CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1899, p. 4

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VwÂL Mtch 3.l89I.GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. J rmair math 3. 899.Mis. Sherman lsa utborised 1te recelve snbscriptiona and advertlbmeats ' ý. ,1qFVM wfr the INDPNDNv aso orders for job printIng. Con on lier fr rtes. q eUss itii. pont.offiue5 tLietNi - sendel5 M oe th<odle GRAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. number who loave bis tonsoriai parlurs ~ U~ smoking. &»Vmum5Tu!O IAISSI VifWW OAPPLI I1SN SNLodue No. 115 A. P&A. . fi bl)ldoregUlar emuiftioils Monda? The Ladies Aid Society' will muet DEEFIEO.evening o to eore ful moon.W.M Junte vas as likeli' te have been Ires- J LFEL. .A. FENLOI<. viiiMrs. B. N. lilokey Weduesday pounible for the bloting Up of thbm HanelVaudtin avisîing elaive 'X. Sec?. Marci Mii. Aus i the yearlymeet,- Pay. Up 4 SOROS B Catter. Mo. w» Order Restera ing. ail members shonld prt forth sir Maine as Spain was. The speech here. Star muet lre and third Tuesdav evenas . r:i wo~~~~~~~Ild havecosedt a sensation uttered Mrs. Aron Strayer, of oneuieew, la ises JU NI 85t.SBeoiL!. .M xr efr ob rset lci art.q e 'ntM 7d t o " bi' any iluator but the effect won visting ber parents hère. EYLK ae.14 . W. A. meet MOOicrs wili bc the program of tiie <N pe egtne i entrBwelscls deertred1' rets~ secondsu fut airday eveninga of afternoou. v1 B. uiaer tte oe elatoned yîîhlb»admînîSewe ose Miss oertre t vrt le sntimont>. spendéingfilrsofte aréJ. MuaaîE. V. C. degruai ve are enabled 10eoffr a reatin i edia miestratsion. f le dig aweek vitb Miss Aunie joaN îCanisTIâN. Clerk. <'ARD OF THANKS. avs-yeur subscriptioii to thal paper nAîngess v xa sesiode ofvtien an . OUUT2F lIONOR No. lot meetings iot We 'wish 1tuexpress Our heartfeit g. vei' evsubcrbewb pas e hs vodedon t> n Willleimebi *ho bas been visiling Cand srlVaurdao o me nti>. apprechations and tbanks to the te«oy*wsbcie he adK areetwarece nteAm E. L. Rose. W. C. Manons, the choir, andi frlends who INV -RNIEOue eara fd bl btteeae niain bhèesfor the pont ivo inonthe retnrned Mas. Y. BoBos. Roc.Halgatrciewt e- àothie saie oSfer a made 1t as iay1 bka xrassinte owoa. MIZUAHCusINo.2M B. M. A. meet a»sondmade theRaloatrcieitev- foeteIioecausei>Y lii b te tre ae xtdiaiosmauan 'outh enZ(.ev.n H mo Orace evory old subscriber who will PaY ~~~We are glad to see Mr, Mine Horen-orcegensadlwrod&H h av *?ey ldsuseibr buyu pi' probable ln the rieur future. Thinis Mss. mEAU! . MoaaiiL. Beo. sbown ns so many kinunses Inu uîr aIlbak dcssudun yer ii are lu a more critical condition In tiihergrotghusCbig adD O>NGREGATIONAL Churs> Sondai' ter- ra esvmnadnoowMy a<lane-both papiers for the prier hlpiesta siuise y n. l te gri..P Ivise$ mon 8a.m. and ?U gEiT eravniliasd oroweMi Phlipieshhn b ndcaedbInaWednesdaevenleg's. ~P lstGod bleusthema everi' une. of mOUEou'. îîîug given ouni officalli'. Devey's Miss Weber, of Chicago, and lira. Iunday evenings ut 6:66,p., in. Junior la order te gel the Fars. Journal niet8unday5ti. m. Sabbat> Sbool 1unre Mus. Hzxauy Boni AND FANIîLY, &K apremum fr âdaneepuy- cahie 10 hurry lhe iattiesbip Oregon Pranki Beimehi vis>led relatives bère a. . a.FzxHON atr anni,11 fo tvn cncrytvaiîee was gîven ontl iîadvertently eaIhele osdaY Ibis wveai. W> C. T. U. *meetsings every aliernate i fiefr Navi' Departmeut and the officiels John Biokis stili seema te have norne Frida frnt2 to à P m - RÉMOLI'TIONS 0F >VOND0LLNE<. uigavil ua iita IUni[)r f have silice been trying 10 maile eattraction here. An be arrived hbe»Mas. YiLOU£Ncs Lusa. iRoc. S'c. WIUE£As, The Oreat snd Supreme V sveyomsubcritiirsto ispse public believe liat it hadi no slgnuli t- sISondsy agin. R meetings 2md and VThrdLs. ueoftelnvr h Inisi- of Te ar Jural18oslu ds'î calice. Tbey are fooling nobod'. lir. Abert Eaggle mand family bave A.oCUEFLLII Lodg'Y. No. ITI. t>. >. F iier iof liemve r hs In hsolu f.Tonaion. aner peJos le i cud - Dewey'@ record iso't ibat of a man vbo A. MtuHighandPark Soey . sd campfire our wortlîy snd esteemed tondtiuian erecli tus. dues things vithout cause. legove 0Hgbai arvee t .lAYOLAKM Lor M. W. W. No. 106 vorbi' thugh beneeed ie regn r agge bas accepled aà postion. rasmnengs 2nd an t Frlday8. nighbois, Oscar B. anld Ai CI. Drnry, thougt li neeed te Oreon o bc 9.lic . W M vuud ulhae sntlit essgesu Mr@. Her Penerer wvbobas besu Mise a M aou fEs. S.. Moa W .sud Ein Butter Market. . l o av etta msaeadvisiling ber mober lirs. lierrirnai Vllagre OffIcers. WaznnE1aA, The Intirnate relation la the butter market Moud.iy oflicial it t il - iuovn that lhe dont need relutned te ber bore ne tclue. Prosident ..................9. B. lSherman vltihema ssneigibor Woodmnuof qutuations weeeed toe.Tetebtlehpt ib h iiio . Barron.O0. ichiardson. Camp No. 1341, M. W. A., maies Il ogleings vere 179 tube; 100 liibs sold It fias been feared lu Washington ever À tiOLDE]> WEDDINO. Truaices..,,F.C. WilIIur F. B attrhi. eietn eltigla ercr n Kt " Md79 ubset 2e. uttr i.t lune the Filipino attenipt 10 bnirn At tbe bomne of Mr snd Mrs. Seàig C ie.. rE .ShafTer. eietybttigta ercr u ai~1 Ci u 9tb uc Bte ct~Oerk ...........E. T.DeVoe sympaîbi' vlth ticir loved unes. W« 1,adoeyu g 0. Mansl several deys ago vas known, occured ;the illhebehhaunivetsary 0f Tressoirer......... ... ..i. H. Neville Therefore bil. - yakîe n n eraO1. tiat the destruction of propety migt Usliinarriage Baturdai' of lutI vesi. Police magitrate........ ....C.. orse léleTa utri u n n The Senster psssed thr River and lbe made au excuse for meddling by Tbey came go ibis confty n 1"sd ......... ... . lrze imeli demis» their father and familles I Rato, ih iIbubeNicaragua -Caual,<erulani' or other foreign powers or s bave lived lived ln this vicinili' ai of ssaudasdsdirprbebs Mtsde bll it onlhe combluation ni puvets. Long-headed tiie unie. Were married ilu *«Mv .Officiai Parier of Orayslake. stieasdanirprbllo, vMden iti olytirce disaentillg îi a as do thehr other relatives, neighbors votes. petîigrev, i ansd Triler lmen beliere tliai rthel se r IU8.llir> <te e se Mie ous ibba ibe ad rind and friandso! lb» Canali ithelHoua» dangerota var witb erVany nov, t5v. sons and ivo daughters, une MJtesoiîcd, Thhat lu Ibisr sudildends mlhah they bave strengli enjou gi lu liai>there W as t»an' lime vihle lhe dngbiter lvn tlngGoeUdoT îîe t piîi cho uoe fataliti' iayl amN.1"1 p e v n b m n m e t i i g v i d wa < i li S pa in w a e g o in g o u sun d e t G le fv ie , t v a sBo n s are liv in g i ii E u g en e D e 'o e v is lîd lu * (,en o e , G a a a e C m , N . l oui cf tise bI andmparliamculaiY akîli sould thieir lears lho reslized Cougrees uoitbetf Iowa, tirees9sons are living over Nuidai'. iasmolier is spendiimg mM W.A.,adsuppt ortrs adt aklt ont f te bil ad prliaentry siliiebail of su p aporsu ud Becire A eimngoug prtiveut ils beiug J uggicd wOîld t one bave lu ho cailed ln in Ibis locaU17y. Tici bave Ivenl'- norne lime t ber sou's residetice aitbathalo ucmpsdurBelA ot extra session. tres grandcbildren. Ail tb» childien pace. sud Wcdge be drsped lu mouiruiug for - vas prenant excepi Mis. ileed, o!1 Rev. Fredeubagen anîd famili' are the ucît 60 days, mas evidence uf unr Bepreentalive Johnasn, out d.. MIL.I.BURN. Glsnview, vbose baby vas ver' sick ejuying a visit lu Wheaion sud exîreme universal surrua. madie anober bighhy aensatioiial lira. Alei Stewart gave a diuoer un vilci vas regretted by &Il. Tbay LaGrauge. Mr. Brutal %yloccuJuY the Resolred, Thatounr carup extend to spub e ttrsoiing nt oly lb» policy lait atiildai. recehved nome very handsome presents. puipîl as ils au batitute nexi Nuidai'. the fatier, familles sud frienuaon our oftbePresidenl bt bis persouel h- lastur Harris vislled frienda in Amo itei wnclidren wrliei ra. W. Bradwai' made as llliugvisideceaased neighbors Our isarifeit sym.. iqp*y but Il dhd flt receive as mur], hercher, Ili., Ibis veci. nearbealnelgibors lMr. sud tirs. Duff', t G alake iMet Saturdai' sud vbeu pathyin lu Iis. iheir saddeat affliction, flt i s-le lir. and Mr&. Veter and Mir. and lits. 0Oa atboUuml tahUe taetapeecu >li1made Mis. S. A..Harris aud Miss Jessie Adamis also Use grooms sttrs vbo liv»eereturued eaie 10k lber lutIle girl, sud bat ve John wvh thoein lutle vige aia.g ahaflarliues, the gerrerailoim-,petit Tulesday lu Auioch. voenhpae ewsteoil hohad been living a 11h lier grand- conclusion liat while ve canuot ourder- preanon botngt;Usai Mr, Johnison ig Exauinaliona vere couducied lu the bee u tise hapy. e sibe coupleparente vith ber. stand the purpose aud justification of %iyM tggleveniitirthePre8ident mani' morehappi' jeas 10 came L. C. 111h' is occupying tie munis aucb sdversiiies, jet ve kuow thal God ho bel"id alci for nomie rosi or fauched heGeraonsCino bimeet . CiAgtrom anotier CorresvondentJ above bis butlier siop sud bis bouse duel> aIl Ihinga veon, sud W homso. pianotaipievance. leGra îe e tlr.C . L. IL Wilniol veuttlu Chicago Tues- onuWeoterfield place Is for reut. Ilusnever lic lovoli He cbastcucth.' aise Mathevau Teayeen .daiy. reportéed bo viii un bils meat market liai soeuss'Agers position le ny- Mia. C. A liaibeva suffered vilh a lira. Jake Ales vas a Chicago visier bimacif thias prhng. *Gdmvmi ytrosWY Skii bt aplesan un atibi tu, erer roti he raiut be eeb~1Mnda'i.e wondrs luî,rforu., Iblg lu a veli sou at o e Ib ie eee MissBaihe Bint ire ftewek od ra. Burge vas agaiu able tu b»lie e . ,ilents bis tout îîpon tlh.ý a it tg tht sineof he is&Hatie ainspent afew deys Mns. Ueo. Karaci vent 10 Chicago lie Royal Neghbors Ibis veekafler a, And rides Ulon ou t ors. Puseidmea sfrienda visi to gel Alger the tiret o!flihe eeaietLake Villa. Tedi eeeselo singta Ms eord iIacp'o is euu 2af fl lb. Cuain ie gtthe Plai avngt- r. W. J. .White vas caled test M.« Horsuberger vent t Chilcago Eugène Heudes was aiseouot, lie tiretflions be &prend upon lb» camp record hielup10ibs im 1 gl iePrm-Saturdai' lu emialm tic body ut li. Tuesdai'. tume lu four eeks. sud a copy publliaed in tie counti' b gr 0i fo rigabot ersigitn a»'toîkns Buo.Win. Actes, of Chicago, vas in Deer Prof. Benial la hoding ver' Inter- paers and famcoiescndOur l e' Gd haVeIuhy te1ring b one is et wighn- Ticcloslng exercises outhlIe Advancedfileld Bondai'. estiug meetings both afieruoon sud' faterndfmlsutnraeue boieffl go bc responsible for teSletlb» wllb el nFrdy A. Osterman vho a emploi'ed lu eveings. Hi» uft0lruou. ighug Nelgibot WoodmeIi. eeaiUm~y tepeâted tories tliai theatternoon Marri i11. iou are iuvited Chicago pn Bundai' hère. classes are especialli' good and the tOur fraternel» wheel 1 <i, t'a attend. pn oUr harts arr smure asod asti. raipalion vas about te lie forth. ,J. h oi h els Louins Totz, a politicien, of prlng- littie uncesare maiug gteat prfgreas.,i Wil' our Bele. Ax anti Wedic eomigg. eoreary Alger bas aervedl Geo. DudgeJ. i a i elsfield spent Sundai' in Destfield. li. sud ira. 1D. (G. White arr tir Are ni saddest moomninigtia>i ffS i pou Mbesemen and iutidentalii' ville uhtiRochester, Wl., academi' vas proud sud happi' parents uf a lîtîle E. B. sBREaM.N, umpos t enpreaident liaI he viii ul rompelled lu rettnrn borne the second A bouniclng baby boy veighig tel l br fusiyFi 3d W 3 .Ws~ wifinagl resigu by saiiug tiat so fur lmehAerecu hiaspaalss ! o nda shtut i sdlra etjodge D. 0. lastsili treaiing frum tic J. J Lfpi(A#iAiiài.1 aas hmovu viii ha coucerued îlie ebroichial tubes. etrMna' tm&ude"uminnlth» Cabinet lîntil W. N. Speackuman, A. M., ufthle Miss Amanda Toîz etettaiued ber .the.end of thieadministration. Advanced Select achool attended the rlend lilas Petets, of Chicago,aet ber Atiction Sal es. teachera meeting lu Waukegan Satun! home hère Ibis vcek. 1Tieudcrsigued l i seil aI publie day vicre he nacd bis telescupe lu lir. Allie Anges oui departmeiit tore #cino i aa nNrhil The minor fealt am itiovusbip, 2ml»esat uofIhermer- ty ens'or call tht llustrallug pari of thie von hluclerk yl Intioduc» somie ut bis ville sud 2mies vesi t G0lencue, W ed- UL«ti von a granit viciori' lu tic lie* pbysirs§. fsmoua lillubi"a Doit laturday eVemIng esday arri 81, 1899, commenciug t Army'bill but lie more lise Dew bihla n t h Gea Nrheii Aroa l, a. m.,thie toîîovîng pro. efaind beles sbsanla talErronoous. S i >l~tîeî.Aie»alperti'. Heavi' draft hors» Il yrs. old, Rupture chiia appeaus. Il looks more 1ke s Wr vee»inuerror lu sIathog in taic nncl drouBîîu hai'bdraft6mare 9 y, ea odroeait buanco tita aviclor'. Tic adiuia- veo'is issue tiat Chas. Sturni vould botifae I bre» 6 yrs3. o nld, 5av'bdratr tiamll onetrs bave securetiirum thie boy stock for Heracibergef Bros., vbu iF DY yearling Iheifera, 2 bravi' vagons, el wu d mMo#~tabouh everythng liaItichebougil out .. S. Grideja icniesa. PauniPegluv insou the ici 1lîsI. ucarli' uew;2 sets oa l ares l- IN 30 TO é00AYS. Bail âti ould ave iven r. Sorm ill by ane, itgle buggy, boy sied@, Nef4. tceloprias. Mmi iivoidhae ivnthem and B.5Pw elbi u ~i v red IKlein bta sffering sei lIe msrItn ii,14 u ssse us hav e ecap ed a ex tra sessio n o tf C o u - b o o k ." o e , b urée r eke, n t u h y 4 ) ho1.<v re p i . e geswiheeyoykostegrippe. crn, 15ltbu. oatsta a outrk ra w,1mw. f. li IMf Forsviic eeaioe.kuv l Examinations in ail grads etoch l ack bcdding, lot corn stalis. waikiug N us nil urd aÏllnistration dreaded. Truel teorise.duiivator. p.iiverizer, 2 pinves, 2-bots» novArmybhli ouI' provides fur thr Tai> rnws, unoev lch, une beavi' 1h15 vesi. cllivahur, cnycei plov, liaywuod Exaifltion 7FREE. - luern"smemn for Ivo jor m n pringot boti large young cova, viii A. Stanclifi boad lie vood avweîs lait a rrape, ,drag scraper, iron aettle, bai' SUITE m> aod y n le g i b el, wagon box, 10-gal on bar - .0GI »ILS Juli', bul liaI amonuts tu otbinlg î.îd culiclarge and raugi', viii iake MoCa'IsdCueGaO vien itanememibercdthiat a majoriti' guod rosd i orse, wclghl about i1200 < 0. rrck and son Warren viffited i receufu, ico rcr, sud mani' othor o!iotb Boumesof thle uexl Cougresa pounda cari, $2004tlles lbe pair. A ariilefou nunieruis10Wuttiili. viiigive lie adminitratin uy 'îuecah m oauei$," 0411 gobbler. for sale t $2 caci.MrJ.W rp ite lirsnudrcahOnmisivr$,acdt aidtionai armi' legisiationu l niyai'sk H .F;axrlaOreltOllair e 1tn uvlaa:a:aa.t e o Aenh wl il d5 u $5a nBDo[nIE[, M for. Sle _______at____bnal ntsbern 6prcnt n A iBRTV LEH T L * .~.-. teresl. 2 per cent dlsroubi, forecashou Thuradai' Eveg sud Fridai' Foreouon. Saw Oumnmins. H. Boireeder has pnrcbased Louis sums ove? $5. The fallune o Ciairman Rouele. of 1 ai uîv prepared 10 do ail kinda f so ns fllg an. Consderatlon $65 No goudo ho b» -renioved util set-, . tieRaouse Naval Commilîe tuctis- g'>mmniug ssvs sud Mling. E. B. per acretlIed for. JOHNs ENRIGHT, Prup. If yon have acoiigh, hroat irrittion,. l achori' expluln viii'the bill repoîted tLEmsu, Hait Day. Mcii i C. W. PErmIs, Autioneer. veai longs, pain lu cees, difficuit approprted $545 a ton W0 psy fom . T. Fot vas unable 1e attendibhuai- breathng, croup orihuarsens, ]ct us Krup umorfo li lîhii.eipcRea" a fev deys test veek ou accunul The underalgu»d wyul sel aI public suggest Oua Minute Cougi Cure. Krup àrýor fr th lttleiiipi Red Ths.suclinà, hait mile ano h-eas t f t»eAlwas rellable and at». F. B. LoVELL, Mains, iaour sud Ohio sud to tell Mouci'tl an appmoved ou realesiat ofo!tui beaihi. ld Vernu Miii bridge,uFrIdai', Match Liberlyville. J. Rl. BRAuuEEi. Guimiee, vhah forelgu goveii>u>ei.i ver» pay iî>g m.urihyinshoout$W4010 e3$,000 et J. A. lisson sud vite visilet a tes In,1899, ctumuncng etIl o'ciork P.-ni.LorinusB. LIT(xPuELu, Bockefeller. forli smeamu rsuiei lftie "i4tu irs.. Jcimoa , 111 Wamh-deyas t veeE viti C. B. Eastouso 2 boises, sprIug wagon, moaticarl, Adudication Notice. Biouse educlng the amouuui tu $44 ea___famfiiy aI Deetied. I-borse plov, feed cuIter. grindstone Public Notice la berbîr iven tht Ithe Sm. Iu order te gel the aninoint FaotTwsi Txs a eu 2 haruessea, lord crn talis, ahovel subgcriier Admiulstratix ofthtic rati»O! Master Lyle Trlpp sie- iwhuliau, oc>gri om s Ocar B. Drurr ideieasoti. yl atiten ie rssloee lieNav' îiparnirit h» Ti.. ntagTd ownhpTae.leirfru igvt it ruili.D.Buz aae ka p o blo otiato oe, grin hu i6 ountyCouirt of Lake Coonty. ai a ý Inn ploe te nftaton b Z.,r t ow > »tifFreîu îî ea îý utesuBts ierotoirc hoidon ai tic Court Bouse ln pled h If hmtonbId nt il iee J sud-instednc potoesa, Cook siove, basting BaO0»,.Wukoiran. insaid County nniicffrstlie- ~. ...t ni av pev tit. hi. els tore, 1lanlîue, Weduedai's adtable, dozen cbaire, ounge. rockImg day u ay ni 551@00. ieu and vi>ro i by th floue. Lu wee Chu.and Mtt Beach-chairbangiig lmp, 2bedstadeiwtb aimsn8havtainsats sainet al stettt. ràeintion belng madie li i os.Sat>îr>lus.viee ie viil ietaied Lst.tihasdfitHedb bi. aglg ap bdtaa ii~and re uesteu to prescimtthe IX 14saistl paylug $5-.5 a lotiforitlie îbave y.î» raIl anti psy yuu taxes, berger bougit J. 0. Gridlsi"a hous apringe, Singer sevtng machine, 2 sMme 10 ssld Court for aditletî n Ktrupp armer uaha n ing u sod o".tir C.<0.SXALf sud varebouse ai Prairie Vîev for vasi tube, clothes vîluger, iliug ont- PJussil A. Duos!. Administratrîx ofthie C. ~~~it sud mani' other articles 100 fumer- Relaie ofimi esdacan.Ferar m. ai» ('rarhp teCampe ar i(rieîîîîîg -- â,0ea0. ibrarO»t. »d.R iv. arsipa i psyîîg,000.a Ioua te mention. m»d Gea Britain i ai 5satnFerro For Bais. A litll»nou rrlved te .nl' 10glati- TgBmis 0pSALE: laCash. Bey. B. Edvard. pastur out ibe Engliali u * mrtho m earn or. Th two A "r't*u uý-r K tu s ction 31, bo n of en the hom e f M randAU', EPgi-pH BaptiRI', ciorcua ai M uîîen t sviiiell , Psa , compenes wi0m 'realuoniereai> 13'r ares u seto 1,w theM donber n u brnea!Mn.s lia.Ethl. C. W. PrTI-v, Anctinneer, vhen snfferiug viithrieuiaIism vas ocpnlavic mi uuotolit. IeiîO.kny sleliioù eri m 0 ii lb thrnee lit. advieed lu iri' Chaunerlaua 'Pain g. utlss ie mop mu ti Uti»I u . Gofai, huileinsudheplwof tle dangiloe. CabransCUheeY Balm. H» noyé: "A tonapplications torbêtesiafor $45a on.:1 beor» Wa>îrt ofta .ndutlnmdevl th le linimnetproved of gteaiservie àA-agtvu muuîng apringa. For germa, A. C. Bichards, vho lie beau sufer. Th eiei ainleided especiaàly tomue. It uiduedth telinflaatio .11 lacni e0fbtisa&aMount lu lie bilfllu. ûeMrs. i. Beach- Ivanhoe r. e hormd nI Neite lmil. Voa; t h Huningon.iug sd iuderlieforcronba.cuIa, crup, bohOOnug sud relievedtihte paiu. itionîidtai auj t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o u. t în l' ....i... l . ......3 î.:iouu i-u>iihîi '>,ua pei r Il.......................... V I.b r M jl- ICity so. ,i . .... ti.. .......%b 1 1 bars . , 8L l ri ,iu... ....i.....28e 15i harm Niieli.... .... ....t.... 25e Men's Wýinter. Caps worth 75c at I5to 40c Men's and Boys' Overcoats at cost anid less than cost. Men's and Boys' Suits at very Iow prices. Bargains in Men's and Boys' Pants. Men's Feit Overs size 5, 6 & 7 .... .O0 Chids' Arctcs 4 to 10................. 25c Ail W inter Goods at Low Prices to close. Afcr Mr-iI. 1, 199,Iis tore iii el for CASH ONLY in oirilr liaI y uiy o»iO'>» s v el as îy- mu-If ailIlu1,le oeted, andittrade nîutually t» tic l,eqt ativautage. W. W. EDWARDS,9 For Sale. F ART W s0w» ver' elciîue Pîul>n>i tiiilua . A R T W muai» readi' for servir», tuai ste sec- MANUFACTURENOiP o d lu snone lun u1ali ' an tibreeding; alau nom@ chioce Barrd Plymouth Rock roosiera. at pricea thal umenusure Marbie aies to tboes vo vant stok ja Granite C. . Bnsal, Mceeieou.Joai MoBride's farm 2 mile» veat of Coust' Pour Faim. WORK 9F EVERY. Deacmlpte. seo...... asc FURS WANTED. ~ The hi ghest' market ~~ price will be pald f or ail s~kinds of Raw Furlg by e.1 L ong 1Grove .L ak e Co ,- Q v heBig Storýe Each Department Complte. We- lhiidle inone butthe Best Gode and Ouarantee ...Satisfaction.... LOOK AT THESE RRICES: Boys' Syeatera... . . . ...... 190 Boju's Launtcred hSrIs, Fauri' Booom.,, ... U Alilou Meuis snd boys' Caps ................ Ue Al l uderveam at.. ... ...... .. ...... ..... Clai Ali Overzoi tii ah . ... ... .Coul Ladies'$1.t> Watn Sbocs ...................76o 31 lb eao Green(age Plumé ...... ..........12e 3 lb rau Egg Plutus ...l..... c 2 31 lb eaul'ors..... ...... . .. .... 100 t.aivauized Cloti Linsé................... lue Galvanixeti Wash Basins . ........ lue Heavi' TIi Wash Basin---------------------16c 14 tîuart Breadi Pan, lin ..- 2U il0 quartMiii l'ail, lin.. ..... S 2 quart Covereti Tii> Pâli..... ............ do i quart Covereti Ti> Pail l 1... ce 4 >quart (overoti fin Peu B. ..... e Nashburn & Crosbys Imperial Flour per sack......................... 8 c Washburni-Crosby'S Superlative Flou rQI per sack.............................. se F. H. KUEBKER, ayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. hisi hQplacNe Where you wiIl find a large and -varied stock of WATCH-ES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY ---NPSIL VER WARE. All kinds of Repairing Dona Promptiy. E. B. SH-ERMAN, RAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Prices That TaIk! r c ,>, C ur I*iniaos................... 1 -,el4 1 =1

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