ocam. then. I viii go to-I gueis I viii go ta the gsmbliugl saloon." You viii fret go ta look. Tmen you iii goto play.t Thaea ra.tcbaa of the gambling saloont knov boy ta tenipt you. But mark Ibis -mil gamblers dia poor. They may malle fortuuemt-great fortunes-but they loge hbem. Bs PUrs la Timngimt ad Action. But Dow lbe question il mtill open. Nniere wil 700 îpend jour aeuîaig? Oh, comumercial tratalers, how muucb viii You tire me to put yen oS the rlgbt track? irisbout cbarglug joen a fartbiag I viii precm-iba fer yon a plan whicb viU msata yeu for tibla orld and the nedt if yon viii take il. Go before yeu leaie home te the1 Young Mensa Christian Association of the rity Where yen lits. Get ffromt theinlet- ravi of Introduction. Carry tbem out ta tha towns and citles wbere yon go. If bhere lha no sucit association in the place you visit, timeu prasent theni et tha door of Christian churebes and baud tbemn over ta the pastors. Be Dot slow ta ailma In 1h. devotionai meeting sud mîy:*'I am a comn- mariltraveler. I amn tir away from home. andt I rame lu bers to-nigbtto10saab Christian society." The bemt bouses and the bigbcst style of amusement Wiii open before you, aud listead of your beiug de- pendent upon tbe leprous crevwWho bang iroound tbe botels, winting ta show you ail the glume of the cty on the oua condition fbnt you viilpny Ibeir expenses. jou viii Cet the belmdiction of Go in l every tovu you visl. Remeumber tbim. that wbatever plac e 75 viait badi influences wiilsaab j-m out. acoodinfluences 700 must aeu-k Out. 0I commercial travelers. 1 priy for j-ou the ail tisaWns tg race of Goit! Thera are tumo bAuds of dîje wbu-n you are aspe- tiatly lu ueed of divine trace. Tbe one, the day wheui you bave no succes-when y00 fuil tamalle a sale, and yen ire tery maucb disappointet. and jeu go hîck ta pour botel discomited. Thît night y00 iigie tempted te go t0 strcng drink and rusb loto hall suroundlinma. Tbe other day wbeu you illii especiaiiy neait divine trace viiie ha wbeu h iaebâtd a dîy of tirent sucres@ ait the devii tells jou yen muât go and ceebrata thât succeusa. Then y00 viii vant the grace of ('od te reitrîlu j-ou fromt rolliieing indulgences. yes. there viii hea s Iird dnj wben 0u vii .,cd to hae(Christiies, sud that viiie hate last day of joulrlife. I do not know vhpre jou vili îpend It. -Parhaps In jour bouse, more pi-ohsbly in a rail car, or a steamer. or iLbe strsuge botel. 1 ilce yu on jour lait commercial errand. Yenu bave biditen good-h tteba fmilj iborna for the lait time. The train of jour eartmly existence in uearingIbthe isierof the grava. The hraitesaire fallunt. The hall rings nt the terminus. Tbhe trin stops. Ail out for eteenity. Show your ticket uow for get- tiug mlthlb gale of the xhining clty-Ibe red ticket vashed inluthe blondi of the Lamb. Copyright. l»0. SHORT SERMONS. Cliriatlan Scientista.-As Chrisîlan, Selentiats we may ceu-braIe vlth greal- er interest Iban avec bafoce lthe birtb cf the gru-at Demoustrator cf Trutb, vblle MAP MIOWING EXTENT OF hURRICANE SERVICE. Anllcipatmg the demanda efthIe service the Govrernineol bss emîabliised suit- mble heatiquarlers fcr the West Iaiuun atorrn-witnnn ysîetu.und'r lime direction if the veather bureau.,sand bas icecici that the esilprneutbet ho*ml-y remomiele and brongillt op te date. The- OrsIu-p lu inbte neunplane vas tbe ni-omonat of the centraI Office frocs Kinglsnnlu Havsus. Dîmcing the last aix monmils btheioro- omeut bas bau-n gainngvalnîmble exiiecienco lu the operubion of tbe mjmieum lu the West Inien, Centrlrmansd South An-m su ad the-the Mm-i-am gîmf coaut. uni as a resultIl bas iu-vectiemlai omprobensine plan of daily vesîber nu-porte frum that importaut region. Stations baye bu- eetalshemi uttbe prnacipal points. anmd dii>'observations ouIlhabc eportet. The mont Important poimmusincludmdi n the mystein. maI tprêeul rganizm.ui.are Ilaiana. Santiago. Kinigston. Color, Saut,, Domingo. San Juan, SI. Thomas. lit. Kitîs, Dominîci. Martinique. Barbados. Triiîad. Ccracoa. Vocru Crus. 'omtsa- i-emleops. Tamipico. Merimia. Namssau. Guadaloupe. The secompanving mnp la a ce- production or one pfiîmar-mi luiVllis IL. Moore,(ehief of the ocaîher bureau, shîow li bbc location cf the points of obsatnandthoibcacble connectionis aiceai>' establiebeul. UNCLE DI0K OGLESBY- spite Mca. itardel moinlthe lad>' in jeliowv Uri palmOrsi. more blamlss Carmer, lIner.,Lowyer, Geserul, Seu- lluis ru-ballons o'flh voin? n' 1' sar and Gotarmeor. mmoce' mli>' put luiiisolf lu parU to e-- Nço manis lllinois mnjop-s te greale nei-uc irlue I lu dtlre.4? Who vas mone -vIent ltae confiec e spii emct cf iicy on tbe point cf itonor. otan if big big felIoW iizesemi b,,itiebhard J. attituile of soif-du-fouseo-as umîsclan- >glesmy. Geral, î .#noc mand thum? lu obondo vu-mark a baud focuum-rCUnitedi Blale sle-nmior. lia more Open, a bh'urt mnieatendu-r or bas aise bu-eu a woismatOmaiisler, more Pager te forgs-u? ý farmer, LaI&Ueorn.a mner.Ota wvj-u ndel nmim'u-. Mr. Ptckwti-b aueunsçsqvru t-uveler. oluer titan ni>'ovu Ideal buiglit," Uni-le Dit-b Oglelaby. as ite it anili- "mul abti L~ r"hl i an>' call-mi. as born in Kmentuc-kylu goond Eunl Marism4. i llu-e are 1824 and oaalhall mu citu t the amiable; bus geeiieou s9 viteoas lthe mga of 8. Ha moyed t0Illinois abmout pu-nuon of BrIan Tunual. Hec iminom tiaI lime. laeau-rv-d In lIme Mezt-un shun titi-boi; Dur imlii Soirates. vbo, war and lu Ihe va&r for Ibme Union, ru- 10 hasure. hoi)e r. Johnson, bnd tite gging f rom hea armytulu 184 10 bu-- atruugu-cbonad. These ext-poses ortheii corne(jos-ermor of Ilinois.lie sers-ed l'hekwiclkaou arc le ha taken lu s am Govonnor ontîli1»111anmifrorn 1873 Plî-kuiekian su-nue; Ibe>' are oascym- le 18711 vas Uniteaes îleaBunaor. ixuticai us Maîcnîluck. andi infinit-ly For aimost bhfait canurY bu lias bu-on mr netiI apover ll taeRepublrcnpolltit-5 ofmoretentehmuln orpltc.kwc bis uuioptmi BIaIs, las noue. andmnMioums noue, Il ts mot i Hpu-mlig cf bis etinter i-minou-cUnebo uovu-i. but sonethiuig fax battu-c. Ilin Du-k saa>'u*"1 triei. fanmîng oeeauni- Pli-boit-b.thu-bru-vian>'ofetbl men. mo mu-c and clescei juI 8$6.50. I In trck "Deltgghtfulbook!" as Thackeray mu- thon ltaI Ivas Det t-ut eut for a criai o'ben Dugam Daigetly*s Damm forer.and1 dcidd t stdy aw. corinceloto bis mind. "Te lbink of it ve-tut dovu 10 Springfield te rend witb la te vaut te jump utp and bake lb dovi Judg, Rbbis. nd, f curs, 1frein lime theif." lb openîs le ni i ta-koi llacmmlouee li tIrtlhtg. 1 ond litlluai>croviomi otb humai had ou-ver ru-ad a book Ibrough it lum>'hitgmi. of svhoni the- bout umuoriant lite thon. andmtheba ig vends neani>' evon are perimnent crei-lons, friandm flooil mue. Judga Robithns sîggu-stemiwhom wvu-do Bot forge. Ibal I rendi Eugim bbiton>' loug vlth__________ mj Law books.,mandimbu-mimu- vitl1IPOINTS FOR tPOOUNK'S MOTEL, eouit> crnembar oh nY i>'btor>'. 'I bave____ nover rend a-n>',.Jutge.' 1 Aflm. Hev la ituili mn Extravagant Mesu "'Wliot. ne Englab im mtor>'?' 'o' Oui t fCeuMsOnVClmcMîtarimia. "NO Ameinlcu blter>'? 'NO.' Ha vinkemi farnuliani'nultme lanieor "'WehI. vihtlhave jeu ru-ai' aied ue ha peu hlmsbill, andInlua confiden ltae Jumigu as ha loed aime materai>'. timl toua remminkemi: 'Noliming. Jumigu; nu-ver ru-ad a book "h dou't mimd tîu-ing >-ou that I an dirougithunMY lite.' Ibinbing et goieg Imb Ite botl boai "' Why, tii-b. imow lu thu- <lu-i do nu-as mymoîf foc a change. Yu-s, i: yen expuel lue bu-eone Oaimo-jar?'akemi tbaI'a se! Cm.'0 bought the biggest plats Jumige Roimbios thon, for unie Las Podunb, unidmmbajoi 'I1 bld blîn." maya thte ox-Govrcon. vouldult mini Iu-lltng me a few thiugi "Ibal I kuu-v sevu-cI al m vuru woabout Lkeplng a hotu-mou-lu' oui nu-ver reamii u>hbiug. nevu-r bai rend rlgitIthi ie business. Tbu-ce'a lime meu-m anytbimg, dldn'l knov anyIhng. and1 now; nmre 11111e pointa on thut mugi badut t oy su-se, athar. oui 1 guessai I couim bu- a lawyu-r If lima> couimi. "Thon I but-bled dowu mni ceai Blncbstona aund acterai othar law bock. and presenteu mj-ueif bufore Jumiga Bru-axa for eu-iaone. We bsd a jng of cidor xani #.bnshal of apîlele tr eut Lte judgmê*ud va ail o-eut titrougit." Explilingo-b>' ebu-bcame an aboli- tioulatobilie borie lis Kentucky ho sait: "Unile 'l'n o-a the principal cause et il. Cne-h Tint oas the outy slatve ln the hamutly, andi hamidescend- ail freinmj ygranifather ho ni>'fatiier. lu oru-r 10 dislie up lime vm'n3 lithoe propenî>'t1hn1 um>' laîhar lu-f Ius o-ban ho dled, tuile Tien bad tole bumud aI aiuctiou. 1I lail boec rfocget boy he lookemi as bu- omi on te box rnday foc sale. lit ms-s a povorfot mieu, wtit a nl>'bearlng. n ino face. andl a skin as blalck as ebmuîY. He liail alvayiimean fonud cf tes elidren. atul Itoughîl lmosh as much tu et as 1 did of efyn>fa-ter. The teitni stremniemi mlesn hie face and bu- iiggcml my lathers brother te bu>'bhlm, but Ibis coiii not ho doue. "Uni-ho Tint." I sait] a"I veut elle 10 bien, -"Inigotng le vork aui enrnu the mena> eyt uîy jeu auniset j-ou froc." lits fai-e ligitled np ie lt prîde and 1lensuîre, and timon sctiluilbock ltoe a look of despaIr. "'Tank -o. Marnta Dl-k' ho alt. 'But -os a pore orpban mi' vo't neb- han be rielî 'mmff le buy tUnle Tir.' He vus soimi sud bnougbl $400, bu-tmg Imt is best o'orklng ilays. la 1849 I wpt 'eoleCalfornia. mand, afler a bond pull ofet i. 1gel togu-Ihor ses-ral thot- uani dollara. iau-t lime monay aI once ho m>' bnolter.aund Cnt-laTimn vus puretiasemi and freem.' BELOVED MF. PICKWICK, Andre Laz Paye lime Demi Seat a juat TrIbule, If Mn. Pickwlck hanet a gentleman (oh coursc, o;lntlhe buraidit- senna), Who .ha? ouka Ânirew Long ln lie Forlmlgbtly Review. Who vau aver mon courleous und -Zondterate «We ir v li , let- 'a n- ly hork Wedouiuuk."eytlu dw lh a udirdrbbdIb ahaoto bis hnw mid thubah ean.po o hrewandcbhkeu aroet." u muid; 'hu-bn t-onescroquetIbslime o Mi;ju-ar." oesbghtistmeo "I 5." "Net one u- a mtheusandi aul-l the iiferance halveen voendt-bcIt-bu-n." "Guevithilibu-s! Tbecu-'s a pointer tle start vitb." "FrIai chit-ken eoats moeu-. Fcled rambit lttes 111e it. anmidltediffaronc- goos mInt jour pot-bat."1 "CGolij, l'ni gettu' rî-aic ami>'d." "'Quail on tost ronds lino on lthe mu-nu. Yen dom't suppose vo tolks lu the cil>' pampor our gueahs ou ru-ai qui? Bob>' owis toute so mu-hi lku- qunil Yje cnt bu-il oeefrom Vootier, And oeut jour vay ovie mumst h litk us punipkloa. Thtcn lu-nu-abu-cf. 0f course you've hourd et the hippopha. Cous lbaonj-?" "T-h-e-lba w-b a-t?" "Click! click! Tu-s. olil radera. Tou t-n u by ilon i im'lthe bunt-tet ofabn- dnm'd foc n song." The mou froun Poduub lurneil pale. 'I gîtoss Ive gol ailltae points I1t-on ne- meniar utoe-a ndIif jeu eer orimm our on>' gîtee a n tail. Goemi ma>'. Fnied rnobit? Ovis untoast! Il i pp-op. I ru-t-on l'Ilt-all the lime- thore.u-.(eat imusinu-s. thia botlteeplng. au> hov." -Chicago Tlues-Ileriiil. i'wo Kindig or'Peopie. Nu; lthe 100 kmnda s of ule on earbb 1 Aret lime imeopteo oslift and ltae péople Woo eau. Whcrou-er yjugo.,jeou ilfini the- vorli's Are M atosudivided il ustelthese Ivo cltasoses. Aind omlhenougit, jeu vilinitu, lue. 1 The-is ouI>'onu- lifter 10 o'cwnty oho lu o'iich clama are you? Ace yj'c asins 0f ovrcîied liftera who lohildovu the- ruai? Oc ara jeu a leunor. vit e tlsolbcre bouc Tour portion of abor and vorcj amuid ace? -Rima Wbcelcr IWlhýoi. Thea luOvuer. "Do yen ove jour ou hbomoe, Tus-cc- "Ni); oe've bail the-dameCooek ses-on ju-ara." P.acetul Indians, "Are tae ludions noar j ounranich troubiu-oma?" "'Nav; thu-> alîmI got noîllu' vs want.-Cles-elaud 1I'luiDaleair. It imasernetimes more dilielut le vin the fabers aoc I hau the daugitler s baud. Thea demi eller probably d d t 0Il* ,poL TMI STTNDÂY SCHIOOL ERIOUS SUBJEOTS CANEFULLY la CONSiDEREO. tM -Tmonghta Worthy of Calme flciec-n thon-Hall u unlrn Sudy et Ithei flcriptur..-Timc WaU Speut. t The tesoommu for Feh. 21; mu fosumil c John Il 714.,28-37, anmi bas for ils '.abj'm'lCbrmt Il ?mgaiîî w, 1555 <my.r un ioipmcluant intm'r-i1 ua.thmtIel;alml-aîî minmsltry. Bytlusis mmcrc Cm-ry oI 'i imentmlsimiit li ave re,-uaizms tfor' limimi f tbe fileltlimaI Immun ix Si omty 1m5 ig nac-m s-mes frontm tbe h fm'(if Jemmem. I lustrale [>bases of him charnicer mnt wrck. Tbm- ast lesmmu. tbm fpemliig cof! tbe ai ,000, i-m dmml etnIpaumover lice orfIlie yec 21). iîst one j-car b.'fmr Ie croc«i liaion. The prmseut leasson m mlalmd ut the fast or tsborîa,.em cf tbe gmne j-euthit in tbhe mimdle of Octoiser. limriiig the s ai mnunlanht inlerenei. JexuRmasmde Il twc journpy% nocthwerd foc retireranent, b th liret in the ueigbhobocf Tyre and . Sidou, the mu-iond to Il M.11e-con and thu- r end waters of the Joirdtan. On bbe taller tý mmlccey the transfigraioin om'mmiirrmsl. Olb cI r Inîldeutis of thé sumi.-er are îisrrael m, inatbuw (15: 21-18i' Mii. solitte par-1 ttm.t pasages in Mark amuitI.îîkc. Thee loIs lu Jéruisalem ettIhé feaul cf laler' adi-mm silnerraleit ouiy bj Jomhn. whbmose cuim'sbis as,relh aud eigbîb ebimîters * ili ils li.cuirsex For the ium mmm'lm(f Iboso who may desico oa examnel- 01m'(41 Testamenutt lw and tbi-r e.mrîi" t tîiom feauml.theu-folmw- îîg rilîtotimmlsîiy tm'ge mîEx. 23:If;i,f 34: 22; u-v. 23; 3:1-i36. 39: 44: Nom. 29: ' .4-44). D-.'mmlo: V13-1.7; 31: 11)13, t Ringsa 8: 2. 12: 3-1; 2 Cbrmii-,: :, 7: 8. Ezc. 3: 4. 8: 14-17; Zecb. 14:li1-19. E.ipimgitoiy. "Jesus wentDit up loth Ie templem- oand suAthtý': the t-mple duonna Ibis finîot WHa if course the gaîbi-ringacme cf greal bhrimas of Imeilme. a WVo uuslreiemcier hal buie thbmsamîcluary. or bmmiy bouse, w'as but a sciaitlIuilding, il was smirrmîmid- -d lmy asésuries mîf courts.,menvbia n a lover ci-el Iban the one vlmiII, the outerus if whiî'b. boîuiolonu ohé side fi'Solo'! aîou's porch. Oas abolut 1,000 feu-t square. rhus there vas un roofem l pinas. 'ani lu the plorlicea wbicb mesparaemi theni. for thousaudm of people. The discourses of Jeas abu-corne fer more full of meianing if we rei them witb bhese externat cireuustaucos tnummi. The- discuissionasce- y the vrr'tact ofa Jesmi' teacbîug lu the temple. amd show- ing Ibat he possesem a sehelar's kuovi-i rmlge of btheiicripcims(*'Ietters,"vs-@.5M). Thbis knowlodge aslouished soma heirers. andi Jetons prale-diem to show Ihem that bis Ieachiug dld net dépenid on scholastic loce, hut vas mieriremi frointbis Faîber. itou. Home cf theé" wholilstened 10 bu. belng sîrangers bI he eiîy. vere nol awsrc iatbsthIe eeclastiastical pîrly vas tbrcatemiug tiikili bin, andi spoke III monne suirpriase of bis refereuces tlintatibrent. They Oeceiecc. owverr.thal there could lat- notilg lu the curru-ut rumor Ibat h.s migbî poamillj the Messiab; bu-cause mauy of Iben. haiiug from, Gnlilée-, kuew ail about bis mrigin, his mother and (eop- îmîsi-di father sud brother. Ho familiar a fttIoo' ctixen eouid not ha the Messlîh; for wbeu tbe Nlemsiab shouid coru-., se- cocdiug tu popular bélier bis ociglu would tnt ha kuousu pubticiy. The total iack of ondlerttuding comet Jesu us 0miel vigorous utîllrunce. He "ciemi," risiug bis roi-e le a about no as to b hapard by boumiremis. "Tu-botb klnos, me and je kmiow vheucu 1 am." Ha mad- mils wbat the>' say as tri bis enrtlh> orig- lu, but saie mmedustm-ly. "I am uct corne of myseif, but he Ihat sent nie is truce. wom je know not." Their superficial kuowiouige la net ceai kuowiemige. 0f God tbu-y kuow nothiug. "Tbeu they songlâtt Inkmitél'a: the- ~'tbey" adnes not -r"fer tu the people at large, Ihougb Il rnight sèmu-an1; it refers 10 the priesta sud rulers. The fotlowing verse shows Ibat munie of the people bu- liev-mion bhlm. Ams5scinas the i'bari-s,ems, vbo vers Jésus' 1mont bitter eiii-, bm-ard that tbere wcre sympins mof a rev'illsiou of popular feelingt ii bis favmîr, they look utarin and. surremimr'i il la gstanding pre- judiers lu the exîelot cf juimîlus bauds lith thc 81,ddqeces inist cf the priests cf tbe highî'r raillsasm-eru- Hdic-- The ceslýsmîe cf .tsus lu ibose woo couic lu nrri-st tbilesîinicij fenriegs. lie dou-s niiîi gin tlii mnmitti.m thein. or lu ni-umie b lunoticem'Ibiir mmtivi'ius deomande. lie mmniplj' cc tam-m u heni abat bu-eviii rm-maim onî ,'rlb. dmmîngbis sork and speaking bis trotta, as lonmg as hbc s;fit- n litiîe whitm'-sîni lim-îm olit pasa yond Ibi-ir reacb. l1t- wilt go whiliu'r liey calu- Dot fottoo-ini. No Wonider tiant Ihe Mordms îm>'tified tlim. Th'li-, atany if the feasl was preania- bthe Ib Hbbabh folloving the week of Ibh- feast. Ibm' oigbhhday. wheh oaas colo- brslm-d ns tbe cinai efthie si-res. A mlosî inli-r'sig sugagestion bas bei's'umade vîll regard te the- vorsiathat Jésus ut- i'rm-d as lu Ibirst mani voter. Ou cach of lbh- icciedina sercu duj-s Ibm- housanda of peoiile gaîbi-erdluinbte templle coumrts bad am-o a sotlemu liro-usimu of Lévites pants ont îthe gales. down'utu lthe munIl If Hiionni. aimd reluru witb a mit-or botsin illemio'ibit waler from the pool.,o'him-iî as liocrem wilb ceru-mony haideltme allai- cf bîlcut offi-ning. This syusboim'ii Ithe' oser o-bu-h flovemi fromntlime rock in Ibm- olmer- neas. On the elabîli ma>'. îîu 55er o'as bromgbt. At the ncum.I mmmcmi ouc ni prio- cession passM lby. Il cmmmitm t maîmîty ha in the- mids of oî4mu3 lit lut- vau-r oas wantimua: anîl Jpsos llook ammli iage out l ciccuniaameù tu mdi-mr a striking dis- course on tbhe oatm-r cf lit, jont ns, ai- cordiae to anoîbîr eiiccm-stili.Imle dis- course ou the iigiîl of tlt- wcccii(S: 12) v as apisceprisle lx-a-, imi'of theî briltiant illoumntion cfrIh(,i' mîimIe moiithbe' îr prccu-dimg csTmiiots. alimmmt oni lb,'eightb. 9Ai thbbcwîy timrmsgli t lus,' ebaîters ef the gospel ce tiiîi lithe gracis ords and ) -,mrksI-m f Christblbeasiîig îmd ooiigbleniug lbîîa, uvio Imetlm-sed (Imolainaî. andî,i iii-mp-iug the darknî'ss and Ibm- gmiltof Ibuse o hi) eji-cteoi hina. It las o 10 day. NeIl Lesu n-Christ I"rcuing from sin.'-Johno8: 12. 31-ei. Why He o Gt p. Titu- Yeung man acose froni the car se-ut anth le fat lai>' vos lu a tw'itu-r ut onice. 'oh, duar mu-. air, bo vur>' ind et y'em. I neishij deul tu-ci au If I ongbt tal Imike jour sent. Gentlemnen are seuno- iltIsil. Do j-et, ceully hisist?" Atnd sit ehamemi t tîi an-bt>. .No. tiîaam," bu- satmi.ll a Iolov soime. 'I1 dont instut. 1 oui>' got up 'm-mOule I îhlnk tlb minn teaimi bealer under t' senl bas bîu-md!" A piealmiml Stapplj or Tumnita. rh imeiekacf mi uler ulupl>'for the oui-hi lanot ilkmly liicause mut-b un- e:,s1iessfoi' somu- j-mara >01. îî la statu-d taIll te provînt-petfArt- mugi-. l asis, ltera are tutu-ts beng- li;g le agevecumu-ul vicitcoter 88.979.400 at-ras lunviti-it litering ef lime vocimi's ai bai jet scancel>' beui LLINOIS LAWKA3~ The Su-nate on Wadnesdaj aad ... tor Ulumphrey' nbill sppropeitn ~ sîx to plce astatue Of Frîn a l . rd in the naational utatuary hlal is- clgou, luIn he flouse Mr. Schlagenhauf 1mIrmîsem a bill iîrondiug that raiie«o un, the Ilc cmmon carriers muai carry .. ll j-dlen a, bagage. Mr. Vincent put in a l' ih riieb tvmheIbe cemsary modIia,'- ins. mu e plmiuîary etection lia - y lu i-coolies bavn a spopulation of 1MM t an tZ.wO. Mr. Young f Chicago ilà- 'omîseli a bill rezmitmtiiig the conferulug of dean-mm. hy cottegm- and acadamies. The flouas- E,timn <.îmolthrew out m@U -nmjiinamctlcincottests. In the flouse- on Tbursdsy lime Demo. rat. vmnfeur mobhlng Ibm- Speaker amnd - lraggalu bhlm frouî the'chair. The lroe- i., rbîcb ban limon brewing for nm a'n l. wiax semm hIe failure of Bpeak- cr Hi'mtmm recognige thomu-e O. be ep. po.mng pmîrly 'mu irous occaions. Nu tlom s si-m-cm. truek and the etorn i nail catmum'mt ,,mo'î. The *law attcdenm' bilI. wii, an mnimrgmcney elause. piamei bY th lI-iomm 'y vote' of 139 l . Tuei ill lermîmîs mv sîmîmlaîmts vimo bean liai .uic.mlem'the tre--year cour'se hi as atlli'ml tmy the Supreme Ceuit toImi amlmit-ml lu lie bar. Banalor MNU- bhrist offcermm a rsoltuimu In the Banale bob lprmîviie',for a eonmmittee Of Bà" laWYerx to reise' the practîce &"d peu- c'mtirl'm- i mîrîs cf jussie-in the Stîa. Tiî-ermwoaýs sm'rcty a score o1 memme in the lion-, Frmlay mnorulas, and time mîmes as -emimlemi l, thbm'preseno. of emmomuites'repoîrts. Mc. Seire>'.fei bmth c'niiiiitlee mlm Mines and Mlnlug. le- pormelmi Brmmwn's mill for the protection et i-m-suf Iouer, frontIbme dangers resulting rmmnm tbe lnc-omiwmu-eY of minera. 11e bit Oas cmendmia lirmit timu-andadranceld ta aem-mmîîi cm-mmling. Mc. Ranil, from flme 'mlnml--on Nlitîlary Affaira, made&aie- mort reemmnimmnmilng tbe adioption ofàarme- mîmîllon lrde o rnsîmm'laue lime mgo fayot- inthe imsymlllt omf the Illinois voitnlsa cccni tbem'hue cf ass-mablinga t thaîr base station lu mthe lime cf their muster l10111 hi- Ul'mtld tlatm-5-rime. Thme-report di bme emmmnitmec as amloptemi. Thme HO y nlljmmmîrîm,,'i 5o'lceb Mouday ifteruaeem In the Henatm. the socru-liry. chaplalu 4a" ont, Senalmîr îommlm'n0)the foullattendikuMai lty i-ourtexy éaevmrai bille éére advsaud to lirmut rm'mdiog, lut no other bosinmes Roth branches cf the- Lu-gl&lautW biS '- mmmsy mormimi sesionn on. SturaY- MW Sem-atm- lassedmlthe bill providing fa-fbç -lIem'timn mof Judmets against rgUllOM moimpamîîisbolme pcopm'rty ls morigagel Nm lbmm no m'secution eaui ha bad ag@lM hen. Iy comupelliug agents of the ecab- pamny ha ring moue>' lu Ibelr pomme" f» t psy ovm'r huit of the recepta eft të' office's uttil the Judgmenl in Paid. T11h bill la inleudemi t reach the Chicagoe11,4 Southemtm'rn railway, againatviMiel aim iunumershti' Judgmeute vhlcb cMOIebl salisloul. The bill, vblc sa a substibut for the 2-"ntulfre bill killai a 1ev dne o mgo, wmmmmengrosemdinlathe RosMace tivt coomîderabie opositionl. Il curecs .I road coumîanies 10 mail il(0-MierI books for $10. The claim of M May. of Chicaigo. for $5000, Wh"iebaie beau ruuniug in different Lagfisatuemi, agnînsl the State for oearij fus'ty YOOMa wms ndvîuced s @tep lovard m.ltlcme&. After a atormy debalee 1e llrnWW voted lii ha ineorporateit lu the gentrl - appropriation blill. Both bouses met Mondaj îfterson, bw. as neither iie hîmi miquorum madJeuu. meut Oas ltkenu otil Tuesda>' morim. i Witbout a dimmenting vota e e 11ff Tueiy subslituteit for lime 1Uemmffle myndlme's mn truel rîilwarbilh ieAM4 version of the "horme and dou.y",~ u-ith n provision which repeala the imalls law sud vitb au emergaucy cia*me U- îached. The Senate dldi e flIevl" bot pace met bj the HOU»e. la taI 110111 tbe iemaorlai syndicalesi street; -i"g bilt lastili alite. but tbe bAil lngm on Tuesday hy BSentor Camiei la almoît word for word a1e rtie U illitnl in the order of second remuas. The feiloving ibilla bava hbea, bbg- duceml: aurunce muperlmuiendent attorney fer OR toceigri inaurance compmuies for myen ire prom-ss; aise bill remnotlng lirit uffl damiagea thît mmy ha recov-rehln casm et deaîh by vrougfti snel. nagleet or deU. By Mr. Berry-To lettuise aekuevisdg-m' - moula tabou by molories vho are ceé- .u' osA wilh corporations Interastedinl qh-~ acknowledgmeuîle; ause bill]proviiagthbM sociu-ly buning suprerne iodge vith î«M milte jîîcladctiom vbich providels lor ge- ersi relief or reserv- fond May mame Iga setemnueuls for lbim fui; uase, bill illewift ' State 10 mimpu-alln cnmaminaei.-mai; 0Imé l provlding for dhvsion of mcbqoi daaeu Byj-Mr. Bmclay-Appropniting NMr 300 fur the maintenanceanami ipasse- mu-uts oui repaire oflime Illinoisla iae. trial Home foc tisaBlinla uCiîcaeMF 105 j-eacs. Hy Nir. StewurI-Te proler petr-nat and coirporations lu Ihplr cana, bclhlsw - imarcu-h.. etm. B>' Mn. Allen-Provdmg fer &allas - phuies o-rits in repietia eases vimee - fendMuib ln 001 serrail or piopauty leI. - - roumior delîtiv 10 officer; aise bhil gg'- nidinga it hersons interentet mal teaUty lu couleetem i iiicas"s; aisebill proaldig uîorgmgcr, ho moncm'uis or disposeet mnorîgagesi proper>'shh aba]Bisaiedvice' %allie cf propecty. lty Mc. Kettering-Proving thaI y** mwor contracte lu baveo or glva.biueirse- nuoîber the- option tu su-il or boy i luire limemn> ' stock of mny ualiroen other cornpanj. or goid, or foraetmllimeb market lmy upreaulina faine ruircora tu W' ficuee te prîco tiscreot. shah ha liii, mot lois Ibs $150 uer moes Ib M 5MA or continemilb.ib te coumY atiilnetoné- li oýe jour, or botb; ami sil contralet maie lu violation ouftibis section mimaile c-oniderm'sI ganuhuimi contracta and seh" lij Mc. Brensoilt-(iiviug coluoti court. cencumrrent jnciud.mliou wlth circuit eot. in ail civii and c ,iiuiial Cases. cîcept lie- mona muidruder, and in iapp-mis front Jiu> B>' Mc. Giude-l'rnvidiui tisut ha cilles, of more Iban 1(1,(S0 eecic viras cm- cying curraul etfumure Ibon 300 veltes s"111 ha placet! undergroumnd: also bill raguat- img lelepione chartes. Bj Mr. Rambin itogutatimg lima ciarilas ef stock jards. Ny Bir. Toung of Cobk-Amemding tie,- imw lu relation te the formation amidb-le hureenu of a police pension fond. - Bj Mr. Bush-Providitig tbaî local lu- provement ordimois absah Peesele vbalher %*me shah ha masde bji PeCWÀM msmeul orf contluusproperty or gime ',. oral taxation. or imotb. By. Mc. Itoltioger-To lie-me Maqu».uv facture of patent uiedieines unier ilgs.e l ion of Board ut Pharmaey. il>'Mc. Csîolmba'h-APPlroPiihag 1116 000 te pmj iltluohimmiluteens frena dateet u-nimltnenumt îi malervi lote V~hj Statls servmie. By Mr. Chaptuuu-'Ïo*Madniroui bridge lmv au applimi tu ecuatta rq du-r township mrgmuitiOtt. BY lir. lau-pr-Tu eaible clae tnilt-u l uargaboluaiRt lee j0 vota. By Mr. Baiter-AJIiWiM. tInsntance Compis-i-e il empaimlfabc, &mWll

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