CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Feb 1899, p. 8

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________________ I I I w isthe time to buy your flour as the wheat market s quite firm, and will raise the price or flour soon. Always on hand, a full Supply of Washburn-Crosby Superlative Flour. L. H. Litchfield, WE CARRY A COMPLETE STrocIt0F ORA IN, FLOUR. MILLSTUFFS, SEEDS ETC jm .A LSO...~ Lumnber, Coal, Lime, and Cernenti WIE SELI. THIE WE3BER -W AGON, WI4EN YOU WANT «Vgges or Farming Implements. CALL ON WIGHT & SON, - - - Ililinois» EKY INTER OCEANLJ CIICIJLITO f AUTPOLITICAL PIPER 0mu Ti T Lh~v~ksfs advocaiing Jl..Bi<tcalways bc ndusdm ci yfS fak and hoesat clii01A wI~aMy m sis.~ ucal tse vtHE WEEKLTINTER OCEAN SUPPLIEAU.L ImE aueAne BUT CURRENT LiTEAUNE la.UuaiIIiCeu ad es àaFamuly Papr lWlthousi Peer, Ib itmumof Its coeiaaanî fonud 99 Mat of Ibo boat nag- gin#& it latAumting 1M1*. chUl ~~m k.aàan su lpth palrn . tan f...... .. UMOCEAN na EST ?TEE o ad ib t Diyb mi............*4 OO11«rs 0 Bmaia sâdy b ktmail . w00 Mdpar ks If in neemd of any omtb a af te ollowin G oos yu AIR£ FOind erlam. m plete Stocks; Good Quality and prices. "TEMPLE" PUMPS. Pratt's Stock Food, Baum's Stock Food. Standard -Faad. Large stock of Clothing at close prices Men'a Suits .......... $5.00 ta $15.00 ..Trunks and Traveling Bags: W*meII 82-inch Metai Covered Trunks at .....$2. 75 Other sizes in proportion, or & Bro., Around the County. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. ÇOMIGATIONAL Church Sundar uer viesl :30à. M. sand 7:86 p. m. Prayer1 meetmiSWedueeday eYouinomg. Y. P.8. <. E. miitâmrda, evoninge t osa.Jualor0. . i5 tN Camp No. 4i24. M. W. A. mmet fA and third Saurday evaninua of euhb montk. D. 0 aurru. Y C. . 0. F. NO. Ri, Mot efond and fourth Thursdayo of esca WIL lionatNO 010. A..VÊT. 8eCmY. I KGE.N. 10. G. T. meet Thursday evenings or eaeh veek. L.arm ua tifici. 0. T. J OH N 0. lIAGAN Pout G. A. B. meet Saturday ulght on or bel ore ful noon. 1. 8. GLEA&ON. om'dr. 0OB CNUCILL. Adjt. ]MIl goins south ......:04a. M. Pm p. m. MIl golut forth................ lO:oea. m. M"i over land 1v stage arrIves et le a. m. departa et ilàarm. ROCKEFELLER. Kira. Terpenlug vwu Iu Chicago Ibis voek. M»r. Dr. Travia vai a Grayalake viator Prlday. W. B. Kulgge aud vifs entertalued frienda tros Glimsr, Tusaay. The youuig foki hed o surpris party on Athur Berghoru Tuealey eveig. Nur. W. L. ich entrtainel ber brother froin Wsconsi, for a ev daya. Mr. h. Ji. Wlcb vîsitel hie mother i hia home iBe loit, Wln., aturday and Bualay. Fred Shadîle lefI Thuraday for lits houiffibn Fird iver, Midi., after e couple veeka fitl ers., Mir. aud lira. Louis Knox trois LiertYvllle speni Suaday vith Mr. sud lKra. L. H. Lltcbuild. Christ Meyer froam Mains farmerly from fremont Cenier la vfulug Wr. Kublaul aud ollier relaives. George Harden, Jr., vho ta leacbiug ln the Stafford ditrict uear Gurnee speni Saiurdzy aud Suaday st home. G. W. liyrick was quite plsaaed oser the pocket book returned ta hlm vhicb lie oai about a veek ago. ArîliBal from Gilmner vai tb. linder. Tliank hlm for hae honesty and kîndeesa ton netornlng smme. The Leke County Suuday achool Normal Intitute vbicli vs hl elO on lait Thunaday vas v.ry veli aitendel. The meetings were canucted by W. C. Pearce, Field Wonker Illinuoia State Sunday school Associaion. The pro- gram vas vsry uicely rendened. BCROOL NOTES. The litera"turecais l' nov.making a hoogInstdy of -«Grayu Elegy vrltten lu a Country Churcli Yard." Ailthe tudenta of the hîgli achool have taken great pleainre lu ltsteuing ta the reading ly Pkof. Weloli et tbit facluting book, "Neiglibor Jackvood' by J. T. Trovbrldge. The Genoral History clais have luit filnbod he study af the Maman Bepublie sud viiibe sngaged lu the future for somns lime in tue study of 1h. Roman Empire. There wiii i.. a grand patrlotie entertalument given aI the Bockefeller ichool bouae ou rlday evenlng, March 3rd. The pnogram wiul be gîsen by the bihi choot sud saenih-year classes. Some of the eseuta of ibis momenloua year vilIlebcacted oui vitb apprapriate costumes. UIne Sim, ltte Culs, sud s numben of Filipluas viii h. presut lu nature costumes. There viiilie Sfaga lu pro. fusion, aoul-strrlng. patrialle mule. ud a perfectnIiotf fu. Came Esery- lady. Admislsion 15 cents. IVANHOE. lira. J. B. Dykes rseetly sufferol an aitack a1 the grip. Mn. E. D. HBlard, of Lilerlyville, osled on bii Ivanboe frieudalait veek. Mime&a Mary Payne sud Emms B.dke vont bo Wauiegau eue day lait veek. M. 8. M. Spafford, o! Anlloci, lias ongauued àsinging clamnboe.of about tirity mombena. Mir. BarryAlat veut ta Antiocil lait fllsy eveulng toaaaltin a concert gise» iy lMr. B. M. Spaford. A numben tramiitIsplace attendol the Suilay seheol Instituts aItilocie- foeelit Tbursdsy. AIl report lu- torestiig meetings. Min Eua Doker vIe bai been sPeUdiag the viuis, ln a satan came home o la#tted ber mother vho bas lise» aci for snoe tiaus.. Mis. Kt@ Docker gave a amai and boled souchrb yerty on lait Saiurday esenilng. Ws di nott bau vwhe vi the champion player. The Christian Enloavon Socety bell s special mtaiouary service ounlait Buuday ovenlng enuiîed .-A trip o AImka." Ih vas very lienosting. lin. C. M. Foaket vaa called ta B&rrîngion lait Fnlay ta attend the funeal o! ha siater, returing gunlay eseniug; left e îleramneny lucharge o! OrvillIS fmith lu hts absence. M-. Athun Speford. o! Millborn, vsilel. Ivauhoe frienda on lait Snnday ald amital lu specilimugie Snuday. evening. BiM hello vas greatly approclsted. The Y. P. . C. E. base decidol ta hol sasenis. ar lree socisae ad vili gisee I ial ou, atMr i. Bena-y Vamplev's ou Fnlday eveulng of thia veei. «lrom aoller Corresvondoj Communton yl lne hol neil Su»-. lay. sevcnat expect ta, in the Isanhoe cburoh sDoon. W. 8. Lainhack, of Waukfgau, vas AO4solsI viii be beld atlisnry jVuW Priclnudy .<1 Mary Payne Ibis ve.k. Miues Lftne sud Edlthad Frank Wirts havebeau onuthbihI liii. A misslouar y meeting vili ber beld at Mira. Netle Paynes thi. veek. A gracery wagon frain Llbertyvîlle pâmsea brougli bore every Tueaday. 'Chas. Bokvîth liai le s sreddiug coruna andug vood for bmmielt sud Mr@. J. Dyksa 1he peut week. Bey. Paul tendered hie realgnation two veeka &go. Mr. Paul la tudylng lev ln Chicago a part of tbe Urne. M»r. Henry VanPlev and daugîter Annie celed on hriendg to help Mr. Spagier, vho eutalned a lieavy Ions by tire In Nelinmaka receutly. Frank Doles had hies motion Tue@- day. We regret losing aucli good neighbors ai they have been during the yeana hhey have realded In h.a vicluity. nN.44 .W .meaa Noa Gsjuruel lt.every second W. W. Arn.arsau). Clerk. Fon..C OU RN EE. George Daltlel vas a Chicago vîsilar Buuday. WIU McClure vas in 1he clly'ou buaines. Piday. The Woodmeu gavesà psrty Wedues- day evsaing th. 22ud. No preechlug services here Snnday. No peator bai 761 been secursit. Chartes Laou, of Waukegau, vai lu aur tovn ou busine@ss lb. ira of the vees. James Farreli lia obai beenu the alck lisine lIme tu able 10 be ont ag&in. Raipl Chttendon atteuded the *9meral of gurry Bsve%, at Buésll Siunday. Wasaorth camp M. W. A. have necently added about twsuty nov membera. Thie Imperlal 14 g~ eeta aIt the home of Elmer Mest1 esday even- iug the 284h. A number of aur people attended the tuerai of John Mead, formerly of this place, Buuday lu Waukegaui. STAFFORD DISTRICT. Albert Sage bua a fine lamb. Humer Ormaby pîîrclaied a harâe lutI veek. Bd Faulkner viii wamk th. Persoae I arm thia year. Jsmes Oleaipu is irapping crove vlili greai aucceu. Miae Clara Gullidge le visltlng ber suit, lira. Faulkner. Frank Hovard vili soonma mve auto the WhItmore farin. Thene liasbeen s large attendauce at achool 1h. peut veek. Pauîl Faulkner liasreturned ta achoal aftsr a long vacation. Prof. Roy Lake failed lu lrapplug crava, su ho pulled up nis trapa. A number tromx thie v1lily a,- tended the asie ai Jai. Gulldge's. A parliameutary drill aociety vas slarted lu aur achool about tva veeku &go. Cbester Faulkner gaI kicked by a hors. and vai belpleaa for s short lime. HdILitile quit ting miàt t he faeory and blegai sblpping the tirst of Ihe veek. Meaules are gettIug doser. They vere, liraI reparted at Grange Hall, nov ai Gurnse. lin. Salesbury's tva baya cime froi Clubs tu Fort Sheridan and tram tboe.homte gta sit ihelr parents for tva Weeks, aller vhlch they vili go back go Fart Sheridan. If the Stafford achool correapond- enta have lu any vay offended the dose I e correspondent af Bosecrana, they vonld h. pleased ta kuov lu vhat vhy il vai doue. Our teaclier vusilu hlcago Satun- day and pnrohiaed a net of mapa for the achool board, sud the picturos of Wshington sud Linicold sud severat refereuce bok@ for the school. SE1IENTU EAR CLAmaI. WARRENTON GROVE. Ed. Fort lu speuding the vsek in Chicago. Thus. lierituan 8pent Tlnrsdiay sud Friday at Joliet, 111, Oea. Becimmu, o!Chicago. speiil Bunday lier. vilI frîsula. Mru. Thon. Hudd vlslied ber imalIen lu Laie Fonr-st Tburudsy. Patzici Devine, a! Gurnee, calied u relatives sud tienda hune Suuday. lira. Iuan Van Alsîlue, a! Gurues, speul Suuday lion. vîtIlira. lVm. Glinga. lira. Fred Gillllngs nelurnud home Snnday after a wvekis sîsil villi ler isters hIWaukegan. 1Tho@. Dmnne, of Laie Forest, le spending a fev veeka hero v,1h bha ustser, Mr&. Thon. Bull. . Mis. Sophie Aima aul Mn. Elvard Vrler obfth 0f1hplace vere inarried ai SI. Josepha ochurcli, Wauisgau Wedueaday mrnnIng. Tho epoel marriage nI Thon. Cavtey sud lira. Aun Cavtey la vîgous- ly lenlel ly botli parties. iliey satiing Ilat uo snob marriage bal taien place. B. Becmanninl moving ie bous,- lIod effeota ge Waukegan ihis venir. W. an, carry ta loue lMn. Beckmann aud hie estimalelo amly. Mn. Slmpaan vilI maoeon lMr. Becimana flarin ehorlly. Elvard, thetIlraes ear aId son of li.nudMlra. Jes. Epaio! Ibis place met vîth a seronsandai ht mlghi hase pravel a atal accident Mouday alterna». Hua faibon vas cutllng feel vîtI eboas pover cuIter vheu the 11111, felov unesu 1>' auyone oai oui lu îlé Yard aud lu saine vay hie Irens.vais caugît lu the IumblUng roI. Hi& Oacreama attnmoing stleniln the horâea ver. stappol lu lime te preveut Serinsua uuny, though blad the rod been a ltutti lover and neaner thie gronul JIl la probable ho voul base be e ashed aaist lb. bard groual sud 1111.4 l1taUty, As il vs. ha esoPsi vitbUt e"Y boues being 'nbW1*pf- Uhgytjbeuo. 6. A. Page la vialtiug finonda ut Chicago sud Alington Heights. Geo. Day of Arlîngion Heiglité, le visltig his uncle H. A. Page aud family. UmsG(râce Masan lu upeudlug Ilie veek vlth lier aiter, Mra. Wheelen at Lllentyville. 1ev. Bevitt, of Elgin, viii occupy the pupi Suuday lu thie absence of Uey. W. B. Calte. There viillie au entertalumeut given eI Orange Hall, March 3, 18199, cou. istlug o! songa, esdiugs and vhueing by Meuire. Bngstnom and Pierce o! the. Nc'nihveuternu@choc[ of onatory. Pro- oueda for the boeeit of tbe Saugatuck achool. Admission for adulte 20 cents aud oblidren under tvelve10 cents. Il vas vitàk esense tao very ans tIai1* neoaospaasd açoud ova Friday mornng early tht Dan Benson lied dled tb. evenug beore, maiou one anpposed Mir. lieuson vas lu ill healîli. 19 vai explalued by tbe tact lIaI lie die0 of nlieumatlam, vhlch JosI before bia death liad beeu givlng severe pains Iirousglithe toinsol. Apparent. ly Il settled lu the heurt reaultlng lu immediate deatb. Mr. Benion vai ans of the sanliest mselIers lu Loup V'alley locatlng Iliere lu 1873 andhomne- tesdlug the place upon vhlch lie lved until bia deatb. The foneral vai leld aith Ibonhnse stnrday a Iil ooclock, Ies. O. iM. Fraxier af tlie Frienda enurcli conductlug the service. The romains ver. laid ta rosea luhei.couie- teny ai Scotia. The bereaved f amlly have the sympathy af a vide cirdle of frienda. 1Daniel Beuson vai bru lu ëguben Counly, New York, October 3l, 1839. Whou Ivelve yeara of age lie moved vlth lita fathras famlly ta Lake Connty, Ill., vliere ho lived on bits faiiers farin uîîtll Ang. 2, 1862, vhen lie eullated lu Co., G. 9dm Ill., Vol. buf. At the batile of Chickamauga Sopteiuben 20, 1863, be vas vouudod lu the thigli sud taken a prisouer and paroled soan afien BHe recelved bis discharge from the army Jue 11, 1866.Ou December 26, 1816, lievu married ta Mary Obaiveil and lbey movsd to Plat. county, Nebraska, lu April 1869. Iu 1863 tlisy moved ta (ire.lsy county, Nebraska, la the [lomentead ou vhloh tliey have cou- tinoosly llvod. Mr. Bsuops dealli acoured et 10:304 p. m. Fetruary 2, 1899. Bis vifs sud seven clilîdren &Il rosi- dents o!f(irssley caunty, lîve ta mouru tle lots a! a kind and tosiug iusland sud faiher. 'GOise me a liser regulatar aud t eau reguiste the vanld," aald a geulus. The dnugglitliaudsd hlm a batie of DeWItt's Littl. Early isera, the famoua lIttlo pilla. F. B. bavzbu, Lberty- ville; J. R. BnAcHts, Gurueo, Laris H. Lmvm-nHFîLD, tRockefeller. DEERFIEL. lilas Margaret Vedder le on the airi lot. Ml. Horonherger vas fi Chicago Tîîesday. Wm. Antes, of Chicago, wus lanIjeer- ield Sunday. lira. L. P. Todd apent Sonday at Latirange, DLi M. Hreuberger sud vile vent to Highlatnd Park Mouday. Mr@. W. H. Wlmot, of Wamkoguu. vas blie.a ev days lent veok. Dick the great civil engîneer 18 experimentiug ou a patent razan. Polly Ematou la thinklng about tudylng lnw durink the winter motîs. Job» Willmau'h lîttie loy la seriona- ly 111, Ihamigli te exact alIment vs cannai stste. ia. Zeohier. of Waukegan, apeut uday vitu lier laugîler, lira. E. Bleimellof tis aplace. Ounr medhaulcal iuventer vs11 noted ai Frizzle thes Great" la experlmeullug ou a ceninillugle vampea. lir@. Leonsrd Vetier lias been sufer. lng witl the gnlp the peut vsek. The desemse la qulto, provalsut liors. C. A. Anto@ lai gone ta a Chicago boapimi la orecuIse Irealmeut for erysipelai vhlch lias troublel hlm for sametlme. Mir. snd lire. Chai. Parsons lisaegane ta, southeru dîimes ta speul tb. remainler of île vinier ou account of lira. Paraons healli. A newovease iibeen pîsced lu Ibe Presbytenima chuncliand vîll no douît prove a source o! comforîta ibte con- gregatia». The yriter msa remember vben a amall boy of ilttiug 'long silo that old hbuter, toatlug bis foot and frs.zlug bis book simultaaously, vhlle saating the close of service.. fted Eai, ana l Deetiel boy, uow living ai Pipecolon, ino., speut a loy laga boesthe.firat o! the veek, &"kilng banda villi aid frends md tslatles. Fre1 reports ovonyhinig prasy nouaup la u eh 0kof the Wooda a" O%"i oupaimolet I0s grovhl Of Two Good Offers-.---mmmý Or ta aid subscribers paytng one year ln advance we wit give f ree 5 year's subscriptian ta the Farm Journal, which, ta ýbe concise, means that you wili get that paper during ail ofr 1 99-1900-1901-1902 and 1903, POSITIVELY FREE. Ladies' Home Journal, The Indepencient, Fo oh 2OO Feb UNTIL MARCH 1. 1899, WHF-19 PAOD ONr YEAR N ADVANfCE Which do you Prefer? WAUCONDA. J. A. Brand in reparted au tle gain. J. E. Pratt la spsudiug the veek bore. 0. L. ManIle visltud nuaI Elgin test veek. îles. Pierre va8 bere ai imimiiess Mondayý J, C. Reilly8 iiilîeu are gettiug atong inicely. M, J.Colline asnsatertaiug s frl.nd tram Chicago. lins. ANorh n ble itole ont alter a siege of lllue88s Mise Loin Giyneli,oftC(incago la home for a fev laya viait. Win. Baies vlslited relatives ut Cloverdale receutlY. A. B. Johnson, of (hicago, mess a Waucouda visîturr liday. tirs. J. W. Gilbert returned Saturdîsy lrom a fev days vîsit lu Wisconsin. Mra. ltubenkamp, Of Chilcago, ini tle glîcat o! li. nud lins. F.E. Green. Mrs. Gea. Hublard ententained ber sier tram lova lb. irâtIoa!tlb. vesl. Itinlarupatel that Mn. H. Onatham, of Cary, nus reutsd lhe Oakland boiel. Boney & Fanhes vero 11usd $20 aud coanIeou Monday for keeplug open afler banna. Fred Wyukoop, of Woodstock. la vsaitlug bis parents Mn, sud lins. N. Wynkoop. Missas Mabel aud Alire Fond, o! Vola, apeni Snnday villi Mins Edith Turnbull. Wauconda adbooa w ers ciosel au Wsduesday te celebrate the legal hoiiday, Fel. 22., J. C. Prie., Mantisa. Iawu@a voundel bas agaiu joinel bis eom»auy sud tu rapidly recoverng. E. L. Harrison sud C. A. Golding, of Chicago, came home for a sshort visit the tinal o! the veei. Quito a number are flhiug lîromagl the be ai locuina atke.lIseerd iues piciierel have Issu caugît. The infantaoftir, aud lins. Jas. Wetls, of Oak Park, vas burlol lu lias Wanconuacemetery Frlday. J. E. Gainer gave a card parti te, s number oa ishafrieudu lisi Molay veeing. Auoyatsr aupperwvs oryed. Mn. sud tins. E. E Gilbert, lira. Griffu sund J. W. Glbert atteuded the funeral of Drury. brothers whieh vas blst IGrayalake lait veek. The W. CJ. T. U. gave a Ires enter. talumeul aud rles crerainsd cake lia tle M.* E. chunceh parlor Fe.. 7. Tle county preaideut of the W. C. T. U vas preseni sud tbai an active part lu tle pnogram. The 0. A. B. sud W. Rl. C. familles gaibened at tlie home of Mn. sud lins. E. G. Goldinig au Saturday eveulî,g o! lait veek. A prograin cousistbug of mugie, bith vocal and instrumental. neotaioua, roadlng and atari teilli;g vas vwon given. The lutat nmber vs. ai exosimt isuppes vihloh liailis ursianol for the obooau. Th.evmm- MILLBURN. J. Cuninghiam vas lakesaloilait Tuesday. Marilu Kelly returnol la bts hume near tlnsail the end o! ihua vos. The lilliburu Male Qurt*ees.- sasîs lu a concert at Autiloh lNb. 17. The cdurch abods ane urang sucs. pletion. --Many ibands moa olighi work. Mima susie bocaa la siayins Uilhx àlis. E. tugmla. The lats, venstot the city Tnay. MJis Jeuette Bose regurnol trois Chlcago Tneaday, baslng &peut aà1e j,, weeku vih lra. N. R. AIama. a Nies sprlug veaiier th". but s neady for that apriug vonk3 Boy Levin, vbo apeul iwwooveke.M home, bai reiuned tu a suas. bs situdies lu Ilie Advauoel SeleS ct mool. Wliy do the Penuaylvani a ffarier bulîl Ileir pig peuau ntûo intn ai" aI Cheir hebe? To put their pigei, of conu. The ayslsn supper, vhich vs.a ison ly the Maccabees luit woek vas. minu tbo oyabers. There von. ions go bh. obtaluedlSu the clip. Passion Barris conu ntel the fanera srvices of lins. Beeses, of LusolI, laiss tunday, sud of Mr. Bddy, o! Hlainoaville, Siiyatternoon. It vas sai thât Iuning lb. cci vs.tbsrasgcuîlemm 0of thia vliuiiy hlmnketed aoeil amd put Il a'uhie eme Ian takeep t varI. Wbat font? A large nuniber of people attoada Mir. Guuiges s «e lait Saurlsy, ail, altthough thosse vI Ithe .biddimg vere Iew. ting voren. sld ai goo" pricea. Chai. Matevsanl.fsmily are viti. Jng the larmrs brother, Herbent, sMd Mai. (J. A. Matheva. They atarI for Uretnlmaf, Kiuai, aent Monliy, vhs,. lin. blattarus 'mi ir,àimme i. tari vank. hoe Germai uclaginabsoacied at the laea r r Trotter Tuoslay ssci. lng, vbere, alten a tuucenosuk vruule witb Deutach, &hey vere tascred vllh a îew numbera on the piano hilas For froat bites, borne, indolent sons eczema, skia lissais. anl peomly lil... DOWLVSia lcli BHam âmve stands final sud best. Lo* OU Ifor <liîhoueet peuple vWho try te SolIte aud .,ouusenfelî IL. Ia stheir sadoa.. mou of sod 4mom .WCWUthi" rmoC"KEFELLER - - ILLINOIS.1 4 bortyville, VOLO. mis. JouitsGais, of ElgI a, la viit. Jus friends et Vole,.1 misa Mary Raymond vi.itsd rets- tlirs Md frisne aI l Ilu at veek. Vernie Torrenco viuel hlm motber la Ohioplaut Tbursday aud reporte her gaining rapidly. Mieurs. A. J. Rlaymond aud Peter Beys, tranaacted buasines luWauke- ggain1 lait Wednesdsy. Dr. Boseudeucher vai callaI ta Nunla andAlgauqula for coonsul tait yack. The dactor la very buny nov. lira. B. L.' Buson rsturned home lait Seturday, atter an exleuded vsuit vlth relatives lu Meublteansd Chi- efalo. The ladits.of the Busy Boa Society vil) gise a dime social at theresidence of C.0. G. umun rlday evenlug, Tel. 24. Itefresbmeula servsd durlug 1h. eveuing Al are cordially luvlted. GAGES LAKE. Lottie Chard, of Chica«a, spent lSon- day ai home. The Pacey boys, of Wilmot, Win., vlaited at Geo. Btdoke rocenly. KIND SUBSCRI BER: If your neigh- A~ bar Is nat already a subacriber for the I ndependent we wlll considerit a personai favor if you wiii cai their attenton ta the following. They wili thank you as cor- diaiiy as we wIIl. It's like "glving themn somethlng for nothlng." T0 E V ERY il NE2W SUBSCR.",IBER paylng one year's subscriptian for the Indeperident we wilI give posittvely free a five' year's mub- scriptian ta the PARM JOURNALiY The best farm and household paper ln America. tký exceis as a dairy paper, 18 the best for gardeninsi and fruie1growIng; the best for women folk and yqoung people and is a fearlesa and unflinchltng champion of te rights and intereste of country people. Select, concise and rellabte. Sâmple Copies of this great farm paper cari be had by calling at the Independent office or wil be matted ta you free of ait charge. We mean just what we say --- and repeat It: TO NEW SUBSCRIBERRS K D 01 W.1- là

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