CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1899, p. 7

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toque s coas ; ib~ ache md ofan cejdizz>' Ihave no àpoeitie for breakfast à tIwbîtfd , test disressea me. 1 have a lieavy feeling la m> thmeb I iijtilt s. weakibî soeiliestremble and Mn mrs 5ae &Il umtflhg. am s eitn tpaeandthi b.I arn asliredb bm.aings ,ha des monfd eofssyu - you are sufferiag front Im- pure blood." Wbat la bit remdyP paicti hovcesif you aspec tise asartîela Io do Ia best vocb. mi Ayees' Pilla cure constipla- tien. W. have a bool on Palieneus aI Veabneas vhlch >ou m> bavefore 4 bS- oe m Oi,. * ed 0. 5._T1 siI ga 's ByM. ihm s4i ee i sii. CUt D".JUn ta ne 9TORMI IN TRE 801M GREAT HAVOC 18 WROUGI4T A TORNADO. ts.serotnsFs'alitCles Are SDer fien lMany BectIons-Farme L Waute by thse Destiroyler cdi Wrecked. A cycloae vhbeh surgit &coiapart neerrah Souill-ra States carl,' Sali aor-aiug recmlted tn serlonslosintflite Iecli-a,'cd propierhy valued ai million dlilars. At bindisunvils-. Tenu.,. ps-rsons vere killeil ad dozèeaof et &tîstaluet ien% bs Ijuries. The cesi- of John hitiser va. hluvii to plecci, body' liug tournid-600 tes-t vmy vitb besti tarat off b,'a sire fonce. Hi@ 4-J elti sou coi-a 1u'd. A dozen houses,.lu iag thens-v ai-boul building, nt Mail vIlle vs-ce Usd1, damageoi. A party la prugresa at Etivard Hocton's wbea il lv05 strutck antd demoliabed. YCaoivillo, irs. !l-luua bouge olovit. figbt-nitîg ber go, that che di a feutîminuîtes. 'Tie stîîitcaîne top villi larmllins delt-iem-ssaîmd auj cîlti eerytbiug lu its It usas aiconiliiied b, tise roair uo eltendint;cyelones. Frightenuh b uots ructheti for thteir ci-lar.s and plus aIel,', la the cotuntry' greal damage done lu or-chai-do and icaops b,'tht andti ait. Il ii ri-pîscîtdIbtnt Otirter ueltiî-s resultei-nluntl,'iîî rural diat Soil vaUiesl ai $1,000,000 vos u iwa,' btht- ahoi-sainlaWashingtom Ras.kitis coiltii'.. Most tuf thes- a issue reue thel -danger hue andicou r-laina, la oaddition t h Ie 1basof lit them ilî-iirii-tim, tinrofcidienre property bas bs--n reertîhartîc a-s-ce spt aîîd st,ii-k killetl. The a antI orkil aiillica hplant tuf J. H. Buiesoum-i damageti. toga-Iher vîîb îtî' coosti rhlaer,' il tositaini-t. Tise property a IMlanuleur-isib,' aluruInsu ainl believecu to Uc a hotal loia. Farners iii Loue ie.vlî Ils-ports fi-nt tilhier enst Tet pointu ar-e ho tise cff--t tisaI a henry sterw îircsailed asdti urss acosipali beui,'coins. Tise roaul itintoli toge te." in latha .i a-iîsio t it c,-rvauivî-i,'estiiaildtUaIt isti caspi-alsli tt e r-vis-lt fi-e-sze ai m-catIs-r. ill it-âauttantessof k ferre" la tisI eciili. A ter-rihi- si f i taldbail an nibla lit r-î,k ltisiui.AIs - uoti douisuge imandua theUs-laiataof0ou Tise oîgee iu-r ouit hUe- iugsitsu 1iiae-i-,mtavi it fet ihîgb. v rIe isYe vin-ss auannaislise'ren rlvtv. suas snapjied lils- a i-s-cii. î»uatinii-lu rirenlssuslndedq i-umnt ot deniage te buildingsancati er,'. At Starlette,.('o.. the roofs oet buitlings lire lhianiff sud cou hIe damage wit osneb,' ater. bertion. 4;&.. uhe ctort boau"vas damaacd and lthe ui.uv Epintcopsl ubîieb vas jut abolit î'oipiets-d.i tel,' dem.tuabi-d.'Gi-reat daînaget s-rt,' bas tstn reiiried. At Atlan nmeueailstiîî-a uitdîîss-e Io in rain fi-il. A ni-ri. %aia;killesi b: vtrc faluine oit hlin. Mein Is t ;ilo Valley. Thereba. ueun -a hi-ms-,'ramisf cip1al y souilt aundîl railfnthtiseiO exteuding tr'îu t-um-(wtUe Kî-utuck top tiiNIiigiîui. Vu V. Tuc oif <'brleistiwii. W.Vs..,laintis-e Tbs- ritveri-nt t mtitat let nier tf test. ubieb s-ilialu tise bigbe-at th-e". Th, t îotrite, la la ti Kansyha. buit tfeLclittle Easi Big Sauti,. tht- Lickina andtihie Kt rilaes are îxuts-iuuintatremeudoîl AI Cotletislîiii-. b,-re thm-ii enoies. iIl ta laghesbt îni,"nint anti reportIfs risîîmg six lucheto anh l'oint Pleasutm. it tht- nmuîîrislh sieha, il is tort'-(ioe tes-t ant io loches hourI,'. At Portsmuth iti .îght teet antdlr-îsîug r-aidy. At nuittihUe ruser is fort-ticght tes-ti - lng.tisai-le-ton. W. Vai.. in almon y iuci- su uter Fouir ted ofltv roiund's th, ('apîel. The Mayor i togi iisensha u- ibii'Oid a relief 1 andI art-il'i.ibuint: ii, san *ingiiiui tUesmfiia PMILLIONS PAIO TO THEA Mou.s- s-omsSpett ,' Argueront j ul f-- ii.liii mruil ibu WVlii-oneitiua:lk.i.îl$u.5i. haki-n iii >lUi lîi:mi.dîriuîg aire-nt lî iilijilimut-i Oii-liiii. ci Irlou boli. bt the-.t,,îuîi ofl a'- sii V-iti thi OS u Yrkjel'anger- dth ies liig Uep 1 igp i .i t rNiaT, I tesaoni u a!- ,,ini ri. u I f,- i tj'rn s- '11 r <iiu hti-duig hîpr s5J.-s1S-r-kt5.isii.isiO i ba e ilý1.1-i -re un f4tii 4oeset-u, hiieaîl fi h,iit5i5hitfai - - i T11-e flie-itiee alose Oeil »P the $COweh.<itues sudù gi-h uinthee'elin1iitCe sult eau lise iWores topIniichiat. U4 friENdCMTOWNOS IN i fnacre v ls-i iy te.Emie -Povtier Maasin. Th, Tienavai Poémîlî'imagazis- of L bran. la'tweeunLa Sias- aid Lý %.ti' deiilrtnucut of Viii-. southeto n v explodti itda,' îîîoruia. Mi lsol0diert; au dut,' ai tUe muas .f 49kliiet sud sutîslter of tahabila 0. Il sI;Uriý1iag district. tise ho 7_5 ahiebh m-ri- raxed. alan tell viti ) - t. drtses is-ers- rîîîver'. t. . Filty titauthtd kilogr-ammes t4 pouster ex1ialed. Itl los. a ë5 dettt sa,'s. as thîîugh a rulcainic bair-e ultliiii a radias oaIt =Uotuoî's dt'stro,'ed. Ires ouvertil A n p ~ WAY8 TO MAI<E MONET. ?»0 Arasament Wa« Coulortuellu. POPELEO TROCEN.Counsel for the defense Was addresà- Igomns Posif Bufrs fihMe ClysOs Con . . oathlaiduatri 1 Pocalbillîe ng a country Justice of the Pence of C Ma. o ____ f Puerto Dc.the Ioldochool." Said lie: av Pope Leo XIII. wîs tîk« a a.ny Ili Dalry farmille; l another openig *1 reauize that I stand In tl"- presen'ce Trnedîy maornîng and, deapite dentale, bis Rc m ed P-un o whlch bas a future. uotwithlatandlug of a deacenulat of the grand oli d kh io lm e £wm kb codtoaam osro s teau" R cm esPnrus. a tU te attendanlt drawbacks of a bot Pli- Huguenot famlly tient emfigratei frui bi pyi ilCtarbVctms tate.' no cold ajrings for cooling the France te escape f roni religions 111101- eiir3 the ,,t.4 cians. While givng audience e mein- iliL,ý and lu lit a liremiuu. Ir enteri-d erance. Many aille jurista have vspruni, Bignturef Ladbers of the diplomatie corps Lis bolinets blaon a miific.ienily large seale te war- lf-ont tbnt lamily and emb(-lligh,-d the___________________ o s e " t s t a k e n w l t b I r c h i l I. w h ic h w a x t h e r a th e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __of a n_ _ _ _ _ _ __hu r en_ _ar o f t h e u n o n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __fh e_ _it a n s .S firt aymptom of bis boing aeriously IAl. He traut tuein mnîlafleun of arge rplý ant, bencb aninre omt rottnlone ous-Qinais swooned, and it wasa slong ftime before tin rftrft.s tinglie a la e tnr and bworaes anr t-r ni s A Purins clause. taking one rlgbt be came to. The physicianssaid thît h.bglsof roft. A tlîîtge trhtidaytUe ee.andâges, nant-,are jsilafl n c rs o hblulest WB* suffering troue s severe fer- ,ale art,,mlked but once la twenty- ery hume, Th, lîîw Il 80 11111u1IIn Uak tffeolîrlîldaes, appeaa1l, ow rdrerimb ceoid. Ileiitcnîpermtnre vses@100.4 four bours. beloni- tayllght en"" mou-catte thlat lie who riuans nay relui.'hleesu nis falos tll s n, tend degreen, and be hald pain in the client of Iug. The nari ni olkuint e ht Ue lSa] iInaut thte Intelligenuce if Th i so letnt.Ilageprtof thean, nso of a rbeumattc character. The hbituel retU- î'oîîaîmer In a î'ry î.wlitours, or be coutibyreteratîîng aentpropositioanpat teg"o' three cence tient la obaervcd at the Vatican logt by souring. Tîh(' seliing prîce hîmîlle" Nel , îlOmer(-? , sages, lands, beredIltmaltlitp and Preto- wher. nmade il iifficuît ho deacribe the Popes Ilî-i.' "lm the village quiniaan, wbick condition with complete accuracy.ranges front i ejbt to lwelve cent' a Nu.' lnterruîuted the Judg.. 1-l tIgqntliototlut on i. hi. The knowlcdge tient the ilînes Of bis quart. ('renui smtînkulon tîîDot bircause, necessary l'I gl-e you a juIud.nutit' fortfie bouise. anud the purclaser muet ý#, big s~~~~~~a une of tîju' ariny olli-ur-. iut t.,"TUis couinsel mat down. while the' jsdge cvnn ekp h el fabxts th he -olines lieas scu-recauaed a flatter among diuPurocosenalki a ertntwt epai kokd h ibe rn ija the exalter] prelates. The holding ot a dm urolia îlks upo îaplheilalskokdl. "îsf atepatber'Ion aendgo th îciud- - neyer a lnrtl-l of irt':ti i-an rise,' but lits (coU pipe and comnsel for the tPlalu svnlj itin- nIttIs quintitîn (saii dison- beeciause il lm i-ver sîittlileatly Pool lu"* tiff began: te h e tlit' uîîî iyrviving speeimietilit y va. P rene lurisc. ('atine u.- t ter sella for Na,' It pieusea- Ithccouirt FEngla i îb j, idl ilke a square ft- homes from (10 cents te ti a j-uund. I)lu , "Squire, vîjat are you fhalo' tu dori" At gi-. îukIle"10s .i1 auombr of baie J.'Attlree nnd lire 1.ulid titis 'TiUs artIle. '1 al ai bctheJudge. mbthel uc po1 int the players blew çwuhlch delicale îpeuple abotitd n-ver lilhave te lusiug argiinuun na-ilance uvoii enter. Wl'ien @truck lit leinhave onalyzed, n as lîîîliort.-il 111 lSltt5i thi' repl,'. woeld swing rounid. and unlesthe play- gsd tu tlhe extent of :t6( Clîiii eullils. 'W'ell. YOtI JP s aswell set 'owDu e r were Ilnittie the 91sd anll agbang ou «pstd- Checat', aui, li-r (iutlli ' h% Prodl - I ,uloni- gut Iloy ai toI ot Ou lt('ii nilier the utljir (,tit of the cromstar Wotuld atitli . S B ON. B. M. Mcozo. the tnlk-farii. sneautuua ly lire osrteilte tii de. J iniaîcit for defenil:t it. swn g rouid aind i unment hin. Hec. 10 habit- lion. Myron H. McCord, ex-Governor the nînotnt of a 1111111o îand le a i:rI- a chlance sebliamlet a-ittu 111 tiese iMO& sers ofuif i, frîînî Waainaltrtoa D .la: pounds. Aille. iliere Iiîîîeun thlî- I Aftier th. coiles Pence... ern î1ay Of getliag hbach Inmbmediaev- and guod. palatalîle. lî:nd 1ri-sseid Dont cool off teo quickly aller bing ,lIn. Tîje osuner lias îîîly la don thO ewad 9G-itli-lnenAt the sugestion of I cheege, tout white. ltoi hi'-.uni'1tui() l1 lunnierhtteltrntm.the uo duyuu t ces- fru-ad 1I su a duiseîl teuse Pc ru-na tor tastîcis for the average' rorîigîiir, tîut wl neIIîe-d Sit lacoUs 01 to cire Lumu Icoitelils)rary eo-uoc il i Uequi -ashil 7 iî:go. %sylilcb sets la ver,' oflen afier tUe tala. and Inmagine tUat the Piock han tricto. ei arcl. ait sfter Icusne 0b'little t1lie- lurgtly conaîîîîltîY the nativema -oîi lrocu-sa. il relaxes tUe stiffeaed tiî'iî [ut lbrick. a fen- ceniturlc.-Went- ad gel ui, l iIbetter ini every usa,. It helped îaîries establilsîeti itlî proluer nrie sîc.îinîî' ~Zte onean inw ie cinu respgts. s 1e lvia*t bebtlg'-rntlng farillti-s. licar any of lt(i wih lbi culi, oe h-,atec ut'riomust lHae Permission. whas Do. tiheChltiien Dilut etneas .-ilaas 1 bâtd taken 3-,,1îr mdi, nIe 1 larger ton-ns. w-ll bcnîure Ilian ablero .-e lie 1 '~ igaiuiuriesdauî tvi.Ito cuîîip)ete Wltlî theie îtlods ln vogue.- hceues fronitllays canaut ie reftro Don,! isre theut te* or Coffe lua il thît ..talle- Ilcamare liei ecummninluiiysour grmât Creato. tri-aIlbutter and cheesle WaUIld iiî i ti'iiuts ilîriwtiitLU, oo tIed thel a dcieund rn cals ant I a rrh ýy eIl hi.Ieoared. ctdwthc-find a ready marke-t ut priies for th, lpermilssionu ut tiii 11:11 agnii"t ai-cord-!jusand toirles.hePlace Of els. TUI Bc nd arr.-.i. L 3cCod.presi.nt, at t iichhgher tUan lug tu a ret-u li--Isi,11 of ltheParis mare Ocamn-O yuu gise the childisi1 ta as. 'bisond 0f ace 0f hroac cîmeri thae l Amrlel. Court of Alîp-uls..Thelic teti-ao-s-a imore health you ditrihute througb sfrw y Mia- bat-e lcen Paredl by Pe-ru-nasduriaa the î'îîuîtry cuiltre. as IîPieIs tluday b'11' of'Sau lîî h ad vlesi prOperly orepared tentes MO y dot- possible conclave lias diliciea-d. eudte ibenhatwuuler, la spite of chaugeable ;aen-ts lu coupist uîalulyof brcî-dlug ae mgrottgbt tesyslisere, tema. egranOeu sdor of p. uts alas headgir o the oly ime- Pre nvaged.îfont,îî(ubnàzraidgnd aftlleent uholcee gradesoti oandcohaifreg but cu ndtm ayphoto lîrugna ni' ut t'> raîîo de Ber ihoat ata ui il rOera oI. le âness, es , ofp Lenî-ut anidm ts fo the a-s-aili te 0f sthe niîreaitcaganî-fgîic kgsa.rea bcbln- ttle o -lo CT OILE ta y anvsaleed.sfi-o incatpi-bing cucid.,and i-îîlcmclitthel iiteî it a pitind ati all îingîud L,2Ar.uýTYc . ____________________ hav m esses Pecc. Pope L.-i X IIRA.KisJ. vears 0 iij ci-utaireU. }ags areUtothc U d In ge5uC Os waClTofatraoo Train ihe O tters nidbrAnagni. ltaI,'. The Psceti fAmil,' basliecsnPurci. But 00w sprint a bere. Tht' ula rs srauglng front 30 to 54) cents a se-ner rîtner of the ,aiat Yut t. aij.ettiandputv fîur te Iîngs-u-ty oftils ment- are lîtiger. the %ana in marnser. ani thbe dozeti determinehi largely' isytise age Dusimulas-sa la lb y . Ct, a oîslLanl, Tnenloustrie h in Idans- remarkaiile Thhe,8 ca(c' iUe atmae etilelandipul a l cou- bers. <One out he hPla-rother. lived te lblizzarud iaRosue for auther yeor. pb'rhis wIb eoe pi- sthalofOE ss.-Iil. sait Olt5Ld IAs ul iiacollar round tUe thrnuat. The ilt(Il? crea- orrentsie h.1Uand another in be M-. pri-i's a mach mure îmuîrnitelio u of hthenlrîln lb eue. pan tjt.s ('&m@OfIjECstIirhDDOLat e W toere ucli n ttefuube o ay e adtenbd At tbe agle of 18 tise ri-smnt Pope WB vas dmndl uit,' ler-the permanent cure ut chronir va- fulI,' overrîPe in forty belgt ture ilud-r> 5mîALL CTARR uII Cu&ttMi.'mitr bnnte lhaei uhingfor dats ta. 1,00t.set eu bs lis-t rahi lstph ho the teril, especiail,'auoi, stubbtorn caaes. Now lu-oh muttnenIs lm->sintea dI'IAiK .J. cHaux-g. getetan lu Jeait isslege at viles-be. In 124 he en- is the finie ho beain treutoeni. Otherîthe tmarketaud It la an easy malete a argtcti olst a mf e mltbsribeýD. res gîvs uptheylntudau, sud fiait cap-h ed igt teredthie sihoulsetfbe Roman college. thinga beiug etiual. une- nini'g treahLutlit kpep sbcep fat anti lungoot condition. ei~.ti Lxdy A . >oWii. A.. . tbrînal ît akmI U la lc 8geat lie brgamais esildes ne tht-ologylm 182S inth le aprFna la wortb tu-utrujniha' tri-at VcsiIgrowlug notli not lue a aucceas, { aBAL N..oFayPubli. hrs c livre. sud vanuriairped priesu bin Decemlier, meuhtilurînit tbe nirlentî u-atcr utf nî1-s; haîriltholiecoases fashionable , stainIte-i at ca Piso@ Cure for Consnmuitioii l8 tho ho ice tele- 1837. Aft-rdi.tiuiguishieg haci a ntr. Ini t o unaPc c.ii-na. foras theî pre ai vo un ute aflIrs ca onth i-ch edarn Yrre fD falcog ueL-GoreW oà ' ch car- ,srim ous1, bc "emaimde aRcardinal andI Thece are no ucee mue< iîîesoc lPOtt lîîyso ti-5 noa lcelîontt bnitadmteasutcoo ts.nh ogbcra---.eti .Lts a mêd. Rnd a r. larman C- gal.judin bybisbritlng ORCeia Hnlais.TOfree. O. acher, La., Ans. 211, 18M1 ýnes... at the titue of 1P18s IXja -tU .an .,tIisdt r.cet a.C-Fat.udlgb .I rlhîgcut ys t.liidtc eloott5&O.I.Tld.0 Sevralmebag. hvig te mnaeuct u tse Uas Oso.tocafres- catarcis hook. pork. ta thesamunt of nearl,' 10.000.- SWSotd by, rug»t.s. -.5c. Several meTlingo.baving the manageent of the hmab"s _bI_ for a Ottopopnda. la inually imorteti UyFoa eybdoieml1bewz mtachin- Pope Pins diet F-h. 7, 187.,andi FeU. (lae unuthe us-dur. Puertu Rieo, sud Ioa sAmetma-bl, n-litofsarser l IaIgs e- aieIntui Poura e eadilîl I akem 18 Cardinal leu-ci vas uhos'n is ne- 'Ue little daughher ut a local îlerg,'- ehasetifront thUhnlted rSlates. The AGrmn p oressr, n gthen ils W a se bb ati be rs.mdlYcPrt ceveral cesaur. lie took the ime et Léo XIII. man bas regbedth te age wliere big ralsing ut bogs ID Ilarge numbers perienea an uexplrrl U itsslbacl rs.Kc vr'pr areidlers-unut frespset btebt-ememr,' of Lt-o XI.. warilare aît tehofluor lier. and where wment,. oige th, e a doubtle fpcrn-,ton ra aIntls,'aat ue bea poau- vrewtb is sav r At i l-for whoinlie bad a particuaii -v-teratjin. ele la ver, sensitive to tîje remarka uo en.oufa atUel resbt o. lnaareatliosetla n mra, ofoemais La badilyan eider brother, oeg uieilmuc uatlnte on-t Chai-ch. GERMAN SHIPS WITHDRAW. \Ot long ago ale came rtinning taeIter taian rg there%,pou wh toat i e rmogdn- enbestoellespecll 'nt o . wa0 ti-Çi asrPhsEd hair father. ho grawie fat. Tbe lotilgenatla animal la Attention i., called ta J. J. Gregory& oemet tmPO lKas- . CI..h Endte A ase "t.Papa, papa. George called me an extrinul,'1sor speCimenut Ofs d,0 seai snhs eîaa =eTrtoei5.eS ssta ateitscosmta R. ches of The tierman Governis-t bas set t "aue"""razor-Uaek spcv'Is-5.ysufernggivs om ,y a lire test offetuali,' tUe ruainrs otfapur-pose *'ý'%y, w bat dit il esorgi 'e sas ue" Corn lIn crqle 'andsih-Priceti. ansi he bus'lyueungmnh, ufrn ie oe on bs part. diren-It,'or ndiectî l o n- "O, ai U hti I luih.astrng annutteec raiseti wllh mucb succes on l.bna * barrais the United States ia the Philip- expresooui digguat, 'lie subili lîrîjethe northera hait orthle Island, en ac.s- How hopelessathe future appears, ilonthaafter itiofltkt il. pila- pne Isltad@. and hall amen a signal man- iceti wbat h preacbesi. Iiloa't. do t ?' courtutftise quantit,' or raire. The theo siege with menatrual pain!1 lie river, ifi-shaion (îif saddélre tu prutnoti- the mont "W'ell, uy chîlti. 1-" landsaouthte drier toumbera partions of Comparatively few women understand that excessive pain rk, river cordial relations l-tai-enGermany nd' a --But I1mont. dei. papa? 1 dont an,'hU lt nt aeOaabe tproducing ncte iUhsbo mrn n -thirds tUe Uited ttes b,' urdîrîng the vish- mare tha o 'u do, do Il' ver,' Pi->.eatcorn.thottgh iltrIng ex- aciiona derangement of the .r elher. il-aisaI of ail ses-seli-uuf ils nauy fruo Anti theu tUe reitar euked i). But t.,Ibtlon:qlly wet s-aionasîîlamapt tuetma- D S O O D 1 fmnn ugri art' n.I'iirttiit-vaer aui liin Ie ire etook à alaf lieur frain is sermn t ure tutu, antd Uc Injur-etib,' canker A million women have beeu record end rutuirtv uf t isaubjecis Iliere undev xlie h énn fteo- n ut h alr fcr rp ie Grceatthbe proecilon ut the UmitetiStates Go,- ansi xpaledtie ealn a te IMmm msI Te aîur e cr- c-oa Od eha, the e entinuxioua expression l Io te t aI lofîls In certain yencrs ls;matle apptarent b,' ENhlped Ofby Mn. Say. ientucki Tîe sesiot. tilkea laregaruls-i n Wasb- atbilit,'. Cleveiaud llon fDealer. thUe variable Importation ofibtissgrain.,httoo lcnay s flonds. ialion as a mastler- truke in difflnitc,,l,'l WoerUe len uo-la- chssomreinîes rlses e as UgUas 20.- MRs. LîzzîxCOLEMAN,. ut Wylaad. N. Y., wites: ýg Sandy hs-bmmb yl liereaî,îed i1,uîýsiImllit,' ut a I tO u4es n alqi nte er e-Ei R.PNHU rryas ufrdwt an boc.A fe t ls er- n ati aonanuiîîle sun- A hiogw-inter mlii- tedteitîe omt- oufitil hh tUa amaunt. Last year tUe menstruation and falling of wamb. The bearing-doW u ea te Kaa- ta @lthe awoilil. antid uîiiiai'tu an, aille. nerrous. anti otten cuotiani! mamp. Islan! ci-up was ver proislng. and iIn in my back anad billesvere dreadful. 1co dnot sta bingsixAmeicaîs ihueoîrtaîîc au aup.-If ,'uu have lierslilnîng. ontatîngftest oc the Yaîîco andi Mayagtiez distu-ltaL- more than f&ve minutes a iew la tonty-clona ut itiiishsr- d". igos îy Geri-iany. outfthIltsc, hi-y Alen% FouI Ease.Il eral thousanti acres outIis ceroal vwtve But thanks 10 Lydia E. Pinkham .aVga 't Cincia- the' wmli sud hurpuos-nIof tue G(jian Plu- uvrns sud resta thle teet auitimaltestea lest bUla. hsual,' berîng two table Componnd. my aîxlierings are noV a nd r-s- pire ho cultuutle the frîendîhlîpofltUe vitlkinlI easy. Cures su-ullen and large i-ai-a hte h alk. Wbile tise local a thing of the past. 1 shall gladi est cati-s-- Uuied ftîah-s.Bs-it (ii-nmuay i once sweting feet. blisters anti(calIons dOots. prit-c of cor-n le blgh. rangig trout 8<) recommend your medicinea te aU rae" cor- places thet-protectioun otail lUer-large n- telieves corna ant i Uîlona of ailpain ,t;t mcueabse.i aDta ati lt'd- ereita le thp ' îaods alinomt completel,'and lha acertain cur.-for chibilantiu centsrtabl5 enhat a tb uabl t l ut aIed tation, n AmPicîcu a bol-. -frost bites. 'Fr, Il ho-day. Sbld b,'ait ail poWittelethat la D. MORureSw3h fnienda. lad cloth- druggimscandi sboe stores fonr e. riai open market@. Islandi rm cati coupete SaeC.BsD.nMass., 3 Loitsb GETS ISLANOS tiY IWO VOTES, package mailîti FREE. Atidresa Ailes wIth the AIn,rIcan produet. Tise bene- Sur.Bso.Ms. nls S. Oluisteti. Le Roa, .N. Y. fila. thierilore. su-i accrue to AmerîcnDA R.P-iAm 1hv ctona- Content ila spanisisSeest. an i-a1srters af inaîxe.-Iharpei'c Weekly. been naiag Lydia E. Pinkham*o- 7ATERS. Celiviu tise Philippian". (hines. ttdts- Despiceti . Vegetable Compound and il ha, The' hpaiitlî i s--ruient hall a narr-uw Soldiers are desîtiseti ha China. Tise,' Without Knevins li. helped me wonderfully. I waa irat Loycvi- front iif-a inucthe- o-ua, n tUe hilong t-lieft-f,'h liei',î-îîlle clause-i. Tlîe WIlie sîttina ln a draft, wltbuut Ujilautiori-îzii;tUth-isniif tiilipiiies tGermuait ouleers etig:ged soin, tue knowlng il m-c ma, bscame sors- sud tobe ihhaahbcah lin- the e b hlCU'nitedui lijlis. TUe bllI ssii, agis lu,'the ('Iinesi- goverlilneut ond sif trou cult. Wefteed snretiens andI anti thal weak and tired feeling. 1 iid b,' theUelUz-i"-llihrougîi'ti tmimnjîrihy if hal. tUaI Ilîir i'saImportauuniuhhta-k as te stUriafs-aiah g-eallfer using St. Jacoba canaut aay eaough ini prase ouf your isemenis. Shum.- f tilt-imiîu'uîlrs. iitIuidîg Cen.On ad keng he m icefrtsoeeouc )a beng NWeI-vr. aisîaineî'îl r-n ,tiîi . îîouir-il lis te suliliens ownnfeelings 01 a-l'kolgmhu eîîeoîhsoeeouh's gthé' cor-- Sagustut. tt heîr utc itue Senais-. that tht" uste a lossir orter of bcbngs PIrince of Walec Ha* No Ps-sr. gooti. I shal! recommend il toi al ieng the ofi-r-id bis réigation rioutti pr-u-uiîr-.ip thau otber Chinanii'n. Infilie gerile art ut cîîanging eloîlîts my friends vho auNfer.' ibte sea- teihrlUi- iei-n Iege-im. asndîî in,' lut the l'rince of Wsaless i- robabl it> wllîDespondeacy is a dis- ilty ihi- tiheIb maie tiitsethé inéiiiîlif t bs van- oîîly OnesSinus- resîtion. ont a ple-r. Anjîtus otîler iinga hîla oas-. Nervousncas and 'Y« a New lisr! TUee ofi ilut hmccabint l c FeUruar>- 1866il,wans ln une vii,'ltheryai igbniss ha twî ipnues. us-h snappishneas corne with fors-a ar-e it hoehtîe Si-iate vtuig t(, c-eccthe nmoat uviirful uîuîth lnuftUe vorîda tdukes. tva.fii-Id nuau'bala. ai Parl. a i. Wl oe o' id tu the- aîîeadirunis t h illii îediîîx ihe lîhil- histor>'. It bati no fullImon. Jannuyarr' onm.egbt kilglils. a greut steusarul . overco powit. The ti- ' rioul ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i fiui'iiîclIast h iiel> hall ts fulmuns and! au isti liarcis. a grandl îiaster a colonsel o uigiarils ,' ofogae re co- , vpaidta0erumeht.___________ abe tate ut thînga bas neuer happen- mirai. a higtshander. a Trînil,' lrotlter. Uctebinerand ai ats sOoonsot 8e ed leture sînce the ct ir e asite t0hbe a bsrrlahcu-. a bencher anti an ifglisis apohina:ý1A &(of9 - ofIthe body. These organe musa b elthy or the minsila Tttii51 '" ~ 3fJ"' creatlon. genhleani. Anti hi- acars the costume 5.0H10 L~<Yîil M Atend teflaise.. and tUs- oreil-of1them ail.flot healthy. ~ao ~~s-v./~ifl~?'e Attend lu bsies ia aaAlI low-splited or suffcuing vomen may write tuMmMn nk< 400 eu . ~ ¶~oF straigist tu Wark lu cure Neuralgi Uv Lianes@ Fa"asi bdicine bain at Lynu. Masls., andi receive her asivice tue. of dar. autieuu lUe use ut St. JacoUs 011. anti asues Moies theb hws-l. oaobday. la re e Dont wait until your 111. la wrecked billeneglect and aIFsd 3WQ0lime anti none,' anti geta out of hIser,' ta ih. bealtis,' Iis là necesar,. Acta Gel advice in lime. m àu.i. . .s.i ".,. .11 lattrt mt e serad kidneys. Ourm.____________________ tol mnut sih,'briua RUINS. fLa Gos- T'ulnImai ru iran.., Raine ver-e auto e t he ildingai mge. sixly a et back cors-spon- ce Prutiho f avepi ai- mcd sud id cover-ni lack demil. jolis. One cl in the sey tn îcen il snd the oilrcal Uc bh it vas i gso terrufic ll. h-'ru- les eacap- le eplosuion ilositIon in ida orange recelît col- ggeratesi. ,heina esue lic ighvsj rge ta rut gave au-mo os Ihem ii oser.. vb Spiauiaule Gea. Ganusz bas cansi-tted le Us- mark- ed duva tIW per ceai for- cash. The big prise ftghters are still in tise converationaa stae sul tise Lame, Geu. Egasterniof ut îapeose bacati- s-si aud his terrias u aemugum b egumn. The Amerco, troupse luk iCaloocîn vîlU case. R11e tIe\ MQUuuuoe t imu an- olberimater. Agoucilia tole tronm ILahigtotu. but eap ho date-ts unt kuowamlit e look au,- ething but bis depaztunu. 3 Thes-New York authoritiem haçe ai last Fegtntiiahsd the tact that Mirm.Ads.uw was puisoueti. S a sieatode-mi. Cuniticrahie progressain reports-sin thlie Fitzsiimmons-SUur-key imbrogli.Fitz bas ingageti suother typea rier. Aller ceading bis lois-st proclamiation ons- is fur-eti tu admit lImait]Ir. Agunaldlo dossut ight asnm-cl ais Uc lrocaints. - Tisire la a decidet imipression ta thse " s-fsct thâst ,'oîîag r. Aguinaldo silI sous " retir-e fnui the George Washingtohiînre. t- Il sorne of tUhe Fîlipinos reall,' fought e vilsh ows oantiorrossa, iait, uttUe bicy- .. iu bine doubi les-i Imutiantirruv escape,. a Nos.-Neuw Vu-l. bas lu-i-tu si,-d luilugaI- izi'- them' si le of hrse' Mil lur fit- Andi -tsuis the auutomobhîi eo' îîu-ie-su o. TUaI r-eginuî-ît su lîîî hs onii îtsay f>tu a Fort Sterlinmg ta Iîîlîî îîil tu lut-Ilwu-t' n searly' the suleniugi h of t uc t eruluuue- ter. TUer-e -. a gecat fuI uniftr- Cul. Vj,-tir- s 1). I uluic'.hlIte îr-'s ut 111, lanlîlIuit ilu of id Maunda, if Lbu esiope Uî-ng Iliou- lbcd. ýd At ast reports set-r,' building ia Chl- y cago bUt--aroUît-t cii-opt polîiicatien- nquarters. anti tisepeope bai ot iveu op hope of that. nA Maine ma cairosh.caua make pailer ,d ot ot thevals-c aofte Audroscogata il river. if lie cari do that ise vaitauiedu, u@ maté pavîni stoes oui 0f Oillgo rIvet a ,wasr. %VUen Cul. Warlng wnaoed tUe ap- tr. saNusn al ftUe Aretic a r F c a n tA pOîntien2t for yleinng tht' NiWr-w ire.EaNken eo strecta Uc a-as jakin,' b tld b,' thosî' laexplorer. la a singler of smner-iwItan iA auhrtyUa jeave t' if hIcoulnt brna4tve coîutty andtt as a protes- An U ntidv Mouse. elanb'mlioceîtr' I eau do ît in 'louai. Slnuie lier husbatîtibiearnc rîcis J c'au moniait W'ri. sîtrougis bis book andti hsstocturîesseU s onth," sai WariUio. eîreiret rout tht'concert otnge.Us Cougllua Le&a@teCnenptn Kempa4 Ba"wlsavli top thse cough et Chictago Grs-at Western mi aereace.___ once. go te your druggisb to-day sud set Tisee rciig oruliago Great WesternA 'Mff a aanple hettis- free.,Solti ia 25 anti 50 iatuv,' 'ipli Lest Route." for Ithe m ceai boules. Go ci once; tielaya aredia- 'iraâtlUi-seus-e-La of Februar.I-,' S ,Al ýPL'O serons. au îuî-reass-of $336i18.44. Total mer-cs. A European statisticien bas dîscos,- aIe sgineiusg utftiecalyear qual,1) te date- L'3.= . Absstifolly illuatrted p&préls blondes marri. whlIl-é 9 let* cent, ut A aîîîamîla iqa'nyOperfectly sure ~I I Th on Blain i uaaily lai. their- brisa-s-Cle aie-ut-aengage lu Matrl- illt ahi- Ilu ntise r-igt utili t Cames eohand ngi t ainic abot ittfat@>s mon'. ______________ o lîîking lier opiniona ibtismiane,' usaI0 tise Miasnppi ]Rivet. Plemm To Cnre- s CoIi.lU tn. Dar tlî,'ago Newa,. o f aul esof fam aseakmAs&ou&.i- Iake Laxative BroSweQuliieTabletsa Alu11 ~W Usouci andi Nebraska. Poeousal- drouiste cfund thsemnî' yif Ilt ala toncure P CaW¶5s5.siaa rsti sc sOdbae b v alSibs, aalea front lbe EstlyearsNsp. The banmbangf Mc. Tise gemaine bas I.. 1h. Qun Paolis Ilet. fka.TamSa.. itua5 nSudaie.z5,censiafor a year's subscripiion ta 'HIS CfflN DUT. Il ts preti,' veil kueva nowadays An enter-prsl in aicycle matn- tisaI Il la nai sate ho est otan,' puaci facturera ln Paria are perfectîng vbat T"I.kof tW fiS. hm't ut. btoabà A mlou TouYw@m plus on cherr,' keniela ai One, tise, terni a gaz bicycle. I___________________________________ Wl-AT ALARASTI14E l. WI-AT tKALSOMI1NES AÀRE. CHURCUES AND CI400LHiOUSES REIECT TUE juT às5I 8cooD.'. AI-lsne sIo theoriglinast sudol,'durablte Kalsoals e rciea,' astitemporàr,' pr-e- The Ienr- voilasoflt-iuuchs-s. aehosl Tise-de-ais-r shotelba Yom Ihal ha et@ * s--Icoul îug an the aiur-kst. It la e.tir-sl,'arattatta, maut acet I-oua uhitlnï..hassaaisaI publilehalls msituai e-ser bS 1yoa bie se ine'U i r m' an labisau av d týe-col tr amail kaissos-epceparatîaas. ceiks. laye, ete. TUe- ar-e stock an ther ruaird itU ssythhhigbui uhe durable at and cthlst as11.goed. aetIer te tset 9PM&î AIniustlitîe 1smatis-res-ailforlaas. la white or valis ultU dea,'Ing aniumal gise.Alaba-pore Alshasîlar. Suos-suds-at bas ItisfotcPd o r r-lug tudes-it uftOeig boslr e uaisUitist» b,' the additionof nfie lo set a kaisoin-. il lea arock-Uicae-oms, tltt hundretisof orus maar-e ns- se sea sthtgnle bas bougisi s-bnp and Wglesi raid cale. It ià put up la dry pavdered eNflent, s-hicS arts. und Ih bardens. tiss&e. tîseasesfot -is worîr a eg îîis e m4al,' te t1 n Iaitieli effme st504 ost tom l so-pssl ackgc. tlhfai l-Il caui h. ce-coalesl ad ce-dor-airsi ithosi o 1tdrasIslalo.Xv. yeu. Seulre of ail noec MbIMM 01111 les-on ouery package. ltgalbes the sv sablaabsd srape ofe l nsil5a. eyeuw S.t uldcaasulius Ionorhh si e plare cf caliai kslsamuus. vaîl paper asndiemmre t a largo foor-poonti pcae etrilI ber-or drugiatfor caurit o uamesa by 8a4à s aiU t point fer calta. Alabuae eae h. ssed en iglekaîsemî»sesd toealccera fai, furC tfost r frte eopy et aui =pe, SottseCe. ou.a clt e1~s latr.Isrle., vuetior casaia ad m chili pos ais si sereti me cusonsrtas le 5sràaaostl&e ri, te Aisilqallns Ce.. mai vau oessCl àR,- ii mia l s poeai pasSage- lapii. micS. 5051f. a

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