CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1899, p. 6

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~ Dmerai qp taoCrins Md emeaus es Sthe quiet lttIe agir wo bad nover r*lum ber Vole et home'. tay; res. thero was eue ether; but ho DAsa mrs ensntandbisvoie ,had ho heeded. Big Peter, who bai follwed tihe old eunt'u truin, bcd tmt attempted te Joie lu the truggle wh"lcad résulted e igntminioamly for the sol4kers or thse par- tY, but bad mt on bis herne alttie re- tired frolu the rcst, looking on t the scene wlth B un unoved countenance. t Wbnthse bermit couluded hi sermon aBde or depart therefrom es disterbert." the rouet snd bis wfe udvanced'Bed sol- - their departure ns thoso wbo neyer expt "Now, damier!, depart sieo; or, If thon wilt remain, take on thcy breast the Rame cross as the reft." Blanche @book berbhedad urgod boy ~ t borse beside ber brother. isayipg mlmply: "If Stephen wiIi flot drive me away, 1 will romain witb hm and shatis bis perls;. but 1 wwllI fot pretend that 1 do ne te cave my seul. I go to beip hlm; but I wilIi fot take the cros." CHAI'TIt V. Htildebrand, besr me, sud spâre a poor, Stephen »retard te ho sffecte<l by ber Ibe struggle bet«e'-n the oid count's distrected mother ber only son. WhY speech, for ho took ber band snd said be- train anidis!t the boys lu the Chil abould 1. et ail the mothers iu Fronce, be fore the ld prient: dro's rusade wâý brief and decisive. compelled te give op my boy to tbe Turksl "Then, by the cross on my shoulder, The ceont wad a strong mon aud b.d If thou wilt but wat till be grows a littie sweet sîster, thon @hut stay wth me and tweety bri meun-at-orits Itbh hit. bt obier sud la orrived t the fu stature of edear!wbentbou pleaset hndns tisey sere overwhelei o in mment by man on.50tbst bemay support the fatigusdvme tooabet e st.e n d an getr thse Immense uumber or their oppunents. of war. ebeerfull>' would 1 grant him leave -I wiah nothing ef the sert," %ho rte- wboe esme in mwrma round the hurses, he- te go wth the warrlors of the cross to de- plied. *Bound b>' s vow i wlli fot ho; tom thes ediers.tain>' onderstood wbat fend tbe boly cepuIcher. But what van but we shall ee. ere thîs crusade ln over. wua beint doue. The uulposing figure of these cbildreo do againgt men? M"hst wbther thon, wbo are sworu te tcy wili the ld monk, as be tbuudered forth tbe esu their tender arme avail agcinat the do ns well cm che whe goes wiliigly." terses er the cburch on au>' eue ivbo avrdn or the Turk?" Then Big Peter came op beside bis sheuld preeue to interrupit the crusade. She bad made a bad argument, aud thse yougsmater's borne. syng: bed Iha effect on tbe men. wbo were Bup hermit aw It. for. witb a srdouicemnile. -I acm nilerd's tester-brother. wbo esMutitat the lent degree; and the>' did the oîd man pointed te ber husbaud oand never deserted hlm yet lu dsnger. WiI - t try te fight as they moigt bave otiser- bis cubiira, who were ail priconers cud nM> lord lt ue go withb hm te Psletine' "Vîns doue. The sight ofthtie boys,sego od. and obsrved: tephîen ooked snrprised. gueetu s moment before, turned to lt- 1 "'Methlnks tbey bave sbowu ye already "Adwy chouldmt tbou go te Pmle.- tir douaema by the voice ofthte prient, bcdl whst tbey cn do te crmed men. Tbe tine? Thou hast ne vow te bud thee,asa~ lits efeéet on the soldiens is; while tbey Lord wll gve tbern strengtb, for the>' sre 1 bave, sud the jouruey in full et peril." ceuilnt rerue thvir youug umster wtb- bis cildcen. and bis trengtb, will be ont Big Peter sbrugged bis bruad shouldierst ont drawini swords on a lot of cblîdren. tltem. Cet tbee bebind me. Satan!" indifferentI>'.à »efere they kueg-whebre the>' were eacb "ýBut surel>' thou wilt not jet the pour "That leci eue te me, master. If a à boo.esi aws. siei by et lest twenti lboy go wthout the leciug of bis mtb- tende r cild likoe the lady Blauche can go ý bRM ~ tembling over eue another in their en?" mked the unbeppy lady, piteougl>'. with tbee, 1 can do the samue Vitheut ac effrnmm tearlng them tfromt ther hrse. llildebrund s-hook bis becd. vow. We will see Wbo goea furtbest on ey ain force; takior their arme f romt "That wili nt be neceur>' et 01l. Biecs the ayte Jerucclent ere we bmve fd. thon."ai thon standing shore tbem. hlm. sud the blessing wili returu on thee. lbrd. If the ebrait viii let me, 1 wi uwady te pin thora te the grouud with their But itlen alieue whetber ye blees or g V5 cswonim aud spears if tbeY veutured curse. Thse cross on bis sboulder bath Sehntrw o i edrte te teeBlut.iven bite àpower 1tublics thst noue otber Sehntrw u i ed rte Old Cot Stephen. in the grsp of in tbe world cao show. neoWis m boly to baughtily. saine doses beys of eigbteen, ropen tbrown day sas amunkin bthe cbape aaYing cmes."!11cm the captsin of thhm crucade, sud goun bis limbe as hc truggled. wcs drcg- Here Stephen. uddceeing bis mother. wbat 1 aay wil hoddune. I chalI ho ied te Ied.tren hi wsrisorse aud tbrown te the sakid. in a broken toue: bave teeo wth me aiseof id, te help me asm ,roand. VbsB s Wu boy. holding op the "Deareet lsdy' motiser. wby eudst thou hast beon wont te do. New lt the aveli d badnremeised fron thte eid par- thon tier for me? Iamn unden thse protec- trompeta sod tise acdvace. sud VO Vii1 <1W = i rieu t to"«Iudebrand: flou or heavea: saidV*bat errsnd eau bc set forth fer,Mcrmeilleg."1 "UhilI ly the ,lsbeiiever, holy fatb- bolier than tbat of rescuing the sepuîcher tTo ho cuntinued.> tri" ef our Lord f romt the grssp ef the unho- Copyright.1 The o by su ignorant pensant, evident- ]levers? Thinis what c triumph it wililbho jt th ht ho b.d got held of a Tr in when VO regain it. and are able te Ring 0DO TIINGS lI LADRONES. dg*ouulor menehlng et th, sort. praises on tbe ver>' ground n-here ha TOCB omnt is brmi hslate. jmpreachod aod gave beaing te the na- 'Thec Oeer Flewers and <roi!. and tiiW e ys BiseVed tbst ho wu voe tin.ryre adp. 1ha stU5iy seemed tempted te Ris mother, shaken by this appeal, could Thbe qiteer thingi In the LcR&ou e a- aletho ial for the death ot the cent, nt answer hm, and even the sternt face etude a treo, thse fruit et wisieh la se mR 8Boh eVic iisamret tot thee obi enti:softeued; for. like ailI n ebDooe to thse umta ta ta a -AD "à 51 illoed b>' ber mother. urged hlm day. ho wasssuperstitienste tlen aat t"re, i tme"ade la by the medeoftise big bey, degree, sud the boy bcdl @truck bim ln bis CItt ut "laese petotte " sdamota 7 'e~~q:tenderet pint. itr ButheoncpthondDkm. sI a 'Sla M ftisqr! My father! Weld !Witis egrean ho sald to bim wife: vwr inie dho Dmaiitl goq el"a tegndiChristieu mesny bore I"t in ontrfate, my lady. We veant ce delilotis th&t he Wtll et uDton u Ubee o snb! Sophn, asttslohim fromthe crucade vithout ac t a tealk. Titis fruit ripette once a làpe no bu. tu thee? le thii.thse nu- e I.imi; = . ttot ail, perbaps hovii! Mooit ad Lepleutiful. 1 nt sht bis hantr ho talo rare ot. Truly tise errsnd is B A fut vbic (en be entenutt"Îl11,'4 Poý',Pq0% -týa rcetis b"a i s 1,b .tb«làMU ad. je & a nOtier quosu' product. The sabeli FtLIl FAUOL, YfRM A itOTo TEnt -a J,. C/ na IMITATION OCEAN TRIP. Tise asi l ylhoie lasatant. wvlbicba Iloatlng vitsîn another tank, sud the Tis. PassiuExeitie. VIII BO"e'B roctiug motion viiliehogiven troustise .e7sStaer Voya.s otsdcy menset pistons. Tise ply- Because et tise get oveltY Oethtie et* on *blc tise dock verts ans ci- piroposition, tise isroeoto5ofethtie raugei lu s cîrcîs and ans coutrolied 'M)arooram" have been smigised by by menus et levers trom the bridgie. tise directors ofthtie Pari$ expositionte This uaciury viii maSo the boat roll à men! pt-omlnent aile, lu tise ver>' and pîtris exactl unasfif! ero lu tise shdoiw o et tEiffel tover. as a beca- treugb eofthe ses. Tise Illusion crealci In for the proposait amusement lo&- b>' tue veusents, combiu.d vitb tune. Tie word "Mansorsuta" s8 a new tise bnilliant ilgis eofferts sud tho mev- eue, vblch bum been colued fer <bis îng panorma on ettitorade, vil ho en- specWalOccasion. il menna panoram aisaced b>' the breeas fraugst vîit suit et tue sos.Bu! as Il la dosigned 1t; vi» vCler wvhlwl aeep tbe docks. Tise ho noue et tise eli-tIme pehiorusas.celilugoetthe panorama vi» hoiearcbui. visere eue'tale.s aposition Ou, au sie- te appear te tise oe l usa the SkY vstei plattertit Andti eysa a tretcb et cauvas vitita somewitat reallattefera- gronni visicis oucirce lmWi. Ou tise toutnayy, s sensation. nev sud novel ilu every particulan, viii bc revealed te tite visiter. Nothing more or leua su, a perfur! illusion et su ocean trip lavisat la lu store for hlm. No! a trip otsatev minnte, bot B voyage, s cnhsIge as seri- eus sud as attractive as If hobeye resly on the dock et s bons Ode stem- or golng a! fuit speeti. EeLteoIUthe donvay iseSis bu- sl ountegaugpiank Ieadlug np te Nie dutk et visat ls appsrentli a full- fIedgoi ocean steamer. apparentiy lied Dp et tise wharf. Tise reproduction la seturate lu even>' detail. Theo smoking funueis. lifeboats. nopes cni puloîs, ventilatons, port belles, mastsansti$pars aud tise unltormci crev. wltb tise mambers verllng utider tise direction et tise captalu on t.ebridge s» serve te increualetho IlUlson. wld Co] tht1 proi att lu epli ne* erle id tht the rba cou otb sud the th chil &Bd ali pa titi ver Tbi lui laL ver et<60t. rin utte etise e vl tne aaered i s ito et euie. e abrittie. tiSe a crackser, aveet amu at e ontuaton prevsis Juil uessn Elaesouvltetithe boy rweanesetuntjgooi -the inskie bas s ern! ,Whlcb tOe a uncei departure ef thse boat. MAEORAMAMCARN O~sugb. aeb! lb i my fatisr, snd -De t ewardsansd cablu stevards ar ea. o iigciîgts un vfllusai ftb tlis;'Heeer tiy tailler and layigu ookiug qtor tise eumttthe ris sud set. the menaidthe star s su sesibles.' ;Let hlm ie." giuts. ipettatora or passengersvisicb- wli appeer and even tise Cloud$ a" am OUM d iiaai sneemecite lho gic ts! a«« lter happen thoielu tii.Instance. iigitnlng laiste lho neproduced lu tho ticn .tbm guets baitak., the declsion et the ___.. Thau e ptty o0cisl are rusblug srennd tru scene, wviîcit v ePrenent even> aui " a»r bis hsnds, for lho made no e r- kig al ternbillggage, getting chairs 1featune ot s urionsI tempefit At §«.el.le ogiS a a la anotiser moment te id &aM doing a dosen othen liSre errcuds.Imiu oi>tedagr Psegrs a Wts5.mely siaisn by is fait, his face '&fier aswvitîe thse gangplanks are wîit- vecuo tn h oeot n putitun. s de h.l fonetc gr.udi. da suad tovedaway.Vbîmtlesgimis deotcenno boo n t ov esisi o 1 the < codul eseio. my fng. ite giy are blonru andi gongste uuiei and the conter efthtie boat, where tise motion la I a ",W hA nnvrinag ite ty bs au.boat pulls ont. icavlng te ci!>' etMar- bit sUgisti> feu. saucacetise panme- i a"tsu allume, an thou hast selevlcnsU.sarlgpitda-aatirougi tise pertiseles ou etber vol fsitt egn misss."appealng lunte distance. Tise scen- mude. lu ~~'Usie olri eply. and Ute 4 eye ievcat' 5acrtl er- The ses breezo yl hoefurnnsited tbr' m tase aÈ. te h is eyes as liater -durda atifinaiiy tue boa! reUsateise etltrs n b Irpua n tu h eiseohmni.,WhhdcvIis -bigis seas. Tbings have been ait rosy iuevuiaos u h i asn 96» , digoet y"elangte feeling, criai eut, up te tis dUne, but nov tise suu'm ligish tt e illouis laer eg trec ih torite-li iwwxu a; la notlrei te lho grudadniy dliuil veSd viiite ipo a eid vs tie f- éqs-tb6tIluamc! vtb unlau tagBnt ous. .sud a spot danSer tissu the re.t et tisegras" eTisecsn idc 'Ire tipoterrve Coi adam imotn. 'lt ihorizon appears. A stoti i laapproscit- Fmde nTbc sI* tsu mt Te&'mUt! thord .. Ing. Tise rouir gievs ouder sud louder nu e nt tis is av e-p -yWb*W tbe ml They lant follo me. cz, gatit It s9lu ail lis genue fut-y. Binm»es uir sehe ntsnye&-pa *tbi li amylbrouter anddositer amid'=RoTil dasis u oves' tise dock adcae tlmIjrost roeapp s* sr. mluth ie Lrd." 1Tevae sdrri1!Inljuiu e mk pp1i ;Ns as»u sIr thse id man vas gather- V ' lgitlng pay# tisrougit titei îggîug. rtisa icgar or te Insîdlons cigarette. w! Ieg pe lintise barah texte an ex-.-- The salions nun wîldi>' bacS and forth pliss ce growilng In popularit>'. Titere ria Ilaquush. <euhlidin the Nov Teste- and i lto tise nlggiug, vheno snulis are la a club aboutt tenu luInPiIeiephla ga"t te haurbt tce bey. andi allinlahlm THE STRUO;GLE WAS BRIEY AND DECISIVE. fured sud others are Bt the same tîmel' viib vin permit ils imembers te tiedf Umslns faturai affection te is eugaged In maklug t h ie more ex. I mseie pipes oui>'. Every week a meet- Th satsis uctsatuiteat moment v erdediaready autolsbei Ute nid Monk, i- ean uïr iyehobittienvise. tise fruit la utasnlsg sar temiS thmervreisenddresuci ber brother. maYing: ftffit. Man isu. Thou sayos! vendset of lurStephen; Anee ritl err is!i aue yeung Stephen huidered i volentiy as néefrileoraett e d %a lltemei te tise erre denuuuclctions. sud tiine erraud ls a bai eue." B lie " beomeuceti to the application Anti jus! sasidhappened vils the us a fa baiapaiso txeonmo oc-mounlt, the boy cout seemed teolho sur- A veny qneer mineraI produet lea P ubon, istnlaned vls cumon iscaisobebldneassand puzed as 'te stone wvi aiscisgee cler In tise attise aCccedista te tise cust.siss ot tecr ' ermesbe, fr o sewredbe, hci spuere. COtldur»ymIt le blacks;itot daysmi sud tise>'di net jar on bitu un fiey vouli aî ebright red; vison nan tbrea±calit or do te eue educateil in thsenmore correct "What menues! thon, Blanche? Ilow la pluki. ad lu cioudy vesther it se te_ ta~et o.ay.Bebs-iev'dn eer'vndcai the crucaîlo ho onhol>'or bie? Art bine. Thie inoescolieson tise higbvayu ueold moult spolie. oaidielti that it th oit against tise voice et the chut-ch?" h6dt olebsftise id mthe Bleuncbe oas but s girl, but shb idail and thse pedestra'5n rau for~catbis, te etifie ai naturel oaffectionî and to devote a I veine,,,«cintuitive perception oet»sinls, o'vif estier, a labaet te killung Torts for the rest of tisougbehe could not bnve toi the logical A gret yelle o y oer, w'ibi opens t nsoxk Stilt niamen of ber feeling%. With a tomse ftber udcloses te tlise sui t !noa, lu anotis- bis Ileitef th ise oui>' lyjustit>-itie beed. che apoke ont: or isyer>. This foyer italise.uniry ve Wat vas bis ai:,ai'sinPnt, thenefore, 'Thous eyct that t le a bol>' task te minutes te open ni cut; for oeetiWs It i mrn tot.res-se the cepuicher uf cor Lord frout M t le vide open, aiowlug a vbite te ehc-sBanche, bisgt-s-il llth- cRister,nWho tise Turks by ciuyin.- il that comne iu tis'cne eli oei en.1 pn l hisinover tittt de>' iaredtri" aîeber ene wt o,,.er.I Oeed-f voire, sud vise vaa uoiý s-dae cdevoteel i ly o> vn"rpi~S~,e nr> ptesesua ad clseseatight t te Caii, udieuly pote up to the . rt14fldgbn.I are o lan haugist# oid monsis.thogis lier mtSrbRnpIy. 'Ilareet tonseur it?' itiollt eii aisfo u yumcpceerng La dimmsiut atbis wonds, nov- ".Thon, If ii ise a isoly vsr, Coi yl ho minute l inte viole fettme of theoM n icatiirtht is ssîi ubr ussuWith yo etat times," tise girl retente-I. plant. Ou clotsiy deys it opeitfl. but lits ONTHE DECIC OF TUE MAIBORAMA. t The ceun tash.e s ud ac word '"u He gave tise land ef lersel te the Jews, petais peint dwnverd, fer tise stem le___________________________________ aile laicoule outise grssîod, conteutissg sud tise>'prospereti. But Ha bath per- dose net irer An Ou 1Ma>'days..Thiiapu"epl«otr et dtSturnitume. Ail1 lng viie ho eb, aud nov brais t i bonrsif vbith t-Btifl5nt heon oi ienti>'. uitti'd tihi'Turks te tBke lit fron thefoye«r acteauss aneocs te tite nocIve.. bisuime tise dock ot the sbam beut lu toisacco viii hoe dlscused. andthe À bot iu a way tbt mie tnew issi a great Cbistles nd uitberefore 1! sPens tht lie Tedmut Wa ftb ar«poigu n onadrue "1mrt ttleo htmxuewl i elset aunbhl. forb r h i-ni' vesiber. tibath chovo us plabul>' thut He' canetis'1belmotidaia l't tise Ldesse phugnlaup and dotheu sd e manngssi onseetlThone thoatvitre viitho i D Ut Blanche de Vasox. am Fatiser Rude- uethixsg for tise sepulciser vherein tise lu3samutMAU Ir calIe luiigdn esu uoslyts at sne oaird ieevs aetlsts branlai tbundered oui tbis texte, suddenîr body ounce isy that sitsw in bs'avin. 1 Se>." Inuigb isa k.5parret. but It s s abat on tiesa c..A MnOy et 1b i uatter lut baud dedans htisae leu titai tiseiber bot-e tuvard iim, uni rstieti sa y tht this mad cruasie, vbich ie begun pnoetleuset the ls la eilmev seen and soon tise stmlupiere bua ayean lise cibroou yl hoe Stted up Ij 'at a be f eshyoug viSe:st uur fatiser' and imotisers' aivice, ticis give rtle te thicBone. Anothor idurai mgs.iuand ai las ros omce more. vIlpipe. front every quarter et the 'Y T1bou art s faite prophet. moi-b 1 foar l eud in diater, as thers have, and ioueteti dpet la the jupagiese pooe, Mq Tseboat rocks te andilire 00W lth gIobe. and tisenoueWlnnet onl>'lho ~,Me. Hildebrand, snd dont ce! ptoui-htie a the wraedenetbete oid isietsce ton util bore is very amolal ani very cutl i>' tienat 0nuinlatienl s cei couttei, but Winlieho f grat bis. taitiatmnkvh 90 us." olaeddbees aleuite t oise he nd ndnt. *yIsaired. Tèteisdog catchtes lee -n fait Tise itinerar> ofthtie trip lucludea torirS value. Several et the preposi ' î; et.b .noki-ter caut Ut lseicn- vitis the shall perlais.sen te tht pries! lu the lagoonu mnd ete fruit freu inte ïStOe INIà AMilos.NapI0ea. Voit..Bd insaeubra bave ceettlens et pipes ln * -'atarte&ilmiinîuins'd, unguarueiîy: tbst haslai vo Teloin.. guava troc, Comtnt5ifopW .At qus alJng <befltheir polinisaton t lpment vhich WiII %e =W s en tise chiid?"'Rer Word; Vere ltenci te in silence-, The man vbo ovuas a mIn utise ILe- 1lie hattractions for tb@e ADOiiW.t faim tise unccua ettise nov lubs L-l ml". adBaee dan bt as seeuosaselebohi Snishsedthe oid dnone laaids ua, for lho cmsauppwtttie.tetoo i oca'OsiU ~e ieIa etssimt i.m ffl- mVe.ordthis. iiniulPet. sismnt-hernait wewbo ttby isproduce I lite wtot bller. Bsedit t n'esus l ces !s ud emtoIsdlgtivauaie Of of thee od si, uceti.ttroto mw bs ho' f ie eteu t hoMecaBat olecin.Tie sso vseatie n qae jMt or tildie of the 1mw shooli pao s gteat effect esu clitise youog pffopie grow vs!, sudViitt and ttieneppedreadale oand aual esyon piphe- .aun a itcabohutiot ufltlie. Tise isw tse.,tise more se thet tisey wveentireIy g cikad lhte coamstaare t saeispiace Wv ie b ma lvti snme smoking and tobacco vin ii h o sen le *9 e .en msments, Saii ihoti art bers unexpectoti. rau tornsni and criai eut tise Aside treseo e 5.Islands. A groee »vely s$ueaabove id lsi. iepreeient. This rempetitien vi» hoi $uo1deçties ehiliren t. abandoc their augMlls: etfireaift-tt treff te s LAre Imslland- nianehivsts et dropplus tise ssor. open te au. ta" n te ezpose- tus- live. s tt d "Whe tn thls chilid that presumes to or la visat a bord et Western rattie la pettiug ou! a gang pniait la soue méils.a te the aword o'f the Tuni fer lecture hbnriliens on thir duies? Lot te a ranchian. Fruit groeuaIl tset.s be i. aunciig oetàboatin liausseted the Cae. -eU bt tosesylI lisanity. Ou! upon ber Seep silence asti retire, or hocvy viii year round, sud ever>' quaMly et qu e.?b.go»o tbroUgis unis gnoe scqCoa y l'dean. '. stnnid I bave palpita- tborfer a vile man, tissi vouiist rob aalho the peucnce on ber for ber insolence." effble tropîchl triit Le on50 Niere., and flthftllne.of eta 4 gi wu astien ettise huat" ~iots f er hon bîdreosud a ister cf ber Thea hlelroke tertltiutc euenetrhlm im- A ver>' raiqablepdo eunVCih o tile lsepectacit e nsileumrons "Well, yen von'! have1X atter te-day. balSeel" ~~pasaonesi harangue., vllsisbaid sireaiy Ugm* int WU, noas 4tie palm groeo. p!1,WsaNpsel ccsdmn- ve iahtuged aile pr.!!!scondi gIrL" egsa semstaggered b>' hon proudscrbun effort, viserever hiessieo hsNpen areO m -evladPil elr gerbe si. isec la th bshlt t.precciug. ~ wbtch exteinie lu s belit lacrocla &X ti ad' tsainbeats appeer. oontalning -lvla lI eI moue. Tise>'are h b-h ieir binmelt ritevutely te tise odi montthe 'd- lTi%paisis gIre cosistte of native.,Wviseoffe' forsale fruit sud . gse-u'is r1ml *$@muat, sud ther pr-nts have ies.- contess eud thse ceofhet tccrumade, PRIM treffl-mlle nis aide by ide go trinlkets Ba!etths.ecommtand of tise If ail tue tunntel*orettise voir Vote selbttiue oui viseare they LUItiehobai wrougt tisern up te te ol lose tegethert' t!yen <an Irdiy, ex- 1 ellter somenofetilbauvi» sKeaste tiseplacei end te end. tisey vmli reats a stans d sinlutis e vaofothetiehlcsof onthuciacs; eud even old Count cept for the siosiesu eoftise frunU I àmoua taimieus. Furtiser ou Arabe tfltanc et 514 mle.. Tisey number W1 in Iabai-ste sepuicher tephen, ith s ferveur>' that lho bai ney- 0ethtisreea., po«jmM fte Nibe doptisle»dam ue.vinentrtan tise vo>'- about 1,142 unse imes"' , er ireamed i he ulie horaiIed on te eexorthNe padalm erut ' grole51Wvegett- jagers. Tise laffsi n!. ouete wV ieh ________ à."fhere ouagtLoimi ine l thrMetgbecruarhiithit. Joh a tuaS a Mla tvffha" tnCvei eflubgthTe I lruod fadera e: 5 Aiîl mcv wthette herait "DimeleVeuli! unsle eeIey b~tW u "M OluS. gndM vaMeng5 it au!av al s dln a ho «lttin agood or 7 la s md Witb duped bhlm. indpe.- alsg aloni, viii teit&mwen ,lmUa blaidInonNatemeilinrMTIlset5!«mas.uhi ost ire agiit; es. of crenatce soenapclen tua! every na ipWlscled baudt, sud Tpaiise«chl, ien vnu isbeuUise. eep; imgst ee*5 u 1* 1111r1 1 12 nvlrnudg esîeil bietdggtB puer countese,uahie te roulaitte Ces- Vaut A it ut. .A" moeqrna- litil bsew amui ter e, 0 li e moehun. an.veinas on esntis beliVe. taho DlileaI pssons a glosofet tsisiae. bioOi @@«M ie beaufer «» IlebU " 1" lpOrtI.Win » sbu lue une .or ola s agoulus. RM ANaNQ0uq~u AN - A ut. Mua rD' aume* ans Syptoe ofthe Orip si4 forthcemlug. sud Funston borume sa- Its Trcstmnt Blutant Becretary ot thse Topelta and [enemi.,or tise grl, la an aeutelu- 'Sauta Va. Ialiroad. ieuns fever visics usual>' occurs lu The routine'«t ibis pent va» mono!. lespread epidotulcm. It travel. aalons te hlm. and three menthe lator lors formeriy di. lu vaveoer thse ho surpriaed bis friands by onlistlng au Pri. runulng geuerally trout thteBst salîrivate lu the Cobain srmy. Hie pro- the west. [it cttstcks s very large oportion et the populioeu epcaliy tise beginning ot su opidemuic; thon recôrvet yenrs lit selzs ,upen tisoue ho have previouàly escsped and tise odetuit dos$ net llyUîdieou! uniS ui evory eue bas seffered lis mis Mdutai vrteru usuallydistlngub te ferme et Iufluenza, accordug s e ervous. lthe digestive, or the cate.r- ml symptoe predomincte; bot s» matllnteonee and the samne dlsef, id eue term may e.mily peuahineau- oer lu the course et the ssme attacs. In s tyrpîrai eau eluuenza betins - ldeuly viti a gonerai 111 feeling. mdache. pailma the muscles sud la w bock. lmofua ppetiie. sud a meus., extreme veakuesa. Tisere may ho tari chili. or a succession of siigbt lIs. eurasfileterai cffWy sensation, 3d swon a iigis feyer declarem itueîf. The oye. are ettes cougeated andise- ive te Ilght, the nome rune. fthora la COL. 7E80E15.CK VU3NsTO!U. lue n! tihe roett the nose and ever___ le oye. and aulfine synspiems et a ce- n otion la tisa! service was napid. Souee Pe coid la the hesd ara experienced. ho vas made lieutenant,.lthon captain. be onge I hevil ceted *wilo- tenmajor, and Bnally ho aspot l til difficult or palnful. and ile volce anmcd eofa&U the artlllery force ea!t hearae or vhlsperbng. Ottea thora La et Havsaa. Durlug tise elghteeu oro or les jaunite. Thse pulsa la menthe ho spent ln Cuba ho vms lu ery rapi sud vosis. eepeeWaly vîten twenty-thrue isattica. bail hic left Brre X patient stands. mutlatli by s siseil. received s Mau- À pecutlar sympton l Muaa. mmt@er ballet lu hie àlotlong, sud wvsmick cst otteit servest te il.tigumh i1 et tise feyer for two msenthe. Once srpiy f rom sunO5dinai7 <il in B biile leadlug a battery te s point et tried depresaien et spuirite; tho pa- vautugo ho bai hie borasesiot union ut la piungod la dempair, and Do0 iba.Tise boras rolei on Funatens molltet argument or raiileryi bas auy nigis! ieg, crushlng tise tblgb. His Cane- fect on bis miser>', la nom v evero iagaing badl by ibis thale recalerai! sles Ot the se ealif ed e'ou$ forum et hle a piyscal vreck. and net feeling he diceaso this Melanchel>' le» ex-01 iabi.te coatinug ln tise' service ho rete au te leasi te attempts ai suicide. ssked te ho retlred. Hie roquent vas lu~~~~~~~~~ th atl¶frtetifunaV ranted. On bis way te tbe cemet. boy- idA a loatbing for tednd. fl5t and ever. ho was caplured by tise Spaniab. omltlng, and severe bou'el troubles. He vas ctxndemned te île, but lster. be- ntIse reapîratory 'ferma, issenchîtis lug put on paroie, escaped sud came te id espectlly pneumouieasre frequebt ewNov Ye. id daugeroits complietioens. .1Whe enwr Vas deciareti cgalami [n tise treatment of gripOeumnt Spalu ho vas eomuulssloued by Gev- 'et reuseuler that vo are decllng ernor t.eedy. et Kanasaua Colonel or itis neondicar> cold, but vit se-~ts Vulei sbaIogiet a 're isese ellig fr a unc rae (enermi Miles sent fer hlm te tak&es M scarlet fever or pneumonie. TIhe place on his staff. Colseel Punsion lu. atient Metnet t ly stuy le tbe sîsted on koepiug bis regimea.t. but ho %Ouse but lunlied. AIl cases oetgrip. spentsevrerai Veks vlth' Goneral wtetiter mid on si-vere. neefi a physi- Miles at Temp sgving hlmstise betfe- sn'c@ overslght.-Touth's Cempauben. lito bis kuowietige et Cuba. Ris regit- WILL LEAU THE LIBERALS meut v55s tationed s a S"Francisce ______ferlivre menthe. Six Veffs betoré lit râl Party etftitadoto.Monias sNew and saîbsi for Maula thse COMI p met a Ver, Itediare lHead. hoantiful youug vomon et hIls ocia Sûr Henry' Campbisel-Baoitenmsn, the position lu Oakland. n bousIlho mcmnled new leader of tise Liberais in the Jtise day tise transport slled ton tise rIliisHoue of Ceismons. la a very philippines. Drdinary lndlvIduno f era as talent andi poittical abilit>' are concerned. Ho bas AMERICA IN HISTOR?'. ceen tbirty yesrs tu Parlisuent. hale seveti as Serretary et War. Seccetary Thiers thse Engish Cchooeo Loue f tise Navy aud Becretany et Irclauti. IAisout the. livotétim. luse Amoerîcan terme. and yot bas T eise urican se4lol hatory bas been never mode thse sigistest lmpresslonuus tise main bar te friendulineais wlts Eng- un ezecotive. as a stattIte writon on as land. b>' reason et lit; contits on tise au orater. Hlm fatiter vus s ris-b wars er non iudepetsdeuce and or 1S12. Seotes merchaut, n-ho mat for thse uil- 1 was ver>' curiouc wisen 1 Ors! vlcsited vermitiset Glasgow and Aberdeen, Euglanti lun188 te see bow tise revoie- but bai nover entered etlîer. Tise son. tinnuar>n-l wa ax tcated lu Engias witis a Cambridige dogree. hot'ame a ciool histories. but tite eni>' istor>' 1 pet of Mr. Gladsctone. vite ield tise tounti, lnUlîtile villages sebeoltît I 'utîser ln strong frlendclttp; antI eueetfvisiteti, dismissed tise matten Vîit a& the Banuet'mastofe Manchester. un lmore statemeut tisat lat a certain yoar ies on the motiser's aide, bequeatheti we separated from tise mothenrcountr'y tho uepisev s fortune ani s namo. lHe andiset Up a nepublican foeofetgev- lad evenytblug ln hlm tavor--educaton, enmeut. The geolgrpies pald scare. oeisure, treedeu trout caris and cane, 1>' more attention te Our country, aud 1 ambition even. ritueltin iti tise came svcy 'Wîtbthtie Impression »o &sitburauss, marriage tin th ie faut- mas>' Autentcas bave, thot tse pbg- il>' et Cen. Bruce. Inheniteti opinionslit cacobeoey lmtaught fer les@about _________________________our country thisIimportance sioul warrant Withln a ments 1 bave toua aerosasl"Schteel Hlatery osf Essgland" ton boys et mhs! vo ivouli raillbigis scisool cge, and bave beeo more thai. astouinhed at tise sanner la whlcs$itt. vriter. Cunlogt ouGlisi. treffts tise cubjeets viscsbhave me long reumalus s open soes*ts .la, ersus vo bave suppoasi Nia!t t.heugtifle nvoe eltber vlilttuibI gnorant of tise 'ronge veosuffeeed a!it bsir baude or at &mui venu uinrepentaut. 1 touad that itie bistor>, orne o o el'hnovu s"dIoe scisol boot& s, eits tise poildueeet Englai's goveflote. at tse imme.oe Our ruptures vits ticn.muemraecevorely ani lu barater laugufge tissu1Irnoent. ber ever te bavo eomtu lu sunerlcan scitool bot. Attea' eeumrsdthn ie bordons, just and unjust. vics Cocu' *EaUX t cgL-nNEsA. ville foeed upon u.the hlatontla mnos --on taooclaathe lnssnty orthe lilia figi toul a of eonse, and aud thse IlIums.etof'itt et s inter dat Glads! fer a patron. Jet aIl tisa! (1766). Hee>Bay@tisa!tishe mouises et oren e p'eciitCts et Westmilnster tise gevernutent vera 111 fittei te tata tue et tise suuenuced leader-eleet of Pitt'@ place, sud eue eapeclly. Chalem tise inooty ln the Heuse et Comme Tovuabeni, chancelier of thse et. a! ho has held cartnstoMees, and cbsqunp, "vaatag ln prudencea" eil~ t ho la "mate." retmant ira@ destined te lie tise Ii Solutn us e um' pasrîlig a&& goutlsoet Ugl aiat titin cia.". vice that ho prebabig 1 't in tUre y-r-"Ange1-1111,100AUntIca" 11117j.. taise M" bet A. J&llis a MOV assaiS! .4 t, '4' ment li tisel, glat dus* s PMX tise Faliînesa t maos.léeueoettise reount colonels lu the Unitei et"t» ay. Heuis 28 years ok. CoL Funaton vas hem lu Kansas amtile tise son (if au e-Cearesum frain. t i tate. Haevwu graduete faom the. State Universit 1 KROM and thon becs.. s novupePer muas! Fort Smiths, AnS. Wbile there ho gMv bard Ogtlng dnning theludian et- breaks. Jolnlng thse troQps OU "oei qccasionsansd remslulng vîtis tiset 'ihrougb c vînter compalti. AttOr leavlng Fort Smtiths ho Joiied a g«eor meut oxpeditlen te Doatis Valley., la soittierti Cailorula, sent out te nMA"s a geologiccilInvestigatlin. Desti Vai- loy la sai te ho the mont desolale wssts la titis country. The oxpeditlon uffered every Slnd ot privation for aine months, lu vblcb tîme colonel Frunsten teeS tise record efthtie blghoat tempersture ever mssured by aux govorument. vicis as 163 degreesl Fahrenheit. Returnlng trol tisa oPeditIOti, ho toot a Commission trelu lbe govemn- ment toexspIors Alasksaad fer tvo yes uho vauderod about Moeo. Atter a eversi menthe ho veut ta Mdezîco and Central AmeultB on a pa'l- vate venture, It holng bis ObjeCt!te Ont options ou land for cotes Pi&tat"& The prejeet needed mnore âluancll mP' port tisan ho <onu mecure le tise Wcat. .and for ahie he sii@.d lion

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