CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1899, p. 2

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N DEN SISAItEAHEHCAN HUHZOET.wntaken the othet dur la New York NO lN 9TRAT Ca.tu .asAIIaud te Hava Chassaitagreed to coinea th e Cote at yld fi UmtaS Crita Wate ~b ~ODMAN, P~às~ Aimai.Boadrl L'no. treuedl theAmesltWne OD5D.*t'Cil a u - =*Q KA^Minera wbo, hava arrvadà on the tfltuer wih a capital stock of s5OO.O O0.Oua? Tae Situation lu the Spanié 0-t" s ees em ram tbe ,erth aay the Canadisa combinationa ln the varioua division of icading np to the resignatiOn 0ottha Sagas. iLmOL ffcii o;tc aton.11ha. le it the Iudustry arc under way and yUl ba ta minIstry and tieeatening thbefltetftbe to change the bouadary Une ta suit ticU»- conanmatedin ai short time. The club. pesn tresty la said hy Waaintten 0&. psei. Tiey have advanced a coniodertIpene@ compriing the combination aiceady disalatobath.dre itut aflge- blsugnhe distance fute American territOrT, and. formet are: Washington Company Of ment on the part of the sponsors for the ý, 3VNW LLI) IJU EI1 Prcordlini. tethe Atory. have pauted the Lawrence, blas.: Riverside Worstet tresty. Ih la sakiit there wua Do ce- Brtish fiag witlblnmen miles of Haine$ Company ot Providence; ail of Charles Omrment. cther Mneltle or lciuded Salo MissicoDi the entretint for the Porcupins Fletchera mille lu Providence; Oe5WcgO the ireaty isaIt, for the suiislonf ithe ý VOING MEC-tNIO RA I-ITdistrict Thse point to which the Cana- Failssinitia. Blacitatone mile. and the nenCtioD tat ha Cories for ratiffcaticai. V tUPON T"NIC HAT. I dis., have advanced wiii tbcow a bg mille ot James Pilitipa. Jr., Fitcibui, On the contrr, the teit of tlitatay UPN H SEN. area o the ecntydiscovered mines t Mau. sQueen t ieent. eraiie y h Te _____te Porcupine district losto Brtish terri-TRD aLIGL QenRgn.o o tory il the oea hondarylisaiilowed ta IPRINO EDEl LRL It la furter sai tfitileey point wbénfil M %mie MHachiat Claime as t ave stand. Nem l a abse bromigt by the Tee@ wsdlcssdb the pence commlssioners eorgail UIl.OOMeared Onaeoft tIhe Let Art- that a nonihar ototiners viere twsen taiIres and Steel Market trong-Ad- Wa igari, th Spai litcommtaatonets deale- ta32. W» .Dpartuuot Witt Issue a Photo- death on theAtlian tcai dria ratent varice in Wages. ADtoriteSaktte may wapbk ar liter.trciie tcoidsamui. Thse iercury tell ta The business situation ia tins reviewed Cotrte but the ratification o i ay auplitie iar Ilare aaid by Bradotreet's; 'An enisrged voume o ote.btfinatly tokini thse oher course, eai e - ~~~~ta have uccumbed taite coid. Their apring trade. pntictiiariy ln dry gonds. prIbap whIt bas iretr vociglievry $ 0 A obtNerwsegiras Working in a St. cDames coidmonul earued. Severai oth- due toa pring weatiter, specti atrengtb in tobewlhhaoeconte Sagasta. of thec nathe deuntud sud prie for cotton fabies, Leaving anfide thse desire ef the Amen- TiteUS Sieste Machine aboit> clainic teohhave dis- crs were hadty frozen.auimneadugncutt lrn ouPpetabrglradcretla@ abr «Warad one ut the tout arts--that of seld Diimnesdugntci tasi cnpa pet argtrad orc nalbro ft ape5pr. A speclurcu ticee of wcttîug RODRERIS LOOT POSTOFFICL prices for iron and steel and ail the pro- attitudes. if ta s question wbctber the wu% se - aaexibited by C. W. Marsha,, a eH.duels, sud substantieli sdvancee tu Welles, (oen&D oi otatsiypoi h &eol tled of the Younug nuchanie, whil foc 4SatHve flrd $20.000 ai C0v- cbtefly affccting te above-metloutd lu- theftuas ot the reaty, provided illetfous nava Me resri wihhodshisusie nd he uono, Ky. dustriesansd hauefitiug et a conservative cotiid bc citsrged tai tise action of thte Spain- Portant p---fintwîbbsa. iehasn5een 1 lte Tie Covington. Ky., postuffice wasabeu- escuistion 110,000 operatives, are amona iub Goverumnent, as wuid le te casa If Senate oea e bs socssCI ba b e ISiilbcd of stampsa nd mooey repoýted te) the fetures ut the week going to show thetcre refusi]dte ratify il. waa pal Uhlin fr aler "l'St &Mount ta $8.000. Thte auri.wax evi- ibsi lthe proatncing etements of thte COUD- The Unitedl States, il, tan lietatcd on white t$wMg up bit upon the lidresccidcalslll. dentiy donc by men whu liad secreted trys population are aharing lu thse Pres- the igiteat authorlîr. wouid refuse te fient b MeWallexiseriuteutiflh to tellper cotpcer, tiemseîves ln the stamis departineuit. as it eot favorablie conditions. From Canl surrenster te Philippines sud. onithtt ott- dht la laua Ire a1,1-e- t tcusntwu$ Possible to do, provided the watct- cities, Pestand West, corne reports cf &a oebaudioita 1w ete Sanifro tc restyaeW laion thefleuer. When ie1ik,-d il lis Man, wbo ti cbarged wth tookitti atter active demand tram joithars for timing olictinailslteSsali <vrtmttsew 211 wu peferlywelded toa wal i 0 o ttc carriers' doc. uCoder the main stair- dry goods. From tte cotton manufastur- $'.ll0.000 on sceunt ofthte cession ot 0 i sel. The coppier lidit esrtrîented by a yueiete ia duiy. Ths donc la îug industry came reporta of ictiiîY, the isiatis. Cubaeasostd retanulber 9ra quisbtl BlaUImouninlendesi fer te msrtxee. but neyer cioed. Throuigb it thieyes coutld Whtte t îot ut dvauces lu prices ot trou ent statu@annd ailt titt woutd aie kin bteW whIei prove' te matenilturendier ut ester sud erete ibeinselves hatind mail and steel producta. aitether of cerute. a oi I rcgnition by te Spautatson( Isiaihe taoliew ascdest.le r-çsesîd te mack, and are ttc altamis cirtput away msuufneturcd, or even of nid materiait.J t e sor thse 1,galtîfof ftint statua. Comtel effrimeut ertral i Isle. t-hstin'e cm- bis tampsansd casht wtcn te ciosed fC aSurratcol ca i flti tustcya ip.0for il. plng a irger iPièceo et9-li and -meltictheight. Ttc cbbery wasstirait discor- duels. Wteat (tuctudins fiour> ahipmeuts BTTR TRF laiMO. . ~ wtitlit lme as-et .hoaut citw ered by findiugt te large docir witere tbe for the week aggregaio 5,81515 bushli, mnt tic weiding ilsc..itiatss' in bis litlie mai wagons oad wide open when thet iret againat 3.84-t.359 bustela lent week. Cocu Acta OfthtIe Provision&'at overaeefi mi màachine sbop, Ibut willt i lds-clehe ne- empoyez reached the. building lu ttc exporta for thse week sgrgate %.flStir- Up DiscoII.bute. tâte0etite muleriais uîsed intit tie iasamorming. Tic thieveâ evideniiy scaped btimeis, agfaint 2.8T1,067 itusheta taat Advicea reeived frem Aia sy fltatlite Re aseured a patent un bis acret. Ttc sipect- fiet way. we'a flaira Ibere are stillti ooastsactory. Tb#> mm gshows sau perfect. the Fao intata lruviienat governuno it appeara. la lu- ln th afflrently 1ig dcswu tegetiter wit thlie SL&I-N DX HoNDuRAN SOLDIER. CHRISTIAN SiNDEAVOR PLA!tl. lerfering witit native and Brittsh subJectt hîttidin andi aise itlh tte sersvsuts ut Britisht snb- bllaia aUSly oetonue substance. Stau Bapart-tent la hsvetigating part of tic Prours.' for thea Coing jettes. sud ta tazini tthe Maitua Peopla wcreà PHTORP1CW HIISTOR2y. Deati of as A.nrcau CitsO covtion luelDtroit. $2sud te Maisafs peuple $1 eset. 000 fo W.rBearamotWii ase sc ~ Mr. Huater. Unitedi States minlter te Seccetary John Wiiis Bacc of thse Unit- Dr. Iaffel. the Geren president of tite sud th War eparmen Wit Ime Bah a Guatemala and Honduras, bas been in cd Socety of Christian Endeavor bas w muicipal coune,,îtpa . bas. tteIn e Vo1l am Dlesire.àNegativea. Washlpgtos la conutation yith th fitB nocuuced soume of tic details of tic pnO aigatto, outhe cBritisht consul. apoiogiscd ence T 'LtàMet asuut-tkr das f heStt Dpatien rqm-Utgrin lu bk,,tsd Ienationai foEbédra,ut f»ire r ocssi L5otlto Ille .Ce oemptieînuut a nosvloute, a pit0- t hacourue to a eptscued ln thc mattet et rornvelncaticieta ha beld lu Detroit J.IIasd for finsultiu i te sbief tic flt tours0cIlk er, f thte wac witb Spinl. th kgllig0etM*. Plars.a nativee t ' 5 ta 10. Wcdnesday, July 5. Witt ha gives Malita lawyer wbite tluey acre guetaiaspe xt bu Estl-a acircule letler t att thc hurgsud rmaident aget of tihe npdurà» up te business meettgs. jniy 6 tise ce* ou board the Tee,. A Isndiug Party priatj 0*0m l tc srvie.aakngtitut o on-Maigay CtDaa. 5flr Porte CoPe vention wil i lten te Prauident Clarke5 tram wit machina' expo." tobm in th service.preacntflitevtaacoual& addreCl znd to ita mmsorti prints. films or negativea as Honduras. Rpei aieDal sonetli et an te ecetaia rport. guns was. therefore, unt sent ashore.Inu190 tlisp us! bave lu their Posseasion, Promis- Pcaaaylvaua bas suhutcd to thc dePart- sud denomluatlonait'rallieas viiliebelli 1l0 tougis splan ta malle su alîset on Muot- Mr. , &M te retires thetcleseailutend condi- 5ment smle data cosace rilatheliccae thse atternoon. Ai night titere viii ha ttemn hast baco ail ariugei. ami «MIsa.1hfurther *@ka att officera lu report trou a iretier et tic deceaacd. Who seeks great test meetings. For Saturday Atec- Titere te mucb indignation etthIe artetofbilîlta tIa samtes ut tit-it iersous asn1ta tetr eearatiOla for hls brother's deatht Pesr* nuon a grandCOUDta inBelle Ile tas beau.the provisionuaigoverument in kepisi lu renete tuawiedge carried cameras in te eiant 'as kilied hy a senlry aies t bis tatiý- plauued. ex___ ille prisoucrsa buse Dufy offense la boy- The hl « q0ve operatione so thlet thier aid may niec te stopc àlt word of comenad. Ha ( icunai l cmpiin lie olue htdtd nt nie f liean.. ni hi*imptilact COLLEUR hOMITOiRY HBURNS aiiy. Ttc Germnnconsul Continuaz.te rccc I b aof t ie demisrtm the no lum. he knwiedg5 tif Spaiiah. prott te Germant frein the jurisdiction le.$ 4@*o h eatu t s nnouineed in___ Coacerdila Huildiane la St. Peul Dam- ofthlie Supreme Cour. but Mur. Grovea-In tic drcut.r, ot natu produe leanpia- ALLROUD NICARAGUAN COUP. ared tte aExteat t f O.000. moti petdt $56for contcmpt or court wbcn depaC *I«Mc etial;onainisepst sub". Due5 -Ftre broke nul lu the dermitory et the the court advertised te sale of bis Prp-p Mc. ~gâb aslu o Iisaujet. Ds te-y iet New Yen apitaliste C@«ICoucordia College ai St. Paul, in., sud erty. Grovesmubi remnatus At bis cousu- tad$p vV ittilha giseuu inte volume ta ail Peraet Conrat locf C&AmL 'eutirecildetroyed i lentauLia a )u autIsae, fearing arresi eud tavtug tai serve ati$ hutee5. The Kaunas City Journal prit $20.000. The coiege la under sentence et 100 daya' imprisoumeut. I~ SITUE DETAILS OF BURGLAUT. lcugthy aloiy ta these cci that New York tic Evangelicai Luiberan yuod. Tic la tated iltathenlase tan fad of hing sem financiers whwit ctract te buld the Rev. Theodore Buenges, te preideut, arrested nclte charge ut drunkeule"8. huait MM.Impictaela a -covîinu. nKy.,Nicaraguan canai expires Otobar oeil teafrapbcd lise brat nf thcaynod. Dr. Hi. Mc. Meort. an Ameritan citizen, Who i ils , - Deiicry eSurraudoreimaseif. are hallaveil a ebock ot a sciesse teC Swan otCievelaanad reccived inl- said ta favor tic Germaus. vvote fimâat- ctisa A mi string bis mnime as George Sem- Overtitretathe NcaratuusuGovccnmet la astrtiona ta continue thsetoilette or& .nîita ltîrs oýCiifJustice Chambers. and0 fad urrendered 1tte police et Nules. order lu secure troam a uew Goîcrument securina lemporary quartera for tic ts- He wu* fouud guitty of cotemPt ut court nuvet fegsang tiat te wus impiitcd concessiona whihlcbaii enahie tiem te dents utilthc dormitory eau ha rebâtt but vas dis-iargesi alter mailot ample imP-> 0 - ugar f t osofce ai pertnsnentty contrtent he building o e ti _____ Ca.Iaaton, Ky. Sauford saisi he met twn canai. John Drummond of Virgielvis. o ait-s. Are Qsarantiad aooy.__________ ~.Fnak end Chtarlea Stewart, lu Cn- res-etiy vistit Kansas City, tise story A case or amallusoz was discovercdin l SURE PROOF 0F TREASON. Alasà tl. Hie bad prevtounay kuovu fitera alteendeavomd tatointerest Kansi a abig dowtowu aparement htie ninCleve- Fi &.W'vYork.,vitere titey ait wocked lu Ciyaus lute cheme. land, ini which uearly 400 people vere liv- Paris Poliae faisa Latter* Writhcs te faut a E ta t actory. For $100lite went vitit ing. Tht victimluas an attorney sud isecHMi n faccra.e Blon Tran Me Wtaa Svase. w ite omumte ot Frederick L. Taft, The Paria Aurore aaya ifit te terre- Duci tW*Sewart- a hoCovinglon sud ~A strikle ot the train banda employait M a&"iaant couuîy soiletoer. The sick man soudeoce seizetu byte police aittheai- ator1 ir whiltetey rotheit ttc postoMeie. the Brooklyn bridge. NewY ok, eccartasi vas sent t he. uallpox haspitai. white quarters of te League ut Patriote sud mena Alluetic burglary te Slewarla disasi- tthenthiec day. sud aften congcstlusg traSe 1sMrTaft waa comuitesi t0 ticdehetion ct.ewtere iluIdes six tetters vritten by chiae ài' 1 and Santord said tie began tran- for tUCDty-five minutes endedin .lalor of bouser, and ailuatsofthti building relatives u t igi miitary offlcers. Tic puts 4»ob about. He w.. los-kesi Op. tic men. Tht cause et tbe strie as a were quarantiurd ln tise apartment bouse. wrtera say titat etucers of certain reît- Ttc Unien Paclifi Lands setd. Oser tue andpay aciedule prepaecd by mnshv tc onetsdtv x m the8 timiadaefthie Union Pacific Rail- tcceaedrlBsi opn hiicl rg W&mitahaArameas. prcaacd iteir ecadincas ho engage lu a ionf uuMÉCMspaYn uNebraska covercit ty tic snutic esuinga orthtecmen. About Reporta trom tieccalmielu" district Lu movement 1tanisset tite repubiti. One gen- bee ____ o 173 yn y .000 peupleo susnthc cicvated cirs ta western Arkansasa Idicate fiaetthe eai stipuâtes ilti e altait receive the. iont ýuogt"mortsage o 83.gva by ew York evccy bmur beween 6 and 9 wvioesale vaikout othte mines han be- fleoftprince s tteprie ut bia hacomtins theg ~1Company hoathe, Union Trust Con- oWcock in tic mDerfin«. Tise atke startelsIogn and filet thibgg"st atika t vacant tG 1wtnlt o a*, la York, aseIusteb ve acuW.ait 7aclc, and the teusandaof ti t- ypa yc n athe Sotivest t. on. At the acyt. et aretrs.~ m lu Omata. iseieor t eUeervs . ra vere coneied teiterie alk asron mines ef tic Ctectav. Oklsnma andi Tic Goverumeut ha nu searcbcd tic tiroi Vilie o pany . c-Iscalet e tc Uiethse bitistructure Or tIn. tic trolley am ulftRaiiroad. in tise tcrritory, tic 1,500 headquartcrs ut thece more lengnes--tisc cd : ooé»y.Tb@eqityin and ttiler ou The alrtase <arau ibcame JaMmOesiunion Minera hcrtoore ecplored are out Fceuch Fateetaud, otfvitiet Coppeeansd prist t" o sae beC00mpany.n hiybotirt presenia that a' nd ei plue«rre are &lttc e leasingtrearpthelets;g p tice;t teIse O! ste iOdt $t 'Bd0 asthic ses..Tisemnaitoms epasi hook d'W" as possible by 200 non-union men. rigasatio Mn, aud lite LaguevoutNional C.v moddlaidle P.00.thse acWem dit and Pml np thiid oue.raiain n h La fNtoa ii Canty Vire a i i spi. sud at 715 the srie vas ver and thc Laed Cozlitta Cicida huntercala sud Deteune. Tite officiai searci- po At Wea Peit. Misa.. eais $4.000 trains rutamua again as usal.htomeyn Cilei. eaget 17, on and soie beir lus party aise visitesi temesideuce t and lw* ef proppnely vas destroycd by Ore. -of Clark Olis. uone ufthlie veabtitiest muem- Baron Jites hegOUx. drect rePreftntt va mort matteitage ia Pssliedgo. bars of the Hle, Ps.. bar. abot tîmseif. cf Prince Victoc Napoli-onandsst presideut ai Ise Mary Reltes Colete. au indutriel Cosiaderale dtasaiisfactim la reportcd No cause tan haeaaigued unirasifutiea aof thc plebisiary commillees out1he (M aémmi W ecolorcit girls. hurnesi.asd ~a abuieaa-mm iofcenà. Brookes sor- tb s o ve sftatr. Seine. Tthepseiz as-s- l arge nuomht a -ta.pems e t. together vila a dur Ibert heeatle oDly $10.000 sall aieo ouet fteLau rteFec » mmna et cettn. vas dctroycd. cxpeusicd for publie vork luSantiago Pa0Vce tamhllp pFuslierai. uFtdcer n u ibeLge u isto emFres ite~ B.baaaa Bcascei .ded. pteisc cvery mout. Tiis bas titsovu Tic Pacifie- mail teamshIPÈ Startuci, ahcasieîdn is iIu eb n Niebrskahitors Scua9.rL uua u200mnote o o utrn CaptiluBruglere, founderesi iveive miles sud coeresîsauseuse. Ttc dseks sud titer ssir The aisisiio Nerana ssieabvuptet in.ef a triais t, Cabau affaireamarebeard as trom Amapait. ou ttecIlandusorutTigre, off cspoItoi- ae se ctifrft reid Mie ige Mnrof e ite Uyvar,0f Ne-a rmalt. but Cesi. Bruoke hliles il and te. tuant ut Honduras. No lire, are ce- exuminstion. foe- bma Lil. was aominated in thselie- gay* il ta aun li stc!of Santiago cilisenm $ oI STATEMENT 0F PUBLIC DEBT. M., » < autos as heti e seSr of Uni- vanling tise use ot ail money recivecit iLubar Dcaers aist. te Ill ie BsnaIne William V. Aile- titlport. ___ George Lýeoffcrt & Sous. tumber dealers Isercase of 0,cr $3,000,000 Duriag lui Efflaiiv Pi laHt. TIsL avd 5 NiIs t otSitrpbur, a., tave fils-sia petttn te ltoith ut Fbrua,Y. lre IL sufs-criti for tul-nyfire es William Coings. an ladin senteucelà ta in bankruiter. Liabilitties $ Titi m.nthly itaislcnsofuthtie publiceubil bera etl iSuhMAlse.1 . o u-sets $1.000. prlntipaiiy open attconts. delit abowa îot rt tteClose o u siness me, W»a pn in ber tiscat fuira ('etisri@bcl a oit alc i.T..a fe men- NvlPooinou Fs-b. «-'S, IM) tht- dt-t, ltisa cast in Ema s »n4sa.d atLebanon.,l's.Ste sut- de, vas otauts-odn10tcs-NaaPro5o.lielcue.vs$.5.4.1.ul- Il , id xru-saatig pain et limes sud vas lente Outhlie Indien court. Ticeitaba,. Tte United Sates Scoute tbas settild s-c es useie ltemenitut n5.7i.n- c* IenOiliged lts îake fuel utrougusa au ecrut-pua v nasucalby Judge Cayton oft teSctlt-SamPsou coitrovrera!y ni- uin te mnho 52961 bertiroat bhing saily lois. lbte United Sates Court vas serveci on ling peha mrdmirai, vit ls et Tisiv>) ewin accoutnd for by a corre- me' heIdien siteriff Jmatin time t aenumbera i lvaneoutSamsrno. Puigdûe..lttecs.Ted ceucunt T'mat Foi-sd. Coinros lite. Coings viii probabiy hae re- - ùla eesaptitîtcd as tslloaaa. s-n Articles utfîussrpouetiou ver. - wiwtt maudesi bast tthudian court for a Jeahouey Cuses Mliarluand 'uscide. hterme.. sailladet....l. $,00,3,270 1 th e-ayo ti tTre-uNa. .,J few triaL At Endicot. Nel.. Burt Grandy abtu ebl as uleislaint-rt-st L'au oat et tieconetinentol hemenl Compay, vitisDht a anhsen.-.. sd kiltesi Clyde Cole asd, eca-pini htate Dýeiacua u ilais-ceai .670 M. autiori a patil ai 5f $055.f%.Tht-Ae iotel.NC, r Wioys h oossput a bulettbrougut bis tead. lloih1 espay a -np5--i u anfatue AilSstbCharlotte, N.C. lre ldepto a thelo [avri Miss Gert iHci.ey. Toali...................$.4--n.ffl904 Il 3àns, ufcoient. Titis amotint. bosvvc, lorssmot luetudedi _____coinlt-rss. lise joint roperty utfte Seulh-smsa l sa Hesauiaad, $W,528,513 in certîllcasu d treesury Igwlndcr Gl T Te aa. c ru and lisaboarl ralîruada. a large su- reme astaas t paii i-une fstbys -uisioltu il Daniel Joues, alits J. Mu. Wallace, vito age vacebouse. 4,001>bale* ut Coton, in- Priery Ba teua andtheS. lu ii- nte ft b eqaur. astu intitefcesau ofi sviadical tht Cilizac*S lairîgs sud hastendesi for esel lu oEnulat asd Ger- lty aereiud nesp aitutcd Casiha; eisr i i Asasciation Bauisut Clevanduiiout uf $5. maur sud se eai bud rt-slontoua tcomn- HAAAI i3>OTLTiLOuiE Got..................... 000 o a turged i usrgagc. Was sententcalmercial teelilitera. Ttc Ionsaili bhabou Clve.......................26.1,7 tehuraai ieOi aisnîr.cileago-catiC.communte taprime. Paier ........x- ; i ....... 50,111,96nB 11.-c Swepaets. njaAIssie Parciase ot off Tercltery. $800 to $625; hota. atipping gradesa. Cdes.ellu un% »8 akC Ill ngmeie roOitette$.lt 40, befirt ï depostotrs, disbssrsing.oet-ea s- destructive lire inlu aAlaska, de- hl neseta enOto btle$0 ~s$0;scp ie ue ia ,0 baiaes ,etc .......... ....... 8 5,791120 et strye lie 5oaeesu Nottl- Istes.Alietheny Cas andsit11Company ut Pitts- te $475, vtcst, N. 2 ted, 72e ta 74c; liesChilcot tram tables, te Ssie sa- bu0 ',bscoeiada ii t e2 I §aman te ourt saose. 1os 112, UiedSatsOi0opayo2Wst9e-t ; 17e, No. 2. S55c ta 57c; butter, Againsi lIse shote obaIltereaare de- M.0 Thare was nu lire apîaraue. . te50 acres ut vatuabie it terri- t-btes ceamery. 19c 10 21c; egus. freIl, mausi liabilitiies outasdini amotinini te10 _____ toy emed ~ lie lttcccousccDIn tsai20e- te 22c; poita. schoie., 55c taOU Sc$M3.247.458, leavini a netsast talans 10.-bide Cirliatiasa icsiece. field. There are twenîrtree pendusIna 11, B o t b ou ss o t h e T errito r i l e g is a veille e n t e p ro p e r , ud orty -fiv e m o re p e 1 u s e. o ! 2 6 .1 0 .5 13 . tmecbave passesi a bill prutibiîlug te TEbn elcl niupol-ate iipn,$00t __________ chities uf'disistiais Science in 0 5,5;buss-otsligit. $2,76 te $400; FtOMT OVER ARMY 1NEO Impurlant Hîina Deelaos. tepeomu ll hoe,,$250 10$425; P bale» The gnid s-ummésionec ai Dawson, N. vaesla No 2PL d,72e un 74c; corn, No. 2 Hout*, Adopta teuic oEcrgauiiastieu ~ Cet-cal Trast Abandons& . W. T., boi Jastimadie th' mprtanicul- vwhite, 34c ta 3U,; coals. No. 2 white, SOeDiirbya Dis H.jerlty.U Myron T. lerrici of (Cleveand soya ling ual .a persan vsoloals tcalu u32c. Tic enate bil fur t eorgeaiation i tisa effort la teoinsatCet-ai trust bas lices ani. &fier pruspes-ing Il. al ind l ablauk $3i.L eui-CattIe, $350 un $6,00I; boast tltcnma ssdbytcHueh aiandonid. or unpeofilable. sau male au afait10 ,0t $4,00; aiftecis,$.0 lu $4.50; a vole ai 2()3 10 32. No attcmstas made ______tiat effect sud regain bit elîht lu locale viteat, No. 2, 74c 10 76c; coc, No. 2 ta ameus te tilt, and ilvas dliS5ed Liira. Ac riuisas. gain ou unos-esuplesigrounusinlutiat dse-yettov 33e to 3k<; cati, No. 2, 28C to S0c; but a fev minutes. n issu posslbibîit ran eita man"o suivais dauppeavaîl Wedncmdai lic Ue paard tihe sal. army nuiaton hitl. Ttc bill passat 203 Tic-decis acre aime cliresi et ter Important maltera. TiseSian- 'efisiency appropriation bibl. carryrjl 9%000, vas paased entder suspension culaes, viuisout a word of criaua. gaiteameudmneuta lttce river and Sbits acre non-cons-urtes in sd lu stl le confecetace. Ttc conttrenos se on tieouuuihum dlaims bbiil, lia personnel snd mauy otter leua lut- it messtures avece agreci to1. Tic t bibIlm.king Devey a fuit admirai meacd. Tise naval appropriation ibil iurdluarity coosusues tIse btie cf ttc te tonrsverni idy*,s.8mspissesilby sody afler lems titsn five bottraeto ê.Oneast tihe fistsIatte ofth eDe- test tttbodiy couveucd at tahe decation outh biti carnytue $20.000.- wlvitisit 10 psy $pain for celio- ns-ni of tIse Philippines In accord- vitIs tte treaty ut Paris. Mr. Aiti- ruowt) report-ilthe mensure front the mttee on Approprisionusud asiesi i Immediste rensideration. Tic bibI aid hafore the Scuate ans inbotit a ct vspassesilvithont ua word of de- Te Seuste coueutudesi lthe sdy' on b! pronouîueiug etiogica upon tise ;eprescntatlre Dingis-!. the lioune ou Tituniday Ivo public lng bittasattesilby lthe Senate ta for public bilingi in otiter cties agreesi tu, une spucroprîsting $2M, for n building et Los Angeles, Cal.. the other $13.000 for a building ai Brightton, Pa. A nunuhar of conter- reports on muno- bis vene adoptei. te .ohtaoa thécpasage. tiSide nunnofthlitcubes. of lthebbil gire ung $369.000 tor tIse Pan-Ameis-at milion 1t a bcbeisi etBuffalo, N. Y. 901. Thtebbiil va, passesi. 141 10 16 Sonltard folbovesi tbim motinvRl lion to stuspensd thcessuad psaa i ne appnuprlste $300.00(b for tIse Ohis enltetnomitiou 10 ha eisi aietTobedo bl won paased. 1W0 tsi10., rMere (Rap.. Nes.) movai lo uspend tlb aansi panslthe Seosie bibi appropriat $1.1100.000 for a nese building for lb artment of Justice lunlWashington. A Caunnus request an amndmient va ped limitîng telisct of tthe buiille 1.000.000, andion amensicd lte bîl 1passeil. Duringalsmesi lite entir don ttc Scuale waa engaged in routin tes. Thee score or more of mine @*cre pamacl. lthe cabeudar lýein cald entireir ot private pension bitl 1cf messurcu correet lus mttitany au ia records. Tac messines ut Dations irtance vire poase-tIse forttficatiot opriatios itbilsud tic bibl providing ut s-crminai lavs ftue itedms-tt ksa. idny vas lthetstdey utflthecongre ra session. Sesalous lu bot boums ve prolunged tbrougit Fridsy niaIs luen the dey the nnmy bitlitrougitt Se SForaier ta ttc front vitithlbisamen et ts proitibit thre graîsiing utf Ira sas in Cuba sud led lu debte parts ted lu by htI te Scualora un te focx ue verwtt-lngihvote isy wviictt -itdiet tas taisses atter tic pi-uv tueo tIse aittsliawat of tIse icoops t en atris-icu onutiniisstesl a decliddcpi i tat viii bave- .ssijbIn th ititborst pcolonial test-s. Ttc billas-as pans ametdcd. Te river ansi iaebon t sm conferentetelel o iuatering. Ses by Senatue Carter. 10 ses-lre an spp lotti for Irigatiug lIse anidvest a cols-us-cittc passagce utthe bilt, Titn a. cosideraitte deitlsou thteun( il bilb, asiiet as fiusbly pmsat-d. A 1 ovisingsefor satluvcnmsiit chilit id.tu ecourage lthe Ohio centeunial m rthwesi Ieriton! exposition tIle b- ý toiedo. OiotîandSapprupriaring $5(1 In, uspasseal. Tut- olloving illa as sesi: To incorporaIs- uhe Nalto bhite Cross ut Ameriea. amending s-eruai revenue lau-s ratatina lu dsati -ilst. ittorizin thlie conucrttion e sude over ltshesTnnessee river ai Si Id, Ain.: nulttrizing tIse Vmsiing I Cslal ti eil lsitssiHâtemfuron ci litiris-i of t slîiit . A bill rss iga site for lthe Waiugtnit plttlîs ,ary building. buIntls-n""btse cas lit waa psesi syit m&l tise Scuats-ami aeuls. Tite culgtmnart-eipls utflthe 7ovrru neut ar r cbslt islis- $560.,000 a day. A uionompnu IlsGeocge Washington, te .ont $ 10 ha s-csted lu Cicago. Tite former Sîjanînh it euoat Bacacos, uni lis tisefuayari rivrs-. Cuba, tas becs iiscd. Alfredi Nading. n rupouuinct fermerc us g nurtit ut Richmond, fui., was focun des lu tiis bcd Irbis ftmlir. one itundeendS fuelysix more bali t cuiton astre lrosi ei tlunlthe ps ve moulths titan in ttcsame peries ltasi cear. Iut.B. W. Wells, Jr.. Adminja Bs-isiys §pcivabe sescs-iary, bas assume( command of thte naral rcruiiing stallui it Ciisags. Orders bave teepn issesi le break up Il ild Austrian frigate Novana, wtieb coi 'eyed Emperor fuaximilien t10Mfuico ai, ltar took bis bodyr hume. Ttc Nes York Assembiy ta. passe and tise Goverisor bas aiguesi s tilltetu pe rent ttc desécralion. muilaion or lr rper use outhlie nasinal fag' Gen. M. P. Miler, wvise suntws th i Ujnited States tors-*esitishe capturec 11ott ecenly. iii ha retiredin l a fe, days, tavna ten tocty-oni! rears laneH vice. C;en. Woosd bas det-idesi thst une reg ment ta sufficleut te gacnisou Banting City. Ail la quiet lu tis urroundîtra coi iry, aud s-sue, la haine grounsi on ail the nauger "tâtes- The Cubanms o lieslite hememuory ttc laie Os-n. Garcia by cetueiluate rade naiisafutuersl have petitiones t] Presideni le reInove Uen. Brouie fto commabd et Hhavanet. Sone ume 5g0 tise vuter lun aviii us Bs-ln, Germsiy, hagan 10 teste ut troleuin. 'rutuei cicanictirepentedir, gol asian atl ates-t as-tuts 75 1 cent outhttc iquiîl uns petroictin. Senaton 3Mille ut Texas, vtu viii cedi trou thte Seunue un ibe 4t utofuMercis, rapidir gettini ris-b sud ahIlprobabiY no ha a mîltionsite. Dîtring bis vboiec san lu CougreisaMr. Milie bas been pour,1 a short lime ugo nil vas tiacoveresi un prnpcrty bu Curis-ana ansi bie wvs-li unw produs-lul gresi quunities Of cil- À revaut mul bnoniht lnLouisville te I ovrer a Kentuicky cocu doi occupiasi Iaittenltitn fer an sire day tof a Jus ix ealey tise piainlift aud datausi tige oil(vbli incudasi tee Bai Mialti«M) aa à om ullubof viuua p fl tii hueS et tie mm f tic tha he kt- he At es nu 411 ire ne ffl nt Ils ad lal bai 01à sel ici. sor. the Vi iad lin- of cwd tilt nro- -ne iry bill . nd M, cPe unal lthe fa Iton u.ts s id- ilm Jnd- gsrnl&î pont et a Esitisi OScar la Wliile eut soiuateandi 801i0M wvru adrotucbng tlita fist, t'mumar. a ee au asbravae asn7.l't titaii viadoue by a man cf htund cmras in tir-cg9 flere Leone. 11 1s8tiillintIincident cf the native upriaina litdeasrbei by as correnpondetro f tIsa Lendonistautdard. Ai Rolofuni. a mtssion station saine ulfty-fivc milca frouilishe caot, four et te white mlonartes busi beau 111cr- aUy bhachait tepleamaby lise nativa., I vas salit. towaver, titat Mca. Kane, ltae wtc ofthlitasuhrintenaleut asttise nis- non, bat aucteleti laes-Uiptn iMta Wit lte hope cf reacuini lier, a fors-e w.. dimpahebesifroin 1Freetown., vitit orsiars toe hslbtiougis ho Ilsto- funk i vtisut dlai. On anriîing ah ttc Ribhi River. bo we-cir, ts- force totllait tait te nutiîa ld collecteai Ma- bang, a towu on tise opîpositie batik. ansi isall vitissin ait .anoas andl bots. As the river la over oue tuntirailansi aitty yards bftsau anal six fatiioms eep, a asriuaobstacle- preseuted i tiseit. Te only oMu-avis o s-w titip-t or te coutry uns licol. W. 1h. Hou- el cilru tise Firsit Glamorgau Votîsult Artlsr>', a ms-eer cfan utS Ootisa fîsuhly, vho Sal iseil a fsrces-f vol- unlecrsaut tis Oe m neti-lint thelt rlstng. lHe appealeit for volutitees tol minasrosi tisariver anti iluibc-i as muni vunoecau sa sible, but tirses' W»s ne reaponae. as not cnly voul lits avinsmona Seexposadit otic fuclit-s- oi lishee snmy, boltbethe vastiwaxts 1<l t saasin vblh aligator. At eniglisLieutenant Hi, lu al)t cf tia proteationsa ethla teilow-otli scmrs, rfauvail te mie lteutteupit ilus- s-if. Ttc enemy, evidenli! ia-ti wtliha vas about te cdo, nasa-mtîsle Il1 fonce ounts- opoitae batik, but wet drus-nlias-k soutos- al ati ndsi spt al b4y b>'tise firng ofthtrs Britiah voiutn. lrs-t-aOve l pueail H 1iev*ths.45 mii-sheors'ansd vas tn tisa fufitecunrent, te vas as-s-n 10 swing- round. rnpiMty ou bIs.bas-k; tuti ls-g ati beenasle-s iy al b alligator. Il vas ont; b>' stiglni * biarply round tisaIt lie susc-te sili * te-c lua ssait.but s-yen Fas>l hi bgi hsd beu les-n atiti as-srnis-clu nal1w iug manue. t-NotaslllutadigIis injur nduî I ie woneofthlie enemiys guna. tise galiat Lt niDs-s-r -utiiitued hl%îs itaelos ajostsuia- sn and 5ntisnglh Is-sîlus the ils- sc it af bank. onlt> l iusitisatibs srruud vs iltruittans,. aailtthie bonIs anti sanus ce isis bs-en desuroYeti. r F o r m o r e t i s a i b a i t u o î r l e s - o %j a lionltsstars-S, but tndlug tises-t Ferorailun t ie utIle toVU aeIl Bioomeburg ifa*tid a trias baus& 'vieis ltatgshr wjJtis. Vaîy nt" manniau couragemuent frottetigo cls-. aena or aoy hiase. AtIthie clseact fapreailentîits-ams- puilai, bIteveru, lu wbi<-th isidan. Joyed a aun of morte lisuntunuentaire- scas.eileauddeuiy sroppasi troin publi vicv, vlitout auy visible cause. "Whate brie up your tansiT' ln- qutrail a leaditng citien et Blootumburg. neacet ecis aftervard. "Weuil v as titis vay. auavarei tIse young tunu wio hit aated au lead-. er. 'W. tounsi, vlsn e ba hlaiour Taat empeting, tient ve bâtiuen ollouartsash tu tIse tressury. Visut vus thesontvii v Ssii sver S"si.and s Ilwaxsjust oee dollar apieca tise boys tosistail on malt- Iug n divisiobn of tise money. hi won donc. ansi 1 bave nea-er tîcen atble le gel lte boys logtter ngnln. Our battît" ha asideil. regrcfuliy, "couldikt sanud prosîi-rity." Tise Boudoir orf tht Catarina. The boudoir of te Czarina nt Czar- .ioye Seotasaitd!iite b a spalsît tpuremuent, rs-ry lilgian sd very #perte- by euriained..]kinasesa of Iropiîlutver- dutre ailsmuhe i-ruent lutsevnstscz apsrtmaents stidi itîve lsart-ny pîctuit- caque aispeuane. Ttc sncb ufthlie j vll le fut-mai l sioal enliret! ut pSu- lograpli. Au Pagel in One o e uW in- sldow recasqýai ar grand pianso lu au- oliser test>' te tte Czarlnas s rlite t- altes;as-vsraofutlitr oun vals-r colore fitang ountewatts sud dis-la llte t babil t f uiglua lu the Czar the folk aungs ut is owu country'. T" oratu.OtTey Oraio.OI Ai por tiree te-day te show yoe a -pacisagiet GihAIN-. the auc fond driasi gt hal taltes tisa place ot coffre. The chU- i ran may drink l nitisool lsjury es wUcl ae lia adule. AIl vio try le. fike IL GIIAIN-O th« tisat i rIs-inmtibrous et kt Mbocteor Java, but mi te madi fi-nu pue i-graine.suad teetic foi cate stomacis ce <M, ia l itisut distrssa, j lic prireset et Thse Earthh!îDaepeet Mole, Ttcesicepet Isola lu tise eartbbi h<tsliau. Cet-mati!.ilau5,735 fs-ct In u deltt.>nclanfor geologsil resese-it o niy. Flue crillii gans begnîlue)18W0, anal sîopi;tcsix yceu Jter Sesnuise thestenglus-ara vers- unabL4eailis Ibeir ieuslrtitis 10 go deepe. nt Thc fIrsttltur- seonitlu America open- Y. cd in Pblidlphis lu 171>. is DifficuftIL S en gipreaîug huis, ai feeling ne £ < vs-ai front tocsetbofti(i,- lievan7.lsi fcU îa.rn peit-s 1 aeinctiseris sr aguhu. and sfid be to cfra.nseNafuoees gui bas-k ilu autl. hou.e ftom *Wuels ad«uff A Dasetteit tiansies. Itâtions. F5sodîs SirçpdiIils Ju srs . tise ri ver fesîtîs t. bi_ e hsswi islar f . s-tas-bs talies-etitise usi1 fertile fat-loit bu Taibolte(uuty, Mf B oul etyearg a go >,.j;g 5 at s prug a fur. O liver cau )e Io ubi s-cou t ry' frei d ch . I p ri i s th b o Eng isusi sd pfrne la scaltiis large e . fec cîei-p r f a t b o ' teteandi began fa russîna. Us-ns lie Ins-dS sMitonus Of people say. toi- iunu! s. lis- -tiars-si tise bouse I mias the ucai troug, as nerveus ansi fillis-a less iarb te fisalfor-mn n4wue ldytlti.Ii a l u r e a n s i 1 î t u î r c g i- . it- r e u s . 8 11 c o r«e n lnd v u m e g lu d t i c t i f h s-ces-atlris- mate. yet rry papular wvhb cte .tI lul itelils lutthne the nsig bbor ng tnrtsssrs. B ut n e ut' sstc v itv tu t ii> te1t0,a aits Mtc Oliver studatsn i cllstiearesI. lus- imediclua for yeu. as >00 clii gtadiY SaY Ime ts-esieurs oft ii bon"tag ialeisnd &fialer yoÙs lavs given ia tair tial. bia lruperîr luascharge ofut hes-ttelttI. a" Uod -A itisotiaiPt s70 ysiui cf Mr. Oliver wus.lient bs-st-sfrom n tsfit- agi onuterougliy wel. lvas ibre. ginta. Evenytbitrg tut bits ailst otl,,,s otebiez o f lsiodaSarnaparila tisaiMtd" la justat si s I as-Lîl b>. Me. Oliver m e satier spndlini osen jS lumedls-at ypar alt . T e su lmý tab e w ïus eft aten ia ca. M y troubl a vaie a raw i ore on ys-t-smg. V s- oiis- ttie asa tcf uy asuie. lUai. Louis.. umes. lCotc sta ndabing lu t li tudsic utoftisa- Six r, Dtic t rei- et. to eti. M asa. a piteIs-oise n>of Itue toodt uivig tssii RUa*g SoMi--- Aller nut-rytinelasse rs-moveisî Ers-thie ribrtiabouici vtîsmstîttMoileigare us-e tilîbsirc lusis$&rs- dalîsan llb sur t- i o sf esun ni s or. Mur. O biv r h aull saut-il s ntI l e stîy ort lils I utm str edai une oft dyspepata ail dîs-Ia rtu r e l r elut-s- is- I s lu î ti to n ie u fisst-,. t- ,sallb sa ilu .m . N . K AiT C E . T u o s t. 31 an utis ita les-s-of lIce turnilsunt- lac (Lesvemtunr -l.. Auctapula Mil. liseu remuas-sifronti lsîtiginl ipls-s- co.nm ve Cougfhi- -Fiva jeans iet1 ud .aü esumnpll5e suegtr ch t e- T he buts-eror u ft hell uc i nîîl a jîst as il d i sste t u a akeleissu. W .. siv tm is te L u-$ta asislts-eslsl cltsr reslde-silume iloodle simepartilla wisîh 1diai and tire, sale for Illse ttuhiks-stn o st res'ecesl normal ithii. 1 tave been Ccii cv-lo,ise' uItA Da o an.Cor. dil. He lse-t t nI tsi-lIcit, i leislaPs-arl anîd i be8tsnsiSVJeflerlintiitt. . i f s-tenant fte tofta1îaibî i s l ia st it-I>y, nuertas uucy relativte ciVet- stucs alcîn. lliF liurîseIs a nîîusals ait - oft brcks ti cI hal e i c bs-to ilesmi c-s frein Enghu t il Illm a s ii tînt SI r.111 î..isH-1 ss. I. i l. sa i t tta s as-t IRs sill i via-ng Iti Il t-glîîlî. an d iaIs t se t - lil-t u i . ~ a~st h l s us aurs cf a l i int la go iig îoîil .aib . E C A N a l hi btaft-ii. WI TXERCsJ>is5, aIse a.ti t Rtoyabl IVesdin g Ca e. u uss- s5 a li i tîsyîl sa-ditig saiesartc na-ars-rltt lsrmsue.."n 'à 1.oui outil thiiy baeuna reilttolecit ixi S mutilim, Ts- acloal lakiig pict-isss lasis froin ivfistlu s-vs-n iîolia. ticgrcîut la thu e sisansi for scak oo c r cstainuta b5 ut a royal avesillig tlltiu-,mai-k= have atiasa a stock of more ilîs ,t)jan________________ an psouda u it se e so ug roufs. N B U Ne 10- »9 il d Siociety e ru- o & fld sl atly d wom;en Wcho Unerg d cempe d te regret- c- îuy etchttgrv- - e c et S. h ets i nlq ew thêt becewiet mote i se- titvt»Iing, .vvy day. Every womèn i- knows that ;ii-httlh [go isà aal enemy te u- btéluty andi thaï sIo ef heati t ives te the et plailitit face an en- la- 11 es niteg >m f ts t - t h e % *s è re it s secret of isaltI and Il- D y.w i ml gn P oai-s ,il P ilîfor P ait People bu itd UP asil pu yIT tie itoot- 6ad pe r % v r e in g h n t t e n r I . -t h etr a Y O U M IL t i t t h ty a e tv a lu - &bt. ta tethe methtT they veit a 0ctlaty. te the wemar :ti e ôppîeêusa ifty they ve thet bati vmady î-t t enc tite 4 avsasilo sa visis et hei liic. r e r id r e . j a s - u itW e e v e r , u tf su a t s n I l , I i l a <ft hY s t i a" m oI . 8 1v .- n a y s . but -Isuffeu a ed ( f" o ytl- a i vii1th eauleit iient-uMest.eea îbtl thse attife. 1 lantasach vcskc.scd, wvs itenabl, iUi5,itofthe.tise, la are uto May Ge. vueS, ad sfféed icysad My pOC ovedscie. 1vlas duu. eat 9 Iset.aitsy. tNtiaccOd tudu tac sacgod. Teft 1 madSe op M3 iv lsn etcy ISa. v ink Pla fot Cr Pole Peoplte. e- I bonahi tse afili a in la tatisi 7.. aaf. fi etti mteaetart. te A boa sudsi al uIt cue Smc ptetly, e1a. i s stan ruand emt sng.- letThea Lnuitetpas-biaIS bweq* î ll Il%%& Isit l 66b1< Nt NU L . a it 6îg <v t tl evr 1>41 111 p o isp isit on et I pi e an 0 dt pair the tii0. WiIhui'ibMtditi'i< . <IthtLU.s tt.514x lil id a-

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