CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1899, p. 1

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LAKE- Vol. Vil. No. 24. CoUNTY I.NDEPENDENT. Libertyville. Lake County. Illinois, Friday. March 24. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Variety is the - 'ý)'c or 1, dza DAIRY TRUST. TOWN CAUCUSES. Capitalista Proposta, Form a' Lbertyvilie Republîcans in Excoel- $50.000.000 Combine. lent Humor. 411C:fforts lookuîîg tovard the formatimon Withut ndiidulit peplewotd b Oclm411-of a dairy trust, cîîmpared Wo 'hich Wltsot idildujly pope oull .. oiimiii Joseph Leiter. propoied ilti oo. place lndeed. la vhai botter va! eua 5m0555binaiioiî appears Inlgnik.ani, are zninltalu bis indlvidulty snd vIn respect than bing made in Cbicago. ltepreseîita- by thse correctnee ansd diaiinctvene5s of is tives of îsowsrf.i Nev York and EF.glistb s.lothola sIid, te coifer vib local tromfiers s1 tise entierpibe The plan îaim o ~.akna..a la (~i~ DauiuUI Rwu. lave over 1500 distinct patterns. Yon con select a Sit or fleeost bero that viii be agreesl! dîfferext from ais, tbing e ltu tovu lu eoioriisg sud design, sud it viiltue ,utian miade for yon In a mannel that viii excite thoeuvy Uad ,mlrstlon of your frionds. SANBORN & CO., Taiors and tiaberdashers. Kaiser Block. -Lîbertyville.i Dr. Charles Calloway.! PRAIRIE VIEW. 1MisaLauraslprague avîiteil(îîg Office over LovellsDrug8tor0 relatives tant Munday. il ~iibiilllîi 'r.. CTOY. X. r. A. G. Matber eîtertatu.ler Lîbertyville. Illinois brother Ueo Hans, -f laaite - o ________________________ Snday. Master iHoward Wil,Z bui,,eh Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Aunfertua with a geNere attack "f Office over Trigue & Taylor's. lagrîppe. -oHOES- - m oiads.t .n. C. P.Welsleft Thiî forWMus- li1adeoc. on iBroadway oppoite akinglton Co., lowa, uhere he viii matie Libertyville. Illinois. improvomenta on lis place. A, (. MaSiher han a Une e vriety of planta tu bis vlndov, ho siso hais a fMil Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. fineofo groeeae. LCalilandsi tl MOU" Tu. sM A. 39M1TO m Usa V T u. L The frianlds of XaaûflColby viii be f plesed go lern %bat h.. la grsduallY apecisi attention juid to Sb (reeuverlng after a long and severe III treelment ot C bromaie 1 uasumY la Rockefeller. Illinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Physiclan and Surgeon. aasia,.s ppoiTaLEEASUOU L ai. Gurnos- -- -----Illinis. 4 #~I4 Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT l. office over J. W. Liutier's bldg U' .Il a. . md 1IDto à ni. AL Libertyville.[IlI. Dr. E. V. HARVEY. DEN TIST. -- oicitHOURS- Grayslake - Illinois. PAUL MacGUIFFIN, Atorney and couinelor t Law. NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICE M iris LAKE Cocavi YBAUX, Libertyville. Illinois. HENRY Z. DURAND, ATrOSM ANaYsD .COUPÉaLLOE AT LAW. iloq c]RAMBLR 0F COidMERCE. CHICtAGO. sta., and Fdri Reslewyi: (tons,. LàIE F MT. ILL. LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL Duimg-room Service Fint CImE. H.a.iuarteml for,2crlistsan.d Comnmercial Trvelera. W. A. OCANE. PR0 Co. 3Muiw. AV,. and Chureh Mt. LIBERTY VILLE. - - ILLINOIS. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURSERY. one mhi sosth of Esing Grove P. O.. Lake, Co.. DIi. Fruit.HSbaie and OrnamautaiTres. Grapo- vines and Smaii Fruits. b <et mi'prioem ou weelimtd stock. 6.1-U W. H. MILLER. TONSORIÂL ABTIST, When yotî vant a clean shave or a good hair coi ca] on --Bllt." lieu loor ta W. C. TriSSa81100onstore 'n)sa U" tit shoi, open eoer dr. ovonhIsiiSunsiao moring. *LAKE * COUNTY BANK .... pWright, Parkhurmt & Co. * Libertyvile, Illinois. Issues Interest-Bearing Certificaes Payable on Demhand. 'l' lie canons for 'l ,,wn0of libe-riyviitc afforded fou f,r ihe loval jpolliiciatss, vbo nomIîîated for every ofli- î' canididateus ad distriliuted their vote'. prt!lnssetlOisIY, alvîsys takuîîg care te amY.. a usaîority iCi the rglii nman. thairosan corlet of ie Towil Comiiiee calls.d the ,51iii toonier.Paul !ihiirdîsllà i a'. ueeore coisirol ,of the entire outputi of raolde permsanenit rharii snd FtH. aH the dairles sud creamuerles eat of jut secrstury. lise !i.wigticket the Rocky bionutains sud tu dispose of vas plâtredii fis e lield, nifli to diItibhters Iin the large cîties. lroy, tisi. L.. ... i.. i the uurplus tu be tîirvio ittubutter, As'L., .bond cheese, sud uiher counmerîsl producîs CIo,,WAtrîigie for tLe dumoutileand forelgn traiet lOaîyC îs'voe C iz WB. 11,1 r Tris,, ki4t,iol. (2'. . lner. The îroposod ciipitaiizatiofl 15 Chairmaîs MacikuMu nappolîsicil L. $Sii.I(iiiOiIO.Bond, ilsrry (Jaltovay and L. B. Nî.goiîatins verc opeîsed an early as Litchbfld o'. Town ('oiîiff.i'ýe for tant Augosi. Ai the meeting tant veeti eunihug year aud the canînsadîoiirned. of tIse -iiago abippers uion the DEisOyRAT'. NONIINArE uippers ver., ofred a ie-year con- iruediafnly afier' the sdjoiirunient tract vib a sfipulationi for snnai ,f the repitiican caori. ('isairman agreemnent am iu prices andîIlh wasicaf or taildthe deiuocrafste euiuder. fsvorably recelved, Be vas choienun a permanent ciiairuoan. The mount active local prohioter in v.ib Erneut iBrovn as secreiary. L. Jlackson, vho asslsted in forMing the Nomiinationsu vere by si,',iaiioatitlu sud Milk itiililîpera' union. l'ibe proposi. the folloviîîg ticket vas the iuauiing1 t výnnas t,, have su agent of the trust choir e of the canette, the cilice of tovn1 on tyery Chicago nilititrain, vbo clerirbeing leit open lu i.,, fis-siiy vouid b.,provlded vmlb cash tu par ths. Town Cmmiittee: eacb daiy for ail]oil taltsen aboard. C, .,r . .1A,,oilii 'L'lts proposition ie muid to bave been ......OOC. H. J. Uter tlii, irm,,tive ,y the 1,51111 sîipper8 liiuis'.ay (,ssiuoe.. .s.Mle tt. bisg u they ibave liait su end l o ,'i ...Ti ,v ... li,' i..,. ir .. ii . . î i ii Irniirî,.'.l'.,iiîî ý. ihe atinog fowlvi .onmite vas ui~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. i îso iI rii t o fthe r,.aîîîî'd, %, hh'b crînafo , ýf H ..('suer. îîtî..î iav s,'pe, îisîfrs , smeE. H Welis snd J. B. Brwiltux extit î. se re i. aevten ,ofrepiort- 15 Os UJsmo)ioi hiigc~,opaaCi ic iba ufa cnomrc l ilookthel.,repubiicagiis ut Maukegan s.genc'3, lbutishe usater of colle'ctions .la wio'. ibp jiîtaiftfeensintiies itunaine éiii.eaiî for aiixicty. ibeir tovo ticket lastgaioîday, vhfrb Csiitn,il ofthlb.uilk aitthie silig indîies eathe hsriuony nxîiâing We ledii sreeegnsrotd as the keYnole o1 iveen the varions factliors in luelb. . the miiiiatioî, mas ti requires practicaUly P. lu ihat township. The !oliovlug ni, rapital tui become aàidealer. The wre placed lu nomination' Super- forelgu traite la tu lie deveosped in ,ior, John Bover; hAst. Bupenvlsor, accordauce ih reconsmendationum .f B. D.Wynu; Tovn Clerti. Ueo. Butcb thebe >îrinieni 01 Agicuture. ison; Coltector, B. E. Wooley. Thîvre are 5,0,1100u<Mcuvurs ise ilve Anie.son. Col. Wn. iM. ReKd Higbvay îlalry Siates aLround Chicago. "lho Coimisslouer, JaMes BBss'liirc]. trust viii, iii.le pected, contenit ilueif For nomnations lu Avon, Naiconda, viib a commission o! ii., cents a cau Vernon and Wet Deeriieid Tow.nahlps, un mîlk i pped tu> the raiies'. The sec rayslake, Wancdus, Pr...i THEY ARE CAUGHT. Cr'.cksunn Who Lootd Arti0ch Bark Now in Jaîl. Alfier evaêding omeiers or the lav for seversi morisu, tvo o1 the. dariug crlininai. vho entered snd vrocked tbe Autiocb tenantiare uov aafoiy iîeid lit jaii ai Stevens lPoint, Ws.. Suue the bati rubbery ai Autiocb the mon have had a series of inter. It in .taied thati iv.,of tbe iuse.. un Cier arresi aI iStevens Point îuter suspicionî of having periicipatediin the bati robbery ai Amherst are vanited by the United State«. author- ltiea for the burglary of ithe poftof- iceu'h%4.N aukeaba an,! Lake (Jeneva snd the state authorriles ei Steveun Point have been oc ni,' ied. Further- more the sainenien ire vanted ai Antioch lipon the vhii&rge o! havîng robbed the banti ai ihitplace of 54,0(5! lu cash and $2,iI{i4 in i.gotlable bonde. The tvo men, Jobi liarrington aud Ed. Rasigan bave b. en idenàtilled by Postai Inspecter BifrI, of Mivwankee, vbo bansboad charge of the cases. The postollice ai Lake Geneva vas entereil on the Sunday boforo Tiîanka. givlug. Friday and g8sfurday nflbi the burglara passait in the achoolhouée ai ibai place, sud vhiie ihelr pros. ence ln the huijding vmi uotert, roui dents aupposeil h vas the janitor ai bis work. In tha saie vsy they made rue of the achoolbon.e at By- ron. Alfier forcing the âale ei the Lake (keneva postoflice, the robhera ,s'cured but aiamait smonut of @tampe and ~ ~ i alesetelî fermer s barn sfole s pair of borsea and drovo to b urlingti, , ccording g0 theoovidence '.hielh Inapector Bird bas ln hie pou.- session. Frnm Burllngtou the couple bosrded a Wisconin Central train snd pro- ceeded to Wankesaasud the night before Than kegivlug gaiuod ontrance te tbe poutollico lby turaiug a k.y jM the bacti dont vitta a pairof nippera. Fixing a net îcrev tc the cae dol, tbey drilied a bote luto th combina- lion snd thon, ater cuitiug s tbzeed tu the hole, endesvored to force the tocti, vheu the handie of the 8Me acrew broke. Thtia made tgIm îposai- Horuchiserger Bron. are geituinis a s aiÏy-C bcasg' lila eutotcf lfu.110 <anas ic'. sou veem.,so coroiiblusouce. .' Ine..... , aen- s Joli lino of aok an sd lare roady soi t5ke eai ibis rite voliîd at ord revenue of ball heen vitbdravu, vouid have ocire of il lbthetradete bsi couses their $8041 s day> HInta for Adv m er, rade il easy tb rov bocki the boita. UUY.fil roorid J.L. ackon îlImeef Maie yîîr"îriw '~I~i!uîiîes;There vai a large auna of moue, la WU- t l reprte J.L. Jckwn wil lcet Makeynu -ihe sate at the lime. Lieutenant Lannion ban sce pied a tige represe.tstiven of the Ne'. 'orkti gve theso a p.rnoialiy ibat viii lie Leaviîsg Wsutieah the pair vith positioun iana aufacturing and London capiialiste sil is ci lty recognized; toitt sometbing lu)t'illenl.1s ciple ett teAt)l mont lu Chicago. Hia familY viii Ibîtirsday or Frîday. M. Jackson thai yull dsire.ittc'utio.sfi) tfhem every bati, vîcre tbeybail utile dlmltiy romain vibth eir parents for tise! refncaîl ither, t.'contirni or deuiy the îlime. TI is tii., '.ilu '.niin in iowlng copen the u.fe and 34,0<10 lu profent. vi.usil (u'iJ ,, ',d,. I- ,Isrt '.,rdl, anud s'.sssus. naiiin oSJ01 Apropos o! thle uany ne'.minhe tî1short seilt.or, i. ay,,l oi anglisg saxnii aieubon da. itnrntug tlo discovortea and mitirg iirldent'. con-.lausen and lî,irasos. lie brick, tefi eoab on& Iltrig u netdteewg h floigwl iBaCk In '58. bgh letoiilalitgeChilcago tbey reinaines in u iding for ofeited t onrrohedfoii oug viineb., righ, ~~~ ~ avîlui,-and nîothlng van learued of o! ntnoa t ou radru î.ty-iîc . in.iolls i>teOiipage iîîi, l - .lrien. tlr.4t, ét oitudmil tb#-inoie 'i ho ilera îsntll tise ro.bery ai Amnherst, yeort &ago l" Maeh '*21,lino ýisch,'s . ise lîuded il. tu, se-k ,'ous- bri'.îi aivCrtkier alie, t" gel ri'aîîlts. wvisn t1i,'Itlispe r mnesiaelyy sus. Of the cnmmillue companîisibai went tasoiiiîg fihe ruli-a sud regulationis snd lie ioiy oeCRa'onall3 giN o a iiî bai!f apeîuibi ineco Brd ay ti Cailornia rom Lake Coriniv ai that Is"t f 11 'iiic ftise 7ib îenai fa--r couii,,,,iccfait,. lo bilmîînîtber.snc. i ert., is isîît t i esi dois ii gayse &fime met and made, their '.iart on Iheir 'of tue lakt, Couoiy Agriculiorsl and laîv or il goîl bisgteady iiinntjiloiiîîu. irst deys journey over land toward tIse Horticuilisrai Socety beli t.Lberty-; r,-gîiar oriers ari- Msi,'i i lier., ibeir. thenfrs f amed landi o! gold trîîIn tise vileIcober ,th sud ftb. 1>55. 'l'ie '1-. sil iroîulstsi l li,'is iili proioce1 place nove kuov as the Lockbead fat, sggregaie ainourot of prernitims lit!d' eîslîo,-trs anîd ,rolilt'. "lb. gbi sort HALF DAY just vesi o! tovu thon occupiu.d Cy acvordiisg t,,tht. bookiamoisita to S150. l. diel rtisuog mrols '.tue lîînof 'IVr. W.Stanclif lias luee uuitersuîg TnuesdolRose snd ovnted by one Tii.rp ve rt.irniiiiilonirbe titIlle, tie i eîcusties ut lift-ht.h u ue grippe. Norihnopp vho made li& lci t ere. maiagei lrui, filiceiot À are of' isti-le fil ointîus tissu nDiiekg il lor. Shbasile. lif Palatinîe, lim t., ThoseIin the compan! iroru tbs' lio- Cbinýe oiallr v,'antbent pair îîaicbed uiiraliio rtic.,'i'te iiiC,,,V.stenîlcandilis st siordiay. medliate vicinity vers <Calvin Rose, oaeuî. o-1,0.4 çio'ig. sorsus, u.' esrsST______n 1. pe Thorn Parsons. Ch"i. Clingruan, l'loir, r-'. Dont Lie 1to Assessor- Channcy Hellman. Kiefer. Leinebeek i. .vniciiuser.eiei .i .r-Wîkgnvstr inly sud eo.sudJohntirdle tuefaoW aikegiî ',îccerss.Thsy vee WJ 'w,'..r, .sthiuteriit ili defetaor %Irs. losephine Gîenion recesitiy aud Geo.and Joh Gridle the tw M milkeal, (">cerÉlt4 Tbi w 'W.aJ. ee te isw ho relations tte ssaess.ýioraje red fo h i latter being the onlY (lises 01 ibat l..îiaa .X fC.. .hardwvare;, Watîktgsu usent ul irolwnfy. oîî iîv.,rilor discloses ,ioiie necstos b iy number nov living. Four mnu froul C.iioutL.,r"ai College, .. jylienfirtlii, 1le aiy us,'ýsaer r itiity assessur a ti. Staiicliif bas reuied filse tarin aaLegL lac siarted it l>theno, vir irinrllîal. Vaikegao W.-.kly (ilzette, fiI r"s.sifseltlinrttr o a livSiMr..1i. Sulilit'o fanily Vils Rose. John Ncola, Tom Foruiso J. Y. tut! ,'.itor. 8cbeîniîv' of bise proluuriy iot exetupiod itr. ans I r@. S. L. frîplu r eoeaitly andi John Hartnous4. The veatis t'i1ai lofi ,crs were Il. Il. 1l'r,îsh, by lmv trîoî taxatio,,ualleaitlbcepîsnisbi- visited the Iiters inter tirs. W. L. I iat time van '.arnîen tissu uailtIe Prt. idt. C; . Skinnier, NVernnrc, I 1). it goîy fine isot oxceeditig lve ibofîsaîd liliiicliugu.i tieviei,. preuent date ibossgh thons' Walls diiiFerry, feut,,n. NVice' Presdeists. i ' .dollars ,5llit or inilriisouhueu lu the MsFe leie'lasCc ne unuw ou the grounîf. Cory,W'sikî'gai. Secy. S. M. l)o'.st, co<sly a1iO xo i'ror slsuiiig berbotert lo is beo Senter (From another Cr.'todtt i sîiegai. ' reairn W . C. NewmanWauk îîuîîî, iii the disi.reiîhhiof tile "court relsriied tih ie cîîy liaiirdsy. Sucer, naialnduf and bairfands. gallo H iL. Putuaro, lenioil, A. M. Mise Lettra Spragsîe va. calt.d fil Carroll Gidit.y viietthorne uver permOIse. Warren, W. . Sksnner. Soring Ad@. Chicago huit Saturday <(fi accoiuilit f Stinday. NVernoni, Execrtive Commttee. lia., youinuliced tue iiiiîemeits tie seriou lîsllesa tflier asenitMrs.. tirs. Lafranir vstl occipy ber îîev Thre vere ne race'. in thuu.t. days. otiered by the adverllsrsilu the IN ir -Simo.îî bouse aoon. aiibougb the book recites %biat la iPEND>ENT, su ibrir spring ala. itead Mir. and tirs. Jîstini Hertel returBeli WIII Brock has renied bis biacksuib pnîze wilI lie.,ostenci to île heeit lady tuent carefîsly, aud yen viii ave to their home lu Chiî'ago ]@i aturday Iiaop tu Chas. Bturni. equestrali suad id the person making moneY tbnrebly. You vau't afford to afler speudiug s short urne vitîs hiber J. S. Gidley sud vife viaited et tue bet tsme aronuns the ring oui foot.' bîîy in C'hscago, wvîcu yosr borne parents.boire. leuPiinêa over Bunday. The ie tf apinituou on cilher liquoiru mnenchisttsitand reitdy Ci el]ell eiially Tho Struî-kmauî damage suit againul C, . Palan ta tay '.iî acon vas trictty pnoibited. The ltuile goosi gond'. ai prives as low. Messrs. Ballard, (Shapter, Engelberry W. Btaaln ond cotain. nneosof comrnitteamu nand citlera that han been incourt fora moveand uuperntendentu of varions deisari- Easser Dance. number o! yoars wu@ settleti Ost oh Chas. Sturm hls soid hins frotter ta mente familier to oid settiera boire- There vilii fc a dance ai Meyer's court lani veeti. Pote Bneyer, conideratlon $100. aboulé, aud recalls many interesting Hlit, Prairie Viev,fIll., Eusser Mionday utorethmuIlan iear .Quito a number froru lero vent tu iuchdenla offthe early hIoitory of tbisulngît, April 3d. Mîssir by Prof. Suiith'a Deuiiergenlte msivn e a t Sam Feiiman'i mie fant Weduesday. couuiiy. Chicago Orchestra. Tickets 511 cents........lemn t e ienat h cuorcu as._ru ..eveis ... ahn alun There launome itli ofdividiiîg fbe Hait Day chool andl building a ne w Annual Town Meeting and Eection. one bere. Notice isfeeby given to the legat (jeutle apring ia uear, the. Iirda are votera, residents o1 the tfvnsii o! ail bock, aud the fermiera yl onon bceLbertyville, County o! Lake, State o! iovinq vheat. Illnois, that the isonuat townshilp Cournte pamsed off qsietiy. Clins.. Meeting and eleetlon ot offleru of smil (lerbert van nomnated for îovss clerti toviu.bipwvziItaRe plat'.,ilutîe Town ,and thietie cmmissioner, Herman Hall on Tuesday the 4ib day o! Aprii HoItje, asuemor; John Weldner. con. proximo, being the irei Tnesday iu mimsioner; Louis Krenger, coliector sud sid montb. 'lb.,e elerteon yull begin1 Albert Saner, scbool trustee. nt tiie, otîr of 7 ac. n sd close eti', p ii. The ofliens 'io bceleec'led are: Auction sale Biis. On., Ttowns lertioceu., Assuor,onue Fanoeraviîo cotemplate baving i'oiiertor. one coînriniiîuer o! High-1 .ius'tlou viti do voti ta rememîsien that vay'.in lu ut. No. 1, and one ichoot we print anction ille vîtti ne'.tiess -rruRtee T'ise tovlnseeting vili open and dispatlài. Our prîcos are right ai tht' bour o!f2 and alter snd ve gnarantee our vork to gîve thoosing a tioderator-i'll pnoceed to cilo. Poson usaingancton ear snd consider repo)rts of oflicera "and ta deliberate sud decide oncu.uc bile printed at this office neceivo free adt eieaeaddcd nsc mention o! tiseir Ie in tbemo colunîns mneaunoes as may lu pursuance of lav su aniDo papalr in Lake Connty buasas corne before tho meeting. lare acirulaio amng ermra it Olven under my bandl thii'2'nsi day theINIRpXVBT.t! of IMare . . M1.) WILLIAM C. Tititiiis, Township Clerti. tBAo OUtR PaliMIOFFEIit OxLAS? Ice creani, case and cofee viii be servel if leKiret. HB.%Ifxxrsî, Manager. Vou Need a Windmiii. fl fai-t every fariner needs mie. W hy Bot Cîîy ais Arîssoter and have one tbai viii l'ln when othera are standinîg isilli. Vois rau inarn parti. cuiarsi of E. H. BIîîO'.', Liiertyvillte, Chamberialn's Couah Remody. Thisu reun'dy f is iieti deslecially for crougbas. îoltfe, vcnuu, vhooplug congh sud iîîiuenza. fitbas iecome lainons for its' cure@ of ibese diseases, over a large part of the riviiized vonl. She moettiiutteing testlnsonials have been receivod. givlng accoîihts o! île% gond vortis: of ths-aggravatiug anti persistent coîsgbs ih asl sred; o! severo cotds thsi bave yilded promp%- ly to iels antbng effece and of the daugerniuuataso! croup lis bas eored Olen ssviug tle life o! tbe chilil. The extenive u.. o! it for whooplng noogh las ahovu lIaI il rabs that disemeeof ail dangerou cou- sequeoe ol by IP. B. LovmsL, Lber I.J.I. B IselliGurae, hi vîli conulut o! îuuslc, dialogues, necitatlouu.. Corne and bave a good Tise caucua held ai the tovu haullien iiatnirday vas veiliatteuded and resulied lu the foiiovlng nominations: For Commiaalouor of Hiisy, Mn. Weidnor; for thistle comanfaioner sud tovu clerir, C. C. Gerbent; for achool trustese, A. Sanor; for auseumor, iH. Boiute, for collector, L. Krueger. Spain@ Oroateai NeeCi. Mn. R. P. Olivia, o!ftiarcoiona, Sliaiu. apondu bie vintons at Aiken. S. C. Weak nerves bil cans.d sovene pains la the bati o! hie beau. On osng Eiectrie Bitters. Anîerlca'u greatesi Blood sud Nerve Remedy, ail pain sosi ieft hlm. He says tii grand Mcdi- chuàe in vhat bis country neesis. Ail Amerieu kuova liai il cureslilver &0i kLidney troubles, purifie. the biood, toues np the .iomach, streuglhens lbe nerven, pute vim, vigor sud nevlilfo luta every muscle, nerve aud ongan 0f the body. If veak r.lned or ailiug yosî nded 19. Every botte guaranteed, oui! 50 <ets. Soid by F. B. LovniL Libenlyvle, 0. B. TitOMptoi, Grays- tDoYVou (i. ((t 1Expect to Buy a Hat? Thsis la to be a lover seasou, sud distinctly a violet seas.,,n. Fisere la scarelY s feaiber lu o eseusi 'lhle ahapes incline to vide, fuil generouu bunes, wtb traighit or sligbily roiied brima. Gauze trimming maieriais roUned thickiy, sud linge fiovers placeîi vberever ibey vili barmoin île. We can oulve you mono. <N EVERYT'HINGf IN THIS UNE. We ueii Triiuned Hats, ready i., vear froin ...... $...Sîoto 510.00 W~e trim Haa t oriler. %Ve seli uhapjes, lowers, nsateriai., etc, for home worti We hâve the mnot omplete blilinery t)eîartnseut thia aide of Chicago. Beit of work guaranteed. WAUKEGAN.IILLINOIS. 1111.91NONE NO. 10S. WE HAVE REMOE THE PRICE. On ail Goods during the duli season. You wiIl f ind It ta your advantage to BUY NOW Mlncing Knlves...................... . ic Asbestos Stove Mats ...................Ile 6-Qt Mllk Pans.........................5Sc 6-Qt Tin Paît............................5Sc lO-QtTln Pail ................ 8c Dozen Lead Pencis................. . Sc Tn Tkettle............................ 1Oe 2-Qt Sauce Pan, NickeI-plated on Copper, will Iast a lîfe-tîme......... 25e Nickel Teapot ......................... 35c 12-Qt Granite Chamber paît ........ No. 8 Tin Wash BoiF* ................ 39ée No. 8 Copper Wash Bolier............. $1.50 Good Wooden Frame Wrin ger ........ 98C These prices are for Strictly Cash. Please do not ask credit on adver- tised goods. M. =Gz-mml LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Place Vour Order FOR VOUR HARNESS FOR Spring Work. 1 Guarantee my Work and Stock. and can make right Prices on Good Hand-Made Goods. Order NOW, and your Harness wiII be ready when the season opens. Chas. Kaiser, Agent. LIBERTYVILLE. ,- - ILLINOIS. LEITHTON. GURNEE. Maies Effie Butterlleld bias been siiek E. A. )aîiy vas homne iroin Harvard for the pâât veeti but la iînproving faut. luaut bondsv. Bi. E. Joui@ wa' in i Mlwaukee on Mr. J. Krnckman's fine dog got bis business laut veeti. left bîuini eg broken noder a wagon New.ide walks are he uglhuile la tb. wbeel. eastern part of town. Mr. AI. Fenerîtine tookt he morning The Stafford ochool la eujoyîug a train Tuemday ou asbainesu trip to two veek's vacation. Chicago. Artbur Onitidge vas home !ruui Mr. John Kructimai, bas. received Waukegau over Sunday. tvo carloada of Lake sand for liii. nev tMr. ani Mns. S. B. Bayle vole Chis. mansiois go viaitors isat Saturday. 'bis in the tiret dLay of spring and ve J. W. Farrell vas lai Wiscouslu thé are haviisg the only snow stisrns of the inst of the wek iboying stock. winter.1 .1. IL. Britcher la eujoylug à trip te The Iliamasid Laken youih îuu.îîisctor the @outli yuLhiesaon Bur MVu.. ba'. sbook bis4 cranîpaui resiimc.d lts Mrn. John McCoriuick snd dau.hteg dilieh '.agaiii. vero seity vlsitora the Imtieput of 'I lie -ildreti art- ail trepar iig for atek Faster Suîîday iîii lit a,, largi. toîrii Mrs. iH. C. Lake @peut put et J fot on tbat day. week lu the city witis lier iwaom whe The eemetery meeting wili e b'îi aubienuî1i at the borne of Mn. J. Allaiîsoil th Fred Plsrte viii vorti for B. P. MMi r irsti'lis uday ini April ibis. sommer. He goel s se OR Su i Ias possible, for somse reý. Milik îbpments are incroaaing t Lothtou, about nv c-iv au& ?arm fer Rogî. nov bolug ahipped daîij. aj of y ýr it y y le

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