CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 24 Mar 1899, p. 8

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Shues! Shues! 1 have an entlrely'new stock of Men's Women'sand Children's Shoes which 1I nvteyou to cali and inspect bèfore buying elsewhere. 1 aisohavea few odd sizes fin Shoes whlch 1 arn closlng out very cheap. Men's Shoes - - - 89C Ladies' and Misses' sizes - 69c Chldren's sizes - - - 49c 1 aimo have a new stock of Hats which 1 would be pleased to show you. F. L. Westerman, Ag.ncy for Champion Binders and Mowers. W=CIEFELLER - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLElE STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS ETC Lumnbe-r, Goal, Lime, and Cernent.1 WE SEL THE WEBER W AGON., WI4EN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL 014 WRIGHT & SON§ Libertyvil le, - - - - - Illinois. WEKLY INTER OCEANLUj (UCICULATIOI 0F AIT POLITICAL PIPER Il TMI 19T tê= &l aplcnsv C AMng'5sSuilutRnaalways bc reied on doerhu.o liaipar>~fo- rnd bocal reportaaofail po M W i av.y Md uaimP5J1 i mverenjitjljAjIjt.ul WEEffLLYSNTF OGAN SUPPLAIE8 ALL TURNMAN SESOU :,-.T LITERATURIE i P A flily Ceazanmd mas Fanti4 Paper 19 Wthout a Pe lise Lier of uE is columns la ______ ~ .,aal to tisai ut iht lest mage. zincs. tisiut:feoiJttoh. b ______ dre a s Weil es the pfreis ...0 a md while il brings lo iLe amil.yTHE NEWS OF à THE WORLD and gives uts t-ades th bat sud abies dsceunm ofal questionsoÀ te day, nt is in iuU .yuipatby1 %*à h ils ldan sd aspiratior. of Westrn people sud dbc isatabre ansd poLtics iret'a,:î .Western s~c..lJu S.N-I ON OE IOLLAR FER TEAI $1.00 nààaaxi S BT t'OF S0 r I E U ?uias.fflaty by maal*4.0 pr a 14.. or0 IZIr LUI. Putasf Ba day ymai . 1*00 per 7eur ~ Watches We sell Jewelry, Watches and CIocksu at Dry Goods profite. For example: We offer Dueber GoId Fîiied Cases, warranted for 20 years, f itted with Elgin 17 Jente, for .. ......................S$24. And make an agreement to clean and oil the movemnent wthout charge, once each year, durlng the five years immediately succeedlng the date of purchase, and to replace the main aprlng free of charge If t should break with- hn one year from date of purchase. Tt. l not the onîy Item we seil cheap for -adver- lâ g purposes. Our entire show cases aie ViiIed wi just as good bargaîns. warranted Watches at 04.50 08.00 $1000 $13.0ô0815.00 $26.00 WATERBURY CLOCKS. Sl"at designs--run eight days, wlth Cathedral or 0 ~keand alarm. wcrranted one year, Jew- d~whU pit.Iy ask you $9.00 Our price 84.00 O ro., mg& 1 Moi IVANHOE. The aiknt lMeistovn are ou te1 gain. Albert Rtty le expected hotu for a short visit. A. Rilty vas pressing bay for H. Graitbe luat vuet. Tite uiuging mhool laugitl by lit. Spadford la dolug fiueiy. The Swan acitool viii close this veut Tbursday for a vacation of a montb. Frank Wrtz sud bis ainter Lizzie visited Mrt. Truptou's fantily ai Liberty« ville last Sunday. Wil of buiaou laslaltlsg his mny frienda lu ibis viciully. lie bas beau in1 DeKalb thte paal year. Mima Mande Proctot tatea ber piano luasons at Ivanbou, as lira. Pauni la unable ta drive bermelf. Elilaa Proctor cames home fronthlie mohnt 5b eut vîit a carload of covs. Ha fluda a ready aie-for tbent. John Vckermnan expects to go to Montaua soon to bu gone sornelime. Biant Litcitiield vAl orkt tiere ln bau absence. lira. . Jones bas takeoulber siters. Mrs. Ernest Davis' l111e clcld borne vitit ber for the presunt ails motiter la very sict. APTAKISIC. lir. Heracbbrget Br., bas decidedtu 1 bateb t ai Prairie Vluv. lma Nelda Wolf. of Chicago, «lpeut a ev deyas t veut vitb ber parents, iteothersansd alateus. Miat and Ciutale Herscbburger base fihIud their wvebouse vitit teod aluffa bealde anudliug a oarload of malt sery Tuesday. lir. Whigaui venl lu Chicago luat Sunday 10 viit WalbaS e vin a eportod ot sery vefl titis vinter. bt atIepecially $0 beuarBob. Ingeimal lecturu. àA umber of young peuple buionginx tu the Evang@aloslcurcit of Long Oiose gatheied at "o lehla Sondai eveuing. The esenlng vs pleamatiy apen n lu aigng sud pbsying gSntes sud lbe roof ala&id on. Reubun Greua noue bu not quite recovered fromlt eesefront bite il reoulsed througb lthe sesere oold apeli. Il atili keeca hlm Ili te cold ont doai air vitile te test of the aampany are ejoylug tiensoeuma &round s watt vood tire. Mis. Iiebnt entertained u numbur of o! Aptaiiaoeladiesavilit a quiitiuug Party lent vest. The l111e toit# galhered vllb Erben Sumday lu vitues. the ralle of bis air riMe. As ususi s «Li w on It. Theitu elrnoon vas pleamantly apunt ln playlng gante. Ur. sud Mliriehm venuerenaded 1a Sudy nighti by tva vei liaiued Totems. Whilete s~ggvaspet- fonued piayfly te recipiaul o!fte su»»nde coosidured il a greet trust, onIo 10littie of il. Itlaisesldont vu heuar gond mniealc bre and there ongbt to bu more cf il. lor a a tltremedy aud one that la Me; fer oiidren lutuna Md Oueinaute Couagi cure. leut for croup, hoaiaenas. i lite Shica a 0d00u04. y. 4 pwéfloUJ B.ftc.u, Cook County Depaertment. Tas DZPABT199NT WILL BDBuvoTZD vo Tovsas In Sov¶,gum< LAIE COVssy awN» ognu COOK CoVNTs. Around the County. ftOKEPCLLER SOCIETI ES. CON03I0AIUNAL Cbureh uaay mr ieu lma.6 l. sMd l P. m. Prayer uuetlua bdaedv ensiea. 7. P. S. C. IL meet ada *ss"0 e t 46. Junior C. E. et a eloek, DUNOND Camp No. ail. IL W. A. auti irt sMd third @Bturdayeseninm fet mont. D. Garnr.. Y C. 100. P. No. sis, met aeond and tourth 030. A. Our. Sacy. 0. 0. T. met Thur"aessaimas of Goulu week. Lac 9îca. . T. JOHN G. BAGAS roue G. A. 9. lmeut Batuwda sit on or before full mooe. .B.G.moma omdr. 11 0OOuOECuEiLL.Adit. Mail agoina south....5$:04a . .9:211P. M. u"ilgobea sortit................ lem a. M. muaiosr tend by tage arrive$sai leua. m. depuis et U aL m. ROCKEFELLER. Bd. Payne was a Chicago visitor Mr. and lir. Wm. Bergborn vere la Chicago lionday. Ieiter Burdlu fronWsuconda vieited lu own liouday. Uim aRil front Wauouda visiteil Kima Quile Carie lionday. Mi. sud liMm Frank Knigge fromn GlImer vlitted their parent* bure Sun- day. Unr. E. B. Harden Mouc lMr. John Bouae have been sick but ai presett ane ote btter. John Whtney and on Charles eues> look a ioad of atone vare 10tub su ad one tl Mllieury. Chria lieyer returned $0 hi. borne ln nouglulon Co., naine, siter vimtiog relativesansd frienda hure. li. Neson Gerdon fromi Chicago le riailng ber parent&lir. sud lira. G. W. Myrlolu sud otber relat.ives. George liardon, Jr. vbo teaches la tbe Safford district nuar Gursnue la apending hie vacation nthorne. Mr. Jaa. Wilson front ltackford, visted bis vifea parent. lMt. and lira. George Harden onu day lut week. R. F. Bouse lit lionday for Chicago. Wu understand bu in9enda 10 travel for Nelson, liorria & Co. Ibis simmler. Irving Payne front Chicago *peut guadssy ai home, but vu tbink thure la smornenîer attraction lhure. Nov la it Irving? Francla Sedarn vi te ftaying vitit ber grandfatber. Thuta. Cooper sud atteudlug sobool hure, sput Saturday sud Bunday with ber parents Dear Lîbertyville. lit. leirboff wbo bas been âiet for the pt ev veuta la very much btter. A. Lange vas seen lu tovis again Bnnday. We ail tuow te reason why. lit. C. Mach. of Iowa, in viillng tela- tises bure, ho euxpucts gogo beck lu about awveut. li« a isBuburt la vorting for tien. A. Elut lunIséeShermerville store; started lati liiday. Alvin lilt lab ot ta bu cioaset out undep ltee muer, but if (de Scribe, la very auziîuus to luretiase li in e cau pethapi coî,viucohlim sooner by euudiug lu te proposîto prlvaiely.1 Clve mu a liver regclator aisd 1 eau reguiste the wotld." a&&id u goulus. The drnggiat handed hlm s bottie "of DeWltt's Littlo Early itiserti, the fanousa l1111e pilla. F. iB. LOVELL. Liberty- ville; J. R. Bnactias, Uuruee, Loris H LitcHavîrLui, Rockefeller. NORTH NORTHFIELD. lit. C. Keobelli ialed ouie lîîgs tu thu maw MAil recently. lit. Heury Sucrier Kaweti wood fort C. Koeblln bletwveut. lits. H. Wolf entertainett ber rnalber lits. liairluca eceutly. Seyerai pupila lu The Orove sehoîci are taking examination. lir. Bob. Weber oui cîty sport spent guuday at Northt Norttiuld. Mir. Jacob Huck vent 10 lbe City Sunday 10 attend the touerai of bis Sont. DEERFIELO). Mia. Truadel, lir. VtIer and lira. Wilmot are viclimmof bard colds. lira. Bd. Bielmehi made a trip $0 Elgin $0 sisal relativsa1lu onday. M»r. Corlett, of Libertyville, apont auveral daya huresl1»S week reilrniug hantelionday uihi. Geo. Zahu la seen limpiug around our sireeta lately, ho havAni aui bis ioue quiely seserely vilAi a halehet. At ti i vlng bu la getilug along nicely. lir@. J. C. Adams va caled $0 Eavensvood laut veet on account of sictueus of ber l1111e graudson. The 111e feUov la mucbi npîoved aItitis vrilung. To hbu "rigitt lu llt" ln ur nt 11e t10n jut aM prebant jon muat may yon have Ibe mumpsasa they are golng tbe roundsanmd tatlng a greai many saholars front aciool. On Siînday esemng oceured tae duath of lit. Thornu. Ru bati madie his home bure vilhbislmson for about two yesrs. Romains vere taken ta bis oid borne 1n Delasan, Iis., for burial. WHEELING. wbeeling iMin oued of & correapon- dont.1 Oea. Sîryker from Deurield vlisted Wbuelng on business receuily. 1 whatm the mattur vilh Chester. he bas ot beas eu ai Wheeing for0 sometirne. Dr. Bail front DesPlalns nuulavlafiing the alc* at Wheeling during tite Illnesa of Dr. Bens. We vouldadslse Alvin Kiest lo.makeà aure of hma Wheellmg beauly or $Oo 1 onu wIII gui ahewd of hlm. on-ItM village though nt ru-1 proeeid in the INsuuuau»zItsfor Omoe lima la 11111 ailse but greatly lu nuud1 of sontething to gise Ibent more 1lle. Tueaday avening a ciovd of 7000< ladiesansd gentlemen gatbered at the home of limer Sigwalt il beug hlm lteenlh birtitday. Alil had a good %fime. Belote lte dlscovery of Onu Minute C00gh Cure, msnisters vers greatlY dlaturbed by cougbtug congrfgatlons;9 No excuse for it nov. F. B. Lovm.n, Liburysille; J. R. Buaouua, Gurneo Louis H. LITCnREzBL, Itockefellet. SHERMERVILLE. lir, sud lira. Schiiloer vre Chica- go viiturs one day lest weut. Titeru vere 100 uew mail boxesJ placed lu oui postoffice reeengly. 1 LONG GROVE. 3ira. Stablhsl iqutesa sick speil. Iislarunonred It li artinu itlzen- thsaler bas reuteti bis fslbut*n farrn. Next Suuday, Palm honday. yl i e celebratoti at te Luiberau churcis. Some youug ladies are tntot cly lit. John Stryter trous ltveu-.ood Pretty as s rose, lunt issuy aas vlslted bis old home ai Nortb North- flou >e) r. lield lât veek. The achool eblsdreu bave enjayed a lit. Cbleb Bach front Olive Brautls, vets A$v8ecalso. Ileooil bguîs iett lovs a i silling relatives at Noth liondsy, liarch Zl7tb. Nottlld sud Shermerville. MIr. sud lir@. H. Miler and lIra The F. A. rburch beld ia@ foutU Bergboru vere recelveti as membuts quarterly rneeting last Suuday. luto the Esagelical cliurch iast Su. Ptesldlng Eider J. Wellner omeliatlng. day. onr nelgbbor Joe bas 1.e baviug a carpet aevlng party. We vouder If ibere lau't a sipatial abject lîî matiug ltaI front parlor attractive. liouday eveuiug a 1usd of youug people gave a surprise party lu bonut o! lise Louisa Freeze. Everyone preaunt bad s gooti tinte. lee creant and other refrmuubntut voee erved andi nome vore sorry vicen somu onu ru- martedti Ibt il vas tinte for 11111e, aildruta bu asloep so they Sdlourned early Tueaday nriscg, visblug that tbey couiti bave a party usery eseulug Sud lise ou iee creant sud cake for a veut. Happy la ibe malt or woman vbo cau est a gooti beatty mua i wllout sufter- lng aftet'SStds. Il yoc cannot do It, taeuKodol DyspepsieaCure. lîdigesta vitl you eat, and cures aIl forma of îDypepsia Sand Insdigestion. F. B. LoveL, Liburtyville, J. R. BRAcEma, Gurnea, Latta H. L;rcaiLu, Rocke- feller. PAL.ATIN E. lits. Torgior enterlaineti ber brother front lova recentiy. "Isuma Torgier vasa ametiof te MimseaWilson Sturday nigitt. lit. Andermano itad the misfotiue tu u ehie sery aine dog lionday. Miss lisiha Glade vas a velcome emilur on friands lu PaltneSitundsy ntcrnlng. lira. ovacte le! I for Chticago Tianra day ta sagecasie of ber cousin lira. B. abuivit o la malii sry salc. lirs. D. iB. Wood las allil dangerouaiy iii sud te buiug ored for by the stil- fui murme, ofKMas. Jobuathian Wilton. Mrt. snd lra.ichmnd visltod vitb frienda lu Barrington Sunday p. m. Mima Stanion and ibyS Fayette, ut Cbicago, siisited vitb friends ln Palatine oser Slunday. A Freucb phyalcian bas dtaaovered vbst bu pro-counaus a nev diseame -Utremia' the most proftounnad ymp. lom of vbicb lnauanunconquerahie &versionc ta getting out of bed lunte motmng. Theu disease la fot cotned tu Frauce. For frout bites, hurna, indolent soies uczuma, atmn disemfesaud emecially Piles. DOWII'S Witeb ifaxelsalve elanda tiret and boat. Look ont for dtahonoeatpeople wvit ry te imitate sudi acunierfeit il. lItem hirendorme. munI cf a gond article. Worlbua Rode armOStumnlabmd. u" Dewitte wim t e al sve. P. Is.-Lovmr>., ibetysile, J. Mkioou &'" !!- »owemu,. , Lest veet's psy day in the faulory vas a record breater. 19 carne les titan ibve eeka aller te orecedlng une. Dlviduuîd declared IA.0 Imsagine te fine ernory of te tan vito belng aated ta aigu a certain document dues so, not eseul tuowiusg hiial!Ihat ble no mendier of lhe cOninintte' Chester Wolf airtet h. Fuhimac iun getting teady for llîe acctiou sud reaiued ou the fart some daysaltfer thte auctlon 10 mate proparatous. fut [Mr. Huehl, the nev tenant. lit. 5'tter froin Deertlelti sud Mii s Vetter, tbachot luintchultz acitool ai- teudad sevice» of Ibe 'vatigeical cburch Buuday aflernoon. lir. aud lira. Hent front Wbuliug were ao pregeul. Thte voatiter man bati a grudge a&pins& the youug foits wvita bt determînodti u meut at S. luis Aplatiole, hotb on Tiieaday sud Frlday eseniug. Tbey titen cbose iiumday erening tbintiug tite veather msu would ieapeat lte dayand nut bu so vicked, sud they judged rlgitlly. Theu usenlng vas pleamatiy spent lu slug. img Sud playing s fev gant. TheiteuocanliaI aturday a ut it Day atlracled a large crowd, neverîbe, lesa Shoere %as notas muait vire pullng as vas expuoted. Tbe foloivng persona vers nominated: Tovn cleit, C. C. Gerbert; ameaeor, B. H. ifoItie; collector, L. Krmeger; toad commis-a saiuet, J. M. Widuet; sabuoi trustee. A. Sauter; tbistie commissioner, C. C. Gerbert; tao comntlttee, J. Miaaou, Mite OBoyie sud J. P. Ritzenibaber. Conaldetabiy latereat couleîed lu the nomnamtion of s comsisioiset o! roads, lit. Rtzeutbalei vas. pîvailed upon $0 accupt u re-utomititosi, but meadly tefused. viteretipofi J. M. Weldner vas nominaled. Mir. Ritbtaîer lsbored ssualsy for lte benuit of thte tuvu amd morula recognition fer bis unsellitb actions vbloh appear lunte tact Ibul nm nteldiIduai taad maslte'a bis vere prenter titan bis as coumlassiouur. Bus. B. Bdvard, pas0r of the Emglla 4sptlst churcil St hinuraville, Ps., vitun snfferiu>g vllb rbeutltuiom aa adviet! tty Cbambrlain@ Pain Mtain. lHe aya: --A fev applcations of te U lniment proved of gpeut service tume tp i abdned 1the inflantntatiOul .amd reliesud lte pain. lébould auy suffutupmlt by glslng Pâan MSali tr&i twvli lmmaa n. loimaie biF. OUR PREfII UMS. Two Funny Books "SAMANTRAAMN I imRUE" 111111M1NHA i 9AR99 BY JOSIAII ALLEN'S WIFE. "ilarnantha Arng the Bretbren; or, The Uphodin' of the Moeia' bouse" vas vrit"tent exhibit tbe Comte gide of te men'@ argument againai vomen .'a-âattin' 1,bte coufereuce,and eb@ doma l 10 perfection. Biebop Newman ays of It. -Il le irreelallbly humorOfl and beantîltil, the best 0f al Ibhat bas Cone frorn tbe peu of1'J3e00" Allen'@ Wife. "&Samaistba's goss4ip about the -'don'&*" of Jauimb sud ber nelgbbors and the tribulations of the vomen-foiks u i 15.1 rnoney vitb whicb to paper the neetiu'.bognse are very fununy. You'iI Laugh Till You CIy '.i§awacntba acl lSratoga; or, liatscuu Afer Fashion" vas vriiteu under tlinaspiation of sa uosunr tessàon mîtli te vorid utfamiion at Sarauga, tie pruuent plesicre rewaut oft America Tiie bock tatea off FoutusH, Flirtatluus, Louueti Dreaaing, Dode, Png.dogm, Toboggauiug, sudathe icutreussea o! fasiomablu dimalpation. in thte authora inimitable sud uitth-lra)voting style~. The atory o! Sam*nîbsu. "ltover*'lu, Saratoga, uccumpanîied by ber -vayvard partner,' cuii nikýpe utyic isîghliiyuucr sidea ache. 4) ver 1(11,1>00 o Oia.> of eaci t libehe iho<ks. luexpensive blndiug, were subit for $2.50 fi cupy. We heire (,fier spectal prurnlum uditions <il these two famoo> ibooks. atidi contain every word and every picture te siOn. flu file.$2.50 editionN. Size 0o fâecb, Si by 7à Childreu andi grovu u-kp people alite ru-ad vith rapturous deligbl these twa Sarusoitîca books. l'bey are wrtten lu a velu of slrong commiou aepiae, sa lpure andinnovuenît asthie prttie of a cbild, vhieh keups the riader tounatstly eujoying an ever freali femst fil fu. Cornie îlluetratbo are the,, fun-inaku-ra for the uyes, aud thene Ivo books coutaits more tissu 201) picturea airilar lu sixe aud chara&~e te thoae ahowis here. These two gri-at laugb-rnakiug books are unexculled for teuarifig aloud to thîe family. We scsai. atis. faction or rufonud yonr rnuney. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1..1 V,-ry band- a, lijO lbollSt-a. year journal. It is printed foui lill papar anlt iO1rofuu.r-Iy 1 i îstsid. 1t gives 32 ta 44) page.i a montis, eacb page Il by If; liluessud an ev and beantiful cover lu colore evety tanne. Its eduisroa anti ,unlri. butors are the imuât popitir Atuericuwrltets; ilu ahuri, ig lu imidaul fsmlly magazine, miaguliticeutiy 'Fuiît,. le regalar pli'e la Onu Dollar a year. mi it liae over 325,0091 subacribers. For a FillE $amnple copy adulreu.a Wonan'a Home CompaRloin, 149 Nesait St., New York City. lus order te ilatroduce tbcir p.aper tu <unr readera theu publiaera (il Woî,îaua sHome Companion bave gîioi c a s, ry loy price, whceh elnables 114 10 mate thte lîcrgain citer belruv SAMA'iTHA AT SABATOGA. AwutsI Editim ouild, for 0,1.30 a cour FAItEAND i'IIESIDE. Oi SpI- .111 Fi,a,. au . lua yruar WOMANS HOME Ci.uMlýANlI... N, OId-l M.ilOzgn',î..-. aOlr THE fNtîEt'NDENT. T. c. 1il 1#1- . . . --- 189 aiU OTAL FR 4.1 INt e. We Cive ail Five For £2,0 New Subscribers or OId Paylnt One Year là Advance May Accept-Above Offer. Vo' 1 mou] Rc Lut Saturday at tbé borne o!flira. Wilmot gatiterud ail menters of the tarnily vito coulti oonveulently gui bure ta te-unule sud mate bappy tbe annlsersary of ibeir moter'a marriage. Arng tiosu froint ay ero W. B. Wlmot aud Iamily, of Wautegau; lits. Outxler sud litse. Kitteil, of Cbicago. Thte tovu bal vaa tbe scenie of a goed olablonud 'ortna' Saturday aiturnoon sud sltbougb Do bloodahed realted ibure vas a very wam Umne sud almost to0 suggewèive of eqIaiorial odîmes for nomeu ('f tie politieluans. Thore vas ippomitliî tifor isaule ,f lte offies sad rtipreeicaiiu-front ail parts of tihe lbailaue re,iuuubsud 1,se Uirîî--tleir insu," sas filrly truatedl. Qoite a cîîntrove-rauv touk pl-c- ieu- tweuen 5oi55C of the- lu-acirs f rthe d frent factionîs Wt tfr relievlng tbernalses ufthueir susger the' çîove- liai. ,ettied dîcun t-, pruetica1I itiiutas sud uorninatu-d thei- i'ulowiug tieket. For touu ee-, F. H. lieyers, Asesaur, (tua. birykar: Cîllectar, Johnc Horen- berger. Jr.; Comi,sioner of Hlgbuays, John Carlsu. C. J. Lange vas busten lu thte caiicus for te nomination for auasor bttbavlcsg teeu revalled upon to go on the ballot by pétition bas doue so sud as bu ta popular vitb the young votera ibero, la no telling wbst the resulta viii bu. 1 s!

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