CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Mar 1899, p. 8

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-M M M Read This! 1 have just received a new lot of Dreis O oods, Ready-made Wrap- pers. Ribbons, Etc. which 1 would beé pleased to show you. 1 also have a new stock of Hood's Rubber Goods, which are Guaranteed to Uive satisfaction. Next week 1 wili have a new lot of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, which 1 Invite you to inspect before buying else- where. I carry a good line of Shirts, Jackets and Overails, and a good stock of G rocs ries. Please cati and get prices. Yours for business. F. L. Westerman, (SrCCESOao L. nLi. LITCHFTELD. - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF (IRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS,. SEEDS Èrc, Au-LSO Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernenti WE SELL THE WEBE3R WAGON, .WHEN YOU WANT Suggies or Farming Implements. CALI. ON WR=IGHT & SON, - - - - Illinois* ~..uaummmUaUmUBU~UUBiU~~ VSWULY INTR OCSPLESAL VHS~ ~ ~~L PUAD55VCRRN ERAiVU kb.dly CQu a"d as a Famiiiy Paper le Whh,.ut i P. 7»e itertureof i lumas tla equleVta t iof the besi laame ___ gis... 11i5lgfoptieg fa 0the chif- dr as wel as il carretà... &Ww il à luga to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD andti'vis its readtersthse be antIablems0 db.màmialquadoraocf tb day,it isinistl i3ytathy .1 id& Idas and apiraticý.' of stentpeople j dbea kàsalum andI palis frarr tbe Western sttitdpo"l*li S01W-PUISE ORE DOLLA3R E Y LOO -- ~f *l U>SITUA Y EDITIONS O TUI W WUCEAI E BLSY 0F TM11 KIND. P etsf ly by tu1ait..... 4.00 per t'a ?v.etim attat' b uait . 2 00 P- ye.r g i Watches Around the County. C0N6eV»ATIONAL COb8--Sudit m vieil UN . m. Mad tm sP. m. PuTrer meeting Wueday" eveainies. y. P. a. C. I. mcc ludi evninsa 5:8.JuniorV.]L DIÂM0UD Camp No. ait., IL W. A. mcci arm sud third lulurdut' eveanmu01f @ab montât. D. Garra. y C. o0.0o. . No. jns. meet soeond a.nd tourth WUILL'EZOOE. N . 0mwb. A. Our. Seat'. I0.0G. T. meci Thuisdat' evenlngs or ach vsek. LmumimaEiticai. 0. T. JOHN G. BAGAN Pou G. LA. E.mtc gaturdat' aibi aon or before fuil moon. 1. L aaaom. oùmdr. 0 E CEUZOEXLt. Adýt. mail galng south ... 5 ..:04IL M. 9:2P. M. il in4 mrth................ Io.. a. Mil over lad by stage arrve, ai 10i.m departsat aiiar. ROCKEFELL". 8CHOOL UOTEI. The o"aslunLiterature bave oin- pleted tbe atudy af **Griy'à Elegy wrIitnlu i OoonDt7 Church Yard" and are nov aug a Ihorougb atudy o1 -Che Corters Sturday Nghti" by Burnts. The achool entertiinment held bore 1&»t flday evening wva igrand succea deapile th prev..lUng baid weither and muddy reids. A large cravd viapremeut snd judglug iroin thea pplinse itamy be nid that they tbaroughly enjoyed themaclyca. The proceeda yul be used for various arlicles o!improvernu. Hurrah' for Rockefeller! LAKE VILLA. Fred Hanllu baho a trip tu te city Biturday la viait Moneudj Wiil Fizpatrick la ou th alck liai Haisuansd Duu nved vood lu te vlclnlty of Gages i&ke tisa eek. lir. Fred Webster and sou Keuuttt, Fart Wayue, Ind., are vlitlug vitit lira. Wester. The dance given by tise Boy' Club ltaiFridiy nlgbt vas volt atlended sud uetlcd te club quite a dum. Charles aMrte ansd vile mared davn hore tram Silver Lise liat yack. Hie la ut prisent occupying part of Jaa. Leanrdu hous. He hbaInuber on Ibe ground for a Dow residence. Huilin à Bons bave lte cotract. Wha.l might bave heau a seriona lire vas alopped hy lb. promptmailnce ai vorkmen on liarki houslaitMou- day vhon Thos. Graten bouseeacigitt r. on Ihm roofftroaschlmnncy. It vas topped befar a sy serions damuage vas doue. The Royal Nelgisors othIbi place are lucreasinluau alarirng mauner. acelng Ibere ae '-nthing but wvainl Ibe lodge.'Tbhey itaveweuty-Iisree uev menhirs nov 10tu a inuasd mri comulug. Tbcy are ta, have s chicisen pis supper Weduesday crenng Maicit 15, In vblch lte Woodrnnloin. WARREN. Chi.and Floyd Wihnr vere Chi- caga viailors lunt Siturday. 11o7d Monroe and Nosmin Brovn vere ln thse ity lasi Tuesday. lira.Henry Wiibnr, Who bau beau on the olck lBat, la some botter,, viare glad ta, report. J. L. Svayer, aur supervisor, le ai- bonding the meeting aofte Couuty Board tEla veek. liendimes Deunin, Chas. Wlbuz and 0. B. Wbltanorc vere Waukc- gin vilors and attcnded the W. C. T. U. convention ast Tuesday. GO.9biu ber bas returued fram Caifiornie not, very favorably lin- pressed vusibhte property lhe tiked 0f trading tor-too f airain Ochaubers. The entertainment given ai Orange Biail t P rIday ulght for the binei o9 thei singatck aciool vafine, but not vcry wiii îiteuded ou accouut of te luatement veather. Before the dlsovory of One Minute Cangis Cure, miniters "er greliy diaturbed by coughlng caugregatiana, No excuse tar it nov. P. B. Lovaz.u; Libertyvillte; J. Bl. Baàaîuuouruci. Laris H. LITCUEFIELD), Rocheteller. ROLLI NS. M'illie Darby wass in <'ticigo mai week. Chas. Ttounos was flt tiIs vilnlty receutly. Lors Cremin sud fatiter ivere lit Chicago liai veek. lira. Jane Converse bais toen very ill but la iiuprovlng. Mirs. Ben BSmit vas oui exerclalng ber boras lest Sunday. lira. M. Stroink sud son Fred wore iu thte clty lent veek. Vi Amnsvlsltcd Mary Huok Fridiy, SatuLrday aud Snnday. lilas Hatie Witon assted lira. Fred Buckerlesat veek. Henry Edvsrde and Lincoln Lui3k vere lu Chicago laat veek. tir. W. Wiltuiugton sud nisu are dravlug itay Itom Huckera faim. 050. Crltteu tormerly of Mouaville la addtdo ntht eii hippera of thia place. lira. Lincolnu Luah bas boeu very 111 the pâaI veeh but la some vitat botter ail preseut. lieas Anule Wltou bau been auiat- iug etlira. Jamues Elesbiry's durlug ber aickusas. We are bavlng some ruai ulce veather at prisent, but tbe roaids are nome vbmi bad. Miary Book, Ani Doolitle, liaude Edvards sud VI Amos viated aI lilunie Drurys Bunday. Beu Cocaman bas movcd on C. Cableas tarin, James labeter bas rnoved up ta Autiocit ou the place of lira. Ilaiden, Fred fluciser bausrnoved up ta the place ot James Itibobter, Geo. C irltteu bau moved ou Hucera place. FOX LAKE. tir. A. Kirvtn vas s Chicagoo vttotor Why ual jalu the MIytlc W orkrs' Hou. George W ile watt a Fox Like J. Baner moved otate Wragg fan caller Titnraday. ast veek. Gînr Eugcue ovuaend, of Fort Hilil, vast F. Thomas, of! ve as ounotr ou our trecta ou Tituradsy. .ui. -eMrle'- ouCI- tMnuitina, vtit aireels Tucadat'. Mir@. lianlau la viaîtlug relatives tere ai preseut vnitlng. C. E. Jeuslu inouneutftce liîliftsof tis tom oto court. lIra. Amty Smnit lo reporleol very loy st thîs vrltiug. H. L. Prebm, of Lake Zurich, vas on ont alreets Vneaday. Dr. Hove enteriaineol a friend over S Bbday stilesot Cottage. J. IB. Turubull mnd E. W. Brooks are on tite poit jury ibis berma. J. N, Freund expocté 10 bauid ont lis lai ou Milîl treet thla apriug. lits. Nichoasaud daugitier, of Cary, iaied au tricuda In tilaplace itunday. lialm ace Hill1 apeu' a few days vltb relatives in Chicago eccnlly. Mir. C. Mieyer, aiflMaine, la viiting relativea lu ihis place aI preacnt vritlu<. litsud lira. Bangs, of lova, are rWilng relatIves and frîcuds lu IbIs Mri. latheva aur uen butcher moved tram Biugvood tub R. Harrison'@ houas letaI eci. - j A fun Hue o! carpetasmpleamals AND 7 n ~ -rocslived aIM. W. Hughes. Cal asud C 1 c k%. u h n We seil Jewelry, Watches andt Clocks, at Dry Goods profits. à For exampie: We offer Dueber Gold Filed Cases, warranted for 20 years, fitted with Elgin 17 J*éwil Movements, for ............... ......S$24. And make anagreement to cdean and oil the movement without charge, once each year, durlng the five years immediateiy succeeding the date of purchase, and to replace thé main sprIng frecf charge if it shouid break with- ln on. year f rom date of purchase. This le not the only item we <ell cheap for adver- t1inrpurposes. Our entire show cases are fiiled w»t just as good bargains. warranted Watches at 04.50 08.00 $1000 $13.00 $15.00 $20.00 WATERBURY CLOCKS..- El0esant designs--run eight days, with Cathedral or Gengtrike. and alarm,. warranted one year, Jew- Swili i olitely ask you $5.00 Our onice $4.00 &Bro., Fox Lake trieuda Suulday. Mir. Walter Atweli, of Avon ('enter, was on ur atreets Sîturday. ias Emma Simea vas a Saturdsy cailer at Fox Lake sud also il Lake Vilta. iasElle Situes, ut Digtito snd tMr. Reid. of lRichmond, wcre Fox Lake vialtors on Ssturday. Mir. C. t>oolitle, oi Avon Ceuter, aiwed nood for Mir. Wino. Camtho ie loge part oftte veek. MIrsud dlra. Harrison (Gilbert sud lisas Evi Culver, of Fort Hlli, vimiled Fox Lake frienda Itumday. lias Ida Berenson died ut ttc tome o! bier parents at Fort Hill, Il]., un Sundsy morning tiarch 5, 1899, alter a long snd paînfuilillucas§. The raorrowlng relatives lbave lthe ympatity of0 teir mauy frieutisluthis o-om- mutolty. jJ. Siteer, Sedatia. lin., condactor on %clectic street carhUne, nniica Itît isi 11111e danghier vas very Ion vith croup, sud ber fiflc aaved ater al pityalana bad taiicd, only by ualug One liute Cougb Cure. F. B. Lovait., Lîberlyvîlle, J. R B. lACHas, Ouruc0, Lot-ts H. LITCHPtELD, itockefeller. a" them.GAGES LAKE. J. E. Olynci lsa king arrantgements Ncle Bond, of Elgn, tevisiting vltb ta more Chicago ta vhere ha il engage bcr pareula hors. lu lsd butter hbusinesa. Caine Chard, of Chicago, @peuittce Duano Smitht returued liet veeh preseut vesk ai home. tram Chicago vbare ho bas boeuenm- W. H. Havthorne mored auto ttc ployed te puti fan monthe. farm ho roeutly hougbl. Mir. and lira. Scot Sncll moved tram Tiesafnyder wbo bave al Waukasu ltai eek. i bey ocaupy been slck are atovty lrnproriug. part a!flira. ites hous. George Day sud George Ferry @pcut J. W. Glberit adth ie otd barn ounllut Wedueaday ei Arington Helgitta. the Cotegrove place tarn down Tocs- The Ladies' AId Society wilI mccl day. Ise&te Improvemncul go. on. ai the cburch Thuraday atternoon Mr. and Mlir a ndveer, af Soutit larct 16. Daksota, ver. calted boere by te sriona George Adamn rcturned home lut itiums a! the latera motter lin. A. Vburadmy atter a veeka riait vitit suith. fnîcuda bere. The Wauconda abhool vîi gîve a&lira. Wltlam Sitermnu, ai Waukegan, basket aaciailu lb.the hool building oD ,pont Vbureday and Friday villo tre. Priday evenlug ai Ibis vceh. leo Frank Nîcholas. craum and cake vlU hi serveol. The Epvarlh Loagne Readng Cîrcle A seveulen monbba aId ohild ut tir. wll t saturday igbt liarcix. t1I itit and lim. J. X. »Aily dlcd Tbureday o lir. Iflepiten Druce. lait veek. -Funeral vas held Saturdiy tirsud lira. Dolpb Chard, of Chics- Ibeoon itmThetmplyu bibve aent& bave go, are rcjolciug over lte arrivaI ut a th toe tsma ly oftic mybeby girl boru laI Frlday. snwî Miapait eofMoteW orhcra o! dcparlcd Sundat' for Ohio vhere ahe te Waetd la lncrooduglie. membor. vwu cated by the deaili of ber aiipal arapid rae. Ninuevow ppt- duugblor. caUQtoafor lim eslug sud a mmny- Morem xo t nul eting. lipeis 104<, Farm for Boni. la boumd 10 ehi ie banner 104<.lu 197J acre. taquIneo e o i. BEmînIal, Wacooia. sanevih1, M. l17IL W W ApL. ark. GURN EH. STAF'FORD DISTRITc. John Orasier hu hircd out ta tMr. DUtly for a yeir. John Petersan. Jr., @pent Sundiy viih lat paeta. The ffrit reader clas baus tarted lu- ta their uew reiders. Jas. Gleonsnd son italpb vere lu Cicago lt t Bturdiy.' Irving and John Striug vislted aOur achool lait Fridiy forenoon. Borner Ormsby sud Albert cash. more have rented Otto Ormsby's farin. Mir. sudUlia. Stevart itteuded a dinuer pmrly at Mutîburn utliaiStur- day. Otto Ormsby sold hiesiborne@ ta par. tica lu libertyville. lie toob Ibein dovu liouday.. Mr. Etiger snd Um Welch, of Wou- kegau, vlslted mtftir, sud lrs. OIes- son's leat hnday. lins May Pelerson @peut severs I diys lu Chicago laut week, returuiug vitit ber brother Sîtnrday nlghl. Our achool visited the Ournee scbrool lat Frldsy. aflernoon. A goad pro- gram vwu reuderci by the itigit sebool. -'0lve me a liver regulator sud 1 can regulale the vorld." msud a genun. The drugglat bauded hum a bottle of DeWittla Little Early lisera, the timons luttle pilla. F. B. LovauL, Liberty- ville; J. R. BitAcfuan, Ouruee, Lo ta H. LîI'nTCg.îao, Rockefeller. MILL BU RN. tirs. C. A. liatitcws la sutl aotterlîîg wltb s severe cnld. lia Carie Biter la apendlngnme trne lu Autiocit aevlng. Mir.E. Ingalis ln engaged InthlIe catate busiuess in Cbicago. l'be Ornu sebootla havîug a vaca. flon wtlch la tb continue s fev veeks. Mrt. sudlira. Herbert Matbeva vere Called to Wsîîkeganuno bumineas Mon. day. Bruce Stephena vaasdegaiued mtiborne troin acbool several day. vitb a @ore foot. Te Germon claus beld le finale si lia Libby Jîmienous iaontTuenday eveniug. Messrs. Robi. Jarnîson sud Harry Adama vislled friendsand relatives lu the City receully. liMr@. W. J. White sud lis K. C. Smith itteuded tite Laies' Aid St Mra. Oea. Edvard'sai Hickory, liat veek. Two Good Offers--. KIND SUBSCRIBER: if your neigh- bor is not already a subscriber for the ' Independent we wiIl consideritapersonal favor If you wiIi cali their attention to the following. They wilI thank you as cor- dially as we will. It's like 'givlng them something for nothing." TOIE3VEL3RYv NE~W SURSCRIBER paying one year's subscription for the Independênt we wiII give positiveiy f ree a five' year's sub- script ion to the FA RM JO URNAL The best farm and househoid paper mn America. lt excels as a dairy paper, is the best for gard*ninq and fruit growlng; the best for women folk and young people and is a fearless and unfllnchivig champion of the rights and Interese of country People. Select, concise and reilable. Sample Copies of this great farm paper can be had by calling at the Independent office orwil be malied to you free of ail charge. We mean just what we say---and-repeat it. TO NESW SUBSCRIBERS.4-W Or to old subscribers paylng one year ln advance we wil 1 gîve f ree 5 year's subscription to the Farin Journal, which, to be concise, means that you wiii get that paper during ail of 1 99-1900-1901-1902 and 1903, POSITIVELY FREES- Mir. IL. Fsulall vialted Mira. D. P. Mlieu, o! Waukegau ounliouday and Tusayad hn et oChcgofrLadies' Home Journal, s tev das. AND The oyaler anpper gîven loy tbe liaccibees on Tbnratday nigbi ot lait veksas a aucceas conaldermng the T he I d p n e t luclemeiti veather h n ep n e t Mir. W. N. Speckmsnn left for bis For Bath Pc -h borne near Wrreuton t.rove ifllcr ttc$ .0 ýww loalng exerciosaof the Advanced Select school Frlday atternoon. UNTIL MARCH 15 1899, lDr. Jnamieon la exiendlug bis privae telepboue Une froin Lmb'@ Contera lu! WHEN PAIO ONE YEAR N ADVANCE Orange Hall. Lîbertyville will doubt.. leas be theuni objective point. vent lute clty Itondat'. The former . ..i h d o r f r ' vas a delegate 10 a Sunuday acool cou- _________________________________ veuticu teld tiri te i itoit ParkLIH O .ve.Tcpicplfiuec b Congregational churct. LIH O .we.Tepicpllnero h ! atter egga are belog bltfct,'d. evenlng will be a medlcy hy li" don- Kir. Edvaid lMartin bas a nev h rpeKilbhhi fin. kyqatte Hlbbirol bicycle andinta hluklng of Tbî gripp suIt as loold "thesio3'. beyaqurtett. getting s tandem. He la prepaied in It soon wtll be tinii' t'i '-m ,çaet ing tIhepoîared tat liel i a rccul isorulit elîber an Ajax or a Hîbtuird tupeasa Lake'. Remernber, my friende, ta îuy one deatrlng to porcloase for cash <tout l'Fridayiy. the 00'XtU Vl b olit lertauî Ont'@ carnpbar balla arc à or on lime. day suire preveulive. Tte Advarnced Select achool closes B. Ll, Hooi: , ~. ktt tes and Pssafifrs hai-t l. d t iraI terra of four molollos to-day gripperelosblc tiîîrch remede-oni for 1h., I Friday,, exercîses conaltiug of au A wligitt-w roi t ['osm'oiuf )Jl .11oko' $0000 liver sud lte otier fortubbbtod. No iddreBé by Pastor Harris, essaya, day uiglot. charge for ttc suggestiron, as ve ai- reciltilons,reailge, music, etc., scire H. Straniudmcsiffleooug lroooo à oeroe vaya iry te, please. srrauged for tiIs atternoomi. A part t attszh o codl. 'lie cmtairtsuen given by the the progrîni vas lu conomemnoratton o,! J. Allaîoouu botgot au a,'.stmoot fior îooolu tochetelier higb achool vas Wsstngton's sud Linclua 'mbirllîday lte coming Ba'ssU a grand t ucceas. iinly s tev attendcd Tthe u tern il l opeon lu Sepietu io'r 1fontrolg 0imdagcal reoiî irape vitocs are i0Iotog t ri 1,0linfoi er, w 1t tedige«l de:. reoueoy mol une ttît la I wo'tler sued mîîddy roses. pertectly sile for ctldren letItus J Altausoîtand olsn uoaolo aIo.,'o lielsdseasuotieDaod recommeîîd One Minute Cougb Cure tIl, 0ttcIl' ty stoorl.y. La ke factory veut titrooigli our tavu Ii laexcellent tfor croup, itoarmeneoo. D ! Bbas it aguine. oýIsiîaflî nit sa d otite Dissrnd Lake Nut tlckllng lu the throst antI couglts I i F. hee o i e H. Lovait., Llbertyville,J. It. BiiRtcu, fuor te sommer canulosgu. (t'rwled m Jam Cecas.hOumarkst t.uruee, LouttaH. LTCR'ntîxî, ROclto- B.It abipplng taunecreaslestLo'ttt feller. ~~~~~~totoita boldly co.tfug I, tefront. rydtsdnislb. .-U, . .. , 1 M1bios ac bbia aie-ta Slyveater Wegenert sud vite, of Irauboe, @peut Sundayt u Vola. J. W. Torrance bas closeol bis w.n- ter terni o! acitol lu Lake Zuril. M. Herile sud wife. o! Fremout, spent Bundsy nitJoohn iang sud faintly. Geo. Richardlson lias broughttis vIte to Volo, wtcre tttty wlll make ibeir future home. Mirsud lira. Robi. Paddlock, Jr., vilI aooo leave for Mchigan, nbere ttey expect ta live. Geo. Huson sud tiuoily bave muned back on te iometead. He sud is broter Wilt are g'lng to work lte faim. lira. E. Richardson speut ttc pasi week lu Halucaville, cainug for lier grsud.citiid, lîtIle Earl Davis, ubu bas becu very lck vib puenisouis. lira. J. W. Torratice lias reiurned tome frotuC hJcaga, afler beiug lmoted in the Preshytealsu Hospital for ser- oral veeka. We are al glid 10 sec bier bicS igain. " Mus Ida Berenaon paied avsy ver! penceffllly ai bel- tome liai Suuday morning. bail been a great sut- terer wtb conaumptiats for a long lime. The uerai vwu heldtram lte Giritîsu clirohlut Tuesay and ttc remaina 'ves lId ta rostInl the Fox LiSe oemelmry. 1ev. D. C. Dullon of- ticoàd. Tise boeaved fimlhy bave Ihe husrtit sympalby of lthe entirte 50U5*q an 15m1 bur ù OMMoro. wa wh art vii of rea K n o 1 weekto opi. t es, N VooWuioirgto.u s'tetatte Diamond Lahe composer 1w10ek. [-ttu clatma var bas been declared belvein toEnglaud and OGcrmany. Bsobàlanot Spritug.llke wî'athtor li cootdooctnte th ie case. England and Germany are cold. Doutshed ht'ooy cots arooundon h otlinytre u ti lte Lake. reported ou goad authority tisaI 1he 'Te entertatulment gli.tu by lte Cilizetia o! Dlamoud Lake are galg ug1 youug people u or tstooiod Latke- wso a Pull oiff s big cocklug main 'tuder te grand sticceas. raver o! ulghttln ttc near future. Ai Be sure sud soîbscrîloe tor tcNlmw o uro correspiondenti la a laver ai the PENDENT. Ihisl te only ooowy ltpo'r sport sud lotas beeti a principal lu s lito ttc couniy. number o!fo-ocklng mns, 1 trlcd ta F. Balratov, ot Waukîeguu, paascd gainu dittlotoi as a apec«or, but vas trougi thIbs place o ots imway to Lake tUnable 10 doo100.Bts1 f vuld 11km ta Villa tiis weeh.; drop a w, roi"f cao.tio toallaoorbed Iti8lanidas bill OS 0000w pcudittg bc-'lu te gloe.'tbe gainle coolk Cilea very fore the village touarol oi ialooioooi vicions Iold. .poill heu he l Lake requirlug s ctîmuey sveeîo. iraugiti oquarely lit front ofaiea p. ponant, sud 1 vauld sdvlae lthe putly W. D. Griffit recelvool a elegratu itudllng film tu iuse caution or yau tram Clipéalu. Ariz.. suuouÏ.iug lte are very pt lot gel gaireet, and the deatb of his brother, E. Il. (Grfilt. IgiR lten lrooogtitoo tia bardeelt us 'rue tountain Ites of ute Diamnnou paýr hbasalàvo-r y poiionona sifeol, viîc Lake cabitige liestltalent tuuk ttc-0flin praoolitces large sud paluful &all. moruinig train tSaiorolay for l)(mtyjuge.h1boive kuovu of oca s re Vown. 1 te aid of a pialu hsd lo be «ehm lisas Anu M. LI spent attrdaY tnd before lte avellng could hi reduosai Bunday ai1lber bolute anuIreiuriocd t ansd ttc voutooltatled; and turîher lg Ci'clago tloiodoiy nornimmg l'o resomte, keep a sharp looh-out for Sheriff Gril- ber studies. 'dunor tc may svoop dovu ou yau lias A atock contpauoy bas toeeito torueds a hkIn te nîglit. ai Dlamond La4ke. 8tock wililoroly For front bites, butres, Indolent soras go blgter nov, ttotwitb,,auoltttg te.eczema, al ndisoans« mnd esol W,, Lake la on lte booo.Plies. DoWitt'ib WtchligEn mr stands tiretaInmd-boat. Loc Otl tfor At a citizeus' meecting (i L,'ltlu ditoneat people vbo tiF 10 imiag" ibis vceh ttc aunexation f ut iunl su ad joulerfeit Il. Itl'stisu aoas Lake was objeclcd lu ou secouno ts; ~meuto1 i god artisl. WoasiM praiie ellonerpoplotongouda arc nos imitaied. G(lt >qi4 Tise people of Dlainoud Lake arc gfo. lIbertyvilIe, J.e Ja tug te cive M eentilammut nexêt " -.7f4* ROCKEFELLER Uiberiyville, .L

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