CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1899, p. 2

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9111oKEBS I OWn>EU FOR ICAVY. Anierican boundari. Consul Mecook won u -- vlsted by a Ficlander. Charit@. Walsner. , amm ew Preduct Hat, the Ten of Ait He repreiented a part of four felloe ai.ýr Cb C.étlOaa. ceutfrmnt oreba bheen prospcting cm TeNavl DepartmeBt la readrtatoile tête MaQud elver. WhIbrte .Wala- hoatever @top@s ma ibe neces.ain lcar- néet MW. thmy hall cne atron a erle. tenu outfl Ille previelousof the naval bll Iof mounda eonaîructed oftomaons fert b. parcbase et amebelerng povi1sv dur- Upon the mosa velu rudeLy esgravel (oti hafllbhecombg jear. Tt la miot letedd heroglypblea. vbeh bed been more or lesa CLP I HESt I.luantagonirethe Commercall iecalin- 1 obliterated by the actions or the eeet MA PSINTH S U H.vov l hp s tmn (ueb n ol cbtpartlally declpbered. The. ____________ browins the whoe burdeu of peodocîtil Finlaudersu y the monade are Mdentirai upoa the Gorersiment plants. lbc Goe sitbh thonse employed by the Rusian Gov- IILIOpL^CE FOR TROOpS ramsai hau a plat t Indial lHead erumeut in maklng boondarlea. Their FRCMeue&whleb, white eompieted. willl turn out a beliet 1, that tbe mounda lodicate the iSC F C~ maximaum isount of about 3.00 POUda aI easîern boudr or Bumelas old-tin. day. But thia yl in no wa:p compete Alaskan possessions. tietary Alger Une Died dt. o ate sith the private ranufacturçrs. The Davy nov hem a powder kuovu to the pro. DRY 000DS, MILLINERY, ETC. NSa Cie Pont er Atlataia If Qearae feugoa&as pyrocelilooe. whïcb La equal to. time RegamlO.* Ca Be changei- if flot btter thau, the smrokeleaa product pring Produeem Morked Retivtr Melon Chicago Child F.omed uord by foreigi, ponters. Th ewnPow- Among jubileraminlheme Lines. lier. wblcb ham been tented l'y tbe navy Bradotreet'as ay: -Au aetivtY whlch under service condtlons s, heec en ice- sinorne directions reprernets the continu- Secrtary Ager bas con,.-to the deter-Ilv adi.sted ta thelr re<uirementm that it suce or pre-exlmtiug conditions and lu oth- Fuel »Initial, Iouaiutaifl sommier calmus fierba% increased Iheir rfllieoecg an average Pro reflects a speclal Impulse comumun)i- d télé Uited $lote" trulli- lu the isto f rOo second feet. ested by the near sppronch of sprint Uftatea. sud the delegation of (ý.,rg;iais fratetaignoeo hswe- wh.eaieled lapon ina reuntiy t, - eolre-RULES ON INDIAN LAND LXABR. frms e vcelai te iof andisteekin-E that Olject have hen a0 ifomcd. Il i, trdesudries. luntheirzon abd. he wu- a«J» the inte-ntion to naintaiu ou, oM thse SBer rof the leterlor »enldee the durisaillcotne aatdth - «mpslu te neghbrhoo of ILlita. Cree Naion ispue. pward teudency ut prîcea being mrikint- w cams u te eihîsrl"o otAlool. rek NtIn lîmat. y maîutanued, and the n eD f COu- A l'bc ouly Couditionui. that the pre-lit 'The Seeretri of the tlcior haa reach- uetotleth rdct a inise un- lGeorg'a quarantine r,-guis ltiuus. sli,,h cd acouclusionu luthe mater of the r cornea luThe moe pru et eainun eperte s nsTo pesci! îe moeluif, newal of the leases ut lands iu the Creek vsgd h oesrulh ete t<noaabsoutely dentauded by te ibm a Inldien nation tu cattie uwuers for graziug bas iduord a aler keoude a lufrontde- T tary ueeds of the cen. ihal l be sdapted PurpOoseathefe lesses eue termiuated ondfrteoubteygoule nd reotsoatm teth bm relircnet. The nuaisr of hy the ternie of theCurtisz bi. The Sec- mareelmus tivty incontricones n-porto F or treeps to Uc I.,atcd i nauy onue cam.p 1' ilretory bas determiued that only lans du markedrtiy l obb-mineryai(ne t-ig or mmi be large, for il lu said litthîe depart- whieh are occnpied Ly individuel Indiens. r o a.iefleraly asudnoonea »MciI at unly. about 15,101) ioldirs il uot exceedlng tbe approximate share lu ver. C otion.fabrice genalli rlua on. bc . noeated. but there in ikelY o ewhich the Indienan ed the members of bigs ll psimtion. Iool duries ntar syIn- o mac canin soud mor hcme,.fenily are reasonabiy etitled. Cn cauLenu in Tetioobgr triea btnare main mmhchnin ron aog h mn eased la advauce ot ctiotmeuts Te ieThe helmerta ee&bîs everi r Troupa returniug fromt Cuba are to be de- Dwscmisinlubgn h aigidicainoe ciiy h tained la the Georgin ams aabout tsi ,ntY Dve0 cmvieil vl bgi îe akoz sing cthe . The real ns ve ak- er àaya. et leIt, betore belur sent to ther o allotmeuls Apri) 1. The departmeut enesi duin bwhe. prbab inlu syni abre holdo that it would Le s reversai of the î.h wit forathe wbe at. ucldg bernes or to the Norheru posts. proper order to spprove leasea etore the 4.1o46 hipret a r Lest , eggregcte- OBRALD LA:iN- it 118 rOUND. lotet are made. but iliin uuderstood4.1,6 tbe.aaii43)881us- 00 Ibsi cattlemten haviug stock on the reser- els lait week. Corn exporta for the week lie. Ig-Let Chicago Boy le Dlsevered vation isuder the old lease vill Dot Leb Ob-elstrlt ent323 uses. aria3- la.u obi.Town. iesled outil they cen bave suOfclent ime 7Ï37,M bushes atTei. re, '1bae oud v oy" Li l îeto make their leasea under the new order Met mpanage wbich Louis Lapiner fla8bcd Of tibt ing.BYCAEINBAEBLU e renPalnesville. Ohio, to the Chicago poi- INDIAN ROMANCE E%DED. iht Predlcted Beveeth. Cttlean Sne. Tt brougbt jo>- lu the beart of au -and bheep Biléera on th e ge..911 men auie.. anther waiiug tu hear ot 1111e Whiîte uatde, Huahand of aeChicago There are prospecta of a serions claab vild Q«@»u. wbu a year agit vas tolen while Wonsan, DaY B.eanue&. Iis sprlng elveen the cattle and cheep use, at na weth lia childilab mates. The boy Thé oulpmOef heIn; the wbitt. bride raisers ou thm Black hIis rangea t South Ia *an kldacped tfront tbe sidewalk lu front et a jqIl SkBint tuindîPb s hees cnd- Dakota. Scatiered cl over ehacotera heil « flou Lapiner home. and bis parenite denl- dtMJ indlthe'came oflbe Chicago bills are cmall cattle ot-ner webo depend bave mine rcusacked almost eyery (Jucr- yong oman wbo veut 10 Gordon, NeL.. tolely uposa theor berds for suppori. 0f tS of the countryinluthb frantic seareh lant suimmer on the vay to Plue Ridge lâte large unanbera of abeep relsera bave fort 11.1 darling. The litile one la lu the Indien agewy. She was Iben the vite of been taklug up runctes iu the caie coun- poemolon of two lunatles t Palucaville. White Tbunder. an Indien ehorn abc met try sud alloving t ibir flocIks to rn over G)W.. Aeiff May ot Painesvile tele lun a vild wet show. A rtse y ago the range. ruiuiug ih for Colte feeding. gaapbed Leotim Lapiner, the ehilds ftler. Whit Thunder was cccused of abuaig Nurnerous ureels bave bees made by tbe that lhe bad lai custody au Insane man sud bis vite. vho la uov a domlestic lu thse catîle valsera lu drive the cbeep off lb. veanuho hotd vith tbem s cild an- bomne et B. J. Oleason. Thres Indian po- ranges. This wili uudoubtesfly Le reatist- getokïrtbe pnblished .deacription ot 1111e lîcemeantud@rtook ta arrest White Thun- dPlunwicb case bioodsbed la aimatcer- tMal. lMr. Laptiner tient to Painlesvllle der, wbeal ha opeued Oire. kDîns one po- tain. Witbmt delay, searrcly beietiug thal the liceumau and vouuding anotber. Whte éhif could Le ia boy. aud Mmr. Lapiner Thunder fiumlly snrtendered aud woa tek- MARCONI RYSTEM TO BE TRIED, &Une reeeived the joytul telegrani. . t'B taai) ai Flue Ridge. Gnvemn.uemt to Coaci a Ferieu of ZW8ION &UT IN PItRIL. RiE 011 Deal on Font. WlesaTeleuraphy Experimenel.. 9. C. Rutta of Chicago reprelentiug an The 117r Deî,artment proposes tu test Attaeked b: Chbiaee eerulta andl De- Engllmh syndcale clalme thet bc bas oh- the Marconi eysterni of wireleea trie- aa.-iad hi Enart. tcled au option on 100,000 erres of land grapby, the two experinital stations se- Micconari lParmons of the China Mis- lu the Cberokee Nation, lu tbe nortbern leted beiug the roof of the State, War "im Socety vcs altacked î.y imperial soi- part ofthInldien terrltory. lu tLe recent- and Navy building sud the army post ct dilm white en roule fromt Ciug Kiang Iy dleoered OU fields. Mai. Graharn. an Fort Myer. ou tLe vest aide of tLe Polo- te Paoning lent monb. He lett China ex-oMeier of th Brliis armi and am Eng- mac river, Opposite Washiugton. The dis- 33ng vitb an eseort ut tour soidiers pro- limb capitalist, la at the lisadt he5sy- tance eween theste stations ie six mles. wia by the Cinese Governumeot. At dlcate. Tbe captalita bock orf h include The Goverumenl bas pnrchamed the seces- a..e point, vbere tbey erosed e river. theî manî of the ceatiat men la England ari instruments. The experimven yuil uolled a vretDoumller of local militiamen Weho bave bad expereuce lu the Enropean Le couducted by Col. James ADen and ebmhai uatbecudrafted lotothe recoitar olI feldas. Mr. lintan ale uLfi preient Lieu. GeorgeO0. Bquire. both ofthe signal &Mr standng on tLe opposite bauk. As comPanY. Of vhlcb ha le anu<cl1cial bas bureau. On tbe succeau of the experi- 1b" ver auding the soldiers started for me Lsck oftIl vbose weatb veold eailiment% vili dcpend the adoption of tbe sys- Parenns cii mords and boives. To sve agrttate *M-000.000. Ttlii lsendesit tem by hLe signal corpm. lb"mslieh.jnmped lotoItmevater and cr th. Standard GOU COMPaur. and ex- OUM UInto mlidtreem, white is encart rcn pecte to compte cltb chat coepafti St Rumae akeo Gains in Chinta. weay. A Chînerne gunhoat put out fror n o nlîthlb makea of Alieriea.hbt of Et- The S. Petersburg correapondent ut the 511, &M lenld red bhlms. rope. Tapk liD. steamers ot O.00 tous London Delly Mail @&y*: "'tinlaaaarted th( _____burden have heen hant and oreclu the ee that negollationa are almoat rouelnd- fat '1laldl .theTex enaka. bande of tbe Company. TliaY Ul rt e d hvicb tbe treati port Nai-ObvniNe la te Uite Staes our or ppels tront Port Arthur and other "Ilf porte li province of Lemo-Tong. on theRiver Cincinntdonalpeal Corthef Appeis Enropselan outie.. Tila )almed ltsai Lieou. near tLe Gulf of Pe-Chee-Lee, Winiart l t Jdnatl ous eppetaimfrng Ibe doni- tb. plan la praclealli efftaîn to 'e ecome a Rusalan posaesaion, Rusaaun- b et.betoJudgte trk.nstmlnlgof Le ou- îrough and ibat the tlauz euil he dertakînginluretorn to support China in th' gaglln f betrscre 0 Hncoek ruannng chin c tee, months, Sevente- a Oq.nty i lating property of Ivo bauks i lU slaare ai e nopera" an md thite rmîtîng the demande ut taly." raý Ublay for taxation, the court afllrmed for aeveral more cilîLhn if a s oon ta Dead @tiillra Are Umnowa., 5udgeRIcke' declalon. The contention oftheb.syndIcat. aMired eotrol. h oremmm~ eaueta i th.baaka vun that the debs of the stock-Th utemnesdpamn tt' 11011" abouid Le deducted trona tLe BicXcle Maîmnu Comblae. Washingtou bas receives) a report front il aMmna of stock taie.. akers of bicyces bave errauges) the Santiago, sayîng cht out of more thon en ______details for the formation of c trade pool 300 dialulermnts of the retdaium of sol- lu D« Bni,. la Worth, Itha ilI Involve capital ta tIse amount of diers lu Le rought lu Iis country 26 perin 'lia Standard 011 Company- vitiibave To $5.000.000.t il ndectoe. tbcîtlen ot cent sre unkuown dead. TIleIsexpectes) n. "t Il$4.000 10 a Louisville woman for a Ibe leadlng mraktera of vhee!d bave enter- tLe péeentage of unkuowa viii Le mueh ni Mi» dot bite. The big trust has the d lb. comabne and that véveral oilnra less than this wheu the lst in complete. th mliusrntoowu a lnxnry lu Ibai Ciy avIli probsbily haperanaded 10 add l.qacor la .tomtae of a buildog. lun.lauuary. ausIgnature.I. the agrosemsol, A. G. New fatllitIe la Discoveeresi. F( Uhm. Je..). Montgomery vas paignt Spclding of Chicago la cradited w yuL ins A uew satellite of the Planer Satura lt ale.g the treet she met the trutsi pet, the marlou spiri lu the propoacd îtrust. bas becu diacoveres) by Pref. William H. al la aloter omen ilbadjameil t br, %bihMnare asmolated Col. A. A. rope Pickering et tLe HarvarcI Obervclory. w, ta cethder mome nit s emple yet beasd BL Pbifip GOmmully ci thc Goroul, This satellite in Iliree sud c hait lames as w- kuechsfor do00c ut t.)hetaJubrye. She d & Jmffrey Mantaeiorlng Companîy ut disanmt f romt Sturo as Lapetus. Ibm outer- Mi an. fr 80,00,bu îL jry ucards)Chicago. Altemptm 10 formea bIcycle trust mont satellite bitherto kuowu. The pe- &X QMI, 0* ______bave een total in the pont, Lut aid bave riod ia about eventeen ninathsud tbe CI IRobber. Wreck a Bank OMfi . een futile, prlmorlly hecaumee im al) magnitude 15%. ld At Medwcy. laxs.. thbm Nedava>- l4.-- manufacturera coul.) neitiier Le couteolled ilaeCplrd laga Bank$ vajt o-a Losn- opeu by nr eimiuated. _____ Te toifortiViaeîvile of Caltai. heriar. Fom Le acttha a ec-ud Kanmesm lar Wreck, îîorthwcat ot Paaig, w-as raplured atter a e lm. app!ied for tbm pîîrpose oiffforing East-bouud passenger train No. 1l Cou- deaperate fight Ly the Tweulielb regular o' Off L e strung box, Lad ntk-eu lîghtcd. ductor Thomas. jumped the tra~I. juat iutautry. The Americaus bast seventeen 4f kilanthought the mun u s,-cfragbîeried ven t fVolan. .Kan., o-. the Rock Island) souuded. a ile the r.-bels' lobea onVa acai b>- tbm noise of Ile i'cîlosion. The roand. tbrosiing the tank. aggage rer au.) Lavy. ce___ bouât office si-ascorupletely o recketl. amoker front tLe track and leastjg îLhe a chair car sud baggag ar partir lipped Riot lunfHot springe, Arb. lKilleal DIavth a %id Siat. aver. The train caugIl ire. the , lames One ot the bloodieat combats whib At Wicia, IKan . Nitla Iaussi Ion h.deslroying the combinelion bsggage sud ever ocourred lu îlot Springs, Ark.. look boira arreat,-.) sud placeil lu jil, cbarr,-d mail car. tsi- coaches sud s ct-air car. place tbm otiier efieru-ou 5et 4 oclock. euth the moi(ir o! li C. Joun-s. She Twenty-six lasseugers siere ijulres). t--oAm a result of thbm terce couliet Oire men admit$sOit a sri îurIssus nier ithe b-as)serlou,. The train haggagericu si-asare dea s u.)another dangerouli vouod-- euth a Lad &lut. killes). A relief train weih dm-ors vas Pl. WoeoDe inPre et front Topeka mu mon as c,,rd vas Pouer.Tret:guesi. WoeseafIatluFane. ecatvent0fio ab eethuevjr'y posul- The Queen Regent t Maldrid Las clan- Twurd ndcoiitkle) tt .r.sfîi>ie-ttiition cas sbol'n Ib Injue.. d tbm reat>- of pence etaveen $pain au.d Or maimes) ar esîîi sf Rslre,-. oil pair- Gamblen Shootaa Poili Ian. teUie tts liai)>- detroyt.d the l'bxc-.ns in~ks At Cncunati, James Psitcrrau. a evl- Omaha, Nel., known icharacter sud prominert in local AMTIJU Ti>5 Bort ila a ller i xpîoaîoi . Politicn, was fatali>- aLoI Ly Jnmes le- A bouler uniter the idewacollit iiiti:'or- pugh, a lookout aI one of the gausbllng Chicago-Cattle, common ta prime. lier of Wasbingon sreet l Sec ei v-esablishment-a lu tLe City. Psttcranu wsi-s$300 10 8600; bogs, ahippiug grad#o, nue. &»-uiletVanh.. î-uîlo..-.. çîss- standing et hliadoov yard cvtb i olte 83.00 to $400; cheep. fair to choIces.$30) wua kilmd sud two fataily brt. wben I)epnah ircd lire limes et hm. The to $500; weea, No. 2 red. 0Me tuOi6e; ______ftali aoua la iu the abdomen. lirsa laicorn, No. 2, 33e 10 35c; Date, No. 2. 25e Fioe Childi-en Burmes) su lîaiL. craun osa aLoI lu tLe criat. to 26c; ryr. No. 2, 40e to 51c; Lutter. Darîng the abse-nce of JohnuIlioasu. choices resniery. 19c to 20c;e; ua, freuil, weet0f (reufe-l l, lnii.. fr)isi ir tarisn Fa tCoieI with Caadlang. - 12 t 1 1p4aomciioiee. 1tue 10 71k tlsrr rsideee angh tie aui teir iv luar ibmtfalleunuotb, a fese miles 'o' tae Iheirreidwee ue atîgb le ais.) i-rtc-ojffthe desolte Dalton trail, Canadian prbonhel. s aud American minera have m nid aeadly $ .. boasChn4cmleLi. 82.75 03.00; Fîre Loma ilaua Ohio To cs îoliict. Four are reporicîl to bave be. u;u nioe lgt =5I 8.0 w killed outrigbi sud s nunîber ut othi-ra hep ,comuson tu choIce, $20 to $410; '1'h. bnrtiu fa ut an l aauk ors tUh liace La,- la-eu irioocîY voonde..The trout- heal. Nu. 2 vms, 6 0&'to c; corn. No. 2 the Stark 011 Company caissed i rý tbIcuntîce over tLe lpossession ut a rseh witP,3eu35;De.N.2obe.Il Se. Ohio Ihat destrî'yed $Ja-l.i5l tIiih pIsser golîl field. 1X) Aniericaus nîtemp ta ne. 09 properly. lug ç> drive ftyCtniisout.i t- St. l'ouis-Cattie, 83.50 ta $600; lioge,1 liftyCaindsîns$3.00 lu $4.001; abeep $3.00 10 $4.75; e Hls * a sNarrawFC. cpe. Bixteen-Yen-Old fiterderetr. sibeat. No. 2, 60e tou'7ic; corn, No. 2 -Mlm. M elba budla uarrov msa-pe froin The mnurderer o! IlIn., Anthony Stig - ellov, 33e to 350; Da. No. 2 27e to Vie; I tITY 7 wIemcs for the mout part bouded hj AIY ~ Wells cfflire. Up lhe gi-crentrai Weil roared th. [d y- DIE FIR . fames. Bilât ai Ihe atalrcayathem1log* - elalnud ecumîones) avenne a the .strecta. cciv lbheiti-rible metîhe. curang ans) rcdng cltb Ibreate a o0) Who darsd ta lats of Big New York tMotel 'P'ai that dre&d picetl»s. Tbea theme Caugb ~. ~~tibelute) gueuatut:kta0tlb.aire eeapoe. CaugMin Dath rap liroavînsopen Windows sud reacbing their ai-ms out ta Ibmeses of people cho ____________groanes) Lelov. Mai>-of those Who came ate W in- DA YIdovm ser caves) aieastby daring lhumes DENE OsudIeltPANeCmBd But the Ire vam ton svift, l9e lime ton short. Vbile tle. iressen ocre bclplug nm orn 1safet>-, Cher@ feit tLe Ioîach of tLe res) band upon îleau fron, ary à ScoeofetPeople Are Kflld aud ebalnd. and lhrev themmelves froan tLe Fort-twoInjuedo-indows. The iriemen dleplayed the ut- Feet.lvoImiaed.momt Lerolan sund darîse lunseing litseat Ibm moetiImminent rlmk. The Windsor was the remort sen)dveli- ing place ofrlrch people, sud tbere May- hlbonahi.Gotbsm Hoeelelry, Croc.)- bave becn baît a ffihllon dollars' avorth et d ih Gouaesanal iubtumr@4 urua jewela alune lost b>- îb nomnesvbo lived -Rapld Uprea. utFlamea Culs%09 Ibere. Amantf îLe d.Iare smthebm ive. of cacae b theEle.tor an starîniiliousires. an w-s-llas the malds. n-ho cap.b: he Eecaorasud lai' ore djot off luibmte tp %tory. AhuerbMc- F&.u-leu sud.)womummLisP fi-ou Kluley. lîruthec ofthîe Presîdent o! the luidoe aet i;pear Flur. te an Unite-.) Itatea. vllb Lie vite an.) dsngb- kafal l>m.tb. ter, %Mienmabel NllcKiuley. ncctipied s nuile of i-oman on tle groîso.) fluor ut the be Windsor Hîstîl. ,cipyang s square Arnoua thébmdeas are lira. Warren La- Fi.tih avenue. Lttý-t i- hrty- sistit ud Isuo. seiof th0éIb îndeor's proprielor. ýrty"venh erýý-,. n Ne Yok. frsud ber dauier. isa Helen [clan.), sud iy-ec-utî cwloik, ormir. Jamesa 8. Kirk. vldow of tLe million- ni>- thir>- ycaro iii.ofuthîe nioci fea- aire soap manufacturer of Chicago. ahbatea in ibis 8 ,iia if nul la the Panie Wltbia., Painîr, itontI. rid. waa cuîmhilei,-I> deuiroyed 'y lire The lire oemurres) la thé middle oethe la>- sftcinoon, and) at leaslt-eigbtceeaftenao. chea Fifthavenue vas jana- mou wee. urnd tý d-at, ad pob-med vilL people f roctuarL lime-inboume sy osre bienrîal îaîîd-nîh. ansin-olies-.asu.)froan ceîvht10curb nith st. Pt- r moe uiaubut liitirîs)ocr inricks i)ày paradera. To ibis tact la due-, rd. There ocre res-ises iy the score. perbapps.nme ofthIbm m.outlite ans)*a me ot tbem Ibmeiocl îtrîlli.gImagina. - o0u)desi ofthébm erioîîî mut-i toaucrson, Amon th reýcttdwer Mr. Anerfur tbm crowd uierferes) vath the police Amou îL i-sco-d o-reMra Abs-rsus) tbe liremea. bull sa u ddenîy dis) Ibm cKinle>-. vite outhîe lîruher 0f ILhe lire elart. aud sa qîsickl>- dId s) laeep ident; tbei-dithter. sud M8liieen throagh the big bolel troro beor te fluor. cKinle>-, tLe mstrrufthîe I'vesid-at. froni ahi-cet ta roof, traîm cide ta aide, if From thé roof sus) windows. frointhe ibere Lad heen uo croide.)IL-e, sas) noth eescapesand lcomnices. freualed men ing lu bsmpei- the vork ofthIbmofficiels. vuwmen tILw -ev bcs.-lves lu îLe pave- ihere vouîd sill have been utan> *cri- mt lire, aix, seven aloies belose. Be- dents ans)nme tamllîlen. Wilhsurcn lderes) guectaselitin ibm roariug tur- awfaîl nspidilî di.) Ibm lire sprend. once Il e were caried ilowu ta demîL Ly fail- miarted. titat people nu bigler up le the g alis. ans) ail Ibmo-hile 50,(M0 buaîmn .ailding Ibm îLeé lo-shore the airet luti vatcbes)the tragedy>. - Ld 1 -tu yfr tho-i- lices OuI>-b>- a earch PEÂCIZ PAUT SiGNRED. MISTORIO DOCUMEN.IT Wu* Ambprovea b: lUmité* States 1 di- gâte Feh. Oaad kzece4 sib: 1hé Prés- idéal FaL. 10-Aua« ricane *md Cana- diama Clash lu Alaska. Tht Quefu Regent Oun Violi mlgued the tresty et potes Lelvree opale and) the UnîteStaites. The signed diitlii vîli Le furwarde) lu tLe Freaieb*nhmaas- dor aet Washington. .Jules Canllora. for excbauge villa the une aigu.-.) b>Premi daent llcKilpy. Mladris) dl.îîcualrbs aotiauelug n th îe Qîaun lteerent Lad algues) tbe Peuce trat>- vs-ie reecesi w-uîb greal usi-estil Washingtou. sieeuîaion ls nîow ioruiua ou the- probable action of Ibm l'resel-tat lu s' the0 Ing 1 ujp, tho cou aud cati envo arnn LeI o th peuc the of0f vil ui hyt 57t 'ore THE ILL-FATED WNDSOII BOTE),, NEW lORIS.N Mamard luto mo, ls-a. ms- nd voumen outhe raine vili tîLenstent of ibm dia- dlia led aide treelm. avenues aud doormtsl a ater lie knvu. sud mo complet- va, the Ira s-te tu catch tLe parade of tLe dmY. bul vrenk crought b>- tLe lire Ibat thm vil) kill tied tu wciless tLe mont gresmome lire Le e long and) tedoîm vonk. are ew York bas s-ver knovn. The lire alarte), aeeording 10 Ihe Lest N Tbe roi[ of dead las long. Private bornas Information, lua àdlnleg cvoml. Ilceas Dot on.)the place otrmarriituermine-ml-d due, ut ia alanui certnain, 10 tLe atarelss the iospitalea-apaciousmamnsions. iucîlidiug toaaling of a match lute c lace curtaîn. Be- Ca cl Jay <ouis) home, vs-ie made ts-iiioroie mn alaina cool.) Le meut lu To tLe lire A ary morgues. depevirnent tLe building vas doomes). ied th( John Foy, a welter emploie.) ai îLe Il been a tinder box tLe Ire coul.) nul bave rit >nsoi- Hulel. in a sictememadte atter leken Loi) quleker sud compet-s)the cm le Ire 10 Coroner Benceb dedans-s) Ihât vork of demolition lu le-saléIme. Ye tbe cai be botel vas bornes) ihcoîsa thehgrosse building bas bs-en calles)l ireproof. It vas Do sreleasaec 0f a guest. The calter vcm 111te.) according to Ibm building sud lire Cs na covrider of the secondsfllo-. alkiut officIels, cuLh ail of Ibm equipment for i( yawrd 4'itlb treel. wseuLe sase n Maun ue lu case o!flOre ILci Ibm liv i-squi-ez.,toi er Ibm eus) ofthe dorivor ac J bLad muffielent lire escapesand îLe halls Ci match to bigLI LIs cigar. Tfie nan ihire vwere equippes) yuL electrie alarma and thb he matchb te eoor ans) vake)on seuL- eliL colore.) globes Ihat shoul.) bave a )ut waitiug t10ose that il Ladi gone out. shovu meeryhody -howtv 10rs-cb tLe es- fte Foy notices) Ibm action, aau.)ieb&Innso- ucapes. let îLe>- migLI almot aauvs-il îlot et ses) that Ibm match wvasatilI blaznuahave Les-o ILere. for of ail ILs- persona 'heu il Is-fi Ihemn'sbaud. Wbmu tbe rescues) not moi-e tban Lait a dozen vere ml -citer rcachmd tLe @pot ibm lace eîîrtslum taumu dovn h>- mes-usthe lire escapes, nt werv abiaze. He iris-s)To extinguaibm the wbile scores jumpe) or eh.) dovu usurder- Ih Hans-. but il vas quaickh it thIbmcoi-tain oua rope escapes, sehiehbhumnes)their ce su caugbt Ibm voodwork. The cerpet bandisud conspu-les) ihenm tdrop many tl sutgbt lire. aud tLe valis seeumd tlumoin(fet abons- the airs-et. de ke ider. Foy- gave tibm aan ans) rau tiitbuin vo Loîurs of Itie isceory ut ce ocn stairs and oui ut ths- building TO tbéf Ire tLe boit-] iI&t'lt Oas a total w-rsek, t) uec a fi-sbo.- au.) tLe oala Lad fallenOnaIouns-ver>- aide v' An huaefler tbm lire stelet!dthe iIu ixcepi tUe t-anis-u aue, w Uer. adjoiusug 0' mas complrets. At ten minutes aller 3bulig ordten p.T » t c 'dlock tLe besîloruthîe parade rt-ache) bulis sîrcî sfll thtu aîp.'rboe ite r- 411h cIi-e-I an.) Fifth avenue.uoalisIbm theiouny s ocre ita venliu lbnilling ni1duls Wuindsor. An instant lais-r a policemnîcu 1,(X)annd i iiLi-cer ever54).(Meope.a cow a tIu>baIesas-nad a poil fut an 25,0)0. in.) oehi-La the111,peulet i a o ho imîdî suibmthedraca or rsous ou îLe cidre tjaîums tsl ugs-hcr ii îedimnlad second florr.un the 46mb strect aide. lUct eypace ih na n -îîd Lehissres ans)men ure nes uau alarun. Beture lue cî,uld re-îbey acs cgrot Ile idowtisioftheanbotns- enurs to tht- botti the dnaoiug roun ceas I-ltsffîn li cussv !tt osI à sheet ut liâmes. The i-oin Ladi beeu TUes-y cmv rcm.n ,-itimnutn, lbh- 00er croodes) seuL guesta wnCeibig îhe plradeo-alis cciih susîitg ad dersansus)briugiug - duo-O panic-sîrivku'u amis) fîmu aîn.ggiing w-unis-n. rUe, sac.reaeiesa atîno i aui oui number. nias) ibi>-cheeni-cha iLs remen s îLe>- orkes). -or- a iiîue iemoL scvaupedthe itolie noti murgres)htik sud toriL Ibvough iLs- arreeis uDowriisaig to aûe ibisunforliuaîe talling 10 desîL, nov tli l lnsau otb,,t ,-s>,,,,hluniblItsus-tae, ~j~jI b>-the- firemen. ans) gaiim lulook iinLoi- 'lA J roi- tiron autoi tîr iniles) ounlte i-on i-ail- It~ o. ~ IL~ tus tUai aiirrotunded tLe Luis-I. or dashes)0 tojludeaib on tLe ltnge iron flui r iOrna. t Il This moL vas an poulee atricken sa] tn as tbm people-1in Ibm Lots-i. Tue> crsam- e-s as îutfortsatltiatter uforiunate leap- - md ont; ibem>nugles) Ls-erchtrsmince- sud again lîbILs-thecries for ais) of tLe people t -t--/ The losg on tLe Lots-i is estimatis-.)ea about $,l)00 Sevt-ral auljuiting build- ings v-ieetismagetl consitirab>-, Lut tbm vAItRigi. F. IKI-ANO. lboss o ILsse la couparatlvel- al. Al l'ropmlmtom ni tihe aras.) windsor liotel. 11adm tLe paperxandbhoka uftheLs-ouis-iare Le- îmane Ly thse Loseni Hi-u Wie an..dI>aahier liens-s)tu bave Les-n sacmd. WL bm e-th.cutu iguien-for ibet la saus) Tel.graîahtC BacevIta. f0 have bs- eualat r t!ibm ire--Instant B>-thIbm Lina ut log lions ln tLe ?uiecans- oc-mnail,leu ans) vois-oKentucky river. neIltheresuit outhL- Bouda, des) toIthe îtairvays sas) îLe Idames leipes) loge valuet- a$1,0>0,01>)v-ieebaot. atter iLs-m. Up ibm stIr. ans) els-vators prof, M. M. Curtis ot AdelLei-I Colsgm sped tLe gos-ss-up air ans) light shafts bs amen ibal Institution bis prinale col- raeed the laâmes. ". oOretleruvaedtthn lu an incredib>- short lime tLe sehole Batinst Oollrs. o ale) iThn building vas enveîoped inluiîl, roarîng nat ul oleva witpae fn longus et lire sud bs-an>- stilîngi moke. %Sileost Harnd assoblat puys-rn ufthe lit seema as if ILhe lire muet have Lensalaiit-u.paioaIlfndfîL hurnîna onder tLe bour aud iu the wseau, gaine, vhiub Us-etua>-, aearli eer>-cye- for ou no oibs-r bypoîbeais eau the sud- igOftIliaie.f dennema of ilIa preatîluat l'eaccoulefor. KE;-Sencio-Allen or Nebraska lbas Len The oidIh outhLs corridors made it s-uc> appointes) b> (;on..h'ointer s jiîdge ufthe 10 i-u. aultLe guets filles) iLsm lu their Ijictrict Court. to flli îe.vcamsc.scauses) rush for thmeml-sele. The cit-valova, ai- b>- tLe elecîiloa of Judge JaiUri S. Rlobinison ibougb IL-y o-s-a-s nu util allume, as Conggemn. IlrougLt comîuartiveiy tcw do-n lu gate- TUe hanbelaluluas-lu i Colnradlo, chicb is t>-. The tlros. o f tLe deaiL trsp o-as nov îuvulng ouitfree guis) aI Ihosasanda dovu tLe slen-îdis)mai-Le staîra. An.) of dollars s roi]. oaa uutîcs- us. ie.) b>-a boy duvu tbem tam îirs pourîs) a terrifie, pro- utfi19, Robent 3loous-,Uum, w-lio gai-e ilto eessiou.IleDce )nilTii(1. MeanwUile iLroimh tue ttaaigs-s nuLbis tmncle. tiall ofthei,-ikcls). yba outaideILs- ie- s-uines bl)foi-ced ilieli- Adigla otesl t Ad Leraivn is nu.>-a s- os>-. Il oslifter tUe ira Ic.ld us a ht amte)tIa diaInnDss)-c e eeepi c as>- ly u safet>- duc.n is-hi-bou.)lieus nt lîsuila o-ns- indiacreel ans) un- miaircase ibai îhe usoot soful enents of ceiri-attes). sud Lia reusovai ie an enidmuce tLe great lire orcurr-s. 'it ofthe wv o r t <a-imania fris-nilship lu îLe Unîtes) s-n bLaiD ot prung trous their moulse wih States. Ibm irai alarna. home bâti stoppes) to The raptaires) ver vesai, Don Juan de d-enmrn to gather Ibein nmont precloum Anal-la, Ile de Luzon an.) Iole de CuLe. Leloagiugs. A.d ibesi cere doonies). et Menill, are ot avallable for Inmmed)- 'l., tonelea vs iel permoas lla th. ates gai ~e asn lun eied 09Il- .j e,.&tmm ou îeew .Z Ille5b tiebe utmu- b. Po le% haasglng ratlifiations. ans) tLe resuits he formai îermloaiun of Ibm var ou prmnlrlug ont of vonta-era. Accord- g teerims of tbm agreement drava et Paris Ibe rslliôcaiions moint Leex sages) b>-June, 10. in the absence of sny dirtect idiplomatie amuascion belveesa Ibm United) liste. i S4pesu. Secrrtar-Ha>- s-iairs To i-e- te bie lirait oi-mal notice outheL.rstioi- ion oft he tieai-s- rea> b>- tbi- Queeu -ni throusgh thbmdium of î thLs-French ibasa>-. sium muati nme bs-r pecial o>- sud nolify thebUited S$lt" (.a- ient of ithe-probiaLle-date nîulobleLic SwiIl preseni blitit-if lun1Wasahington bt the excbsangiettîs-f u et Ib iaaI>of ce. AltboucL an mosl instance% 11111. ore (ban a 1s-rftinctory cerimau> ecstie of thi-e xt-Lange ut ratifications ibis treat>- tUa- ulmails viii Le ut nars on ordinar- tatercai. for îLe occasion I Le bltirrl. Tie draft o.f Ibmlr,-aly ot peace Leiveen ýsiu end tLe United) Statsîr apsignes) l'uns D"c. 10., vaa approve-s Ibmh Unitedl stales Senate b>- a vote of ru t27 l-eL Il, ans) vas signes) b>-tLe esisient Fs-h. 10. MINIERS IN A BATYLE. Ionb Baice. Amortrons ae.)Cana- News bas bseun receives) tbot a bole s toughl Lelveen Ameriesunau.) Cans- anu mIner a afev miles off tLe Lialton il. Four men are report-s to Lave beem led onligLi ans) à nomber of others re sais) tobas-e Les-n erloual>- voundes). Wben tbm allen miaing lascf Btish meeta. ime seben ILe street wvs lront- ci Amnerlesu minera left Alluthe ns-w ýan&dian gols) district, ans) @truck norîb. Lshort distance off tLe IDalton I-ail on le Foi-copIne riverILs-y tonsà)stmrict IcL in placer guis). Il vas gracruil cou- eds tbat îLe rus-v placera s-eelunAmeri- n lerritur-, ans)tIbm uinera coveil IbsI t Canadien shouls sise a caii. Momne Dauadian imounte) Policemen. bos-vs-r. aid etake cdaims su the Amevîcan terri- r>-, ans) justifies) their sdi b>- oviug tbm eindian liag fi-t ouiIunt Pleasant n b# Irail en0ai oniakeIbthe l akée in ricL part outhebmdistict. TLe>- vere tllvwe)Ly ai ImasIt ort>- Canadieinin- -sa, sbo cli l Wais-.)gos) laimms. A toi-luight alto about 110 >Ans-vices iat-ra bs-id a meseltngeus) decides) le s) notices in ail Canadian% teu leeve ahe country it-îbî ins- edsys. The nois ere sent ont. but nu Le-s oampais)te hern. Eariy ouîshrUs niîring ofth iL-îxti: sy ihm Austri-aon mineramcmetanti pro ictis-.) lu tle Cunailian csimp. Belone he>- couis) eveti suai- tLe objiet of Iheit sit auras- one bred a sîsot. au.) iLsn ms-sr> ne seemedl io Lec hti.g evcra rounds vere lircl. und Ifotur me-n coi klied oîirrighi au Amerieau and) ibre Canadien.i. 'rie ],tile oa. ct-iy brie as) resuisl hiniaaaslsaiss. a lut fit in uuiisber.fles-sng atrîstahîe Ittr,tr.-rTh Ausericassu thcan rtire) lu ibcir iou cous; SIX Mo-N SLAIN. îlot SpiusArb, As c resoît ut n clîîoting affra>- ln ibm gtrepete ut îlot FSprnga.Ai-k., ilve mmii acre killed ottîrîgbî sud tone motsl>- vounde..T'he nitra>- vas be-lccen Sher- le Williams ands frienîla on osn-esidesud policeman is*lceeans) sîhert-nta on the ither. The figbi occurre) lu Ceutral ave- C~oumbia cc-us nforced eafs-w usouib ago id ceirirîpeople ansd il la remai-)aiie thai eiberasiwere nI killes) or unjures). The origin outhbmtroublle cvs an (-nenun- ter marli>- l hIbmatternosu hs-weemil'a- lcreman Goalme ans) SUentfW'illsamns, wben tLe toi-mer made au unauccecatul ai. icuipt lu kili the latter, shooting aI Lina Ibree turns. Subsequeitl- Goîen d jobu O. Williams, sou ofthIbmsherilI. met ln ibm sti-ecî, ans) the former propose) t0 let tLe mslte- drop. As the to-o ms-n vsrd luinthe adiet fhakiug bands sons- une shol >-oungk Wilismm fi-on Lebins). This vas the signal for Lualllities, lunvbh Chief Toleca Policeman Goales, Dits-clive Hart ans) Louis HînkIe o-sr. Instautll Thbe shooting vas tUe resoît of feeling grovlng ont of the nayoril>- contenti. Tht cherlif vas a van csupporter of them i-a ular Democnai nommne-. seile Toler, Hart an.) Goslee vere suppoftlngau op position candidate. CLIMAX LIKELY AT MANILA. Advices ai Washington Indiccta lice- tîlities WIII Ceaie 800on. Ativires recelve lu Wsh)ington front Manila inîlacats- ibat ibe climai mi>-he reaches)utai su- ulaamans) tUaI Lostîlitica wii cenas-. The insiirgeisis are reported ou ibm plunt ot caPitulating. Agîuinaldo la kuowo lu Le greaily diteiiuiraged lai Ibm situation sud Ibm superior krîuwledgm of arma tbm amailer force of Americans pus- cels. Couipany- G outheL- Washington i-eg- luis-ni bas caplurei 150 additiousl prison ers ns-ar Taguig. ispa rke froms, the W ta Appropriations made b>- the Fitty-liftb Congreas sggi-egate $l,1J0.1>00.. (;nn. SuiîL of Montana Las vetoed tLe bllII Isgalileluaprime lighting iu chat liste. PhiladelpLla Las a allitttrast cblch eootrola tbe entliremilk anupl-of the ,7: as11r>- A. ^.i- Laviio e w -,-I- lig iviiî-i-. ,-file; celti laiiaeso-"lu efrmer,10 k-p ou aî.. -iv mt 10 spln k aI taosa-i l au a -at i. SL %e lak nlaceil -ti l li. s caile IraliadW la-10li raiecci-, 1l ai it,- .la i" t i a u t tai nînîlani." al) i seepmat1 vil a-tîîr à,lngI n4ario id na lw- Is tiltt toing atu-traIgli l lîu.- - orao-. îî ta111 huycs-ito llit fr lv.- %omît a-.' hv owatfrth pa fln." nI~Iealik clici Ir- 1eam tom vIsai I un li vou In agetla leîar aiiu iîîi»ii"i il îe -lyan t o amîgl iiia-al antI ,u)irash idev 11cm claos-kt-andLt.ns) aislera nlalve-ltk re-ili andviie i ser id fil#.- t-arges. Thot'% n-bal ibis newc rn mri. ilit 313 lînabels lir acre. i;i Four li)is%2.'.> huaee lalier'. Ilape t. saaiîire -1-m-p aud cailtle et 25C.per acre ysniulc i Ntitsîsa. potaluies S8.126pi- bbl. lirsiisa ,urus ijie glesiesî gragssunta mi-L.B.adi Barle>- 109baimbeitlsiter acre; lu itnsde gr-ases snd dosera. -te. S.) dtIIs notaeet. JIN A. S.% .ZKît BEE1> Co., LA CROISSE. WIS.. si-lî 10c. %temps an.) ree f- ri-e geai ('atm- loguîs-.$a,(" 1>Corn ans) lu> Frai ite Salopiez. îU a. New York lInbmerîeltu it-lIng worlb anaîrs-pl u$ih 5Jtn i lSI-nîî sylsanîn t-rn-aurt. w iii, is-irlc 87.- 011.tiNl.ands) liucilctîiri o'ih oc-tr $.tl.lO.Jl . -cryivw,,ihirîls of Ibm totl wc-aaltls ut liii- ciiinti-Y la la vs-nI ecaaIsansI iuipvîvnieuis. mtands B, ln Nesa. Every lii-ng thîug bas pains and Aches st anditsm. taî elsem'bmeandut pain* of Lunsukînîl Lave a trumnî lnl st.Jac-ob& 011. sibld.sands la>-la ues) tu urnie and) reatore. il as * pin chom --oi pis- lady conl regui tIce palî $I geil -ir Robert îal ethe mnentlîlîîwn 1 le t-os l'yheeal n erfls-owc e mirIma n dov theoubalrack the îe mirai lire. nhe Ftowcrs ro 'Pahsl the L.augow ML And not even Nature woold aîlow the flotwcrs to growt and blossom to perfection -wit ho ut good ,soit. Nov, NVature and peopk are much ilike; the former must have sunshine, latter must have pure btood in order to have perfect health. Hood'aSrirapavilla ereti bloo) trou- bles of aIl sort.. h in totIse lîtman 1>-sme oliai sunalsîno as luNature- tLe de-stroyer oh daseaae genous. 14 sera-r dasasppoigl. Pool *)ood-"flac docrlii id s-re wme- niaitee-o drops ut coutilbisou) usIni> Led>-. 1100M'sSsrsspartIlolu t rite tlatind mads- ne 4uina n.) avil.' rsi- k:.Baioaus, 16 Asior 111 yn. la»s. Ovapplaetc- A cousplicaîlon ut troaubbid-meiiia rronîc ceailtaisd Inflammaion of thLeatiomacli, rheumsltian, tc.. niad e emimerable.liad*no apptIte ntil 1 took Itood's Sai-auparills. wblrh actes) Ilkem nsgl. 1 eam throogl>- urc.)." N. B. Sîcuey. 18il W. isiL Av'., Deunvei, Col. fthe.aanatknl- 1, My huabanti vas obliges) In gère ups vork on accounî t oi-heu- matlsi. 5Noi-mme)>- elped util lie uses Ronds Sgai-spartll. vLlcL perutanenl> res) hlm. it cures) us>-daugbter uf ca- tarih 1 give klu îLte cblldren vitL gond) reaulta" Mbia. . . liciaa, Stanatord.Ct. aut -ta 5&-.laess âe lof ta ia l t l à~ I cma Y. .1 th. 5 ...isesi sp. mueSLupaUu cs ai -. 1551.5ha Se t dama 104 i el * ~U4 1E4ý p p bl J93 b. a V t: .1 oi-et, - 1 t e n n re re pe 'f ty Ob.... WIflhY.> Tiare arat er va-e cool Bo vit. than b>- e iaalc ah.plays and the ce>- ch. ubia ILIf a girl Mniu- lents a predlion0for Itrausa eh@ a I ftlVoloua; for. I..lbov. il e clamal- puactlegl; for Uaat, the lea b ambi- tions; fer Ver& eel a n mestîtlseital; for Offtebaeb, she las glddy; for Gounos).aiUe la leekadaltaîcdfur toi btas- cheik, abilemla uperficlal; for Mtzart, the la pnaslab; for Flotow,. aile coru- monpiace; for Wsgner. aile sinaliotic. The gtri cho banttei-8 awuynt-a M-laldeo'aPrayer." AuncliChorusa,' ans) 1"Siver>- Wcve,' mu> Le Is-weud)- ed uffu as a gos) eook antd leuliifîul. and) If ahe inluldes "Batik- oft lrîgie' ans) the- -.Wiilte Coekcdc-" ilia-er neper- tory, ion ouglittolekuoce' Iat aima-hlc hecurelîglouair ands) aicil>- nuiries). But, lkof ai.lun îou i ll hIl oison Ibm ciiljeo drece ot the girl wcastau. piay>- i(>luame. eeellna Wbat Do the Children Delnk? Doni Iive bens te& or coffee. Hcave " on trie1 te ess ty ood) srink celle.) t;ilAIS-O? t in s alimuas anti niauntab- Ilng, andt akes theplace ot coite. 'TLe nore seaih u instibuie bough teuc aymlmm. GrUl-0 kt made of pure raina. Ib .caie .rdeot cuiler. blit cosi abauT 14 amuci. Alilgrocers oeii il.l- ani2e.

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