CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Feb 1899, p. 4

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GRAVSLAKE LOCAL* NEWS. f3joTh WOOO M. fbmobfl.M ". a. B. SmiesmMAN. Lard Biuter. ?mmA. T<rfl5! 24lSIA R lra. uieran t anîired tu recel,, sbsriptonsand advertîam@ntB - f.FbuT 4,19-Ku hrai nato.1onbrfrrts *5W ~ ~ LlbetTVll6 ~mfbIIIU V~Efor he IN aIeaNT&h Order for job pecntine.OionefrrCa Each Department Complete. jt fif n h ,aos -f t t er r ilO W eo i an le no e but the B eat G ood o bnd G uarantes GRYLK~SCE1t. Doctor han Invited Prof. Bentalin iu....satisfaction .. me nd lU ot er b " d 3de 0i W w L baSL K E S GI T E S eh w tbh tlm during ber absence. ~UM UT5VDXW O PPIc U A unhr0feuirn- LOOK AT TI-IESE R RICES: xlfwN N APLI Rl('NIove u' onor bforetuBon uindaf rayaslske have bensaillcted wth lbe CAIi< egisiatAon withonl kililng th entire SAUOATUCK. L.A. YseNL"n. W. a - messles the past week or twO. Even uie n abrbial eA 0 rn alrI Ihm t tAhe J. J. LOoÂ,BuGE. SeOy* snob old-ttmers e DVeWhte anudBySetrs...1........10 itieradRrbo bilnd ie a oci1-rank. ayor e e hme LRolS U hapier. No. ms Orler Essiera Brt Johnson bave been nnrstngtbom. Men-' Swaters...............son 25 Wise a man te attemPt tu do wbat he presesa ca met tir i sd third Tesdaiel, euLunee hrs.FnyDso. ..2r up Partir journifil N~~~~Pu ssa i. BT.V.1 fr.mbi son gon ec oed a ltt OU50iiub-adIJy'ýaa*... ae4~~a Faim Jurnal knows wonid ho mure apt te brlng il la good corn gyowing weather an UneJuxii urmasCIJent N.. M. Arir. himningamn epeeivet a b-rA O in' n osCp UgFsiu failre tha aucose. Th friede ni on woid agvo Af on cond ueob0' ~R).USL. W.A.eot clte.,1ie4reortsWapA.ssni voyge, Al UndNeearet.......................Cee F m Y. fillie Canalartenmoes. hefni ~Vano e oudateIlyncudaff o sc. adfur sud evenlgs of AiUdrer .... ....... 37 s@pochalarrangemeuttmone ohe Iaealadsehereenhrses bisoeacb -l one but doses netexpeot te gel tu th@ Ail uvercofiat.. ....a-i... .coït eAbUepbihrs of the Farm hyhv ee iaytMe dnring te o teldbbr.ore i-fc no ot. J. .Mesain.Y..C. PhIlippines before liarch 101h. Laèdies'1.50 Warin Shoes.................. 76. w»teAirsr h hvehO lt" I T.Sherman la moving te Wanke- Joualt CasisviAit. Cierk. Tentc nlaut week's isne rois- 3 lb cau Green Gage Pintes ......... .......l12 J«ss w O5are éabled tu aller ea e iecesstsry legisiatlon grsUd ber 101sonrcaes bas rented brTehoieI IkemsbrpintharâtPiper sli be secured. altbLougb there are CUB F BONOR No. 164 meetinglo tiSvét10th. deuils of lira. Dairiel Vas aui lb eau Egg Pinmes............... .......... 2c farin. It las a mater of specniatloii and 3rd audy of ech mentir. fin .vry noV subsolriber wbo payes rnany quakiliS knoes in the Bouse for E. L. Boss, w. c. error. file Bled lan Chicago and the bca eT..........* 0 totb IBPNDNTele ea he(l ler ha te anlamendaient May wbat James wIldo for s honsekeeper. lMas. V. Buagi. unec. rmiswobogt teOurniez Tures- Glaie lt ie ...........Il foebe IMItEEXDENT On.YeTirabent earathamate CanalbaskettseconddlyMsud froe thero0iaenN.0.1h.tulVani ZaydCandhfLino..................he Md4»Meoff er lasruade ta resDit n killiug tire River snd Harbor Th en i mteehol one uaud e aa ndsi M uSt edyeenu luezmu Spaldlng's Cornersa(Jemetery for tu-HWh i.............t old suscribe whO wll Puy bill.sueceas consderlug the Vethor. Onr Mu-s. -MO. oan-L. tBec.(aliauizedWaà ioe il liait dnes sud one Yeau sol CONOILIEAT10NAL Cbureb Soinday ter- AMr. and Mrs. Wahbnrn Vent tu Oak il qnart Blread l'an, fin .. ........ 250 e4ac~.ohppers for thlie ~WHiý NO. aholrelized ecmething over $6bil. vioenso&m. and i7:50 ' m. -Pu* ltest aturdayte, vAsi theioir 0 uat itt tAH n .......... 200 1 car ouru0n1. Blomon Stroug expecîs tu tari for lMr. LodO5ke Vwubnrning a pierre of Ilundar evonlnu$iai 6:8m p.t.2JqnarstparoDa, Air.indPAir. Wood.A.r....a.s......rite * l ore!10 elthe Farte Journal the ±'hillppine Islands in thie spring. slongh grasu and tbe lire gOtting the meet Suantar a P. te. Sabbaih dehout 11:30 taahhnfl relurned Aonday, white ieA qurCordTnPs..O laodrt e . te. ite stayed te ho preneant at tbe poil 3 quart Covered Tin Psu . ...... c mltpremiunrfor sdvsuce psy- Dont failtauattend lime entertein- tri0f hlm bnrned overnorne large R. tesisînas eviiatr er.npthial îeceoTnoa irfieeday. ur ovrd£uPol.. ......b meu Atvii h.neessry a wik met ai lihe sclool Sitiurdsy evening.fiteldsasndfi ltook s»ve"smon 10 fIglit \AJ ds bru2.te. ntbtms 1 tecatausr.i ~fr Mlr. Joinoscl.bas rented the Solo- Ar ake ieVOSto uun-Mas. oss Lus. lice. Sec. The lOral, Frituch & Klillen. Vent Washburn & Crosbys ImperialFor8. mou haroug tama for a terte of three Have yon board of tbe trouble people 10.o.Oui ofexistence a ltOV VeOks ge, .honIFou VO v o ubi in te dso ehv bnhain rud irSvra eter ot thres. ihey sold out their remaining stock pemsack ..... .. ........ liveFeaa snsorptAoa 1 disose years and wilI niove auotheb.mame.hav been avAngs0lifN.bers of. 1%0 parla Jourfsl la on ollit Doneimntii.of ibeAr Cellirs havebeen broitenrattu A. momnlLii. seeCY. àoenupiod oby J. Lofîne k in&g1tneye Vo Washburn-Crosby's Superlative Flour fouandtion snd perfectY trima rmeauaimein u e- by Jack Prostam lie bit luti afgreat IABAlLd M W. W. NO. 146 havesa complote lice of harnesses and VCWtbl. ~~mania Verein will folie place iîainrday ma, ptaO beside other dainage. jX.. . .M. lahrgoa esc We arc gliAiAI ba become te bot for Mas M'uns J"319»- Sm Y. lir. Kluuey, tire Iarnei-maker, bas- evein, he ofier fr heenuilgvillage Offîcae. moved bis family frote Rockefeller in- Elgîti Butter Market. heveuiiig, hrs.enoofielcerleforovibehenurnoug àAropFroH.nd bore. Botta o the Egin Bord of rade yar willbe eleteIl. e muetail goterthedent.....................................lultAir. hermteia Mr.ldim' g.ui Aii.. ar. nlira. vuatv;lstuba; sles 112 Wm. Peteeka o bsam m t i on W" tbe ento!tIl eto. Barron. o. Iiîcbardsoti., laomdsYvaacie1 tu ho given aitlthe Grange Hall on Trnsstl. F. C. Wtlbur.E. Battorshalî.f Trevor and cbild, wno formerly ceeu- aueaItu;oficaimarket qnotatiolia, dcowned Vhitie skating ou thie river liareu 3rd by lMessrs. Engatrote and Clrk. 1 C. B. BarveY. Dr . ST.fe. pied thaole roote, are badu ihG asaeD p Soe Grayslake, Ilinois. $14; butter lai eek, 22c; ane year ibis veek, but vas îaved by Bertha Pee fNrbotri nVriy rso............ ....... i Nvire. il B.d lilevb budtab (TWe uuderetaud ibey have hall con- Police Magistrats...... ...... C. C. Morge Thu snbiliet for thie serinons ai euout to drag brio_____ outo!h c od .eYxPreo tgtigagnG. Frazler the Congrogational church oeil Son- - - -- - - NvlAprpiainbil erg. da m.oi ueiC'sdrbe~pre0 Igi~n od iiall-dajrVili boas follows: In tbe morning - ai.U . Tller.gUlarl4avalApproprAaiAon ~ vater. bnmaroifs, musical end mienoË.n@Arli-."IeBit fteCiitan'A ti C U U K E'n. »M aoâ b tf, oue, ariez$4,-officiai Paper oft GrAyailce. levyelnBg AterardsY tThe Chrialt-iami M nLUeY jup~~eBb7 lb. Bouse, carnes ~~~~ Mre Elizabeth Lehumainn, mI ad tive entertaiimnttPoeefrlimeEnavmeiga6:0VI ho led IB IçfwiAcb laabont elgut sod a hItrenenît of ibis place, (totele r bouelli of the Saugatuck osebool. Ais .B ilyaeils m nday e b ahlor.e ting eglar30 rsys 5Wl.ious thon the lirgeastu- borne louday. aged 1 SIyeara. No rus- Pec udEgtomvoviigv n hc..B geymrntstSdab heptr.Teegl ryr au. appopriation evar made for Ah.e son for deatim eau b. advanced excePt an elocitionary and musical entertaAn- Remember thme suciion aitlime Rosa 7:30 o'elock. uavi. _________ old âge. lThe fuerai services were tunulat Grange Bail ounlMatch 3rd ViII tarin neil Aonday. Lest fai, when the section forernsu, Where you wilI f ind a large and The aillaIs!!ort of iqniry 10In - eîd ain 6 tA mairin e h appearfor thie thîrd lime at PosAt lira. Autin bas goife to cbimcgo lic. l<ueger, frsicame boire, le mlsaedvaid tok f dugae Uthe hti entsCadie segan îithermu uli helu eitr Washugton, Wis, n lime latter part of tu visi Alig relatives for about bAs pocket-book contauAmig $211 Aubillse __dstcko bàagcdteumnyths ee- he H. Ai Shînter, w ibas bâti charge amentir. sudasome amimallechbange. e Asohogit a il of ohe eailmonatithAsreamkrlimer theFeiruar'. Tiey have also sppe5are Ai bad been elolen and even acctsethe tu vAluossbonnesafoonghaiseolins Geo1 at ater smal tunda ibtecenialu persan cf lb. heft. basA eek, Metliunaslalogoeau peut year, lbayes s.u taumu hvecty Mondaafousvre mms vs i tileÜFraenie WinkIe Vas rutining WATCH ES, VM iprohaubiy ho a mentiror sa belore a aI eutBrighton Park, Chicago, sud b v t e oFeat Ae %h. invetgationl As eoneiuded. chretalrgpaîatAan,. been requ~eted ta gîve a second Mli. sud lira. Geo. Watttnredi lssig purse, wiîb tie mouey ail in- _______________ Mr. Sebinter fbas madie made frieud18enetertailAutet aiRockefeler. Tley thîs Veek frote a visi Aw ic ar.ud tat, botas thabeen font,.lIme ce- CLOCKS, IWWesUtlve Lyon,han Intraduttaî boe.vimo voulti gladly imve bhna re-bave engagemuentss inadvînee up ta lire. Dighion Oranger An Chicago. suit of Ilime Sud gesh sow Aimai one abRI Vidirb llb V cI 0o! Iteresi ta main. llime besi visimes t,! ail yl e,-May. Lutl Bonday a. te. Messrs. looSecsa shuI'db. very care!f ni lest an In, epeeaman. Il provîdes thuaIresideuis Copany imim tir is Iew Position. Asi the seast)liof lire year when andi AVil Dooltîle lef t for Arkansas Cent imr.ou bu wrougf ully accuseti. ohflMinosVho ficaire ta golacitng lime marrimige CIitsîve Grava le pneh.m11mma. la ip. r bot iHiaîe opîiaîu adbr. lfineue i hAir.B.ryeddj, of EWEut 'Mout P"a lceose tes of si. wiie non- Mis Mrthsa e curred Wednesl*ouglm. aid. e tsrrim, brouehiitis and lcmirce loved hie familY te a-aîle AI m ree alauu long trouble iare te bc guarded agaliima ccptLae e.wioen . suA bs dyest a imgat ller piilest- ,sstmlsilibetgied$2. IbeusoneY day ai the boni. of lie brides iparent". fuotbing --à. a fiue aubsitute." IIIegg A t aalcnaiOl fis(a %umgalrs aîii I NDSILVERW&ARE.' gaI frImm the paymeot o! tlie A large n uniblr (It f rMenmds ver. pree- 'anaver the purpo o*' or la "titrâvtConipostaro aM Gge0i5fs'.raaek. mEdyas_____ leiafl as 10 le used inlu prchiaiig t ta vintees the coemony, wvimihgond- as e M inunte <ongb Cure.: î cocl o.ýAAub ogeg-IA ueîy ge heame N sov. 0, 2 Md oklng tt ec ai rwnpefrneb o,àad.TeThat tas t.he e afalible remnedy for tiocal c tiira tos placeIfat Saitu rmieiteai ers i hen Ven pofleeon VbAcb %hal h.raAsied presents vere costly asdliumeona IInsIsi vgoron sy tipo, bimvlig iAif lesAmaHnd.Doet ac t e Aime Ah.fWAild'5 C'oflumblaîî ExpositIon Sey ""YVee lt'ir.Wsle odry he rlmua ae oilu biEeglon i ue &aMe bAd, espochaliy pheasais. lime and thie guests enjoyedt ibemeelvesi un- *etometimig lse' laotered yon. F.B youug brBu viii ho distrlbuted to tif a laie bout n dancing. lcM d lO lt'.AlJH sunigu 0br afhoolevucy a. mte en- thati tm. bas been living i. Bainew- bvrm ovr te @"e. Ai r ahave thme besi vîsimes ai Gumnec, Lauia H. Lmr.,uriELD, ltocke- loglin t.reevuAng. t illv e d ieaved age16 a8i), avty- time corimnity ai large for e long sud _follet.______ lre. E. j. Bigley, et, Russell, visiiem ive eteavne g fsvuyE . S E MN Uaun bera bs Aou AnfaiAm, posectisAt!. LKEVILArelatives bore Ibis vek. $he came seven yeausad hee mnth. Funerail Umm andchanceaexobitant prcea te FOX LAKE. lira. Joe Pester vas an AutIicaîColer nsauday mevenlg mdrenmet w t evie Vers ied Antycent HllriL IN IS ' » éwft popehoi àcrelmier H W lat g orilg t oxLaelast Salurday. Ou WasWhbunu ativantage of Grayalake eemetery, ev. 8. A BarrIs GRAYSLAKE.,IL NOS 1 ,ý'a m Wh p eeia but erse. H slswnkîga ae H. à. Nelson matie a business trip ta 1h.efOne Veelmer fAbin Veek toa tari servies ate oMeter! T.Vereci- yutee m perit 1S ue 1 resilea Wakegmm Isi hucsay.operatiofli on hie ueV bouse. Tley mdb A. inwiganteboy1Mr, A.dF. fiiansto arfit &4ýUnete episead Mr. Roy Fairmn vas aom ur treets Ars, H. H. Sierwoot Sas beenbiefs gai tlre frimne Dpvien badiletirer ek y A.A.ifigrLdetNoti.li15,ddyF qWipreck rev fune io e o er. ut's. cetl. hpasi week. Dc. ticky laolu alten- cameO. wu» an bonored member. l'lime 2« Jib.honld bc Benoineed as 11111. eceildanceo. Tueaday morning Mc. Proctar lefi meceaseti leaves tu moumu bis dealim a otita a murderer. But vimlen a bM. Chartes Hiieker's brdm n l b lra. Frank Jones bas beenentertain- foc Southi Cînolls, aimer, 18 sorrowlug wldow, a ion lit. F. J. Eddy oo@gbiaalonofinaniciers tlle aoan-.eo eIey Gt ng hec father tram Evînsion the tantoatei 200) acres ai land wviichlie l5ai ofChicago, ticket agent at th. Graui IlaIe fsi oV supplyoi1 -coal 6vich At Hon. George Wat ati elle are wemk. thie Oluer of. He expecte, perimaps o 1 eta tto u adnibn ia ' rces ?T hat 1'aIk! bu bheought about hy lta own evil Chicago visitera. lire .S. . evlie VAhlr,1u ae iiethr.IArera vbgl bas ftAhe puatyearruatie ~AalAoa) 0 Ianaori lb sufer li. JhmiCSnstiiIl t, Av,,.CenerFrazier in (iraYsiake lait Satîmday andti ira. A. E. Brown bams goie ta Siec home vth Sec paeta. A Young à«f h purItopoftaund8-asa t oxLkeMAnay ackiusv, l b, asst li er son precedeli imie athe liciter land. Clins Chomce Tnioesl....... ... T»M. Ue oo r au troen. t 18g asa o Lk na.Misa Hl e Ihayer, af Sandi Lake, 'W parente Who IWO ai limai place. lIme He reste lu poace. Cb I er t u Iruot80Wauever adn net EgîmS Frank Glilger sud sAle siiieti ssiating ber rojti>ti, Mca. Pester, flras___________________II_______________________ voa . ao!mlu ?inonda oieam Woodatorlt over Siiutlay wbiie. unlil sineetîpleti, for. .0 .41- - M~~~~~~~~Ar.'anti lra. C. B.BHaulin ver. lu Auction 'Sales. utlntidfr 4ieSoigTbo e l ..............2k lir. anti Ars. LeNelson are the Grayalîe hist Auid.y sind cliIed ti lm uonrigeiSin bu t ui wB i 1. P. WîLcax, lcp I.libars M lipît my Sua8) ifr ............... Bos u t the appropriation t pyhippy parente of asoirer girl baby relativea. The n viiigsed aingu oto anc li anAlPý.,Aieiuer.1 asLeo p....... ,* a vi 0,000, a apatoftreBati PosAponti Sale.-Ilseslfoetlpublicmlonr.................... ie Kru Covese axllelia rturedmovilmg Ato lie Palumer collage 0ou the Freniou nt uer postollce anti 3 ime tndlersigued i ylsel ai publieîr 15l bars Somîu ltamor .. ........... 2e zoqm BIB, int bandmulretenti s. hecaie.Mon,1iBad LakAel. s freoP-martelekto 0 aadalmeuln, ndV ade pro lierCovera. MurAeb e uuei1ottI sde tlls esI"f vauooe, Motday aection ai DiamonciLk ek vent "sI appropriatlil oneiug i6î.foeue im uhm other sud Miss Ale. Titi>, ai Wsukegan, ias Febmnsut 2",'19, amnmencint 1i1I) Diaitnont Lake, IliI, TI msiey February ,Twblllefor lIaI porpose have ai- rpr'beomat me mpcvt. b endtil.g a lime vitA ihem fin io'clck a. te. sharplime folowiug 28, 1898, conlmen'ltmg atIil aclok a,, Men's Wînter, Caps worth 75c at 15 to 40c 1rIW ea i ntoduoed, on. by Ciair- If 700 havesa cougi,Arout irritat, Ars. Mary Bain. praperlyz 16 eholce cava, 5 vilS ni. hsrp tire falinîg property: ioIl - ,mue liisnof heAproriti v eaklngs, pslir Au ehet, dîfilculA Ara latin flanc euntslaed Ae Ccalveu Ay bide. 7 iesvy sprAugers furture, conaistiiig of bedmao,ro Men's and Boys' Overcoats mu Cnon o Ai ppapiuIobreatbing ,croup or hoariseneas, lob iin friend irem. L'has. Gray, ai Chicago d balance f rt m 1 tei ers; bsn. tso-year suites, cmt,, msiiroses, tailles, istandsm,, at cost and less than cost. Commtff, vhicb As thie one thet vIllI Oget u. Min.ute Cougim Cure.liecriome fhoe.time ,ek. 010 heliere, bhea'.y iprîlgers, 5 Iifers chairs sud many aImer lîousehol<l pu,osbrief au Il onte posibl! Ae Alvays retliSbIand mâle. F. B. LOVELL, Hm1u ni unar awmeail oldletrollseyear od, aso3 mars e pces, iii . vtbes,5atieesA,> Brgansen Mnsand B ta vro' pnts. 1 Giat. o!fAisaseueetta, vIicA, sieal oiB nED.Kteil. kuiov lotin you bave yaan vmodPlie cake, Osharne moyen. lBradey sulkytilon; itena box, comploe i vth sPrilim, MnsFi vr ie5 .i prndn o heaporain ad atd edy. pIow, AcCormirk cocu harvester, tank etc.; Scfineli bar sltb French bplateChîlds' Artives 4 to 1...... ...........00 mpa eodlu frsIetprisîon . ida wanîed lhe laie victime of the gripp"e ,,nebotersx ait A(ene. 3 ttacbe cocu gluas. C id'Ac s4t 0.......... 5 a aseond w LsectIo lied McEtey ellale r mu.. h ihsAtetiY on- Misses label Baumlu, Atlie snd Reus foider, stock sIcav. 6111. seules,. cîmu Begalar ternis. reollAnVi~ vs dottit. t6ploynmlent ta seil Ôaur Lobrlcatiug alla Kingsley, Ars. Editi ibeptisa imi ao hller, tiiruing Isbe. 200 bmu.cocu in C. A. BiiîNsIti, Manager. Ail Winter Goods at Low Prices to close. sonate lastiVocal. anti groueasefi counectitîn vitA aur F'ranmk Siepscdsoo. cisd mn te nilsio W. tLY otIe Ile imAlsutemgine aupplies. nnmenoue tu mention. %fiter Mamch i, 1899, ibis store cili isel tfor Keteenecea equired, MOs ABt'OIL A il pil I 1Jm .9ij Regular tentes.CAHOL Ibe man Oho.Hl.C. P. OiemAAiiO, Prop cran Us. lA. i.acinCiAtSH emeotec s elast Trno thosetoaqstetiromAit Con- TeGouIc acoplàEs oCa., .UlePPEY Acioee.lanOrle i.tMyCOblor Iaswel.a y d i i n 0 um n s n bo h B u e an o a e .f l a u s a l ac m l iS e ii LEandct ai eo'lo su! af our d e iiq u en t fariner s l t i ii bc p r te te t, an t tra tie m tua l ! -, ra sesson mevtablo. But tIer. pîîe utilreyug ae iigt iinge le fulof bopre aud en-mile cest f Hait Day on main rodte1 la am11 a chance of escapîng l, S.ëil- euolac$50) euec. A pair ai four year Ihublam anti bas no linie ta compîsin Bgmod hrdyHrS2 59 Ci clta, large snd rangy, vîli make comencing ay aI 0cks i h sr ,_____1899________ l&cgb itasnalAai m une. Cugnosa eau goatirndmotiIres, seigbt about 1200 >of IMaginary evîls. clIm flaig epr0oet:Clov ta. y.abrp . .M IRD5 do au enonmoos a@Mount oai cork nluduoOeni. $201>laIteslAmtie Pair. ÀteA - -gpopry:Cw5 er twé 0010 whe tueconditions aree extra large Whitelilolnti turkely A man in Iova trbua niiseti aclcing oid, 2 hoitera oue year aId, palm mules ftVOoki.s, hoen lre oh ir btte goib1rit fur sale ai $2 esel. aslmurdienerfocrViose spprellenaAoii 8 Qd 12 yoans old, gmov mare 5 years NFor urS RA SL KE LLNOS ,o-,pricaula block AseAime Iluili o utiin gia IeWagon, 3-lu lins wagon, aprng vagon, ar7 IB wic i nv sverdict foftepsfu t aaiet ie sngle buggy, paim bobsaleighs, planka MMY bil. vison la ow belteethe Th. bhvi. icAi -saelgh, ('hesten white brunit 50V, frtued w Dme ev, is trin l, a ee 14.eleg-aphco pany ifich le spom Iv ot ak,71Amee i OO tu dedrrloe 2babots. eoze u- For SJohle. r TF. BAndlRSTO W.- Lmbctvilecoiaimim iel le. tIf s upporters and . op mil ses1ýpi a i er oae t ju h ur POneU aofi&bat bil elain tieir Iý.AppIy tu BMes. F. PaoTiNE, court Sas llr ei.declslau ai1lihe Me nde, the bill As botin t lafal, 1vi. 3ttlasýer, u sMd the Prewideul ha repeatetily said vlBlay ac ite aE a Ua b. Vonîtinttonce.ecalA au exria o- 85W Otmmiozs. Be hlam lnceAu rt thelaei la 0,ouifi t isIled., Conisenvaive Si- 1 aa mî,,s preparuti to(a il al Iifide i Ati liofiermnat I eie torsie r l .ýg 10 armiiîge m >mor,,t of gîuttîîîlg sacs sud tiling EF . ti !a me fri the anîhar of .Looking a oprf-10thtcu e mepe iLs s-o', Hall DaY. II.1I ackw&aný," muntits unaume As indicative S~~~~~ ~~ <opoîeUsicnAe e'pe aitslisearîle ttr.,Ail the <ancera are vilout luns ot dignil! by liotIil dee..Rea Ti 15e. ived ieeleserdsud look backwasrd TbW eyolevo lIaif they eau get a 1b'tmey to thum. approved oai.rrmmlUeshlc as',hey move. lIme men pnt ou their oomemsbil l irLug, Yr. Me- s Imi iis,îmeof $SmsI ta $5,010 aitc -té and i si8icoats, eoîiara and tien lu]« VyIl, oeug ta bis ktaln e- 5% liiirresi J. T. Ji«w.F, 21b 8 Wptab- n h 10 u xta sasoi,leîieugtau sI , W ukegan. Ili. 1411 wrugide. Typt miak i e .Pasuoeau exra - Aiarkf o!.g. t1ihei eatie, and Wear vg ralliertu a 0 e eàtolie 511 s uril Fremoni loWnOhip Taxes. viîh long bAisr banglng ove! ibeir rath«t"n o vet thebill l" lb..U ueudersgned. colecter for the faces. Tliougb th traggling ooks au extra session. toeimf Fremoun, i. cIl eit .J. Mit-b- ihey eau sue, boit their faces ape nal icredtedvii, b aecîs tare, Ivani&oe, Wetiuedmyi sd imile. The voînen dreas backssmds, lgag kookod oAinbroed Icargu (li. Blrys. vîere lie VIIISe pleasedt taas el), sltb poik bonmnet& Vih liAi, bI h twsoffercotin tAe io Hnne Iaeva l sud puy you taxes. lare c, a vec theAr incea. mm se ula ent tlAie Suudry C'iili.- .SNLTre ts SucOOaStèuÏl-y. b414 u b sut out on a polîita! orii.-r, Farm For Sale. Dm, Buttertieli, ai Chimcago, han bqéaie senSumtors Vho tavor Aie Canal 157J arrea Ili section 31, tov.uof trteated tisuceaafnlly a great mny b anlid up s 11111. gaule Sai eMr. Frenucut. knownc as tAie âarY Anim cases oi herni, on rupture, as it la boJlilsdA bard ta boutî. lhey Hougiton farte, i mile south-esA ai ommonly calieti, durng tlIme pst foc »hae MeUt.biU atidedt 0time River Wsumoît. Gooti buildinga, deep wsou sud Aso rtniumiug aprioge. For tennis yeara, niany of vhote vere cnldered MUalgbo? bil, hy AIe ienste Cote- luoîe Mca .' Beach Ivauhoe; Mca. tln'rabie, anti beidea havIng thel; W&IM 4»u Commerce, as an inienti- Netif! Smith,. Vlu; or b. Hantinigion, rupures curedt Ieir general healli Igb" bplaccs t aval byond adminltrator. Lake Zunrich Gel. I1 lbas been îieiten &han focrnany yearn. 4W pointe of actionu lie Fsrm for RenA. oth@lImeandet bil ii 197j ILsrm juinqle of Ae. Batterabal, For Sale or Rent. le certain. Thon lbe . Hleovmlîr, Ili. i7tl. My Sane-ton ruera boni. antioon Vo04 &0 lscepi lIe acre ot landthe b. inest locaion Il Sseludtug bieFeedt Miii. Liherteville. Can yAlBpossessIon sl S We wul do, custom grîmdng, cormu an! lime. HB. -PÂPPCE. 20- !~~.!!~~'< ad oSbor çnue igrain, nye. osis oIet!. lum &rsja 1.5 10 hushbel potataes. double-barrIl breacim-ioadimg ebot gSin10 guago, sulky cultivator, bIrge rake, s0-galion caîdron ke.ttle. gravel bort. grindatono,I 2 sI bols cook stavea, (,e Of Ibeni mesl noV; 1 dozen chaina, 2 betsifadsâ 3 cotmimodes, vashlng machine,b. lounge, baby canniage, anti many olher arltiea tu umterous la metion. TERs o? SALE-t iI sue' <of $1,0 and r luden cash.(lunsisfj veu $lit,& credit ut one vean viii be pgluuoiat.gtod hankable imatesbettnlng APOr cent ieroal. No ga..stis i1,e..rete>ved outil seilleAi for. KASi'I Eu Ki N. Prap. DAYI 1 Si'cus, Aiietialmer. 't BeAug about to quit facmiug I vîli "sel ai public ancetban tit My cm 91 J miles senti& a! Diamonti Lake dalor- day Febrnary 25>, 18199, commoiicig at 12:30 o'cloek p. ri. tahnp lhe folIaVing pmopeniy: Bay glding, weight 1425, l6 'eana aId; tva0 ebolce mik 00V y even awa vith pAge, Chester wiAe ,)car, Milwaukee bAnder, Deeriog pioV, la Baïger seeder, 'Figer cake, Woalrîdge6 wroller, planter,' Bradley moVO!, id tsunig miii. q1anîli!lAmothy Iay la Ir afi seuti cs, Weber wagon. oearAy à, nov; 150 esietibuggy, coru ahelier. building seneva, lever bancos, 250 buabels cocu, pair scaies, caidron ketle, bobalud, ay rack. BuDIp boards, wvbebarrov, bsy tope, sud ne msny olhen artiles taoonumeroila tu la mention. at Tasua OF SAL-AIl ganme 0f $10 sud nadercshA. Ou sute ove! $10 a ceeuit 01 oes ear ulllba given ou g"o, sbabi solsboetu Sm , lireiy vodedq'4 relleve* x eus. h gves toueto thegefr- ibsiorgmil,iod puts theni lu condition 10 do wor perieîII. 'flat makeà prg uancy louspaiuful, abortens laor sud htns rcOTai clld-bitb. It belP 6 a& -5 beer abn g lmIty chldt- te-b 1q pr tboand o hoebutes for ,l AewdBo»softeubrIip iovlg houistuaI long for aderlig bsluy. No woffsn aboulai negleectg 0t?! t for Ibis trouble. It cures ine case ont o! tes. Aul rngglstsoeil Wise O! CarduL. $.ooperboWll. Fte advicel i s c qilli p ci lIma~ ~ C. Ch&"-aaMdiM wPs. Tisa. Sai e ciAic Polanî ChilîuaI o ri reati for ervice, liat tre sc- M ANU WrACTU RERl Or onti ta noue An qtlqliAs sud breediîng: I '*IBO nome chimle Brsccmud Plymouthb Bock roostoTa, at prîce that mesu lsuce Marbie and Granite C. G. SralA, l~tiIe Ibnm Jmlm MoBrlidea ftarte 2 miles webt uA Couit3' Poon Farte. WORK EVERY D)esetptela, WAIIKIIOAN, M FURS WANTED. Tprhew hI hest market pcewl be paid for ait 'inds of Raw Furs by'

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