LYNCI-INO IN KANSAS. BUMWARY JUSTICE METED OUT TO A MURDERER. Umuersoa Triedt. luKmit Bi.5-ret- beart, bat lly Acedent Sh.t andi Killed the Grl. uiFthrn5 la a Lake Erie Stuenu. s peiai rotil lti-u. K.qn,. soi- «affevy Niît'the li- iutttît'arîîîîrat lo ettemptet Iotu[itiriter h, a.- bte? t- i vende. M r,. Jhnit l"i.iî'htr.litr unieî, Who s t' t itr ît i illîîaittit-Iit, . a lynclie.I lita moi,îfrut nI os lti 'lTe Meii. ail b Sander-îii. in litil it to iner mch. titti a ilîo uîllîîlhi. liiik. andi ftsteces!thlbi lie r f'lîl Io a Ili-tili.Ilits veck wsut iisjîiiîeîi1,.v thelt' oriitifIselve tede anti detb liil-t ttih a it tmtanli-. lTh it hi utu1iikly iiîsîu.- ed. 'Thetbldtin. at. it d, a thly itheiff Hasa. Noute tîf lii înotb is kitîîtn bythe gacils." CONFESSED AN OLD CREIME. A. . Beselîl Telle af the Poicoina of Bmuset Pen.nat tiillicothe. Ob. Allen 0. Ileitt?. liii.'a 1ruî.îîant t-4 teeney. diiattud n lt'r'Hotte ut Chul-1 lirothe, Obi. t he- t-îittt.tad îndîr'r tif1 8a1a1i 1'Penn, .1ntitlt-r toit tîltilit Boane ei-a ru ugît l'î-îîîîst-ou. Itietriiitt-lt Pobnts!, a large îîîaait- cf ur-thîî int' havlng been plîaca'! i mtuiciittlbewana takling. Hesiti sa-ns t'aabl- is frîtuti, Inut itetas hi' deterrnintolu îrder uta. asd lhappeats! mb the t eraofttt-c jîtt nehe v-as preparinit.olîîniediine for Pean, in v-it-h.a-hile thtetLttom wasaba- arut Hesitti lîlai-thetii-poison. Tht' mutr- der basna uts beet'îil(. o f tht dt'tluta velsterica cf tht ceýllîti. H.'uîtt baea a wrco'inlumin.! atdîti l trairnureaurse fer bIs crime, anti inailp lgdits!aithe hume. BANDIT'8 DAUGHTER @MOT., UIgrtlly Wounded un Phe Fiaible Of- àer@ Who Kilmeti Mec Fsiher. 4 le a pitebtal bail-tv-een a bait.!fut thieves an.! uficersa'r Dllxer. Mo., .t ht daagter f tht -iulit i-ierf ftught des- oeatcelyuntii sht f.-l itiiuliii- sundeti nerm ethe deai body outlber rallier. ('has. Hcatdichssoa tais titi le'der cf the' des- peradocs. saho v-trt îîtakd hi-a ho-toc lander Sberilt Itaina. A despenale igbt tloilostedo, in abicb ttîit- 10 dotus sacre mcrd. Il cade.! onl- aith te du-ahi .f flendrichoon. tht ftali ooting tf hi-t damt0ghter an.! tht a-iiîinig utft4tpult C. B. Booth. htendrirksu(ti andi.bisgang were fugitives Ctunti-, vh«t'tthev arceî-bargî' tl s ba uiober « rohberitsi. Tsio tare catureti ant i ba BRIFTED FOR TWENTY HOURP. ltabertcn Canght la Lake ErieIle. Fiaus Reecued. Fisc flabemmen of Sandnsky, Pas- an..i is tbe aun, Jamues, Juhn anti Chavlels, anti Louius Roberts, have reuchtdl their humes afler a muaitbritliiîg cape- rie@c on Lake Erie. Tlu.y v-cnt ontlilua 110al sali boutte lift thir utts and acre casght lu a terrifie satut, sahieb caries! ava tht apar of the boat titi! trove tht lme dosen ulon themu su that îhey verc for mri, tveuty hours tifting ht-ipleosiy dIesut lu a beavi- sesa motîg ruaicgandat atiading Ice flots. liic.ntu uoîuentary duo- Msr ef golngt otht blotta. Thcy vere aally escuesi. tirrtag Up a Revoit. The A-ier Inc diana of St. Regis res- esvticn are cgg9ing cii tue Canadian lu- isai.tourevot aginsi thet'uiiîtdiaii (ov- erusunt. Il lantaluecttl hat tht Ottawsa Oevctnment iaiiloouk lu tht' Natof Nev- York to ais! il in quclilng hie dtturbuiuce. B@Éetv-ca200 and 300 otiftht' Indias dis. aeti. ,beat. naltreati'uiattti aarI- kilieti laspector Uiatanaîd Dotminiona Police- mmu Chamberlauin anti chas.'.!ttni an.! 0ceiutable Mrris aorhIiins!eefront tht' res- eivalina an.! kîpttIse indiein agent, John L«g,,*airisuner for lire hours.1 Lice Wires ai Wesapose. Livre trolleysints v-e uses!iAn ànm'ana utdefense durîug o ralt betwepts- artion pitre broke out la the japsnla detiart- ment of the Dentier store end Manafai- turing Coupaaya splant lu cleveland. endI nlotvithstandins the enormous quaatlty of vatec poured into the building hy rif- leen engin".. the structure, tlied v-ith val- uatde mâcbinecy end large quantitiea of macîîfactured gonds. v-as pretically de- etroyed. The igh rind v-hich vrevulled cacard ic lire to apread to the plat nr thé Cleveland Machine Bcccv- ComP@nY, adjoliang. and ilt as slen destrnyed. The los& on the Danglerv-orksies conserva- tiveiy estimated et 8300.00. and 'ou the Cleveand Machine Screw plant at $150.- 000. Thre hours afler the rire tartcd a faillng v-ali the screw v-orks buried beneath it Lieut. Roh of lire conaPeny No. Î. Later in the dey tot's dead body v-as taker. from the ruina. badly cctttbed and hurucd. Seren hundred nes are ibroiva out ot cmpioymeat as a result cf the lre. kLAIýN BY BCHOOL TRACRItIR. Fierce Flaht atC*bora, lad., in Which We.ley Hart la Kltlcd. Wesley Hurt v-as kilied by Thomas Wiggs. n school teacher. iu Pike County. Ind. Wiggs is the son of State SPnator Joseph W. Wiggs aad bas been engttged to teach sehool et Cabora for a fev- dey la place or the regular teacher. Hurt Cal- cd et thte chool house. andl drav-ing a re- volver. said: ,Wiggq,. 1 have neveu had sny une for sou. andi eiîher yon nr 1 -11l dit rigbi hece." Wiggs attuckePd Hurt vith a pocketkuife and .lcshed bhlm across the eet ani abdomen. lileraliY cuttimSK hlm to rieces. Wiggcm' brother. 16 Yearg nid. seho vnas ttendint "ut. attackttl Hurt from bihnd. gtabbing bina severai lime. ln tht haek. Thet tvo brther.s erre arrested. Thomas Wiggs in 20 veara Olti and v-at reretly mutitereti ont of the ar- mY. having secved sith (;eu. Mle ia Porto Rico. KLOND11<ERS DRING GOLD. Passeagfera on the Lanrada Arc ld t.) Have Brougbt e *30.000. Minera v-ho arrives! nt Seattle seserai deys ago on the steamer Laurada brotight ot 8150,000 in Klondike gold. They kePt their secret v-cii antd ilwaIs not knoose neti# anme more of the Party crrlvcd On the steamer Tope'ka. One or the richeet of the party vas Touey page, a Daisana -omln, v-ho bronLht oit manY thou- sands. M. M. Odeil and E. U. Aldredgt of New York. Bonînta creek dlaim 0-51 ePs v-ere other rlch passengers. Bk&- gîay vas froxen np v-hen the Lînrada. lefi lad every une vat en ahrt ration. Of v-aier. Tv-ouof tht rich Klondikeri v-ash- cd ther faces ta champagne in couac- Quence. Tv-o large Alaskan mlning deass have Juat been closes! vhich nvoive $0.ý- 000.000. RAILWAY CAR WREcKED. Itany Persons A re lajnred ln Acci- dent nt Auguste, Ga. A wreck occurred on thtc Atlantic Coast line inide the city hauit. at Auguta. Gia. Thet rain bas! juai crosaed tht river bridge v-hen the rails sprend on a verY aharp entre afler the encne buti passes!. Tht ficit-clasa coach v-au derailes! and teilioff a alight cmbîckment, tommE xoser. The Plîltagers sere badly abaken np. but noce serlotaly hurt except tht 6-yce-oid daîîgter of President Mamk cf Deniasîrk, v-howta. badl, t in theface. The leep- Pr rîn off ad ollided vith an engint on anther trark. but v-cc not ftionsly dam- nges. One îrainiman v-c. .lightlY hart. MrderedinlaFlera Leone. Inquiry amoag the oillcers ni the foreiga mission boards la Newe York regarding the dispatch froma London rtportiag the murder of an Amerîcanumulionary end bis Wlfé ad the taking into captivitY of i 1v-n daughtere b7 native. of tht Mendi district. Sierra Leone. revealed the Tct that noce nf the larger hoards haa salndnarle la that part et West Arriea. Te imi. aoaary Aliace has mataln in8er- r Lenne, but onsef it@UMeers &&id thst a11lt tarePresenlatîve. seere >ouag aad an- manried. Froma the saine source Itv-as leariitd that the murderes! mi.ioncrY v-as probubly one of the Unites! Brebres mis- alonarle.. Their headqnarlers are In Pennaylvanie. Six or elght monîha ago severai of the United! Breibren mission- Brie. of thiasame district v-ere kilies!. aad others or thema drives to tht coast and thelr Propcrty tîtîtroyes!. It va. Dot on- tII lhe British Goverumnent sent troopa that the ctit'., ecre qieted end tht mia- alonarles dered lu retira to their stations. At that ticit a number of tht native.veut eXtented. These lateat murders are proh- ahly the resit of a recorrence of tht for- marc diSfell. - ever Mffhure aseatit tas dipuled by - Repars un Canadae Railisa,.. th Unit"u antid iitiuh'. traction Tht annual report efthtIe Dominion de- ieemnie. .Tiý»ti abuetut-t nt hi- n-parment of railwse-ianticellalaeshow-s pMye oftIn 1- ia- Th'1etht total numbher et miles of conapletet! ploye tuf iii- I.titiil t ofuiti.'ht - riiv-aye ia tbe domliionte h. 19.118. emu i-bicuîuîu.,iiu tts lau Tht paitl up capital amoqunia te $941.297.- tsifuttattt.(37. Tht grosa earalngs sere SW1,715.- Aes-iauîGoouisCainagt. tibeci. 105. au n remgetis f 87361.82. anti pas- Th1at the t f, SaiOu tt SuFrauixa-o egera cacrieti seu 18,4-4.089. Oly rive a-th Subeirua tus adi-su Iser A'iat le sere -killet Inluaccidients. The teficit la uari-n, iiru. ng iu, luthe v-omhîag the feuerai goverement railv-ays. tact tIsai 11-e b1j. I. tit, iilui ibas u Joi f v-ic tthe miietige ln 1.742,v-as $401.- eaileti if- Vdiu-'i- -i-uhtIe îuuuut ______ valnaIu.a1-~iI.t lu-tiil- f fr Outat Negro Kocgrînîs Detilate. gmrt. Tsenty-seyen colores! families. number- N-e. Posai 1-rsice for Cutu. ing 104 persong la ait.,îure slranded n Jer- Actin . s-y Citi- afier baviag gatftona the Weet Attnt luî".î...,tG;.i1 rai .4.r te go to Liberia, aninl alleges!. coder a con- Heathbuha-i1-u-I . t --Ir tlit tbhe ract wtb the Internationaul Migration illtar> lju1 s'I ar%-in utatanuitailuisa- Soeiety. It le maimecolthît tht hnterna- lug11 the 5lidîiitiln if tti:11, h-îui-iîtional Migration SocettY Promises! tuseni Cohen , rali&mi -î,- f iuTi.uitiuuug thune peuple to Liberia. an.! that they tht utt-tod V"',uiuuttttt )ttt bave taule.! to carry eut tht promisa. Mont Nez-u Mi "ersAtIau.k camp. of îhcm are destituhe andt Ieir condition Negrot butin, r-i niît-atlt.a, u n t he ia jtiable. eamp out ui- sn lith, li ttutîîîu.Ala., the Ativauce la Ail Deparlament.. ather nititt. ili tht-tt-u-uri'11i, Ih,' The engineers ut tse -Jouea & Luughlin ire andi t-u r.ul -f ii l ii-.a-rt Steel Compaay'a tailla ai Pttsburg bane v-oundcd. b elinnotifie.! that iteir vagesa-hl h.aid- Are itareicil I t -yri, (obi.. vantes! 10 per cent April 1(1. A represent- MilsAîuî-î'lat hitiiitutab atîve of thse ino la resiponsibie for tht terf airM. and l ino.S. A. Cary ut EI>ri a tement that on the aime date there Obio. anti I-rckir.Williia Sluuîul cfv-cIh a geeevral aivance Iu aIl depart- Chuicgo auev cuarruet-u ubt'n tai-. fmente, affecting taîly b,000 men. lir.Junt. 0.Mur., iiat. ire ai Thoauvilie. Drv. Jamtea . Mutuet! tuu P;hrince- At Tbomasvilie. Gas., ire destroyedt he ton euset-uti-. ~ pinra bouse andt ire other builinlgs. _______ osu about $4.000. TIse large 'Ini- cight Dit le.a -hlwr.eck. Wood% Hotel. filhldv-th Norîhero guesîs. àAlipetal ifrntn Buuu,. nC., mavs the escapeti unlajueeul.afier an exctlng nighl atihont-r liî.,ie hlui Ittt tsreckvd ouSJr ts i maties. Cape Mîîdg eiA i i b;It, ut v-ee ota.'The FofI CetuaIPfire Atvancea. Party ccu.,-l i'f ttiliiautt l'uni, bis att.! At a meeting 0t tht sort mal deniers t Mthur suillit- trs.ageti 18 anti 15. tht Nortbytit. bei.! ki Milwsatukee,.Ilt n-a Cll Mcia. ilavui*)'îamt'i.. ber 19-year-ol decites! lu atvance tht prire or that couit- danghisur ou.!(h: - -- eîuaic bitireîu. muulty 25 conla per ion on the openiug oh Tornutru't lttithe î~uu tavigationî. Tht price la nov- $3 per Ion. A tormad.1 iîi .1 aii-.btdamnage n Bld Matie by Atcrîcan. Riiril.4Ai. iii- >t, ittli ur thse E. E. Tht American miniter bahumue Preut- Jackson l.Oitli uii iiuuuni nîtndthtet-u- detcuesas thte ffer ortnuai Alcuan pani- stoi. iu lil srt-i-Lt-il d suis! ad-uiccie ta conatruct lIse Moutsidt.1 ammiber utfsdelinltio iiin-iemtuiihed. barbor. Plsse aslarlo. >Au aIacming ex pioen ccurci-tiinlaa laboraturj of explosives attache.! to tht -War Dcpatmnent la Paris, seere experi- inam ere mate ie etIsaneseic.! a et gouposeter. Chiet Engiuctrer 'il. At- alitat Englaper DOuvilie au.! i thirti emelal secce lure.. c WUI Ogaimlau enAsceiceasrty. n e aesof the Itadical Partyinl Xku b-~t Sc ave decid tici eorganise a u- a party vith a thuroughly plhttorse. Tbe paUiorm -i AgdRy t the Amcerlic Iag andI 'gage et auineztloa te the Filipinos Dura. ituiin Tht Fl'iipicos have barne,'.tIhtîr strnîg tutti.!ai I!itaaboc al tht-i rt-sfut frounî tht ciYin u the dirêectin eof tluc Convicd of ltobbing PostoBIre At îPerri-, 0k.. de-rge '%V:.Lug>, itil puisimastî' uf Shtawnee.ail'. t- uautulî(tîti utf roibing bis ounl rSutt,.c 2l1J Toea I.lainsosi Wipeti Out. Harrison Vuali-. l'a.,.0-t aamogt ils en- tir. business portion bi- lire. Tht lucs 840.000. silIs Mach legs losuraume. As Yv-cwd hy B!txatsestta The. state of trateinlethon pr.sentetl hy Btedatreet'o: *'Slormy wetther, reardiisg thltraxed as Irregalar apsearaaèe té tom- axa trade. seile anme fou, redatîossil priceseof kadlag etîaplea.notablY rase cet tuao a.i ol, copper end saine feualther moel&a.sere to break the. Otherv-lse ai- ,eluetuverying app.araace of etrentb o0 etaple vanes. Tht general commercial situation. however. continues Io Preacat mucii apparent atresgth. Tht e eawv-of v-heet priea ha. heen upsiard. Better v-cathcr at the South and cttpecilY lot- proved ronds Ias! reflection in a 1urger volume et raceipta of otton. and the r- soit in a fractionaa ahadiag cf prie. Cof- ter si lgbtiy l1e-, -bile the hLgh prîce of copper ecoua et lant ta bc affectiag demnan.!, v-it bas slaekened, viîh a ou- arquent drop in valne out tat mutal.sYna- pathîxes! la by declinca Inlin uandi lea.. The iron ituiation la tili otit of gra treagth. The boot andi shue situation v-th jobbers ic quiti' cacotragng; iles, tbotîgh doit. are rirao. andthie saine l9 truc of leather. Coton gouuds retain ail their olti sîreagth. v-ile thetnîik of combina- lion in the manufacturing braneh ot trade ha. atious1y unsettWctitht price of rase vooi v-ich i.av-euk anti loyer. Stîgai refleteteaAy hîylin l îractitcaiY itli .hanged quotationm. I.tmber i. fteliaa tht stimulus of the aî.proumh of activf building uperation.. Wbeat. includina flotir. ahpmtnts for the v-tek egrtëgmte 3.746.761 buishelm. agaicat 4.114,046 bush pisaist vtek. Cornrexports for thtev-tek agreg-jale 36100,M29 busheltu. agal»si 4,211,326 buehels lent v-tek." KILLED IN IRA1LWAT WRECK. Accident eu the Fart Wayne ROUIl Casse.,the Death et Tv-o Men.. A frigbt vreck on tht Fort Wayne and Chicago Itailcoat iat Jaek's Rtîa. J'lot hW loy l'lttsburg, Ps., resulteil in the dea thI of tv-o men. tht probable fatlinîjurY ot another an.! tht conaplete destruction 01 ai, coltine anti ten freigbt cars. The lo"s tu the compat.y in about $L15.000. The cauie of thtevreck je a nystery. Th'e Fort Wayne train v-as tanding stllii v-heu an extra frelgbt ou tbe PenasYlva- ia Raliroîti, heasiIy ladien. caIme dash- ing til, behlic t ithe rate of lhirty miles an bouc and! cralthe.! mbiti. The tete- gratph OPeatur ami signal otan Lth clAi in have igcaledthe extra lu top, but un attention waa paid lu their v-aruinga. JoHN MACKENZIE 15 DRAD. Fameuns tisiona.'y anud Explorer Pauses.Avay lauflonth Afrlcat A diapatcb fruna Kimabrley, in Gilqti- land, vest South Arrien, reporta thtedcliii or tht famouî missionary, the Rey. John Mackenzie. Mc. Mackecle v-orked la tht sane stibece as dl.! Dr. David Living- stont and Dr. tioffat, tht former of sehoîn, tiet inl 1873 andi tht latter ten ycsrs inter. Ht precetedeCciil Rhoes as deputy coin- missiomier of hichuanauand and fougbt for tht Bechuana natives againat tht immai grant Hers.. Mounier Mmuth Founti. A report cmes fcon Dav-son that tv-c 8v-edet. tiisa un a gold cdaimaou iower Dominion creek. Klondike, truck tht sell'pceserved body of a nionster man moh et n dt'pih under tht surface of foty fort. Sov-tii prestrvcd v-as tht monter Ihat tht hin.! quarter. v-eighiuig 8642 pountis, v-as talien tu Daw-son la metions an.! serve.!lu a restaurant lu pace of momie ment. Canada findlng T-me Ia Fre.. Tht Seccetacy of tht Trv'asury bats la- sortian order for tht fret, admision of bindcg tv-lue 10 tht United! States froin Canada. Thit la bccauae of tht factibtat tht nese Canadien tariff put. bindiag twine ou the freet it vhcaimuportealloto that country, andi car tarIf 11aw only im- poses c duty on thetwt-lc eheaP Importes! from, coatries v-hicb malle the article dutiable. NMue.Adilleiesrim ue. John Moore, the ilitebinaon. Kan.. men v-ho killed ish.a"vechldrea. baim-&de a tarit confcaalnn. He -id: '*IfI1con- mitted th@ cme il va.s hen 1 dit sot knw v-bat I1v-as dolag. 1 ougt ta bave gotten into the dre and barneil myself a ittle. then 1 auppoe it seotlt bave been ail rlgt." Mooq het are to the bouse &fier killing the cblîdren. Wn.a Ht Batile. A terrible badiev-as fougbt notibeatt ur Cîloocas. lanv-hieh tht Amerimaus lott 100 nmen, iacludlng hilîcti ead Injures!. andi tht reinslosttabout 300. Aguinaidos forces v-ere complctciY routes!. WIlI Balld Palace uf ailt. Sait Lake CitY inteuda ta put up a sait polocce. Millions oi toitsaof rock sait are avaiaàble. and it ia &&id that there are n diflilcultita lu the v-ay of mailing the pro- poses! palace entlrelY cf anît. omeratiose on M-. illia. Ni.. NeseilI Digbt Hîllis. v-uc Of tht nese pastor of Plymouth Chnrch. Brook- lyn, andersetat an opratloa for seleteàp- peadicitîs nt PhIladelpêia tht oiller day. jRide war laArkaasaa. Au n naset stmber or negrots have been lynces! ed nLttle River County. Ark. The v-ites dlaim the negri-es weee planning Ia rare v-ar. T., taarea aHotci. A dcaptrate îttetilttis made to lire lbe Lafayette Hotel. the largeat hotel in Philadeiithia. by thieves for tht sale of plunder. ____ Fatal Fîre ut MXemuphis Ianaàlire at Memaphis, Tean., four people iout their liven andi several sere serîousoly injureti. ______ Chicago--Cattle, Common te Prime. 1&.0)ta 86.00; begs, ahippîns grades, $8.00 *0 $4.00; shttp. fair to choes, 83.00 to $5.00; seheai, No. 2 red, 70e ta 71c; corn. No. 2. M5e to 30c; 9ats. No. 2, 20ce to 27c; vye. No. 2. 54c ta BMe; butter, chohme cvcamery, 20e to 22c. eggs, freah, lic to 13c. potatoce, ehoire. tie ta 701e per huahel. Indianapolls-Cattle, shippint. 83.00 in $5.75; bots, choies light. $2.75 to $4.00; sbeep, comman to cholme, 82.50 to $.4.50; seheat, No. 2 red. f68c tu 70c; coca, No. 2 v-bite. 84e to 36e. oat.. No. 2 v-hite. 8ic 1.0 32c. St. Loule-Cattle, 83.50 le 86.00; bogu. $3.00 to 84.00; sbeep, $3.00 to 84.75; seheat. No. 2, 73e te, 74c. cornBNo. 2 Yeliose. 33e to 35c: 011e, No. 2, 27e 10 29c; ni-t, No. 2, 5Me to 57c. Cincinnatl--Cattle. $2.50 tb $5.75; huge, 83.00 te 8.4.25; sbeep, 82.50 to 14.75; weheat, No. 2, 7ie to 73;c-,ea. Ne.2 mixed, 30e tu 38e; oas No. 2 mixai. 28e te 211e; cye. No. 2, 58Se te 60c. Detroit-Cettle, 8250 lu 85.75; bots. $3.00 to 84.00; sheep. $2.50 to 84.50; wsevt. Na. 2. 71c te 73c;e; oc No. 2 Yciioy. 34e to 3(k; nats, No. 2 sehite. illc t e; Ilt; cic eto Oic. Toledo-Whent, Yo. 2 mits!. 73e to 74c; coca. No. 2 mlieti. 34e to »;e:oats. No. 2 v-hite, 26e to 28e:c;i-e, No. 2, Zi4e te 56c; clover seeti, nese. 83.40 te 83.45. Mlilv-uke-Wbett No. 2 apriag, 67ée le 619c; coca. No. 3. 30e to 32c; uats. 1No. 2 whsite, 28e it3e: ci-e. No. 1. 5u4c to 55c; bîriel. No. 2. 46e tu 48c; pork. mets, $8.75 to 89.25. Buffain-Catîle. gond abippunt steers. $3.00 1.0 $5.75; boge. coamon to cholce. 83.25 te 84.25; sheep. faic toeboime v-eth- ers, $3.50 to 85.25; iambe. eommn%a to extra. I84.50 10 86.25. New York-Cattle, 83.25 to 85-75; bots. 8.00 to 84.50; &hemp.$3-SOîto 85.25; v-bat No. 2 ted, 1Me 1 88e« . mNo. 2. Ce. te 48e; ataNo. 2 v-it,.*Uete1 FUm;.buMer, exeamety, 17ete -Ms; -ques. gWesaMUM1ne te lue. WIOEMED AREA PROU WHI4CH COMPLAINT 13 MADE. Tbere le, Huneveri Littl. eaeiutofCran Failure-The Beaon la Bhekv-artis but A prll Wether May change Mony Adverse o)pinionss. Wratber conditions duringl the v-cchi have flt heeti sîimh nas omaterlÉlîyi change thteaInter seact situation. ai-1 tbotîgb aLternat freeciug anti thawiag1 bas pcobabiy teedta redorce tht vitality1 nf the pluant ic districts@sebece i u@a -, reauiy weak. AItIshe saie tinae the closei of the v-tek icilus adeeper couviction uon s tht crop. In autihera Kansas, Oklahomaa,, Tennessee luth Kentîîby tht acea ftona a-hieh coupliiiit ini retived bitsa atierial- y sidenes! antite chaacter ot compiaint1 la more procutuiieeds.à Oser thît pat otf tht aheat bel- ying1 corth of tht latitulde otf(Cincinnati tbere, la stili no opîorluniti- for deinite judg-1 ment cf artîci presant conditiouns, theq groutai remniîg frucen ta a tirent dt.pth andi oser tIse gtiattir part cf tht diitrict1 even tIesurfac-e'.-îninîîing frozen. TIsere i in praeticali- tic clriieg rîîwbb îorit j tht Ohmo river,îbîîîgh i ids lu Ohio anti Portions of Indiiîaatri' btgiuning toeabuse up green. Utîii' saîtl bave lbas! nt Leatt a aeek tif gottu anti contiioun gruwing a-eaîb.'m t ciii ntibe potiible ta tietermn itîs-tit att! tli'greo' of satisfaction1 the etent tt as b i t he.' roulu ainjure.. South out lb- Ohio river. liteeeer, the: situation li a-Lýgii itig u ilttir ip. It1 dotssouiti-et aitI-tr tht tihe damage in1 Texaà. Tetittiosîtanti Ki-ittcy in sen-1 national, bîut it a uvidentltIsailutslaitie-1 %prend. Tv-o waesi-kteuoascotiidecabit shace ut the loc-alceloîrt.a frein these1 States acre liîttîfii Ihal the trop wsucit tomne out ai rîglît. This aeek's reports front tht sanie souîrce's aimnt tuanimotîs- ly admit extenivla'aintar biling anti1 naîrked iack tîf sigtîr in the cenaiulng plant. Acother section in v-hidi v-bih, there bas beciî but sighi crop ailvance- ment hi. l sufiticuttelu ise a ciearec idLea of tIes ituationt lus oîtîhîrn Kanss aud Oklahoma. 1roin tht-ret hercports ibis v-tek arealsec gloomier thito thuit hem.- tofere receiveil. It in oct ycî tima usu! Itînt tht sprint lu late. thonghit isaserginxug uîot . lu comparison viîb lasi i-ar thi-re i. a rad- 1ai difference.. TIse folioving mateaenct shov-s tht nanîber ut couchtes in ecdiNat frutu v-bicb reports baseencttrtýe-ises!d tring th, v-tek an.! tht' averagte utlie relurus trotu theat coutits. Th~s returus corne trona11lsectionis of tht States. ans! tht average@s reprt'st-tt the- conoolidutes! opin- Ion of tht countil- cLiorlers. bat lIse fig- ure. tuat bc ean-u u isehel of the otn- ment on thtetvalt,ut ofotditonai reports et Iis date: vouîaetsAverage cep irisaI coidlttou. Tenatasýe ........... 5 75 Kentuck .. ......i... 2. 76 Ohio .. . . . . .. . . . . .. ..0 0 Michigan ........... 9 80 Inditna ... . . . .. . . .. .. A Miissouri . . ... . .. . . .. m 71) Kansas. ... . .. ..... . , 78 Nebraska ...........28 74 Calfornie ...........t."1 9 It seull h.nul,'.! hat uit very mompre- bensive velurm Ohio mahea a cliinaof vcry high condition, a bue Indilana malles as aoseiag but uitile tegs proaising. REPORT AS TO FARM ANIMALS. Departmenta Figturest t huera Geueral Iccrea. laValue. Tht annuai report cf John Hi-de, statia- ticlan nf tIse Depactment ut Agriculture, os lbe numbev anti value ut tarinanimala guI sbortly h. remtiy toc distribution.hit wLli show an iacreaae la bbe aumber of sbeep and alich cosandi a decrease in tht aumber ut hornst-, mules. wev-andt tieat catlhe aolher thaianamiich cov-s with a gênerau intreas. in valuet. Tht fulloseing change@ lu thest siatiatica are shoan: Horsts, decretise in number «-9)4,04lai- crease in total vaine $32.712,406;: itereau- tsI value per ben.!. $3420 ta $37.40. Neat caîtie 4not miich mua-si, deccese la nucuber. 1,21.972, lucre-use in valute =,6.34,50i1; inerease per heati, $20.1r.) to $22.79. MilcIs mus as. Iease lu namber 149,229 increase inu value $i intti.0;arease per Iseati.$2.21. Sheep, increase in utinilter. 1.457.49,1. increase in value $14,W67t,39J7;liceuse per bead. «29 cînta. Mutes. deretse in uimber 56,0(7). de- crease in saine $14(1,23. ino-rease pe-c heas!, $1.06. Saine. decru-ameitn ntiiiiir 1,1108,3932. tiecreasein itvaluie $4,2411,lii; salut per bea.! unchange.. .T'he ttlvalîue ut furmanimaIs in eue- semvativeiy estimtuaid st $1,9J7,010,407, au latrenst ut$108,355,i482, or 5.74i per cent, iluring the litii-ar. bpic1.tan. Notv-ibhataudicg thse tact thai (Jeu. Oh.q refuse.! tasontion negutiations betv-eco tht Spaniardsa tns!Filipinos ftomhe r-an- nmmof tIse Spanish priscuers bei.! by tht latter, on tht gruun that tIse meuey v-ouI.! b uaed to ais! bbc iusurgcats égalnt tht Amnericas thebb Spatalah Gov- emament has ciferet Agutinaldu 5.000 p.- setais for euch muls!ier, anud 2,5M0 pestaa foc tacb civilii. N4ev-sNotes trucs Cuba. There are 2.000 Cubans in tIs treele et Santiago seithout wotrh. Tht nese asphiaitnaines bave bren dis- ouvert.! at Arroi-o Blunto, in Santa Clara province. Thse Second Ilinois regimu-ot. 00v at Buona N'iota. bas bt'en ordtred hi- leu. Lee to tht Ile of Pire,. ha Santiago de Cuba Sundsy cîceingi cf ail plames o utIiainets are nov- in effect, the city market Oi exceptes!. An Anatritan s:ndicate bs bought 60,- 000 acces of Iand! lu Porto Principe prov- ince for a big cîtîle an.! horst ranch. Tht Chinese ot CubeaIre emigmîting ta Msexico. Tv-eciy to, thirty leave Havîna lor VerCru r Pcogreso evecy v-tek. Thse Unitedi States meulara ccmposins -the Carrisons cf Forts Cabana lad Morra bave removeul their campe ta the bigs- lînl. sest of Cojituar, as n more htalthy location. Tweaty million teet cf American lonabti le ta he employetl in tht crection ut bar- yacks for the Unîtes! State a.ny 0' oc- cupaion la Cubea n.!for tommissary ano allier buildings. Cardenas lann fr tht only Cuhan luv-î v-hosj aLicipili- hbas dpenly anti for- mally proîttel uainculi Acting Captiali -Gâerai Broukieas dem-e remuvtng tht olî Spaaisfl stausi. luxes. Among lIse tletgratus et congratulation reci-.-I bht Lt'n. (,*e*j upnubis rceea entry loun Havaun v-s nacitfront Vice- Preaidt'nt Llt'iiî0v, t3ovemnor cf Porto Plata, It-ptubiic of FNan Domingo. Uapaid di-secters froîn the Cuban pet- rdot .rmyin luthte esut-cn districts art faýt deveioplng mne îrgîtîiYta1 gangs out ihlg v-sy robbera. uverruntiibtiîu ls aocuet- t tic.! districtnsuad terroriaiog pt'aceahle resitienta. Acting Cahitain (sacral Brooks has $Mnt 10,000 adîitionai calions Lato the pr1oince ot Punar dcl Itia, ta h. distributl ed to nesy Cuban familles of Babia Honda, VInait.. Cunolelon del Norte, leu Cayetano, Manta, etc. in la a, Deaporate ettenpt te têptuaxaTv- Berrtaada* Murdlerems JolusandiPaul Zeltacv, murslerpra of Hnrsll.Ohi.,v-crs lodgtd la I.ii at Bowling G)ren after h6vlag for eigbtea - bours tie5liet n nftiriateti mob v-ich threaiened tbem wiseltitninaury ven- geance. Thet tvo men, v-bu nurdered Attorney Weetenhuvec and Inter killeti1 Clarence Witteunucyec, une uft teir pur- suera, beld tht great crov-tiou woîtld-be lynchers at bay tîntil tii.y Vert ready t0 surrender.Duclng ail tht tinat tomnatht commission of the Birut crme Satuvday at- Morimoniana basnatet a f0. at liait thet1 lernoon nutil afler 6 'ciock Sintiay tuera- liila i t rvc h -muc iag thetwtso, aides! hy th e omies uft teir JuitestsailN.aY., hvess Te! smie - hotisehol. ,defi.!tht desprate îhrong JnetwN . aepge togra v-bicb beateges! their hoine. 'fhey pioiniy doutions agamnst Miormion eiders v-bu have statesl thut thcy svotîd not sabolit 10tabetii doing iniasionari- work in that plare lyuching und es-ecy assaul nit utt hoalie ans!a ight in ahilh the tair combatacta v-as answeees! s'lîb sch wv-iiaimnes!but- 5IIIgise ito quarter la beîng svtiged. ro IctathutIhelyucicgIturi- eitrsi olîtured wvouieu the re'ligioni ftistietlby clrrystttheils iat. achin ayveuon taseJ:tiaoh Siith and î.raî'tles ly hrigaan cary ot Is lan. Ech atve n te outng Inita rtieîiiarlyrn'tnguant. i imat- part of tht assailiists v-us the signtal for à ter@ cot ibat tIhe 0fo the lac.! ho* dc- idhot, ahoas-îut iat the vtmcn secre dolug cie1aautter)yalonfnueO their saîcin lutht vurk of defemîse. OilY .cloret.! gluttht morneygaituus f nathîe v-heu tbey astre assure.! a nalitari gouard £hîrch f ier 1a unana-bs an.! iil possible proteclt isalaithteitirder- aitoken aofinat trDya ite fiacbave- cru agret to mtattitai areat. #-ndtin a hîtî îi'odia tepoIr la ef- E. H IL estelitaver ha.! Iten attorney nthinstret'. vidi nit.' t rght fr ier, t for the Zeltiier broîbers in nuimt'ro,îsttle rdvhi m eilis frent tites .!nda.! sîtei theca for Ille tees, Tîte i runagreos inue Otfttit'i-ttuat l.rofuteîîul t-- Jury anitvitnesscu lisit eeti wotr. bsfort lunu saitrtafoiît-î. uîiiiîiîams thtn Justice E. lturgo..iiet lh.y,g .Cîîrner.î, inini o I bc atrd ona,%a h Wietenhaver's aunit, a hen l'aut l-Itir Yrettut aîiffîrt.r t troitt l hlie fiilest es- demande.! sutie pie.rsof 'Wiestnliit'. , trcism'of (tisai ret- i îlI t lu net tttrlirin. adattempledta btalthe îm front tiainpeigitît ,ft ua.- svb.î v-îtIillsek bttm.t enLita ci. John Zeitner then joinî.'l lu deueilif trist.. ut A tiiitî ssta.' lletircon'- tng tht pIpera. anîd iinntc.iintely ires! tht et aI eiinwih isaosi ftal»ilaot that hil.! Westtn'lîavt-r. The tht aitligocisttî tîf as.iotnien amotîtcor Ztitnera ha.! their boraeci-adi-for atitntat- aehosdtbcinmrbu . Ing and! escape. eand it in thîîght that N'. eireliîkciy lu havi' n satuîe ocf Wash- lhey huitiarraîigeil ln Cet W'csienhal'eO ingoia -lasu!aft'etoîîvi luto s ight. aithougb tht-y ddt L gise1. a ris8 ti.thte 4ut .fîtiy. 11.>, for tht tbht victlmnoieuî'to titule ns c inotra' Atsociat ionttof Anîtrîca it -iu' v-it-h tions towacd ihea. 'rhe Yl.ettîera l.elt bits 4tOL engages! f.,r seerai i-cars in up their iricg titi Iti- motiiitildtht-îr rwîgfnultptsttîîm1 u'po burs, and! continaes! t us huitîrcaloutof FracpIe-eeibshuge focthte!Lafayette ritizens pursue.! Ib tenairr sideute. statuet iich statdira ttJac-kson park in Then the itizen, laid iege tu the 'Zetit Washinigton bas mîalle a contcsc-t a'itb ner blion..Tht lynchera kepi iop a etîttîn' Deuni] . Fre'nch, thet su-kustvn scuîp- unai iring aud tila lm elarcd thît te v-nt' to t.. ik- . nu îtatraifigutreif he- ta ailinengage.!in the defense. John Zeit- roi.- 'zetssitliîtht uuî.Ierstatîiîug t batIt uer us marries! antI hanstoutr chilircnansd sdiall ta'e ntiiit]itîs!riadi-for unveili hie fanîiy vas t nthtehbtnat vith ta.s.lThe iag tn tht dsy narneti. Mrs. Field, sete battît v-as v-agis] f.rîîîîîay, tht' bosît-ers. cf the ussî.tiaitt-justice utof i ,)eno ineludlcg the shiýriffit ptts'it', iatlitil tnet'o t Ma u u-'ie- esaary to ketît under t'user cf the trees ta hPeii'it; Mca..-Mliiac. ife oft t*e avuli !bciau bit.(Claretnce Witrieyerr çnatîrtrairn Michigan.,stîinrd.l'hao-c w-a scha otva nwhlelcatteuipting wt tbR&A. Ilearat are thé cotunittee in bicge. pussceutfttwityltive or îhirty lu captlure anod bave the c-operation ut mauy prtttti- the bouse by a detmint-.! charge. This mient seomen cn difft'rcnl paria tf tIse rotin- increase.! tht ecilenîcut. sud ttne.try- A large' portion cf the futîilo lias ci- nuat' wetied I.. 1,09K) Iluutmber. aecnildrnyl-nrie bt noel tient tlapon iyaa;& é els -h.-u tri. Tii ire- iett.1and lau aiti-ai stili helande vent thie tic ahi-riff îet'gratiittt N..ex lh for cn iltin ri h arei i,) Baltimore for lite nîîiîta anti thi'e -na- runtif Anitrt'. fietl rifles-luntdtht North Btimoinîre esadets hurriet'attht' aî. î.Ailt iigltt 10titheT'bt-rc bas ti-tiian î..î..u,îefîtlise îoff siegen-at kt'ptai).. 'iV ieu Witt( l-ticti-r lotih in the oinuitr a utit hte sainet'of tIreft fell volley after svolle'y asiPIotîrcoliCtO aniiniais u it a . l iout ry gsithiiot faitli- the crov-d front te tipper atry ut the fui frivîîîîo have i-aîîtit to umîsto' atîutIse Zeltuer boitte.t)uîring t hi- ight s cannontu icy,,- auilt iie t'it'îtrie tîtîttr. At-t-rdiimg aund a Liuaitiîoraitiîtrogi> %ccciii bisl1v-cat.. thlrit n iste, ut t hi'Agriiot turtli)De- necort-s!.gouthat themevoulti have lictii partmeîît titiJan. 1, 1Wt, t3 here -ert' II, trouble afier aunrîse if tht trouela.! no iai attoohiîtr-u-ii tth' iatî t' iat.. ep- arris-cl. rt-st'utitag a v'aluie tif $ t),',tII shlch liectailt mehhtas s illY privuiles!l asIttiaverugeiut sboot 90.) eathl. Omn the capture. atthough it is lotillfii if the Jan. 1, Itti. tht're ve'oui-1lai,0 capture svoîtlbave biei tifecte.! elcept hurats. talutai at $-7,LT:la'u. x. r eîî avec- toc tht tact that tht-FZeLt-rs v-cire oeariy unegt'f $34 a hea..On Jan. 1. 11*3. sic ont of anamuniticît unti] lly kuew s trrn- ts ei 2n '15imules',vîtitcltîs $ 175,- der v-a. tht onty methoi ut ssvîtîg thern- tîSu,utO. and ti anolutry îîtîy 215.i2 selve@. Tht Zeltîters agre-t-l ta eurt'tntitr valiitd et V$'.lt.ltot.ithe tti' li'-rtae mu tht ta ex-Sheriff Bigga if gîiaruictes-iL rotect valut- per bauua in mi-cyars lu'ingtfrona tion tront thtetîry or the midi.'Tie tavo $75 lu $44. Texasn.1v-ls thlîîrxeat nim- military companies seere drasen cp cnîlots lier or nititesait udNe'v-Yo i.teleamgesi antI thtetutu bandcuffî'd anti takea froîn onu r ut horsts.lenisytvauia. becutîse tht bouse. utter v-hidi thtev-oîto loche.!orutîhe rosi and miniug inutslies, bas ail tht douce ans! puliltal ostuail thetnmole thlan t-n limnes as inanyi- iîtes ai blinda. *Coder encart cf tht ailita. the Ne-s- Yotrk. Ilinît in ene,--oud lu the men saere marchei throuîg h e mu.] andilisttor horstsuda.Misaituri o,iiid lu the sutiar ta Cutar lstîtiami. sa-erethey tttik list out mulea. a train for Tttntogcaiiu. Ibre cbaîîig again uns! actling i, Buwlingueeun short- Ail the' votInterain thtelPhilippines are hi- atter noun. At (hat point ai lenat 1.74)0 armetd siilh the Springield rifle. Ail tht persaus hald cougrregateil. battthe t eais eguirt non Iherc andi thteceenforce- waere huvriedt.!toJail selîhout ani- turther mentlauniv- în route- have thé Krîg-Jor- trotuble. griiocua. Tht vounsteers une the Sprirîg Tht Zeliners are mec ut mnut-h murelits l-uîetht militurycoi- ,îaiîders thonitaverage intll-igence,. and %asre fsirlY t'ciîer tlttt' mort' effective rifle in thim v-cil to-do Gtrmutn fiuer-. The'i-extrîsa t111io'î'j'Ihî' y are".sitig sctkte poutiir e.! regret ai the hittini tf('taruats' 'iit- alidte effetitve ranîge etitht' 'Sprngfield tennacier. tail. anas it.! lin- lu attot am tsgi-it au thet -lter. chicb iutcutioîîstt-. hoît ni-tîîr tf tht' Zî-tnî'ra lamlu-jîlatut'.! hi-arpituottrs nuioag Ilte exprt-osid tht litrhtî-u re'gret for the' bill v-lis Th*-cotîtpir ci'-aîîîotf tht in ut Laa i-tr 'iutsýlt-iiaemutait-rn mfi' i. uiffeuit i.. -t fr,'fand îttu use'. ahilete b.-itild ail stand au- WEALTH 0F THE UNITED STATES aii.îtnt tfif 'îgb bafiiiiîg. 'l'hi. s,tî tt l- timaîi iiy ilbtr. initi,-iîi'î th.'.î'x- What the Figures uf 100D Are Ey-- îa'rinîeîl arli, ~tittî%rs t rî-t-..tnîîed pected ta ihoe. Itîr isa' li ilts"îlît"r.'b'ti-Ii-1 Tht sial lstit'i tiaitle cf thttvestth out t.veiii-ofttle.- Itîicltîi4'i-alitbe lot t1 offic-iels ot varinhut oti'.uouîrit.Ac'roituruîg aîus, as b-r-as uhe'latter-n uly lu tht' .stiianie of Nliilli,til pîîuiushed iliis u iîui:. 1 'ii.-. utu-i ý: l uatsi u u uîl-u 1 W,ttr bcth',as -lîl of i..tioitot-t taas fui itvltues ît '-n---iauoîu auîlu.av . oluieî Ionis tethr -b-ouu rîri-.for landst. aiulit-t-rs i uingIlui-m t-rmo et î-îs torme.utt'itls. tbulh iuuî,.tttit-bî. ..fuir- ltiti ltuire. naioua, itiuîiig i-ruh.îîisiic A-iui,' itulil fror tt -ltliitut u.f a antI s.iauri"u huit el-l uof utîîmt'-.t c -cîu--ain ii t- Il- Intd lit .Te ..- ..... ... p.4tiltO iirltuitio tufr Agricuturen'fittu(-t in %'utti F'rantc------------------...... alsa) glu-r.,ci--t-i titraM.,t.y-----------------lusiItu.nittaki. the- Ibuotu-r upanidetlui-utrtîge ti lu itUssa---------------......... :. etl. 4 KM îinsruc-tuioni] thteugieutuntil utll-gu andtt À tia . .................. .l.uu .ta i no sî-h a i -tigationfs ilii li e, t- iî'ili ttI ,y-------------------....1..iO.t1.lLtIstationis aasalît carry liton-t th oîj i-ttue Spaini.............. .. .....I- '...iI -i Iii tii atsia ................... . io atiui Naionali Ihu tuut Su lituî'. A s.,)(-iltb li lelitîn;ltit oeses'lung thua hu'1 gisut It i ' r iO t uI Hlii an.tI-------------------4 1-9t. it-Ot. i- migrting.- antI futirar' intitut ii -i i 5si Camiad. ......i--------- ... .tu .it.1 . i-uragîtheIl' îîu.nenî'îlo uti ti buthitei Glreat Bribtin hait lur-oîe'stire, ItaI attheu->tîrCo('ngre-suuithoieti- tuny Igardu-t! tu tt' t-t-t'îlitti-s tu tinte>iini It-lie iao-tu fur tht' St--rt-tr> tf Agi-tittire v-cri., osa tiîug huuif It-e .luli.lîtt-'Iuts-t. tulsm-î'îuiîîî tefornitliitbltta -t iiittolle quarter of bt'e rail ruîaîlprotiuîrl It, bu0itifa nuL-rsititeîîus hi utu ndaîu a routes' having as itiiitu- a-îlth loh home uit tvia c-o iurei t-uittlti f.i-inug ttuir $ii.tOO,4iu.14l1.A li. il. it-utthebbcfa[tîIllus ams Itlictanneîbr l tis owtua lii'!li- osseruge wsatithliercuituîtc. l-uglatitlbas Il idi' aOtf lt-Gtrtu-tinlutfeuliiug i. heein cititiet-t lt Ilt i litîttu tih, it'l, ib'- -slie titis hi-i-l. ture rt-s uî'li t l. ua VnlItu-d Kittg tutit .....-...- -..IK2bl 0 iai-s'tht- appIuniluoftufhi--e e.-. tuitue 1 cuitiark .-........................--1. 150 s. t on Juie 1 1 INI. thiîu t-uttt-îti s éIuitr F.raae---------------------.. il have boa-n $412,u12191.25. T'r'ubave u aited ti Nia ........ ....... it bitu cîulucted aiiiadditioualtaston u Thte 'is!evi tcubiit tf 1I tis li tt lut a totuaco tuf $778,487 aindioubif.rinetnti-tIliq- Teccord-breakituti cit', tit-utunug tt ah unr-s- bns tored l iii sarchehuîîgs8l.d74 tnt indicutionus. HBthtet-"uîîra t-t-u-ta""iking a total0et $6i2,955,6.14.7 ulrlvt.d cf 1890 tht nucrga--.nliaIt-nu as t'ait h outrteth Ie saar revenuei-art frontt thle tinte thtCuies!tIltea euuuîuunal ith be cf itspasage up lt thet ot f Fiî'u.lrîry. v-ealbh ut Great Islibti. svuut- lesiunabute The lîrgeat tant outhiis sua. $29,383.440, merchitulie. hut ti.-,-.i1-8!n Cotties frontthe mâloicf ou-uunetary anti eand urOtcictni- tanîa, bat08inrt fru th -ther itenîs. 'T'Ie ruanlattut ftiloci roretuta- -x $00M40 rm h tvyv-a tsa- vuuuut t 3t*410.010,4l, tut-rt-sue lu thetotuaon bts'r. $8,112,t121 the lise stock ut $,14.10,ll thse cii-reurescuta tht increuse ini thet bE ou muîff Tonds at u004Xoo0 tiastu acloîies antd tobccro andi 82,503,0.18 tou d-igars anti and! their conatents ut $30tt00000W, eigar.-itcs. Fi-cm legacies e253,9131has miues anti uutrrica $1,000j»0.lO000, and bttiî etîizt'd. goid and isilver coitiai $1.200,000J,000. - If tht preseet mrte out lacrease ia nais- Thse lspaupe mniitu'r ha atai cfliitl tained,. tht total accumulat.! v-altii et lyntiiett tht-e.nspapers Isre ibut "tht tht Uaited! Satts aili ceprescl, hi- the publiuahed statetuient Ibat Jupotn i islcuss- menmuls cfr1M.. at fur froain 1160, ing a plan tu adopt Chnistisuaili- as ts 000 0)0. or more thon idouble Ihst oni attî religion intitriuct, antI thLre la nu Ov;ýat Bitau. l110 WtIs eaoth oft he poRsslilii- o!flii, heicg (toote.t'Unllke United! Bltatist-as etiuuteuh i t20,010).- iRassis, Esuglanti ans! uîher Ettrohueun 000000; liti1870. nt i304.tO.54:la cotinîrlea, tht Japunese (juveriiait bas 188. tl$, n t.11 and0,Ou.!i18h10, ils nu gate religion, but uccording ltttht con- sîl&teol, ut $kXt.0.S Thte nucuius siituutiuu tf tht countr i r-s-y nreligion lh appreoittior etA menitoin iîltttoitve givi-u bhe liberty lt'x'i-u'lis fiîiitoiu theta, tIse vat tuttiatsionu if trait., tlut att- go lontg as il ducs îlot ntirture ailIsrcmisi.- dition out Lit-s trrittin>. util cuaervaut pet--turb Iteteýae, .urul-u-and itutrai tuf sot- sons ngree. atlii itut the Utîtîtîl Statoe(ty1 facr ieail tufgayrut bi coutlit iiresplîet te maieriai v-î'îtil. Nev-. of Milor Note. A largi- bobacco eoînîuîtuy litiIiitn Nevsot Minor Note. N. C., is uuhatltuting st-ite for ntegro la- A Bosloua frutit tuiiittutul tutuscoîtîrosabor. tht' batîsua tenue cf tit i'ted. Stauteîs. G reatBi'iitaiinuid h relut luhbave 22fl.0311 Tht. net-vI reai leutt-tti'Vuittîl nr's ci ulantidevutel lu tht cill ivaîlun ut States ual]Jaîtîtut glulutb 'ff'î-t luili1i)fruit. 17. Boton ut a utidelîýrs uni, - tttisipruului- sRt-tbertuituî'Lewi ~s an rxit t-utti~r-ntht prupî'ct if thtei-itihiniué. ltoertLes avtîln nitsu"tthte-utry b> iuying Iteir Gu.. ou tIse galicavu aviiitiuhi' iultt 0 eionphita ut orl tirctritse)muci i-tara ago. sple fwo ietfottegoes CupiAbshon Mu-ran, on cfhie Sv-eat abtlp Investigations in New Yack olteat andtibest hnov-u reidecta ut Il owv aetu. -a at.wmnat hlic iars!-couaty. Mo.. a vetecatiofuthelIse Mxl--nrh ansmurh as c-ighteva ho-irati dîuy, the eau ant icvil v-ira, dico] nt Fayettte 0f mesfor 4&e a day and v-amen astichil- 0ný 01*. aieti78ycars. 4,onterluncoh leu. tiat 4,200 aea ef plan ide ed and used for commereW a d Of these 420 bave a perfum I t1l plessisg and enter Iargely IMt manufacture Of §cent$anad There ore more aimec-Ii of- wtflte ers gntbered tbann tff By other colot4-, 1.124 lit ail. Of these 187 bave &a' agreeablu scent. an extraordinarlly' large proportion. Neit In order cona >'llow blossoma. witb U051, 77 of them, bcbng pertumed. Red flowers aumbar M2. of which 84 are ncented. The bine flowerga reo tf 594 varletles, 34 of which are perfumed1. and the viet bloasomei flamber M,8 13 of v-bieh are plegiantil odoriferous. iPleace Hath Her VcofI ff(p les., renowned than ýwar,",saidMiltonand nov, in the Sprbng, s the tinte (o get à peaceful victory over the bmparities wfJch have been accumulating ln the blood duping Winter's hearty eating. The ban- net' of peace is borne aloft by Hooif-Saraparilla. It brings rest and oomfort to thse weary k Indi 1.benei.ial efocets utove ILtle ha the am-at .peilia to ho cel 1upon for vlclrM.liot',M t ontd.puAna trI?!11. «u .d, x nothk ... srai '< .dui e hi tlHod Tirad Fa.Ilng- '1 b.d thatt tlt.d. d.it1tt.i. 1. h,.d,,h. ..4*kt.g speits but H_.. Ms m.densaewr. . aster cas bette. thai.Dow.- Joux, be.d. pF1b . .. 1,0bléi. the - ietaue4g the oc-t- oo. -1wte; Au Excellent Uombnatlon. The pleiaaant asethod and beneflial affceta c, theserti knosen remedy. Syraup or Fiae. manufactured by tIse CALiWOMniA Fie Srsvup Co., illutrate tIse vainle of obtaining the liquid [Afia- tiv prhiiiples of lanta known to h. medicînally laxative and preacenting them lin the form mnt refreshin ta tIse tante and acce ptable to tIse aysters. It la thse one arec trengthening latia- tive, eleans ng the avatein efcectnally. dlapelllog colda, heailachea and levers j-et promaptly and enabling aa ta overconua habituai constipatiopeu manenti lylia prfect freedan froua every abjectînnable quallty and sub- livr ad oweswfthout weaken an or irritating thema, malin t tIse ide laxative. In the process of manufacturlng àif are us(-i, a8 thèv are piratant ta 1 W'~ tacte. but the medîcinai qualitlnt thse rceine(I arc obtsîncd frmm sea andI aitier aroinat.ic plants. by a method knovn to flic C1.buRNtl Fie SvaUP Co. only. In order to get ia hbeneficial efects and ta avoid Imitations, pe... reme mber the full naine of the Company printed on the front of cverv package. CALIFCRNIA FIG MYUP COM SAN FP.ANCXCO. CL LOUEvILE.KT NUw wTOEK . WT. For -lv hy .11Dv' giCu Pi .fl Ctt oU. PI&LES sith Piotndb. i. «bvtuiîh on by ce. tlta ci 1*te wa &tcicd for tw.aiy yeum'1ra. &across jour CAF-CARETS La t%" towx of Noel eti ., antd arver foutiti =Mn£a 1.0 eqtiai thein. To-day 1 aoc eaidraly t rois pie and aew mas. C. a. Km. 1411 joan St. Sioux Cty la. .. URE CONSTIPATION. HOME O0 YOUR OWN Reati Titi Came Bell '* a bpntsome moaîbîy piper hbeauîfohy mlsratad, containing exact as!d rulhful.mnfoma- tuon about farta laids ilntIse West. Senti 25 cents ln poatage tamps for a year'a aubscriplion th Tu* Coaî< BaL?., 209g Adams St.,- Chicago. a. N. U. No. 1--à in ri umwdIa2MO s baa tv-o end Blai atra tIse siryl Git tort par lujI lb mhi y1 b« t, as mli Eni 1