CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 17 Mar 1899, p. 3

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T HE eontraat ha-Iea-. s lite ot self' isas"nmu dita lita teofkina-mu set fort- b > Dr. Talinage viIle disu- Canninlg upun tira haleau chutas-t-ar o-t à eticnnut-rue of oliten dîrne; let-satBavai-a tien viii., 10, 11, "Tirea talb a tirent saru tram ht-aven, buenlngausilb vers a lump. unditel a-l upen thet ird para ut the- riv- O eu andi upan i-th antalna of waters, und tira-unins ufthebsstar la culeilWorm- P'atrick anit Lovth. Thomas Sctut, Ml' (ha-w Hen-ry,.AIbr-nBanna-a unitsnoealti- a-r sommnatouIrs ay>t-althe star Worm- t- ous> utmy t-t vas a type ut Altila. king of t ha-Hons, Ha- vas no saUf a-i -use a, ire a- smbrilliant as a stas-a. ibkeuWormi- voailire intta-ra-it veryuiing ire tout- a-a. We bave atuiethai tIe Star ut Bethle- iram and tire Montit Star ut Ilation uni tblia-Star ut Peuce, but in>. îbjet- r sals os au gaza- au ibm shar Worrmvouil y unit my tht-me might lie talles! "Brillilant BIt-taena-s." A mure exttaordilnsry s-arater blstory dat-a net fusribau Iis man Attila. t-hm king uf thet- lio. The @tory. gouthut 4 , oua- day a evounideil irifer came implng &long througb the- fielita, andl a heritmmsu a ~fllowed lIhis auti>. trus-k ruathe-grau lu sa-a- vers the- iru-ier vas vounda-i, as>d va-ni ou bat-k tarîhet and fart-ber ountil hi ams-anaa s wuri fast la tir a t-urttietha point dus., a td, as though il hait deoppa-i <nom Ith u-aens. and aginst t-ir edga-n of utthîeswaor thmie bulfu->haha a-a-s nitTirs irdsummun pullm-d up Ibsi uvorit unitpre- senti a t oAttila. Attilasauli thtirisvord muet bas-t- iroppei tram tire bt-avens rom the grasu tf the- guis!Mars, eamui ibuns givera ta, humtmrant that Attila sboutI couquer ait guvatr the- viole earlb. Ot- Pr mighty mu-o bave ha-an delhghtm- i tWu hug t-lla-ai lbrattirs, or lira- Mectl.fa t-ha-Goul. hut Atila s-alla-aihimmeit anud da-iandeil Ihat ait-bsus-il hlm "t-li Scautit- t o if Ai tht-bmait ut 700,000 Iroupu. monuted t. en Cappadocmsu horsa-m. bu- swapt ey- thlng, fronrthe Adraulls-tetheIBm-ltas-hat-a J uHa- put bis Iranu testiun Macet-oula ami Griere said Thracae lie a-mde 3Milan andl Psvia undt Padaandt Verona ht-g toi Mercy.. whîebh e b"tslaes>nat. The By- sunt-l e cnuiles, te mes- t bsrunona ev>. a, put up nt anstaou maiîvu- muer table, andt vam-s utsoliai gubt. Wheo as-t>. vs saptui b>.banhi, Ibm-inhabtants vers braubt outnIdni put into tbnm-a clauses. The Onrt cisu. abus. vho coulul hear stuas musi hlmpnsaiteby enalast- îder AMileur bu but-sha-ret-h ie acond l tlas, Imhe aula fui saintn. vers madte captives tu t-hi Bons; ira- Ibîrd riasa, tiresgt-il men an, Ivoiren, vere ruhhed ut everyt-bing ans! let go bas-k tuairee s-lt0pul a bt-uv>.t-si. It va. a commun sa>.ng thai the gras% Ineyer grewv vireathe .hoafut ofAili' borne butl tros!. Hfieaales'res!deuml thr. vata-rs ut the- Seine- andithlb.Muselle uni tirs Rilua-wihbcarnage und itâto n tir. Cataloalan plairas the fiercesi balaimne tha- varIi tuui-4t10000 dmait Ii't on th( alit. Ou andio ouial th h tseviacouli nuit oppose blur vitir arua, la>. pros-rat-. on ihiir fact-m-anbptaym-, tht-n a îitoud o1 tant vîs sesn uu tbm- distane-.anduuîa hiuirop criî'd. '"Ilant-ah! utd f(4it'" ou ail tira-peupile tliauli lthe i-r>-, "il 1.n aid utf(0,.' An.h t ui ut fanun - hielà aMabe tht- baaraai-rs of eeatur arnssestrlemin in bell. aganat« Attila "ah. Scou,trî-oAîlt!. ihuot uNuauupuuî t-unt occurrrences lbe uU-1sINusa iupa-o-uat tira>t s-aource Ater t-lrme itith'. o tellure to captuare the cil>. ut Auauii-iuý wben hua atm>. bas! gIvun ulutht-it-tu.. iaý fllght t a stork and bt-r youîaag troualia tuven ufthebm- tlt. as ushun luy. hîma a'. aigu that buis as t-a captuire ilie ci an( iis arn>., huepircit sith tht- Uau-ou-a rence, reauneul tht- siesu- andluuk lb valu ai a <iui roîm runhict-lhes sort-ha( em'engeal. gobrilluant van tht' nuviré inluattire iba is Prenies coula iltot lu,, ut hlm, hut shaded Ibeir .-yeu or Inrîle ibeir ht-ad-i. Shin ount'th'veing utflbis larrn5u- ýhi s ~~iisbride. IlIiti. was bus nlia r,,>for thý aaansinaliiabus foilluin -r'. lu-su illi-lbit, flot itbh tara. lnau iiaj londutt, uIna tht-niase- i-a bkiuav-.andrualIuce'. il vas put aie It- Pecoffins, i!am irut rut o tbhe second utils-tr ant1wtt thirdot golu He va bunieti b>.ugbt. atuai iai) h grave ssenm- touarm-utti- Most vsaluabla- cuit and pr-cioaisin auues, aaioaiuina u th weuhbouta ki.igdanu. Tht- iravs-iiiu unit ail thosa ushu asiaui htht- buria vers asacreti. nu that itnulldni-at-r h kuovo virere semucneb vesîh n-sa eu] The Roman emptire onuures! Il vont, but Attaanr1itc ai tnai a-mpilre.IlIe wassriglul sncallatiiaisel a ssuutgm, bhui«tn-d utfht-ng'il) "St-ourse out ( liie vatht- souurite i Bacause ot is brutîýers aad huitîsrues t-ie cmeu-tators nightn-t-lhaves-nui posa- ite ubc t-ibm-aunWortn-oud outht teit-. As tiere tgiolun i evstatt eiln-- parla momi opulent vlah faintalne au st-taamI anti rivs-t, roî set- how graîub ny teru la: "There fi-l a icreut star frui haaven, huruhit au il vers a lilmp, an Il fei open the titaipartout lire ym-u a open tht-toniains ut vaters, sud il naine of tire star haes-alla-s Woraawood." Have you a-s-tr Mallâtgh iront mu>iu bitera-i lits-s tire are- uN about uns, mii r anthrupis-, muid. acrisastumis? TL Enropeau pheutitrousn vibrormvoodi exuracas-i. Ariemisia abéinthinu, la a pa- sculiplant-,sunital tht- yeuxrtouna irsady te Pudht ol, and II msn> hi ma lves (bers is a puunidistillais oft srht eîperlecs sAmsa-so flua-ace on ethVi. 'iran are Attila tia homle, Att-ias cf tbo iouai ets-sla-, A (lIaifuthue seb, U. t-hum 0f tira-@sea asdilooa-thri ut tbe -vatera oft il: worM, If net bvo-tirra of (ha- watt-ruai pobsnailt he tia ullng Ocitira- star Wura vocit. IIl lunt coalm.mntary te huma t- - nature (ht monta-. sau soon as ic> e a ga-at povrer ha-rna-s ovt-rbeaonag. T mos'.pava-r mea-hvs tisa-btta-r. If the pWe~ar ha- usei for guimia. Tht- la-m.pov Min bava t-ha- buier, If (ha-y use Ih for a-v Bleds e-etrounaunitround said tour ire .the>. uwoop pbèlatIwblal>lt-h - ai%- almng for. Aad It my dlueouia-i fer lm hteu swlagiug oanal andt raui tbis -moment Iludrapa uteight un >.a bMstand salest te question. la yeux ilte bmail(lteiuota-ru or aunimbittermem a k@Wioro a s-uie, a hmiua> or a vont - gard-m, lîlt tmuraea aboaetntaaed t e i'- (bthebeliri of 400 fa-a-t haee ver* voodu vallins and fountaînu playlng. tha-va- data-, <ha-toiage, the- gloey !ooklng au If a mounhalu were untheirewat. IOthe Up' 0 top a bing vstkiug wtt-hlm squaen. Amolli tire @tailles,, anunt.White. lbouk>ngnp ai bleds bronîht ftour distant andsansd drinkbug ouI uf tankards ut suld gold ur W looking off us-m- rivera and akes opon the openîng enterprises ot philanthropie nation ui unhieul an,>tributariu, cMing, "la undt Christ-ban endeaver, and 700 are ber' Dot fible greot Babyiun which 1 bave aiduft ttday ut gouplixai-on vhlcb bndit?' viii >et-fluood aHlthe mouetalassa uedval- slvation for îlibons. morniofgout-minr! cuKe ep uhnngt-h Hen1 What- baiterluja tamn amuIe ihe vails? mrig sta CbipiOs au ho-ça-! a-Whui phunabare upturnes> the gardeuns'lu couragement adChitinb'e hat atm>. abatteresi the braxen gaies'l I Baieaiainlflua-nce..M'bat long, berce bIasaI utStormn put ont hi But are an>. of yen the- star Woamwood?filelit hicbi-billumînates! tht- worbd? mi Do YO Seuil!d udgrvitte tha- Iroucu Whnt roshutordiat-ord drova-clown the-ai paternal or mataruaI? Atm- >our cblidren muait-filth pouua'd trom piaae indow i î-verbastlogby pes-kes> ai? Are >ou alwa>.a andl garden gros-e sudt-alias! the banquet- it crYngflioHub lth@im mart>.vola-a-aand ers tu their trel and tht- daucera tu Ibir dt Switt faet andi(o tibmfeimlgte-r hch oc- feet? I walk upon the sce-na-out aiolailon th cailOunaily trt-kIttrosugb ut- voag t-leas, io lid au anuwer and pick oP pie«-amofT sud lu suppraes> b>. Iba-en unihthe>. rau bitumen undt brick unit bruita-n put-tu-ytu bl Il no longer, and al Iebm artiera ibm- ramalua ut Babylon. 1 beae the vhld ci buutailto bunllnted guffav andt cas-blna- watt-m aying. "Bahylun cva pronit, Baby' ut lio,.au lin bla ventiler ibm votarbha Ion was impure, Itabylon vaii Au$tebutili tris-hies thi'ougb a uUgbt opica-saî.glbuIbm- b>sin sha turnied tu otmvuàwo' unds! ha mlldam, but aflerward mabe vida-r andIt alien-'i vihlera-aelemâtl-fa-atnSU-"orebuIf Front the parses-ut-onu ut t-ha-pilgerain wncbh h ettd tib (bu niset yDerB«hl>ifou, athet', andtthe- Hugenuts ln other landts 0 nov Dmoite. It vil]! ha t»> enoogh vhen God setoison tht-se shure* a nation. Thet- oof f ihera le deid. 'Iben yjun ould rive round> tOresmouthabs boris urveut outinluti youe iigt h budt. heur une shoot frtram tht- greaier light ut a frtee goverumeutni. the sleat volt-e aoraeuestep roetrahie smii»The- soumit ut tht- warwhoop vas ext-hang in fout. Ton vil> nol an>. ut YOD have t-ai tueforthe ibuusand vbm-ala u te-uiaup'se 01 wali ver>. long ha-tare your bouse ln uIlla-t andt prugrena. The mIls> vinierae, t-be fruit- w t-banyole vaut it. Ales,tient tisera- are- fui1 sommts.t-athe baalithul akies, charmn'DI mu magu.boues net knavn tu thea- us-latY m-ml rom othet andsa arace ut hardy mmn. te for tire Prevention ut CruetI>. t-oChlitten. wbo oveai Gos! and vantes! lu butlime. Be- e vireachîlitaen are virackehand situffeil tors- tht- oodmnana aexftomtae elunit I unit tar pulls'. .anit agmemlys-aill-s> ta rosaainb fai .sm 'moiteandt t-urt-hee'0i otdmr. nit auvra-a uhnpby anl u pi ulars. Cltiemnu ae irs-sofkfautesakeah--"g prdemmeand un hi bu aatr t-uitand ulet an ta rival cilles b>. Ibm-ses. Tht- landtfi sua- pro-a-sa-at-bm. d nulaU out naquaea-esvih tire rushofuthIbm-rail scr.andt Ona orsuhîbu oibt*I frt te watets are- t-bra ihte vltb t-bs1, Waailuayour Influence upoun the- aelgb- teamers výbea-l. Fabulons bushm-Is ut w estern wbei mmet on the va>. tabulons borhouit, the- to or te ia-ty e o-far rmi-tosf aercudFr rtath rh dence? i vIl> suppose thut you area astar tu tthanesru s-al.furuts ramtetha- ut>, s ut vIL Whut klnd ut raya du ou hYtsaonlehtarivantfuilutramtireaine>,A fort>,? Du yon use fabat splendid tas-uit>.and trsding lu the saint- market are Maîa io irradIais- the vorlior tlu maiklle le? 1I hmaietnan sd South Carolunaris-m mmr- bies al te aostliccolegeof umotat. hsnt sud Ohiuctateus-r and Alauka fur t la l h-aotls-chsg tbmrsa dealer, and eburches and at-boulianad aay- Tht- mon thut mallske n-leuth lu My heunt- lama ssellerligbb andl lus-t- soimercy a"si fat-ton. I du not thank anyhos». (o malle >nie sr>.. I s-audo thul vithaut an>. uointal uîsation apure 70.W40,000 Peuple. ana-e. Wr,>.ail t-r>enough andt hava- a-outgb 'tht- Lardî'uodnea-m, ta cri- Almua. (Golf Na-mm au klltiuI pua- 1 peu>. thai out ntioun dIa>. fot t-up>.t-bsl étemoaIlrt-pau'tea-aula, ailpropounaiers ot crime* u1 nations that have penluhed;p iags-lolau. -cuanirîrmu, ailth~aa-lira flraiourts-up ut bleaaiug tairn nata wOrm- f mirtltsriy Surprise uns vth unusualjuita- vood ad ve go dou. 1 am b>.naDu-ery position utfvotais. But vhit use are yole and b>. grace an optimiai, unit1 eîPetl. i mailing ut yaur vil? la i ha-mundlm-d>thbat fibis country. vilI continue lu avunce0 n-thbprotanity ad uncîanneas? Dom ountil Ibm- vorldaoi am ach tht- milieusslla -enaplo>. if la amusement ai phys-al de- tru. OurouI>. autl>.isn ntghtm-unam-i tu-uts »fmor nhlu-b the t-lims araefot rm-towurd (luitand Jutice tula-us!man. If 1sponsille? Are yoor powers ut mlInIs>'> wé forget tht- oun-ul ofutht-e Lord i t-le umedult put religion in confetipili a landl ans> break bastSahbatbs. and imprqve bouchofttks'ille -ipvmtlvt-? la Ih àboit' nut b>. te dire digauers fthet bave again ut njul s-ar? l lutunut t-brs'misanat again s-auna-t-auns as a people, and 'va- fortune? lauil gler- t tht-jr disupputua btarn marinu: esson nehiber fromt civil wvueI *ment unitd deti? la lb bitternesae put noir rsging epideuiuc, nor dronghi mur rail- Sdrup bit drap liteaàt-up? le ilulika- tht- dev, nur *courge ut locust anud geaauuP- Kqnea-ing of Antamiia abinablaur moto a per: if tht- pltit-al corruptiona whbch bas draft abreuit>.disaaaufnbb> pntn? poison..> ahe tountains out publices-irtuela Tht-n yan are the star Wummvood. Touts, and> beslima-. tht- bigh places o ut t-oi>., Lu the fun ut a rattlenuike trylng boy makiug fret gos-m-tment ai tiares a hlseiu6 d ella s-aun uing, It in a-thenfnut a bavk aud a byvord in aIl the- eurtb; ifthIe tryaag boy quit-k Ift-su &trille ont thea drunkene aunit liceutiouuaeas thai uiag cyt- uta itove, gmr andtblampheme linbm-esît-ets ut oui e ac Di.ooi. graet sties, us tbongh ibm-y wm-remecbing lIna I oamlIlchan e G ui mose > faier Ibhe faine u uin odaSodoin, ar steastar ut vurîdl>. praîperity..Tht-n moLte on utreuid uv ilithe . -htr -o bui ave large opportunît>.. Tonunnm-or aiutoal and toIcait l. pli ~ t- c-ourage that- urtaul hy huytng hi@ pscture. MureniatolYd tat we aItuamsiiifui!- Ton t-an impruve ibm- fit-bit, the- Stables,,msadIntrui.havreSisopl- -the- lgbva., b>. lnroduclug hiiler stylea- m-aiwnua gou. anit future hlioriens vili Of ut uvbasd bomse andi cou nd sh.a-,. Tous record upun t-be page ba-iteed vhth gent-r- t-mobit-n Ie volitviai poologclout tnathe- stor>.tenthim etnation ut i at- biv-enaInhIbmors-bardth ou t-a ul-t-ha-veut arome in sphundor vhlsh mate t-he tance arbioricuslturea ndtarra-sit-bm- desth- lvarIistare. XIfbaul maguificeot- posihili-i fui destrustion ut the Aunarisau forent$. ies: lf torgut (jouI; It-hat-aijustice; ia le ont-un puta îpipes-.f utlupure fatothe hugged is ictrimes: Ih halta-aton liis bgh1 nIceu 0a ulccslen>,ynt-nao arci hr-a-laaiedundef the hlov ofcsalea-t adent a college. yoleson aîockîug 1000 barsthla>.:plai<m-Ilunitus tbvasront thedouoail lefautt ram the- vînter fruat,yon sau huIlaitmd-sotiau etbtoimtpu ea s-burt-b, you t-an put a mlsslouaryutblooil>. Iranes baguau sh*but, 'Aho! Su t-Christ ou Ihat tors-ug orue, youu eau elp wnulal va bave ih!" vhila- struggiag sud -e u ransoina a rîd. oppressai! pa-opes loukeai ot troin dun- ( ilut suppose you grnnulthe face ut thet- sla ba', vlth tearle aud groaus andt triesl t pour. Suppose, wbî na a mna nw are o unutoid agfour beso tbum u )fdut-, yomrmaklîl iaual tur theîn hIeause tIbe vue out ibm-e ufluinsinlut-be exclama- a t-iesnu.ot belp b--fStippomie that. c--litou: -"loul youder! There tell a gresi ,icause bis tamil>.la sul-k antibh bhd ex- star trouosa-eu, nburninit au la were a tra expensen. bc bould> puilely ak yon, m stop. and l htel>laipun thet- ird parttut ral ia'bs nages for tbaisar, ad yon tht- tivers sud laponutatht- founitains utfn-at- trouahl>. t-Il hlm if bh ansta hetter place t-. andittht-Domine ut abs- star ia calleitj nu go andt it IlaSuppose-, t,>. ouirmau- Wuruwuutl!" na-r yon sciau5 hbuugh he were noîhanit C.p>.ught, lM. IL und >oua nu-n' tverytbiag. Saîtuose yoo saan-lsh sadzand verim,arng sud arruogant. Yu 'si rut Dmsm'ailît ho be Altlaaisnuit SH~ORT SERMONS. it a mit tnaine Attils asa- 3 yu utire tht- anar Worunnnuuut. aud yun bave irihitt-rt-d as uni-thiri! if nul abre-thirdm of tht- naturs Our LIts.-.We abotiul flutikethbecMost Il tiluat ruoll ast s-unr eniîubues anadl opetra- tfoIr Ile tor (;cul anti niais -It-v. H. tinuse andl depeudeut. u as«-ini-uandiA 0 utbn 0' Ia Ut anasCi>,Mo. s- tielt-ontg lane ut carhregs lhuuhtht - 'l orian ats asa iy uiu-ùrîaauîrdenuîra fuie yuuur tuaira. -rt- (nsaunait3'..Chra*stualnla t'as for lit, -n lu nMale tht- occasion resapectable-, aili lie fotutiittion n sysîs-asutftrottas wbich ,k tilIuti ih tas ici-ooasnany dry. Iîainlas Musa Lie liliie ast adl utulike eetr>. iYu-', . unhbm re,-perauun occîpyaug iisgtlnnuti- seainnoseuntht- sharas-- Ilu si al bct-in thbu is urlu luta f tris- n ternîslu.liatesaoft trutlihin order lu w tu ah-ieu.Asm .îuluru'd ouîh l t-rail>..the t- a>.thunauIsîon out einsonable mncis- t- Ifthlu- ingest trc mu cartîli a-amt murefil,s-. . 3!.ayu's, il. C, Dallas. Cal. n tbana nminut-. Iiaut are n-e douug vunb qg thait oinutu? Are as-c mbittu-ins tht -u An Efforttofutahe i- Wh. To love lIte laisai onrascial or lithulaitiat-aun. or and t-o rt-ap t-le blu-usell nentats ut a o are sut- aweetenang al tht- bract-uah toon- niglat useuo aittas glft otfbini WhoauPut ci ain@ Ibat ne malin toneb? tas laîir,-fuir an îuuunou Invobvcs au effort- lier- tiai>w tesmrmnlu.iPower. of theai- slii oeu-rmnug the as ois- fit-laiof 11,ar taIrit, st-ndu8nalal ont on thu, rmi,- Moralî action, trsouil andi social- ut- sauu. Al arouns> us imbtti-retilise- - N-snBgopo eoga 'na linl)iaterel b>. ieral'tiin. îîîîbittcreti livl--ey - isin iIuuu loga h>ier-ititinn.imblitured b>. lsvmrt,. Niutiuail talpM- en atngIs-s uinubitteti b>.pain. itaitturet i b>.mjImu - onuatUitalitiht tai them a'uifort-of lice, ha lttl're'.lb>. sua. XIY tot go forth thééar w sc, tabeu- w Il(Iu' Mutilasi te- and ns-t-t-n theun b>. inaîts. b>. uiupirltg npt'ît. etat-ton at> affeclti. Unhappl- bcotids, b>. benefacaiuus, lu>.hi-ara>. ouuel, net-s asil Hot bac thure. lOt suclimen Ili b>. prayer, b>- iospl'abaa-aibeliavior? Lttanti asumen lamnMauletlisekinýa!uu ot ns remember Ibat if use are 5s-urmnooiI 0tu-saa ltc'WiinîRdIl',Pr- totbu'ra veare notmouod tu ouutaetses, atd bavn-Rv llau adifePrs ont urlits- vibi he bitter and ounrt-t-tait>. t>-ti'nm.New York City.. bitterer. The gospel ut Jeas aChrist la tht- Capital t'unbabnî'nt.-(uneobjcihi-on la n> sveteening powe-r thuui lam ufficiot, lai capiltasil pinlshtnuct aluns ai t-e I la swlea-tus Ibm- disposition;it sa-et-ta-us rigbit-ortheb stu tet ubInt tIL.Tht- us- thm-, n.unt-rs; hfavoct-us lite; ist-atm-na ovr fgvrmit tl ru ne, ui>sttriouprovidencea; hfun-etens agkeI- ps-r tgseuilt >h rn-l id taon.ifs: l eater-h-s ,teatb: i sweetenas-- .are aisrIs-t-sfroua un tîtrougis t-ht- people, le erttbug. 1 bas-s-bt-unitpeuple ushet inluantinomutnnot- exeeedlthiole t-be peuple )Msocial cumpauy, "*If you couli have filme theisaelvs eejoy.. itea'. J. J. Baxter. id viabes gratifies!. wbai voulit yonr Ibre Epîscýopaîhan, Bonbon, Mass. id wsis b el" If i .,uuld bave titre@- vîisisa Ils-teRttm eli-t-e bittolaluts- or rni-s ms-t 1 tel! inn vbat tire>. nould bm. First,tI- Amanuamolitrnlat unore- utthe- geae uto(jus>: seconda mors- - mno roigtri en ut the grare utf(ad; t-ird. mors- ut the- test telStlvely u et-oaaissn, vblle bula m-gtare utf juil actas!y moving. We knuw uothlng ut a- Oh, tur murs of the cuachatin utn abaoîlruaI bes-ns-r; abat t-au ai>. bisoh- bh ite, luitdla-s outhlie vormoos>! WhsitahucdIn luontbs-as-eu!>-honmu ant i t-b la latrua utfidivduels Ilu mueoutnautions- aur bu-stni>. tufther. Rev, Dr. Strit-k -r- neat s etiau p ta na-çoiveau stars, butj. - , i«hý. Tl 1INoisi OCCURRENCES P*8T 'A Wonndeit Opartat-ore lIlsoage tu Wb,> @lva- Des-tar OS. eiaruFat-tory fou Juula l.aliik ur su thu- laenru f uit u'rs, FlailrisuJ. Onua sratel ais offitu, asheu be hb, uuiuîsufiulini'ulb> nauit a train oarîl-tfurt iiintig uirenrlunutt1hu utari-il auurpns tht- ya lt-r lu, th(- 'ngines-r bhrougb tr-iitlit n-bi-I TIae trainî struckhhIl couua.-i.u mit blea-dil utIa iaudl ita- urainusux 'sruuingut ofthe- as- -uva-redl -mnui-iOuesx baât sal afilcoîllio did uaiigi-t lamk thoI >rdens thols>a treg b,' ysrds at MsIhsui fras-turtalai] undt about thie huai>, druag inch actix the- plattoi ilierators table, mlit voulu bas-e ba isa -ou not bis brutbur, Wi fariner. oiaiiutunely et uictathu- cxbanstu- brut-ber bholdingt humlit onpmeslthe ht-y unitei 08-a narnigthbo the statiuon. Illadol. lu a faillt. 'lhe' narni ,tou lu hit-sund an ne Whelt 1h Gtics Thi- Siste It-astlof uuiil a buîlletîinîlitai -qulrienieiunvecI-ing th groîsiîag n bat roi.1 b>. ahi' husrl are trat t-fi-atla-lt. ans! artmt a iil]i auas condbitioun. a lithue fa down cro,1,i. trungtaa lat,- mown ns s.u-întid peécenhage mrt-aited fro4 LN) tu 25 pser cent Pi'ttyasud l'lhu' a-ur lu Bondu. Nisaardsa on laur couiitti'Ielort1 crut, s%îumter huIt-s!, tht- huera-iatiagc all1 guirst ru-boira cima-a uh-r ha1lt uft he ei Ail usp-poluthat atm- p kihlited mIrnu-. A>'.m Imjuru-tiand! îroinla ln nit tiu-,itiii-nha-, penchme.,lut thîrtr. goodlotiutlion aitIhin Sure>.for M The îurî-iinay aun Ion,! nhluh ai,. t-rex ni-tpart if W'sbic s-ile la ilia>r.grm'ss. une uit -ernti confier- are a ta- heuila as tlb deai bi-tni-in t -Ni( romndland lt- hies>r erta. s-ll t-lieifhy aIs wilI cat-muaifront Six uuil ri t hriîîu tbe1 lu saotth,ýi-rIlinois. A îmaniature- hiruni lu l>i-a-tur. Tht' ni lier'. lig fi-ilharn. tî'tt. sas u-ua mouff. angin ianadî aav.-il Pisst-riag wn.anhi buildings. Fliaut'lu lunu'arieî t aia C, t resa u-a r uiinuili mia.iIuums-îulucotacte lu unie' lai.'iand L Char-h uuin.' as-a-,l .Na- tncbstrr 'The Pr-uidtIhuis priataiag fo.i.s i urliis tr>ani lt,)c uiit mhi i inleslka- tMM ul. l'iio i îiiaaiuur tiii, t - miiii ilu-i, uliag 1h' luî 0îimbum i. t h ,t-r>.at ruuumufri .smt suu, chiai- Enieti b>.aJ I ýItr> ii u,- is-u iliuciag'ir. -m-l I 'i r caria-altiro I u tmri. Mo!irganatlion ttiiuug s uli' s i 1. aujunu-t. tt-ulil ulid lu art Bs-tcf Stalle1 'T'.-i>nuutt-ratýor 'aun. Tlu, NN.î. aii i ilt('aiCur Il Tho -îîlî' îuuîîîîîîî mineu-uperualurs -ubu aien Uv lai-ust-hu-O- u i-il a l îî Spart~ îtsuau huaqi ru.ntuuu Ir'nîk l otifu tri-igluttI rain itutu't At Sîurintîie , A ia( i ai nu unotmai hauittIhea'touin fu ihiaiwg'ttht' tiaîuaag lIae>.C. l-il as inurdî-r uit -'tit-i ad bis iasnishaui-, years ln thei'liitui The hcs-i,.i futai n oua lla. M'. fi. Ju fIleil s pttitiuu in bul aare $2,10W aud!tle.- NMru.NMîlita I1-c 0011<> !suîg-s in a 1, à guiinst Abexuindir Chaitaiii rcunîit s9 -i9 >î'ama uuî, ami,! Baîtb sre îuruiîm.'m tB>. tht- hunausgt pie'd b> . Jbu M< 'AE RW'baobgn.P J"s nw betugir f&t-1ILLINOIS LAWA[ERS - ~lailare will prohahl i liou Rhve a tP-l 0 erhone exchange. The RRepuilieî-an Senator> laseauson DU RING THE A culiseln,.. b he buit hy popular sale- Weditesday delermi.ned to-btine atiollt the c WEEK swript4la frproposed f*1 Deau. #n.iad jogamant hy Apll, 14. if, poni- the Clirporal William Sîaark. t ofm,.p.ny ble. Th,- Sentste Comm ittea un Jîîdicinry ail I>,~igtb ilims.die utpueantniautkilied Senalir Ilaxter'. bill providaîg for Col D; BMa' Ieu Sniago, th- lnu. de f nu--aa legal invstnigation of cases uf alieged briPr" esi i.tulFitezl- lies. . .IL. Sontl, ,ne if the îlîI-uclt Mth- r n i-ourts-i ifr record by the judgî'-i ofti Sf8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <rmaWld aii iiî'lr uilii ifrtit these.'courts. Tht- flouse Jtidi«-iary Coin fer fêtr f- la W.d- huitneiistes i Illnoi sudftrteirY- a 1re,-, treport lavora hI> on the JUS r SockIulnd li-t-3,ar, inhru -Pu'tî k ier ilankîn bill. prîî-lîliag for the Inispectatin ne tît-eîediedu t Sterling. sidrî-glaioif îtire TrI-a 1he Sen- 80 nanie, nît îrîo,,î.~William itwliaas ort ort Crafle ]ut hi,> &te pasPdes srong ,,thers lthe t,,lowifg Ot mangied loi bruslel, ,sot of$2>> a inouth e'has-i î,g 1îiah- mnsr tluts hbill prot ilog thuit ,li ligi , a i, , had a testimonial thâtai phatent meirîne s.-booi tnuh toy bI ona-il at a r. t,,t l-iarît hi.,ttinî colt lai mad- him a n el mon. ,nt,-eaî t lJet-aIhon ;i 1»-r venît- >cas35. i< tli.. l,,atvtî'r '> It-v. P. 1.'timaide. ria-t.rorf ahe- tam- 3>,>.,bll Ito slo.w ial-ielî-lt aatary hi et Il(a rîigîîî uniaa î,,î, I il,,,îllstt EIisai.îlîal <hLirch, ra' iiitiliiiies te) i tirae n th î,rnîa iaoire- ta b' station. liekiaaîiicei frntr(i, hinait,, n lîla his blridte, for- i ,iving lrîîirnorio, tht- ,, ru,)r, rit, ni lu Ii lils r the or- sert>. MisseInura. CrelsI-,, ithat ity. E >a. 40dih lie. faîte,> te, notice a At <ialestiarg, the fîîundry ot the 0. D ITheIi,-Hiie Thirsday nirning îaaail 'Il %Nets rotniîîg alîing. Cutî,u & fiifact,îry ca.,ght lire and wat>t te Seliate r-fjitoi ir ailla,(lie , mlj.o,, _in ln nuitl >uried hima iestris t-i. aluînit a-iîh vaitablie patterns. ment A>iril 14. Ciiv. Taner 5seul t-,thle a trucik. le luy n%- he tousa a$10,(M0 and! lnsiranep aaut. L-gilatur.- sari l mi-esag ust,,thic-,i OI îag fîîr ses-iraI nmin.u* Iluot,y(Cairey.thie fiduler mihoetforflit- diiuîîofUne L l monumiiiiiient andaIakiig col a,>lv ii- riw fotlv eua la-ilis-na îroiinen ~ure,~ for on atppropiriatioin uit $l.lte) iiPut it ti pt.-ab, t h-iî h.- r,-thi- Xest lhumImPnn pl ul(aiaii.sntofiur e od inretiair. The proper course tei Plors.P ii aet i he li-uur-lia-t-luthi,>Wet ileIn-asChini,t wonyerandodeile the- liuseraiîr thinkmia.latu put in ,-iiire>y th sa, Iiîaîiiucer .lýif n hi- Ros. e waxut outr 70iuî rstofîtue. t-w tounnîatin. Tht- Se-iate îiasseil fa g, oe sialiîin muin c TeBar Spi seofîd , n bgtt-h f -ight rîîuliîîebitls.. The- Hinse ni lth .isttinad lucaed (Uî.nty reven-tly ri-tundeil *3,000 t tenae d un.njinitiily the bill noaking an aiep h i.t i>t- u a sltha ontstauiug di-lt ot the- roiauîy, whi, l il b d >rupriatiun of *_50,f0.o uyp..tlac Jiltine lu iaiai-r,brishaeatin drawiia lxpercenit, tir 4% lptr ce-t. vounteer soldieristhe- diferîe ie twîc oit giillîluaseoif bl-hsesy The 1Prî-ident bna.piited tir. Freil tht- pay of the-State and i'&-tae paof t iblita atem ul s idr nahil b.-Wine" ot Springfield.L III., assisteaisI-, ainlsaeîîîîa rm a-dt-u i-a sut faiîaîîng. Il- Inteuili-t îof tht-econditg enaiisut a amal- roiiiîanî lu the date of mouletr iîao thet- n-iisa-sagain huit ar>. of $4.00>0 a y.-ar, and the latter hais Unit.', States serait-e for the Sîîanish war. wi 'illiaiui I>lekuîn, a rete.Aîîolher bllItappropriatins $l talulupay fo ier,'. the depoansd Mm Mary Flîîrley. a Chicagoi dremssnak- tftrsililiiofu driîgsn ad elulhîng pur- pi il ouail. Witta bila er, returied tuolher boulat the other ese-i-- hasi-ilfîr liai, vtîliîteers diig their en- th I i tait arîs. ikman luit to finit a tiin uwhlrh ailhi-ut I ariliiiî'autaISpringtield n'as iassi-d hy a na cli-hi-iloff hie signal1wîrlýrng agqarel sa!d hi-r saasnga, $0 iinainiiiis volt-. sl aîrait, laitîjuai ieatt billisles.bea.The quiestionuf ifnei-die adjourtiment ty îl,îîîî-, >ukuiaaatell At Chamjialgn. atuidi-ta l.i the French imr1 iiiil-lîai - - snr-ntu ot:a -ata ('ha rle-depa rliminaofthie Univsersity ot Illianoi Fi!> l.i , niits Whe hiabelion."e mii asa averti-s. gave thelr animîal Fre-nch play. at the nul- taittMNr. 8itroitiiiiý-,i t, uinader the veraity. chooloing it Moierea farce, "A Pby a,(,t( uit-îîîil,, ileîriiaatri--alutiiiu and ed condition. sai-au in Spite of Hîtoseit." ibînnaî,s i-iltei iii toiiî'iiiî n nthe re- tf Agric-ulture lia.a is- dith Russell, ageti 17, of Roslte a-i *,nidt-r:ii-n iatil ApriIl. Thaisnmotion ii,%4 r iiiuaaarl it- ~dieti ot ararlet fes-er. Five aotier blîdren wns arrai-l. if thtc Iiî,aase i-i aatinz ish' h. t iiiliiauth'utthe taml.were it-k of the maulne dis-lm t si al ui1, e-i i'îaAii -d Ail-boit aenrtttrn-i' oavî-d., -e Il nsuit ssIi t,îr il-. iiiiiiilite a-loi-v. If oui t iirt> ci-iicîs iutahcas Ail hdeta-s'a aîîî-ndau itta.i-theI- liiîise s îianltit iug a li-uîii'iti,î lia indiii-ili-that th,-'merbou is e'-leti %.t sda .,ru nrk and ieit-iailitt-nmuire ltaaîahei- ll tînt- lin tas ,,r pîuuaîpoîing Ihe date of ailjoiarn a tuir 0,-rui' a riip ift Frewbii'h a-tpt ns-etthe buoinespart naiqlil iali 1i . Tha,- ltuse (îniaittci- favoiratble. 'Th,- ari>. Rintson early the uther moruing eaax- ontXiaii liI(riirîiiar-irtli.iI and, vigoiriu,nabuaît th'.- popeylingut $M0000. The 1-Irst iaua~trazinaat itie lui setl ret-P atate t,>.a leraitly lsniage.-T Ntina Rnkbuildangt won destroyes>and te o u ti softhetmme;o h ain lalr klI-,>lusix other struc-tureî s-t-te ruinesi hy tire i.u-î Th-lraatai reiiîaa an.mlie ile a'l watt-r. F. Ii. Deney. uffered a aos C n-.TepPPjtlwrursa ntil, Chiaton.- (rce-eiaa-. ut15,1)0o. ibre toirt>a s a-te. loie. ,>uet-la-r i-e-t 'lhe- limiteîs etnaît a S 'a'ock 3louday &net St. (Clair. Thea. State Mine Iaspticlr XW'lton Rutllete tirnoiiî, au,> sltbonghlt-aes tbau a qui)- t huit hart outlitlait.-bast-indi-mnéal mine No. 1 of the l"ana traui a ispri-si-ulthe sessîîio aslesl uaet buti iii îaîîat oft t aia (u(", omptanyberois-s-tht- iscapement te aa)îîai or. A1Il oit he- appîropîriation hills li- i-r>. sîasll. The ine! t.'No. 2 wss aoiatîtn cndition reituireai(,ii ir-f t ,!s'condiilr-aidling n-e al--ti; fr,,iu,î'iat 'ount> - t,>v law. Tn-iihiiadi>nunlon white ,id aîliaiiivlhîr tbil s-m-ceatie tfor' la entire vîrîp i killl.d. .sudtrialotu-t .-nployt-a w're ti-iprarily w'nrl. l'lita1e Itîîa aijiirni-d tu 10 u'cluek Pl li-ae hl crut, iaentlru-ly thrsvuaontut f work. Tiiuîtuay iaairniig. The sonate cruuaened t- ilas aloi lx-ara are ian- Owiég tlu thes-art-ltv unsoi hlriýs uf at 5:30 -iî oîly a fi-w i-satura lirenet. W a tait i to).('hei'-ï" zi-c one. the- Natthieamnlit Hegeler Zinc ZNo >busineas-au s.Iraus&i-ti1tEl te 'aharu-il tt- tait-(if<'omnpiany at Lahale, which operates the A i-suiri'b-iimi î siai> î-arî-tnlly îlrawn 9 ýruits ir(,- gi-îarally an largeait smeltiag jetant sud roiling milla lu "i-urriiliajI)rn-iI-es lbill"*nas>ntu-idnesLu la je lat-.tht-couontry, has hecu tors-ad ho close-une tlIaMeit,l' Tuesua> iiirnllug hy Snator (i ut js ibres- smeltm-ts. One huindre,!band@a Hailllîeiaof Cisaenat 'atk'. The1!ltinaea iÏrw Ruglild. are thu>as- empîotsrily ont ut wiitk. maît,'ail iiiioýriaiat naus-,-ia fsrtlitrau-e 1lau arae i.for a niî-a ail- aiia tiriaahutil ~Fis-e lbidred union minera and rltittena ut(lf.-.Tua auîur'm abo imhe ilie>. nheu lthI uaaiii ('îîaîi "su sho sympiatblze wiîb the trikers tfos-med pausa-illiai(-lblîl inlroiled bI y feprt'uenta- v ibst'ihil' r-s-sladNhHuel'ana Protes-aise League tl) offset the tivir- rerIltiîag lu thei-mpnortation outa oblbiitreieIl as-i'ana Anti-Ifirme Thiet Association. outid tsiiiri-r- i atéi bis Stiili. The bill înîki-a n ii- trnliîahih ilu ohave liten ,rgsnlzesl tutthehetpetit ut Il a î-riîaaîaaaal offense -lai inlireaceiori-ra tu t- ClIagtir îî-lî- n uibcIhe peratotra. Au atlempa n-il> i i'made a-oniihttolithis Stat ile îîîaille- re1iniiiia- leiiiiu iailf th(> ralil luset sarcharter troua ah, Siale for the tiia-. Mairtin utfl'Cook. the' iilîired rma. i- ~o lîîîî aolNrt ew orgtnulîstion. lru h'Iios' îal'a il 'bagailiai z mie.i, leui-i and Elijah Cuînningham sud Tomt Brown u utttisoafoîdb.i.sI T paria te) Mairinei, arîd C('sru tasota u the ateamier (eorgia I't,4- rt 'lidnlte fla-lfaratiuiag ri-giiiu Le-bâtha afatal ight nt Chester. Cun- îuporant *]aimer bili. tle ' iirrae)utof hi'h iiingbam kickesi Brown in tlie mont> , iite, peint theî i-iniu aiit 0f ineOmPýti - Hase. -hen the latter dren- a is-Let hulte ana! tiet pt-mn im ia iual nmaii-u. la lirouides 0 ou ce.a." ui s lanbed Cunningham julil heluas-the hes,-tthat tii> niai îminera salal lottesait a i- i do dIl,]trent damage maakiîag a terrihle mioitud. Brown made s-ese. W'irknaeun holias-tehta-en lgagelil -oof ait >ouk & Ba-sbhaa escape us-ir the hbis. in cuai iraing itfuir ascrtain tinte are gi-ien0 almusia s lm-.k i l- One ait the- muai irouhleigome teatures ertiflcei'b> virtîu- uftIhat tact; îîIther» e. ahe- hiek n-alilsi-as- ofIlîlinoia agriculture. uaya Ihe BHiffo»iiiag- int riuta. slm S ta-he tli,.bsa!rd. G a 1hiir-u--,n-i-rt- iuried. tlitIl'antagratîh. ia the- so-called - i-aîi 1 aîil'ir aIlt ur.<is kit ftroianabanliaeatîîa t akh uos saleiu ogua Tanner mntt h- eîate the nanie out ailinarils iîelndeufuif t cenioi>.ove,' tht- rentral au.! nurfheru Puro"' > Iuie t stS.Isîi uh i- trolle'y 5ir if thea'tiî,ua ot the t-Iale. Tht-y amount i.t-coumuisionir ut the Che-ster îieitintiaryte o ha-t-bili-is Aliaia gitegat- 0 tunsndaut cre amithae inplace out.1. iB. Ni'ari-ign,-îl. Tht- P .t as 1h li-trili, yvire- îraeticnlly tuaproutiase as farumtala. niantiisai -ulra-l.T-ioi ktliemil Si. iaitrii-k's Hîkr1> -st-i > -nlgsIlaiegi. holdlingtafleritoi nasioîmna-i on Bunke îa tiss igtel a,.nir b es-idemmce ut a si-ir-ltin iashlislsbeuir îan. lon as it-b d-stroed tht- laiina bouses î,îaîjîîinas t-ar». au Pri..îiili. At tht- for tihe Arsenal.. eron of C. J. Jaeo>îy sud John Sitedeb And sîec,îam aiinTîîî-îhîy aiaax ii-ldy a itn-i ue elill .Iîiîit, ba'l'-y damnagelu- tua r treute>ilîiugs. ut t-oposii-n lgnI i r amîtî i Iing aet liThebasala $ wIttnith $30,00it>t u-ur- pDommage ofath,îîstaîîî illl ie- ' I.k lellîiiîiar-aenas'l hiaui. Tht- tire- origiunt- it HiiîeeI>Ie's s buignto ifri thi' ur tiirriitwiriif . Il lus- a a. îaîsî-î , r>. goiudastore. Bunker liii>>uha aJ ('ih agu ippoii-liiiiî--af cuiiirligmaiut da aoiI;lt up ubtrI,- dlialtiosconfl>agrataios it,,- tu auou-at iui-rrai-s eu ilt îîî-î. Tht bullt aîaore ,huil L, e theN(,vus mthr, and l ti-el b>Dr. liHa, E %ais h iaîîllîaîliia Iî-î eh, . tu -ork iiri.îiiimi't aitizima s sa n t-u t h.'instilae il u,1,1a.u ut r -tyliiiii. the preusauiug cotnclusive thitt Tht- folIowa us bis have becs iro- .aituîîîgt lii- -as tngîîiity if argenti. The I itiarnaI-t-dîîebl -i--ugh bs, ti-. ,i-r ti-rrati-il lis ir thlit-reiiîalî-d rbaiiltirs. li3 .b-ui laia abot n rkiaaî-aîteil 1h, ut tal satiih Il alupirar lu bc the- auet- utfilaec-ta saiiiti--ii i,î-auir aoaaîro oset Justicie utf lie Pînue Mouritzt Oe-illt et Jf i%.IMr. i i.i l i.,i trîîe for etxension l'ail Inzall. iEasut St. Louas adi aî îaîmsalîa-aa i-j f:, -te l,<1 1 i L Ir axu OI-4les-tie for Park i itit. l'P-te-rth(> cure of tl- udrink hbtit. Titiisliu-e iii iIr i r itlua' ttIi-r ialoil F nul li-ta. lino thei- lbiloiitlasa ciaisti-tlia nîoiii. i ud r I Ni ot hlicaor nu rliiuilduiig the- Clairkblasotrd-oualt tallgrmiubuats-a ttil, ia> - îuoiu kutittuuuuuTdjiiulg pblit ii idicnîs aui- ilia Qu wh3 aui-h wnIa-. t aîî-u grsdaati--l retlinte 11, lirikiîg glia îl-,miut- fourmula uf lugreduenta iY lin-. ts-i, u-" ilul t hî'y are lhabIet-eIitint] tlaeuîleiiLidus! aalitIlituit -a,-e tell ar ain- 1-3uiburl aîîîl puoibiy la thu e lbultiIaiuors oa a&'Il;bv iiuNilt.r ut lIat cisila \uiiuai-ineu uiah c harge- ofiierjaaî- he.uui tteai-ra ilua tenuliu uiuuIiaun ct i-b-s sa-e la tii adtuulii-,ti-a lia irua in u ti l tatul the i. uut î u uuîuul' s tuia. iappest1Ugu. tam an liii ltmain,-ta tuuu iliîkiiut- Tutu ItsXit-.III-gui a Pras-iublit for sa>îîait- SSpuringfieldhaurus.- aor moreis 55iti'-mo-t c uîs,-ils- tIair tuaies u ti ui--i i ian uit liuuî-îî-ug drmimïbii1ia t,, 1>.th tueor ,> u. lia au-h vaai-a-, nid ouild l it, u tîll is su - lioii s-t., o ut pleu or if tit-i. - tliiiýlIul ut-iil (it heuart ata',the l I, tiit-. - %vi 1>tu I ulîusaau Io ta t> i t . DI luit- . Atithrizing ePill-s, in- le 17- .1 'ai.1r,1 . prolias't-uuithe- mitn îuîa chatrgte of plaurr. eîuîuuuti-il tomuanda tvilliaigesntua estait-t lu-luliuli tiig luinst. ti- o uthlie'tuiiersali. i I;3-s ull,,C. illa nu-rofiTrnni. Nio, lts XMr. irue l titgIhe hua rdiofc t- cacheau-utaaa grî-m' îauctary uotlt-fîîrsuthieiiuuuîI tuuli fSa -eonltr owrt - ~~~~unîd Pubtlic I airiivei'u t Asa-ai aat,î ion, " uaruuoug r ole a,-r-unîaair> pser r iailliue-' lavels uIsubair- hîîî un Surnogîil lît "'%"iegaiiSt- is XIMr. ricksoiTu, iniarge State it~~~~~~ t. uî eillii -t a urîtfor 1h.-ie railst Iîua ie t,- Stol, ic n I - sg ruîaîas saf rie] i ar ai,>t ,ur mentot c. iý hoI un tî-m-Ialutlia r,1 inaui-. 1 aslbinui-. uriliait aun> SIate librar> - tu he cableti t-an>. atlai' aiiauiait uaiui lait iilIalai-nt th,-(aliui-tnî.n11 .la' usi tir- il ruatiliill f it li-s r. l.aiîta Creting office ut chut-t tia riuit-ut. lin efi>t la ii gti- lTli- ii i lni-of-mry aeiglauitutt-r, sabmitasit haisaupers-ision "I.u-iiu oiuitheStt>us ei n reit -vr nîlghlng utfiii grainuitalien uni ur .Ntraauii ins-ta-igir a haîdrîl s'.a.sucinIiuiai iIlliois. iad iti ..y as-sebouse ur ,-es-aur. l i-cause bi- i bvuroicl i-a lut tn tisu hcirgaiit- sris ail au B> . NrLes- ut Culs Ameudiîig cic- irry iti. andid. -u -aotiomn, huiltu iaako I lat- .5 lit luatu lu-t liotInsugonaluupros-ide additions>slat- i -i axli-a%,isi-o îne-liaiesîhih-inucula-uîs tailaigris irgiursol n satce futrillîcerala svote-a Shuaa ui-tu- I î la i, Th b otujam f uitdito ilsrher'i i lait hou lB>. M.iMattin utf('oîk-Abisihing e- 1 'aii rou u i ifteî,î. udateiet as uluiiter,l <s-. Ti,-rheemption ofpersoaulsbpropetîy lujudgms-nts as unulgalî v t îî-aie i thrjýt- îi-î>Usof etin li'lre lui tht- rtueasas utishetihourdert or other pet- .k lnuk,'r lun('aeii. hiriutiocthe>îslte wîîîîeai8ew ~ to u-i sun; aigubill gis-tit talpaylng vumen tawsidtai- ioarteî,u i li- r lbeinformsfatnasvt-nluhncor- .righitIi s-oie o uqiestions uf bond isu-" effliiry. lititihie countrroabunasnhothe t-onflill nd uther maltersaoffectinit taxation ut mâtureaîu utdea-leraîtr>orflaJnatck-mhuit itperty. taîtaa ul-ulî ut sonnali[),-xindu-mili uu ibu-in.hlanpro- B>-'Mr. 3Nînyben'Appruprlatiig $2, bu bii as taibu-ilandit Iuuit)i itiatute sui ua nutf aitaî- 000 10 psy btira of Edwsar'>EsRatnfor îtkrupla-y. Them'usti-I-atiî,u hat btequestion ut bard tuait$ ailîl land italien atmiuad for î,ark purposes lu iat.-litii.6 $10h(sJO. muoun beont a lot-alipulitit-al Ianue. Chicago. ion.'> 5sI5 irtei 1,- Mru. Amauda Scbverdtfeger utr<Chi- Ev Mr. Shunwmy-To exempt garulah- lraiili ut rîînime suitt.go committi-ulsuicide lu the- basculent ment vagsabead ut famil>. tu aut P 1. N'hmitîuort lu the outlber bougea.Èbe wnroiund hing ou the of 50 tCior*. Mru. lIns-t-y four. wih a revois-m-rn luier baud. %[,a- e ihrsn 'rviigibta> TO SAW UNi4coLups TOMï kverane la"Mur Ap»samIa t ie U laloktur fer AdtiOu. nov. Tanner Thuedu tranmli li atu hanuses a upes-lal mage aulb n mouninnd recommending anusMM upriataun ut $100,000 tue bau te-ou-s lon. ln tht- Sente the message vua a-s- erred lu abs- Committe- on Publie BulIa s an stillrouada and in th- Houaskt ent lui tht- upil -omilttee appoi«Mt mre trme ago lo insnigaît- th- coubI«m ,th- monunat. Intht-mesimage tlb. os-i-mur says. 'l uta-are t. catI tht- attetion et tire ciieral Asis-un otul. hi' cuitimn oftheb nui-o a nuenuat allîlth-necesbity fer aklng muaeuru'slu lira-vent l aallung lot* iîun. Whu-n thi> monîumnt was era-sta-4 ie central oiusik vas cunairu-tein tiiiiatin extending u tht- litaveak n bvich a ses-r,- footing vas excuvalai 4 . ail1 uonuswhIicb from six to eigbt teet uà uaol uuuîcrete was pbsactd. On top ofhie -anre n-t-sriibte-stout- masun>. tourisi- io as a.hrouîght bu the grde- sud extumi. g on up lai tht- top ut the- tettats, viras he lîrink uua-ilary anti uhebisk proffl bu- n. Ail otiaur footings urthe monUrnMt5 i-b>.y, thoseeut thet- t-race, the sWmj@ r ut- catacami andl the mu-morial hall, vUm-e - xcas-atein auhe cia>.Th- bruad naas.s %otinga laid il, the- trencee were beumr -o grade lua guooi qualit. ot brIcit Ma- mury. "Th- moinumnt van providei orbglaally wi1h auc a a ti>t oasuibm-hegranit- V"~ lrns ut the terra-eand th- t-ofttb pedeealtaon wbieh the statuar>. stini lut Ibm-r- ns no utestion ut leakage, a6i ic longt as nu settieuteut us-carr-il use mn. Li>ICOLÇ'5 TfouDAÂT aPRI'çuVXuLD. r'na struc-ture vas dry and dturabl-. WlIM- l u ashort pi-riod, bone-er, aller lira-O- - pletion outhem-monument, Il wau it@esovmsa ed abat cracks oppeare inluthaeneiOU talla, n-bit-hvers ut fBrut amui, but Os- inîéiesluincrease in asezë, nd (hae«iai' syntmueiricali iums outhtir cpngu and baâ. entrotienbm-came crtokmd andi una-ven -Th- dock or fluofuthtie ta-mcea- l«Il tf les-el, ittavu apant saitdt-tack-iovicg- nu tht- unequal suit exîrsordînry stlu. mst-ia andmutiovements ut Ihm ta-ere wals su thât ihuht-s-ieenecma-1Wt tp a mehul rots-ring uven it La otietet makre il vaterpruof, andtt-en atra-mitai ont-ring laeitravut andi ret-atnlplas-ce& - "Parts outhebm-terra-e have, tramz(hua-te loue, bseu takr'u iovu nitndrebuilt bot a>. t-a>, vitr the sain.remuibu. TheIonie- tins have coutînuel mu settie una-qmally.- bThe patou t-beet-at-aide,.na-il ta lb. iront ut the bil, irasetidteslfata- t ti» bhat above. vbîcb t-urbu us-souatai t ni>. o unhbm tireur. Ibaltir e asr hl e t- ung under t-ht- fooings. The- suirfaoe st the aboie rock on vbls-h tira-foatises of tb- heblavers starte>dommnot sMe oau sriontalisiplane, but Inclines te tIbe 'as-jus un the a-ait itr a ip o etle.« vwo hacha-ata tht oot tis bucomineM ruvontm-arubei, uuder!ylng tira-uami»e if tire earth ou tire hhlluides. Thia nippe -s-ct-eu us>ndretuins ail tra- at-? tliet -- percolaten tirrougir Ibm-gront ansaem- lus-ta it ha the dîte-tion ufthtie ravins mi hie ,agi. s-onîinusbiy vaug eut t"r -mirtb lyiag ns-il ta lira-rock. This la Wu lu-s-ml b>.expert macbmas ndunit gsia-avi, s-ho lias-t-examiued ibm- structure te b. the t-aune outhebm-untquai settema-at te ahjch rats-r-ns- bas bs-tn mua-,. "tUd-ttht-sa t-ltuautn-sit la appas- 'ut abat t inusou». aquestion eutiUre vise lie monument vIl> bs-soms- a rn Ifte"mg arnet ua atsn tu preveut sut-h a catastro- phe "I respocitfut->. uggeslt-ote hea-naa Annembl> Ibm- lrupriet>. aud nceauhl>. et - appoiuhing a comsiita o nvmmusate tirs coandition ut th-ounumeunut d rmmila an appropriation ut a sufilcieut umount l. rotiut in permoanent rt-pair. TItis mn. tient in tise pridei and> gior.ofuthe pe-ople ut tht-St-ste outiuleaund ilas ondltlo.5 j ashi-ta nownta Ibm-peuple outah. satlm i State if tua gmt-at s regard for a-s-dom- alaulaitru-vent the- takiug uofuns-h act"as as n Ill rmu-'lt ila prssrs-ugl tfonrah îubeaauna-anal admiration ofut itèelty." State lttmu of Intaea«1 'liai' autaral gent-rai han as-cepteil lha esél4gnation ut Ahi',. M. Daul-la s capSuan Comupn>L, i.. -'t infanr., and an alse. lion baa b-on orderei forbMouds>., Mare* 27, h t itItht' vas-sar>. An -lpt-stIon bu urti-relin Comspany. F. Firai infant-y, tes the naine tafit fur tient lieutenant. Cerebraialtmenlugitis, vblhbas prev-abrti in Waasuington Count>.luha amUi furm for th-lint fs- w eeks, la mev spreadiug nitb sut-b ilormîns napMdty Ibut t-vse>. effort la beiug insde tuas-k k.IL 'T«o deatho bave meeultel et Aoblu>., rtmr haie occurrai! il Okmvs-lle, thee mu- bers ut a fîaily ett lBre di-aietlCovingtua lu ivo days, t-vo deaiha occutrat.Ai. rît-ville and nuintraias-cats" are repeetoit lu varions uther paria ut ihe conut>.. la muatinsutancesaire s'ictima hav- bham butitid lmminlottly atter dits-î. A mea. juri>. ef fatalitles has- etan amung s-hi!- tirs-n. bit, and! Mrs. Sqiqtre D. Maut-ru et Sandriige pt-es-uin ata-brabei th- ohzaj. lBt- nli v-raur. ut marriage Mr. Mas- aes-r wan hotu lu Oserton Cont>., Tans. Nov. 12, 1812. Mrs. Masiers, viras muid-n names- as LucinaaToun. insase m native ut Tennessee-uitla jumI (v. yemara >.ounger thon ber iruihunit. ib couple vers matai-ileaiJackonvllle l 18114. The>. came 10 Menant Count> la 1S«14 andi bocait-tioa t-be tarion vins- th-ynov lIre. Mr. Materswva asollg lu the Black tHavI vue unit partls-Ipolai in the ai-g- at ita-rmaiRock. Ha-eami un- t-rre n uhbe-Iblois egullus. Ghvlag Ulm a DistantaRImat. Whllle, ra-gattully-l'd lîke jmmt mv- fuit>.takis yon, Grvis-a, but 1I mpect If woulain'ldo. Toru knov your unmmm sui> ye1n ustn*t na-vs-r Montirs ho». Gracle-Tes; tbai's vbu±abuthe 8 That lu.,lt'u about whal aire aald. I 'niamr itutasis-Il, Sha ums lê MA oira maya: "(rcl-, dunfl ~110e'or m a maFOU kisalu' the boys." Mamo14 maha-' goba- over ta Mr. Bbibtyle.-PUsm iteiphha Pr-a. Ovr Zoha'tudYNouahs. '% 11 day v>tbaut sarnatint ac»-M@Shb@#" vhich tal- ha bastobevat 8R b fli He dsi net ualila-ve Intra-V0b dshed ttf, btthl* Imot-bai g. bilou lapwIta4u ftb* Wb" - bue eoàama

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