CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Mar 1899, p. 6

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ea" wth tb*0iet ora geno uw k»" bi bmam&ae The yomng conft dld ot offer te tir at-arma comlng up, though ho muet have et*Peeted the caue. Benie him .tood the emaclated forrn of the heviit Hilde- I brand, and rotmd hlm wr, groupei the fr ndi.woho h ad peraugici ta foUlow1 bisa Conspiecona arng their wa. Isa- bel Durance, who hsd sassumed a sort of aruor, wtb a crowu ortSoir! round ber lIght helmet of steel. Even the oeh caoft. ho vas dispose! te - eed angry wltb every one Whobâthadany- thing to do witb the fllgbt of hie son, could1 flot belp a light senneofet eatation, j thougb he rode np te the yonng chiet of f the crusade, tollowei by i men. aud £ . sslutcd him vlth grave severlty. tayingt leIaI not Well done, Stephen. Tbyj mother and Blanche aholi have beenj enough toe kp thee at home, even If love1 for tby tather hâtd boom a thlng mot cont.1 ed in theze day*.."1 The boy monet svcrted ise ea t rontm thoseofethi.f ather, ami his tome waa cold anti haughty as he aswered: ___'i have taken the cross for leur mak- aud thrât of ml family. 1 have avoru te drive the beathen frot Jerusalesa, ani 'bon1 cene back 1 viii pray that jour sinsi mal ho forgiven ye. 1'empt me ot. CHAPTER [IV. cmt rasd bow vouiti scatter you like but rtera horne. This hely mem willI tell Ceont Stephenl the eider was net fated cssff.." yen that ItL impoaslble for me ta 'look te rech bis sou as mn as ho hied antici- Nirboles tossed is heurd stili more dis- back now that 1 have tairen the cru..." pâted whem he rode eut et the castie gaies. danfuily. as ho retorted. w th a look of The coenft vas ettei ta the tome ln tollewed by i vassala, jtent on iring- conttempt nt the old count: whlcb the boy spoke, amd rappei out, an- lng hatik the bey. The distance fromr "Yen know nothirsg absoutit. The ber- grll: Vaucluse te the plainset Avignion. where mt Hildebrand has promioed us that the "11evle thia. malapert? Dent thon net the chllrem hadl been encamised, w vs a Lord will iverk a miracle for us. The sea respect thy tather'> 1 tell thee that 1 fer- tweuty-four heur,' journey. for lîght; vili divide smd ve saol march te Pales- bel tbee te go on ay ujscb niai expedi- hers«.; whlle the trais of the rouet. cern- tino on dry grounti. The mgeis vii light tien. Au for this mria prlost Who bas poweei etmm en nheavy armer. W ho bai fer us .giet the foc, ant i lgtnngs iti tempteti je ail front lour dnty. he ahould te carry ail the foodtirthir borses enu trihU e =h 8 .Leuve us. snd beone te thy have i. trocýk trippoti fran hlm by hi. neei on the caddies et the animals. ceild castle. As fer tbe boy Stephen. if thon bisbop. ami ho scourgoti lm brosi daylght vt sovte fast eungh te catch thse Yonng wilt take him witb thee, t vili ib' ail the throngh emer, market place where ho ha. cruaiers. botter for iis crussie. Wcet Orleans enticed the chiltiren et nobles te destruc- The warriora toilei on. hearinir frequentt have reselvedto te sparate f rom hlm sud tien." repiorts of the progreset the Chldrens. march throngb ltaly if hc i. te bco utr le hati hardty spoion the words. wben (Irusde. which hat& t#aeted tise interest leader. the nid Mouh. vho bati sand a littie &part emidbep et the vhole country round. Ev Old Ceont Stephen saw that the boy wstching hie pupil rurloualy. te see if the e«y ebe they met bati donc sonething te iv.. fully persuadeti oetihe tritit ot bi. appeal of the cont wonld have auyjecet, heip It cm. accordiug te lies ove acent; mission snd honating*; but the disline e c aileti out, soeley: for the yeng croasiers. 'ith a simple1 shoedet teYoung Stephen ast the old 'Cet tbeo hohini me. Batan. tee thon rellance on thse promises et Hildebrnd, man eans cincuiintancs' in bis tas-or, an ho savormst et this venld! He thst vili ot omly pouaibl i otatâge, hait depsrtedl on îhought et bringna hark i sou. There- teavo tfather and mother for thse cross. thclr jetrney, gatherina ecriits t overY fore he saiti. quietly: bath no part in it. Depart. thon cursed' ea.lh aMivillage. taina mDO e eci hat i tik thon art igt. frieni. %Iy son eue, or it viii ho verse fur thee!" they ahonl est or drink, bt relyiugsno-lo-i.neulfit te go tec thse ar, svhle thon Thse ld canot lnstantly turneti on bina ly on ch*rlty. seemet a @tout lad. Tel me where 1 saolifiereely. and abouti: llai. Indeed,. ue ef the strange&t thingsl ied him. sud I wiii gis-e tbee this plee "Thîs te a Cout of Provence! Noe la bltory. arlyte ho hlievcd. dli wOetfgol." hy Ouf Lady etf'sancluse, 1vili li te rier »Met now h a b tucltre the chiliren lu He gaav thst Nicholas wu@ a ieanam i.vtb tbe if thon spoakest amothor word. that wonedrt microsade dii net sil tarve o'Ti em oad1sytrth hi te dsthhofre bcyhaigen seas heand hopesi that the sigt et gold woli ta «thbeorethy hit un seon th mrier hîm cagor te serve him. But ho net ho carrnes1 atay, te perluis hy the hreadth e obafetcsFranecoets.ifleneetIb weed oet theTurka! Stephcm, on thino Ther mmbns incuaetias hc iscu, crostle. Nihotas showed ne enthusiamu oedienre 1 command thce ta eleuro me. thse feebler oe droppiez eut ou the vs>-. fer gold. bt impiy sasid: or 1 "1llhâve thee taken home tied teaa a»m et tkem nover te sec, their bornas "(;Ive it 1e tht slmenor hobidme. this e brs* Dont thon bear me. boy? This la agala; Othe». more tortunato, hol'n boy with thc ba. Ve taire uthing for net chidg pay, 1 tel? th,%-. l.aur a mon gainci by thoîr parent.. But etil tise ourselvea. 'The Lord tsketh carsetf s. and tisy tather, Who dares bld thee dil*- match proeoedesi; sud, day by dey, teA o hysn l the oi esy oeuhy m?" chhdm nneared the ed ef the jeuney A o h o,1tllte ci oe yr theybaiset homelve. a Msreiies, ore us vith tise other hody et the cru- eonga Stephen beaitatcd, aud seemed lidt"exectti tht the y' as t aselercde. sud 1 kmev net where. Ride on and moved biy tise aspetal for bc leoketi at the mbits they con odntl >- ete tatt lie l.sdlaeu eorhms eha fasking hlp. Old Hldebrand aboi li asip tetak thns e te Hly Withot nticina the nId lsigt auj isately came. tonward te the aide er the [And, les»Me Way. tsrther. ho made a signal te the chilirse nd eoutt's horse and raisesi hi. thin arma '7hbeoycntt Stephen, witb bis littie hointi hies, which they seemeti te 0nee meus<lî>. sa.g tai t f thebde &hed he camlpeou stand, fer they nt on"e sînish k ue et ovus y t thee. rush fman, sud trivo sway frosnghe fth' a tthehospth ie grand nid Latin hymne cemmon Im the nt te otal the march et the cross! Be- *« hisUm hi. ath oer' atlye ut.Mile age&. and t rom vhich Borne oetOunr are the iratis of heavon sud the curse et s ltti paty omilcelymoa pouis eusbave come dova by et the cburcb. ,I telt tee thon hast ne au- the ridera tires! out, hungry sud rosi>- teMt uonu. ,thorit>- ever 'svarier et tise cross!" dsu,î but afuleofardor fur the crusade The.. et ariae Voi rao, h hrut aaeisceibtmv m aves. They bhtd been woleoomet by a Briritus," nov kuevu as "Corne. Hoiy agel>- sud ierrelY. az ho roared eut. setishe bey ocellei Niehensa, sepposeti ta e honlu prit.beavcmijdot@." vere tise favorite fult trenrtb et bis lunes: muaaedeft te crusade, whe recelvoi cf the chil cresasters: and le *pite et i . Wbat ho. vassal% of de Vaux. nescue them es n ordify usmnraif be bati be n lt u ue tttIne i o.yoer yenng mater, aud bring hi. aay tie iget tht ca emta7. by rotthe old marneor li sot hclp hing oa- fromt this camp ot msdmn nanti babies7" NIcpht,out an edReronwt boy rtr fotiani meved isY the gret bisnt cf The moment ho &&id it. Hildebrand crieti Stapo.;atot sd srom, 'ith5 Tat hildlsh voire. as thie>- aeliet out ln thc in sanvpr. WU ethiu oesteImprtance aud àshbbte hmithasofrbcoerutca s î -Wsrriora eft ti<e ross. dfeuti jour noteclg oediucete is rdes y tiscy vero gaine te a featival insiesi et -ptaiu! Drive heure tise»enore Be- hava, Il ay edisPutai tbem. He b.d marcing. as he knev the>' muet hoct liai' hidtthe chhlren trae- V1ende, as- their Ieths, or te a alavery more cruel 1Immedistely, vith a abrili er. ail thf , s0 the titie et "Catptain et the Cru- thon tieaih. beys aprana toward the old ceunt. *Mla%" vhlch. te Stephen, Who Iraginci Wiihout trying te questioni Nicholas (Tu ho rontioud.> bludtifappointei te that eores causet a-hr,-h hroe pret i oa. Copyri redit dlspintmeut. tilt the arrivai et sud rode ou sang the great magesor iî- IN TH4E ENGINE ROOIM. Hildebraninluthoercamp. vhee the nid iren.sreine. Uic tsrther ho got. that tisers tueis.Ithepublceormlea.deoti he-or veaomethiog very tnsege in the vhole Experiescc. Bel.ow Driez uEn- ethe vilenthempcetledade mthe scoreapcle. gaigement.i tet hi. int thersd te*'thabey Thonsvanda enetheesandi t fhildre utf A source et annoyance ant isuta-'o ct'ti teUcrnisaoluh.1ailages. troie the nshte-headeni 3oungter fort lu action w as ponx-er 1smoko tisai The ral mason fr thechang te l fpgbt or tee te tise bey ef tiltepre. visetiseven:11aters diacharged into tis eno- Tht osireaoi~ton he hamo Rde-wa. rail aud stroug for h;. geste rsyed brand Idl notbing about, but it w&s one sloeg. sleging tise hymne ta i-brr thorm. gine anti lire roomt lenrreat quumtitkea, thervoaher. Count tephen, couieg otsan seening Ie cati-h trengil, and spirit sa>'. a incter bu tise Cau.ver Usdiet and. admevirai sioefthe in u' herpfrom te endure fatigue-%i that neuli w-ho ss'r-ed as nn.-'lsnt tengineer ha tis rsvec sa siiraionet isecidren bave nioe-d eider peuple to esis-qî. tise New York. Tuiw maie one'. ejel Wiso bai coeonouthe crusade, while Nich- Thon voe dusty sud travel vsrn; maey snort aud indus-rd cotigiing tuâtsais elas, Wbo va@ ignornt et rentiieg sud hgg;rti and Ibm; but tili tisey marched dsnsuresslng. thse cvili tinlu worne beoe Wrtlna ami a pensant isY bith, badl oly cheenfully on. and trem asl the countîry- tisu arisc giron. whî're th isenloitrons la toedy talent , e inbia theboen dee. round the pesants voe thronging te look tliese moke a ay. Wiseu finally dis- Its atobl at a tle, vtot o et taie spectacle andihainegthera fond l ipae .iftasa> rs ohme trwanbe a ay s, usel"e.Im the baskets. IaeI ptasayga elmn vueN, mye le the church, visere ajonc Huntiredaefthue simple toik vers e io ov't eeryt-iing. matlog a generit pascan ifulir«sctu the bigiseat ofiir- e oir Irunîgima couienteily hY the contri. Uiinligt, iies'eeîry. 'The "eport oe 'Iheeg(ero, wbeu Hildehramd proclainsedi sarrying their baskoesand vaiting tili the guna, purtiuiJrl>' tioti? near tise ois"s a. m*onthoespasofet he erussade. hilre b-uld hsit te feeod thons. The boetta et ventilltters. was lush and Chc.avnd evèrnmg oire smhong hebcond rouet notiredt ait tise triemîs ef the paletot le the' englue-room«. tise shari ftltIr ep ami onreulyiebâti.the id hobsrusais- cre aIllx-Q'asta, sud that if a crack of tihe stusher one% en& mor chatrins fer.olatonhe ajp ofdte bid te h.Prty a', honsoisseh. composeni er nlch car spliîting tise tise hulertur o tt chrmeag il r, etecmotheh fre qr0..,ibm depassent ut. thpy turnedi aa>-fromtliegtn vevmai ai brthe,.sudfnsbsi qur'the ape-tacle as if it vers s dînagrecable lrs tia grli. But vhat either that v.nomr 5ij n s' ud.., opdavnyvih mnya nce 4Oie'i5doti reinsmort ring etflbE cha bs bomluensciasrcouli pre- sud iangh. gansabrensait ais 4eeltf-tatsxletj and veut, vas to existe'ns-eef eus-y aud je&"- ttithiut tneviug bey it rami' about., hoseute danger Lto fthe eiaint-i'eOtssn essor, Wb"ehbnrrieisas lerMey in the round imeif, as hre rode aloug. mire sud Glass in buletin sud biIIIoardo veulc bre@Ms tae hidren (if tisat tuemoraisie More impreaed vith the spirit s-sfthe chu -lie iroken and tumbledt îow-ns throug'l crânerie ain Ibsisseof tisir eiders inho dre. uni riaint tieuvs-l. tisosîghis htse grurneaover tise egues, accort bani teught mch othen- in iglt of .1cm- ietmrminatisnn to get bas-k isaievnas a uul-Ivt uiiiok tIut'a salo. vih he ani haros tby aevoi sroe n ses-sr. As-iseiseranste nr the red leicnd tilalsd eifrnàein rachs an( tise Turks. bunsuet the rinimis it i-issn a Stephf e Riii-Vîn« ssid et belî, smen asbina me sn omi-htutu- dis-tac luob'nR. Loug-lest toordsanti materie tha Nîhoasns u aillie-n ih hîaî '~ sus-st.ibmra t se-sni ,-ssitnn. Rosi- innulsisorne9unsa 1wbrougisite oligi tise annay ets-fi-n-i stvs- rcaeIbut- 1 m n bat lîteihi-si muaitsi--ns tiiit, ieb>' i-bhe fssa tifor'blsvlst, ils-', boity ad hlm. ssii bai bord n sci.te reniraini i h s i.ih,<irbs-orssscinsaie-up is ithe tnota san t br tisstisai isti beeo feelings; but the- IX ii ost ssitsi'heon-adînt (ssii3 f '-hlllr,.-n arnineiya o ut etfalgisfon segiE thu»aéstir tnotionsi h usitibibi'ifron îHe tns,,Issi ne ns, i, tisoisho vas irons ni leiges onîirientitri cave l Hildcbrand, u is onshi' - i (ml. iinsîresa-i witIb tisetaort that ihe>-marsb.dtrsîetr'utin thsteieto st-ove tu lbepc for t hiý - *it5t.,,l 'uli' enîsîsli bter nte rsi-nau nti -s'eiuest si ou4eo et gtrn ate Nichasbuhi-sondini si ri s'or u-s- ri is- isut1e,,seîu îhseroete. Seni'etftise o bjfits n'on Wt ee isuoasittio us. un stiimi bat nsisi.te Niila. T'ir hilims-i on- boas-y i'ugh te bc dangereut. lent th vutb is issitio. I ten Stepisea sudsrorred ltae o I' tal<-iotf onxis't>' <aumi b>' tiseutv-as il But the pensant 1bey. vinS te-ns i clnaisses-s. Isort tise>-nre aier ndii îieger, l1sssniilty fhtisi omethIslg rsilt fa buo a seetfirisinfi-risir nalsanigis anstitis- onv're ne lunte bovessidlittie lnixli.a -uiiue-ctlle pont ln the e itl ta tise.. et the Youtsng înlenbril e -fslt gti mngninnleeaybiloie -~v A rsIstlgm atls hinsof Sepses iinit s unrylsig lenj ni cis'-lssdtsi-oins-crs'e, vbo ismîtthe boit or a irevtrlver migbt produie bith sud fotnue.-t111s s-uis-n fas,,*.,-ssnd resu n tise rassis,.f-tinritou tecrsmoe cucotinagoti urmnsrngs arngth, bo- siyt titi- mii ss-îmu,,r niintsnt iailus w if-, w ho vhe btei oved hbisteforitnV'iom' sT linerir aniesi i oe isai ho h -gtiug ainied th vlthse eccentti' L thse *ajority etfvisoni ere eofiti- seai,ve sli îs hiî er.ns tircuIntout-e'rttisitcoucetiens d a ashisseit. olliDo--t l iisi, ns>- laîjls-. bsnise - nk'tn' conetisi iegn us l e anse n, aî. ise- sreetiiuun"loi usiitis-it e n'Y ay.eOrnyesn wsl ut i-lis' ron atitht the on tovard Marseili".. îiîsnth"r,- tas t di kas hiout Serof stifaieiuiren a-etitiYu-ounglirraitouise po npi viontanong tise chittirîsn v"baiin n nel.atn yauin oitr>-ietindfronts .znlselta uktrZ»M e ovt.A ie untdin aenthesasmuami hope up tetie1-îed inato ineissie, ui-an nons. ý,ceti exhalodel bot tuci tet te day vheu lttcphejoiued tient; ansi tus- y ienirs--bust tons 3-mrs sudsr, vsho ns îbrisdge carne siovu the ae eagis bai ilvided injte ivehbodien b>-thet ime wbat thon nigir îlo?"v tho bi racesith sîis ettie bne But tise ceor ont>-ysudiermi as se roci aulaorat e t il u- Mefitrauean. cuir headetiby ts'phcu, rpicd':.tise wnte ses-ral *pilotera frein n the other by Nisholain: ibe latter et the n seserairuils ishlnd tis "fh, ni-td.1m-iten . ht viliiho- lieut detroyed by h>tie sohi lcotait MOON TOBRUE. *' "'- ":LL<IL 8; las, ttis.ev vu aessed chat PmtkW I&aU Dnow yste 1Iwo epesSiion, " ant lh - N SAFEY APLIANE O RA L .heproenat 7ear unifvmlty u e fCtt0U -Chaille Ales. fathter et tise Atiosilav, Qu SAFEY APLINCE ONRAI. vth the varions rosis bas gone laits vota "si." Ris vas the sole negtin. 0Osé ROAD CARS. effect, This meneures trotreaiQ the reerd@i agaIns the 143 affirmative voes aw, _______hueva ateguartls around al cluasesluathe lBeuse on WPdetisduaj hlcb tise b latrotte ommrceLawIlls Cin-ofrallroaeilesplojes, eupechlly thosa pisaetithe Alilng bll, rspcllhg the Allen httîs Iniastte ommrceLa lis Cn' iseisuîe tIse comme-tce et thecons. amiandre-enacting tisenidihorne antifon pelled th. Grest Tromk Linen s ta-ty. By lia re(z'lctlons ne oa-itesdnmmy set changedt tesait modeom mets- For u aquli naigisi Carsand hlaglai wvhs stock can hbocitht amo euipeiodaetfstreet-rmiliay transportation. Th NtemwBsfty G«Danie, iîtisair braises ami anuomaecaso- udt apeclai erder nmathe bill approprai-tnid la pliae. N manneednow o beind lugns$9.000 for the Francea Willard statue. vîli pliga.No as mod nv e bhîn ~This bill vs. passed by à nt.etf117 te gohdel WIth thse ibeiruing oethtie nov yeatrnev-lug englue amidniaise aceupUln. 26. The opposition came f romt thoe e ho -hisc thora vias lgualîzoîtise oxecutiosi of The tact tlsat the great limes coulinemosai thé,y iii sot boiove the $(tett cee' u3pon a lav fitisi ine. te ratIna>' emplezeaH t mionce uquip their engin, s andstihution gave the I.eaisliuro antberlty lices' " vasti>' auperlor tiegreeofe safet>' anti ca-s la the' ressens vis> six jours baeste use Stale mnnej for statues. A re- of & protection tissu thcy bave hihettenc- been ginen te gnsduall perfect ar- lotion vm*as topicîl auhbiling theeu joyeti. A viait te tise varions nalîras rangeenis. A vioationi of tis ev Speaker te usine a committce teuinesti- ne ropeba- shopa turing ttstaS nth et b>'an average roiaumulng 8 fooiate the condition et tise Uns-ohmmenu- lfm sanalcrsau ultàcouple of niio.usntaiSpl 1 l. Ti Se Snate tra.-redus MM w oasîtibave vitustaed filonlcaswomncetIet hspingmes i Tei t a rcng h-su' buladiefandipreperation, for filanl- thse fiee for osch violation bolng $100.a causn ut" e 1 a WsItns tdy. But tous$ terstate lIefinsre atri-tng te complotas Uh,enie uraidea-e mt jet SiitutOy ctuheifSone omhiceon obidae u t fraihom tihe equlpmnt oft tieir trelgis rofllng rosil ,ansi Congres. 14ieieg peuttien-the Harper achoull comnihsiom billbotte stock, vilS secumit>' appliances requlmet edtuta extetit the trne for Oveyears 'B Tise House os Thursiaj killed the --cor- k« 0 hl eglation. Theso effotts imilcaxa adiltonal lunsaie ustauco, wisene the oner's" billI vilebwvasImroduei l hy M. Ut. ___________________________adoption et the ev tievice wlilh have Seogin ln behihf of tire Coroners' Aigu- - ta ho slow %ad graduai. cistien oethlie @talc. The oneue aise kihi- jhil The total eqnlpmemt. ocornotIves anui ci "Dec" Jamiesonu'a bill. vhicb trevlded onde4 car, tst;Joe, as 08,».O f fillehilthathe tes ieSuprenie bei ner bust 44&8 e, vas ttl t5w aid Appéllate courts moaI ho pailn ai- tomas nuasor ut 48.84 ioreItt t vthvisce. A spirîi tiealeeame up viscu Wb train irakes, aud 545.583wvuhsatin Uichebil appnoîsrstimg $M.0000 rthylb. l mialle couplers. The Incresse turini State nhli ievlnoritnt e ntae tis e jor 1898 as 27,3139. lu 1861, ouitirhe diffeenco behveen tise State sud s-_ of every 152 tralumeet employei one iOnal Psy up te the fiime filey vere mus. was killesI. anti enhy 181 pamsosgers teredtinlto tise national service, came up sufered imrUar ftle, or eue ont et for acconraodinu. Tise Demorats Vaent- 9517474. Ths I icates tise terrible ed the bilte imelude ihose vho hst velum' riaisassilnga airoatt empuoye tse- tcced sudndbi geneho Sprngdldohibu foreshaafeas li wr aote. boi irenrejecici b>- the esanimins gsur- fore saft>' CARuiaiscea ere ado esonna. Mr. Curtis e-aplalmed tiaitise ai- AUTOiATl CA cotrt.rl. Asuissu been aid, tise dihef cmase Jutant geerais office diiimot have the tise prgnesu oethtie fime, and ralivay et delay le torcng tiboeeImproneme-uls Dmie ft lse vhobidboom rileiand empoyez ami tise general public alite vas the iach et 0151rtyi>. Soise tisetile vs.o nie tu e btaiu the luter' have be-ou letensely tterestiet Inhthe cars lbave tisir dranisetsell up ounimotion. as il vas degleeshlepas. ibe bill Investgation adm adoptions et appli- tise plutform, otiserasrop union. Lg. nasBonomne possible. Ho ssîggested that anc.. tisai place riss tot lite ant i 1mb Ilathen bas eniablishied a popu&r (ho rejecei velutes-na îeaul ho provideti lit tise ovest possible minimum, piano. fi bas nettahen lossg ta alti fer lne aotherlbill. Mm. Tîppet efferedtise Vtftea jears ago the mains vis de- thi ln- don-eo orne tisai PSsoat amen-ut luttebcluie the rj"eovlue- votad ihmtseift îean 5areer on tise iurri- the equistea et unis-ersa] inturleet- le.randeth ie amendaient vas labiesI. came dock et a treiglut carltonk bis lite Ing couplera tintieauuiomatlcaly Fit is>' mer inaim îesrd ln eoue lae sowis bande., lie was forceti te go jby Impact. Tise moster car bulliera. lhe appoinmn of tas-ntnimitee te investi- le boivoon moving rs'e, Ltke out cou-'lu convention, have tormuleol SpOcI- agal e i'conditionuoetIin. ILincoln menu- ping pins ami put iuetu luw-lith bie Ificatuona Ibet preserve tise essentiel. ,aiu. oIes-eu adition& letueicstanding aiset bande. On tise tend tise brate- of plaee abovo theistronts.,conforma. cemmithees nero annonred.,ami the man vas absO swlts-hmae-iso bai t tiedn et tnuctleisanti gipman â etf leuseadjoumedoutil ioiauday, iEot. mantaàn is position on top oet*ca iho sutomatir imaviseat Tissare- vete odae teraite mp b h. ton consiiera' - witue lu motion. net isakes viNa*tg- tominh en toîovoti out, amits et tise tienbut tilere voe fobjeetnihnate- nalici, tahe tise greotini amimate fiy- -adoption et amy oeeoeta isuntresi put-_cenntietf bee'absence et s qîuu. The ing svîtchos. eut out carsreerapie ente., Snari- vas ie session huit a revminute.. _ ant i rlk ailtishe pomaublltiet fatal The nov tiaviscatilu a frelc ar lu the abs'nce cf ii'ater Sirermgn. the accident wvisishane cari? oen stIhi cenhi la ftsiobeciMueSilite tise n-nai ti iissin kn-t rsienahunsic theflou".et ami overceme. Ho vasxçoledt teahl i hdu curai bond et a mae. Tise inisa htis e nt>-nenîors ns i-s-in Iheir "sax, îtt ot weaiiscr.t mIglut nainaseoisardfibat tise bar oethlie dravisea, vsiis goee andsh ithoul transastiss a ais: îsîslu-asu tu lio could net scaise t Igiîs ifty teet unnr tise plattortumendSolda tise bieatajs-unnieet wnvas su' entut0e'î'îsî-kthtietan eus>y. Il mWightosi-oeet tbàtaie I t une> u PIArc.The b" s- tasit bausn,.t moraine. Tirs' Sieste t>celàe t ibait porcs vas allppery as glass. A alie autacsient raillai noviemnte admît etf 5 o'ciis,'. Wiuiroul trarimactln ny u>- uI l ________________________________________________________ na an asljonînums-ni w-an tatou et10 pat orclon-kthie tmling uornli. tise Thse Wlard statue billi sso,v s iav. tru 'T'e Menait-u' nTtKessia>- couiri'i'nte i es flousie ontiment, andti cha(îss-'er 'u -nt Nonthcuitt at ususu' aflieîigissigature the lote ieaic ,asssppreIniatiuxg $tKM) >for a statue etfI-rsns-u'aE. 5,'iisrd , lus ho atte pises'd in tirnîtnnda of uIn' sapitidi bîildl bel IngaisuV,'airîgtmt. 'ru.-lia utofsstsrî'nlisei pros ies I b a nuii St, nsriay phiscinludurs the rotusndas utatuea of ns-us tsf n -sun it efîsrs-nsaetimons. A *ltn-îfnetnu. bot Shunluls bas asuiyt-i>- t hrse il u'eby sisl ords' r ef iin'Illinosîls t-acin'ltturi'. Theoliet startue cf Ili-s W llIant isfini'l- uY uitoftes a wcnssu tiius- guvrna lcisi- lthi e- et tends. Thi- aitoet ulus' l.ugistsmre prio- vide%'fitisithe statue shaitll- lx-bs-hr et or brotms nze arusis- lmi îrî î tsis tisitht' btée matrilmuii vlie hi- hte moril'l'irTe Seu- fort ells'rs',iu-srouiuni ts, io Iun estluthou er- Irel onusiug finu- pimnisiuoul r-gtutts aissedICari tuiennithe mwi nsmb issîi uuandautbsursz- su fins tise I os-'mus lus isssuilimnuiter>-but t- fa i s n-urn fi-rx. riisssi al atuve Kumnler letnodu-n-it s but- mnsl'l the aits'r thes- uuus'ars- îropis-ieubb> Guis. ibut 'Monnt.oetIniana, Irisededti teprenu-ut 1>-euiinua. It gus-es m4i-ita pes so'r hl& hlilenl i unes'msi. tussmo in r uri-l iig lsth ro ruis tusnsssu-srfroistheu'irus> etire agr s-ept ofsu $,t to i--'nlatis-e Si-arc>- us' unt In-sil s abilt muais yilua n b" cerenîssu bu: iaw toilonsesrvaiti mmm' ti caiitissi sut p»nnmal inu orond-atnis seul intu the emuployser fsiab'. ti-pm'a-ntatis-e tti L belîlit olired sbil inina r imour u- r lion.saftinat aI timut tsipisiet nb-s n n- plis> i-s rom tla gissi,'te ssunn.- Ir N s The toiioyinng bile bave boom finre--fte duos-n: il 14>- Mr. ('nia -Ccp>- mut S-nttr BoxasMt If Bylin. ('anpbeis-To r-gnulate- tiipari us Me'nt stores, b-iris ssii>-oeSuliv-an lieus,. bil. f d By Mlr. ILaetinuaa Ts-uexempt preirI>- it P MAING COLràý.ü ONA STRMYSGIIetoftain assoc-iationst tronus taaioun. fi MAIG eOb P'i N TOy M l> nr. Kunus'n Alovung ec s-bcsif-ut>-a1 eofthefout meais an lauen. sese lebigor dad ueàntwl 'associiationu payinga tiesui boud u eor mothr albae , aintles. Te lihae oPortiansofs'ic ns' unl. hans' rserne or i-nim-tSetus> fond, pnos-uieibAl men erehard, bavotialeg.Tis>' Tersare inoporteniet lse usutie iat ens profit shahl la' sis'ed tus paymnîessoa leademed.i ia disgraceta botte>'feux., anti 00eau chorepreseutesi b>'tise liumis, maie b>- memiberm; al ill iingerni (rfimut1n itisoy iii maeuy rinaiby echios thittgs and tise ouluer b>' the cornet inge-s. strert rmiwa>- trans-bises int torty- j-ara. b u.aimosti nscalhesi for, ta show bravade1, Tise fingera of ibis temctie nos-or >- lin. Iseper- Iieqi ing nt IbsIsuppiisle- I mmi the accidents anti dlumembo@r" aîralgitee, but tise>'vili meormitle- forer iet.of courts, treassîner. senit. con- 'h mouts bocamo se nunserots ln tisa tbtal>' on the winiailxs. thsug perrulttlng cirierndiirî'îorshsn mutCoot'omî 'îunt>-us-fuir- r - sg oi terant about for menusetfse- tise dravisees tei hoopeneti ton tire ni8bi'd lu> ('inmt> lBoardthrmsegb ausim- 1)bl nid dnclg tise danger. dropping oethtie oppoite fiat. The enî-de'nît fspubise a'is- nbus shall ici Il id Thi air brate. tise aUtoMatilccoupler bmkeman tIn-e a lever lu epeutng thse ronirselste loss-t i',iiden: also bill pe-p il anithiscltplatferm vers tise liraicoopter, anti la net compoîelltoi te s-iles tisai ('utra-ts for jui aspjiisîhi'ans inu lit moynslu ths.directiont, bot vote atopi-e- e is at u rudueting oet tuisînirs in('ookC ('imie>-hah o0 mr hna)ofet amlu beween ho lot lunsuano- usaneen. l a, adirainer te proest tise paseger tisan ihm cars, B>- Mr. Jusul ('bingnie f hu isria- ln -n lb. einpleye. Fnrtisen, as originally tiee et fiscal y(ýI'in Csu Cuitt'miuy frits e- u, iser vere fanllir'.Prompt top. ARABIAN WOMEN. ,lannany lis Dlei'uiutss-rn erîtueste e- trire tifficuli, rosr-eni ollaiis-be- *entegi lunut>-offices, h CI cause et tise Ispetus et tise engne- iS..etfTie.Nover Lae.Tiseis' #y Mr. Vhuuu-snît- -u'en nesusj mestiuns 9 ,, viae ftsqnent. Clampas10 i tise driv- Hos Atter Tior Marruage, oýelt esgates u sslnatiug cus-outhens oft1t lie Ing vieseuu era- a stop aiseati letirhe Mn>'au Arai lady nover leaves hon pôlitîrai parties. w bc vay et Irprovemeni Ait t1ils, bow,-hbeefrein thdise meaise lsmarnie- B>' Mr. Hsuniuusy- Autlisrizig m-s- p of laver, applici sohel>' tapasseger traiesa. tulu sisla cariai out te ho hurlai. A fhous coeuneasietumr, tg)usessi'usîînaîieaiiyN Tisonheucame tise tlmtarnfthse treigisl veman oethtie mile cas ln alloe egn'isterieut votîns ahins utireaplres-- eh bahal Bastion cars veto equIPPoul more liberty', anti eccasîenail>' gees out oui b>' $foie boamrdl. By 'in. lis-rstPoifralt viswere ______________________________fer maths, ascompnled, as a mole, by a policemrani retins-i ulîsuslusiisi îls l a a ~servan. Tise poor creatnro la euvelop- widîv ima>- ni-ris-e us-eugus uing hi-n lmet lu masses oetwvite draper>', wiehucisvdenhon.t mate lber lochIluke a vsltlng bondie. ,B>- Mr. Dtuutip-Sps--ityieg bornre et 3 h agiami le frent et ber tace mise arraInges cents per mause tior perseusai propent>- anti a My a lange black acart. embroldered wvus 3 cents îser isse fo einilu-e, 5> licebine, mcd anidvisIte flevers, Itutalle papera iu pullicatioof etasas'n'imnt lista. loy lu front, anti onub>'hoisnîng op B>' li. Hail-l Toconsîs olilet peuhîmus-i tiee>risetamo o mr isuatian>- officuais te nmant ail manufsturt'd 0" te eds bc rannt se mre han a aticles sont cuIt frenin t iistitution. ne-fmoi or ive et tise rondi boore- bor. Set. By Min, leConunel-Aplsropriatinga ot vanteandamitciser w'eo of tise lever 8114,867 for Sîste nathTition for bliauti; 1aclamaa r etpieces cf blackkme-peu aige biiilsîsîuoptinls $274.100 for State trund tîgisti> round tiseir faces, leyv- institution fer dent aud durni. -ln .... . a1atît forts- '5t e poepM Bà - Mn. - . i- .n . hehrm ebus>' Insecte tron tise rhcis mut tors te tise boc box, a smalt vooden Ictone arrangoti lu couspenrtmofits, th un>' glass ete l ish a aamor or trop. This trop i. itit u swavol, biglsiscrtai iture, vici routaluns Iadrg tisat rtal>' impolies tbi'bee.sud mondera labon cf following tbem le the "boa W' loes@tificuit. Aflen tise lusecis -e omnce Isted tlie allornig mixture thse box tse>'loubac a ppu'tito tor esineets cftlise vii l voers. sud tr lostitua up ou tise mixture lu ibm ,fi>' aluaggsihl>' te theirIres'. w-bore ey tilseblage Ibuir loasiandI moluru rctly lis tise uox, brinaimg olluer bec. bt lisons Itiss tise lsnni'r bas tise .t vorising on tise box IlItes but a uni tîme te ies-aloIthe Ire, viore tise )Dey laq ben leoilp. Au a bei avos tirebox ho vales theo dires-hon luis iligil. If tise ber troo lui a mile ge ava>' ulen lmnlug use bsox the ne nias-a iseris'etituiary te a lselgsh ot ty le«.t. îen beusi rscl>'fon bis ce, but If tise Ire-1hibutI a fs-v irode say trotutht'-lbo tise hie ieaves the lare hi'lassi, una aiagonal tuauner. Lt tirn'c-tiytonard luit Ir".,ton luva- ably tise becs Il>' lis riscstoreisoose Of eir mensmy *'an the s-rov fili'n" T'hi untar w-atis--lstieir fillgis. tiSen tlles la box sud totinas oIson tliintrait nusm fty le etaly rosI. The box la gain unu'oserpidansi tise [rovent la re- esimd, aud sueon iltuith lisune ttole li ta tise isanse etthe isomcybee troc, FURNI:àmEo MOUluES. 'e Rent ythe liiFssbhionbleu tee lb. ëohat Tenus flamion. Nov uSatIit basbecoeathe babit ot uv.l'ereruto e mMebmOnt Oethe cli> nr longer penlissistisa tise>' frmer> li. tise furnilubet bouse heu secOnie a us-b more Important oiememt la the eai estate Inusilnes. This sMme tewu -ns'> lasboen net-ila London. visere l tj s no ogetr i'onilei'Od IseeOsaste he tnialitentnluetofee'$ poÉMOILue uai leouse wvicisla te lu' occuplet for euh>' foi es ontis siouli ho kepititong- )ut tbhe eusins'yî'sr. iutela»sai tIsai montane W-bo go tiseme for tise senc gre rn ti liste hunust et tnhhug a bouse lien posshble raliser tima living lu a uitel ai a grenier expeuise ami vità -e i-ertalty o tf souston.Tise con- mnii'nce et tht' torsisised bouse ma>' s' n Vs-r>'giratmine te tisetenant, but lt1%a ahiglly purohtable terni of enter- pise te tise landiorda, sWbo, iu adtitou in the stvaui's lu prie-peud for tise use tf turimnttre. are lunuthe habit et recoin- Ig for a towmo'uilluthe lse meprie tusi woobd lie ialsi for a visole jeer. 'The pr-e demande! for fommlshet hoes are ver>' bIis, ant lu'> are dam- gerons spec-ulmlions ou>nlu en tbey are sot talien b> tise beghnniug tof cvery tinter ts-ason. w bicShla somtonhy sop. poaci te ho trot absout tise mile of s.enembor te tise lot et Det'embe-. After Ibis later tinte tIse s-et aseefor ho touhaeiibiouse tiecslines ateadU>' uni tise profits of tise landlerd are i' elulsheti. 'bi@ lotis i. leslu tise rase uft iose tWho areln hoie habit of Oeg- pying tise bousme unthi It Io enuet, but as a gestemal rmb tise pencrutageofetloe sa lhkely to e ho naderabie vison tise soute la uci routai prompt>'. Tise de- esaid foir sncb bouse bas beem so great .u s-ceont jeasmtisaitishe nmsar av'ait. abie bas liscycasetla Stbltu of tise rats. -Neorak lSun. Tmo Irlish SIenes. One day, heàiug a tnork t tise door. IL mashat ber triash servant vbo sil vas a ginbe-mau, MA'au, leaSing for the vrong bouse," vas tise rep>'. A werkinan ropalnlng the rofofet»u cf the isigiset isnlte slu Dublin lest ,tg, footing sand tell. Stihlg, a tie, ga-gpS uni ln bihi.t 1 b.manage t t greaspiît. "Rang on Wor our lite!" aisonit a fetlev wortftmn, Boulle et tire apoctai e iasSiet 09te gmt a met trois on vhIchr be rouît drop. But th4 vos'hmsu, ator holding cm fer s faew Vflso "g-. -Mr, illy>'criai eut: "ithseti roni underr' drepeansetla>' seumeu lu the atreel. lHe va.brougillt te the ispitlS, anti on reeovor> Ua asci vhyIs>'le iinet bang ou longer "-Siure. t vas efraid tise vir end. brake," ho feeb>' repled. Mm@. Murphy-Tht Btvate lUtte I bleu! lira, Dugan-Th> e Ie thit se' ut,@ twlns t1507 ares. MMrphy -1ra den'i »Yl1.An'are tse heu* «V yugug1-uge s smiet Chuebatea. et et ist eto the qunift clmeaters et aqe 'micis.. le'mcle BIhi" MeDgUrDS>' bee wizart, wise bas nettet a mnet qfortune gathetint vîli boite> atise Woods cf SagisieteCeunI>. upinSmti cf ftenu' eans IbiBs tamge eau b»R roansit thea toeassud 1hands or tise valle>', speudimg lbe eu autunin dmylulb.themoitude Ot Wodsandetvii d eesspylmmi atise serret idhm place of tise ibard-earuet. tranaute. Tisetracte bee honIer seema a vesy pectallar airnoat an Irh.orne iask. but bir. urps>'bas plIadI h untîl hobasb rotl Ile a Bchence, sut eeh soa- le *erk geucral>' avorages him n1,20W to 1M300pountisofet stneîn jy. Soins jears ise bas doue aven ter tisan ibis snt preparet for mr- over a tonlfsetsarccharine Prot' Bya etmgtual recortiofetcsbjean's I for thse pasit ort>' >ears, vic te on Nov. 15 lsnt, 1Mr. Mg-Murphy galberai a trio*i er ivcnty-.lz Fhea tihe e-imauhlug eperationa ho. ln the tall hiI. lnvts greai dîfficuil>' tishe hunier macceeda lu attrartlug

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