fai I lîbe Ilils uemocrtle lrhccie or (bu'na - gccx-ot ofJeas aChrIst n lic-b recccgiitac thec tct (bat tn-c znnb hfore (' i)d onue eidithe ane llalforir. Do iot Ilaboon - onn;arsr. su-ats-rcpusiion Ycuo bus-c'xgai c-il Iicic'tcy enare noîhiait but ucarc. tIorio!f(lie sanci- arc-n. rgcncrtc'd Su;ir thce sanie Spirit, cic'na-d n lice sane h - bond, lo lui îedenilluth ire lu ai , aîn dnt uo t , ligne cig s-e ohailakîcccobeilge nct "cymi; thecr Fstbfrhbeocf Ccci, bthutle brothef l Aignin. (lie Stre'et lnrlreosc.saire iit diii- fatui-Iit l Ia a-oer;liard tlima for aanuni tua h.cc hic heurt risht uni ta get (o le-iv- k A. Mo. icîte lonipiabienu cpriag olsanius mi - ~ fronit-eeplot-s-s ofIpubl c -ens--ciris-f. N thia discourse Dr Talirage, i hO Awîlul ,,, rhn, uc e. is9o-mo i-b t,- Ilu I ali uod the muatttot himlite houccien,. ttion ta ovaeîoua&neu end ta be disrocc- c drauos practicul bosons fronbis ow0 Ieated vith oeut humîble lti Amid ao ti observatinon; tost,[rus-rbis I..20.,'*A is- mli; opporbcritieu for ocorrgoaciin. ilt dontc c-nts vithocît. ISho nterti ber woh et temîtalion (oa<'tortion! Anil s-0 a vol.-. inities treeu" ranchlispdh apnobt temptatieii tuvanity! We a re att red aci o Imn tath li eeoai Anid ne muni alboons of trcng drink. h et tatfre-fho volceatuf tise uutain. thie s-thtînrenceont te diasiciption! l héube, iu-c- cm f tise ai-e. lts- soic-eu of lise eorm, mfeotroma aildisl gales cf the street. e tise voht-cacof tic star. Am inorne of tbe hoo- oan; milie qulek anduétererl cip- cathédralts in Europe lIc-r- la n oraun t s.rerb! Ifta man-of-var coacc-s bok frain . eilhî-cc-ad of tise building. undl lie onecb(atîte aoc] la toved i nto lhe nur; yard. tg lrctrumet reapoucla muaiiel; bta cheolb- neo go daigna oloch ut riés pllnteresi#araf er, se iut he gréat cathédral of naucre day and ecmai tihé let et te%s udîlloo-mb respuuuda ta day. end Dîictt te nigit. and 1 ,.titi dmration on tise fin£(St Mont- diuser te daover, and star tu, ulur 'l tthe Pd in <,ictr rieteeatu.Bt girent harmnonica of île unierse. '[le Iatman lus mo f a etiniat; oiai îI)ringtio l en ans-ngelist la bir.asemg Z one Ilireigis tiirt; ;î-ans ofthle aharu- g pn'chugo!f lov':hise. unidulac- iintorin15- hoing of lbusineslift' and ael mIailcit, a îrcclot-nite Srd4-c].-uiunctnt ng ltre-nisto tainafIbste. oc-mutiaiouccr sin%. Wo areaili readac lolies.vmin;thuepgon eoocthédc-n lie tilac e urt-o theovs-i-os ofnature. But prrzro - ,,nnt,,wnhnh ac boy fi-w of no 1harn aytiiîg frein the oprus tao. elling oct ao muci aslipar- a-ire i-c-chi? oisyan;sacd du.t; dirct. Yet ise; never hman; oypéuré. '[isir dishon- go tua ;cîcr and-b luccm, unteiarn nork. patte. képt tcllng in thim cars. [f I au- i)t. aurintc-rhandiuc-. and accu oneil abcd an md .onbd %Iapl he b oama blo acI -cigîce tail ,f c'a tisowatrusla t ggt uîfine boissé, portiopu Itnontd fi u lu-ad >uaconîtiss ubrocoglih tr4t. r ntise vr;heurt o? il a seloton. Inbla ibée i-nau lunga fur iscra iaru (colin tiee s-oc;béatwi le tieoin a sarofetpeulrn paveorcicu t oer n-uic-h o-eIasso? Are tIi-ne mas*%aveat. Ohnil c t srmucte that viece noui tortto(fut utIn gnoNsInacp belveon lu amabusan e-ovred soidow' bcuîsali- ha (bt .c.cui-tcu-a anaeniiti tis e totdiatsnhcd o-us indigetion!'fAil lhe forci-a 9 outot an pin a*dothe. cioktce Slow et nature are aguillai ic.'T'ie IMoodaare to übidh<Ieicl"A>e. there re gtharvest*ta i nc-u bitdandtheti eacomuni.e b tote co-endos. hi1uni the (nontte cccîîaîcnct tic 1x ru andaIeaoduic-OiIt(branmmatth mik.. te brren inrill. 1tise blidren of (;edlre on or-r;dire-t. dount - nuuth nitboul. Sie lcrmn]ltiody-ietseconsfisun a-oi e Tlliontrcs-15are dstrîbote-i Rame cf the icnightt tif 7.11 end l.îggle. t honlo-ilho iven tne tiscuen-nobee tntcl,#..rutIplce tl isearect imprpna Ifacîifuitle (;i and facîtfcl tathe coula tl mncfatc tho ftact iaIthilei us ceOf orfaietrhi-aimd theomaria cf ibusiness, t toiend mi riiggle. DIl1ioe'dloc vryer;dy f prosina tliemolebnc-u lie lence o! use le th lise<t> cm jarring nul n-licols undt@but- sîrcot. ighi; o-or, heir tenupistlona, i aog o-us foit undl bucmninx vitI rolces aigbu; o-uc tisir dgiernuce, unI mgt; endi -oicr-d si-ullitic' irs-all et uoke- shaht hoétiseir triumph t ai.. ks und sruab it-lstrafitchors.Once tauus Pce(eu b ~~~hm aendio 00 fni mur geng ion oiti fcluilanus na mn Cinuret aleu. IAgain, iliSreIrslpressesi me suiub tise wit fudedarim nd oit lisuelyRiei.font ttisa e ite sful of préetion undl 9 sus lbcghbcb.-batil nting tu de. bol, for Rahein. Wiat subterfuge, o-bt doublte lIrai- atncpot . astîcu au; tenlaCinga, hondoublie deging. o-bat Iwo tacodaean! [Do lh.utascu-uauntheor e snssugbtho; ai! peouple s.hir vih;cu god monning a nii om inî-rcl iri".mu tIla- u'teil resu; lyhnopfor yon a ihappy; dy? Loail bât soi. rrad wichmun bi î'culae thée iccople oho talke bands luisec ari aith tris(ct 1cu.ntlie uinieril. na c er? Are ail lisese anxcouu aient aourt nuabo d ' ute. a wolt.veUp lIta lin abealtiliWhohinquire cone-ernlng I? Do a il ulak moiutil. i Rei. Upthi In o-molanttusnme, on whviscl ;o te csl o-cis a hi.] ,ftmif -,ont cf thics bcnbDaailIlie woric]linns.bhif s aumchiasu e oail uaroi]oodaillconggig ay ciar à o t prétend@ ho bnow' la tiser-c net muu; v landof uod, dggig aceler.Or a ncetoised t-oetgecadm oin aà billiant il aingliig a roof, or ebuaiii a Iornse, orabuso-ndoni? Passiag uju uni doo-n the i buiilding a oal, on menuing a o-tcb. on treeltn ayu uiesadyu ok lindcog a bcochk. Indudstr;, s-ii ber tison- ae o oon buainmesu i t ur actoîk aand ar-u nus ucu ioumnd o;cs end thon- aor ;cohuis, amndse5lvils h. fartuîlo tendl feel.g"8On' 'un Cogng ler dont of tserues andIle m s O, oi itsr-e aremc tO worb, vorb. work, oblilteb ilnlsecirmint eruoe om pr esind *totle.and ow t endl ube taruoin i.tien tif, 11, Ail tiic en popne niehs.gorenatr t ni bs. i lu net bcaccse men le,tou. Romce one fWietoss-oib o-hoendcfoleuni o-ad!1 recarked. *Eaery mai. an 192Y au he ile topa Cimangl, l tfe ole ahre ni- ces affi sllta tero .Butos.l aoc] s.it nep-t oral mnd lanisb'[The ceurtocan anc] rIet céai hcu tu ners-bruniccrad; shc-never-libertine xg o "wuntise strset in beauitoul Pad nicc#tnintour ou emaeyuuhn sisot ppstrel. iwhite itlin the heurt Ibere ar-et Fo elaxmtcîug nui ta15e eybush. so-.i-anoet ofpaisicn colhiisinig ihegin litef d un t %ii h btheaIniu u ni.dova mo-ms-. tschethings nottneei-cote in% thse nti#i-tsoun ;cur oa; 1tunork and ycconceui;oniatbo;,erdI brsin-n Yen deoutIpbarn ao;thiag o! forgP hot sre ans- Ibeusanils cf!psopte a t the- o-rus ntoit and] anscey n strgge' great dent httpron l ie; nos-. hut 1doc 01.les ian;drcipai an, bis aia;net t buok mn; mua inl oîcreil foc the Oh. ow uan drupix hértm ho may cufiet o! tics lifie entil ho knocisu hua pré.,la- o u;té atlaîrdn mi- r emil. n. -purticintur pontl. Eldci mes preîondiu mn; 1,s.0.anitoccsýi, les. man; b te puylis tas ne Kina Eicia. sari n-bile lotiit busmaty irf-tiesarogainec],bisn, lie Stands la frotof (lie ina nais hin nîs; uîf-ot cult'rehhucsu ar; euat rhcunî -iI sadaggec untir1tbe hafI su-nt I neiay siuiueeul n-batlosa o-lias-ua innlcftc-ntheîle ud,. Judas îoia ott inaed - )r. iicci t dure -lc us nisut palInr.Christ.1 Fmer iua cci'. a o aguan, via Plierpn! ield for Cherity, S.icmituuic-m I bave-o)cppeub ut tbe crnc'c .aain, tise mreet imhroes ne o-ulh tise ,f tise tr<'t au the orultitudes o-ont iith- fat giet il sn à groat field for Christian tr uend .u. and Il boau e-ned t o ac-brty. '[hi-ne are bunger n sac ultcingt greuf ipaîtoume. nd asu1(l'ch upen cilcci; sud wnt and wcthédxness cn îhe cen- ieurt iruah. '[bis rat tub c-f isucaan t'y. bott lieeevilu oie; roagregate n1 !te that gcen don nuthe treeltina sraplulcr grient ciliez. On eeir; Slcool crime1 tosec] aidt-I md asiteé and tcboaboal miesi prosls andl driiokenni-us staggecs and moidirin bo bck-beuuhiftliilc .onft-îaoewinhs moi pauupecccocu thrurua onut lion sut ufuei n its beuf; lanlthé i sand acling foc aicrîsl. loee %vnt in -'arpeted ullcaes of theo trc-n.in thibendus nuit ai u it c]ingin is mont leco. A tram onhiela the eternai chadon- is nover Chistian nan gcuflg aiiung a sicco la ifîcid. con lIce niore of the se o s-o .e ew eY ochksus. a lpxr lad, muid ho toct.od rai i ceunn uies lie toagied tomeinaprln ua- sasiI., -My boy, doc >cucknoo- hose te ulntî h nu crckei cli?. octh s haptuanu of rendl aui o-il,?" T'e oylacronde no an- whiWin ed tmp u île tic-t (cia-o siser.'Tie mmoi askc-d (hocqusttien tsilue [a ud macssn. rc epoi uu lttrîce. 'on your r-c- anad]orie' Ahi ClaquesMotet oui (hon (he oy ici acso-rNi oth s leur (bifofclsuate o.r llsen f bsinssplashuog on the bau-ketflacs banc. ie mai d Goiu don t you plcesof bsinssn defianue: 'Nu,. suc; 1 cucultroud ieao and coininbirne nain I charge yeu n W t te r.Gd sr -,' a et eni-triodooso, 0fshineof nia, of h-rend soids-rite. ildrit la- talle aira; ma «rcthede-s or itiger of inof e-father se long ago I1oc-sur roinibru 1 yenconcoit--anci an ;ccuîgui lroîrgh the bhasencohum, and liaseut Iiai tua go1 areets andl omuie.bock tlrt.igbtsh' grelots, .longtlistetar-otaiuget soacerîuuug tb foIn Galber Ditclun thé armas of yoctc prayer ail [longe te est for (ho fohks, saudîutcc't 1, as the sorrois, ailt(ho lomen, afi tir sucfer n*oon as 1 tondit carry o bamku.t. bas-e togeo iu, ail thie lreacaents cf thoso nhem Ou tandsc]pick up cinulers a u nos-or have ne plcu pumassand fini-ent ihornuin pr53'on ho-- dc-ooling. ir? (bd dont ss nt me te fore an ,il sympathetre (boi. In tle great ronsi ar. liant rend nuc arml e nitice." laeytofIc-cit; thero viiile chousands cf Oh, these jpour oundocers! 'rIe; (use ne p-raina wtii n-S oin;u in Iis o-or-id cac.Br i érdton-ut e nos-en ex-angeî one ouni viso vili"iorsc.Brni d mio ate e Up sd cli >u bess.], ni îor nu Dle 1cafronntisheir bandsauni knec-s te vulk. apsu cbuitscd lera po nd u yl i s I c ey h.;toilethior final toîr pon lie rosi te "'[ut a isemao (at s tsedeapair Lt ngo fcrtlcin tise nain@of enmying. Ta ath aggo ethe Lord Jeans Christ le resiuce thong.. Lt seoa, Whoblelixd tme n ben 1 wsauisn-ris miniter or t net l*froiet ofoling cur cr; audni ick uni] waaclriaa sd olet anablack loibes o-hile n-e go doon fii at heacticokin.'Tlut 1s the nian. tht initiemiainn. î'itle vile are ugîna an elaierale s.uman," And tliseiig iaotiiconte knot in our-raval onro-ile oe mon (lic icîwno pon ;yu as Christ allitdur:ayi tîîdy ounding off sore porion] rietorilemi wasa hngr;. arîd e fted me; 1 va oaked, 1; o-e mlgit hosaving o coul frendealli coi y, loihed moe; Io-an ich uni in ui iding a multtuode etsine. Oh, Clil- prison, andl ;e visitedsImu. loanîrc au tisa laracigtu eut on lira vok. If YODr te didilIfth theue pior oalif thne arochs. smo net oillng (o go forts gouruel!, thon Fe did it 1taime." is-e tf geun meua, undif you ari-oAoc AgteintAte treel Iniaccases meo oit lein;tlogo andl If gon arc tonos(lng; tels-bp. tise race that ail classeusaac] coniditions of te e u ftewyadbd orl societ; mgiai ceînlingle. We cocetimes intetdeuioancafes-a; uni Iii. golrst zulture a virbedl cxciusvceiaIntellect i eu Chrit'%tairo comea uiong tise despimea sIgnorance. Rtf nemnent vilI usbarv s'lfa h amp. eeno tiseL mir. Lsa(lj', the atîet Impreames me vîtI the taet thut ail lbe people are looklng for- Word. I meo elpc-ctane; saritten on alnct rery fare 1i tisc-t. W'berc cou fini a auouancil luojic' saikuing straight -c;r, 3-fU ni; fi ireflue l i tuuorcrg manc i lîir.4,c at-ck. 'fic fa,àit., (bd nicae disci nu lok ahesd, la-ruus- n.-are lnimortcl. l1c uits tcanu 0of r Ilemudîtlutude- on i b.- f e.is 1ceaur tiC amp oruuo. greauterîsllu.arc-hiic g and nacrhi:ig tcir oh-mit;. Belkix' Ilihe ffic-e, thle atouc'tre l bohit. h- St rr, rfi r cm a wiclulpui.oiaandiit rei-iiii-culc. 'b hrocîgli (.tuda fraie, mar ruitî r.-i i,t ic'aaîcl place. A arc-sithcccng 6(mo fils boulevsardis. and the ntîcif are a rush1 wiii t he clarictsnofr.!.-nutvors. TIc'ici haluulauta goa tipiacdi ulsi r.lacut the> ico -c-t-l aind t îc-;ne-i r ti iA rivrrfhuest Icrouigi, that i eh>. îith rocînuleciB11ccl tutu ionsc banika andîi, (-sof ! ite tlad-uc bcons boa lie l ir-e cstcci. Noc pîiDýIîtîaoc affcc rat-titsuccrrtat pare- ruot, fuir (bey are lioser ieik. Wiuh nu- iortll hcalii l iving ines-crac rein.lb; h kii"ouibot ticis 1die. Thoice tcworc uit tri-rgîli, ticcui-pallseca of blac-ma;. giai in fle light faf a huacirâht novor nets. (Oh. hC-soc-obeauitifai bc-acîc! Heas-en. sibeno or frienîls are! 'lh.-Jlio no censin cil, bart rity. fccr it il; inhabitecl h; 'c .1)l -i ' îîclc- nhic-làunofu craol ouccbr.' Ion,ý above raidi. lIcl, mxas-te Ico..(bu. cy aoveg. 1cryr; 5cî--ging sail r nu.1 t lie ras-etîs. "oîiiiso! Ihousolui , cI, i ana of nmilionuis. lflu-na-d are îb.-; sVii-. enter in tbccuugb lice gmar' Into îlot ci;y oh, torit for ut mu day ' Trcucithehcllixd oftihe great scrifice cf uire Son cf (bol ah.-tri uclu icr marih O1 us ric. 'Th Spirit andtI he lucili- sa> - (came, mnci ho- coi-s-c-c i-il(et hum -ornme andiltaLe rhe wafer of lirefrtn-ci." Jcuîîib is frest hroag marc-bing hesoinwacul Ail the docraccf invitatluitonfre on. Andl I sas welJre gae..ancd ihu- isiollo gale- so. tiol,ý le ria.1" stIORT SERMONS. I A ('laina o! ('hiccitana '-Arcoîir Clans ior lîîlci l thaItu ss-lîlc<'icrtn ljanity roarcs ncafhillg.'[lacy are -ci cT clnd lu t hein lvýoî f îîa nkii cu. but thli goutlmI a cr]g onlstcu i uIesraIe if ;îu teil fium an; cf the du-aires of ;oor Ilcar. lui-y %rc- mct ctigi,-kled la; their c, (boul, ns a chcild nliglil to lin fathc-c.- icabb ictthlii, htNaew-So Yo1'rk i -%I'.Nl-age '[Tiore l satlocf îoart slalom makea It lounsilule terci-relv býod*Ismessage. JI ucattu-ra 001 si-eti- er the man be ni. h or paour, farouc or lgnoro-d. niseor unlenrneul; if the icoul t! the man ire aticuocl ta dis-lne Iliingm. tho man iMay haie uhe ro-velallon. ['r-of thomo Il§ In abîîuclance; no ucel ta go blPyond lhe eveuua of ChrIsts natîs- It> te fund thein.-Ites-. Il. Il. Willnia. Eplacopallati. Wasinlgtoln, 1). C. ilocdand Man.-Jesqun ('hrittraine and res-oalcd su ontîrel; dîffereut reta- tion boîsceen Codt and man. He aald cotblng about (bcd belng Pcuwerful. ils hcl flot faue-l te suy about (Ioda rîgit- eousne;s cr juntice. Ris declucatlon nias ribatrbe relation laetsi-c-o ecand man le a moral relaton.uot four ef Lboui.but unit; siîla (bd. fellowalilp and onenerot siitîntcc 1e.Lymaon Abbott. CougregEctiotnolist, Brooklyn, New York. Reoligions Indifference. -Religion% In differens'e lodlcctlog lack of spiritual lire eau onl; ho removed b; conmeerated bucau agenules. and tbe lnhreatblng of tic' Roi; Spirit. '[bore la;1no limitationa te tise akîlI. poweor and Jurlocf the In- tutlle Creator. tint as ho C-banged lise tulle; cf deati loto living artîvît;, sa hoe cran raIne thne dead rtitlice appolnted turne, acecarding ltu lie 8<rîtature.- Rev. [berge Adamo. Metotidial, Brooklyn, New York. Protulein or tise Citurcli.-Tise grealoal protuleon for tise cîcurcu le suive la bow te pprmuade ucIo (cgis-e hi-c an Impar- tial bc'arting. aceeut lier dctrinces and otue;lier preaN-pla "lie greot cliIcîlty lu auconîplidilug titasla tise oppositionx suhîci saiseeacfforshecanuso lier doactrines ure repUgnatl0tistetclnations of Itaien humonntuîre. 1 do no! bli Ihuit an; mereiS miteraI menus conc- fect a change lunlise attiturde cf tbe n onu toward the cburu-h. -s-e. Il. H. NlWtaa, Romans Cathioilu, Sanon- tc--j,. (',i BIG DIFFERIENCE Between Machine an.d lapid-Flring Muacictne gcîoaare utot-lcca-li3' bnc ed ws-tlc llxed amnaniutiuccuasd the inrnîcîges are o eltcol aijl]extrmcted by arrtangemenuta t entable a number or rocînda to e ho inu-l lit t apulu nuf- sîcu b; oeetian.'Flic-onîlluary ma- chine gun ofo tire Maxim cc, Norderifelt type cran tire from 300 ria 715> oîcradsaa tuinune o!flunantry aiuniultlorî, but for naval aund fortreas;îurrîces îî boas-li type la maude te disbcnn.irgli rci-tilols tact ezr-ec-dlng 14 cutite's Ilnisî igit. 'ie terni 'qulc-k ftlog s lmuîulii-clta nritllery wsoos o f aU i aes i5lh nlre ae coustnuct-idanducllcutoci tira t le> coaub hourcder],-ieglctcîrînul (ired mort roîcidl; tiacu lu the case<cf :cu ornuar gîun. Uulikr'imacinc- zuns tisey arc Icadeci b; baud, (utt I)osseais lbcern nutise cisaroc-terhs4tiu- of lîttIe or ni revoil. Ail ueNsl; couvtuutc'clgîuna r,. of a qulek-fi ring typle,asoiet erncmi îll before long bec'omeuooleto-. By th. moct recent arrngemec-aunts foàr nopidîty of loading aud absorption of recouitfisc destructiv'e power Of anililor; abotec- moret- tan doubled. Flabing [Ioder lice. Wbeu (lie rîvers are fnosl-bound In ftttgmany fie Oiormet oce b; no mreansidfie. '[le; assembleand ou- I~~~~~~ L I O S I C D N S Methodist revival et 1Le Rllo reluit 'in ollîr f neaml.-s trivai"luinlbh flirthlic-a lt ocf Sheib la>t'ui uty.lIc-ral BSBER 0OR STARTLING, FAITH- s.-oî'Ia liai.a-i-uenc linaa-1dt FULLY RECOROED. A ai 3(w) idî,yirinclire a-eu-x.-. <el tu 0 lit.-sd the Iic.-c-fing .f tieu-' 8if Noli Pal Asc,.-î af a iccîA Qlc April 3 ani 4. étant byclier Former tlo,.I,.»d- Town- 1m- anftirc -c Si . onie(if tii, ldst *bleu Law.la IjPheld 'oldiar Who rc--ii-ni-iof (cii-n Cuoiî . i la ad lie Waal Lout Track oeuf Cllatarcll &aid Wn7;30.r,1 ad nl o ca natiNe of Ire- (liaalor Mailowny tu Bol, Feld. bad Th i-me r joi no clu-tri rond froîn Quuio v c, Nacrsuce, a distance cft A ur, c- latin; c fiufc hc- is.ii-aboii t on i ,iîn ahav ig ifs annuli aru' ms t, had ut rîdadis-ric-oci,?licr t. o c -lal.9 at' P-,i iufictlng ffaalsait,].i u. aMn c; yAillen Wo Iker. liornin Ver- f lhiaiocielta lillet intO lui -,i l bumeai mntiDit. fofxllyan bit d dccii i crisg br lo!; [I ss cri c-11iikroin scellfer-', d iid ati rgiiiaciOral I muirri-d in Pecorlafi-c' c--e aï. ci hIlN3cü8p noi childrcen. Mrma. ÈlIai. ný - ice u augli - r (er of John it-tmonord1 # sI icîfli.reifi- Tlirty foimailios cieno reci-nly removeil former of Topeka. l,11i.- îîsîcîd wonc re iI'cih.iuîdnt ls n!lsoui a malaifer. ssith a goodiiNifisl tli. i.i' tais uc, nf.-boleîuîo cnt Ii niigaeoiii sid ii basve treated h-r ,itit hgri t cric. f hila%%rntoi; e lty. A mnooib go ahi,' iciiri-d a dvcenoltevc i. E. Fraioci'pnsior nfithe soucie and oio-i icat inc e h llu-Peausorkuing n (9. cîgaf i a h.,ro-lcof Fort a>i, a duîcex i-iii~iefoeou- ii -f fi ho pr ,,ii.. liina.&e.tiia calt ilic the Congre-f i-lics k oco of lier crî i iO..Ha i-ny gai iiiii iii (hontaiBîîî i-r i Il saw Il'rgbcitg to work csidpîirsu'cli-r 1.I Il ill fi f Ha , r11lixonga colt, 10 loto an alley. They î,orrî-lcd. aiîd ith- maintiena îîld. ihit wu'ghn 91, Iueacncd i n out waranrg lie lfred a bu!! et iliriogh hicrn oîlv îîcîinrarY s- tash It oof Arabian l îreaxt. An ahle raila&ross thbe'ncrricssai- andl Normîale sfock oandi uu exfra good i ley ho fred lgain, oomic ie ur chiot cime. (ait. Shle ef' l l hc-edge cof 1il,- vs aik andl h. Burglarq ciiikoeil 1. B. LiftIe, his wile walko i)att 10the- pros? rafi- %tomateiaii oit andd îaîgler lanlbh- lîiiig rouleauint Iiii'ir ahot lber in the temple. 'rheîî lic killi-l oud n la (u vssellei- ilolîofod the binuf. houmi- f jî-s-clry and ilve5riarcu raluid' Upholda tha oacaip Ls. The 8crpreme Court bas'ielîaîcclowiinn a ('cI. Barloiw., faj Marshlil and Clott.q decîiion lan(tce Paseo!f i- fis, îîof i<xauicîTuon îsend have' lxiii aanîî-îlas t ho rugi-i uauk Ts. the 1'eoilile,.,Oi rlcîîin fc,?nry neors laii curry liaftthe- roisihumaof!liai' F. Ilossa couthe' Boarîl or NSccisrimors of riverîcîccl hrbîîr ain suii50far as t rifs r. D)eKhaCouic>. Thebi- ii-cioiifintefrlîriis liithei lilîolic niPr. the laie coîîî-iriiog i-or-a ficii cif ics 'Theo taiîl orcîctnt of ltie- vtidceration townîcipmanc d holda fIli:), fiIi- sfiatuf. iusn la 1<cils Oh-eil for recordilii MIacon Ct 'iiii niaidators-llnic the' 1--. --iof l- i llcîrcng I"i-lrîîary vssnx$214t.01)(1, andîlfor1 aos A loi titiu oaa îi*---i-gii f -ci tictho fann cary 1iiico Tho iiiîiiieocf eds Boa rd if Superviaccraof ,tl- IKali, IC Iiflit> iire ri-spec-ticc-l l2i0 nil 1(I. asling thientoare.,tl f c- ,iiiliil ,%et-if Jamoes'nlc'i-ili. (heodiiceat eiiiiiye of the torciiiry to i ho c-i frociii fil. tviMt. lAisdivisiciri of (ho Bi cour rond, of Sotciucuî. The hacfcc 1 s' iioIiltheil- ,.ans killod la the' c unIsfutihe' îinilafluy nt titflcînîlimaioilâtim, i i -itig'c55-i' r Nattî)aj.lie c-<ia ci iivking limierlu'r au-i« broîcgh ft ciii orîîel ill b-, -ifithi' noW ifle c, i-o ti aos to ii-c, crîîoh g out i. towo The u ardi ansn -c1-%-i l ing a ile' lire. mrrir fici hniii-t~ition fncihi.s o .v-e Noimîîi aîîll s-itognz, ruî-d [iv the triai couirt [Thlii.theî' (<cxcii - hclotlitswlidraiz appelle intheMufreni Cort ni]il.ae-il-ilIîcîiy to îooîîcfocture ao attacheont apeai' t io operci icicflii1lii i- frul indc-ra that %bocoka the grainad lies 1cipion untaina the bloia-i-ci Art, tl a. chat sveather canîcot affoct it. Thet Miaai gTh orty-fls e .ar ldesi eis Ihe iiveoticu of a Monmouth i Momiiel (,;. 'iley ci Mliiiîi ' i.cna, mon.a Who <rtsiliinbe Foui.. tif îia ialîfoiî A motoii nîaboyl a -mkili'il 1.; n pas- try Feb. 2, 1IA, ba s i -c iedIclcldias- uicarer traitei onithle MIis-higan ('entrai ronsd ehargi' lîsiars. duted Malc-b7, IlOt11 i. t Ilicîh feci,-?,(Chicago.F-ront paxpaers Mliiirti>- mfter (iaenlocla(îî-îfii'sm as traits-roulaitiliitheii-si ilrî cfthc'eiaimou cia forci-i tC ompaniy iG. 'i ,ifth Indianca thuiight lia la- AiutAîîdec'cci. The voluateornad usud» i- f f.icaifleties (if traine wn ocig ai thi' ratirîaboxuf fwn- Banks' lRed rive-r cancipui4nmsisountiiil t> ice uildes aicthuur. and teftfur dc ciiai ta riaihbonne. lie At Elgia. t ho $2',000 anoîirilac'gtiiî-ry won macked 'irnisaing," uottai regiliciit.I. C. iitosii ga lct. N%.Iuaa was muaieri-ilout of secsice. A iighbor fîîr auiînating NMrg. ElIpeiîtoiu'a affe- aosjo--ted bloc of bieng a lisrtor sied ocu itoîn. bas be(s-ci cttied. lîcooso. it la of uf-iriuaily nrote thee A'iac lieîiar-tîi-it sncd. lensosltc, Illinoîis wNatch Case C'rm-t lregmrding the malter. 'riii-lioc-hargi- oa ini'a diri'utiury ind torneus-s-r stock vs-i forn-ardc'd. WilieY Ihilks Ii- ic niîi' el ai 'l'tcr ati R00. cttcng io casht In os-ur thiciiiseyearm olYtai uîccuiuîg aouot 1125000 eut of the den].1 te os'arly $7,110Rlin-k Ilantand ad camallpcox acore the IlltoausMoud A.. Bec soleil. other <a. Ichilip iStombsa 3oulur mon The Ceiiialia cand Cb,'.frI lrlecd-lui) s ue hiote s ontat cii;. wn-usiatikpn miles long, c'ti-niilrg fccîu (inCesfer IciSa-n ith itho dîscau' aliTolenlo, Ohici. lie lelaif) lu.luai-id on sale.'[lie ronad ihall a ci 'da tuelnle cf cltbiog for wabuîlît by G(risasold anuit li-t-trok- hocme. T'l'h,' leih aulhorities anlotc-dthe ers of New York Cityinîîouîîay nmortgag eohîng (on a train at Thoui-qoi. wubit edt and bas bec-o lu the bond.clsof eceicer was ibrowcn off andl bcried. The ment- C. M. Formai, for the liat lo. eara. ' The lieroo f the- train arrew n-îu arris-ag in Rock Eqoitablo 'rrcot Coopnyaiof Chicago Iand wi-re i-accinats'uland the baggage loanc'd mniiuiuatel the toalement f $U.41Jl10aîîd tuail car piaced la qoaraniie for on reociver's rertiicata onu c i sl ioder- 10001> fourhlitrs. etood tienrtchat ronapuoy millid inthe' Il. H. potlleof the oliace llow (Com- proierfi'. pany cf Moumuooth file-I an injoction ro- ntraiuing Mayor Hall sred Cty Clerk Cao- Lightui.ag .roIr.,on Flotta MilL ninertn paying for (ho Harding water The floua ocll (if the Broc-se Mill and narks ie. ['attpe charges the Counocil JGrain Comparas -, atec i utBros-ax. was witb illegal plcing $1,800 exces imater :truick b> ighlaicg andl nos total>00oeu-renta in the si-ter-rfinad, when it ahouldi aimesl by ln. 'The-ri b ail a i'atacity or hase hec-n applied la paTinent cf interest 200 barri-lemlier day nie(d bail renu-i beoru un bonds. The Harding ire lias eea cmprnrs'cl the pralcclit lxiîîg liriluint-il. The bougbt bcfut lo aid for, and the- injune- Ppropcn-ty uas ou ici-il'y iuy esra. Kcarh lion 5illi prescrit fîrrîber action cîntîl the cbrothors. The bs in-icdl6.1(N) b uushclx ty en c»uiit of w-heai. piai-detilfccot $23,11111, ful> The annulai report of the Atigiidaaa cevers-d by iniiorafir. bospitai of Chieugo waa preaonted uiteh Kil% um"l i Avid rret. ru-ent seaaionî of the Acgtana myncunlau Garcklla li.aerl (o Aoidn-euit.torn- ocktiurd. 'Thé-hoaprital waa etubii'd t e, luvinîgcii-ar Marshall, corrii it-d sur-inlfad o ocuisaâxtartre rid la- sicoirc'. Thegrad jr> adproof structure. Mincelits establishment *~~~~~~~~~~~~ >oida uuibî-î giitNgiinirii'9 patient@iavi- bec-n trIat-j. and of loaid tocinliiol;icheigotsicnftfcî htiane ifee11,214 isucre ru'c-ivecidcuring the last tlaci e hic. iiiil-r nu cri-si. InVhi-i torne c-icran coreaso of 1.)cvrcthe preedu- corps,,ilcrudni cf aret.h- mxsctheiio uallczc-r. The total indrlitccnesc in $37,- Perl inorme hii ofther misio bu' 7211 The iniomp ihe-poast yu'ar exeeeded alarfi-ul tii cxii aud they îccccsuuecl bunîe- tiecle)- la) $4,00. reducung the debt Whi-n niar his reiail-ice lie dcciv a r' ut taea-ut *voici-r and Lild i iuiof. b htarcit Ir1Rev.Cerrlt Suyulrr fuir for yoars pas- Bh-ef Suate lHappeoa.ic .ufitthe Firat l'ri-abyti'rian Chuera-hitt e Rya c uic' of 16S tic 5 Onar 'ok dcued'aa-c ciioeud qîrte a senrsation b; verr tiiecir as illagi-. uiueiocteliy teîîderuog bis reaigriatio. a- )a. 1'.NI.li1î)cia!,- c-Ar if ftheo cclit pjua- 1.iM.Stue is iring tiiî- long- tioeuricidiel ficdrus, cioît ui uîc'rs' nirike, bei-n ait aiovcx d tui iincte d .Icmuaii(hiciiKici. ul ie fruond cf th iuuuiirs.le in,aciie-orfitle 1tu8c-10I. -os ii oftiL lisdlirgig rîurstc-cs uf thc 'MNtificfiIclarby 1820. toc> - is fa lniri y oîta icof ithe i giletu Ecjs scl tNI.ic. . cilcii-c. an fria',for 'is-inniu'l'toest 'Pr In1îulaocf (liciaga i h li ni clur cflie, rafliec, Eu ciacclH. a,,,, f ilii, Tiic t'c- ri n cefi la ic-b aet %lociru', nitithefanaiclyham ine ucChi-ago., Sioingîiiglsd, anduic cidccli>Lu-ci i licgla- ci as a,-ciIfii-iontutfhe- ifaf. c iu-uc; iCica f Ihiaao nskiiockv'cl Sio"coif. ci jivis'îii-l ((un v if f ligut I i dioîîoiflia xiisicfaflircclclî'uof $7,ri natautfrt u fer halvrfeific.-.- c f ftle in unheo nidol f a cc-us i chat s.îrcc.cîrdlsicruf busct-nsmifl liIt uit(iii- anci îcakîîîg -a fakc'n on Sfuif.- ufri-if ca, îîff-aulîiit osinoiifi3ri> r.-iftlic(cîrfb.t Th neii',i. . bcoi icumu- it h ;ieib'i-, ulîci vss i-ru- ccuîc fccandon-c fic- tus i Ns ithout it rau-di fi"i. s tkob-fiirc- 1. uscliîagc-diic iocit a cuf it -hueflîî i lihus su-ut ire onîîa n-i-c-ut fifgli. Tlb . o-o ssci i.-. I'cccrîîtril- i cc ciii. lich- fliec-vi- r axuucuuîct tau iise ii f îcîîsîî l dilaria lu-ft if il thcuiglitlioe c.-u-lit liai-iffoiec[ T 'he (cio-c ii flic' ilitc-i- ouic e',-crgi- ccl lacs, liat fî-irîu-c i-st'. e i-i- c-f ins ton-wuc-ru- gcc-xtl> allieii cutel.. leîcc i igsIflocu ic lias-c-litt Iicicv lIn fic l ic-fthrr bY art exloicsuîi ion i f I ci iioi[ uxu it eugiiir r. , nda it uc l i iglif cff!l- iO flo ieuielle hl i tauR-k-ul ific- r s ii-, s tîî in oruiici-i i , usucifa- ciiifofcr fhl scIicfl'ui-fcicc utf cclii ibut et i-csliobifalif lii- riubi-î-o.11fi-il iu. Th.-l'lu' ccciclucsiAiiidti-lie iitii- lf .e la i-cunti rus-i ticu- Afaiuriaii siri C ol'ciillufnceui - i- y h uyiifo aeo h-Poo ic gicnif tlucuuglic.ssacci î - li c-ilI 'llo ur ii ic- ui.'0f'[.'i'Pilm. iaîuuulîuîîIi -olyicakuIli-cc cous Faruktend lJohni folerIcr tibteorder o.- Thti--cic- lfcic. Fi ei! fof Necs tccuc Soýi ber oncieb. 14 venirrucu a1 ,cassc. t tîci v, i-i--soli itsx .e verdict i 0f I iroliliii!. cli ngFica îk Wxi!'c u-ccccmda ttr c cittscci cfl f ici-sM, Iti W.@i 1-gujît>i oiuic cir aloi cciclpusirlg reitifiu-i k- rrete'u cl nt lcuu oficiliaii -ccifi 1c- ci ih > oîffIiria a c-i cli. icciitinfiac, hîcuur uaisairluuu(c' Ciiiccf3 At. ccciiioo -e NW'ulku'csoc %ic. Iifi lic-iplaieus biluci thru- icc-lal cntf lcft la il AtI Tcoi-r 1h i. fir- clu-st co>ii sec crfi! thi.- s y I ru cî nuli-c - . fr t heso rne le buildinrgsi iiiforeii if fis gcct(iicuer icitrîcf îcfi.uîît . s..... mil.,uii tIo ic' ets' lic sc y [bu'elccîcîc& li iiclîoltiiiiiig, c -vn rt tic thc- cmi--ofci!h.- lîxrsc-y lid le pied cy R.Itil. Buiîigft. cidry gofilis, O s ,uciijifiii i chiusîc thcîs îc-larg-at totau(i flc-trci3c-ii .l,sc.sorc-: i)i'ai& coucrporcatlin if hi' iccivil, andultti'uiltedol ichIa riliru IL (h1 (I ifhllnitcui. $5- effctet, ulc trîîc-u' At cieplace iîi--theccjoi 0111: 1xsticithoiildîf cg. $51a1 nit NI orri- i c, msi b-c sic-iliithbe lotiluilg, wisa ciolfa coie, grou-ry. $2,SiS i. vcl and thlui r urs nu-ce frigliteicc-cl aia;, In bTite fcilcassiru iNcatiinal (,nordularder»ui cliity Slturtff Johbn Shin aervecl an tii-c-ci-iiissuc-Iie Aloinutinig l'i'li-y J.iccin srlt onc Operattura Pluoiil F0o-r....i..... i-i- ,' c'.1ut 1Jcrr.oî-cuoher, ...Ilngside C oul iîau>itlccrcaI ILLINOIS ILAWMAKERS A prison loer conferen ce o-as belul uti tho tt-,boumacn WceInenday, as a rosunit 8,f o hi u aci ducd le tpres.a liguia uic i1 lt tis se-sacof)cfr(the (,eneri Aaaoci.ly 1 for thoe r,rvloiüe traunsformacition cf, the pison lalcur syctieuttuw in flîratiun cul Illinois. 'Tbu plan (o be iractixted i s tbat gess lu une un Neyr York, o brrr consict,; are encîlixiy onx(Ithccavel; il) the nuokiol of gondus fisc cooscîmpiion inn tinraiti- tiona and fiar salo tu polithal.11divinions cf tie Itote. 'Thi- iloooë('atiliittee on Warehabo-s. mf ttrc oaidu-raicle chscîs- Piona, rolcocteil out favocrabi; Nîr. tierrou1 s bi rep-aing flac'vo urelacuuseart1Iossit a t lie test session. VTeîte irr Hommcuoroit mitters bas-o been aIto-ock fis c-ek 'lca pcaiag cf (hoé(cill% cuncer eoru'clc-raonc, ni-porting ccitmost o r hio favorachly l'ie lnganaaC-oommitîce rî-poctcd faîcun miii; on rîeariy aIl] tir buisho-fore (t. '[ho Ihauxe on Thucoda; passe-Il the Eccindage bill for the rcuIaticin r.!tu-le- phono chairges, fixhng (lie price at SP14) fcuc busnessupacaes andl $30 for reshuic-tnîes. ThIece sas nu opposition 10 the passcage-cf flic bill,(he vote bcbng 124 yenms to nu noya. Itepresentatire Allinrelfecedlin lise Honse a bill providung foc a Slate lire marulial, n-tb an office in C'hicago, the aop- pointinent to lie mode ; bo (hebs-rner. lit la made tise duty o! the otlli-er teain- rc'atigate tireas bers- casirati es cccur. After a brlef session (lie Illinoia Logis- biturco adJourned on lrida; cretil Monilu; .uit cfru-esport (o 1h' memory cf the loto Joorpb Medili. edîtor of (lie Cicago T[ri- unte. Rlouliona pertaloing (o bis s-r- s-lues la ithe Stule vere offereil b; Itopro- contatisi- Shaucuhan and nopleal b; a ris- lig vote. ('haurm-awRffltn of tefttillee Ccnuintiiooon Nittar; Affaira reported fao ccc aic b (iiiluirgreat loferont 10 lie NamtihunaI ( uo rulinieniiof the Sttote surd panf-iaclarbte Chiaicg. ogimînts. Tise bill alulriapriotu'o $l1410,h0(X) for thc con- nutrction of pal uile gu-cufuai nd arc ar- mOan on the liche front in ihot Oit;. IhOju- rexu-nîstive[aculay of tbiu-ago infrAou'ii a bill sshich la aine t [Boardi of'[racle cuomissioun min, If paanc-d i -,iill pro- vont the brolc-rs fromt bc>irg on aciiing Board of Treclde conimediirs foc cîber» uniesa lie; havo orilten orulera fersePo lug. Aec-ondiug tua Mr. Barclay.theoblucl wili mako conîmiin mnen i hulle fer lusses iuîstalied hlu; ibir patronis nnle'ss the hobur;or souil undc-r instructions lun riI- inuj. Sunart; ,W'srder n-as the oint;tuira- lec caf thie Sensieproert subinthebuticl; cuans-eneilAn udjournrient o-as laken tA 5.0 iînday ufieracon, 'hI-b'llinois Hromnne Society wanis u I-o-s--panset-tucusiding for -s'ipinia an a pionisnhio-rt foc nife-beating. colaber;. burrglac;ycand certain clasacestuf assafllt. T[ho calt-niuc- talla applied (o the borle brick us b le tise instrumoent caf puli- nie-nt. Shal Jamsse ate lie tise maximuin. 'The- bill oas proîcare b; a ciuiutee lic-aileI by jcuhîî <..Shortali. and wsu-usnl tc.uieci n lice Haense on Monda; b; lic-p reseuutcctls-o S-caunir cf (lie Second dix- trict, ('hicago. (Cor. Tannec mnnotise Sirutthue nuane of ihue n-meurters o0f lbh- stale pliarncacy hourd foc confir-a tien. Under île rotes action n-s rc-sc'nîed ontil '1'.eada;. '[ici-queion r npubliahing thbu-paya nuis c,? ttatv niu'tuîtleîcs ssaaduicrusioc suiti cuu-h oarmîl un bcthb lonnsc-o f the Leg- csaurre '[ni-da; nuorning. 'Tho (houa. tassed-iltir Paoici' suc-it;lbill b; a vete cof f111 tu 21. biuct net n lubout oonaiulechle du-bat,-. titai-icpacn-d, seitînuenIeer- grci-e;caus..-hesu-ate bill toajres-cnt the, sîcru-ailf uitSn Juecaiae. 'Thei-coin- alitte n fin coln nionun-t ceportc-d in fuscur ofafn talpropriationu o! $1ý01011for r.IhuiIlinutg lice mocnumntun rrionmmend- (,id la lhe (bosernor. A minorit; reoport aigueci b; Alsehuler and RetaIlle. Denco- cmli, ienuls-era cf thse commiltco, renom- meui-us that ther preoent site lac- abundoneil anul ilal a ni-n nonurment hoc rected neur the ccnter of Spcringfield et a total cool oh $51 1,ouc-fifti of Ibat ancount to lac sjuproajriatccl b; tlio l.agisiuture. '[le genacti'e ou-irri-d In Hotîse anrendmeni. li, resluIcn for saupointint cf commil- nionl u resisi Ian-m regarding prootico uil roicrta cf rc-ordi. tAy v0(e cf27 10 17 Ialaled renclatuti.> NI y r. t avîuacîîolore- ing pubctuation of îuay rucha uf St ste Uni- veityl. Kiliccii hiuucîîhîcc; bill tu abolinl lwislile salooeiilittici courut uc-a or oict 125.0(113, suiot.' iîg E . t13 cand cmoticon t.. rccncacchur îcnuf ostuittu'l icNaru-l l. KiClicil It'il]fiing Iliois nuuit cl guiu canul uîrcnccoufcr cr ci on- dc cuca nd 'hicoui-cte luca passed the tollovina lutîls: Soccaor 1,cr> 'a (.111 omeadiag thlIan luccus clitiîfor.ccthe organuzoaluo f lire, mu rifc- and itruand navcsigation inaufraca-rurin- taic ci- ol. ccci ficuku' ut confocunite se l ria tincg theu insu ra nil-e îparmcnt. Sctcufir huss-is toit] e to ]w bourda Of clruti c.-c t mci nii.)cl(iish iruano; sibocis, scinttur ,.s bni ilI proiiding Iliat noutoui, i siuiso cinii luiratice comipunies uccay ci..,iiuu-,hui-so lu twi nt; fis-ceconîlea Sfi-i ii fistica bilt le change the tine uit Iîcc!clcccg curtcinl the aec-end ajpotilate iýtuicafcc Shnts blltpriariding thé aclio6 flusncu nia- d iccc-lnt a rate cf loteceot tic-f lu-sc i hcun ;,liencelutOcis-1. Se'oifur jouîis(iiiten the ibcfiai-s ci-ic(.'t1î1k <'urînci;cunfrn to tIhe oth Su-uiafur WilliamiPayne'a . billnuthoriz iccg ic. u-.cciccsi,.term of teIl.-llicnois acne Ntic-tiigou ci. an tusosoit rannuiltandl.. Su-inoitcla sic-c'a bill uccas-uling fuir t hi lutiutrît.esinfîs iun ureuotc-cd cf liss 'lice fcl1lc.rcng are arruong tbhebbis laid>y tttraduced - [t; Nîr. i'uiicir-Acailircitheîto avir rehlatictut he on tin ncnt souiclc'tcnticcî caf Iiînatica hc îrovicliag ibat a triai foi limai-; saollii' b; jury orlyt. By; Mr. Alhertsnn 'o ceille citiez andi s-illages te hua; or euantruct noter workc aud lpros-icing fcr (ho rîcanagc-nc-nt thon-- of and gis-ilcit cîriuî;to tles-;auai ne' la-i and îpldg te lcsomnehin pyncert lIer- for. B>-Mc. ('arstecs 1l'covicliag tisaI terri. tory contamine cddmorc thon 250 inihitanti nus; ho Icturhoilfru a uit;and formed lotout ai-lirat.' itl3 or village. Si-nal.ur Achiini's 5liI pros-iding liai eectiunsfor clire--tec cof crut ual i-nl %tornui iîstiratcro einlioluic'a auliefhold on tsieficat '[condaIs;licJanirr; ilîctead lit tic' lirat 'ruescla; iciNo-enlier. ttecvy Ilutas Suhlte ie the Without a. Auauettie Wattrc(li Moelile. a Belleville bMaé'., it, hbas lest li,,rIglit let a as e ,, pcimacily, o! aibot laite titres yemU«& en itehe la 551 ;oarn olil '[re. eais ae sý o-bile huntlng lie crossed a aild u&" M le van climhing over a feue@ lu the e tor of if a vicions hog isseil ut bhln. kickea nt it andl the bog grahiscd Il. fâ*. Its toc-lb peuie(ruted Mele'à rue. 1 vound. whfucis -s not large. bleIeb « in ils place (lier, came a eorn. solo~ monuhs ugo an itinerant corn doctor lU peoed In Moehîca nehgihbooed and hast- Ing o!fIlie cocrno-hieli gave Moelle » muclitrouble,.lie offered t tuaeIt e- wîtiont pain. Mele finully coumâe&i '[lie corn was taken out in c fes. min~ and thse uext do; Moelle o-cht te unI - as usuel. '[vo s.ekan lter Mos-le fel a uumabb bel sensaution tinl4is toot. He notheed (tM the fleali uroniltie old lojury brs W. ly hnfumred. He treatedI ilfpr aeve - da;m, and, gettiug worue. o-cnt (o a pyihUB cian. woeproaoune'ilthse came lilond l.- gonlag. Ito-As tfrai propoued tu(o u. tete tic foot, but Modiste oisjeeted te tà- - andl Ilion een;knoo-n neauu f elquSo o-a. applled tass-velise font and te u t b man's mctoin cof lie poison. ThtéIuium- mathon and dlnpeaau preaul. Vto1 ]y Il vos ilecideil ibat amputationt te(t» ]et four Incecaaioe ,tise buk ernît tas tise Onl; menasofnaving Moebleia lire. blelle. mîtiseugli a liearty aud ctr blarbuncitis. las a weak heurt. VWheM t". dectors wo-lcbail guîbored urouud ie le- aide upolke Of the danger o! giviug hl". cnueasetic Mo.isle roe up lu led ma calid: "Teu needn' t lother about elsuu farti or ethor. I1ivilI atan4 t1.e O9eia ail riglit."1 '[oemen sere sclected fo vata h * man's heurt and Ove doctor. perfoa lie oeration un four nminutes. Nibesoyi ceim andl strychnine vere adminhteesi bypodormîrali;. Duing the enfire opu. ation Moeble isardl; vînreil and vitI aï- mont perfect self-control sutced e pbye hi sciins authe; cnt and aavesl orfig ke ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION. Goa-cner Tanuer DauiwmtAa Aprit * for but bacm-anace, 0 Gos-. Tanner huas lsueil tle feilowg Acier Do; proclamation: "Stute of hllinois, Executhve OUue1 Sprbngfield, W'ierems, b; tiset ftet» 10, 1887, it luaipade the duty o! the Ose-. eruor to deuignate annually a dal te le boos'n au Arien Day. tao hoon.ge tisrougbouf tic Siate as a day for plaut- iug abubh, treesanad vines about tlu homes, ulong (lie ligbomyu and la the publie grounds, thua rontributlug te 11h. o-cull, coonfortu uni attractions 5etCm- State; and "Wiereaa, A due proportion of tvau te cuîlvated land lea acondition of hbass heulîli, a source tuf vealth and au hle-à pensable element of naturel grandeur unié lus., 1 hereli; dealgnote Friday, (t.el2aM day of Aprilh.(9, (o lie eteerved ne A, hon Day. aud urge apon ail the peuplaet~ Illinois itu general observance. , "Becanue there are ici bandreda et acisool lbotues inIllinois standing la eleerlesa premiueas, isaolutely haie et (r..., mîrnia. a-nos and evea gi-asaj Z peal espechal; 1 the offiters and teacbSg ouf such cul tolu nabe fia gea- aa ztàs hle exception. Mube Anbor Day a mugli-l borhood festival. Unîte tise peuple l a n observ-ance. Let ailoljuinmublg intti surroundingu o!f(the aclool plessant aà" ebeerful, '[cr l thug ftte pak. a f ree lu to boîjumaire civilisation pw Dent, No acfl Ia eilab. Leit 11 e saii f o. un t lie cloue oftufhe e entu-y thut tiser, lua atreelcua arbool boeauIglami "In vituesu vhereof, I hereuteset mg' band and canselo be affis-il fhe greul *W et atat-, ut Springfield, tIis lSth d"y et Maarel. 150. JOHN R, TANNBR. .OGov«raM. ILLINOIS STATE CHARITIMS Figures fre sAda-a ce 6aheat etaI (la Board-@ flisht ]Report. 'Thecadaune heeta tuf tise lfteenth W- pnlul report of the Stule Bourd 0ftCMar- Mesc for the too n easendlag Juljr t 189P, bo acs-Wn laid bhofr e i-meucha of tise CeocraI Âuuecbh;. '[he rejmut ahow-s: Cash disiorseinents inring the too an---------------... 504740 Anoounî In bandaecrf local troua- urers. Jue 30, 18.---------1890 Amount of appropriation in Btate troaadcc;. nndcs-n .... 1.87,.4W1 Refundeal te State treaîr;.. 100118 Lajuad Sept. 30, 1897-----------2»T8 'Toutal---------------------.$5,11M=J 'Tho nîîuber of daga' board furniuisd te tic inutec o! tise institutions iuriulg the to-o ;earm o-au 6,405,519, and (lie avecugi uoner o! lentes tof ail the laatitutlý for tie caine pecio n ns8,775. 'Tle avec.- ugo per capito cont ivas $1612.57 Ver au- nuan, '[e unîcunt <cf appropriations amI- cet la;thlinstitutiens for ordinarg e.- ponces for Sic to-o acear. luS$3.1O.OOIh whiici the board regarde as reasemahle Thle amotînt aske in 0tise -a; of upreal appropriatcins ta $1.791.305. Uuuler t"e Iso- tie hourd la reqîcirei t e is-c u li blennial report Ils opiunsanmd coucis- cionu as to lie amount asbeil for spedal appropriations. 'Tle nuncho of iteme t o-hleh upeclul appropriations are aakcd le 1168, seilcidoe not icîclude lond tfor the nos,- umyluin nov In courue of consUme-ý tien ut Peorlu and lise ugrogate amocut. iluuiog apocial caul ordinury rteqneuic. in 0,cr $5.000,000. 01Fr FOR STATE UNIVERSITY. Pa-efécsor Edo-urd Puirder Wii Demalt. 012,000 te Aid Neeiy Btudsu(.. Tise ttes co!flic Unversi;tufet TM- noeumiet tise otiser dey In tiseir reguluî qunurterl; cession ut Cisuonjaign. Tha ehection cf officor fthe hourd for tle sa- snhng ;ocr reaultesi in tis ebcie for pee- Ident et Alexander MucLean o! Miacomb. one tuf the oldeat uni mont popular senm- bers e! the board. Tise other otBe., cboueci are tlisamo a. Icul geor: Sec.,- tar;. W. 1,. Pillahury; treurer, IL (L Ksiis;h usinessua nager, S. W. Shattudt. 'Tle hourd recciveil a commiauuihes froua Prof. Edvurd Sn;dcr. fturmeil mas-